I understood he was there to sign a minerals deal to ensure continued US support. He didn’t. Now he says…
I understood he was there to sign a minerals deal to ensure continued US support. He didn’t. Now he says…
And zelensky is NOT a woman. He is a vain, spoilt, stupid little man who is propped up by some…
He does this because to wear actual military uniform or parts thereof when you aren’t actively in the military is…
So astronautical.
Musk was ready to roll out Starlink in rural USA a while back. There was a billion dollars from US…
Correct. It was about them.
wrong. I can tell you from personal experience even after a very mild alpha infection that long covid is not only real but can put you in an early grave if not treated. there are treatment protocols however the state authorities are blocking doctors from prescribing them? why?
my GP went to the state health dept and was told that he was not allowed to prescribe anything off label for treatment of long covid. ALL treatments for long covid are off label.
Don’t worry Calli, using your green pass to see your family at the RSL is probably only a venial sin, we all know what constitutes a mortal sin in vaccine theology. 😉
Is a Ken Worth more than a Ken Oath?
Blinken has been involved in every American FP disaster since Iraq, including bombing Libya & arming Syrian Islamic extremists.
Last week he did his best to start a major European war.
Apparently my Green Pass (unjabbed but post-covid) allows me back in the office, after all. At least until it expires. The doc was reluctant to go with the maximum of six months, unfortunately.
these fascist bureaucrats are more than happy to let you suffer let anything interfere with their vaccine penetration kpi’s.
There was a lot of Ken Worth Oaths flying around last night.
But it is cloud seeding season, so …
Unless a bomb pierced the roof and exploded inside the building, why is there so much material hanging outside the hospital windows.
I don’t believe the “explosion/implosion” version either.
how can you trust those f***s giving you the real thing
JC: Well, I had to take it on faith — until I got COVID. The fact that it took six days in total (Sunday, first symptoms, fit as a trout by the following Friday after three peak days of feeling mildly crook) suggests I was sent the genuine article.
Notwithstanding the nuances that will occur at every single electorate, there’s a national 7.8% swing against LNP:
We have men who get all emotional because they took a jab they didn’t want.
Then we get you.
The crowning act of selfishness and ignorance.
Frau Notaclue, and her Luftwaffe jet setting, only for the good Nazis, with numerous reports to shove it up those who refuse the swazstika.
Struth says:
March 11, 2022 at 12:04 pm
just takes saying it out loud.
Yep, which is why so many 100’s of 1000’s have long had full time employment in the, “Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!”, branches of Social Media/Pro-Globalist Propaganda Machine.
Now here we are (after another quick turn of the Social Pressure Screws), in a world where, ‘silence is violence by NOT telling people to go out & kill Russians.’
Are there any other TuRNcoAt TraIToRs here who have used a green tick to visit loved ones without seeking the permission and indulgence of St Ruth first?
Bing Bong!
False Nazi moral equivalence alert!
Bing Bong!
How does it feel St Ruth?
With your son jabbed and any grandchildren too, the pure-blood line has been broken.
Intersectionality doesn’t rate.
Juicy gets time.
The not suicidal bit makes me wonder if he has something on the Clintons.
Quick question: does anyone recall a middle-aged woman in reasonable health dying of a massive heart attack that’s attributed to stress?
Wonder how much of that is going to Labor vs. small parties? Media love making it a choice between two parties, but when you get to the voting booth it’s not.
Kennards is an excellent equipment hire company. All their stuff works ‘kennard.
That poll is wrong. The real figure is around 15%.
used repeatedly. takes a few weeks to arrive. all stuff seems legit. also used indiamart with good success although you have to bargain hard to get a good price. annoying but thats indian culture. some will accept bitcoin.
Zipster & Areff, thank you both, very much appreciated.
Zipster, I think you mentioned you were having some post Covid heart rate bumps during cardio load. I have noticed similar things. If you ever wanted to compare notes Dover has my email and mobile, please feel free to get in touch.
Quick question: does anyone recall a middle-aged woman in reasonable health dying of a massive heart attack that’s attributed to stress?
From the shopfront you’d think nothing more of Kennards than a hire shop. Reality is Kennards has had a lot to do with the development of free market policies and libertarian principles… Anyway, I share cos I share. Prticipes ergo participes.
I think, with Kitching sadly gone (along with the likes of Fitzgibbon), Labor’s long march to the Left will be expedited. Even Tits said “many conservative commentators will be very sad about the news” thus signaling he’s very happy about it all.
I doubt it.
He’s just a brat who self-immolated over an attempt at a fame upgrade.
The only people I know who dropped dead of massive heart attacks in their 50’s were ones who’s families had long histories of the same.
The fatties and the smokers etc. didn’t figure in this category.
150 days? LOL. He’ll be out by Monday on probation, early release or something.
I wonder if the somewhat dusky white Nigerians will get any penalty.
It pays to remember you are an anecdote once you have it, particularly when it comes to making predictions based on the statistics.
Jussie Sentencing
Are we going to be saying “Jussie Smollett did not kill himself!”.
A mate of mine in the building game hires gear from time-to-time.
He reckons a Kennards bloke showed him the history on a very simple bit of kit (trolley or Acrow prop or somesuch) worth about $500 tops.
The revenue pulled in by that one bit of kit over 20-30 years was something like $35-$40k.
stress cardiomyopathy?
By contrast the guy who sat in Pelosi’s chair on 1/6 is about to get 7 years in the slammer.
Chairs are sacred objects apparently.
And yet again I’m reminded that that creep only got work through contacts because, He Can’t Act … couldn’t act to save himself …
There is a QAnon type conspiracy theory doing the rounds that one or more of the biolabs was used for the production of adrenochrome. This theory says that the people taking it will suffer as their supply is now shut off so we can expect that Hillary and Klaus will soon take on the facial features of shrivelled prunes.
