John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Ed Casesays:
February 8, 2022 at 7:46 pm
Bolt is as weak as piss.
He tried a Gotcha on Scotty last time he was on his show, now he can’t get anyone from Federal Cabinet to talk to him.
Their ABC has Gotchas on every Lieboral Party member who appears on any of their shows, but you were recently touting around Scummo’s intention to appear on multiple ABC shows as a brilliant move.
Dick Wit.
Is it just me or is Bolt stating to look very Tan Grant?
Has he done some family research and discovered an indigenous agriculturalist?
The other option is an Oompa Loompa.
Curiously, nobody in the media (that I can see) is considering this aspect of Morrison’s apology.
But they’ll be baying for his blood if the trial is aborted as a result.
Ed Casesays:
February 8, 2022 at 7:49 pm
Yeah, but Nicolle Flint completely lost her marbles over Friendly Jordies.
She had been harassed by multiple members of the fascist left for years. It was about time she bit back.
Dick Wit.
Yes it is.
But it kind of strays from the idea of a efficiently competitive federation, with smooth economic transitions responding to market forces created by government fiat.
Terrible things like his Chief Of Staff giving a 19 year old girl a long way from home the choice of going to the cops or keeping her career.
Terrible things like her boss calling her a lying bitch [which she later apologised for and paid monetary damages].
Terrible things like being frozen out by her colleagues.
What was her crime, again?
I doubt that.
“But they’ll be baying for his blood if the trial is aborted as a result.”
Surely the lawyers acting for the accused have a case?
Of course you do.
Say, Elizabeth Battenberg’s platinum celebrations…your thoughts?
I dunno Grigs. You’re the one with the Parliament House CCTV footage, after all…
I have a feeling I know what happened to Morrison
Though I suspect he was only a child when this happened.
It would explain a hell of a lot
Having you defend her, Mr. Ed.
I think they’d be remiss if they didn’t pursue it.
I think you’ll find SloMo’s was one of those NRL apologies. C’arn the Sharkies.
Just a hunch, polling shows that Brittany Higgins is very well respected.
Did Albo add anything to Scotty’s Statement?
I bet he did.
The news of the Queen and Camilla.
Burke’s Peerage brought up and still no Lizzie.
The coof must have taken her.
Brittany was 19?
I doubt it.
Pretty high risk if they’re not successful.
My prediction?
Let sleeping dogs lie.
Question: why is the Higgins matter a political issue? If she was raped then it’s a matter for the cops to deal with and not the PM.
I expect it will be raised and dismissed. That way it is available on appeal.
Morrison has today destroyed any possibility of that.
What happens pretty much every time Scumo opens his mouth.
Lizzie is in The Peerage?
I knew they wouldn’t let just any old generic Aussie write for Quadrant.
Getting many briefs Groogs?
What poll is that, Grigory?
Murray Grey?
Perhaps it has nothing to do with a third party running a popularity contest for political gain (and potentially to ‘indirectly’ pervert the course and outcome of a criminal trial), when the entire issue has been a circus act aimed at bringing down a sitting government for the crime of being Liberal?
It is possible she was sexually assaulted and the charged person is totally innocent.
I’m looking at you, Mr Security Guard.
Probably polling on OnlyFans…
C’mon Groogs don’t play the man.
Short answer: The apology was the upshot of a pariamentary report.
Larger answer: In Canberra everything is political. That’s the way it rolls when Leftists dominate.
If he’s emulating the Orange One my response is drink more of whatever it is he’s drinking.
Or the Deputy PM.
Or Lara Tingle.
Or Grace “Five Minutes Of” Fame.
Or Mrs Bandana.
The cops. And maybe the courts.
If he is acquitted on grounds of prejudice, the media will be all over ScoMo for killing the trial with the apology.
Didn’t the security guard give an interview, regarding how she found La Higgins?
Including the police, I might add.
We are a sick society and hardly anyone realises.
Another smashing day here in southern France. Wandering past the little fish market with fine food shops in the little street beside.
Everything beautifully presented.
Though it seems beautiful French food is primarily the province of the middle upper classes.
It’s so expensive.
I watched French super nanny again the other day, a circus family, older parents with what must have been a fortieth birthday surprise (they had an adult son and a twelve year old) aged around 2 and a half.
Lots of the footage was bad behaviour at meal times. Meals were pasta with cheese?, tinned ravioli, mashed potatoes with cold ham, what looked like chicken with pasta, then yoghurt or a packaged dessert. And clearly, by the yelling, les bon bons.
Not a single vegetable, frozen or fresh or piece of fruit to be seen.
And having watched this show several times over the years, normal working class eating.
