Open Thread – Tues 4 Jan 2022
Mater’s Musings #48: YOUR risk of dying from Covid-19 – Part 2
Ok, due to the interest generated from my post yesterday, and the efforts to quantify the ACTUAL risk versus government propaganda, I took a path that is usually an enigma to my professionalism. I extrapolated off some grainy, low fidelity screenshots of government graphs which I found on the two relevant infographics (found here). I…
Mater’s Musings #47: YOUR risk of dying from Covid-19
In its push to get you vaccinated, here we have the Federal Health Department giving YOU a definitive answer on what YOUR risk of dying from Covid-19 is: Where do they get that figure from, I hear you ask. Well, when you follow the link they provide, it takes you to the website of an…
These covid vaxxines are dangerous
I can see that anyone who has taken the vaxxine begins from the premise that our governments are trying to do what’s best for us. Perhaps you should have a look at the video at this link: The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good. It has been put together by the CanadianCovidCareAlliance. The “inoculation…
Geniuses at the Australian newspaper keep on giving
In my previous post I quoted the Australian newspaper editorial. It’s gift that keeps on giving. I expect that it will go on giving ineptly throughout this new year. This from the last day of the old year: The tragic death of a child who was Covid-positive in South Australia is a devastating reminder of…
Open Thread – New Year 2022