11 minutes of Jesse Watters analysing the zelensky debacle and why zelensky and the demorats sabotaged the world: Watters: Dems…
11 minutes of Jesse Watters analysing the zelensky debacle and why zelensky and the demorats sabotaged the world: Watters: Dems…
I think I’ll start a rumour that Anal is going to introduce conscription to send a couple of Brigades over…
I voted today. Guess what, Woger … you lost!
Mr Inbetween was awesome. How about his dipshit mate who he helps out too much.
Dune 1 was a work of art. Captured the fear and tension of the book perfectly. Dune 2 was total…
Bagging SA surf is shooting fish in a barrel. Makes Trigg look good though.
Oky doc, the infinity symbol turned into a question mark…
New England is on a 67:33 Two Party Preferred.
I doubt Bananaby will get tipped out.
I hope he loses enough paint on election day and gets toppled from the leadership to the point that he throws in the towel.
He won’t want another stint on the backbench.
One of the bizarre and irrational things about his behaviour is the contact with Britnah about ScoMo, ostensibly because he was pissed off to be sitting on the back bench.
The Trumbles were pushing the Britnah story hard. These were same Trumbles who insisted Bananaby get the arse from the frontbench in the first place for shagging a staff member.
Then Cardimona would spring into action abusing the commenter.
Dick Ed
When you have found the comment where I doubted that there were a million slaves in the US pre-Civil War, perhaps you could also find a few of these purported comments by Cardimona.
See the NSW labore government 1995 – 2011. Sydney will never recover from the high density abominations inflicted on it by Boob Carr et al, during that time.
But yeah, zero corruption at all, according to Greiner’s ICAC. Nothing to see here, people, apart from many, many neo brutalist monstrosities (that just mysteriously appeared out of nowhere, we tells ya).
Yep. A relative was heavily into the real estate game and told me that developers and local government work hand in hand. By “Real Estate” I meant the whole bloody game.
Housing issues are not unique to Australia. It is a common problem in the OECD. Singapore is one example of a fix but as the government already has a monopoly there it is not applicable to Australia. We could look to other countries but I don’t think anyone in politics is particularly interested in addressing the problem.
To be honest folks I am so fucking fed up with our useless leaders because their sole purpose is to win elections and to that end they will throw away their principles and the future of the country in an instant. It wasn’t always like that. I don’t why this descent into political narcissism has become so pronounced in the last 20 years.
Oh and another thing….I’ve long thought that Barnaby’s political nous has gone AWOL. I was stunned last year when he joined in the attacks on Katie Hopkins when she arrived in the country. So, we had a situation where he joined in a pile on of Hopkins that was orchestrated by the progressive MSM and social media scum….all designed to get Hopkins kicked out of the country. Barnaby, appearing on Insiders, joined in the pile on. I was furious and actually, I remain furious. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. Barnaby should have kept his fucking mouth shut.
I remember Vikki wrote a piece and it was published on the old Cat…it was just before the old Cat was shut down. I wrote a strident comment where I called out Barnaby for this…note it wasn’t abusive but it was certainly very critical. Cardi came on and agreed with me and told Vikki to listen to the criticism.
BTW, Beryl G’s squeeze got busted courtesy of an ICAC investigation into his corrupt development deals with my beloved local (labore) council.
Australia – where corruption is everywhere, but we don’t talk about it because we’ve grown used to it.
She’ll be right mate and throw another quadruple jabbed four year old on the barbie of our vanities …
A bit of Howard era deadwood needs to spend more time with the family post election. The R-G-R deadwood will be in Cabinet.
Stew in your dog boxes climate criminals.
Climate Study: Air Conditioning Will Outstrip Grid Supply by 2030 (4 Feb)
High density housing for Gaia seems to’ve caused an electricity supply catastrophe.
How odd.
The most powerful lobby in Australia is not the Chicoms, the Yanks or the J-ws. It’s the integrated property ponzi lobby which includes real estate spruikers, bricks and mortar retailers, banks and unis. Everything in this country is geared towards averting house prices falling.
I wouldn’t have a problem with allowing people to use their superannuation as a deposit on a family home and use their compulsory super payments to contribute to mortgage repayments on that property. Such an arrangement would need to be subject to certain conditions and restrictions – you couldn’t borrow against the value of the property prior to preservation age, access to the age pension would be different etc.
