The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
Sean Spicer was very good. I felt like turning off Bolt but then saw Spicer so watched that.
Fox News is pretty remorseless with respect to slagging off CNN. This is Cat level mockery of that spud Brian Stelter right here.
Is that a Sushi Train?
You’ll notice trains don’t feature in the freedom blockades.
Trucks win!
I hope you tag them Bruce in case one comes back.
Just drop one of the rat poison blocks into the cage and bury the bastards.
Fair enough, Bruce @9.47pm.
You have a kind heart. Respect.
And what would they do if the police changed sides? The tow truck drivers weren’t too keen to follow orders.
In other words, the ambiguity surrounding the matter means it was open to Pence.
And think of Beryl Gladyschlocklian, Albansleazey and Goose Morristeen while you’re swinging the aforementioned implement.
It’s for the best, both yours and the doomed rodent.
Why isn’t Arthur Moses QC going in harder after it emerged that some SAS thought poorly of BRS and resented his VC ? So far it’s been all one way.
Possibly means a very thin basis for action.
Which provisions of the Act do you think Pence could have relied upon, and why?
And what would he have needed to do to make any overturn appeal-proof?
And, just say we conclude (now in 2022) that Pence could have overturned the result of the Electoral College vote?
Where does that leave us?
Vindicated, but empty handed?
On the Faulty Voting Method:
If everyone put their sitting member last, and then voted according to their preference:
In the HoR:
We’d most likely have a Labor government, with perhaps 10 to 12 Green Members.
In the Senate:
Almost impossible to guess. We’d probably have a Mos Eisley Cantina: with Weirdos (personality + single issue groups), Greens, Libs, and Lab in roughly equal numbers – perhaps proportionately more Libs.
I suspect that Faulty was arguing for the end of Australia as we know it.
Luckily for those of us wanting to send a message in a bottle, most people will vote tribe.
1) Pick the least offensive offering from the Turd Smorgasbord;
2) Vote 1 The Rubiks Cube Party – to send your $2.70 somewhere else;
3) Vote Greens last – as a hygiene measure;
4) Vote Ploppy Party of Choice 2nd.
Similar process for the Senate – just follow 127 steps, mixing up Labor and Free Willy candidates, not the preference line.
Or draw artistic genitalia.
Bluddee hell, Bruce – you’re sounding like a goddamn hippee.
They’re vermin, Squire.
I will strike down upon them with great vengeance, furious anger and blunt instruments those rodents who attempt to poison and despoil my humble cottage’s backyard. And they will know I am the resident lord when I bash my vengeful garden implements upon them.
AKA “going medieval on rodents’ backsides”. 🙂
I run with an old Winchester model 06 .22 pump action for rat runs in our chook shed.
clipped a torch to it and it’s perfect for the job.
Cheapest rifle I bought, also the one I’ve had the most fun with 🙂
We already do. They wear Menzies like a skinsuit.
The best thing we can do is cause as much damage the to establishment parties as possible, maximise decent minor party votes and cause utter chaos – 140/150 times, it means the sitting member goes dead last, after the other uniparty rogues.
This, Faustus, is key.
Not doing the lazy “above the line” voting in the Senate.
It takes away the influence of the Glenn Druery (preference whisperer) types, who end up giving us the clusterfuck that is the Victorian Upper House.
Where some Animal Justice fuckwit and a Hookers Party mouthpiece get elected on the back of 2,000 first preference votes in a 350,000 voter electoral region and end up validating six month lock-ups.
Greens Party senators?
Ambiguity presents opportunity. Pence doesn’t need to present a juridical argument. He simply refers to the relevent section of the Act, the relevant allegations made by one of the Senators or members of Congress, and ask that the state legislators address the matter satisfactorily. The means were available but the man was deficient. The forces arrayed against any such move were tremendous, that’s why I previously characterized this as a Rubicon moment. In such a circumstance you need a character like Caesar, not Pence.
I endorse voting below the line in the Senate, fill in every square, put the major parties last, sitting members dead last, major party scrubs random, second last only to sitting members.
Dot Faulty.
