Open Thread – Tues 8 March 2022

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559

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Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:06 pm

March 11, 2022 at 4:48 pm
How many people do you know who have been forcibly taken to the “Deaf Camps”?

Fuck you people are dumb.

Nice hyperlinks you got there, Struth-sock.

None of them are being murdergenocided, which is your thought-leader’s impassioned claim.

Who is denying reality now?


March 11, 2022 5:06 pm

Of more than 531 respondents, 60 per cent have either applied or are considering applying for a job outside the NT Police, which has also led to doubling attrition rates since last year, the survey showed.

Nearly half cited the murder charges against Constable Zach Rolfe as their reason for wanting to leave the police force.

Well, that’s shocking, isn’t it? I can see the NT, in a reasonably short time, having practically zero law and order for the entire Territory. That situation would have to lead to a general population exodus as well.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:08 pm

2stix, biggles can’t help it, he is dumb as a rock & is crapping his pants about the poison jab he took so he has to lash out.

Struth needs more practice at this sock account business.

Grigory can teach you, but it will cost you a lot of gypsum. And don’t trust that you’ll keep your skin afterwards, either…


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 5:11 pm

Well, that’s shocking, isn’t it? I can see the NT, in a reasonably short time, having practically zero law and order for the entire Territory. That situation would have to lead to a general population exodus as well.

They could always recruit indigenous police officers?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 5:13 pm

This lady would make a damn fine Kitteh!

Chrishell Stause says she got revenge on a man who sent her an unsolicited nude photo by forwarding it to his MOTHER… as she warns other men not to send her lewd pictures

March 11, 2022 5:14 pm

All that idiot choo choo man can do is call everyone a struth sock.
Calling everyone a sock doesn’t win an argument.
Get some new material you bonehead

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:16 pm

Get some new material you bonehead

You first.

March 11, 2022 5:17 pm

OK…you are a sock…..I win.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:19 pm

OK…you are a sock…..I win.

Such a lazy and derivative little manlet you are, Shit Dribbler.

I think that tinfoil hat collection of yours is cooking your brain.

Is there Protocols for resolving that?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:21 pm

Rex Angersays:

March 11, 2022 at 5:06 pm

March 11, 2022 at 4:48 pm
How many people do you know who have been forcibly taken to the “Deaf Camps”?

Fuck you people are dumb.

Nice hyperlinks you got there, Struth-sock.

The key word was “Deaf” (the Queensssland pronunciation of “Death”).
With a 4″ gas main plumbed straight to the showers.
Not a two-week quarantine in three-and-a-half star hotel accommodation.
Don’t worry St Ruth.
A number of people here have kept the receipts, and when the blowback starts it will make “empty shelves in a week” look like a picnic.

March 11, 2022 5:21 pm

No, like you I suspected it from the start – don’t say you “knew”, you did not, you suspected.

No, I knew.
And my behaviour right at the start and what I said on the old cat proves it.
The reason was obvious.
You don’t go outside of the constitution and shut down businesses and the healthy without being at war with that nation, ……it was because they so completely left the constitution behind, I knew we were fucked from the start.

But now there is evidence.
Evidence they will obfuscate and hide.
They will claim “listening to experts” etc.

I am not angry they overreacted, I’m angry they didn’t correct it! I’m angry they didn’t trust us.
Always have been.

They didn’t over react, they did what they were told to do by traitors and the enemies of the west.

This “they panicked ” routine, spare me.
There was evidence they needed hanging on the first day.

My point is that, we shouldn’t let it go. That saying “You’re all idiots, I told you so” doesn’t do much to prevent it happening again, does it? Even if it’s true.

In those words I hear “we hate being wrong and you coming in proving it is giving us the shits”.

I was called a nanna killer, asked how many nannas would I be prepared to kill to play my gigs, a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist and all sorts of sick stuff when in reality there were very few of us who hadn’t lost our shit to propaganda.

Mention WEF…scoffed at, still are.

There’d be a passport…scoffed at etc.
Spent too much of my time trying to calm down Notafan and others….but they were lost.
The smart arses were at it day and night, and now I, and others like twostix have been proven right……..hey struth, let’s forget it and move on.
A lot of that going around these days.

Now you want me to play nice?
Be fucked.
Too late for that.
This place was an insane asylum of scoffing for two years, and some are still carrying on.

So stop gloating about how you were “right” (whether you were is not is irrelevant)- unless you think that it has not affected you at all, and I know that’s not true. Can’t be true, because we are ALL affected.

As above, you want me now,…..oh now……to forget the arsehole smug wrongology and abuse, and move on.
Not in my world mate.

Look, I get that you are mad. I get that you are being abused etc.
What are you, a 5 year old?
If you got your back up at the abuse you copped, what makes you think that others won’t feel and do the same when you abuse them?

No I’ve been dealing with a few 5 year olds that have tried to run this blog away from the truth by being smart arses.
They don’t do it to just me either.
I wonder how many felt at ease with getting the jab because while I and a few others were saying don’t get the jab, they were poo poo ing us?
What would struth know, he’s from Queensland….etc.
Stupid, very irresponsible shit.
People have got to now go through the rest of their lives knowing they fucked up getting the jab, and any second…………………..
That’s low and disgusting.
For example.
Did Frank’s constant dismissing of the truth presented help you decide to get the jab?
Not you in particular Kneel.
Any of you?
The whole team of denialists here poo poo ing every truth that has now been proven?

You changed (as you should have) when I made an argument without throwing abuse at you.
THINK for fucks sake!

I told you I didn’t change.
I said you weren’t in denial, don’t let it go any further, that’s all.

Make a difference – you can.
But only if you want to – and only if you can control yourself.

I know where I’m making a difference and I know there are some influential people who read this blog, or I wouldn’t be here.
Keep that in mind when you become concerned with the tone of my posts, because I’m not here to make friends.

The rest is up to you.

Sorry if it sounds preachy or whatever – I am no less human than anyone else.
Make a choice on making a difference. And live with that choice.

I’m sorry Kneel, but all I see is now the smart arses who have been serving up the shit for two years, start looking like the dildos they are, then I should back off and we can all sing Kumbaya together.
A bit convenient.
Remember the left only scream about standards when they start copping their type of shit, back.

March 11, 2022 5:22 pm

For the record.
Please take me out of the victim column.
If I got vaccinated, I did so of my own free will, taking into consideration the risks and benefits to my health, no-one else’s, and am entirely comfortable with my decision, no backsies.
That isn’t, for the record, an endorsement of government mandates and vaccine passports or anything else the government imposed.

March 11, 2022 5:22 pm

Another of your wonderful comebacks, you call people shit dribblers.
You haven’t used anklebiters for a while…get on it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:22 pm

Still no show for the big Friday showdown.
What is it now?
Six weeks?
Six weeks since you were summoned to a meeting and six times you wimped it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 5:23 pm

The two nurses who did manage to reach our location that night from Yuelamu – these nice ladies in their 60s and 70s – were assaulted by the community.

Rocks were thrown at their ambulance and one of the nurses was hit on the head.

From the interview given by Zachary Rolfe.

March 11, 2022 5:24 pm

They could always recruit indigenous police officers?

They already have a few, don’t they? I really don’t see an entire force being made up of indiginies working terribly well. Tribes and tribal conflicts, etc. Oh – and ‘walkabouts’ might lead to the odd problem re. manning shifts!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:26 pm

Hey Kneel.
How is that “cultured reason”* before the Struth and Reconciliation Commission working for you?

* h/t Jonathan Green

March 11, 2022 5:26 pm

I don’t think your efforts to win Rosie over are working, Struth.

March 11, 2022 5:26 pm

Biggles I was at the Exchange in Brisbane a few weeks ago & no sign of you.
Now put up or shut up, I will meet you anytime you choose in Brisbane, so make the time or shutup being a keyboard tough guy you wanker.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:27 pm

Let’s see.
Enter a Google search “Catallaxy shit dribblers” and see what turns up.
What the?
Always those three!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:28 pm

No I’ve been dealing with a few 5 year olds that have tried to run this blog away from the Struth by being smart arses.

Fixed for clarity.

It’s always and only ever about the Kenworth King’s ego.

Always Was.

Always Will Be.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:28 pm

Why Brisbane Ted.
I summoned you to a meeting.
What’s your excuse for not showing up?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:30 pm

Remember Struth only screams about standards when they starts copping their type of his own shit, back.

Corrected again for blatant projection




John H.
John H.
March 11, 2022 5:31 pm

March 11, 2022 at 5:24 pm
They could always recruit indigenous police officers?

They already have a few, don’t they? I really don’t see an entire force being made up of indiginies working terribly well. Tribes and tribal conflicts, etc. Oh – and ‘walkabouts’ might lead to the odd problem re. manning shifts!

If you think whitey is too quick to shoot … .

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 5:32 pm

They already have a few, don’t they? I really don’t see an entire force being made up of indiginies working terribly well. Tribes and tribal conflicts, et

There was an indigenous police officer posted to a country town in Western Australia. He recieved a deputation of the local “elders” who said he had no authority over “their mob” and, if he arrested any of them, they’d get together and burn his house down…

March 11, 2022 5:33 pm

I don’t think your efforts to win Rosie over are working, Struth.

Oh bam, right in the nuts.
Talk about hurt a bloke’s feelings.
Don’t beat around the bush, come straight out with it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:33 pm

What’s your excuse for not showing up?

Socialism sat him on his arse, too?

Or was it the perfidious…CENTRAL BANKERS! ?

March 11, 2022 5:35 pm

I don’t ever want to go to Smellbourne, on the other hand you always brag about your wealth, especially your 124k stock win the other week.
So you have the cash, it will only cost you about 1k for the adventure, so just do it & then afterwards you can brag your mates here.
Just do it biggles, don’t let fear stop you.

March 11, 2022 5:36 pm

Choo choo man, don’t forget the protocols….idiot.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:37 pm


March 11, 2022 at 5:35 pm

I don’t ever want to go to Smellbourne …

Are you suggesting that someone summoned to a meeting by another Cat is not bound to attend?
Is that what you are saying?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:38 pm

BTW, Ted, the $124k was, in large part, a return of capital, not pure earnings.
And my pension only gets indexed annually so I have to watch the pennies.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 5:39 pm

Choo choo man, don’t forget the protocols….idiot.

It’s very clear you can’t read, much like your Kenworth King.

It was mentioned upthread.

U mad?

March 11, 2022 5:40 pm

Excellent news from the NT.

March 11, 2022 5:40 pm


I am with you. The anger is sometimes too much for me. Although I am fortunate in having farmland surroundings to reduce this rage – as well as the anxiety – after over a year of researching this travesty I am “pretty wound up”.

