Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
A West Australian Covid Karen being normal in public.
Much to unpack in that video, not least of which the guy kept taking his gimp-like mask off to scream abuse in the protestors face because it muffled him so bad nobody could hear him LOL. They don’t even believe this bullshit themselves – it’s purely a class marker. Also the optics of a young, fit healthy man, wearing a massive mask outside screaming abuse and squaring up at a middle aged dude about a cold virus. Man oh man, this is a mess that isn’t going to be sorted out in 20 years.
There’s definitely a shift in the last four weeks. Covid Karens are getting very, very agitated and their hysteria is now boiling over into pubic violence and confrontation in a way that it did not at the height of the “pandemic”.
The mrs came home from the shops yesterday distressed that nearly every single child was masked. A child asked their mum why our daughter wasn’t wearing a mask. This is new. How could this be? Six months ago, one month ago, the number of children wearing masks around here was nearly zero. It’s like there was just an instant total collapse right before the critical moment.
Something is happening in people’s minds as this wraps up. They don’t want to just let it go, it has to be a big hollywood grand finale for them, and if it’s not, they’ll make it one.
“…not you or the state can say what my marriage means to me and my wife”.
At this stage, it can’t even stop a swimmer flashing her balls in the dressing room.
The model railway crowd have been doing exactly that for over a century…
Poor old Sneakers sounding a bit more like King Canute of late acknowledging you cannot put a policeman in every cafe (on health advice obviously) but have to rely “on people doing the right thing” (Read: a network of Karens we have spent the last two years terrifying).
Whoever wrote that lede sounds like a moron.
A West Australian Covid Karen being normal in public.
Infidel Tiger used to be cool.
COVID broke him.
PS, footage may or may not be Infidel Tiger.
When you have 19 yr olds being touted as “underage” for outrageous outraging against “people we don’t like”, the normalisation of sex with children may still have a way to go.
The press, the lefties and the agitators will have to decide. It’s their fork in the road, not ours.
Great comment.
Of course the press, the lefties and the agitators have no problem accommodating their own cognitive dissonance, but they are scoring a few own goals in their pursuit of normalisation of perversion.
Do you think the definition of marriage was undefined before 2003? Howard simply smelled the challenge in the wind.
You’re equivocating on ‘meaning’. Marriage simply is the exclusive, permanent union of a man and a woman. They are its bare essentials.
it has to be a big hollywood grand finale for them, and if it’s not, they’ll make it one.
This is why the Washington War Machine is trying so hard to start something in Ukraine.
Hats off to the independent journalist out there real time fact checking every lie that the legacy media is broadcasting on behalf of the WWM.
There needs to be something big to cover the pivot away from COVID.
January 31, 2022 at 10:10 am
Last night I watched the doco “a Day in Auschwitz”, on SBS. It was followed by a doco on Nuremberg which I also watched. The Nuremberg doco wasn’t bad, It was rehashed scenes from better docos, but!!!, the last five minutes was spent on predicting the rise of far Right extremism which will lead to another round of War, complete with ancient footage of German Neo Nazis and, wait for it!, footage of President Trump. They even mentioned the Jan 6 riots and how Nationalist talk can lead to future uprising.
LOL, no agenda there, at all? Or have they actually noticed how nationalist the CCP is?
The Chesterton plot.
Where do you hide a heinous crime?
In a sea of heinous crimes.
A war will give you that.
LOL, the NY subway now has crack smoking carriages & non-smoking crack carriages.
They ran this line in QLD, then put flying squads of police on in towns and cities who do nothing but go around interrogating and harassing and arresting managers, staff and people in cafes.
Like this.
It’s so sad. Dear oh dear.
service to the Fatherland
Putin doesn’t use the phrase “Mother Russia”? Sexist!
It’s also being celebrated, and eagerly pushed, because various national governments have allowed it to become a legally acceptable way for homosexuals to groom kids in anticipation of fiddling with them. Using public funds, too.
Gab gave legalisation ten years, upthread. On present trends I reckon that’s unrealistically optimistic. The next left-wing government will float it (‘a sad but all-too-human medical condition’) in their first term, and ram it up our bottoms in the second term.
So you say Roger but official recognition was mainly among the elite until recently. A small ceremony with friends was all that was needed at most for the masses.
That Covid Karen has obviously watched plenty of YouTube but wasn’t paying attention in Virology 101.
No. That was psychotic. I can’t work out what triggered him as the start of the video was not there. There was clearly a camera person, was it a vox pop?
On the interrogation of the shop owner – the young policeman looked very uncomfortable also. There was no madness in his eyes, just a “get me out of here” look.
Had a good morning chuckle thanks to the ABC news site.
