Musk was ready to roll out Starlink in rural USA a while back. There was a billion dollars from US…
Musk was ready to roll out Starlink in rural USA a while back. There was a billion dollars from US…
That’s like saying you got a bargain paying 1 million dollars for a 1979 used Corolla. That’s the point Bern…
by felines
And they were mean about his clothes.Come on, you’re a woman, you know how that way of throwing someone off…
Zelensky said “No” to what?
flattery will get you nowhere runnybum
RB, I’m sure he’ll get back to you soon. He’s probably just looking it up in the Hobbytek Funk and Wagnells.
Yep. Our corruption is much more socially acceptable.
Have you been down to Geelong again?
It rubs off.
You won’t get thrown out of Q&A for that.
Lindsay Graham is a cockhead.
A child brain in an adult body.
You can easily anagram this sentence into something that is even more true but I don’t want to get banned…
That’s awkward.
A count of posts today gives a narrow victory to St Ruth over Rex.
But running the word-count ruler over it gives a decisive ‘victory’ to St Ruth.
The fact remains Australians have a much better standard of living than Russians. Australians have longer life expectancy, higher standards of living, etc. Don’t erect straw men. Russia GDP is declining, our GDP is growing. That’s the comparison you want. Australia’s economy is remarkably resilient. I don’t care what Josh says and I don’t care about the opinions of people who think a local instance is representative of the whole country. How do you specifically measure the strength of a national economy? Are you just relying on intuition, a gut feeling, fast thinking, or can you point me to specific metrics?
Straw man. I never stated Aus is perfect. If this forum is any guide there are clearly far too many pessimists in the country. There is plenty of room for improvement here but there is much more room for improvement in Russia.
Try harder.
Struth, see what I mean with the silly gang, they even throw insults when you give them a compliment.
The emails & texts will be flying asking for reinforcements as we speak…watch them turn up soon.
Very interesting, Dover. Throws quite a different light on what’s happening. You have to wonder if our esteemed leaders are aware of just who and what it is they’re backing, although why the heck we’re backing anyone in this shitfight is beyond me. It seems like Morrison is behaving like a little dog trotting at the heels of the US, EU and Britain, wagging his little tail and hoping for a pat on the head for being a good little boy. Seems way out of his depth – again.
This whole thing is looking very precarious, almost like it’s being deliberately built up to a tipping point of some sort. There are physical, military, financial, territorial, energy “crises” being concurrently forced.
Does anyone really think this is happening by accident?
I admit I haven’t paid a lot of attention to Russia over the last 10-15 years. I remember Yeltsin, the brain damaged drunk who was too drunk to get off the plane in Ireland once. Pitiful. But now the Americans have an imposter president who can’t even control his bodily functions.
The coup of 2020, the physical attacks on Trump supporters by antifa, the application of rigid speech codes, critical race theory and a government which includes a man who dresses as a woman suggests to me the USA is fucked.
Lo & behold that while I am typing biggles turns up, soon the injected traveller in Europe will be here.
In what way is Russia going into Ukraine different from the US going into Iraq in 2003?
Exactly! I knew the Ukes were up to no good that time they invaded neighbour Poland and looked like they might continue and sweep through to Hungary and then Austria.
That was 1990. Saddam wasn’t going anywhere in 2003.
Stop talking sense John H.
It’s not that sort of blog.
But if anyone wants to argue Wussia ahead of Straya for anything apart from home-made vodka consumption and early death from highly preventable health conditions, fill your boots.
But it is a losing argument.
How do you specifically measure the strength of a national economy? Are you just relying on intuition, a gut feeling, fast thinking, or can you point me to specific metrics?
didn’t you just answer that question in the same post?
Don’t erect straw men. Russia GDP is declining, our GDP is growing.
You utter fuckwit.
(I learned that saying in Geelong, there was this bloke with a muscle shirt, but I digress)
I’m unemployed because I refused the jab.
And comrade choo choo took the jab to keep going to work.
I’ve got all day and all night.
Apparently, so does comrade choo choo.
But of course, he’s unionised. A Koala as it’s known.
A protected species that does fuck all.
It’s ironic isn’t it.
Enough people empowering the government’s tyranny by taking the jab has put those who stood up against it , out of work, so they can now annoy the fuck out of the compliant fuckers who gave in 24/7!!!!!!
Ironic, or poetic justice?
Or both?
Only because the Kenworth is parked up because of the taxes to pay for the trains and Mrs Struth resigned because she got AIDS or something.
Struth, do you ever forget which alias you are using?
Simply because dumb cunt can barely string two words together.
Just sayin.
Just passed a Kenworth on it’s side on the M1.
Two lanes blocked.
Word-walls strewn everywhere.
Not sure if it has been posted but the FDA released the first bunch of documents about Pfizer tests on the poison jab.
There were hundreds of side effects from the vaccine listed.
Good luck you jabbees.
How’s Japan, dude?
It’s happening by accident in the same way WWI happened by accident.
And, as in the lead up to WWI, greedy and stupid Western elites have a lot to answer for.
Every bloody time nuclear power & uranium have a decent run out of no where the spectre of a nuclear disaster raises its head & then everyone loses their lunch.
Ask Gillard.
It’s not hyperbowl to suggest that we deposited $90M under her leadership.
Are you really unemployed if you are fighting tyranny?
Anyway, in view of the parlous state of America and the dangerous state of world affairs, it’s up to us to build self sufficiency- energy, food, defense and manufacturing.
Where do you think the whole push to feminise the military is coming from? None other than the US of A.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
Some of the posts do not match the blog name handle.
I can imagine him running between two phones and his wife’s online shopping cumpuda, desparately trying to keep up.
He’s no sock-meister.
Remember, I’ve outed myself.
People know who I am.
And I couldn’t give a flying fuck.
Donations strictly cash.
No go fund me’s these days.
It’s a part-time casual job as a Tyranny Fighter level 2.2.
Twenty four hours a week with a 28% loading on the EBA hourly rate for full-time Tyranny Fighters.
Biggles you haven’t been out from under your bed for 2 years & yet you still think it is funny having a dig at Razey.