I am still astonished that I had to obtain travel permits to leave our area to travel to Sydney, and had to show these documents at roadblocks. Yes, lockdowns were shocking, but, my God, ROADBLOCKS and TRAVEL DOCUMENTS??? And yet people are in a rage over the dreaded Putin and Russian autocracy……!

Although personally I did not suffer the humiliation and abuse that other unvaccinated friends encountered, I profoundly resented not being able to have a haircut, buy clothes and household goods from the usual venues because of my unacceptable “status”.

But Struth, all these shameful government denials of liberty are nothing compared to the dread I still have that my vaccinated dear ones will fall ill from these substances that they have been injected with.
Grandson had a recent angina attack when stressed, and granddaughter had upper abdominal bleeding that an endoscopy could not explain. This is what maintains my rage – a rage which will never be resolved.

March 11, 2022 5:41 pm

I am saying stop your shit & come to Brisbane, you are loaded as you tell everyone here.
So it is not a financial hit to you, organise your flight ticket & come along.
I really look forward to meeting you.

March 11, 2022 5:43 pm

There was an indigenous police officer posted to a country town in Western Australia. He recieved a deputation of the local “elders” who said he had no authority over “their mob” and, if he arrested any of them, they’d get together and burn his house down…

Yep. That’s exactly the type of ‘situation’ we could expect in the NT if the force was predominately made up of Aboriginal member, Zulu. Plus a number of extra hurdles thrown up.

March 11, 2022 5:44 pm

Maybe it’s time for a change of tact.

I’m not getting anywhere with her.

For the record.
Please take me out of the victim column.

I’ve got a column you may like, baby, and you can go to the head of it.

If I got vaccinated, I did so of my own free will, taking into consideration the risks and benefits to my health, no-one else’s, and am entirely comfortable with my decision, no backsies.

I’m the sort of guy who loves you for your brains………you just know I support your choices, you girls know what it’s all about, and I especially love the coolness under pressure.
You go girl.

That isn’t, for the record, an endorsement of government mandates and vaccine passports or anything else the government imposed.

No of course not, whatever you say, sweet cheeks.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:44 pm

The meeting was called for the Exchange in Port Melbourne.
It is a standing invitation for 5:00 pm on any Friday or Saturday you like.
Be there or forever hold the white feather award.

March 11, 2022 5:44 pm


March 11, 2022 5:45 pm

Choo choo man, because I don’t like bankers that makes me anti Jewish?
I don’t like you but it doesn’t make me anti trains.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 11, 2022 5:45 pm

No guns! No guns!

How about no knives in possession of your boys, no violence?
No booze-fueled anti-police violence.
No booze-fueled anti-women violence.

No high horse shit like that above.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:45 pm


March 11, 2022 at 5:44 pm

Maybe it’s time for a change of tact.

The word is “tack”.
It’s a sailing term we used to use on the yacht.
“Tact” is something else and clearly not applicable to you.

March 11, 2022 5:46 pm

Biggles, just admit you have no balls.

Bruce in WA
March 11, 2022 5:47 pm

Would it be trafficking in State Secrets (and thus actionable) if you explained your recipe, Bruce?

I don’t think I’ve ever had Limoncello.

Not at all, Rex.

This how my wife and I like it.

This is per 700mL of vodka — 40% abv if you can get it. Do NOT use potato-based vodka; it won’t work at all.

• Put the vodka into a wide-mouth sealable jar.

• Add the peel from 6 – 8 medium-ish lemons — use a really good peeler because you want only the outer skin, not the white pith which is bitter. (If you use store-bought lemons wash them in hot water first to get rid of any wax on the skin.)

• Seal and store in a cool place (like the pantry) for 10 days, gently swirling each day.

• Pour the liquid, peel and all, through a colander into a large jug or bowl. (Let it drip drain for a few minutes to get it all.)

• In another bowl, pour 1/2 cup (125mL) of boiling water onto 3/4 cup white sugar and stir continuously until the sugar dissolves — you will have a thick syrup.

• Add the syrup to the vodka-lemon mix and again stir well.

• Decant into a bottle (or bottles) with a good sealing lid.

• Now comes the important bit — Put your bottle(s) into the freezer and forget about it/them for at least 7 days. Over this time your limoncello will mellow considerably. It should not freeze because of the alcohol content. (Although I gave some to friends who put it in a commercial grade freezer at -25° C and it did freeze!)

Serve straight from the freezer, icy cold. (I store mine there.)

Some people like it sweeter, but we find it gets cloying with too much sugar. I would never go past a cup of sugar, but that’s just my taste.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 11, 2022 5:47 pm

Morrison and McKenzie – the climate is different.
Yep, the political climate.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:47 pm

A lot of consternation about cloud seeding at the Furniture Store.
Not that we are saying outright that there is anything to it.
But there might be.
You never know.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 11, 2022 5:48 pm

Just out in the Oz:

Zachary Rolfe spoke with Kristin Shorten in 2019. These are his words.

My name is Zach Rolfe. I am a Northern Territory police officer.

I was born in Canberra and grew up here.

My mum Debbie is a lawyer and my dad Richard is a car dealer. I have two older brothers who are twins.

I finished Year 12 in 2009 and in 2010 I joined the army.

I was posted to 1RAR in Townsville. I spent five years in the infantry and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2014.

In 2016 I joined the NT Police. I’d never been to the NT before that.

Upon graduation from the police academy in December 2016 I moved straight down to Alice Springs, which had been my first preference for a posting.

From what I’d heard it was the busiest station and the most volatile environment so I’d wanted to dive into the deep end and learn my craft down there.

The move was definitely eye-opening. To be honest, for the first few weeks in Alice I would have felt more comfortable in Kabul. It was a completely different world to Canberra where I’d grown up.

But I quickly adjusted and I loved the work. I still love it. I loved the station and working with the boys and girls on the ground.

My short-term goal was to master general policing down there before eventually applying for the Territory Response Group up in Darwin.

I applied for TRG because I want to be in that specialist unit and do the jobs that they do. To me, that’s the pinnacle of policing.

I successfully completed TRG selection in August 2018 and was waiting for a spot to open up.

Zachary Rolfe, photographed by the local paper after he rescued two tourists from a raging river just a week into his police career. Picture: Grenville Turner

In the meantime, I was happy in Alice Springs. Policing down there is very busy.

Most of our jobs are with the Indigenous community. They’re mostly domestic violence offences, alcohol-related violence offences and property offences such as break-ins.

There’s probably a higher level of violence towards police there than in other areas. I think most police in Alice Springs have been assaulted.

Since the incident at Yuendumu, NT Police have been labelled racist, but it’s simply not true.

I personally don’t care what race anyone is. I never have and never will. Race will never affect how I police or my perception, regardless of how many jobs we attend. I care about people’s behaviour, not their race.

Also, I honestly have not witnessed racism among my colleagues during my time policing.

I’ve had a number of complaints against me about use of force. They have all been investigated and, in all cases, I’ve been cleared.

Those incidents all required force to be used. That force was never excessive – it was relative to the situation on the day.

I’m a member of the Immediate Response Team (IRT) which is a semi-tactical group in Alice Springs used for high-risk jobs and high-priority arrest targets.

It depends on the job and how long we expect to be away but generally we deploy as a minimum team of four.

On Saturday November 9 I was rostered for an evening shift starting at 3pm and ending at 1am.

At 2.30pm I was just about to leave my house to go into work when I got a call from the sergeant saying that I was being sent, as a member of the IRT, to Yuendumu to arrest Arnold Walker.

Walker was a high priority arrest target because of his propensity for violence.

Information on the ground indicated that when he was at Yuendumu, he was the most prolific “breaker” in the community.

We were aware that since being released from prison in October Walker had breached his parole by cutting off his Electronic Monitoring Device and that he had returned to Yuendumu.

We were also aware that on Wednesday November 6, a few days prior to the IRT being deployed, he had assaulted two local police with an axe during an attempted arrest.

The officers involved are extremely lucky because they both could have been seriously injured or killed that day.

Immediately after that November 6 incident, the Remote Sergeant at Yuendumu started negotiating with the family of Walker’s partner for them to bring him into the local police station to be peacefully taken into custody.

The family had stated that they would comply but three days after the axe incident they still hadn’t surrendered him.

Walker was a fit, strong young man and the Yuendumu police realised they needed a higher response in order to arrest him, so on Saturday November 9 the Sergeant requested the IRT attend.

We were going to arrest him – not just for the breach of parole as has been reported – but also for assaulting police with an axe and then damaging their vehicle.

On November 9, we were briefed on the general details at the police station in Alice Springs but we didn’t have much intelligence or know where he was, so the plan was to get to Yuendumu and gather further information there.

I’d never been to Yuendumu before November 9.

Two of the IRT members were senior police officers. Myself and another member had military experience. We also went out there with a K9 handler and his German Shepherd.

We travelled in three vehicles.

The dog handler left before us and started performing active patrols upon arrival in Yuendumu.

Soon after, myself and the other three IRT members left Alice Springs in two vehicles.

We arrived at the Yuendumu police station at about 6.30pm and had a quick intel briefing there with the Remote Sergeant, Julie Frost.

I got maps of the area and we left the Yuendumu police station just before 7pm.

It was coming to dusk. There was ambient light outside but inside houses it was getting dark.

Each of us had Tasers, Glocks, pepper spray and batons. One of the boys was carrying a beanbag shotgun and another was carrying a rifle.

The other boys were wearing their police-issued load bearing vests with armour inside.

I was wearing covert body armour under my general duties police shirt. That’s just my preference as it’s a bit lighter and I can move better in it.

We all had body-worn cameras on and as soon as we stepped out of the cars, those cameras were rolling.

First, we attended the house where the axe incident had occurred on November 6 and a man there informed us that Walker was at another group of houses approximately 600m away.

Unfortunately, because we only had the light information that it could have been any one of the three houses, we couldn’t put in a proper cordon.

So, two of the IRT guys and the K9 handler acted as spotters on the external sides of the houses in case Walker ran.

Myself and another officer just started talking to the people in the yard, asking them for information and whether they’d seen Walker or his ‘wife’ Rickisha.

Everyone who we spoke to, who turned out to be his family, told us that they had not seen him, didn’t know where he was and that he definitely was not inside the house where we found him.

Myself and my partner walked into the middle house – the red house – and immediately bumped into a man matching Walker’s description on his way towards the front door.

He approached us and tried to walk past us. We asked him his name and he told us it was Vernon Dickson.

At that point, the man’s hands were empty which is why I got so close to him.

I asked him just to stand next to the wall while I put my phone next to his face to compare him to the mugshot I had saved.

The mugshots aren’t ideal but I could see that it was Walker and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

I tried to keep him calm, told him that everything was fine and asked him to put his hands behind his back.

He then reached into his pocket and grabbed the scissors.

At that point, as fast as it can, the interaction escalated from nothing to 100 per cent.

