Open Thread – Tues 1 March 2022

Cain and Abel, Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond, mid-1800s

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March 3, 2022 10:45 am

You could see the look of relief and a bit of ruefulness in a couple of those kid’s faces.

Yep. That “OK, we’re busted” look.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 3, 2022 10:47 am

No words.

I have some.
We often forget that there are many many people that are incapable of reasoning.

Cassie of Sydney
March 3, 2022 10:51 am

Still, pray for them, pray for peace.”


March 3, 2022 10:56 am

Australia pushing for war crimes charges for Russian bombing of civilians.

What sort of moron believes some Air Tasking gnome is ordered by Vlad the Terrible to put this preschool and that puppy orphanage on the daily frag list?

March 3, 2022 10:57 am

I couldn’t believe it when I heard it, so I checked: You are banned from entering Western Australia if you are not TRIPLE-jabbed.

Don’t worry. Any minute now ScoMo will put his foot down and McGowan will do as he’s told.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 10:58 am

For Ukraine War watchers, if you haven’t been already, see Maj Gen Mick Ryan’s twitter feed.

He’s a bit lefty (eg. writes for SMH) but is tracking various strategy think tanks and what not, and as a previous Commandant of the ADC is no slouch. Quite a lot of interesting stuff from an ADF ex-general officer.

Interestingly he doesn’t have a wiki page, which I take as a point in his favour.

March 3, 2022 10:59 am

Personally, I’d like DeSantis to run in 24 rather than Trump.

By rights he deserves it. Trump was a great president until he listened to Fauci. And then he proceeded to destroy Western civilization. If it wasn’t for DeSantis, every country on the planet would be like ours.

March 3, 2022 11:02 am
March 3, 2022 11:02 am

Some particularly good memes here. Apparently putin is still on Twitter but Trump is still banned

March 3, 2022 11:02 am

thefrollickingmole says:
March 3, 2022 at 10:33 am

Also of note. Not a single government in Australia has given up its emergency powers yet.

They’re not going to. That should be obvious by now.

The “emergency” has passed, but if they haven’t relinquished the “emergency powers” by now and downgraded to a management position (which they should by rights have been able to do all along if properly prepared – or not always intending to destroy the joint under their SOE), then they’re not going to relinquish those powers, just morph the “emergency” into something different and continue as planned.

March 3, 2022 11:03 am

What sort of moron believes some Air Tasking gnome is ordered by Vlad the Terrible to put this preschool and that puppy orphanage on the daily frag list?

Marise Payne.

Meanwhile, Australia is sending $70m worth of missiles and bullets to Ukraine.

As I’ve noted before, we can’t guarantee that some of this won’t be passed on to neo-Nazi militias who would not hesitate to use it on Russian civilians.

In seven years of doing the same thing the US hasn’t been able to make such a guarantee.

The hypocrisy of our government is damning.

March 3, 2022 11:05 am

Fear Not – The secret to living in peace | The Truth of It
Mar 2, 2022

It was fitting that Martyn put this up on youtube on Ash Wednesday.

It brought to my mind an article I read this morning from First Things:
Marked by Death.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 11:05 am

Is the answer “Trinity” ?

Colonel – I hope not. I’d have to go and find my lead-lined undies.

March 3, 2022 11:06 am

ACT Policing has publicly stated that the Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) in question were only used to convey spoken-word messages.

“Ok, you got us. We did have loaded assault rifles at the protest but we only fired off a few rounds to get people’s attention at the back of the crowd.


March 3, 2022 11:06 am

Dover – I may have inadvertently reported Tom’s post at 04:02.

Please ignore. Error on my behalf.

March 3, 2022 11:09 am


Thanks cohenite!

March 3, 2022 11:12 am

March 3, 2022 at 11:09 am

Thanks cohenite!

It’s too coherent. Should be something like “I’d like to give them Ukrainians weapons, but I left them all in Iran’.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 11:13 am

What sort of moron believes some Air Tasking gnome is ordered by Vlad the Terrible to put this preschool and that puppy orphanage on the daily frag list?

The same morons that think the Russian air force has the same doctrine, combined-arms integration and level of equipment sophistication as the US and partner air forces. Just with Migs rather than F-16s.

As a fellow Cat linked yesterday, this is not the case.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 11:20 am

As I’ve noted before, we can’t guarantee that some of this won’t be passed on to neo-Nazi militias who would not hesitate to use it on Russian civilians.

What Russian civilians?

The Donetsk and Luhansk regions are recognised as ‘independent’ by Russia, but are not actually Russian.

Ethnic Russian, indeed. But not formal citizens.

More importantly, the obsession with nazi adherents oppressing russians is confusing.

Slavs are Slavs. If they hate each other and wish to annihilate those who are not quite like them, they will. Actually, I’ll go one further- ALL humans are like this, and will do it if they think they can succeed. Whatever badges, flags or marching songs they employ while doing so has no bearing on the situation.

Ethnic Ukrainians monstering ethnic Russians is what the real fuss is about. The nazi tag is just a thing unique to the Azovs, but I am sure that in this day and age someone would have called them a pack of ‘nazis’ or ‘fascists’ anyway. As it is now just a term for someone we really don’t like. Whatever the reason.

March 3, 2022 11:21 am

The punishment is 10-25 years in prison or up to a maximum of life.

What if you agree with Russian Toady that the Ghost of Kiev was a fake?

Awful stuff. Literally life in prison for telling the truth.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 11:23 am

Some particularly good memes here.

Cohenite – He’s good! I like this one. And just for balance I’ll add this New York Post story via Instapundit, which, since it has photos is probably not safe for work.

War is heck.

March 3, 2022 11:23 am

ACT Policing has publicly stated that the Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) in question were only used to convey spoken-word messages.

1. They rapped? (“Spoken word”).
2. “Conspiracy-fact”?

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 3, 2022 11:28 am

If Kafka was around today, and he experienced “Service NSW”, then his novel The Trial would be twice the length.

Mrs TE and I just spent (our first) two hours there.

March 3, 2022 11:30 am

Had a poke back at the site nurse yesterday after she gloated I had to be booked for my 3rd shit shot.

I innocently asked “does this mean ill be immune then” and followed up with “well i cant pass it on now”…

She didnt like it “they were never going to provide immunity/stop you passing it on” she replied before wanting me to drop the topic when I asked what was the point of them then.

Long time ago 1 year…. when vaccines would “stop the spread”.

March 3, 2022 11:31 am

Look at this horrible over-reaction by Putins thugs.
Its not like she was protesting against lockdown laws or mandatory vaccinations!

March 3, 2022 11:32 am

Ethnic Russian, indeed. But not formal citizens.


Russia has issued 700 000+ passports to residents opf those regions in the last few weeks.

So not only are they ethnically Russian, they are now Russian citizens.

March 3, 2022 11:36 am

Inside Donetsk, the separatist republic that triggered the war in Ukraine
Foreign Correspondent / By Eric Campbell
Posted 6h ago6 hours ago, updated 2h ago

March 3, 2022 11:38 am
March 3, 2022 11:40 am

Another potential explanation is that the VKS are not confident in their capacity to safely deconflict large-scale sorties with the activity of Russian ground-based SAMs operated by the Ground Forces.

The sped Strela comes not back.
Old jungle saying.

March 3, 2022 11:41 am

And given the history of the region I can’t dismiss the lingering spirit of Nazism so blithely (definitely no ‘Hail to thee, blithe spirit’ here!)

These aren’t people we are labelling as Nazis, they self-identify as such.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 11:41 am

Meanwhile, Australia is sending $70m worth of missiles and bullets to Ukraine.

Roger – There’s an election in about two months time.
The MSM have been very Ukrainophilic.
The internal polls are saying SEND STUFF THAT GOES BANG TO UKRAINE NOW.
Not possible to avoid. Labor is on side too.

March 3, 2022 11:45 am

If you have an hour and a half to spare listen to the podcast of Victor Davis Hanson speaking to John Anderson on the issues in Ukraine and later – on why the West is in rapid decline. He is a wonderful classical historian who puts his stupendous intellect and insight into interpretation of modern times.
Scary – but SO important.

March 3, 2022 11:46 am

Funny, Hunter’s Laptop, the one the MSM wouldn’t let us see before the Dem Theft of the US Govt, wasn’t just about his crack addiction but his Ukraine ties and other corruption he did for his father.

Then bang, we get the Wu Flue diversion.

Lied to, lied to death even, for two years and finally people on all sides wake up to lies to the point where they have to stop selling the the Wu Flu lie.