I wonder how many more times this is going to have to happen before the media can no longer keep pretending there’s nothing to see here. McCollough was saying at least 6 months ago that the body can generally cope with getting a double vaxx, but with each boost, the risk of serious adverse events compounds.
Shorten staying classy as always.
Outrage from the US in the overnight soshuls about gas prices; pushing a government-changing average of $4.30/gallon nationally.
Also jeering at California, averaging $5.70/gallon because taxes and general Greeness.
The outrageously outrageous, Cali regular ULP price is about A$2.05/litre.
By way of contrast: PetrolSpy tells me that 91 is currently ~A$2.20 along the main roads in Brisbane and ~A$1.90 in the burbs.
It’s how we roll.
Of my work colleagues who have carked it, no heart attacks. Cancer, however, has taken a lot.
They are potential signals. It would be foolish to ignore them. And others clearly regard them as such, which is why they are rushing out this absurd narrative that a stressful pre-selection fight is the cause. Doesn’t that seem a bit suspicious?
The one I’ve been keeping an eye on that was talking about those labs before the invasion is now talking something nasty from there is loose somewhere in the middle east. Not as in infecting people, but the stored material is somewhere unknown in the hands of bad actors.
Yes, this was my thought, too. It’s quite common for people (usually men, in my experience) to be aware of the fact their father and grandfather and great-grandfather etc died of a heart attack when they were relatively young, and realise that the probability of them going out the same way is not small. Friends and family of such people tend to be aware of this history, as well. I’m pretty sure that if Ms Kitching fell into this camp, we’d all know about it, and they wouldn’t have had to cook up this dopey ‘stressful pre-selection fight’ narrative that no one with any common sense would believe. Hell, anyone that knows anything about internal Labor battles knows what Kitching was going through was your typical run-of-the-mill factional knife fight.
I reckon Jussie would enjoy prison. For some reason.
Can this woman put a foot wrong?
She’d lost a lot of weight and was looking like a different person, quite healthy.
That must have been it….she exercised and lost weight.
Sure way of getting yourself in a box, we all know that.
Especially being a female at 52.
She’s lucky to have lived as long as she did.
And she once smoked a cigarette!
MOVE ALONG, nothing to see here.
Chemistry! I was aware of what I was getting into and have been lucky so far. The sheer amount of carcinogens I’ve worked with is amazing on thinking back. Ah well, something’s going to get us, may as well have fun before it does.
The Juicy Smollay* verdict, as described by the ALPBC:
Just I was of guilty of having a good ol’ laugh on hearing it.
*As pronounced by the newsreader.
And all you you you young’ns out there, you you you listen to ol’ Uncle Struth…..don’t you go getting all fit and healthy and play soccer…….very dangerous.
You’re asking for a heart attack.
I reckon a LOT of their viewers would be hate-watchers. I used to be one, but then it became too much – at some point it stopped being fun/funny and was just irritating. Perhaps others are dropping off for the same reason.
How puny will Q&A’s audience have to shrink to in order for it to be axed? When there are more in-studio viewers than those watching at home, perhaps.
Your disobedient son must be a terrible disappointment to you St Ruth.
I feel for you.
I really do.
Female politician dies of jab.
Official diagnosis.
White man’s glass ceiling fell on her.
‘Twas the white men wot dun it.
Commostraya 2022.
It’s Ted Bundy time!
She wasn’t even that fat prior to. People are saying she was obese – what a load of shit. If she was obese by US standards, you could see how that could cause serious health problems in someone of her age. But she wasn’t.
How many women do you know, or have you known, that are/were of a similar weight to her at her heaviest? I’ve known plenty. How many have had heart problems as a result? I don’t know of any.
Can we at least admit that, absent some kind of congenital issue, the circumstances of her death appear extremely unusual?
Aw, thanks mate.
Meta has revealed a virtual “Afrofuturistic world” as part of their celebrations of black history month, allowing users to experience racism virtually while wearing the company’s Oculus headsets.
The virtual “I Am A Man” tour, designed by artist Gabe Gault, is an “immersive experience… that pays homage to Dr. King, Rosa Parks, the Tuskegee Airmen and more,” Meta explains.
Autopsy said she died from sniffing a deadly bottom burp…..it’s official.
I see the local Jim’s Autopsies franchise has got it covered.
Fox News host reacts to claims the U.S. has been funding biolabs in Ukraine on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #FoxNews #Tucker
We like to call it ‘anecdata’
I’m not going to buy into the game of endless speculation about the cause of death from reading it in the MSM. What information do we have? Next to nothing.
Florida breaks ranks, childhood vaccinations
It is essential that health care practitioners review all data,
to evaluate risks and benefits,
unique to each patient,
when determining what health care services to provide,
including the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.
These decisions should be made on an individual basis.
Risks of administering a COVID-19 vaccine to healthy children may outweigh the benefits,
Healthy children aged 5 to 17 may not benefit from receiving the currently available COVID-19 vaccine
Children with underlying conditions are the best candidates for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Risks that may outweigh benefits among healthy children with no underlying conditions
Limited risk of severe illness due to COVID-19
Evaluation of the BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine in Children 5 to 11 Years of Age (NEJM)
Very very nice 500 year old instrumental song written by a blind Napoli man:
They know nothing else of him. Antonio Valente.
“Frau Notaclue, and her Luftwaffe jet setting, only for the good Nazis, with numerous reports to shove it up those who refuse the swazstika.”
Well, it seems I have changed your mind at least somewhat in terms of those of us coerced into taking this… potion, so now I will attempt the seeming impossible again.