Walker hit me twice in the head and I could tell from boxing experience that he was hitting me wrong. He wasn’t using his fists and his hand was angled a bit differently.

Then I looked at his right fist and saw a metal blade before I felt it penetrate my shoulder which I was using to protect my neck.

I didn’t immediately identify the weapon as a pair of scissors but that doesn’t change what I would’ve done. You can still kill someone extremely easily with a pair of metal scissors.

I then hit Walker, giving him a quick jab and stepping back to create distance.

My partner hadn’t observed the blade and stepped in, going hands-on with Walker, to effect the arrest.

At this point, I observed Walker strike my partner in the chest and neck area with the blade multiple times.

I pulled out my Glock and fired one round into the back of Walker’s torso, to no effect.

I completely understand why people without the knowledge would ask why I didn’t go for my taser but the taser is an ineffective tool when you’re in such close proximity. You can’t trust the taser to work where there’s the threat of death.

Capsicum spray is good to avoid a fight that hasn’t happened yet or split up a posturing fight but it wouldn’t have stopped the struggle. It would have just stung and potentially blinded all of us in the room.

The non-lethal accoutrements I had on me at the time would have been ineffective in that close-quarter situation where there was the risk of serious harm or death.

And I was in immediate fear that any one of those blade strikes could have caused serious harm or death to my partner.

As per our training at the police academy an edged weapon is a lethal weapon and the response is to use your Glock if required. I just followed my training.

I had never shot anyone before that encounter.

As soon as the first shot was fired, I could hear screaming and wailing outside.

My partner and Walker stumbled and fell onto a mattress on the ground.

The first round did nothing to neutralise the threat.

I saw Walker continue to strike multiple times at my partner’s neck area, so I fired two more rounds into Walker.

It wasn’t until after the third round that he stopped trying to stab my partner.

That was the minimum force that was effective in stopping that threat to life.

Obviously, it was difficult in that environment and in that close quarter scuffle, but if I wasn’t confident that I could take those shots without putting my partner at risk I wouldn’t have.

After the third shot I holstered my Glock and pushed my partner off him, out of the way, and rolled Walker on to his stomach.

I saw that he had a pair of metal surgical scissors in his right hand.

I ordered him to let go of the scissors and when he refused, I tried to pull them out of his hand.

I repeatedly demanded he let go of the scissors but he wouldn’t and continued fighting us. He also stated that he was going to kill us.

My partner eventually pried the scissors from his fingers and flung them on the floor.

Walker was still trying to fight us so we handcuffed him and I was about to glove up to provide first aid when another IRT member at the door informed us that we had to leave as there was now a threat to our safety.

He had observed community members flocking to the house and perceived them to be violent and aggressive.

We picked Walker up by his armpits and quickly carried him outside to the police vehicle.

My partner and I lifted him into the cage on the back before climbing in to render first aid on the way to the police station.

It was about a two-minute drive and at that time he still had a lot of fight in him, so we searched him for weapons before removing his handcuffs and assessing his injuries.

There were no medical staff at the clinic. They had been evacuated from Yuendumu earlier that day due to fears for their safety. So, we drove to the police station and got Walker out.

We stripped him down to his underwear to better assess his injuries before moving him into the police station for treatment.

We laid him down in a cell in the watch house side of the police station because it’s the cleanest part of the police station and close to the first aid equipment.

Myself and the other IRT member with military experience had the most medical experience so together we took charge of the first aid and did what we could with the resources that we had.

Walker would have been suffering from a mix between a pneumothorax and a hemothorax, which is where the air is released from a penetrated lung into the chest cavity.

We sealed the wounds as best we could with a three-sided bandage to allow the air to escape his lungs without increasing pressure in his chest cavity.

There was not much more we could do with the kit that we had except to maintain observations on him and get the defibrillator ready in case his heart stopped.

Walker had sustained priority one injuries which meant that he needed to reach a surgical ward within an hour for any chance of survival.

For the first 70 minutes, Walker was still moving, talking to us and holding our hands.

We were just trying to make him comfortable and reassure him, despite our concerns.

He was just saying that he felt funny which was normal as he started going into shock.

For 70 minutes he was still with us and talking to us, so we kept him alive past the golden hour but unfortunately, due to the lack of medical resources available, we could not keep him alive beyond that.

The Sergeant had been attempting to get other medical resources to our location but it was too dangerous for RFDS to land their plane because the community was nearly rioting at this point.

The two nurses who did manage to reach our location that night from Yuelamu – these nice ladies in their 60s and 70s – were assaulted by the community.

Rocks were thrown at their ambulance and one of the nurses was hit on the head.

Meanwhile Walker wasn’t in pain, he was just getting tired, and then quietly passed away.

We conducted CPR for another half an hour after that but there were no signs of life.

At that point we had to start worrying about security.

From inside, we could hear the community throwing rocks at the police station.

There was communication between the police and the community outside but the decision was made not to immediately inform the community that night that Walker had died for security reasons.

We felt that the threat to police and medical staff – due to how it looked like the community would react – was too high.

There was a plan to evacuate the police station. We had loaded all of our kit into vehicles and we were ready to go but as we were about to step off an assistant commissioner in Alice Springs directed us to return to the station as reinforcements would be sent to us.

Six police officers then flew out from Alice Springs on a small police air wing plane.

They had to circle above Yuendumu until it was safe to land because there were community members on the air strip.

At about 11pm, we did a quick convoy out to the plane. The extra police members got off the plane and I hopped on.

I returned to Alice Springs because I needed medical treatment for my stab wound and for the purposes of the investigation.

I landed in Alice Springs just before midnight and went to the hospital where my wound was cleaned and patched up. After I was treated and given a tetanus shot – and detectives seized my clothes – I returned to the police station where I spoke with the lead investigator of the incident at that time.

He had already watched the body-worn video (BWV) and informed me that my actions had been cleared through justification. They were now just following up on authorisation which was the administrative side involving questions like whether I was wearing the correct police uniform and had power of entry.

The lead investigator informed me that he’d be in touch with me later that day because it was now Sunday morning, to get my statement, and I returned home at about 3am.

I got a few hours’ sleep before returning to the police station on Sunday where I met with the police psychologist who cleared me to return to work.

By then the Northern Territory Police Association had put me in touch with lawyers who advised me to decline a police interview at that time.

I was rostered for two days off and had planned to return to work as normal on Wednesday.

Initially I didn’t believe there would be any ramifications from the incident. It was a clean shoot.

There was footage of it from both myself and my partner’s body-worn camera.

Tuesday morning, I woke up with a number of the NTPA members knocking on my door to inform me that my name had been released on social media.

I did expect, because Alice Springs is such a small community and a number of hospital staff were aware of what had happened, that my name would be released. I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.

I started receiving threats through social media. We were taking them seriously. There were definitely legitimate concerns for my safety that day.

NT Police assistant commissioner Narelle Beer then asked me to go to Darwin but I declined.

Meanwhile, my mum was on her way to Alice Springs. As a result of the incident, she had organised to come up for two nights to catch up and check that I was OK.

After she landed, we decided that I should take a few weeks’ leave and get out of town. At this point I was in no trouble that I was aware of.

Then on Tuesday afternoon AC Beer said that it was now a direction that I travel to Darwin, which is an order that I have to obey or disciplinary issues would follow.

So, on Tuesday afternoon mum and I flew to Darwin and stayed at the police visiting officers’ quarters (VOQ’s).

On Wednesday in Darwin the police brass kept stalling about a decision on where I was to go from there so at about 3.30pm I called my police liaison – a superintendent in Darwin – and informed him that I’d be on a flight the following morning, Thursday morning, to Canberra.

An hour later five detectives rocked up to the VOQ and placed me under arrest for murder.

They transported me to the Darwin watch house where they processed me and put me in the cell for about five hours before charging me with murder.

After that there was an out-of-session court hearing for a bail consideration with the on-call judge.

The detectives read out – to the judge over the phone – the statement of facts, which was about 90 per cent correct.

Police denied me bail but informed the judge that if I was willing to follow their bail conditions, they were happy to approve bail.

The judge granted me bail if I agreed to leave the NT, reside at my parent’s house in Canberra, sign into a police station every week, relinquish my passport and have no contact with the police officers who were at Yuendumu on November 9.

I feel like I was ambushed and flown to Darwin because it would have been more difficult to have me arrested in Alice Springs where the investigative team had all seen the BWV and knew what had happened.

A couple of hours after the shooting, the BWV was on the police system.

I still get mad every now and then about the treatment from the NT Police brass.

I feel like they threw me under the bus.

They had evidence that cleared me yet they still arrested me for murder.

The leadership sacrificed me to appease a crowd which is not what a good leader would do. A good leader should take the hits. If they have a win, they should give it to the team. And if the team has a loss, a good leader takes the loss.

They should have stood up and told the truth or just released the BWV if they didn’t want to defend me themselves.

I want to tell my story because the NT Police didn’t stand up in front of the media and tell the truth.

It is extremely unfortunate that Walker passed but I did what I had to do to protect my partner and myself. I had been stabbed but my main concern at the time was my partner, who has a wife and kids.

Walker put us in that situation. He put my partner’s life at risk and my own life at risk.

I would not do anything differently. I do not wish I’d done anything differently.

All I can say is that I’m not racist. I don’t care what race anyone is. All I care about is behaviour.

To put it as bluntly as I can, if a white guy stabbed me and tried to stab my partner, I’d shoot him just the same.

March 11, 2022 5:49 pm

Just like all the bush fire funds did not go to the bush fire victims. You would think the networks might remember that and ask if all the bush fire money has been given out.

“Saturday night, the Seven Network, Nine and Network 10 will jointly present Australia Unites: Red Cross Flood Appeal to help the people and communities who have suffered from the devastating floods across Queensland and New South Wales.

All of the funds raised during the Telethon will go to people affected by the floods”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 5:49 pm

Ha, ha, Ted.
I’m not the one who refuses to show up when summoned.

March 11, 2022 5:57 pm

QLD’s ALP government is about to enter bizarro world:

QLD’s Auditor-General has warned that the government’s planned public service expansion over the next four years will lead to cuts in services.

In other words, due to the government’s fiscal contraints, Queenslanders will have to accept cuts in public services to pay for more public servants.

March 11, 2022 5:57 pm
Delta A
Delta A
March 11, 2022 5:59 pm

The internet ruined the demand for cookbooks and cooking magazines.

True. Sad in a way, because cookbooks are the absolute reading indulgence.

OTOH, the internet has pushed the realms of recipes far beyond anything I might have encountered 30 years ago. Every style, every nationality and every decadent delight at our fingertips, including my grandson’s favourite, the Basque Burnt Cheesecake, which cohenite posted recently.