Things I am not putting in front of Labor or Liberal.
.1 Greens.
.2 Animal Justice.
.3 TReason Party.
.4 Whatever the fuck Hinch’s outfit is called this week.
Without an excuse the next time.
Which is?
And, again, let’s assume Pence could have rolled Biden.
Exactly where does that leave us right now?
Who Locked You Up, “Sancho”….?
Whatever, Do Whatever You Like….
I’m finding it interesting that two of the witnesses giving the most damaging testimony have been certified against self incrimination. Also, in any unit, let alone an elite unit like Special Air Service Regiment, would anybody prepared to testify against a fellow member of that unit, to back the word of the vultures of the Press, have any future in that unit? “Be down at the Orderly Room, applying for a posting out – any time in the next twenty minutes will be fine.”
surely its obvious now?
Not to mention I was pointing out that Andrews bs about following the ‘expert advice’ about mandating boosters was somewhat undermined by the NSW decision.
And yes I was referring to the Joyce text, Mrs Norris.
those pesky investors
Exactly where does that leave us right now?
Welcome, everything looking rather shiny. More pieces of the puzzle to come it seems.
Drop the rats off at the closest aged care facility.
Nothing comes out of there alive.
you’re never empty handed Sancho
And the best outcome of those puzzle pieces would be what exactly?
Is it to get The Donald back in the Oval Office?
Is it to discredit the ‘rats for the mid-terms? If so, how does turning the guns on Pence help do that?
Is it to get some sort of belated pyrrhic victory for The Orange One?
Patience Sancho
I went to a (very small) exhibition of Islamic art inside the chapel of the penitents bleu which the church surrendered back to the state in 1974, about 20 metres from what should have been the entrance to the cathedral, you do wonder why it was necessary to have another church so close.
I think there are about eight or nine churches and chapels within 500 metres of the cathedral.
I also found the chapel of the penitents blancs which might have previously been part of an Augustine monastery, now apparently the home of traditional Catholics, formerly known as SSPX, where I attended the last bit of a mass.
As Chrisl mentioned the market is gorgeous, beautifully presented fresh and cooked food, with lots of people settlee in enjoying meals and drinks at the stand up restaurants around the place.
Lots of tourists in town for le weekend, not surprisingly, many are Spanish.
It’s happening?
Tune in to Hannity tomorrow?
Exactly where is this Rosie?
Both sides of the Canal du Midi are a maze of narrow streets and bulging medieval houses, I haven’t worked out how far you can walk along the current street level of the via dormitia but the sign says it once took you all the way from Spain to Italy.
In Narbonne home of the unfinished cathedral. The government sign says it never will be finished. I hope they are wrong
The wolves are out (the Hun):
I knew it. People of substance to date who have publicly said this state of affairs is shithouse:
Ricky Ponting
Brad Hogg
Steve Waugh
Mitchell Johnson
Damien Martyn
Matthew Hayden
Andrew Strauss (head of the ECB, and who is about to offer Langer the English coach’s gig)
The song Dots parents played to him instead of happy birthday
I was right. Sargon was being a mong.
Tesla and Mother Theresa were so damned…selfish!
Thanks Farmer Gez and 132and Bush.
Given what I’ve learned today I thought it wouldn’t be ignored but perhaps some more attention to the issue might be beneficial. Don’t know, need to take that up with the relevant bods.
Matrix: ya never know because plants donate carbon to the root dwelling fungi. The roots of plants can be riddled with fungi and that is a good thing for the plant. At a broader level it illustrates how little we understand the extent of symbiosis in life. We are inclined to think of all these species competing with each other when the reality is much more complex. Without our microbiome we’d be dead in a week. Most plants without fungi will experience a similiar fate.
The Taxpayer funded replacement Liver Pardee
Ambiguity presents an excellent opportunity for chaos. All hell would have broken loose if Pence disqualified the election. Pence chose a safer course.
Spacebunny Day
Serious question, if we are not at war in a very real physical sense where you can be cannon fodder, and you are a man making excuses not to get married and have a family because “marriage is stacked against men” or some such nonsense – then of what use are you cowards to society and the future?