And they had a magnificent caravan on a semi trailer so not short of euros.
Every food ad on the TV has a ticker with ‘five vegetables and two fruits’ across the bottom.
If only they could mandate them.
I was thinking about this on the weekend after Bananaby’s “reaching out” to Britnah.
I would like to think a Bananaby of fifteen years ago would have said something like what JC said above.
Block Warden Syndrome. We thought we were immune…
There is a church around the corner, to which I shall return shortly, which had four of Christ’s thorns from His crown.
A gift from a long ago King Louis.
I wonder if all the relics in Europe were added up how many there would be.
Household debt servicing is well down over the past few years Sure, some of this has to do with lower interest rates.
Despite lowish interest rates, household debt is coming down again as % of GDP.
St Louis Fed. Stats
Lol! nice troll, rosie.
Stop giving the militant Diversity advocates ideas, rosie!
Mac & cheese in the land of the Mediterranean diet? Eewww.
I suppose they’ll give up good French wine for Bundy and Coke next.
Pls keep up your reports Rosie, they’re excellent.
Not buying that, but let’s say it did pan out that way?
Scotty will either be a feather duster by then or he’ll be celebrating a Fourth Term.
One way or another, everyone willuv moved on.
Dr Faustussays:
February 8, 2022 at 7:55 pm
That said, is it not better to at least have the option to move to a better place if a state government becomes intolerable?
Yes it is.
But it kind of strays from the idea of a efficiently competitive federation, with smooth economic transitions responding to market forces created by government fiat.
The Nirvana of an efficiently competitive federation will never be achieved. There will always be a sociopath premier or Chief Minister somewhere, leading to the need for alternatives.
‘It was like a dream’ ie she has no memory if anything actually happened.
There is no physical evidence.
He says nothing happened.
If that is sufficient for a guilty verdict there is something seriously wrong.
Ed Casesays:
February 8, 2022 at 7:58 pm
But they’ll be baying for his blood if the trial is aborted as a result.
I doubt that.
Sneakers Ed again leaps to the defence of his maaaaate “Scotty”. Is there any other member of the Liberals to whom he gives such loyal support?
How many security guards do you reckon there are at Parliament House Zulu?
Are they all women?
She was shitfaced.
Comatose shitfaced.
The investigation of this thing from the start has focussed solely on one possibility.
That she was assaulted, and the assault could only have been carried out by the bloke she arrived with.
Roughly 93.1% of sexual assaults* are committed on hopelessly drunk women by taxi drivers and security guards.
* Rounded and seasonally adjusted.
Why would a young woman who gets shedfaced at a party she was meant to organise, nick off with some random staffer, break into a minister’s office, play mums and dads on the minister’s sofa, be found naked there in a pool of vomit next morning by security and casually go home…be respected?
Now…had her clothes been torn, had there been any sign of a struggle, had the PH security had any doubts about what they found when they opened the door, had a complaint been lodged with the police…I might feel sorry for her.
I’m sure the best French wine is expensive.
But you can get very drinkable wine very cheaply, especially here in wine and salt country.
My little 25 cl bottles are €2.39 and that wasn’t the cheapest option.
I’m budget but not that budget. 🙂
Groogs’ crystal ball on the blink again?
That was never said.
Ms Higgins went to the Police, an examination woulda been carried out.
In other words, Evidence.
Does he?
Or has he kept shtum since the story broke?
There is zero evidence that there was any ‘mums and dads activity’.
Which is perfectly believable.
Ed case rewrites history.
I don’t know why I bothered.
How old was Brittany at the time of the alleged assault again, Mr Case?
Ed Casesays:
February 8, 2022 at 8:29 pm
If he is acquitted on grounds of prejudice, the media will be all over ScoMo for killing the trial with the apology.
Not buying that, but let’s say it did pan out that way?
Scotty will either be a feather duster by then or he’ll be celebrating a Fourth Term.
Are you expecting the trial to extend over more than three years?
We could’ve had a DeSantis or two amongst our lemons but no, a tree full of lemons, completely fertilised by the shit that is the msm.
Link busted.
Are you saying people are paying less off household debt?
Is this in the US?
Because I thought latest Australian stats were the reverse.
Yes, really.
That’s why Scotty apologised to her.
Plus, it was the right thing to do.
Did Albo support that?
I think he did.
So it’s not a political issue and never was.
Save it for the trial Groogs. I hope you aren’t billing for this.
Mosman pile for $10 million with a really notable feature.
Well, yes, rosie.
I’m just assuming they were there for a purpose.
Being found starkers is a clue.
Unless she didn’t shower for six weeks, there is no forensic evidence.
