He’s doing a lousy job of it.
He’s doing a lousy job of it.
Trump’s peace talks are just a charade. Russia wants to obliterate UkraineThis piece from The Age would be at home…
Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time. Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind…
Heard today that the Feral Government collects $1.40 in tax from smokers … per cigarette! Rsoles.
Mark Steyn used to say that the Democrat Party is the only party of the slaves still in existence in…
“[…] simplistic and I think, dangerous. Labels such as “mad” are tossed around by foolish Western commentators……the same foolish Western commentators who used smears such as “mad”, “bad” and “dangerous” to describe […]”
“[…]He’s too much the creepy KGB agent, and his oligarchy of ex-KGB guys underlines that issue. That too seems to be the problem with this current situation: as KGB he’s not able to discern the difference between yes-man military promises and what is actually feasible. I don’t know if he will survive this mess, but whether he does or doesn’t Russia is about to be reset to 1991.
“Yuri Bezmenov, a Russian born, KGB trained subverter tells about the influence of the Soviet Union on Western media and describes the stages of communist takeovers.”
Better than an ankle bracelet.
What’s the hourly rate for a scroller, Bear?
I bought a carbon slave about a decade ago when there was a huge carbon panic in Australia. I forgot his name, but he lived in Queersland ( of course). He was a huge carbon aficionado. I hired him to go on one of those bikes that would transmit energy to the grid. I used him for our AC, so when it got hot, I’d tell him to get on the bike and presto, we had clean energy. The carbon slave ended up escaping though and I can’t recall his name.
In my view, slavery gets a bad rap these days.
Game of Thrones Season 8 was enough of a shitfight.
Who the hell said George R.R. Martin and the Execu-Mongs at HBO could subcontract any further out?!
Does anyone recall my carbon slave’s name?
Was it MRLefty, JC?
Below are two examples of major problems that have brought the world to it’s current sorry state.
Two powerful, influential, global bodies, one secular, one religious, both held in high regard by all classes, as entities designed to do great good in the world.
Both also infected with individuals & groups intent on doing great evil & spreading their influence like a cancer.
Now when a cancer infects a body it has to be found, killed & cut out.
Denying the existence of the cancer doesn’t save the body, it only lets the cancer get on with killing it’s host.
As to the WEF/Davos, while I long to see it’s demise, I know there are many who genuinely believe it makes it possible for them to do great works for humanity and so are generally incapable of seeing, let alone cutting out the humanity destroying corrupt that it harbours.
As to The Church, there are also those who only want to see it’s demise, despite all the great good it’s done & does for humanity, but there would be far less of them if the corrupt, the cancers within, were cut out instead of active ‘defenders’ denying their existence and taking an axe to the x-rays instead.
It leaves one wondering who’s side the defenders of the corrupt, the cancers, are actually on.
Dick Ed
We’re being fed a lotta lies here, Ukraine War style.
We are always being fed a “lotta lies” by some here.
P6 of the4 Weekend Australian:
… but in specific questions in the previous poll on who was better able to handle the issues of Chinese aggression, Russian invasion and the Covid Epidemic, Mr Morrison led, particularly among women.
How long was the shank? And was it Armstrong-Whitworth, Metric or UNC?
If you are identifying bolts, Cats, these are important things.
Identifying the TPI I am not so concerned about, as SRR tends to prefer a big pitch. Not as big as Struth’s, but still pretty significant…
We took in a couple of Afghan refugees when Gillard was paying out to house them. Still good for keeping the garden tidy and taking the rubbish out.
Every tertiary student gets a USI as well.
this time your ID is being handed over to ID-brokers
like these guys – PIPL
Naaa bespoke
He ripped off ($45K) the stupid sheila that used to write a column for the SMH. She left the SMH under some cloud and then thought she could start up a internet opinion blog like this one and she hired the fucker for 45K. The whole thing collapsed. I recall Tim Blair warning her not to do it. But she did.
She once wrote that Boeing had worked on an anti-gravity machine for the US military. 🙂
The idiot didn’t seem to realize that aircraft are anti-gravity machines.
If we recall her name we may be able to recall him.
Boffins Books in Perth is already offering 20% off the price of Troy Bramston’s biography of Bob Hawke……
Welp, since you’ve now figured that matter out conclusively for yourself, may I have my roll of tinfoil back, please?
As much as I like your hat, I need it for my casserole tonight…
…And to wrap up my leftover pizza. It does not keep at all well in the tunnels when I use clingwrap it
I’m pretty sure that The Australian reported that her husband had found her dead in her car outside their house.
Note to the grigglebot.
You can actually look for things on the internet.
Things dont just disappear after you close the link.
Occasionally checking a “thought” bubbling up from your nethers would save a lot of mongness from you.
Rex. We have the cast or least Kenn Worth’s assistant. USSR is Spockworth. Please make sure we get her into the script. She’s riding the truck at the front, on the engine hood, throwing lightening blots around.
Has it even been released? Surely the Chinese Embassy will pick up the reminder copies out of respect.
They’re certainly not on the side of Chemo, USSR. That’s for sure.
