Open Thread – Weekend 19 Mar 2022

Boulevard de la Madeleine, Edouard Cortes, early 1900s

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March 20, 2022 11:50 pm

so essentially, you are NOT actually a director of anything

there’s even links to the legislation

careful Rex after doing some research you may turn into a crypto-nuffy too

March 20, 2022 11:53 pm

JC, you are thinking of Margo Kingston, and the guy who she overpaid to run her disastrous blog was former ABC/Crikey journo Wayne Sanderson, who used to post at the Cat under various names, including “MichaelF”, “The Dirty Digger”, “Ignatius Reilly” and one or two others I have forgotten. He was famously outed by Tim Blair, had a spectacular meltdown, and then spent years alternatively troll-posting and then making legal threats every time he was outed yet again.

Fisk, Thank you, thank you. That’s right. Metro-Mick became my carbon slave at the time he was wearing the MichaelF handle.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 20, 2022 11:56 pm

so essentially, you are NOT actually a director of anything

I’m sorry, troll.

But when the rules are so vaguely and badly written that when even a decent solicitor defines ‘directors’ as members of a governing board, that’s just the way it goes.

Have you been asked to do it as well, or is this just you indicating to all us SuBsUmEd By TeH NaRrAtIvE folks that you are taking up Struth’s mantle?

Remember, it’s a contractual requirement of the position that you call me a Nazi at least once every 25 minutes for a minimum of 4 hours a day, and rage at the entire blog for at least 3 days when a single jibe back upsets you…

March 20, 2022 11:58 pm

DaFisk says:
March 20, 2022 at 11:26 pm

Wayne Sanderson at one point started a paid blog, the name of which I have forgotten, a lot of which was a copy-and-paste job from the MSM sources like the NYT. Terrible product, dubious ethics.

What a joy that we are able to out him once again!

Fisk, did he start it for himself or for Margot because from what I recall Margot forked out 45K and essentially got nothing in return.

March 20, 2022 11:58 pm


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 20, 2022 11:59 pm

careful Rex after doing some research you may turn into a crypto-nuffy too

Ooo! Ooo! I know this one!

Is it about who really controls the Central Banks?


March 20, 2022 11:59 pm

Speedbox. Excellent analysis and thanks for responding.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 12:01 am


I know.

It’s difficult being the only non-SuBsUmEd person in th’ vill’ayge.

Eh, Daffyd? 🙂

March 21, 2022 12:04 am


Earlier on you asked who was the master that came up with the name Kenn Worth- Road Ranger.

That was Rex. I’m the executive producer and he’s the writer&director of the new Marvel action gig Kenn Worth – Road Ranger. Kenn Worth and his assistant Spockworth travel US highways looking for ways to save the world with their secret weapon – the lightening bolt. Disney loved it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 12:05 am

.. one point started a paid blog, …

The golden age of the Internet when you could raise a few million with a prospectus, a few photos and saying you were starting an Internet company. Until the ASX stopped all the fun.

March 21, 2022 12:06 am

Remember, it’s a contractual requirement of the position that you call me a Nazi

firstly, I have not called anybody a nazo … not even you

secondly, I would definitely call you a director … but only if you actually were one

I’m deffo a director of at least two companies
but I’m a little tipsy so I’ve lost count
but what about the Trusts?
is a Trustee somebody that needs to be registered as well?

I’m so glad I asked a train-driver for legal advice

… better run that past the solicitors

March 21, 2022 12:06 am

I don’t think these queries were suppose to be raised –

Winston Smith says:
March 20, 2022 at 10:42 pm

“She was in the next suburb when she passed so my wife Chloe is a close friend, we know her from school, we just immediately drove over and we sat with a couple of other dear friends of Kimberley and Andrew on the side of the road as we waited for the undertaker’s van.”

That stinks like a three day old herring in the sun.
Unless things have changed radically, the person is taken to A&E where a doc certifies death or asks for an autopsy. Paramedics can’t proclaim life extinct as far as I know. Docs don’t go on ambo calls at least not in the city. Why would an undertaker be retrieving a body from the roadside unless all this had been done?

Which of course means we should not only ask, but keep asking until we get the full & factual answers.

March 21, 2022 12:13 am


Rex, are you there?

… I need more legal advice

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 12:15 am

… better run that past the solicitors

The best thing you could possibly do. You might even get lucky and get different advice pertinent to your situation and what you’re doing. How cool would that be? 🙂

Sure beats being cryptic about who’s in charge of what legislation being imposed on the people and whose agenda is it really all about…

Bruce in WA
March 21, 2022 12:16 am

Michelle Malkin, mystery meat Amnesty fan.

Emailed Michelle quite a few years back about an article she wrote on the right to self-defence.

To my amazement, a couple of days later I got a friendly, personal email back, setting out the logic behind her thoughts and expanding on her article. I sent back my thanks and we emailed a few times before, inevitably, we stopped.

Lovely lady, IMNSHO.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 12:16 am

… I need more legal advice

Why are you asking a train driver?

You’re supposed to be the expert at chasing down leads, electrical or otherwise.

You don’t need me to hold your hand. 🙂

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 12:17 am

ssr – relax, I expect one of Peanut Head’s media advisors put that out. He and Chloe were probably at dinner with Anthony Pratt.

March 21, 2022 12:27 am

Why are you asking a train driver?

I didn’t ask … you just started chucking a spazz

March 21, 2022 12:29 am

and I’ll bet your finger’s poised over the ‘Report Comment’ link isn’t it Heather?

March 21, 2022 12:33 am

FULL INTERVIEW: Lara Logan: Ukraine, Nazis, CIA, and United Nations | Flyover Conservatives

John H.
John H.
March 21, 2022 12:48 am
John H.
John H.
March 21, 2022 12:50 am
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:01 am

I didn’t ask … you just started chucking a spazz

I’m sure you would have liked that, but no.

You’ll need to do far better than that.

March 21, 2022 1:15 am

at this point, the joint is indistinguishable from facebook

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:18 am

and I’ll bet your finger’s poised over the ‘Report Comment’ link isn’t it Heather?

For anklebiting as insipid as yours, my darling?

Not a chance. 🙂

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:30 am

at this point, the joint is indistinguishable from facebook

Because Dover demonstrated his resolve to enforce a little peace on his own blog?

And Mighty Thought Leader Struth threw a tantrum in response, ran away and spent the last 2 days slandering this blog and its posters from afar?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 21, 2022 1:54 am

@ Dover-

Just noted your retweet by Aimee Therese:

Aimee Terese@aimeeterese·4h
democracy promoters have realised easiest way to run Afghanistan/Iraq style op is now remote control: antifa super soldiers, digital platforms, NGOs, infowarriors & CIA trained local militias. No need for US army “boots on ground”—just send billion$ in weapons for “resistance”.