People who took it – everyone, whether willingly, to travel, or under threat of loss of job etc – are the victims, not the perpetrators. Yes, all of them.
They were lied to – by the very people who were elected by them for the purpose of protecting them. And by the people whose (unelected) job is to provide us all with the truth.
Those liars – they are the enemy.
Not those who swallowed the lies.
Not those who were coerced.
Not those who held out.
The liars and withholders of truth.
Our “betters” who know what’s best for us, who “know” that we are too stupid to make the “correct” choices, and so withheld the truth and misused their power to coerce us.
Focus on the real enemy here Struth. These divisions you make of the victims only helps the liars. Don’t let them divide and conquer. Stand with your fellow victims, and say in one voice “No more!”.
Yes, you are a victim too, even if you continue to resist. And you know it.
Peaceful civil disobedience – the proven way to win in the end.
Otherwise, I am afraid to say, it is really YOU who are enabling the authoritarians.
Good one! 🙂
So how do you do that hashtag thing or whatever….”I stand with Jussie Smollett” etc etc.
Can you make up your own?
– I believe Jussie Smollett
– Jussie Smollett 4 me
– Hire Jussie Smollett now
Miami Ivermectin Study Was Flawed and Withdrawn
Drbeen Medical Lectures
JC, helium is found in certain oil wells. Up to a few years ago the USA had a national helium stockpile but they decided to discontinue that. There was some dissent and disquiet about that. Some of the available supply may come from Russia I guess but you now can’t buy it. Being inert it is useful in certain types of welding as an inert gas shield, to pressurise rocket fuel tanks (SpaceX Falcon 9), scientific research and in kids toy balloons when mixed with nitrogen,note however Dam the Man in the People’s Republic of Victoria banned the release of toy balloons.
The Russia sanctions appear to be a case of “be careful or we’ll shoot off our foot, then reload and shoot off the other one”. Great.
Can’t say I’ll be bothered buying anything written by either…
Oh dear. What a faux pas when you discover a Russian oligarch has been laundering cash through your football competition for years and being lauded by everyone. How embarresement.
And the FA is the same organization that tried to stop the Arab take-over of Newcastle United citing corruption fears as their main reason .. notice across the various UK sports pages they are studiously avoiding any comparisons between Chelsea & Newcasle ownership disputes .. LOL!
ABC: Rolfe not guilty.
Speaking of relevance deprivation syndrome, I see that fat toxic sack of shit Health Hazzard is desperately trying to beat up the dangers of the “new sub-omicron variant of bat flu” and encouraging people to go and get (yet) another clot shot “to protect themselves”.
Why? The clot shots are clearly useless, you obnoxious moron.
No doubt another round of idiotic restrictions (including face nappies) is on the cards, just to remind everyone how stupid, expedient and evil these power crazed imbeciles are.
shatterzz – there was a Thai corruptocrat who had control of Manchester City a few years back, shortly before the purchase of the said club by the Abu Dhabi United Group – no corruption fears there, evidently.
Thanks ZK2A. Great news. No doubt the backlash will be full of wacist wacism, colonialism blah blah blah.
How long will it be before the first “BLM” protests kick off, in Alice Springs?
Gee, that news will be well received by a certain demographic in the Nothing Territory.
What’s the bet he ends up before a court again over the same matter, a la Jarrod Hayne?
Dopey did beat me to posting the news, but, yes, I do agree with you.
Correct John H.
We know the most prevalent mode of exit for people in their fifties is cardiovascular disease.
Admittedly not the norm, but not unheard of.
I’ll bet almost everyone here knows someone who died of cardiovascular disease under the age of sixty before covid vaxes were introduced.
Of the major factors driving cardiovascular disease as it might relate to her – family history and personal medical history, personal dietary and exercise habits among the foremost – we know nothing.
OK Sancho – you too. And likely others – I haven’t read further yet.
Take a deep breath.
Struth is NOT your enemy.
He has shown his attitude can be changed with a logical argument.
He is as much a victim as those of us who took it.
The real enemy are the liars, the withholders of truth, the censors and the authoritarians.
Bury the hatchet with Struth on this – what is more important? That you “win” an argument on some blog somewhere, or that you prevent such as what has happened from ever happening again?
Wake the fuck up the lot of you.
It is also occurring more frequently in young adults. No-one knows why. Very odd. Too many Big Macs? The increasing prevalence of metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes?
Heart attacks increasingly common in young adults
Yuendumu: Zachary Rolfe found not guilt of Kumanjayi Walker murder
Good. What about the other charges?
The Rolfe verdict.
A perfect shit-storm.
A poorly conceived prosecution delivering a predictable (and correct) verdict will result in whipped up “BLM” bullshit which they will expect an understandably very reluctant police force to control.
The “Oz” is stating “Not Guilty of ALL charges.”
Who is responsible for building that flood plain under all those houses?
Rolfe not guilty of Kumanjayi Walker murder
NT policeman Zachary Rolfe has been cleared of all charges over the 2019 botched arrest attempt in the outback community of Yuendumu.
The Democrats take lèse-majesté very seriously.
Interesting drive around town this morning – super fuel at the local small supplier is $2.03 /l, Diesel the same.
In the recently taken over servo, Super is $2.03 /l, Diesel is $2.20/l. The driveway is empty. Obviously they don’t care if they have no customers. It doesn’t seem to be the priority for the owners.
Whatevs Kneel.
If I see horseshit from either side of the fence, I will call it.
Anyway, it’s probably the cloud-seeding 5G chem-trails which make me do it.
Great news Bruce
And if the process of the trial wasn’t punishment enough, Mr. Rolfe has likely lost his career.
I don’t imagine anyone in the NT DPP will.