Dear readers can now take it for gospel that everything I said is correct, now that ed case has fisked it. 🙂
The Gilets Jaunes crowd and the French Rugby team* gave me the firm impression that the Frogs are punchy enough as-is without getting them onto the angry juice…
* Vive la France! Vive La Biff!
Re: scomo, Australia’s PM and probably most influential citizen, opining that Higgins was raped:
An adjournment of a trial or a stay of the prosecution may be granted because of adverse media publicity. The court proceeds on the basis that the jurors will act in accordance with their oaths and directions given against being prejudiced by media publicity and opinions disseminated in social media. A stay will only be granted where no action can be taken by the judge to overcome any unfairness due to publicity taking into account the public interest in the trial of persons charged with serious offences.
Generally see The Queen v Glennon (1992) 173 CLR 592 at 605–606; Skaf v R [2008] NSWCCA 303 at [27]; R v Jamal (2008) 72 NSWLR 258 at [16]; Dupas v The Queen (2010) 241 CLR 237 at [35]–[39]; Hughes v R (2015) 93 NSWLR 474 at [61]–[86].
Lord Googlery Denning QC, covering himself in glory again.
Think of the bullshit against Cardinal Pell…
The accuser fabricated it, no doubt with the personal encouragement and assistance of senior Victorian police and an ABC journalist.
The whole accusation was completely ludicrous from beginning to end
There was zero physical evidence
There were zero witnesses for the accuser
There were many witnesses for the accused
Yet that was sufficient for a guilty verdict in the second trial
And the result, an innocent man went to goal for fourteen months.
And Grigs sets himself up for yet another legal disappointment.
Unless of course, he was never actually here for the hunting in the first place…
“Ms Higgins went to the Police, an examination woulda been carried out.
In other words, Evidence.”
The thing is Goggles…..she didn’t.
Because feminism empowers middle class women.
Regardless of their choices.
Working class women aren’t afforded the same privilege.
Spend the bucks and buy the place in Belgravia f0r $78 million. You can afford it instead of slumming it in Mosman. Don’t be cheap.
I don’t know calli, perhaps there was an ultimate intention to get it on at home but it’s also plausible that the drop by the office on the way didn’t have a sexual angle, he left her to get something, came back to find her asleep, left her, then she vomited, partially undressed and went back to sleep.
I don’t think she was found completely nude, but would need to reread what the security officer said.
Dick Ed
How long after the event did she go to the police?
So it’s not a political issue and never was.
Dick Ed demonstrates his limited knowledge of the case.
From their ABC.
Article dated Nov 21.
Refers to an investigation “earlier this year” (ie 2021).
Refers to an alleged rape in 2019.
So, Lord Googlery Denning QC, the forensic evidence would be what, exactly?
Unless she kept a sperm splattered dress, a la Ms Lewinsky?
But the has been no mention of a “smoking dress”, so …
Yes, she did.
She just didn’t continue with the Complaint at the time after Senior figures in the PM’s office had a word with her.
Scotty apologised publicly for that today.
It’s a form of edging,
Cut him some slack, he has to get his jollies somehow.
The only relevance that matters is was it consensual.
Sancho Panzersays:
February 8, 2022 at 8:44 pm
Lord Googlery Denning QC, covering himself in glory again.
That’s a strange way to spell “sh1t”.
And the result, an innocent man went to goal for fourteen months.
Australian “justice”, you can expect better in a third world shithole.
Higgins: allegedly raped 22 March.
Spoke to Reynolds staffer 26 March.
Spoke with Fed cops “ informally” 27 March.
All reports requested by AFP were given by 7th April.
Security footage viewed by cops 16th April.
Despite her withdrawing complaint on 13th April.
Hi, Quibbler In Chief
Yeah, investigation was in 2021, but when was the Complaint made?
Back to the toddlers pool, Sancho.
“Disorientated and half naked.”
Roll up! Roll up! Ladies and gents, boys and girls! The Brittany show is in town!
Don’t lift that tarpaulin over there, and for goodness sake don’t look. It’s covering nearly a trillion dollars of debt.
I know people will feel let don Ed-Mong has been incorrect in his feculations again
Johanna, the BoM and reality were cleaved by the knife of ideology a few decades ago. No amount of duct tape can bring them back together.
Interesting choice, Sancho.
You were aware that Lord Denning was a central figure in fitting up 6 Irishmen for a series of Pub Bombings in 1974 when he knew they were Innocent?
5 served 16 years, the other died in Gaol.
Very much so, the bail condition that he leave Canberra immediately particularly so. It appears to be similar to the attempt to shut down Monica Smit previously, the setting of draconian bail conditions.