Repeating what you think is funny just isn’t you dumb bastard.
Roger at 4:46 – interesting take. As usual, they won’t be doing the fighting. That seemed to die out in the twelfth century.
Who is bringing in the grocery money, St Ruth?
Is Mrs St Ruth out working while you sit on your arse?
Let’s all stop hiding behind alias.
It’ll be fun.
The government know who we all are anyway, and thanks to the compliant, over the last two years, how long do you think we’ve really got left with these blogs?
I’ve thought about using a sock……but I’d give myself away!
I’ve thought about using a sock……but I’d give myself away!
I don’t really see the need- this blog is a great source of information and robust debate is not a bad thing.
Socks? I can’t even manage pants. Having someone to agree with would be nice though.
Don’t erect straw men. Russia GDP is declining, our GDP is growing.
FMD, you went straw man didn’t you.
If that’s your only metric for sleeping soundly at night then good for you. Like Ukraine though, don’t pretend Australia is angelic and pure just because it seems amazing compared to an communist country.
Biden is appalling. Obviously has MCI. If a few men dressing as women spells doom for a culture then that culture is too weak to survive. A leader does not determine the fate of a country. Many countries have had bad leaders and survived. Don’t worry, be happy. Don’t Panic. The end is might be nigh but the future remains uncertain; as it always has. Everything could change tomorrow, everything could remain the same. Statistically the latter is far more probable. I don’t want to live in interesting times but I get the distinct feeling that many here would love for that to happen just so they could say forever and forever, “I told you so.”
In doing what I am doing fucktard, I’m doing more for this country than you surrender monkeys.
Show some respect, Frank.
Things aren’t like they used to be, and submitting shit stains like you should think twice before opening your fat traps.
You’re not worthy.
Only about 4% of you were really forced to get it, one being KD.
You have no excuse Frank.
You knew it came with a segregatory Good Nazi pass.
You all did.
As the info comes out more & more I think the ones who took the jab are getting more & more angry & realise they have been duped & so they get angry at the unjabbed.
Stupid bastards….you idiots should turn your anger at the authorities not me.
I am a pure blood & proud of it.
Stop trying to issue orders to others and go fuck yourself. I will choose how I wish to be known and if I decide to change it’s my decision .
This is like the Tought Leader’s crap back in early January suggesting that if he absconded I should too – like misery somehow shares company.
Stick your stupid idea up your rear end. Frankly, I don’t give a shit what your real name is as it doesn’t interest me in the least, you fat mouthed idiot.
“Biden is appalling. Obviously has MCI. If a few men dressing as women spells doom for a culture then that culture is too weak to survive. A leader does not determine the fate of a country. Many countries have had bad leaders and survived. Don’t worry, be happy. Don’t Panic. The end is might be nigh but the future remains uncertain; as it always has. Everything could change tomorrow, everything could remain the same. Statistically the latter is far more probable. I don’t want to live in interesting times but I get the distinct feeling that many here would love for that to happen just so they could say forever and forever, “I told you so.””
What planet are you on?
He’s the messiah now.
Russians may tend to want to kill each other in times of war, yet despite the absence of war, our own society is inclined to alternate forms of death-dealing.
As I’ve said, I hope I’m wrong about America but the strategy of the US establishment now is to systematically wreck it- hence the open border. Hey why did we even bother going thru immigration at LAX when you can just walk across from Mexico? It would be a joke if it wasn’t so evil.
HP, I was arranging to meet you in Ukraine with notabrain, choo choo man was going to be our armourer.
Choo choo man was going to equip with us a noisy thing to wipe out that huge Russian convoy.
We can both walk and chew gum, you low iq rodent. We can look at Australia’s historical living standard and compare say Russia’s historical living standard. Any wouldn’t you? It makes zero sense to just look at this sort of data in isolation. You really are a an idiot.
Josh is looking at the aggregates as he should. He can also look at data on a regional basis. If the economy is booming it would mean there’s a lot going for it even if your shithole corner is doing terribly.
You have no point to make. Shut up Evil.
Yep Conrad von Hötzendorf , CoS of the KuK Armed Forces was determined to invade Serbia and was pulling old Franz-Josef’s strings. Sadly his grand plans failed to anticipate a 2 front war with both Russia & Serbia. The miscalculation by Kaiser Willie in giving Austria the ‘blank cheque’ played right in Conrad’s hands.
New Thinking on the Origins of World War I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMKqPgWJYr8 US FPRI
Well, that’s it! No Christmas card for you!
And those that give up livelihoods so as not to surrender to what is virtually a fascist takeover, get told they are “sitting on their arse” by the same loud mouthed surrender Monkeys.
There’s millions of Nurses and teachers and unjabbed suffering all over Australia because they have more principles in their little finger than Frank will ever have, that would lose their shit if he said that to their faces.
I don’t think I’d have to worry about knocking some respect into him, that’s for sure.
I’m Clive Palmer.
Youse can call me Fat Bastard.
I don’t shit on the West or wish for its demise. I want it to be better. Things are bad in the West and they’re getting worse. I suspect we’re going to have to endure some kind of major setback – it’s hard to say how major but probably worse than anything we endured in the 20th century – to shake the West out of the self-absorbed, self-destructive, hopelessly conflicted stupor it has fallen into. I think we’re far beyond the point where recovery via incremental reform and improvement is possible.
Issuing orders.
It’s called suggesting something.
It frightens the shit out of you so you see it as orders.
You’re threatened by the very suggestion.
But sniffles dear, it was only a suggestion.
If you want an actual order.
Get fucked……
I’ve been reflecting on that during the past couple of days. All those crazy alliances and conflicting aims. No one wanting to back down and say, enough! Defending either completely fabricated positions or nothing at all. Public opinion going apesh*t.
St Ruth.
You’ve over-compensated.
Ted has been moved a bit too far along the raving looney spectrum.
You need to bring him back from eleventy to about eight.
I think we can call that confirmed.
Mrs St Ruth is the bread-winner in bread van man’s household.
Friday afternoon.