Then bang, we get the Ukraine diversion.

Now all the same [fill in all the worst words you want] narrative pushers who wouldn’t let us see Hunter’s laptop & lied about Wu Flu, tell us that their personal blood money laundry that is the Ukraine (and has been for over 8 years, before they got Ukrainian Nazis to blow up Ukrainian civilians), is somewhere they want Westerners (who they haven’t killed & maimed with Wu Flu Jabs yet), to go and fight & die for, on their own dime, like bargain basement mercenaries.

Think whatever you want of all other players but the Ukraine Govt, it’s literal Nazi terror squads & it’s Western controllers, ARE THE BAD GUYS.

March 3, 2022 11:47 am

Roger – There’s an election in about two months time.

Bruce, it’s certainly convenient timing for Morrison.

But the truth is a Liberal PM never saw an American sponsored war he didn’t like.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 11:49 am

Russia has issued 700 000+ passports to residents opf those regions in the last few weeks.

So not only are they ethnically Russian, they are now Russian citizens.


So, an excuse and pretext and goad to Ukraine all at once.

Are we still only bashing on the Ukraine because debbil-debbil string-pulling Western oligarchs, or are we looking at the bastardry on both sides?

De facto claiming someone else’s people as your own (regardless of the cries about Minsk I/II, etc.) while you do not control the territory they live in would be reasonably described as an act of war if, say Germany did it to France (again). But it’s okay because it’s on the Russia/Ukraine border, and the Ukrainians have a bunch of folk who describe themselves as nazis?

I said yesterday that people are making Ukraine the sacrificial proxy and scapegoat for their hatred of the elites here in the West who screwed them over. And ignoring every little sub-nuance of the post-Berlin Wall history of both Russia and Ukraine.

And name-dropping dilletantes and ideological stooges in the Biden administration who have previously been heavily involved there doesn’t denote any particular degree of understanding. Corruption and dealmaking of the sort we are all pissed off with is a rich man’s game.

Look at the little people and their history, feuds and take on the matter. For all the fuss about string-pulling, the little people would not have backed Euromaidan if they thought it was just a bunch of rich folks in Kiev having a LARP.

The claim was posited here that Western elites have made the mistake of thinking that other elites are just like them, and been surprised by the Russian elite.

I put it to the Cat that We the People here make exactly the same mistakes when we assume the little people like us over there are exactly the same as us and make good/bad pronouncements about them, their actions and intent.

March 3, 2022 11:50 am

Personally, I’d like DeSantis to run in 24 rather than Trump.

In these times? I would prefer Mike Pompeio. Sure, he was a CIA boss. But he was also in the US army in his earlier life – how many US Presidents can claim that? If you have seen recent photographs of him ….he is fighting fit, having (it looks like) lost half his body weight.

He has been very quiet of late…….

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 11:50 am

Think whatever you want of all other players but the Ukraine Govt, it’s literal Nazi terror squads & it’s Western controllers, ARE THE BAD GUYS.

Only because you want them to be, Queen of the Nuffies.

You wouldn’t give a shit otherwise, and if it were, for example Romania v. Bulgaria, you’d be screaming your tits off about whichever one your Nuffy networks told you were bad.

March 3, 2022 11:52 am

a survivor of the infamous wartime siege of Leningrad

Makes it sound like she was boiling shoe leather for sustenance
or sledding supplies across Lake Lagoda.
Not a one year old when the siege was lifted.

March 3, 2022 11:52 am

Confused Old Man Yells at Nation for an Hour

3,720 seconds of lies, fearmongering, and malapropisms.

A confused political hack from Delaware staged a one-man insurrection by invading the sacred precincts of the Capitol building, hijacking all the TV networks, and yelling that the planet would be destroyed unless we gave him all our money so he could burn it and turn it into green energy.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, who loves the sound of his voice more than his crackhead son or the bastard grandchild of a stripper, had already inflicted the second longest opening address in the history of this nation with a 2021 marathon address that killed more brain cells than meth.

Like the star of a slasher movie sequel, Biden Jr., returned to ramble through a worse sequel, but kept it down to a mere hour and two minutes of torture. The two minutes are significant because when you have to endure the Vogon poetry of word salads, non-sequiturs, mumbles, grumbles, malapropisms, and random interjections, 120 extra seconds is an eternity.

During those 3,720 seconds of lies, fearmongering, and malapropisms, Biden took credit for defeating COVID, Putin, and the English language. While viruses and nations can’t be defeated with hot air, English never stands a chance once Biden’s mouth gets its slimy tongue on it.

sounds like someone has bested Tim Blair

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 3, 2022 11:53 am

Long time ago 1 year…. when vaccines would “stop the spread”.

A favourite point I make:

If I asked you three years ago what a vaccine does you would have said it stops you catching a disease. Had I followed up by asking how this worked you would have said something along the lines of having a calibrated small dose of the disease against which the body produces antibodies – then when it encounters the disease again it is ready armed.

So the question becomes – what superseding science have we learned over the last two years that convinces you now that you can take a vaccine which does not fight the disease in your body where the vaccine is, but will protect other people’s bodies?

March 3, 2022 11:53 am

I put it to the Cat that We the People here make exactly the same mistakes when we assume the little people like us over there are exactly the same as us …

I don’t know of anyone here who’s made that assumption. Russians (and Ukrainians) are different from us religiously, culturally & in the way they do politics.

But they are human beings.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 11:55 am

But the truth is a Liberal PM never saw an American sponsored war he didn’t like.

When one can’t defend one’s country, and needs the US to do it for you, that is the inevitable result.

March 3, 2022 11:57 am

When one can’t defend one’s country, and needs the US to do it for you, that is the inevitable result.

We could defend our country if we were prepared to.

We’re not.

Not much of a country, eh?

March 3, 2022 11:57 am

Lauren Witzke

The Christian position on the Russian/Ukraine conflict is to demand that Zelenskyy immediately stops using Ukrainians as human meat shields to protect the Clinton laundering state from a superior power and to just surrender already.

March 3, 2022 11:59 am

We could defend our country if we were prepared to.

See T.E.’s comment upthread on what would make a good start in that direction.

March 3, 2022 11:59 am

“…sparking debate about whether she was endorsing his homophobic messages.”

I see.
So when someone in the majority expresses their sincerely held belief that some minorities actions are immoral, and do so without demanding that they are prevented from living as they see fit, without demanding that they be silenced, and most certainly without call to violence against them of any sort, said “targeted” group is within their rights to denigrate that speakers beliefs, ban that speaker from “polite society”, and ruin that speakers career.
And this is “democracy”?
This is “tolerance”?
This is clearly some new meaning of those words, of which I have previously been unaware.
Or perhaps I am able to to apply the same standard to those who profess hatred of the white patriarchy and I will be supported? No? Thought not – hypocrite.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:00 pm

I don’t know of anyone here who’s made that assumption

Here is but one answer:

srr says:
March 3, 2022 at 11:57 am

Lauren Witzke

The Christian position on the Russian/Ukraine conflict is to demand that Zelenskyy immediately stops using Ukrainians as human meat shields to protect the Clinton laundering state from a superior power and to just surrender already

March 3, 2022 12:01 pm

The Wussia Wussia Wussia will not die….
In 2014, the Putin regime invaded Ukraine’s Crimea. In 2016, the same regime invaded the United States. The former took place as a conventional military operation; the latter was a spectacular case of cyberwarfare, including disinformation that it was happening at all and promulgation of a lot of talking points still devoutly repeated by many. It was a vast social-media influencing project that took many forms as it sought to sow discord and confusion, even attempting to dissuade Black voters from voting.

On 30 October 2016, then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reidput out a furious letter to then-FBI director James Comey, charging “it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity.”

The Republican party met its new leader by matching his corruption, and by covering up his crimes and protecting him from consequences, including two impeachments. The second impeachment was for a violent invasion of Congress, not by a foreign power, but by right-wingers inflamed by lies instigated by Trump and amplified by many in the party. They have become willing collaborators in an attempt to sabotage free and fair elections, the rule of law, and truth itself.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 12:01 pm

sounds like someone has bested Tim Blair

Daniel Greenfield is extraordinary. Putting Blair up on a level with Mr Greenfield is a serious credit to Tim Blair.

Do not miss FPM, and especially Greenfield’s blog on the RHS sidebar. And Sultan Knish.

March 3, 2022 12:02 pm

Are we still only bashing on the Ukraine because debbil-debbil string-pulling Western oligarchs, or are we looking at the bastardry on both sides?