The media reaction to this death – scrambling to attribute it to stress – that’s totally normal, doesn’t raise any red flags at all. Believe what you want, or don’t. My instinct is that something isn’t right here; same with Warne.
The “Oz” is stating “Not Guilty of ALL charges.”
Good. Now for the other big one: BRS.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 11, 2022 at 2:11 pm
Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins: book advances revealed
Can’t say I’ll be bothered buying anything written by either…
Niether will I.
Be interesting to see how long it takes for their books to reduced to the $5 or less bargain bin.
Their ABC:-
They don’t offer any explanation as to why the health clinic staff had been evacuated, and the role Mr Walker might have had in the events leading up to the evacuation.
I think any thoughts of an appeal are in tatters by the sound of that.
A failed prosecution which no-one now wants to own isn’t going any further.
From the West Australian — paywalled.
I think any thoughts of an appeal are in tatters by the sound of that.
A failed prosecution which no-one now wants to own isn’t going any further.
The other issue is reparations for Rolfe and whether he still has a job.
The Australian reporting that Brittany Higgins will be paid a quarter of a million dollar advance for a book to be published later this year. Grace Tame will also ‘write’ a book – her advance is $450,000.
Ken Worth has been beating us over the head for the last 2 years. When things didn’t turn out exactly as he wished packed a sad. No discord was allowed, his way or the highway. When made fun of, got worse. Now its all ANUSDOTAL, whatever he says is crap even if heading in the right direction. Laying on the couch all day has turned him fat and lazy the denim shorts are too tight on the nuts so now he just shrieks. Grow up.
Diesel on Karrinyup Road this morning: $2.17 a litre.
I filled up on Monday at Costco, Perth Airport: $1.66 a litre.
Doesn’t take too many trips to recoup my yearly membership fee. (Plus buying 1.75L of GOOD vodka for $89, which makes 2L of limoncello.)
Speaking of books no one will be in any hurry to read, an email from the MRC, which is Lehmannesque in its tone deaf, tin eared idiocy:
They’ve got to be joking.
Doesn’t matter how much the advance is, if the sales don’t add up they get the money back. Do these fools actually think there will be 250k in author payments. Be lucky to get that much in sales.
A small correction.
Not denim shorts.
King Gee Stubbies.
Otherwise all good.
The West Australian — paywalled. He had CV-19 twice, apparently.
He was also vaxxed.
Doesn’t smell like a payoff for a hit job at all….
That’s what happens when the Cat’s Q&A interruption lotto gets binned.
A pity the bloke who got torched by his ex after 6 months of threats isn’t around to write his book.
Fuck me!!!
He won’t be the only one.
NT Police brass have rendered the organisation ungovernable.
Who would take a direction from the likes of Sergeant Miss Julie, for example, unless it was explicit and in writing, knowing full well that you are going under the bus if it goes pear-shaped?
You never know…
Good chance every local library will buy at least one copy, plus a lot of school libraries. Those will add up quickly.
Of more interest is how many people will spend their own money to buy a copy?
I agree Rabz that this is probably a load of horseshit. But I am reliably informed from Kemp himself that in the post-Whitlam years, Labor and Liberal woke up to the philosophies of Milton Freidman, Ayn Rand and the like. There was even an informal inter-party working group looking at free market policies. Ask yourself: What happened to Labor’s economic policies from 1975 and 1983…? Quite a bit methinks.
Thank you Kneel. Blunt and true.
Our rulers lied to us. Deliberately and maliciously for their own benefit.
It doesn’t matter if it was for money, ideology, conscience, or ego. They lied.
Zachary Rolfe cleared of all charges.
Norman Swan. Someone needs to publicly confront that bastard and demand he explain why he trumpeted the vaccines with such unqualified confidence.
Rolfe should never have been charged.
Elders are calling for no guns in communities, no problem for me as long as the police who carry them stay away too.
Nt Police Association has just issued a lengthy statement. The last line says they look forward to Constable Rolfe “returning to work”.
That will be most interesting.
“Rolfe should never have been charged.”
The awakening was short lived.
When Kemp was in government he led the way in expropriating $200bn worth of value from land owners to meet our Kyoto greenhouse gas abatement target.
Veritas #UnmaskNYT Bombshell Takes Over Media Airwaves
Project Veritas
It’s about the payoff, not the story.
Here we go:
Outside court there was deep anger and frustration from Aboriginal members of Mr Walker’s community.
All of Mr Walker’s supporters were devastated at the verdict, while demanding an end to guns in their community.
‘When are we going to get justice?’ Senior Warlpiri man Ned Jampijinpa Hargraves said.
‘We don’t want no guns! Enough is enough! It’s gotta stop. To our people – let us stand strong.
‘And we do not want to see another black young fella, or a girl, to be shot.’
Another Indigenous elder, Warren Williams, questioned why no Aboriginal people were on the jury.
‘We wanted to see Zachary Rolfe locked up,’ he said.
Mr Williams said there was a clear double standard when it came to Indigenous Australians charged with crimes.
‘Justice seems to be really dishonest. It helps (non-Indigenous Australians) avoid justice instead of making them accountable,’ he continued.
‘There are over 500 Aboriginal deaths in custody that need justice. No police has ever been charged or convicted of any wrongdoing in relation to any deaths in custody for (Indigenous Australians).’
Another supporter of Mr Walker said the family and community was ‘devastated by this injustice’.
‘We are all so full of anger and grief. It is a racist system that we’ve got here in Australia,’ she said.
‘Our spirit may be broken, but we are the powerful decision-makers, we as Warlpiri nation, against the weapons that we know has been used against our people by choice by police.
‘It must stop. We demand an end to guns in our communities.’
