John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…
It is 1994. I have no money. I think I’m in love with Downapha. I go to to Bangkok to…
I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…
Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…
Former SAS soldier and Liberal MP Andrew Hastie was deployed during that mission, the court documents state, and is expected to testify for Nine saying he saw Person 66 looking anxious after the mission.
looking anxious. FMD. Hastie should refuse to testify but he’s part of scomo’s government, the most cringing and capitulating conservative government ever, so that is unlikely.
She was in a very bad state, not unlike someone who had been given a Date Rape drug.
Drinking plenty of spirits quickly will have the same effect.
Life of the party one minute and unable to walk the next.
Try to remember there’s a human being at the other end of this accusation and trial. Very few of the screaming mob could even name him.
Bruce O’Newk:
I’m becoming a bit of a convert to the idea of him becoming Speaker after the mid terms.
An interesting position, being third in line for the Presidency and able to force the Senate into holding impeachment proceedings for the O’Biden/Harris administration.
She was in a very bad state, not unlike someone who had been given a Date Rape drug.
She claimed that when they arrived at PH she made a conscious decision to go to PH rather than stay where she was.
That is, she’s claiming that when they arrived at PH she was aware of her surrounds and capable of making and acting on a decision.
Unless she’s actually identical twins, she can’t also have been too unaware to notice that her “convenient” ride home was paid off and was then about to to drive off leaving her stuck somewhere that she says she had no reason to want to be until another ride could be summoned. Why she didn’t try to get that taxi to provide her the claimed “convenient” ride home remains to be explained.
Re the grand medical experiment around the world, and the Nuremberg Code, who is able to lay a complaint before the ICC? I understand that the US has not joined the ICC, but we have, so can someone complain about our local Faucis?
If we are part of these organisations, perhaps we should make use of them.
Has anyone confirmed if Bill Cosby was in the country at this time?
Is it just my adolescent sense of humour or does anyone else read her name as Ossiana Tepenfart?
I used to support Howard’s firearm buyback, but that was when I thought making firearms scarce would be a useful way to keep the underclass to the kitchen-knife level. Narrowly, it worked. Unfortunately now that all Australian governments have turned into 1930’s grade fascists I can see my error. Sorry.
I always felt the psychological impact was the most significant aspect.
You can readily manufacture guns and ammo but you can’t readily fix the lack of independence of thought and action.
Ed – Because I have seen ladies being levitated up the greasy pole many many times in large corporations. It was almost hilarious, any woman with a sniff of ability and management would attach her to a JATO and up she’d go.
The problem is that the normal curve of ability is wider for men than women, so at the far edge men outnumber women a thousandfold. That goes at the bottom and at the top, but you need the really good ones at the top end of the curve much more than the plodders. But this just doesn’t fit with the fad for affirmative action. It doesn’t fit in corporations and it doesn’t fit in militaries. But so powerful is the woke drive these days it is inescapable.
He did crash a prop driven Skyraider while in flight training, clipped a power line while on a low level flight training mission in a Skyraider but flew it home, had an engine failure and had to eject from a T-2 jet, and was shot down over Hanoi in an A-4.
He had nothing to do with the USS Forrestal fire except survive it.
More bullshit, Grogarly.
She was in a very bad state, not unlike someone who had been given a Date Rape drug.
Dr Ed diagnoses a patient he has never met, particularly on the occasion in question.
Perry Duffin at The Australian:
“The defamation trial of Ben Roberts-Smith has been hit with a series of dramatic twists; one SAS witness is backing away from giving evidence against the celebrated soldier, another may do the same, while a third has been unmasked as a source for Nine‘s journalists.”
As has been observed many times, combatants not in uniform have no protection from Geneva Conventions. By attacking our own SAS we shoot ourselves in both feet. It’s stupid.
Men are now guilty until proven innocent.
It is even announced in Parliament.
Scummo you are an utter arsehole.
A helicopter evacuated McCain while the fire was still raging and the fate of the Forrestal uncertain.
Specultion remains that he was evacuated to avoid the likelihood of his being KeelHauled by enraged sailors.
And the Overlords enter us into illegals wars, sending people trained to kill to the war zone, then act like bitches that they killed a few people.
It’s the Overlords that need to be in court.
Neil Young in a video clip I saw some time ago produced a harmonica for his next segment and stated its key – can’t recall which – and added rather archly “in case you want to blow along”.
Yeah, right.
I suspect that, win or lose, this man’s life has been ruined. The sisterhood has made a goddess of the alleged victim. No court hearing necessary.
I truly feel for this poor man.
You could have fooled me. Christianity seems to be a pup that whimpers at the feet of anyone who wants to give it a good kick in the guts.
It’s one of the things that turns me off religion.
Re female pilots, I’m sure that there are many skilled competent women pilots, they would’ve had to prove themselves in a mans world. What makes me believe this is that nowdays so many women get promoted beyond their level of competence to meet quotas or to demonstrate how women can do anything. Looking at how woke the US military is I have no trouble accepting that they would promote someone on the basis of their sex, not competence.
Completely arse about.
Serving SAS men blew the whistle on events in Afghanistan.
Governments of both types have bent over backwards to whitewash those events, but a Free Press and the Rule Of Law comes in handy sometimes.
If not in uniform, a “fixed, distinctive sign, visible at a distance.”
