Open Thread – Mon 7 Feb 2022

Landscape with Hunters, Corrado Giaquinto, 1750s

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February 10, 2022 2:51 pm

One mans heretic is…

bespoke, I take your point and ‘heretic’ is a strong word.
However, he isn’t ‘one man’s’ heretic. There can never be such a thing as one man’s heretic.
The word literally means ‘I choose.’ Somebody who chooses to disregard the sacramental reality of marriage to create his own reality is heretical vis-s-vis Tradition itself – not vis-a-vis one man. In other words, he is overruling the Church – which means, all of the bishops and all of the faithful who have ever lived. Such a person is placing himself radically outside of the small local Church that is a school. That cannot stand. This is not the same situation as the bloke who is pretty obviously gay – even admittedly so – who is a bachelor and lives his life of imperfection and striving the same way everyone else does. This man belongs.

February 10, 2022 2:52 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
February 10, 2022 at 2:43 pm
I am of the understanding that Catholic schools welcome Catholics (of course), Anglicans, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists. In fact the Catholic system is truly non-discriminatory.

My understanding (and Catholics here can confirm) is that if you choose to send your child to a Catholic school and you’re not Catholic, your religion is respected however your child will be expected to attend Catholic religious classes. All of this is laid out at enrolment. I don’t have a problem with that.

Yep. Like it or lump it, the West was built on Christian fundamentals. Thats why its important for this to be taught at schools.

They used to have it when I was a kid in Vic. An islander preacher would come to class, sing a few songs ‘rocka my soul to bosom of Abraham’ LOL. But looking back, I think it was worth it.

Every monday morning in primary school we’d have assembly, sing God save the Queen, Advance Australia Fair + pledge allegiance to the flag!

I honour the flag,
I will serve the Queen,
and cheerfully obey my parents,
teachers and the law.”

Cassie of Sydney
February 10, 2022 2:53 pm

February 10, 2022 at 2:34 pm
I started reading Hendo’s book on Pell last night – at first I thought it’s not nearly as good as Windschuttle’s but its warming up now…

I never realised Victoria Police have basically been corrupt since their inception..”

I’ve read it…’s excellent but depressing. When I think of what Pell endured….I get very angry.

February 10, 2022 2:53 pm

rugbyskier, do you like the modern lifting line-outs or were the old jumping ones better?

February 10, 2022 2:54 pm


February 10, 2022 2:57 pm

I forgot to add Muslims into the mix. There are a lot of Catholic schools in the western suburbs of Sydney that have many Muslim students.

Yes a Muslim guy I knew at Tech went to a Catholic school.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 10, 2022 2:57 pm

Any voter seeking representation that reverses the leftist/authoritarian drift in the country is wasting their vote on a coalition candidate. They won’t deliver.

By the way, I fully expect an Albanese government to be awful and likely more awful than a re-elected Morrison government. I also expect the Morrison government is going to lose the election, and it won’t be close. I want it to be a landslide loss – the bigger, the better – with huge swings towards pro-freedom minor parties. Given Morro is heading towards almost-certain defeat, what’s the point of trying to save the furniture? If the Liberal Party is reformable, those within the party who might do the reforming need to experience a loss that can’t be explained away as a pendulum swing against an incumbent government – they will need to see vast chunks of their traditional support base abandoning them to provide impetus for them to start making the necessary changes. And if they won’t, well, the party needs to go. Good times.

The worst outcome would be for Morrison and his ostensibly conservative weathervane government to win another term.

February 10, 2022 2:57 pm

However, for most of those on the left that criticised the post-911 response from anti-war or pro-civil liberties perspectives – where are they now when their guys are in charge, madly beating the war drums and ferociously curtailing civil liberties? Crickets. Their ‘resistance’ during the Bush era was based on tribal affiliation, not principle. They can fuck right off.

Definitely, in many cases they’re the ones using those laws against their enemies (us) right now.

But who created the laws for them to use?

The right is going to have to aggressively recognize the role it plays – and has done for fifty or more years, in endlessly being goaded into implementing things that the left could not implement themselves, but then use to their maximum when they get hold of them. Which, given the cultural control they have over the beucracy and social institutions – is immediately.

So the political right is currently able to finagle its way into legislature occasionally, but then irresponsibly uses that minor position in the vast apparatus that is “society”, to create “laws” on paper – which are then exercised by their sworn enemies that infest the public services, are interpreted by their sworn enemies in the court system and translated to the public by their sworn enemies in the media.

We’re witnessing that exact thing happen with the religious discrimination bill right now.

February 10, 2022 2:57 pm

All Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates, and Work Restrictions END in England: Virus Treated Like Flu

February 10, 2022 2:58 pm

Cheers C.L

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
February 10, 2022 2:59 pm

132andBush…..what do ya call 1 trucker?…a truckies , truckie or trucker?….I call him King of the Road’ if he delivers flour so I can eat cake.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 10, 2022 3:02 pm

February 10, 2022 at 2:14 pm
Bespoke! I can’t look away!

Paddy demands that I see him. If I don’t I’m a double dog discriminator with pike and half twist.

Smile sweetly, compliment its dress, and try to avoid giggling uncontrollably.

February 10, 2022 3:03 pm

When I think of what Pell endured….I get very angry.

Yes- it’s abominable and frightening. “We don’t like you and what you stand for so we will get you and it doesn’t matter if you have done nothing wrong”. Again if Pell didn’t have wealthy backers he would still be jail. Justice only for those with money or with friends who have money. I don’t like the legal profession. A hangover from 1066.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 10, 2022 3:04 pm

Dont you worry about that road train catching alight on the SA/WA border…it was haulin’ danish butter.

Another truck inferno at the WA/SA road border? There was one a couple of days ago. Do they have photos or footage this time?

I mean, the fact that there are so few products on supermarket shelves in Perth makes sense if the road transport links keeps getting blocked by weird fires and whatnot. It surely isn’t a bunch of trucks and truck drivers doing something other than transporting goods to WA for some reason.

February 10, 2022 3:05 pm

Have the standards for QCs dropped?

The court heard Constable Rolfe yelled to his partner: “He was stabbing me, he was stabbing you.”

Crown prosecutor Philip Strickland, SC, asked the jury to consider whether Constable Rolfe was referring to Mr Walker trying to stab him and his partner while they were standing up — before the first shot — or when Constable Eberl and Mr Walker were on the mattress.

Or, did he say those words because he knew that he had gone too far when he fired the second and third shots?” Mr Strickland asked.

Or, did he say those words because hed been stabbed?

Mysterious mystery.

February 10, 2022 3:05 pm

King of the Road

Meh! What do you call those that created the roads they drive on.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
February 10, 2022 3:11 pm

Oh come on…..thats the one I was talkin’ bout, a couple days ago. Yup….theres pics. The truckers , truckies blame McGowan for it. Reckon that if that had’nt stopped for a RAT result it would’nt have happened.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 10, 2022 3:12 pm
Perth Trader
Perth Trader
February 10, 2022 3:14 pm

Bespoke…..years ago the road builders were called ‘council workers’…but today with ‘cost plus’ contracts there called ????????

February 10, 2022 3:15 pm

One good man can make a real difference.
Mark Weinberg.
Without him I dread to think what might have been the outcome.

February 10, 2022 3:15 pm

Non Catholics are welcome in Catholic schools but their numbers are limited, baptised Catholics get priority and usually the percentage is limited.
As long as people send their children there eyes wide open that there will be prayers and RE classes and the occasional mass, but in any case what Catholic schools tend to fail to do, is inculcate the faith in their Catholic students, let alone convert anyone else.

February 10, 2022 3:16 pm

WOO HOO…I spoke quickly to a Brisbane trucker who hauled three , yes 3 trailers of flour to Perth. ‘First time in 8 years I’ve done this ‘ he said. “it normally goes on rail’. Cakes , cakes and more cakes .. ohh and bread will be back on the shelves . Life is getting back to normal.