Who’s going to tell her that this was how 99.9% of all diplomatic influence and ‘grey warfare’ operations were conducted when her parents were her age?

A major territorial fight involving US or Soviet troops against anyone was the exception between 1946 and 1991. Even the violent decolonisations and proxy wars in Southern and Western Africa were relatively rare amidst the generally fractious air of the times and nations involved.

John F. Kennedy established 2 critical bodies in 1961- The Peace Corps and the US Army’s Green Berets. Both shared the same role- Expand US political influence by any means other than outright warfare. Only their methods differed. The former conducted diplomacy thru aid work, positive PR and education. The latter by training friendly host-nation troops, counter-insurgency operations in support of their hosts, or fomenting it against a hostile government.

March 21, 2022 4:01 am
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March 21, 2022 4:23 am
CMD Longtime Lurker
CMD Longtime Lurker
March 21, 2022 5:46 am

at this point, the joint is indistinguishable from facebook

That is actually peace, after an extended absence, again reigning supreme.
The joint had been indistinguishable from a playpen of angry hens.

Every open thread was clogged with snide comments directed at each other by about six regulars, making this site near unreadable. Most exchanges or arguments of a personal nature are nothing more than white noise easily blocked out, akin to background traffic noise.
However Knuckle Dragger, Rex Anger and Sancho Panzer snarling like “mean girls” at Struth, was with Struth’s return volleys of equally gratuitous barbs, occupying what seemingly was the majority of thread space. This took thread contamination and to a new level.

The brand was being damaged. There was little point reading when the majority of the blog was people calling each other juvenile names.

It was a shame this sniping ever began, as Knuckle Dragger, Rex Anger and also Struth, have in the past been valuable contributors well worth reading. I hope they will be again.

This site needs them all to contribute.

Serious consideration must be given to curbing the excesses of another who flares into what seemingly are mindless blind rages, directed with personal venom at variously almost every other contributor, at one time or another.
In my opinion this is almost certain to have caused several valued contributors to shy off, and many readers to switch off.

This site will degenerate into an ever smaller echo chamber, where personalities will matter more than what is being contributed. If this site ever reaches that point, it is done for and will be only a matter of time before it is gone.

Do not let one contributor – who has the potential to be quite valuable – descend into vile abuse of any and all contributors who arbitrarily and haplessly arouse this one contributor’s displeasure, and by thus damage this page beyond repair.

Mentioned upthread are “archives”. The current catallaxy does not compare favourably with the standard of discourse to be found in the archives. A read of which will reveal just how far a half-dozen unfettered personalities have caused this page to sink. And just how many regular contributors have given up and gone elsewhere.

March 21, 2022 5:56 am

CMD Longtime Lurker says:
March 21, 2022 at 5:46 am

And just how many regular contributors have given up and gone elsewhere.

Probably quite a few, I know of at least 4, although one of them keeps returning, I don’t know why?
Is it worth the jibes and unpleasant remarks?

March 21, 2022 6:36 am

CMD Longtime Lurker says:
March 21, 2022 at 5:46 am

Well said.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 21, 2022 6:41 am

Struth is Sancho, which means that rosie must also be sancho.
The rest are shills.

March 21, 2022 6:44 am

Deflating tyres in the name of Gaia

It’s time for the base ball bats to come out.

March 21, 2022 7:04 am

I’m not all that comfortable with Zelensky banning a range of political parties.
From Glenn Greenwalds twitter, one of the opposition parties he’s banned has 10% of the seats in the Ukraine parliament.
For a country of over 40mil people, banning a party that represents 10% of them isn’t a little issue.

March 21, 2022 7:09 am

I’m still as much in the dark about the Russia/Ukraine contretemps as I was two weeks ago.

In the past, it was easy to form an opinion. Rightly or wrongly, I had faith in our leaders, the media and other various commentators – that the truth was being told and accurate analysis, however damning, was being published. I know…foolish me. Now, that has all withered away.

The cartoonists are in lock step too. The more they nudge and tweak, the more resistant to the message I become.

March 21, 2022 7:18 am

Deflating tyres by eco authoritarians. Do as I say or you will be punished. Who are these people who have usurped the rule of government. The students obviously suled on by left wing professors cancelling academics. JK Rowling being cancelled by young actors and actress who she has made a name and every one just rolls over. Lets see them pull that stunt on Zelensky.Even Putin is starting to look good. On the other hand is this Marxist pushed by Putin.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 7:20 am

“In the past, it was easy to form an opinion. Rightly or wrongly, I had faith in our leaders, the media and other various commentators – that the truth was being told and accurate analysis, however damning, was being published. I know…foolish me. Now, that has all withered away.”

I think you speak for many of us.

March 21, 2022 7:22 am

CMD the petty squabbles are annoying but Ken Worth treated everyone who wasn’t stuck on the couch with him as contemptible and responsible for his predicament. He became pathetic. I used to agree with some of the things he said even if not on the scale he suggested. I reckon you don’t insult the people you want support from.

March 21, 2022 7:23 am

Interesting comment, CMD. Good to hear from lurkers – please improve the page by commenting more often.

I put a lot of it down to too many people with not enough to do. Covid has been a major disruptor, as was the closure of OldCat. The nightmare of bannings and censorship that came in the wake of the US “Election” is really only just beginning.

The feline diaspora has found homes in many different places, each with its own flavour. All are still embryonic, so give it time. It has been not quite eight months since Sinc and Jacques pulled the pin. I have never been on Facebook, so don’t really know what it’s like – if it’s a place where people regularly indulge in the screaming mimis, then count me out.

There are some excellent commenters here. Persevere – the place will hit its straps once an election is announced, and then there are the mid-terms.

March 21, 2022 7:30 am

And another thing – there are also some great guys over at DashCat. Not a lot of commentary, but plenty of grist for the mill being linked and shared.

There is a fair bit of competition and rivalry between the two sites, but I really see them as two sides of the same coin. Or very alpha type twins trying to outdo each other. They were born at the same time, after all.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 7:33 am

Hmm…firstly, as I wrote yesterday, “Boofhead” Elliott is a hypocrite, he’s stood by and allowed the NSW Liberals under O’Farrell, Baird and Gladys to take the party to the left of Labor. He said nothing and did nothing about the disgraceful abortion laws rammed through by Gladys to satisfy an hard-left inner city Green independent, he said nothing about the Covid rubbish of the last two years, yet now I hear he’s worried about the base moving away from the Liberal party.

