Pretty unaustralian if you ask me. I was hoping for the perfect combination of two Australian icons. Didn’t happen.
Pretty unaustralian if you ask me. I was hoping for the perfect combination of two Australian icons. Didn’t happen.
Probably ring ins from PNG or Indonesia. Get out the shottie and demand loyalty tests. And if they fail, Maggie…
Has the Chicken Kiev not been recently downgraded to a Nugget?
Now that’s a rip off. The green ones are my favourite too.
I also have a copy of this one somewhere. The book, that is. This Top Ender fellow seems to know…
Number one.
I hope this thread will be as full of the love for humanity that I have.
And third.
And I said to Salvatore, come forth.
And he did.
But he was too shy to say anything.
This mornings Father Ted was one of my favourites
And then Misanthropist spake unto Salvatore and lo; Salvatore, in awe of they who trodden three times upon the thread before another had dared venture forth, was struck dumb, unable to speaketh a reply, Salvatore was prostrate before the almighty thread leader, awaiting instructions as to which path he should treadeth to advance the thread further.
I check the Worldometer most nights about midnight and again at breakfast time to see how many new cases of the pantywaist variant have been recorded. Numbers here are still high but have declined over the last week or so. NZ by comparison have steadily increasing cases. But what makes me curious ( or perhaps suspicious ) is the high number of deaths recorded in Australia. Are these just normal old age deaths that have been added to couf deaths to make omicron seem worse than it is ? At midnight there had been over 900000 cases recorded worldwide but only 9000 deaths. It seems the pw variant is nothing like earlier strains.
I still feel the last two years covid has been a smokescreen to hide the real intent. Taking away peoples free agency was satans plan from the beginning. Its all going swimmingly so far.
Probably yes to a degree, Les, although perhaps not particularly deliberately. Keep in mind that most of the Covid deaths in Australia prior to this year were in Victoria, with NSW just starting to take off toward the end of last year. The other states largely didn’t have any sizable outbreaks at all. Most of the elderly people who normally get carried off by influenza and its cousins were most likely not exposed to much in the way of illnesses thanks to the various lockdowns and fear-mongering. Now that Omicron has arrived with it’s extreme contagiousness, suddenly they are exposed to what is still a fairly serious disease at those ages (milder though it may be) and those that were already on deaths doorstep would be getting exposed to an illness for possibly the first time in 2 years, with the usual sad consequences. We probably had most of 2 years backlog of people waiting for that final illness to end their lives.
(Indeed it may be somewhat worse than it could have been, since I believe the immune system works best when it is active, 2 years of not much work possibly resulted in a reduced ability to protect against anything).
Sorry, but you’re not gonna be my number one, Miss A. The tide is out on that one
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Morten Morland.
Dave Brown.
Andy Davey.
Matt Pritchett.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Chip Bok.
Henry Payne.
Al Goodwyn.
Bob Gorrell.
Gary Varvel.
Matt Margolis. Brilliant.
Ben Garrison.
unreal. No-one can question the trans narrative
Thanks Tom.
So when is the election going to be?
Election? May.
Looking a lot like 2019.
High summer in NE Vic and at 7am it’s 5.5 degrees.
The archbishop’s palace in Narbonne is now a museum, and a town hall. Part of the collection is the 17th century pottery pharmacy jars used by the nuns at the Mercy Hospital and a series of portraits of archbishops, the last one being of the archbishop who left office in 1790, with a very unusual French name.
random facts
Very cold, currently 13 here.
Must be that man made climate change thing.
Chris Kenny article in the Australian is outstanding. Comments very good so far. Pity PM, premiers, CHO’s etc are not able to read the room regarding the feeling out in the real world.
Meanwhile The Courier Mail has pretty much nothing about Covid but I suspect the Editor is going to be full on in support for mandatory booster and restrictions for those who do not comply.
CM is a total failure regarding Covid coverage.
Seeing the msm kiss government arse and conform to a very thin narrative is instructive.
Tim Nielson called this ‘ferbile masturbation’.
No Tim, you are lying. There are millions of Protestants who believe the above.
The first are Calvinists – read Foxe or Know for example.
The second are Pentecostals.
The third are the Uniting church and so on.
Denying the above exist or are true is just absurd. No matter how much you write in response, you will always be wrong.
Catholics, as notafan said, are sick of being accused by these frauds as “not Christians” because of “non-biblical teaching”. Virtually all of the claims the church does this can be dismissed out of hand.
It is good that you admitted that Henry VIII’s claim to be the head of the church wasn’t biblically based.
The fact of the matter is the church teaches very little not based purely out of the Bible and otherwise with good reason. The old canard “but Mary” can be dismissed with looking at Luke chapter 18. The older prayers are nearly always biblically based. What is the biblical accuracy of rambling on about how God makes you feel?