Now if we could only get sensible freight rates for the raw materials of my hobby, which have been scrubbed by the freight companies.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 10, 2022 3:18 pm

The court heard this week Constable Eberl was referring to an incident three days earlier, in which Mr Walker threatened Yuendumu-based policemen Christopher Hand and Lanyon Smith with a hatchet

It was a sign of his peaceful intentions. He just wanted to bury the hatchet.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
February 10, 2022 3:19 pm

Chris…what do ya need?….I’m here to help my ‘poor cousins’ in the east.

February 10, 2022 3:21 pm

Update on Dr. duk’s Petition: 2,595 have signed when I last looked. Target 5,000. Dover has kindly placed the link in Current petitions top r/h/s. Please sign if you haven’t as yet.

February 10, 2022 3:22 pm

Update on Dr. duk’s Petition: 2,595 have signed when I last looked. Target 5,000. Dover has kindly placed the link in Current petitions top r/h/s. Please sign if you haven’t as yet.

Addendum: The Petition has been organised by his daughter to get him out of prison.

February 10, 2022 3:23 pm

Perth Trader

I figure if truckies are kings then then tradition follows that the creators are Gods.

Iv only met one King underground and he ended up in ICU for three months after a smash.

Cassie of Sydney
February 10, 2022 3:23 pm

February 10, 2022 at 3:15 pm”

Thanks Rosie.

February 10, 2022 3:26 pm

Miltonf – Hendo, in his book on Pell, actually lists a long line of no-so-well-off people who got off through the HC route. Mallard was the most recent – didn’t have a cent to his name. And then he got hit by a truck… money or no money won’t save you there.

And Cassie, thanks for letting me know I have a long Jeremiad ahead of me (it’s my fourth Pell book).

(And I thought you weren’t responding to me anymore cos I had to cave into getting my double poison shot?) 😛

February 10, 2022 3:30 pm

Thanks Perth Trader! But we are in the West.
My hobby is target shooting the old-fashioned way – as in Daniel Boone or Sharpe old-fashioned. We get powder from SA and caps from VIC. In the last three years we succeeded in getting one Class 1.1D shipment over.

February 10, 2022 3:31 pm

rugbyskier, do you like the modern lifting line-outs or were the old jumping ones better?

I like the lifting as you can get quite high, provided you don’t get dropped. I’ve only been playing since lifting was allowed but have played a couple of Golden Oldies games where it was just jumping and it’s a bit more random.

Cassie of Sydney
February 10, 2022 3:35 pm

February 10, 2022 at 3:26 pm
Miltonf – Hendo, in his book on Pell, actually lists a long line of no-so-well-off people who got off through the HC route. Mallard was the most recent – didn’t have a cent to his name. And then he got hit by a truck… money or no money won’t save you there.

And Cassie, thanks for letting me know I have a long Jeremiad ahead of me (it’s my fourth Pell book).

(And I thought you weren’t responding to me anymore cos I had to cave into getting my double poison shot?) ?”

I’m double jabbed! I don’t judge anyone.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
February 10, 2022 3:37 pm

Chris…great sport, …but I have no idea how to get those items here. I think its Toll who truck explosives from Perth to mines in SA. if thats any help.

February 10, 2022 3:37 pm

I’m double jabbed! I don’t judge anyone.

Ah, perhaps it was Rosie… yes, that’s right it was. 😛

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
February 10, 2022 3:38 pm

I am of the understanding that Catholic schools welcome Catholics (of course), Anglicans, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists. In fact the Catholic system is truly non-discriminatory.

I went through the catholic school system. A mate of mine Yr10 to 12 was an atheist. He was the best debater in religious class. I didn’t realise he was an atheist until he volunteered to do the readings at the weekly assembly. The teachers told him. ‘No, absolutely not!’ He feigned disappointment. He wanted to do a fire and brimstone version. It would have been entertaining and memorable. LOL.

February 10, 2022 3:38 pm

long Jeremiad

Hmm I think that’s actually tautologous. My apologies everyone, I’ll do better I promise.

February 10, 2022 3:41 pm

Toll who truck explosives from Perth to mines in SA.

In-teresting! Placarded loads, presumably returning empty. I can ask around…

February 10, 2022 3:42 pm

AGL, the largest Australian power company, has pledged to bring forward the closures of its remaining coal-burning power stations in Victoria and New South Wales.

As heavy emitters face intensifying pressure to curtail their use of planet-heating fossil fuels, AGL on Thursday said it would remove coal from its electricity generation mix by 2045 at the latest – three years earlier than previously planned.

However, AGL has echoed concerns being voiced across much of the industry that unexpectedly early shutdowns of coal-fired generators could risk causing a “messy” transition, threatening the reliability of the nation’s power market and causing price volatility in the future.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 10, 2022 3:45 pm

Rugbyskier, CL:
I’m so old that back in the day I played as left side breakaway, the winger threw the ball in, and lifting/supporting was a future we didn’t see.
Aches and pains every day now from old rugby injuries but I wouldn’t change a minute of the experience.

February 10, 2022 3:47 pm

Miltonf – Hendo, in his book on Pell, actually lists a long line of no-so-well-off people who got off through the HC route.

Point taken- thanks Lysander

Cassie of Sydney
February 10, 2022 3:49 pm

So Dave Sharma crossed the floor….as far as I’m concerned he doesn’t believe in religious freedom.

Here I was feeling a little sorry for him in his forthcoming battle against Allegra Da Big Spender here in Wentworth.

No doubt I’ll run into him before the election. You should all have pity on him.

I look forward to listening to his concession speech.

February 10, 2022 3:50 pm

I didn’t bother to click on the story but get a load of the headline! ..
luv it when the media does fair, even-handed & honest .. after all, WE IS ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, except! .. LOL!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 3:50 pm

It was a sign of his peaceful intentions. He just wanted to bury the hatchet.

Senior Constable Lanyon Smith said Warlpiri men used ­violence for show. “They brandish nulla-nulla, sticks, trampoline poles,” he said.

“In their minds, they’re trying to impress upon their family that they’re a strong person.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 3:52 pm

Have you dudes forgotten the Rudd and Lying Slapper years?

Gotta take your lumps.

February 10, 2022 3:54 pm

Sharma is the squishiest of the squishes.

February 10, 2022 3:55 pm

No probs MiltonF.

I’d still conceded, despite Hendo’s points, that money would help…. not everyone can afford a Richter/Shann combo!!!

February 10, 2022 3:58 pm

No doubt I’ll run into him before the election. You should all have pity on him.

Cassie, do us all a favour, and give him a slap. Tell him he and Trent with their embedded Mao Turncoat destroyed the Libs.

Thankfully my local Lib is ok (not great, but ok).

February 10, 2022 3:59 pm

Are there ever some good, solid people who come out of Foreign Affairies?

February 10, 2022 4:04 pm

All this political BS, Wokism, Thuggery and general Wankery is really the worse I have ever witnessed. Even if there were people competent to even fix it, this joint will take decades to repair….

February 10, 2022 4:05 pm

Seems to me after reading Steve’s earlier post re the China bug, that Morro was essentially following the WEF guidelines- trash the nation’s finances, squeeze out cash transactions and bring in a Universal Basic Income in the form of job keeper. Or maybe job keeper was a trial run for a UBI.

February 10, 2022 4:05 pm

I read somewhere that Mark Weinberg had retired but was asked to return owing to a shortage of judges. Thank goodness he agreed. The accuser gave three different versions of the procession after the Mass. According to Pell’s lawyers he made 24 changes to his story during the trial. Maxwell and Ferguson must still be in pain from the contortions they performed.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 4:05 pm

Taliban sniper becomes Afghan mayor

By Afp
4:01PM February 9, 2022

Strolling through the town of Maymana, the new mayor appears to inspire goodwill from war-weary constituents in the Afghan provincial capital.

But Damullah Mohibullah Mowaffaq has a reputation as one of the top snipers in the ranks of the Taliban, waging war to take control of the country until last year.