As for “Speakman”, this is is the same hard left Green masquerading as a Liberal who smeared Bettain Arndt two years ago, and actually wrote a letter asking that her OA gong be stripped from her. Nice to know his priorities. He’s also spearheading the NSW absurd “consent laws”. LOL. Speakman is another hard-left Green who’s infiltrated the NSW Liberals.

“David Elliott slams Liberals’ ‘woke’ agenda after Mark Speakman’s ‘joke’ text

A NSW cabinet minister has broken ranks and unleashed on his party’s “woke” agenda. It comes after a mocking text highlighted the Liberal Party’s feuding factions.

NSW Transport Minister David Elliott has blasted the South Australian Liberal Party in a social media post after the incumbent government was defeated by the Labor Party in the state election. In a post, Mr Elliott said: “The result of tonight’s South Australian election is an example of what happens when a Centre Right Party…

NSW cabinet minister David Elliott has broken ranks and unleashed on his own party for allowing members to propagate a “woke” agenda that alienates ­voters.

The Transport Minister said Labor’s win in South Australia was a dire warning to all MPs “interfering” with the government’s ability to stick to its traditional centre-right ideals.

“There are way too many woke issues that are seeping through the cracks and the electorate isn’t too grateful for it. It’s happening all over the place and my heart goes out to Dom (Perrottet) and Scott (Morrison) who are trying to manage parts of the Liberal Party who are interfering,” Mr Elliott said. “Forget about your pet issues, forget about the issues that are largely symbolic.”

The Daily Telegraph can reveal the extent of the internal warfare within Dominic Perrottet’s government with Attorney-General and moderate Liberal Mark Speakman sending a text message to some colleagues mocking a Facebook post from centre-right Mr Elliott.

In an exchange seen by the Telegraph, Mr Speakman sent a screenshot of Mr Elliott’s post in which the Transport Minister said the South Australian election loss was an example of “what happens when a centre-right party moved away from the centre-right”.

Mr Speakman then wrote: “See, I knew it was yous (sic) republicans what lost us the SA election”.

Mr Elliott said he was not worried about the “ramblings” of his cabinet colleagues as he assured commuters the Rail Tram and Bus Union had promised to keep commuter chaos to a minimum in a renewed round of protected industrial action from Monday.

“I‘m fighting the union, the public service, the Labor Party and the bloke over the road. The last thing that worries me are the ramblings of Mark Speakman,” he said.

The divide in the party comes as Mr Elliott said Liberal governments across the country should learn from Steven Marshall’s loss to Labor’s Peter ­Malinauskas in the South Australian election.

Mr Elliott said Mr Malinauskas’s landslide win, which saw victory in a number of marginal seats, was a “lesson to all MPs and party supporters”.

“We get perpetually distracted and as a result our base is moving away from us. In South Australia, some of those areas should never have swung,“ he said.

The party’s Centre Right faction has been at loggerheads with the moderates in the past over key policies, including the inquiry into ice use.

The two factions, along with the right, are also expected to be at odds over Mr Speakman’s historic reform to how the law deals with sexual assault.

“I don’t comment on a private joke made to only two colleagues and I expected colleagues to behave likewise,” he said”

Firstly, as I wrote yesterday, Elliott is part of the problem

March 21, 2022 7:47 am

Odd how long time lurkers name some names but are too coy to say who it who indulges in ‘mindless blind rages’.
Dover has banned mendacious trolling and only one person has taken sufficient umbrage to leave while claiming to have been smote despite quite a few people having posts removed.
If that makes the place ‘Facebook’, I’m not seeing it.

March 21, 2022 7:48 am

Labor in South Australia have promised a lot of spending.
Have they indicated who will be doing the paying?

March 21, 2022 7:51 am

And I see Western Europe is having an outbreak of protests over surging energy prices.
In Spain people working from home are complaining they cannot afford to heat their homes.
Let’s see how they vote on green energy policies when election time comes around.
Take notice liberals.

March 21, 2022 7:52 am

who indulges in ‘mindless blind rages’.

Can’t be me. I reserve mine for the nut grass.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 7:54 am

“CMD Longtime Lurkersays:
March 21, 2022 at 5:46 am

However Knuckle Dragger, Rex Anger and Sancho Panzer snarling like “mean girls” at Struth, was with Struth’s return volleys of equally gratuitous barbs, occupying what seemingly was the majority of thread space. This took thread contamination and to a new level.

No. Whilst I agree with your general sentiment, the plain truth is that Struth was and is a equal contributor to the various stoushings/disputations/disagreements etc and he most certainly is no victim here and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want to be painted as one. Struth’s comments over the last two years about “Notafan/Rosie” have been a major factor in “thread contamination”. Struth’s ramblings here and at old Cat about Covid and vaccinations are well known and if you dared disagree with him then you would leave yourself open for rantings and abuse. I refused to get involved in any disagreements with him about Covid or jabs because he’s like a rabid dog with a bone and he will not let go. If that is not “thread contamination” then I don’t know what is. It was tedious. These rantings had nothing to do with KD, Rex Anger or Sancho. Rather, the fact is that they reacted to Struth’s ramblings and rantings…and why shouldn’t they?

I’ve long been fond of Struth and still am but his Covid and jab hysteria and frequent and unfair rantings and lashings of Rosie and anyone else who dare to disagree with him have contributed to “thread contamination”.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 7:55 am

March 21, 2022 at 7:47 am”

My thoughs too.

March 21, 2022 7:56 am

I don’t believe you mindlessly blind rage even at nut grass calli.

March 21, 2022 8:00 am

Pretty of latitude for robust debate in the new rules and iirc ‘good humoured trolling’ is also allowed.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 8:00 am

Struth an innocent victim?


March 21, 2022 8:02 am

Anyone needing a daily dose of holy roller doesn’t have to go far to find it.

March 21, 2022 8:04 am

Fuck, if there’s one thing Dover needs to cleanse off this site, that typifies it.

No, what it typifies is the meanness isn’t confined to girls.

March 21, 2022 8:07 am

But I do swear at it. Never of Sundays but.

Covid cracked a lot of personality veneers – pressure tends to do that. The blame doesn’t lie with individuals who respond as they are able.

It rests firmly with our mediocre governments, full of nondescript jobsworths seeking more and more power over their betters.

March 21, 2022 8:08 am

Festival in Belgium.
Car rips through crowd.
One of the first thing the plod says it’s not terrorism.

