
Back with his grotesqueries — it’s clear now — the left loves death, destruction and warmongering
Hit it for six — Dutton de-commission the useless, partisan grifting Human Rights Commission and all the proliferated commissions thereunder…
Tim Blair: We’ve all encountered a hostage puppy or two. Problem is, not all of us have realised it.Once you’ve…
A possum just sitting in the dark in the middle of Springvale would probably have been okay had I taken the Territory. Unfortunately I chose the Miata for this drive.
At least with its head up, it would have been quick. Central Cross member.
Don’t tell Nilk… 🙁
Senator Thorpe said Indigenous people did not want welfare, rather to be “economically empowered to self determine our own destiny”. That could include negotiating to claim a share of national gross domestic product which, she said, “will lift us out of that poverty that is killing us”.
Huge difference between what they don’t want and what they do want. In dollar terms I mean.
When too much self indulgence is barely enough – Lou going off reservation big time, “that li’l D thang” featuring prominently.
The photo still from the video is the man.
On a more serious note, I think it can now be established that Pallashay did not, in fact remark in the manner described below:
Luke Gromen: US Can’t Sanction Russian Energy Without Risking Systemic Collapse
…and as well as Mariners & farmers, you know, those pesky anti-social people who like keeping to themselves …
“Second quarantine facility to open at Pinkenba
Mr Miles said the state’s second quarantine facility, located at Pinkenba near Brisbane Airport, was expected to be operational by April.
Questioned about whether the state needed two quarantine hubs amid the decline of the Omicron wave, Ms Palaszczuk insisted the Wellcamp site would be needed in the future.
“We don’t know what outbreaks are going to happen next and where in the world. There may be countries that may be deemed [high risk] that will have to quarantine,” Ms Palaszczuk said.
“Let me assure the public, this facility will be put to very good use.””
… and a whole lot more worm tonguing to say, ‘yeah, we can lock anyone up for whatever ‘reason’ we declare.
That they also keep calling the prisoners, “guests”, is just way too, ‘Concentration Camp Gates’.
The terms of the draft treaty, released in 1988, make interesting reading.
Timothy agrees with Rex Franger, who agrees with Timothy, … etc
Lemme tellya how it really works:
The ALP is a Patronage Machine, it controls access to jobs in a wide range of occupations, including at the Australian Electoral Commission.
The Liberal Party, by contrast, is an organisation that only comes together at Election time.
So, if there’s none or minimal scrutineers at the booth for the Liberal Party, shenanigans may occur.
Do shenanigans happen at Nursing homes during PrePoll voting?
Do the booths at Prisons record a 100% ALP vote?
That’s what I’ve heard.
So, Timothy:
Either you don’t know what you’re talking about or you’re a Labor shill.
Which is it?
Left handed people? Rangas? Left-handed rangas?
Nannas with rellos from every country in the world and who have world leading qualifications in something something?
Except when they do, which would be all the time.
The cargo cult is over, you lazy stupid utterly useless frauds. Time to join modernity, such as it is.
And after the last two years of it, I’d be quite happy to go and sit at the base of a eucalypt tree in the Warrumbungles, chateau cardboarding myself into an alternative existence, while wondering where it all went so ‘orribly wrong.
Youse can go and bludge off some white inner city collectivist cockheads too stupid to realise they’re another peoples’ money pit.
On that totally not cynical note, another week in Sydknee comes to a long overdue end.
Stay safe, Cats 🙂
Nothing at all could possibly go wrong, at least not according to those who declared Biden ‘the most popular elected president eva!’
Gee, it was almost like a test run.
Lets see how many postal votes we can get away with stealing in front of people’s faces and still have them accept OUR ‘result’.
Well son of gun! They bought the whole farm!
Do shenanigans happen at Nursing homes during PrePoll voting?
Do the booths at Prisons record a 100% ALP vote?
That’s what I’ve heard.
From whom?
*Springvale Road
His lover.
British newspapers keeping the Fifties alive.
No mention of the, er …Gender[?] … of Davina [19] & Poppy [27], so I’m thinking Trannies.
Ed’s flaming again.
The big flamer.
Heh, you do have a sense of humor.
Okay, Knuckle Dragger, on a day when the Aussies are doin’ it for Warnie, what’s your take on that 4-way?
Trannies, Spit Roasted by Dollies …
Was there any Flaming?
Adrenochrome junkies, take note. The Hun:
The newspaper was actually “The West Australian.”
Is that a real question? What’s my take on a 4 way with three chicks?
My take on it is that Warne should have been knighted the day after. That’s my take.
No conspiracy ‘theories’, acknowledged failures that we were told ‘weren’t bad enough to effect the elections’.
State & Federally, we’ve had quite an interesting array of questionable things happen, such as, disappearing & re-appearing ballot boxes, challenged counts of a few votes in small key seats that the challengers suddenly ‘change their minds’ about challenging, and on it goes.
‘Vote Early, Vote Often’, is also a little more than a long standing ‘joke’, as is ballot harvesting.
Anyway, it’s not an argument I’m interested in having.
I just mentioned as related aside to the state of our States.
hee hee … idiot attempts some serious dribbling, proves idiocy.
They slip into it so naturally, don’t they.
Mother’s curtains are going to take a hammering tonight. Spare a thought for Groogs dry cleaner.
You’d go to your grave with a smile on your face…
Okay, match the dates with the oil price.