There may or may not have been an element of self-preservation in mind when I posted on Calli’s behalf at 6.31PM…
This week, I finished Jerusalem. Only 700 odd pages, but I started it back in November. Very heavy reading, but magisterial in the manner of Sir Max Hastings.
From pre-David and Solomon through to the present day – one of the world’s most ancient cities that could have been placed far better, and was destroyed countless times, yet still stands. It’s a historical epic, but with vignettes of various size shot through it like Beevor does.
Aaaand so on. Not enough adjectives. It’s a cracker of a book. His Stalin stuff’s next.
What’s China really thinking? This in RT:
China warns of ‘unimaginable consequences’ of forcing nuclear power into a corner.
China’s vice foreign minister blames NATO for stoking the instability that led to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng said that globalization should not be “weaponized” while military bloc politics must be “rejected,” a day after US President Joe Biden warned his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping of “consequences” if Beijing supported Russia’s military action in Ukraine.
Speaking at the Fourth International Forum on Security and Strategy in Beijing on Saturday, the Chinese official agreed with Moscow’s assessment that NATO’s unchecked expansion in Eastern Europe and the failure to address Russia’s national security concerns paved the way to the current crisis, saying that a simple “commitment of no eastward expansion could have easily ended the crisis and stopped the sufferings.”
“Instead, one chose to fan the flames at a safe distance, watching its own arms dealers, bankers and oil tycoons make a fortune out of the war while leaving people of a small country with the wounds of war that would take years to heal,” he said.
NATO’s pursuit of “absolute security” leads to “absolute non-security,” Le added.
It is inconceivable that those comments could have been uttered by a Vice Foreign Minister without express instruction/approval from the very top.
Much of the Middle East would be a great place to travel if it had a lower probability of getting blown up.
“Defending the WEF is not logical, Kenn.
Now hand me my 11 poofteenths of 2 beesdicks ring spanner. Armstrong, please…”
Oh Shit, I just had to maneuver away from a lightening bolt. Was that you, USSR?
Did you feel your balls lightening?
We should watch what China does and not just what that eggnog said.
Does anyone recall my carbon slave’s name?
Gee, it’s been a while, JC, was it Monty, or something like that.
Also reading as,
“Hi Asian neighbours uWu, plz no team up when we try for Taiwan or India again. Thx… 🙁 “
Oh crikey another one. Another bolt. USSR, will you just stop as this isn’t funny. If one of those bolts hit me in the nong it’s gunna leave a mark.
When you get into “Stalin: Court of the Red Tsar”, which of his henchmen was a bi sexual dwarf, with a penchant for orgies? Asking for a friend…
On a separate note – I am reminded, after watching my bitzer Bull Arab/greyhound brindle rescue pooch sprinting all over the yard, and in and out of heavy shrubbery at Mach 1, that dogs are at their happiest just after they’ve backed out a big one.
Hi, no it wasn’t Monster.
Dude, if he went on an exercise bike for longer than 30 seconds he’d be Shane Warned.
Liveblogging your dog having a crap.
2022 writ large.
He went full Lindsey Graham? Never go full Lindsey Graham.
Monty seems to be quiet lately. Perhaps experience is making inroads against the wrongology, forcing a retreat to engage in some navel gazing.
So that’s why the fat man has gone into complete (ham) radio silence since Steve of Brisbane effectively hounded him off his own blog.
M0nty has barely had enough energy to occasionally anklebite over at Nilk’s discord…
Apparently the pharmacy guild spent $250,000 to unseat Greg Hunt, they just needed a little patience
paywalled at herald sun
Does it like to maintain eye contact while doing so?
There’s a photo in that book of Hawkie, puffing away on a cigar, on his “campaign aircraft” before the 1983 election. Said aircraft was a R.A.A.F. 34 Squadron VIP aircraft, and smoking was banned on Service aircraft…
Pelosi isn’t senile like Biden but she does seem to be suffering from some kind of fairly serious brain injury. Being perpetually shitfaced probably doesn’t help, either. I don’t think Nancy’s a goer for the top spot.
I reckon it’ll be Kamala. She is as dumb as a rock, but I bet there’s some dirt on her so she’ll do what she’s told.
There would be serious doubts about whether she was capable of doing what she is told.
You know, I have a nagging sympathy for the bull.
She has been around for a while.
That’s a fair point. She is possibly too stupid to follow orders.
Again he opens with two bald faced lies yet The Mob are happy to have him as, One Of Them, because, well, being part of A Mob was always the opposite of a compliment …
“JC says:
March 20, 2022 at 7:38 pm
You commented that the Australian electoral system is fraught with cheating on a scale larger than America’s. […]”
… and short of being complete idiots, they must know they deserve the insult.
Jc, was it that one that died?
Rosie, I only mentioned the type of card because I thought it might be relevant to the insurance thingo. As I said, I’ve never checked the accompanying insurance. My platinum card is a dark colour, and I actually preferred the gold one, because it was easier to see in the the murky depths of any handbag. People here probably have in mind the Black Amex, which is wot Crown Princes of Denmark flash at Tasmanian girls in calling for a drink at the trendy renovated Ship Inn (which once used to be the grotty Sydney Push Pub called the Royal George in long ago days of yore when I were young and pubbing).
