When I watched “A Real Pain” i really disliked the Benji Kaplan character – which is what the script called…
When I watched “A Real Pain” i really disliked the Benji Kaplan character – which is what the script called…
Tried Gladiator II, didn’t finish watching it. Shapiro analyses past Oscar winning movies and found very low repeat viewing rates.…
I was certain he would win. To the extent, I put money on it. And collected. I posted here at…
On the gnome and the titan — I listened to Andrew Klavan’s view on the contretemps and his view was…
I don’t think they like salty stuff. Did this at my old dad’s place last year, since he had* a…
Texted a friend that I don’t think Sneakers will even make it to the next WA election.
Unintended consequences pt556-
Booked in for a haircut.
Can I sneak in Thurs arvo?
-Oh no, we’re booked out- how about Wed arvo next week?
yip sure.
Rolled in Wed. Girl at the desk asks me to mask up, fair enough, took it off in the chair of course, which was 90% of my contact time there…
Hey I couldn’t get a slot for late night Thursday, you said you were booked out, but I noticed you were closed up at 4:30?
-oh yeah, we’ve lost five girls to the jab mandate- they want to have babies some day- so now the six who are left are all doing forty hour weeks to clear the backlog, that’s as far as we can push them before overtime kills us. No more late night Thursdays of course.
Are any of the needle-shy chicks doing backyard cuts for cash?
– Not since the Rozzers kicked down Rhyannyn’s door last week, no.
That makes sense. I have a friend who underwent a religious conversion (on a bus I believe) and became a priest. He mentioned once that to dress up as a priest was frowned upon for the similar reasons, the dog collar gave you access to places.
Listening to the National Pulse podcast on Pence. Funny how Pence characterizes his power as ‘overturning’ the election as opposed to requesting adjudication/resolution of certain issues relating to the conduct of the vote in this or that state. Also interesting to see Facebook is the sponsor of the event involving the Federalist Society.
I have a relative who was a vocal member of the Pell lynch mob on Facebook.
She has two sons in their twenties, and one is a Primary School teacher.
I would never put anything like this on soshul meeja because it is too easily misconstrued, but I did comment to Mrs Panzer, “What if one of Xxx’s students pops up in 25 years time and claims that Xxx assaulted him twice in 2020 after school. Hasn’t mentioned it since, is vague about dates, can’t accurately describe the configuration of the place where it allegedly happened, and his ‘corroborating witness’ is conveniently dead. Presumably she just says that is good enough and Xxx needs to do 5-10 years.”
Most of the Common Law is the result of many years of contested ideas and occasional bloodshed.
Not enough people know that.
Any idea when Kim Slo Mo let’s the unbejabbers leave the country .
Totalitarian turd with ears that he is.
A fascist arsehole disguised as a boofhead.
Is mono-brow his nephew?
Kind of funny.
One of Mrs Panzer’s friends, who is a tad eccentric, sent her a video of Bosi around early last year I think.
She presses play and I recognise the voice.
I say, “Hey, this bloke posts at the Cat. He’s not bad value.”
Next minute he is off to the moon on a dunny door with his “Pedos in High Places” rant and Mrs Panzer is looking at me askance.
“I’ve not heard this stuff before … ” I plead.
Which was true.
Up until then I thought he was just a very assertive conservative.
Not a nutter.
I think you will find they will throw that person under the bus and virtue signal to the max.
Or ignore it completely.
For you but it’s beem around for a long time.
You should’ve joined the UAP and nominated, they would’ve given you plenty of support.
I used to wear my shorts JG after I left the army to do messy things around the house until they shrunk. Probably from washing.
Got away with it for years.
What creeps me out is that people just like that kid are frequently leaving comments on youtube videos – and getting plenty of support! Some tackle them, but many people don’t bother to read all the comments.
I guess the frequent attacks on huge corporations from conservatives in recent years is just the stage they need to perform on.
Where did they come from?
40 years ago, people like that handed out crappy newsletters to possible sympathisers and met in secret. Now they’re openly pushing anti semitism in public.
They must be bred in the universities, then tacitly supported by the left controlled media.
By7 released you mean:
The Place that their families lived in for generations was burnt to the ground, the livestock killed or stolen and the crops burnt.
This is likely to come as a huge surprise to you, but growing food requires tilling the soil, planting the crop, tending to the crop qand harvesting the crop. An d starting in the right season.
These people were destitute, had no food, since the Union Army was either consuming and destroying all the food.
There were 4.4 million slaves in the Confederate States in 1860.
Given the chaos of the War and their total dispossession, i’d say 1 million deaths resulting from their “release” is likely a lowball estimate.
Hold on, earlier you said that you don’t accept Duncanm’s link to slave numbers.
Have you changed your mind on the link, or are you just arguing for no point, as usual?
Social media has encouraged the fuckwits. They’ve discovered that they have the numbers. And kids used to discover that they were stupid in school. Now the school teachers see it as a moral imperative to ensure they don’t find out.
Spack off, Grigory.
We have moved on.
‘Tard at us about something else, or self-ban for the rest of the day until you’ve found something else to misrepresent.
Spot of spacechooking for Cat’s with an interest in matters military. Kristen Alexander’s book “Australian’s Few and the Battle of Britain” is an account of eight Australian fighter pilots, engaged in the Battle of Britain – only one came home…
Transferring to the Royal Air Force, one “officer and gentleman” was fitted for a dress uniform by a Saville Row tailor, who forwarded the sort of account you would expect from Saville Row. The “officer and gentleman” took it to the station adjutants office, borrowed the “officer deceased” stamp. and returned the account, thus endorsed. The tailor was wise to the trick – he had obtained Next of Kin details, and forwarded the account to the father, who paid it..
Any particular reason you and a coupla others have been whiteknighting for him.
Dick Ed
Something to do with the principle “Innocent until proven guilty”. Any particular reason that you have been black-knighting for the accuser?
You have no standing.
Given the chaos of the War and their total dispossession, i’d say 1 million deaths resulting from their “release” is likely a lowball estimate.
Have you got any actual evidence that even one former slave starved to death?
It’s been Committed for Trial, so a Magistrate had to be satisfied that there is a Case to answer.
Dick Ed
I remember another case that a magistrate committed to trial. Ended up 7-Nil in the high court.
Is the concept of political trials too complex for you to grasp?
Are you fucking kidding?
$250 Slab To $7700 Table
This is not the same meaning as “Proven Guilty”
Words have meanings, got a quick opinion on what “Trial” (in the judicial sense) may mean?
the other is a fraud and deception of gargantuan proportions, probably reaching right to the top of the department, if not the government.