Thought some people here might get a little giggle, or even a titter, out of this:
Mole, it may not be fair to take the piss out of personages who have spent most of their life languishing in a Kampuchean jungle, Squire.
Then again, it just might be.
No. Libs have to be last. Australia can only survive if those fuckers are destroyed. Utterly.
shut up you mong
Responsibility without authority is slavery.
You ought to reflect on this under the Tree of Woe.
Apt, as Mr Bunny appears to be a first-class moon unit.
It’s precisely the contempt and arrogance demonstrated by your question that is causing men to walk away.
Take the case of Ben Roberts Smith:
A man who would be considered the peak of what men should aspire do, does what is demanded/expected of him by his society/government, only to be thrown under the bus and dragged through the mud when it becomes politically convenient.
Men are expected to sacrifice everything for ‘society’ to then be rewarded with that society taking a giant shit on their head and they are supposed to smile and nod while it happens…
Men are turning their backs on society as they feel there is no reward for ‘doing the right thing’ and in many ways, that the society they are in is no longer worth sacrificing for.
I shall do just that sir. Good night and good luck.
John H,
if you didn’t smoke so many bongs you wouldn’t be amazed my so much inane shiite
If you don’t place your genitals in that bear trap I can trigger any time I wish you are a failed man.
/ stdbunny
Spacebunny is a hideous 45 year old pog, liberally spread over her couch in size 40 yoga pants and upset because no bloke gives it the time of day.
Janey Birkin* and Serge Gogiburans
A love story almost as epic as that of Miss Ellie and a certain personage (who shall remain unmentionable).
*She was half English, so that seemingly impossible combination of Anglo/Françoise, sacré bleu. 😕
Punter Ponting:-
Puts Pat in a difficult position, eh?
Fuck off!
He’s the captain.
He could try telling them to stick to playing cricket or tell their story walking.
Captain Grumpy style.
The coach and captain four years ago in South Africa didn’t have the balls to yank the chain on the Cheating Houso Ranga and his “ball management” shenanigans.
Now the same fuckwits are calling the shots again.
What could possibly go wrong?
Gee, thanks for that, KD.
see here
KD reminiscing about Christeen again..

Yeah, no. The cottage is not currently stocked with any brain bleach, so there will not be any of that.
There are seven billion people on the planet.
At any given moment, 14.6 million men are spraying sperm around*.
We are not an endangered species.
If some men choose not to impregnate space cadet bunnies, no biggie.
* Official WHO estimates.
I hope he’s awarded the most massive damages ever awarded in this country, and the media douche nozzles who were embedded with the unit, trusted, and abused that trust, are cleaning public lavatories for the rest of their lives, by hand.
Blaze up MT. You need to be amazed at the mysterious.
Not the goils you are accustomed to, Rabz.
At least Rabz knows he can trust my links.
That clip is what happens with too many open tabs and not enough sleep.
You end up with your milkshake bringing all the boys to the yard.
The system means they will be replaced by someone else.
Not the fucking Greens, ever – just my personal choice.
I couldn’t help it. First thing that came to mind :/
I need a wingman. Yours is the one at the back.
That fat mop headed imbecile, his greenfilth bimbo and his coterie of clueless clowns need lots of this – loud and Jimmy Savile* free … 🙂
*Trigger warning: Hideously uglee dead dinosaur
Life is full of unpalatable choices.
I am pretty sure no candidate in my HoR seat will be my 100% ideal rep.
The Senate?
A mix of minors, probably starting with LDP.
Jane Birkin reportedly called her nipples Pinky and Perky.
Just thought you needed to know that.
Place them second last.
I reckon BRS is in deep shit. Arthur is not doing enough. Witness testifies, OK.
But what was witnesses opinion of Corp. BRS ? A bully ? What about more senior officers ? Why couldn’t you speak to them ? What do you think BRS thought of other members in the unit ? Why would he think that ? Were the senior officers in control ? Did they have a good understanding of the situation ?
Arthur needs to pull his finger out or BRS will end up on a murder charge.