“There was a war declared on us when the boats arrived. And we’ve been at war ever since,” said Senator Thorpe, a Gunnai, Gunditjmara and DjabWurrung woman. “You know the statistics, you hear them all the time, probably roll your eyes at them. Another death in custody, another child removed, another suicide, another desecration of country, water or sky.
A kunt is still a kunt no matter how described. And the scary thing is that a great part of the voting population believes this scrag and her bullshit.
When asked about the influence of the Internet, Dr White [sic] replied.
“There is a stereotype that conspiracy theories are the preserve of cranky
men,” Dr White said.
How did this clown ever become a Dr?
“kaysee says:
March 6, 2022 at 8:37 pm
The Pfizer Vaccine Only Has 1,291 Side Effects!
A judge forced the FDA to release Pfizer’s clinical data and it’s worse than you can possibly imagine”
Rick that was the one Shell walked away from? The Frogs bought it, is that correct?
Yes, known as Viva but owned by Vitol.
Are they refining the Bass Straight crude? I know Altona is but I think Exxon fuckwits are closing that soon.
It’s closed. We were supposed to get our last Jet transfer from them at end of 3Q but Mongistan’s electricity gave up forcing an emergency shutdown a couple of weeks out from official shutdown.
Neither of them were running much Bass Straight crude as it’s mostly run out. (Supplied by the WAG pipeline).
I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to run a refinery. Weekly chew outs by the EPA and Worksafe interspersed with the Mongs who brought cheap houses over the back fence complaining about refinery noises and smells.
Why not, it’s true.
Ah, the return of one much missed, at AdamD’s cat-
“Professor Fred Lenin says:
March 6, 2022 at 12:14 pm
Thereisa country full of corrupt poiticians ,their president is in power trough a rigged election , the leaders are all old corrupt people , they oppress dissent and demand obedience ,they are firmly in the hands of billionaire corruptocrats, they invade other countries and kill innocent people to try to look powerfull . They live on borrowed money and have a debt to GNP rate of 125 debt to
100 GNP, Russia? No ,a clue it’s capital isa Washington DC
Russias debt 17.7 GNP 100”
Senator Thorpe’s claim to “Aboriginal” heritage is based on the fact that one of her great grandparents was half Aboriginal…
“kaysee says:
March 6, 2022 at 4:04 pm
I hope the Russia-Ukraine conflict is resolved quickly because most governments are happy to use it to distract the sheeple.
The NZ case last month is a big deal. Although it may seem that it is an internal matter for that country, in reality, legal cases in other countries can be quoted as a precedent. Especially, as this is a global issue.(Is that correct, Legal Cats?)
The legal profession needs to start up with class actions.
Begin with all politicians and political parties who supported the mandates/did not speak up against the tyranny. That gets rid of the four: Lib-Nat-Lab-Grn. Before the elections.”
Plenty of reports to the contrary say that the Ukrainians blocked roads preventing civilians to leave. That I believe.
When outnumbered and outgunned, never give up your meat body armour.
Sponsored by Mongstralia.
Why wouldya do that unless you’d been experiencing nasty side effects from a certain “Vaccination” and were trying to expel the poisons from your system?
The. Heavy. Flamer.
I don’t know Grigory. You’re the expert on Warble Fly infestation, so I presume you’ve had a few.
Does Gypsum help?
UFC fighter discusses Federal Reserve during interview.
Next up are prices sticky?
One minute Ed claims Shane Warne died from the vaccine, a few hours later something he calls ‘nose beers’, now it’s back to vaccine.
One thing for sure, he doesn’t have a clue
thanks Rick for the info
I’ve seen the greens close up and they are every bit as nasty, dishonest and hypocritical as you could imagine
Warnie was Triple Vaccinated.
Hadta be, otherwise NoFly.
Then his heart stopped.
Not a Heart Attack, Heart Failure.
It stopped.
At least 30 years earlier than it shoulda.
Recently triple Vaccinated, went on an emergency fast, died.
Me, I don’t think it’s worth taking any more chances with people’s lives, and the Vaccine Rollout should be suspended immediately, pending further investigation.
Thanks for proving my point.
For reasons that aren’t entirely clear to me I downloaded the French covid app.
Finally got notified on the 1st of March I’d had a high risk contact on either 20 21 or 22 February. They don’t tell you the exact date for privacy reasons.
In reality that pinned it to my train ride on the 22nd.
I misread the instructions which actually required me to have a proper test in a pharmacy.
No biggie though it was already so long after the contact date, I was symptom free and had to get tested today anyhow.
All is well, €25 no waiting beforehand and results in ten minutes.
Though the Australian government wants me to have a hard copy of my declaration and that is not happening.
My grandfather was renowned for always declaring a person had died because their heart stopped.
Quite common at time of death.
Ed has a raging clue.
A clue a cat couldn’t scratch.
A clue like a babies arm holding a Granny Smith apple.
The flamer/ spook interchangeable clue.
My favourite way of alluding to someone carking it is to describe their condition as extremely stable.
Unlike ed.
“There Are Ladies Present, I Would Have Thought There Were Gentlemen Present” | Sharpe”
Drinking good single malt, and watching excerpts from “Sharpe” is a good and worthwhile occupation.
I an constrained to admit that Mrs Sharpe had a rather shapely bosom…..
Biloela saga still ongoing, Labor has promised residency, with a bit of luck they’ll be able to get that well deserved holiday in Sri Lanka soon after.
