It looks like the money men will be instigating a right royal Purge of the Democrat fa fa fa Lefties.
It looks like the money men will be instigating a right royal Purge of the Democrat fa fa fa Lefties.
Some old Pommy git in the Oz (Max Hastings) banging on about “Twump’s tweachewy”. An inversion of the facts.
What has never been talked about in the media is the tariffs/taxes imposed by Canadians on US goods. This is…
Surprised it took so long. They were a POS.
I thought you misspelled ‘toilet’ and I was trying to figure it out. Try Mr Google. https://infamousswim.com.au/collections/toile-de-jouy OK. It’s a…
Yeah baby!
This thread dedicated to pettifoggering flibbertigibbetism.
And pebblecrete.
South Australia … All tattoos are blue. Bed time is 11pm. Rowdy as.
And Struth’s Performance Art.
Don’t even have to promise that DB. Construction takes at least a decade during which thousands of workers need to be fed, housed, transported, and entertained. Learn a trade pronto! Become a farmer!
Fortunate Son.
Sorry Tom, but the Internet is a terrible place…
What Fortunate Son sounds like whem it is translated too many times.
Carolina Shagging since the early 80s.
Looks like no masks in Carolina
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Patrick Cross.
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
Matt Margolis.
Love to Shag. It’s a very smooth dance form perfectly suited to the coastal Carolina life style but it goes back a bit farther, like to the 30s-40s.
Notice all the classic black motown tunes those supposedly racist southerners were listening/dancing to.
The young Holmes a Court kiddie is shaping up as quite the electoral villain.
Alas, I fear Albo is so far ahead (or really SloMo is so far behind) it won’t make any difference. Should provide a few laughs on election night, especially the ALPBC cross to Zoe Daniel but I fear I will be to pissed in despair for the country to enjoy it.
Trudeau is farting around with enforcing his will on peacefully protesting truckers when he has a freaking violent leftist guerilla war going on.
I posted yesterday about Trudeau cuddling up to violent leftists back in 2020. Well last night they hit again.
Coastal GasLink site in northern B.C. attacked, causing significant damage
Violent overnight attack at Coastal GasLink site leaves workers shaken, millions in damage
Any military experienced folks probably recognize the hallmarks of a well-executed raid there. These organizations are well organized, trained and equipped for terrorist warfare and somebody better wake the hell up to them and do something about it.
Tom, can you please add
George Alexopoulos
to your daily list of cartoonists?
Tom, great song but crap video, if you want great CCR music and great video check out the Greasy King channel, just a taster. Ramble Tamble.
Great short film, a warning in the same vein as “Brave New World”:
Who is guarding the guardians of democracy in the USA?
Judicial Watch, that’s who. They have been taking various states to court in order to force them to clean up dodgy voter rolls.
North Carolina has just complied by removing 430,000 ineligible voter records! Action involving other states continues.
Gateway Pundit
Good to hear AW. Maybe there is hope for the US. Not counting on it though.
The one good thing about the last 6 years is the enemies of everyman have stopped pretending and fully outed themselves.
Fear not, furry fool.
NewsPoll lied about the numbers last time, PeanutHead was a lay down misere to win.
They’ve just started lying earlier this time around.
More Go Vax! on camera collapses:
What all those AR-15’s get used for.
Modern police are immoral and dangerous Mongs:
Kim Potter sentenced today.
She’s the taser taser boom cop.
As she should have been.
But the real crime is the departments recruitment & training practices.
But terrible recruitment & training is a feature in the state of Minnesota, not a bug.
Daunte Wright’s family (the chap that Kim Potter shot) won what they call “Ghetto Lottery”.
When the city/state cuts you a cheque funded by the poor suffering taxpayer.
Now the estate of Daunte Wright is being sued by the victims of his crimes.
I love how quickly this community adapts.
All the lawyers working on contingency as the taxpayer money working through the system.
25% cuts every step of the way.
So adaptive.
Russell Brand now has over 5mill subscribers to his youtube channel.
A fair chunk would be hearing for the first time today that the DNC spied on Trump.
His videos are now averaging a million views.
Let’s see if google weaves their magic to bury this one.
End of restrictions exposes senseless Covid ‘scare-mongering’
news.com.au Joe Hildebrand
Dr Norman Strong (physician) was unavailable for comment.
Amur-Yakutsk line by freight train:
Hildebrand was singing off that song sheet for a long time.
Not as bad as the biggest man-gina at newscorp James Campbell.
But he was still one of the panicky petes.
Russell Brand now has over 5mill subscribers to his youtube channel.
If you asked me in 2019 if I would subscribe to Russell Brand, the answer would have been an emphatic no, now it’s an emphatic yes.
He doesn’t do a bad DJT impersonation either!
Ah yes. Trudeau has reached the arrest the media phase.
Ottawa Police
All media who are attending the area, please keep a distance and stay out of police operations for your safety. Anyone found within areas undergoing enforcement may be subject to arrest. There will be a media availability later today at 474 Elgin Street.
Ottawa Police Chief says “we won’t be allowing people to come down for the unlawful activity of engaging in demonstrations.”
There ya go. Protesting/demonstrating in Canada is now “unlawful”.
In Carlton?
Excellent. There’s a ripper souvlaki joint about a block away.
Russell Brand has been one of the surprises of the podcasting world. I suspect his audience is a bit more diverse than say a Ben Shapiro who is a more traditional “conservative”.
After Rogan the podcaster with the most followers would be Stephen Crowder who has been over 5 million for quite a while despite YouTube continually giving him strikes and demonetising him.
Dr John Campbell’s numbers have jumped up rapidly since I first came across him.
I liked that George Axelopoulos toon, 2Dogs.
I miss Will’s Dilberts. Always good for a laugh.
And, before we get down to the usual blog bonhomie and good cheer, here’s Nina.
