Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
And there you have why blocking Russia from SWIFT won’t happen.
SWIFT is f&^king expensive to use, and is feeling pressure from crypto alternatives. Sanctions just mean that SWIFT loses even more market share.
Agree with all of that Dot. I could get along alone in our city home at considerable monetary cost, but there is no way I could continue to live in our beloved farm on my own. I recognise that completely. Help is very difficult to get to start with, and the nature of much of the work is beyond my physical capabilities.
On the other hand, our current arrangement acknowledges our capabilities. I am “livestock & pasture” – acknowledging my childhood upbringing on the land, & husband is “machinery & maintenance” acknowledging his skills. Largely that means decision making for me on the the issues of my expertise & his execution of most of those decisions – although I manage the cattle in many cases on my own. So, although I make a lot of management decisions – I could not physically operate the farm without him.
However, there is another area of expertise in which I have contributed substantially over our lifetime – & that is business & financial decision making. I am a researcher & those skills have enabled us to make some pretty critical decisions at significant times. We avoided potential ruin in our then current business prior to two financial global crises by taking prior action.
So, contrary to the rubbish promulgated by the Feminist movement, men and women operate best in this world by being complementary &, contrary to current behaviour – complimentary!
Come 2011, when Libya became unstable, Hillary Clinton egged on the war, and then luxuriated in the slaughter that followed.
‘we came, we saw, he died’ cackle cackle- no such thing as witches. What a depraved lump of evil.
Abiotic hydrocarbons exist; most of them are on Titan.
Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble
By tying itself to a reckless and dangerous America, the Ukrainians made a blunder that client states will study for years to come
Excellent summary
France Revokes Nearly 4 Million Vaccine Passports
Posted Feb 26, 2022 by Martin Armstrong
France has deactivated nearly four million vaccine passes as the definition of “fully vaccinated” continues to change. Authorities are now requiring everyone over the age of 16 to receive their third booster dose within four months of their second dosage, which has been dramatically shortened from the original seven-month period. The Ministry of Health secretly acknowledged that the vaccines are not effective as contracting the coronavirus could serve as a booster replacement, “one infection = one dose.”
France will grant amnesty to those holding fake vaccine passes, warning them that now is their last chance to get vaccinated without consequences. An estimated 192,000 people currently have fraudulent vaccine passes as it is not possible to participate in French society without a vaccine passport. This means an additional four million people will be banned from entering public places. Oh, but the unvaccinated may still attend political rallies.
Has Macron’s promise to “piss off” the unvaccinated worked? As I have said, even if you took the vaccines, you are always one shot away from being labeled “unvaccinated,” banished from society. Will four million people comply and take an additional dose of an unknown substance? “I really want to piss off the unvaccinated – and that’s what we’re going to do, right until the end,” Macron stated in December. However, the people will ultimately decide when “the end” of this pandemic will take place.
I suspect that once the Russians saw the new U.S. army ad, they knew the time was right…
For the comparison, see here
Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec · 6h
“Military exercises”
Quote Tweet Disclose.tv@disclosetv · 6h
JUST IN – China announces “military exercises” in the #SouthChinaSea across a 6-nautical-mile-radius from Sunday to Tuesday.
Thanks, OldOzzie. Interesting historical perspective.
Russian military attack on Ukraine: How we got there
Moscow says the current situation is the result of years of failed talks to end the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine after the 2014 coup in Kiev
Here are the key events of the past eight years that led to this conflict.
1. ‘Euromaidan’ protests in Kiev end with West-backed coup
2. Crimea votes to leave Ukraine for Russia
3. Conflict breaks out in Donbass
4. Minsk ceasefire puts an end to large-scale fighting
5. No reform, no peace for Donbass
6. Road to escalation in Donbass
7. Russia recognizes Donbass republics
8. Moscow launches ‘military operation’ in Ukraine
9. What comes next?
How good is NSW gummint when it comes to building infrastructure? Parramatta stadium has cancelled tonight’s fitba match, Wanderers v Wellington! .. because of RAIN .. an enclosed stadium only opened 2 years ago and shut because .. the pitch won’t drain because of the amount of rain that has fallen into the Parramatta River! .. rendering the pitch drainage system almost useless! .. why wasn’t this covered in the original plans? .. it’s one thing for older venues to be rain affected but there is no excuse for an, almost, new stadium built with NSW tax payer funds to fail at it’s 1st attempt due to inclement weather … FFS!
A feature of the catchment. Water won’t drain uphill.
The only other method of drainage would have been to site the stadium on higher ground.
Long-Enduring COBOL May Still Have a Shelf Life The aging programming language is giving way to younger, more flexible software environments
Sid Mohanram, senior vice president of software engineering at Verisk, a huge data-analytics and risk-assessment multinational, is overseeing his company’s migration away from COBOL. He’s part of a trend as companies and governments are exploring other options than the programming language that runs some of the world’s most critical applications.
“The goal is to get out of the mainframe,” Mohanram said.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wakeup call for organizations running critical computer systems written in the 60-year-old programming language, COBOL. In the United States, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Vermont, Iowa, Kansas, and even the federal government have faced shortages of COBOL programmers to keep unemployment benefit systems running amid a historic spike in claims.
But a perceived shortage of COBOL programmers isn’t the only problem. COBOL has also become an old (though still quite reliable) clunker in the high-speed world of programming languages and software development.
“The speed by which we can implement changes in COBOL is slow, and people start building workarounds,” Mohanram said, creating a buildup of what he calls “technical debt.” “Developers say, ‘I need to make a change, but I’m too busy to make the COBOL changes, so I’m not going to touch the existing COBOL program, but I’ll add three more steps outside of COBOL, with Excel spreadsheets or something else, to apply the changes.’ So now you have this COBOL program that’s very dated, and a bunch of other things that are workarounds to get the final result.”
Reuters estimated in 2015 that there were 220 billion lines of COBOL code still in production running 43 percent of the world’s banking systems and 95 percent of its automated teller machines. Traffic lights, airlines, pension funds, and payroll systems all regularly run on COBOL.
Ben Carson at CPAC: Saying No to COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids ‘Makes You a Very Good Parent’
RT finally becomes even less believable than the western MSM?
ICE St Moritz – International Concours of Elegance
The ICE St. Moritz has been created to enjoy driving, showing and watching some of the world’s most exciting motor cars in the unlikely environment of the frozen lake. Polo matches and Horse-Racing have been held there for decades, and a high class motoring event seemed the natural choice to expand the winter lake activities.
