Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
Good stuff, jupes. Some just can’t be bothered and the police can’t be everywhere.
The only fly in the ointment is The Dobber Karen.
If this is the fashion capital rip roaring in the vaccinated economy we are quite screwed.
/Amazon profits intensify
A land of leaking propanes,
Thanks for that story Mark of Melbourne.
Took me back to the ‘good old days’.
FEATURESHow Trudeau bought the media
Through a long process of regulation, licensing, and cash handouts, Trudeau has managed to bring nearly the entire Canadian media under government supervision.
The overwhelming bulk of Canada’s media is bought, and paid for, by the federal government. In particular, by the Liberal Party which has extended generous taxpayer subsidies to outlets that comply with its diktats.
In its 2019 budget, the federal government rolled out nearly $600 million in subsidies for select media outlets that obtain the federal government’s approval. The latest $600 million cheque is meant to fill a blind spot in exerting government influence over the Canadian print and online media.
I will never visit Canada.
Canada is full of the following:
– morose Canadians miffed they don’t have the clout of the US
– morose Canadians carrying around huge mugs of coffee
– morose Canadians talking about ice hockey all the time
– snow
– moose, bears, and more bears
The End
Dot at 3:28.
.1 Winning is fun;
.2 Losing is not fun;
.3 It is a team sport. Cohesive teams win more than rabble, all other things being equal. And at the elite level they are usually very close to equal;
.4 It is the job of a Captain or a Coach to keep a vigilant look-out for shitty selfish behaviour which damages team cohesion and to jump on it … hard.
.5 The Australian team is ripe for falling apart, despite recent success against B-Grade opposition. With blokes like Warner and Lyon on the wane (but hanging on by the fingernails), renowned selfish egotists like Labushagne and Smiff in the top four, and with Captain Kumbaya in charge, it is very fragile.
tar … feathers
Nah. A lotta good bowlers and batsmen in the shield comp.
Our B side would be most (not India)
I found Canadia full of charming, happy people.
It was summer, and a glorious one at that, and it was Vancouver Island. So that might be it. The towns along the Icefield Parkway and round about (the tourist trail) were equally friendly.
I am cheesed off with Canadians for one thing and one thing only. We visited London just before Canada Day and the buggers had set up an ice hockey rink in Trafalgar Square, blocking my way to the marvellous Landseer lions! It had to wait until another visit for a nose rub.
Apart from that 9/10 for welcoming and 10/10 for utter, unadulterated beauty.
I had a relative who taught Catholic children to matriculation in country Victoria in the forties through to the sixties, with great success I might add.
My understanding of the pre WWII Catholic push into the public service in Victoria was because private firms wouldn’t take Catholics into those kind of jobs.
Post war my father and others no doubt many others completed otherwise impossible tertiary education as returned servicemen, at night school.
Rabz, check your email, Squire.
Calli falls into the misspellers pit trap…
The secret state between Narnia and Canada. To get there, you must stand in an old cupboard and say sorry three times and then eat Maple Syrup and Turkish Delight and you will get teleported there.
Guy: “Hey what’s Joey doing in the cupboard with my Maple Syrup and Turkish Delight?”
Girl: “He’s trying to go to Canadia”
Apart from everything else, it is totally unfair to force young people to be an arm of the police-state. Immoral in fact.
The East Coast was just as lovely and laid back….Canada had quite a few Aussies working in tourism there, they had a reputation of doing a fair day’s work.
Cool story, bro, completely wrong.
Border returned from the 1993 Ashes Tour as Captain, a side was picked
to Tour somewhere at the start of the 93/94 season, Mark Taylor captain, Border not in the side.
He played for Queensland for a few more seasons.
It was deliberate, mole.
And I enjoyed doing it.
I’m only a wardrobe door away from Narnia. Just have to find the right wardrobe.
Ahh! The cricket expert, fast bowler and master batsman is here.
Latham, via TE:
This has been a growing trend, one that started to show its scaly self way, way before Covid.
I’ve noticed it developing over the past 30 years in the form of government fingers poked into the minutiae of HSE legislation.
In the resources industry, my rule book has developed from a few slim volumes + common sense + the legal penalties for negligence, into thousands of conflicting pages of regulations, codes, standards, ancillary legislation, plus case law defining what common sense means to a courtroom full of barristers.
OK, tough shit for me – don’t work managing natural resources projects – play the tiny violin.
But that erosion of common sense is equally tough for everyone else in their everyday lives – directly, or indirectly through absorbed costs and incomprehensible restrictions.
While I was boiling like the proverbial frog in regulation froth, my canary-in-the-mine was a case on the Gold Coast, probably about 20-25 years ago.
Someone lent a house on one of the canals to a friend who had a party therein. At some stage in the proceedings, a heavily pissed guest decided to dive off a railing into the canal. Unfortunately the water was only about 2’ deep, so the dickhead broke his neck and ended up a quadriplegic.
But not as tragic as the outcome for the householder, who ended up successfully sued for lifetime compensation by Mr Pissed Idiot, because there was no sign on the fence warning pissed idiots not to dive into shallow water. (I imagine the household insurance actually paid, but beside the point.)
A single case, but it was a major wake-up for me. And things have gone downhill big time since then in all aspects of life.
In part, at least, Government has seized on Covid super-regulation because it thinks that’s what Australians want. And obviously many do.
Rant. Sorry.
Which is where they will stay.
That is the point.
A core group of players now runs the show.
KD’s pen-pics of the top six are spot-on.
Davey is no more than a flat-track bully these days, and he will hang on to that Test contract until he is blasted out.
Kawahja isn’t an openers arsehole and, as for keeping him at six, you will get one meaningless hundred per series in a dead rubber match.
Labushagne is a nut job who cares about one thing, and one thing only – Labushagne’s batting average.
Ditto for Smiff who is on the wane and, like the Houso Ranga, will cling to that juicy contract as long as he can.
My wild card is Lyon. He is going well enough now, but has become very mouthy when any suggestion about selection of other spinners comes up. Not a good look, and reeks of the same attitude exhibited by Smith and the Ranga – it will take Seal Team Six to take them out.