Will it see its own shadow?
Wow Lindsay RINO Graham is even more of a PoS than I realised. Calling for Putin’s assassination. Maybe some justice for Ashli Babbit’s family would be more appropriate. I murder happened in his own effing building!
Good post OCO, Very true & worrying.
Orders, suggestions – pretty much everything coming from you is annoyingly stupid. Keep your suggestions for the furniture factory, you fatmouthed idiot. Go disclose your name etc at the factory. Go!
You all know me.
My name is Mike Hunt-Hurts.
I’m a fashion Model for the latest in Hijabs.
NOT A LETTER BOX you arseholes!
No wonder I’m pissed off all the time.
Now you know.
Millions you say?
Oh well, at least they won’t die sometime between 13 months and 43 months from now.
So I guess they feel pretty smug, eh?
HP, Have you ever thought of being anything but an arsehole?
Sorry HP, I forgot to include biggles in that post.
You have no point to make. Shut up Evil.
Thank god Kerry Spacker is finally here. What cask is on the menu today you little, little, piece of shit of a ‘man’?
Oh, and the US is the greatest place on earth, because Cuba is shit. That’s the style of argument at hand here you fucking mong. Oh, and the big corporate bastards you can’t get enough of might be growing the economy and padding Joshy’s numbers but they’re also in lock step with the government fucking small business and pushing socialist nonsense that fucks us all.
But hey, you’re a fuckheaded, smug Victorian with a typical fuck you I’m alright attitude. You are a fucking dreg, JC.
I don’t think you experienced the Cold War. It was pretty worrying then too. We’re not at that extreme yet. Things ebb and flow.
My concern is that after two years of this lockdown thing, a lot of people have gone a little nuts. Hopefully, we come to our senses and get back to some sort of normal. I think we will and we shouldn’t despair as shit works itself out.
I love Friday evening.
So much good humour and bonhomie! Chin, chin!
Talk about an incentive to hang around.
A surrender monkey wants his quiet life back.
You want everything JC.
No civic responsibility, and no repercussions.
Funny how life’s not like that.
Fuck you.
You’re the real terrorist.
Go and hang your white flag out your window before you go off for your secret smoke so your wife won’t find out you sad fuck.
Shitting on it like the Left does and wiehing its demise because the Left has made it shitty to be in over the last 20 years, won’t improve things.
a ‘civilisation’ that advocates puberty blockers for minors is seriously sick but hey Putin is evil
Putin and the energy situation.
It’s amusing, in a very detached way, to see the Western Governments first interfering in the energy markets by promoting Green propaganda and then having to back down and reverse course because their initial attempts to pick winners and losers was wrong.
They could have said to the frackers “Good work, just continue what you’re doing – it’s a free market. Subsidies? No way.”
They could have said to the Solar Panel and Wind Industry “Interesting theory you have there about AGW. Just continue what you’re doing – it’s a free market. Subsidies? No way.”
Instead of staying out of the market and letting it work, they interfered with subsidies and restrictive legislation.
Oh dear.
Not quite the smartest persons in the room now, Political Establishment?
It’s a broken record that keeps on playing and playing and playing.
‘Tis not.
Piss orf.
March 4, 2022 at 3:18 pm
“Th” is not promounced “F,” although like most from Geelong, if you haven’t got all your front teeth, we’ll let you off.
On the other hand, myself having lived in Melbourne…
Tell me Struth, where did you meet people from Geelong who gave you that impression? Did you hobnob with Old Grammarians and Old Collegians in the garden at the Melbourne Club? Or are your impressions formed from having been at a somewhat lower strata of society yourself?
I see SA’s Emergency Czar (the Police Commissioner) has revoked the vaxx mandate for police officers.
Im torn between ‘good – no one should be mandated to receive any health intervention – its a personal choice’
‘You fucking hypocrit!!”
Locally, Queensland Resources Council CEO Ian Macfarlane says coal fired electricity could be phased out in a decade but there is no plan to keep electricity affordable. I guess he hasn’t heard how cheap renewables are.
The sad part is, I know this blog only too well.
What Frank said, calling people who haven’t surrendered “sitting on their arse” is disgusting and many here know it.
It’s the level of shit we’ve come to expect from scum like that, but not one timid little fucker will say hang on, that’s not right Frank….
Not one.
And that, when this is supposed to be a right wing blog as well, is why Australia is in the shit it is.
NBN Channel 9 news promos leading with “nuclear power plant on fire”. Just disgraceful.
The odd thing in all this world turmoil is the fucking idiots in the west will vote for more of the same shit that has fucked us over for decades.
Biggles I am looking at you & choo choo man.
You’re an idiot and you should stop talking too. Seriously, is it the ground water in Queersland? Not only are a lot of you just mouthy kunts, but you’re also stupid and I mean really dumb.
Why wouldn’t you want to compare national living standards? Can you offer a single reason why that isn’t useful, you deranged cockroach?
Well yes, you moron. It is the greatest nation on earth by stretches and Cuba is not just a shithole but in comparison is a lice ridden human kennel. The US is the ONLY nation on earth that has an extremely high living standard with population of over 2oo million people. There’s nothing else and it’s an incredible achievement.
This makes less sense than your usual stupidity and or incoherence.
Another Queersland loser blaming his plight on BHP. If only BHP wasn’t so efficient at mining and making money, Evil Elvis would be so much better off.
Actually I’m very nice to non-retards.
You’re so hurtful at times, Evil.
On this blog.
I’ll have fifty on Option B, please.
Ni civic responsibilities and no repercussions.
Libertarian fairy tale.
March 4, 2022 at 5:35 pm
Tell me Struth, where did you meet people from Geelong who gave you that impression?
On this blog.
Impressive! Dental diagnosis through cyberspace.
Comment of the day so far, from John H at 3.57:
I missed the comment at the time it was made. Fighting tyranNyand coups d’etat don’t do themselves, y’know.
I have a potentially lucrative TV empire to revive. If those fucking Wiggles would just fucking fuck the fuck off.