The idea first came in mind in the mid-Eighties and it took many years to make it true.
Unique and magic
The ICE St.Moritz is a very different event, a refreshing concours. A completely magical environment where drivers, collectors, and just plain car enthusiasts enjoy a late winter day in the sunshine, surrounded by the landscape and atmosphere that only St.Moritz, at the top of the world, is able to offer.
The only other method of drainage would have been to site the stadium on higher ground.
Why not a, once-in-a-100years , catchment dam a s a contingency plan? .. they had/have no shortage of, unused, land behind/side of the stadium but I’m guessing “it’ll never happen so why spend money” had some input .. LOL!
Then again, I might be being harsh .. I am talking fitba and, the powers that be, have shown time & time again with game cancellations during the BAT FLU fiasco how quick & easy it is to call games off for the slightest excuse .. LOL!
February 27, 2022 at 8:14 am
Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble
By tying itself to a reckless and dangerous America, the Ukrainians made a blunder that client states will study for years to come
Excellent summary”
Firstly OO, nice to see you. And thank you for that superb link from the always superb Tablet. It confirms my understanding of the whole imbroglio. The stinking role of Obama, Biden and the Demonrats in all of this cannot be questioned. Basically the Ukrainian government played with fire…..and they’re now burning.
Pity the Ukrainian people.
Pity Ukraine.
OldOzzie says:
February 27, 2022 at 8:41 am
Cobol is not the problem, lack of people willing to learn it is.
All this hype about every new fangled programming language draws away from it, many young graduates out of uni only know about it by name only.
The fact that you can incorporate code written in other languages proves that it’s still flexible and I think it’s still the best way to handle the task it was developed for, that is finance.
The head of MI6, according to the Daily Mail.
Funny how Putin’s old firm was always on the look out for
Establishment chaps who preferred the company of other chaps.
Also: Not everything has to be linked to flair with scatter pillows.
War successfully makes people forget how many death J&J has already paid out for and that yesterday people were just waking up to Big Pharma Lies For Profits.
Nah, only joking, some have always shilled for the mob that had the world locked down ‘for Covid’ for profits and at the same time re-opened the US borders to step up the trafficking of drugs, slaves & children.
Watch for the explosive anger. It means …
Fox News coverage of Ukraine (via Foxtel channel 608) has been excellent. Fox has flown its own people into the capital Kiev and the western Ukraine university town Liviv on the Polish border.
Meanwhile, Sky New Australia is getting its Ukraine coverage from CNN, FFS! What a clown show!
My on complaint about the Fox News coverage is that none of their reporters know how to pronounce Kiev. It’s Ki-EV, you idiots, not KEEV.
The US really is turning into a collapsing smoldering rubbish heapThis video is not an aberration. It’s an extreme example of behaviour that is pretty typical of the most overindulged and cosseted group of people in world history: well-off American liberals. And the problem is that these people – and the decrepit, corrupt Boomers leading them, clammy fingers clasped firmly around the reins of power – are undermining society’s capacity for sensible self-governance. They offer sickly sweet pronouncements about kindness and protecting the vulnerable. But these merely mask their truly scary authoritarian impulses.
Freedom to be disgusting perverts.
February 27, 2022 at 4:49 am”
I’ve seen the piece, I can’t access it because I’m not on my work computer…but my immediate reaction on seeing the drivel was WTF and why I’m glad I no longer subscribe to the Oz.
Jonathan Kay is the associate editor of Quillette, which perhaps explains why I gave up reading Quillette over two years ago. Most of the stuff is tedious. I’m not particularly enamoured of Claire Lehmann either, both Kay and Lehmann can’t think outside the box, particularly when it comes to Trump and Covid.
I remember seeing Kay interviewed about two years ago and he referred to Canada’s only real objective and unbiased news outlet, Rebel News, as “cartoonish”……which is rather laughable because, given his drivel on Trudeau and Trump, it isn’t Ezra Levant and Rebel that’s “cartoonish”, it’s the likes of Kay and Lehmann.
Seqwater is working closely with the Bureau of Meteorology to assess the evolving situation and need for flood releases, based on modelling and in accordance with its flood manuals…
We are lost!
Sometimes we just have to remember The Swamp Is Global and no one said they’ve given up on draining it.
Also, it pays to give the snakes somewhere to slither to before you flush them out, somewhere experienced at dealing with snakes.
Involuntary shock treatment in Queensland?
Involuntary Mental Health Orders and the Use of ECT on Children in Qld
Parra Stadium – fail.
Trains too wide for tunnels – fail.
Ferries too high for Parra River bridges – fail.
“Ferry McFerryface” fiasco- fail.
CBD light rail 9 months late and double the budget – fail.
Inner-west light rail service paused by cracks in the new vehicles – fail.
New Manly ferries with cracks in the hull. And incapable of loading passengers at low tide. And unsafe when crossing the heads in big seas – fail.
Yet we continue to overpay the senseless bureaucrats and politicians who make the original purchase decisions.
More fools us.
The financial director of Gazprom (big gas company) has been found dead by suicide in St Petersburg
These new Spanish electro diesel regional trains in NSW will be interesting. The NSW government certainly doesn’t like have trains built here anymore
Shatterzzzz, there was a huge amount of work done on Toongabbie Creek years ago to try to mitigate some of the damage from 1 in 100 floods.
Apart from damming the river upstream, affecting millions of properties, there isn’t a lot they can do. Siting the stadium in the bend of the river wasn’t the best choice, but it was the only available land.
The catchment has always had this problem – a vast array of ephemeral creeks that have been piped and built over that deliver water far too quickly to the lowest point, in this case the Parramatta river. The other hotspot is West Ryde in the dip. The pressure from the system used to blow the manhole covers. Too much development on what is, essentially, a floodplain.
How to pronounce Kyiv and why it is Kyiv not Kiev (from 2018)
Many of whom jump ship tp join those projects at very opportune times to clean up as consultants and contractors . Projects projects they have deliberately fkd up and filled with loopholes for “variances”.
WW3 kicking off and final piece of WEF great reset? What say you?
The forces behind the great big reset are losing bigly.
Old School Conservativesays:
February 27, 2022 at 9:14 am
How good is NSW gummint when it comes to building infrastructure?
Parra Stadium – fail.
Trains too wide for tunnels – fail.
Ferries too high for Parra River bridges – fail.