The other wild card is Langer’s mates in the media. Expect some ruthless and scathing analysis at the first whiff of failure. These pansies will find that whilst you can control what the coach says to you, controlling what the media says about you is something else altogether. And these guys will all know who the white-ants are.
Dot says: February 5, 2022 at 9:32 am
Huh? They’d be charged with taking votes from Liberal & Labor.
Or; Appropriating the property of the Uniparty.
Same as Pauline Hanson was.
Canada is full of the following
I ran a training course in Canada once, with an Argentinian counterpart.
The Canadian’s spent the whole time looking like the were going to puke at being trained by an Aussie and Argentinian. They considered the whole thing to be some sort of bad joke!
Canadia doesn’t have huge bird eating spiders, or birds that can kill you.
There is that.
like the British Press does its failing cricketers? Hmmmm I don’t hold out much hope at all for anything like that.
Babylon Bee is on fire.
Pelosi Condemns Jesse Owens For Criticizing The Nazis At Berlin Olympics
Just as I suspected! Not everyone in a population of millions is the same!
Who’d have thought it? 😀
I spent time in Ottawa and Montreal in autumn, winter, and spring. Lovely places and people.
Superb. Lawyers are the shock-troops of the left in its glorious march through the institutions.
Trudeau is a disgusting fascist deadshit. Daddy Fidel and his mother’s husband would be proud.
I just re-read the Bananaby thing.
I thought he was just venting to a colleague.
But, no.
He actually “reached out” to Britanny ‘Iggins via a third party.
He would have known this would have become public at some point.
This is precisely what I mean about him playing the Canbra game, whilst his missus feeds the chooks via the Daily Tele.
They are both taking the piss.
He knew his ‘support for Britnah’ would circulate around the Canbra press gallery and grease the media rails when the time came for him to knife McCormack.
What a c**t.
It needs to be repeated:-
#opioids #epidemic #bigpharma
Totally REAL Opioids Commercial! Sponsored by Big Pharma! | Louder With Crowder
How many Nineties did Davey make?
Langer is another one who couldn’t accept that his playing days were over.
Have a look at Langer’s real track record:
He’s given a team then plays the batsmen out of position.
Wadey had made more first class runs in the middle order for Tasmania over the previous 3 seasons than anyone else, but Langer picked him to open against India.
The plan failed as it was always going to and Joe Burns got flicked.
Did the same with Khawaja in the last Test, failed.
In a battle of wills the Board is always going to win over a coach like that.
Better off to appoint a good First Class cricketer such as Bayliss who doesn’t have anything to prove, since he wasn’t a Test player anyway.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
February 5, 2022 at 4:45 pm
Canada is where the freedom truckies are from.
Canada, and the Highlands of Scotland are two places I reckon I could live…
Try 2 metres of snow in the backyard, electrical heating points on parking meters to prevent the engine from freezing and similar delights!
Dover can we please have a new troll, this one is broken.
Don’t smash it around so much and it will last longer!
Doc just did my Standard 11 again, FMD I was amazed at the amount of stories of snowflakes in the industry. Seems the biggest time waster atm is from harassment/discrimination complaints which I put down to the drive to “diversify” the industry. Last time I did this course we all gobbed off about incidents we had seen not workplace harassment.
I got to refresh my S1S2S3 before April, no doubt I’l hear more on doing that. That’s if I don’t land a contract with a major and start to experience it before then…
On your householder, I did a senior first aid course back in the day with a mob out of Rocky. The facilitator reckoned then that Australia was outdoing the US per capita on lawsuits and we were more litigious than the US. At the time I was incredulous, now not so…
Knuckle Dragger at 4:57 – pretty fair assessment. A lot of people getting way ahead of themselves because the Poms were so woeful.
Opioids aren’t the devil.
It was good when you could get low dose codeine in a pharmacy, some deadshit loser begged Ray Hadley etc to get it banned for years, their campaign worked, now everyone else must suffer.
I have never felt the urge to shoot up heroin, fentanyl or insufflate or smoke opioids.
Canadia doesn’t have huge bird eating spiders, or birds that can kill you.
It does have giant snow weasels though.
Yeah, call me a Pedant.
The rules for the Berlin Olympics were that there was to be no recognition of athlete’s performances by the official parties.
Owens was frank about it:
He had been used politically by the U.S. Press and Hitler had gone out of his way to congratulate him privately.
It’s confirmed: 96.3% of world leaders are certifiably insane.
Only 3.7% Of Global Leaders Are Optimistic About The Future (& They’re Almost All Terrified Of ‘Climate’) (4 Feb)
And this is why we are getting totalitarianism shoved down our throats, because they know very well the population will not freeze in the dark and eat bugs voluntarily.
The Beetrooter mischief making on the backbench. Surely not this salt of the earth family man.
Retard-Ed follows up his full throated defense of the KKK disenfranchising Negros with a little Hitler apologetics.
Weve hit levels of Mong that shouldnt be possible
The barrister continued that Coke had added: “If theeves [sic] come to a man’s house to rob him, or murder, and the owner or his servants kill any of the theeves in defence of himself and his house, it is no felony, and he shall lose nothing.”
If only that were still so.
Even if one were to accept some sort of control over private citizen’s rights to own guns, I can’t see how it can be argued against every freehold landowner with no convictions for serious violent crimes having a legally enshrined right to own a firearm kept on the property for self-defence.
Dr Faustussays:
February 5, 2022 at 5:36 pm
Canada is full of the following:
Canadia doesn’t have huge bird eating spiders, or birds that can kill you.
Canadia also doesn’t have highly poisonous snakes.
An acquaintance, as a Canadian soldier, attended the Staff College there. As was the custom, other Commonwealth and allied soldiers also attended. In the field one day, a snake (harmless) appeared. The Africans (familiar with lots of violently lethal snakes) headed for the nearest tree and climbed up. My acquaintance strolled over, picked it up, wandered into the scrub and threw it away.
The Africans thought he was a hero, and bought him lots of beers during the rest of the course.
I think you’ve been sucked in with clever Photoshopping: the Canucks pretend these things exist to impress the tourists.