FWIW, I do recall an American Senator, demanding at the height of the “Troubles” in Northern Ireland that captured I.R.A. men would receive their correct entitlements as Prisoners of War. A senior British officer pointed out that, captured in civilian clothing, not part of any recognized military body, not commanded by anyone who could be held responsible for their actions, they could quite lawfully be shot out of hand….
Oh, and if an impartial jury finds this man guilty, then I shall be the first to recant my support.
It could be worse. He could be providing legal advice. He needs to stick to molesting cats and amateur taxidermy.
Oh, but Head Case says …
“Specultion (sic) remains…” Still more bullshit, Grogarly.
but a Free Press and the Rule Of Law comes in handy sometimes.
No longer true in the USA.
Winston – Most of the men in the Civil War were Christians, and fought like tigers.
They did so because as a matter of conscience they thought they could. Some felt their allegiance was to the state, like Lee in Virginia. Others saw their allegiance was to the federal government. Because the situation was legally opaque both sides could legally fight for one or the other. And fight they did.
The Left is not ignorant of history that it knows is important to itself. The one key historical observation they’ve very carefully learned is never give a Christian a legal reason to fight. Hence the Dems oozing in the shadows they way they do, such that they never ever afford a clear casus belli.
My musing is that a Republican will get into government, either as Governor or President, declare an emergency and empanel legal militias. Then Christians would step up in millions. After all they’ve been buying firearms for a very long time in anticipation of such things.
What Rule of Law?
According to the NSW Supreme Court, we don’t even have any human rights here.
You could have fooled me. Christianity seems to be a pup that whimpers at the feet of anyone who wants to give it a good kick in the guts.
It’s one of the things that turns me off religion.
True of many of its supposed adherents these days, but not of the doctrine.
Luke 22:36
“Jesus said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.’”
And it’s not ass about. If Australia had not been in this illegal war, none of these events would have happened.
“Try to remember there’s a human being at the other end of this accusation and trial.”
I do….and I know his chances of a fair trial are now officially……ZERO. All thanks to this absolute joke of a PM and government, media and social media sewers.
When I see and hear Scumbag….I feel physically sick.
I’m sorry, who threatened who with the axe?
Hehe, you obviously haven’t read the old testament. God didn’t take any shit in those days.
I have the same reaction with the Hunchback.
“I have the same reaction with the Hunchback.”
But aren’t you moving to Japan?
National Press Club. The President is Laura Tingle.
Thanks for this link; very educational.
Women’s Tears Win in the Marketplace of Ideas.
The thesis is that essentially, ‘woke’ and protests and ‘I’m offended’ are mostly female. Pushing the diversity barrow for decades means that managers who make the rules and enforce them are HR Karens, dominantly women.
Rational discussion would follow rules that are more male. This is a minority of opportunists capitalising on implicit behavioural differences to the advantage of the whiners, and is thus destroying a lot.
Needs to now propose countermeasures like Jordan Peterson’s responses to the Channel Four interviewer.
I’ve seen quite a number of girls in one helluva helpless state after being administered a date rape drug.
It happens in pub all the time. The entire dose is administered in a remarkably short time frame.
The drug is known as “Vodka Cruiser” & usually 20 – 30 “doses” (i.e. a full “vial”) have been self-administered.
They’re quite helpless afterward.
Disagree Delta.
His analogy gives the green light to creeps. Both parties have the responsibility not to act like jerks and be accountable for their actions.
I feel sorry for our debased legal system and the tendency to whip up witch hunts and trial by media rather than use the avenues that already exist.
The guy in question is supposedly a well known lothario. This doesn’t make him guilty of a crime. He may well have used PH before for “meetings” and be known to security there. This will all come out I suppose.
Security at PH must see some truly amazing sights, but appear to be able to keep their mouths shut.
The woman could have stayed nice and snug in the foyer. She decided not to. Who had the keys to the minister’s office? He or she? Or did they both work for the Minister?
If girls are “helpless” after a date rape drug, they can’t get out of a taxi, walk through the foyer of PH under the watchful gaze of security and obtain passes and keys.
National Australia Day Council denies ‘threatening’ Grace Tame call
That would seem to be the end of the matter, unless Ms Tsme had anything beyond he-said-she-said.
But no, crashing through the undergrowth:
She still won’t like you. Idiot.
Is there anything Moron can’t fuck up?
Oh What a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive
Sir Walter Scott – Marmion : a Tale of Flodden Field
“I feel sorry for our debased legal system and the tendency to whip up witch hunts and trial by media rather than use the avenues that already exist.”
Well said.
FMD that utter bitch tame compared scomo to a rapist, the teacher who molested her. Apparently tame has had undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder.
Body mass half that of the guy.
Ego twice that of the guy.
Got to keep up with him.
The rest is history.
Security confirmed Brittany was in a helpless state.
At least one Security Officer on Duty that night later resigned over the incident.
There were ongoing conferences that morning trying to arrive at some decision as to how to proceed.
Lehrmann was well known to Security as a High Flyer and they didn’t want to lose their cruisey jobs.
It’s only Wednesday, give the man time.
Way back when, Perth coppers were investigating an outbreak of “drink spiking” and “date rape drugs” in the nightclub belt of Northbridge – some thirty cases. A senior officer gave a radio interview saying none of the cases involved drink spiking, it was a waste of police time, and suggesting some people “needed to find out how much they could drink.”
“Is there anything Moron can’t fuck up?”
Nothing…he’s got to go. He’s a disgrace.