The Protestants are ironically worse in this regard. That is the fruit of an improperly trained and overtly anti academic agenda of an alternative lifestyle clergy. You seem to want to make blanket denials about this. Do you want to take issue with tens of thousands of predictions of the apocalypse as for one issue of doctrine with a 1950s Pope?
Like I said, it is low hanging fruit and usually not much time is required on the matter.
Do you want to equally critique the 36,000 or so “churches” in America?
You have made a lot of suspicious comments about the church and Irish nationalists out of hand and without provocation.
I wonder why?
Now that you have been schooled on the fact that IRA membership results on excommunication, you will no longer want to make such awful and subversive comments.
You are beginning to sound like Philip Pullman.
Interesting choice of art. Like the Fall of Icarus, the real action is happening elsewhere in the composition. Which is one of those triangular ones – the focus is on Pilate’s face, then the eye travels to his hands.
Now see where his index finger is pointing.
“Now that you have been schooled on the fact that IRA membership results on excommunication,”
Since when? Gerry Adams remains a faithful son of the church….who receives communion and always has, even at the height of the troubles. As did Martin McGuiness.
Even this is unacceptable backsliding.
When stage IV cancer patients die WITH covid, it means nothing.
On the other hand, every other infectious disease may be serious over a certain age – and there is still no guarantee it is “from” COVID and not with it.
Particularly not when the false positive rate of RATs is now known to be very high.
Just anecdotal but I got to know many at my friends church due to participating in fund raising. All seemed conservative and supportive of the female paster not wanting to marry gays. On the other hand the Catholics on my wifes side are as agnostic about SSM as I am.
First time ever .. don’t get the point of Leake!
3,000 students and over 400 staff detected by RAT tests in Vic schools.
Multiply that by the students families now in isolation and out of the workforce and you begin to get the pointless stupidity of the whole exercise.
Remedial studies in consequence not delivered to those who need it most.
The TaliDan regime.
So does Joe Biden – if a rule is not enforced, you blame the hierarchy, not the belief system.
You’re Pullmanning, Cassie.
When are we going to a rule when OrangeMen get shunned? No? Even if it isn’t enforced. Never? Is the Queen going to do it herself? Will a synod be called?
Enough of this crap too about “Nazi Ireland” too, it’s unhinged.
70,000 “southern” Irish fought for the UK in WWII (mostly) against Nazi Germany.
5,000 of them died.
It’s about Aged Care (and Sports) Minister Senator Richard Colbeck going to the Ashes test match in Hobart instead of attending an inquiry into nursing homes.
Isn’t it a caring government that can tell us we’re desperately ill when we hadn’t even noticed? 😀
Agree. No meaning to me at all.
“First time ever .. don’t get the point of Leake!”
From the Dead Fred:-
Yes, the class warfare streak ran deep.
Often a tram would be so crowded they couldn’t get through the throng to collect fares. More often than not, when the crowd cleared, they would make a bee-line to the other end of the tram to confront someone in a business suit and loudly interrogate them about where they got on and how many “sections” they were up for.
Still, it can’t have been easy, going to work every day in a brown jacket and a yellow shirt.
Vietman Bob would have been well suited for the job.
Aussies are living under self-imposed lockdowns because they have been ‘filled with fear’ about Covid, a policy expert has warned.
Australia has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world – with 93.5 per cent of those over the age of 16 having received at least two doses.
But despite the nation having the 99th-highest death toll from the virus globally, a recent study found many are still living as if they’re under official lockdown.
From the week to January 5, spending rates in Sydney were the lowest they have been since the start of the pandemic, ANZ Bank data showed.
University of Sydney health communications lecturer Professor Olaf Werder told Daily Mail Australia Australians would keep ‘locking themselves down’ until state and federal governments stopped giving mixed messages about the Covid threat.
He added it was no longer fear of the virus – but fear of having to go into isolation and losing income – that was making Australians stay at home.
Daily Mail
Melbourne trams sound like hell on wheels.
I never noticed any of that on Sydney buses. They were always hideously crowded though. The conductor would find himself wedged at the smoking end and would alight at the next stop to race up the front, often collecting fares as passengers got on. I used to speculate on what would happen if the bus took off without him.
Never happened.
The trains were worse. The red rattlers filled to capacity, windows and doors open due to suffocating heat, people stuffed in and hanging on for dear life. A friend’s mum perished one day from falling out of one of those doors.
Dot made a comment above as follows:
““Now that you have been schooled on the fact that IRA membership results on excommunication,””
It is not a fact because it is simply not true that IRA membership resulted in excommunication.