Groogs you were given some quality trolling of Miss Tame. Do better.
Only 3.7% Of Global Leaders Are Optimistic About The Future (& They’re Almost All Terrified Of ‘Climate’)
Iv got some bad news Bruce.
The only one optimistic was Joe Biden.
Here’s a big shout out to those Cats who mentioned Fehlbergs fine foodstuffs the other day.
Dinner will consist of a Jalapeno and Chili Pizza, courtesy of one of their recipes – and no, pineapple will not be making a guest appearance. 🙁
Sorry, JC and Gab.
Dot says:
February 5, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Opioids aren’t the devil.
It was good when you could get low dose codeine in a pharmacy, some deadshit loser begged Ray Hadley etc to get it banned for years, their campaign worked, now everyone else must suffer.
Wasn’t the reason given the over-prescribing by doctors of the strong ones eg endone etc?
Doctors over prescribe but we suffer for it.
Sounds delish Rabz, will check it out.
Soooo you’re saying picking middle order players as openers is not ideal? Is there another example of this you can point to?
Bahahahahahaaaaaa. Ahahaa.
It really fills you with confidence, when you live in rural Australia, and ring the police to report trespassers, on the property.
The nearest manned station was two hundred kilometers away.
No Dot, Big Pharma & their Middle Men (who over prescribe them to deadly and society destroying levels*), Medical Professionals, are.
That was clearly covered in the clip. Well, clear to clear headed people.
*mmm, wasn’t it you amongst others who so stupidly tried to argue that enemy nations didn’t use highly addictive drugs to weaken the nations they aimed at taking control of.
Fehlberg’s certainly have some very yummy products and recipes – new culinary horizons
Why are these blokes who put on a dress called transexuals?
If they haven’t been de-nutted & de-dicked, they are transvestites.
Tints – I even blundered up to the local Woolies this afternoon to procure a jar of these.
Forgot to take a face nappie and funnily enough, no one gave a rodent’s.
Being unvaccinated I haven’t bothered trying to get service at anywhere where I’m banned.
I’m told the Greenwood tavern is Fort Knox
Mate reckons the other night despite security at main entrance repeatedly asked if vaxxed in northern suburbs pub.
Was asked to show mask exemption today in the pro-shop at golf but they don’t even read it when shown!
The mass psychosis is still big here in Perth IMHO
Because when your communist government decides to round you up for ‘quarantine, monitoring, public safety and re-education’ purposes, they don’t want you to be able to fight back…
Also, about 70% of the people in the woolies were either not wearing a face nappie or not wearing one in the prescribed covid karen manner.
The collective idiocy appears to be dying in the backside – and about bloody time as well. 🙂
The beet-rooter is a fucktard for sending that text; but who was the shit-head who released the text to Brittany who is now proceeding with the rape accusation against some klutz who went with her to parliament house and got naked.
China’s fentanyl and other dangerous drug precursors, shipped to Central & South American Nations run by Cartels sending their drugs into the US to make a hopeless mess of the Americans they’re milking blind with the help of American Politicians indebted to China et al, was one of the key reasons behind Trump (along with 22 Nations), sending the largest fighting fleets into those Central & South American waters.
It was one of the most ignored, most important jobs Trump did … and I almost hope dicks like Dot think it failed & is over …
Dr Faustussays:
February 5, 2022 at 5:31 pm
Great rant, Doc F! Totally agree.
Best man and I often exchange stories of nannying trumping commonsense from the articles that we read: MacDonalds sued by customer who was burnt by hot coffee, to name just one. (Outcome: big payout and Maccas must serve coffee at much cooler temp, spoiling the experience for everyone else.)
Then there are the user manuals. BM says that in the Tradies world the slim, precise booklet of yore has had to expand to a major tome to compensate for the stupidity of a few cretins. Same with household goods: warnings to be careful because electric kettles get hot, or to avoid immersing a toaster in water.
It alarms me that there really are people out there who are so stupid that they need these cautions. But it alarms me more that Government is keen to jump in with over-kill regulations to nanny these half-wits, as though they are the majority and no-one is capable of self reliance and responsibility.
When they face some real opposition it will be popcorn time.
And don’t worry about “oh, our press isn’t like Fleet Street”.
Most of the influential cricket commentators are Langer’s contemporaries and love the droning little bugger.
And they know the names of all of those who wielded the knives.
I didn’t know the COIVD vaccines were highly addictive.
No, i’m saying that Wadey was selected for what he had done batting at 5 or 6.
Opening with him was a slap in the face to the Selectors, the Board, the team, Wadey and everyone else.
Langer’s history was that he was selected as a top/middle order batsman against W.I. in the 92/93 Series, failed, and worked his way back into the side, after many years, as an Opener.
That’s great for him, but Wadey was selected to play in the Middle Order, he’s made Test centuries there before and Langer behaved like an arsehole.
Tinta – surprised you aren’t doing your own pickling. I used to have a jar of those red salad onion rings in the fridge over summer with a beer and for sandwiches. Might not be needed now.
Not Perfesser von Wrongsolen, presumably.
The chilli pickled onions are nice too.
The homebrand Coles sliced jalapenos are also very good, and cheap. The Fehlbergs ones are a gnat’s whisker better though, and are the best I’ve found.
Who else but Scotty Morrison.
Higgins was all over the Front Pages back then, Scotty’s goons had an interest in monitoring her communications, and he sat on it until he needed it.
Who remembers the Scott is a Psycho texts anymore?
No doubt the golden triangle can use synthetic drugs instead of plant derived drugs, but a lot of illicit stuff is made in the US, stolen, it was invented by J&J and is still made by them.
It is also a totally legitimate drug for terminal cancer patients and so on.
Food of the Gods and all round taste sensation. Thank goodness I’ve managed to avoid being blessed with bat flu.
Can’t beat my mum’s pickled jalapenos though. Spiced with I don’t know what spices, several of them, and cut longitudinally rather than crosswise. She’d do me a quart jar from time to time, which would last quite a while. Just yum.
Core of my heart, my cuntry!