Mr Mowaffaq, 25, was made mayor of Maymana, capital of Faryab province in the far reaches of northwest Afghanistan, in November, three months after the Taliban ousted the Western-backed government and seized power.

He rose to prominence as a fighter, but now his schedule is packed with the daily tasks of local government – unblocking sewers, planning roads, and smoothing over neighbourhood quarrels.

His switch reflects the broader transformation that the Taliban are undergoing, as the insurgents grapple with administering territory.

“When I was fighting my objectives were very specific: to end the foreign occupation, discrimination and injustice,” he said.

‘Ups and downs’

On walkabout through the streets of Maymana, the new mayor talks with municipal workers clearing roadside gutters.

Residents of the city of 100,000 approach with complaints and suggestions, which are dutifully added to an ever-growing to-do list.

“The new mayor is young, well-educated and, very importantly, from the city,” says his non-Taliban deputy, Sayed Ahmad Shah Gheyasi. “He knows how to deal with people.”

Unlike the poor, madrassa-educated rural men who make up the Taliban rank and file, Mr Mowaffaq comes from a family of wealthy traders and grew up in Maymana, where he excelled at school and in sport.

Memorabilia from his youth decorates his office, including a certificate from a martial arts competition as well as his high school diploma.

After joining the insurgency at 19, he was promoted to command a small unit deployed in Faryab province.

Others describe him as one of the Taliban’s most talented snipers, although he appears reluctant to be drawn into telling war stories.

But on walkabout he pauses in front of a house blemished with munition marks near the village of Doraye Khoija Qoshre, where his unit once held sway.

Here he used to hide himself away, scoping Western troops with his rifle and honing a reputation as a crack shot.

“He killed an American with his rifle from this house, then a plane came and bombed him,” said Saifaddin, a local farmer, who like many in Afghanistan goes by one name.

Although it cannot be confirmed Mr Mowaffaq was responsible, in mid-2019 the US announced a member of their special forces had been killed in fighting in Faryab.

A year earlier, the Afghan Analysts Network said Maymana was “practically under siege” owing to “an astonishingly widespread Taliban presence”.

MrMowaffaq witnessed several comrades killed in fighting but remains evasive about the horrors he both inflicted and suffered.

“I have had many ups and downs,” he says.

February 10, 2022 4:08 pm

Are there ever some good, solid people who come out of Foreign Affairies?

In Rhodesia they had a Department of Home Affairs. Knew someone who had worked in it; they had their own obvious nicknames.

February 10, 2022 4:09 pm

Going on schools and who gets to go to them .. have a look at the names on this roll call of the best & brightest from Canley Vale High .. not a lot of diversity on display .. not knocking the kids or school but WOW when it comes to ancestry ..

February 10, 2022 4:09 pm

Are there ever some good, solid people who come out of Foreign Affairies?


February 10, 2022 4:15 pm

Update on Dr. duk’s Petition: 2,595 have signed when I last looked. Target 5,000. Dover has kindly placed the link in Current petitions top r/h/s. Please sign if you haven’t as yet.

Have signed the petition & trying to send money via Paypal. Why do they make these mechanisms so difficult? Currently Paypal not connecting……

Husband and I will try to get to Canberra on Saturday…. trying to fit in Sydney commitments.

February 10, 2022 4:15 pm
February 10, 2022 4:16 pm

a visceral, palpable moment in history

Ooooo! Dems biiiig woids for a little j’list!

So was this. But with less stink.

February 10, 2022 4:20 pm

BTW was bitten twice by blasted bull ants day before yesterday while feeding fallen timber into a chipper. Anybody else had huge fluid filled blisters come up on bite sites? Very nasty. Fortunately I take an anti-histamine daily …. also covered the blisters and swollen areas with hydrocortisone cream. But still very “florid”.

Just want to stay away from doctors and hospitals.

Cassie of Sydney
February 10, 2022 4:23 pm

So we now have a group of faux Liberals….Sharma, Allen, Zimmerman, Archer and Martin who have outed themselves as not believing in free speech and religious freedom. Why don’t they do the decent thing and just become Greens?

The Liberal Party no longer exists.

By the way, Martin holds her seat of Reid by a wafer thin margin. My sister (who’s only ever voted Liberal) lives in Martin’s electorate and she’s told me that she’d rather vote for a dead corpse before she’d ever vote for Martin.

Vote LDP (I am).

February 10, 2022 4:24 pm

It was a sign of his peaceful intentions. He just wanted to bury the hatchet.

Only by accident.

February 10, 2022 4:25 pm

Lysander, it doesn’t matter how ok or good your local Lib member is, he is totally on board with Morrison and the destruction of freedom and our economy. Do not reward him with your vote, it will only encourage him (her?) anyone who votes for the Libs/Labor party is only going to get more of the same.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 10, 2022 4:26 pm

If one was to vote liberal, it would be an endorsement of the current government and their behaviour.
– more national cabinet good and hard
– financially supporting Mad Dog Andrews
– the immigration ponzi starting up again
– deferring to big Pharma for enjabbening advice
[I could go on]

Voting for them will only encourage them to do more of the same.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 4:28 pm

Why the voices of Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins are so crucial
Lanai Scarr, Sarah-Jane Tasker, Rhianna Mitchell & Annabel HennessyThe West Australian
Thu, 10 February 2022 2:00AM

Very much “You go, girls.” For some strange reason, comments have suddenly gone down the “memory hole.”

February 10, 2022 4:28 pm

Have signed the petition & trying to send money via Paypal. Why do they make these mechanisms so difficult? Currently Paypal not connecting……

Husband and I will try to get to Canberra on Saturday…. trying to fit in Sydney commitments.

Vicki, I avoid PayPal wherever I can. I donated via my (Internet) credit card.

February 10, 2022 4:32 pm

Vicki, bull ant bites are the pits. Nine years ago when we first found our block to build on, I was having a good look around and dreaming of the garden I would grow on it.

Not for long. A bloody bull ant crawled up my trouser leg and proceeded to bite me. Lots. I danced around like a dervish until I realised no, not a snake, an ant! The trousers came off pronto and were shaken out.

My neighbours are too polite to mention it. Goodness know what the golfers thought.

February 10, 2022 4:32 pm

Anybody else had huge fluid filled blisters come up on bite sites? Very nasty.

Vicki, yes. I have quite a bad reaction to any ant bite. Just have to ride it through for about three weeks.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 10, 2022 4:34 pm

Thanks Dover for putting up the link to Dr. Duck’s petition.

Was the traffic control bloke involved in a setup, or was he just trying some insurance scam? I’d be very curious about his background.

February 10, 2022 4:34 pm

The bite stings, then there’s a big red welt. Then the blister.

Excellent punishment for faithless politicians.

I can supply many…many bull ants. Mates rates of course.

February 10, 2022 4:36 pm

I can supply many…many bull ants. Mates rates of course.

Not just bull ants. Meat Ants and Pony Ants are just as lethal!

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 10, 2022 4:38 pm

Green ants. the ones that drop from coconut branches down the back of your shirt.

February 10, 2022 4:41 pm

Was the traffic control bloke involved in a setup, or was he just trying some insurance scam? I’d be very curious about his background.

Old Bloke, this has all the hallmarks of a political incarceration of our Dr. duk. Apparently, there is video of the incident but that won’t be revealed until his Hearing later in March. 26th, I think, but may be off beam.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 4:54 pm

Howard’s broad church needs burning to the ground.

No surprise he and Sinodinous were instrumental in convincing Waffleworth to stay after Howard blew the place up.

February 10, 2022 4:57 pm

WTF? Morristeen has somehow managed to seize humiliation from the jaws of mediocrity with his beloved “religious freedom bill”?

What a joke and an entirely unfunny one at that.

February 10, 2022 4:59 pm

Howard’s broad church needs burning to the ground.

No surprise he and Sinodinous were instrumental in convincing Waffleworth to stay after Howard blew the place up.