Rosie, you make France seem very appealing. I got the impression uncontrolled immigration had turned Paris into a toilet. Maybe the regional centres are nicer than Paris.
Driving today, BMW riding cops had a Mercedes 4WD pulled over. Cop 1 is going through the vehicle, the driver is sitting crossed legged on the ground, hands cuffed behind with face an inch from the crash barrier and Cop 2 has his knee in the small of his back. After getting bored with that, Cop 2 wanders over to stand in front of the BMW to scratch his arse.
Vikpol is full of fucking clueless Nazi’s, sure cuff him, sure sit him on the ground, the knee in the back? WTF was that about, so critical that it was stopped as soon as you needed an arse scratch?
Traffic was super slow past the scene, mainly because the Vikpol Mongs had left the Beamers drivers side door open making the end of it a couple of inches from the LH lane.
Refusing bail for a traffic offence with no injuries.
Yeah that’s normal.
Very much so, the bail condition that he leave Canberra immediately particularly so.
Is that legal? Oh it’s fucking Australia….
As for this “not being political” give me a fucking break.
If this was Jenny Nobody (Clerk level 2.1) in the ATO who got comatose shitfaced and (maybe) rogered in the office by Larry Lounge-Lizard (Clerk level 4.3) and turned up to the cops 12 months later with that story – “I can’t remember but I think I was raped” – I’ll tell you what would have happened.
Once they interviewed Larry and he either flatly denied it or did a “No Comment” interview, and they then established there were no other witnesses, no CCTV and no forensic evidence, Policewoman Chanelle Handpatter of the Sexual Crimes Squad would have broken the news to Jenny that this wasn’t going any further. Chanelle would not have passed on to Jenny the DPP’s precise words … “Don’t waste my fucking time”.
The only reason this is going to trial is because it has been politicised.
Grigory’s too stupid and in far too deep to scuttle away here, so deflection and greaseweaselry is about all he has available to him tonight.
Even his usual brand of gypsum-fuelled wrongology has deserted him…
Are you aware that Lord Denning’s relatives jealously guard his legacy and have put better men than you to the sword (legally) over similar comments?
Oh, and don’t bother googling it.
Without exception, anyone who gets the writ and seeks advice is told to settle.
A brief look at the ACT bail act seems to indicate Mr Plod may not be on very firm ground setting leaving Sodom as a bail condition.
Conditions can be imposed for a number of reasons.
Because I say so generally isn’t one of them.
You didn’t just make it after googling 1974 Pub Bombings for the last ten minutes, then?
“The only reason this is going to trial is because it has been politicised.”
Correct….politicised against conservatives. It’s a hit job and blind freddie can see this.
If the jury this year don’t find the accused “not guilty”…here’s my prediction, like Pell, it’ll end up in the HC.
APH is a grotesque circus. Their obsessions are akin to theologians debating angels on pinheads. At least the theologians didn’t have post modern dirty minds. A political media class obsessed with itself and contemptuous of the wider community.
Yes! The only time I was ever in Pommyland, in 1993, I wandered into an off-license, near Marble Arch I think, which was where I was staying. It was fun: Tyrrell’s chardy was selling for the same price as it was at the cellar gate 20 km from my house. Which I liked, but certainly wasn’t going to indulge in after travelling half way around the world. Instead I bought some standard Bordeaux red, it was cheap and yummy, with the classic French style – nicely different from Oz reds.
Reminds me of a story a Cat put up yesterday or day before.
Revolt of the Languedoc winegrowers (1907, wiki)
Fascinating story, especially of all the liquid that was called “wine” in those days. I more appreciate the Froggy terrior system. Beats stewed old boots with alcohol.
The fact that some of us may have read Iris Freeman’s biography of Lord Denning, and be aware of the connection he had with the “Birmingham Six” is something his pin-sized mind is unable to accommodate.
Spend the bucks and buy the place in Belgravia f0r $78 million. You can afford it instead of slumming it in Mosman. Don’t be cheap.
Did you see the tunnel in the Mosman joint: it had a gym, bowling alley and could double as a bomb shelter when the chunks attack. You don’t get value like that every day.
Eeew. What would Mother say Gargooglery.
Mother still has samples of Grigglebots dna from 30 years ago.
Leather is like that
The only relevance that matters is was it consensual.
If that were both shit-faced consent is moot.
This is true miltonf.
Paris can change from urban chic to shithole in 3-4 blocks.
But still worth a visit.
But yes, regional and rural centres are just great. And forget the “arrogant French” myth. People in the regions are generally accommodating, warm and friendly.
Pretty accurate.