[sorry Dorothy]
Well, yourself Eddles, obviously.
Being called a liar isn’t the deal breaker the Private School educated Press Club members think it is.
Scotty has turned it to his advantage by leaking, then forgiving BarnaDroog.
Yeah, it’s cruel, so he probably is a psycho, but it’s still funny.
Just quietly, i’m predicting he’ll do a lot more leaking closer to the election.
The black and green Mambas are not only highly venomous but also very aggressive.
Knuckles, Panzer* – the sacking of poor ol’ Langer – what say you?
*Or anyone else with a view on this regrettable incident
“He actually “reached out” to Britanny ‘Iggins via a third party.
He would have known this would have become public at some point.
This is precisely what I mean about him playing the Canbra game, whilst his missus feeds the chooks via the Daily Tele.
They are both taking the piss.
He knew his ‘support for Britnah’ would circulate around the Canbra press gallery and grease the media rails when the time came for him to knife McCormack.”
Yep…Barnabus’ text is actually a lot more revealing than the PVArselon’s text during the week. Interesting that he reached out to Miss Iggins……..he was obviously trying to curry favour.
Next week, Calli will start eating onions.
Just call them trannies and avoid any confusion. Freaks will do as well.
Bob Falkenburg, the guy with the 100 mph serve, couldn’t recall his name a coupla weeks ago.
Anyway, he died a coupla weeks ago, aged 95.
Budge Patty, Manuel Santana, Tony Trabert and Darlene Hard also died last year.
4 Wimbledon Champs croaked in a year?
Is that excessive?
Also, Vic Seixas [Champ in 1953] is 98, appealing for help paying Hospital Bills in California.
Been sacked, has he?
Whereas that foul syphilitic ol’ geriatric corruptocrat can’t recall what his name is, what office he holds, what day it is or what planet he’s on.
Trigger warning: Drooling ol’ incontinent cretin
Whoa up there cohenite.
No-one ‘released’ the texts.
Beetrooter sent a text to a third party saying, “Pass on to Britnah that I know Morrison is … yada, yada”
He actively got involved in something which was being exploited to beat the Coalition over the head.
He’s a fucking slimeball.
. Rabz gonna have to get me some to make jalopenos, chilli and manchengo pull-aparts –
Warming up the choir.
The Beetrooter and GladBag are going to be star performers in the ALP campaign – certainly the most authentic.
Disgusting turd.
I’ve always said it is all about maximising Beetrooter’s income and prestige.
Recognising that he is, in fact, a c**t, he was desparately trying get in the good books with Mrs Bandana, the ABC and the Canbra press gallery so they would forget what a c**t he is.
“Why are these blokes who put on a dress called transexuals?
Good question, in fact many are actually autogynephiliacs, men who get sexually aroused by putting on a frock , make up, lipstick, high heel shoes and who strut about pretending to be a woman. It’s a fetish, a fetish that’s being normalised in our corrupt and degraded society. It shows just how much our society has fallen.
Good Lord.
Don’t go there.
“Freaks will do as well.”
I prefer the word “perverts”.
“freehold landowner with no convictions for serious violent crimes having a legally enshrined right to own a firearm kept on the property for self-defence.”
It’s worse than that, in Vic at least, you are not permitted to carry anything for self defence, nothing. The only ones permitted to do so are agents of the state.
Ah yes, but he was in a different “headspace” at the time.
Look, if these repulsive imbeciles want to abuse each other incessantly then fine – I just object (profoundly) to them taking their inadequacies (which are many) out on us.
Go and find a yapdog to kick (hint – Johnny Depp and his erstwhile missus may have some available).
No, they are scared of being blamed for climate. It may usher in a fate worse than death for them- eviction from the trough.
It’s exactly the same desperate parasite mentality that has driven these tyrants to make our lives a misery for over 2 years. They must keep us “safe” to avoid blame for the faux calamity that may take their jobs.
Despicable vermin they all are.
KD – he’s “walked” to use the cricketing parlance.
Re my earlier comment on the UAP meeting last evening, someone asked ‘Can anyone tell me a major policy difference between the Libs and Labor (Federal)?”. There was mainly silence, but one bloke said ” The Libs want 36% target for their net zero and Labor wants 40%?.
Can anyone here tell me the major policy differences between Lib and Labor? There may be some minor and disregarded philosophical difference but actual policies, not much.
I’m pretty sure that’s the same in every state…
The best thing that most people can get away with in their car is a Mag Light or a crowbar.
Private citizens in Australia are not legally allowed to ‘be prepared to defend themselves’ in any way.
Even funnier is that body armour is classed as a ‘prohibited weapon’ under the national firearms agreement.
Interesting how many old Tennis players live so long nowadays..
Budge Patty was 97, famous for the 1950 Final against Drobny, before TieBreaks, the fifth Set lasted about 38 game.
Bill Tilden only made it to 60, tho there were lifestyle issues there.
Beryl Penrose also died as did John Sidwell at 101.
3:22 of Tennis players who died in 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx7S42U-qMs
And none of them died of the Vaccine, thank you very much.
We do quartered red onions; strong vinegar pickle, one or two birds-eye chillies, a whole allspice, teaspoon of coriander seeds, and two cloves to a large jar.
With rollmops on crisp bread.
And beers.
I say Crickit is headed for a for a period not unlike that experienced by Australian men’s tennis in the last twenty years.
Loaded with dickhead under-achievers like Phillipousis, Kyrgios and, to a lesser extent, Kokinakis.
Occasional flashes of brilliance, but no work ethic and no consistency.
I was having a laugh at Kyrgios winning the doubles last week.
Getting accolades for being tipped out of the singles in the third round and winning something no-one gives a shit about – doubles.
Ranked below #100 in singles when he should be top 30 and seeded in top tournaments.
Embracing mediocrity.
Apparently the Truckers have replaced GFM with GiveSendGo.
It’s brilliant, every strategy employed by the authotities or their cronies gets immediately outmanoeuvered by the protestors.
The best comment I’ve read to date – “the authorities don’t know these people, they are shocked that ordinary folk can be resourceful, highly organised, self disciplined, and very determined”. “They are even more shocked that the protestors are impervious to media hysterics”.