“Ferry McFerryface” fiasco- fail.
CBD light rail 9 months late and double the budget – fail.
Inner-west light rail service paused by cracks in the new vehicles – fail.
New Manly ferries with cracks in the hull. And incapable of loading passengers at low tide. And unsafe when crossing the heads in big seas – fail.
Yet we continue to overpay the senseless bureaucrats and politicians who make the original purchase decisions.
More fools us.
OSC, as someone who worked for Federal Govt Dept (indirectly for NSW Govt and all other States and Territories), sold into State and Federal Govt Depts, the golden rule for both Public Service Bureaucrats and Ministers was to pick Companies from overseas so you could be feted, go on lots of overseas trips to assess, then after selecting overseas company, be continuously travelling overseas for support meetings.
If Premier Perrottet had any brains, he would employ for every Minister, an experienced Executive in the Minister’s Portfolio to be a permanent external adviser to counteract the Portfolio Bureaucrats
Premier Perrottet should make it mandatory for every Minister appointed to watch the Complete Series of Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister with a test after each episode
One of the other chilling sights in said “House of Terror”, on the walls surrounding said tank, are the photographs of those Hungarians who were killed in the 1956 uprising.
Care to elaborate?
“Indolent says:
February 27, 2022 at 8:44 am
Ben Carson at CPAC: Saying No to COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids ‘Makes You a Very Good Parent’”
Yep, years, decades, of war against parents right & duty to protect their children From State Mandated Abuses but few wanted to fight it.
So now when the assaults against children stepped up, parents freely sacrificed them for ‘freedom’ and social acceptance.
Masks, UK reports have children already losing 20 I.Q. points!
That’s a devastation for at least another generation in a country where the average was only 100.
Sometimes I think everyone should have to read The Screwtape Letters before they can vote on anything.
Headphones change listeners’ perceptions, judgements, behaviors
Headphones have a much greater impact on listeners than external speakers because they put voices “inside your head,” a new study explains.
“Headphones produce a phenomenon called in-head localization, which makes the speaker sound as if they’re inside your head,” said study co-author On Amir, a professor of marketing at the University of California, San Diego.
“Consequently, listeners perceive the communicators as closer — both physically and socially. As a result, listeners perceive the communicator as warmer, they feel and behave more empathically toward them and they are more easily persuaded by them,” Amir explained in a university news release.
The findings could have significant implications for training programs, remote work and advertising, according to the researchers.
This is dated 2019.
Looking around further on the web, it’s pretty clear that a number of US majors are planning massive multi billion $ LNG expansion projects to serve the European market. One potential outcome of the Ukraine situation is that US LNG outfits will benefit immensely from increased market share of the Euro energy market.
Another headline NYT Feb 2022;
I doubt this will worry Vlad to much. Russia can divert any amount of gas production to nearby new bestie China.
It would appear that Vlad can take over the Donetsk region without suffering any real lasting loss in gas revenues . And some big US energy outfits are going to make a killing on the Euro gas markets. Ukraine is a mere pawn.
Here is a war dunny.
Note the bloke with the durry. I guess they are all having a chat, but I’d get in get done and get out, especially when the fly numbers exploded, as the dunnies did from time to time with the help of said durry heading south to the noxious gasses below and sometimes by design, as an aid on fly control.
The catchment has always had this problem – a vast array of ephemeral creeks that have been piped and built over that deliver water far too quickly to the lowest point, in this case the Parramatta river. The other hotspot is West Ryde in the dip. The pressure from the system used to blow the manhole covers. Too much development on what is, essentially, a floodplain.
I was thinking something like the Northmead Dam built, for no other purpose than, to contain an over-abundance of water from continual downpours .. not so much a dam, as the word implies, but a temporary storage facility to either evaporate or be released into the natural system when conditions are suitable …
And here is Jacinda. Oh it must hurt, to be a Princess and then a witch.
But check out that stratospheric net worth rise. I wonder how that happened.
Captain very worried they are not letting enough water out of Wivenho. (sp?)
Rabz, thanks for the Hitchens piece. Pitch perfect.
just for you
Lethal diseases have ravaged militaries across the millennia. Enemy No. 1: poor sanitation
Should we pronounce Moscow as Moskva? Paris as Paree? Berlin, Bearlin?
What’s wrong with using the standard English pronunciations?
We’ll end up sounding like SBS news readers, whose inconsistency in applying the rule of adopting the native pronunciation only highlights the absurdity of it.
Great WIP.
Thanks, Tom.
Looks like Putin has rolled the dice and come up short.
A brief but useful summary of events on the ground thus far by Richard Fernandez.
there is no doubt that Trudeau overstepped his authority and was forced to beat a hasty retreat. But this is no consolation, for Trudeau and his allies will only regroup, strategize and prepare to launch another attack, or series of attacks, against the social contract and the body politic.Some liberal democracy
We’ll end up sounding like SBS news readers, whose inconsistency in applying the rule of adopting the native pronunciation only highlights the absurdity of it.
Reminds me of George Dunnycan
“The government loves its people, but its not consensual love”.
Must admit I always thought it was Key-eff but then why do we pronounce Goethe the German way and Luther like reading English?
Because we’re trying to sound smarter than we are.
Don’t you want to sound swave and de-boner?
I think there is evidence everywhere that the great big awakening is winning over the great big reset.
Censorship of the truth by big tech and MSM
Misinformation about the efficacy of therapeutics treatment of the ChinaVirus
Having to forcibly get people to take a vaccine for an overall very harmless virus
Freezing bank accounts
Closing state borders
These are not the actions of the side that’s winning.
They are panicking, bigly.
They pushed it as far as they thought they could and got away with it.
I believe they are winning.
This made a lot of sense to me when I read it.
“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”
– Michael Crichton (1942-2008)
Must admit I always thought it was Key-eff but then why do we pronounce Goethe the German way and Luther like reading English?
I don’t really care how they pronounce it but it’d be a lot simpler just to spell it KIEV .. like it has been for yonks instead of this look-how-clever-we-is media adaptation to KYIV .. never , ever remember seeing it spelt this way (in English) until 3 days ago .. LOL!
China Announces Military Exercises in South China Sea from Sunday thru Tuesday
Act II ?
pretentious piffle- did chicken kiev start there? maybe it’s chicken kyiv now
Just like the change from long term Mao Tse Tung to Mao Zedong.