Jack Posobiec ??
UPDATE: @GiveSendGo for Freedom Convoy reaches $700,000 in a single night
Never forget that is what GoFundMe stole from freedom loving patriots. [Over 10 Million Dollars]
Never forgive.
Never forget.
Never use GoFundMe.
Leftist shite
img https://gettr.com/post/psn49ee529
Well this may explain why certain mobs of arseholes have been laying on the super arrogant, cock sure, stone cold dead hearted acts, with a trowel lately –
Project Veritas
December 7, 2021
Email us at [email protected]
img – https://gettr.com/post/pixor6a7bd
Posted on 9:07 AM · Dec 7th, 2021
DAN151 ?? ?? ??
Patriot Voices ?? ?? ?? Trump Won!?
Never forget…
img https://gettr.com/post/psnexxcaa9
The Power of the People – The mandates are falling
Like a row of domino’s, the mandates are falling. First, Denmark announced the end of all mandates. No more vaccine passports, lockdowns, social distancing, and no more compulsory vaccination. Second,
Posted on 1:34 AM · Feb 6th, 2022
Mainstream media colluding with FDA, CDC to cover up skyrocketing deaths from China virus vaccines
One America News Network – Published February 4, 2022
Rumble — More doctors are coming forward with evidence that vaccines against the China virus are actually causing significant side effects, including death. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.
:The scandal came to light after police received a report that some children were allegedly abused by staff at an outdoor playground at the residential home in Mong Kok. The Independent Review Committee, chaired by lawyer Lester Garson Huang, found that a child had been lifted by the collar and dumped onto a mat, while another was thrown against a padded wall. Some employees were also said to have used slapping as corporal punishment, among other misconduct.”
unacceptable behaviour
??????? ?????
Finland, EU: A massive freedom convoy has formed outside Parliament in Helsinki, Finland tonight. Protesters are demonstrating against COVID mandates and high fuel prices. More protesters are expected to join this weekend.
video – https://gettr.com/post/psm37h57df
David Vance ????
Gestapo Police.
img – https://gettr.com/post/pso1em34a7
Posted on 2:14 AM · Feb 6th, 2022
All evidence will be shared on Open source media. Public will be made Grand Jury. Then the chance of this getting swept under the rug deminishea. Reiner explains how this process takes less than 2 weeks . By May we will be where he thinks we should always have been. Public backlash will make awareness even Greater. Bobby Kennedy has collaborated with Reiner. Reiner explains. Intent to injur will be proven. Intent to injur will pierce the immunity Big pharma has in litigating . Short big pharma. The most evil Entities on planet. Buy out options if more sophisticated. Must watch. Please share. ???. Be well.
Reiner and his team is firing up the engines! ?
“Anti fascists” who have spent their afternoon attacking French politician Éric Zemmour’s meeting because they don’t like his views (not seeing the irony) are now being dragged away by police.
video – https://gettr.com/post/psnpx26b10
How Jeff Zucker Turned CNN Into A Cult
How Jeff Zucker Turned CNN Into A Cult
Posted on 2:16 AM · Feb 6th, 2022
Greece abolishes negative covid test requirements for (vaccinated) EU travellers
Dinesh D’Souza
Joe Rogan needs to upload all his episodes—especially the ones removed by Spotify—on Rumble. Rumble now seems to be the only video platform that protects open debate. Facebook and YouTube are the Pravda and Izvestia of our time, vehicles of state-approved propaganda
Sean Hannity
Human Smuggling is Now Facebook Friendly: Read Meta’s Shocking Internal Memo
Human Smuggling is Now Facebook Friendly: Read Meta’s Shocking Internal Memo.
We’d say that we’re shocked, but this is Facebook we’re talking about here. According to an internal memo obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Facebook parent company Meta will now allow the solicitation of human smuggling on its social media pla…
Eric Zemmour at a campaign rally in Lille saying France is being islamified at ‘great speed’.
“Eric Zemmour at a campaign rally in Lille”
It’s been all over GETTR –
? Jason Miller ?
5K watching!