AKA a fucking nutter with an axe to grind
Heh! from moles posted artical.
More on the Trump Presidency and his comeback pathway.
She was a physically mature senior High School student just short of being over the age of consent.
She also appears to be a dead eyed psychopath.
Security on any large building sees some truly amazing sights, but you are told to keep your mouth shut as part of the job.
Jesus who picked Grace Tame as AOY the experts on MAFS?
Brilliant [politics, he’s dared Tame to make up some even more outlandish shit.
My prediction?
She’ll take the bait.
A lot of santizing been going on me thinks.
How cold would it have been around midnight in March 2019 in Canberra that someone couldn’t wait outside or in the taxi? Better still could not the taxi driver been asked to drive her home instead of being dismissed?
The other, married in 2017 to a child actor, was she divorced by the time she was nominated for AOTY?
Just thoughts, that’s all.
good to see they’re embarrassed by her behaviour. They might think a little more about who they award in future.
Another great ‘date tape’ drug are cocktails.
I attended a Work function lunch at a bar 2-3 years back that kicked on well into the evening. The female work colleagues decided it would be a good idea to get us all drinking cocktails. They were blue from memory. Went down like cordial. Holy shit I got back into the beers quicksmart. Too strong for me.
Anyway I shared a cab back home and agreed to chaperone a las and drop her off on the way. She was plastered. Pulled up outside her house. I pour led her out of the cab and walked her up to the door. She slides down onto the step. I knock on the door. No response. I try the door it opens. In the living room we’re 40-50 people conducted a traditional Sri Lankan per wedding ceremony in full kit. They all stared my way. I looked down and said to the girl. ‘You’re on your own!’.
She survived. Her family were none too happy with her. LOL.
Look, the bottom line is this:
Whether you’re Graham Richardson, or Janet Albrechtsen, there’s never been a Liberal Party Prime Minister like Scott Morrison and Labor doesn’t
know how to combat him.
You couldn’t even compare him to Bjelke Petersen, because The Media were generally on Bjelke’s side [while he remained Premier].
Specultion remains that he was evacuated to avoid the likelihood of his being KeelHauled by enraged sailors.
Dick Ed no relies on barrack room gossip for his various assertions.
Governments of both types have bent over backwards to whitewash those events, but a Free Press and the Rule Of Law comes in handy sometimes.
Suddenly, Sneakers Ed is moving against “Scotty”. Lovers’ tiff?
Fuck Scummo. That fuckhead has stood back and watched labor fascists medically rape us for years, all while smirking to the camera every change it gets.
And also to keep your job.
captured in civilian clothing, not part of any recognized military body, not commanded by anyone who could be held responsible for their actions, they could quite lawfully be shot out of hand….
It is considered courteous to give them a drumhead court martial. The delay is only a matter of minutes, as the evidence is clearly obvious.
Donald J Trump
45th President of the USA
The Biden Administration now says “conspiracy theories” about elections are the greatest threat to the homeland. Does the Department of Homeland Security include in its list of conspiracy theories the on tape irrefutable evidence of massive “Ballot Harvesting” in the Swing States? Do they include more votes than voters, and the fact that in Georgia thousands of duplicate votes were scanned and voter fraud was committed with 100-0 falsified vote counts for Joe Biden? Do they include in Wisconsin more than twice the election margin voted without ever showing Voter ID, which is illegal, or the widespread fraud uncovered in nursing homes? Or how 23,344 mail-in ballots were counted, despite the person no longer living at that address in Arizona, and that there was over 100% turnout for mail-in ballots in precincts in Pima County. What about the many violations of the Constitution, and the millions poured into Swing States by the Facebook CEO to hijack our elections?
The Biden Administration will do anything to keep the eye away from the massive irregularities and voter fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, even so ridiculously as going after its own citizens as “terrorists” using DHS, which should instead be focusing on the Border, where millions of people, from places unknown, are pouring into our Country. They are so desperate to hide the truth, they’ll make it criminal to speak it!
The woman could have stayed nice and snug in the foyer. She decided not to. Who had the keys to the minister’s office? He or she? Or did they both work for the Minister?
Apparently they were let into the office by security unlocking the door.
Have read the articles in the Oz and CM about Tame and Higgins and listened to the clip about the phone call.
Can anybody tell me what the “threat” aspect of the call was ? Seems to me like somebody strongly suggesting not having a go at PM but no mention of horses heads in bed etc. Quite obvious which organisation it would be and easily checked as caller would be known.
As for Higgins. Tell you daughters to use her as a role model for what not to do !
Plus great posts by Calli.
I hope defence counsel specifically mentions PM’s apology when saying can’t get a fair trial. In fact I think he has made previous similar comments on the case so not first time.
I took great and sadistic delight in pointing that out to a group of the supporters of one David Hicks, who were whining that he hadn’t had a “fair go.”
“Big boys game, big boys rules.”
Ed Casesays:
February 9, 2022 at 7:11 pm
Security confirmed Brittany was in a helpless state.
So helpless that she walked around to the ministerial office. Have you ever been inside the ministerial wing at PH?
From The Daily Telegraph…
Grace Tame: Women’s Safety Minister confirms investigation into ‘threatening’ phone call
An investigation into the source of a threatening call made to Grace Tame asking her not to embarrass Scott Morrison close to the election has been launched, the federal government has announced.
Five months after being named Australian of the Year, Grace Tame says she received a “threatening” phone call from a “senior member of a federal government organisation” begging her not to say anything “damning” about Scott Morrison close to the election.