She criticised those who saw Constable Rolfe as a ‘hero’. ‘Disgusting. After he went to our community like a predator, took our young fella. He’s a hero to you guys.’
‘We should not be divided by racism, but we are. We are being divided up. We must have clear communication and work towards the future of our next generation. We don’t want guns in our community.’
Speaking last was Mr Walker’s cousin Samara Fernandez, who fought back tears as she said she and his family were ‘robbed’ of being able to say goodbye to Mr Walker.
While she spoke, cries from grief-stricken community members were heard behind her.
‘Sometimes I think about how he must have felt in his last moments. Was he scared? Terrified, I’d imagine. Was he in pain? Excruciating pain, I would think,’ she told reporters.
‘Throughout this trial, Kumanjayi has depicted solely as a dangerous individual who, in the words of (Rolfe’s defence lawyer David Edwardson), was the author of his own misfortune.
‘Would you call misfortune death? ‘Cause I wouldn’t. He has been criticised and picked apart by people who didn’t know him. They saw only his flaws, and wished to put him at trial for his own death. That’s disgusting.
‘He was a joyful young man who was generous, a young man who was taken far too soon, and a young man who will be deeply, deeply missed.’
Daily Mail
No way Kneel.
I haven’t changed my stance on a thing.
You say you are angry…fuming ….and will be seeking revenge.
I made the simple claim that you are still sane for taking that approach.
Others who like to now dismiss it all and forget it and pretend they weren’t violated, or worse still, pretend they were happy to submit, or that nearly all restrictions are gone because their lives haven’t been effected because they are using the nazi pass…….well,…..it’s getting quite sick.
They’ll jab themselves with an unknown concoction from criminals that’s proven to be deadly to fight off a virus they never witnessed being any worse that a flu (which disappeared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but when people start dying from the jab insist on a autopsy before anyone san say they died “with” er I mean “from” the jab.
Insanity because they want to deny reality.
You don’t seem to kneel.
That’s all I was saying.
I’m going to do it again…………….
Only because she’s such a good example.
Let’s look at good old Nazi pass herself, Frau Notaclue.
She was always going to submit to get her pass, and use it only for saintly missions and neccessity, being the best catholic in the world, which apparently involves jetsetting to Europe on holidays!
I realise I’m up against the majority of people here who are vaxxed, and they will refuse to see the morality or lack thereof , of the “fuck everyone else fighting this ” attitude of notafan’s because they’d have to look at themselves, and their green tick , while those who won’t participate are still locked in the country, out of work,… and while hospitals are killing people through lack of unjabbed nurses and so on it goes.
We are under attack from globalists who are just as bad as any Nazis in the past, with the same insane vision for the future, who relied totally on people submitting to their coersion.
All knew it came with a passport.
If it didn’t we’d only have 30% or so vaccinated in Australia.
Some had to take the jab for emergency reasons.
Most did not.
Personal responsibility.
We all talk about it here on a right wing blog, but when it comes down to it, it’s just that….. talk
Fuck the rest of us holding the line says notafan as she flashes the Nazi pass and hands her money to the discriminatory businesses and governments all in bed together.
It’s disgusting.
If people think that shouldn’t be critisized it’s probably because they don’t want to look at themselves.
History won’t change because you ignore it.
But it will repeat.
“Our rulers lied to us. Deliberately and maliciously for their own benefit.
It doesn’t matter if it was for money, ideology, conscience, or ego. They lied.”
Exactly Winston – this is not some point of monetary policy that can be reversed. It is the denial of human rights, human dignity, self determination and respect. It is irreversible – as is my trust in the whole stinking pile of existing incumbents (with very few exceptions).
If they were truly misled, then they could have said so and done something about it when they found out.
But the cowards doubled down to save face and political power.
And that is the worst part.
“Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord” – I do hope He doesn’t mind if I borrow it in such extraordinary circumstances.
‘There are over 500 Aboriginal deaths in custody that need justice. No police has ever been charged or convicted of any wrongdoing in relation to any deaths in custody for (Indigenous Australians).’
My guess is that there would be some pretty pale specimens in this 500.
John H
Norman Swan. Someone needs to publicly confront that bastard and demand he explain why he trumpeted the vaccines with such unqualified confidence.
Shirt front?
Well done Grace! A strong finish to the year gave her back the lead over Brittany. It didn’t look that way a few months ago when Brittany had the Prime Minister dancing to her tune. It also should be noted that the bloke who Brittany alleged assaulted her, hasn’t had his day in court yet. There may be some juicy revelations in that about young Brit. This may also explain the disparity in advances.
I reckon the publishers must have advance orders from government departments, universities, schools and councils in order to give such generous advances. You wouldn’t think there are enough radical feminists in the country to sell that many books. Most people would rather stick pins in their eyes than read such crap.
The first step on that path is to teach them not to attack police with scissors, knives or spears.
I think he answered his own question.
Aren’t you selected for jury duty from the electoral roll?
Shane Warne: Speculation COVID may have contributed to spin legend’s heart attack
Which COVID?
The ailment or the supposed cure for the ailment?
I’m sure he wouldn’t mind us assisting him.
Swan et al need to answer for their behaviour.
They saw only his flaws
An interesting statement. Implies the law must be ledger of good and bad. So no matter what crime you commit, if you do good stuff or are a nice person, then it’s not so bad. Certainly beyond ‘mitigation’. A new way to see the scales held by Lady Justice.
Thanks for the correction, of course I could double, triple or go on forever down for at least the next 2 years. You’re all wrong, I’m the smartest Bus and truck driver in the world, just not doing it at the moment.
They lied to us!!
They lied to us!!!
No shit Sherlock.
Of course they are the enemy.
So how do you empower them?
How do you fight them.
Submit, chuck your right arm out at 45 degrees and hop on a European holiday?