Government orcs have no understanding that whole sectors of society organise and prosecute their lives in spite of Government, not because of it.
Go you beautiful thing.
Ominous comment on the Lotus Eaters that even if the the protesters win this round, the authorities will relentlessly devote themselves to destroying their economic base, their culture and their access to public services.
They are committed, they must win.
oh but I do H.B Bear but it is really hard to come by jalopenos – well sufficient to have some left over to pickle — I usually bake them filled with a savoury stuffing of ricotta – what a treat — I pickle radishes and now I have a crop of cucumbers that are just magnificent — my dear Sunbather has been impressed with the crop and has been reading up on the ‘net that the flowers have to be pollinated and was asking if I’d seen bees — I have seen a few and some butterflies but he said that he needed a little paintbrush to do the pollinating to help Nature along —
Tada!!! handed him a tiny paintbrush and it was such a hoot to see him out there doing the pollinating. I love that guy and the crop is now doing quite well. Pickling will happen when the crop becomes too much to eat or give away. They are the telegraph cucumbers delicious just quartered and put with a few halved cherry tomatoes, olive oil, red wine vinegar and topped with crumbled feta — mwwwwha delish!
Beetrooter sent a text to a third party saying, “Pass on to Britnah that I know Morrison is … yada, yada”
Is that right. The beet-rooter attempts 3 dimensional chess and gets his head stuck up his clacker.
I’m afraid I draw the line well short of rollmops. Maybe if you’ve been snowed in for 6 months.
Dads wife does a great pickled cucumber.
The local market gardens thin out their cucumber plants and chuck out thousands of tiny 1″ cukes.
She does them in brine, fish sauce, sugar and chili mix.
Got to balance the brine and sugar though or its a bit too salty.
Shallots get the same treatment, very nice.
Someone came up with an excellent idea of cutting the US murder rate by 80% through gun control.
Ban demonrats from owning guns as they commit 80% of murders and crime in America. That’s a really neat idea I think.
Labor has been determined to completely fuck Australia over since 1972 and they’ve spent 22 of the last 50 years doing it.
The Liberal Party just want everything to run smoothly and considering the 22 years of fucking that Labor has done to Australia, the Liberals have done a reasonably good job.
Tintarella di Luna says:
February 5, 2022 at 6:58 pm
Have you smoked jalapenos? As in not inhaling but in a smoker. Excellent whe incorporated into many dishes.
Ed, I hate to use invective and I do try to be civil but you are in the top three of dickheads that post here. No further correspondence will be entered into. There’s no need you have made the case clear.
That is worrying because I saw a doco on why modern generals in the US armed forces don’t compare to the quality seen in WW2. Marshall stipulated that the generals and colonels must be optimists. Pessimistic politicians won’t bother trying to improve things instead they will divert their energy to preserving their power.
I get around that by trying to conceive what is his purpose here and why he even bothers commenting so much only to be shot down again and again. I rarely read his posts but I note the responses. He’s a strange fish.
See Groogs? Do better.
Give me a fucking break.
I will not be lectured about ‘standards’ and ‘lying’ by this man.
I will not.
This bloke who was rooting the help behind his missus’ back.
Whose missus only found out about it when pictures of the pregnant girlfriend were plastered all over the paper.
And then they both put it out there that the marriage was long over before the rooting of the help started.
Where was the standard “We have separated. Respect our privacy” joint statement three-six months prior?
So don’t talk to me about lying, Bananaby.
White trash.
Only in it to pay the divorce settlement and the private school fees for the second batch of sprogs.
HB, competition is good. Let’s see if another contender throws his hat in the ring.
No, they are female impersonators, just like they used to be before we got pc. Or female misappropriators perhaps.
You have acquiesced to the one true faith; that is, put sitting members last.
Thank heavens my eating window is now closed — mmmm that sounds very appetising Dr Faustus.
This is what I mean about him talking out of both corners of his mouth.
Him sucking up to the Canbra press gallery and bride #2 publishing articles to pump up the rural base.
I reckon he has wildly mis-judged the electorate here.
I think he was on probation with voters over his sordid affair with the help.
Having a bit of a vent and bagging ScoMo to a colleague might be one thing.
But “reaching out” to Britnah is something else altogether.
Putting sitting members last will put an end to this scum. The earth will be cleansed with electoral fire, Insh’allah my brother.
It is entirely possible that my ballot paper might have the sitting member last.
But it will be due to my analysis of the candidates, not through following the Faulty voting method.
Thanks to the shooter’s party, in NSW the government has to prove you were not in fear of your life/bodily harm should you defend yourself. Everywhere else you’ve got to prove you were. It’s a small difference, but a very significant one.
Of course if you’re dumb enough to have something handy to defend yourself and admit it they will throw the book at you and you’ll struggle.
“Sancho Panzersays:
February 5, 2022 at 7:23 pm
You have acquiesced to the one true faith; that is, put sitting members last.
It is entirely possible that my ballot paper might have the sitting member last.
But it will be due to my analysis of the candidates, not through following the Faulty voting method.”
Yep….here in Wentworth I will be putting Allegra Spender last and the Greens second last.
100 hours in photoshop
‘Just vote the sitting members last”
Well, yes. Let us turn to the incomparable Doug and Dinsdale Piranha for guidance:
Custard (or anybody).
This claim that Pence could have overturned the result of the 2020 election.
What is the explicit Constitutional or legislative provision under which he could have done so?
“How Many More Until We’re All Grieving” – 28-Year-Old Woman Speaks Out After Suffering Functional Neurological Disorder Following Pfizer Vaccination
Delta A
It alarms me that there really are people out there who are so stupid that they need these cautions. But it alarms me more that Government is keen to jump in with over-kill regulations to nanny these half-wits, as though they are the majority and no-one is capable of self reliance and responsibility.
There is something to be said for letting Darwinism take its natural course.
I think Trump was suggesting that Pence could have refused to to sign off on the state’s tabulations that were considered iffy. Pence maintains he tried to avoid a constitutional crisis.