In an hour & a half –
Why Sanctions Will Hurt The West—Not Russia
Scheduled for Mar 7, 2022
Gonzalo Lira
Sheriff of YouTube
?can you run a livestreem while you sleep / so we can see the exact momment you get taken by the Ukarinian N4Zl forces you talk about
?please be careful with what you are saying whilst in the vicinity of Ukraine, it isn’t really safe to express yourself the way you see fit whilst there.
Authoritarian Trudeau Denounces Authoritarian Putin, Weeks After Canada Targeted Political Protestors for Arrest
March 5, 2022 | sundance | 94 Comments
In order for the most entrenched leftist ideologues to maintain their ideological agenda, they must pretend not to know things.
Two days after he announced the U.S. workforce vaccine mandate, in Shanksville Pennsylvania, Joe Biden said that both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin were “autocrats” who dictate to the citizens of their nations. Biden noted in conversations with them – those leaders have questioned the viability of ‘western democracy.‘ This statement came a mere 36 hours after Joe Biden said he “has lost patience” with half the nation, and as an outcome, was going to FORCE a mandatory injection (COVID “vaccine”) into the arms of every citizen who wanted to work. The media ignored the contrast as if they could not see the inherent hypocrisy.
Yesterday, in a speech to a Ukraian delegation in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had the nerve to talk about the “slipping of democracy” as a result of “greater authoritarianism”, only a few weeks after Trudeau invoked the emergency act and triggered financial targeting against protestors who assembled against his regime. Again, the media ignore the inherent hypocrisy. WATCH (Prompted):
Stop flaming Ed. I really am getting sick and tired of you making up BS just so you can get a response out of people.
?BOOM ? Truck-Led Convoy to Slowly Circle the DC Beltway in Protest Against Government’s COVID-19 Emergency Powers
‘We’re not leaving until we get what we want’??????
Truck-Led Convoy to Slowly Circle the DC Beltway in Protest Against Government’s COVID-19 Emerg
HAGERSTOWN, Maryland—The People’s Convoy, a large caravan of vehicles led by trucks, will be moving slowly around the …
VISA and Mastercard Will Announce The Next British Prime Minister Tomorrow at 4:00pm GMT
March 5, 2022 | sundance | 278 Comments
After years of anxiety within the European Union, as an outcome of a minor movement within the U.K to trigger Brexit, the multinational financial corporations in consultation with the European Commission, NATO and Central Bankers have determined it is in their interest to select a British prime minister who will void the Brexit vote.
Tomorrow at 4:00pm GMT, a new British Prime Minister will be announced. In advance of the announcement, and representing the global alliance of financial interests, VISA and Mastercard released the following statement:
“We are compelled to act following Great Britian’s unprecedented diminishment of the European Union, and the unacceptable events that we have witnessed,” said Al Kelly, chairman and chief executive officer of Visa Inc. “We regret the impact this will have on the misguided Brexit supporters, and on the colleagues, clients, partners, merchants and cardholders we serve in the U.K. This Brexit crisis and the ongoing threat to peace and stability in the EU, demand we respond in line with our values.”
[Now, Do We Have Your Attention?]
This post is obviously sarcasm. However, the intent is to draw attention to the precedent currently underway. With the Visa/Mastercard action & intent against Russia in mind, are you sure you’re okay with multinational corporations choosing, approving or disapproving of national political leadership?
Below is a short list of the multinational corporations who have expressed their intent to choose who will be the President of [any country] targeted by the New World Order.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Mark Knight #3.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Morten Morland.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Steve Kelley.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom. I agree with Garrison; seeing ppl caught up in war hysteria is revolting.
Punching Up: Zelensky, Kolomoyskyi, Ukraine, and What’s Going On | A CoachStream from Kharkiv
Streamed live on Mar 4, 2022
Gonzalo Lira
63.1K subscribers
I’ll discuss everything.
Sunday Talks, Secretary Blinken Says Poland has Green Light to Send Fighter Jets to Ukraine, U.S. Will Replace
March 6, 2022 | Sundance | 49 Comments
Appearing on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken states Poland has the “green light” from the U.S. and NATO to provide fighter planes to the Ukraine military.
Secretary Blinken notes the U.S. will “backfill” Poland (terms ongoing), which means the U.S. is willing to replace each of the Polish planes with U.S. fighter jet replacements. Obviously, the industrial military complex would approve of this plan; however, who pays and what authorities of this arms deal with Poland apply?
Setting aside the pilots of Poland that would need training and accepting there could be some long-term maintenance issues for equipment they may not be equipped to maintain, the nationalist political ideology of Poland is not in alignment with Obama/Biden. Will the U.S. government seek to change the social system in Poland as an outcome of a weakened Polish arsenal? You betcha. WATCH:
[blocked in Australia]
Bottom line, the U.S. and NATO are getting more involved. The U.S. State Dept, the rogue construct within the Fourth Branch of Government, is trying to turn World War Reddit/Tik Tok into a hot war of NATO against Russia, despite their protestations to the contrary.
The DoS would be perfectly happy if Ukraine became a long-term insurgency campaign with Russia. Volodymyr Zelenskyy should be careful, because his position as a useful martyr is becoming more evident. It’s will not be Russian hit-squads targeting Zelenskyy, it will be CIA operatives. Wait for it….
J. Montgomery @Jeanne_Marie
1m ·
Biden’s plan to use your retirement money for politics exposed!