Inside Ukraine, ordinary citizens are preparing for possible invasion by Russia
According to the ABC:
In sub-zero temperatures, in the woods outside of Kyiv, the men and women of Ukraine’s Territorial Defence Force are preparing for an invasion they fear is coming. Each weekend, these volunteers meet up to carry out training drills under the supervision of former military officers.
They are civilians who come from all walks of life: lawyers, business owners and IT programmers who are prepared to take up arms to defend their country. They range in age from their 20s to their 60s. Some are wearing military fatigues, others jeans and puffer jackets. The more experienced bring their own weapons while wooden replicas are supplied for novices.
Ok I thought. Some motivated ex-military have seen a business opportunity and are offering ‘defence classes’ to civilians. Good luck to them. Then, this gem….
Vadym Arystov is a 57-year-old managing director of a property business. He has never been in the military, but now finds himself spending his weekends doing infantry drills. He is worried about the threat posed by Russia and feels duty-bound to be part of the volunteer force.
They have a photo. So, 57 years old, no military experience, portly and out of condition. What is that phrase I’m searching for? Oh yes, cannon fodder. Then this….
A recent survey from the Ukraine Future Institute suggested that one-third of Ukraine’s population — roughly 13 million people — would be willing to join an armed resistance if an invasion took place.
Uh huh. Right up to the moment the bullets, shells and missiles start flying. At a guess, I reckon a similar percentage of Australians would offer the same survey result if asked about a Chinese invasion but on the day, I suspect things would downshift dramatically.
I don’t believe Russia will invade but the story was good for a laugh on a Monday morning.
This sounds more like an indictment on the New York Yransit Authority’s procurement and maintenance practises.
Unless I’ve misread a quip about drug policy and lawlessness?
LOL there is usually a few pigs in the cafe (which does the best coffee for miles)but they are just waiting for their takeaways. Hopefully on a break if the union has done its job.
I think it’s a bit archaic in Russian.
“Fatherland” or “land of our fathers” is a phrase which occurs in the Russian national anthem (and also the Soviet anthem) and so is more familiar to contemporary Russian speakers.
They don’t even believe this bullshit themselves – it’s purely a class marker
More of it, I say.
COVID has been the greatest self selection exercise in history.
Example, at the tennis on the weekend you had Jack Cowin (almost 80) & Harry Triguboff (almost 90) maskless.
Where as you had (courtesy of Nine shareholders) Albo, Peter Costello, Karl Stefanovic all wearing masks.
Cowin & Harry can do what they want.
The other group know they are one indiscretion away from being cast out by the Cathedral.
I didn’t realise Eric Bana was so hard up for work he had to sit there with a mask on.
Clearly hasn’t invested his earnings well enough.
Also, I’m often supremely impressed by women who take these videos. A certain type of australian woman who gets little visibility in the faggy hysteria ridden australian “culture”. Calm, firm, fearless, and icy in the face of of high-voiced, soy poisoned “male” who’s implying violence will come her way if she doesn’t do as she’s told and sell out her staff.
I will just go along with the Kabuki theatre and preorder my takeaway coffee online and pick it up in the heat outside. The owner is a really nice young guy who has put a lot into improving the business and obviously just trying to do the right thing.
Paul Murray should be a hoot tonight after the 56-44 Newspoll.
He obviously had a tip last night because his mood was furious.
The minor parties are now the unvaxxed in the non-Labor ecosystem and Murray hates them for not taking the ScoMo shot.
In which case it was the “small ceremony with friends” bit that made it public, no matter how humble the celebration was.
When this COVID over reaction ends, the only thing I will be satisfied with is a Truth Commission along the same lines of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa post apartheid.
Ideally they should resemble Bane’s courts.
But I’ll settle for the above.
There needs to be something big to cover the pivot away from COVID.
Only two ways out of The COVID Loop for politicians:
1). Get dragged onto the street and hung by an angry mob.
2). Make everyone forget about COVID with another big event.
Oz Convoy live stream.
Australia’s “elite”.
My money is on number two, rickw.
It’s happening already.
Not much of a convoy Razey.
Is homeschooling to an International Baccalaureate a way out of the trap?
The IB is a well known qualification and avoids government wokery.
Only 2 trucks turned up last time. Lets see if they can get 3.
Since when do we have turd races?
Spotify says it will start adding content advisories before podcasts discussing COVID-19 in response to concerns raised by musicians and content creators including Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.
Should increase Rogan’s audience.
Those Ukraine civilians getting military training. The Russian Army won’t even notice the speed bump.
Now is the time for a truck blockade at the border.
Good read on Pell:
If only there was someone to lead a truck convoy in Australia.
Howard Hesseman of WKRP in Cincinnati fame, has sadly passed away.
In his honour, I give you, the never aging Thanksgiving Turkey Drop.
I don’t know his politics, but I always found him funny.