They not only lied to us.
Do you think that’s the worst they’ve done?
Murdering and imprisoning 26 million people.
No one should have stepped foot in their houses for a second, right from the start.
No one should have obeyed any of it.
Which is what I was saying from the start.
History now.
That didn’t happen, and to the extent that that didn’t happen and the level of shit we are in is directly related to what we submit to and the level of tyranny we accept.
What they did was wrong and unconstitutional from day one.
And now you’re working out they lied to you………………………………………………….
One of those 500 was a Maori, who wasn’t in custody at the time of his demise……..
I think you’ll find that, as in the US, these book deals are a ‘thank you’ by the political class, for their political work over the last couple of years, as sales won’t match what is being advanced.
Excellent news re. Zachary Rolfe’s ‘not guilty’ result.
As to his reinstatement with the NT excuse for a Police Force. Should that happen and were I he, I’d don my uniform and front for assigned shift; walk straight into OIC’s office; hand in my resignation; deposit my badge and assorted hardware on desk and depart the building. I would then be talking to my legals again about suing the arse off the lot of them
Anyone here on Telegram? If so, you gotta see this. it’s hilarious.
Natasha, From Russia with Love https://t.me/MIDchat/34826
The enemy isn’t wearing a red star. It’s wearing a poppy from the fields of Flanders to hide the hammer and sickle. And it sits in our Parliaments.
” I was aware of what I was getting into and have been lucky so far. The sheer amount of carcinogens I’ve worked with is amazing on thinking back.”
Too right BoN – toluene and tricloroethalene at least. Lithium based heat transfer grease. Fibro.
And stupid risks too.
Bet you never thought you’d make it to 50, right?
Cars rolled with no seatbelt, or stopped dead by a treestump hitting front crossmember, riding trail bikes well over the legal BAC limit with very little protective gear.
Freaking amazing, but somehow we did survive, and managed not to kill anyone else either.
Oh, and I’ve been exposed to more non-ionising radiation than most – 50Hz all the way to 2GHz.
Drawing continuous arcs to ground with 50Hz induction into my body next to a 200MVA transformer.
Getting dry eyes and tingly fillings from tuning 2GHz 1W radios.
And getting massively sunburnt and peeling, then going straight back for more.
But it hasn’t affected me (tic, tic)… 🙂
We are truly much more resilient than we think, aren’t we?
Deaths in police custody are quite broadly defined.
It would include someone under arrest who carks it in an emergency ward due to natural causes, for instance.
To imply that all black deaths in custody are due to police neglect or criminal acts, or even that blacks are disproportionately represented in such figures, is disingenuous, to say the least.
Isn’t reconciliation supposed to be based on truth telling?
I reckon Jussie would enjoy prison. For some reason.
The competition to see who gets to be his boyfriend will be brutal.
Black fellas like going to jail…a regular feed, cleaned up and away from the true hell of the socialist run communities . You’ll never find happier prisoners than the black fellas in Alice Springs Jail.
Changed men, and bloody funny blokes.
I was only ever visiting…………………………..
Herald Sun is pointing out that Kumanjayi Walker had a “lengthy and violent” criminal record.
Ha! Here’s Natasha
Just love the accent!
The stench of malfeasance is strong here. It’s also pretty clear that a lot of corporates, NGOs, and the like, were using Ukraine to entrench and extend their aims in the region. Huge investments in training and capital on the line. One of the many reasons the response has been at eleventy.
Tickery is still a thing in the great state of South Brisbane and its ignored more northerly attachments.
I was bounced from a caf on Wednesday night for being tickless.
I realise that they have no choice but to check, but the virtue signaling diatribe that went with my ejection was testing of my naturally placid and accepting nature. Firken, ho knuts.
Ho ho ho.
I could tell you some stories…
Perversely Roger, deaths “in custody” can include those who drive into a tree running away from the cops and those who OD on parole or on bail.
rather be speared in the thigh and banished from the tribe, I guess.
Comment from the Oz.
People say to me that ticks aren’t required in this state or that state.
NSW is tickless!!!
Yet is that because you aren’t needing to show it every day you go into work, because you have once?
Nurses, teachers, all sorts of workers…..no tick required anymore?
I doubt politics has been this enthralling for the last 50 years. Every day, just about, we see the things we were warning about come true. So many crows coming home to nest, so very many chances to say “I told you so!”
If I were a humble man, I would say nothing and let the Leftards stew in their own juices.
But I’m not a humble man, considering the amount of crap the Left has shoveled in our direction.
So now I will find some paprika, chilli, garlic and black pepper to season the juices I will stir in.
Lithium based heat transfer grease
IIRC it used to be beryllium based before they replaced it with aluminium oxide.
And now our resident knockabout minstrel will play his big hit, “Alice Jailhouse Blues” to demonstrate his street cred.
Up thread a few comments are beginning to appear in relation to fuel prices. Unfortunately for so many Australians under 50′ ish, they do not have a clue about good old fashioned gallons and just how much we really are being screwed.
Fuel here in my area on the Mid North Coast are currently; Premium $2.184 ltr and Diesel $2.259 ltr.
As there are 4.546 litres per Imperial gallon Premium is costing us $9.95/gallon & Diesel $10.27 gallon.
Even if we were to calculate using American gallons, i.e. 1 US gallon equals 3.7854 litres the cost is;
Premium $ 8.29/gallon, Diesel $8.55/gallon.
LPG has gone from $1.019 to $1.239
Then do the currency conversion of American dollars to Australian and you almost have a heart attack.
There is no way these costs can simply be absorbed in peoples budgets and the on on cost to the trucking industry will have to passed on, thus retail costs for everyday purchases must inevitably go up.