Would put private savings at risk in net-zero climate scheme
Rising inflation threatens the value of Americans’ retirement savings. Now the Biden administration is finalizing a rule to loosen safeguards under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) that protect private retirement savings. The new rule, “Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights,” stems from President Biden’s May 20, 2021, Executive Order on Climate-Related Financial Risk, which directed senior White House advisers to develop a strategy for financing the administration’s net-zero climate goals, including the use of private savings.
1m ·
It’s not our business!!!
US Has “Contingency” For Ukraine Government-In-Exile If Zelensky Is “Captured Or Killed”
“Energy Shortages Could Threaten Social Cohesion”: Germany Warns Against Ban On Energy Imports From Russia
“I would not advocate an embargo on Russian imports of fossil fuels. I would even oppose it.”
Forecast for Sydney region: 50 to 100mm today, 80 to 150mm tomorrow!
Now where did I put my glug boots?
In your glupboard?
Government has an innate ability to take a shit idea and redeploy it:
Climate Lockdowns:
A fancy way of saying ” grab em by the balls, and their hearts and minds will follow”
Ramirez appears to have overlooked the truth to push the trope.
Nice rendering but a failure as a cartoonist.
“Ramirez appears to have overlooked the truth to push the trope.
Nice rendering but a failure as a cartoonist.”
Correct, Putin is NOT Hitler and such comparisons are facile and show a complete lack of historical awareness. But that’s the West in 2022, ignorant, immature and glib.
Well, Cassie, I was just wondering who was arming actual neo-nazis, not fictional ones.
Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Putin’s behaviour (which I consider wrong in every way, but that’s another story).
Which makes Ramirez a propagandist, not a political cartoonist.
Moran hits the nail on the head again. The Warne worship is a bit OTT, but that’s Aussies for you. For once the odious Rowe does something clever with an old master.
Governments throughout the West have shown they can drive 90% of the population via mass hysteria. If they decide on war, that’s where we are going. Cartoonists will be recruited to the cause.
I see the old thief is pushing ‘transgender’ rights- seriously what is there to defend about the modern west? I despise the US now.
The poms still trying to be Greeks to the American Romans. Pathetic. It’s not Caesar in the US, it’s Caligula.
And God so loved the world, he sent a fair number of twisted sickos into it, along with the black death, aids, ebola and covid. And among the twisted sickos, were those who wanted to spread their sickness, or indeed, any other mental sickness there was going around. And there were those who took pride in tolerating the twisted sickos, and showed their virtue by helping spread the mental sickness.
Those that God would destroy He first sends mad.
A more realistic assessment of the Ukraine imbroglio, with help from people on the ground eg. Gonzalo Lira.
Firstly, reading the Western MSM is a vile insult to one’s intelligence. A one-sided comic cartoonish characterisation, written at the cretin-IQ level, of a complex and nuanced issue dating back to early 1990s.
RT, on the other hand, is written by adults; measured language, both pro and cons on the Russian campaign, including believable casualty numbers of both sides.
1) Ukraine’s relationship with NATO, NATO expansionism, are real existential threats to Russia. Have been so for decades, extensively discussed in the past by MSM, military strategists, politicians and in this blog. Conflict predicted for decades.
2) Russian defeat is not an option, see 1). For Russia, this is survival.
3) Russia’s stated aim is regime change, demilitarization and denazification (see Azov Battalion) of Ukraine. This is public record.
4) Ukraine is deeply corrupt. Zelensky is a photogenic, ex-actor, puppet President of an astroturfed puppet government under the control of Russo-phobe oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi and US operatives under the control of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and Deputy Secretary of State Wendi Sherman.
5) Ihor Kolomoyskyi has funded the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions. The openly neo-Nazi Azov Battalion is responsible for atrocities in the Donbass. Kolomoyskyi’s thugs control Zelensky and are now threatening/killing civilians suspected of being pro-Russian.
6) Russia has already won the military campaign, while actively minimising Ukraininan civil and military casualties. Have opened humanitarian corridors.
7) Russia careful to preserve gas, water, electricity, internet, roads, rail from day 1 of invasion.
8) Final occupation of Kyiv, Kharkov etc. contingent on surrender of encircled Ukrainian Army (Cauldron strategy).
9) Zelensky is winning the propaganda war, with the collusion of MSM and US State Department.
10) Ukraine has used civilians as human shields. Ukrainian government “information” is mostly lies.
11) Residual fighting, mostly around Mariupol, against Azov Battallion, which Russia aims to destroy.
12) Ongoing peace negotiations are an extension of Russian war strategy. Current puppet Ukrainian Government will not survive a negotiated peace settlement.
And let’s not begin on the economic suicide of Europe, antagonising a net commodities provider like Russia with virtue-signalling BS sanctions.
Russia already has an alternative market for their products: China, India and SE Asia.
Russians to run out of Luis Vuitton, BMW and Rolex.
Europe to deal with gas, fertilizers shortage and 50% loss of their wheat, barley and corn supply.
So, today: Ruble crashing, while commodities prices rising.
Tomorrow: who’ll suffer? Europe or Russia?
It is, but I think there’s a point to be acknowledged behind the toons of Warne with the durries and baked beans and mobile phones and supermodels.
Not once did I hear him say ‘Yes I am aware that millions of children may take up smoking because of me, and it is an insidious habit and very uncool and I promise to give it away to be more wholesome’.
I never heard him say ‘Yes I will give away fried chicken and buttered buns with lasagne in the middle and start eating kale and goat tofu because I am a conscious being and can hear the chickens screaming at night’.