Again –
“Anti fascists” who have spent their afternoon attacking French politician Éric Zemmour’s meeting because they don’t like his views (not seeing the irony) are now being dragged away by police.”
video – https://gettr.com/post/psnpx26b10
6 K viewing live now –
Week In Pictures.
So sorry I was watching the Zemmour rally live on French TV rather than getting second hand details off social media.
Seriously total horseshit. Un-referenced of course.
It is doubtful that there were 1 million slaves in existence even before the war.
Horseshit yet again.
BBC’s Ros Atkins expounds position on Joe Rogan:
He’s enormously popular, has millions of followers therefore has huge responsibility to never say anything the Lefty BBC disagrees with, in particular he should never have said anything to boost ivermectin or express the slightest doubt about covid vaccines, or talk to Dr. Malone.
Got it?
From Bruce in WA’s Atkinstein diet
Chuckle. It’s true.
Dark. Very dark
Suits him
We know
Thanks Tom!
Re preferences next election. The UAP policy is the sitting member is last in HoR, the only preference deal done (so far) is LDP second. The rest of the preferences will be assessed on a seat by seat basis. Dunn how how this will pan out re the Libs and Labor, the preferences will flow. Interesting times.
If one accepts that is correct, and I don’t, show us where the the million soul demise after the civil war shows itself.
Spotify cucks out!
71 JRE episodes removed to placate the Depends bloc of Crabby Swill Mash & Hnnnnnnnng and Joni Mitchell & President Potato.
Is there an alternative music streaming platform to Spotify?
I’m listening to this as I post the link so I’m not sure wether this podcast from Raheem Kasaam and Natalie Winters sheds any further light on the power of a VP in relation to the counting of the electoral college.
But of course they did. There was never any doubt about it. What’s millions and millions of viewers and listeners when you have the elites to mollify?
This is how you prove to the masses that they don’t matter one whit and open the floodgates for a class war. It is a global class war as the exact same conditions exist and manifest in every nation on earth.
Regarding Mike Pence not being able to overturn the fraudulent election result, his major sin is that he did not even express his disgust with it. What’s more, he elbow bumped Nancy Pelosi as if his side won which it did.
The critique of Pence goes for about 30mins
“Sancho Panzersays:
February 5, 2022 at 10:49 pm
Dot Faulty.
Things I am not putting in front of Labor or Liberal.
.1 Greens.
.2 Animal Justice.
.3 TReason Party.
.4 Whatever the fuck Hinch’s outfit is called this week.”
Exactly, things I’m NOT putting in front of Sharma in Wentworth…..
1. Allegra Spender (a closet Green…..a puppet of Simon Holmes a Court).
2. Jew hating Greens
3. Animal Justice Party……a group which doesn’t actually give a rat’s arse about animals and is only concerned about pushing hard left vegan Marxist ideology…..although I’m pretty sure Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and all the rest of the Marxist scum weren’t vegetarians or vegans and knowing history as I do, the first thing they would have done with vegan scum is to shoot them.
The Lib Dems now have a candidate in Wentworth…amen. He will get my first preference. I will also help campaign for him.
As for the senate, I will vote under the line – Lib Dems first, followed by PHON followed by UAP…though I’m not a fan of Fatso Clive.
My sister lives in the marginal inner-west Liberal electorate of Reid where they actually need her vote to survive but she intends to deface her lower house paper and vote under the line in the senate…PHON, UAP and Lib Dems.
I suspect she won’t be the only one to do so.
Yes it is class warfare. Latest example being the latest twot in charge of the bank of England telling workers not to seek payrises. After elites have trashed the real economy with the royal endorsed green policies.
If UAP are preferancing LDP in the senate maybe ok to vote above the line?
“Not the fucking Greens, ever – just my personal choice.”
Never, ever the fucking Greens. I don’t vote for anti-Semites or anti-Semitic parties. As far as I’m concerned the party closest in ideology to the Nazi party is the Australian Greens.
Austria still going the other way.
Austria Makes Covid-19 Vaccines Compulsory For All Citizens Aged 18 and Over
At the same time, they are lifting restrictions on the unvaccinated because the pressure on hospitals has eased.