March 21, 2022 8:08 am

The director identification number (director ID) is the first service to be delivered by ABRS. You can apply for a director ID online.

it’s a service … it must be good otherwise nobody would take it up

Unless you hold a directorship of a company over a particular size or are involved in administering a non-profit or charitable organisation of any sort, you don’t need one.


Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 8:14 am

March 20, 2022 at 10:06 pm
Interesting Boambee John, in any case, I think they will find Kamala hard to shift.

Then it looks like a four year Weekend at Biden’s is coming up!

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 8:17 am

Ed Casesays:
March 20, 2022 at 9:56 pm
At the time of Ford’s appointment he was House Minority Leader, that was the chain of succession at the time.

Did Rockefeller succeed Ford as House Minority Leader? And why were Rumsfeld and Bush Snr also considered for the appointment?

The chain of succession seems to have had a number of branches.

March 21, 2022 8:18 am

CL has a link up to interesting articles by Roger? Kimball on the subject of Biden Harris

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 21, 2022 8:20 am

The ANZ bank card services went down again on Saturday – fortunately after I met a friend for lunch (but in time to have me frantically patting my pockets for cash at the checkout in Woollies).

Once again they only admitted the problem after they had fixed it, and only (from what I can make out) on Flakebook and Twatter. I suppose those forums are ones where customers can make their anger known publicly. Of course they ‘apologise’ for the inconvenience – their apologies strike me as less than sincere (a bank has no conscience and the people putting ‘sorry’ in their messages are not the ones who have anything to apologise for.)

It was encouraging to see people letting ANZ know how pissed off they were. And they were just the ones who respond to that sort of provocation by leaping onto Twatter to vent.

What surprised me (at first) was that the bank did not send out a message or even put a message on their website. Obviously an SMS would be best since it announces itself in real time and people likely spend little enough time at the website and no one is looking at it while shopping.

You would think some kind of proactive measure would have been put in place after the outage on Wednesday which embarrassed a whole lot of customers at point of purchases throughout the country.

I have been caught twice. It seems improbable that I just happen to been making purchases at the only two outages. I expect it has happened at other times when I have not been in the shops.

But perhaps this is their cynical genius. People by and large only find out about the outages when it happens to them. Is it a strategy to downplay the extent of their failure? Prevent people from discerning the scale? If they sent out a million SMS’s ever few days saying “Whoopsie” then that would be a million people seeing it for what it is, which might easily metamorphose into demands for something more than apologies on Twatter.

March 21, 2022 8:20 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 8:21 am

Dick Ed

According to Wiki, Nixon nominated Ford in the belief that Connally would not be ratified.

There were two House Minority Leaders? How very confusing.

March 21, 2022 8:21 am

We are adults who were are all effected by pandemic restrictions, doesn’t excuse people from responsibility for their behaviour.

March 21, 2022 8:24 am

Maybe, instead of whining about mean girls people could exercise a little bit more discernment about what they choose to link here.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 8:27 am

Ed Casesays:
March 20, 2022 at 10:48 pm
Looks like it’s all over red rover for Bill’s career, Albanaflamer lives to cuck another day.
Wong must have some extremely powerful backers to make this happen.

Chairman Xi? Is she a “spook”?

March 21, 2022 8:29 am

Fauci Does Not Expect New COVID Variant to Cause a Surge in Cases

I saw something yesterday which showed that, in fact, the new variant, despite its name, is totally unrelated to Omicron. Apparently they are trying to hide that fact because Pfizer is working on a vaccine for Omicron which they would obviously want to also use for the new variant. Rinse and repeat. Inoculate for a variant which is no longer active in the population.

March 21, 2022 8:31 am

No, rosie. I realised after posting that the comment may have been misconstrued. We are all responsible as individuals for what we say, even anonymously on a blog.

Just refocussing the sights on the government and their deadbeat lackeys.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 21, 2022 8:31 am

As I mainly lurk and sometimes comment I guess I can observe. I take CMD’s point about petty squabbling, and maybe there are a few who do go on and on. I formerly appreciated Struth’s stuff, but with the vaccines he appears to have become fixated. I get weary of being harangued about the jab, I am not terrified of Covid but given some fairly recent health problems concerning breathing I’ve had to make choices. Struth doesn’t want to respect choices, seemingly.

As for the “gang” who squabble, I get it can seem a pile on, however there are a few of them whose quick wit and bonhomie I have really enjoyed since I discovered the Cat around a decade ago.

What this site needs is good argumentative foils like mOnty and…dare I say it….Bob from Toowoomba. As irritating as Numbers was, he brought out the best comments and like one of those bouncy clowns he would get dropped to the floor and bounce up again without resorting to telling courteous female posters to …. off. Forbearance is an old and good Christian virtue, putting up with other’s foibles when you don’t agree. Johanna’s responses regarding Lizzie’s gentle bragging being a case in point. I like both of their comments (Joh’s on music and work in Canberra and Lizzie on culture) and am disappointed when there is niggle happening. More I could say but will leave it at that for the present.

March 21, 2022 8:33 am

Craig Kelly MP @CraigKellyMP

Happy Birthday to my wonderful son Trent
26 years of running against the wind
I love you mate

He’ll get my vote.

March 21, 2022 8:34 am

I don’t know that it’s shocking as all that. If you believe the hype about the one, why not the other? And they’re talking about the triple jabbed, who would still mainly be the ones who took it voluntarily.

There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia

March 21, 2022 8:35 am

John H

495 lb deadlift is impressive, but it’s not freakish.

Gym bros are too lazy to do cardio.

That’s why they will write essays about how bad distance running is for you.

I am stronger than ever due to age, but I could lift like a beast in my early 20s because I ran over 60 miles a week at times.

March 21, 2022 8:38 am

March 21, 2022 at 7:23 am
I put a lot of it down to too many people with not enough to do.

Many wouldn’t fess up many to that and take the easy root and totally blame social media.
Good for you. Self-reflection all to rare.

March 21, 2022 8:39 am


it’s a good day

March 21, 2022 8:40 am

The key to fitness is really not thrashing your body, gentle progression and constancy.

Sweet, sweet constancy.

March 21, 2022 8:42 am

Best use of misspelled word I’ve seen in a long time.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 21, 2022 8:44 am

In No, Really news:

Kimberley Kitching was on track for preselection, says Labor powerbroker Don Farrell

ALP Senate leader Penny Wong calls for politics to ‘take a backseat’ ahead of Kitching’s funeral on Monday

In a lengthy interview with Channel Nine on Sunday, Wong said she and her colleagues had tried to exercise “common decency” by not commenting at length on the allegations.

The funeral of the much-loved, wound-up-and-ready-go ‘Morrison Liberals Have a Women Problem’ strategy.
Buried in decency.