No press conferences with Warne in tears going ‘I will never again bed hop with a string of unbelievably hot women and take them on three at a time while half pissed and the windows open so everyone can hear it’.
Unapologetic to the end. Excellent.
Has anyone managed to figure out if PalaceChook actually said this?
Wait for it….
Well yes.
According to the people saying he is, though, everyone’s Hitler. Literally Hitler, in some cases.
Zelensky featured in the Pandora papers leak.
Via Glenn Greenwald this morning.
Got himself a nice mansion in Florida.
When I said he’d retire one day & live a life of luxury, I’d didn’t think he’d become Florida-Man.
KD, Warne was a funny bloke. There was a lot to like about him, and living the way he wanted to live without resorting to Woke was admirable.
Larger than life people are like that. It proves that the current braying towards uniformity of thought diminishes us all.
I don’t think the current crop will produce another “big” personality. They are all too anxious about being cancelled.
I’ll give Warne this as well. He maintained what he called ‘match awareness’.
Warne would have been Number 1 on the target list of every receptionist/executive assistant/ladeeee physio or similar in every cricket administration office and academy in the country – both for the status it would result in for the trophy hunters, because Warne was a noted pants man, and also because Warne had shitloads of cash.
He never shat in his own nest, though, and I will assert that this was because he was more selective than Who and New Idea magazines and The Today Show would have the punters believe.
Not a single teary appearance before the cameras going ‘I promise to be a better man, this was unacceptable, moment of weakness, I need four years off for mental health’ or any of that shit.
Warne had a bit more rat cunning and survival instinct than a lot of people gave him credit for, I think. Which is of course a good thing to have.
“Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Putin’s behaviour (which I consider wrong in every way, but that’s another story).”
I don’t like war Calli, I don’t know anyone who does. But I know it’s sometimes necessary such as when Israel has to go into Gaza or southern Lebanon. I’m pretty sure that there is no mother on the planet who wants to send her son to war, and I doubt very much whether any Russian mother is enjoying what’s going on. I’ll preface (yet again) the following, I don’t like what Putin and Russia have done in the Ukraine however the simple fact is is that they have a valid gripe about what’s ensued in Ukraine since 2014, namely massive (and very unsavoury) American political interference and widespread political and financial corruption, all on Russia’s doorstep. As I wrote last night, Russia remains incredibly neurotic about it’s security and borders, most invasions of Russia have stemmed from the west, Swedes, Poles, French, Germans etc. I suspect Russia would have tolerated a “neutral” Ukraine but instead we’ve seen the US and NATO ignore valid Russian concerns and dangle NATO carrots in front of the Ukraine thus reneging on the pact back in the 1990s when NATO promised Russia it would never expand eastward.
Everyday I am left reeling at the simplistic coverage and analysis of Putin and Russia, even in supposedly serious publications such as the Oz I’ve seen reporting and opinion calling for Putin to be assassinated. This isn’t just ludicrous, it’s insanity. We’re lacking any serious mainstream reporting or analysis of the situation. I’m reminded of how the British press, back in 1914, covered the German invasion of Belgian and the Germans were painted, in words and cartoons by the British, as terrifying bloodsucking demons, tearing children from their mother’s breasts, painting German soldiers as depraved monsters…..all utterly simplistic and which is now being repeated a little over one hundred years later. Back in 1914 and 1915 people with German surnames were hunted down and abused (families changed their surnames, in fact even the British royal family was compelled to do so, from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor). German foods and wine were taken off shelves and menus and on and on the hysteria went. And now we are now witnessing similar hysteria with anything Russian. Removing Russian vodka off shelves is but one example. Anyone who tries to provide some balance and nuance or offer up Russia’s case, such as the young man on Q&A, is demonised as a warmonger.
The problem here in the West is our profound refusal to understand Russia’s actions and this stems from a number of factors, firstly we no longer want to fight in wars, secondly we have largely forgotten how to fight in wars and thirdly we lack any historical knowledge. This trinity has left us here in the West very exposed….actually it’s worse than that, it’s dangerous because this is not how Russia or China think. Our defence forces, instead on concentrating on how to fight, are too busy involved in social engineering crap such as promoting such depraved nonsense as LGBTQIARSE ideology, critical race theory or what pronouns you should use because I guess that’s far easier than talking about war, tactics and the necessity of preparing for war. I doubt very much that we’re going to prevent war by sending a unit of our soldiers to march in the Sydney Mardi Gras, in fact that just shows how far we’ve fallen.
Trump and Covid broke Ramirez unfortunately. Interestingly I just noticed this morning (yes, I am slow about such things) that Paul Mirengoff appears to’ve left Powerline, since he’s not posting anything there. He too had terrible TDS. Steven Hayward wrote of this bust up a couple weeks ago, saying that Mr Mirengoff’s positions were having a bad effect on the site’s readers, who were fed up.
There really is a great schism going on, as anyone with leftist tendencies gets sucked ever leftwards. Interesting social migration.
USA anthem .. always a winner ..!
Exactly calli. Look at the current captain. A poncing global warming activist.
The current team maverick is a twitchy pseudo-autistic attention-seeker (Labuschagne) who also manages to blend into the walls as soon as something remotely interesting happens.
March 7, 2022 at 7:56 am”
All 100% correct.
Quite a familiar ring –
Russians are the new unjabbed
Ed Casesays:
March 6, 2022 at 10:46 pm
Okay, Knuckle Dragger, on a day when the Aussies are doin’ it for Warnie, what’s your take on that 4-way?