Doing house renovations after other people have been watching The Block
Painting feature walls
Removing feature walls and putting them in other rooms in other colours after the next episode of The Block
Pack-horsing bamboo screens and lattice and endless plants out of Bunnings for someone else’s project, then doing that project yourself because after 20 minutes it became apparent that it wasn’t like on the telly
Killing spiders
Explaining why it’s not my fault spiders are in the house (and the verandah and the garden)
Installing fake old-timey railway station clocks in lounge rooms
Conducting tutorials on why dynabolts won’t work in plaster
Doing dishes that aren’t yours because you were at work
Having any conversation with anyone outside the household that may involve disagreement
Changing tap washers
Walking unruly dogs because it’s too hard
Spending the first hour after your arrival home after a 14 hour day resolving petty arguments other people have had
Sundry other tasks so that other people can conduct a bit of one-upmanship during ‘girl time’ by saying ‘well I get him to do this, this and that, haha.’
10 hours a week. Surely Amnesty International would be interested in this.
‘He’d be happy eating beans on toast 5 days a week’. She’s not worried about his diet.
This is a shameless ploy for the bloke to stop doing his full-time work ‘because he’s at home’ and make HER some frightful bok choi-based stir fried arrangement with 40 ingredients every day, carefully plated up – as they do on the telly.
That poor sod’s only got to do this once, and it’s all over. Once the dam is breached, it’ll be a variety of three-lettuce lunches with oil from Moldova and chicken blancmange or whatever Andrew Daddo made on set that day.
Don’t tactically withdraw, son. Walk backwards quickly, and run a scorched earth policy as you go that would put Stalin to shame.
Ukrainian driver talks to the Russians who run out of fuel on their way to #Kyiv:
– Vehicle broke?
– No, waiting for diesel.
– I can tug you back to Russia!
– [Russians laugh]
– Do you know where are you going?
– No. What’s in the news?
– #Ukraine wins. Your guys surrender
Australia’s worst political cartoonist, David Pope, has joined the ranks of the likes of Jane Caro and Waleed Ali.
He has won a Walkley.
He’s awful, welded on sub cerebral ‘progressive’, plodding draftsmanship, works cluttered with so many bourgeois left ‘talking points’ that they are often unintelligent and, as COVID has revealed, an enthusiastic worshiper of state power, the last a very bad look indeed for any political cartoonist.
He makes Kathy Wilcox look brave and independent by comparison
The First Casualty of War is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine is Epic in Scale
February 26, 2022 | Sundance | 516 Comments
When we shared yesterday that all interested observers should be very wary of the information from media sources around Ukraine, there was a reason for that. Question everything. Take nothing at face value.
If you have never experienced the propaganda push surrounding war, the totality of the inbound bullsh*t can be destabilizing, overwhelming and unnerving. It’s one of the reasons why CTH doesn’t share immediate information. Everyone has an agenda.
Everything in modern warfare is storytelling.
Question all of it.
The stories of the 13 guards on an island telling the Russian naval ship to fuck off, yeah it was a lie (turns out they surrendered). The “Ghost of Kyiv” pilot, the lady with the sunflower seeds etc., now all recognized as lies and propaganda. And do not expect it to stop, because it won’t. Thus, the nature of warfare for your mind.
Killing snakes on the verandah, and in the kitchen.
This shits me to tears.
Underpaid, underrecognised, and seeing projects continually fucked up by people paid far more than me. I consistently get projects completed successfully, overcome obstacles and never fuck up like these people do. These things would never happen under my watch and yet I cant get any of these jobs because they value experience over performance, face value claims over real world results and friends over strangers.
There’s a commonality in those failures, and it’s Transport for NSW. Execs can totally screw up and leverage claims of success when the opposite is true to get bigger jobs on obscene pay.
nah. change it.
Byron York’s Daily Memo: A guide to Clinton dirty tricks
by Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent
A GUIDE TO CLINTON DIRTY TRICKS. Hillary Clinton, the former first lady, Secretary of State, and 2016 presidential candidate, is deflecting again. Recent revelations from a federal investigation have suggested that her campaign engaged in dirty tricks in the race against Donald Trump six years ago. Those revelations, of course, come on top of earlier disclosures that she engaged in what might be called the ultimate dirty trick, the Steele dossier, in the same campaign.
Now that there is some attention being paid to these matters, Clinton is lashing out against Trump and some media outlets.
Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?
and Duhwin
With Putin already exploiting Biden’s weakness, don’t go soft on China too
by Washington Examiner
Try Bearlean
Paris -> Parry
The more evil we accept because the medical experts tell us we should, the more evil is inflicted on by the medical experts.
Yes, they, not ‘the politicians’ they install to do their will.
We made doctors our gods, trusting our lives to them, and like all false gods, they have served us like the devil.
Sure, there are good and blessing men amongst them as in all fields of human endeavour but when we look around now at how many have had to fight to keep their licences for daring to work to keep people alive and make them well, against the establishments orders, we’ve obviously established the wrong ones on top and in our ‘faith’.
LEE SMITH: Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble
Quite a good little argument as to why Putin might want to snot Ukraine.
Not 100% convincing but at least it sets out some possible “whys”?
Amazing: Kyiv Is Still Holding out, and Putin Is Reportedly Furious
Russia seems to be running out of steam, along with fuel, ammo, money, and time.
Ukraine Responds With an Attack in Russia, and More Weapons Are on Way to Ukraine
While Ukraine is under attack from the Russians in their own country, they struck back on Friday on an airfield from which some of the attacks on their country are believed to have been launched.
That doesn’t sound like a country on the verge of defeat.
The time for releases was a fortnight ago.
On a brighter note, The Fire Danger Rating is:
There is still a lot of spaghetti code around that is difficult to change and companies have built massive and very clunky change control processes. So that is why people don’t like touching it.
As part of y2k remediation I looked at a cobol program, that was still in use, written in 1965 and not touched in the intervening period. I suggested that it would be quicker and safer to rewrite than remediate, but was told to remediate. I know that it was still in use until at least 2015.
Apparently now confirmed by Ukraine Defence Ministry.
How’s the basement Groogs? No wasting any skin I hope.
Second and last post on this hilarious yet terrifying subject.
I was once hooked up with a tasty bit of kit (TBOK). Had some potential to be, y’know, serious. Her parents had a shed about the size of a carport on their block which was ramshackle and generally fucked.
