Ontario’s Premier Threatens to Cut Off Electricity to U.S. — Says Republicans Will ‘Feel Pain Like They’ve Never Felt Before’ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/ontarios-premier-threatens-cut-electricity-u-s-says/…
Ontario’s Premier Threatens to Cut Off Electricity to U.S. — Says Republicans Will ‘Feel Pain Like They’ve Never Felt Before’ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/ontarios-premier-threatens-cut-electricity-u-s-says/…
Stick to international geopolitics mUnty. It’s like Econs 101 all over again.
Same with the lefties in the U.S. upset because Trump and Vance didn’t lick Zelensky’s arse
The grifting….I don’t know and probably never will. Apart from the general state of corruption in Ukraine.Generally, I was able…
Bio on zelensky: Facebook Plus there is no doubt zlensky and the demorats are in each other’s arse: Dems lead…
Say no more! 😀
***Cheaply-animated Freedom Intensifies***
We need Chicken Man to sort this globalist shithole He’s everywhere he’s everywhere
Aaaaaay! Top o’ de page with glorious 1965-era animanation! 😀
Somewhere there are copies of these meetings.
All we have to do is find and air them.
The intarwebs are forever.
I can say , there are some recriminations if a Liberal party power broker is to be believed. I met this dude through Sinclair at an IPA dinner and because he lives nearby I see him about once every couple of years. I got talking to him as we were both ordering a coffee a fee months ago during lockdown. He believes the Liberal Party requires a complete make-over and the recruitment policies need to be totally revamped because they only appear to be attracting political adviser type doofuses as candidates and members. He even asked me to text him so he could have me join the party. They appear to be aware of the problem.
that’s dishonest trash. What’s the numbers PER HEAD of each sub-population?
The UK is > 70% “fully vaccinated” (which I read to mean 2 or 3 shots).
I’d commission El Kabong to pay a visit to a certain Imperial Personage who resides in Rockingham…
…If I could trust him to not get over-excited.
“no visible or audio sign when the things are in use.”
If it’s at 2.5kHz, you’d definitely hear it! Would be like a switchmode camera flash re-charging – high pitched whine. Would even be audible over a telephone (but just annoying on the other end)
This shocking.
Who the hell are the 45% who want Brandon to run again?
Reposting the booster article from HS. There were some subsequent comments by myself and others.
Bourne1879 says:
February 14, 2022 at 10:38 am
This is going to be used to justify mandating 3rd shot.
Herald Sun today by Health Editor – no comments allowed
Data reveals effect of booster jabs on Omicron
The difference a booster jab makes to hospital and ICU admissions has been revealed, as data shows the true impact of vaccines on Omicron. Victorians who catch Covid after having two vaccinations are more than seven times more likely to require intensive care than those who have also received a booster shot.
The growing gap between the risks faced by different sections of the community has become so great that completely unvaccinated Victorians are now 34 times more likely to end up in an ICU than those who have had a full three doses.An in-depth analysis of Victoria’s Omicron infections prepared for the Herald Sun reveals the full impact of booster shots within the state for the first time.
After the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation updated its stance to consider only those who have received three Covid vaccines to be “up to date”, it can be revealed unvaccinated Victorian adults are now 88 per cent more likely to die from a Covid infection than those of the same age who are fully jabbed.
Deputy chief health officer Dan O’Brien said the majority of the death and serious illness during the latest Omicron wave is being born from people who’ve had two doses of the vaccine, including many who had a false sense of security.
“The fact is, it’s not a two dose vaccine, it’s a three dose vaccine,” Associate Professor O’Brien said.
“With the two doses, over time that protection reduces significantly so three months or more out from your second dose, you’re starting to really lose your protection and the benefits.
“I just really would love people to really get that concept of the third dose. It’s not just a sort of added window dressing – it’s actually really important and I think those figures really emphasise that.”
The latest Department of Health data shows Victorians who were infected after they had three vaccine shots have been four and half times less likely to end up in hospital than those who have had only two shots since January 1 – and a massive six times less likely to require hospitalisation than the completely unvaccinated.
The analysis of Victoria’s Omicron wave reveals:
• Those with two vaccine doses have been 7.6 times more likely to be in ICU than someone who had three doses
• Someone who was unvaccinated was more than 34 times more likely to be in ICU than someone who had received three doses
• Those who are not vaccinated at all are 4.5 times more likely to be in ICU than someone who had received two doses
The Alfred hospital infectious disease physician and former ATAGI chair Prof Allen Cheng said about one in five of the recorded hospitalised Covid cases had been admitted due to other health concerns, however there was no doubting the impact a third vaccine was having in cutting rates of serious illness.
“Probably the best evidence we have from the UK is that it raised your protection against hospitalisation from about 50 per cent (with two shots) to about 90 per cent (with the shots), so that is quite a lot and broadly what we are seeing in your data.”
“It’s like Russian roulette – most people who get Covid are going to be perfectly fine, but you just don’t want to be the one who gets really sick and people do get really sick with this, we have hospitals full of them.”
As of February 8 there were approximately 268,260 Victorian adults who had not had a single Covid vaccination – yet they accounted for 28.9 per cent of all ICU Covid patients.