And those goods which have gst added to them gives the incompetents ever increasing revenue to simply pee into the wind.
Does the so-called government or opposition give a rats? Hardly, they are smirking at us all (because it does not affect them in any way) as the extra excise and gst is giving them a windfall. The true cost of despicable free trade agreements has destroyed Australia along with many others.
The perp’s timeline, just released by the Oz:
2000: Arnold Charles Walker born in Alice Springs before going to live with an unrelated Indigenous couple.
2002: Walker suffers from an ear infection, a chest infection, nits and scabies.
2007: Walker moves to Adelaide and is identified as having ‘special need’.
2010: Walker returns to Yuendumu with his mother.
2011: Walker begins breaking into properties.
2012: Walker routinely sniffs petro-chemicals.
2013: Walker regularly consumes alcohol and smokes ‘gunja’. His activity escalates to include serious property damage.
2014: Walker attends a youth community program known as BushMob.
2015: Walker becomes increasingly violent; moves in with grandmother Margaret Brown at Yuendumu; meets his girlfriend Rickisha Robertson and begins bashing her.
2016: Walker regularly and savagely attacks Rickisha.
2017: Walker’s biological relatives in Papunya and Haast Bluff, and his adoptive relatives in Yuendumu and Alice Springs, become fed up with his behaviour.
2018: Walker continues his spree of vandalism, fighting and abuse. After he turns 18 he was jailed.
March 9: Walker cuts off his electronic monitoring device.
March 11: Walker breaks into the Big Shop at Yuendumu, causing serious damage and stealing $7000 worth of cigarettes.
June 26: Walker is convicted of unlawful entry, damage property and stealing. He is sentenced to 16 months’ imprisonment, partially suspended to attend a program at the Central Australian Aboriginal Alcohol Programs Unit.
October 21: Walker is released from prison to begin his CAAAPU placement.
October 29: Walker cuts off his electronic monitoring device and absconds from CAAAPU.
October 30: Walker returns to Yuendumu and is listed as an NT Police arrest target.
November 5: A warrant is issued for Walker’s arrest for breaching his suspended sentence.
November 6: Walker assaults Yuendumu police with an axe when they try to arrest him.
November 9: Police officer Zachary Rolfe fatally shoots Walker, after Rolfe stabs him and fellow officer Adam Eberl with scissors, during an attempted arrest in Yuendumu.
November 13: Rolfe charged with Walker’s murder.
March 11: A jury finds Rolfe not guilty of murder, manslaughter and engaging in a violent act causing death.
haven’t scrolled so if it’s been posted earlier .. apologies ..!
The judge’s summation on Jussie .. wonderful stuff .. LOL!
An acquaintance used to rationalise it thus: “I am but an instrument of karma”. Not sure if the whole absolution angle played out for him in the end but full marks for trying it on.
I guess no-one will mention that the non-indigenous rate is almost 2x that of the indigenous rate.
Rabz? posted earlier that a newsreader used the pronunciation “Juicy Smollay”.
Possibly been watching too much Dave Chappelle.
March 11: A jury finds Rolfe not guilty of murder, manslaughter and engaging in a violent act causing death.
best news this week and, most likely, next week as well .. Well dun to all on that jury ..!
I’m guessing there’ll be no, full-on, media support for Oz gongs for these 12 tho …… LOL!
March 11, 2022 at 3:22 pm
‘There are over 500 Aboriginal deaths in custody that need justice. No police has ever been charged or convicted of any wrongdoing in relation to any deaths in custody for (Indigenous Australians).’
My guess is that there would be some pretty pale specimens in this 500.
This from Martin Lynch at Quadrant:
Black Lies Splatter: Part I
Checking through media reports, there were no actual breakdowns. Strange that experts in this area, criminologists and statisticians were notably absent from the media’s reporting. I thought that if the killer-cop narrative had any merit they would have been citing hard, solid statistics. Most academics, especially criminologists in my experience, are lefty types who would defund us if they could. Were there any evidence that police are on a vendetta against black people they would have produced it.
I turned to Google, apparently a source too obscure for academics and the media. It took me a couple of hours to find, read, cut and paste the following statistics: of the 432 deaths officially listed as ‘deaths in custody’ since 1991, only 146 were actually in police custody, the rest being in prison and, therefore, in the custody of prison officers, not police.
Of those 146 deaths in ‘police custody’ 39 resulted from motor vehicle crashes as a result of police pursuits. If police try to intercept a fleeing vehicle and that vehicle is involved in a traffic accident even after pursuit has been terminated, they are technically ‘in police custody’ and the deaths go down as resulting from interaction with police. This is the case even if they are nowhere near a police car and regardless of how much time has expired since the pursuit and attempted intercept were called off. This fact would distort the figure but I can’t say by how much.
Another 31 deaths were due to natural causes, 28 to suicide, and 38 attributable to accidents and misadventure. That leaves just 10 deaths since 1991 related to police action. And something else to bear in mind: anyone who dies within 24 hours of being in a watchhouse is technically counted as being in police custody. So you could be released at night and die the next day from a heart attack but still be listed as having died in custody.
Does the so-called government or opposition give a rats? Hardly, they are smirking at us all (because it does not affect them in any way) as the extra excise and gst is giving them a windfall. The true cost of despicable free trade agreements has destroyed Australia along with many others.
They will be loving the extra windfall $$.
Australia has directly contributed to the current “event sensitivity” of fuel pricing by restricting and controlling the industry in every way imaginable. From oil exploration all the way through to the service station pump.
The current situation isn’t representative of a failure of industry. It’s representative of Government’s ability to completely fuck everything they touch.
As the WEF told us they would do, Irish scotsman.
We’re at war on our own soil, waged by traitors aligned with the WEF here, and they must be singled out and removed from parliament.