The new movie out, 2000 Mules could be a game changer.
Calli falls into the misspellers pit trap…
Someone didn’t see the Hancock’s Half Hour episode on emigration to Canadia.
Australia One news.
I received a ‘despatch’ at about mornos yesterday. Bosi’s local patsy was holding an ‘information session’ this afternoon, and the venue was an extremely posh and accordingly high-priced, A Grade harbourside restaurant.
Two hours later – second ‘despatch’.
No it is not at the restaurant itself. It is actually at a small park next to it.
No it will not be catered.
No it will not be catered from the extremely expensive restaurant.
Jog on, people.
Gee why does this sound exactly like the Australian Conservatives psy – op?
Cassie of Sydneysays:
February 5, 2022 at 6:46 pm
“Freaks will do as well.”
I prefer the word “perverts”.
Since many of them seem not to have been – “adjusted” – perhaps preverts might be more accurate?
This restaurant’s so posh and high-priced, they’re replacing the pebblecrete out front with sandstone.
Community furore after police stop St Bernadette’s Glendalough church service to check masks
Not surprising it happened in Perth. Apologies if it has been posted up thread.
This is unprecedented in the west.
Election Wizard ?
BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief says the department will investigate and prosecute any officer who provides support to the ‘Freedom Convoy,’ including giving the truckers food and water.
Ed Casesays:
February 5, 2022 at 7:04 pm
Can anyone here tell me the major policy differences between Lib and Labor? There may be some minor and disregarded philosophical difference but actual policies, not much.
Labor has been determined to completely fuck Australia over since 1972 and they’ve spent 22 of the last 50 years doing it.
The Liberal Party just want everything to run smoothly and considering the 22 years of fucking that Labor has done to Australia, the Liberals have done a reasonably good job.
I think that we should accept Dick Ed’s claim that McClown is nicknamed Snickers, not Sneakers. This leaves the nickname Sneakers available for someone who is so far up Scummo’s arse that only the soles of his sneakers are visible.
Respectable turn out in Canberra today.
What I find most delicious is the ultra tame 151% vaccinated Canberrans suddenly being inundated with hardened Victoria, NSW and QLD protestors bringing the protest energy to that weird sleepy, sniffy bunker-mentality town.
Monday’s Canberra Times: “The proles are revolting!”.
mizaris says:
February 5, 2022 at 7:12 pm
If they haven’t been de-nutted & de-dicked, they are transvestites.
No, they are female impersonators, just like they used to be before we got pc. Or female misappropriators perhaps.
When I was a kid, we called them “cross-dressers “, the fancy name for which is “transvestite “.
We considered female impersonators to be professional entertainers eg drag queens etc
Err, presumably, the girlfriend in question and her father* will not be in any mood to post comments or penetrating journalistic pieces here again.
What I love about this blog is the total lack of respect shown to those who think they deserve it, e.g. politicians, sportspeople, corporate parasites and globalist hitlerist numpties.
There needs to be a lot more of it, the Beetrooter’s anti-troll legislation be buggered – up the fundament with the proverbial rough end of the pineapple**.
*Who is a decent bloke blessed with much good ol’ fashioned Ozzie larrikinism including a tendency to take the piss out of woke imbeciles.
**Which will never bless any pizza I hoover in my lifetime, evah … 🙂
Custard (or anybody).
This claim that Pence could have overturned the result of the 2020 election.
What is the explicit Constitutional or legislative provision under which he could have done so?
The Electoral Count Act. It arguably gave pence extensive power to reject dubious state results. The demorats are now seeking to amend the act, hence Trump’s claim that this proves Pence did have the power to reject dubious voting results. This is particularly relevant given the current revelations about fraud.
Re. Barnabus Juice and his text……as Calli said earlier…
“I’m stunned that a politician would write such a comment and send it to someone.
Unless they wanted it to be leaked.
Normal adults don’t do this sort of thing.”
I’m not surprised. These people are not NOT adults, they’re verminous parasites.
Do I feel sorry for Scumbag? Nope, he’s receiving a big dose of karma, he didn’t stand by Kelly or Porter or Christensen. You reap what you sow.
That roadside wombat, Paul “Fatso” Murray.
February 5, 2022 at 7:46 pm
This is unprecedented in the west.
Election Wizard ?
BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief says the department will investigate and prosecute any officer who provides support to the ‘Freedom Convoy,’ including giving the truckers food and water.
R sole.
I am trying to get to the source legislation and/or Constitutional provisions.
I understand “The Electoral Act” is what Trump is relying on to say Pence should have intervened.
Some questions.
.1 I am reading that Pence’s role as President of the Senate is one of a presider not a decider.
.2 As a presider does he have any scope to intervene?
.3 If so, can he intervene where he suspects or knows there is improper practice among or between EC candidates?
.4 If there is no impropriety among EC candidates, can he deep dive into the actual ballot for President in selected states?
.5 Is his presider role defined by the Constitution or the Electoral Act? If it is the Constitution, how explicit are his powers? If the Electoral Act, what odds SCOTUS might declare those powers unconstitutional if exercised?
February 5, 2022 at 7:52 pm
This leaves the nickname Sneakers available for someone who is so far up Scummo’s arse that only the soles of his sneakers are visible.
That roadside wombat, Paul “Fatso” Murray.
I had in mind someone much closer to us electronically.
I meant to comment on that too.
I don’t buy that as prima facie evidence.
I see announcements by the ‘rats that they are amending the Electoral Count Act as part of the “we dodged a bullet” narrative.
I would like to see the precise wording of the anendment and what it is replacing.
I genuinely have no view on this.
I want to get to source documentation.
Not what Nancy or Joe says or what Donald says.
Its telling that Pence claims he didn’t have the authority yet the Dems are trying to change the rules to prevent a VP from doing the same (reject the college votes)
At the sasme time you ask yourself why would the Dems do that knowing that this would be a lever of power they would most certainly exert thenmselves.
The wry twist?
bio-fueled pineapple drivers R us
Yes, also when they started to sue pubs for the damage caused by patrons on their drive home. Seemed to kick off after the no win no fee thing came in.