In bid to fight extremism, Macron seeks to reshape Islam in France (6 Feb)
After fourteen hundred years a pollie with an approval rate lower than a snail’s arsehole wants to reshape Islam? Yep, sure.
Look out, Zulu’s just spent the last half hour Googlin’ and come up with the name of a book.
Did Chips Channon get a mention in there, Zulu?
Ed-Mong shifts from KKK and Hitler love to defending trials being decided in the media.
I’ll treat that remark with the contempt it deserves, Grogs.
This is true.
Even €3 – €5 supermarket wine can be pretty good.
One thing I did like, even in the high end wine regions, is that a €20 bottle at the cellar door would only be €25 in the restaurants in town.
We get totally gouged for wine in Australia.
The Forum of Islam in France leadership will be made up of clergy and laypeople to help guide the largest Muslim community in western Europe. All of its members will be hand-picked by the government and women will make up at least a quarter of them.
Surely there are still descendants of Charles Martel who they could put in charge of Islamic relations?
Beta titanium -gold alloys:
I love the part where the author describes the mining of the gold is environmentally risky – and then shows a before and after picture of the Animas River pollution.
They fail to mention it was the DEA that caused the pollution when it buggered up the process of cleaning up the Gold King Mine.
Rex Angersays:
February 8, 2022 at 8:43 pm
Thanks Rex, I never get tired of that one.
The best bit is that after Fitzsimian has been coathangered in a truly reprehensible act not one other Wallaby shows an iota of interest in flying the flag for him. Says everything.
Speaking of wine.
Googlery, tell us again about that high end red (with the fancy label) that you coughed $40 for when it was $15.99 in Dan Murphy’s.
Ed Casesays:
February 8, 2022 at 9:30 pm
Look out, Zulu’s just spent the last half hour Googlin’ and come up with the name of a book.
Did Chips Channon get a mention in there, Zulu?
Hey Ed, have you ever posted a comment that you were able to substantiate?
INSANE: Austrian Government Authorizes Dystopian Vaccine Registry and Imposes COVID Restrictions Through January 2024 – Will Begin Pulling Drivers Over at RANDOM and FINING UN-BOOSTED Citizens Next Month
I do believe a great service to the Nation would be rendered if someone were to post that clip at high rotation in reply to every single brainfart Red Bandannaman eructates upon Twitter…
The Guardians of Sterility
his controversial Traditionis custodes (Guardians of the Tradition)—an apostolic letter issued in July 2021 that placed severe new restrictions on the practice of the Latin Mass in the Roman Catholic Church—in a Responsa ad dubia dated Dec. 4. Both documents make it clear that the traditional Tridentine liturgy (Missale Romanum, 1962), which had enjoyed the blessings of the Vatican after Pope Benedict’s 2007 apostolic letter, Summorum Pontificum, is now under attack.
Another two members of the extended family down with the Rona.
The older 68 has a runny nose and younger 36 has body aches and tiredness.
Neither have taken to bed.
Scary stuff.
That titanium gold alloy sounds like science fiction.
Very cool new compounds are being found.
XY GTHO Bathhurst Music:
Neither have taken to bed.
Scary stuff.
When everyone’s had it, the politicians need to start worrying. Already I’m hearing plenty of:
“You fucked two years of my life for this?!”
Winston – I read it to be arse covering. Which these days is probably necessary if you are trying to raise money from the woke.
(Gold mines are fun, I’ve worked for a few of them. And done some panning with my dad when I was a kid! That pales after a stint in a gold room though.)
From wiki
Mattachine Society
founded in 1950, was an early national gay rights organization in the United States,[1] a Communist and labor activist Harry Hay formed the group with a collection of male friends in Los Angeles to protect and improve the rights of gay men.
At the beginning of gay rights protest, news on Cuban prison work camps for homosexuals inspired Mattachine Society to organize protests at the United Nations and the White House in 1965.[2][3]
As Hay became more involved in his Mattachine work, he correspondingly became more concerned that his orientation would negatively affect the Communist Party, which like most other organizations at the time was anti-homosexual and did not allow gay people to be members. Hay himself approached party leaders and recommended his own expulsion. The party decided to expel him as a “security risk”, but declared him a “Lifelong Friend of the People” in recognition of his previous work for the party.[16]
Most of the Mattachine founders were communists.[21][22] As the Red Scare progressed, the association with communism concerned some members as well as supporters and Hay, a dedicated member of the CPUSA for 15 years, stepped down as the Society’s leader. Others were similarly ousted, and the leadership structure became influenced less by communism,[23] replaced by a moderate ideology similar to that espoused by the liberal reformist civil rights organizations
McClown Reich!
The most fun you can have when grubbing for gold is when you pull up a core sample from just a metre or two deep and find the sample analysis running at 30 grams to the tonne or better.