A very good point:
The statement by Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane on the cardinal’s failed appeal in August 2019 was particularly cringe-inducing, with its waffling call to Australians to “accept” the judgment of the appellate court while the case played out in its final phase. That the dissenting judge Mark Weinberg had the courage to say that the appellate judgment made no sense and the president of the Australian bishops’ conference could not bring himself to do the same is, at the very least, noteworthy.
Ditch net zero, dynamite wind turbines, drop all covid crap, and build half a dozen power stations.
What have you got to lose ScoMo? The stuff you’re doing now is just causing the base to walk away.
Scott Morrison, Coalition suffer huge blow in latest Newspoll as PM’s satisfaction rating drops to lowest since 2020 (Sky News, 31 Jan)
Stripped off his arrogance, the WA Premier may be forced to plead with the Commonwealth and the eastern states to take the steps needed to provide food and other consumables to WA.
Always lots of fun when after all your blustering and preening you realise your “country” can’t feed itself.
Xi and McClown fall into the same trap.
The Pell case was another self selection situation.
When he was in Rome, a former work associate was going on how Pell would never come back to Australia.
I said I bet him $1000 he would come back.
He declined the offer.
So I stepped it down to $500 then $100…all the way down to $5 before he would accept the bet.
And he never paid up, but he never raised Pell around me ever again.
Small price to pay.
The nullarbor pictures are a hoot.
The Kingdom of WA (wah, wah) has some serious grovelling to do.
Indeed, and no one there needed to be told what they were witnessing.
If only there was someone to lead a truck convoy in Australia.
We had one or two, suffocated my MSM.
How many does it take to qualify as a convoy?
One is obviously not enough.
I doubt two really cuts it either.
I reckon six.
Six is the minimum.
Does anyone know a convoy expert?
What have you got to lose ScoMo? The stuff you’re doing now is just causing the base to walk away.
Requires Scomo to be sentient.
The Kingdom of WA (wah, wah) has some serious grovelling to do.
Nah, leave them to their own devices. The hungry inhabitants can march on Parliament and after they display McClown’s head on a pike we’ll send the food.
Bern, same here. At the time I was working for some very senior people in politics. I recall being at a “Community Cabinet” dinner and being the butt of everyone’s Pell jokes. Upon his release I texted most of them and not one responded. I mean, these are people who should know the law ffs!
There really does need to be an Inquiry.
Great stuff Pogria.
In his honour, I give you, the never aging Thanksgiving Turkey Drop.
At the end of the clip comes a line from WKPR Station Manager Arthur Carlson, that perfectly sums up the Australian government Covid response.
“As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
The rail line to Perth will take a bit longer than a month, methinks.
Water turns the red dust to goo that makes doing anything very difficult until it drys .
It also fscks with machinery. The mining guys here will confirm that.
WKRP in Cincinnati.
I am pleasantly reminded of the very buxom Loni Anderson.
I wonder how many of those 15,000 people who signed the petition actually send their kids to the school….
I think the numbers sez it all! .. any school in Oz with over anything over 2 000 students would be a rarity! ..
That reminds me.
I got a good way through Windshuttle’s book on Pell before Christmas, then put it down.
I must finish it.
Re. Pell, I’ve just finished reading Gerard Henderson’s book “Cardinal Pell, The Media Pile-On and Collective Guilt”.
It’s superb and I can’t recommend it highly enough…..Gerard Henderson is forensic in his take down of the scum who went after an innocent man and nearly destroyed him.
I found it quite distressing at times.
Everyone knows that if war with Russia goes hot it’ll be a beatdown of epic proportions.
The only way you’d see waves of Euro / American / British / Australian young men streaming into Russia to their guaranteed doom is if our transgender fishnet stocking wearing elite want to eradicate a few million of our sons, like they just got done doing this time last century.
rickw says:
January 31, 2022 at 12:21 pm
Stripped off his arrogance, the WA Premier may be forced to plead with the Commonwealth and the eastern states to take the steps needed to provide food and other consumables to WA.
I did point this out some time ago. WA relies on eastern states fresh food and processed goods.
Have you seen many consumables with a WA origin?
Have you seen many consumables with a WA origin?
Potatoes ?
JC would be happy the wheat from WA can not come east, 🙂
Unfortunately IB is Woke to the power of Woke.
It’s geared to preparing future “leaders” to join the WEF / Soros Young Leaders Forum, as our future oppressors.
wine, beer
Potatoes ?
Load the spud gun, it’s on!
Sneakers, “My message, just get vaccinated.”
Me, “My message, just get fucked.”
Thanks for that post Cassie; I’m getting his book for my b’day (which is not far away) 🙂
Don’t you f#cking start
Not exactly. 80% of the fresh foodstuffs sold in Coles alone in WA is locally sourced.