Some people get way too complex and smart about these things.

Both sides are bad. But, which side has the potential to rub out or further expose a fair amount of corrupt goings on that a party of our perhaps greatest ally has their fingerprints all over. This same party and their cohorts have corrupted media globally and influence political parties in many countries, like Australia.

If any good comes from Russian involvement in Ukraine then that may just mean the US becomes a leader and beacon for the west again. God knows it’s not now and every other western country takes its lead.

March 3, 2022 12:03 pm

But the truth is a Liberal PM never saw an American sponsored war he didn’t like.

Robert James Lee Hawke cares to differ

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:03 pm

See T.E.’s comment upthread on what would make a good start in that direction.

Only disagreement I have is on 3 fleet carriers.

4 or 5 might be better- 1 for each ocean, 1 for regional cruises, ‘good neighbour’ business (e.g. disaster response) and emergencies, and 1 in refit/workup at any one time.

March 3, 2022 12:08 pm

I don’t know of anyone here who’s made that assumption

I meant the assumption that Ukrainians and Russians are just like us.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 12:09 pm

Roger – I’ve advocated the Swiss model for some time now.

Hard sell to the Tik Tokkers though.

March 3, 2022 12:10 pm

De facto claiming someone else’s people as your own

The Russian speaking people in those regions have been waging an eight year civil war to separate from Ukraine and the the western puppet junta that overthrew the “pro russian” president they elected in 2014, you dumbshit.

God spare us these boomermencucks!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 12:14 pm

Both sides are bad. But, which side has the potential to rub out or further expose a fair amount of corrupt goings on that a party of our perhaps greatest ally has their fingerprints all over.

Uranium One or Bursima.
Decisions, decisions.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:15 pm

Both sides are bad. But, which side has the potential to rub out or further expose a fair amount of corrupt goings on that a party of our perhaps greatest ally has their fingerprints all over. This same party and their cohorts have corrupted media globally and influence political parties in many countries, like Australia.

If any good comes from Russian involvement in Ukraine then that may just mean the US becomes a leader and beacon for the west again. God knows it’s not now and every other western country takes its lead.

Thank you, Evil Elvis.

The side-picking over the last 2 or so weeks here has been irritating. Especially as everyone loudly (or otherwise) declaring themselves for Vlad Bae would link even a single decent Slav video to prove their devotion.


March 3, 2022 12:15 pm

Robert James Lee Hawke cares to differ

He didn’t differ, he bested them in his enthusiasm.

When I was at uni in the stoned age some lefty wag cut the Union Jack out of the flag and substitued the Stars & Bars and ran it up a flagpole. I thought it was a bit sophomoric at the time but on looking back it did serve as quite pointed commentary on our foreign policy, or the lack thereof, as demonstrated by successive primer ministers.

Having our own foriegn policy does not mean jettisoning the US alliance; but it does mean evaluating foreign military interventions according to our sovereign interests and not America’s. Or China’s, for that matter. As stated above, that means we also need military power to protect our interests. It’s never been clearer that we can’t rely on the US for our security indefinitely.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:16 pm

Especially as everyone loudly (or otherwise) declaring themselves for Vlad Bae would NOT link even a single decent Slav video to prove their devotion.


March 3, 2022 12:17 pm

Grrr…prime ministers…own foreign policy….

March 3, 2022 12:17 pm

Don’t we have problems supplying enough sailors to man current subs never mind the 12 in the future and carriers.

March 3, 2022 12:18 pm

Being a unionised rail worker sure seems to get you a lot of time on your hands.
I’ve been put out of work by Palaschook and still can’t get the 24/7 thing happening like ol’ choo choo man.
And all he does is try to ingratiate himself into the gang by poking his digital tongue out at those who they deem not in the peer group.
“We” when no one has agreed with him.
It reminds me of those scenes in movies where the timid gang member, way above his depth, decides he’ll step out in front and say “so there” “ner ner ner” only to shit himself when the others aren’t behind him anymore.
You can’t trust your freight to these people.
They’ll charge like wounded bulls of course, but cowardly, behind your back via taxation.

And doesn’t he pipe up from his toy soldiers and spitfire model kit when talking about military equipment.
That glue can be overwhelming.

March 3, 2022 12:20 pm

Dumb as a bag of hammers, this one will go straight to the forgettery.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 12:21 pm

It’s getting serious.
Joe Hockey and Dan Quayle have resurfaced.
Pundit futures are up.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:22 pm

The Russian speaking people in those regions have been waging an eight year civil war to separate from Ukraine and the the western puppet junta that overthrew the “pro russian” president they elected in 2014, you dumbshit.

God spare us these boomermencucks!

You would not have cared, but for the fact it has suddenly become politically fashionable into care. And to unquestioningly back the Little Green Men from over the border who fomented and escalated that spearatist fight in the first place.

March 3, 2022 12:26 pm

Don’t we have problems supplying enough sailors to man current subs never mind the 12 in the future and carriers.

Submariners are a special breed, but yes, that does highlight that recruitment needs to be addressed.

Like building a defence deterrent in general, that’s not an insurmountable problem but clearly we need a rethink & a new approach.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 3, 2022 12:27 pm

Just killed a brown snake hiding under the grain bag we are unloading. Too near to the work zone to be left alone.
Between the eyes with my Cyclone shovel.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:29 pm

I’ve been put out of work by Palaschook and still can’t get the 24/7 thing

I wonder how the manlet ever managed to get into or back out of SA, given that socialism sits him on his arse so frequently. Does his Nuffy network have some sort of untraceable donation system so almighty-but-unemployed Heroes of the Highways like himself can have the funds to move places?

And doesn’t he pipe up from his toy soldiers and spitfire model kit when talking about military equipment.
That glue can be overwhelming.

I am so sorry that practical knowledge on a subject of interest overwhelms you, manlet.

If talk on the Cat ever turns to however many gearsticks you have to play with to make a semi-trailer move (aside from your own), you will be duly summoned…

March 3, 2022 12:30 pm

God spare us these boomermencucks!

What’s worse is how few dare call out such ill willed idiots.

I really do miss the days when all cats called out all idiocy & lies rather than let it sit as if legitimate, for fear of the wrath of the mob.

Again, a classic example of the job of social media propagandists; spend years building up respect for integrity so that when The Big Lies have to be sold, very few think to question their ‘trusted friends’ and if those still reasonable friends don’t even bother questioning, let alone correcting, the big bullshit pushers, the bullshit is accepted as legitimate.

March 3, 2022 12:33 pm

“…“Service NSW”, then his novel The Trial would be twice…”

That’s because you neglected to recognise that “service”, in this instance, is in the, ummm, “agricultural” or “animal husbandry” sense. And once you recognise that, it all becomes much clearer.

You’re welcome.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:34 pm

Now remember Cats, if you do not give Struth his demanded quota of upticks for ‘destroying’ this debbil-debbil unionised koala and other-random-gibberish-Struth-thinks-sounds-cool-to-denounce-and-rubbish-the-people-he-doesn’t-like-because-they-once-upset-his-hyperinflated-and-fragile-ego, he will just continue to wordwall you until he does.

Give the man his 90 upticks and let him get on with his day.

The wordwalls will continue until the upticks improve…

March 3, 2022 12:34 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:35 pm

I really do miss the days when all cats called out all idiocy & lies rather than let it sit as if legitimate, for fear of the wrath of the mob.

Wow- The most vehement anti-groupthinker on this site demands groupthink because there are people who do not agree with hers…

March 3, 2022 12:42 pm

I wonder how the manlet ever managed to get into or back out of SA, given that socialism sits him on his arse so frequently.

I drive this thing with a sterring wheel.

Does his Nuffy network have some sort of untraceable donation system so almighty-but-unemployed Heroes of the Highways like himself can have the funds to move places?

I did it with the money from working I saved and didn’t have to surrender to the government to pay for unionised, useless general freight rail systems.
Oddly enough, when one of your communist/socialist 1890’s transport system derailments occur that closes the entire line for weeks, sometimes months, we got to work twice as hard carting the freight to pay the taxes to fix the rail…………
There seems to be no difference in being unemployed as far as time on your hands compared to being employed by the railways, except for salary.

Let’s all sing….

“You can’t touch me, I’m part of the union, you can’t touch me I’m part of the union.
No you can’t touch me, I’m part of the union, ’cause I am a union mann”

Did I get the words right , comrade?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 12:44 pm

4 or 5 might be better- 1 for each ocean, 1 for regional cruises, ‘good neighbour’ business (e.g. disaster response) and emergencies, and 1 in refit/workup at any one time.