Crowder was ok & but it got better when he got Dave Landau to come across from Compound Media.
Speaking of podcasters, NYT reports that Spotify’s deal with Joe Rogan is actually worth $200 million!
Nice own goal cancel culture.
Will still pops in here a bit & posts Dilbert.
Sometimes a tranche when he’s been absent for a bit.
Crowder and Shapiro, both very quick on their feet in debate.
The Mug Club mug is good too.
Not a fan of Shapiro.
Good on him for what he does, but I don’t get the idea of having to win every debate.
I prefer the podcasts where guests are given all the rope they need to explain their position & in a lot of cases, hang themselves.
The Hildebrand column above is worth a read.
I don’t recall reading too much from him during past two years. However I did notice his different approach when he was filling in on 2GB over Christmas break. When talking about reported Covid deaths he did put them into context by mentioning their high average age and serious comorbidities. It was a stark contrast with Hadley and Mark Levy who would just point out the significant increase in deaths since 15 December when NSW Premier dropped some restrictions and allowed the unvaxxed to move freely. Hadley and Levy would never mention ages or comorbidities and never point out that due to Omicron the number of cases had increased 10 X.
Hadley is like the witch finder General trying to track down and persecute the unvaxxed. Not only that he does not allow any opinion from the alternative view. For quite a while he has been fixated on getting to 97% double vaxxed. He is so full of himself he thinks he should dictate policy for the rest of us. Bigger scare monger in the country by far and based on not questioning the narrative.
You have to wonder how many jabs he thinks will be enough as he has never questioned their efficiency or need.
February 19, 2022 at 7:57 am”
Russell Brand has been one of the surprises of the podcasting world. I suspect his audience is a bit more diverse than say a Ben Shapiro who is a more traditional “conservative”.
Yes….which makes Brand more valuable in the long run. I like Ben’s views but I find him whiny and annoying at times. He’s the kind of boy that used to annoy me at shul. I appreciate Crowder but I’ve never been a great fan…..the funny thing is that over the last few years I’ve developed a huge liking for some American progressive commentators…like Jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate, Matt Taibbi, Glen Greenwald and Max Blumenthal.
Never ever give up on licking toads, USSR.
“Hadley is like the witch finder General trying to track down and persecute the unvaxxed. Not only that he does not allow any opinion from the alternative view. For quite a while he has been fixated on getting to 97% double vaxxed. He is so full of himself he thinks he should dictate policy for the rest of us. Bigger scare monger in the country by far and based on not questioning the narrative.”
That’s how the Dapto dog caller’s handles everything. He’s not bright, he’s a mediocrity and he’s a bully.
calli says:
February 19, 2022 at 8:03 am
And, before we get down to the usual blog bonhomie and good cheer
In good news:
It appears I’m still young enough, or at least appear so, to be called “darl” by the lady manning the weighbridge at the place I’ve been delivering barley to all week.
On second thoughts, this may not be good news.
Re. Joe Hildebrand….I’ve always quite liked him. He insists he’s on the left but I reckon that’s just protective clothing for him. I reckon he’s actually a libertarian and he is someone who, unlike so many in our putrid MSM, can actually think outside the box.
“In the preface to the second edition of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley said that anyone who wanted to establish a modern dictatorship would be advised to allow the population complete sexual freedom and freedom to take drugs, leaving everything else to the control of the dictatorship.”
Playing by the rules of the left.
He does concede now and then.
And yes, he has a very annoying staccato way of speaking.
No wonder that evil Chant is doing a WEB. She knew. And so did the minister responsible, Brad Hazzard. They both knew long ago that there was little cause for alarm or for crippling restrictions. Yet still these creatures persisted.
What was it? Were they hoping for widespread death to vindicate them? And when it didn’t eventuate, were they hoping the inevitable report would whitewash their perfidy or even fail to report it? Were they hoping that fear would be so entrenched in the public’s mind that they would get a free pass?
I want to see them front and centre in an enquiry.
Let me be very plainly spoken.
Ray Hadley is a fat, old, authoritarian goose.
He needs to be worried about literally halving his BMI, not if a kid in Canowindra or Wauchope gets a mild cold.
I’d prefer a firing squad.
Flounce free since 1am!
But first, a message from my doctor wife about ring dot com.
No wonder that evil Chant is doing a WEB. She knew. And so did the minister responsible, Brad Hazzard. They both knew long ago that there was little cause for alarm or for crippling restrictions. Yet still these creatures persisted.
Rory Robertson tweeted daily putting the with/from COVID stats into perspective.
I want to see them front and centre in an enquiry.
Like the truth & reconciliation commission in South Africa.
Seemed appropriate on the OOT.
The Week in Pictures: Bulldog Edition | Power Line
I think I’ll go with this one.
thanks for leading me to Johnnie Taylor. Never come across him before.
“The young Holmes a Court kiddie is shaping up as quite the electoral villain.”
Hmm, not sure. Leak’s cartoon above has nailed the parasite. I don’t know how much electoral impact the kiddie will have. Here in Wentworth, Allegra Da Big Spender is such lightweight that when there’s a debate between the candidates I don’t think she will measure up. She’s no Kerryn Phelps (someone I couldn’t stand but who had a significant media profile going back decades).
I watched some of the kiddie’s National Press Club’s speech. What’s evident is that he’s a smug, elitist little rich boy who trotted along thinking he’d be treated with kid gloves by the press gallery, just like Brittany and Graceless had been the week before and he was shocked, shocked, because some journalists actually did some real journalism on the day and asked the him some tough questions.. He didn’t like that very much, he was rattled. Good.
Here in Wentworth I’ll be voting for Daniel Lewkovitz who is the LDP candidate. Daniel is impressive and whilst he won’t win the seat, I do think he is capable of getting some traction and he’ll get votes from disillusioned Liberals….such as myself.