Trannies, Spit Roasted by Dollies …
Was there any Flaming?
You seem to be the expert on these matters, you tell us.
NEW — Pfizer documents show they paid the FDA a $2.8 Million “application fee” for priority review of their COMIRNATY BLA licensing
This meme was under Wait For It.
The group that did the selective release of the Pandora Papers (the ICIJ) has now deleted all Ukrainian references from their data archive.
I can smell a Glenn Greenwald column in the making.
Ivermectin: The Truth vs Goliath | A letter to Dr Andrew Hill | Dr Tess Lawrie
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia-Ukraine, Worldwide data has confirmed the Vaccinated are developing Covid Vaccine induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
No, I don’t think anyone can point to Pallashay actually saying, let alone ‘admitting’ to this:
It’s almost as though whoever said that Pallashay said:
Was being a bit fibby from the pulpit.
Great analysis Gilas. Thanks. So we have a group of in people in the State Department using US resources as their plaything.
Blinken Claims He Is Working on Polish Jet Plan Poland Called ‘Fake News’
Lap dog Johnson
UK’s Johnson lays out six-point response to Russian aggression
A bit fibby eh?
So who was it that made the outrageous claim below?
Sixties music for me please.
another vote for the Sixties please.
If Warne had been busted sending a tumescent dick pic to the local cricket office tart, he would have held a presser and said ‘I’d like to apologise to the lady concerned. I think I got the angle wrong.’
CHD Says Pfizer and FDA Dropped Data Bombshell on COVID Vaccine Consumers
as per Australian voting guide lines, I believe vote early, and vote often is the rule. 😉
So, another vote for the Sixties please.
I believe we can vote as many times as we want, right?
So, another vote for the Sixties please.
This claim?
I think it was some bloke living in regional Queensland. Barcaldeen, or somesuch.
Thanks Cassie for picking up the nuance from my comment about Putin.
War is wrong – the wrong people die. The sabre rattlers (with a few notable exceptions) survive. The innocent suffer. It has been ever thus.
The media paints the aggressor, the proles are expected to unite in lockstep. The doves of peace are either poisoned or shot or marginalised and lampooned. Meanwhile much…much money is made by the usual suspects.
I grow weary of the MSM telling me what to think.
The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss
It is pouring out here in South West Sydney. My rain coat did not stop me from getting drenched as I did the rounds of feeding and checking the livestock. Not doing anything for the rest of the day but keeping dry.
So, I have all day to keep submitting votes for the Sixties. 🙂
Terry McCrann in The Hun says the benefit from the war could be spectacular wheat prices becoming even more spectacular.
I don’t know what he bases that on. There’s was nothing spectacular about wheat prices before the conflict and now the rises still have benchmark wheat prices for APW grade well below $400 up country.
When wheat prices double that’ll be spectacular.
Ukrainian peace negotiator is shot dead ‘in attempted arrest by Ukrainian security service’ amid claims he was a Russian spy
This is screamingly obvious.
Russia And Ukraine: Another Dog And Pony Show
Ever seen such an effete piece of shit as blinky blinken? Has he/she/it ever done an honest day’s toil? Effete- the modern west in one word.
Gives the joke “Death Gluten” a whole new complexion.
Shane Keith Warne did more for everyone than that grifter Princess Diana who only ever turned her head to the camera. SKW worked for everything he got. My miserable opinion is he was the greatest cricketer ever. Team player, never gave up and I’m sure he didn’t die wondering. If Steve Waugh hadn’t had Warne or McGrath he would have lost the Captaincy as his batting was only marginally better than his brother.
I’m with you Pogria, the 60’s.
C.L. has uploaded a link to this. I think this is required reading. It’s by Peter Hitchens who nails everything…
An unintended (obviously) downside is that Warne’s death has overshadowed that of the great Rod Marsh, another unapologetic champion.
miltonf says:
March 7, 2022 at 8:27 am
So we have a group of in people in the State Department using US resources as their plaything.
Essentially, yes.
The US Military-Industrial-Complex is alive and well.
The only way this crisis turns into a REAL humanitarian “catastrophe” (that MSM favourite word, again!) is if NATO becomes actively involved.
Then we’ll see how antiquated and poorly maintained the Russian Army really is…
I think that footage is actually from a protest which happened last week. A die-in-style thing. There was one in Trafalgar Square like it on Friday.
Cassie, I retweeted Hitchens last night. It’s a very good read.
“War is wrong”
I disagree….war is sometimes necessary however it should always be the last resort.
Thanks for the Hitchens link.
I think it was Diogenes who made a comment about parallels with the lead up to WWI, which I too had been pondering. Hitchens goes there:
Be careful what you wish for, media numpties and sabre rattlers.
Excellent link to Hitchens, Cassie. My highlight:
I don’t know why I have to do that but in 2008 it was trending up and in 2014 trending down. Seems to me, again, the geopolitical considerations are predominant.
I have heard a respected MP calling for the deportation of all Russians from this country
which is totally PC because they tend to be white. Just like here in c1993 2DAY FM ‘no crummy French stuff’. The legacy media so deserves to die.
It should be at a time that you are most likely to win. If you have a choice.
As ye sow, that shall ye reap. Or something. The Hun:
Predictably ghosted him, it should have read. Jewellery is symbolic. Price tags shouldn’t come into it.
You should be able to give a chick a Cheezel for an engagement ring. The symbolism is the same.