4 or 5 aircraft carriers? Do you want to give Adam Bandt heart failure?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 12:44 pm

March 2, 2022 at 11:38 pm
Not sure if already posted but the question if LRAD’s were present at the Canberra protests have been answered


thank you for that slackster.

Now are all those Henny Penny’s screaming ‘deployed mind-destroying devices at the Canberra protests’ going to come out of the woodwork and acknowledge they were wrong?

No no no NO NO NO! The burning of the protestors though! From the directed microwave beams!

There was a picture on the internet! Because it sounds like Something They Would Do, and also dovetails into my theory that the WEF and UN are right this minute planning to invade!

… .. …..

Ah geez. That reminds me – it’s almost time for the cyclical internet rumour again, to wit: ‘A mate of a mate knows a tradie on the RAAF base in Darwin. He reckons lots of transport planes came in overnight, and now there are thousands of troops with blue berets said to be ready for deployment south….’

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 12:46 pm

I drive this thing with a sterring wheel.

Assisted by technology, no doubt, but unassisted by spellcheck.

March 3, 2022 12:47 pm

Seriously, do you actually do anything, Comrade?
Besides Hobbytek?

March 3, 2022 12:48 pm

Assisted by technology, no doubt, but unassisted by spellcheck

Now why would a lard head from Vicpol want to know about the rifles of pig shooters for?

Got some mates to report back to, KD?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:49 pm

“We” when no one has agreed with him.

Why so desperate to isolate me, manlet?

Did a nasty meany-poobum train once delay you really badly when you were rushing to get home?

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 3, 2022 12:49 pm

I’d like five carriers but trying to see what might get through the addled minds of the taxpayers.

Re submariners, just pay them twice the salary of surface fleet people, and then stand back in the rush. For that matter, if you want to increase the size of your defence forces – and of course we should – then up the salaries across the board, while closing down all of the woke nonsense.

March 3, 2022 12:51 pm

Railways, when it comes to general freight, are the ABC of transport.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:51 pm

Seriously, do you actually do anything, Comrade?

Reduce you from the barnstorming Performance Artist for FREEEE’M you claim to be, to the nasty, petty little anklebiter you really are.

And I’m really quite good at it. 🙂

March 3, 2022 12:52 pm

m o d e r n i t y 7
Nuclear fallout edition. Paul Joseph Watson

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:53 pm

Railways, when it comes to general freight, are the ABC of transport.

Whatever allows you to sticky-tape your glass jaw back together and stave off the self-loathing for at least another day, manlet…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 12:53 pm

Re submariners, just pay them twice the salary of surface fleet people, and then stand back in the rush.

An iPhone that works at a depth of 200 m, in a large metal tube, would be more successful.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:54 pm

Re submariners, just pay them twice the salary of surface fleet people, and then stand back in the rush. For that matter, if you want to increase the size of your defence forces – and of course we should – then up the salaries across the board, while closing down all of the woke nonsense.

How dare you speak sense, Top Ender! 😀

The problem being that all the other public servants will try to demand a pay rise, too.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 12:56 pm

Now why would a lard head from Vicpol want to know about the rifles of pig shooters for?

Got some mates to report back to, KD?

Yeah St. Ruth. I’ll be on the phone. Because you’re soooo important to the resistance – so much so you’ve proclaimed yourself to be an ASIO target before. The conversation will go like this:

‘There’s a bloke on the internet saying he met 20 pig shooters at an undisclosed location in another State.

‘Yeah, it’s as though he’s met up with the French Resistance, an underground heavily-armed guerrilla force ready to take out the Establishment. Yes, I know that you have all the guns already.

‘You’re right. It does sound like he’s in an episode of ‘Allo ‘Allo.’

Ha ha ha. Sooooo important.

Get over yourself, Tickets St. Ruth.

March 3, 2022 12:56 pm

Interesting statements from some of the heavyweights of American strategic thinking, dating back to shortly after the collapse of the Soviet union.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 12:56 pm

I did it with the money from working I saved and didn’t have to surrender to the government to pay for unionised, useless general freight rail systems.

The 1970s called, Struth.

They’d like their anachronistic attitude back, please.

They’re also quite happy to take you and your illegal fatigue logbook-fudging Road Warrior ways back as well…

March 3, 2022 12:58 pm

Facts are a problem for you aren’t they comrade?
See, I never complied with tyranny to keep my union job that gives you time to spend 24/7 on the net.
You did.
Let’s face it.
You’re in dept up to your eyeballs because you thought you were set for life, a union job in the choo choos and couldn’t knock back the jab.
You even started a hobbyteks military models hobby with your big train set in the garage.
You’ll take boosters, heck even a government cock up your arse (probably less deadly) than sacrifice anything.
Yet all the while exposing the contempt you have for yourself by taking it out on those that didn’t submit.
Sorry, but you did deserve that.

March 3, 2022 1:01 pm

Cheif idiot KD.
Try to follow with your plod brain.
I just thought it might be good news to know there are young men with guns very resistant to the jab and what is going on.
I never spoke about myself.
I spoke about them.
So now here’s a question.
Did you quit the force or were you booted for not being able to look at evidence and analise it while getting yourself all confused and brain hurty?

March 3, 2022 1:02 pm

m o d e r n i t y 7
Nuclear fallout edition. Paul Joseph Watson

it’s a good one

March 3, 2022 1:05 pm

The DNC-WEF-Washington War Machine wanted a war and they were going to make it happen one way or another

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 1:05 pm

The problem being that all the other public servants will try to demand a pay rise, too.

Don’t laugh! When Malcolm Fraser gave the Services a major pay rise in the early 80’s, I was gravely assured that “the rest of the public service will be entitled to a similar pay rise…”

March 3, 2022 1:06 pm

However for me the highlight was pelosi. This is lizard people stuff.

don’t forget the other grinning idiot- Harris.

March 3, 2022 1:07 pm

Roger is correct- with proper leadership Australia could defend itself and produce everything it needs- even Nerada tea is better than Twinings.

March 3, 2022 1:08 pm

closest we ever came may have been Gorton

March 3, 2022 1:11 pm

No responsibility taken, but there’s a lot talk about this around

Smart Cities”, “Resilient Cities”, This is how the NWO is Forcing YOU in them Wake Up!!!

I don’t know whether any of this is feasible, but I’m 100% certain that, if it is, they would do it because there is absolutely nothing that they draw the line at.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:12 pm

4 or 5 aircraft carriers? Do you want to give Adam Bandt heart failure?

It might well outperform Pfizer in that regard… 😉

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 1:12 pm

I just thought it might be good news to know there are young men with guns very resistant to the jab and what is going on.

Look, as much as I appreciate you pumping your ancestral – albeit barrel-stuffing – home up, the news that people with guns are not happy with the current shit state affairs is not in fact news.

I would be more concerned if they all genuinely believed that millions of people in this country will start dropping off the twig en masse in April 2023. That is 13 months from now, as you would have everyone believe.

Or, if those people genuinely believed that they would be loaded onto cattle cars and shipped to extermination camps already pre-fitted with gas piping into the showers. Which is something else you would have everyone believe.

Speaking of which – where are the leaks, the whistleblowers from the tradies putting the shower gas pipes in?

Or is this another one of those things that aren’t true but you say anyway to – and I quote – ‘shock people into taking action’?

March 3, 2022 1:13 pm

bing bong st ruth is irate

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 1:18 pm

Did you quit the force or were you booted for not being able to look at evidence and analise it

What? Analise it?

Do you mean stick evidence up my arse, like drug mules?

With analising sterring wheels, perhaps it might be best if you stop with ‘I can read plain English’ when talking about your glove box copy of the Constitution you wave at taxi drivers.

Because that was another bullshit story. Tickets.

March 3, 2022 1:20 pm

Without WEF traitors in government and the swamp for the last few decades, Australia could have, and should have been a superpower.
Scoffers here, who, as you see above, I can get a little short with, are typical of many in Australia, who when the reality and facts are stark and overwhelming, like to play the “sensible” middle of the road guy, when in fact, what they are ,are a disaster for our nation and filled and filled with fearful denialism.
THE WEF IS AT WAR WITH THE WEST and is attempting a socialist gov/corp fascist takeover with the people they have inserted into governments world wide. Especially in the west.
Especially in Canada and Australia….where those same resources to produce everything we need and the ability to defend ourselves gets stolen and we become enslaved.
By digital control.
Klaus and his mates are salivating at the level of tyranny they’ll be able to achieve with new digital technologies, which the likes of comrade choo choo above have been scoffing at for two fucking years.
The damage they do in attempting to sooth themselves by denouncing the bleeding obvious as conspiracy theory by “nuff nuff’s” while the last two years have made them look like the idiots they are, does a very great diservice to our nation.
There comes a time when the psychological collapse of some cannot afford to be tolerated for your nation and for your freedom’s sake.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:22 pm

You’re in dept up to your eyeballs

I am?