There’s just as much corruption in Australia as any other Third World country – they acknowledge that corruption exists, we don’t.
Hey Grigs!
How about instead of slandering the man, you break out the Cat’s trove site and find us a post or three [dozen] that demonstrates your conceit?
Look, I’ve even provided you the link:
Stop gumming your mutton and get busy!
I read that differently.
I think he was too smart by half.
He thought this would work on two levels.
Firstly, “inside the beltway” he wanted it to become known that he had bagged out ScoMo and supported Britnah, in the hope that the media would grease the rails for him when made a run for the Big Chair again.
Secondly, he knew it would probably leak to the wider community eventually, but probably only cited as “a senior cabinet minister” with no attribution to him.
I’m looking forward to voting UAP in the HoR.
The Exposé News
?| BREAKING ?: Official Government of Canada data suggests the Fully Vaccinated are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome…
Pillow talk.
They are the Aussie bumpkin version of BloJo and Carrie.
I am thinking of voting this time around. UAP, LDP and Democratic Alliance right up the top. LNP stone motherless last.
I’m dreading a Labor/Greens Coalition.
Because he had no credible opponent last time.
It was different in 2016 , he was gone for all money until The Australian tipped a bucket on Tony Windsor 5 days out from the Election.
He is erratic, though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s done some sorta deal with Albanese should he be flicked again.
Oh dear.
The Daily ExRosé.
Tucker Carlson
Jan 22
Last week we told you about a recent NPR segment on anti-diet dietitians and fitness experts who hate fitness. We thought it couldn’t get any better than that. But, oh, were we wrong.
@OCO I’m hearing reports the West is running out of food. Is this true??
Whenever there’s a “sex scandal” in politics, always view it as a distraction squirrel.
The Brittany stuff is junk, the Barnaby text is junk. It’s all distraction.
Meanwhile our country has been ruined by people who knew they were ruining it. And all for nothing.
A self-declared ‘Tory-fighter’ making a deal with someone he has declared a Class Enemy?
I wish I had some of your imagination, Grigory.
At the very least, I could certainly employ it more gainfully- Mutton goes into your stomach by your mouth, not up your nose or in your ear…
Too many South Africans in WA, clearly.
Interesting. Features Drew Pavlou!
I’m dreading a Labor/Greens Coalition.
Already feels like we have one….
Middleton is more likely. I know the area very well and when I saw ‘Victor Harbor’ I though ‘huh?’.
You’d wait a long time for a decent wave in Victor. But Middleton is another issue altogether and is only a few kms from Victor. Three footers when ‘calm’ and 5 to 6+ footers are very common. If the southern part of the Indian Ocean is restive, Middleton can be a wild ride. And on some days, only the very good or the very stupid would dare.
Short answer- No.
Long answer- Lion Nathan’s decision to consolidate WA’s breweries into SA and Vik may yet come back to bite it. But we’ve no shortage of locally produced wine, whiskey and other spirits.
The good ALDI chilli ketchup has disappeared from the shelves, but. Anarchy may yet still be crouching at our Sandgroperian heels… 🙁
“I’m dreading a Labor/Greens Coalition.”
You’re not the only one. I pray the senate will be a dog’s breakfast for Labor……with quite a few LDP, PHON and UAP senators.
Was it expletive ridden?
I read that he called Scotty a liar.
It reads like he was drunk and it sounded like the right thing to do, that’s the kindest explanation I can come up with.
The Machiavellian Barnaby that Sancho is spinning sounds like another of his wacky Qld characters.
Wat is jou probleem met ons?
David Vance ????
Shaq gets it.
Bluddee hell, Fiskables – I thought you’d experienced a mysterious fatal accident.
JC will be thrilled to have you back.
I am down to my last two packets of South Market dimmies if that means anything.
Don’t tell JC I’ve got a stash.
Stating the bleedin’ obvious leavened with his unique “Beetrooterisms” is about all the sad ol’ joke is capable of.
Even then it’s a struggle.
Indeed, a helicopter ride.
Neil Oliver’s latest covid tyranny Monologue, I look forward to this every week, he nails it every time ??
Rex Angersays:
February 6, 2022 at 9:23 pm
Ed Casesays:
February 6, 2022 at 9:07 pm
Hey Grigs!
How about instead of slandering the man, you break out the Cat’s trove site and find us a post or three [dozen] that demonstrates your conceit?
Hang on Rex, I asked him first to provide his evidence for a statement he claims that I made. Don’t distract him!
The most powerful lobby in Australia is not the Chicoms, the Yanks or the J-ws. It’s the integrated property ponzi lobby which includes real estate spruikers, bricks and mortar retailers, banks and unis. Everything in this country is geared towards averting house prices falling.
This is true but the real reason is not generally understood. German economist Richard Werner’s work helps connect the dots, particularly in the context of the Australian economy.
If our government urban planners dispensed with their irrational obsessions about preventing ‘urban sprawl’ and ensuring vast swathes of ‘green space’, there is an abundance of land to build on.
It’s not that, it’s large kickbacks for rezoning rural to residential. There is simply massive corruption in the zoning game and there have been some pretty big lawsuits in Melbourne that back up that assertion. Northern Freight hub.
Dick Ed
The Australian tipped a bucket on Tony Windsor
ROFLMAO, Tony Windbag spent his entire time in Parliament tipping buckets on himself every time he opened his big gob.
It’s a good thing Dover stepped up to this. Well done!
There is a good argument to zone stuff permanently if there must be zoning at all.
“Old rules are fair rules”.
Dick Ed
Found that comment supposedly by me yet? Stop faffing around about Bananaby and Windbag, and demonstrate that you weren’t just making sh1t up. You know, the one about the number of slaves in the US at the time of the Civil War.
Knuckle Dragger says:
February 6, 2022 at 8:56 pm
Sorry, KD, I inadvertently reported you – DB, I was just scrolling.
Hi SSR good to see you again! What’s your position on the proposed Putinist annexation of Ukraine, and do you have any comments on the Chinese Communist Party regime’s motivation for supporting the invasion?
Feb 1
Translate post
Nah, Fisk.
He alleges he got bored on his own blog, but really he was only there to antagonise Sinc and his coterie of Class Enemies. As soon as it was gone, his reason for turning up evaporated.
He did turn up to try and abuse Adam on the Dash-Cat late last year, after Adam spent some 3 months away trying to sort put all manner of rolling c00f isolation and family catastrophes.
Numbers tried to pull his “I was in Vietnam, you know” schtick. And immediately tripped Adams ‘No Dickheads’ rule. And was smote so quickly I’m not sure he’s yet recovered from the whiplash…
@ Fisk-
Just don’t mention you like pizzas or wear red shoes…
Numbers was last seen, over on Michael Smith….he was reminded there that he had a soft option to being conscripted…
Or admit you have ever been in a tunnel.
Who the $#@^ are these guys?
I have never, ever heard of CMA until just now watching Clarey rant about the negative value creation of decades of HR, managerialism and credentialism.
No sweat on the reportage. Dover won’t ban me. I’
The Daily Expose (aka gimme munny).
Reeling in the heavy hitters now. The first one was only ‘breaking’ two weeks ago as well.
I think it’s more like stonedbunny.
She’s Vox Day’s wife if that means anything.
Tab limit reached.
Windows 11 tab limit of 1024 simultaneously open tabs has been reached.
You will need to close some tabs to continue.
(I’d start with the Bunny Exposé ones).
First date advice please my older brothers, I am cooking for her:
Italian food (I am 1/32nd Italian), and some older adult contemporary like Dire Straits for background music?
Bugger! I must have missed it. Was that the one from Jan 22nd?
Mark Taylor on the Langer sacking (the Hun):
Adam Gilchrist:
Aaaaand the faster, fiercer, more talented and not a greenie freak Mitchell Johnson (the West Australian):
And then he went straight down the pipe at his former teammates:
Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant.
The Cricket Australia people who did this are the very same people who fell over themselves to appear inclusive and fair when they sacked Tim Paine for sending a consensual dick pic to a tart four years before, when he wasn’t even captain, and which had been reported AND for which he was cleared of wrongdoing.
Kim Hughes was right. They should all be in Canberra.
From memory, yes. Michael Smith posted that it was so many years since he’d enlisted in the A.R.A so Numbers had to remind everyone about the human cost of conscription….
I was in a tunnel yesterday.