The surgeon told me when I suffered recently from a complaint that he had got many pregnant women through the same problem without having to operate . I’m not pregnant but I am trying how often should I try ? This is a question for older m ale Cats as my partner is in their age group .
The Deafening Silence and Grievous Complicity of Church Leaders During Covid
This was was posted at 2.21 this morning by one of the tunnel enthusiasts. I reproduce it here, in full, for entertainment purposes:
It’s an all-singing, all-dancing credibility woodchipper. I had a question about the ‘Short big pharma’ and ‘Buy out options if more sophisticated’ lines, but then I realised that this masterpiece was originally created by:
Short big pharma. Retire with cash flow. Evil entities. Grand jury. Got it.
Four things do not come back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life,
and the
neglected opportunityLNP.The China bug was always a tool for the global elites to enforce their 2030 agenda. If it wasn’t for Trump and Brexit, the boiling frog method would possibly have been sufficient. The reluctance of the political media class to stop dancing after the music has stopped proves this.
Interesting how all the gooey good guy nation multicultural stuff in Canada has proved to be just a very thin veneer. Of course Justine told us Canada is a post nation now.
Nr at the bottom of an autorotation.
As I’ve said before the Tides foundation has been active in Canadian elections. In what way and to what extent I don’t know. May be significant.
February 6, 2022 at 9:04 am
The Deafening Silence and Grievous Complicity of Church Leaders During Covid”
Yep….and there is another recent example of such complicity……the bishop of Perth refusing to denounce the DISGRACEFUUL police actions at the Catholic Church last Thursday, instead he capitulated.
The Bishop should be standing at the pulpit and in front of the church preaching and shouting against the fascist police and the fascist government…..but he is a coward.
Where are the likes of Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty?
Mannix would be turning in his grave.
He won ‘t last there either.
The problem is Little Man Syndrome.
Can anyone tell me the major policy differences between the Libs and Labor? Serious question.
My memory fails me as to who the speaker was, but I’ve heard the Greens described as “Fascism, rebadged and thinly disguised.”
It looks like Spotify has zapped interviews with luminaries like Amy Schumer on the usual grounds of politically incorrect speech – and in particular the use of the dreaded “n-word”. No indication that the Rogan-Malone interview was amongst them.
Not sure that was what the musical wrinklies were trying to achieve.
Labor hates Australia and Liberals don’t.
Falinski may as well be a green. So some of them are even more left then some Labor pollimuppets
Ed, I ignore you so please return me the favour.
Sounds like you just made that up.
Not to worry though, the Greens are a capitalist Party and the Capitalists have decided that there are way too many people consuming way too many resources.
Describing greens as fascist is way more effective then socialist as most admit to be being socialist. Pointing out why using historical precedence has also been effective convincing others not so emersed in politics.
This medical data from the US DoD is explosive. Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it.
Whatever you feel like.
* I’m given her all she’s got cap’n …
Fallinski is trans-party – with dough-like handshake of a useless fraud
Outsiders is superb this morning, firstly showing Allegra Da Spender’s hypocrisy here in Wentworth…and secondly getting stuck into the utterly useless Liberals.
Clive is advertising about the perils of the surveillance state.
He’s getting better and better.
Funniest LOL moment of the week: on Sky Outsiders, a fruitcake West Indian pommy immigrant actress crying and apologising to other black chicks because she is too white to “look like their mamas”.
Hysterical! And such a shame as she’s at least a 7.5 out 10 on JC’s chick meter.
“Fallinski is trans-party – with dough-like handshake of a useless fraud”
Here’s an insight into Falinksi the Fraud….he’s part of Fitzsimian’s “ARM”…the Australian Republican Movement’ and thus is behind the latest ARM drivel re. the republic. That’s his mindset.
Falinski represents everything wrong with the Liberal party in 2022.
I’ve said it time and time again……the Liberals need to walk away from electorates like Warringah, Wentworth, Higgins and Mackellar. There’s no future…the future is in electorates like Lindsay, Hunter and so on.