JC – yes, or perhaps what it doesn’t do.
Strange things can happen and I could end up with a large helping of humble pie but as it stands, and unless events prove otherwise, I believe we have turned a geopolitical corner.
Looks like this next Federal election is going to be the Kimberley Kitching and the mean girls election.
Gab, which one as I didn’t know the girl or the carbon slave died?
Why Pelosi can’t be President – unlike Biden, she regularly faces the media. And this is the result.
She’s worse than Biden, I think. He at least knows when to shut up.
Ukraine suspends opposition parties
President Volodymyr Zelensky explained the clampdown by citing possible links to Russia
Ukraine suspends opposition parties
Police officers stand guard ouside the Verkhovna Rada or Ukrainian Parliament building in Kiev. © Sputnik
[at link below]
Ukraine has moved to suspend the activities of almost a dozen opposition parties, including the parliament’s second-largest group, Opposition Platform – For Life, for as long as the conflict with Russia continues.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the decision of the country’s National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) on Sunday.
It was made “given the full-scale war and the ties of some political structures with this state,” he said, apparently referring to Russia.
According to Zelensky, the activities of the opposition parties will be put on hold “for the period of martial law.”
A total of 11 parties were blacklisted, including Opposition Platform – For Life, which is the second-biggest in the Verkhovna Rada with 39 seats; Party of Shariy, founded by harsh critic of the Kiev authorities, blogger Anatoly Shariy; and Nashi party, headed by Evgeniy Murayev.
Read more Zelensky aide blames conflict with Russia on ex-president
[at link below]
In January, the UK Foreign Office said that Murayev was the man whom the Kremlin wanted to put in charge of Ukraine instead of Zelensky. However, the claim was denied by officials in Moscow and the politician himself, who said it was “nonsense and stupidity.”
Russia sent its troops into Ukraine in late February, following a seven-year standoff over Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the breakaway Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.
Moscow has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it had been planning to retake the two republics by force.
You ridiculous one woman clown show. Present the evidence there was large scale cheating in the SA election of just fuck off. That’s all you need to do.
I didn’t think it wa a girl. He was rather annoying troll and you gave him heaps. Remember he died and then his sister came on the Cat and explained that he’d kicked the bucket?
Did his name begin with ”M”?
There’s no reason to eat humble pie. It’s all good. You’re a good guy too who posts very thoughtful stuff. Please continue.
Can you elaborate a little.
I can’t remember, it was way too long ago. Maybe C.L. will remember.
No I don’t as I may have missed that. I can’t recall his name. Damn.
Suspect SloMo is going to need more than this. It won’t hurt though. He’s like one of those guys floating next to an overturned tinnie holding an Esky lid. Anything helps.
Gee, if only the mocked people didn’t keep making, ‘The News’, The Olds –
Fauci assesses chances of more Covid lockdowns
The head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has warned a new strain of Covid could lead to a rise in case numbers
Fauci assesses chances of more Covid lockdowns
Dr. Anthony Fauci. © Getty Images / J. Scott Applewhite
[at link below]
Americans may be in for yet more lockdowns – that’s the stark warning from Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which he made on Thursday. The official cited a new Covid strain which could potentially increase the number of cases.
In an interview with CNN, Fauci said that the highly contagious BA.2 Omicron subvariant, also known as ‘Stealth’ Omicron, could soon lead to a spike in the number of infections in America. The NIAID head advised US citizens to be prepared to “pivot” back and forth between normal life and Covid restrictions varying in severity depending on how grave the situation was.
Fauci emphasized that Americans could not “just say: We’re done. We’re going to move on.” He noted that it was important to “be flexible because we’re dealing with a dynamic situation.”
On a more positive note, though, if the NIAID chief is to be believed, the new strain is less fatal than ‘regular’ Omicron, with the overall mortality now “actually down.” Fauci described the current situation as “very interesting” since the “cases are going up, but it does not, at this point in time, appear to be any degree of severity.”
READ MORE: Senator suggests plan to ax Fauci’s NIAID post
[at link below]
However, given the rate with which the new strain is spreading, as well as the fact that America has “begun to open up,” Fauci said that he “would not be surprised in the next few weeks” if the country saw an “increase in cases.”
Since the start of March, there has been a rise in Covid infections in the UK, with some experts suspecting that Stealth Omicron could be the driving force behind the uptick. In mainland Europe, countries such as Germany, Austria and the Netherlands have also seen a surge in Covid cases, though authorities there have so far stopped short of reintroducing tough restrictions.
Meanwhile, in China, the government on Tuesday introduced lockdowns in several cities, affecting a total population of over 50 million residents.
Who to believe?
1) The ABC understands Senator Kitching, 52, died of a suspected heart attack on Thursday afternoon.
She began feeling unwell while driving between two meetings and pulled over before calling her husband, Andrew Landeryou.
An ambulance was called but she could not be resuscitated and died near to where her vehicle was parked.
2) Health Workers Union secretary Diana Asmar was with Ms Kitching during the last 48 hours of her life and held her hand as she died from a suspected heart attack at a Strathmore home, in Melbourne, on March 10. (Daily mail)
Russian missile strike kills dozens at Ukrainian military base in Mykolaiv | DW News
Not Hammy?