Now I have no investment in either side of the “troubles”…….and I understand people’s “sensitivity” about the issues and clearly Dot is sensitive about this. Horrendous crimes were committed on both sides. I believe Catholics were very badly treated in Northern Ireland and this led to the break out of the troubles, most Catholics were marginalised, denied access to jobs and so on. The first marches, back in 1968 and 1969 were ecumenical……both Catholic and Protestant marched….but the spirit of ecumenism sadly didn’t last long, probably because the default position for most human beings is tribal and clannish.
As for ““Nazi Ireland””….I never used that description but there are historical facts that can’t be ignored, that Ireland’s government during the war was sympathetic to Nazi Germany.
From the same article:
Causes of death in Australia – 2021
41,000 died from cancer
13,000 from dementia and alzheimers
11,600 from heart disease
7,000 from strokes and brain aneurisms
4,000 from diabetes
2,500 from suicide
1,800 from drug overdoses
2,000 from accidental falls
2,239 from Covid-19
Source: Australian Government Department of Health/2GB
Good to see FB lost a heap of money in last few days. Karma for funding election shenanigans.
Regarding social media tracking and profiling etc I recently joined Twitter. Not to comment but for looking at some interesting people and some of the stuff Dover links to at side bar.
Very happy to report Twitter clearly have no idea of my preferences. After creating account it came up with a very long list of suggested Twits of interest. It was like the Who’s Who of the people I would avoid. Van Badam, multiple ABC staff, Labor politicians, Magda Subanzski etc. I probably skimmed through over 100 and none on the right side of politics.
If that means they have no idea of my search and reading preferences then it shows their algorithm suggests pretty much 100% leftist types.
Who leaked Barnabus’ text?
Yesterday I discovered that in Queensland teachers can never ever be close contacts. We either have the couf or not.
Many in the staffroom were red pilled by that announcement.
Government is increasingly virulent.
Martin McGuinness is a protestant.
It doesn’t matter anyway, both are MI6, as is the entire IRA leadership.
Heard the Deputy premier of Qld, that idiot Miles, on the TV last night commenting on the corruption mess the Chook government is in: ” it’s just accusations and hyperbowl”. Yep he said it that way.
I am more sensitive about the anti Catholic crap Cassie. My family were English, Catholic and freemasons.
No joke.
You are holding the church to a high standard which is fine.
Others hold it to a higher standard whilst not holding alternative churches to the same standard.
Kind of like how Trump and Cuomo were covered in the MSM.
Multiply that by the students families now in isolation and out of the workforce and you begin to get the pointless stupidity of the whole exercise.
Former workmate and entire family got it. Everyone better within three days after mild illness. Now all stuck at home. DHHS on regular check ups. As he is ex ADF, they must have decided he was a premium customer, overweight and now asthmatic they wanted to take him in for IV treatment with antivirals, even though he was hardly unwell. He told them to jamb it.
if youse think the Irish troobles were about religion, you’re wrong.
that divide is mere simulcrum for the deeper problems that go back nearly 1000 years
“Martin McGuinness is a protestant.”
Go back to bed Dick Ed. Martin McGuiness was Catholic.
You don’t think plantation in Ireland played a part?
“I am more sensitive about the anti Catholic crap Cassie. “
I am not “anti-Catholic”.
As he is ex ADF, they must have decided he was a premium customer, overweight and now asthmatic they wanted to take him in for IV treatment with antivirals, even though he was hardly unwell.
Probably give him Rundeathisnear to bump him off as his future medical bills on the government may be large. Got to use up the doses the Feds bought.
Ireland’s Government has always been a spook government.
More men from Eire enlisted in the British Army in WW 2 than from Ulster.
De Valera was infamous for sending official condolences to the German Embassy on being informed of the death of Hitler.
In the 1950s Israel planted a forest outside Tel Aviv in honour of De Valera.
From the old thread.
February 4, 2022 at 11:54 pm
Born in the year of Custer’s Last Stand, came to Australia by sailing ship, and watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon..
Lucky lady. She witnessed western civilization take rapid steps to its peak in 1969. Electricity, radio, tv, film, cars, planes and rockets all invented within her lifetime. The future would have seemed so full of potential.
But no. Didn’t quite happen that way.
The cult of managerialism took over. See also Boeing Aerospace.
High summer in NE Vic and at 7am it’s 5.5 degrees.
Why I slept in until 8:00am!
Miss Anthropistsays:
February 5, 2022 at 12:24 am
Cameron Highlanders (aka The Poison Dwarves) used to be armed in Church.
They were disbanded, not amalgamated.
Not saying the two were related.
Are you sure you aren’t thinking of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). They were Covenanters, and always posted armed sentries around their services, to warn of the approach of (possibly) Presbyterians.
The Irish are more British than Ulstermen.
Now I have heard it all.
Tell me Ed, are they also British Israelites? Is Sinn Fein and the PLO a Mossad plot?