Sharma lost me a long time ago…….but I retained a modicum of sympathy for him. His behaviour last week, when he crossed the floor, has evaporated any sympathy I once had for him. I feel quite liberated.
This is my wife backing out our driveway except there was a rock under the car where no rock was before.Don’t ask me how.
Give me that any day over an ad free state financed source.
Like so many domineering, authoritarian types, Hadley’s personal life is in tatters. A train wreck of failed marriages and relationships, children in all sorts of do-do. I know nothing of his friendships, whether they are lasting or ephemeral. He seems to have a stranglehold on his radio slot.
Some people like being told what to do, and Hadley fits the bill. It means they don’t have to think. Ultimately that strident, assured voice gets into their heads and they believe the ideas are their own.
I only saw one other article on covid by Joe, and he was nothing of the sort. He copped a lot from the granny killer accusers at the time. As an avowed socialist, he’s to the right of the vast majority of the MSM.
The Oz:
‘Frydenberg fires war salvo at Russians’
That’ll learn ’em.
Lol! My handpainted periwinkles are superior to your handpainted periwinkles!
My children used to call me “Hyacinth” when I’d give them stick about clattering the dishes.*
* Villeroy and Boch I’ll have you know
In 2020, Joe was balls deep in lock down policy.
He was part of the screaming banshee movement on Channel 10.
This is why Eisenhower told photographers to take as many photos of the concentration camps as possible.
@Rickw- I saw that vid by Vagabond riding the frieght train in Siberia too- awesome and beautiful
Frydenberg fires war salvo at Russians
Oh Lord. Really just a sock puppet of the DNC. Remember when he called Trump a drop kick. Fuck off fraudenburg.
Mad World
Our Hyacinth would never buy…German!
Russia just programmed Fryemberg’s house into their nuke targeting system.
There must be an election on. Sheep love fake tough guys.
It’s Bombing of Darwin day…
Numbers tell the story of Australia’s northern war
By Top Ender
The 80th anniversary of the first air raid on Australia occurs this year on 19 February. The numbers associated with the attack – and beyond – give some measure of the huge extent to which northern Australia was involved in World War II.
236 is the number of deaths of Australians – and 128 of those were in American service – which occurred on the day. The raid was massive. 188 Japanese aircraft had taken off from four aircraft carriers, part of a 17 ship flotilla to Darwin’s north-west. The battle group went unnoticed, despite regular patrols by both the Australian and American forces. The previous month there had been plenty of indications the Japanese were nearby: a four-submarine flotilla had laid mines outside the harbour and attacked ships with torpedoes. But that venture had not ended well: one of the submarines was sunk by the corvette HMAS Deloraine – it remains with its 80 crew members entombed outside the northern harbour to this day.
As the approaching Japanese aircraft neared the Tiwi Islands to Darwin’s north, a patrolling US Catalina was shot down, without being able to radio a warning in time; and nine Zero fighters were sent off to attack a twin-engine transport spotted on the runway of Bathurst Island. They sprayed it with gunfire, some of which overshot and hit the radio hut of Father McGrath, a missionary broadcasting a warning. These aircraft then proceeded in a straight line to Darwin, rather than the planned circular track which would bring the rest of the air armada in from the south-east, giving it the element of surprise and making the attack with the sun behind them. The nine Zeroes set about strafing the small ships at the boom net – the world’s longest – which stretched across the harbour from East to West Point. There too a warning was not given, with the ships’ companies racing their action stations to return fire.
Two is the number of Japanese who died, when their Val bomber was brought down by gunfire, crashing near Berrimah. Four is how many of their aircraft were brought down: another Val and a Zero fighter making sea landings, with their crew rescued, and a Zero crash landing on Melville Island, with its pilot captured. There was a claim that two more Vals were shot down, made by a US fighter pilot several months after the event. However, there is no evidence to support that; the supposed wrecks have not been located, and the Japanese carrier deck records only show four aircraft not returning, and two personnel dying. However, more than 30 of the Japanese aircraft were hit; testimony to the massed fire of the approximately 10,000 defenders; their rifles and machineguns, and the 3-7-inch guns ranged in a circle around the town.
681 was the total number of bombs released over Darwin. 421 is how many were released over Pearl Harbor, incidentally by the same aircraft and aircrew. However the figure is somewhat misleading: the tonnage was greater in the Hawaii raid – 133,420kg of weapon weight including 40 x 800kg torpedoes. Darwin’s tonnage was 114,100kg and torpedoes were not used. The loss of life in Pearl Harbor was far greater: 2,403 people were killed.
30 is the number of aircraft destroyed in the first Darwin raid. These included nine of the 10 P-40 Kittyhawk single-seat fighters being flown in defence by the US Army Air Force. Four of the pilots died as the 36 Zeroes set upon them with the advantages of height, speed, surprise, and experience. The pilots of the other five parachuted to safety or survived their crashes. Incidentally they were not the first US military men to die. On 15 February, Lieutenant Robert Buel had fought a four-engine Japanese flying boat north of the Tiwis. The aircraft shot each other down; one of the Japanese died; and Buel and his aircraft have never been found. The rest of the flying boat crew were later captured, and sent south to Cowra Prisoner Of War camp.
11 is the number of ships sunk as a result of the raid. Two were attacked near the Tiwi Islands. The others were sunk in the harbour. The destroyer USS Peary was the largest loss of life, with 88 of her crew dying as she fought the aerial attackers to the end. It was revealed in 2020 that her propellers had become separated from her as she sank, with the stern virtually blasted off – testimony to the fact that there are still more stories to be found in Top End history. As part of that one of the ships has still not been found: the small Navy tanker Karalee is somewhere in Darwin Harbour. But given the harbour is larger than Sydney’s, and perpetually murky with the sand stirred up by the tremendous tides, perhaps this vessel will remain lost for a while longer.