Son’s partner suffers from Crohn’s. Last time they visited I had a good old-fashioned Apricot Chicken ready to cook for dinner. Sorry… can’t: French onion soup mix a no-no. While they were inspecting the progress of new house, I Googled ‘Crohn’s chicken recipes’ and came up with a tasty chicken and honey mustard dish, along with dozens of other options I can use in the future.

Even so, I’ll always hang on to my cookbooks.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 11, 2022 6:00 pm

they need to be immediately arrested for national security reasons, and removed from their positions pending investigations.

Bosi-speak indeed.

Begs the question, though, as to who would conduct these investigations.

Someone from The People, obviously.

March 11, 2022 6:02 pm

Biggles, you are full of shite, you make out that you summons me to your communist & I have to obey or I am a coward.
I ask you (not a summons) & you avoid the request & you make out I am feared of you??
Either use all your ultra riches & come to Brisbane or forever shut your keyboard tough guy gobshittery.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 11, 2022 6:02 pm

Struth is NOT your enemy.

Let’s go to the tape:

You’re a fucking goose, and deserve all that’s coming to you.

How many boosters are you going to get, fuckheads?
And fuck heads you most certainly are.


You’re a failure in life, and a shallow cock smoker.

get fucked.

You’ll be dead soon enough, comrade.
And a more deserving character escapes me.

And…er…….fuck you.

I reckon that’s ticked enough boxes.

March 11, 2022 6:03 pm

But Struth, all these shameful government denials of liberty are nothing compared to the dread I still have that my vaccinated dear ones will fall ill from these substances that they have been injected with.
Grandson had a recent angina attack when stressed, and granddaughter had upper abdominal bleeding that an endoscopy could not explain. This is what maintains my rage – a rage which will never be resolved.

You’re sane Vicki.
My son got himself jabbed as Frank likes to scoff about, but I did all I could from interstate, and not being able to get to him before I knew he was going to do it, I thought he wouldn’t.
But 30 somethings know everything, and yet know nothing.
You’re sane if you are fuming white hot with rage, but we must channel it and make sure it doesn’t consume us.
Being in denial is worse for those suffering it, because they no longer own themselves, they’re jabbed and it plays hugely on their minds.
No matter how bad it gets, don’t get jabbed, for mental and physical health.

What is coming next and after that, as this war against us, to enslave us, continues, means none of us , jabbed or unjabbed are going to be without suffering, and who’s to say they won’t be punishing the unjabbed and killing them?
The lunacy in someone like Frank or Choo choo’s approach is that they scoff about death camps, while people everywhere are dying of the jab.
That’s insanity.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:14 pm


March 11, 2022 at 6:02 pm

Biggles, you are full of shite, you make out that you summons me to your communist & I have to obey or I am a coward.

We have a winner!
This was precisely what you put to me when I was summoned by Arky to a meeting to “sort it out” (whatever “it” was).
Except for the “your communist” bit.
I have no idea what that means.
We are agreed then?
If someone “summons” another Cat to a face-to-face meeting, the invited party can decline without the need for an explanation, or without wearing a label as a result?
Is that how it is?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:16 pm

My son got himself jabbed as Frank likes to scoff about, but I did all I could from interstate, and not being able to get to him before I knew he was going to do it, I thought he wouldn’t.
But 30 somethings know everything, and yet know nothing.

Not all 30 year olds.
In this case it is probably genetic.

March 11, 2022 6:16 pm

Why hasn’t all the body cam footage been released?

March 11, 2022 6:17 pm

Biggles, I summons you to a meeting at the Exchange in Brisbane on a date of your choosing.

That suit you better Biggles?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:18 pm

I reckon that’s ticked enough boxes.

You missed “I hope you get a clot and die. You deserve it.”
Pardon me if I have doubts that this person really gives a fat rat’s clacker about my wellbeing.

March 11, 2022 6:18 pm

Neil Mitchell 3aw.
Pleads the “anti Vaxxers” to stop using the death of Kitching and Warne as propaganda against vaccines.

Someone ask Mitchell why 5% of the population saying/thinking something is such an issue?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:19 pm

You don’t get to countermand my summons you dick.

March 11, 2022 6:21 pm

People realise heart disease is the biggest killer in a Australia by a significant margin, don’t they?

March 11, 2022 6:22 pm

Biggles, I will again say you are full of shit, you brag on here, but do the right thing & carry out your threats.

March 11, 2022 6:23 pm

You missed “I hope you get a clot and die. You deserve it.”
Pardon me if I have doubts that this person really gives a fat rat’s clacker about my wellbeing.

No, no, I love you Frank, it’s just that I get so angry BECAUSE I love you.

How many boosters are you going to get?

March 11, 2022 6:25 pm

Maybe it’s time for a change of tact.

Do you ever try to comprehend what you write? What is ‘a change of tact?’

It’s ‘a change of tack,’ dumbo, a sailing reference.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:25 pm

Bosi-speak indeed.

Begs the question, though, as to who would conduct these investigations.

Someone from The People, obviously.

I assume it will be a Grand Jury of The People before a JURDGE hearing the REAL EVIDENCES.

March 11, 2022 6:27 pm

Sorry Struth, I don’t love biggles & his tag team.
These wankers led the whole country in the shit for decades.
I don’t care about them , I used to, but their bullshit never goes…fk em.

March 11, 2022 6:28 pm

Do you ever try to comprehend what you write? What is ‘a change of tact?’

It’s ‘a change of tack,’ dumbo, a sailing reference.

Who let you out of the kitchen?
FFS, the place is going to hell in a hand job.

March 11, 2022 6:29 pm

It must be Friday. Everyone’s KungFlu fighting again.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:31 pm

How many boosters are you going to get?

Undecided at this stage.
But one thing is for sure.
I won’t be using you as a source of information in making the decision, bread van man (ret’d).
Stick to the cloud seeding stuff.
It is slightly more credible than your vax prognostications.

March 11, 2022 6:31 pm

March 11, 2022 at 5:57 pm
QLD solar farm flooded; short circuits:

The Courier Mail article:
Sunshine Coast Council’s Valdora solar farm switched off during flood event
Power has been switched off at the Sunshine Coast Council’s $50m solar farm after the hinterland flood-prone site was inundated during recent wet weather.
The Valdora solar farm which offsets council’s energy usage was temporarily disconnected from Energex’s grid on Saturday, February 26 as a “precautionary measure”, a council spokesman confirmed.
Some units are yet to be reconnected 11 days later.
Photos from the February 26 weekend showed the land was inundated with water during the six-day deluge which left many homes flooded and roads torn up.
The council spokesman said no key operational infrastructure was inundated.
He said the council was still assessing the cost of the flooding impact on the facility which was built in 2017.
He said once flood waters subsided a full inspection was carried out and two of the six power conversion units were reconnected to the grid on Wednesday, March 9.
The remaining units were expected to be reconnected “over the coming days”, he said.
He said prior to building the solar farm a comprehensive flood study, based on the 2014 Maroochy River Flood model was completed by a leading consultancy and the council.
“Construction was tailored to the cane land site,” he said.
“All key components within the solar farm, including electrical equipment, solar panels, inverters, switchboards and batteries, are situated well above the 1:100 flood level and the highest flood levels ever recorded in the area.
“No infrastructure related to operational performance of the solar farm was inundated by flood waters.”
Yandina resident Suzanne Tigell said it was another example of why floodplains should not be developed.
She questioned why the council did not inform residents about flooding at the solar farm.
“There is so much development on the floodplains now,” she said.
“I’d hate to see something major here on the Coast now because we’ve dodged that many bullets in the past 10 to 15 years with major flooding.”
The council purchased the 49ha parcel of land off Coolum-Yandina Rd in May, 2014, for $1.65m after the cane land was sold less than two years’ prior for $770,000.
But initial costs to ratepayers increased to more than $4m with the council also spending $2.3m on costs to develop the project plan as well as the intellectual property and the $300,000 option and rent payments totalling $56,000.
The council spokesman said the facility would continue to provide benefits to the region.
“The award-winning Sunshine Coast Solar farm (2018 Australian Regional Development Environmental and Sustainability Award) continues to provide savings to council and reduce council’s operating costs,” he said.
“It delivers benefits to our environment, offsetting more than 100 per cent of council’s electricity consumption, demonstrating Sunshine Coast Council’s commitment to be Australia’s most sustainable region.”

What a fvcking joke.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:32 pm

How many boosters are you going to get?

Oh, and also … none of your fucking business you lazy couch potato.

March 11, 2022 6:34 pm

March 11, 2022 at 6:29 pm
It must be Friday. Everyone’s KungFlu fighting again.

Calli, to paraphrase Arthur Daley,
‘Droll Calli, very droll.’ 😉

March 11, 2022 6:35 pm

Sorry Struth, I don’t love biggles & his tag team.
These wankers led the whole country in the shit for decades.
I don’t care about them , I used to, but their bullshit never goes…fk em

But biggles is so witty doesn’t that make up for his weak and sour character?
His job here is to keep criticism of his globalist liberal party to a minimum and to keep conversations as far from the truth as possible…….he’s been working hard for years for them now.
Surely he deserves a smiley badge for effort?

March 11, 2022 6:35 pm

Biggles, you & me ain’t friends, but I want the best for you.
Please get lots of jabs.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2022 6:37 pm

People realise heart disease is the biggest killer in a Australia by a significant margin, don’t they?

Did Shane Warne or Senator Kitching have Heart Disease though?
Sure, it’s No. 1, but Heart Failure absent Coronary Artery Disease, how common is that?
Not very common at all, I’d say.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 6:40 pm


March 11, 2022 at 6:35 pm

Biggles, you & me ain’t friends

So why would I travel to BrisVegas to meet you?

March 11, 2022 6:40 pm

I won’t be using you as a source of information in making the decision, bread van man (ret’d).

How’s that working out for you?
Your biggles bigotry of what you percieve as the lower classes will be the death of you.
“If the Gentleman does not spell every word correctly and post as if he is writing to the queen, then I shall refuse to listen”.
“Especially a Queenslander, truckie type….yucky poo”.
No thank you…..I’d rather die.
Reminds me of another useless fuckwit.
From the Gold coast.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2022 6:41 pm

Biggles, I summons you to a meeting at the Exchange in Brisbane on a date of your choosing.

The Exchange closed it’s doors a coupla years ago.

March 11, 2022 6:43 pm

“It delivers benefits to our environment, offsetting more than 100 per cent of council’s electricity consumption, demonstrating Sunshine Coast Council’s commitment to be Australia’s most sustainable region.”

Time was when greenies said offsetting was a rort that did not abate emissions (assuming emissions to be an issue).

They were correct.

Cassie of Sydney
March 11, 2022 6:47 pm

The prosecution against Cardinal George Pell was political.

The prosecution against Zachary Rolfe was political.

The prosecution against the accused in the Brittany Higgins allegation is political.

March 11, 2022 6:47 pm

The Exchange closed it’s doors a coupla years ago.