You’re a forensic auditor now too, eh Struth? Shame you can’t spell…

I think you’re lying to us all about how you’re a non-compliant hero.

Your projection skills are so accomplished, it is quite clear that you’ve actually been working for Hoyts on the sly this whole time.

And I’m pretty sure that Hoyts require all their staff to be fully vaccinated…

March 3, 2022 1:23 pm

Submariners are a special breed, but yes, that does highlight that recruitment needs to be addressed.

The biggest problem with ADF recruitment is the “what the fuck are we defending?” factor.

Put my neck on the line so I can continue to be treated like livestock?

March 3, 2022 1:24 pm

And while I was writing that, they went ahead and proved me right, yet again.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:26 pm

Klaus and his mates are salivating at the level of tyranny they’ll be able to achieve with new digital technologies, which the likes of comrade choo choo above have been scoffing at for two fucking years.

Awww… Struth’s got a real class enemy to project all his Nuffiness onto.

Innee cute? 🙂

Just as well I have broad shoulders and I’m on an RDO today. Else he’d be wasting his time trying to anklebite at everyone else…

March 3, 2022 1:28 pm

Only someone who doesn’t want to deal with the facts start on the spelling.
I write fast, and those who have read me before know I have spelled analyse correctly in the past.
I don’t give a fuck if I mispel u werd hear and their, the arguments I present are sound, so those retreating to spelling nazis are quite pathetic.

After two years and so much wrongology and scoffing….
Wake up to yourselves.
Have you no shame?

March 3, 2022 1:31 pm

RDO’s in the choo choo’s are rare and only occur consecutively with days ending in Y.

RDO’s……how fucking unionised.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:31 pm

And while I was writing that, they went ahead and proved me right, yet again.

Struth needs someone to be Stunning and Brave at, or life has no meaning.

Poor Struth.

I’d invite him to come be a unionised Comrade on the dratted communist choo choos that keep this country rolling, but given he hates being up at night and away from his bed (even when he was allegedly a real Hero of the Highways) and his understanding of the logistical networks of this country he proclaims he was once a part of is outright cartoonish, I think he wouldn’t last very long…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:32 pm

I don’t give a fuck if I mispel u werd hear and their, the arguments I present are sound

Which is why you constantly resort to personal insults, correct?

March 3, 2022 1:32 pm

I’d invite him to come be a unionised Comrade on the dratted communist choo choos that keep this country rolling,

I have some pride, thanks.

March 3, 2022 1:34 pm

Struth needs someone to be Stunning and Brave at, or life has no meaning

You do hate yourself, don’t you?
Feel like a failure?
Like you gave in and resent the people that didn’t?
Don’t worry, it’s not obvious or anything.

March 3, 2022 1:36 pm

trains don’t go choo choo anymore- they growl and purr

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 3, 2022 1:38 pm


What are you going to do when this is over – not that it’s been good, and it’s not over yet – but when it’s over, the cattle cars haven’t come to take The People to the death camps, when not everyone dies 13 to 43 months from now and when the chemtrails haven’t killed the remainder?

And when the next crisis develops?

I mean, aside from a handle change.

Serious question.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:39 pm

RDO’s in the choo choo’s are rare and only occur consecutively with days ending in Y.

RDO’s……how fucking unionised.

You keep using these words- I do not think they mean what you think they mean…

(See what I mean about Performance Artist for FREEEE’M to petty, anklebiting squit in one reply? 🙂 )

March 3, 2022 1:40 pm

I must be seeing things. Roos with snorkels and flippers.

Next one will come past in a rowboat.

March 3, 2022 1:40 pm

trains don’t go choo choo anymore- they growl and purr

Like this?
This one on the nullabor kept us busy for weeks, it’s quite a regular thing.

not much purring here.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:42 pm

What are you going to do when this is over – not that it’s been good, and it’s not over yet – but when it’s over, the cattle cars haven’t come to take The People to the death camps, when not everyone dies 13 to 43 months from now and when the chemtrails haven’t killed the remainder?

Worse- As Struth would know, it will not be the communist choo choos that take The People to ThE CaMpS in cattle cars, but in this country it will be cattle trucks.


Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
March 3, 2022 1:43 pm

In todays Oz. It’s a long read but I just had to share it. Replace ‘Reason’ with ‘Treason’ and the article would be spot on. Enjoy.

Reason in name only as Jane Caro chases Senate spotlight
Follow @Oz_Mocker

Columnist and author Jane Caro is running for the federal Senate with the Reason Party. Picture: Sam Ruttyn

MARCH 3, 2022

The Mocker muses on how Jane Caro, candidate for the Reason Party, would introduce herself to the Senate if she were elected:

As an acclaimed novelist, writer, social commentator, public speaker, and Walkley Award winner, I would normally have no trouble in preparing my first speech as senator, especially one concerning my favourite subject. But a time limit, not to mention modesty, precludes me from listing all my achievements.

I say to you my being elected is a sign that conservatism’s influence is waning. It is time for senators and MPs to listen to Australians, and by that I mean real Australians. Let us heed the wise words of those who appear on The Drum as well as Q&A, let us pay serious attention to the speakers at writers’ festivals, let us respect the wisdom of human rights commissioners. And let us read the room, by which I mean Twitter.

To use one of my oft-repeated expressions, I am existentially terrified of climate change. As one who has more experience than most in seeing the planet from a commercial airline, I have seen first-hand the effects of climate change, and it distresses me greatly. For the sake of our children, Australia must reduce its carbon emissions, but instead government sides with the big emitters, particularly the coal and fossil fuel industries. These are the thoughts that preoccupy me as I travel in our Toyota Landcruiser VX from our North Shore home to our farm in the Upper Hunter.

I come to this chamber with an open mind, one free of preconceived ideas. I only wish everyone in this country had my attitude. It troubles me to see in this place an Australian flag, which I associate with racism. As I have observed on social media, I assume people who fly the flag outside their homes are racist. In fact I said in 2015 that Australia is more racist than South Africa was during the apartheid era. I have lost count of the number of times I have said I am ashamed of this country. As you can understand, it was an exceedingly difficult decision on my part to accept an Order of Australia in 2019, but ultimately my sense of civic duty overrode my misgivings.

It is my fervent hope that Australia will one day be a secular democracy. I stand by my opinion that we live in a “soft theocracy” given we subsidise religious schools, which by nature discriminate. My tolerant nature and open mind are such that I have a deep suspicion of parents who do not send their children to public schools.

I myself am a product of the public education system, and without the skills it taught me I would not have won a Walkley Award. Private schools, on the other hand, foster elitism, privilege, and intolerance. As I wrote in 2018, I think the Tax Office should audit all parents with a low taxable income who send their children to private schools.

I hope my fellow senators and the Australian people appreciate the enormous sacrifice I have made in standing for public office, something that compelled me to renounce my British citizenship. Previously I had called for the Constitution to be changed to accommodate people in my situation, but the government ignored me. I suspect it was because I was a woman, or that the prejudice against British migrants is still a factor. To them I say the stereotype of the whingeing Pom who complains incessantly about Australia is an outdated notion.

Among the many skills I bring to this place is my expertise in communications and a gift for words. As I wrote on Facebook when announcing my intention to run for the Senate, “It’s time to get shit done and stop electing governments who don’t believe in governments”. Did I mention I am a Walkley Award winner?

The Reason Party has decided Jane Caro represents its best chance of securing a NSW Senate seat in the forthcoming federal election. I can only assume its nomenclature is analogous to that of a despot third world country which has the adjective ‘Democratic’ in its official title. In other words, it is anything but.

Nonetheless Caro has a high profile, thanks to her remarkable capacity for self-promotion and her ability to confidently deliver an opinion about anything, regardless of how little she knows about the subject. When called out on her ignorance, her usual response is to claim her critics are motivated by misogyny and sexism. Like many faultfinders, she quickly resorts to victimhood when her hypocrisy is exposed.