That’s it I think, Bear. Well, that’s the one that died, not 100% sure if that was JC’s carbon slave.
Hilarious times back then.
His sister was Jean.
It’s been all downhill since Hammy.
Tal hasn’t been around for ages. Hope she got the new address for this place.
I used to live in Strathmore, a lovely place but I became financially embarrassed and moved. Lots of Labor people lived/live there. A great suburb nonetheless.
Hammy and his wife (forgotten her name) had suffered the loss of a child through cot death and both had worked tirelessly for many years for SIDS.
That’s it.
The one Freddy has.
I’ve got one.
I don’t think they are that uncommon are they?
It’s actually the best tactic I’ve seen from the Libs.
Everyone knows about mean girls from school.
Plibs and Bad Penny are quintessential mean girls.
It also neutralizes mean girls Grace and Brittany.
I’m not going to vote for Net Zero Lib Zeros though.
Get a brain Libs.
CBA came and took my Amex away.
She was before my time (almost, with one exception) on catallaxyfiles.
For me, I miss Tel. So many worthwhile contributions on the old catallaxy.
Every tertiary student gets a USI as well.
It that anything like a UTI?
2] is more likely to be true, it raises the question:
Why lie about the fact that Kimberly Kitching was obviously dying and at the very least, her family and friends knew about it.
Why the secrecy and disinfo from the Media?
I think Leigh Lowe claimed to be Hammy, many years after he “died”.
Obviously he was also Hammy’s sister.
Interesting that a cooking channel focused on thrift has 800k subs:
I bet it was Hammy driving that truck the other day.
Ruminating again, Cats.
It’s wonderful to see that abuse levels have dropped to below zero and urine extracting is the new growth activity.
Err, so please pay attentions Cats (if you could be bothered). Perfesser Eddles has levelled some serious allegations against myself.
Of course, I’m not having it, I tells ya.
Apparently he’s accused me of not being able to correctly identify from which ethnic group the new labore imbecile leading “Mainland Taxmania”* into penury is allegedly from.
Yeah well perfesser, he’s obviously either a flamer or a spook.
Your words, your rules. 🙂
*H/T HB Bear.
The cool thing about my black card is it has a matte finish.
And no raised numbers.
In fact the numbers aren’t even on the front.
The writing on the front is black on black but different texture.
If I’ve got one, they can’t be very exclusive.
But it’s a moot point because I use my apple watch.
Yeah, but you’re still here.
1) The ABC understands Senator Kitching, 52, died of a suspected heart attack on Thursday afternoon.
She began feeling unwell while driving between two meetings and pulled over before calling her husband, Andrew Landeryou.
An ambulance was called but she could not be resuscitated and died near to where her vehicle was parked.
How does the ABC know about a private call and an ambulance being called?
Who told them about resuscitation attempts?
If true this looks like the work of Dirty Dan and his emergency service lackeys trying to clean up a nasty story.
I wouldn’t put it past that lot to divulge private information for political use.
Meanwhile, in China, the government on Tuesday introduced lockdowns in several cities, affecting a total population of over 50 million residents.
Serpentza had a post on China’s COVID Zero lockdown insanity. We should send them one slightly stair soiled Bat Eared Mong to help out.
OMG, check out her claws
Bill Shorten votes for 1).
He was at his Melbourne home on Thursday when the Senator’s husband, Andrew Landeryou, phoned him to say she died from a heart attack on the side of a road.
“She was in the next suburb when she passed so my wife Chloe is a close friend, we know her from school, we just immediately drove over and we sat with a couple of other dear friends of Kimberley and Andrew on the side of the road as we waited for the undertaker’s van.”
Perfesser Eddles – care to respond?
I am not sure who came up with this …
Kenn Worth – Road Ranger.
Whoever it was, a golf clap for that particular Cat.
And by ‘golf clap’ I mean this …
You are the Augusta club pro and local hero.
Day four of the Masters on the 18th.
You lead the tournament by 1 stroke.
Your opponent is in the rough and in a lot of strife.
You flush your second shot and stick it two feet from the pin.
That sort of golf clap.
The poor soul. She is to be pitied.
Landeryou called Bill and presumably Asmar.
Bill mentioned the call and that he and Chloe waited for the morgue van with close friends of Kimberley.
Bill lives not so far away, that new suburb near Flemington and Asmar probably does too.
Seems both stories could be compatible.
Claws? What claws Helen?
Not on the same planet as the rest of us.
Maybe see needs the claws on her planet.
These extreme plastic types are very strange. Surely they understand they’re giving themselves a lifetime of pain? Yet some want to be lizards, some want to be cats, some want to be strange alien things. Not to mention the guys who cut their bits off and the girls who somehow get fake dongs.
I just want to be me, I don’t want to be anything else. It’s all beyond my understanding.
An awfully convenient way to screw around with western nations dependent on their imports, without actually saying “fuck you round eye”.
If you’re of a suspicious mind.
If I have a black Amex, then everyone has one.