77 is the number of air raids carried out against the NT. 64 was a previously much used figure, until research carried out in Japan for my book The Empire Strikes South showed a greater total. This was out of 135 combat flights over the NT – many being reconnaissance to ensure useful targets were available for the massive combined raids of Zero fighters and Betty bombers. The total number of individual enemy aircraft flights over northern Australia is 1,883, with the last aircraft shot down in July 1944 over Truscott Airfield in Western Australia.
Many of the Japanese aircrew remain in Australia forever. 62 of the Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft were brought down in Australian territory, most in the sea. Only some of the wrecks have been found. 186 of the airmen died here. Sometimes their bodies were buried at the crash sites by the Allied personnel seeking intelligence from the crashes. It was a lonely ending for men who fought hard and well in a strange land.
Top Ender’s latest publication is Australia Remembers 4: the Bombing of Darwin, a book for upper primary/lower secondary students. It is available from Big Sky Publishing and bookshops.
Love the WIP, Bruce.
First used here by Megan
Chant’s WEB is really a cramming course
Very, very good. Might be 2Dog’s recommended cartoonist?
Over the coming months & years so many of the COVID nazi party are going to try make themselves as a secret Anders Tegnell.
People need to be hyper vigilant as some (like Hildebrand is a great example) try to Albert Speer themselves.
Furniture Store update:-
That’s awkward.
A no-show.
From someone who was berating Rosie for being AWOL in Spain whilst ‘others’* would be beseiging the Canadian Embassy.
* Not Rosie. And not St Ruth either it seems.
However, I’m prepared to cut a little slack because in early 2020, no one knew* what was going on. You could call it the “fog of war”.
At least when the fog lifted, some are pointing out the deficiencies and outright lies they too were subjected to. It’s the ones doubling down or trying to disappear into the bushes that I’m most interested in exposing and punishing.
* some knew, but that’s a different story
That’s awkward.
A no-show.
There was no leading the convoy?
Hildebrand back in August: People who refuse to get vaccinated are no longer decent members of society
More from the Furniture Store in their “Trouble in Paradise” section
(“Just Me” sounds awfully like he might be Faulty. Not doxxing, just pointing out striking similarities)
Well, I never!
I’m prepared to cut a little slack because in early 2020, no one knew* what was going on.
Only after the mea culpa’s.
Very very loud mea culpa’s.
Well, you don’t want someone up front who might pull a u-turn because someone waves a broomstick at them.
Agree with Cassie. Any time Matt Taibbi or Glenn Greenwald are on a podcast I make a point of listening in. Their columns are always great reads (can often be seen linked at top of Powerline blog) .
Jimmy Dore also good as he does short segments with facts and plenty of mockery. Just had on Dr Peter McCullough.
One of my most regular listens is Megan Kelly. Does not have a big following but she has on some good guests and speaks common sense (todays I will be skipping as looks like about relationships). She took her kids out of their NY school because of the woke BS. She was formerly an anchor at Fox and played by Charlize Theron in the movie about Roger Aisles.
Crowder did one of the best pieces of investigative reporting I have seen on a podcast. It was soon after the election. He looked at voter roll addresses in Las Vegas. Then checked Google earth and submitted some of suspect addresses to a courier company to see if would deliver there. Then sent LV resident to the dodgy addresses with a camera and page of newspaper to confirm. Proved lots were not proper addresses with some being parking lots and highway underpasses etc. Literally the next day LV Council web page removed some of the information he referred to. By total fluke he recognised one of the dodgy voter adresses was allegedly home of a Clinton associated females who was last heard of overseas.
Whilst I like Rogan’s interviews I find Tim Pool has the more interesting guests. For example the guys from Project Veritas, Judicial Watch, GETTR, Steve Bannon, Andy Ngo to name just a few. His show a couple of months ago with Rogan, Michael Malice and Alex Jones was one of the best (1st hour with Rogan). Was when Kyle Rittenhouse case was in the news.
I find Pool and Crowder have been good for some of the recent big trial cases. Good analysis and replays of the footage. Pool has had on 7 people who were witnesses in the Rittenhouse case. Am looking forward to the coverage of the so called Gov of Michigan kidnap plot as that is going to be fun (see articles by Julie Kelly at American Greatness or Darren Beattie at Revolver News).
Probably should mention Dave Rubin. Another former leftie come good. Did listen to Officer Tatum (Brandan Tatum) a bit but he lost the plot around Jan 6 and not gone back. He did however get good leaked details about a police shooting (Breanna Taylor case where cops killed her during a raid where her boyfriend shot at cops first). It showed Taylor was no innocent.
Candace Owens does good work but dont listen to her much.
WBC money dropped in over night.
The pig is in the poke.
I repeat, the pig is in the poke.
Heh, ‘decent’.
Power Line also has a video round up edition. A video collection of the crazies out there. You know, the vaccine-loving types, the meat-hating types etc etc And they all vote.
Gentlepeople, please.
Could I ask that you not address fellow posters as “Hyacinth”.
I am told it is upsetting for some.
Oh yes. I want sack cloth and ashes.
But if someone has red pilled, even if it’s recent, then good for them. If it’s genuine, that is. Like the Beloved – he’s gone from compliant and trusting (he was never fearful for himself, but was for others) to simmering anger. Definitely not the only one.
Let’s see what more he comes up with.
I was in transit and I got it about 5:00 pm.
Saved the bank manager calling me Monday to ask about the red ink on my statement.
Ah yes. Trudeau has reached the arrest the media phase.
Getting seriously out of hand thanks to Fidel Jr’s escalation. There can’t be many Canadian’s left sitting on the fence.
What’s Fidel Jr got left in his arsenal? Summary execution’s?
Saved the bank manager calling me Monday to ask about the red ink on my statement.
Just tell him he has no standing & wait for him to hang up.