Yes Ed, you’re going to takedown libertarians on this country by being an utter loon here.
What you are forgetting is the shit rain of lies and black propaganda we can unleash on the establishment.
They and in turn, you are scared that easy money and graft may end soon.
As they should be.
That Glowball Warming caper must be beyond its Use By date.
We have had a week of Summer. Even the plants in the garden know this. Very few frangipani and hydrangea flowers, and the autumn flush of hibiscus is in full swing. Even the tibouchinas are budding up a month early.
On the upside, the fuchsias and begonias have never looked better, and the lush tropical foliage plants are going great guns. Even the lawn has slowed down, to the Beloved’s relief.
I thought eBay dewatering pump had died, nope, the extension cord has. Looked up the pump performance and the expected line loses and opened up a bleed in the line to keep pump slightly below maximum discharge head. Has been running happily for 12 hours now. 15Lpm through 1200m of 1” poly. It’s not much but it’s better than nothing. Water level now 6” below shed slab.
Not really.
They’re essentially the same race and assimilate anyway.
Problems in Ireland are planned and funded in London.
I don’t know about excommunication of IRA members, but maybe Gerry Adams got a free pass because he was a member of Sinn Fein, not the IRA.
A hair-splitting technicality, it is true, but maybe that was the distinction.
No doubt in a basement by the Queen, the Pope and the lizard people.
“In the 1950s Israel planted a forest outside Tel Aviv in honour of De Valera.”
Dick Ed is now identifying as Bird.
He added it was no longer fear of the virus – but fear of having to go into isolation and losing income – that was making Australians stay at home.
One positive RAT (a test of dubious reliability, as is the PCR), and your life is buggered up for a fortnight (or 24 days in Un Zud).
And we have just discovered yet another subject Ed knows nothing about.
Irish religion and politics.
The list is endless.
From TE’s quote:
He added it was no longer fear of the virus – but fear of having to go into isolation and losing income – that was making Australians stay at home.
worth repeating.
If it’s still pushing water out that far (albeit through only an inch), it’s doing all right for an eBay special.
‘The Black Prince was likely a spook.’
How long before Biden or his DOJ sets up task force to investigate what happened to the millions donated to BLM?
Ha, ha just kidding, will never happen.
What about the woke corporates who could not donate quick enough.
The good news is one of the BLM people had a spare 6m to buy former HQ of Canadian communist party.
See Daily Mail US.
Yesterday the Age website actually ran an article raising the radical idea that, since the Victorian government by its own admission is no longer doing contact tracing, there should be an end to mandated QR code check-ins. They had an online poll attached, asking ‘is it time to stop checking in?’. When I last looked, it had 5000+ responses and it was running at 87 percent YES, 10 percent NO and 3 percent don’t know. And remember, this is Age readers.
Anyone see the COVID funds diverted to Burn, Loot & Murder?
This is up there in scandal with the fake Kamloops mass graves.
In normal times, Biden and Trudeau would lose government and be charged.
I want a libertarian governance…but first I want vindictive, nationalist governance.
Whatever you do, don’t Google it.
Crowds lined the route to the Dublin docks when the leaders of the 1916 uprising were being taken to England.
Those crowds were calling for the rebels to be hanged on the spot.
Anyway, De Valera was sentenced to Death, even though he spent the 3 days hiding under a bed in the Dublin Post Office.
Served a year in prison, was P.M. of Ireland 3 years later.
Best De Valera story i’ve seen:
He attended an amateur boxing tournament at Madison Square Garden in 1947 as President of Ireland.
A riot broke out and he was hit in the head by a flying full bottle of beer.
Ed is like a contestant on Would I Lie To You or Hamish & Andy’s True Stories.
Unity as far as the eye can see with the Libs. Again.
Big fat red Barnaby Joyce called Morrison a hypocrite and a liar, and that he re-arranged the truth. Then, when caught out, he apologised.
In response, Morrison said ‘Barnaby was in a different headspace then.’
My word he was. At the time those (not incorrect) comments were made, Joyce hadn’t yet had the sniff of a triumphant return to guaranteed high six figures for life and compounded benefits for himself, the new misso and the more recent crop of sprogs – as long as he got with, and stayed with the program. Once again, with feeling:
h/t bern
The twitter thread from the official age account made interesting reading to boot. I only saw a couple of replies that were positive about the ongoing restrictions.
Hunt. Where will he hide?
Let’s set this to music and upload it to Spotify …
Freeloading trougher.
Rewatched Vincent Price’s Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder General again last night. Wow, forgot what a dark movie it was. Pity about the fake blood and excessive late 1960s “artistic screaming”.
It is actually a great movie, but don’t watch it around kids. Killing isn’t the half of it.