Women’s Safety and Social Services Minister Anne Ruston said she was unaware of the allegations until Ms Tame revealed them at the National Press Club, but it was now her understanding an investigation has “already” commenced.
“That is an unacceptable thing for any agency that is funded by the government to be seeking to do that to anybody,” she said.
A spokesman for Mr Morrison said the first he or his office became aware of that allegation was during Ms Tame’s speech on Wednesday.
“The PM has not and would not authorise such actions and at all times has sought to treat Ms Tame with dignity and respect,” the spokesman said.
The spokesman said Ms Tame “should always be free to speak her mind and conduct herself as she chooses”.
“The PM has made no criticism of her statements or actions,” he said.
“While Ms Tame has declined to name the individual, the individual should apologise.
“Those comments were not made on behalf of the PM or PMO or with their knowledge.
“The PM and the government consider the actions and statements of the individual as unacceptable.”
Speaking at the National Press Club, Ms Tame said she felt she had “nothing to lose” after being constantly branded “politically divisive,” and revealed she received the call from an unnamed official on August 17 last year who was fearful about her impact on the Prime Minister’s reputation.
“I received a threatening phone call from a senior member of a government funded organisation, asking for my word that I would not say anything damning about the Prime Minister on the evening of the next Australian of the Year Awards,” she said.
Ms Tame said the caller told her she was an “influential person” and Mr Morrison would “have a fear” about her behaviour.
“What kind of fear, I asked myself. A fear for our nation’s most vulnerable? A fear for the future of our plan? And then I heard the words, ‘with an election coming soon’,” she said.
“A fear he might lose his position or, more to the point, his power.”
Ms Tame said she had watched how even her most “common sense movements” were “lost in translation” because others deliberately misrepresent them, and then “projected division onto them” that was not “real”.
“For instance, certain members of the commentariat have consistently labelled me as politically divisive, failing to mention that I spent most of last year having frank, productive meetings with politicians on all sides at both the state and federal level,” she said.
“So, after a year of being re-victimised, commodified, objectified, sensationalised, delegitimised, gaslit, thrown under the bus by the biased, mainstream media, despite my inclusive messaging, I would like to take this opportunity to … remind you that I really have nothing to lose.”
Here’s my summary, I call bullshit on Tame’s claims.
I noticed in the footage that I’ve seen of the National Press Gallery frenzied hate fest today that Women’s Safety and Social Services Minister Anne Ruston was sitting at a table. She didn’t look very impressed.
“Just thoughts, that’s all.”
I share your musings P.
She was a physically mature senior High School student just short of being over the age of consent.
Given your vast knowledge of this subject, perhaps you could advise us how her situation compares to the male student whom Cheryl Kernot groomed and seduced while she was a teacher? Physically mature? Close to the age of consent?
Actually, I have just finished reading (after a very long time!) the Gospel of John. I was struck with just how “muscular” the behaviour of Jesus towards the Pharisees and other detractors, was.
Whoever wrote this is ignorant of history.
Ed Casesays:
February 9, 2022 at 7:28 pm
Look, the bottom line is this:
Whether you’re Graham Richardson, or Janet Albrechtsen, there’s never been a Liberal Party Prime Minister like Scott Morrison and Labor doesn’t
know how to combat him.
Labor doesn’t need to combat him, he is doing a fine job of that all by himself. But do tell us more, Sneakers Ed.
You couldn’t even compare him to Bjelke Petersen, because The Media were generally on Bjelke’s side [while he remained Premier].
What world do you live in? Fantasy Land?
Bruce O’Newk:
Political ideology is killing these women who have been told by others who sit behind desks and will never face the consequences of their efforts to push others up the corporate and military ladder.
Would these pilots still be alive today if they were honestly graded?
Chris Merritt on Bolt saying that the accused cannot get a fair trial.
Structural politics.
Laid on the foundation of Jan 6 = Pearl Harbour + Benedict Arnold.
Those who made Grace Tame AOTY did her no favours.
But presumably she had a say in the matter…which she has to own.
That seems to be a key element missing in Ms. Higgins’ story as well: personal repsonsibility.
Political ideology is killing these women who have been told by others who sit behind desks and will never face the consequences of their efforts to push others up the corporate and military ladder.
The ideology is also leaving them physically damaged (particularly in the Army) by having them carry heavy loads cross-country.
Is it just my adolescent sense of humour or does anyone else read her name as Ossiana Tepenfart?
I did.
He certainly couldn’t in a normal jurisdiction.
The Biden Administration now says “conspiracy theories” about elections are the greatest threat to the homeland.
Strangely, the Wussia, Wussia, Wussia conspiracy was not such a threat.
To paraphrase the great Thatcher:
Who? Who exactly confirmed this, to whom, when did this happen and how was this remark recorded?
Also, define helpless. Helpless as to what? Unable to work out pi to 25 decimal places? Unable to climb a ladder on one leg? Unable to stop throwing herself at a bloke she thought could further her rise up the chain whilst shitfaced, at a party I paid for?
I’ll wait.
The backers of the old thief and the old thief himself when he is lucid are asserting that anyone whose opposes them is an enemy of society. USA=>USSR
If only you could read it in the original Greek, Vicki (& with a little study you could!).
Modern English translations tone it down more than a bit.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Russia is freer than the USA now.