Hey, St Ruth, you claimed that less than 40% of Queenssslanders were jabbed and everyone in rural Queensssland was ignoring the rules.
If that is so, why are you sitting on your arse?
You can’t get a cash job among that vast network of Queenssslander Resistance?
4.54 p.m.:
Faulty speaketh.
Hey knobhead, where is your leader choo choo man?
He on weapons training?
The USA is the best place on earth JC.
It got that way because realists understood the institutions of freedom and what is needed.
Not dot style open borders and you trading wif China coz their Cheaper libertarianism, but a solid understanding of conservative values.
That’s where you always fall down JC.
Understanding the foundations of the sharemarket you gamble on.
We would agree that freedom creates wealth, but you wouldn’t have a clue how to get or keep that freedom.
Libertarianism is wishful thinking.
Sounds more like a Nuffy boy to me…
Also, I like the fact that Struth starts a bombastic wordwall in praise of Red-Blooded America with “The USA is not its government,” but in the next few sentences and multiple follow-up posts, condemns every Australian in the most vile terms he can imagine because he hates the people in charge here.
Only a little bit hypocritical, Struth baby…
“I don’t think you experienced the Cold War. It was pretty worrying then too. We’re not at that extreme yet. Things ebb and flow.
My concern is that after two years of this lockdown thing, a lot of people have gone a little nuts. Hopefully, we come to our senses and get back to some sort of normal. I think we will and we shouldn’t despair as shit works itself out.”
JC, I admire your optimism. Once upon a time I also had a lot of optimism. Now whilst Covid hasn’t sent me nuts, it has made me somewhat detached and depressed about the state of the world and particularly about the state of this country. I watched what ensued in Victoria and it made me depressed because this is not the country I grew up in, I don’t recognise it. I’ve watched this clown of a PM behave like Billy Bunter and spend his time bumbling around trying to be liked by everyone, including those who despise him….and I get depressed and I wonder where our leadership is. I watched what the left and MSM did to Trump and I got depressed…and now have no strong leadership in the West.
We’ve had two years of unmitigated Covid fear and Covid porn hurled at us. Last night at the book launch here in Sydney’s CBD, we the guests were not wearing masks yet the catering staff were all masked. I found it stupid. When I was sitting down, a young masked girl asked if she could top up my glass of wine, I looked at her and I said “yes, and I said why are you wearing a mask?”….she replied “I have an immunity compromised family member”. I thought to myself….what a load of crap. Wearing masks is virtue signalling on steroids.
I don’t feel much hope for the future, we’re going to have an Albanese Labor government. That won’t be fun. There’ll be no normality.
Have it your way, as I really don’t give shit. In fact, I quite like mocking you and there’s zero chance I’ll ever visit the furniture factory.
You’ve been whining like this for two years now and you still think your life isn’t back.
Read Von Mises. Human wants are limitless.
The bread delivery driver comes out as the fascist he is, demanding others demonstrate civic responsibility.
Okay, I can live with that.
I am? Huh!
It’s called keeping the peace and I don’t really want to upset the gal as she really cares for me. Please promise you won’t tell her. 🙂
Struth, get back to the furniture factory as this is now getting really dull.
And, while we’re at it-
Now, have you got your link to the building of Death Camps for the unvaxxxinated on Day One of ‘Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve,’yet?
You know, the thing you’re still trying to deflect from by calling me whatever the latest string of hyperbolic gibberish is you’ve invented?
Slander is not an effective tool of rhetorical persuasion, you know. It suggests you might have something to hide.
Just like the fact that when we whistle up the Half-Yearly Report for Aurizon, the single largest rail freight operator in the country, partocularly the ‘Bulk Division,’ in which Struth’s assertions about ‘General Freight’ sit. It would seem that there is not a single section in the document that lists SuBsIdIEs paid by governments to this company to run on any State or Federal railway track in Australia that it does not own. And it is just one of many rail freight operators nationwide. None of whom own track or are paid by Struth’s taxes to exist.
And before anyone gets excited about ‘Track Access Revenues,’ in the Coal Division, scroll down to the section of the report where Aurizon explains that it owns and maintains practically all the coal rail network in Queensland. And now also has much of the SA and NT networks after absorbing OneRail late last year.
Another cracker from the Quenthland CHO, earlier this afternoon:
Guided many tours around Melbourne. Tours of what? For who?
‘To your left you will see the MCG.’
‘On the right is the house where Gangitano was shot.’
‘Get your cameras ready, folks. Just over the hill is the Yarra, where depending on the time of day you can see bodies of people who jumped off the West Gate Bridge floating in it.’
Unless this refers to bucks’ night tours down the King Street stripper strip, I’m calling this gigantic horseshit.
Please. struth would not even meet the dress code at the Atheneum.
I’m off to dinner soon. It’s a really nice expensive restaurant down the road. Everything is cooked in a wood fire. Should I think of you when gulping down a great steak?
How about you struth, you nob head?
I’m heading out, but later on I’ll share my view why I’m optimistic.
Not only that, the war plans of all sides had been drawn up for years. All it needed was one “accident” and the whole thing was primed to go off like a line of cascading dominoes that not even the key actors could stop.
Not that I think Ukraine is the harbinger of WWIII, but the same fatal combination of stupidity and arrogance (and colonialism) hangs about the Western political class atm.
March 4, 2022 at 5:49 pm
I’m heading out, but later on I’ll share my view why I’m optimistic.”
Yes please….enjoy dinner.
How some people stay in business is beyond me.
I’ve got a series of E mails here – the basic thrust is “(Due to an error on our part), We have overpaid you (several thousands ) of dollars. We want the money back, either by return cheque, or bank transfer within 48 hours.”
Stiff shyte, it’s well down my things to do list……….
Good post Cassie.
I don’t think that many people understand that it has only been a few decades in the West we have had freedom, you only have to look at WW2 & prior that humans were treated as expendable & we are getting back to that.
HP, you are still a grumble & grunt.
Let’s hope so.
I presume she wears a mask around them too?
Stupidity on stilts. She is more likely to get a hideous bacterial infection from re-breathing her own gunk and giving that to her family member.