I am warning to a Witchfinder General of sorts in a vindictive, nationalist government.
“We have pricked his bank accounts, the mark of Pfizer is upon him. Do the Lord’s work friend and bleed them dry. Make him homeless, if he changes to the form of his familar and scurries off like a cockroach, he’s a witch. If he starts panhandling, we know he’s a politician…”
I don’t think they are doing contact tracing in Queensland either, Cuckoo.
Speak of the devil.
The man of the people’s on the teev as we speak.
‘But I was on the backbench.’ Says he offered to resign this week but Morrison wouldn’t accept it, which is horseshit. Even a mid-range PR hack like Morrison realises that Clover Moore would be a more realistic Nats leader than Joyce.
I repeat.
QR coding is being more honoured in the breach than the observance.
FMD, with 10,000 – 20,000 recorded cases a day, if tracing via QR was still happening, everyone in the state would be getting a “close contact” every other day.
And don’t worry about people waving their phone in front of codes.
I do it just to avoid some Karen in the shop giving the owner grief over it.
Back to the ticket clippers.
I commuted for a while on Sydney’s river cats. Nice way to travel but an appallingly erratic service.
The ticket clippers (pass checkers) were employed under the Maritime Services award and worked only six months per year.
One particular thug liked to loudly pick on the school kids. Passangers had had enough one day and howled him down.
The ferry pulled into the next jetty and the driver announced that the police had been called.
Nothing happened, so the next announcement was that the service was cancelled and all passengers were to depart.
This wasn’t unique. One Christmas eve our ferry pulled into a stop and we were all told to get off because the crew were going to attend the service Christmas party.
The abomination was eventually privatised but under conditions that perpetuated the union and public service system and conditions.
Looking to the future.
1. Hunt
2. Andrews
3. Sutton
4. Sneakers
5. Hazzard
6. Scumo
7. Any VIK lib
8. Any NSW lib
9. Psttom
10. [left open]
Yes, and killing and maiming people along the way with poisonous drugs is just the icing on the cake from their point of view.
The Scomoron government looks to me like the last year of the Billy McMahon government.
Thinking that libertarians wouldn’t be on the hit list of a vindictive, nationalist government. Made me Lol with its naivety.
Scotty sure has a way with words.
He’s thrown Barnaby under the bus, and at the same time put distance behind the Psycho kerfuffle, which is now the day before yesterday’s news.
Once again, Scotty has played the Media like a Stradivarius.
And who doesn’t like seeing Barnaby run over by a Double Decker Bus, then get up and apologise for sleeping in the middle of the road.
Just checked my QR history.
One check-in since 18th January, and I think that must have been accidental because I don’t remember doing it.
It seems I am something of a hermit.
The time of reckoning is near.
The enjabenning is at hand.
Might quit work and do very lowly work, collecting cans, Uber, selling fruit and cut flowers on the side of the road, unlicensed security, dog walking, gardening, odd jobs, anything.
I’m liking this dot!
And don’t worry about people waving their phone in front of codes.
There’s an excellent, if run-down pizza joint in my suburban shopping strip. Walked past it last night.
On the front window next to the door is a sandwich board with the traditional laminated QR code etc on it. Above that is another sign, also laminated. In big capital letters it says ‘PLAY THE GAME’ along with a smiley face.
There was much extravagant phone-waving and giggling going on by the punters.
Someone here who knows him personally and who is normally sceptical of mainstream pollies assured us he was a top bloke and had really changed.
Pig’s arse.
Dot, we watched Foul Play on Youtube. Great film! There are so many “steals” from that movie.
See, for example, Dudley Moore’s character Stanley Tibbets imo as the possible Mike Myers’ inspiration for Austin Powers (though, iirc, Myers said his hairstyle came from Peter Asher from ‘Peter & Gordon’).
And the kiss between Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase at the end – on stage – see again in Love, Actually
No way will Scotty let Barnaby go.
Barnaby is going to campaign like a man demented once the election is called, because if Scotty goes down in flames, Barn’s new Misso will be putting in a claim with the Child Support Agency the next day.
Missed this. What was in it?
It’s true. Outside Nazareth.
If you can believe Wiki. The reason?
WheelStop, speed bump, crash test dummy …
Every time I note his visage, I am reminded of the clip he self-posted of him on a farm somewhere, telling the government to get out of his life.
I gather his headspace was different then.
Perhaps there’s a trickle-down benefit or two for those running for office using family connections. It certainly worked for the Katters.
How much would you charge to take 2 Pfizer jabs plus a Booster in my name, Dot.
I’ll be paying in cans and bottles…
Cheers, calli.
I’m stunned that a politician would write such a comment and send it to someone. Unless they wanted it to be leaked.
Normal adults don’t do this sort of thing.