I want all the vaccine mandates dropped. Because it still hasn’t happened yet. People in NSW are still facing an either/or situation with their health and jab.
What a sad day.
I’m going to abandon Brave (my browser since Bruce of Newk’s recommendation of couple of years ago) and return to Microtheft Edge –simply because Edge works and Brave doesn’t when it comes to returning my cursor to its previous position after accessing outside links.
Same with a number of other sites, including my banking, which doesn’t work in Brave.
I love competition but, if you’re going to compete, you have to strive to be the best, which Brave currently doesn’t. Brave can’t do the simple stuff, which makes a huge difference to tech neanderthals like me.
I want all the vaccine mandates dropped.
Along with restitution and compensation!
“I’m prepared to cut a little slack because in early 2020, no one knew* what was going on.”
True….none of us knew but I remember thinking from the beginning that something wasn’t quite right. I was never scared of the Wuhan plague, even back in March 2020. I recently asked my elderly mother and stepfather if they were ever frightened and both said no. They continued leading normal lives. I remember being bewildered from the beginning by the Covid porn being deliberately spread. I also remember thinking, from the beginning, that the virus was designed and let loose to get rid of Trump and believe me I’m not someone who’s into conspiracies….but from day one I felt that there’s been something very odd about the management of it…..the lockdowns. My suspicions were confirmed when, back in June 2020, after that sleazy thug died in Minneapolis and the world went berserk and progressives were allowed to hit the streets without any repercussions…remember those BLM rallies across Oz and politicians on both sides looked away and didn’t want to deal with it…….it took MSM outrage, particularly on Radio 2GB here in Sydney, for the NSW government to try and stop the first rally….they didn’t stop it. I knew then that this Covid response was all bullshit and designed to destroy our freedoms…and it worked a treat.
I’ve always believed the virus is real……but the response has been absurd.
In today’s dead tree Tele – a story about Carlingford West Public School.
All teachers in state schools are vaxxed and most will, by now, be boostered. All teachers must wear masks. Pupils and teachers are expected to submit RATs weekly.
Yet the entire Yr3 cohort must stay home because of exposure to one positive case, and fear of a *drumroll* Outbreak.
Tell me now how those “vaxxines” and mask mandates and lockdowns and quarantines are working for you, you idiots. Nothing Has Changed.
Yet these are the very people entrusted with educating our children.
Yellow card. Piling on (by proxy).
Ottawa Gestapo
Horowitz: The lies about vaccine efficacy are exposed, so Scotland stops publishing data
Rick raises a good point.
Businesses who sack people because they weren’t vaccinated.
I would expect a shield law to be passed to get them off the hook.
Keep in mind the High Court ruled that a State Government can retrospectively change laws to protect the state from a multi billion damages claim.
But because it was Clive Palmer it was ok do that, right?
And Now, It’s Economic Warfare
A mea maxima culpa would begin to balm the wounds.
They were always interlinked. Like many other things, it has now just become more obvious.
Democrat Takeover Of BLM Means A New Multimillion-Dollar Hub For Race Hustling
It’s gotten zero coverage but yesterday QBE said “they were working with government in relation to the business continuity claims” that are currently working their way through the courts.
The cases are between private companies & insurers.
WTF is the government liaising with the insurers?
Pretty sure governments aren’t liaising with the private companies suing the insurers over their business continuity insurance not being worth a pinch of shit.
They will never stop the mandates because the Sheep approve.
Um, she actually said a number of times “New World order”.
What do you think is going on, FFS?
Why is it that when perfectly reasonable people get shown overwhelming evidence of the reality of the globalist coup, they prefer to just ignore it and try to find a more palitatble truth that isn’t so offensive?
What Sneakers latest announcement shows is the real relationship between “public” health advice (scare quotes because the public still hasn’t seen any)/modelling and Covid. One rule (borders) comes off new rule (2sqm) goes on. The Health minister outlines what the modelling shows will happen to hospitalisation and ICU admissions.
Anyone who has been involved in the process will know the relief when “the model” is completed. Suddenly the mist of the unknown clears. If you are really diligent you might run a few Monte Carlo simulations. Sure it might not be the answer but it’s likely to be something like this.
Covid is just the latest example of it.
I expect not many are waiting for Kerry Chant to get back from holidays. Unsurprisingly, her presence/absence adds very little.
Tom – I don’t get any of that, dunno why or why not. Back gets me back correctly. There was initially some issues with banking but that was fixed after a while. Works well now. Rarely I’ll hit a site which doesn’t work, but that is because the site has intrusive demands that Brave blocks by default. Usually dropping shields will get it to work (Brave remembers individual shield settings for sites). I do that for already secure sites like the bank, and I don’t have the VPN turned on for internet banking.
I had a look at the Settings and couldn’t see anything that might explain what you are getting.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Edge except I personally didn’t like it for what I do. That was just a style thing, I much preferred IE and Brave for all my climate bookmarks especially. I suspect MS will harvest plenty of info though, it seems to be the way of the world these days.
PS … day 6 of my battle against COVID – it looks like, against all odds, I am going to be in the 99.8% who survive…
And…just as The Beloved has red pilled, so has the New Broom. Within days of each other, so it proves the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
He has just sent me Hildebrand’s piece…without comment.
Don’t despair guys. Never despair. The only variable is time, and it’s on our side.
“The only variable is time, and it’s on our side.”
True…but how long? It took eastern Europe over forty years to shake of the shackles of totalitarianism.
Try to control the urge to snap at my heels Struth.
It only hardens me against what you are prodding me to believe. You think it’s a vast global conspiracy, and it may well be. Telling me I’m an idiot for not believing it does your cause no good.
You can’t coerce faith, only compliance. Don’t be like those you most despise.
Daughter just sent me photos of the storm damage around her UK house, not so good.