Many a band seen there back in the day.

Even gigged there a few times.

Featuring super rubgy in their sports bar tonight, by the look.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 11, 2022 6:47 pm

Fuck me!!!

That’s chapter 2. Would you like a review copy?

March 11, 2022 6:48 pm

With heart disease people suffer many symptoms before the attack (not always)like left arm pins and needles , burning throat, angina symptoms etc.
Nowadays, people feel good enough to be running down a soccer pitch and the clot moves, then bang.
You’ll be feeling fine, and then the next second, brown bread.

You’re fooling yourselves if you don’t think Warnie and Kitchens died of the jab.
Because you want to.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Roger, above:

In other words, due to the government’s fiscal contraints, Queenslanders will have to accept cuts in public services to pay for more public servants.

Actually this is a positive outcome, as in the best possible outcome while still having a Labor government.

The ALP govt will hire tonnes of inspectors to harass businesses/other soft targets, but won’t allow them to travel anywhere to actually harass people over petty/confected compliance breaches.

March 11, 2022 6:49 pm

Simple google search shows that over 100 Australians die from heart attacks every day.
118 according to the Heart Foundation.
Two high profile deaths 6 days apart doesn’t mean much considered another 700 punters died that no one is talking about.

March 11, 2022 6:52 pm

Different page.
Make that 20 per day from heart attack.
So there were 120 people die from heart attacks during the 6 day period.
2 were high profile.
So what.

March 11, 2022 6:52 pm

Actually this is a positive outcome, as in the best possible outcome while still having a Labor government.

As in more nurses but fewer hospital beds.

“Don’t complain; nurse:patient ratios have never been so high!”

March 11, 2022 6:52 pm

If they were truly misled, then they could have said so and done something about it when they found out.
But the cowards doubled down to save face and political power.
And that is the worst part.”

Even accepting the “if”, it’s bad enough that there are politician’s do know better now but still sell The Covid Industry, but that there are so many lay people who jumped on The Covid Industry Gravy Train from the get go and are still fighting tooth & nail to keep it rolling, THAT is the worst part.

Particularly the Covid Stasi, sorry, Marshal’s, who were happy making 6 figures a year being the people who actually went around with their super powers that made what’s illegal, ‘legal’ For Them, in order to put small businesses out of business.

Then again, at least they faced the people who’s lives they were ruining for a living.

Far worse still are those who make a living pumping The Covid Industry’s tyres & ruining lives, anonymously online.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

The internet ruined the demand for cookbooks and cooking magazines.

Indeed. I’m a big user of online recipes.
However have still found the Tomato relish recipe of my grandmother, and an alternate Tomato relish recipe of her neighbour, are superior to any I’ve found online.
Likewise for a mango chutney recipe.

& cannot find online a Ginger Beer plant recipe (to initiate a plant) that I can actually get under way.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

“Don’t complain; nurse:patient ratios have never been so high!”

I’ve a feeling that quote will transpire to actually be:
“Don’t complain; staff:patient ratios have never been so high!”

March 11, 2022 6:55 pm

Simple google search shows that over 100 Australians die from heart attacks every day.
118 according to the Heart Foundation.
Two high profile deaths 6 days apart doesn’t mean much considered another 700 punters died that no one is talking about.

Of course…………………….

1600 died of the flu in 2019 as well, but the jabbed now try to reason…….

Funny about that.
Ages, previous history of deceased regarding heart disease, etc, ….it’s important when cherry picking information that when you do, you have already accused the other side of doing the same thing.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 6:56 pm

Long biography of Kumanjayi Walker, from the Oz. I’ve only posted part of it.

In 2015 he met a young woman, Rickisha Robertson, and began bashing her.

He was stealing, damaging property and terrorising Ms Robertson – behaviour he blamed on his habit of sniffing deodorant.

He went to Papunya to live with his biological grandparents Phillip and Ena Lane, but rarely spent time in their home, instead returning to Yuendumu to be with Ms Robertson.

Kumanjayi Walker had little understanding of the effect his behaviour had on his victims such as when he stole the Yuendumu medical clinic car and how this prevented people in the community from getting medical treatment.

He claimed he only assaulted Rickisha Roberston once when he was smoking ‘gunja’ and said at the time he didn’t know why he did it.

He had no interest in finding a job and was happy to spend his days watching TV and smoking.

He had half a dozen different Facebook accounts where he shared photos of himself posing as a gangster and followed Mariah Carey fan pages.

He followed Collingwood and was part of the East side in the Papunya competition, but sources said he did not play. “He would just walk around and not listen to anyone,” one said.

Kumanjayi Walker confided in others he was lonely and missed his family, but Ms Oldfield refused to take him in and his great-aunt Meggery Brown, in Katherine, said she was unable to support him.

A relative in Papunya, Joseph Lane, said at the time: “He mad one, he don’t listen, he walk around day and night. He make trouble for everyone. He need to be locked up for long time.

“He chase little dog and puppy and he tease them like little kid brain do.

“He is young man. He should know more but he know nothing”.

Mr Lane said he felt Kumanjayi Walker needed “some help for his head” because “he does not listen and he does not care”.

“He does not listen, he can’t understand, I tell him but nothing”.

Papunya elder Sid Anderson said the young man caused too much trouble in the community and makes life hard for others.

“That mad one is not welcome back here,” he said.

“He breaks into shop and clinic and steals people’s cars.

“Smoking gunja and making trouble is not our way.”

Mr Anderson said Walker needed to “listen and respect our community”.

“This boy has no idea who he is,” he said.

“He does not listen to anyone, especially the old people.”

After the shooting, his Papunya relatives told the media Kumanjayi Walker was a “funny and friendly” young man who had a lot of friends.

Yuendumu police regarded him as a sniffer and the local ringleader of break-and-enters, describing him as a risk to community harmony.

Both the Yuendumu Clinic Manager and the Alice Springs Hospital said in official reports Kumanjayi Walker had no documented history of cognitive or mental health issues.

Mr Walker was open about his life: he received money from Centrelink and spent it all on food, clothes, grog and “smokes”.

March 11, 2022 6:57 pm

How about this one? It has all the right ingredients. It might be an environmental thing – gran used to store hers on the windowsill.

And make sure you feed the thing!

March 11, 2022 7:00 pm

March 11, 2022 at 6:52 pm
Different page.
Make that 20 per day from heart attack.
So there were 120 people die from heart attacks during the 6 day period.
2 were high profile.
So what.

The long term effects of the poison are just getting warmed up.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 11, 2022 7:01 pm

So there were 120 people die from heart attacks during the 6 day period.
2 were high profile.

Are 1 in 60 people “high profile”?
That would give us about 110,000 “high profile” people in Victoria.
I think two is way too small for a data set. However, I doubt very much that two 52 year old “high profile” Victorians dying of heart attacks in 6 days is normal – quite likely just a coincidence, but not run of the mill.

March 11, 2022 7:01 pm

“Don’t complain; staff:patient ratios have never been so high!”

You’re probably right, Sal.

I’m not up to date with the jargon.

If in hospital & need of attention I’d probably call out, “Sister!”

March 11, 2022 7:02 pm

The 1976 swine flu vax had 3 deaths, they disbanded the vax.

Covid19 vax’s have killed a lot more than 3, yet nothing to see here.

March 11, 2022 7:03 pm

I used to make ginger beer all the time when I was a kid, used to keep the jar near the window and feed it every day.
Had a collection of those red top Tarax bottles for the finished product, occasionally there was an explosion.

March 11, 2022 7:03 pm

Timothy Neilsonsays:
March 11, 2022 at 7:01 pm
So there were 120 people die from heart attacks during the 6 day period.
2 were high profile.

Are 1 in 60 people “high profile”?
That would give us about 110,000 “high profile” people in Victoria.
I think two is way too small for a data set. However, I doubt very much that two 52 year old “high profile” Victorians dying of heart attacks in 6 days is normal – quite likely just a coincidence, but not run of the mill.

It’s not a coincidence. It’s a feature.

March 11, 2022 7:06 pm
March 11, 2022 7:08 pm

occasionally there was an explosion.

All part of the fun. Like the home brew, all stored in the laundry or garage for easy cleanup.

Might be a solution for the usurious Fanta hike!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 7:13 pm

Kumanjayi Walker had little understanding of the effect his behaviour had on his victims such as when he stole the Yuendumu medical clinic car and how this prevented people in the community from getting medical treatment.


He claimed he only assaulted Rickisha Roberston once when he was smoking ‘gunja’ and said at the time he didn’t know why he did it.


He had no interest in finding a job and was happy to spend his days watching TV and smoking.

Or, as we might say, ‘a retired van driver’.

He had half a dozen different Facebook accounts where he shared photos of himself posing as a gangster and followed Mariah Carey fan pages.

Well, not sure about that, but …

He followed Collingwood …

He wut?
Game over.
Guilty as.

March 11, 2022 7:16 pm

Does St Ruth have any idea that she comes across as a spiteful old scold?

John H.
John H.
March 11, 2022 7:16 pm

March 11, 2022 at 6:49 pm
Simple google search shows that over 100 Australians die from heart attacks every day.
118 according to the Heart Foundation.
Two high profile deaths 6 days apart doesn’t mean much considered another 700 punters died that no one is talking about.

Stop being rational. There are people here who think people in their 50’s don’t die from heart attacks. Warne did have symptoms of an impending heart attack but off he went overseas anyway. Not to be cruel but if you’re ignoring symptoms and have a heart attack that’s on you.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2022 7:16 pm

So there were 120 people die from heart attacks during the 6 day period.
2 were high profile.

Did Warne and Kitching die of Heart Attacks or Heart Failure.
There’s a difference.
The Exchange closed a coupla years ago.
Are you sure you’ve ever been to Brisbane?

March 11, 2022 7:18 pm

Thanks on the helium reply, Eyrie.

I’m currently invested in an oil baby and the owners are talking about putting some helium assets into the oil baby entity and combing the assets under one roof.

Hope it turns into a toddler and eventually a teenager.

March 11, 2022 7:20 pm

Possible thyroid complications. Plus the usual in fighting.

I’d call that a co-morbidity.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 7:21 pm

Well, miltonf, I think Mr Nielsen said it best last night, and it is worth repeating:-

Timothy Neilsonsays:

March 11, 2022 at 12:19 am

March 10, 2022 at 11:42 pm

By Dale Carnegie
[Revised Australian edition]
Part Three Chapter 12A – When nothing else works, even Chapter 12, try this

Sometimes just nothing you do seems to get through. No matter how you try the other fellow just won’t budge.
But don’t give in! That’s the time you can really impress him with your can-do attitude, grit, spunk and determination!
I had an experience like that. I’d tried everything in a pitch, and the prospective customer said to me “well Mr Carnegie, I must admit your presentation has been very impressive, but I’m still not convinced it’s right for our company”.
I could have given up, but I just knew there had to be a way to clinch the deal. Luckily I remembered a strategy taught to me by an Australian truck driver. I looked the prospective customer in the eye, and said:
“You’re a failure in life, and a shallow cock smoker.”
And he said, “well Mr Carnegie, now that you put it that way, I see things completely differently. I’ve come round totally to your way of thinking. It will be a pleasure to do business with you.”
Try it!