If eating Italian food, particularly on a first date, always wear a crisp white shirt.
Okay it was more galleries but underground, very underground.
Like all self-aggrandising dictators and despots, he has convinced himself that the people love him and live only to serve him. He simply cannot comprehend or imagine that there are any citizens out there who do not adore him and revere his rule. It’s the self-belief that brings undone the likes of a Musolini or a Caucescu.
He also seems to believe that labelling any who don’t fall at his sparkly-besocked feet as the various “-ists” and “-phobics” that he so bizarrely called the truckers this week will somehow automatically make them melt away in shame or something, or turn the rest of the citizenry against them. He just doesn’t seem to grasp that there are tens of thousands of people, possibly even hundreds of thousands now, out in the depths of the Canadian winter day and night, cheering on the truckers and all those supporting them.
Trudeau truly does seem to be living in a parallel universe. It’s quite bizarre.
Boris On The Road To Damascus
tonyheller – Published February 4, 2022
Rumble — The real story behind Boris Johnson’s disastrously poor judgement.
tell her what to do
more oil, more vinegar
no … white wine vinegar not malt
a teaspoon of mustard … Baxter’s dijon
apricot jam
not too much white pepper
jaysus woman, salt the salad not the dressing
dip your finger in it and make her taste it.
ask her … is that what you want?
Of course surfing is a sport. And Slater is the goat.
Much to my surprise, sometimes I am too subtle, or some of you are playing A game banter.
Ian Chappell:
List, in batting order, and only so far, of decent cricketers rightully and righteously caning the bejesus out of the decision:
Mark Taylor
Matthew Hayden
Ricky Ponting
Ian Chappell
Kim Hughes
Steve Waugh
Damien Martyn
Adam Gilchrist
Mitchell Johnson
Brad Hogg
Andrew Strauss (at No.11, because he’s a Pom)
Coach: Mickey Arthur, who said:
Some dating advice from a past master – if your pizza turns up sans pineapple, grab the tub of choice juicy golden sunshine cuts you’ve stashed in your manbag and ostentatiously strew them across the aforementioned Italian foodstuff.
Guaranteed to sort the men from the pretenders. 🙂
He just had to make it all about himself (again).
The sad stupid ol’ communist bastard.
Okay. I recognise another professional when I see one.
Mark Taylor
Matthew Hayden
Ricky Ponting
Ian Chappell
Kim Hughes
Steve Waugh
Damien Martyn
Adam Gilchrist
Mitchell Johnson
Brad Hogg
Andrew Strauss
Throw in Border and make Strauss 12th man and you have a solid “best ever” (yeah yeah, not quite) team. Only two fast bowlers though, a medium and two part time spinners.
Martyn and Ponting are probably my favourite two Aussie batsmen.
I can’t believe how mismanaged sport is in Australia. The land of wasted opportunities.
I’ve been waiting, not breathlessly, for my ADE for MONTHS.
Where is it?
You promised!
I always (wrongly) assumed Chappell was a fast bowler because he’s a prick.
While on the triumph of woke idiocy (BIRM) and its destructive effects on Australian sport, anyone remember the last Rugby world cup?
Yes, of course you don’t. The sport at the time was “administered” by a monstrous kiwi goth blandwhale and the purse strings controlled by a spiteful li’l homosexual irish hobgoblin.
Both of whom conspired to ban our best player for wrongthink.
The end result? Our worst ever showing in a Rugby world cup, knocked out by England (oh, the shame) in the quarter finals.
Was there anyone in Australian sports j’ism who pointed this out at the time?
Crickets (ptp).
Whatever is easy amd simple for you to make and makes good eating.
As to music- Trust your own tastes. I am a philistine who ranges from symphonic power metal to pipes and drums to Didney wurl pop to Synthwave to Glenn Miller in the space of as many shuffles…
Whatever you do, no Spotify.
No one clicks on links, they’re usually my punchline and I wholly blame frollickingmole.
Martyn and Ponting are probably my favourite two Aussie batsmen.
Sacré bleu!
Mark Waugh and the Gilchrist. Afghanistan was the most effortless and graceful technician ever*, while Gilchrist was not someone you’d ever want to be bowling against, whether Australia were 4-64 or 4-364.
*And the best catcher in the field.