So much for the Howard Battlers. Turned out they didn’t matter.

February 10, 2022 4:59 pm

Perhaps Morrison’s strategy is to make himself such a pathetic figure that people start to feel sorry for him.

February 10, 2022 4:59 pm

Did ScoMo grow a pair?

PM calls on Grace Tame to name institution behind phone call
He has told Parliament the government would be “pleased to pursue the matter” if provided with more information and has said he has personally “made no criticism of Ms Tame, her statements or her actions”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 5:06 pm

So much for the Howard Battlers. Turned out they didn’t matter.

They are 2/3rds of the way through a 3 point turn.

February 10, 2022 5:09 pm

But wait, there’s more….

Calli – I can’t believe you forgot the “Whyalla Wipeout” – and no, I’m not going to link to the video of that monstrous imbecile making an absolute goose of himself in one of the courtyards of a neo-brutalist monstrosity that should be one of the safest places in the country (if you’re an out of control self aggrandising psychopathic fascist nutcase).

February 10, 2022 5:11 pm

From the CM, why did they extend deadline?

“Victoria has made a huge change to its vaccine mandates policy, with the state revealing on Thursday it would extend a deadline.

In the chief health officer’s daily update the government announced the third dose booster deadline would be extended by four weeks for workers in key sectors, including healthcare, aged care, disability, emergency services, corrections and quarantine accommodation and food distribution centers.

The original deadline was February 12 and workers in those sectors must provide evidence of their third dose by March 12, otherwise they can’t work”

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 10, 2022 5:11 pm

H B Bear says:
February 10, 2022 at 5:06 pm

So much for the Howard Battlers. Turned out they didn’t matter.

They are 2/3rds of the way through a 3 point turn.

They came back for Tony Abbott, and departed again when Trumble took the big chair.

Cassie of Sydney
February 10, 2022 5:11 pm

Just sent this email to Sharma’s office..

“Dave Sharma has lost my vote. Dave Sharma clearly doesn’t care about free speech or religious freedom, values once dear to the Liberal Party of Robert Menzies.

Here’s a thought, perhaps Mr Sharma should join the Greens?

I look forward to hearing his concession speech.

Kind regards

Voter in Wentworth
I voted for Dave Sharma in October 2018 and in May 2019
I will not vote for him in 2022


H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 5:12 pm

Perhaps Morrison’s strategy is to make himself such a pathetic figure that people start to feel sorry for him.

Also known as doing a Kirkup. How did that work out again?

February 10, 2022 5:18 pm

Despite ample public bullying by DickheadDan etc, ATAGI have not yet released the declaration that 3 jabs is necessary to be fully vaccinated. Dan’s also delayed the 3 x jab mandate for health workers by another month.

This gives me hope that the overseas pullback in countries like Denmark, Sweden and even the UK may be giving ATAGI pause. They may even start to think that they may end up on the wrong side of history if not careful.

The longer it goes without being announced, the less likely 3 jabs becomes, and the more I can start to believe that green shoots may be taking hold in the health diktatocracy (purely from their self interest, not from any wise or noble motivation)

Delta A
Delta A
February 10, 2022 5:22 pm

Have signed the petition & trying to send money via Paypal.

Same here, Vicki.

Paypal won’t process the payment. I’ll try again later.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 5:24 pm

The trousers came off pronto and were shaken out.

My neighbours are too polite to mention it. Goodness know what the golfers thought.

My grandmother was a deeply religious lady. Her sister, also religious, was paying her an extended visit.

My grandfather had had an unfortunate episode with a bull ants nest. He had torn his trousers off, and was beating said trousers against a tree, when the Catholic priest drove past, to take afternoon tea with two True Believers.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 5:26 pm

Also known as doing a Kirkup. How did that work out again?

Both Liberals in the Lower House were unavailable for comment.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 10, 2022 5:31 pm

Barry says:
February 10, 2022 at 5:18 pm

The longer it goes without being announced, the less likely 3 jabs becomes, and the more I can start to believe that green shoots may be taking hold in the health diktatocracy (purely from their self interest, not from any wise or noble motivation)

You’re an optimist Barry. Three jabs is mandatory in WA, or in some industries / professions over here, and Michael Gunner is now saying the fourth jab will be mandatory when it’s time for it.

Michael Gunner on the mandatory fourth jab.

February 10, 2022 5:34 pm

Michael Gunner is now saying the fourth jab will be mandatory when it’s time for it.

Everyone should give Gunner the forth shot delivered how ever they wish.

February 10, 2022 5:36 pm

“In their minds, they’re trying to impress upon their family that they’re a strong person.”

So basically the place is permanently like chuck out time outside every nightclub in Australia?

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 10, 2022 5:39 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
February 10, 2022 at 5:24 pm

My grandfather had had an unfortunate episode with a bull ants nest. He had torn his trousers off, and was beating said trousers against a tree, when the Catholic priest drove past, to take afternoon tea with two True Believers.

Zulu, I knew a bloke who disturbed a goanna while walking through some bush. A frightened goanna will run up a tree to escape danger, and this bloke’s trousered legs were the nearest “tree.” By the time he unbuckled his belt and dropped his trousers, the goanna had done a lot of damage.

February 10, 2022 5:41 pm

Imagine telling a teenager being trans and Christian is at odds.

I am not sure it is.

No one has to accept the 98%, chance that you have a mental illness.

If it is autogynophilia, then perhaps it is not compatible with canon law.

February 10, 2022 5:46 pm

Was the traffic control bloke involved in a setup, or was he just trying some insurance scam? I’d be very curious about his background.

My money is on “dayglo nigger”.

February 10, 2022 5:54 pm

Not just bull ants. Meat Ants and Pony Ants are just as lethal!

What about these ants?

February 10, 2022 5:56 pm

Re. anti-coof Zinc – which is the best product to buy? Currently, I’m using Blackmores BIO ZINC. (Zinc amino acid chelate; Magnesium phosphate; Manganese amino acid chelate)

Advice from those that know more than I do will be most welcome.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 6:01 pm


Imagine telling a teenager being trans and Christian is at odds.
I am not sure that it is.

That is the sort of subtlety that won’t fly on the 6pm News and Twitter.

February 10, 2022 6:04 pm

Imagine telling a teenager being trans and Christian is at odds.

Imagine telling a teenage girl she has to accept boys are the same as her and can enter the change rooms while she’s naked.

northshore redneck
northshore redneck
February 10, 2022 6:05 pm


zinc picolinate. iherb is your friend

February 10, 2022 6:08 pm


Remember back in the olden days last year when they pretended that “ATAGI” and the public service was independent?

Now they just order them to act and a week later it’s done.

Same with “CHO’s” and emergency powers. At the very beginning they pretended the CHO’s were acting independently and the emergency powers were off limits to the premiers. Now the premiers announce it and the “CHO” quickly writes an edict to keep up.

February 10, 2022 6:09 pm


I was prescribed zinc pocolinate to treat Covid.

February 10, 2022 6:09 pm

Waa thinking about Stephen Jones, his 14 year old son and now deceased 15 year old nephew.
I understand that the majority of childhood wrong sex beliefs (and many of those with such feelings are on the spectrum) mostly resolve with the second big hormone flush of adolescence
If it were my child I would be sympathetic and supportive but insist nothing be done medically, surgically or by way of public announcement until post adolescence, so the child could walk away with a minimum of difficulty.
In some cases the ‘trans’ is really a cover for unwanted same sex attraction.
I guess what I am saying is Jones should not have put his son under the spotlight.
You condemn your child to a lifetime of suffering and sterility, who would do that?

February 10, 2022 6:11 pm

Did ScoMo grow a pair?

No. He believes her.

February 10, 2022 6:16 pm

northshore rednecksays:
February 10, 2022 at 6:05 pm

zinc picolinate. iherb is your friend

February 10, 2022 at 6:09 pm

I was prescribed zinc pocolinate to treat Covid.

Zinc “picolinate” or “pocolinate”?? Also, is it available in Australia?