I was given a tour of the shed (which I’d seen and been in countless times anyway), and the prospect of demolishing it and replacing it with a newer structure was raised – first in general terms, and then specifically that I do it, as her old man had broken his leg the year before and wasn’t yet 100%.
Hopeful-future-MIL then said that should this be accomplished, I would be considered to have crossed over from boyfriend to potential husband material. This was one thing, but as this message was being delivered TBOK was nodding in the background like TV reporters do on ACA. Clearly, this had been discussed at length and in my absence.
Having seen my future at that point, I became noncommittal yet genial. And then, the following week, I walked. Walked, like a man who could see colour and smell freshly-cut grass for the first time, and like someone who went across traffic to get out of a one-way street, and who then had his choice of roads to drive on.
And six months later I threw it all away by proposing to my new girlfriend of three months whilst drunk as ten men in Noosa. As the man said in Trainspotting, ‘It’s a fucking tightrope‘.
How’s being a mocker worked out for you, HB?
2 more merchant ships hit by Russian attacks in Black Sea.
Ouch. That’s not helpful Vlad.
Hamish MacDonald in the SMH:
‘A war correspondent’s nightmare: deciphering Putin’
I guess Hamish hasn’t bothered to watch or read the English transcript of Putin’s hour long speech to the Russian people explaining in plain language his objectives. And in fact hasn’t paid much attention to anything Putin has said over the last decade, like his similarly dumbfounded Australian journalistic colleagues (Stan Grant a notable exception).
The conceit of Western elitists on display: they believe everyone is at heart a rootless, nihilistic, hedonistic liberal made in their image, even when someone has told them to take their bankrupt ideology and shove it.
A massive pro-Ukraine propaganda campaign is underway across all kinds of media. Russia has been blanked out from participating in the news so punters are predominantly hearing the very much hyped US/EU/Ukraine version of censored events unfolding.
From what I can gather, the Russian objective to keep everyone busy guessing around Kiev and other parts of Ukraine while securing the Donbass/Donetsk region with physical Russian occupancy is progressing.
Why I blame the arrogant, foolish West:
Our response to this crisis in Ukraine has been to react with mistrust and abuse, and with blatant attempts to worsen the situation,
23 February 2022
Putin appears to require the services of a Zhukov and a Konev.
People need to stop kidding themselves. We are only at day four. Russia has deployed no more than 60,000 soldiers in in at least five separate lines of advance. They have not used any artillery. None of the ‘shock and awe’ that the US used in Iraq. They are for now still treading very lightly. I hope this continues and quickly goes to the negotiating table.
Skah just showed some footage of what appears to be a series of shredded-up shade structures, complete with burn damage in an urban Ukrainian environment. Undamaged buildings, plenty of parked-up unexploded cars.
Half a dozen blokes in uniform standing around the damage. They’re all on phones. Not one is carrying a firearm.
This was mentioned yesterday. I am beginning to think this stinks.
Welcome home, Des. You’ve been missed.
Gas pipeline just hit in Ukraine at Khakiv, fierce fighting going on apparently.
Oil refinery hit near Vasylkiv SW of Kiev, reports of fighting there too.
Russian machinery running out of fuel apparently on road to Kiev, if true not a good look or supply lines are being hit behind the front.
Frydenburg just said ‘shirtfront’.
Lessons not learned.
And if the Covid psyop is anything to go by, the Sheep will just lap it up.
Trump live now at CPAC
The fact that the power and water is still on in Kiev means Vlad isn’t trying too hard.
I was once hooked up with a tasty bit of kit (TBOK)
/walrus honking intensifies….
2 more?
Yeah, sure.
Getting ready for the handover.
That Snake Island was the location of war propaganda is irony of ironies.
Megan. The Cap’n is indeed a smart lad.
Bureaucrats in charge of flood mitigation? ?
Lots of work for the Wagners coming up.
Either that or he’s in the tank for the baddies.
Vladimir Putin is above such underhanded tactics. He’s the saviour of Christendom and the West after all. Pan Eurasian supremacy has benefits for us, too!
How’s being a troll worked out for you, Gargooglery?
Didn’t Tom T Hall write a song, with that theme? “Pretty Pamela Brown?” “Probably be driving kids to school?”
Australia along with the West have been cast down with the sodomites. Nothing is coming to save us.
Frydenburg just said ‘shirtfront’.
Lessons not learned.
Deeply embedded Mong programming.
Change Control in many large company’s is a nightmare. So many gates and so many egos. Eventually it leds to no changes being made. People give up. That’s why you see so many legacy systems from the 70’s and 80’s and earlier still carrying on.
Recently I was tested for being eligible for Laser eye surgery but was told my corneas were too thin.
On Thursday I had the first of two procedures with the replacement of the lens in my left eye.
Jeez I’ve been missing out on a lot. Truely amazing ?
Christine was an experiment.
From what I can gather, the Russian objective to keep everyone busy guessing around Kiev and other parts of Ukraine while securing the Donbass/Donetsk region with physical Russian occupancy is progressing.
Not sure.
The original masterstroke* appears to have been seizing and exploiting an air bridgehead right in the guts of Kiev and holding it while more troops/equipment were flown in.
Provided reports are genuine it appears that failed badly and a number of transports and troops were lost along with the initial dropped force.
Whats happening now might be an unplanned scramble to force a result on the fly.
So the apparent poor logistics & planning now might be a little deceiving.
*The enemy always gets a say in if its a masterstroke of a cockup.
And if the Covid psyop is anything to go by, the Sheep will just lap it up.
As shown by those disseminating propaganda here.
I’m not going to believe a damn thing about this until it is all over and someone puts together the whole story, maybe not even then.
Hells bells!
Redcliffe just had 117mm in an hour.
540mm for the previous 48 hours.
That’s seriously wet.
Now I remember what it reminds me of.
The battle for Crete.
9 inches of rain in Brisbn on Friday, 9 inches on Saturday, 1 inch since 9 am [80 minutes] and it’s coming straight down.
It can also mean you are advancing too quickly.
Take the blinkers off dotty.
The psyop is being perpetrated by the west. You can’t read a news page or twitter feed without it blaring in your face. The good people of Ukraine have backed the shelling of Russian populated towns for years with no thought for the hole they were digging for themselves- egged on by the Euroweenies and NATO with a wink to EU and NATO status – eventually.
The propaganda is a massive arse covering exercise designed to take attention far from the EU/NATO clowns who sucked in Ukraine’s gullible leadership.