Ian Chappel also ruined cricket for me about 10-15 years ago.
The final straw was when he started rambling about not changing your hand position to take a catch.
Whilst being totally wrong and demonstrably wrong by technically superior, more athletic modern players, he ranted that “kids at home” ought to listen to Uncle Ian’s 1870’s era coaching advice.
French innovation.
One of the options for the collection at mass today was a ‘basket’ than allowed you to pick an amount and tap’n’pay.
Err, Pol, don’t get me started on Chappelli …
there’s a five or ten minute space while the meat is resting
Roman Galleries.
They were explored extensively by Abbe Signal? in 1938, then excavated in the 1960s and opened to the public in the seventies.
But they were not a new find, the information at the site admitted that people living above has been using some of them as private cellars in the modern age (which probably means many hundreds of years) and has damaged them. Bad people.
“The ball is very rouND!”
“The grass is very greEN!”
“The sky is very blEU!”
“I’m a sad embittered ol’ failure prone to reminiscing about how grate I was back in my dAY!”
And on and on and bluddee on. It’s very fitting he’s ended up with fellow idiots on the ALPBC.
No one else would put up with him, except the poor long suffering taxpayer.
February 6, 2022 at 10:37 pm
Boris On The Road To Damascus
tonyheller – Published February 4, 2022
Rumble — The real story behind Boris Johnson’s disastrously poor judgement.
Yep, another kunt struck shit, just like hazza; only the fat bastard will have done far more damage then hazza or even his inbred fucktard father, prince tampon, will do.
Was it the dancing Gillard?
Was that what finally broke you?
He’s always been a one schtick pony.
It was Nanny Roxon.
You really ought to click on mine.
Very subtle tactics… 🙂
Too subtle…
This is no place for insane fan fiction.
Bad Boy Bubby is an awesome first date film.
Old spice, it’s impossible to use too much to make a really strong first impression.
Or Blair Witch Project, in case the meal wasn’t quite up to scratch, you’d have an alternative explanation.
Getting your mum to drop her home shows you have superior planning skills.
This is NOT subtle.
Sam Hyde – Take a knee for Huwhite women
It is merely TOO SUBTLE for imgur…
Be sure to tell her what you hated about your past girlfriends for most of the meal.
Sobbing at some stage will show your sincerity.
Chicks love that.
When are you meant to show her your shed?
For more tips subscribe to my Modern Musculinist channel, only $50 a month for unrivalled insights like these.
Subscribe now and I’ll throw in a copy of my book “ pegging, the deeper path of manhood”…
Chappelli did make listening to the cricket hard work this summer. It was a relief when Jim Maxwell came on and you could have a snooze.
First date films:
Reservoir Dogs
The Dirty Dozen
Any Which Way But Loose
Pet Sematary
Rex, I know you paid for the deluxe “ more meat masculinity” package but you can’t go giving away secrets like the cuck hut without payment.
Chicks dig cuck huts.
If people start live blogging mature dates I’m gonna have to flounce. For my own well being.
I like the wereporker
Chicks dig dudes with pants HB
Nobody loves a bear bottom.
Take along your best bottle of Ben Ean. Goes with any Italian food.
At the end of the meal roll up a white ox, when you are licking the paper to glue it shut be sure to stare meaningfully into her eyes as you display your tongue skills.
Be sure to blow the smoke in her face to assert your dominance.
She will be sliding off the seat…
Have Archer on in the background, all the time.
You’ll be a rolled gold shoo-in.
That reminds me of that joke. A bear and a rabbit are taking a dump in the woods. The bears says, “Does it stick to your fur?”. Rabbit says,”Nah, not a problem.”. And the bear grabs the rabbit and wipes his arse with him.
I think Dot needs to grow a horseshoe moustache before this date.
Is an ocelot still hot?
How do you titlate an ocelot?
You ocellate it’s tit a lot
Avi Yemini
The WA police barged into a church to check mask compliance on a day with 18 local cases in a state that is 93% fully vaccinated.
Learn from Australia.
Don’t believe them when they promise life goes back to normal if you get vaccinated.
Covid-Cops STORM Church during service
The Western Australia police barged into a church to check mask exemptions on a day with just 18 new local cases in a state that is almost 93% fully vaccinat…
First dates, all those years ago
The Memsahib and I met, on a blind date.