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 10, 2022 6:21 pm

twostix says:
February 10, 2022 at 6:08 pm

Same with “CHO’s” and emergency powers. At the very beginning they pretended the CHO’s were acting independently and the emergency powers were off limits to the premiers. Now the premiers announce it and the “CHO” quickly writes an edict to keep up.

I’d be very interested to see the “science” behind the WA CHO’s ruling which says that I can go into any shop but not a liquor store.

Those dastardly covid bugs are lurking behind the bottles of shiraz.

February 10, 2022 6:24 pm

That’d be picolinate.
Made by Compounding Pharmacy Australia.

February 10, 2022 6:24 pm

Imagine telling a teenage girl she has to accept boys are the same as her and can enter the change rooms while she’s naked.

Like I said, no.

I don’t have to accept other people’s mental illness (and mental weakness).

February 10, 2022 6:26 pm

Waa thinking about Stephen Jones, his 14 year old son and now deceased 15 year old nephew.
I understand that the majority of childhood wrong sex beliefs (and many of those with such feelings are on the spectrum) mostly resolve with the second big hormone flush of adolescence
If it were my child I would be sympathetic and supportive but insist nothing be done medically, surgically or by way of public announcement until post adolescence, so the child could walk away with a minimum of difficulty.
In some cases the ‘trans’ is really a cover for unwanted same sex attraction.
I guess what I am saying is Jones should not have put his son under the spotlight.
You condemn your child to a lifetime of suffering and sterility, who would do that?

I’ve never heard so much shit before.

the feelings and thoughts you’d implore came from a natural and normal place driven by hormones and naivete, do not.

the kiddies have been subverted by morally, sexually and socially by perverted activists.

and this has been happening now for about 20 years.

frankly rosie, your moronic social calculus effectively runs cover for the twisted post-modern (read Bolshevik) unraveling of everything.

you’re a moron and as usual you spend a great deal of your time in this forum trying to normalize it all.

say 3 hail marys and keep pretending you aren’t the problem you sanctimonious fool

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 10, 2022 6:31 pm

If it were my child I would be sympathetic and supportive but insist nothing be done medically, surgically or by way of public announcement until post adolescence, so the child could walk away with a minimum of difficulty.

You can’t smoke or drink until you are 18. Nor vote. So why would you trust a kid with life altering drugs?

It’s a revealing tell that the age 18 milestone is never mentioned in this controversy.

I’d advocate for 21 myself, since most people aren’t really switched on yet by age 18.

February 10, 2022 6:34 pm

twostix says:
February 10, 2022 at 6:08 pm
Remember back in the olden days last year when they pretended that “ATAGI” and the public service was independent?

Science is dead. Climate, Covid, Crossdressing, It’s ALL politics.

February 10, 2022 6:34 pm
February 10, 2022 6:36 pm

It’s ALL politics

…until it isn’t

February 10, 2022 6:37 pm

All Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates, and Work Restrictions END in England: Virus Treated Like Flu

Only took UK politicians 2 years to work this out, I give Australian politicians 5…..

February 10, 2022 6:40 pm


Forming up to pick them up or join them?

Bruce in WA
February 10, 2022 6:42 pm

“I’m a blindside flanker”

Oh, it’s real. I thought it was Cockney rhyming slang, like “merchant banker”. 😀

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 6:44 pm

Morrison just boosted their funding. They are laughing at us.

So BAU then?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 6:45 pm

It’s ALL politics

till someone loses a dick.

February 10, 2022 6:46 pm

Instead of being single sex schools, all they need do is label themselves as ‘Schools for those with a penis/vagina/menstruate’ etc, problem solved.

February 10, 2022 6:47 pm

With you Bruce. A very strange expression. Your explanation makes more sense.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 6:51 pm

‘Inaccurate and incorrect’: row intensifies over lawyers in Ben Roberts-Smith case
Michaela Whitbourn
By Michaela Whitbourn
February 10, 2022 — 4.14pm

A dispute over legal advice allegedly received by two witnesses that The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald intended to call as witnesses in war veteran Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation case has intensified after the Federal Court heard that “inaccurate and incorrect” claims may have been made by the media outlets in court.

Nicholas Owens, SC, who is acting for the media companies, alleged in the Federal Court on Wednesday that a barrister for Mr Roberts-Smith, Arthur Moses, SC, contacted a high-profile Sydney silk, Phillip Boulten, SC, and “expressed concerns” that the interests of two SAS soldiers the newspapers intended to call as witnesses “may not be being properly protected” in relation to their potential involvement in the trial.

Mr Owens said the newspapers’ legal team understood that Mr Boulten then contacted Peter Hodges, a partner at law firm Mills Oakley, and one or both of those lawyers “have been placed in contact” with the soldiers, dubbed Persons 56 and 66, “by means unknown”.

The potential witnesses already had lawyers acting for them who had been approved by the Defence Force, the court heard.

Mr Owens said there was “a prohibition on the true identity of Person 56 and Person 66 being made known to anyone” apart from authorised lawyers in the case.

Mr Owens said one of those potential witnesses, Person 56, initially suggested he would not oppose any application by the newspapers to call him to give evidence, but had now changed his position.

The newspapers’ legal team issued a subpoena to Mr Boulten and Mr Hodges and a notice to produce to Mr Roberts-Smith, seeking what Mr Owens described as “evidence of communications between those groups of people and these two witnesses about their participation in the proceedings”.

On Thursday, a barrister acting for Mr Boulten and Mr Hodges, Anthony Cheshire, SC, told Justice Anthony Besanko that “we do not know the basis upon which leave to issue the subpoenas was granted”.

“We’ve been informed by the … [newspapers’] lawyers that no evidence was relied upon, but they’ve refused to provide us with copies of the transcript of the submissions that were made,” Mr Cheshire said.

“Although the respondents’ lawyers have refused to provide us with a copy of the relevant part of the transcript, we note that the respondents have published at least extracts of the oral submissions on their website to the public at large.

“We have reviewed those publications, and if what has been reported is a full and accurate representation of what was said to justify the issuing of the subpoenas, then I should record that it included facts [and] inferences that were inaccurate and incorrect.”

However, Mr Cheshire said that Mr Boulten and Mr Hodges did not wish to delay the trial and were content to hand over documents “within the ambit of the subpoena”.

“I should make it clear, however, that by doing so they are not intending to waive any legal rights that they may have, and they reserve of all their rights, including the right to argue, if it becomes necessary, that the subpoenas should never have been issued to them,” Mr Cheshire said.

He produced five packets of material to the court, including a category of documents that he said may be covered by legal professional privilege. That privilege was claimed by Mr Boulten and Mr Hodges on behalf of Persons 56 and 66, he said, but it was now up to those men to assert that privilege, or not, as they saw fit.

Mr Moses said there was “nothing to produce” in relation to the notice to produce served on Mr Roberts-Smith.

Lawyers for the potential witnesses will now review the documents to ascertain whether any of the material produced by Mr Boulten and Mr Hodges are legally privileged and cannot be used in court.

Mr Roberts-Smith is suing three media outlets for defamation over a series of news reports in 2018 he says portray him as a war criminal.

The Age and the Herald, owned by Nine, and The Canberra Times, now under separate ownership, are seeking to rely on a defence of truth. They allege Mr Roberts-Smith committed or was involved in six murders of Afghans under the control of Australian troops, when they cannot be killed under the rules of engagement.

Mr Roberts-Smith maintains any killings were carried out lawfully in the heat of battle.

Later on Thursday, a serving SAS soldier dubbed Person 14 returned to the witness box.

He has given damaging evidence that he witnessed three Australian soldiers in Afghanistan in 2009 around “a black object which was … similar to a human” before one of the soldiers fired a “distinctive” machine gun, known as the F89 Para Minimi.

He said he later discovered the object was an Afghan man with a prosthetic leg, who had been shot dead.

Person 14 told the court he could not identify any of the three soldiers, but he “saw who had the Minimi” after the mission was completed, and it was “Ben Roberts-Smith”.