I have some containers in the pantry with the Royal Warrant on them. Now that’s unique…isn’t it? 😀
That’s actually first class work by the Clown. (& is an example of why Clowns often cannot buy their own beer in a cowboy bar)
Millions have watched that clip over the past few weeks. Many, possibly most, seem to have not understood what they were seeing.
Don’t worry too much about the bull, he’s a pro & well looked after.
One of the other bulls in that event had a Chainsaw type score, 27-0 which was broken in that arena when a bloke rode time on him.
Incidentally, the Australian team came 4th in that event.
Oh shit!
Look, I have a fair dinkum Kenworth story which happened on Friday night.
Really funny.
I shared it with another Cat off-line and the consensus was “time is not right”.
Plastic containers?
If, big if, Labor members are looking for some form of enquiry, it wouldn’t surprise me.
The ALP are that far in front & all spicy policies from last time have been neutralised.
Meaning what’s better than still winning at the same time you can put a dent in the careers of the 3 mean girls.
When I say dent, maybe Wong gets a not so plumb ministry.
Harrumph! Tea containers. Metal.
The Landeryou that runs a notorious online gossip sheet?
Err, bluddee hell:
*He’ll be back hopefully, unearthing many many corpses/skeletons.
I suspect Kenn Worth Road Rager
could end a Buster Keaton sort of show.
To the poster (sorry, forgot who, perhaps Ed) who diagnosed Kitching from afar:
She also had a thyroid condition which caused her to lose weight in recent years. Sky News.
I reported that.
‘bern at 8:49
I have heard it said that the only advantage of the Black Card is that you can wave it under the nose of lesser beings.
Bear, Gab
I just recalled, I used to call him “metro-mick” as was a metrosexual queerslander.
Not Mick from the Gold Coast?
Yes, calli – metal is wonderful, depending on which one it is.
However, plastic is one the most useful substances to have been invented and utilised in human history.
We economists will not have it traduced, especially on this blogue, being as it is, a notorious hive of bizarre totally out there* conspiracy hypotheses. 😕
*Orbiting beyond Pluto
A slave of carbon.
Old School Conservativesays:
March 20, 2022 at 9:03 pm
Thanks for that.
So, basically Diana Asmar is calling Bill a liar.
If her story checks out, then Albanese is outta the woods and The Mean Girls saga is gonski.
I have heard it said that the only advantage of the Black Card is that you can wave it under the nose of lesser beings.
Conspicuous wealth is for retards.
That’s why I’ve never understood yachts.
Maybe I read too much Buffett during my formative years.
Dude, don’t use that term. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You didn’t steal nor cheat anyone. Sometimes we take financial hits in life, but you shouldn’t feel embarrassed.
Plastic is wonderful, those who grew up in the 50s/60s will recall bread in wax paper, taking a bag to the shops every time, if you wanted take away food and the only take away food was Chinese, you took a saucepan or similar to the shop for them to put the food in. School lunches were wrapped in grease paper. I loved it but I want the best of those days and the best today can offer, but we aren’t allowed that.
Wasn’t he railing against Asian immigration one day & then said his wife was from somewhere up there?
If you’re “Industrial Grade Hypocrisy” curious, then look no further than our beloved Ozzie Labore Pardee (OLP).
Race horses & boats.
One to be watched & punted upon.
One to be rented for short periods of time.
Not to be owned.
There are better hobbies.
JC, thanks, although I don’t like the term ‘dude’, I appreciate your advice. It was a massive hit, I love my wife but not so much her brother and father, mainly her brother. But I went from a small ‘King of the World’ to just another shitkicker. I’ve clambered back and life is good but it would’ve been nice to not have to.
Cheers Steve
I recall that. I had a girlfriend whose parents would have takeaway Chinese every Saturday and they’d take their saucepans on pick up.
Bern – Not having it. Wrong personage.
Muck of GC was the preferred one, metro mick was some collectivist imbecile.
Okay steve 🙂
After my Tigers embarrassed me today I watched Nightmare Alley.
Great movie with Brad Cooper & Cate Blanchett plays a see you next Tuesday.
Chloe seems like a good sort. Gotta look out for factional allies.
if you wanted take away food and the only take away food was Chinese, you took a saucepan or similar to the shop for them to put the food in
Was this during the Gold Rush days?
I’ll go through the old cat during the week and see if a can find out more about metro.
Re new Pres.
If old Pres and pres of Vice get moved on, then 3rd in line is speaker of the house.
Speaker does not have to be elected to the house, house can appoint someone such as Shrillary.
So what are the numbers in the house for that to happen now and after 2022 elections when Republicans will probs pick up 20-30 seats?
There is talk Orange man bad may become speaker of the house and defacto Pres after the above scenario, when Pres and Pres of vice are got rid of.
Rosie your comment on Ken Worth… Buster Keaton needed to be Busted Eaton. Those who know a bit about trucks will get it.
Back when the US military recruitment ads were cool.
Groogs will get to the bottom of it for us. Bottom he he.
JC – Buckle up. 🙂 A little while ago (15 March) I posted a guest post: ‘Reds under the bed and beware the yellow peril’. In that post I discussed the new relationship between Russia and China and why certain things happened in the relationship with the west and between Russia and China. Even further back (March 5th) I posted: ‘How did we get here? From Clinton to Putin’ which traced the evolution of NATO, and Russia’s response since the mid 1990s. Yet, as I pointed out, the US/NATO continued to ignore Russia’s comments about her national security.