At the height of the blow she heard a crash and felt a blast. The four year old twin boys had succeeded in getting the door open and were heading across the street to share the excitement with their mates. Crash tackling the boys and fighting to get the door closed was engaging apparently.
Of course, being good little Poms they had donned their macks, wellies and scarves before launching on their suicide quest.
He was right, Trump is a dropkick..
Yeah, he’s The Australian‘s preferred candidate for Opposition Leader if Scotty loses.
They’re puffing Josh hard, despite any evidence of Voter appeal.
Yesterday, Graham Richardson was saying Josh is far and away the Government’s best performer, which is just ridiculous.
My stepladder joke got a run in the WIP.
I don’t care who made it up. I’ve been here for 60 million years and now it’s mine.
Stevie Wonder can see that the WEF tentacles run deep in Canada, Australia and NZ. It is plainly obvious that these are the countries that will fall first to their ‘own nothing and be happy plans’.
Voters in Kooyong don’t want Josh, so Climate 200 and The Greens are running candidates that will draw votes away from any genuine independent challenge.
I would not be unhappy to see all the Covid-19 vaccines banned for the time being to allow the data already collected to be properly analysed and reported on openly. After which, if it is worth it, vaccines can be made available again. The Karens who are still terrified of catching the disease can stay home meanwhile.
The march through the institutions took almost a hundred years Cassie.
Our natural bent is not towards freedom, at least for others. People in the West like to feel themselves “free” but only themselves. Only a vanishing few want it universally. It will take experience of the shackles and emergence from them to make people value real freedom.
We only have to look at attitudes in old soviet bloc countries to see it.
Japan is also compromised. Although they have an annoying thing called a constitution written by the Americans after WW2 which insulates the people somewhat.
Oooh, he has standing.
Much, much standing.
Freedom is like farts. You usually enjoy yours, but can’t stand others.
Trudeau has won.
Trudeau has created martyrs.
Trudeau has damaged ordinary peoples’ livliehoods.
Trudeau has destroyed trust between the people and the police.
Trudeau has lost.
It may take some time but he has lost. The clown prince has no understanding of people, and no understanding that all he has achieved is to light a fuse.
Oh. Not a coup d’etat any more, then. That might have been one o’ them fancy innernet words that makes the plain anglo white male English sound a bit more – what’s the word, – pettifoggish.
Plain old coup it is, then.
Anyway, everyone knows that that if you’re not a coup-er you should get a clot and die, and that you’re a cockhead as well. Apparently.
Australia is safe from the WEF so long as Scotty remains P.M..
After that, it’s every man for himself.
Interesting comment under Last Post in The Australian:
That could be interpreted several ways, but it sounds like a threat, to me.
From twitter.
last night the Senate came within two votes of defunding Biden’s federal vaccine mandate. Senators Burr, Graham, Inhofe and Romney skipped the vote, ensuring it failed
After Thiel cleans house at the mid terms (hopefully), there are some big fish targeted in 2024.
The above 4 are top of the list.
Who were all those “level headed policy makers”? I don’t remember hearing about them.
Who exactly is Hildebrand trying to praise and who does he claim the baddies were?
I’d like a lot more specifics before I can believe he’s not trying to excuse the tyrants and blame some mythical “others”.
Oaf, on the strength of this
He might want to check the mirror first.
Hildebrand’s an excruciating noodle-framed faux-hipster with a fashionable two day growth and mussed-up hair complementing his brainy-people glasses, trying (and failing) to be a man of the people.
They’ll find another 4, though Graham can’t be defeated, since South Carolina has Open Primaries.
The DNC organises their voters to vote in the Republican Primary, ensuring Miss Lindsey can’t be defeated.
The same happened in Arizona with McCain, the only reason he spent 36 years in the Senate.
Beware introducing Primaries here, the ALP will end up choosing all the Coalition candidates.
How are things over there in the Land of the Rising Sun?
“Burr, Graham, Inhofe and Romney “
Yep….and McConnell.
True, Knuckles. But he does have cut through to a younger cohort, and that email from my son shows it.
You have to use the tools to hand, even if they are tools.
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 19, 2022 at 8:25 am
Re. Joe Hildebrand….I’ve always quite liked him. He insists he’s on the left but I reckon that’s just protective clothing for him. I reckon he’s actually a libertarian and he is someone who, unlike so many in our putrid MSM, can actually think outside the box.
Ditto for me as well as Russell Brand . . . Nor thought I’d give him the light of day.
“Voters in Kooyong don’t want Josh, so Climate 200 and The Greens are running candidates that will draw votes away from any genuine independent challenge.”
Dick Ed, they tried that in 2019…and they failed. Burnside ran for the Greens as the unsavoury Oliver Yates ran as an “independent” and then equally unsavoury Michael Staindl (both of whom probably received a lot of help from the kiddie who appeared before the National Press Club the other day) pursued Josh through the courts about his “citizenship”.
There’s the Repub Senator from Maine, Lyin’ Ted, Little Marco, Lisa Murkowski, Tom Cotton, Tim Scott, many others will take a dive if the price is right.
The ones who accidentally added an extra 0 or two to death predictions early on?
Prompting a worst case scenario response?
Come on down, Professors Paul Kelly & Raina MacIntyre!
Not only have both kept their jobs, Kelly’s been promoted.
You’ve confused the Timeline.
Oliver Yates announced his candidacy, obviously he had done Polling which justified that.
He woulda expected NoName ALP and Green candidate preferences to get him over the line.
Then Julian Burnside nominated for The Greens and Yates candidacy was dead in the water.
Why did Burnside nominate when he did?
Well it wasn’t in hopes of getting a $200,000 p/a job for 3 years, disqualifying himself from receiving million$$/ year in Legal Aid work in an Electorate where the costs of being The Member far exceed the $200k salary.