Under cross-examination by Mr Moses, Person 14 has agreed he was not suggesting this was the same weapon used in the alleged incident.

On Thursday, Mr Moses put it to him that he initially told investigative journalist Chris Masters, who co-wrote the articles at the centre of the case, that another soldier, Person 4, had shot the Afghan man.

“Incorrect,” Person 14 said.

“You are a liar, aren’t you?” Mr Moses said.

“I’m not,” Person 14 said.

Mr Moses referred to handwritten notes made by Masters and put it to Person 14 that he told Masters at a meeting in February 2018 that “RS [Roberts-Smith] had an M14” rifle, while Person 4 had a Minimi and “P4 had shot an old guy with a prosthetic leg”.

Person 14 said Minimis were typically carried by a junior soldier, and he initially believed Person 4 shot the Afghan man.

“That was based off me assuming that the Minimi carrier was Person 4,” he said. “That was my initial assumption on the ground … but I later came to learn who was carrying the Minimi.”

Mr Moses put it to him that “you never said to Mr Masters on the 27th of February 2018 that you understood that it was Mr Roberts-Smith who’d shot the man with the prosthetic leg”.

“What I accept is that my initial assumption was Person 4 had the Minimi as the junior person in the patrol, and that was my initial assumption on what I saw,” Person 14 said.

“You are a liar, aren’t you?” Mr Moses said.

“No,” Person 14 said.

The trial continues.

“Ben Roberts Smith had an M14 rifle..” M14 rifles haven’t been used since the days of the Vietnam war, by the United States Army and Marine Corps…

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 10, 2022 6:55 pm

Old bloke

I’d be very interested to see the “science” behind the WA CHO’s ruling which says that I can go into any shop but not a liquor store.
Those dastardly covid bugs are lurking behind the bottles of shiraz

Surely it isn’t because bottlos are tied up in red tape before they even begin and are an administratively easy target?

February 10, 2022 7:00 pm

No I’m not.
These discussions have been had before on this forum (we user to have a poster who claimed to be trans) and in cases of genuine childhood gender dysphoria the literature regarding adolescence is quite clear.
The fact that it is now fashionable to claim to be trans is an entirely different thing.
If you weren’t so biased against me you’d have checked before attacking.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Lefty tweets that Jenny Morrison (the PM’s wife) should be killed in a guillotine.

Still up 8 hrs later.
Anyone else here had their account insta-deleted by Twitter for something so innocuous you can’t even determine what it was you wrote that the Hitler Jugend at Twitter found so offensive?

February 10, 2022 7:04 pm

“According to prospective studies, the majority of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria cease to desire to be the other sex by puberty, with most growing up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, with or without therapeutic intervention.[5][6][7] If the dysphoria persists during puberty, it is very likely permanent.[5][7]”
A fourteen year old boy is likely to still be prepubescent.


February 10, 2022 7:04 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha M14 rifles have been used a designated marksman rifle a fair bit by the US forces. I’d imagine the SAS would have access as well. Usually get some good optics and some new furniture and designated the M14 EBR from memory.

February 10, 2022 7:04 pm

Boys claiming to be girls and chasing them in the girls toilets will stop when one is found hanged by his school tie in the girls toilets.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 7:06 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha M14 rifles have been used a designated marksman rifle a fair bit by the US forces

Thanks for sorting that one.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
February 10, 2022 7:06 pm

“ , , , , M14 rifles haven’t been used since the days of the Vietnam war, by the United States Army and Marine Corps…

Sorry Zulu, bad info.

This from my ex SAS neighbour, (last paragraph of the article):

BRS and his M14 rifle.

February 10, 2022 7:06 pm

Anyone else here had their account insta-deleted by Twitter for something so innocuous you can’t even determine what it was you wrote that the Hitler Jugend at Twitter found so offensive?

Why the fuck are you on Twitter?

February 10, 2022 7:07 pm

I’d advocate for 21 myself, since most people aren’t really switched on yet by age 18.

No. Just start treating people like adults at a younger age.

School, trade school and university are all artificially extended.

February 10, 2022 7:07 pm

I am not fluent in politispeak, but it sounds to me like Fiona Scott just said that Sharma, Zimmerman, et al. are just as awful as Liebor, and therefore people will vote for them. Did I miss something?

Anchor What
Anchor What
February 10, 2022 7:08 pm

AGL playing fast and loose with advancing closure of coal fired plants in NSW and VIC.
Perry Williams at TheAustralian seems to have no problem with that.
Angus Taylor expresses a teensy weensy bit of concern.
“AGL has given ample warning of its plans, but Energy Minister Angus Taylor said the loss of 5000 megawatts of supply – or roughly 8 per cent of generation in the national electricity market – was cause for concern.”
We are governed by idiots. The coal plants are on reduced income because of stupid RE rules and AEMO complicity, not because we don’t need them. Prepare for more blackouts.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
February 10, 2022 7:09 pm

February 10, 2022 at 6:46 pm
Instead of being single sex schools, all they need do is label themselves as ‘Schools for those with a penis/vagina/menstruate’ etc, problem solved.

Similarly sport should be “Y chromosome sport” and “non-Y chromosome sport”.

February 10, 2022 7:10 pm

Because gender dysphoria didn’t exist before Marxism.
And of course the solution to ‘Marxism’ is spouting nonsense about gee wizz some of those old guys knew something, my grandma said, blah Hegel blah Foucault and taking every possible opportunity to spit at people who admit to being practising Christians (which is about as currently fashionable as you can get).

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Why the fuck are you on Twitter?

I’m not.
Someone pointed me to that one.
Twitter has tightened up on readers who do not have an account. But you can see one post at a time, briefly.

February 10, 2022 7:11 pm

Thank you Goanna and northshore redneck. Off to do some research. I appreciate your input.

February 10, 2022 7:11 pm

‘Single sex schools’ is fine, it’s the nonsense about gender that’s the problem.

February 10, 2022 7:11 pm

Assemble, premature birthing and non birthing pod dwellers for a non competitive game of mixed ad lib theatre games!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 10, 2022 7:14 pm

duncanm says:
February 10, 2022 at 4:59 pm
Did ScoMo grow a pair?

PM calls on Grace Tame to name institution behind phone call

No sign of a pair. Just another Kick Me Hard note pinned to his ample pants.

Ms Tame promptly obliged:

Grace Tame

Scott conducting an investigation into who made the phone call is THE VERY SAME embedded structural silencing culture that drove the call in the first place and misses the point entirely

The man is a incapable idiot – apparently free range.

Don’t be like Scotty from Marketing.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Readers may recall I’ve always been a strong advocate for the M14.
It is the rifle I most like using. Never took to 5.56, never took to the SLR (beautiful sleek lines, I used to keep one mounted in the lounge room, coz of the looks, but never liked using it)

The M14 was beautiful to use, it was like an extension of my limbs. Modern accoutrements turn it into I believe the most accurate & most formidable rifle.
It is also much more robust than the SLR.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 7:15 pm

Sorry Zulu, bad info.

Thanks for putting me straight.

February 10, 2022 7:17 pm

Oh well.
3 jabs it is.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
February 10, 2022 7:27 pm

guess what I am saying is Jones should not have put his son under the spotlight.
You condemn your child to a lifetime of suffering and sterility, who would do that?

A politician trying to score points

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 10, 2022 7:28 pm

Energy Minister Angus Taylor said the loss of 5000 megawatts of supply – or roughly 8 per cent of generation in the national electricity market – was cause for concern

What’s more of a concern is that ~8% is installed capacity, not generation.

At night, when the wind isn’t blowing, 25% of the installed capacity is just sitting around generating zero MW – and 8% becomes 12.5%.

February 10, 2022 7:29 pm

Rainy periods from February to late April sometimes bring Bovine Ephemeral Fever to our area. We now call it Cow Covid as it is a virus that is not unlike a flu as it causes inflammation in the muscles & general lethargy. Mostly, like the flu, it lasts for about 3 days. But occasionally, for unknown reasons, it will decapacitate a cow to the point she just can’t get up. We had to euthanise a lovely heifer a couple of years ago.