Cassie – a lot of stuff is compliance driven. As an employee, observing that the emperor has no clothes doesn’t get you very far. We have a Covid case here now and everybody is in face shields and stuff. I just have a laugh with them. I expect I will get it sooner or later, as was always going to be the case.
Struth demonstrates a cartoonish level of misunderstanding of very many things. Even more cartoonish than Grigory or our new resident Glowie.
Perhaps he would be better served by sticking to his WEF Globalist-Nazi-Communist-Pooftah-Pansy Plots and schemes about nebulous and nefarious social credit schemes being snuck up under innocent and unconsenting Slavic nations’ bottoms. You know, stuff where outright confabulation and hysterical hysteria can be expounded upon at length, relatively unaffected by that meany-poobum reality…
Guys, guys…
I’ve been struggling to make sense of it all, but fret not.
Kamala’s got it all figured out.
It all makes sense now!
I think Scott Boland should have replaced Josh Hazelwood in the Rawalpindi Test — a much better bowler on flat pitches. But Boland is an outsider and can’t get a look in now that the power-drunk Pat Cummins is effectively the new national coach, having got Justin Langer sacked.
The takeover of Cricket Australia by the millenial kiddies in the national side won’t end well.
Choo choo man, what the fuck was that post?
You been at gaggle again?
Go back & drive your train ya dumb fuck.
Certainly getting to the surrender monkeys tonight.
And the denialists.
How’s these statements.
Especially the last comment.
Think seriously about the level of delusion amongst the Jabbed.
The good Nazis.
It’s quite sick.
Delusion and denial.
Oh and stop gibbering away making a fool of yourself choo choo, and if you are going to attempt a whole paragraph, breath in and breath out a few times first. Emotion is stopping you making sense.
Russian control is safe? I guess it’s safer than being on fire.
This was the rationale offered by an expert when she told the ABC the lifitng of the QLD mask mandate was dangerous – for the immune compromised covid can be a death sentence.
Using that logic the population would be masking up in perpetuity.
And for those who wish to read the report for themselves:
Remember that Aurizon is legally required to report all its incomings and outgoings to the ASX, the ATO and its investors.
And governments are never particularly good being sneaky.
(Apologies for the initial failure to hyperlink)
Make sure you wear your mask in your car on the way down JC.
I bet runnyruth used to take tourists on the Official Neighbours Ramsay Street & Studio Backlot Tour.
H B Bearsays:
March 4, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Please. struth would not even meet the dress code at the Atheneum.
Does the Weld Club require pants? Or is there an exception for traditional attire of bona fide demographic minorities?
Most of those are caricatures of women.
Very few genuinely pretty ones there.
Nothing hurts more than a you wear a mask zinger.
Michael Clarke on steroids.
Right back at you, you flailing incompetent.
Exposed again, and what do you do? Scream and call people names even harder.
You are an embarrassment to the glass-jawed and the Nuffish on this blog. Not even SRR, Twostix or even your own dear Runnysock are rushing to your defence now.
I’d say you had the faculties of a 5 year old child, but I will go with 4- Your stupidity and emotional incontinence is an offence to 5 year old children.
What’s happened to you, JC?
You have hated yourself from the moment you were jabbed and despise those that threaten to crack the illusion you now must conjure up to lie to yourself.
There is a lot of mental sickness on this site now, and it’s born from hating oneself.
It’s born from submitting and complying.
Well, you were warned.
I keep some behind the desk. It’s not in the by-laws but there has been a couple of complaints.
yes calling adults childish can be insulting to children sometimes
Oh good.
The third rate A-Team has assembled again to drown the forum in 25,000 comments.
Hey notafan, bust out the FUNNY HAHAHA’s that you were making about Struth’s convoy last year. And about him being a loser truck driver.
I notice you don’t really make those “jokes” anymore.
Weird right?
notafan is back fresh from her european grand tour, triple dosed, mask on face.
“Hey fellow guys I’m not a nasty covid karen or anything I just think it’s good that you suffer for your recalcitrance”.
Welp, I’m too late for Audrey,
I’m too early for Chloe,
And I’ll never see Sabrina this side of the Eternity Curtain.
So, I dunno. Will just have to keep an eye out round Sandgroperstan (if you dodge the boganettes and the Goat’s-cheese-and-pilates Belters, there is promise…) 🙂
+ eleventy gazillion.
What is nauseating is the squeals of victimhood coming from the MSM.
Ah Sabrina,
So, err….Profound, they named one of the most aesthetically pleasing and well-mannered fighter aircraft of the 1960s after her… 🙂
I don’t recall making any comments about the convoy.
I do recall you constantly lying about me though. You just *know* my early covid concerns about my mother were really about me.
My point really is, that other than the Ramsay Street tour, I’m not aware of ‘Melbourne only’ tourist buses.
Philip Island, Twelve Apostles, sure, but guided tour buses going around Melbourne, missed those.
Struth darling, there is always help available.
Even for you.
#RUOK,Struth? 🙂
I used to point out Ramsey Street coming back from the Dandenongs tour, and Puffing Billy you silly bint, Notafan.
Off the Maroondah Highway if I remember years ago, near ten studios.
So yes that as well.
And the Penguins, and Ballarat and the great ocean road and the city sights and even at times the old city explorer.
I know more about Melbourne and Victoria than you’ll ever know Notaclue.
I’ve lived in Moonie Ponds, Sandringham Rosebud, and Carrum downs.
I worked for many years for a great tour company called Australian Pacific tours.
I was often flown first class around the place to conduct tours all over Australia and ran tours that actually ran all over Australia.
From Melbourne.
SCo MO fucked the lot, basically.
I have friends and family in Melbourne as well, ex hosties and drivers and many great people and loved the Melbourne of the 90’s.
There was a tourism industry back then
That’s why I laugh at all you cockheads raving on about Queenslanders.
I know parochial knob Victorians with chips on their shoulders …….most Australians do.
There are also great Victorians as well.
They consider themselves Australians first.
It’s been a while between gratuitous psychological assessments. About time.