Her reaction to the election result in 2019 is a case in point. “Well, Australia may be f..ked and the whole planet not far behind but I am at the best, most brilliant and cool wedding I have ever been too (sic),” she tweeted late on election night. “So I shall just dance & get pissed & stick two rude fingers up to the truculent turds who voted to turn backwards.” And then tweeting again for good measure: “I wish I was a New Zealander”.

To Caro’s dismay, many Australians wished the same, some even offering to fund her migration across the ditch provided she not return. Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald two days later, her reaction was most revealing. Saying only she had “sent a couple of ill-advised tweets,” she complained of being called an “absolute bitch” in response.

“But I don’t tell you this to evoke sympathy,” she added. No, of course not. Notably, she did not apologise for her own conduct, despite having insulted half the nation. Want to see these tolerance luminaries for what they really are? All it takes is a skinful.

But in one respect Caro has advanced gender equality, something central to her policies. She has demonstrated that women can be as vain, pompous, and obnoxious as any man. And while it would be a big mistake for any government to disregard the voices of women, one thing should be remembered. Refusing to take women seriously and refusing to take Jane Caro seriously are vastly different things.

March 3, 2022 1:43 pm

Aaaaand heeeeeere comes Rex!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:45 pm

This one on the nullabor kept us busy for weeks, it’s quite a regular thing.

Poor Struth.

Still anklebiting over an incident from 2015.

And all because truck-related delays, injuries and fatalities from dickheads and gamblers amongst the ranks of his fellow Heroes of the Highways are so frequent in this country as to pass unremarked…

March 3, 2022 1:45 pm

Roads, the public carriageway in QR parlance, are build by governments or at the behest of governments. BIRM.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:46 pm

In todays Oz. It’s a long read but I just had to share it. Replace ‘Reason’ with ‘Treason’ and the article would be spot on. Enjoy.

May I be the first to declare ‘Oof?’ 🙂

March 3, 2022 1:47 pm

On Party names.

Whatever the party is called, assume they support the opposite.

Labor – Layabouts

Liberal – Authoritarian

Greens – Scorched Earth

Reason – Village Idiots

March 3, 2022 1:49 pm

From RT:

Some 498 Russian servicemen have been killed and nearly 1,600 wounded during the ongoing assault on Ukraine, Russia’s military claimed on Wednesday.

The Defense Ministry refuted reports that there have been “countless” casualties, branding the claims as deliberate disinformation originating from the adversary. According to Russian military estimates, Ukrainian army units and far-right paramilitaries have reportedly lost at least 2,870 soldiers, while a further 3,700 have sustained various wounds. Some 572 Ukrainian servicemen have been taken prisoner, the ministry added.

Russian units involved in the offensive are comprised solely of professional soldiers, the military has said, refuting allegations that the invasion force consisted largely of “conscripts.”

The official casualty figures announced by Moscow differ drastically from the claims voiced by Kiev, which said more than 5,800 Russian soldiers had perished since the invasion began.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 1:50 pm

Roads, the public carriageway in QR parlance, are build by governments or at the behest of governments.

“You can’t trust your freight to these people.
They’ll charge like wounded bulls of course, but cowardly, behind your back via taxation…”

/ht Struth.

And with that, miltonf is the clear and declared victor of the Second Great Truck vs. Train War of 2022.

His Victory Parade shall be glorious. 🙂


March 3, 2022 1:51 pm


Also from RT:

Russian cats slapped with sanctions

The International Feline Federation (FIFe) has weighed in on the Ukraine crisis, banning Russian-owned cats from competing in its shows as a sanction for Moscow’s military attack on the former Soviet republic.

“The FIFe executive board is shocked and horrified that the army of the Russian Federation invaded the Republic of Ukraine and started a war,” the Paris-based federation said on Tuesday. The group added that it “cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing.”

As a result, cats belonging to Russian residents will be banned from entry at FIFe shows. In addition, no cats bred in Russia can be imported and registered in a FIFe pedigree book, the group said.


March 3, 2022 1:53 pm

And…a highbrow version.

If you look very very carefully kiddies, you will see Rex. He’s smiling.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 3, 2022 1:56 pm

Replace ‘Reason’ with ‘Treason’ and the article would be spot on.

She’s in the UN-Reason party.
Ladies like Caro are UN junkies.

March 3, 2022 1:56 pm

I missed one.

Voices Of… – Shut Up the Rest of Youse

March 3, 2022 1:57 pm

What are you going to do when this is over – not that it’s been good, and it’s not over yet – but when it’s over, the cattle cars haven’t come to take The People to the death camps, when not everyone dies 13 to 43 months from now and when the chemtrails haven’t killed the remainder?

But if we don’t win that is exactly what is planned.
It’s not conspiracy theory, and there is no way you can argue it is.
They started building those camps the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.
Any cop with half a brain should have been able to put that together, hence I asked you if you were sacked….you either are in denial, or you couldn’t put the bleeding obvious together and they had to keep you on traffic duty.
But before we can win, first things first, we have to get scoffing denialist idiots like yourself to see it is already happening.
People are already dying from the jab now.
And it’s still being forced on people.
That makes those doing it murderers.
But you seem to trust these types.
Is that a left over from your training that has turned other dumb bastards in vicpol into stasi?
Look, what’s eating you two up, I get it, is that what I’ve been on about for two years has been proven true.
It really sticks in your craw.
I get that.

You know this is not about a virus and never has been, you do by now, but you prefer to take the lazy, concerned how you appear to the other sheep, position and scoff away.
What I don’t get is that you delude yourself.
You virtually had to take a bullet to see your mother interstate, and yet you want to deny it was anything to be up in arms about.

People are dying all over the place from the jab, it’s happening already, and for the very reasons the inventer and others said they would die.
Insurance companies are seeing massive increases in deaths and nearly everyone knows someone who has become seriously ill with side effects or died from the jab.
Yet you scoff at this.
Have some fucking responsibility about yourself and stop denouncing the bleeding obvious, smacking you in the face, as conspiracy theory to make yourself feel better.
Dot just got hinself jabbed.
I know it wasn’t me that made him feel like it’s nothing to worry about.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 2:00 pm

‘I shot Walker to save my partner’s life’: Zachary Rolfe

Amos Aikman
Northern Correspondent
30 minutes ago March 3, 2022

Zachary Rolfe shot Kumanjayi Walker three times because he feared his partner could be killed, the young Northern Territory Constable has told a jury in his murder trial.

“As soon as I saw him (Walker) with a blade, I immediately feared for my life, (and) then I went for my Glock,” he said.

“His hand was on my Glock, and I twisted my hips back with speed, which we’re trained to do, to knock that hand off my Glock.

“As soon as I stepped back, Kumanjayi’s focus turned to Eberl, and I immediately feared for Eberl’s life. Kumanjayi started stabbing (Remote Sergeant Adam) Eberl in the chest and neck area … that’s the impression I got.”

“So I drew my Glock, and when it was safe to fire — still fearing for Eberl’s life — I fired one round into (the) centre of seen mass of Kumanjayi.”

Constable Rolfe and Remote Sergeant Adam Eberl were in the outback NT community of Yuendumu as part of a police Immediate Response Team.

Speaking publicly about the incidents on 9 November 2019 for the first time, Constable Rolfe told the NT Supreme Court he acted at all times in accordance with his training.

The jury has heard Constable Rolfe shot Walker three times after the latter stabbed him with scissors. Crown prosecutors say the first shot may have been justifiable but shots two and three were murderous.

Constable Rolfe told the court that from his perception after he fired the first shot, Walker and Sergeant Eberl “fell to the ground and began fighting”.

“I could see Kumanjayi’s right arm with the blade in it still moving and stabbing Constable Eberl on the ground,” he said.

“I believed he still had a lethal weapon and was utilising it against Eberl … then, still fearing for Eberl’s life, I moved towards the two on the ground … I was in fear for my partner’s life, and I needed to incapacitate the threat immediately by the use of my firearm, and I needed to make that use of the firearm as safe as possible for Eberl.”

“I moved towards the two and placed my left hand on Eberl’s back. I did this because they were still fighting, and they were still moving, and I didn’t want him to be thrown or to move back into my line of fire. I then fired two more rounds into Kumanjayi’s centre of mass, at which point I observed his right arm stopped trying to stab my partner, at which time I re-holstered my Glock.”

The trial continues.

Walker’s no longer described as “a troubled teenager….”

Oh come on
Oh come on
March 3, 2022 2:03 pm

WA records one COVID death as 2,423 new cases reported and hard border comes down

I would put money on this “one Covid death” being a death with Covid rather than a death from Covid. No one is or was in ICU with Covid, and loads of the active Covid cases are really old.