She confessed years later that, when she first saw “my place” she thought I must have been renting. No man who she knew, who was divorced, ever had a house…….
Be sure to tell her you are 1/432 German and you think it’s your duty to produce as many white babies as possible.
Which is why you will be continuing to make the twice weekly trips to the sperm bank.
You mock my train room [to be]!
Prepare to get railed!
Replying to @OzraeliAvi
Yes and it was the locals who reported them to the police. Learn from Australia don’t be a snitch!
Some fvcking Karen/Nigel sat outside that church, saw people entering without a mask, and rang the coppers…
I hope you are taking notes Dot.
This is advice you literally could not put a price upon.
But I’ll settle for you naming your firstborn after me.
stt – snap!
Australia’s government-funded national broadcasting system at their national capital Canberra (the equivalent of our Washington DC), APPLIED for, and received, permission to broadcast their propaganda on the ‘666 satanic DEVIL’S frequency’!
Lawyers or those who care about a Justice System will find the first 5 minutes interesting –
“YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice #191: Count Dankula
Premiered Jan 27, 2022
Michael Malice
172K subscribers
Michael Malice (“YOUR WELCOME”) is joined by YouTube sensation, and political activist, Count Dankula to talk about the current state of Scotland, political sensitivity, and Dankula’s recent run-ins with the law. The two also talk about vaccination policies and how they differ between countries (or do they?).
Are you happy now?
Poor dot.
First date didn’t go so well.
I almost forgot your killer line.
After you tell her of your gyppo heritage ask if she has any Italian in her.
If she says no then ask if she wants some.
Hearts of Oak
Feb 5
“It is a disgrace….” @jamesdelingpole discussing journalistic integrity during the ‘pandemic’
WATCH the full interview here on GETTR
LISTEN on Podbean or the pod app of your choice
Hit play for a clip ?? LIKE??SUBSCRIBE??SHARE
Carl Benjamin
Feb 5
If you didn’t boo, I’d think we were doing something wrong!
Women love sincerity.
Once you can fake that you can fake anything.
Corona Investigative Committee
Feb 3
Announcement: Start of the Grand Jury Proceeding
First date: Feb. 05, 2022
In serious criminal cases in the U.S., a so-called #grandjury is presented with the evidence at hand to convince them that this evidence is sufficient to bring public charges against the defendants.
We are adopting this model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with #crimesagainsthumanity that span the globe.
The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered to date, and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual.
video – https://gettr.com/post/prz9onf100
Nerd stuff on the code for Nero
Drinking good single malt Scotch, and watching Michael Caine, and Robert Duvall, in “Second Hand Lions – the Bar Fight Scene” is an occupation befitting a gentleman.
Could someone, who knows more about the technology, then I do, post the link. I am obliged to you.
Fart jokes are a good icebreaker in any social situation, particularly first dates.
Woodys 360° View
Memes, memes, and more memes.
Plenty of culinary advice at the link
… and the do’s and dont’s of dating
“Academic, personal interest is not the same thing as a clinical reason to do it,” Dr Moy says. “Most doctors will be wary of using public funds to do a test for interest, when you do a test you have to know what you’ll do with the result.”
“If people are interested in knowing whether they’ve had the virus, due to curiosity or to receive certain immunity passports for travel, they can also seek out an antibody test through a private provider at their own cost.”…
“Put simply, if a person only has spike antibodies, then they’ve likely had a vaccine but not an infection. If another protein called nucleocapsid shows up alongside the spike protein, it suggests they’ve been infected in the past.
“Although crudely, we can say that spike-only antibody equals a recent history of vaccination and spike plus nucleocapsid antibody equals natural infection plus or minus vaccine, it’s still an imperfect science,” Professor Kaldor warns.
There are also limitations on the time frame for antibody tests. Experts estimate antibodies develop about two weeks after an infection and should last for at least six months, but this can differ from person to person.”
how to know if you’ve already had covid at the dreadful ABC
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Morten Morland.
Andy Davey.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
oh look the ABC found a real Christian
Please tell me why we bother to vote Coalition?
Extra funding for ABC
The Morrison government has given the ABC a pre-election pay rise, committing to a $3.28bn support packageand scrapping its indexation freeze on the broadcaster’s budget.”