As part of y2k remediation I looked at a cobol program, that was still in use, written in 1965 and not touched in the intervening period.
Big advantage being that it wasn’t programmed by generation Mong! Oh, oops, sorry, that wasn’t supposed to happen….
As Bernard Lewis said in regard to another debacle overseen by the US State Department, “the danger here is that America risks being seen as harmless as an enemy, and treacherous as a friend.”
Change Control in many large company’s is a nightmare. So many gates and so many egos. Eventually it leads to no changes being made. People give up.
Large mining companies are exactly like this especially in the safety realm. There was however a small windback on the more onerous/useless stuff during the downturn.
Knuckle Draggersays:
February 27, 2022 at 11:23 am
Christine was an experiment.
Young and naive KD?
Or forging new frontiers in man-mammal relations?
I’m not going to believe a damn thing about this until it is all over and someone puts together the whole story, maybe not even then.
Very good advice.
We can speculate away, but a lot of it is based on pure self serving bullshit from both sides.
Thanks, P. A superb piece by Hitchens.
Not being a Troll hasn’t done me any harm so far, put it that way?
I’ve failed to find any corroborative evidence. A location so close to heavily populated areas in this day and age where everyone has a recording device and no pics?
Pics of molotovs thrown at armour in city settings has already been debunked as prior events from years ago. Lots of propaganda about.
As Dover said maybe they are advancing too quickly.
The video doing the rounds is remarkable for a couple of things: The Ukranians aren’t a) shooting at the Russian tank and crew and b) aren’t throwing Molotov cocktails.
The a pox on both their houses hideyhole, eh?
Guardian still pushing bullshit that the chunk virus came from the wet market and not the lab:
Wow, CL has a thread up that Ukraine’s President is appealing for foreign fighters to join the fray. Law of unintended consequences anyone?
Wivenhoe at 55% 2 weeks ago click historic link below wivenhoe entry.
Many thought water restrictions would be needed when it fell to below 40% near xmas 2021.
Honestly, does anyone for 1 moment belive a dam with 2mil ML of flood storage and at only 55% needed to be lowered at that time?
The moron ‘s writings are beyond unhinged and simply trolling, but noted for the record.
Stunning Discovery – Evidence Suggests U.S. Intel Baited Russia in December by Telling China Ukraine Was Coming Into NATO
February 26, 2022 | Sundance | 249 Comments
Major HatTip to [PTC on Twitter] for finding this article and quote. First, the context:
Yesterday, the New York Times reported on U.S. intelligence and diplomatic officials from the State Dept sharing intelligence with Chinese officials in the three months leading up to the Russian invasion. {Go Deep on Analysis} The narrative from the article tells the story of the U.S. trying to convince China in December, January and February to intervene and persuade Russia not to cross the border into Ukraine.
Many people have looked at this story from the perspective of incompetence, i.e. why would the Biden team think China would not share the intel, etc.
However, when it comes to these types of issues, never ascribe to incompetence that which can be explained by intent.
There’s every reason to believe what the Biden intelligence community and state department were sharing with China, was done with the intention of Beijing giving it to Moscow.
From that perspective, the question around intent becomes, what did they push and why did they push it?
Now we get to the story, quote and critical Reuters article from December of 2021. What was being said by Joe Biden to Ukraine President Vladimir Zelenskyy?
Reuters, December 9, 2021 – “U.S. President Joe Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that Kyiv’s bid to join the NATO military alliance was in its own hands, Zelenskiy’s chief of staff said after the two leaders spoke on Thursday.
Biden and Zelenskiy had a call two days after Biden held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin to try to defuse a crisis over Russian troop movements near Ukraine’s borders. (read more)
In mid-December of 2021, Joe Biden was telling President Zelenskyy the entry of Ukraine into NATO was up to Ukraine. If they want in, they’re in.
This is a red line for Russia, Joe Biden knew it. Vladimir Putin had been very clear about his opposition, and everyone knew it. Russia would never concede allowing Ukraine to enter NATO.
The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine Is Epic in Scale
February 26, 2022 | Sundance | 570 Comments
When we shared yesterday that all interested observers should be very wary of the information from media sources around Ukraine, there was a reason for that. Question everything. Take nothing at face value.
If you have never experienced the propaganda push surrounding war, the totality of the inbound bullsh*t can be destabilizing, overwhelming and unnerving. It’s one of the reasons why CTH doesn’t share immediate information. Everyone has an agenda.
Everything we are seeing in U.S. media surrounding U.S. interests in Ukraine is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community. The sense of sympathy you are feeling is part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within this DC matrix.
The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific outlook within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine. The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the prior examples (Ukraine 1.0, Libya, Egypt, etc.).
It is very easy to become a victim of psychological warfare intended to manipulate our opinions.
Hopeful-future-MIL then said that should this be accomplished, I would be considered to have crossed over from boyfriend to potential husband material. This was one thing, but as this message was being delivered TBOK was nodding in the background like TV reporters do on ACA. Clearly, this had been discussed at length and in my absence.
Your premise being that women should love you regardless of your input into their grand life plan.
I think I have detected a significant flaw in your knowledge of the female species.
Yes I know. We should stay out of it.
Have they?
Either the elections are rigged and things are run by Hillary & Hunter or they are not.
If they did so, why? What justification could they possibly bring up.
It is reasonable to say Crimea ought to be Russian. Not as if Ukraine has a choice about that.
I’m starting to get the impression that quite a bit of this footage of Zelensky in theatre are not quite up to date.
As Red Green would say
“If you can’t be handsome be handy”
I hope Zelensky and his ilk are actually giving the civilians he’s giving arms to uniforms also and some kind of command structure. Otherwise they will be unlawful combatants. Likewise anyone dumb enough to go to Ukraine and fight for it.
Dear dot.
Please help me, a well known x-spert* is trying to ridicule me for not being on the right side of a war 1/2 the world away.
This war involves a rather shitty chap with nuclear weapons and a rather shitty nation which was used as part of a scheme to depose an elected US president.
Should I listen to the x-spert* and take a side or jus not give a shit either way?
Yours sincerely, I dont give a shit.
This is kind of cool/clever.
Elon Musk says SpaceX’s Starlink satellites are now active over Ukraine after a request from the embattled country’s leadership to replace internet services destroyed by the Russian attack.
Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion has left parts of the country without internet, while SpaceX has launched thousands of communications satellites to bring broadband to hard to reach areas of the world.
“Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route,” the entrepreneur tweeted on Saturday.
Ukraine threw their lot in with the snakes in Brussels, DC and NATO. Fat slimey bureaucrats whose only purpose is to fatten themselves at anyone else’s expense. Ukraine’s leaders went after the Russian enclaves in the east for years- now it’s bit them in the arse. Thus is the destiny of geopolitical pawns, sadly. But, the Ukraine political elites have served their people very badly. The geographic reality should have them developing a democracy based on avoiding conflict with their big aggro neighbour, rather than the shit show they’ve been running with corrupt US and EU actors.
You should flip a coin each day and uncritically regurgitate either what CNN or Russian Toady say.
I don’t reckon it’s going to work out. Seen some other places they’re just as likely to try to sell the weapons on the black market. Also been a number of incidents reported of people taking them and try to rob places, and shootouts between civil defense groups. Just a mess, but we’re not going to know the truth of the matter for quite a while.
Eyrie makes a great point re arming civilians. You want to maintain a clear line between soldiers and civilians. It is reckless, even criminal, to do otherwise.
A Ukrainian journalist interviewed on ABC yesterday said they weren’t just handing out guns, as reported in the West, but enlisting all volunteers into the army.
Foreigners will apparently be channelled into an entity called the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Force, which appears to have just been set up for this purpose.
Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?
Much more light must be shed on the World Economic Forum’s agenda and its string-pullers
Just before the Covid pandemic, on October 15, 2019, the organization announced that it was holding a “live simulation exercise to prepare public and private leaders for pandemic response.” If that sounds oddly coincidental, buckle up, because it only gets weirder.
It would be easy to chalk it all up to creepy rhetorical coincidence if there wasn’t an actual link between Schwab, Davos, and elected officials like Rutte and Trudeau. It’s a link about which even Schwab himself has bragged. In 2017, he told an audience at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government: “What we are very proud of is the young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau… We penetrate the cabinets.”
No citizen in any country actually voted to adopt the Davos agenda. And it’s debatable whether a sufficient number actually would. According to its own website, the WEF agenda includes increased digital integration and digitization, “urgent” climate change response, and a vision of a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” that is “characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.” The organization is also exploring the notion of “human enhancement”.
There is nothing more undemocratic than elected officials serving any other master than their people.
Much more light deserves to be shed on this supranational entity, its string-pullers, and the extent to which their agenda trickles down into our daily lives.
I don’t think women should love me for a skill set Gez – whether I have it, as I do with shed replacement, or not – because ‘love’ is an intangible, ephemeral thing that transcends the physical.
You go down that path and irrelevant stuff becomes a trigger for ‘love’, like the ability to dig perfect post holes every time, or that you are particularly good at selling biscuits or T shirts on the internet.
It’s a big thing. It’s not a competition. I’ll know it when I see it. I may be the greatest poorly-cooked smallgoods bloke in the country, but that shouldn’t necessarily mean people should fall in love with me for it.
Too often it’s a fake status contest for chicks, and I’m not playing that game.
2 weeks ago?
As it turns out now, yeah, 2 weeks ago was the correct time to release water from Wivenhoe.
But, since that didn’t happen, any releases will now feed into major flooding in the Bremer River and Warrill Creek and minor flooding [at the moment] in low lying areas of Brisbane.
Plus, it looks like a King Tide at Indooroopilly on Wednesday mid morning.
I am genuinely shocked at this suggestion.
How dare you, you are a cad and a bounder sir.
Agree, though it’s all CNN today, since Fox has taken RT down in Australia.
Sending troops – let alone civilians – into combat for a cause with absolutely no prospect of success in order to – what? – bring on a wider European war? could be considered a war crime.
Big disadvantage it was written in the days before structured programming. Gotos galore.
Ukrainian man offers to tow enemy tank back to Russia after it runs out of fuel
This is getting a bit surreal. One thing though, the Ukrainians have balls.
An impertinent oaf in a Morocco tavern once called me a rotter and a scoundrel.
I gave him a taste of the whip.
yep, as also indicated by their social media propaganda arms having explosive hissy fits all over the Net.
When you’re suddenly put under the gun to re-sell bullshit you were told you’d already made the world swallow, only this time it’s going to be harder, well, you get miffed & lose your cool.
Dang that human nature, they’ll just have to sack more human propagandists and install more bots, and every paid propagandist knows this.
Russia continues bombing critical infrastructure in Ukraine. A powerful explosion was heard in Kharkiv. A gas pipeline was hit. Also, the oil terminal in Vasylkiv is burning as the result of an explosion. An ecology disaster may emerge
The pipeline at Kharkiv is an inter-connector between two of the main gas pipelines running west.
The video shows a big bright Hollywood explosion – ordnance(?), or placed explosives – followed by a smoulder. Not at all what you would expect from a breached high pressure gas pipeline attached to a major supply.
A cynic might think it could be a demonstration to the West – a shut in section deliberately blown up – just to make a point.
The loose questions:
• Who dunnit?
• What point is being made?
Add to the Snake Island file.
Thread on the faking – wow:
Trump at CPAC throws some crumbs to the press chickens. The guy is masterful; his bowel movements have more brains then the entire biden cabinet:
The “Ghost of Kiev” – LOL.
And the “FU” Snake Island defenders. All of them surrendered. They’re fine.
Just been watching a bit of Fox. I am starting to think Putin’s Generals are being cautious now, by the sounds recon elements are pathfinding ways into Kiev and the Russians have given up on the airmobile/airborne forays for the time being. Any general in that part of the world would be well aware of difficulties attacking a city and especially one that straddles a river after Stalingrad.
Sam Hyde.
This is too good.
Unlawful combatants, with no protection of the Geneva Convention if captured, and liable to summary execution.
From memory, to claim the protection of the Geneva Convention, you have to carry weapons openly, and carry out operations in keeping with the laws and customs of war, be commanded by someone who agrees to be held accountable for your actions, and, if you don’t have an actual uniform, a fixed, distinctive sign, visible at a distance.
Pub I’ve been going to for 14 years. The owners knows me and my vaccination status. I’m just really pissed off that she’s been put in this awkward position by a government that refuses to do its own dirty work.
And I’m easily recognised as the bloke who wears that Jewish Star and BioHazard symbol on his shirt.
It’s not much of a sacrifice but hopefully it has caused a few rethinks.