Point of the story is this – since we have Ivermectin in stock for parasite use – I have decided to administer it this year prophylactically for BEF. Talked to our young vet about it last week. I argued it is said to have anti-viral & anti-inflammatory properties – & he said “Why not? Give it a go”. I wish the human medical profession was as smart.

Started with a few of the herd this arvo – the ones that are so tame they don’t have to be yarded. Oh…..and what a pity…..I got some of it on my hands! Damn…will have to be more careful!

February 10, 2022 7:30 pm

Oh and three Hail Marys will do far more good in this world than anything said here.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 10, 2022 7:31 pm

No. Just start treating people like adults at a younger age.

Dot – Libertarians may like to be libertarian but biology is pretty fixed (provided the qwerty mafia don’t intervene with steroids).

The ladies mature a lot earlier than guys, but even in their cases I’d enforce a wait until age 18. If they wish to do horrible stuff to their own bodies that’s their business, so long that they can later regret that it was their own decision not because of some slimy influencer.

February 10, 2022 7:33 pm

If you weren’t so biased against me you’d have checked before attacking.

you are full of shit

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 10, 2022 7:36 pm

Oh well.
3 jabs it is.

Four is the latest magic number.

Fauci Talks Fourth Dose, Eventually Ending Restrictions In US (9 Feb)

Well, ok until four is old and busted and FIVE!!! is the new hotness. Anyone want to bet when? I think May.

February 10, 2022 7:37 pm

The ladies mature a lot earlier than guys, but even in their cases I’d enforce a wait until age 18. If they wish to do horrible stuff to their own bodies that’s their business, so long that they can later regret that it was their own decision not because of some slimy influencer.

If you (we, society) actually treated them like responsible young men and women instead of (misgendered) victims in need of saving (from state inflicted misery), I bet my immortal soul the silliness would simmer down.

February 10, 2022 7:39 pm

Good god I am not saying we should do underage sex change surgeries. Absolutely not. These doctors are weirdo predators. First do no harm? My arse.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 10, 2022 7:40 pm

I bet my immortal soul the silliness would simmer down.

Try teaching year 8 and year 9 and come back to us with your report Dot.
Hormones and angst. Which aren’t helpful enablers of good judgement.

February 10, 2022 7:42 pm

Hugboxes, praising victims, snarling at excellence, refusing to let people be loners, incentivising autism, rewarding mental illness it is all part of the same Marxist pathology of playing god to make a new man to make communism work – more so if someone needs help of the medical/psychology industry, the government already owns them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 10, 2022 7:44 pm

Dot – Surgeries? That’s not the issue. These people are putting kids on powerful sex change drugs in some cases at age seven. They will be hormonally stuffed for life after that foulness.

February 10, 2022 7:47 pm

Dot – Surgeries? That’s not the issue. These people are putting kids on powerful sex change drugs in some cases at age seven. They will be hormonally stuffed for life after that foulness.

FFS, no. Turn 18 and make the decision for yourself at your own cost.

February 10, 2022 7:49 pm

We are governed by idiots. The coal plants are on reduced income because of stupid RE rules and AEMO complicity, not because we don’t need them. Prepare for more blackouts.

Yep by twerps who neither know nor care about voltage, current, work or power. I see in pommyland they’re getting serious about ‘demand shaping’ so loved by Trumble’s NY lawyer friend Zimmermann. Hey did I see in Steve K’s post that BlowJob was also a WEF ‘young leader’. I see Macaroon is too.

February 10, 2022 7:54 pm

I’m not saying that ‘Marxism’ doesn’t make a bad situation worse.
Though it’s possible the underlying problem is older than him.

February 10, 2022 7:54 pm

rosie, the self-styled ecclesiastical wedge

and scientism rules
gender and autism? … by god what a fool

listen to the language… biased?
‘biased’ hints at some sort of ulterior motive or some hidden agenda or something unknown even to myself

no, it’s not bias… it’s disgust

I detest the noise that people like that make
I despise the half-arsed rhetoric
I’m sick of dealing with the fallout that dumb wankers either cause, or legitimate

The problem with the truly stupid is that they don’t even know how much damage they cause

rosie … you’d do well to read some of the foundational literature before opening your gob.
Truth is, your mouth is making exactly the noise they told it make.

you are the problem and your shallow intellectual dive dressed up in a frock with links to other people’s opinions doesn’t cut it.

February 10, 2022 7:54 pm

Sorry I meant Audrey Zibelman. Another lawyer.

February 10, 2022 7:55 pm

blah Hegel blah Foucault and taking every possible opportunity to spit at people who admit to being practising Christians


Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
February 10, 2022 7:55 pm

I was having a beer earlier this afternoon with my ex Army SAS neighbour.

Alongside the usual whinging about the hot weather and Sneaker’s mask rules, the Roberts-Smith court case came up.

Paint started peeling of the walls with words used to describe the “rats in the ranks” that are witnesses in the case.

Andrew Hastie, WA’s golden boy MP, did not escape some of the invective over his lukewarm comments about the incidents. “Arse covering officer turned politician” was one of the milder comments.

February 10, 2022 7:57 pm

listen to you

matrix said a mean thing because Im christian ??

by god, you’re fucking stupid

February 10, 2022 8:01 pm

Libertarians are right again.

It costs 100k for gender reassignment all up.

Only a very tiny minority would ever pay for that, especially after coming of age.

Realistically you are looking at 23 if it wasn’t encouraged and you had to pay for it yourself.

If you stop subsidising something, you will have less of it.

February 10, 2022 8:01 pm

praising victims, snarling at excellence, refusing to let people be loners, incentivising autism, rewarding mental illness


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 10, 2022 8:02 pm

I’m a million miles from expert on this stuff, but the Rolfe chest cam video seems to show a situation tuning from tense to scruffy shit in about 5 seconds.

Obviously trained barristers would be able to make the necessary calm, reasoned decisions about the second and third shots.

Be like trained barristers.

February 10, 2022 8:02 pm

“The Steyr requires a more difficult magazine change under stress as well as diverting the operator’s eyes for a longer period while reloading, taking away valuable awareness of what is happening around him,”

Bullpups are BS. Yet another defence procurement clusterfuck. Not only did they select the wrong rifle, Lithgow fucked around with the tolerances until it wouldn’t work when they started manufacture, then they had to “reset” and go back to the original tolerances.

Personally I thin it’s a fucking piece of shit. Bullpup magazine changes are ridiculously slow and the whole trigger and trigger guard doesn’t make any sense unless you’re wearing cold weather gloves, even then it’s still dangers because it the front of the guard is so far forward that even people with long fingers have trouble finding a rest for their finger.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 10, 2022 8:07 pm

Because gender dysphoria didn’t exist before Marxism.

Hold on a tic.
At 7:00 pm you were talking about

Genuine childhood Gender Dysphoria

So make up your mind:
Is it genuine and does it exist, or not?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 8:09 pm

Alongside the usual whinging about the hot weather and Sneaker’s mask rules, the Roberts-Smith court case came up.

I would have been interested in his opinion, yes.

Anchor What
Anchor What
February 10, 2022 8:10 pm

The PM and state premiers have agreed to extend the vaccine mandate to three doses in at least one setting, following updated ATAGI advice.

We are governed by despotic idiots.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 10, 2022 8:11 pm

I’m not calling it yet, but it’s line ball.
Rosie sounds like another one of Sancho’s wacky characters.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
February 10, 2022 8:15 pm

Is Leigh Sales really going of her own volition or is she being pushed for being not far enough to the left: i.e. a Bob Brown Tree Tory Green rather than a Rhiannon Stalinist?

At least she may have time now to none up on the Australian Constitution for Dummies. Remember election night in 2016 when Anthony Green had to pull her up for her constitutionally illiterate blather about a ‘confidence motion’? (There is, of course, no such thing.)