Oh come on
Oh come on
March 3, 2022 2:09 pm

How petty can the anti-Russia pressure groups get? Putin has his judo black belt revoked, and now Russian cats can’t enter cat shows? What next – is Russia going to be removed from atlases and maps?

March 3, 2022 2:09 pm

March 3, 2022 at 1:51 pm

Also from RT:

Russian cats slapped with sanctions

The International Feline Federation (FIFe) has weighed in on the Ukraine crisis, banning Russian-owned cats from competing in its shows as a sanction for Moscow’s military attack on the former Soviet republic.

“The FIFe executive board is shocked and horrified that the army of the Russian Federation invaded the Republic of Ukraine and started a war,” the Paris-based federation said on Tuesday. The group added that it “cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing.”

All this is just ensuring more enemies for the Weston overlords. So woke, so much virtue signaling.

March 3, 2022 2:12 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 3, 2022 at 2:00 pm
‘I shot Walker to save my partner’s life’: Zachary Rolfe

This case and the BRS defamation case are watersheds. If either guy loses serious shit has hit the fan.

March 3, 2022 2:16 pm

On Youtube. A good 2 minutes clip with NZ protest pics.

Tears of our nation – 2nd March 2022

March 3, 2022 2:18 pm

I didn’t think the ACT police owning LRAD devices was controversial.
It’s actually mentioned in the manufacturer’s publicity material that the ACT have two of them.
I would not like to be in range when it is used as a warning device.
more on the ‘sound cannon’

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 2:19 pm

I know it wasn’t me that made him feel like it’s nothing to worry about.


You just made it all about you again.

Just like it has been since day one…



Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 2:25 pm

They started building those camps the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.

Which one was that, Struth?

Wellcamp, which had been fought over for planning permission as general-purpose transient worker accommodation for some time before last year’s polocy change on international arrivals?

The hastily repurposed immigration detention facility in the NT, that had been there since Rudd-Gillard-Rudd-Abbott-Trumble times?

The myriad hotels hastily pressed into service by on-the-fly policymaking?

Or have you imaginated something else you cannot (or will not because you cannot) link to, and will call me more names about instead to distract from the fact you cannot do anything to support that claim?

March 3, 2022 2:26 pm


You just made it all about you again.

Just like it has been since day one…



No, this is all been about you, comrade.
Give up the idiocy of the scoffing.
It’s been two years, and whatever you think of SRR and people like her, you call nuff nuffs, the truth is she’s been a thousand times more correct than you, and you’ve just shown yourself to be a denialist.
You may have your reasons, but make no mistake, it’s so abundantly clear what is happening now, that your continuing scoffing just looks like fear.
You can’t be that thick.
The reality is not nice, but scoffing at it doesn’t change it, and doesn’t make it go away.
And as a man, you have a responsibility to stop acting like a scared teenager.

March 3, 2022 2:29 pm

Wellcamp, which had been fought over for planning permission as general-purpose transient worker accommodation for some time before last year’s polocy change on international arrivals?

KD, I realise he knows how to spell policy, and I’d let it go, but do feel a need to supply some input here as the new spelling Nazi?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 2:29 pm

$100,000 each for Victoria’s ‘stolen generation’

Michael Smith News. Will anything as crass as any proof be required, or will “Stories my Nanna told me”
be sufficient?

Cassie of Sydney
March 3, 2022 2:31 pm

Just remember that it has been the Reason Party in Victoria, represented by that slag Patten, that has rubber-stamped everything Dan Xi Man has done over the last two years.

Remember the damage Patten has done, along with the other freaks in Victoria’s upper house.

Imagine Jane Caro in the senate, no I don’t want to.

The truth is that there’s nothing funny about Caro. She’s a smug, snide, sneering, smearing elitist and she doesn’t even try to hide her loathing of ordinary Australians.

March 3, 2022 2:31 pm

NZ protests – LRAD in action about 14:20

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 2:32 pm

This case and the BRS defamation case are watersheds

I know a bloke wot knows a bloke, and he says the BRS defamation case is getting down to the true facts of the story – “BRS was awarded a V.C. and I wasn’t.”

Cassie of Sydney
March 3, 2022 2:35 pm

“This case and the BRS defamation case are watersheds. If either guy loses serious shit has hit the fan.”

You forgot another case and if it succeeds then such things as evidence and innocence until proven guilty has been completely chucked out the window…and that’s with the accused in the Higgins case.

I reckon BRS will lose his defamation case. As for Rolfe….I don’t know.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 3, 2022 2:37 pm

Just killed a brown snake hiding under the grain bag we are unloading.

Was his name Scumo?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 2:38 pm

and that’s with the accused in the Higgins case.

Well said!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 2:41 pm

@ Calli-

If you look very very carefully kiddies, you will see Rex. He’s smiling.

You barely know me, yet know me too well…

Glorious. 🙂

***Cheeky Bastard Intensifies***



March 3, 2022 2:44 pm

The truth is that there’s nothing funny about Caro. She’s a smug, snide, sneering, smearing elitist and she doesn’t even try to hide her loathing of ordinary Australians.

spot on Cassie- I wish she’d go back to Londonstan

March 3, 2022 2:44 pm

so ugly too

March 3, 2022 2:45 pm

Reason Party formerly the Sex Party iirc. Eeeek

March 3, 2022 2:46 pm

Rex the role of site pedestrian wrongologist left empty by m0nty’s departure has already been filled by Rosie.


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 2:47 pm

It’s been two years, and whatever you think of SRR and people like her, you call nuff nuffs, the truth is she’s been a thousand times more correct than you, and you’ve just shown yourself to be a denialist.</blockquote


We are not all dead, and the WEF Tunnel Lizards do not control our precious bodily fluids.

Keep on Nuffing, Struth, but you'll need to clean the stains of the walls yourself…

March 3, 2022 2:47 pm

In December 2019, the NSW branch of the Voluntary Euthanasia Party merged with the Reason Party, and changed its name to “Reason Party NSW”.

March 3, 2022 2:48 pm

From RT:

Denmark to allow citizens to fight in Ukraine

Copenhagen has said that Danes are free to “contribute directly” to the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Copenhagen has revealed it will allow Danish nationals to join the international military force Kiev plans to set up to aid its own military in the conflict with Russia.

“It’s a choice that anyone can make. This goes for all Ukrainians who live here, but also for others who think they can contribute directly to the conflict,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen told a press conference on Sunday.

“There is nothing at first sight that would legally prevent someone from going to Ukraine to participate in the conflict, on the Ukrainian side,” Frederiksen added. Earlier, the PM took part in a massive protest against Moscow’s operation in front of the Russian embassy in Copenhagen, telling the crowd that “it is all of you and all of Europe who are threatened by Russia.”

It comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the creation of Ukraine’s International Legion of Territorial Defense, which would make it possible for foreigners to join its ranks and fight alongside the Ukrainian military against Russian and Donbass forces.

Many countries have their own laws that prohibit its citizens from fighting in foreign wars unless part of a proscribed military force from that nation. But Zelensky’s call for foreigners will attract plenty of mercenaries and guarantees that Russia will not cease their push until they get to the far western border of Ukraine. Russia cannot stop ‘half way’ lest the other half be filled with EU and US supplied weapons and many thousands of Ukrainian and international fighters.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 2:49 pm

Rex the role of site pedestrian wrongologist left empty by m0nty’s departure has already been filled by Rosie.

Took your time to rush in for the #MeeTooo! moment, eh Struth-sock? 🙂


March 3, 2022 2:50 pm

The western political-media class really hate Russia and Putin- there must be something gfood about them.

March 3, 2022 2:51 pm

Paediatricians warning to all patients: you are at high risk if you’ve been vaxxed. covid vaxes affect your risk (of sudden cardiac death).

Yeah, yeah, could be fake. If so, prove it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 2:51 pm

The Nuffy Brigade rushes to mob the ‘denialist,’ while screaming about “GrOoPfInK!” and “Wr0NgOloG-REeeEeeeeEEE!!!1!”

I am doing well today… 🙂

Winston Smith
March 3, 2022 2:52 pm

Cassie of Sydney:

So we now see Maria Folau being targeted for ruination and destruction, all for the crime of supporting and standing by her husband. Maria Folau is guilty by association and therefore she must to be smeared, silenced and destroyed. Where have we seen this before, this is exactly what happened in Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany and in other totalitarian regimes.