March 7, 2022 at 8:52 am
Cassie, I retweeted Hitchens last night. It’s a very good read.”
Thanks DB. Anything written by Hitchens is excellent.
What ever happened to Brexit?
One of my favourite movies (yes, I know) at the one minute mark.
Brisbane shortlisted for the nuclear submarine base.
To get the base would be a fitting reprise of the city’s role in WWII, when it hosted 800+ US navy personnel attached to a submarine base at Capricorn Wharf, Teneriffe on a wide stretch of the river.
The Submariner’s Walk heritage trail, leading to a memorial for allied submariners, is worth a look if in the city, although it will recently have been under water.
AGW is a hoax, which I’ve known for 33 years, i.e. since the moment I first had the misfortune to hear about it.
An incredible length of time for such a zombie conspiracy hypothesis to have blundered on for – and we’ll probably never be rid of it in our lifetimes.
Londongrad’s bankers will be taking a big hit.
Wasn’t Blinken one of Santa’s reindeer?
An incredible length of time for such a zombie conspiracy hypothesis to have blundered on for – and we’ll probably never be rid of it in our lifetimes.
Especially seeing 15 years ago/30 years ago (take your pick) they told us we would be roasting/under water etc by now. It’s become a pseudo religion though
ROFL! There’s one born every minute.
Huge spike in demand for Sugar daddies as cost of living crisis hits (Express, 5 Mar)
You pays your munni and you takes your chances…
Not for the first time.
Paul Hogan did a hobo wedding skit once that involved two tramps exchanging the ring pull from a can of beer to put on her finger. Wedding cake was a banana each.
War is necessary until the body bags start coming home.
Then people start asking, “How could this have been avoided?”.
I’m not saying there aren’t righteous reasons to go to war. But they are vanishing small.
I was very busy at that time and did not even think about it.
When I did investigate, I decided it was a scam.
Looks like Daniel Andrews is well known in the UK –
David Vance @DavidVance
· 7m
Haven’t they suffered enough?
preview Img
Dan Andrews reveals Ukraine plan
Thousands of Ukrainian refugees fleeing war violence in their home country could be resettled in Victoria’s new Covid quarantine facility after Premier Daniel Andrews flagged the state would welcome those displaced.
Posted on 9:12 AM · Mar 7th, 2022
Another vote for the 60, that is the 1560s, 1660s, 1760s, and 1860s. You can keep that 1960s shit. 🙂
Don’t forget the crying.
Brisbane shortlisted for the nuclear submarine base.
BRADBURY getting desperate, methinx .. LOL! .. an, actual, base to hold multiples of boats fuelled by an element that is taboo with Oz pollies .. but, of course the Liars & Greenfilth will vote wiv ‘im cos they luvs ‘im! .. LOL!
Soooo many thought bubbles, sooooo little time .. LOL!
Ivermectin in Florida and Brazil
Dr. John Campbell
That’s my boy you’re dissing.
I’d like to be a refugee in Cuba or Ukraine, but my government won’t let me out of the country until I’ve been injected with an untested concoction three times.
Those Ukrainians have it easier than me.
Oh… So THIS Is Why Ukraine Is Being Attacked
Russell Brand
Like the electronic version of that huge bonfire of burning paperwork in Kiev at the beginning of this war.
Ah but none of this has anything to do with the Clinton/Biden & Co. Blood Money Laundry that is the Ukraine or Australia’s early, continued and large ‘investment’ in their schemes./sarc
Didn’t KRudd propose a major naval base for Brisbane, and wasn’t he shot down over the matter of logistics and access?
Or a ringpull. If you can find one.
Only one thing can stop the war.
Vlad the Terrible is probably in furious agreement.
The Red Army needs to try harder.
And sorry, Putin boosters, the current shit-fight in Ukraine doesn’t come near to cutting it.
Russian military personnel took control of the military base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near KhersonRussian servicemen took control of a military base of the armed forces of Ukraine near the village of Radensk, Kherson region. The Ukrainian military left their positions in a hurry, leaving the base with equipment, weapons and ammunition. The base was located on an area of ??six to seven hectares. Among the trophies found on it are Ukrainian T-64 and T-80 tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, and Ural vehicles. A few meters from the parking lot is a large hangar. It houses an ammunition depot. Mines, anti-tank guided missiles, mortar and tank shells. More than 4.5 thousand tons of ammunition. Some of the weapons stored on the street are rocket projectiles for multiple rocket launchers. Mortar ammunition and high-explosive fragmentation shells are nearby. Presumably, various units were trained here – marines, sappers, signalmen, tankers and gunners. The base could accommodate about four thousand fighters. At the moment, Russian sappers continue to survey the territory to eliminate the mine danger. Equipment and weapons after verification will be sent to a special storage base.
How to recognise propagandists who are NOT Australian’s friends –
“Sancho Panzer says:
March 7, 2022 at 8:30 am
A bit fibby eh?
So who was it that made the outrageous claim below?
The Premier of Qld admits they will be used to not only hold the unjabbed but those who are a danger to the public, apparently disease spreaders… [an accurate paraphrase as an earlier posted news report stated; even specifically including “farmers”. Kulaks anyone.] a bit like you know, Jews were 80 years ago.” [not a quote or paraphrase but a reasonable comparison, more than reasonable, especially considering the number of suicides, self immolations & other deaths caused by these same Govts who’s Members & their propagandists were spared the same imprisonment & life destroying treatments.
You know, like the Ubermensch & untermensch.