Not fussy either way Rabz.
But if they do, they had better be prepared for some robust questioning if they start defending the fat fuck’s behaviour … on a range of fronts.
See above Custard.
The ‘rats are running a strong “we dodged a bullet” narrative.
Posturing about Jan 6, putting up fences around the Capitol and announcing amendments to the Electoral Count Act is all part of their mid-term “we saved the Republic” narrative.
So, what are the precise amendments?
Just inserting the (possibly redundant) words “the VP cannot overturn the election” doesn’t mean much if those powers were excluded anyway.
Was pinged once and did a manual code in as the usual Winston Smith 0427 198422.
I’m actually enjoying the manual check ins. The ones I am doing at the moment are ‘supervised’ so can’t be avoided.
Tes Teacle got a run last night.
what are they gonna prosecute them for … misplaced Duty to Rescue?
It’s all getting a little bit too Bloshie now.
this is no longer a game
They certainly were that. The account I’ve been reading of 3rd Div in PNG is fun: the Americans agreed to land a battalion at Nassau Bay south of Salamaua…it was a very entertaining story. Most of the casualties they suffered were own goals and the Aussies were warned to stay far away from the American perimeter after dusk (see the black comedic tale of woe here, from p95).
Yet a month or two later the US infantry were fighting like tigers very effectively. That seems common with US guys, they start with giant egos and hopeless on-the-ground ability then rapidly go up a learning curve to become rather good.
The number of sudden death of athletes in these two years is staggering, now finally to investigate the evidence, the truth is about to be revealed with the world !
It’s time to verify MILES GUO’s warning again ????
Carl Benjamin
Every time.
“Since many of them seem not to have been – “adjusted” – perhaps preverts might be more accurate?”
Many are not interested in cutting off their dicks and taking hormones, they think (and they’re now allowed to) that putting on a dress and simply identifying as a woman means that they’re actual women. So the pervert at Wi Spa, who’s had zero work, identifies as a woman, is allowed by management to use the female change rooms, undresses and walks naked around in front of women and children with a FUCKING ERECTION.
Clown world.
no mandatory booster for health workers in nsw, what did Andrews say about listening to experts?
Just read that text.
Long standing opinion apparently.
Pence was chosen because (a) he was considered a terrifying knuckle-dragging Christian with hair all over and a Bible too big to be carried around in anything less than a pickup truck, and (b) was plugged into the RNC old boys network. That did two useful things for Trump: deter the Dems from deposing him and keep the RNC reasonably on side. Unfortunately when his life-test came Pence bugged out.
Yo – the pizza is in the oven, peoples! 🙂
If ever there was a time to be wearing red shoes, it is now. Just hope I haven’y overdone it with the jalapenos and chili …
Fuck off, Sargon. “Childless people are not productive”, fuck off pal, you wifed up a single mother, you have no kids.
“Fuck off, Sargon. “Childless people are not productive”, fuck off pal, you wifed up a single mother, you have no kids.”
Carl Benjamin does have children.
The ECA contains many ambiguities as to what the role of the VP is and what powers he has: whether he can reject votes, whether, as happened , he can choose which votes submitted from a state are valid if more then one set of electoral college votes are received, whether he can consider claims of fraud and so on. Because of that vagueness Trump can claim pence did have the right while RINOs and the demorats say he did not. Historically the ECA was created to solve stalemates in the vote counting process. There is no doubt the ECA is ambiguous but since pence was and is a creature of convention there was never any doubt he would stray from that convention. Which personifies the problem with the GOP and conservatives: they still believe there are rules when those rules have been fractured. That pence did not reject tainted votes simply restates the problem: which is the demorats cheat and break the rules while the GOP play by those rules.
cross-dressers ?
it’s about power.
from Baudrillaird to Foucault
you’re watching forlorn submission played out
the triumph of the alleged dickless in wymynsys sport?
best 0-0 game of round-balls ever
Oh, he wanted it to be leaked.
He wanted it to be leaked “inside the beltway” (as the wankers in Canbra who watch too much West Wing like to call Canbra), and he wanted the leak to that group to be attributed to him, to earn kudos as a supporter of Britnah.
He knew it would probably eventually leak more widely, but was counting on that being attributed to “a senior LNP minister”, damaging ScoMo but keeping his support for Brittnah under wraps.
I reckon Beetrooter will cop more of a backlash from those who matter (i.e. potential LNP voters) than ScoMo will.
Too smart by half.
Had a bizarre Aussie moment late this arvo when I first heard the news on the 6pm broadcast at my local news agency. I just shook my head assuming the Chinese owner would be totally disinterested in the game of flanneled fools and got a first class re-schooling in Australian multiculturalism. He took my head shaking as a signal to start up a fiery, yet charming, Chinglish monologue of the innate stupidity of Cricket Australia and how it would serve the ignorant bastards right if JL decamped to the UK and trained up a winning Ashes team to stick it up the Australians.
In a rare Megan moment I was rendered speechless.
The new movie out, 2000 Mules could be a game changer.
Earlier someone asked for a recipe for Irish Stew.
I thought: don’t wear a mask in church.
Irish Stew in the name of the law!
we make a mexi-spice and add it to the ground beef for nachos.
when there’s some left over we do a pizza in the Big Green Egg
tomato base, add the jalepenos, some minced onion and Valentina’s sauce
then crack an egg in the middle
*manchego cheese of course
“Tainted votes” is, in itself, fraught phrase.
Tainted Electoral College votes?
Or Electoral College votes based on tainted ballot box votes?
And we know some states lowered the bar on acceptable electoral practices, particularly postal.
So, are those votes legally tainted, or merely ethically and morally tainted.
It’s gonna creep a lot of people out, particularly women.
Unless he’d previously met Higgins at work and they knew one another, it sounds like he was chasing a root.
Bluddee hell, that was magnifique … 🙂
Well well well. Now the protesters are in Canberra the abc is putting headlines about it being protests against mandates. You might think they have an agenda or something…..
rosie says:
February 5, 2022 at 8:18 pm
no mandatory booster for health workers in nsw, what did Andrews say about listening to experts?