Back further still (Feb 24th), I posted The Putin Gambit – Part 2 which laid out the specific actions Russia and China had taken to enhance their relationship and develop ‘sanction minimisation’ protocols like dealing in ruble/yuan and in June 2021, Russia ditched all their US currency and had amassed vast gold holdings in the past decade. The China-Russia version of SWIFT came on line in 2016 plus of course, the accelerating value of trade between the two especially in minerals, oil, gas and wheat.
Then today, I had a rant. In part I said: We (the west) started this by isolating, goading and ‘prodding’ the Russian bear for decades. We ignored their national security concerns, levied sanctions at the slightest transgression to our perceived superiority and treated their leadership with distain. Russia was excluded from some international forums or, if allowed to attend, was berated for the latest alleged infringement whilst many more reckless nations were given a pass. Motivated by western governments, the MSM gleefully stuck the knife in at every opportunity. Russia was the west’s favourite ‘whipping boy’ and she felt as if she was in a perpetual state of siege and/or ridicule.
The west’s arrogance and disregard for legitimate Russian interests has brought us to this point. And its not as if there hasn’t been any warning. Since the early nineties Russia has been on edge about NATO expansion. Then in 2013/4 the Maidan ‘Revolution of Dignity’ happened and Russia’s warnings became more strident.
The ascendency of China, with Russia in lock-step and many others hanging on the coattails, will change global geopolitics forever. I believe that America specifically, and the western world more generally, has seen the future, don’t like it and are trying to push back. Too late.
In my ‘Reds under the bed’ post I said (edited):
President Putin regards China as the dominant economic and military superpower of the future and wants to leverage Russia’s side of the relationship, whilst slapping the west as he does so. President Xi sees a vast and immensely resource rich neighbour that is relatively sparsely populated and led by a man whose global and domestic viewpoint is not entirely different from his own.
President Xi is convinced that China’s ‘moment in time’ is fast approaching and that a resurgent east will soon dominate a declining west – and this belief is shared by Putin. China is flexing its rising capacity with increasing belligerence, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region and it’s clear that western warnings to Russia didn’t dissuade Putin from entering the Ukraine.
For her part, Russia is looking to fully exploit its vast resources and that pivot was well underway prior to the Ukrainian invasion. Whilst the west has halted any engagement, China has no such compunction and this is a long term strategy. It suits both nations to establish supply lines that are sheltered from western interference. To this end, for example, Russia and China now trade directly in the ruble and yuan and avoid any reliance on the US dollar.
The relationship between Russia and China has been nurtured and expanded for years… (and)… ultimately, President Xi will not be diverted from what he perceives as China’s future and in any event, Xi doesn’t trust the west and thinks it is a decadent and failing power.
We must recognise what is happening: China has cemented a reliable and uninterruptable supply of energy, minerals and other resources which it will use to achieve its destiny. It cannot allow itself to be reliant on the west. By happy coincidence, China’s huge and nuclear armed neighbour has those items in abundance and what’s more, is deeply offended at decades-long western efforts to suppress and isolate it.
We are witnessing a major step-change towards the future world order.
So, in the thousands of words the guts of it is this: We (the west) pushed Russia towards China. Now they are in bed, we’ve realised what a gigantic strategic clusterfvck that was. More, a Russia-China axis (plus with hangers on) cements China’s ascendency. Coupled with China’s ‘artful’ use of aid and cheap loans, occasional wolf diplomacy, sometimes belligerence and indisputable control of some vital supply chains not to mention tightening control of some supply routes, China will assert her authority as the years pass. In Russia, China has a reliable and vengeful ally who has virtually all the raw materials China needs.
Separately, the west is so reliant on China, and despite the bellicose Biden warning of sanctions to China yesterday, that must have caused gales of laughter in Beijing.
March 20, 2022 at 9:37 pm
Re new Pres.
If old Pres and pres of Vice get moved on, then 3rd in line is speaker of the house.
Timing is everything. With Nixon, they got rid of the Vice P (Spiro Agnew) first, then replaced him with Gerald Ford (he was a congress member). Then Nixon went, Ford became Pres, and a new VP, Nelson Rockefeller, was appointed. The Speaker missed out.
Bern there’s nothing better than messing about in boats. Wished I’d never sold my yacht. A dingy is just as much fun.
Very good.
I split my sides.
Hopefully this statement of the bleeding obvious won’t see me carted off to a WellKamp:
“I’ll go through the old cat during the week “
JC…how do you do that? I thought it was archived.
But … but … I thought you were from Sydney.
I KNEW it started with ”M”.
JC, if you’re going through the Cat, go to archive.org, they have more snapshots of the place than Trove.
At the time of Ford’s appointment he was House Minority Leader, that was the chain of succession at the time.
Had The Gipper bought the farm in 1981, Bush 1 woulda succeeded him and this guy woulda bin VP.
I haven’t followed the development of Kenn Worth – Road Ranger this arvo.
If it is a super-hero show, is it one based on the ‘alter ego’ premise.