Yep, and was a great tongue-bather of the now under-a-cloud former Commissioner of Police
There seems to be a movement to change that, or at least to crack down on Dem cheating.
Of course if you ban same day switching that means the GOP and Dem primaries would have to be far apart. No doubt that’s the wheeze the Dems will try.
Highlights of the News (Surber, 18 Feb)
Oh and of course the simulation for this is Ms Cheney’s ultra wet notoriety. RINOs should start worrying, the base is revolting revoltingly.
the easy way to tell these days is the following
1. does it smell (even a tiny bit) fishy?
2. does the MSM align on the narrative?
1. is generally good enough, but 2. always confirms it.
This rat works for Facebook.
Just to indicate that NewsCorpse is having a bet each way – the Hildebrand piece doesn’t even make it to the Daily Tele’s email to subscribers.
The kiddies running the page mustn’t think it’s all that important.
Hildebrand is a journalist who has spent the past decade being a TV celebrity mixing with vacuous TV celebrities and so he has agreed to become News Ltd corporate PR whore pushing the company’s favourite financial corruptions like “renewable energy”.
In fact, at the current stage of his personal emasculation, I’m tipping Hildebrand has no memory of ever having been a journalist.
Yep Tom. Very much the model of the modern major general.
I see the LDP are having a campaign launch in one of the more affluent suburbs of Melbourne today. Might have to go and have a gander.
No point in slumming it.
Well, no.
A Democrat can’t get elected in Wyoming, unless Cheney runs as an Independent and splits the Repub vote, so all the Dems who got Cheney up last time have to do is not switch back to Democratic Party registration.
A great update on happenings in Canada on Jo Nova.
The narrative is falling apart globally, so holdouts like Castreau are being increasingly isolated. Like I’ve said in the past, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
The Saturday Paper is also puffing Josh as an alternative to Scotty.
According to Karen Middleton, Dutton is seeking to roll Scotty before the Election and concerned “Moderates” are rallying behind Josh in the event that the evil Dutton is successful.
So that’s The Australian and The Saturday Paper puffing Josh, who has zero Electoral appeal.
It looks as though the push is on to topple Scotty, the blame will be placed on Dutton and Josh will be the Zak Kirkup leading them to political and electoral oblivion.
Who knew suitcases are faster than bicycles?
The whole story is perfect. KD would have a swag of such tales I suspect.
ABCcss finds an acceptable way of showing what Cats have been saying for the last year and a half.
By using a University “artist” to do so.
Artist’s empty shopfront photos show how COVID lockdowns devastated Melbourne’s retail sector
The art professor started out running close to his own neighbourhood in St Kilda, and as the “bubble” he was allowed to traverse slowly expanded beyond the 5 kilometres imposed under the city’s strictest rules, he was struck by something.
He noticed the city’s bricks and mortar shopping strips were increasingly dotted with empty shopfronts, with more and more appearing during each lockdown.
Professor Morton began to stop and press his phone up to the glass of empty shopfronts bearing a ‘for lease’ sign, photographing the scene inside in an attempt to document the city in crisis.
He said, ironically, having his experience of the city reduced to small bubbles enabled him to explore it in more detail than he previously had.
In some areas, like Richmond’s Bridge Road, he was taken aback by how stark the change was.
“The city was just completely smashed,” he said.
The restrictions have not been ‘ended.’
This is yet another con on top of a thousand other cons.
All of the ‘easing’ announcements include very clear diktats about the restrictions being kept in place – including unscientific get-squares with the ‘unvaccinated.’ The quality of ‘conservative’ commentary in this country is a joke. Remember when Net Zero was embraced by the Liberals and Paul Murray started his “death, taxes and Net Zero” slogan to gaslight the Liberal base with relentless ho-hum? The one man in Australia who mercilessly brutalised both parties for their pandemic nazism was Alan Jones. Naturally, Sky sacked him.
Mole, they’re going to start slithering and sliding out of their authoritarian editorial position with many such “articles”.
We should start a Timeline to monitor the progress of the various news services. A record of perfidy and whitewashing.
February 19, 2022 at 11:14 am
I see the LDP are having a campaign launch in one of the more affluent suburbs of Melbourne today. Might have to go and have a gander.”
Our LDP candidate for Wentworth, Daniel Lewkovitz, is having his campaign launch in a few weeks. I wonder if the local rag, the Wentworth Courier, will do a dripping tongue bath on Daniel the way they’ve done this week with Allegra Da Big Spender? Probably not. They did the same for Phelps.
End of restrictions exposes senseless Covid ‘scare-mongering’
Oh, did I miss the states/Feds ending their various states of emergency which allow otherwise illegal mandates and directions to be imposed?
We are still under rule by fiat, all the usual checks and balances thrown away until those acts are ended.
Ed – The problem with your hypothesis is that lefties are the most suspicious people in the universe. Therefore any staffer, activist or employee who is listed as a Registered Republican is going get a please explain. Also voting in the Dem primary is a ritual necessary to show appropriate devotion to the holy cause. The vibes will be interesting, and the various purges and denunciations will be popcornworthy. It’ll be a great tool for internecine party warfare ALP-style.
Now watch the attacks on the amateur sleuths for being yada-yada phobics.
Sancho Panzersays:
February 19, 2022 at 9:19 am
Gentlepeople, please.
Could I ask that you not address fellow posters as “Hyacinth”.
I am told it is upsetting for some.
Time for a change Sancho. I believe Florence to be more appropriate. 😉
Employees and contractors to Local Government are now being given the Ultimatum:
Get the Vaccinations or you’re outta work.
Fair Work Australia is supporting this and so are the Union Movement, based on Workplace Health & Safety laws & Regulations.
So, Stage 1 is over, everyone that was stupid enough, naive enough, or a Nursing Home resident, has already been vaccinated and they’ve moved on to Stage 2.