It’s all the snacks, sweets, non-boutique booze, bogroll, curiously essential Big W/Target/Kmart kitsch, automotive parts and other small-but-otherwise-essential equipment that comes in from over East that may be the breakpoint.
But Fremantle, Bunbury, Gero, Albany and Canarvon ports are all still open. So the pretence of life-as-usual might struggle on for the next 3-4 weeks while the natural obstacles to entry to WA are fixed. Hopefully more permanently this time around.
The Sneakers-imposed ones keeping you all locked out and us all locked in, well… 🙁
Post of the day.
Heh. When you think you’ve got it all sewn up, the Almighty smiles and does as He pleases.
This time He spat in WA’s general direction.
They’re going to hang “Scotty” with this story of his “mentor” going into the election.
As predicted.
Worth noting again that this story first “broke” in August last year, then went immediately silent but percolated away on leftwing semi-mainstream media. In the same week the Daryl Maguire story broke re Gladys at the 15 million dollar “grant”.
Also the same week that both Morrison and Gladys completely collapsed as a force of at least mild opposition to Covid and to everyone’s astonishment, and outrage became absolute Covid maniacs and raped the people of NSW and allowed a new level of hell to be unleashed on Australia.
There’s a spud war brewing
Yet still no consequences for Dan and his fascist mates.
Jonova had a post on #ConvoytoCanberra yesterday.
Not sure if it will work, but she’s a Westralian gulag inmate so I can see where she’s coming from.
Canadian Truckers Protests massive, Trudeau runs from Ottawa (30 Jan)
Never, ever get in the way of a pollie and “free” money ..! AnAl sticky fingering, as usual ..!
I recall that when Cyclones Larry and Yasi wiped out the banana crop and the eastern states were paying $3-4 per banana, the Western Australians were paying regular prices because the banana growers around Carnarvon produce enough to supply the state and quarantine rules stop imports from Queensland and NSW.
I suspect that wheat is going…elsewhere.
What’s the old adage? We’re always just nine meals away from anarchy?
Ooh there’s lots of fine wine and cheeses that come from WA, don’t you know?
Truffles in virgin olive oil as well I guess.
We’re talking Coles and Woolies here, not toss pot boutiques.
There’s a spud war brewing
The first casualty in a spud war is the mash.
Mr Staindl ..
“Frydenberg through his lawyers Arnold Block (sic) Liebler (sic) has said he plans to take and sell my wife’s house
This is disingenuous bullshit of course. The bloke transferred ownership of the house before the case was heard.
This bastard is a typical leftie: a bully and a coward when the chips fall. If only conservatives had taken a no prisoner approach to the left about 10 years ago but they have capitulated basically since little Johnnie.
Defamation cases are some of the more expensive legal cases. Frydenberg has negotiated it down to $400k which is as cheap as the leftie’s urine sample. This figure must be approved by the court. If the devious little shit has transferred his share of the house as part of the preparation for the case it will still be on the table via the Relations Back rule. Since he is a greenie I think it would be appropriate for him to be turfed and have to live in a cave.
[h/t The American Thinker]
Wow. The Struths of the world taking the side of a post-war rationing body (put up by actual Labor party Socialists in 1946) which exists simply because it exists vs. ‘Tall Poppy’ Tony Galati.
That’s gonna end well.
And better on topic
Never start a spud war with a West Australian. We are battle hardened.
A same-sex penguin couple has become foster parents to a newborn hatchling in a first for an upstate New York zoo.
Humboldt penguins Elmer and Lima first got together this past mating season, and built a nest together in the fall, which they have both defended from incoming predators.
Their devotion to each other led officials at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo to test how the two would be as parents, using a dummy egg, before letting them take care of a fertilized egg of their own.
The baby penguin was born healthy on New Years Day, and weighed a healthy 8 ounces at its first health check at just five days old, zoo officials announced on Friday. The hatchling has not yet been named.*
* The Accuser?
The Victim?
But no staples of the wukkas, like Vegemite, Coopers, Carlton, Tooheys, Xxxxxxxxx or Johnnie Walker Black Label carpet polish.
I’m not actually sure that Emu Draught or Bitter is even brewed in-State any more? I think Lion Nathan shifted production to larger breweries in Vik and SA.
Never start a spud war with a West Australian. We are battle hardened.
You could say…baked?
Sutton just said the backlog of elective surgery patients ‘isn’t a public health issue’, the transmission of covid is.
Pretty terrible for Moron personally.
But very lo-info, considering none of those polled have any real idea what Therapeutic Albo is actually offering. Particularly in terms of “leading the nation out of the pandemic” – whatever that is supposed to mean.