If so, is Kenn Worth the Clark Kent equivalent, or the Superman equivalent?
And whatever he is, what is the alter egos name?
What special super-powers does Kenn Worth possess?
So many questions.
Look out, Wussians are on the loose! 😕
So now there is this bass-baritone movie trailer voiceover going around in my head saying ” … and co-starring Rex Anger as Lex Luthor!”
Make it stop!
Sacré bleu!
Yes, the last 10 minute of this video (prompted to start there), expresses well, my disgust in those MS & Social Media propagandists preaching the WEF’s BS – they KNOW it is their insane lies getting people killed FOR NOTHING yet they can’t even just shut up, they have to keep lying people to death –
Saturday Together
Streamed live 10 hours ago
Gonzalo Lira
Interesting Boambee John, in any case, I think they will find Kamala hard to shift.
A lot of people are hoping it is irretrievably archived.
Not me, though.
@sfw your exchange with JC made me think of Kipling’s IF
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
calli when i went to archive.org, and searched it defaulted to Trove?
Ed Casesays:
March 20, 2022 at 9:56 pm
At the time of Ford’s appointment he was House Minority Leader, that was the chain of succession at the time.
No, the rules of succession then as now state that if the Vice Presidency becomes vacant the President nominates someone who, if ratified by both houses of congress, becomes Vice President. And the rules then as now are that if the Presidency becomes vacant while there is a Vice President, the Vice President automatically becomes President. The “chain of succession” applies only if there’s neither a President nor Vice President capable of holding office. Nixon, while President, nominated Ford as VP, and Ford was ratified by both houses. Ford being House Minority Leader was irrelevant.
Talking about strange things happening.
CEO of Disney arrested for human trafficking
If I had a yacht, I’d name it Dylan.
Because of all the drug Dylan I’d have to do to pay for it.
h/t the sweary bogan chef on FB
Yeah, Trove is it.
If you’d never heard of the blog, you might think that Memory Fault was the main guy and the only issue was:
Funny how that worked out, eh?
Every page Trove shows [1/year] features Memory Vault.
Definitely no Spookery involved there, oh no.
Also from If-
think and not make thoughts your aim
which is what is wrong with the west now (among other things)
Thanks for that.
According to Wiki, Nixon nominated Ford in the belief that Connally would not be ratified.
Indolent. Your link.
It’s a bullshit story. Like the Betoota Advocate.
The Disney CEO arrested for human trafficking, and the article goes on to say that he was immediately released on bail, with a ‘promise’ to come back, and that the CEO laughed as he was cuffed because he knew that soft Democrat policies (in FLORIDA) meant he’d walk. Apparently.
Then we have this – quoted from the link:
There’s not a lot one can say about this, except – derrrrrrrr.
Did you read that link all the way through?
Right to the point where it says, “satirical post”?
Snap KD.
Fuck, if there’s one thing Dover needs to cleanse off this site, that typifies it.
Farmer Gez and others, thoughts?
Pretty sick “satire” at that.
Defamatory clickbait more like it.
That’s why I’ve never understood yachts.
The only sensible yatch would be a repurposed patrol boat that still had all the fun stuff working.
Beef magazine…phrasing ?
Gretel Packer got the ice breaker in the divvy up.
Smarter than James wanting the toys.
‘No no no but you see I was looking for interweb stories about kids trapped in tunnels and the global cabal of elites that smuggle them across borders but underground and then when they die they make shoes red shoes out of them and wear the shoes and it’s like a secret sign for the elites that they are with the New Order and also they are lizards too and I found this one and finally thought I can PROVE this to those stupid SHEEPLE and then I went to do it and it all happened so fast and now I think about it it’s really obvious that it’s a DOUBLE BLUFF that’s what it is and can’t you people SEE what is really happening and this piece I put up for the GREATER GOOD in NO WAY damages my credibility for anything else I find on the internet and link to EDUCATE you people and why don’t you WAKE UP.’
Mickey_F was indeed, “Metro Mick”
Mick of GC had a Malkinian view of immigration.
Damn straight.
Well Pipl sounds slightly sinister in that clowns-are-freaky kind of way:
Ja, vee haff zee Final Solution to The Identity Problem.
It’s similar to the carbon trading shenanigans, where government forces people to pay for services they never asked for, while a small group of Accredited Entities make mucho cashola providing said services of questionable value – all in the name of solving a crisis that they invented.
Oh but getting a digital identity will be entirely voluntary, meaning they will make it mandatory via regulation for a vast swathe of businesses to use it with their customers such as your Internet Banking and thus effectively mandatory for anyone who doesn’t live in a cave to be able to live. Just like the vaccine passports.
The motto of TDIF should be: Making Your Life Incomputable By Requiring Your Planning Horizon To Be Infinite.
What’s that.
A Walkley winner, to boot.
How is this coal Australia is sending Ukraine going to actually get there?
You forgot “too many open tabs, not enough sleep”.
Otherwise known as the meth-head’s lament.
One of the biggest thots I know (reformed, now married) was from Wingham.
Beef Week.
Yes indeed.
That stinks like a three day old herring in the sun.