The reason I stay at home is resentment at having to provide proof of medical status and being expected to wear a mask everywhere. Purely a deep loathing of government regulation making normal life an insult.
He sent a message to Brittany Higgins through an intermediary earlier last year, saying that Scotty was an untrustworthy liar.
Scotty likely got hold of that message and dropped it at a convenient time, like right now.
What would Limbrick, Quilty, Leyonhjelm, Stonehouse and Mead actually be charged with?
Without lining up most of the country for summary justice?
Barnaby Joyce isn’t interested in rural Australia, he’s only interested in himself and power.
If Joyce truly cared about rural Australia, he would have walked away from the coalition after Scumbag’s capitulation on net zero emissions.
Barnaby Joyce is a fraud.
Dick Ed
Crowds lined the route to the Dublin docks when the leaders of the 1916 uprising were being taken to England.
Weren’t the rebel leaders executed by firing squad in Dublin?
Exactly calli. The old ‘never write an email you don’t want to see in the paper’ thing.
However, at the time Pumpkinhead had no idea of the upcoming implosion in the Nats, and the 1000/1 set of circumstances that would get him back in the comfy chair. Now he’s back in the VIP lounge, and has signed the agreement to abide by the rules. Because with the position comes the rules, and with the rules comes the cash.
A perfect example of the self-interested, disingenuous parroting-the-party-line politician that got us into this gigantic shitfight over the past two years.
They’re essentially the same race and assimilate anyway.
Much like the Hutu and Tutsis?
The Union and Confederates then?
In todays episode Ed declines to learn about culture, and its effects on world events.
Barnaby isn’t normal and he doesn’t appear to be an adult either.
Those antisemitic, Nayzee Irish bastards. Even 70,000 of fought as UK Tommies against Mr Hitler.
Thanks Tom and thanks rugbyskier – same for me – First time ever .. don’t get the point of Leake!
rugbyskier says:
February 5, 2022 at 8:08 am
First time ever .. don’t get the point of Leake!
It’s about Aged Care (and Sports) Minister Senator Richard Colbeck going to the Ashes test match in Hobart instead of attending an inquiry into nursing homes.
Seriously, who cares?
Heard some wallies on Sky the other night talking about leaked texts and one of them observed (Latham?) “hasn’t it occurred to these idiots to use the apps that erase the messages after they’re sent?”
Even more infuriating was seeing various drooling cretinous labore shitsacks (BIRM) trying to make political hay out of it.
Politicians disgust and infuriate me. The sooner their thick empty skulls are lodged on pikes along various thoroughfares across this wide brown land, the better.
Wrong think, Enemy sympathiser.
Culture is imposed from the top down.
Without that imposition, people tend to get on pretty well, particularly when they’re the same fucking people.
How the Hell do you fire “an extended short burst” from an automatic weapon?
Where were they drafted from, Dot? Was it Ireland as a whole, or principally from the north?
The response in WWI was fraught, with the “Irish question” occupying the British right up until the axe fell in August 1914.
Always an interesting history, and many of us have Irish roots and our own folk tales and prejudices. Some truthful, some fanciful.
A serious Irish question.
What’s the best recipe for an Irish stew?
The south.
Sensible people hate tyranny.
They were- they were executed by firing squad in the Stonecutters Yard, at Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin. It’s rather a dismal place….
definitely some Austin Powers inspiration here:
Hanging around your workshop, community, beach, parks, mountains, other peoples houses, reconnecting old school style.
Oh no! People aren’t going to dystopian Megamart Economic Precinct #3078 and buying $3 Chinese shirts marked up to $65, the spiritual life of the “nation” is in grave danger!
As well as numerous other epithets, none of which I’ll post here, this being a family blog and all.
Anyone remember his paralytic homily to “those greater beings up there in the sky”?
Talk about great moments in staggering incoherent stupidity.
Pistol and Boo deserve OAs and a guest gig as Ozzies of the year.
Yes Joyce didn’t do a McEwen when Trumble knifed Abbott and was happy to be part of Morrison’s assault on affordable, reliable electricity. Another phony, another grifter.
And every other sixties wally who got around with an identical mop on their noggins.
Culture is imposed from the top down.
Without that imposition, people tend to get on pretty well, particularly when they’re the same fucking people.
Someone want to translate this from the original Mong?
Potato. And cabbage.
Ease up, Bosi is a spook who only wants to disrupt the right, there will be no mobile execution squads.
The same way you throw a village person off a small cliff.
It was 2012 before the Irish Government gave amnesty to those citizens of the “Free State” who deserted the Irish Forces to enlist in the British Army – they were denied Government employment for many years, and also denied any pensions.
Indeed they do. Thanks for the figures on the draft. One hundred and twenty thousand, united in a single purpose. Eyewatering.