Unlikely that Scummo is going to be gifted a Bob Brown Convoy redux. So, based on similar previous predictions, this polling is pointing towards a narrow Labor win on the ‘sitting government has been there too long being useless’ vibe.
Hopefully there are enough PHON/indie/weirdo Senators to clip the upper house.
Maiden has gone through his register of interests with a fine tooth comb.
There should be more of this but most jopurnalists these days seem to be too lazy or biased to do it.
“Yet still no consequences for Dan and his fascist mates.”
There are never any consequences for the left……look at the case of Bill Shorten.
Having said that, the right are to blame for this. The right’s meekness and cowardice in refusing to go after the left is why the left are empowered and why the left never ever have to face consequences.
At the moment, we all seem to be getting roasted.
CROZIER . Going for the latest advice from the ACHO report that recommends AGAINST blanket booster mandates for people. Says how is it possible the Premier is pushing for this with the opposite advice from the ACHO. Sutton admits he has not provided any advice on boosters.
So Dan is just pulling his third mandate out of his ass.
I usually ignore Newspoll. But this one is good for a laugh.
“Hopefully there are enough PHON/indie/weirdo Senators to clip the upper house.”
We must pray for this.
Getting some of this “health advice” in a court of law will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Wade Wilcox, owner of Injectioneering, has been actively engaged in the engine fuel delivery engineering and modification business for many years. He has developed proprietary techniques for perfecting fuel delivery systems for all types of vehicles. When Wade is done applying his advanced techniques to a throttle body unit, it delivers superior response and performance above and beyond factory performance.
Over the last few years, Wade has focused specific emphasis on the racing motorcycle throttle body modification field upgrading racing bike fuel systems to solve numerous throttle-related and fuel delivery issues.
Linky no worky, Roger.
Lol, Gez. Just about to make myself a patronising smoothie right now.
The strawberries are looking remarkably philosophical today. And the almond trees consented to being milked, so definitely cruelty free.
Should be extra nutritious.
A goodly portion of it feeds JC’s bacon and steak, if he’s bogan enough to buy Aussie… 😉
Bunge is a privately-owned grain supplier, whose WA operations encompass a number of wheatbelt growers, and who export to Australian and international customers out of Bunbury.
A number of major livestock enterprises in Australia source their feed via Bunge.
I’m sure there’ll be an LDP Senator there… 😛
Sorry, bern; Shatterzz posted it a few posts above, but here it is again:
Someone might ask him why he forced nursing homes to keep infected patients in July 2020 then.
I hope all their ghosts haunt him at night.
I asked a baker if he could do a special with foreign flour. He just laughed.
Australian wheat – the silent killer.
I bet more Australians have died consuming this crap than covid over the past two years.
But Fremantle, Bunbury, Gero, Albany and Canarvon ports are all still open.
Good luck booking shipping space on anything.
I’m craving some Death Gluten right now. Like a druggie for a fix.
Have to content myself with a cheese stringer. At least they’re entertaining to eat.
Public health is the prevention of disease through organised public means, so he’s technically correct, but one would hope he explained this. Journalists need all the help they can get. 😀
Heheheh. Silent…
Between ongoing(?) union intransigence on the wharves and whatever the hell is happening with shipping in general, maybe.
But the iron ore and Death Gluten is still getting out there.
The Spud War is over. We lost.
If you see any ragged holdouts emerging from the jungle, confused as to why the grocers are all closed and the surviving spuds in colesworth are all called “creams”, just gently push a loaf of tip-top into one of their hands and some multivitamin pills into the other.
So, Cassie, I take it you are not so keen on unsubstantiated accusations of pedophilia being thrown around?
Lizzie will turn up soon and start talking about her Battle of the Bulge, which is the Reichstag Fire to Russets and Kipfler…
So what you’re saying Wally is we should be stockpiling spuds?
Bunge is a privately-owned grain supplier
Dutch company
It shouldn’t be lost on people that in the year of the Tiger, the Bengals have made the Superbowl.
Go long the Wests Tigers/Richmond double.
I think the term you are looking for is “open.” I saw at least 7 container ships on the Western horizon yesterday and there’s probably more lined up that the eye can’t see. In my hours on the beach, not one of them moved. McClown and Covid clogging up the already clogged up waterfront.
Reith tried.. but he could’ve done more…
We can count on youse when the chips are down?
Bern – You realize that tigers are very prone to catch coof?
Choking is a symptom.
You must be more stoic than most, I thought it was three meals away from barbarism. Some seem to get noticeably twitchy if brunch is postponed.
I’ve not bothered to read Bruce Pascoe’s book but his motivation for making such exaggerated claims bears considering.
It occurred to me that with the current push on for aboriginal sovereignty* it may well be a ruse designed to bolster in the public’s mind the claim that aboriginals were not hunter gatherer nomads but were settled on the land and practicing agriculture & the husbandry of animal and fish resources. This might make the public more sympathetic to the notion of settled indigenous “nations”.