Unless things have changed radically, the person is taken to A&E where a doc certifies death or asks for an autopsy. Paramedics can’t proclaim life extinct as far as I know. Docs don’t go on ambo calls at least not in the city. Why would an undertaker be retrieving a body from the roadside unless all this had been done?
Michelle Malkin, mystery meat Amnesty fan.
Looks like it’s all over red rover for Bill’s career, Albanaflamer lives to cuck another day.
Wong must have some extremely powerful backers to make this happen.
Likely boat to somewhere in Western or Southern Europe, then train. Truck from discharge point to stockpile if needs be.
The milk lobby, for one.
like getting a particular vaccine?
mandatory, not mandatory
completely your choice
ya reckon govt magically got a special clue and drafted the legislation?
you reckon some self interested party magically appeared with the rationale and the legalese prepared?
no agendas here, no siree, no agendas
wrt company director’s rego…
what would be the need to have a special register? (now legislated btw)
the existing system handled by who,ASIC(?), is deficient?
hmm … dont think so.
what hidden gems are in that legislation I wonder.
no agendas
none at all
no tunnels
no red shoes
no WEF
no commies
no movie story-boards
no probs
nothing to see here
it’s for your own good
the greater good
it’s just good
tick any that apply
There is that pathway. But yes, certain preconditions need to be met.
One is that elections have to be held.
I thought you were being serious until you mentioned tunnels and red shoes.
So minus the sarcasm, are you saying there *is* an identity crisis and this company (amongst others) has solved a genuine problem and is now just innocently lobbying government to leverage their investment?
I would guess you don’t believe that either or you would be commenting under your real life name already.
So it is a bit difficult to tell what you believe from that comment.
Aaaaaay, super-villain!
Now, I do consider that I cut a fine figure in a suit, and Lex does have a female right-hand operator fit to leave even Rabz in awe,* but I have to ask what prompted that mental image?
Has our very own Road Rager started on his famous autobiographical combat memoir, The Communist Nazi Unionist Koala Train Driver and His Part in My Downfall?
* At least one portrayal by Rhona Mitra. And Rhona Mitra is badass…
Berka, you need to get a clue
Director registry
JC, you are thinking of Margo Kingston, and the guy who she overpaid to run her disastrous blog was former ABC/Crikey journo Wayne Sanderson, who used to post at the Cat under various names, including “MichaelF”, “The Dirty Digger”, “Ignatius Reilly” and one or two others I have forgotten. He was famously outed by Tim Blair, had a spectacular meltdown, and then spent years alternatively troll-posting and then making legal threats every time he was outed yet again.
Anyone wading through the old Cat would need waders and those gloves you need when checking cows for pregnancy. And I still wouldn’t want to do it. It’s bad enough in real time.
Once Crikey appears on your CV it really is a long way back.
Our services
The director identification number (director ID) is the first service to be delivered by ABRS. You can apply for a director ID online.
it’s a service … it must be good otherwise nobody would take it up
Just like the NBN then?
Unless you hold a directorship of a company over a particular size or are involved in administering a non-profit or charitable organisation of any sort, you don’t need one.
Unless the WEF is afraid that the ringleaders of the Revolution that will ultimately topple them is comprised solely of Bowling Club Committee Members, charity managers and trustees, and medium-large business CEOs and Boards…
Wayne Sanderson at one point started a paid blog, the name of which I have forgotten, a lot of which was a copy-and-paste job from the MSM sources like the NYT. Terrible product, dubious ethics.
What a joy that we are able to out him once again!
only much, much better
if you’re a director, you can opt out of the internets
anyway, it’s only mandatory if you don’t wanna be fined
Gummint had to DO SOMETHING!!!1! after a string of defraudings of companies and non-profits by bad actors. It is supposed to make company directors easier to chase down when a business is being wound up and/or someone filches money from the incorporated body they are administering, using various accounting shellgames to cover their tracks.
Like firearms laws, they really won’t stop a committed dodgy actor. They are just another irritating hoop to jump through.
where’d that come form?
Matrix, are you a newly-minted Rotary or local Footy Club Committee Member having a piss and moan about a bullshit rule?
Perfectly reasonable. It’s painful to sort out, and the mandatory app is shit.
You did read up on who is required to have a DIN before you started crypto-nuffing about it, yes?
how many companies are you a director of Rex?
For the sake of where you are trying to take this, All. Of. Them.
In practice, I am on the board of a non-profit organisation in my spare time. The legal advice given to us was that it was necessary.
You should take heart that the process of enforcing such a thing amongst the myriad of little non-profit organisations in this country that this regulation captures, up to the point of even just contacting everyone who might need to register, will forestall any attempts to round up wrongthinkers until well after you are rendered back into your constituent atoms…
I’d be here all day checking links. No thank you.
Lara Logan Gives a Brutally Honest Assessment of Ukraine and U.S. Politics
March 20, 2022 | Sundance | 77 Comments
Lara Logan is not the type of journalist who will pull punches when she shares insight and information. Logan cuts to the chase and avoids pretending the issues are something other than what reality exists.
In this short interview segment, Lara Logan outlines her brutally honest perspective on why Ukraine is ultimately so important to people in power within the DC system. {Direct Rumble Link Here} WATCH: