We have stepped into the political unknown

How can fascism be explained? - Quora

Fascism is the amalgam of the corporate state with totalitarian political structures. Communism pretended it was international. Fascism is socialism within a single country. 

We seem to live in our own version of that time in 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. I have tried to find something that matches my own views on what has just taken place and this is the closest I could find but there is nothing close enough. This is Kremlin Invades Ukraine from FrontPageMag with this as the subhead: “How Biden’s policies fueled Russian aggression”. Listening to Biden’s response is beyond weak and incompetent. The American left seems complicit in all of this to the fullest extent possible. 

Also found this take from Instapundit illuminating in its own sad way.


Where things will be a year from now is anyone’s guess. 


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February 25, 2022 7:34 pm

As the Boy Scouts would say, be prepared.

Louis Litt
February 25, 2022 8:20 pm

How many times do I have to say this, their not facets Thierry socialist. Socialist kill Maine and rape their own who championing those who commit those crimes.

So what’s worse the real Putin’s invasion or the death by Brussels eg Merkel, Blair, Trudeau etc

February 25, 2022 8:25 pm

It is very unfortunate for the Ukrainian people that they have literally elected a clown (a TV & movie comedian) as president.

His anti-establishment, anti-corruption, socially liberal platform appealed to them, but he is out of his depth domestically and internationally since the beginning and most of his proposals have been rebuffed by the Ukrainian parliament.

He appeared on Ukrainian TV last night saying that the Russians were out to kill him.

No, Mr. Zelensky, this war is not about you.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he flees the country before this is over.

Rod Stuart
Rod Stuart
February 25, 2022 8:35 pm
February 25, 2022 8:45 pm

The fat-arsed German ruling class talked Biden out of sanctions that would work because they didn’t want to upset Vlad too much as he could cut off their oil and gas pipe from Russian via Ukraine.

Germany is addicted to Russian energy.

Once again, Germany is bludging off NATO and the US because it refuses to pay the 2% of GDP it promised Trump.

Fuck the Chermans. Let Vlad cut off the gas pipe, bankrupt the joint and take over as the Chermans beg for their lives and their luxury AUDIs.

Cassie of Sydney
February 25, 2022 9:15 pm

“Rod Stuartsays:
February 25, 2022 at 8:35 pm”

Thanks for that. I note that tonight Cory Bernardi on his show on Sky also alluded to this. He is the first on any media to actually provide some counter facts to the MSM anti-Wussia hysteria.

I posted this on the OT….it’s a very good Fox interview from a few hours ago…..

“Why Putin’s playbook can’t be stopped: Russian-born US intel expert”


Secondly, on C.L.’s blog he’s uploaded a very good Fox interview between Laura Ingraham and Glenn Greenwald….it was done earlier today. Worth listening to.

February 25, 2022 9:16 pm

Are there any peoples or those existing in a so called country on this planet capable of governing themselves?

It’s a serious question, Cats. Go get a globe and try and find them/one – and no, micro states and mythical tax havens do not count. The Swiss? Eastern Europe? That would be about it – and Eastern Europe is on the slide.

North America – Canada, the US and Mexico – stuffed.
Central America – Stuffed
South America – Stuffed, Señor
Africa – Stuffed
Europe – Stuffed, some Eastern holdouts.
Eurasia – Stuffed
Muddle East – Stuffed
Asia – stuffed except for Japan (dying), South Korea (dying), Taiwan (soon won’t exist) and parts of South East Asia – a tasty dragon entree.
Oceania – stuffed and bought and ready to be feasted upon

Everywhere you look, there are corruptocrats. We are reaching the end phase of the most golden age in human history. Unparalleled prosperity and peace in their time for the vast majority of peoples who’ve existed since ’45.

A new Dark Ages is upon us.

Enjoy the decline. It cannot and will not be hidden.

Cassie of Sydney
February 25, 2022 9:27 pm

Putin has out manoeuvred a decadent, rotten, sleazy, lazy, immoral and corrupt west.

February 25, 2022 9:43 pm

Rapidly becoming a choice of what authoritarian regime we want to live under. One like Putin that somewhat at least appears to promote traditional values, or one like the USA that promotes diversity, LGBTI+ and political correctness.

February 25, 2022 9:44 pm

Putin has out manoeuvred a decadent, rotten, sleazy, lazy, immoral and corrupt west.

Yes, but as lefties told everyone before the last U.S. election, Putin fears Biden far more than Trump!
And as president, Biden would “bring peace to the world”!

February 25, 2022 9:49 pm

[email protected]

Don’t know whether it is the bottle of magnificent red that our house guest bought for dinner, but I am agreeing with every dreaded thought that Rabz had written.

We reminisced how we have lived in some of the best of times, but have faced the bleakest in recent years. And now……..?

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 25, 2022 9:52 pm

Fuck the Chermans. Let Vlad cut off the gas pipe, bankrupt the joint and take over as the Chermans beg for their lives and their luxury AUDIs.

Germany has agreed to cease certification of NordStream 2.
That’s all the Americans wanted anyway.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 25, 2022 9:56 pm


Enjoy the decline.

Another version is “Embrace the suck”.

Cassie of Sydney
February 25, 2022 10:23 pm

February 25, 2022 at 9:43 pm
Rapidly becoming a choice of what authoritarian regime we want to live under. One like Putin that somewhat at least appears to promote traditional values, or one like the USA that promotes diversity, LGBTI+ and political correctness.”

You see I’m tired….

1. I’m tired of western progressives dominating the MSM and social media sewers to spew vitriolic hate against conservatives, religious people (apart from that special religion), right-wingers….and anyone who disagrees with their progressive narratives.

2. I’m tired of being smeared and maligned by progressives as a far-right, white supremacist Nazi all because I believe in individual liberty, free speech, national borders, the traditional family, limited government, religious freedom, biological sex, fiscal responsibility (you all know, those ideas that the Liberal party of Australia once believed in).

3. I’m tired of the utter nonsense that is inclusivity, diversity, LGBTI+, political correctness and social justice.

4. I’m tired of the lie that is climate change.

5. I’m tired of the fact that I now have to live in a society that gives credibility to male perverts insisting they have the right to put on a frock and some lipstick and that automatically makes them women and they then demands access to women only spaces.

6. I’m tired of the fact that I now live in a society where a biological male with a penis can compete against biological females in a swim race, and the biological male wins the race by 7 seconds…and then if you want to have a serious discussion about how this is fundamentally wrong, you are smeared as “alt-right” and “far-right” and your legitimate concern is then gaslighted by the left and MSM as somehow meaning that you hate trans children. The truth is that “trans children” don’t exist…..there are children with gender dysphoria (a real psychological condition that really only effects young boys and is extremely rare and most boys grow out of it) and there are a miniscule amount of children who are confused and they grow out of that confusion when they go through puberty and they usually turn out to be homosexuals.

7. I’m tired of the fact that our society gives credibility to perversions and fetishes. Children are being groomed online and the next battlefield will be pedophilia…..some progressives have already started on this quest.

Anyway, I could go on and on and on…the above is just a smidgen as to why I’m tired, no civilization can withstand this.

So yes, if pressed….I would choose Putin.

Chris M
Chris M
February 25, 2022 11:35 pm

Enjoy the decline. It cannot and will not be hidden.

Excellent Rabz, I often say this. Keep an eye on what is happening and do what you can to resist but don’t stress and fret – ride it down. The Bible spells out what is going to happen from here Rabz, just not the exact timeline detail (although there are mile markers).

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 26, 2022 12:02 am

Everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it.

Louis Litt
February 26, 2022 2:45 am

Yeah Cassie – what about the following-
Having a real skill is ridiculed eg plumber, electrician, mechanic
Drug addiction to stupify the population is cool man
Drugs in sport is bad
Heterosexual relationships are laughed at – like saying grace or giving thanks before a meal
Sporting clubs are full of toxic males
Women participating in contact sports are harder than men
We produce too much waste
Females having babies in their 20s are ridiculed and motherhood is mundane
I am sure there is more

February 26, 2022 6:15 am

Christ I’m depressed reading this and the comments.