I’m firmly in the life getting back to normal camp.
Sure the progressive agenda rolls on.
Everything I’m seeing in Europe suggests back to normal is happening, as mentioned last night my time, France’s health pass regime ends in 11 days.
Normal travel, normal tourism.
Qantas expects travel to be back to pre pandemic levels by the middle of the year.
Bad news for Henny Pennys.
I mean, look what Twostix did.
The angry Gen-Xer went for what he deemed the easier task of anklebiting at Rosie.
Poor Struth. Now you know that you lost everything you thought that you should win,
I guess you should have listened to your friends.
Our point has been agreeing with your comment there.
You’re not aware of much at all.
And I’ll never see Sabrina this side of the Eternity Curtain.
Check that cantilevered thing sticking out to the right.
She could have won a 100 metres race just by standing up in the starting blocks.
Thank you for being man enough to capitulate, Struth-sock.
It was never on fire. I believe, like Chernobyl a week earlier, it will be protected by both Russian and Ukranian personnel.
In other words, tours out of Melbourne, not of Melbourne.
Please do keep cockwombling.
It only took me 8 days to fill my covid bingo card (1 kid in each class with covid).
What is nauseating is the squeals of victimhood coming from the MSM.
street whores have more integrity than presstitutes BIRM- the parlous state of the west is largely due to meja manufacturing problems. But then someone said here, the meja’s sole purpose is to create a consensus. That makes sense.
Can you even be an angry GenX-er? By definition you’re not supposed to give a fuck.
You’ll remember this company if you’re over 40.
I’m off to dinner soon. It’s a really nice expensive restaurant down the road. Everything is cooked in a wood fire.
Sounds nice, but you don’t need to impress me.
I’m not sure how microwave lean cuisine and a cask of cheap red counts as wood fired or expensive but enjoy.
Could it be he’s on a……Pension?
In 1976 the CIA was concerned about a fundamental change in world weather patterns:
‘In a study recently made public, the CIA concluded:
“Leaders in climatology and economics are in agreement that a climatic change is taking place and that it has already caused major economic problems throughout the world.
“As it has become more apparent to the nations around the world that the current trend is indeed a long-term reality, new alignments will be made among nations to ensure a secure supply of food resources.”’
They were predicting a worldwide decline in food production due to the onset of a little ice age.
Plus ça change.
The pathological hatred of Rosie very nasty. I don’t agree with some of her views but her travel logs are great.
Or worse- NewStart?
Pretty sure we can’t claim JobSeeker or JobKeeper anymore, but happy to be corrected on that. 🙂
Speaking of buses, I’m going to catch the local one (€1.90) to Champ de Mars today, Hotel De Ville, Notre Dame, through the forecourt at the Louvre, might get off at Musee D’Orsay or continue on to Les Invalides and the Eiffel.
And if Struth is taking the welfare to keep him out of total penury while ‘Socialism’ has him ‘sat’ on his arse, does that not call every one of his pronouncements into question?
I await the next 24 hlurs of screaming denunciatory wordwalls in reply with interest.
But a simple ‘No, I’m not’ would do. 🙂
Or I could go in the opposite direction and visit Pere La Chaise, but that would be a waste of my €1.90 because it’s close enough to walk.
Freudian projection is always a winner.
I visited Paris in 1994-5 nearly 30 years ago. I thought it was very Parisian and I loved it. Going from what I’ve read, I thought after the uncontrolled migration of the last 10 years or so it had become a bit of a toilet.
March 4, 2022 at 6:25 pm
I’m firmly in the life getting back to normal camp.
Sure the progressive agenda rolls on.
Everything I’m seeing in Europe suggests back to normal is happening, as mentioned last night my time, France’s health pass regime ends in 11 days.
Normal travel, normal tourism.
Qantas expects travel to be back to pre pandemic levels by the middle of the year.
Bad news for Henny Pennys.
What’s your bet for when Dan Andrews will allow the unvaxxed in Victoria to lead a normal life?
The short priced favourite is “never, it will have to wait at least for three or four more state elections till someone replaces him”.
“If the rest of the world goes overwhelmingly no vaxx mandate, tourism and business might force him to do it” is at pretty short odds.
You’d be able to get very juicy odds on anything else.
Maybe some of you Melbournians who actually have been there for a while can remember the red and white city explorer that used to start from Flinder’s street station and go up via Cpt Cook’s cottage and past the markets and zoo, the Shrine of remembrance now a war zone, and the rest of the great things in Melbourne in those days.
We also did coach tours of Melbourne at night that linked up with the restaurant tram.
Yep Melbourne was great, and much touring of it occurred.
I wouldn’t expect an ignoramus like Frau notafan to know these things. However I would expect her to still throw her two cents worth in to confirm her ignorance.
Both probably. I thought it was the admission fee if you wanted an audience with the State Department for the 8 years of Obama.
Okay, so Struth drove glorified hotel transfers for a time.
The first time I stayed in this area with my children I had no idea where or what ‘Champs de Mars’ was that the bus was going to.
So thrilled when we worked it out.
Made up for the disappointment that there was no Bastille in La Bastille.
You and your little sidekicks made a distinct point of mocking Struth’s part in the Gillard era Convoy to Canberra as some sort of failure, back when you were under six month house arrest by Victoria’s abusive surrogate father and were lashing out at Struth because he wasn’t.
Also him being a truck driver, tour operator, etc.
I don’t think you particularly mean it, aside from the usual Victorian sneering. It’s obviously just the only thing you’ve got that you think will cut him, because you all can’t seem to lay a glove on him generally and it drives you mad that even a posse of four, five or six people from The Smart State tag teaming around the clock for close to two years generating tens of thousands of comments about him, get casually outdone by a qlder LOSER turning up and trolling you for a day a month.
Deeper I think it’s redirected rage at a feeling of impotence driven by being trapped in a one party machine state which allows for zero deviation from the orthodoxy in anyway, directed against someone who’s actually pretty free and does as he likes and regularly smirks at you’ll about it.