They carry on like spoilt brats and believe the country owes them a wealthy lifestyle. So many of them aren’t even interested in policy and how to advance the country. It’s still games at the students union to them. Latest example is blowjob’s operation red meat. Not about good policy just about fooling the voters.
Now we’ve skewered the idea of “Nayzee Ireland!”, anyone want to admit they regret seriously talking about “Catholic tyranny” the other day?
I am a forgiving soul do I will let you call yourself out.
“Ease up, Bosi is a spook who only wants to disrupt the right”
Ya reckon? If so, he’s not doing a good job.
Anyone can be a tyrant, Dot. They just have to want to be and have the means to do it.
In other news, the Beloved has gone to look at caravans.
I am experiencing an unfamiliar feeling. I think it’s Fear. 😀
DeValera was in a shithouse position at the start of WW2.
He had to maintain an official anti-English stance or run the risk of being “Michael Collinsed“.
If hed thrown political support or allied with the English how long would he have kept his head?
Brings back memories of my last couple of years at primary school when ‘Vote vote vote for de Valera’ was the skipping song every lunch and playtime for those girls who were not playing hop scotch or fly.
Little wonder very few were overweight those days.
Roger Casement was the only leader of the Rising to be executed outside Ireland. He was hung in London.
The Executed Leaders of the 1916 Rising
Plenty of government programmes are miserable failures, Cassie.
It is just a theory, but a plausible one.
I am on the other hand certain AC was a Turnbull plot. Bernardi just fucked over all of those poor saps. He had no ethical claim to shut it down.
Which led to the formation of A1, which I was formerly excited about.
A happy story of a touch of jury nullification..
Ie: Guilty as hell, free as a bird, but in a good way.
Teesdale farmer cleared by jury after flipping car with tractor
Robert Hooper said of altercation he had ‘felt threatened, and an Englishman’s home is his castle’
Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Ireland have a Governor General until 1948,? If so it must have been awkward
My Grandpa Didn’t Fight Nazis so we would Show Papers to Buy Food
Frank says:
February 5, 2022 at 9:49 am
What’s the best recipe for an Irish stew?
Potato. And cabbage.
Stew recipes not poteen, thank you.
And from Finland
Drone footage of #TruckerConvoy2022, Finland, Helsinki.
Catholic tyrants:
Richard II
Henry VII, Henry VIII
James II
Not a tyrant:
Dr de Valera
Poor Barnaby.
He was something once, but his private life now consumes him. Many seen it, two families, all that drama, distracted, instincts gone.
Remember his Delilah posted here and got roasted for her terrible instincts and tin ear re covid (won’t somebody think about us politicians wives!). Calli handed down one of the most savage beat downs in the history of all the catallyfiles.
In a way we may actually be responsible for the subsequent passage of the Barnaby endorsed Online Safety Act. Holy shit lol.
The Beetrooter demonstrating all the qualities of the (modern) politician.
Janet Albrechtsen’s column in Teh Paywallian contains some not often heard views of women in politics, complete with a lovely photo of The Beetrooter family. Let’s hope it stays that way and doesn’t do a Tudge.
May a billion flowers bloom.
Well, first ye have to wait for de sheep to die …
Eucalypts, presumably.
Roger Casement did a fair amount of work to expose the atrocities of Belgian rule, in the Congo…
I totally I agree, but is this in response to anything we should know about?
From moles link:
I’ve been punched in the farm buggy, it really hurts.
Ah, yes, the Apps most favoured by Trumble.
It is a good question, and the answer is quite simple.
With the self erasing app, you can’t strut around the Chairman’s lounge later that day showing the messages to people you want to suck up to.
Rambler, you’ve got me stumped – who or what is the thing above?
We rightly call out Barnabus here…..which is why Cardi doesn’t come here much anymore.
It is incredible that we have the Digital Identity Bill and Online Safety Act and the ALP and Greens are either supporting these measures or have made so so criticisms of those policies.
What about bastard conservatives stealing your ID, giving them to transnational corporations and killing free speech?!
Make no mistake, the uniparty now rules through a national cabinet.
Shane Patton
If they were Vicpol the Canadian truckers would rightly have serious concerns.
Let’s see how the Ottawa goons compare.
From last night.
Safe and effective
Canadian Pastor
Coutts Alberta Feb 3 2022. 5:30
Thanks Rambler.
No Fatty Ashton?
Even for a Queenslander he strikes me as subnormal. Pony Girl has chosen well there.
She’d be way too modest take credit for such a mighty achievement (the first, not the second).
Rabz, feel free to update the list people deserving of a nasty punishment.
The Assumption of Mary was so uncontroversial for over a thousand years that the Lutherans maintained it as do the Orthodox Churches. If you believe that Christ rose from the dead it is not unreasonable to think He would bestow this honour on His Mother. Pius XII did nothing wrong.