March 11, 2022 7:21 pm

The US needs to come clean on how many labs outside their country they have anything to do with.
Whether it funding or collaboration.
The allegations are pretty scary even if they’re 10% true.

March 11, 2022 7:23 pm


Did you pull a sickie in order to babble on the web? Various Baker’s Delight franchisees were complaining they didn’t receive their delivery. Apparently, the driver claimed he had Covid.

No you don’t have Covid., You took a sickie to stoush at the Cat. Get back to the furniture store. Go!

March 11, 2022 7:24 pm

Are you sure you’ve ever been to Brisbane?

Are you sure you’re compos mentis?

Pop in and enjoy the super rugby, a pot or two and a meal. It’ll do you good.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 7:25 pm

Ed Casesays:

March 11, 2022 at 6:41
The Exchange closed it’s doors a coupla years ago.

Ed Casesays:

March 11, 2022 at 7:16 pm

The Exchange closed a coupla years ago.
Are you sure you’ve ever been to Brisbane?

Re-arrange your socks.

Cassie of Sydney
March 11, 2022 7:25 pm

“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 11, 2022 at 6:56 pm”

A depressing read. I remember hearing Jacinta Price give a talk at a conference a few years ago and she spoke about the horrendous violence rampant in indigenous communities. She described the violence her mother, her aunts and she herself had endured from indigenous men. I don’t know what the answer is. The bottom line is that indigenous women are let down by indigenous men. It’s incredibly sad.

March 11, 2022 7:26 pm


Believe it or not, but I’ve been to Brisbane. On average I go up about once a decade and I really see the changes occurring decade to decade.

March 11, 2022 7:28 pm

Thanks Calli for that link, apparently women are more prone to stress cardiomyopathy as well.
The day after being told her job was on the line.
I wonder who her husband blames.

March 11, 2022 7:30 pm

I see Struth had a major mental flipout today. Pity I missed it as he went multiples more spastic than his regular spastic fits.

Well done.

March 11, 2022 7:30 pm

Cassie, re your comment, I thought that was why so many Aboriginal women took up with white men- they just treated them better.

March 11, 2022 7:31 pm

Someone mentioned banks low interest this morning.
I have some cash earning, well nothing really, that I should move but have lost my share buying mojo.
Other that biotech does anyone have any suggestions?
More Qantas?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 7:32 pm


March 11, 2022 at 7:30 pm

I see Struth had a major mental flipout today. Pity I missed it as he went multiples more spastic than his regular spastic fits.

Well done.

Apparently, by deduction, we can conclude he thinks his son is a “shallow cock-smoker”.
I know, right.

March 11, 2022 7:34 pm

Believe it or not, but I’ve been to Brisbane. On average I go up about once a decade and I really see the changes occurring decade to decade.

I’d say no Australian city has changed more since 1970, JC.

And not for the better.

But that’s one of the revelations that comes with ageing – the transitory nature of the worlds we create.

March 11, 2022 7:35 pm

AT&T pays a good dividend – around 6%

John H.
John H.
March 11, 2022 7:35 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
March 11, 2022 at 7:25 pm
“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 11, 2022 at 6:56 pm”

A depressing read. I remember hearing Jacinta Price give a talk at a conference a few years ago and she spoke about the horrendous violence rampant in indigenous communities. She described the violence her mother, her aunts and she herself had endured from indigenous men. I don’t know what the answer is. The bottom line is that indigenous women are let down by indigenous men. It’s incredibly sad.

I’m well beyond being sad about it. A friend of mine worked in Darwin hospital. In the initial months she spoke of how much she admired the indigenous. That quickly changed because she became furious at seeing so many aboriginal women rolling in to hospital bashed senseless by their men.

Every problem they have is our fault or the fault of earlier treatment giving rise to intergenerational trauma. Even DV is blamed on that. If a non-indigenous male engages in DV we tolerate no excuse and regard them with unmitigated contempt. Behavior change does not happen by constantly referencing what happened to prior generations. Unless a person is willing accept responsibility for their behavior what is the point of treatment? Where’s min? She has the lowdown on that issue. That’s my answer Cassie, we have to take the debate away from the political activists and put in the hands of those with the relevant expertise in behavior modification.

March 11, 2022 7:36 pm

Other that biotech does anyone have any suggestions?

Don’t buy individual stock unless you have a decent bunch like about 20 in the portfolio.
Practics whatI preach instead of what I’ve done as I’ve long held big pharma as these are in my never sell bucket.
Look around and buy an ETF that holds a bunch of pharma stocks. I think it’s the sweet spot over the next 30 years.

More Qantas?

The stock always gets hit on a higher oil price. You can wait.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 7:36 pm

A relative of mine died mid last year of a heart attack.
Similar life-style to Warney and aged 46.
But absolutely nothing to do with the vax.
Just one of those unfortunate ones who gets taken early.
Not common, but not unheard of.

March 11, 2022 7:38 pm

Long biography of Kumanjayi Walker, from the Oz. I’ve only posted part of it.

A searing indictment of Aboriginal culture. How can anyone respect ‘elders’ when they produce violent criminals like this jerk?

March 11, 2022 7:38 pm


Really, I’ve seen the changes. I first came up early 80s a few times. Then in 2003ish, then 2013 ish and then in late 18. Early 80s and it was a freaking country town.

March 11, 2022 7:42 pm

Apparently, by deduction, we can conclude he thinks his son is a “shallow cock-smoker”.
I know, right.

Family quarrels can be nasty. His son thinks he got the “shallow cock smoking” habit from his dad. Apples and trees I guess.

John H.
John H.
March 11, 2022 7:43 pm

March 11, 2022 at 7:30 pm
I see Struth had a major mental flipout today. Pity I missed it as he went multiples more spastic than his regular spastic fits.

Well done.

A mental flip out is a deviation from typical behavior. Situation normal.

March 11, 2022 7:46 pm

A mental flip out is a deviation from typical behavior. Situation normal.

If it continues like this, I’m going to guess Mrs. Struth Kenworth is going to instruct Mr. Kenworth to start sleeping in the truck. No human being can endure these levels of flipouts.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
March 11, 2022 7:46 pm

Leftist woketards and their organ at the ABC:

– When a gaggle of bigoted, brainwashed halfwits on a Yarragrad jury convict Pell: the courts are sacrosanct and we must never, ever, criticise them or dissent.

– When the High Court acquits Pell and when an NT jury acquits Rolfe: the courts are tools of an elitist fascist racist conspiracy and we should burn them down.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 7:46 pm

The bottom line is that indigenous women are let down by indigenous men.

I don’t have a reference, but there was a “blak” indigenous activist declaring, in ringing tones that “Aboriginal women were ten times more likely to be the victims of domestic violence then non Aboriginal women.” No mention made of the race of the perpetrators…

Cassie of Sydney
March 11, 2022 7:47 pm

“John H.says:
March 11, 2022 at 7:35 pm”

I agree with you.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 11, 2022 7:48 pm

A non- promising footballer. Quite unusual then.

March 11, 2022 7:48 pm

Early 80s and it was a freaking country town.

But not without charm, JC.

Tropical gothic (as I call it) was the reigning style in the CBD, but out in the suburbs you got the Queenslanders, from modest to mansions, but also, from the 1950s onwards, California bungalows built on higher ground.

John H.
John H.
March 11, 2022 7:51 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
March 11, 2022 at 7:46 pm
The bottom line is that indigenous women are let down by indigenous men.

I don’t have a reference, but there was a “blak” indigenous activist declaring, in ringing tones that “Aboriginal women were ten times more likely to be the victims of domestic violence then non Aboriginal women.” No mention made of the race of the perpetrators

IIRC it is much higher. Let me check …

The National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010 – 2022 quotes a figure of Indigenous females being up to 35 times more likely to experience domestic and family violence than non-Indigenous Australian women. And the Productivity Commission’s 2011 Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report says Indigenous women and girls are 31 times more likely to be hospitalised due to domestic and family violence related assaults compared to non-Indigenous women and girls.

March 11, 2022 7:51 pm

Alan Joyce mentioned fares might rise as result of oil prices.
I’ll have a look at my share account over the weekend.
EFTs might be out of my league.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 11, 2022 7:53 pm

Basically you either die of stroke or heart issues. I survived my stroke and have a couple of ECGs since then. I figure I’m looking pretty good for a while now. Past experience suggests my diagnoses should be treated with caution however.

Cassie of Sydney
March 11, 2022 7:54 pm

“I don’t have a reference, but there was a “blak” indigenous activist declaring, in ringing tones that “Aboriginal women were ten times more likely to be the victims of domestic violence then non Aboriginal women.” No mention made of the race of the perpetrators…”

Ah yes…and when Jacinta Price went to Canberra last March with some other indigenous women to talk about the chronic violence in indigenous communities and particularly the chronic violence inflicted on indigenous women and children, remember it was the week of the progressive “da sisterhood” rally attended by the progressive luvvies with the guest of honour being the preeminent victim….Brittaneeeeee, Jacinta and co were ignored by their ABC, ignored by Cane Toad Lisa Wilkinson, ignored by Labor and Green politicians and ignored by the rest of the progressive scum.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 7:54 pm

Indigenous women and girls are 31 times more likely to be hospitalised

Again, I don’t have a reference, but someone posted here some time ago that Northern Territory hospitals carry our more facial reconstruction surgery then the rest of Australia combined.

March 11, 2022 7:54 pm

LOL Trader’s blog

Daily Reminder: All Chinese Stocks Are Scams

Dr. Fly Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:15pm
When I started the business in the late 90s, one thing was clear back then: ALL ISRAELI STOCKS WERE SCAMS. Over the years, Israeli companies become more mature and less scammy. Then entered China in the early 2000s and everyone jumped on the bandwagon — but I was not fooled. Inside my data platforms, now Stocklabs, I quarantine all Chinese stocks in a group called “Chinese Burritos.” It doesn’t matter what the fucking company does because I assume it’s all bullshit and their shares more or less trade as one.

Today Chinese stocks are down more than 6% in on top of losses of 50%+ the past 12 months. If you’re a China bull: you’ve been completely dispatched and much much more.

I almost wasn’t gonna look up the news, since it’s always the same story. Lo and behold, accounting issues. For those who’ve been around awhile will remember I once sold short all Chinese stocks that used this one accounting firm — since they were running a scam. I forget the name and this doesn’t help from a journalistic point of view — but if you’re really curious fuck off and search my archives.

Today’s bad news.

China watchers believe this is likely because the Securities and Exchange Commission has identified five U.S.-listed American depositary receipts of Chinese companies (Yum China, BeiGene, Zai Lab, ACM Research and HUTCHMED) for failing to adhere to the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (HFCAA).

ADRs are securities that represent shares of non-U.S. companies, and they are traded on U.S. exchanges.

The act, which was passed in 2020, permits the SEC to ban companies from trading and be delisted from U.S. exchanges if American regulators are not able to review company audits for three consecutive years.

These are the first China ADRs to be identified as failing to adhere to the HFCAA. These five companies are on the list because they recently filed their annual reports with the SEC.

“All the Chinese listed ADRs will likely end up on the list, because none of them will be able to comply with requests to have their audits reviewed,” said Brendan Ahern, chief investment officer at KraneShares, told me. This is “because Chinese law prohibits the auditor to provide their review to U.S. regulatory authorities,” he added.

Needless to say, I won’t be buying this dip.

March 11, 2022 7:54 pm

There is an expert around who will be here shortly to announce that, in fact, aboriginal women are primarily responsible for DV in their communities, Jacinta Price is wrong, as are all government statistics in relation to hospitalisation rates etc.

Cassie of Sydney
March 11, 2022 7:58 pm

“Old Leftysays:
March 11, 2022 at 7:46 pm

Leftist woketards and their organ at the ABC:”

Regarding Rolfe. The progressive left, the MSM and social media sewers are no doubt ablaze with fury tonight about the Rolfe verdict because, as the left did in America with Kyle Rittenhouse, they judged Rolfe guilty until proven innocent because it suits their narratives, just like they did with George Pell and just like they are doing with another impending trial.

Unlike the elderly Cardinal Pell, who has never taken legal action, Zachary Rolfe is a young man with his future in front of him and I reckon that he will need to take firm action against any MSM and individuals on the left who continue to smear and defame him. There can be no turning the other cheek to this. It’s time to fight back.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2022 7:59 pm

Pop in and enjoy the super rugby, a pot or two and a meal. It’ll do you good.

It’s been closed for years and it didn’t have a good reputation anyway, Roger.
And now you’re agreeing with someone who reckons Brisbane was a big country town?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2022 8:01 pm

Unlike the elderly Cardinal Pell, who has never taken legal action,

He’s put it behind him and very likely forgiven everyone who is indebted to him.
Why can’t you just let it go?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 8:02 pm

Everyone’s KungFlu fighting

Omicron’s as Fast as Lightning


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:02 pm

If it continues like this, I’m going to guess Mrs. Struth Kenworth is going to instruct Mr. Kenworth to start sleeping in the truck. 

Yeah, it must be tough for her to come home after working hard all day to pay the bills to find Mr Blobby just where she left him that morning.
On the couch, surrounded by empty UDL Bundy and Fanta cans, one hand down the King Gee Stubbies, Al Bundy style, ranting “tyranny … death camps … cock smoker … Klaus … WEF … Frank … cloud seeding … notaclue …”.
It can’t be easy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 11, 2022 8:03 pm

Groogs, are you looking for a tour driver?

March 11, 2022 8:03 pm

You know, the country has been beset by chronic in your face gang style shop lifting and other assorted heinous acts by a certain racial group.

An honest mistake is that, just an honest mistake and entirely understandable- especially during these times. Let’s face facts, crime in America is not mostly committed by pregnant blonde sheilas with Swedish ancestry.

‘Black Panther’ director was falsely accused of robbery at Bank of America. It’s eerily similar to a Black lawyer’s experience.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 11, 2022 8:04 pm

He followed Collingwood

Ah. Well. Rather than follow the Darren Millane path, he went down the Dustin Martin road – substituting stolen medical scissors for chopsticks.

March 11, 2022 8:04 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
March 11, 2022 at 8:02 pm


March 11, 2022 8:05 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
March 11, 2022 8:06 pm

Can you claim a truck as your primary residence? That should stop those rail subsidy thieves.

March 11, 2022 8:06 pm

Basically you either die of stroke or heart issues
Saw a TV program once about an old bloke who was into white water canoeing along with a former astronaut. They go to talking about risk taking, longevity etc and the astronaut told of a conversation with medico of former acquaintance who said ” you’re still running to stay fit? It’ll just take you longer to die when you get terminal cancer”. Make of that what you will.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 8:06 pm

More of the biography of “the troubled teenager..”

By age 13, he regularly drank alcohol and smoked ‘gunja’ (cannabis) daily.

He would steal spray cans from adults in Yuendumu to inhale the petrol, paint or deodorant that he was addicted to despite saying they “made him feel dizzy and hurt his brain”.

And at age 13 his behaviour escalated to a new level. He broke into buildings, damaged property and vandalised vehicles.

In April 2014 he broke into and trashed the Yuendumu Medical Clinic and the newly built early childhood learning centre, causing an estimated $130,000 of damage.

This is the same clinic from which staff would later be evacuated, due to their fear over break-ins, on the morning of Kumanjayi Walker’s fatal shooting in November 2019.

There was a further estimated $100,000 damage done to the water tower that night which Kumanjayi Walker was suspected to have been involved in.

He told others, at the time, he did the damage because he was bored and “for fun”.

The Yuendumu Night Patrol reported seeing Kumanjayi Walker wandering around the community every night.

‘Grandma’ Jean Brown said she would go looking for him at night to try to stop him from wandering around the community after dark but she also made excuses for him.

“He gets angry when other kids tease him – he goes off his head,” she said.

Around this time a female government worker who visited the family had to be hidden for her own safety when Mr Walker threatened to “smash” her with an iron bar.

On April 29, a Yuendumu community meeting took place where everyone present agreed that those who had destroyed the medical clinic and child care centre should be punished.

Kumanjayi Walker came to that meeting to identify the others involved, naming three young children aged between 7 and 11.

Kumanjayi Walker was barely a teenager, but he was effectively homeless, without a responsible adult to care for him.

The Mount Theo Outstation was reluctant to have him back, and Ms Oldfield said he should return to live with Jean and Allan in Yuendumu.

“I would like him to go hunting and do men’s things,” she said.

“Allan will take him out bush and he knows about his problem,” referring to the boy’s mental health problems.

“He can’t sit still. He would get up every five minutes. He gets angry when someone gets him upset and when he gets teased.

“Arnold would listen to Allan; sometimes when he stays with me, he gets angry”.

Another of Kumanjayi Walker’s grandmothers, Katrina Brown, who sometimes cared for him, said he didn’t listen to her either.

In mid-2014 it was agreed Kumanjayi Walker, now 13, would live with BushMob, a residential program to help marginalised young people – but he was reluctant to go, threatening the adults who tried to encourage him.

In the weeks that followed, new incidents occurred.

First he graffitied the school bus. BushMob staff – aware of his ‘like’ for graffiti – tried to turn this into a positive interest by “providing him with materials to allow him a creative outlet by pro-social means”.

Then Kumanjayi Walker took a knife from the kitchen and threatened another boy, whom he accused of teasing him.

He stole a car and assaulted a 12-year-old boy, eventually leaving the BushMob program.

At 15 — after dozens more episodes of stealing cars, damaging property and fighting with other youths — he moved in with his grandmother, Margaret Brown, at house 511 in Yuendumu.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2022 8:06 pm

There is an expert around who will be here shortly to announce that, in fact, aboriginal women are primarily responsible for DV in their communities,

What’s Aboriginal Women’s responsibility for DV in Aboriginal Communities then?

Jacinta Price is wrong,

Most of the time.
She’s working a reverse Race Hustle, Candace Owens is another one on the grift.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:08 pm

H B Bearsays:

March 11, 2022 at 7:53 pm

Basically you either die of stroke or heart issues.

Well, yes.
The other big middle aged killer, cancer, usually presents at a time where there is an increasing chance of a good result.
With cardiovascular incidents survivability is measured in minutes, not weeks or months.

March 11, 2022 8:09 pm

Can you claim a truck as your primary residence?

We’ll find out in a few weeks.

New Struth Address is.

523 -NZ8
Queensland- Sunshine State

March 11, 2022 8:09 pm

long covid recovery

major symptoms of long covid are shortness of breath, POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), chronic fatigue, mast cell activation, endothelial dysfunction, platelet activation and microclotting.

an obvious symptom is tachycardia, erratic or high heart rate . Other symptoms include skin rashes, hair falling out, tinnitus, dysmotility. shortness of breath is very common. erratic blood pressure. sore joints. mental fog. fatigue. among many other symptoms.

none of this constitutes medical advice and any treatments should be discussed with a health professional.

the best bet for treatments is the I-recover protocol. this is politically incorrect as they recommend ivermectin.

doctors who work with the protocol have said that the combination of ivermectin and prednisone has been described as magical in some patients. dosage are as per the above protocol. it works.

they have since added low dose naltrexone. the pharmacology is available on youtube, but basically it interrupts the inflammation chain cause by the persistent viral debris. only 50mg naltrexone is available from india. to make 1mg dosage, dissolve a 50mg tablet in 50ml of water and use a 1ml eye dropper to dose to recommended levels.

statins are critical part of the protocol. any statin will work. the pharmacology behind the statins is that they are a fractalkine antagonist. elevated fractalkine levels are caused by damaged white blood cells called monocytes that have choked on S1 spike protein and have stuck themselves to endothelial cells using fractalkine as a glue. these dysfunctional monocytes create a cascade of downstream immune dysfunction. fractalkine also prevent these damaged immune cells from normal apoptosis process ie dying and they persist indefinitely causing inflammation and in particular the immune system causes damage to endothelial lining in blood vessels in trying to put out the alarm raised by these monocytes. these dysfunctional monocytes are particularly activated by exercise.

the statins unglue these damaged cells and also unblock the apoptosis pathway so they can be killed. the statins work for most long covid sufferers, however treatment can take months. while any statin will work, the preferred statin is pravastatin, which is now in short supply in india.

doctors are forbidden from prescribing any of the above as they are all off-label uses of medication.

micro-clotting is more serious outcome of covid infection. testing is unavailable at normal laboratories and the only test to confirm micro-clotting is a TEG blood test in hospitals.

micro-clotting will result in various downstream immune dysfunction. treatment is available if you can convince a hospital to test for it. the clotting however can be self-treated with nattokinase or other kinases. no prescription is required. nattokinase is incompatible with blood thinners and even baby aspirin. nattokinase should be taken with extra vitamin K2 and at least 2 hours away from food. should not be taken if you have any risk of internal bleeding, strokes etc. nattokinase has been shown to digest S1 spike protein. it works.

another recent discovery is metabolic dysfunction, quite possibly mitochondrial damage. no treatments are currently available. this causes a large amount of downstream dysfunction. however doctors have found loading up on niacin to be highly beneficial. 35mg-100mg niacin 3 times per day.

March 11, 2022 8:11 pm

I have noticed the mud slinging starts when they think I’m gone.
Gutless fuckers.

Does St Ruth have any idea that she comes across as a spiteful old scold?

It’s for your own good. It hurts me more than it hurts you.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
March 11, 2022 8:12 pm

Helen Davidson (nmrn)says:
March 11, 2022 at 2:59 pm
Good chance every local library will buy at least one copy, plus a lot of school libraries. Those will add up quickly.

Thank you Helen. I was thinking the same thing myself but I was also wondering how much a library would pay for the book. Is it retail, is it discounted or do they pay a premium because it might effect sales? Anyone know?

March 11, 2022 8:13 pm

Frank is so predictable.
He waits, like a true lefty, can’t argue his position, lives like a frightened little cock smoker and then goes to town once his target is not here.
Pathetic little weasel.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:16 pm

I think I have been consistently bagging the shit out of you whether you are here or not, St Ruth.
But, tell us.
Is your sitting around on your arse starting to grate with Mrs Kenworth?
Even just a little?

March 11, 2022 8:16 pm

JC, when you get enough courage to tell your wife you smoke, then maybe, you should be able to join in the conversation with men.
Until then, fuck off, squirt.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:18 pm

You do seem a little obsessed with male bottom sex and oral sex, St Ruth.
Anything you’d like to share with us?

March 11, 2022 8:18 pm

Struth says:
March 11, 2022 at 8:11 pm

I have noticed the mud slinging starts when they think I’m gone.
Gutless fuckers.

Oh yea, everyone is frightened shitless when he’s around here stoush trolling. Everyone is spooked and totally un-nerved. I am so.

Hey Struth, who is driller going to back now? 🙂

March 11, 2022 8:18 pm

I think I have been consistently bagging the shit out of you whether you are here or not, St Ruth.
But, tell us.
Is your sitting around on your arse starting to grate with Mrs Kenworth?
Even just a little?

I’ve told her it’s my job….I work in the railways, she’ll never be able to tell the difference.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:19 pm

What happens in the truck-stop toilets, stays in the truck-stop toilets.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 11, 2022 8:19 pm

Comment, from the Oz.

5 hours ago
Great there is justice after all (this comment from an Alice Springs resident as the protests against this acquittal are now starting across from the office where I work).

March 11, 2022 8:20 pm

H B Bear says:
March 11, 2022 at 8:06 pm

Can you claim a truck as your primary residence? That should stop those rail subsidy thieves.

Struth could claim a few heads as a primary residence.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:21 pm

Cloud seeding?
Look I don’t know.
Could they have done it?
Did they do it?
Well, who knows, but a lot of very smart high-ups think they did.

March 11, 2022 8:22 pm

Oh yea, everyone is frightened shitless when he’s around here stoush trolling. Everyone is spooked and totally un-nerved. I am so.

Hey Struth, who is driller going to back now?

They’re shit scared of the truth, not me….the truth.
It’s just I speaketh the truth, and it really gets up the little gang’s nose.
Frank has mentioned it in numerous emails to the Lib party HQ, and sends for back up.
Who’s driller?

March 11, 2022 8:23 pm

JC, when you get enough courage to tell your wife you smoke, then maybe, you should be able to join in the conversation with men.

Why get into a needless confrontation when you can obfuscate? There’s no point. Sheilas don’t want the truth and prefer being lied to about stuff like this. She adores me and wants to see me live a very long life, so I’m not going to ruin that dream.

On the other hand, at the rate you’re going I can see the day when you’ll be blogging from the truck parked in a caravan park, which you’ll call home.

Winston Smith
March 11, 2022 8:24 pm


The current situation isn’t representative of a failure of industry. It’s representative of Government’s ability to completely fuck everything they touch.

It’s also representative of the fact that government is a parasite that will continue to engorge itself on the economy and will not stop feeding even when it knows it will kill the host and die itself.
Seeing that taxes make up a large portion of this cost, and the goverment is as popular as a turd on a barbecue, you’d think they’d have enough sense to do a major reduction in the excise to make sure Labor can’t screw us over again.
I cannot see how the middle class can survive this.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:25 pm

Hey St Ruth, how did your tilt at UAP candidacy go?
Did Fat Cloive give you the nod?

March 11, 2022 8:27 pm

Hey St Ruth, how did your tilt at UAP candidacy go?
Did Fat Cloive give you the nod?

He’s now running as an “unrepentant”. Not even Big Fat Clive wants him.

Perth Trader
Perth Trader
March 11, 2022 8:28 pm

.[Sheilas don’t want the truth and prefer being lied to about stuff like this. ]
I can back JC’s statement. I once told a GF I shagged her best friend. It ruined 2 relationships..Ya live and learn.

March 11, 2022 8:28 pm

Just one of those unfortunate ones who gets taken early.
Not common, but not unheard of.

I have very little recollection of my childhood before I was 5, I remember my sister’s birth (at home) and my grandfather’s (mum’s side) death both when I was 4 (1952) but the most vivid memory is from when I was 3 years old my grandmother & an aunt took me with them when they went to see a gypsy fortune-teller at the local, yearly, fair..
They both had their fortunes told.. I don’t remember their details other than Grandma would pass at 76 & my auntie at 84 .. both of these events panned out!
As for me 2 things stood out and I’ve gone thru life without doubting the 2nd .. the 1st tho important wasn’t big in my memory until it happened! .. I would have a serious & prolonged illness in my 60s .. I was diagnosed with Cancer at 63 and given the all clear at 66 .. soooo the 2nd memory took on its full significance!.. I will be here until, at least, 82 (2030) .. nowadays I accept that I have a while to go so never, ever worried about BAT FLU from start to finish (which may be never if the gummint getz it’s way .. LOL!) tho not knowing the how does annoy me a bit .. I don’t really care how far past 82 I get but I would prefer it to be whilst I’m still as healthy as I am today rather than something that requires me being in care ..
3 grandees will reach 21, 3 more will be mid to late teens and the remaining 2 about to start high school by my 82nd burfday when, being an optimist, I fully expect to swim 1500 mts in a tad over 2 hours .. LOL!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:30 pm

I see Fat Cloive pre-selected a few women in Queensssland.
I sincerely hope he didn’t pass over St Ruth for a sheila.
Oh, the humanity!

March 11, 2022 8:30 pm

By the way, Bernardi actually spoke about the WEF….that’s not so uncommon these days, but actually put the traitors names associated with them.
Hunt, Sarah see whales Patrol, Andrew Bragg and some other slag.

You sneerers best start to brush up.
It’s called the World Economic Forum and run by Klaus Schwab.

Do yourselves a favour.
Instead of trying to be smart arses on here 24/7 wallowing around in sneering ignorance, do some fucking homework, you useless oxygen thieves.

The world’s leaving you silly old pricks behind, while you sit here playing with yourselves and sneering at facts that upset you.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:31 pm

He’s now running as an “unrepentant”. Not even Big Fat Clive wants him.

The missus will have to put in some overtime to pay for the lost deposit.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:32 pm


March 11, 2022 at 8:30 pm

By the way, Bernardi …


March 11, 2022 8:33 pm

On the other hand, at the rate you’re going I can see the day when you’ll be blogging from the truck parked in a caravan park, which you’ll call home.

Have another booster you ignorant wanker and you won’t be seeing anything.

March 11, 2022 8:39 pm

Hey St Ruth, how did your tilt at UAP candidacy go?
Did Fat Cloive give you the nod?

Hey Frank, I’m going to speak in another language to you now.
I doubt even a highly edumacated professor of everything like you will be able to work it out.

“Tis better to have had a crack than to do SFA while sneering at those that do”.
Don’t spend too long on it, you’ll never get it.
You’re from the Liberal party of globalist shit.
Don’t burn your scones……

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 8:39 pm

Have another booster you ignorant wanker and you won’t be seeing anything.

What a shame the Kenworth King’s bark is more spectacular than his [ankle]bite…

March 11, 2022 8:40 pm


Just settle down.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 8:42 pm

It’s just I speaketh the truth, and it really gets up the little gang’s nose.

If it was truth and not merely Struth, O Kenworth King, how come nobody has been exterminated in your DeAtH CaMps yet?

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 11, 2022 8:44 pm

you’d think they’d have enough sense to do a major reduction in the excise to make sure Labor can’t screw us over again.

Why do Labor a favor?
If they wanna run on cutting Excise, the Government can run a
Where’s The Money Coming From campaign.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 8:44 pm

It’s for your own good. It hurts me more than it hurts you.

For once, I agree with the Kenworth King.

All these sweary, raging YoOz AlL GoNnA DiE! posts 24hr a day for the last 48+ can’t be doing his blood pressure any favours…

March 11, 2022 8:46 pm


Just settle down.

JC’s white flag statement.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 11, 2022 8:47 pm

Can you claim a truck as your primary residence? That should stop those rail subsidy thieves.

Fuel excise, rego and tyres would probably be far cheaper than Council Rates, Strata and so forth…

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 11, 2022 8:48 pm

March 11, 2022 at 7:54 pm
There is an expert around who will be here shortly to announce that, in fact, aboriginal women are primarily responsible for DV in their communities, Jacinta Price is wrong, as are all government statistics in relation to hospitalisation rates etc.

Perhaps I scroll too much, but who is this “eggspurt”?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 11, 2022 8:49 pm

So that was a “yeah … nah” from Fat Cloive, then?
But please don’t tell me he pre-selected a sheila in your seat.
That would be too much.

March 11, 2022 8:51 pm

If it was truth and not merely Struth, O Kenworth King, how come nobody has been exterminated in your DeAtH CaMps yet?

A great question.
When you work out what past , present, and future tenses are all about, let me know, but by then you won’t need the answer.
You don’t do much, do you comrade?

But if Australia was the camp, the entire Island continent, there’s already been at least 800 the government have killed directly from jabs.
And of course we know the jabs kill as the government has admitted it.
Of course the actual figure is in the thousands, but like Warnie and Kitchens, they don’t get counted.

Now fuck off, you are just too thick to deal with.

March 11, 2022 8:52 pm

The Law Institute of Victoria has asked the Andrews government to withdraw a bill, which would centralise the medical records of every patient in the public health system, over privacy concerns and because patients cannot opt out of the scheme.

Guarantee the numpties will vote this tyrant back in – ”but he saaaaved us!!

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 11, 2022 8:52 pm

Did we sort out if there is a shortage of Woodstock cans? Just doing the weekend shopping list.

  1. Sound practice. Keep cutting until the screaming gives way to whimpering and the blood is ankle deep. Higher if you…

  2. I am constantly amazed at how academics can get travel anywhere quite easily. Certainly compared with a government department even…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x