You mocking cacklers are worse than Hillary –
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x50akz5 ]
Bold Shane?
There’s a conspiracy theory type thing I check on every now and again. A few days before this Ukraine war kicked off they were claiming the Russians had stopped Azov planting an ebola variant inside their borders. Bumped off the group that was trying it and burned the bodies.
Interesting, but fanciful load of BS I thought.
Now today, the Russian MOD have released documents claiming various labs in Ukraine got a hasty “burn all the evidence” order when they invaded, because the labs were playing with fun stuff like anthrax and ebola. I’m left wondering if that conspiracy thing might have actually had some meat to it.
A quick scroll through The Daily Mail leads me to believe Vlad the Terrible
has machine gunned twelve school buses and cluster bombed 4 maternity hospitals
in the past 24 hours.
One of the ‘Ave A Go Lads, who was ace on CoD4, has destroyed 15 Russian tanks.
Worrying statistics show an America in decline. But why? And, if you thought the pandemic was bad, is worse still to come?
Russell Brand
Good Moaning.
Freudian Struth here.
Some people who have their arse handed to them on a plate publicly, get quite emotional and assume things.
Here we see a classic example of this, combined with a lack of integrity, and we have a fine example of what we in the psychiactric department call a “paragraph of emotion” or quite simply “magical thinking” , a characteristic more often seen in the left wing subjects.
Like unionists and …..oh……
butt hurt outburst.
Terms wot cood be used by overs wot have less class than me.
Thanks for this –
Indolent says:
March 7, 2022 at 8:35 am
The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss
Way too much information for the noisy, bullying narrative controllers to want anyone to bother with because any one point they try to construct a strawman out of will only remind readers of every other major detail they are desperate to divert attention away from.
‘You’re Hesitating Because You’re Afraid To Answer Honestly’: Ted Cruz Grills Judicial Nominee
Cans of pineapple have ring pulls. Save one next time you are cooking steak and pineapple.
Amazing how the covid ”pandemic” has been displaced in just one week by Wussia, Wussia, Wussia. The mainstream media and their political masters have ADD.
And here we go again.
General knowledge mocked by denialists, day in and day out.
Some of us, it’s ancient history regarding who is going into the camps, but the VERY FIRST thing I google recently has it right there.
But there are none so blind……
From February 2022, two blocks comprising of 500 beds in total will be available for use at the Queensland Regional Accommodation Centre.
It really isn’t that you don’t want to know, it’s that you don’t want to know.
Now back to Russia, as the WEF who are fighting them want you to do.
The best conspiracy theories are so totally ludicrous they couldn’t possibly be true – until they are. Annie knew this.
Vaccine Effectiveness Down to 12% After 28 Days in Children 5-11 (NY State Vaccine Efficacy Data)
Good summary of biden’s policies. This guy should be in a straight jacket and in jail:
The delusion regarding the biggest democrat and curruptocrat money laundering country of corruption that there is so much proof of, from Hunter Biden to the Clintons etc, can be ignored only by people who willingly want to.
What I am noticing is that it is all happening again.
Whatever the MSM want you to look at and talk about, you do.
You are so easily played …it’s quite pathetic.
They sell this crap to the jab more easily it seems.
Well, the jabbed have their little green ticks, and life seems almost normal to them (for the moment) and the still make statements like “we here in the west” and consider we are free nations against a commo dictator.
That is pure delusion.
There is no west at the moment and those more heavily controlled by the WEF are the mosr anti Russian.
Putin actually went through the WEF program but didn’t come out brainwashed, as he is first and foremost a Russian nationalist, so he knows what he is really up against.
Nato is the WEF controlled.
Australia is WEF controlled.
But denialists won’t want to know that, ….they want a villian.
Even when the worst villians own them and their nations already, …..talk about a side show.
I thought this bit was pretty good by Hitchens the lesser.
I know that the much-admired President Zelensky in February 2021 closed down three opposition TV stations on the grounds of ‘national security’. They went dark that night. I know that the opposition politician Viktor Medvedchuk was put under house arrest last year on a charge of treason. Isn’t this the sort of thing Putin does?
No polonium sandwiches for the opposition chap yet so there is that.
“I disagree….war is sometimes necessary however it should always be the last resort.”
The soap box.
The ballot box.
The jury box.
The ammo box.
All required for freedom and democracy – please use each with care, and in that order.
There is a great little video , quite quick, that will give you a great idea about who is in charge of NATO these days. Scroll down to the bottom video…this blog will not accept it.
They have been trying and succeeding in cancelling the unvax’d, so why should we have any allegiance to the West. Cancelling us for exercising our freedom of choice & human rights means that the the so called ‘Free World’ no longer exists.
So many Nazis on offer.
-Nazi Regular
-Nazi Reduced
-Nazi Lite
-You won’t believe it’s Nazi
Russia claims to have uncovered US funded bio weapons labs in Ukraine. No link.
At least they were more careful than the Chinese.
Why so much interest in Ukraine by corruptocrats?
Putin is no good, I get that, but he might just be giving a heap of brainwashed thick c..ts in the west some extra time to work things out.
He’s not fighting the free world.
Really, it’s way past the time for straight talk.
Do you think Canada is free?
Australia, NZ, or that the USA hasn’t been taken in a coup complete with walls and troops around the capital?
What the fuck do you think has been happening for two fucking years?
There is no free west, and the sheep have all been given orders to boo and hiss at the enemy of the people who did this to us, which the incredibly gullible are doing, with gusto.