March 21, 2022 8:47 am

Exactly Dr Faustus.
Every media outlet has run something on the subject, doesn’t matter which way they spun it, people know.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 8:48 am

One does not really associate common decency with the Liars. Or the Lieborals really for that matter.

March 21, 2022 8:50 am

The idiot didn’t seem to realize that aircraft are anti-gravity machines.


Most people cannot explain tides or aerodynamic lift.

What you learn in school is a snow job.

March 21, 2022 8:53 am

James Reyne – Any Day Above Ground – Hey Hey 20th July 1991


March 21, 2022 8:53 am

Dot, running sixty miles a week may get you very fit but won’t do much for heavy lifting. The serious lifters do few reps with very heavy weights and build serious muscle, not body building muscle but serious lifting power. Running just wears you out, better to ride a bike for several hours and say 500+ km a week.

March 21, 2022 8:56 am

In a lengthy interview with Channel Nine on Sunday, Wong said she and her colleagues had tried to exercise “common decency” by not commenting at length on the allegations.

*Have some bread*
*Jason, men are talking*
*Take it easy*
*That fuckin’ animal, Blundetto*

I am not of course insinuating that the ALP is run like or had or has any connections to organises crime.

However, maybe Wong, the CFMEU and the Comancheros can put a lesbian biker float in next year’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

Their tolerant and enlightened base will approve as they will be wise from decades of collecting unemployment and having had all working days in said time to read newspapers, journals and opinion pieces…

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 8:57 am

Once people begin to think about Albo’s Liars as an alternative government a women’s problem is the least of their problems. At the end of the day I don’t think it will make sufficient difference. At which point, they become our problems.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 21, 2022 8:57 am

“I’m not all that comfortable with Zelensky banning a range of political parties.“
Doncha know there’s a war on?
Maybe what he needs is a National Cabinet just like that one Morro convened.
Oh, wait a minute …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 9:01 am


March 20, 2022 at 11:45 pm

if there’s one thing Dover needs to cleanse off this site, that typifies it.

I’d be here all day checking links. No thank you.

If you focus on ussr and Indolent you will get 93.1% of them.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 9:01 am

““common decency””

Another thing to make me laugh on a Monday morning….except that Wonk’s hypocrisy isn’t really something to laugh at. I don’t recall her speaking about “common decency” when teamed up with her South Australian sisterhood to use a dead woman’s ravings and ramblings in order to score cheap political points and destroy a man’s political career*.

As Mark Latham said last night on Sky, Wong, if she had any “common decency” would resign.

BTW…I never much liked or cared for Porter but he didn’t deserve to have his political career destroyed by hypocritical scum like Wonk and Hanson-Dung.

March 21, 2022 9:02 am

Director’s ID
Who needs to apply and when

March 21, 2022 9:03 am

Don’t western democracy always ban opposition parties in war time?

March 21, 2022 9:04 am

Now, that has all withered away.”

Everything is broken – its the 4th turning.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 9:07 am

Matrix at 12:06 after losing the argument on Director’s ID Legislation:-

I’m so glad I asked a train-driver for legal advice

This from someone who was appalled at the denigration of the breadvan driver allegedly on the basis of his chosen career.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 9:09 am

She was before my time (almost, with one exception) on catallaxyfiles.

For me, I miss Tel. So many worthwhile contributions on the old catallaxy.

Tal came still very intermittently when I first came here in 2010, She was not well, but always delightfully ascerbic. Candy, Gab and I were the only other women here then. Tel, yes, another name and a straight out photograph of himself on his Gravatar. A big-built looking shaven-head guy. He arrived years later. As did Gareth Hamilton, known as Hammy. He had a gravatar of John Curtin and deadpanned not an inch from the old trad communist Labor lines. So bad he was good and we all loved him till he declared himself dead. Or else he really did die. His sister was said to have contacted Sinc, but it all sounded a bit like a put up, no obits etc. Much later too, MK50, who occasionally will use a phrase similar to KD. He is the only other person here who has told me something ‘in the nicest possible way’. So many others too who have dropped off, dropped out. Names elude me a lot these days, but they will come racing back at odd moments. Yes! that’s the one, I will say to myself.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 9:09 am

March 21, 2022 at 9:03 am
Don’t western democracy always ban opposition parties in war time?

Can I assume that this question is sarcastic?

March 21, 2022 9:12 am

A director ID:
starts with 036, which is the 3-digit country code for Australia under International Standard ISO 3166
ends with an 11-digit number and one ‘check’ digit for error detection.

Failure to have a director ID when required to do so. | s1272C |$13,200 (criminal); $1,100,000 (civil)

sounds reasonable

March 21, 2022 9:12 am

Dot, running sixty miles a week may get you very fit but won’t do much for heavy lifting.

I disagree up to a point…then at that point you are undeniably correct.

1. My cardio at the time meant I could just power through heavy sets (usually heavy dumbbells with “body building” exercises). I was doing 8 6 4 reps at high weight. I couldn’t fatigue in that way. It was strength development that was lacking. Maybe I should have tried 5 X 5? “Dinosaur” training of Brooks Kubik recommends 3 X 3.

2. Specialisation and time constraints us why if you need to get strong, you need to cut out running. You cannot do the training load unless you don’t have a normal job.

I am doing plyometric work in the gym for specific performance parameters now. I am doing weird stuff like Parlof presses and floor presses. I have to run to lose weight and just for overall fitness. (I am a fat slob now).

My best bench is 110 kg (not great) and deadlift 150 kg. Clean and press at 85 kg at my actual strongest.

The problem was I couldn’t get any stronger. (Not without becoming a paid athlete or going on the dole…). My tendons would give up before my muscles or cardio. I would go to clean a heavier mass and it would feel like an electric shock in my forearms.

I have a friend who likely “suffers” from a myostatin regulation “deformity” and he warms up on my best and can do 200 kg deadlifts with no warmups for full sets without training. Makes me sick. (He also for years used to make excuses about cardio…).

Oh boy do genetics matter .

March 21, 2022 9:14 am

Sooo up at 4.30 this morning for a 5.30am swim (gotta be in by 9.30 on a Monday to use my OAP “freebie”) as I’m expecting workmen for storm damage repairs this morning .. Anyway, getz down there and slightly early so not open and maybe a queue of 20 waiting .. all SE Asian and all MASKED other than me .. thought for a, bloody, moment that dum parrot-head had brought back, compulsory, masking and I’d missed the announcement … LOL!

March 21, 2022 9:16 am

Running just wears you out, better to ride a bike for several hours and say 500+ km a week.