By comparison, the 2.4 million triple jabbed Victorians only accounted for 7.9 per cent of ICU admissions, while the 2.5 million to receive two vaccinations made up 60 per cent of intensive care cases.
Since the Omicron wave ramped up on January 1, only one person in every 200,000 to receive a Covid booster has required hospitalisation, compared to 4.6 people in every 200,000 who have had only two shots.
More than 6.1 people in every 200,000 unvaccinated Victorians have had to be hospitalised due to Covid since January 1.
Because older and vulnerable members of the community were the most likely to be fully vaccinated early as well as serious illness, University of Melbourne epidemiologist Prof Tony Blakely said the benefit of triple vaccination may ever greater than demonstrated in the latest figures.
“That vaccination reduces one’s risk of hospitalisation, and if hospitalised reduces your risk of ICU, and reduces your risk of death, is indisputable and massive,” Prof Blakely said.
While it is difficult to compare the ICU, hospitalisation and death data because not all categories are adjusted for age and sex, Deakin University epidemiologist Prof Catherine Bennett said they showed a consistent story: “Vaccination is protecting people from serious illness and hospitalisation, and the reduction in risk is substantial”.
“This added protection from the booster against serious illness and death includes a reduced risk of symptomatic infection in the first place, which is more than halved for at least three months,” Prof Bennett said.
I am calling bullshit on that Winston.
The “Grand Jury” thing is clickbait for the gullible.
They could call it a “Citizen’s Inquiry” or somesuch.
At what point do they say, “Just gaggin’. It isn’t a real Grand Jury, but now that we’ve got your attention …”?
They don’t.
Because they want to present themselves as (ahem) “people with standing” and their proceedings have “legal gravitas”.
If they want me to take them seriously they would need to drop the “People’s Court” schtick.
It sounds very Bosi.
“We need Chicken Man…”
Shirley you mean “Super Chicken”?
“When you find your life in danger,
When you’re threatened by a stranger,
When you fear that you will take a lickin’
Just call for Super Chicken <be-gurk>”
February 15, 2022 at 3:22 pm
Great vid, Indolent.
Thanks for posting.
So you’re saying this isn’t the sonic weapon that was used in Canberra?
Not on offer in Brisbane – at least it wasn’t in 2019.
Unless things change closer to the election I’ve got the Uniparty, Greens, worse Marxists than the Greens, Fat Bastard, and PHON. (I doubt Fraser Anning is coming back from the political grave.)
Given the way things are, drawing a dick on the paper seriously risks a Green getting up on Labor preferences.
Big tech surveillance and it’s threat to the West.
On the subject of AIDS
YouTube just BANNED this video, so you know it’s over the target!
Justin Trudeau’s Ceau?escu Moment
After the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation updated its stance to consider only those who have received three Covid vaccines to be “up to date”, it can be revealed unvaccinated Victorian adults are now 88 per cent more likely to die from a Covid infection than those of the same age who are fully jabbed.
So, less than twice as likely?
Or am I reading something wrong there?
Vibe feels like they want us to read it as 88 times as likely, not 0.9 time MORE likely.
How fucking dare Jarryd Hayne smile as he leaves the clink on bail?
If only there were laws where a panel consisting of Laura Tingle, Lisa Wilkinson & Carrie Bickmore could decide who is guilty & their penalty.
Dover Beach:
So he’s authorising banks to lock certain accounts.
Which accounts?
Who chooses?
The banks need to be very careful here because if they do freeze accounts without cause, then what happens to the rest of their depositors?
Trudesceau may just have started a run on the first bank that does freeze an account.
“Who the hell are the 45% who want Brandon to run again?”
The ones who want to make sure HillBillary doesn’t run again?
Alternatively, CNN, ABC, MSDNC, The New York Slimes…. and everyone in a position of power that knows damn well that Joe is not really making the decisions. For them, he’s the gift that doesn’t stop giving – Joe takes the blame, they get the bribes, what’s not to like?
Thank you, Bourne.
I found the 2nd day livestream capture which gives the historical background and it is absolutely fascinating. This is really the big picture.
For anyone interested.
Too many “so” starts on the blog today Cats.
It is possible to hold these two positions simultaneously:-
.1 The LNP/ALP/Greens are a fuck up on roller skates and I don’t want to vote for them; and
.2 The UAP is a fuck up on roller skates and I don’t want to vote for them either.
So he’s authorising banks to lock certain accounts.
Which accounts?
Who chooses?
I’m not.
So Calli, why the interest in so ?
It’s pretty so-so if you ask me.
Another “tell” that it’s a lie.
“It can be revealed”
And what were the chances of death in the first place? Oh, that’s right. Half of bugger all.
“It is possible to hold these two positions simultaneously:…”
Pick the lesser of two weavels. (not a typo)
Just mucking around, bern.
My beef about the “so” start is that it’s often followed by a rewriting of an original comment into something that the author obviously didn’t mean. Or a goofy scenario that bears little resemblance to reality.
There are plenty of legitimate “so-ers”, of course. But it is fun to watch the so…er…show.
“And what were the chances of death in the first place? Oh, that’s right. Half of bugger all.”