From Andrew Bragg, to Greg Hunt, and the hundreds in our swamp, anywhere in government. If they can be shown to have a connection to the WEF, they need to be immediately arrested for national security reasons, and removed from their positions pending investigations.
We are at war with this organisation and it’s other orgs, the UN etc and these people must be removed.
But some here are still figuring out they were lied to!
Daily Mail.
If I were a humble man, I would say nothing and let the Leftards stew in their own juices.
Wouldn’t matter if you said anything .. no Leftard troughing will be curtailed by any outrage ..!
St Ruth.
How many people do you know who have been forcibly taken to the “Deaf Camps”?
Just a rough number will do.
Obi One Hibachi.
Aren’t you arguing corporate responsibility?
Que? I’m assuming the timeline was a cut and paste from the relevant “media sauce”. Very unfortunate.
Yes, Pancho, it was an ALPBC newsreader on the 1:00pm bulletin.
Paid $2.44 a litre today for premium in Sydney. Had half a tank remaining, so the damage wasn’t too great. The most I’ve ever paid for petrol in my life.
Immediately arrested.
Pending investigation.
Don’t bitch about Commo Jackboot Injustice if you also propose summary arrest without charge “pending investigation”.
Because that puts you in the frame with Fidel and Uncle Joe.
Must be climate change.
“And now you’re working out they lied to you………………………………………………….”
No, like you I suspected it from the start – don’t say you “knew”, you did not, you suspected.
But now there is evidence.
Evidence they will obfuscate and hide.
They will claim “listening to experts” etc.
I am not angry they overreacted, I’m angry they didn’t correct it! I’m angry they didn’t trust us.
Always have been.
My point is that, we shouldn’t let it go. That saying “You’re all idiots, I told you so” doesn’t do much to prevent it happening again, does it? Even if it’s true.
So stop gloating about how you were “right” (whether you were is not is irrelevant)- unless you think that it has not affected you at all, and I know that’s not true. Can’t be true, because we are ALL affected.
Look, I get that you are mad. I get that you are being abused etc.
What are you, a 5 year old?
If you got your back up at the abuse you copped, what makes you think that others won’t feel and do the same when you abuse them?
You changed (as you should have) when I made an argument without throwing abuse at you.
THINK for fucks sake!
Make a difference – you can.
But only if you want to – and only if you can control yourself.
The rest is up to you.
Sorry if it sounds preachy or whatever – I am no less human than anyone else.
Make a choice on making a difference. And live with that choice.
Would it be trafficking in State Secrets (and thus actionable) if you explained your recipe, Bruce?
I don’t think I’ve ever had Limoncello.
I think you’ll find that, as in the US, these book deals are a ‘thank you’ by the political class, for their political work over the last couple of years, as sales won’t match what is being advanced.
I was watching an episode of a TV detective series, The Chelsea Detective, last night and a book deal came into it .. turned out the owners of a very high level fashionable restaurant were trying to sell up and one of the sweeteners was a recently published cook book from the proprietors being a best seller .. turned out one of the two owners bought 90% of the 1st run prompting a 2nd printing and topping the best seller charts .. thousands of copies stored in a rented garage but a very attractive buying offer on the table .. LOL!
But being realistic what on earth would Grace or Brittany have to say that results in a book offer of any sort .. gotta be some great tax lurks available to publishers to top the $10 each mark .. LOL!
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 11, 2022 at 3:28 pm
Another Indigenous elder, Warren Williams, questioned why no Aboriginal people were on the jury.
Aren’t you selected for jury duty from the electoral roll?
And forgive me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the authorities release figures on how many people were summonsed for duty for the day the trial started, how many of those were indigenous, and the numbers of those non-indigenous and indigenous summonsed who actually turned up, the indigenous who turned up being zero?
If so, might an astute investigative mind be capable of ascertaining why there were no indigenous people on the jury?
The internet ruined the demand for cookbooks and cooking magazines.
And having now been through everything that transpired on the Open Thread today, it would appear that Kneel has learned his lesson about never trying to reason with the Kenworth King.
The Kenworth King has never been about reason, nor has he ever been here for the hunting. He believes (just like the political Nemeses he’s chosen for himself) solely in Kompliance.
Kompliance with his will and his way.
And raging at us about wars being fought by perfidious, ubiquitous (yet remarkably shadowy) powerful elites that are out to murdergenocide us all and enslave our precious bodily fluids.
The details are always terribly murky, but you’re loudly and longly denounced as a traitorous collaborator fit only for destruction if you express any doubt.
You know, but for the fact he does not regularly change his account name and pretend at stability when he firsts starts posting, the M.O. and conduct is remarkably similar to a certain Avian…
Can’t remember the web address but the Guardian Oz has a very good page on deaths in custody. Shows details of each case and can clearly see deaths in each state in each year and then can click on any case for info.
Totally does not support the view that cops are killing indigenous on a regular basis. I recall one case involved a wanted person dying as fell from a building whilst escaping from cops who never touched him. Another was an indigenous (Fernando) who killed his own cousin inside jail. Both were doing time for a horrendous rape of a NSW nurse.
Of course not. The exact opposite in fact.
‘There are over 500 Aboriginal deaths in custody that need justice. No police has ever been charged or convicted of any wrongdoing in relation to any deaths in custody for (Indigenous Australians).’
Comparison of aboriginal and white:
If you’re jabbed and don’t want to know, don’t watch
Great posts Kneel.
Fuck you people are dumb.
From Russia, with love…
UPDATE: Russia and Ukraine Explained by Kamala Harris!
2stix, biggles can’t help it, he is dumb as a rock & is crapping his pants about the poison jab he took so he has to lash out.