This thing has been planned for a long time, at least 30 years, a few desultory demonstrations isn’t ending it.
With or without CornPop?
Should we gather round and sing “Bold gendarmes”?
From Dr Malone:
A colleague of mine, a public health doctor who served under Trump, and who spoke out about the vaccine risks with the Canadian Truckers, has an arrest warrant issued against him by the Canadian government. He is trying to escape Canada at the moment. Let that sink in for a moment. This is what is coming for us here in the states. Free speech and protests against the mandates is going to be called domestic terrorism by the department of homeland security.
Sooo bloody annoyed with myself .. Duuuh! .. tree gone, all dun in 30 minutes BUT as I don’t drink never thought to buy half a dozen cans of beer for the 3 blokes until after they’d gone .. I’ll buy some today & put them aside for them .. being the Housing contractor I’m sure someone around here will need them another day .. lotza BIG trees around .. LOL!
put up a bit of a barrier until the fencer is due .. whenever ..
According to UnzReview, everyone with the means to get outta Ukraine is getting the hell out.
So, they’ve gotta heads up that it’s gonna blow.
Also at UR, Russians in the Donbass are sending their women and children to Russia.
The tide’s turning.
News has pushed the ‘edgy’ asset out to see which way the stream is running.
You could ask. We could ignore the request. Or not.
Hyacinth rhymes with Absinthe. Just sayin’.
Look at this skin suit waring bullshit.
If the vaccine is so great, why do I need a booster?
It is important to recognise that it is very rare for any vaccine to provide sterilising immunity; that is, enabling the immune system to completely prevent a virus from replicating in and infecting the body.
Measles, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and likely Covid-19 vaccines are all examples of vaccines that do not provide sterilising immunity. Yet measles and polio have still been eliminated in many countries, and their disease burden worldwide has been significantly reduced. This is because, just like the Covid-19 vaccines, the vaccines for these illnesses are extremely good at preventing severe disease and death.
Lets compare shall we.
Covid vax effectiveness
The Moderna two-dose vaccine went from being 89% effective in March to 58% effective in September, according to a story about the study in theLos Angeles Times.
Meanwhile, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine went from being 87% effective to 45% effective over the same time period.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine showed the biggest drop — from 86% effectiveness to 13% over those 6 months.
“In summary, although vaccination remains protective against SARS-CoV-2 infection, protection waned as the Delta variant emerged in the U.S., and this decline did not differ by age,” the study said.
Measles shots
One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella.
In general, DTaP vaccines are 80% to 90% effective. Among kids who get all 5 doses of DTaP on schedule, effectiveness is very high within the year following the 5th dose – at least 9 out of 10 kids are fully protected. There is a modest decrease in effectiveness in each following year. About 7 out of 10 kids are fully protected 5 years after getting their last dose of DTaP and the other 3 out of 10 kids are partially protected – protecting against serious disease.
Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective.
Media shitweasels.
Amazing thread documenting Ottawa crackdown.
Gentlepeople, please.
Could I ask that you not address fellow posters as “Hyacinth”.
I am told it is upsetting for some.
Out and about yesterday and passing through a tiny town in the Perth Hills I saw one of the saddest sights ever.
A small boy about 10 y.o. standing on his own waiting at the school bus stop on the side of a the road outside a farm gate.
Wearing a face nappy.
Thanks McGowan, you, utter, utter POS.
I have just posted a tweet on Jordan Peterson’s site that the Canadians are the “canary in the coal mine” for the rest of the western world. If you elect a sanctimonious, woke, “soft socialist” government – this is what you get.
Western governments watching this in silence while lecturing us about the Ukraine. Criminal scum.
I’m old enough to remember when Hildebrand called people who didn’t want the clot shots as”selfish”.
His calls for an apology from the fearmongers is right but it should come alongside an apology from him too.
Edgy like a bowling ball.
“Trooble at Mill” update.
Someone who sounds suspiciously like Faulty has gone to the cyber-Plod.
Dibber dobber.
I wonder if it might catch on here?
Hi ussr!!
Joe’s Friday night quiz show is quite simply the worst quiz show ever invented.
It is truly cringe-inducing.
Look, he’s a nice bloke but he’s accepted the Meghan McCain role in Australia’s media ecosystem: unoffensive house ‘conservative.’ Financially speaking, he’s no mug.
If there were peaceful mass protests in Moscow against Putin’s rule and he started freezing bank accounts and arresting protestors Western governments and leftists would be howling.
I’m going to abandon Brave (my browser since Bruce of Newk’s recommendation of couple of years ago) and return to Microtheft Edge –simply because Edge works and Brave doesn’t when it comes to returning my cursor to its previous position after accessing outside links.
I use both Edge & Brave cos Brave just doesn’t seem to like some sites .. This being one of them! .. if I click on a link the return click takes me back to the home page not where I was & scrolling required .. Edge works normal .. click & back to post .. also find Brave won’t open comments sections on some WordPress using sites … Brave advantage is the NO ads …..
Surely a joke.
ScoMo should now pass legislation requiring all corporate cars to be electric and ban corporate jets.
Low emission vehicles to receive funding boost (Sky News, 19 Feb)
Also all Com Cars should be immediately electric. For the planet! No emissions
indulgencesoffsets allowed. Anything else might be construed as hypocrisy and ScoMo would never want to be seen as a hypocrite, surely.Some more reading for the jaded and stressed:
Good Luck Sucker: he was trapped in a triangle of treason by 3 women each as deadly as his .45.
Nurses Quarters: outside so pure and white, inside so depraved.
12 Chinks and a Woman: the odds were stacked but so was she.
Loose Women: he was in a trap baited by 2 lavish female bodies.
I did like the Hilderbrand – Tim Blair podcasts many years ago.
Good luck to Willie Pike. Five rides at Rosehill today.
Is ‘petal‘ an acceptable substitute ?