And how about an apology for her role in the corrupt and contemptible Stalinist political prosecution of Cardinal Pell? Don’t hold your breath.

February 10, 2022 8:16 pm

I’d advocate for 21 myself, since most people aren’t really switched on yet by age 18.

I agree voting age should be raised. 18 year olds have no idea about anything. The book of Exodus only considered you an adult after the age of 20. Ancient China was 20 for males; 15 for females.

But that’s not much of an argument. You’re not fully developed as a male until after 20 and the ancients recognised this. But the Greens and Lib Dems (same diff on social issues) would love the age dropped to 15 for voting.

What could be more totally awesome approach than their pro promiscuous, free drug taking (not “free” dollars), non censorious approach to porn and adult ratings, whatevs marriage and/or relationships you wanna have, travel in and out of any country without a visa… All very appealing to the undeveloped 15yo.

**drops bomb**

**leaves promptly**

February 10, 2022 8:16 pm

Is it genuine and does it exist, or not?

deconstructed like a pro

Ed, you’re not a dim as you sim

February 10, 2022 8:18 pm

**drops bomb**

red wire?
green wire?

… gin and tonic?

February 10, 2022 8:20 pm

My mate was 4RAR and 2 commando and he loves F88 Steyrs, his choice for an open battlefield. Likes the M4 for urban work but says they’re not as versatile, reckons he’s only an okay shot but is a dead eye dick with the Steyr…

February 10, 2022 8:21 pm

I’d love to get involved in this one Matrix but I really gotta run….

Y’all play nicely now! 🙂

February 10, 2022 8:22 pm

The PM and state premiers have agreed to extend the vaccine mandate to three doses in at least one setting, following updated ATAGI advice.

We are governed by despotic idiots.

Just watched Lex Luthor being interviewed by Tracy Grimjaw he sounded dismissive of mandating boosters at least for Qld and was trying to hose down her hysteria.

FMD, how did this sensible bloke get the gig?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 8:23 pm

I’m a million miles from expert on this stuff, but the Rolfe chest cam video seems to show a situation tuning from tense to scruffy shit in about 5 seconds.

Sergeant Frost’s cross examination by the defence barrister should prove interesting reading..

February 10, 2022 8:25 pm

But that’s not much of an argument. You’re not fully developed as a male until after 20 and the ancients recognised this. But the Greens and Lib Dems (same diff on social issues) would love the age dropped to 15 for voting.


What a very odd comment, maybe this guy is ESL.

My preference is for voluntary voting, subject to a civics test, subject to property ownership in local elections, only 18+, no ‘tards voting, election by sortition, we can only confirm the sortition results and vote them out…and jury nullification by the bucket load.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 10, 2022 8:32 pm

and jury nullification by the bucket load.

As long as there are Jury Trials, there’ll be Jury Nullification, it’s part of the deal.

February 10, 2022 8:32 pm

Luty SMG build and test fire:

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 10, 2022 8:34 pm

Libertarians are right again.

Yep. After you agreed to age 18 yes, yes that’s right.
‘Treat them like adults’ I think you said.
I love libertarians, they’re fun.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 10, 2022 8:38 pm

THE officer in charge at Yuendumu on the night Kumanjayi Walker was killed drew up a plan for Zach Rolfe’s Immediate Response Team to arrest the teenager the following morning, a court has heard.

Sergeant Julie Frost told the court her instructions to the IRT were to provide “high visibility policing” on the night of November 9, 2019 and then arrest Mr Walker at 5.30am the following day.

(Zach Rolfe examines a stab wound to his shoulder after fatally shooting Kumanjayi Walker in Yuendumu in November, 2019. Picture: NT Courts/Supplied)

“I wanted them to drive around the community and saturate the area where a number of unlawful entries had taken place and be present in the community, that’s what I meant by ‘high visibility policing’,” she said.

“An early morning arrest like that is a far safer time to arrest people, we know that they will be sleeping and it gives the element of surprise.”

Sgt Frost said she then “took them through the events of what had been happening at Yuendumu”.

“I told them that there had been a spate of unlawful entries, there had been a number of — a lot of community unrest over at Nyirripi,” she said.

“I told them that the clinic staff had left the community. I told them that there had been a funeral and there was a ceremony afterwards that was taking place at that time.

“And we discussed Kumanjayi Walker and his history.”

But Sgt Frost said when one of the IRT officers asked what they should do if they came across Mr Walker during the patrol she said “I said ‘by all means, lock him up’”.

Rolfe has pleaded not guilty to all charges and the trial continues on Friday.

NT News

February 10, 2022 8:39 pm

I need a drink and a smoke…someone put me in the Catallaxy hug box. Just sent this rage and utterly vile rant to old school chums.


Fuck off cunts. Fuck your shit country, you can fucking keep it you shit cunts.

I hope China takes over, liquidates your elderly, enslaves your men, rapes your women and brainwashes your children.

February 10, 2022 8:41 pm

Fuck I am angry.

May our ruler’s children live in interesting times. May they come to the attention big the authorities.

May they find what they are looking for.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
February 10, 2022 8:42 pm

Speaking of Green Stalinists, it’s worth taking a peek at Jeremy Gans’ Twitter page where he takes apart the deranged Stalinoid falsehoods excreted by Greens Senator Janet Rice against the Religious Discrimination Bill – faithfully echoed, of course, by the Green Stalinists’ excretorium at the ABC.

February 10, 2022 8:44 pm


What I said was the deal before the late 1970s. Who even WANTED to chop their cock off before then.

You haven’t been to school for ages. There is so much mental fuckery.

Take that out, make people pay for dumb shit on their own – treat children as though they have bodily autonomy bit can’t make proper decisions until they’re 18.

Trannies would be 0.0001% of the population once more.

February 10, 2022 8:44 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 10, 2022 8:46 pm

Leigh Sales to step down from 7.30 after election

Nicholas Jensen
James Madden
Media Editor
4 minutes ago February 10, 2022
No Comments

Journalist Leigh Sales has announced she will step down from the ABC’s flagship program 7.30 following the federal election.

At the end of Thursday’s program, Sales said there was “nothing wrong, other than I just feel a strong sense of it being time to pass the baton to the next runner in the race”.

“The end of an election cycle feels like a good time to move on to something new at the ABC,” she said.

“I was appointed to the job on December 3, 2010. This is my 12th year in the seat. That was five prime ministers ago. It was so long ago that Donald Trump was just a guy with a bad orange hair-do hosting The Apprentice.

“I’ve tried to shut down and call out bullshit, hold powerful people to account, expose lies, incompetence and exaggeration in all political parties and all issues and present facts even when they’re unpopular or inconvenient.”

Sales will remain with the ABC in a new role and will lead the ABC’s election-night TV coverage.

ABC managing director David Anderson said Sales was an exceptional journalist.

“Leigh’s integrity, intellect and courage are evident in everything she does,” his statement said. “Our audiences have always seen Leigh as a journalist and broadcaster who challenges her subjects and asks the questions we all want answers to. I’m really looking forward to the next stage of her career here at the ABC.”

Sales said a desire to spend more time with her two young sons was one of the main reasons behind her decision.

“When I first started, I didn’t have children, and now I have two boys aged 10 and eight,” she said.

February 10, 2022 8:49 pm

Gonna have a drink soon..




Ed Case
Ed Case
February 10, 2022 8:52 pm

The reason we didn’t have a similar number of deaths to the UK [pro rata]
is simple.
Scotty ran dead on the Vaccine Rollout.

February 10, 2022 8:58 pm

The accuser gave three different versions of the procession after the Mass. According to Pell’s lawyers he made 24 changes to his story during the trial.

Where are the perjury indictments!?

February 10, 2022 9:04 pm

FFS, no. Turn 18 and make the decision for yourself at your own cost.

They would probably argue that it is better to start the hormones early (before puberty sets in) so that the transformation is more effective.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x