Since we’re musing…
If a fair trial can’t be assured and the whole imbroglio is swept into the dustbin…
Higgins gets to retain her “victim” status and all the prestige that goes with it. And she doesn’t have to face some awkward questions in the witness box. Tough about the bloke who’s considered guilty, but so what.
Is a judge only trial an option?
calli says:
February 9, 2022 at 7:02 pm
Who had the keys to the minister’s office? He or she?
They were let into the Minister’s office by security. I posted the security guard’s version of events upthread:
Speedbox says:
February 9, 2022 at 3:27 pm
plus a link.
Ed Case says:
February 9, 2022 at 7:11 pm
Security confirmed Brittany was in a helpless state. At least one Security Officer on Duty that night later resigned over the incident. There were ongoing conferences that morning trying to arrive at some decision as to how to proceed. Lehrmann was well known to Security as a High Flyer and they didn’t want to lose their cruisey jobs.
You should also go back and read my post upthread. In part, it says that security said she was obviously intoxicated but nowhere did they say she was “helpless”. When Higgins walked through the metal detector, her shoes set it off and she was told to remove them and try again.
The security guard said: “As she’s gone to put her shoes back on after she’s walked through and cleared herself, she couldn’t get them on,” the security officer said. Security issued the pair with what are known as Positively Identified Passes, or green passes, which allow holders unrestricted, unescorted access. Security took the pair up to Senator Reynolds’s office, unlocked the door and let them in. “That’s how I realised how intoxicated this girl was because she just could not get her shoes on for the life of her.”
If the accused was well known to security as a ‘high flyer’, please describe how you mean that definition. For example, do you mean career wise or as a ‘lady’s man’? Either way, please link your source.
Noted footballing bully and chick-tackler Harry Mouncey on the discrimination Bill (the Hun):
Mouncey has no ovaries. Just saying.
Speaking to the Herald Sun, she urged politicians to walk out of the parliament in protest of a “horrific” proposed laws, saying it would legalise discrimination of transgender Australians. “They have decided, obviously, that they need to protect gay kids but trans kids, they don’t need to,” Ms Mouncey said.
“They are not worried about losing votes because they think most of Australia will be okay with it.”
And ‘they’ would be right. Even Labor’s backing it.
Story of the raising of Lazarus for instance. “Deeply moved in spirit” isn’t the half of it.
Judges don’t live in a vacuum and could be just as compromised.
Frigging blockquotes.
Apologies. It’s not difficult, I’m just have a mong episode.
Having a mong episode.
Gawd. This must be what Ed feels like all the time.
Razey, et al:
The past is a different country.
Christianity has morphed into something Jesus would not recognise.
In fact he’d do a re enactment of the Cleansing of the Money Changers in the Temple.
I’d pay good money to see that.
“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
February 9, 2022 at 8:15 pm
He certainly couldn’t in a normal jurisdiction.
Is a judge only trial an option?”
Not sure it is in the ACT.
Piggy Howes barely survived quite a few of them, as he so gut wrenchingly revealed many moons ago.
Mouncey is an adult human male.
Trump wasn’t kidding when he called the meja the enemy of the people. Tingle makes me think witches really do exist.
This whole pushing of trans-sexuals seems to be the latest attempt to trash western society aka attack the nuclear family. Both the Costello and Murdoch media are fully on board. Enemies of the people.
Going through the tweets here https://twitter.com/Voice4Victoria
Wow. Redshirts to be referred back to IBAC. Labor MP crosses the floor. Some absolute fire being spat on the floor of parliment.
Favorite quote is about the greens swimming in the swamp while pretending to be offended.
The University of California has agreed to pay nearly $250m (£185m) to over 200 women who allege they were sexually assaulted by a campus gynaecologist.
Multiple women accuse the university’s Los Angeles site (UCLA) of deliberately hiding James Heaps’ alleged sexual abuse of patients.
Mr Heaps was based at the UCLA student health centre during his 35-year career between 1983 and 2018.
sounds good bluey- blows my mind how anyone could actually like Andrews. At least Bracks was personable.
“I felt sick to my stomach”– Jenny Morrison
The Labor MP in Victoria who crossed the floor to vote with Somyurek is very brave. Fabricated child-abuse charges a la Pell in the offing?
Queen Skank Patten, is, of course, right behind Andrews (or should the word order be different?).
The European Commission took the unprecedented decision to withhold millions of euros in budget funds from Poland on Tuesday over unpaid fines related to a long-running coal mine dispute.
The EU funding earmarked for Warsaw that will now be held back amounts to some €15 million ($17 million).
The dispute is over a European Court of Justice (ECJ) case relating to the Turow mine near Poland’s border with the Czech Republic and Germany. Both countries had complained of environmental damage caused by the mine.
In 2020, Prague argued that Warsaw’s expansion of operations there without environmental checks went against EU law, amid fears of polluting drinking water.
Whatever you might say about Tame, her seduction by a mature teacher, in a position of loco parentis, at age 15 was wrong, morally and legally.
And of late female teachers are getting gaoled for the same predatory behaviour.
Iirc in some places age of consent is higher for these teacher student situations.
What game is Mr Ed playing?
Are you a gynaecologist?
No, but I’ll take a look.
An ALP politician crossed the floor?
One of those on their way out the door?
The whole twitter thread is worth a read, but the Labor MP is one who fell foul of the preselection axe. That said the statement she put out alleges branch stacking has been endemic for 50 years.
The LDP Mp’s asked some pointed questions too.
The is the aerial view at the Coutts Crossing in Alberta, Canada.
It’s like something you’d expect at a Trump rally.
The backbencher who gave Andrews the treatment.
We get great value from the Indians in cricket and now a MP hits underarm Dan over the fence.
Incidentally I see James Newburrie is incandescent about this religious freedoms Bill.
He’s a member of some liberallgbt caucus and making a lot of noise.
He’s also the son of a ‘militant lesbian’ and fully supports third wave feminism.
Whatever his issues are they aren’t caused by Christian schools.
I’m well aware that students experiencing same sex attraction living in Christian homes, attending Christian schools can feel particularly conflicted, but moving homosexual acts to the notasin column isn’t going to help.
And for the record, again, Archbishop Comensoli is on the record stating he would go to prison rather than breach the seal of the confessional.
It’s rather central to any understanding of the nature of the priesthood.
Have a feeling lying about other people might be a sin.
Tame has admitted leading the teacher on.
Plenty of teachers are Inverts and plenty of High School girls ain’t.
It’s always been that way, since some fool decided that teenage girls had to go to School rather than either get married, go to work, or work in the family business.
It’s been a disaster for State School education.
Well, yeah.
But that person wasn’t ScoMo or Peter Dutton or Josh Frydenberg.
So stop putting the shit on them for something someone else did.
This teacher was backed up by his union initially, right.
Where is her sneering at senior ACTU people because a few union officials backed up her abuser?
I was once cornered in conversation at an arty party, by about four women who it turned out thought I was a gynaecologist. Birth war stories were the order of the evening, and I had four or five having been there for my own children’s births. Possibly my wife might have been there too.
In hindsight, I may have been speaking of pre-baby lessons, mentioned some ideas I heard from other participants such as the one who was having another baby because she felt she hadn’t had a legitimate birth experience; perhaps the midwife forgot to put on her prepared mix tape at the critical moment. When we went to be the example new Dad and new Mum at the next round of birth lessons, I mentioned this and said I felt it was tiger country giving birth; people can die or live, and getting out of it OK is the very best result however it happens.
Life Site News:
A healthy 33-year-old husband and father died last week of an autoimmune reaction that his doctors say is linked to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.
Brandon Pollet, a Louisiana instrument mechanic and father of a one-year-old daughter, died Friday after being diagnosed with multiple immune disorders. Pollet’s conditions began to develop immediately after his second Pfizer shot at the end of August, according to a GoFundMe fundraiser set up for his medical and funeral expenses.
Green ute.
Sticker on the side.
“Jim’s Gynaecology”.
Russian Toady:
A Greek football star has died aged 21 after collapsing during a match, with an ambulance reportedly arriving to the stadium 20 minutes after the incident.
Alexandros Lampis collapsed to the turf just five minutes into his appearance for third-tier southeastern Athens outfit Ilioupoli against Ermionida.
Jim’s Gynaecology
We’ll trim your bush and cut your grass.
On Friday, central Illinois Judge Raylene Grischow granted a temporary restraining order to temporarily suspend the Illinois Department of Public Health and the state board of education’s requirements for masks, vaccines, and weekly coronavirus testing until the matter can be presented at trial.
The Left only obey the rules when they feel like it.
No one ha yet mentioned that Brittany didn’t report the incident to police at the time, and only did so two years later after she’d gone public AND came under weeks of pressure. Only then she made a complaint.
I’ll leave it to the court, but maybe the judge should wear a peg on his nose.
I’d mow his lawn.
But I wouldn’t cut his grass.
All true Sancho it still doesn’t diminish the responsibility of the teacher.
Here’s a thought. How quick will Albo be distancing himself from Andrews? Reckon there’s going to be some splatter from this IBAC referral, and it’s not that long ago they were showing what good mates they are.
Could federal Labor be dragged in even?
The more I think about it the more excited I get. I feel like I’m 14 and found porn. Got to temper my hopes.
Science, ergo, it must be accepted.
Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain
In humans, naturally acquired microchimerism has been observed in many tissues and organs. Fetal microchimerism, however, has not been investigated in the human brain. Microchimerism of fetal as well as maternal origin has recently been reported in the mouse brain. In this study, we quantified male DNA in the human female brain as a marker for microchimerism of fetal origin (i.e. acquisition of male DNA by a woman while bearing a male fetus). Targeting the Y-chromosome-specific DYS14 gene, we performed real-time quantitative PCR in autopsied brain from women without clinical or pathologic evidence of neurologic disease (n?=?26), or women who had Alzheimer’s disease (n?=?33). We report that 63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions. Results also suggested lower prevalence (p?=?0.03) and concentration (p?=?0.06) of male microchimerism in the brains of women with Alzheimer’s disease than the brains of women without neurologic disease. In conclusion, male microchimerism is frequent and widely distributed in the human female brain.
A girl can get married at 14 with a Court’s permission.
Tame was a physically mature 15 when she led this teacher on.
Why did the Teacher’s Union support him?
There musta been a reason.
Same week the 82nd Airborne arrives.
Who’s your daddy?
(I can’t believe I’m saying that about Slow Joe, but the EU is actually worse.)
Remember them?
The Missouri Supreme Court on Tuesday indefinitely suspended the law licenses of two St. Louis attorneys who waved guns at Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020, but it stayed their suspensions and placed them on probation for a year.
The orders came after Missouri’s chief disciplinary counsel last year asked the court to suspend the law licenses of Mark McCloskey and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, in connection with their guilty pleas to misdemeanors stemming from the gun-waving incident.
The orders mean that if they violate the terms of their probation, their law licenses could be suspended indefinitely.
The probation terms require the McCloskeys, in written quarterly reports, to note any arrests, criminal charges, civil lawsuits, disputes with clients, investigations questioning their fitness to practice law and reports of additional disciplinary complaints.
The court also ordered them to provide 100 hours of pro bono legal services during their terms of probation.
So the reality is that it’s legal to have sex with a 14 year old, you’ve just gotta getta Court’s Permission to Marry her first
The “evidence” in the Roberts-Smith case will apparently include Person 66 being seen ‘looking anxious’. Shades of Lady Bracknell’s ‘guiltily sipping tea and eating cucumber sandwiches’.
“Whatever you might say about Tame, her seduction by a mature teacher, in a position of loco parentis, at age 15 was wrong, morally and legally.”
Agree….he’s a creep and he rightly went to goal for his crime. Having said that, I also find Tame’s vitriolic attacks on Morrison wrong, morally and legally.
The bottom line is that Tame should never…..ever…..have been appointed as AOTY. Her behaviour during her tenure as AOTY has been utterly disgraceful.
Which raises the questions:
in these days of SSM, has any SS bloke gone to Court to get Permission to Marry a 14 year old boy?
Or a Lezzo to Marry a 14 year old girl?
Ed Casesays:
February 9, 2022 at 8:53 pm
Tame has admitted leading the teacher on.
Plenty of teachers are Inverts and plenty of High School girls ain’t.
It’s always been that way, since some fool decided that teenage girls had to go to School rather than either get married, go to work, or work in the family business.
It’s been a disaster for State School education.
Sneakers Ed is trying for the Charles Dickens award for creative writing?
A pretty amusing story about an investor “restructuring” a business:
Please stop.
‘morally’ yes but ‘legally’ that would be upto Morrison. As for “vitriolic attacks” please don’t give them a reason to shut the new cat down.
Green ute.
Sticker on the side.
“Jim’s Gynaecology”.
Is the logo the same except for legs either side of Jim?
Morrison is being Alinskyed. Just like Porter. I wonder if Tingle has read Rules for Radicals.
Higgins is rather overdoing the white pantsuit and white t-shirt look. I mean, I know it’s the innocent jesus look, and it’s hand in hand with Brittany Higgins Pty Ltd Inc, but it’s just not flattering to the larger girl to be strapped by wrinkling and struggling to do up a jacket button.
I wonder if the twits in the LP have even heard of Rules for Radicals.
Please stop.
I accidentally red an Ed post, I think I have a brain bleed.
If Sneakers ED really wants that award, he will need to improve his written expression. Words like gotta, shoulda, coulda, getta and similar must be avoided.
When I started reading this I thought they’ve caught that arsehole simon holmes-a court:
A spy ring led by a wealthy “puppeteer” with deep links to a foreign government and its intelligence agencies had recently tried to bankroll vulnerable political candidates in an attempt to get sympathetic MPs elected to parliament.
In one of the most brazen attempts at subverting Australia’s political system, the network sought to get candidates into positions of power but was shut down by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation before it could fulfil its ambitions.
While the country involved has not been named by ASIO, the sophistication of the operation, according to intelligence sources, pointed to only two nation states with that level of intent and the resources to carry it out – China or Russia.
It is understood that the sting was carried out “recently” suggesting the target was the federal election due in May.
Her marriage in 2017 to a US citizen and her subsequent nomination in 2020 for AOTY raises the question, when were they divorced. That is their business but leaves us aussies with questions for which we should have answers. How long was it that she had been living in Australia before her nomination?
Thanks for the tip BJ. Is ya clown OK?
They’ll never Alinsky Scotty because he isn’t too concerned about what the press or anybody else is saying about him.
He’s waited until it’s too late for Labor to replace Albanese before getting on the front foot against him.
Let’s see how Albanese handles it.
My prediction?
He’s another Doc Evatt, he’ll have a complete meltdown.
[Question mark required.]
Good point, i’m saying the chances of her being a Spook are now 50/50.
It’s not just trolling now with blatantly objectionable material to get you shut down, we are being spammed with it.
F l u s h
t h e
‘ t a r d
Newburrie is a liberal and exemplifies the problem they present as allies.
February 9, 2022 at 9:27 pm
Words like gotta, shoulda, coulda, getta and similar must be avoided.
Thanks for the tip BJ. Is ya clown OK?
Certainly, but only when it is addressed to Mr Ed.
Comensoli says a lot of things but his milquetoast actions speak louder, as he has shown over the past 2 years, as have all the bishops.
Then you should stop doing so.
Freedom Manifesto – Policy 4 – Low, Flat Taxes
Liberal Democrats (Australia)
19.3K subscribers
Freedom Manifesto – Policy 4 – Low, Flat Taxes
I presume that you’re talking about Mr. Ed? I find him mildly amusing, but I confess to feeling guilty about laughing at the afflicted.
Special Ed is an algorithm.
A spam bot.
Picks up on key words or people upthread and constructs a word salad around them with deliberately provocative terms.
It’s clever but when you look closely is lacking in any consistency both morally and ideologically.
Thanks Dot-Limbrick is very impressive. Worth my vote
It’s only six we vote for right?
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Feb. 7 declared a heightened terrorism threat due to “false and misleading narratives,” misinformation, and “conspiracy theories.”
Why do I feel a little concerned about this ‘threat’?
Bert Ironmonger
…. …
And now we wait.
Normally, I agree with the old saying that the sins of the father should not be visited on the children, but I’ll make an exception for that dung beetle.
‘Hey, Jim, Jacquie’s on the phone again. Says she’s got one of the coupons.’
Why do I feel a little concerned about this ‘threat’?
Because it is criminalizing opposition and dissent. They was a coup against the people in 2020. The dirty old man cheated.
Of course you can have sex with a 14, or 15 year old girl.
As long as you’re prepared for the consequences.
So much for ‘of the people, for the people, by the people’.
I thought this too.
They were both in career-ending shit for a drunken escapade in the office.
Suddenly one is a victim, the other one is a crim.
The scariest words I heard her utter today … “My political career”.
Excuse me?
Nobody elected you to anything, darling.
Two hundred million dollars per mile. How is that possible for a trainline?
Costs of California’s troubled bullet train rise again, by an estimated $5 billion (9 Feb)
Which lets me put up this headline…
Labor leader Anthony Albanese pledges $500m for Sydney-Newcastle fast rail (2 Jan)
At normal Cali rates, which I take to be typical of lefties, that 500 big after exchange rates would build just over 2.5 km of very fast train track.
But she was ‘desperate’ for a career in politics. Career politicians are the problem.
Stuck in the corner and begged for mercy. Riiiiight.
Sortition would end career politicians forever.
On This Day (Wiki):
Great Granny Tame was very fit.
OK cool, BJ.
A lot of expert opinion upthread about a ladeee allegedly putting an F-35 into the drink off the deck of the USS Carl Vinson.
Very grainy video, but I do wonder if there might have been an arrestor gear failure.
Who cares about American politics?
If Trump hadna announced Operation Warp Speed, and shilled for the vax, nunna this shit would be happening.
Let’s talk about Thatcher.
Did you know that the 6 Irishmen wrongfully convicted over the 1974 Pub Bombing Campaign were all active local Conservative Party members in Liverpool?
And that Thatcher didn’t lift a finger to help them, despite their obvious innocence and her being Opposition Leader from 1976 and PM from 1979 to 1990?
Relevant Brittany meme.
Ed Case says:
February 9, 2022 at 8:53 pm
Tame has admitted leading the teacher on.
In not one account I have read from Tame, or about her, have I read a single word about her deliberately or even accidentally “leading the teacher on”.
I have a unflattering opinion of the woman but would like to see your reference point. Please link.
An absolute fucking disgrace. Just like the government he’s part of.
You claim without any evidence that the ‘novus ordo’ bishops of Australia will sanction the breach of the seal of the confessional in spite of public statements to the contrary by at the very least archbishop Comensoli. Stating a preference for prison is hardly ‘milquetoast’.
Archbishop Comensoli also spoke against the removal of the right to only hire those who live lives consistent with Catholic teaching in Catholic schools in the state of Victoria.
Here clearly ‘novus ordo’ is intended as a slur.
I’d add the sin of pride to the sin of bearing false witness.
And people wonder why Pope Francis and others have issues with (some) trads.
Because they were spooks.
Captain Obvious moment.
I still ed still leading a charge to get the cat shut down.
Alberta caves to Canada trucker protests, ends vaccine passports
Didn’t Lord Denning personally sign their death warrants, while their wives, children and aged parents wept piteously in the background?
Not at all. Nothing happened until Higgins went to see Reynolds.
To say that Reynolds didn’t take the news well would be an understatement.
Yet as far as we know, nobody was ever sacked, though Higgins was sent to Coventry and eventually pulled the pin.
Scotty apologised yesterday for everything that had happened to Higgins from the time she first confronted Reynolds til the day she resigned.
Good lord.
You need to see the Tame performance to appreciate just how unhinged she is.
The full bunny boiler.
Swivel eyed cut snake red shoes Morrison in tunnels with pizza stuff.
They were all MI-5.
Didn’t serve a day in jail.
The trial was a total sham with paid actors in the dock.
All orchestrated by Lord Dickie Mountbatten, no less.
Sitting in the dentist chair yesterday and it was obvious. Dentists don’t believe that the ‘rona is dangerous and they don’t believe masks protect against viruses. If ‘rona really was a deadly disease and masks are required by everyone, why would they risk their life delving in my gob just to clean my putrid teeth?
If they believe that their mask protects them, fair enough, but it’s clear that not everyone has to wear one to create a safe environment.
Good for you, but you haven’t been keeping up with events in the Saga of Grace Tame and I have [compared to you].
Mate, if you’re calling me a liar, that’s okay.
You can either leave it at that, or you can produce evidence proving your assertion.
What you can’t do, is expect me to do your research for you.
Hutlh Qapla’ yInlIj QIp, Ed.
The more I read of the Rolfe murder trial and the circumstances surrounding the shooting dead of Walker, the more I can’t believe that any rational prosecutor could have preferred those charges.
Of course nobody believes this trial is not totally political or snivelling to the aboriginal grievance industry.
OK who flagged my comment, you ED?
Difficult to escape that conclusion, Pedro.
Hoping Custard is about. But how did you get hold of Ivermectin? And can anyone list flyingduks multi drug treatment?
Thanks in advance……