I’m reminded of the Red Guards killing and brutalising their opponents – as defined by the government.

March 3, 2022 2:53 pm

Great reference for the defects of renewables. Hat tip to Ralf who did a post on it in 2019 on the old Catallaxy.

March 3, 2022 2:54 pm

I’m reminded of the Red Guards killing and brutalising their opponents – as defined by the government.

yep called ‘cancelling’ now- does this go on in Russia?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 2:54 pm

No, this is all been about you, comrade.

All that wordwall for a No, U! Struth.

Stick to short sentences like Runnybum does when he anklebites.

It’s far more effective…

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
March 3, 2022 2:55 pm

Smart Cities”, “Resilient Cities”, This is how the NWO is Forcing YOU in them Wake Up!!!

Smart for sociopaths. Fucking stupid for everyone else. Imagine spending 8 minutes on the shitter and some fuckknucle flagging you for investigation. The only escape is death.

March 3, 2022 2:56 pm

Denmark to allow citizens to fight in Ukraine

You want atrocities and people shot out of hand.
Because this is how you get atrocities and people shot out of hand.

March 3, 2022 2:56 pm

Of course the scoffing denialists can’t deny facts when put on the spot.
So it’s attempt to shoot the messenger, which always fails.

However, facts are facts, and when they are so, they are not conspiracy theories.
I call them facts.

However, there are conspiracy theories, and I’ll state they are conspiracy theories, that may be scoffed at, or researched further by the smarter amongst us.

Drones are handy little things and the Australian government have been seeding clouds, just like many countries very successfully.
With little rockets and planes and now drones as well.
The weekend just passed was going to be a massive one as far as protests were concerned.

Again this is a conspiracy theory, I do not claim otherwise.
But what do we really know anymore?
Trust your government?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 3, 2022 2:58 pm

incoherent rambler says:
March 3, 2022 at 2:37 pm
Just killed a brown snake hiding under the grain bag we are unloading.
Was his name Scumo?

No but Scumo could have been under the snake’s belly.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 3, 2022 2:58 pm

As for Rolfe….I don’t know

Good luck recruiting for the Northern Territory police if Rolfe is found “Guilty.”

March 3, 2022 2:59 pm

Yes almost like they want more civilians killed. As I said, Washington wants a war and looks like they want a big one.

March 3, 2022 2:59 pm
March 3, 2022 3:00 pm
March 3, 2022 3:00 pm

It’ll Runnybum time soon won’t it?

March 3, 2022 3:02 pm

International Brigades anyone?

They need to read a little Hemingway before they get too carried away.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 3:04 pm

March 3, 2022 at 12:17 pm
Don’t we have problems supplying enough sailors to man current subs never mind the 12 in the future and carriers.

Also, the USN has under a dozen fleet carriers, I somehow doubt (however desirable it might be) that we are going to build up to three (or more) in the next half century. Better (and probably faster) to take the nuclear option.

March 3, 2022 3:04 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:10 pm

Drones are handy little things and the Australian government have been seeding clouds, just like many countries very successfully.
With little rockets and planes and now drones as well.

I mean, no one is denying it happens


Dey gerrnerr terrk err jerrbz n perrlerrt err berrdilerr flerrdz!

Congratulations, Struth. You’ve successfully managed to out-Fault Faulty.

Take a Victory Lap over at the Ferrnerrturr Sterr…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:11 pm

It’ll Runnybum time soon won’t it?

(Sotto Voce: I think he’s already here…)

March 3, 2022 3:18 pm

Cassie you can download An Officer and a Spy from this site. I’ve checked it and it works.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:19 pm

Also, the USN has under a dozen fleet carriers, I somehow doubt (however desirable it might be) that we are going to build up to three (or more) in the next half century. Better (and probably faster) to take the nuclear option.

We did quite OK with HMAS Melbourne in the time we had her. So a fleet of smaller ‘Jeep’ or ‘Light’ carriers with Hornets or a suitable light multi-role fighter (heaven forbid, some of them unmanned) and some decent ASW helos or patrol drones onboard would fit the bill.

Even China’s Russian-derivative designs are not true fleet carriers, but they and their task groups will have a strategic effect beyond proportion to their numbers and actual capability wherever they turn up. So why not have similar?

March 3, 2022 3:20 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
March 3, 2022 at 2:56 pm
You want atrocities and people shot out of hand.
Because this is how you get atrocities and people shot out of hand.

Yes, and I am appalled at the Ukrainian government arming civilians and providing the most rudimentary training in weapon handling over a couple of days. The government itself has been posting video/photos of the program.

The fact is that if a Russian soldier sees you with a gun, you will be a target. He won’t care that you are just some well-meaning civilian. You are toast.

And if this international coalition of international fighters actually gets off the ground, then it may promote a blood bath.

In an address to the people of Ukraine, Mr Zelenskyy said everyone who could “join the struggle against the invaders must do so.” And he meant everyone.

He said prisoners with combat experience would be released from jail, and told them to “compensate for their guilt in the hottest spots of war”. Ukrainian men and women have volunteered in droves to get weapons and learn how to defend their country. Authorities have handed out weapons to anyone willing to fight, teaching them how to use assault rifles and throw grenades.

On Tuesday Mr Zelenskyy signed a decree temporarily lifting the requirement for entry visas for any foreigner willing to join Ukraine’s International Defence Legion. Already, Poland’s Border Guard has reported more than 22,000 Ukrainians from across Europe have travelled into the country to fight.

Meanwhile, in Thailand….

Hundreds of Thai citizens have sent the Ukrainian Embassy emails to apply to sign up for the international section of Ukraine’s territorial armed forces, according to a Facebook group created about the endeavour.

This was after the Ukrainian Embassy posted a notice on its premises appealing to foreign volunteers to enlist in the international legion of the territorial defence force.

The sign said “all volunteers with military experience who want to join the defence of Ukraine, Europe and world can come fight side by side with the Ukrainians ….”

March 3, 2022 3:21 pm

Glorious autumn day south of the Murray

March 3, 2022 3:22 pm


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 3, 2022 3:25 pm

… even Nerada tea is better than Twining

Real Australians drink Bushells. Can you even get it now?

March 3, 2022 3:26 pm

Rex, “jeep” carriers probably aren’t much good with modern jets. They weigh far more than WW2 aircraft and require far higher takeoff and landing speeds. With a ski jump a carrier doesn’t actually do much. A blogger called Neptunus Lex wrote about this over 10 years ago. He died in an F-21 near Fallon in a snowstorm in 2012.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 3:26 pm

Rex Angersays:

March 3, 2022 at 3:11 pm

It’ll Runnybum time soon won’t it?

(Sotto Voce: I think he’s already here…)

Bwah ha ha ha.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 3, 2022 3:26 pm

Struth said:

They started building [Concentration] camps the very first week of two weeks to flatten the curve, when they claimed to know nothing of covid.

I replied:

…have you imaginated something else you cannot (or will not because you cannot) link to, and will call me more names about instead to distract from the fact you cannot do anything to support that claim?

So he spat some name-calling wordwalls, tried a pile-on and then started Nuffing about cloud-seeding from drones and planes and rockets.


March 3, 2022 3:27 pm

Real Australians drink Bushells. Can you even get it now?

Yes you can but I find it rather sharp. Nerada is smooth.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 3, 2022 3:27 pm

Chemtrails doing cloud seeding using 5G.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 3, 2022 3:29 pm

Oh come on says:
March 3, 2022 at 2:03 pm

WA records one COVID death as 2,423 new cases reported and hard border comes down

I would put money on this “one Covid death” being a death with Covid rather than a death from Covid. No one is or was in ICU with Covid, and loads of the active Covid cases are really old.

Every statement that McGowan makes needs to be verified by third parties. A lot of fibs were told about the death of another man recently (apologies for the poor sound quality).

March 3, 2022 3:30 pm


Boambee John
Boambee John
March 3, 2022 3:30 pm


So a fleet of smaller ‘Jeep’ or ‘Light’ carriers with Hornets or a suitable light multi-role fighter (heaven forbid, some of them unmanned) and some decent ASW helos or patrol drones onboard would fit the bill.

A Hornet is not going to be able to operate off a Melbourne sized carrier. Nor is any modern jet fighter, other then a VTOL one (and then unlikely to be in useful numbers). Helos and patrol drones, yes, but that would not be a fleet carrier.

March 3, 2022 3:30 pm

International Brigades anyone?

Thats the fantasy.

Reality can be a bummer though.

1 6 7 8 9 10 14
  1. facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x