Some migrants integrate, some don’t. Choose wisely. Germany even has an integration program. Unfortunately there are idealists who think migrants don’t have to integrate. I’ve never understood that idea.
…visit Pere La Chaise…
Don’t miss the bullet holes in the wall, where the communards were lined up to get what was good for them.
And say hello to Jim. Tell him he would have been just another wanker plying third-rate adolescent verse were it not for Manzarek, The Doors real genius.
I’m hopeful that all the hatred of travellers has died down here by the time the Beloved and I head off in late August. Otherwise it’ll be now you see me, now you don’t.
Which will be no great loss of course. But it will rob some of a focus for frustrated vitriol.
It may well be that all the restrictions and other horrors will be a thing of the past by that time. I won’t include WA, because special. But you never know.
oh dear I was wrong, it’s a half day and explains the big crowds of Chinese tourists we used to see in the Fitzroy Gardens when I used to visit my daughter when she lived near there.
Interesting bit of trivia about the Russian Railways- a railway station is called a vokzál from the Vauxhall pleasure gardens.
Andy Ngo uploaded this today….this is a trans ideology critic invited to give a talk at the University of North Texas a few days ago and he’s shut down…
Andy Ngo describes what ensued as follows..
At the University of North Texas in Denton on March 2, 2022, far-left activists shut down the Young Conservatives of Texas event featuring the father who lost custody of his child over objections to the child’s transgender diagnosis. The radicals pounded on the table and shouted, “F— these fascists” over and over to Jeffrey Younger. Younger is currently running as a Republican candidate for the Texas House.
Younger and Kelly Neidert, the conservative student organizer, were eventually evacuated from the event by law enforcement but they were surrounded by far-left extremists outside the building. In the mayhem and desperate evacuation, one of the far-left protesters was hit by a police vehicle, though a university spokesperson said there was no reported serious injuries.
A few points….
1. The Marxist ferals in the video (and there’s no other word to describe them) are Maoists, there’s zero difference. I’m reminded of pictures and film of China during the Cultural Revolution.
2. This is the rotten state of universities today across the West (it’s happening here in Oz). It happened back in 2018 to Bettina Arndt when she tried to give a talk at Sydney University, I had a friend who attended that event and it wasn’t a pleasant experience.
3. This is the absolutely rotten state of the West today.
4. The progressive far-left want to shut down, silence and eliminate all dissent, they will stop at nothing to do it and they’re getting away with it.
5. It isn’t pretty…is it? Actually, truth be told, it’s sickening.
6. When I see footage such as this, I struggle to defend western societies because, as far as I’m concerned, it’s a microcosm of what’s wrong in the West and how the West is slowly and surely committing suicide. Maybe, as I wrote in a comment above, I’m too pessimistic but how can you not be when you view that footage by Andy?
Finally, transwomen aren’t women and transmen aren’t men.
Our company never took many Chinese you dumb fuck Notafan.
Chinese groups go on their own group tours done by cheap arsed charter companies mostly Chinese owned or screwed down to nothing.
These were public tours and domestic and international tourists who got professional tours.
I haven’t really brought this up in great detail before, but I’ll fucking say it now, after the sneering about Queensland.
I used to live in Victoria, run in depth tours around the city and all through the state and know more about Victoria and it’s history than the dumb parochial fucks having a go today.
I think you should be just fine calli.
One of the risks was snap lockdowns, that never happened despite France peaking at over 15 million cases.
The other potential snag was testing positive covid and being forced into isolation. Didn’t happen either.
Minor contretemps with paperwork and, as it turned out baseless fear of the unknown negotiating internal EU borders but it has been fantastic, in hindsight I’d have done a couple of things differently. Shrug.
What I did do, was avoid taking a single guided tour, especially one on a bus. Can’t stand them, only ever did one in Bordeaux, ghastly.
Yeh right, another member of the elite telling ordinary Australians what to do with their money.
It may surprise but I’ve zero interest in the glory days of Melbourne guided tours or in your expertise on the subject of Victoria, just add it the long long St ruth sme list.
I mentioned Chinese tourists only because they are the only ones I’ve ever seen in clumps, in the Fitzroy Gardens.
Perhaps the weekend thread will be better.
Gone from the ‘no dickheads’ rule to the ‘all dickheads’ rule.
That article also has a link to the full Pfizer documents (previously linked here) which includes NINE PAGES of tightly printed potential side effects of their vaccine. According to Thomas Renz the risk/benefit ratio is this product is 12:1 – you are 12 times more likely to die of it that of Covid. It should never have been approved.
The obscurity of the site is beside the point. At least they’re reporting it. Just trying holding your breath until the MSM does.
Then of course, I’ve driven trucks in and out of Melbourne, and big oversize loads as well, so I used to be accutely aware of physical hazards like trees and power lines on the oversize routes around Melbourne, one of which goes straight past Luna park and down the esplanade !
You fucking parochial shits talk like the ignorant arseholes you are.
Some of us just aren’t so stayed and pathetic.
And you’d have to be to be so ignorant of others.
I know your city better than you do.
Cassie, it’s that sort of evil, in Texas of all places, that’s making me despise the west. The hatred of Putin suggests he’s got something going for him.
The Marxist ferals in the video (and there’s no other word to describe them) are Maoists, there’s zero difference. I’m reminded of pictures and film of China during the Cultural Revolution.
they are the sharp end of the US establishment- of Joe and Mafia Nancy
Sigh. Look, St. Ruth:
As a general rule, you don’t actually live somewhere and not know how to spell it.
It’s not a typo. Look at where the (i) and (e) keys are. You just don’t know. Or, you haven’t lived there at all – because people who live (or have lived) in places like Coonabarabran, Tallangatta or Murtoa know how to spell them. Moonee Ponds is not a high bar.
Don’t start a rant about how it’s not important, because it is.
I’m sorry. I know it seems like a pile on. But if you put that on top of the wobbling pile of ‘been everywhere man’ and ‘wukking man’ on top of that, well – I just don’t believe that bit.
Which means – for me at least – the rest of it is now in question.
What’s your bet for when Dan Andrews will allow the unvaxxed in Victoria to lead a normal life?