If you run, you should cycle.

I hate riding and cyclists…eww.

My knees are cactus from years of contact sports and running to hard when at front rower mass.

Gym and cycling are the cure.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 9:16 am


March 21, 2022 at 8:04 am

Fuck, if there’s one thing Dover needs to cleanse off this site, that typifies it.

No, what it typifies is the meanness isn’t confined to girls.

Do you mean the sort of meanness you linked to which claims the CEO of a major corporation has been arrested for child abuse, but with a fine-print footnote admitting it was “satire”.
A point which was noted by KD and myself within a couple of minutes but you clearly missed.
And if you did see it, why did you link it without any reference that it was “satire”.
This is not Babylon Bee stuff which usually just lampoons politicians and Hollywood types. This was a direct accusation of vile criminal behaviour.
Never go the full Annie.
It ends badly.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 9:19 am

Sweet, sweet constancy.

Got it.

Thank you Seymour.

March 21, 2022 9:20 am

As Mark Latham said last night on Sky, Wong, if she had any “common decency” would resign.
A trougher resigning !.. about same odds as the fairies at the bottom of the garden paying rent .. LOL!

March 21, 2022 9:21 am

Sancho, you are wrong

please don’t deal with it by crapping on all day with increasingly shrill confabulations.

We all know that you ‘saving the forum’ is a just a thinly veiled excuse for very poor behaviour

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 9:21 am

Rowan Deane on fire again on Outsiders yesterday about Wong and her mean girls and the Kimberley Kitching story. Daisy Cousins, filling in for Rita (and not a really good fit there) spoke to the matter as well, broadening it to note that men were castigated for their behaviour but women were allowed free rein to slam off cruelly and competitively at others; she saw it as a feature of females too, not a bug. Sine females, I’d say, certainly, especially on the left where cabals are encouraged and by a politicised lifestyle non-compliant females are fair game for any sort of abuse. Daisy had, she said, been subject to it herself from a senior woman. Ouch. A little dig there at someone, Daisy? And from her tone and expression, the treatment she’d received had really hurt and resonated still, brought to the fore by this case. As it is doing for so many women, and may indeed affect the election provided Labor cannot sweep it into the forgettery, as they are trying so hard to do.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 9:23 am

some females, not sine females.

not on my usual computer today, so keyboard feels wonky

March 21, 2022 9:26 am

There was nothing untoward about the link by Indolent about the Disney CEO. The piece ended with the claim that it was intended to be satire and was the work of the satirist writers themselves, alleging criminal behaviour. Except that it was not satire insofar as the piece did not show up any stupidity or folly other than that of the writers themselves misunderstanding ‘satire’. The attractions of the cancel culture are only that.

March 21, 2022 9:27 am

Not wanting to take sides Matrix but who is ‘we’?

March 21, 2022 9:28 am

The one I miss most is the daily Mordor update from John Constantine. He stopped commenting around the time of the 2019 fires.

Tel is over at CL’s from time to time and always good value.

March 21, 2022 9:30 am

Seymour? Tim!

Maybe it’s me who’s out of touch?

March 21, 2022 9:30 am

“Indolent says:
March 21, 2022 at 8:34 am
I don’t know that it’s shocking as all that. If you believe the hype about the one, why not the other? And they’re talking about the triple jabbed, who would still mainly be the ones who took it voluntarily.

There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia

“People who got the jabs have shown they’re easier to manipulate than those who have not.”

… and … easily manipulated people become defensive, even to the point of aggressively angry, when they’re publicly exposed as being easily manipulated.

This means the WEF Agenda Propagandists know they have a, ‘Jabbed Army’, ready to jump in boots & all, in attacking the Unjabbed online, which after all, is so very much easier than attacking Russians in real life.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 9:31 am

No, what it typifies is the meanness isn’t confined to girls.

This is topical, given CMD’s post earlier today.

That satirical post by a Canadian crew’s variant of the Daily Shovel, and which was seized on by that poster and linked to this site at the speed of light without actually reading it, is extremely damaging even without the three disclaimers on that post.

It is damaging because dunderheads looking for this sort of thing to back their beliefs up post them without conducting any provenance whatsoever, and when inevitably called on it retreat behind one of the words du jour – in this case, ‘meanness’.

Every time this happens it reminds me of that snivelling woman from the NSW Department of Health, when she was on the stand being grilled by Bret Walker SC over the gigantic Ruby Princess cockup, for which she and a small coven of three or four other people were directly responsible.

Prior to that she was quite happy to accept the bloated pay packets and assorted perks without accountability. When asked the hard questions she burst into tears and said ‘We’re trying really hard’, and did everything possible to give the impression she was being unfairly picked on.

Didn’t work then. Won’t work now.

March 21, 2022 9:36 am

who is ‘we’?

the voices in my head have reached consensus

March 21, 2022 9:37 am

Every time this happens it reminds me of that snivelling woman from the NSW Department of Health, when she was on the stand being grilled by Bret Walker SC over the gigantic Ruby Princess cockup, for which she and a small coven of three or four other people were directly responsible.

All memoryholed. I wonder where she is now? Promoted?

The commentary at OldCat on the issue was very revealing. Good times.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 21, 2022 9:38 am

In You Don’t Say news:

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

• Australia imports 90 per cent of its oil needs from overseas suppliers, with much coming from China

• Defence experts say the reliance leaves Australia’s economy critically exposed to supply disruption

• Fears of conflict in the Asia-Pacific have led to calls for Australia to speed up its shift to EVs, green transport

Experts now waking up to another issue industry has been flagging for years. About 15 years.

Scheduled to become an existential panic after the election.

[Australia imports about 15% of its refined transport products from China. Whether that’s ‘much’, or not, the economy would be crushed if Emperor Xi frowned upon us.]

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 9:39 am

Not wanting to take sides Matrix but who is ‘we’?

The opposite of “you lot”. Obviously.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 9:41 am

Babylon Bee is suspended on Twitter for their gag that Man of the Year is Rachel Levine. Charge is hateful conduct.

Don’t upset the trannies.

March 21, 2022 9:41 am

I don’t know what those people (including young children) did to deserve that treatment, it might have been looting, it might have been speaking Russian but whatever it’s barbaric.
Zelensky could put a stop to it couldn’t he?

March 21, 2022 9:42 am

All good Matrix but not as many as mine or as loud.

March 21, 2022 9:43 am

Babylon Bee is suspended on Twitter

Clown World

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 9:46 am

CMDLL, just after the cartoons:

However Knuckle Dragger, Rex Anger and Sancho Panzer snarling like “mean girls” at Struth, was with Struth’s return volleys of equally gratuitous barbs, occupying what seemingly was the majority of thread space. This took thread contamination and to a new level.