He was also one of the early “cancelled”, for this book –
“State of Fear is a 2004 techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton, his fourteenth under his own name and twenty-fourth overall, in which eco-terrorists plot mass murder to publicize the danger of global warming. Despite being a work of fiction, the book contains many graphs and footnotes, two appendices, and a 20-page bibliography in support of Crichton’s beliefs about global warming.”
“In Appendix I, Crichton warns both sides of the global warming debate against the politicization of science. Here he provides two examples of the disastrous combination of pseudoscience and politics: the early 20th-century ideas of eugenics (which he directly cites as one of the theories that allowed for the Holocaust) and Lysenkoism.
This appendix is followed by a bibliography of 172 books and journal articles that Crichton presents “…to assist those readers who would like to review my thinking and arrive at their own conclusions.”
Our media would make Goebbels tumescent.
You mean like this?
I guess that is why you are on your 4th sock and counting. Fuckwit.
The soviet armies took over 1000 cities in the second world war, and have some fairly recent practical experience in Chechnya. I honestly don’t know what to think about the prospect of taking the cities, but so far the Russian forces appear to be taking care to minimize civilian casualties. For example I’ve not seen any reports of thermobaric weapons being used.
Trump not letting 2020 election go, wants clear answers about it.
Says President has to be able to fire public servants to keep the Deep State in check.
Wants reparations from China for WuFlu.
Dang, that’s some big talk. Easy for him to say when it is other candidates who would have to carry out all these proposals.
Joe Rogan’s descriptions of a man-boobed, fat-gutted Bill Gates handing out health advice. 10/10 would recommend.
Troof. RIP
Died with the last generation that could spell.
Some people are just unlucky?
How about this guy : https://www.ripleys.com/weird-news/unluckiest-man/
Great point.
Something about Zelensky doesn’t seem right to me. He’s bouncing around like Tony Barber.
Likewise anyone dumb enough to go to Ukraine and fight for it.
I’m just going for the free AK-47’s, as soon as I get a couple I’m outa there!
No joke
I reckon one of the aims of the COVID and WEF loonies was to attack amatuer sport, martial arts, fitness and outdoorsmanship – we cannot have a masculine, skillful, physically and mentally strong population with personal gumption and an ability to organise and work in teams.
So now we all look little more like Bill Gates.
The spectator gives me the shits; they publish shit like this about Trump:
In its demented ego-driven way, Trump’s view of the way the world works is intriguingly coherent. And painful though it may be for the many experts who have spent years denouncing him as a disastrous monster to admit, he could well be right: if he were in the White House, Putin probably wouldn’t be doing what he is doing.
He was right but it was a fluke from a ratbag; fucking arseholes. The only people who criticise Trump are pathetic little lefties and air fuckers.
The account of the First Fleet, by Rob Mundle – anyone found guilty of sodomy or murder, was to be marooned on the coast of New Zealand, for the Maoris to eat….
Old School Conservativesays:
February 27, 2022 at 10:20 am
spell it KIEV .. like it has been for yonks
Just like the change from long term Mao Tse Tung to Mao Zedong.
The former was the Wade-Giles transliteration. Non-Chinese, and therefore unacceptable, IIRC, the later is PinYin, Chinese based and therefore the only acceptable transliteration.
Dot Johnson is right!
The inconvenient Matthew Arnold ignored though in that opening salvo, Dover. Thought you might have picked that up.
Honestly, does anyone for 1 moment belive a dam with 2mil ML of flood storage and at only 55% needed to be lowered at that time?
Have they forgotten that Wivenhoe is a flood mitigation dam?……again…..
The spectator gives me the shits
the voice of the pommy establishment- some of the Aus version articles are good but not worth a subscription
Trump speech just ended.
1hr 26mins
My twitter feed has been inundated with his bravery these last few days. Also reports Zelensky is in Lviv, not Kiev.
Trump speech just ended.
1hr 26mins
Imagine Biden talking for that long….
The spectator gives me the shits
actually some of the stuff in the Aus version is just wet lieboral propaganda iirc
Thanks for that article on LNG and the current supply position in the US and Europe.
It looks a lot better than I’d felt about Europe having to turn off factories etc.
A question for those knowledgeable in these matters.
Why has the WEF been so successful in anglosphere countries? Especially in the colonies.
The exception being Argentina, but there are similarities.
yeah, Labor Governments in Qld tend to suffer from Tempoirary Amnesia when the Dams rise.
How many times since 2006?
Rocky, about 5 times, no previous flood since 1973, Townsville a couple, no one could even remember the last flood there, Bundaberg a Couple.
Just on the Brisbane Australia Day Flood of 1974, Somerset Dam Gates were opened and coincided with a King Tide in the Brisbane River.
At that time, The Brisbane City Council operated Somerset Dam.
It was a Labor Council, Clem Jones resigned a year later.
Not suggesting there was anything untoward there.
Not at all.
How does the western legacy meja have any more credibility than Prava or Izvestia in say 1975? One thing’s for sure, those two papers would not have been promoting puberty blockers for minors.
Have they forgotten that Wivenhoe is a flood mitigation dam?……again…..
Trouble is they didn’t build the Wolfdene Dam (Rudd when Goss’s Chief of Staff – is there anything he can’t stuff up?) so Wivenhoe does double duty.
Peking Duck, anyone?
“actually some of the stuff in the Aus version is just wet lieboral propaganda iirc”
I never see that that which is why I subscribe. The Spectator Oz has the following writers and as far as I can tell they don’t follow any lieboral propaganda..
James Allen
Kerry Wakefield
David Flint
Alexandra Marshall
David Cohen
David Adler
Lyle Shelton
Daniel Wild
Gideon Rozner
Sherri Sufi
Bill Muehlenberg
and there are others.
In fact, the aforementioned names are actively hostile to the Lieboral line.
It looks a lot better than I’d felt about Europe having to turn off factories etc.
The Euroweenies NEED to have to turn off everything. They might just get a clue about the Green madness.
RT is available here.
Diversity, also known as Divide & Conquer.
Argentina isn’t diverse, there was black slavery there under Spanish Rule,
but there are very few descendants there today.
We consider ourselves more thoughtful and perceptive than most of the “sheep” but look how easily we are distracted from what’s been done to us in the last two years.
In the space of a few days we’re totally focussed on an unrelated event being brought to us by? … the MSM.
Pandemic? That’s so early February!
yes that probably was a bit unfair of me Cassie in view of the list of names