About six months before the next election, IF he thinks there are more votes in people saying “Dan saved us” than people saying “Dan destroyed businesses and people’s lives, while having the world’s longest lockdown AND the highest number of bat-flu deaths in the country”.
I don’t give a fuck what interests you, Notafan.
You want to join in, you get told.
Some people here love to hear of your travels flashing your Nazi pass around, and those people may want to take a good hard look at themselves.
Bad enough you go and submit and become a “good Nazi” flashing your pass and going overseas while thousands of nurses and teachers and all sorts of people are suffering under the segregation and punishment of tyrants for standing up to them and refusing the pass.
And then you go to church.
People who let you off for your disgusting behaviour are no better.
You are a disgrace, and it’s people like you who are fucking my country.
And you were told at the start. You knew covid wasn’t dangerous and you were on this blog having the arguments put forward but you decided fuck everyone else………….
Well fuck you.
Looks like one of our residents has gone missing. Half a dozen fuzz in the car park. One of the guys in the Independent Living Units outside the gate is normally OK but doesn’t really know where he is. Pretty sad really. Thank fuck I’m no worse cognitively really than before my stroke.
So, from August 2018 it went downhill.
I thought you were in Alice Springs then. That’s what you were saying at the time. Running tour buses for overseas old people (boomers), who you were ‘educating’. About the real Australia, or somesuch.
Huh. Maybe not.
Anyway, if I wanted to twist the knife I’d also draw another Lizzie comparison to your flying first class around the place. Often. Apparently.
Strange old world.
Hobart loses the mask mandate for certain places like shops as of tonight. From there Hobart city council COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
Is it just me or is that a statement that it is OK to come on in and nobody is going to ask you for your papers.
Top Endersays:
March 4, 2022 at 7:09 pm
Yes, it will be entirely vote driven.
But it will be based on whether 50.1% of Victorian voters are still in a state of panic, believing they’ll die a hideous death if an unvaxxed person is allowed into a cafe (as well as into supermarkets, public transport, retail etc as they already are…), or are neo-Nazis who believe that unvaxxed should be punished for not obeying the government’s wishes, or both.
And, I’m afraid to say, I think there’ll be well over that percentage.
Vaxxed people vote. Can’t let the unvaxxed off till the votes are in. WA too.
Not only did I live there, but I lived in a mansion with a tennis court.
I lived there for about a year while I was doing extended touring around Australia.
My friends own a massive transport company and were renting it , the company was in other words.
It was way back in the early 1990’s and to prove it, I remember there was a comedy club not far away where I remember seeing Russell Gilbert for the first time live.
I was young and took one room up on the rare times I was in.
Couldn’t give a fuck if you believe me or not.
The point being this parochial shit by ignorant throbs as if everybody only comes from one state is what they do when they have no real arguments….I get that.
So I’m just trying to put that idiocy to bed.
I know their city better than they do, and have lived there as well.
I think that is a snap.
If you’re talking about pubs in Collingwood and parts of St.Kilda, I’m not going to argue with you.
I’m not sure you can blame society for the mental illness that is leftism. It’s a putrid ideology of absolute power under the guise of equality. It’s proponents are mentally ill, and like a hired killer, are always prepared to escalate more than anyone else
The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and leftism squeaks because it is toxic to everything it touches.
There is an extended lunch break in the First Test in Rawalpindi.
Initially I thought it might have been rain, but – clear skies.
Nope. Extended break because it’s Friday, which means it’s prayers day for some.
I can see why you left the force KD.
You would have been kept on traffic duty.
Sco Mo was head of the tourist commission.
Remember, “Where the bloody hell are you”
His work after he stuffed the industry.
A long time before he was the traitor he is today, he was working on ruining the joint.
I’ve had a guts full today of sneering parochial fucking Victorians, especially those surrender monkeys who accuse those still imprisoned in this nation and unable to work of “sitting on their arse”…..and to all of you who think that’s ok, Fuck you.
He was dam lucky he wasn’t saying that shit to my face.
In my first tour of the World’s Most Liveable City circa 1990 I used to buy a six pack from a titty bar that even I thought as an 18yo was a bit sad. I was on the way home from work though.
I’d refuse to accept a speeding ticket from a police officer who hasn’t had at least four jabs and isn’t wearing at least three masks. I’d also demand that he observe socialist distancing and stay at least 7.5 kilometers away.
warning warning st ruth is irate
Often first class in those days, KD.
And with fruit and port waiting for me in my rooms.
Because if you organise travel packages and APT did, and put 50 plus people on every flight, the “crew” got looked after.
I also got cheap internation travel with IATA and AFTA cards and some here will know what they are.
Jus had enough today of the ignorant compliant , parochial, surrendering C…TS opening their fat traps.
You know Frank was way off.
You know it.
Even if you’ll never admit it.
Fucking walk wherever you old boot…..I am not interested in wherever you go or whatever you do…just fuck off.
You are more boring than choo choo man.
Good article over on Quadrant Online, Top Ender.
This sentence manages to be simultaneously whiny and arrogant.
You started the parochial nonsense, St. Ruth. You.
You started it with your incessant ‘Quenthlanders would never stand for this’ while specifically referring to Victoria. This went on for months. All Victorian were culpable cowards, who refused to stand and fight and fall.
THEN, when Pallashay and Jeannette Young turned out to be as bad – if not worse – than Andrews, it was ‘I’m only one man’ at first, which evolved into ‘the real Quenthlanders where I live’ and into ‘all Quenthlanders who don’t live in Brisbane’ to ‘the last holdouts of white anglo Christian blokes who are the only one that can save us’.
Are you really surprised that people didn’t take the piss out of this? Are you surprised, with your steely-eyed weatherbeaten real Aussie sense of humour? Are you really that tone deaf?
Don’t throw this back anywhere else. You started it, and you can’t cop it in return.
Shortly you’ll start telling people to fuck themselves – if you haven’t already – because you’re an effete milquetoast fibbing crybully.
Now look what you have done. Disappointed struth. And Runny!