Again with this. Everything’s ‘mean’ and everything’s ‘bullying’. Frankly, it’s pissweak.

Once again it is time to mention that not one of the people complaining about this said a single thing about the people bombing the joint with wordwalls and swinging unjustified haymaker, wishing them actually dead, putting timeframes on their deaths and calling them cock smokers.

I believe in the concept of truth by assertion. That is, is something patently false or stupid is said and is not rebutted – whether directly, or more commonly by pisstaking – it is then accepted as truth.

It was one of Liability Bob’s favourite things*, it was certainly Annie’s, and and it was and is Kenn Worth’s. Any questioning brought in the wordwall and abovementioned literary thuggery, and now the people who happened to mention that the bullshit stories were bullshit stories are painted as mean and bullies.

GreyRanga at 7.22 and Cassie at 7.54 were spot on. Don’t just come wandering through the door throwing chairs, and burst into tears when it doesn’t work.

*Whoever is describing thread contamination now clearly hasn’t experienced Liability Bob’s work.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 9:48 am

Typos. No excuse.

The explanation is that it’s hard typing through cigarette smoke. Not an excuse.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 9:51 am

Maybe it’s me who’s out of touch?

No. It is The People who are wrong.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 21, 2022 9:51 am

Bullying inquiry needed: WorkSafe ACT should examine the Kimberley Kitching claims. Robert GottliebsenFollow @BGottliebsen

2 hours ago March 21, 2022

Given the Victorian precedent, there is a clear case for WorkSafe ACT to investigate the claims of bullying against Labor senators Penny Wong, Kristina Keneally and Katy Gallagher.

I can’t emphasise strongly enough that any WorkSafe investigation does not mean that the senators are guilty of an offence but, along with the Victorian case, the latest bullying claims may set precedents that will determine what the bullying sections of the Occupational Health Acts actually mean.

Under the OH&S Acts bullying is classed as a criminal offence and among the penalties are jail terms. Moreover, if death can be linked to proven cases of bullying then the industrial manslaughter provisions, with their much longer jail penalties, can be triggered.

The OH&S acts were framed by both sides of politics with employer/employee situations in mind. But it is the way major political parties conduct their affairs that is now on the front line.

Victoria’s WorkSafe has started an investigation into allegations by upper house MP Kaushaliya Vaghela that she was bullied by a former adviser to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews. Vaghela claims she first raised her complaints in April 2019.

There have been demands in Canberra that Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese conduct an investigation into the bullying allegations against Wong, Keneally and Gallagher.

I think he is right not to go down that path when a properly constituted body with the authority and powers to conduct such an investigation is available to undertake the task. And if theoretically they find there was no bullying then the names of those currently accused would be cleared by an independent body – not an inquiry created by their own party.

If Work Safe ACT decide to investigate bullying allegations by the late senator Kimberley Kitching they will be guided by the explanation of workplace bullying on the WorkSafe ACT web site:

“Workplace bullying is repeated unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety.

“Repeated behaviour refers to the persistent nature of the behaviour and can involve a range of behaviours over time.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 9:53 am

“Charge is hateful conduct.”

Truth is now hateful conduct.

March 21, 2022 9:53 am

rosie says:
March 21, 2022 at 9:41 am

I don’t know what those people (including young children) did to deserve that treatment, it might have been looting, it might have been speaking Russian but whatever it’s barbaric.
Zelensky could put a stop to it couldn’t he?

Zelenskyy could criminalise all the active groups of Nazis instead of his Political Opposition, but he hasn’t.

Only joking.

Zelenskyy has no power to do anything except what he’s told to do by the Globalist Mobsters (WEF, Clintons, Bidens et al), who own him, the same bastards who told our Govts to lock us up and criminalise us for not obeying their tyrannical orders.

March 21, 2022 9:54 am

Babylon Bee is suspended on Twitter

Clown World

Otoh, any form of Christianity that isn’t considered a subversive enemy by the woke it’s lost its salt.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 21, 2022 9:55 am

Seems the court room where the Ben Roberts Smith defamation action is being heard may be an interesting place to be, over the next few days. Isn’t the ex girlfriend supposed to be giving evidence this week?

March 21, 2022 9:56 am

Other than the power to ban opposition parties and direct the media.
Is anyone else sick of all roads lead to Rome?

March 21, 2022 9:57 am

has lost its salt

March 21, 2022 9:59 am

Typos. No excuse.

Yes, How dare you!

March 21, 2022 9:59 am

Daisy Cousins, filling in for Rita (and not a really good fit there) spoke to the matter as well, broadening it to note that men were castigated for their behaviour but women were allowed free rein to slam off cruelly and competitively at others; she saw it as a feature of females too, not a bug.

Toxic femininity?

March 21, 2022 10:03 am

CMD Longtime Lurker says:
March 21, 2022 at 5:46 am

Regarding the above post and thread contamination there is another obvious culprit who seems to thrive on insults and aggressive behaviour. He daily challenges people and has a habit of inventing names for people.

How about a simple rule, you might say courtesy, of addressing people by their forum name and not one designed to irritate.

He also has the habit of reviving old stoushes / subjects on a regular basis. It is tedious to wade through his multiple posts whilst he engages in his next stoush. He is the master of thread contamination.

So what say you JC, time to give it a rest?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 10:05 am

Mordor update from John Constantine

‘napalm-clad freedom barracks’


March 21, 2022 10:08 am

What is the story about the incoming South Australian premier’s proposed changes to pandemic/soe laws, more or less democracy, harder/easier to impose?

March 21, 2022 10:09 am
March 21, 2022 10:15 am

Foreign oil dependence a ‘massive vulnerability’ as defence experts call for EVs, green transport

No shit, Sherlock.
How are electric cars going to help sow, spray, harvest and transport crops? How will they move stuff into supermarkets?
We have 3 weeks max liquid fuels on shore and that includes the stuff in tankers in transit. So really likely a week to 10 days, then we get hungry, then everything goes to hell in a handbasket. Morro looks like he could provide a few meals.

March 21, 2022 10:19 am


SA Legislative Council might go 5 ALP, 4 LP and 2 Green.

PHON an outside chance, LDP need a miracle.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 21, 2022 10:28 am

Don’t upset the trannies.

You know that every time a person doubts them a teenage trannie commits suicide.

March 21, 2022 10:30 am

rosie says:
March 21, 2022 at 9:56 am

Other than the power to ban opposition parties and direct the media.
Is anyone else sick of all roads lead to Rome?