In Beetrooter Taking It Like a Champ news:
Angry Nationals party room will warn Joyce to lift his game
Clean up afterwards? After being re-elected Deputy PM in the Morrison Coalition Government?
Meanwhile, Albanese’s campaign directors faint in ecstasy.
That Thandie Newton segment on outsiders was excruciating.
Listen sweetie, if you grow up in a place like the UK where you never see any sun, you’re skin is never going to be black enough for your preposterous, idiotic virtue signalling. Live with it, or move to Africa or India – plenty of sunlight there.
Apple Music
Both do Hi Res if you are into that sort of thing. I have tidal and it is $24 per month or $12 if you can produce student ID.
Too many tabs.
Not enough sleep.
Labor hates Australia and Liberals don’t.
You sure about that?
Beetrooter: Missing Link.
Apple Music”
Who owns Tidal? I wouldn’t touch Apple or Amazon.
It’s horribly fascinating that Allegra suspender belt is the granddaughter of Percy suspender. Interesting insight into the establishment.
Anyone who uses Amazon is supporting fascism.
I’ll leave that to you, Grogs. Was it three or four million former slaves who staved to death, in the former Confederacy, after Appomattox?
It’s okay to be white.
Frank, thanks. Looks like Tidal is only $12 p.m. if you are happy with hi fi. If you have aging ears that’s really all you’d need.
You think eating half a jar of dill pickles is a wholesome snack.
Luv em! bought a 6 jars (900g each, Polish) pack for $10 in fairfield yesterday .. yum yum!
Anyone see actress Ellie Kemper apologise last year because she won a beauty contest at a debutante ball in 1999?
You never apologise when the social justice freaks demand it.
She should have told them, to go fuck themselves.
Guess who is not going to be leader of the National Agrarian Socialists after the feral election?
Hint – his initials are MC. Oh well, they could always go back to the invisible man, that worked a treat.
And the daughter of Howardite gliberal grandee John Suspender.
Whatever that actually means is another matter.
Thandie Newton is at that unfortunate age for actresses, the age where they develop opinions on stuff.
They wuz marchin’ thru Georgia and South Carolina, burning the Slaves housing, food, tools of trade, livestock as they went, starting 1863.
There were 4.5 million slaves.
What did they do for food and shelter in those cold winters from 1863 to, say, 1877?
Dick Ed thinks that slaves who worked in agriculture, and probably maintained their own accommodation stopped being able to do those tasks when they didn’t have white supervision.
Dick Ed seems to be something of a waaaayyyysissst.
How do you burn a horse?
Seen elsewhere this morning. Some things are eternal wisdom.
Scotty leaked the character assessment in the first place, so he doesn’t care.
The real issue is that Mick is popular with Left Footer voters everywhere so they’ve gotta bring him back.
Joyce to be gone by Thursday.
With great difficulty?
Same way you burn a mule, cow, duck, goose, chook, pig or a sheep.
Shooting it is usually the first step, but Sherman’s and Sheridan’s men didn’t give 2 fucks either way.
Which faggot in the surf life savers decided pink was a good colour for nippers?
Gladys Berejklian is tipped to start a high-flying new job at Australia’s famous ‘millionaire factory’ as she puts corruption probe and politics behind her
So, $500k+ pa for insider views on the operation of NSW government, political strategy, and the Liberal party at a national level. Plus a bit of sensitive high-level door opening.
Gladys will be hoping her character assessment of Scummo is quickly overshadowed by the Beetrooter’s.
I think gypsum man is confusing things again.
Slavs Ed. Slavs.
I use Amazon so I gues I’m a ‘fascist whore’ Lol!
One of the all-time highlights of modern warfare. Kicked the chair out from under a slavery-dependent minority elites confederacy who founded the KKK.
Also, and in answer to ‘what happened to the poor blecks?’:
In South Carolina, Georgia and Florida they got their own land.
I think that was total import not alive at the time, Ed.
Maybe add a fucking tutu and a bow around the face and make the scene complete?
Optimus Prime joins the convoy
Criticism of Bosi wearing his uniform
How do you burn a horse?