This government is one of the most cowardly in history. Spineless, craven, supine and cowardly.
Good riddance. They aren’t even “Labor lite”….they’re Labor.
I haven’t seen one clip of the Canadian protest showing talking heads screeching about lizard people or snarky interviews with idiot counter protesters.
It’s all been refreshingly upbeat focused on a single unifying issue.
focused on a single unifying issue
That’s the key to success.
You know, having been pushed into unemployment from the jab mandates, I’m rather enjoying all this free time. Laze at the beach, exploring walking trails, finishing a whole lot of books and just having a nice easygoing life.
Starting to wonder why I bothered with working two jobs, staying employed, and actually being a useful member of society. What exactly did it get me?
Some fvcking Karen/Nigel sat outside that church, saw people entering without a mask, and rang the coppers
And the coppers being Nazi Mongs didn’t say “thanks for the information” and go back to munching donuts.
Starting to wonder why I bothered with working two jobs, staying employed, and actually being a useful member of society. What exactly did it get me?
Bluey Lying Flat!
Lnp focus groups must have said votes in extra bucks for ABC.
ScoMo thinks the ABC will be nice to him if he gives them money.
Can someone post this piece from the Oz…
“Legal protection of religious freedoms vital to democracy
Julian Porteous
I’ve been on the receiving end of an attempt to silence the expression of religious beliefs. I know the chilling effect it has.”
A lot of people lying flat up here. No one wants to work, not even school leavers wanting summer work.
They just can’t find people to fill the positions, yet the population hasn’t up and disappeared. I can’t quite get my head around it.
Scotty might as well increase ABC funding – at least he’s got some chance of evenhandedness there.
Murdoch and Fairfax/Guardian are just out to gut him.
They don’t need a focus group tom tell them that.
Ever had a look at the other Media in Australia?
Toxic waste is the polite description.
Cassie, ScoMo is not craven. It takes courage to give your voters the finger right before the election by gifting the ABC gobs of money. He doesn’t dislike the ABC, he loves them, it’s us he hates.
This situation is snuffing out the last resistance to dependence on the state.
Calli, much the same everywhere else. I reckon the lockdowns, all the ridiculous arbitrary rules, the sit down money, the constant fear mongering etc have combined to instill a sense of malaise in much of the population. It will take decades or more before anyone will have a good idea of the damage caused by our politicians to the nation and the world.
There’s a tweet on the side that DB has uploaded re. GoFuckMe…the author of the tweet is Pedro Gonzales…
“GoFundMe had to be harassed and bullied by countless people and threatened with lawsuits before it came to this point. Bullying works and it is the only language these psychopaths understand. There is no “invisible hand”; you have to slap them in the face with yours.”
Mr Gonzales is 150% right. Turning the other cheek with progressive scum DOES NOT WORK. Being polite DOES NOT WORK. We have to fight progressive scum using the very same tactics they use against us. IT’S WAR.
I can help Rabz. The first two problems. I don’t drink Scotch? Woodstock? After those two I can only imagine the quip about not having pineapple on pizza is actually a dirty secret. Lift your game. If I can turn my life around anyone can.
As requested.
Scotty has ruined the World now?
ALP daily talking points have left the planet, then.
I observed it late last year, but thought I might just be projecting my own mindset onto others. A recent zoom meeting confirmed my suspicions. Although the participants had all had time off over the Christmas break, they all said they were tired. These are tough, resourceful people, not malingerers.
In a war or other conflict, people are energised by the goal of winning. In the nightmare that we now find ourselves in, thanks to unapologetic, lying bureaucrats who gloat about it, there seems to be no way out. We are trapped in a web and are being sucked dry.
bespoke says:
February 7, 2022 at 6:49 am
I only have one problem with this, who is going to pay for all this?
Surely eventually we lose so many of the actual productive taxpayers that the state has no option but to print money.
Make no mistake I don’t mean everyone will be on the dole, the majority is still imbued with work ethic, and has a purpose in life that involves working in a meaningful job.
I know I could not be idle, I’d find something meaningful and hopefully profitable to do if I’d lose my job.
But the future for the young brought up in this “the state will look after me” mentality is not bright.
My thoughts precisely – being polite to scum only enhances and encourages the scum because conservatives are very polite people and giving them a shovel-full of their own medicine shocks them to the core.
This is nice. Dover is giving us a long weekend.
Maybe. I know a few people who’re just going cash in hand or payment by barter now. I’m not signing up for any centerlink payments that’s for sure.
It is definitely destroying faith and trust in government and other institutions like police though. Some of the comments about the police force I would never have expected from the people who said it. It shows just how far they have fallen in the public trust, and it will be damn hard to regain it.
This is not that sort of blog.
Malaise? I am more morose.
I might lose my job soon when I might otherwise gotten a decent upwards bump.
Looking at all sorts of cash jobs. It isn’t about not having a job, it’s about sanity, living with yourself.
If the government forces you out of work, there is nothing wrong with getting welfare.
Enjoy the decline.
I simply do not trust and do not like police or doctors now.
I rate them above serious criminals but below unsolicited telemarketers.
Malaise? I am more mor(ose)on.
I can’t shake the feeling that we’re sliding towards another Kevin07 type election. Looking to replace a slightly competent government with an utter clown show.
I, too, am morose.
I hope you get all the help you need, Bons.
Morro is leaking against Dutton now.
It’s possible he is completely insane.
Chaos is a ladder.
I all for giving them a shovel.
Ridicule and exposing their motives are powerful tools.
Not for getting in the hole with them.
That is letting them dictate the battle ground.
Unfortunately Cassie the Left uses illegal and outright criminal tactics. Because the state apparatus is captured by them there’s instant overkill on any righties (eg. 1/6) but impunity for the criminal lefties.
GiveSendGo Hosts Freedom Convoy Trucker Fundraiser: $1.4M Raised Despite Cyberattacks (5 Jan)
That’s probably why some Cats who wanted to donate couldn’t get the site to respond. Unfortunately I very much doubt the authorities will pursue the attackers, and indeed they may even be the attackers.
Zulu, here’s the bar fight from Second Hand Lions you were after.
One of the best Buddy Movies of all time.
Watching the WA bushfires on the teev this morning, and attempting to reconcile those scenes with a currently sodden Darwin.
I have a longstanding mate who’s been a firey there for quite some time. He’s been stood down, but not actually sacked yet due to his unvaccinated status. He reckons there’s quite a few of his colleagues in the same boat.
Just wondering if the bushfire response has been hampered in any significant way by this particular Hermit Kingdom policy.
It would be weird if the Sneakers government thought it was a-okay for someone to be killed by radiant heat, or from inhaling superheated air so your lungs fry and you suffocate at the same time your face is burning off – but a 95 year old can’t shuffle off this mortal coil from pneumonia, but with hospital-acquired covid.
Oops, that of course was 5 Feb. I’m still stuck in January.
Ed Casesays:
February 7, 2022 at 6:41 am
Scotty might as well increase ABC funding – at least he’s got some chance of evenhandedness there.
Murdoch and Fairfax/Guardian are just out to gut him.
Sneakers Ed hard at work! “Some chance of evenhandedness”! ROFLMAO.
Haven’t you found that comment by me yet? Stop slacking off and prove that you really can Google.
Surely this is a hoax article, like the Emperor’s New Clothes?
Tim Pool: Scientists publish research article recommending wearing pantyhose over a masked face to stop COVID
I only have one problem with this, who is going to pay for all this?
Surely eventually we lose so many of the actual productive taxpayers that the state has no option but to print money.
Hello Argentina, Venezuela and Zimbabwe, here we come.
Yep – which is also why (in my view) it received the international traction it’s getting. Compare and contrast with themes introduced by people given microphones in some of this country’s protests:
Lizard people;
Indigenous land rights;
Pedos pedos fuckin’ pedos;
Thousand year old secret plans finally coming to fruition;
Armed takeover of the government (where, when, who and how have yet to be specified);
Martial law, and thousands of UN troops landing at Chinese airfields ready for deployment;
Donald Trump; and
Climate change.
There are probably more. The exact moment the righteous, justified and entirely on-point anti-mandate protests began in this country they were hijacked by fringe dwellers riding on that movement’s coat tails, with predictable results.
There are people (including some here, and/or formerly here) who claim that all this is a good thing, because ‘they’re on our side’ and ‘they are Doing Something’.
But are they? Are they really?