High fives all around, usually followed by a glorious night on the turps, plans to pay off the mortgage for the old blokes, the young blokes arguing about what model Harley bike or jetski they will buy with the bonanza.
Next day is back to red dirt, flies and hard work.
Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity’
$30 million program will provide ‘smoking kits’ to vulnerable communities
Hush yo’ mouth, boy.
If I get it with mild symptoms I intend to milk it.
Two weeks on the couch minimum, with medicinal brandy.
I remember my Year 5 class getting walked around the flotation tanks of the only Australian antimony mine at Hillgrove, NSW in 1998. Up and down catwalks and everything.
Not a single hi-vis in sight. We may have had to clumsily don hard hats and have enclosed footwear, but that was about it.
A modern WHS manager’s freshly-shat bricks would be having kittens if we tried to do anything like that today…
That’s manflu, Sancho.
That ensures only derision, not notoriety.
Talking to a friend today and I was pointing out the anomalous situation in Der Glorious Leader’s (McClown’s) ruling about “no vax, no booze from bottle shops”. It meant that an unvaxed person could, quite legally, go into say Dan Murphy’s, wander around for a half hour or so, spreading germs willy-nilly, then buy a 6-pack of zero alcohol beer, also quite legally, and leave.
“No more!” said the minion at Dan’s to my friend. McClown fixed that little loophole. Now, if you’re unvaxed, you can’t buy anything from the bottle shop — not soft drink, not potato chips, not zero alcohol beer, nothing!
That’ll learn youse — don’t fuck with the emperor!
Which also means, for example, that the filthy unvaxxed can’t even do their grocery shopping at, say, an Aldi with a booze section.
The Western Australia media is running dramatic footage of “burned out farming machinery”
It’s old, horsedrawn stuff, at least a hundred years old…
An old – 1959 – film on forging steel etc.
I love this stuff – the equipment used, the people doing it, all except the music.
Things have changed.
Could you still go in and wander around spreading germs and then leave, you know, just for the heck of it? Window shopping as it were.
So, if I’ve read the wikispeak correctly, this translates to the leadership structure painstakingly chose to hide and obscure its communist lineage, leadership, intent and patrons, and publicly adopted and vague and public-friendly statements about ‘change’ and ‘reform’ and ‘rights…’
sorry dover, it copied up the thread, just delete it all
On France
I suppose if you went on holiday to Melbourne and only visited Broadmeadows and Sunshine you might say eeuwww don’t bother.
Paris is the same, I’ve been there for a few days about every year for many years (except last year) and it doesn’t change.
I stay around the eighth arrondisement usually, sure there have protests, marches and even overnight riots close by while I’ve been there and even the horrific Hebdo attacks occurred in the surrounding streets a few months prior to my broken foot visit but if you aren’t there at the time…
And the heavy military presence of my last couple of visits is entirely absent this time.
I remember approximately half of the French military were patrolling.
Perpignan has signs everywhere that they have 340 CCTV cameras in place so clearly there are potential ‘problemes’ and I have seen plenty of municipal police on foot patrol, from Porto Vecchio to Narbonne and here.
Even Marseille which I had previously avoided, if you are prudent, is perfectly doable and worth a few days.
Macron, I think, has put his foot down, and it shows.
The iffies are, after all, cowards at heart.
France has natural beauty, fine art and architecture, a fantastic food culture and is, mostly, easy to negotiate by train.
Oh I saw/heard a couple of Australians on the bus in Marseille, the first so far, and right now two pommy couples are sitting near to me enjoying the bright sunshine.
Two more family members have had la grippe at home, with gastro symptoms as a bonus.
Check the mob being paid to deliver this “ service”.
They will be neck deep “ donors” who’s second job will be ensuring skid row votes democrat..
There was a mob providing portable showers/ shitters which I did a rough working out at costing nearly $ 900,000 a year, each.
Big money in poverty.
TOKYO — Nissan Motor will end development of new internal combustion engines in all its major markets except the U.S. and focus its resources on electric vehicles, becoming the first major Japanese automaker to make such a break, Nikkei has learned.
You want fun, go to your local ALDI. To buy essentials and use the checkout, no papieren, bitte! for you.
Stray slightly away from Register 1 into the liquor section, and you get to experience all 6 barbed sides of Mighty McGowan’s ‘government.’
I think Sneakers’ bugmen have been quietly taking retardation lessons from Ed Case…
oh and I forgot, a fascinating history, one of the attractions here is the former palace of the kings of Majorca.
Hypothetical and alleged situation.