* Something that, I think, would never have occurred to the activists of two generations ago who pushed for the 1967 referendum. Their cause was almost precisely the opposite – a constitutional recognition of the sovereignty of the Commonwealth over aboriginal people with the accompanying power to legilsate for them.
Fears of a spud war, you can see it in their eyes.
The haunting sound of a lonely tuber player is heard.
Farmer Gez for the win.
Interestingly, amongst G.K. Chesterton’s many warnings & ‘predictions’ is that Russia would once again step up to revive Christianity in ever more ‘secular’ Western Europe.
My father was diabetic, his whole life was measured in spuds and spud equivalents. If I never see another potato again it will be OK.
Let them eat quinoa.
Sorry if this has been posted before. Well worth the 5 minute read.
And here in Viktoriastan, the evil dear Leader insists on mandating more and more poison. I despair!
And the Rams are into the Superbowl.
The Rams this year have a similar story to the Buccs last year.
Put together a super team over the season with lots of players on minimum wage & incentive contracts.
Thanks Rambler, that’s going to take a while to fix. I expect that the toilet paper fights in the supermarkets will begin in a few days in Perth, and it won’t be just the unvaxxed over here who won’t be getting their grog rations.
Bloody hell!
Sandgropers are bad enough when they’re on the grog, I can’t imagine what sort of bastards they become stone cold sober.
This whole thread clearly shows how fucked victoria really is with these medical rapists in charge of our bodies.
January 31, 2022 at 12:23 pm
The Pell case was another self selection situation.
When he was in Rome, a former work associate was going on how Pell would never come back to Australia.
I said I bet him $1000 he would come back.
He declined the offer.
So I stepped it down to $500 then $100…all the way down to $5 before he would accept the bet.
And he never paid up, but he never raised Pell around me ever again.
Small price to pay.
Prancing, strutting, preening woke “progressive” reneges on his word?
Say it ain’t so, FTB!
Exactly. There’s a whole ship-load of
freight by sea East to West.
The ‘eathen Rooster in his blindness boils down by wood and stone
He won’t get fried to orders, unless they is ‘is own.
The Irish Lumper in ‘is blindness must end where ‘e began,
But the backbone of the Home Guard is the non-Nicola man!
–The ‘eathen by Rudyard Kipfler.
incoherent ramblersays:
January 31, 2022 at 12:01 pm
My money is on number two, rickw.
Since when do we have turd races?
Sandgropers are bad enough when they’re on the grog
Potatoes + something, something = a shitty vodka ?
That’s just the MUA being Canutes because they still have a stoush on with One Ocean Express (single biggest shipping line into Freo), and presumably they are still trying to get one over Qube/Patricks in their latest EBA.
We’re OK for fresh fruit, veges, meat, dairy products, etc. The only people who will suffer are the Colesworth stores who rely on imports from the east, the IGA stores source local produce so they won’t be badly hit.
You’ll never run out of sand Old Bloke.
But the iron ore and Death Gluten is still getting out there.
Yeah, point is the boats are all already gainfully employed. From where is the extra capacity to be found?
…in 2029, or however long it takes to destroy the last vestiges of small business, entrepreneurship, innovation and independence.
Sorry Eyrie, but we are not about to starve out because the Stuart Highway and Trans Australia Railway are cut.
Getting the myriad other little things that are invisible to normies but keep the economy ticking over is something else entirely, but the consequences of that will not cause WA’s population to all spontaneously rise up and throw Sneakers into the sea.
You’ll need to find your Hollywood moment elsewhere. Sneakers will collapse from within, rather abruptly, and any popular crushing of him and his party in public opinion and at the ballot box will be mere delayed gratification and bandwagoning by folks who should have known better in the first place.
This is kind of a big deal.
If Australia had a catchy tune, the convoy would drive itself.
Bing bong !
Sorry Eyrie, but we are not about to starve out because the Stuart Highway and Trans Australia Railway are cut.
But that’s trucks AND trains!!!
So the boy PM of Canada who likes to put on blackface has gone into hiding.
Even Nicolae Ceau?escu fronted the demonstrators (albeit from a distance) back in 1989.
Has McClown raised that the Commonwealth needs to pay for rail repairs?
Lots of bits and pieces unavailable in online shopping yesterday.
With from the 5 eyes
with help!
Do I still get a high hat?
Indictments against conspirators including “Jay”.
Sorry Rambler, timing is everything.
I’m usually not in favour of more laws, but how about “Public servant or politician providing false or misleading information to the public. Minimum term 700 years on Heard Island.”
Minimum term 700 years on Heard Island
As long as it’s Amber Heard Island.
Good luck booking shipping space on anything.
Eyrie, without an atom of exaggeration, has there been one single thing you’ve ever got right? Not two, not three or even four, but just one single fucking thing – ever in your entire life?
The baltic dry goods index ( the public site showing showing rates for shipping transportation) has literally collapsed since October. It reached a 2021 high of $5,658 in very early Oct and is now down to US$1,381. That’s 75% drop in 4 months.
There’s now plenty of available shipping.
I think J was something of a puppet, mostly willing, yet a puppet.
As for the puppet masters, well, they’re cowering in the wings, but curtain calls are an inevitability.
‘As long as it’s Amber Heard Island.’
The brochure says it’s BYO sheets.
Joe Rogan has just posted a 10min response to all his socials.
That would seem about right.
The problem is not the ships themselves (let alone container availability), but rather dock space.
If you can cycle ships in and out of port swiftly, their value as carriers will increase as the demand goes up. Ships at anchor and stuck in port due to terrestrial government authority and union stupidity and powerplays = No value as carriers.
Once again, it is demonstrated that it is not the coof that kills us. It is the competing agendas and powerplays of the humans responding to it for their own gains that kills us…
The nobel prize winner was very specific. The “Nobelizer” said this:
“It” wasn’t talking about docking space.
Auden wrote on the Bruegel.
It’s amazing yet disturbing that a thing of beauty such as the Bruegel is the medium for communicating the ugly death-dealing reality.
Plus ca change, for the deniers are with us still, only in the obverse.
Rogan didn’t say much.
He said he’d try to have more people on after the “controversial” ones as a counter point.
The problem with that is when Joe when members of the Cathedral come on, example Dr Sanjay Gupta, they implode the longer they speak.
Two Mexican Soldiers Injured by Bombs Dropped from Cartel Drones
has members.
Greg Hunt talking 4 jabs now.
Headline at smh.com.au
Rex at 2:08.
Remember Kokoda Kev?
Mr Seventy-Pussent Rooster in 2007.
Feather duster two and a half years later.
And without the ridiculous shit Sneakers is pulling.
And Team Zeppelin is nowhere to be seen.
(Bloody Lightweights… >:( )
Yep. And it came from within.
Albeit helped by the fact that Kevni was rapidly seen by the public more as Great White Elephant rather than Great White Hope. Despite all his appearances of Rove Live and so forth.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
Didn’t someone at old Cat refer to St Ruth as C.W. a few times?
People are going to have to come to terms with the fact that the last two years the “Chief Health Officers” were weak puppets and we’ve just been living under naked dictatorships seized under “emergency powers” like in the shit countries in the olden days.
Even the most hardened cynic wanted to believe at least a little bit that it wasn’t so. That the government weren’t just giving the CHO’s orders, or declaring some political decision in public then making the lonely CHO to backfill in behind them -but it was, and is what has been going on for two years now. Let’s not kids ourselves for a minute longer about what we have from QLD,to Victoria to WA.
The only outlier is NSW where the CHO – a political animal – a WHO true believer herself, has equally held NSW to political ransom as Hazzard, Gladys, etc have been ordering her what to do.
Dear Mr Scumo,
Every time Minister Hunt does this you lose some primary votes.
Please tell him to keep doing it.
yours deviously
Mr Rambler.
Sounds like a perfect trolling solution, Bern.
‘Placate’ the howler monkeys, then clip and play on high rotation the utter failures and incoherent murderousness of their ‘champions.’
The Left are the meme.
Mate picking up his shipment from Europe to Brisbane in 3 days. Ship left mid December. Had to pay $10,000 vs the usual $3000.
Or alternatively, they manage their risk by building a conservative amount of demurrage into their inbound freight rates to bottleneck ports.
Troodough was always a worthless piece of shit. The Dauphin. Grotesque son of privilege. God save us from political dynasties.
Mate picking up his shipment from Europe to Brisbane in 3 days. Ship left mid December. Had to pay $10,000 vs the usual $3000.
So is he going to add fetanyl to the cocaine to recoup the lost margin?
Putin says stuff that makes the needy all worm and fuzzy proclaiming him the saviour of Christianity. Among many others things he presides over a coulter not known for its fidelity of men or chastity of women.
He is trolling the west nothing more.
Where are most ‘teen’ model sites based, srr?
Greg Hunt, another weak graduate of the WEF’s so called leadership program.
Would be totally out of his leadership depth running a Brownie troop. He”s completely pathetic and the 4 vax nonsense proves it.
I’d make hay at those rates.
It won’t get better when Snaggletooth gets in, with his National Merchant Fleet and Fair Go for Wharfies stuff.
Potato wars. Best wedge wins.
Be Daniel Andrews gang in 2020.
Hardened communist political brawlers who regularly cross the line on the law and treat parliament as a punching bag and parliamentary democracy as a contemptuous bug.
Have the opportunity to run the state with no parliamentary oversight, no judicial oversight, no media oversight and 100% of the state’s brand new, never before used, “emergency” power in the hands of one single lonely, politically naive loser that you control.
I’m certain the power didn’t corrupt them. Ole Honest Abe Andrews and his gang.
Lets assume that this time Cassie’s too gutless to name me directly, knowing she’s about to spin BS.
What I made clear was that the multi-named sock draw of creeps, Cassie and others keep using the injustice done to Pell to declare others “innocent”, even when already convicted, ‘Cos gee, Pell was wrongly convicted so all convicted, must be innocent.’
It really is an abhorrent stand to take when Pell himself did so much to help bring Justice to victims of paedophiles and tried so hard to fight the protections given the abusers.
And while on Pell; I have occasions to come into Ballarat where it’s still hard to avoid people cursing the man to my face (due to little things like wearing a Cross & not denying my faith), and my asking them –
“What about the Police and the Politicians that victims go to when they can’t get redress from the Church or have their faith so shattered as to wanting to take down the Church?”
“Why didn’t they step up & bring charges against the actual abusing priests?”
“Has it occurred to you that Police & Politicians were also involved in paedophilia and so, ‘looked after their own’?”
You know it’s much harder having these conversations with Christ, Church & Pell haters, face to face because their hate is insane & violent and they desperately want to shut you down by branding you a ‘paedophile protector’.
Pell didn’t protect paedophiles.
He sacked them but they crawled back to the Pope & got their jobs back.
Yet Non-Christians here still abuse Pell’s name by using it to libel & shut down others who don’t protect & blow cover smoke for paedophiles.
I sometimes post MSM News of major busts of large, international paedophile rings (membership in the tens of thousands), two of the biggest having key Australian involvement and the latest (that started this current round of, ‘Lets make jokes about Baby Rapists and lie about srr.’), being a number of busts in Germany after they were pressured to take these crimes more seriously.
Interestingly to, we’ve had cats here who’ve done the, ‘You’re and old man & go to Asian countries. That’s what paedophiles do.’, to other cats here who they don’t like, but hey, that’s fine.
Smart people who don’t want to sound like apologists for child sex slavers would simply shut up when News of say, 40 Years of Police & Govt enabled Child Sex Slavery in just one of very many British towns, breaks, instead of attacking the posters of such news with ridiculous lies.
Also, Epstein & Maxwell did groom, abuse and traffic children internationally for sex.
That is not disputed.
That’s been proven at Law.
Some continued to work for them as child procurers when they themselves were no longer children but very well aware that there was no crossing those people who had the very powerful by the balls.
Abusing & using those broken women who were groomed as children, to again blow cover smoke for powerful people isn’t only disgusting, it’s evil.
The phantom mate excuse now.
Eyrie, Funny you mention December , because we had a machine shipped over from Italy and it boarded the ship a couple of weeks ago. There was no change to the freight charges.
Also, guess who is responsible for Ohmigod! reaching the Northwest mines?
You guessed it, a train driver! 😀
Train drivers. Hauling Australia, kicking and screaming towards covid reality… 🙂
Adderall is not your friend, srr.
Now Alan Joyce has a red hot crack at McGowan.
The creature can have mine. I’m generous that way.
I do agree with srr using Pell so much as a champion can have a negative effect.
This has to be a funniest fucking thing in weeks.
You go Taliban.
missing comma.
Interesting thing about freight. Used to get a container from China for around $4K. Now it’s $14K.
Hitler finds out about the truckers ….. LOL!
No one said that.
Fuck off, srr.
You are constantly looking for causes to latch onto for a few minutes’ hate, and this is merely the latest.
You are a bile-slinging nuffy and contribute nothing of value to this blog when you open your mouth.
Now go away to the Furniture Store and sulk about how people are so mean to you and ignore your prophecies…
Cassie and others keep using the injustice done to Pell to declare others “innocent”, even when already convicted, ‘Cos gee, Pell was wrongly convicted so all convicted, must be innocent.’
ssr, you should apologise to Cassie.
And then put yourself in the sin bin.
Eggsactly, not a single person said that and USSR is just lying, which isn’t a surprise in the least. What I said was this:
If we make a linear progression using USSR’s distorted, conspiratorial illogical crap: she’s been plastering this site with the theory that the global elite have a thing going with all of them rooting kids. Like it or not, Pell is part of the elite because as a freaking Cardinal he qualifies.
USSR is in a pickle jar. Either Pell is guilty of rooting those two or her entire theory can be chucked in the toilet.
USSR, pull up the lid and get the toilet brush. We’re flushing your theory down the dunny.