February 26, 2022 6:30 am

The comments here reflect everything I said yesterday. The West (US and Europe) has become the Sodom and Gomorrah of the 21st Century. How it gets wiped out and what remains is anyone’s guess.

February 26, 2022 6:31 am

Fuck the Chermans. Let Vlad cut off the gas pipe, bankrupt the joint and take over as the Chermans beg for their lives and their luxury AUDIs.

mm.. I do wonder if Putin will have a bit of economic revenge up his sleeve for WWII.. fuck ze Chermans indeed.

Rabz — the only holdouts seem to be parts of SE Asia (Vietnam?) and bits of Eastern Europe.

Those that have generations alive who lived under the yoke of socalism.

February 26, 2022 6:48 am

Putin is Russia and Russia is Putin, there is nobody else there as he has got rid of them. What happens when there is no longer Putin? There will be no Russia.

China not so much, there are lots of Xis in the wings so it’s in our best interest to stop them.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
February 26, 2022 8:07 am

Zelensky poked the bear and kept on poking with Western encouragement.
Now Ukraine has basically fallen in one of the quickest routes in history, and with little casualties. That is at least something we can be thankful for.
I now hope that Putin can further humiliate the Golobohomo West so that they are further exposed as toothless tigers.
This will be seen as a turning point in history and will help further delegitimise the elite Western leaders which means we are one day closer to becoming Good nations once more.

Cassie of Sydney
February 26, 2022 8:17 am

“Louis Littsays:
February 26, 2022 at 2:45 am”

All of that too Louis.

This is also worth watching, David Starkey interviewed on GB News yesterday. Starkey nails it.

‘Like Thatcher with the miners, Putin prepared for this war’, says David Starkey


Angus Black
Angus Black
February 26, 2022 8:19 am

Hypocrisy or what?

Russia’s actions are an affront to the democratic principles that generations of Canadians have fought to protect. We must make sure the Ukrainian people – like all people – are free to determine their own future, and we must stand firmly against authoritarianism.


— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) February 25, 2022

February 26, 2022 8:37 am

This will be seen as a turning point in history and will help further delegitimise the elite Western leaders which means we are one day closer to becoming Good nations once more.

I was thinking much the same. And if China moves on Taiwan, these could become the Sodom and Gomorrah event that we need; to flush down the toilet Davos Man and their supporters, and give the West a fresh start.

February 26, 2022 11:29 am

So far Putin hasnt threatened my employment if I dont undertake a medical procedure of his choice.
So hes got that going for him.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 26, 2022 11:38 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
February 25, 2022 at 10:23 pm

You see I’m tired….

I would add another point.

8. I’m tired of government decrees that restrict my freedoms if I don’t partake in a medical experiment. Bodily autonomy and freedom of choice should be sacrosanct.

February 26, 2022 12:08 pm

“Outmanoeuvred “?

We have done it to ourselves.

Putin is not some super-villain.
Just a classic “hard man”, faced with opponents who have made themselves weak. Pretending that he is more than he is, is just making another excuse for ourselves.

This is what happens when we panic about Covid, Climate-Change and hurt feelings. Russia is not a super-power. They have only a mid-level economy with which to fund their military, but they have not wasted it as we have.

Cassie of Sydney
February 26, 2022 12:16 pm

“Putin is not some super-villain.
Just a classic “hard man”, faced with opponents who have made themselves weak. Pretending that he is more than he is, is just making another excuse for ourselves.”

Correct and Starkey alludes to this in his discussion.

We in the west now refuse to believe in power, strength and force. We now associate such things with bad. We are going to pay a heavy price.

February 26, 2022 12:17 pm

I am more and more convinced that the supposed Left/Right model of politics is a lie. Once you strip away the cosmetics – the slogans and symbols – there is little essential difference between the two at the extremes.
Both are run by oligarchies.
Both are totalitarian.
Both follow the Socialist doctrine of control of Production, Distribution, Exchange and Information (media).
Both base their claim to legitimacy on inter-group conflicts that they have created and facilitated.

The fallacy of the Left-Right dichotomy is that it results in the ridiculous proposition that believing in freedom leads inevitably to tyranny.

There is Authoritarian/Libertarian (also group-focused vs. individual-focused) and there is Theoretical/Practical, but there is no Right/Left. They are not opposites, and their historical conflicts have been over which oligarchy has power, not over fundamental ideology.

February 26, 2022 12:21 pm


You are tired of being called “Right wing” for advocating freedom, because you know it is a lie..

Say that often, loudly and with emphasis, every time some gaslighting socialist tries to make out that you are evil for respecting individual Rights.

February 26, 2022 2:10 pm

I have no idea why the New Cat is so full of Hanrahans. Is it a new cool fashion?

Facts are that hardly anyone believes the stuff being touted as normal by the left. So why do New Cats believe them? The pandemic narrative has been actually believed by almost no-one. How often do you need be told: the average Joe does not want to be fined or arrested, and stopped wearing maks…and stopped social distancing…the very second the fines and arrests stopped. Same deal with the QWRTY gang of perverts…

I go to plenty of shopping centres all around the country (not WA!) and see 99% very normal people ONLY….

The shops are menswear, womenswear. The Big W or K Mart have mens sections, women’s sections, boyswear and girlswear: boys’ toys and girls’ toys….with very gender-specific signage so’s you can see the sections from far away.. The 99.9% shopping are very obviously male or female…with very obvious boys and girls as children. the “couples” are 99.9% “straight”.

Exhibitionist freaks and F’wits might want your attention but why do you give it to them?

I could go on about many other absurd “cries for help” from the mentally ill, but what gets me is that New Cats give a damn about the d’heads.

Why do you all so NEED to fret about them??

BTW: Since you all know the MSM is (mostly) BS from start to finish, please don’t tell me you believe their leftist version of reality. It’s gaslighting ONLY!

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 26, 2022 3:11 pm

Cassie: it is beyond idiotic to say you yearn for freedoms and at the same time prefer Putin.

Cassie of Sydney
February 26, 2022 3:18 pm

Living the Dream = moron

I don’t yearn for unmitigated freedom.

February 26, 2022 5:26 pm

Part of the lie of the Left/Right paradigm, is that Leftists claim to somehow be legitimate because they “balance” the mythical “extreme Right”.


There is no “balance”. Evil is not an alternative to Evil.
Putin is not an alternative to Biden, any more than Hitler is an alternative to Stalin.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
February 26, 2022 8:11 pm

It’s interesting to see how the invasion of the Ukraine has brought so many of the old lickspittles, hacks, whores, tools and shills of the Soviet -era KGB out of the woodwork. Everything is always the evil Americans’ fault.

Old habits die hard.

Has anyone heard from ex-Senator Stalinova Rhiannon? Or from Comrade Bandt?

February 26, 2022 9:05 pm

Scott Ritter, the bloke who amongst other things called out the fakery behind WMD’s in Iraq gives his very interesting and informed take on events in the borderlands of eastern Europe. It makes me wonder if the whole situation was not engineered for just the reaction by Russia to occur. This does give credence to the WEF and the great reset if western Europe does collapse from an energy choke. It does sort of allow the US to ride out the storm relatively untouched again whilst Europe engulfs itself either in hellfire or a blizzard. Sort ofime the last couple times with barely a bloody nose. I notice that India has started planning on not using swift and trading outside of the dollar, just like China.

Winston Smith
February 26, 2022 9:53 pm


The comments here reflect everything I said yesterday. The West (US and Europe) has become the Sodom and Gomorrah of the 21st Century. How it gets wiped out and what remains is anyone’s guess.

“The Pyre is being made ready – what will arise from the ashes is as yet unknown.”
from “Thoughts of Winston Smith – the Cookbook Edition”.

Winston Smith
February 26, 2022 9:56 pm


China not so much, there are lots of Xis in the wings so it’s in our best interest to stop them.

China is waiting in the wings for Russia and the West to go at it, then he’ll take Eurasia.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 27, 2022 2:58 pm

“Putin has out manoeuvred a decadent, rotten, sleazy, lazy, immoral and corrupt west.”
“I’m tired of being smeared and maligned by progressives as a far-right, white supremacist Nazi all because I believe in individual liberty, free speech, national borders, the traditional family, limited government, religious freedom, biological sex, fiscal responsibility (you all know, those ideas that the Liberal party of Australia once believed in).”
“So yes, if pressed….I would choose Putin.”
“We in the west now refuse to believe in power, strength and force. We now associate such things with bad. We are going to pay a heavy price.”
Cassie demonstrates her intellectual credentials, promoting a neurotic tyrant whose morality runs to three known mistresses in foreign parts, a habit of rigging elections and murdering opponents and whose respect for national borders involves the use of tanks, paratroops and missiles against a neighbour whose crime was to elect someone who isn’t his puppet.
Go ahead, Cassie. Choose Putin. Become Cassie of Moscow and do send reports of your love life.

Cassie of Sydney
February 27, 2022 7:29 pm

“Cassie demonstrates her intellectual credentials, promoting a neurotic tyrant “

LOL…..oh dear, you demonstrate your intellectual mediocrity whenever you post. Try harder dickhead.

February 27, 2022 8:33 pm


Be fair.
Putin is not the kind that one chooses if you believe that character matters.

He is not a promoter of “traditional values”, unless your tradition is one of feudal overlordship in which the Lord sits in the front pew of the church with his mistresses and bastards behind him, while his men-at-arms enforce his rule on the peasants.

The pretence of sanctity has a very long history indeed. We should not be blind to it.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 28, 2022 9:25 am

“I choose Putin”. Live it, Cassie. Live that liberty, those secure national borders and embrace that hard power.

Cassie of Sydney
February 28, 2022 9:41 am

“Living the dreamsays:
February 28, 2022 at 9:25 am
“I choose Putin”. Live it, Cassie. Live that liberty, those secure national borders and embrace that hard power.”

LOL….poor old Bobby Numbers, he can’t hide behind any pseudonym. Live it, Bobby the Dickhead, live it.

Cassie of Sydney
February 28, 2022 9:42 am

““I choose Putin”. “

Just like you chose Ho Chi Minh, live it Bobby, live it.

February 28, 2022 9:56 am

“…against a neighbour whose crime was to elect someone who isn’t his puppet.”

The pro-Putin person WAS elected, then got overthrown thanks to US supported thugs. So somewhat back arsewards there, I’m afraid.

Cassie of Sydney
February 28, 2022 10:09 am

The pro-Putin person WAS elected, then got overthrown thanks to US supported thugs. So somewhat back arsewards there, I’m afraid.”

Correct…..but facts and truth have never been Bobby’s strong point.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 28, 2022 10:28 am

Cassie: Wrong. And wrong. Love your “hard power” approach though. Liberty or death!

Cassie of Sydney
February 28, 2022 10:53 am

Living the dream: I’m Right and Right.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 28, 2022 8:02 pm

Cassie: you are sucking the wrong teat

March 2, 2022 9:57 am

Cassie, sometimes the enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

Living the dream
Living the dream
March 2, 2022 4:08 pm

Entropy: and, sometimes, the friend of your friend turns out be evil

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 2, 2022 4:27 pm

Living the dreamsays:
March 2, 2022 at 4:08 pm

Less anklebiting and pseudowisdom out of you, Littlest Anklebiter.

Go shill your GetUp!-approved Narratives elsewhere.

Ukraine v. Russia is a Slav-fight. Let the Gopniks sort each other out in their own Gopnik way. You just stick to anklebiting at Kates cos Orangutan Bard! Reeeeee! or something.

  1. Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahan. Even the gays and hippies are…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x