That’s because the third dose ain’t savin’
The concept that with a booster you can get quite sick but not very sick is total bullshit.
A local family of five had four feeling quite ill except for on kid . All kids double vaxxed and adults tripled.
That’s very reminiscent of natural immunity at work and not the slightest bit like an efficacious vaccine. 20% immunity is the number that immunologists usually work on for a new virus.
The jigs up and the public are getting suspicious.
Hehe, after a bit of rat-catching success yesterday I put out two traps this evening. Sorry ratties, you’re about to be deported from the Cafe.
It’s just started Flannerying though, will wait a bit before taking them down to the reserve.
Glad to be proven wrong Cassie.
Let me explain my beef.
Nikola Tesla helped society more than the surprisingly fecund, Carl “I am so profound” Benjamin ever will.
…and no, unlike BreadTube mongs, I don’t think he’s a fascist.
Carl, recently:
“Essentially, you are absconding your position in the great chain of civilisation…”
“what makes you think you have a right to think you don’t need to uphold civilisation…it’s totally unsustainable, and you’re a selfish piece of shit…”
“it is a moral obligation…if they think they can inherit (the world they live in?)….it is a moral judgment”
Carl is a self satisfied idiot. No one ever asked to be born.
The idea that if you simply open your legs or leave a deposit and that makes you productive belongs in ghettos of intergenerational poverty.
“Carl is a self satisfied idiot.
No, Carl does good stuff
No one ever asked to be born.
I’m glad I was.
Scotty has leaked the Joyce text for sure.
The vquestion now is:
Did Higgins respond, what happened next?
Scotty will have that ready to drop too.
Bottom line:
there’s a lotta votes in bringing Mick back and if they can swing that, then they’re back in the game with a shot.
It’s just started Flannerying though, will wait a bit before taking them down to the reserve.
That’s the first time I’ve heard it called that.
“Where are we going Dr Kevorkian?”
“To the reserve Mrs Smith.”
“srr says:
February 5, 2022 at 2:48 pm
Friend of a friend is looking for work.
Lately they’ve had lots of work in the field of Jabbing of people.
NOW, ‘that all the jabbing work is drying up’, …
So with so many still not Jabbed once, let alone all the 2nd, 3rd, 4th et al they keep threatening us with, what’s the go?”
There’s rosie’s usual little bait & switch; for rosie, NSW is giving up the Jab Mandates for health workers, is “bad” news. They should listen to Daniel Andrews’ ‘experts’ and ignore all the actual experts who’ve long been warning the world to stop with this evil shit –
– that “Wow”, and, “Long standing opinion”, “apparently” [insert eye roll], is yet more Guardian, ‘Sell The Bloody Jabs!’, long standing Marketing From & For Big Pharma & dependant industries & Cartels.
What the actual fuck are you talking about ussr?
The reference to “the texts” has absolutely nothing to do with whatever you are banging on about re Big Pharma Jabs Cartels.
BoN, I know you like your visiting wildlife, and good on you for looking after your visitors, but why are you letting rats loose in the bush?
I would have thought a quick bash with the back of a shovel would be a better outcome.
A question for the farmers.
I’m reading “Entangled Life” which is in part about the intricate relationship between fungi and plants. 90% of plants are dependent on fungi. Fungi is extensive throughout soils and helps provide nutrients(especially phosphorous), prevents erosion because of all the extensions of fungi, helps maintain water retention and other stuff.
Is there is any attention paid to the role of fungi in modern agriculture?
Such is the richness of my social life on this Saturday I’m off to the gym and will return in a couple of hours. I will appreciate input upon my return. Thanks.
I suspect it’s the Unions they are listening to.
Chances are the health workers and nurses unions, their members have dug in their heels for number 3 and the health system cannot afford to sack 50%+ of it’s staff right now. They’re already struggling after losing roughly 10% who told them to stick it already.
Catholicus Romanus ????
Project fear
The Fourth Estate has gone missing in action on Covid
Ramesh Thakur
Project fear | The Spectator Australia
There is an old joke that a courtier journalist who was currying Pontius Pilate’s favour witnessed Jesus walking on water and filed his story under the heading ‘Jesus…
A state court in PA said the legislation upon which universal mail-in was authorized was unconstitutional. The legislature in WI has said that directions by the WI Electoral Commission re absentee voting were contrary to state law. This was alleged in Nov 2020. Pence could have asked that this be specifically addressed and answered before he accepts the EC votes from those states. The same coyld have been asked re AZ, GA, and elsewhere.
fungus stops global warming
and farmers are so dumb with their Ag degrees and stuff that they never heard of fungus
Is there is any attention paid to the role of fungi in modern agriculture
Mainly in controlling the tissue destroying types with chemicals.
Bacterial inoculants are widely used for legumes and some brews are used to stimulate root growth but the results are nothing startling.
Minimum tillage should enhance fungi in the soil as cultivation breaks up and dries out spores. On the other hand fungicides leaching from the crop canopy would do the opposite.
Beneficial fungi are well known to Ag science but so far there’s little commercial benefit from propagating them.
There is doubt what power Pence had under the Act to veto EC votes.
I mean, I am trying to look at what the strict legal position was, not what I would like to have happened.
Two things:-
.1 The legislative position seems opaque, at best;
.2 This was unprecedented territory
| FVCK DAN ANDREWS ||l “”|””\ ,_ _
|______________ __|||__||]
Honk Honk
The more the merrier.
Same for bacteria.
Fungi prefer a slightly more acidic environment while bacteria tend to do better in neutral to alkaline conditions.
As Gez said above, zero till cropping is the go.
we await your deep legal insights
Pedro – I can’t put lethal traps out because I’d catch birdies. Tried one of these traps on indian mynahs but caught southern male magpie by the neck instead. Fortunately was able to extract him before he carked.
So catcher traps. They’re very effective, but sorry I can’t kill the critters. Not something I can do these days (beheading ducks for dinner and shooting pigs and rabbits with dad pretty much has done that for me). So they get sent far away where what happens to them is their business, not mine.
This was unprecedented territory
Razey wins the internets
…you belligerent bastard