It takes a lot of kerosene and you have to be really careful about which direction they gallop off.
It’s Thandiwe, she’s ditched the slave name.
She was pretty good in Line of Duty, playing a powerful black wahman who was forced to bend the rules to get ahead, because patriarchy.
Only to end up in prison because of racist misogyny
and perverting the course of justice.
Um, dumdum, Sherman didn’t tell the troops “Hey cracka, don’t burn them houses, crops, farm buildings, and shoot those particular livestocks, because whatta the slaves gonna do then?”
Except maybe in Knuckle Dragger fantasy land.
Proclaimed and never put into practice anywhere.
Criticism of Bosi wearing his uniform
This is from someone who turns a blind eye to police and in particular police leadership getting about dressed up like Nazi’s.
Good ‘ol Gypsum.
♬ I wish I was in gypsum …
Connolly is right.
Bosi is an embarrassment. He looks like a South American tinpot dictator….straight out of Bolivia or Cuba.
Gladys Berejiklian is tipped to follow in the footsteps of previous NSW premiers and start a new role at the ‘millionaire factory’ – Macquarie Bank – as she quits her life in politics.
Somewhere to focus when Nuremberg 2.0 gets cranked up.
Australia’s level of corruption makes most South Americans and Africans blush.
The ‘crackas’ were on the other team Ed. You appear to be a bit mixed up. I know this may be difficult for you.
My fantasy land is exclusively populated by Jessica Alba clones.
Some light entertainment
Yes. I wondered at the time whether it was appropriate or not. I listened to Hoodie’s speech and a few others but switched Bosi off after the fuck this and fuck that and paedophile this and again – that. Enough.
Thanks, Bespoke, but believe it or not, the total number of Slaves landed in what was later to become the United States up to 1809 when the trade ceased was around 400,000.
The 4.4 million figure for 1860 [see Duncanm’s link earlier today] was from Natural Increase.
In Brazil it was at least a million landed from West Africa..
One of the all-time highlights of modern warfare. Kicked the chair out from under a slavery-dependent minority elites confederacy who founded the KKK.
The assasination of Lincoln caused most of the problems .. Lincoln was preparing to welcome the South back into the fold with minimal sanctions/directives but with his death & Andrew Johnson, a rapid Confederate hater, assuming the presidency the minimal became maximum and the advent of the “carpetbaggers” & strict Union rule sowed the seeds for Southern white belligerency which in turn led to the creation of the KKK …
As to how many ex slaves may/may not have starved to death I’ve no idea but to free folk who had spent their entire lives without owning anything without any sort of plan was plain stupidity .. the land they had lived their entire lives on was, mostly, devasted .. the land-owners, in many cases, responsible for their everyday sustenance were themselves living in penury & destitution so to suddenly be told .. “Your free, enjoy” was never going to be an overnight success story !
Plausible. 4.4 million does seem a lot to transport even over many years.
Forty acres and a mule is part of Special Field Orders No. 15, a wartime order proclaimed by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman on January 16, 1865,
Proclaimed and never put into practice anywhere.
Yep, issued without any consultation or authority .. Even Grant backed away when he heard of it! .. easy to say when there is no actual detail/plan as to how the mule & land were to be found/funded .. sounded good and might of had a hearing with Lincoln but no hope with Johnson .. the rip-offs would have been manna from heaven for the ‘carpet-bagger’ class .. LOL!~
Is Groogs on the mutton again?
Yeah, blacks in the United States has been a demographic success story.
The Census says there are now 45 million, the vast majority descended from those 400,000 landed between 1619 and 1809.
Arguably the only interviewer who could have achieved what she did here.
Bossi’s cringe but rootless Gen-X “Gray Connolly”, who arrived here five minutes ago making it his goal in life to endlessly and sniffily lecture Australians about our “tradition” – that he’s read all about, so he knows, is infinite clown world times infinity.
50 year old, baldy, cleanskin wins Pipeline.
Bullshit. Proclaimed, put into practice – some 40,000 freed slaves got their “40 acres and a mule” and later welshed on by Andrew Johnson.