No “probably” about it, the secretary is the head of the department. Next step up, Health Hazzard.
Ed Casesays:
February 6, 2022 at 4:39 pm
Have you got any actual evidence that even one former slave starved to death?
Are you fucking kidding?
I’ll take that as a “no, none at all”.
Only from wiki, but time to belt El Mongo and beg our Doom Lord III deplatforms him.
… IV. The army will forage liberally on the country during the march. To this end, each brigade commander will organize a good and sufficient foraging party, under the command of one or more discreet officers, who will gather, near the route traveled, corn or forage of any kind, meat of any kind, vegetables, corn-meal, or whatever is needed by the command, aiming at all times to keep in the wagons at least ten day’s provisions for the command and three days’ forage. Soldiers must not enter the dwellings of the inhabitants, or commit any trespass, but during a halt or a camp they may be permitted to gather turnips, apples, and other vegetables, and to drive in stock of their camp. To regular foraging parties must be instructed the gathering of provisions and forage at any distance from the road traveled.
V. To army corps commanders alone is entrusted the power to destroy mills, houses, cotton-gins, &c., and for them this general principle is laid down: In districts and neighborhoods where the army is unmolested no destruction of such property should be permitted; but should guerrillas or bushwhackers molest our march, or should the inhabitants burn bridges, obstruct roads, or otherwise manifest local hostility, then army commanders should order and enforce a devastation more or less relentless according to the measure of such hostility.
VI. As for horses, mules, wagons, &c., belonging to the inhabitants, the cavalry and artillery may appropriate freely and without limit, discriminating, however, between the rich, who are usually hostile, and the poor or industrious, usually neutral or friendly. Foraging parties may also take mules or horses to replace the jaded animals of their trains, or to serve as pack-mules for the regiments or brigades. In all foraging, of whatever kind, the parties engaged will refrain from abusive or threatening language, and may, where the officer in command thinks proper, give written certificates of the facts, but no receipts, and they will endeavor to leave with each family a reasonable portion for their maintenance.
VII. Negroes who are able-bodied and can be of service to the several columns may be taken along, but each army commander will bear in mind that the question of supplies is a very important one and that his first duty is to see to them who bear arms….
A Confederate officer estimated that 10,000 liberated slaves followed Sherman’s army, and hundreds died of “hunger, disease, or exposure” along the way.[21]
Yet El Mongo “conservatively estimates at least” one million liberated slaves died.
Dover please flush this fresh and rotting dog turd who is only here to smear us and disinfect the intertubes with high quality, highly concentrated caustic soda.
Ed Casesays:
February 6, 2022 at 2:50 pm
What’s the chances of a potential juror tuning in to The Project?
About the same as winning Lotto?
Starting to squirm? You stupid dick hjead.
These days they just wear masks and pretend to be “anti” fascist.
About 30 years ago there were a mob of retards who strutted around in Adelaide’s Rundle Mall wearing Nasti “uniforms” and insignia.
Someone in the local newspaper made a remark along the lines of …
where are the Victorian police when you need them?
Not a remark uttered frequently these days!
Ganna stick my neck out and say Ed has said nothing to deserve a banning. But it’s not up to me.
You reckon my comment about warming to a vindictive, nationalist government was naïve, but can’t you see why “Ed Grigsock XVII” is here at all?
Dick Ed
Given the chaos of the War and their total dispossession, i’d say 1 million deaths resulting from their “release” is likely a lowball estimate.
So, you have no actual evidence for your assertion?
Hold on, earlier you said that you don’t accept Duncanm’s link to slave numbers.
Perhaps you could direct me to the relevant comment, or re-publish it?
However, I must a admit I am not a fan of poxy filled table tops.
Black is just barely acceptable, but blues, greens and reds?
I can Dot.
Bit harsh Googlery, bagging out Lisa Bandana and Squalid Wally’s ratings like that.
Abject idiocy is still not a crime.
Indeed, I do have a motive. Sancho.
Thanks BJ.
The person who runs the NSW Department of Health has admitted to lumping people who are admitted to hospital for other conditions in with covid hospital admissions if they test +ve for covid.
In other words, the department is lying to the public about why the patients were admitted.
The reason can only be to inflate the figures so as to cause more fear. Or to cadge monies from the federal government under false pretences.
This is fraud.
Why does she still have a job?
I appreciate the time and effort that goes into epoxy table tops. Plus the wife likes them.
That was a beautiful piece of walnut. I enjoyed watching it go through the industrial plane.
That guy’s tools are to die for. My dad could only dream of having a workshop like that.
Because there is no accountability in any legislation or regulations governing any State or Federal arm of the Public Service, unless the superior(s) of the person subject to a complaint of mis/malfeasance decide themselves that an offence has been committed. Short of a criminal complaint going to the Police.
I also enjoyed watching him do that little patch. I’ve watched dad do those before too. Nice and Old School.
Day 2 of “ muh southern slave owners was good boys who didn do nuffink”.
I hope no- one was unpleasant to the Alsatian’s at Auchwitz.
Don’t hold back, Dot.
They have ruined people’s lives, caused untold hardship and fear over a deliberate lie. They have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars. They have broken faith with the public, yet no “journalist” is prepared to investigate and write a single paragraph about it.
And they admit what they’ve done, shrugging it off as though it was nothing.
Yet O’Farrell lost his job over a bottle of wine.
Yes, the table guy was very skilled and meticulous, the timber slab was nice and he had some good gear.
And I don’t mind a small streak of poxy where it fills in for a piece of rotten heartwood, or a knot hole or two.
I just don’t like those tables where there is a sea of the stuff down the middle.
Very poxy.
Particularly when they’ve gone all arty-farty with tie-dye swirls of mixed colour.
Tells you everything about the ‘upper echelons’ of our society, doesn’t it?
Absolutely everything…
Turning $1,000 worth of timber into a knee-deep pile of sawdust and shavings is jolly good fun.
If I sound gobsmacked…that’s because I am.
That brazen, chicksplaining liar stood there and talked about “Incidental Covid” and not wanting to complicate the figures as though it was all a mere accounting error and could be all fixed up sometime soon.
I want that piece of work Rabzed. With prejudice. And her boss. And the horse they rode in on.
I think the table would nice in the wife craft room for when she invites JC and the other girls around.
Was it something I said about the LDP?
You know the two problems with putting that table in a house with a woman?
.1 It will never be in exactly the right spot; and
.2 It weighs a fucking ton.
So here’s an article on how surfing is scored. Pretty subjective, still can’t see how it is a competitive sport.
JC is was a surfer for about 6 years in the late 1960’s-70. Tell us about your surfing experience.
Sorry, I was
Having come out of a not-dissimilar Health Department, I think most of them need a damn good, public purging of the upper echelons. Potentially without promoting anyone to fill their seats, and merging them as brutally as is practical.
The front-line and lower middle managers have muddled on as best they could, but they took their direction from folks like this lady and their respective CHOs.
Pour encourager les autres…
I want that piece of work Rabzed. With prejudice. And her boss. And the horse they rode in on.
Toss Cherry Kant in as well.
The acts and omissions of the health bureaucracy, enabled by the political and union classes far exceed the threshold at which the US Right of Revolution can be justifiably activated.
Idle chat about legal ramifications for the traitors and quislings who have us by the balls is wholly inadequate for their crimes.
The Right of Revolution, backed by the 2nd Amdt is our fair remedy.
620,000 was the agreed upon military death toll from the Civil War.
Recently that has been updated to 750,000 to 800,000.
Remember, those are the numbers for soldiers.
Yet some clown shows up and demands proof that there was even one civilian death.
The entire South was destroyed, at least 4.4 million black people were made homeless and destitute, there was no food to be found, but no one died of starvation.
There appears to be quite contingent of Bosi people at the Canberra rally. Over a number of days, I’ve heard several speakers rant on about kiddy-fiddlers. Here’s the thing, if Bosi has hard evidence, what is he doing about it?
The MSM are now going after Christian schools…this tripe from the Daily Telegraph. Perhaps the DT can do an exposure on what Islamic schools teach about homosexuality
“Penrith Christian School tells parents trans identity and same-sex acts not acceptable to God
The school’s “Statement of Faith” ranks same-sex attraction or transgender identity alongside abusive relationships as “behaviours which are not acceptable to God”.
Scott Morrison has flagged changes to his government’s religious discrimination bill to further protect students from being expelled over their sexual orientation or gender identity. It comes after Citipointe Christian College last week sent out a controversial enrolment contract in which parents were asked to confirm that their children would identify only as their birth gender and stated that homosexuality is “sexual immorality” – with those not in agreeance at risk of being excluded from the school. On Thursday, the gender contract was withdrawn with the principal, Brian Mulheran, issuing a statement and apologising on behalf of the college. The Morrison government will be hoping to pass the religious discrimination legislation when parliament resumes next week, before the federal election.
A Sydney school has told parents that being gay or transgender is in the same category as being in an abusive relationship, as part of its enrolment application.
Penrith Christian School tells prospective parents they must declare they have read and understand its “Statement of Faith” and gives them an option to discuss any matter with the school.
That document, dated September 2021, states: “Sexual relationships should be exercised exclusively in a marital relationship between a male and female.
“Adultery, same sex attraction, transgender identity, premarital sex, sexual acts between members of the same sex and abusive relationships, are all examples of relationships and behaviours which are not acceptable to God.”
Principal Tracey Deal wouldn’t answer questions about what that meant in practice at the school and said she could not comment further.
“As all our school policies are currently going through significant review with much change in the last two years, I am not able to comment until they have been through a ratification process with the school board,” she said in an email.
The revelation comes as the federal government said it would change the Sex Discrimination Act to remove provisions which allow schools to discriminate against gay and transgender students.
Trans Advocate Katherine Wolfgramme said schools openly discriminating against students based on their identity was harmful to the pupils’ mental health.
“I went through hell at school, bullied and discriminated against by many fellow students and some teachers,” she said. “So much harm towards individuals has been committed in the name of Christianity but not once did Jesus Christ discriminate against children, in fact it was the opposite.
“I call on church leaders to put aside their personal beliefs and remember the word of Jesus who said ‘suffer the little children to come unto me for they are innocent’ — not once did he say ‘except this one and that one’.”
Deakin University’s Associate Professor in Sociology of Religion Dr Anna Halafoff said the discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender students was out of line with mainstream values.
She noted in the United States a lot of young people had left Pentecostal churches because their views on sexuality and gender identity were not in line with their own.
“This is the real problem here, how can we live in a society that allows certain views which then harm others. That’s highly problematic and our awareness is increasingly of the importance of human rights when it comes to gender, sexuality, race and religion,” she said.
“There are other more extreme religious practices which are banned by the law (in Australia) and should stay banned by the law.
“One of the great strengths of our multicultural, multifaith society is that diversity is respected as long as it is within the bounds of a common law.
“To me it seems absurd the Morrison Government said before the draft of the current bill they would not allow practices which would discriminate against students but why then allow practices that would discriminate against teachers.”
A trans advocate lecturing on Christian theology….clown world.
As for “was harmful to the pupils’ mental health“…..the same shtick they used during the SSM plebiscite. IT’S ONE BIG LIE
And? What does it matter to any us now?
You lied, dissembled, spun and tried to feign offence and victimhood when called out on your bullshit.
Going back over your rhetorical vomit to point out the lumps of grated carrot well after everyone has moved on is neither a winning strategy, nor a good look…
No, he hasn’t.
But day after day he throws in an asinine comment to suck people in and hijack the thread.
He has contributed nothing of value to discussion here but fortunately, his gravatar is such that it is easy to scroll.
Just another in a long line of useful idiots, merely ignorantly awaiting the next purge/flush/revolutionary replacement in the name of the next cause du jour…
What does the promotion of adult sexual deviancy have to do with Jesus instructing his disciples to let little children come close to Him? The disciples had shooed them away.
This person is an intellectual wombat. And a twister of scripture, which is worse.
If you don’t like the ethos of the school don’t go there. It’s that simple.
Calli, sorry but I missed that. Would you mind reposting the link please, as I feel it needs to be broadcast far and wide.
“What does the promotion of adult sexual deviancy have to do with Jesus instructing his disciples to let little children come close to Him? The disciples had shooed them away.
This person is an intellectual wombat. And a twister of scripture, which is worse.
If you don’t like the ethos of the school don’t go there. It’s that simple.”
Quite so, but as usual the Liberals and the big fuckwit, Scumbag Morrison, empowered these activists by joining in the denunciation of the school.
These Schools can solve their eligibility issues without grandstanding in the Press.
They’re just acting as Labor shills to wedge Scotty but it’s not working.
Remember what happened when Labor last won Office?
All the Schools that hadn’t kowtowed to Labor either got funding reduced by Gillard or funding was ceased.
We have reached a fork in the road in the west. Christianity is no longer tolerated. We are no longer seen as cranks with some good ideas about how to live and how to order society into a tolerable and workable framework. Patted on the head and told to run along and keep educating and nursing and caring for the young and sick and elderly while the adults get on with the really important work.
We are to be abused, humiliated, silenced and our own scriptures are to be used blasphemously against us. It has only just started. It will get worse.
“promotion of adult sexual deviancy “
Well said Calli.
“It has only just started. It will get worse.’
Here is the Health Department Secretary chicksplaining.
Courtesy of CL.
Feb 3
They know the mRNA shot doesnt work against omicron yet theyre looking to mandate it via Vaccine passes. This is another criminal breach of New Zealanders rights and ongoing breaches of the Nuremberg code.
Time to stand up and say enough New Zealand. Where are our truck protests?
#nz #nzmedia #freedom #Nuremberg #mRNA
‘Likely’ that ‘people will need a booster’ for vaccine passes – COVID-19 Response Minister Chri
With the threat of Omicron, the Government has been dropping hints of a booster requirement.
When is Neddy Nut Case going be like Skynet and become self aware? At least the Munster had the decency not to show his oblate spheroidal face about the place. No doubt he has a signed photo of his Munster and thanks him every day for replenishing the supply of rakes.
Quite so, but as usual the Liberals and the big fuckwit, Scumbag Morrison, empowered these activists by joining in the denunciation of the school.
Morrison took the side of the alphabet freaks?
A good question.
Why doesn’t he report it?
Here is an answer we prepared earlier.
“The network of Pedos in High Places is so far-reaching that it includes senior members of the police, the judiciary and 93.1% of politicians. Only when I, Ricardo, am elected to high office (with Comcar and 15% super), and the People’s Court and People’s Firing Squad are assembled will we be able to bring them to justice.
Through our sovereignty.
And by showing they have no standing.
But I need the Comcar first.”
Replying to @MikeNewZ
Austria – closed, compulsory vaccination law in power, lockdown for unvaccinated extended again, government bought 34mill doses of ? for 7mill people for 2022 announcing quartal jabbing, censorship expanding so social networks are monitored, people criticising government being penalized. What else – yeah, “experts” reported that Omicron gives no protection, immunity, requesting from government that recovered are also included under compulsory vaccination.
I’m pretty sure New World Order was born in Austria
Earlier, JC mentioned that Ed October fondles cats. I know this to be true, because I saw him fondle my neighbour’s cat with a BBQ lighter while he was dressed as a nun*.
It wasn’t my cat. It was my neighbour’s cat, so the cat isn’t my property and I don’t have to make a statement to the jacks with all the worries about perjury should I turn out to be fibbing.
But I can go to the media, as did my neighbour who did make a statement, fibbing or not. And some politicians decided to squeeze the jacks because they are pro-cat and wouldn’t have minded seeing Ed October in the bin anyway. The cat made a self-serving statement through an interpreter painting itself as an innocent victim.
There’s no CCTV footage or other statements to say that Ed didn’t fondle the cat, so Ed is charged with Cat Fondlage and brought to committal amid a storm of interest from Picture magazine.
There’s no requirement for a magistrate to determine if Ed has ‘a case to answer’. Ed doesn’t have to do anything. The prosecution merely has to show that on the evidence admitted into the hearing, that a properly instructed jury could reach a finding of guilt. And on a ‘he-said she-said gig’, there might be.
The magistrate, if he wants the easy out (a la Pell) will commit Ed for trial regardless of Ed’s protestations that he was hunting mutton at the time. The magistrate will think ‘fuck it, I’ll let it through to the keeper and give it to a jury’, thus getting himself out of a lot of grief.
And here we are.
So, Ed the Cat Fondler, who’s going to speak for you in the event you didn’t fondle the cat? Who’s going to white-knight you? See how it works?
*A nasty habit indeed.
“Morrison took the side of the alphabet freaks?”
Dick Ed
The entire South was destroyed, at least 4.4 million black people were made homeless and destitute, there was no food to be found, but no one died of starvation.
According to you, a million former slaves died of starvation, yet the black population kept increasing. These two concepts seem contradictory, yet you offer no hard evidence for your claim, only assertions.
This lady does some outstanding semi reversing. And she ain’t ugly either:
A bill which was promised to protect religious freedoms is now being gutted from within to allow fringe activists to takeover and demolish Christian and Jewish institutions.
Because it will not be applied in Muesli schools.
Don’t worry, calli, that’s still how I see devout Christians. Mostly nice ppl with a touch of harmless dottiness.
You’re being paged to go to reception.
No he fucking didn’t.
They tried to wedge him with the Evangelicals, so he’s taking away their Exemptions under the Act.
Wanna blame someone?
Blame the School principals who tried to play Hardball with Scotty 3 months out from an election
MikeNewZ ???
Feb 5
Czech Supreme Court: Vax Passports tantamount to vaccination coercion, and therefore not legal.
Czech Court Abolishes Vaccine Passports For Restaurants and Hotels
The Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic has ruled that vaccine passports are tantamount to vaccination coercion and not legal.
“Because it will not be applied in Muesli schools.”
Yep…..just like there was no pile on of a Muslim female football player last week when she refused to wear the “Pride” jersey.
Oh the double standards.
Yep. Remember when Stephen told the Sanhedrin they’d just had their expected messiah executed? They literally stuck their fingers in their ears and shouted at the tops of the voices to not hear what he was saying. Then they executed him as well.
The Left currently have their fingers in their ears and are shouting loudly so they can’t hear truth being told by Christians. And so we get the treatment. Paul* said we haven’t resisted to the point of shedding blood. That probably won’t come due to the hangups of these woke-progs, but their hostility is at eleven on the dial.
(* Assuming he was the author of Hebrews, a question of some debate.)
I’d like to hear @spacebunny’s take on this.
Feb 4
What I said 2 YEARS ago in March 2020. Lockdowns will not work, have never worked, will never work, won’t save 1 person from getting sick, but will ruin economy, kill millions of jobs, close businesses and cause depression, suicide, drug addiction. Now look. How come I knew, but no doctor knew, Dr Fauci didnt know, CDC didn’t know, no Democrat politician knew. Why? Are they dumb, blind, or just bribed?
Johns Hopkins: Lockdowns Caused “Enormous” Harm, Had Little to No Benefit – The New American
Lockdowns did virtually nothing to curb the spread of COVID-19 and save lives, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found. …
Blame the School principals who tried to play Hardball with Scotty 3 months out from an election
When “Scotty” holds a press conference, does he walk backwards out of the room so the assembled media can’t see the soles of a pair of sneakers behind him?
You rejected the graph that showed an increase in the black population.
Remember that, it was only this morning.
It was just after you claimed that you doubted there were even 1 million slaves in total.
MikeNewZ ???
Feb 5
Vax Side Effects Worse than Expected.
[Dr. Robert Malone]
The Covid Vaccine Side Effects Are Worse Than Expected
The Covid Vaccine Side Effects Are Worse Than Expected
The Church shall never perish.
Her dear Lord to defend,
to guide, sustain, and cherish,
is with her to the end.
Tho’ there be those that hate her
and strive to see her fail,
against both foe and traitor
she ever shall prevail.
Tho’ with a scornful wonder
the world sees her oppressed,
by schisms rent asunder,
by heresies distressed,
yet saints their watch are keeping;
their cry goes up, “How long?”
and soon the night of weeping
shall be the morn of song.
He is concealing multiple unspeakable crimes against children.
BREAKING: Biden Lifts Sanctions On Terror Regime Iran’s Nuclear Program
In a just world I’d be able to say what should happen to this vile grub.
Can we swap governments with the Czechs ?
I am pleased the Supreme Administrative Court of thenCzech Republic understands Admirilty Maritime Law.
Red meat for my bois, Knuckles, Tails, Carpe-San, etc.
She CRAVED him for 10 years, he forgot she even EXISTED
Better Bachelor
362K subscribers
And the husband didn’t even know he was just the provider.
[Original article]:
I am happily settled, and yet I still think of my first love. Will it forever hold me in its sway?
(Imagine being the poor cuck married to Mx Eleanor Gordon-Smith).
Well we have seen what happens when we let them play with knives and guns.
We know what to expect next
By a corporal.
And gave them $29 billion. I wonder how much weaponry that will buy?
Curious. Could an Iranian missile reach Washington DC?
The entire South was destroyed, at least 4.4 million black people were made homeless and destitute, there was no food to be found, but no one died of starvation.
I didn’t say no-one died of starvation.
I asked whether you had any evidence that they had.
The answer to which is clearly “no, 0.00000[recurring to infinity] evidence actually”.
So there’s no basis for you to be making any assertions on the subject at all.
Dot, it’s the chick writing to Eleanor Whatever, not Eleanor.
It’s not just you, dearie. Other people loathe you too.
Ahem. What makes you think that this bloke’s going to throw himself at you if given the chance? Are you under the impression you’re irresistible?
Blokes go out of their way to knock back people like you.
That would be an own goal.
No, the answer is
I dunno. It could be Joanna Krupa.
“Could an Iranian missile reach Washington DC?”
Iran has targets closer to home.
Thanks, calli, and CL.
Grogarly, having had his sorry arZe handed to him, yet again on the Cat, curls up, bawling in the corner….
Dunno, La Krupa, bit of a pooch really.
Laugh aloud headline of the day.
Labor vows to manage budget ‘much more responsibly’ than Liberals (Sky News, 6 Feb)
I think Mr Chalmers has an excellent talent as a stand up comedian.
Gray “I’m a collectivist bum sniffer and I love it” Connolly, on the Bosi:
Australia is part of the third world, in case you hadn’t noticed, you preposterous bourbonesque cockhead – and entirely thanks to imbeciles like you.
Groogs at 6:20 – you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension anyone reads your posts or gives a shit.
I’d knock her back. Make her chase me.
Wayne Goosesteen is a helluva warmup man.
Son, stayaway from high maintenance chicks.
And don’t participate in satanic ritual sacrifices like giving flowers.
Sage advice.
One for Custard. If he can get his guys to build caravans quicker, we Ncl peeps are buying.
I suspect there might be a rash of sell-da-house and go on the road since house prices look like SpaceX launches here. That’s what a long time neighbour across the road did. I ran into him some months later in a supermarket carpark, where he showed me their RV.
Neil Oliver: The powers that be keep pulling Covid back around until it’s front and centre
What the hell has gone wrong with this world? It’s like I woke up one morning in March 2020 having been transported into some utterly bizarre parallel universe.
Not to mention the wonders of suddenly being a second class citizen incessantly subjected to the vitriol of stupid sanctimonious “good germans”, including all the deadshits in my family*.
Stop the bus, etc … 😕
*None of whom will ever be forgiven.
In this lifetime or any other.
Ever wonder where those scream-at-the-sky women who couldn’t deal with Trump’s 2016 win went? Me neither. But here they are:
Omicron is still causing chaos in the US, and parents of kids too young to get vaccinated feel left behind
Ummm why would these fucking nutbags be doing this? It’s because they are terrified their under 5s will catch Covid and there isn’t a vaccine available for them. No shit. Skip down to the end…
Okay, these insane hags are pretty hilarious. But what they so desperately want is to offer their very young children up to Big Pharma who will use them as human guinea pigs. When do we have the conversation about child abuse and removing these poor children from their deranged parents?
It might have made more sense if they’d stuck to feeling their left behind instead of reproducing.
But no, karens just have to karen.
What about the other 100+ microbial species that cause common colds?
What is this, a 250 year long public ‘elf project?
Sounds great until you get tired of living in a shoe box and try to buy back in only to find you have blown your home equity on cheese sausages.
There’s a clue.
You could also be describing Albansleazy.
Although boofheads aren’t as stupid, staggeringly uglee, utterly incoherent or prone to wasting their precious time “fighting torries*”.
*Creatures that don’t exist.
Hmm, the Daily Tele, which is so swampy these days it smells of rotten egg gas, has a story which skirts the edges of Murdoch kiddie inspired halality:
‘It’s pretty scary’ – second surf ironwoman in heart fright (6 Feb)
Golly, I wonder what caused that? It’s a mystery.
And not a very subtle one at that. How many women, say even twenty five years ago, would have been cursed by their staggeringly stupid birthing units as a “Sharonda”?
Cardi on dash cat saying UAP kicking off in mid February for election footing.
Ed Casesays:
February 6, 2022 at 6:20 pm
… yet the black population kept increasing.
You rejected the graph that showed an increase in the black population.
Remember that, it was only this morning.
It was just after you claimed that you doubted there were even 1 million slaves in total.
You are, as usual, confused. That was another commenter. But do feel free to Google back and try to find the relevant comment.
Not kidding.
I know of two couples who sold in 2021 because their existing property wasn’t suitable for one reason or another.
Sat back for a while before they looked to buy a replacement property in the same towns.
In the space of six months the property ship had sailed and they had to buy elsewhere.
Rockdoctor, there’s only around 16 weeks until the election, things will start moving fast.
I basically only watch youtube on my TV, checked out the Ch9 feed. They had a reasonably good coverage of the Canberra protests. Surely it must be sinking n to our f!$*kwit politicians that no matter what their polls and the media says, they are on the nose and becoming more so everyday.
incoherent ramblersays:
February 6, 2022 at 6:37 pm
Curious. Could an Iranian missile reach Washington DC?
Probably not at this stage, but one would almost certainly have the range (if not necessarily the accuracy) to reach Tel Aviv. On the way, it would probably pass an Israeli missile heading the other way, with both the range and accuracy to reach Teheran.
A young surf life saving ironwoman has spent time in hospital with heart issues – the second elite athlete in a month to experience issues.
How long can the MSM scum breathlessly write these articles without asking “why?”.
Then again, The Left love their sacrifices, so probably they already know the answer and have concluded that The War On COVID is worth others lives.
Ed Casesays:
February 6, 2022 at 6:44 pm
No, the answer is
“Do your own research if it’s such an important issue for you.”
It seems to be important to you, but you have not demonstrated that you have done any research. Why should anyone else?
The face of Australia’s Covid vaccine rollout has shared US data which shows states that introduced mask mandates only had slightly more cases than those which did not.
Read that lead again-
The face of Australia’s Covid vaccine rollout= err that’s the long-ago ex-deputy CHO, now known as a “skeptic”, never the face of vacc mandates- that would be Batears Andrews
US data which shows states that introduced mask mandates only had slightly more cases than those which did not.
See the goose-step there?
But read the whole thing, and despair at our (or at least .co.uk) incurious and dishonest press.
Currently in Hervey Bay. About 2 hours ago a convoy of vehicles drove along the Esplanade. Close to 100. Signage not that great but was to do with vaccines / mandates.
Two over 50 couples did not seem to know what it was about. I told them and mentioned the Canadian truckers. Not surprised when they had no idea about the Canadian convoy. Told them huge story but not being covered here.
Haven’t seen him here for a while.
Could an Iranian missile reach Washington DC?
One they have a nuke there are multiple options available. Anyone for a 40ft container full of used radiography equipment?
LOL. Magisterial stuff.
Along with a new term gifted to us: “Cat Fondlage”. 🙂
Former Australian Test skipper Kim Hughes, joining the long list of people shitcanning Cricket Australia after their treatment of Justin Langer (Aunty Sport):
Sharonda: “You’re tearing your hair out, you’re so frustrated,” she said.
This is true.
Peta Credlin: The Aboriginal flag should not be flown above the Harbour Bridge permanently
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet’s idea to fly the Aboriginal flag above the Sydney Harbour Bridge permanently might fail to generate the goodwill he wants, writes Peta Credlin.
The Sunday Telegraph
I’m all in favour of doing the right thing by Indigenous Australians but NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet is taking generosity of spirit a step too far if he decides to fly the Aboriginal flag permanently on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
We only have one national flag.
It represents all of us: those whose ancestors were here for tens of thousands of years; and those whose ancestors arrived sometime in the past couple of centuries, or as recently as the last decade.
The Aboriginal flag is just one of quite a few official flags, the state flags and the armed forces flags, for instance, and it doesn’t even represent all of Australia’s Indigenous people.
Torres Strait Islanders have their own flag. So quite apart from giving a flag representing about three per cent of us the same status as the national flag, by flying the two of them permanently alongside each other on our biggest city’s most prominent landmark, it might fail to generate the goodwill the Premier plainly wants.
Indeed it’s divisive.
I’ve no issue with it flying high on prominent Indigenous dates but not every day because it doesn’t represent everybody.
Given the national flag is a Commonwealth issue, Dominic Perrottet has got to rethink this one.
1 hour ago
At the next election ( state ) put it to the voters. If we have in NSW 2% of our population identify themselves as indigenous you might get 1% in favour. what about the other 99% don’t they count funny majority rule only applies when it suits you ( politicians )
9 hours ago
Go on Perrottet make the decision to do this BEFORE the upcoming By Elections and see where it gets you.
People have had a gutful of this divisive pandering.
11 hours ago
No wonder this country is so fractured. There is no one voice, one flag, one country. Our legislators and bureaucrats are letting it happen. What a sad place we have become.
12 hours ago
Very divisive decision from a political hack who is out of touch and using it for his own political purposes… election coming up?, Albo has said he wants Aboriginal and TS islander recognition in the constitution when he gets in another divisive thought creating racial division and raising one race over the rest … racism at its worst. If I was a Aboriginal it TS islander et al I would resist this with all my might … I would want equal status not special status over other races and cultures… our political Class are not stupid but are certainly not wise.
13 hours ago
Oh let the flag fly it looks good!!
15 hours ago
I agree. Such unnecessary pandering divides the nation.
22 hours ago
Australia has a flag and N.S.W. has a flag, we don’t need a divine symbol flown atop of the Bridge! What next a Lebanese flag, a Greek flag or an Italian flag?
I suspect there might be a rash of sell-da-house and go on the road …
A permanent mobile protest sounds like an interesting idea. Imagine the accommodation you could build within the framework of a drop deck trailer?!
(Custard, get in here, I think I’ve just hit on the next big thing in caravans! Drop deck trailers converted to a two storey apartment, with a spot on the back for your runabout, want to change towns? Just get on freight hub and book your relocation! Avoid the cost and complexity of owning a prime mover!)
That guy Nick Hockley (Cricket Australia CEO) should be in Canberra.
I have just regained a modicum of respect for Kim Hughes. That is a beautifully phrased subtle insult to Cricket Australia. (I was living in London during his teary meltdown, it was a tough time to be an Aussie in London.)
(via Instapundit. Wow, he’s getting red pilled to infinity and beyond. Maybe he should have dinner with Gina.)
I surfed from about 13 to my early 20s. You required a wetsuit because Victorian water is very cold. A dude up the street who was a few years older took me with him and taught me.
You’re the Toowoomba kid, so you ought to be telling us how it’s done, Hallward. You pretty much inform us mere mortals of everything else. I notice both you and the incelized imbecile aren’t that sciency these days. What happened? 🙂 Was it something I said?
Thanks for pointing out just how subjective the scoring is in surfing and why it’s really a fun pastime but not a competitive sport.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet’s idea to fly the Aboriginal flag above the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Gaining preselection for the Liberal Party must require you to have at least 5 really shit ideas at hand that will completely piss off the people who voted for you.
Sancho, I am an infrequent poster there but do still lurk. I haven’t seen him much there at all as well. I think his run for Parliament may have all his attention at present. Anyway I say good luck to him but taking on Katter is a monumental challenge.
Which Musk business has the Meme War Division embedded in it?!
Just received an email from my daughter’s high school. It was meant for those parents/children in the school choir but was emailed to all. Anyway, choir participants are required to wear a mask whilst practising in the choir room and also during performances.
WTF! Wear a mask whilst singing? These people are mad.
Sancho, I don’t blame him, if he posts there is a pile on from the low grade simians who seem to take pleasure in bagging the crap out of him and his family. No constructive comments or criticism just abuse. There’s more than a few here who really need to do a bit of self examination or stop posting with scotch in hand.
There hasn’t been a bigger misreading of the ball out of the hand since Warney knocked over Mike Gatting in 1993.
CA thought that they could background journos about what a horrid chap Langer was, and how his 1980’s management style just wasn’t appropriate.
All-australian boy Pat was to give a few off the record examples of how horrid it was to be paid $800k per annum and be expected to actually perform.
I reckon a few friendlies in the media had the hatchet jobs ready to go, but they have binned them when they saw the reaction from ex-players.
This is decidedly not how the plan developed by the PR ponytails for CA was meant to play out.
And they have no idea why.
And they have no Plan B.
I think we’re saying the same thing in that we don’t get how you can possibly score in surfing.
Ignore my comment as it should have been directed to someone else.
Daily Mail.
Justin has a problem, a really big problem:
I for one don’t hold him accountable because his son-in-law is a philanderer and a fork-tongued dickhead, or that his daughter runs a double-act with said dickhead via her Tele articles.
But nor should he expect that we back off on criticism of either of them as public figures just because he might pop in here.
“Justin has a problem, a really big problem:
According to the pretty boy PM who likes to put on black face….they’re all misogynists and racists. He’s still in hiding too.
The Exposé News
? | BREAKING ?: 7 in every 10 C-19 Deaths in Canada are among the Fully Vaccinated according to official data; & Trudeau’s Government are trying to cover it up…
Canada’s Pandemic of the Fully Vaccinated | 7 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths are among the Fully V
An investigation of official Government of Canada data has revealed that the fully vaccinated account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 cases, and 7 in every 10 Covid-
No probs.
Nothing a photo opportunity can’t fix.
February 6, 2022 at 8:07 pm
Sancho, I don’t blame him, if he posts there is a pile on from the low grade simians who seem to take pleasure in bagging the crap out of him and his family. No constructive comments or criticism just abuse. There’s more than a few here who really need to do a bit of self examination or stop posting with scotch in hand.”
No. I don’t recall abuse. I do recall criticisms of his daughter’s partner. Isn’t that what we’re here for? Robust discussion, robust disagreement, robust disputation? I had a discussion/disputation with Cardi some time back month re. Barnabus and his capitulation re. net zero emissions and he readily agreed with me. I can understand why Cardi can’t stomach too much criticism…he loves his daughter and well…..family is family. I probably wouldn’t like it either….but he most certainly hasn’t been driven from here. I wish he would post here.
Sancho, if he posts and people ignore his point, and just pile on about his family he should be disgusted. Way too many here love to present themselves as arbiters of what is good but we know nothing about them and their families.
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.
Reasoned, constructive criticism is great. just hanging shit on someone and their family is disgusting.
You can’t.
The children will be collapsing, which will provide an interesting “duty of care” conundrum for the school.
This would all go away if everybody drank Woodstock cans.
Yet labore and the greenfilth will still somehow manage to be infinitely worse.
Now I detest the gliberals (and the national agrarian socialists) as much as the next person but we really have reached a dead end if this is the best we have in our so called democracy.
Anyone thinking that the UAP and the LDP are any chance of gaining enough votes to knock out the unipardee (in either house) is, to put it bluntly, dreaming.
Our political system is a dead parrot pining for some non existent fjords, while lacking any beautiful plumage.
Many, many executions, followed by the glorious implementation of HOP Time and then we start again – after nuking Canberra from orbit (just to be sure).
You know it makes sense. 🙂
Hanging shit?
Do you really think that deadshit Bananaby deserves anything but a bucketing after ‘reaching out’ to Britnah ‘Iggins with a hatchet job on a colleague, knowing full well that Britnah was part of a media push to destroy his side of politics?
I doubt I have seen more treacherous and stupid behaviour in Australian politics … ever.
As I said earlier, he is playing the Canbra game (empathy with feminist lefties, net zero, yada, yada), whilst his missus feeds the chooks in the rural base with ‘solid conservative values’ articles.
Hey, I don’t blame them.
They are a couple, he is a polly and she has a long history working in political communications (PR).
I expect them to play tag-team.
But Cardi shouldn’t be surprised if people see through it.
The best you can hope for Rabz is slowly that the unipardee loses 1/3 of the Senate the PHON/UAP/LDP and wins a small amount of reps seats over the 2022 and 2025 elections.
Then it is game on.
This is a multi decadal task, because we want to crush the uniparty and consign then to the dustbin of history like the Australian Democrats.
It’s Time To Be Terrified by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Could Australia learn from Singapore to make housing more affordable?
I’m kind of agnostic on the idea – it could work, it could be a disaster, depends on implementation – but what do the ‘experts’ think is the big challenge facing the proposition?
Seriously? It couldn’t work here because there isn’t enough *land* or government-owned land, but in Singers there is plenty??? My goodness. If there is one thing we have an abundance of, it’s land. Yes, even government-owned land. If our government urban planners dispensed with their irrational obsessions about preventing ‘urban sprawl’ and ensuring vast swathes of ‘green space’, there is an abundance of land to build on. A 4 bed 2 bath with a back yard big enough to kick a footy in for just about every family.
Yup. We still must do that in church. Hymn singing Christians are class-enemy.
You will never get rid of the Liars Party.
Keep in mind the effective tax rate on building a new home in Australia can get up to 85% – the proportion of taxes of the final price can be 46% (per research done by Peter Sheldon’s economists).
No other asset class is taxed as highly as this – some commodities are, but not an entire asset class.
Totally support the idea in the abstract, but Australia probably does not have the governmental competence to make a scheme like this work anymore.
Commie race baiting land whales can’t catch CHY-NA virus.
Children can though.
Never forget this photo.
What’s the likelihood Gettr is a CCP asset?
I surfed from 16 years old to 22. Mainly Perth, Triggs mostly but the odd trip to the south west (Easter Sunday 1969, 3 of us had the north point of Cowaramup Bay to ourselves) and one time at Victor Harbour in SA. Doesn’t matter about the water temperature. You need a wetsuit anyway.
I just don’t get the competitive thing. Surfing was great fun, great exercise out in the sun and you *know* when you’ve had a great ride.
Did my sporting competition elsewhere, later
Dick Ed
Found the comment where I doubted that there were a million slaves in the US pre-Civil War yet? Come on man, we haven’t got all night.
It won’t work here because the real estate lobby group is so powerful they will fight it tooth and nail. Additionally many politicians have investment properties so they will be loathe to introduce something that can lower housing values and rents.
I like the idea but power and money are more important to politicians than making housing more affordable.
Cardimona has posted here within the last 24 hours if I’m not incorrect. I respect the man immensely, he’s a good ol’ fashioned Ozzie larrikin, socking it to collectivists left, right and centre.
In regard to his daughter, I have never posted anything on this blog or its predecessor that could be construed as “abuse”. I have however criticised her “journalism” (if it could be dignified with such a term) on several occasions.
If Cardi thinks his daughter is being abused, he lets the perceived abuser(s) know, in no uncertain terms.
As for the Beetrooter, he has repeatedly revealed himself to be an utterly incoherent unprincipled empty headed vainglorious grasping imbecile. A global laughing stock who was outsmarted by two Hollyweird yapdogs, FFS.
And I don’t even drink Scotch, thank you very much.
Only because we’d have all graduated to drunkenly slapping each other with the flats of the most tinea-ridden double-pluggers we could find…
…Or have I got it mixed up with Bundy OP again?
(I am so glad this idea of mine for a Mess Game never saw the light of day. There would have been carnage. 🙁 )
calli says:
February 6, 2022 at 8:29 pm
The children will be collapsing, which will provide an interesting “duty of care” conundrum for the school.
Agreed Calli. The choir commences for children (11/12 years old) in year 7. Child faints, hits his/her head on the ground. This has got ‘RISK’ written all over it in flashing lights.
This is not abuse.
It is a demonstrably objective and accurate description of someone I hope will be a retired backbencher by the end of the year.
But then they would have nothing to do amd have to go get real jobs in transport planning and somesuch.
Oh wait….
Woodstock cans being my preferred tipple 🙂
Bloody hell.
Peter Fitzsimons’ FIL* doesn’t post here does he? We’d never get off the ground if everybody stopped making fair comment on public figures in case he needed a hand-pat. In my view:
(h/t bern) is fair comment. However:
Is not fair comment. But nobody’s done this, so I say whoever has angst about Joyce can carry on.
*C’mon Ed. Fess up. The serial wrongness give you away.
*gives you away*
John H, I agree that it would sink on launching here due to vested interests.
It creates a two-tier market which would quickly equalise between the two sectors.
They could dampen this by creating a notional land value which must be repaid if the scheme participants sell.
This value could diminish by, say, 5% per annum until it reaches zero after twenty years.
John H @ 8:44pm
You forgot Developers. There’s been some pretty smelly relationships that have bubbled to the top from time to time. Pity the only ones that attract attention are Liberal Party ones, the ALP are just as bad. They would also fight tooth and nail against something like that.
It is a demonstrably objective and accurate description of someone I hope will be a retired backbencher by the end of the year.
Or an ordinary citizen after losing his seat. Cardi’s daughter’s problem is she is consorting with a dickhead.
Eyrie says:
February 6, 2022 at 8:47 pm
…….and one time at Victor Harbour in SA.
Victor Harbor? Maybe you mean Boomer Beach (half way between Victor and Pt Elliot) or Middleton (south coast but a few kilometres further south).
Either way, some gutsy swells in either location. At their best, waves could be very challenging.
Let me just add the following…
1. I’ve never judged Barnaby over his affair with Vikki. We live in a time when (sadly) many marriages break down….by all accounts Joyce and his wife had been living separate lives for a long time. I don’t judge marital situations.
2. I didn’t approve of the Sharri Markson Daily Telegraph scoop re. Barnaby and Vikki. I thought it was disgraceful journalism and the picture of the heavily pregnant Vikk on the front page was gutter journalism. For better or worse we’ve always had a code here in Oz where the private lives of politicians remain….private. The MSM ignored the married Bill Shorten’s affair with the married Chloe……she became pregnant with Shorten’s child whilst still married to the architect Rupert Parkin. The MSM ignored the affair of that anti-Semite, Tony Burqa (he’s now shacked up with his Green activist girlfriend). There was zero outrage in the MSM about Burqa, no outrage about Shorten. It was “nothing to see here”…..and I could go on and on and on.
3. Even tonight on Sky, Skanki Markson, dripping in eastern suburbs sanctimony, was opining on about what a hypocrite Barnaby was for not supporting SSM whilst at the same being unfaithful to his wife. Markson is a dumb bimbo fuckwit…capable of some good journalism at times but she’s also completely embedded in the progressive narrative…particularly when it comes to SSM. She fails to realise that Barnaby’s opinion on SSM had nothing to do with his infidelity. Markson clearly knows nothing of Jewish or Christian theology. Human beings sin, they transgress….that’s the human condition.
4. I supported Joyce taking over from McCormack. I thought McCormack to be ineffectual….a nice decent bloke but lacking any cut through so, I was glad when Barnaby took over…but since then I’ve been terribly disappointed with him, particularly over his complete capitulation with net zero emission. Barnaby and the Nationals should have walked or, they should have insisted on the nuclear energy option…..they didn’t.
5. I don’t judge texts….I’ve written things in texts that aren’t particularly nice….but, but, but I’m not a politician trying to be deputy PM of this country again. I remain absolutely staggered that Barnaby sent such a text re. Morrison to Miss Brittaneeeee. From the beginning I’ve suspected that the whole Miss Brittaneeeeeee musical is all about cheap politics……Miss Brittaneeeeee and her cohorts are out to destroy the coalition ….egged on by Cane Toad Wilkinson and the scum at The Project, egged on by her partner and egged on by progressive MSM scum. And yet Barnaby sent a expletive ridden text to Miss Brittaneeeeeee which says to me that not only isn’t he a good judge of character, he’s a fool.
As for Cardi, I’ve always liked him but that won’t stop me criticising Barnaby.
Vikki Campion used to post Why-Oh-Why articles on the old Cat of a Friday Night/Saturday morning.
The articles insulted people’s intelligence and some questioned her bona fides.
Then Cardimona would spring into action abusing the commenter.
After a while the Peta Credlin style articles stopped appearing.
No one abused Joyce, though there were a few cringeworthy instance where personages asked her to pass a message on to him.
“In regard to his daughter, I have never posted anything on this blog or its predecessor that could be construed as “abuse”. I have however criticised her “journalism” (if it could be dignified with such a term) on several occasions.”
Quite so Rabzy.
so … JC was a grom
well, I never
Victor Harbor? Maybe you mean Boomer Beach (half way between Victor and Pt Elliot) or Middleton (south coast but a few kilometres further south).
Middleton rings a bell IIRC. It was a long time ago.
Cassie an uptick wouldn’t do that justice. My thoughts exactly but much more eloquently put.