For Gez:
Irish Stew.
Dot says:
February 5, 2022 at 9:11 am
Rewatched Vincent Price’s Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder General again last night. Wow, forgot what a dark movie it was. Pity about the fake blood and excessive late 1960s “artistic screaming”.
It is actually a great movie, but don’t watch it around kids. Killing isn’t the half of it.
I am warning to a Witchfinder General of sorts in a vindictive, nationalist government.
It’s an often forgotten gem . . . Vincent Price, for once, is very under-stated – no OTT histrionics.
Need to revisit this film.
She sure does know how to pick ’em.
Trigger warning: Irredeemable imbecile
Rambler, that would take me all day, at least.
I was a bit cranky that day. I don’t enjoy going “heads on pikes”, but I grow tired of moaning mothers making much of their terrible plight.
If you are struggling to balance motherhood and a job, particularly if you have a good income from elsewhere, motherhood and its joys comes first. Other mums aren’t so fortunate, do both to the best of their ability and stay quiet.
As I recall, Carpe was even crankier! It tipped him into the arms of the Land of Cherry Blossom. Not that he needed much pushing.
Indeed – and thanks to calli, we’ll no longer be gifted with his hausfrau’s thoughtful and penetrating political analysis.
In Canada, the Canadian federal government and MSM scum, when they’re not smearing the truckers as far-right and Nazis, have accused the truckers of disrespecting and defacing the war memorial.
Hmm, where have we heard this before? There’s clearly a script.
From CodeAcadamy.
Okay, cool.
Those hausfrau articles where just red meat for the punters. Sorry for being so cynical
They’re not even giving credit to black programmers, but the communities they grew up in!
Fuck me. How rude!
I was forced to watch channel stokes ‘news’ last night. Pox ridden harlots have more integrity.
There has been a script for decades. Remember Grasby’s multiculturalism was copied from Troodoe I
Lately the Israelis have been planting trees and the Arabs have been pulling them out at night.
I don’t know why.
Thousands of Bedouin riot against tree-planting in the Negev (13 Jan)
Couldn’t believe the Riley deadshit was still going
It is good that you admitted that Henry VIII’s claim to be the head of the church wasn’t biblically based.
Actually I didn’t. I just said I wasn’t going to defend it. Not being an Anglican I don’t know enough about it. My understanding is that Anglicans regard it as biblically based by virtue of the governance of the Israelites by Moses and Aaron being the template. Maybe they’re wrong.
[Dot’s examples of “Protestant doctrine”.]
“Communion is poison” This is utter nonsense. Communion is observed in every major Protestant denomination. Even if there are some small fringe groups that don’t do it, which I doubt, to say that their practices are a “Protestant” doctrine would be like saying that lucky charms are a Catholic doctrine because some Catholics wear a crucifix.
“It is totally legitimate to give a sermon like a Tony Robbins seminar” FFS to describe that as a “doctrine” is just stupid irrational smearing. Judging by Pope Trotsky’s encyclicals we could say that it’s Catholic doctrine that it’s totally legitimate for Christian instruction to be like Greens party manifestos.
“We can can change what is in the Bible, we need those dinner parties”. Utterly false and ridiculous smear. Anyway what about Pope Trotsky? “Pope Francis denounced those responsible for human trafficking, slave labor and arms manufacturing, saying people producing weapons of war are “merchants of death.” [National Catholic Reporter, 11 June 2014]. Luke 22:36 “Jesus said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.” Oh boy, wait till Pope Trotsky finds out about this “Jesus” guy patronising the arms industry. The Pope’s sure going to rip Him a new one!
You have made a lot of suspicious comments about the church and Irish nationalists out of hand and without provocation.
No I haven’t.
[Also Dot] The old canard “but Mary” can be dismissed with looking at Luke chapter 18.
Huh? I’d actually be very interested in you expanding on this. It doesn’t look to me to have anything to do with Mary. Look, this all started with your drive-by sneer about Protestant doctrines and I don’t want to get into a tit for tat, but your exposition could also usefully address Luke 11:27-28.
And I note that you still steer away from Pius XII’s papal infallibility exercise in 1950. Please do let me know the biblical basis for the content of that Catholic doctrine.
And then STFU.
Thanks for that, Duncan m. Myers plagiarised that scene something shocking. He does publicly acknowledge his British Jewish heritage however so it’s no surprise.
stix, just now:
‘They neeeeed me in Parliament! There should be more assistance and allowances!’
There have been many great moments on the Cat.
This was and is in the pantheon. calli’s comment, paraphrased:
I remember seeing an aerial shot of Israel and one of its neighbours. The border was like someone had drawn it in with green texta. You don’t get a lot of Arab innovation after about the tenth century.