What if – just for argument’s sake, mind you – Sergeant Frost was a career rooter of people increasingly senior in ranks throughout her entire career since walking out of basic training, had never even seen red dust until six months before, had previously scored a nice little desk job in close vicinity to her rootees, had little or zero actual experience in police work, none involving confrontation of any kind and let alone remote bush work, and only went to Yuendumu to tick a box for further promotion and also because her squeeze at the time was comparatively nearby?
Uh huh. Well, that’s what Mr Strickland said.
Otherwise known as ‘intelligence gathering’.
From those said to be in the know, Frost will be torn to shreds by the defence.
Today’s Parliamentary Struggle Session is getting high rotation on SBS at present.
Fortunately, it is not spoiling my enjoyment of Sweden by railway with He of the Loud Trousers…
Should be an interesting, and diverting, sight.
Seriously, just WTF is the matter with these people? Is it some weird Austrian authoritarian thing? While other European countries around them are reportedly easing restrictions to some reasonable degree, these clowns are doubling and tripling down and really going nuts on the old deranged Austrian corporal sh*t like it’s the 1930s all over again. Is Greece still planning to fine over 60 or 65 year olds if not jabbenated, or is that being quietly dropped as being too nutso?
Seriously, either these people are totally inept and out of their depth and psychotic to boot, or they haven’t read the tea leaves to note that the whole world is waking up to the fraud and damage being done, and they want it stopped.
As important as “Welcome to Country”, in Noongar culture, you mean?
Truly, the minds of these people are unfathomable to me.
revivre la france
just like when the germans were there
That’s because you’re a decent, sane person and not a power hungry lunatic. You have to have met a few of them to grasp what makes them tick.
Better not to.
They will save our lives.
Even if they have to kill us to do it…
Sorry, that should have read:
They will save our lives.
Even if they have to kill us all to do it…
If you’re in need of a laugh:
Important message from President Joeb Island
Snapshot from the Hermit Kingdom. Today I got a haircut. OK So far so good. I go 400m down Albany Hwy. Pass a bottle shop I cannot enter. And wait outside a cafe without a mask that I can enter (if required but with a mask) but that I cannot consume my drink within.
All on health advice apparently.
I hope this stuff is being preserved by the National Archives because in 50 years they won’t believe it actually occurred.
Why not??? 😀
How long do you think this will last for? We have just started to ascend the wave. It’s going to get pretty intense, and I expect us purebloods (aka the unvaxxed) will face increasing levels of demonisation at the peak of the wave and for some time after. On the other side, though – when we get through it and a large number of people realise it really wasn’t all that bad – I think McFuckface’s playbook of endlessly ramping up the draconian measures will face more resistance.
Labor MP Stephen Jones calls for Religious Discrimination Bill to not be rushed through parliament
You have failed as a father. Resign immediately and try, against all odds, to un-ruin your child’s life.
Boambee John:
There will be a video. Traffic/passerby/etc.
And if it was a setup, as it almost certainly was, the cops will have taken it and held it just in case.
The trick will be getting it in the public view.
Knuckel Dragger:
I’m sure I’ve seen that horse in Melbourne.
At a race I think it was.
Hard to say – I’m not sure many of the vaxxed are full of burning injustice at the treatment of the unvaxxed. Sneakers main problem is that unlike Chairman Dan he does have a natural successor waiting in the wings (albeit that the Cookie Monster served as Sneakers henchman for much of this farce).
I think that once Sneakers becomes an electoral liability or no longer an electoral asset he will be dumped quickly. He certainly does not have the power over the parliamentary party that Chairman Dan has.
I doubt Sneakers will be leading the WA Liars to the next election.
The real problem for people is the two vaccinations are a sunk cost and people are not good at dealing with sunk costs. Instead of saying “Those 2 shots didn’t do what they were supposed to, why would I get a 3rd” most people think “I’ve already had 2, might as well get a 3rd.”
I think restrictions against the unvaxxed will be quietly junked alongside the politicians noisily removing restrictions placed on the broader community.
Maybe. I think a pretty decent chunk of the double and triple vaxxed population will baulk at further shots, particularly when they see it doesn’t actually prevent them from coming down with Covid. I reckon around 10-15% of the eligible population is unvaxxed*. If that number grows to 35% – hell, 25% – the restrictions become untenable.