Not if you’re an obese octogenarian gay transgender woman with type 2 diabetes and severe arterial sclerosis!
According to their Finance Minister, they have authorized the BANKS to freeze any accounts THEY find “suspicious”. No further authorization or court order necessary.
Who the hell are the 45% who want Brandon to run again?
Civil War (Confederate) veterans, illegal immigrants, felons?
The gold medal “so” was the Jordan Peterson lady interviewer.
One day I hope to be meme worthy.
My goal in life.
“None of this means I have any interest in supporting Cloive’s clown circus 3.0.”
I can second that. I’ll be voting LDP as number one in Wentworth, Sharma will be way down….just above the greens and Allegra Da Big Spender. Any lingering sympathy I had for Sharma was evaporated by him crossing the floor last week. In the senate I will vote under the line and my top choices will be LDP and PHON.
As for Fatty Palmer, I don’t trust him. Whilst I like Craig Kelly and I understand why Kelly has hitched himself to Palmer’s dosh, I have a long memory and I remember Palmer’s behaviour between 2013 to 2016…it was disgraceful…..he was fawned over by their ABC precisely so as to embarrass and humiliate Abbott and he loved it.
And what did Clive gift us? The bush pig from Tasmania.
No thank you.
Red meat for the midwits.
So what? 🙂
Sounds terrible but another example of the BS statistics we are being fed by the media :
“it can be revealed unvaccinated Victorian adults are now 88 per cent more likely to die from a Covid infection than those of the same age who are fully jabbed”.
Now tell us the odds for an unvaxxed healthy 60 year old with Omicron actually dying (see NSW stats in previous thread as they seem to be most comprehensive). They never actually tell you average age of those dying and that is the most obvious “tell”. It is about 85 and with serious comorbidities.
The other “tell” is no comments allowed as can’t be subjected to analysis.
cohenite says:
February 15, 2022 at 3:47 pm
Big tech surveillance and it’s threat to the West.
Headline: Silicon Valley Has the Power to Destroy the Republican Party
Good. The sooner the better.
Have witnessed this first-hand in WA JC. Just look at Kirkup as a prime example. And it follows a typical and dangerous pattern – kid, young adult, goes to uni, gets involved in politics, gets a job after uni at an electorate office, if good enough might get a kick upstairs to being an MPs advisor, then a Ministerial advisor etc… This can take place, and I’ve seen it happen, over a decade or more.
Said advisor eventually gets to stand for Parliament.
They’ve never ran a business, never had a real job in the real world, live inside an echo-chamber and then run the country/state…
February 15, 2022 at 3:55 pm
How fucking dare Jarryd Hayne smile as he leaves the clink on bail?
If only there were laws where a panel consisting of Laura Tingle, Lisa Wilkinson & Carrie Bickmore could decide who is guilty & their penalty.”
I wonder if the DPP are going to push for a third trial?
Soooooo 88% more likely to die if your unvaccinated.
Death rate as a percentage of the total Australian population is 0.018.
Being very old is the overwhelming factor in your risk of death. No children or young adults are anywhere near this cherry picked lotto draw figure.
Shameful conflation by people who should and need to be precise.
This is a pretty fair summary of where I sit.
Fool me once, Fat Cloive, shame on you.
Fool me twice, Fat Cloive, shame on me.
Having what I said about the Libs “recruitment” process pretty much goes for Liebor too; you just make your way through union ranks instead of having a real job.
Nothing ‘justifies’ mandating a medical procedure.
O sole mio
Nah having been unmoored from all that in our post “colonial” countries – we and the Canadians live in naked “democracies” now.
Shit, violent, unstable societies run by whoever has control of the biggest or most fanatical and violent mob of lunatics.
I would add “whoever has control of vote counting” to that.
I didn’t bother reading it but the opening paragraph of Chris Ughlman’s article on why “we should not ignore Canberra protests” looked to be off to a good start…
I tend not to read any journo who steals secret notes and publishes them. So, pretty much, all journos…
The Western Provinces have a great deal of oil and minerals.
They also are getting Jack of the drain without adequate compensation of their resources.
They are also getting a bit annoyed with this tyrant who is pissing off the country.
Trudesceau needs to be careful they don’t secede and start their own country.
There would be advantages for China to start stirring things up – the route between the two countries is over the Pacific, and Canada needs export markets. They are not tied to the US.
One day, god willing, we’ll be able to use the levers of power to make up fake medical statistics and boom them all across the land in service to our political ideology.
That describes my state and federal MPs pretty much exactly. Both Labor. Both, in my experience, will ignore you as a constituent unless you toe their line.
I remember hearing that Dragon song many years ago. Thought it was about a bloke catching a cab. ‘Take me to the airport sonny, Cuba, oh ho ho.’ Must be some shit about a hijack I thought.
Think of the children
‘This is what defines me’: Why a first-term Liberal MP crossed the floor
Liberal MP Dr Fiona Martin said she thought of children she has treated as a psychologist when she crossed the floor to vote against the government
But to be fair, at least he ate her afterwards.
February 15, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Think of the children
‘This is what defines me’: Why a first-term Liberal MP crossed the floor
Liberal MP Dr Fiona Martin said she thought of children she has treated as a psychologist when she crossed the floor to vote against the government”
Yes Ms Martin, you’ll be remembered as a “one-termer”.
What does this mean? The unvaxxed respond amazingly well to treatment in ICU? Or the unvaxxed are being unnecessarily admitted to ICU in support of the narrative?
Sancho, go for it. If there’s no LDP or suitable candidate for you in your electorate, by all means send your vote to the Uniparty. I guess that’s better for you than voting for the only alternative. You appear to have CDS (Clive Derangement Syndrome).
The odds of ending up in ICU with omicron are miniscule full stop.
If it’s 0.01% versus 0.08%, who gives a flying fuck.
So what you’re saying is, the word ‘so’ should be banned.
A perfect example.
So what’s been happening today?
So the NBN and $G is fully operational now in my area. Finally!
Thank you Duncanm, i was under the impression that these things work at both audible and sub-audible levels.
Interesting scenario.
.1 What happens with France? Overrun or left alone?
.2 Remember that the French surrender provided the Wehrmacht with enough trucks to last the first year into Russia.
.3 Does Germany invest heavily in the Ploesti oilfields to enable it to be independent from Russian imports?
USSR/German war ends with USSR losing and Stalin removed. New USSR government sues for peace. German frontier now well east of Poland.
.1 After the war, Ukraine borders moved West about 500 Km. (accuracy?)
.2 Logically Greater Germany would encompass all of Poland and up to the old Ukraine borders, + the Baltic states up to and including Estonia.
.3 Ukraine + Belarus would become Protectorates.
However, this doesn’t take into account that the decisions made, while good for Germany politically and strategically, it wouldn’t necessarily be good for the Nazi Party.
When you look at Hitlers decisions, he always put the Party ahead of Germany’s needs.
“CDS (Clive Derangement Syndrome).”
Clive Palmer was a significant factor in Campbell Newman’s government losing office in 2015.
Clive Palmer behaved disgracefully whilst in parliament between 2013 to 2016. He was a buffoon….albeit a dangerous one that probably helped to destabilise Abbott.
You see, at the end of the day, it’s all about Clive Palmer and nobody else.
No thank you.
Clive has said shit about making exemptions public.
Makes you wonder why.
Without the Russians stirring the anti-colonialisation pot the Brit Empire retains most of Africa along with Italy having some in North Africa. Maybe Algeria and Morocco go to Germany.
I think we all agree the last 70 years in the Middle east/Africa have been varying levels of clusterfucks.
Now take that and multiply it by Italy running the joint.
And I think the prediction of Franco like sclerosis would be spot on.
However if Germany had been kicking USSR ass earlier then maybe the “strike north” faction of imperial Japan might have fancied a rematch instead of kicking Uncle Sam in the ‘nads and getting their poo pushed in as a consequence.
No, Beaugy. It’s enough to point out that people who habitually begin sentences with a preposition like “so” are illiterate bogans.
PS: my apologies to the tribe with whom you identify.
February 15, 2022 at 4:53 pm
Too many “so” starts on the blog today Cats.
A thread needle pulling so.
Any time I mention the exemptions, in any situation, it sets people off.
The fact that some people during the past two years have been able to work, travel & quarantine differently to others is still such a raw issue.
For the life of me I don’t know why this isn’t being exploited.
I was just kidding Tom. I understood that calli was teasing us, so I gave an example of really dumb soism.
With or without Violet oil, Dot?
Curious -and deviant – minds wish to know.
A brilliant strategical exposition!
Russia is in the ME right now. For very good reason. They want to prevent Qatar et al from building a gas pipeline to Europe. By stuffing around in Syria Putin has achieved that strategic aim quite well. It’s reverse colonialism: going into a ramshackle country to make it worse, not better.
Bern did too – that hideous Jordan Pedersen interviewer. She was an expert.
I suspect Bartlett did the same more recently, but I haven’t the heart to review it. Don’t want to spoil dinner.
I expect Collier and all the other usual suspects are still in place behind the scenes. Harder to kill than onion grass.
The disturbing story of a 12 year old Utah boy who took his own life after being bullied has a minor sub-plot: the use of language to minimise the concept of personal responsibility.
‘Angry, hurt and broken’: Family speak out to raise awareness after bullied boy, 12, dies by suicide (9News)
Note that he didn’t “commit suicide” i.e. cause his own death by his own hand.
He was killed by a noun, just like guns, falls, and accidents are nouns.
Personal responsibility or agency have taken a major step to the rear in today’s media.
I don’t get this.. okay it’s about green bullshit but still. The UK is supposedly sitting on huge reserves of gas, so are a decent number of countries in Europe. Why the need to go cap in hand to an unstable neighbor in Russia/ Putin and buy their crap?
So, if I think I’m the only real person here – is that a so-lipsism?
Or just a so-lecism?
And got 10/10 for it! So there!
Handing out some high quality upticks…I’d better stop. It might be habit for ing.
February 15, 2022 at 5:29 pm
I don’t get this.. okay it’s about green bullshit but still. The UK is supposedly sitting on huge reserves of gas, so are a decent number of countries in Europe. Why the need to go cap in hand to an unstable neighbor in Russia/ Putin and buy their crap?
Jo Nova had a good column on this about a week ago. In short, during some “experimental” fracking a very minor (Richter 1.5) earthquake was detected, and the Slime blamed the fracking. That it was not strong enough to even rattle the teacups was ignored, and after much screaming, fracking was banned in the UK. I think it was the same column that mentioned that pile driving for offshore wind turbines was, quite literally, shaking homes on shore, but the Slime had nothing to say about that.
The Greens are Ebola on the earth.
Quick post up, Lies, damned lies, and statistics, on that HS article boosting boosters.
This one’s for agricultural Cats. It’s an ill wind…
Because the less unstable neighbour, for all their faults and extortionism, is still more sane than their cohort of rich (or gov’t sponsored), bubble-dwelling anti-industrialists and Keep-It-In-The-Grounders at home who are utterly and violently agin’ any form of carbon emissions or heavy industry that are visible from home (on the telly), but perfectly OK if someone else is doing it elsewhere.
NIMBYism at its most metastasised…
Snap to Boambee John! With examples provided.
So, all the CDS people out there, if there’s no LDP candidate, and there’s not many, then go ahead vote for the Uniparty, better than giving Clive and his team a go. If you want more of what we’ve had for the past two years you’ll get it.
Tucker: Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship
One of the points of my post. It’s about 1 in 300K for unvaxxed re omicron. Odds of hospitalization is 1 in 33K. They talk about relative risk 3 vs 2 doses, 3 vs 0 doses, etc. because the absolute risk of hospitalization for unvaxxed re omicron are so underwhelming and they shatter any justification for continued COVID restrictions.
Neil Oliver: World leaders are getting increasingly desperate over freedom convoy protests
.2 Remember that the French surrender provided the Wehrmacht with enough trucks to last the first year into Russia.
And Brit trucks. Important to remember that the Wehrmacht weren’t some sort of wonder army, terribly short of trucks and very reliant on horses.
sfw says:
February 15, 2022 at 2:01 pm
Razey, by not voting or voting informal you merely support the uniparty by your inaction. So from now on don’t comment on anything to do with Australian politics as you do not engage with it.
What bollocks sfw! You are usually better than that.
Do you need to understand quantum mechanical tensors, or use them in your daily life, to comment or take an interest in the subject?
Do you need to play the piano at all, to appreciate piano music?
Not taking part in a corrupt enterprise doesn’t exclude one from trying to change it, in whatever way they can.
It’s not about ‘health’.
@ rickw-
In terms of raw mechanisation, the British, French and even to an extent the Poles were better equipped than the Wehrmacht in 1939-40. And same went for Russia in 1941.
The German advantage was in its all-arms tactical training, strategic massing of its resources, good communications and general co-ordination of ground and air forces (initially), and the sheer shock of what this looked like when applied on a large scale.
RCMP sabotages privately owned excavators on private property, and admit it.
“Mounted” might take on a whole new meaning if they keep this up. Mounted as in mounted on some patriots trophy wall.
Between 75% and 80% of the Wehrmacht was horse drawn – they took nearly 750,000 horses into Russia in 1941.
COVID deaths from the ABS, updated today.
Gareth Parker
New release from the ABS on COVID-19 mortality today.
“The median age for those who died from COVID-19 was 83.7 years (81.2 years for males, 86.0 years for females)”
(In 2019, median age for all deaths in Australia was 78 for males and 84 for females.)
British Army was fully mechanized by 1936.
So you see, Calli, when we’re told not to do something, we then go ahead and do it anyway 😀
Pretty good overview of what is being done to us. Never mind the virus.
Laura Ingraham: This was never about the virus
And tanks. The German tank formations were outnumbered by the Allies in France. Germans started with 2,582. Allies had 4,204.
The Allied tanks were also more heavily armored and armed.
So I made a poem for our big brained literates.
How now brown bureaucrat;
Consider how long Australian humans spend receiving “education”.
But zero ability to understand basic maths?
Two Australian individuals vs one Australian individual is more than 88% more, on.
See what I did there? Cerebral Nigerian princes calculate odds in their minds and email Australia, relative risk.
Consider how long Australian humans spend receiving “education”.
I’m open to offers for an arts grant, etc.
“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
February 15, 2022 at 5:22 pm
Russia is in the ME right now. For very good reason. They want to prevent Qatar et al from building a gas pipeline to Europe. By stuffing around in Syria Putin has achieved that strategic aim quite well. It’s reverse colonialism: going into a ramshackle country to make it worse, not better.”
What are you smoking? I’ll take Russia any day over Qatar…financier of Hamas and other Islamist terrorist groups. Qatar is a nasty country that uses slave labour. Better that Europe is dependent on Russia than Qatar. And how did Putin “stuff around” in Syria? Whilst western countries sat back and did fuck all, it was Putin and the Russians that stepped in to save Christians, Yazidis and other minorities from ISIS and other Islamist groups in Syria, some of those murderous groups received money from Qatar.
Really BoN.
Malcolm Roberts: LRAD outside Parliament House?
AFP shiny bum:
Inspiration flows.
I really could have been someone.
The mighty Went the Day Well? on GEM.
JC, I bumped into some folks from our local branch, which I quit when Photios’ ‘Moderates’ took over. They agree with your contact that the Party structure requires a complete revamp, but they are clueless regarding how to achieve change.
According to them, all decisions are now taken at the central office, and the branches have been cut out of preselection. The central office also controls party rules and membership. Apparently the courts don’t view this as a problem.
I commented that none of this would have occurred if they had supported those of us who opposed the ‘Moderates’ takeover, instead of agressively putting us down in support of Photios/Turnbull. Hurrumphs.
The local Photios agents of destruction were an estate agent and a newsagent. They were extremely well coached.
The branch is now responsible for morning teas for visiting central office hacks, organising the annual picnic and selecting delegates to attend the complete sham state conference.
So you’ll live longer if you get WuFlu!
You can’t eat a truck.
That would be something that, ah, is for our police methodology which we would have to look at some sort of public interest immunity claim, Senator.
Yes we have them, yes we used them, now we have realised that using them on peaceful protesters and their children makes us look like Nazi arseholes.
johanna says: February 15, 2022 at 1:48 pm
Favourite version:
Ted Egan singing it in Pitjantjatjara.
Careful, now.
Struth’ll wordwall ya…
88% of Lim —–> 0 = ?
Just back from a road trip through central QLD.
What a season, the place is emerald. The 10,000 acre paddocks were bursting with crops.
Exciting to see but all the way I suffered voices in my head: “the Greens are fucking morons”.
I hope the masses see this.
We have been absolutely dudded.
The Allied tanks were also more heavily armored and armed.
Those Polish light tanks with the big gun did some damage when they got in amongst them.
On the other hand, half your trucks aren’t tied up carrying truck fuel.
It was never about health.
For me that was obvious from the ruby princess data. That was a long time ago.
I hope the masses see this.
We have been absolutely dudded.
The median age of death from the worst pandemic ever was actually above the median age of death by all causes?!
Get COVID, live longer!
There are a lot of protections in the Emergencies Act, is a legal challenge possible?
At the very least, I would have thought the restriction of the GiveSendGo funds would trigger a right to compensation under section 48 of the Act.
For me that was obvious from the ruby princess data. That was a long time ago.
The Ruby Princess data is what they will hang by. It is the marker of precisely and definitively when they knew how bad it wasn’t.
It’s the AIDS first and everywhere a poofta disease moment. Please resume whatever you were doing.
Horses don’t use petrol.
That, for the Wehrmacht, was quite important.
Cassie – Russia and Qatar are baddies vs baddies. I eat popcorn. However it’s useful to consider the strategic reasons why people do stuff.
Sophie (#pureblood)
Pileofshit is losing woohoo! This is not a full win. But this shows they weren’t able to replace them. Personally I would tell them to go fuck themselves until it is fully dropped.
Diamond Princess, not Ruby Princess, which was the ship Gladys let infect NSW.
The lie that was COVID
I’ll be sending a copy of that to the next friend or rellie who starts into the Covid Creed sermonizing to me.
The police union in South Australia has called for the end of jab mandates
Have NSW Libs been Photioshopped?
I just remember what an oxygen thief he was last time and how he pissed away opportunities for real change to pursue petty squabbles with Abbott and others, and also push his own interests.
Remember, the fat fuck was on The Snowcone Show every other week.
Why was that?
Because he sucked the ABC’s dick in their anti-conservative pile-on, that’s why.
So that is not “derangement”.
It is acting in exposed form.
The Reps might be difficult to frame my vote the way I want, but it is fairly futile anyway, apart from AEC funding and messaging.
The Senate?
There will be plenty of candidates I can put in front of The Fat Cloive Party.
Here’s the full song.
But what’s it about?
Well, Castro and JFK were both Flamers,
but it’s probably about harry [and Flamers].
This is looking more and more like the It’s Time
scam of 1972, it featured a lotta broken down worn out luvvies too.
Hehe, as Rick just pointed out. If your a bloke, your better off gettin the rona, you’ll live longer. LOL.
Who voted for UAP candidates at a local level?
Or were they all hand-picked by Fat Cloive?
How is average lifespan calculated?
All we know for sure is that if you’re over 80 and get vaccinated, you’re probly gonna die.
It was a long time ago, but didn’t the ratios of infected/not infected match along the 20:80 line?
Which meant that you had two petri dishes, separated by both distance and climate that resembled each other.
Please correct me if I’m mistaken. So much squid ink has been poured over this that the rear view is murky.
Why the need to go cap in hand to an unstable neighbor in Russia/ Putin and buy their crap?
Europe started buying Russian gas because it was ridiculously cheap.
Post Gladnost/Soviet break up, Russia was desperate for currency and had shitloads of gas parked in its eastern oil basins – so it was a fire sale.
At first it looked like the EU was looting confused ex-communist wood ducks. Then, once entire energy economies were hooked on the huge volumes (especially Germany and Italy ), Gazprom started the squirrel grip and Russian gas became market priced.
Plentiful supply on the margin has kept prices low enough to discourage development of central North Sea gas reserves. Unconventional gas development (shale and CSG) has been squashed by bureaucratic risk management and the usual Green bullshit.
So there is gas available to the UK (and Europe) to replace Russian supply. It just needs political will, 10+ years of exploration and development, and billions of dollars to bring it to market.
Massed missiles and tanks and troops are partly for display (at least for the West). Putin is jiggling the power cord knowing that nobody can do anything to stop him.
bons says: February 15, 2022 at 6:26 pm
Bons, were you up that way undercover in the anti-Adani protest camp at the mine gate?
Yeah, it is about harry, with a nod to Castro.
So Scotty remembers a catchy tune from when he was 8 years old and he’s the baddie?
Perhaps more scrutiny of this Scotty character is needed, what role did he play in the Dismissal of Australia’s greatest Government, the one that ended Childhood Poverty and the Vietnam War?
My broker just sent me notification of my BHP dividend.
$124,000 and some change!
What have they been up to?
Probability of an 80 year old dying in 1 year = 0.056
Probability of an 100 year old dying in 1 year = 0.34
The UAP has been effective in getting a sizeable parcel of ALP voters to give them their first preference vote.
If the UAP doesn’t come before the Libs in first preferences, those votes will go back.
Your choice is between Palmer or Albanese at the next election.
Faced with that binary choice, I’d have to choose Palmer as PM.
Scummo smirked while the States medically raped us.
So, I….
Ah shit.
Ute tank drained, lines flushed, filter systems replaced, replaced with diesel.
Plus full (other) fluids and filters, and all the bolts given a quarter turn to the right.
$430. Dodged a massive bullet.
Re Dragon, I always liked their song “Are you old enough?”, the film clip is fantastic, Melbourne (Fitzroy) before it was trendy and a hot girl, trams, ciggies and a sleaze.
I was dragged to the Tarmac Hotel In Laverton in the mid/late 70’s by a girl I was trying to bed. The pub was full of girls, half of them under 18, probably 16, and there on the stage was Marc Hunter and his crew. He sang “Are you old enough” to a room of girls who probably weren’t and they loved it. I can only imagine the party afterwards.
Can’t see that happening nowdays.
Essington Lewis’s ghost is laughing it’d head off………
Also – towies love pineapples.
The Mike Nolan preferred payment method never fails.
You’re confused.
No it’s not.
Palmer isn’t winning any Lower House seats with 14%, though he could get a fair few Senators if that vote holds up.
UAP voters favor the Coalition 2:1 over Labor on first preferences, so Scotty has only gotta find another 4% Primary voters and it’s 2013 again for the Coalition.
Why be a FrootLoop your whole life?
Scotty can’t give the State Premiers orders and if he tries he’ll end up in the High Court getting a stern talking to.
Calli – There’s a wiki.
That’s in a month sitting on a ship with not much treatment or any particularly special medical actions.
I put salt in the pepper shaker once.
So, I see Grigory has decided to target redheads today in his latest gypsum-fuelled wrongology bender…
Is there anyone Grigs won’t obnoxiously ‘tard against?
Struts, time to come & get rent money for living in choo choo man’s head.
Good luck, Albo, living this one down….
Except, the further the front moves from the nearest railhead,
the fodder to bullets ratio of those horse wagons eventually makes them a nett liability.
Biggles don’t worry, with your help & that windfall the uniparty will get back in & it’s back under the bed for you.
Remember when sites on the web would offer a ‘printer friendly’ copy?
Diamond Princess study:
Europe started buying Russian gas because they got Green Disease. Germany especially built a horde of wind turbines and stupid solar panels (especially stupid in a country with such poor climate, high latitude and snow in winter.) They’re doubling down having shut half of their few remaining nuke plants so far this year.
And as we all know you need fast response gas turbines to keep a grid going when you have the amount of renewbulls Germany has. They’ve already caused Austria and Poland to be pissed off with them by using those countries’ grids as batteries. German retail electricity prices are the highest in the world right now. And France was going to shut half their nukes too for the same stupid lefty reasons until Macron got enough balls recently to say fuck off to the Green lobby. I suppose when you are as unpopular as he is you may as well.
So (that word again) the EU is going to be totally dependent on gas to keep the lights on for the next decade or more.
No one in Europe is allowing fracking because green. And same as here the greens are vigorously opposing any gas extraction or exploration. And no CSG! So where are they going to get their holy Gaian gas from eh?
As I said Putin has been working hard to prevent alternate supplies via pipeline from the Gulf by maintaining his blocking force in Syria.
The fun thing is Biden, who has prevented all new gas production pretty much. That’s fun because when Russia turned off the gas taps recently (they’re still off as far as I can see) the US shale gas guys stepped in by diverting a large fleet of LNG tankers to Europe. Good money, but undermined Putin’s strategy. Hence Vlad has an interest in keeping Joe in place, since eventually those alternative gas supplies will dry up.
For me that was obvious from the ruby princess data. That was a long time ago.
There were two Princesses. I thought the Diamond Princess was the one stranded off Japan, when only about 20% of those on board got the Kung Flu, despite being locked up together for weeks, and the Ruby Princess was the one that NSW Health totally cocked up when it returned to Sydney?
Bruce of N
Belated Snap!
What a lazy anklebiter you are, Shit Dribbler.
Remind me, who is it that you think runs Bartertown again?
I’m doing my research now – I’ll make up my mind on the day.
You never know what the arseholes will do before then.
The Soviets were careful to have a different rail gauge.
So it took a lot more effort of redo the rail lines.
Not dumb, Russians.
Of course if you have abundant gasoline you can get around that. But to get abundant gasoline the Germans had to reach Baku, which they could not do without abundant gasoline…
Dick Ed
UAP voters favor the Coalition 2:1 over Labor on first preferences,
I realise that evidence is not your forte, bur perhaps you could favour us with some to support this statement?
BJ: I think you have it right.
The Diamond Princess was the one stuck off Japan.
The Ruby Princess was the one that caused some issues for NSW Health.
The Diamond Princess was a great case study in natural immunity.
The author of the piece is Bruce Haigh, a former diplomat with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
And long time leftist hack.
If the AFP actually had LRAD devices at Parliament house, does that mean they were expecting the crowd to storm the building?
If they’ve all bought into the MSM narrative re Jan 6 in the US, did they actually think they were dealing with a possible local insurrection?
If so, what else might they have been prepared to do – open fire perhaps?
Choo choo man, I think you run bartertown.
Is faulty bouncing around your head tonight?
IIRC, in Russia, the distance 20 – 30km from the railhead/supply point. After 30 km, trucks were more economical.
Scotty can’t give the State Premiers orders and if he tries he’ll end up in the High Court getting a stern talking to.
Maybe he can’t give orders but he does contol the purse strings .. he enabled the premier’s whims by funding the whole charade!
What’s a Frootloop?
On second thoughts, it’s closer to 70/30 Coalition.
Labor can’t win with 8% Green vote since only 6 or 7% will preference Labor.
Scotty has taken heaps of abuse off Albanese without retaliating, but he’s going after him now.
‘I’d say another fortnight and the wheels on the Labor Bandwagon will start a’ wobblin’.
Henceforth to be known as Lord Haigh Haigh.
I don’t get it. It was only a few days ago that you told us you owned 40 million in BHP shares. Buy you only received $124,000 div. What the hell happened?
No, they were just trying out the technology.
A practice run with live subjects, if you like.
This tech has been around since the Fifties, so it’s likely to have been tested here before, likely on soldiers.
Are you calling me a Perfidious J, Dribbles?
I think Bird’s been running amuck for far too long in yours…
I’m honoured…
Thanks for the links, cohenite and Bruce.
Pretty much as I remembered it.
The Ruby Princess people were seeded throughout NSW because they were allowed to disembark. There was an enquiry and argy bargy between NSW health and the ship’s medical officer. Like the Diamond Princess, despite being in confined conditions, not everyone caught it. The writers of cohenite’s study claim that it’s “highly transmissible”, yet a large cohort remained uninfected.
I daresay you’re right. I’m not too good with princesses. Don’t meet many in my line of work.
Just been watching the TIK history on the subject of oil in WW2. I wonder what would have happened if Hitler had ignored Halder who pushing for offensives targetted towards Moscow and followed his gut and made his primary target the Caucuses. That would have helped Germany and hindered the USSR at the same time.
PreOmicron Sneakers quarantine security guards routinely returned to multi person share houses for days without the virus ever spreading to a housemate.
Diamond Princess was in Yokohama harbour. In January. Lucky passengers with balconies could escape from their cabins to the outside and freeze. Economy passengers with portholes or inside cabins were cocooned without a glimpse of the sky.
There was one poor sod caught there with his family.
Floating petri dish is a perfect description.
Surely you know the story of the princess and the ??
It’s very irrational, but good for the mattress making profession.
Blast, I thought pi would render.
All I got was a question mark but.
Blockquote fail.
Sounds like it would have made a circular argument.
Or a truly radian-t anecdote…
Diogenes – The AWM war history makes much of the threat to the British ME through Turkey. General consideration was the Germans could go through Turkey like poo through a camel. That was partly the basis for the 1941 Syrian campaign and the keeping of a division in Mosul vicinity for quite a while. Fairly futile of course since if the Germans had launched through Turkey nothing we had would’ve stopped them.
What did stop them was the Barbarossa timetable. If Hitler had not decided to attack Russia there were abundant forces to reach the oilfields in Iraq via Turkey.
Lee Smith on Tucker re:: the Durham evidence that shrillary was actively bugging and spying on Trump’s Whitehouse:
It’s amazing that we, the US, have been living in the psyche of this deranged, depraved harridan for 5 years.
Jordan Peterson vs. Cathy Newman
Queen of So!
So, just a curious thought, after von Manstein took Sevastapol could light tankers of 50,000 bbl (The Ohio of Malta fame was carrying 100,000 bbl of fuel when she made her penultimate trip) gotten past the Kerch peninsula and up the Dnieper, (a look on Google Earth shows it would have been trafficable) or at least Mariupol which was then in German hands.
The biggest issue was the Russian naval bases along the Eastern Black Sea but I’ve no idea of the warships/submarines located there at the time.
Of course it would have been thought of but I have not heard of it being attempted.
I wonder what is Nanna Mitchell’s take on this?