*check out the WA government’s vaccine dashboard. The numbers don’t add up. The state has a population of 2.8 million. Govt claims ~92% of the population aged 12 and over are double vaxxed. Govt claims around 4.2 million shots have been administered. At first pass that doesn’t seem right. The population aged between 0-11 is about 600k – a decent chunk of these unfortunate souls have received their first shot. A decent chunk of the 12+ cohort have received their third. Waaaaay over 5 million shots would have need to have been administered to hit that 92% rate plus the poor 5-11yo human guinea pigs and their single shot plus the million or so that are boosted plus those that only got one shot…
not that this exhibition is current but the Musee is worth a visit, a hint of what the houses were like in their heyday, not so many pieces you feel overwhelmed, including some beautiful Gothic works, and a couple of Picassos that this pedestrian art lover could enjoy.
I know what the Pope has said in relation to the Latin mass, I also know how some Latin mass aficionados behave towards their fellow Catholics.
I also know that in Melbourne there was zero diminution of the availability of the Latin mass.
I found by accident two Latin mass parishes in Narbonne, one of those being SSPX and around the corner here there is a Latin mass parish, with a very convenient daily low mass at 11 am. I didn’t realise til I saw the parish priest come in wearing a biretta and realised the altar was set up for Ad Orientem, too busy looking at the side altars 🙂
A convoy of trucks and campervans has blocked streets near New Zealand’s parliament in Wellington to protest against Covid-19 restrictions and vaccinations, inspired by a similar demonstration in Canada.
Plastered with messages such as “give us back our freedom” and “coercion is not consent”, hundreds of vehicles parked in streets surrounding the parliament building known as The Beehive on Tuesday.
Hundreds more drove around the city centre with their horns blaring as more than 1000 protesters on foot listened to speeches.
Wellington man Stu Main said the protesters felt their concerns about rights being eroded were not being heard by the government.
“I’m actually vaccinated but I’m against mandating people to be vaccinated,” he said.
“I think it’s disgraceful, forcing vaccination on people who don’t want it.”
The demonstration remained peaceful, with police reporting no arrests or major incidents.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she had no intention of entering discussions with convoy participants, arguing that the majority of New Zealanders had shown their support for the government’s vaccination program.
“Ninety-six per cent of New Zealanders have gone out and got a vaccination, which has enabled us to live now with fewer restrictions because of the extra protection that has provided,” she told Radio New Zealand.
Covid-19 vaccinations are mandatory for people working in certain sectors in New Zealand, such as health, law enforcement, education and defence.
A pass system is also in force, with people required to show proof of vaccination to enter restaurants, sports events and religious services.
It is not required for public transport, supermarkets, schools and accessing health services.
Several of the Wellington protesters carried Canadian flags, including an expatriate named Billy, who declined to give his surname.
“I’m just supporting the brothers in Canada, fighting for freedom over there,” he said.
A “Freedom Convoy” of truckers has gridlocked the Canadian capital Ottawa for more than a week, prompting city authorities to declare a state of emergency.
Organisers of the Wellington convoy have not said how long they intend to remain parked in the city.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight (the bloke on the right is Melbourne premiership coach Simon Goodwin, the subject of a ridiculous Herald Sun beat-up yesterday about him getting on the piss with his players two years ago).
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Gary Varvel.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel #2.
Patrick Cross.
Henry Payne.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks, Tom.
what National Cabinet?
Clive in a spot of bother
novavax in pharmacies from 21 February
Dan Andrews.
What can you say?
Hates Australia, hates small business, puts his foot out to trip up the federal government whenever he has the opportunity.
Axe incident, eh?
It was a hatchet incident, but hatchet incident doesn’t sound anywhere near as dramatic as Axe incident.
I’d say the Prosecution is in the tank here, for sure.
An anecdote worth a chuckle.
Unvaxxed SIL was last year banned, by her daughter, from seeing her new and only granddaughter.
Skip to January and the wedding of one of her sons.
SIL can’t attend the reception.
Daughter and new granddaughter both contract covid from the event.
132andBush, whatever happened to the Fourth Commandment to honour your mother and your father? These people seem perfectly happy to sacrifice their parents to pagan gods of The Science.
From the Daily Mail UK link
Three doses to be “safe” from not even a nasty a head cold in most cases.
And then…wait for it…it will be four doses to be “safe”.
Bear in mind that these “doses” are all superseded formulations for a variant that is no longer in the community.
Australians, and visitors to Australia, are expected to roll up their sleeves in a form of subservient Kabuki to appease our mong rulers who are becoming more deranged and desperate by the day. If we do attract tourists, it will be a mere trickle of no hopers wanting to cash in on our worthless dollar.
You know, like they used to do to the third world.
Janet in full attack mode in today’s Oz. Some snippets.
Truckers blocking NZ parliament!
Doesn’t seem to be covered by our Australian “news media”.
Chuckle and infuriating at the same time, Bush.
It’s in the Oz.
TE posted it upthread.
Poll dancer.
Snort, cackle.
what on earth is an NFT?