Rome was vast.

Rome was ‘Global’.

Where there were roads, there was Rome, Romanising.

Just like Globalists Globalising today and destroying those who dare resist the Globalising with political, media & other opposition.

March 21, 2022 10:32 am

It sux, I needed LDP to get in to help me with a personal matter only they can relate to.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 10:34 am

Real Deal at 8:31

What this site needs is good argumentative foils like mOnty and…dare I say it….Bob from Toowoomba.

Quite so.
I never understood the bleating calls to ban them.
Being infuriatingly leftist and generally annoying are not grounds for banning.
And the bleats usually came from those who claimed to be champions of free speech.

March 21, 2022 10:35 am

I see, once again, someone doesn’t get something.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 21, 2022 10:36 am

As irritating as Numbers was, he brought out the best comments and like one of those bouncy clowns he would get dropped to the floor and bounce up again

PS he used to have his own blog. If you really want to engage him, do so there where vigorous discourse is banned.

March 21, 2022 10:39 am

Given the Victorian precedent, there is a clear case for WorkSafe ACT to investigate the claims of bullying against Labor senators Penny Wong, Kristina Keneally and Katy Gallagher.

This is starting to sound & look a lot like the Britnee saga .. lotza she/wimenz sez stuff with no, real, proof or corroboration just lotza I heard it from the hairdresser, who’s a mate of the cleaner, who knows the maid ect, ect.. and how anyone caqn provide, actual, proof “nasty” words can induce a fatal heart attack has gotta be taking it a coronary too far!…
Lotza folk die of heart attacks but, apparently, if your news-worthy normal doesn’t come into it! …….

March 21, 2022 10:39 am

Numbers and Monty could be here if they wanted.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 21, 2022 10:40 am

I could lift like a beast in my early 20s because I ran over 60 miles a week at times.

Dot, I’m not sure The Science would support long distance running as a tool to improve chest and arm strength.
An alternative hypothesis is that you could lift like a beast because you were in your early 20s.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 10:42 am

March 21, 2022 at 10:03 am”

Funny, I could have sworn that yesterday you made a mocking comment or two directed at a certain person…..designed to irritate.

The truth is that nobody here is without sin, some are just more honest than others.

March 21, 2022 10:42 am

One thing never heard last week: ‘State funeral for Kimberley K.’

When the time comes for the mean girls it will be a state subsidised jaunt down Oxford Street a bit like Warnie carried around St Kilda oval yesterday.

March 21, 2022 10:44 am

And the bleats usually came from those who claimed to be champions of free speech.

Claiming but wishing and winging the host played the bad cop.

That lot? Sancho

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 10:44 am

As irritating as Numbers was, he brought out the best comments …

That is not my recollection. I will seek some other opinions at the ‘Woomba Miata Helldrivers AGM.

March 21, 2022 10:44 am


While not asking for a ban myself I can see why people would do so.

Quite so.
I never understood the bleating calls to ban them.

Because they never, ever learned a single thing.
Even when confronted with multiples of evidence, links etc the best response you could hope for was they would go away for a few days/hours before bringing up the same wrongness again.
Its not even trolling at that stage, its just repetition and hoping people are so sick of the same topic you win by default.

Monty to a much lesser extent, but numberwang was a single issue monomaniac.

March 21, 2022 10:45 am

The truth is that nobody here is without sin, some are just more honest than others.


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 10:47 am

I look forward to casting the first stone. Don’t die wondering.

March 21, 2022 10:48 am

And none sinned against.

March 21, 2022 10:49 am

Gruinaid still has the fake cosmonaut story on its main page.

March 21, 2022 10:51 am

The white flags (sooking and having ago at those engaging him) encouraged him the most, mole.

March 21, 2022 10:51 am

The best laid plans of pedalling & swimming all for naught again!
Sooo the fencer rings and sez, “sick, today coming tomorrow” .. 2, bloody, Mondays in a row I’ve swam at 5.30am for these folk and the 4th time in 10 days they’ve not turned up ..
tho it is the 1st time they’ve let me know .. so I suppose things are improving .. LOL!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 10:54 am

hoping people are so sick of the same topic you win by default

One hundred per cent, exactly and exactomundo.

There’s a difference between having an opinion someone thinks is wrong, and maintaining a view that is demonstrably and empirically proven to be without any base in fact.

Truth by assertion.

Unless your handle is Bird or Annie, nobody should be banned (but that’s not my call).

People of that ilk do not go away if ignored. What they hate is ridicule.

March 21, 2022 10:57 am

One thing never heard last week: ‘State funeral for Kimberley K.’

Methinx,even BRADBURY realised after “Warnie” another one so soon might be overdoing it .. plus setting the precedent for ALL troughers to have one final slurp might not go down to well with the vote-herd and rising cost ‘ living come polling day ………

March 21, 2022 11:04 am

Daisy Cousins, filling in for Rita (and not a really good fit there

Daisy is a good fit anywhere.


SA Legislative Council might go 5 ALP, 4 LP and 2 Green.

PHON an outside chance, LDP need a miracle.

And there you have it folks: the era of the small party is over.

As irritating as Numbers was, he brought out the best comments

Numbers was and is a creep. He deflected whole threads. People who are nostalgic for the old bastard should flush their heads.

March 21, 2022 11:05 am

Warnie carried around St Kilda oval yesterday

I had assumed they were taking him to the pub.

March 21, 2022 11:12 am

SA Legislative Council might go 5 ALP, 4 LP and 2 Green.

PHON an outside chance, LDP need a miracle.

This country is being rooted by the stupidity of its inhabitants.

FMD, how bad do things need to get? How many lives destroyed? How many freedoms decimated before The Mongs will vote differently?

PHON and LDP may not have the answers, but it is completely clear that the Uniparty don’t.

March 21, 2022 11:12 am

State funerals would suggest Andrews could have made that decision and unfortunately or fortunately Kitchings was not of his faction.
A blessing to know he won’t be delivering an eulogy at her funeral, or Warne’s, unless I am much mistaken.

March 21, 2022 11:12 am

Too good to leave at Dash Cat: Memes.

March 21, 2022 11:13 am

But now, there’s a very strict order to castrate all [Russian] men, b/c they are cockroaches, not people…”

Nazi’s gunna Nazi.

March 21, 2022 11:13 am

Thanks for that info Dover.
In his case all roads lead to Vietnam.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 11:14 am

It took him ages to try

Ha. Did he try a different handle, like ‘Parrot’s Beak’?

March 21, 2022 11:14 am

The newcat still has Ed to squirrel on proving loyalty to the tribe.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 21, 2022 11:15 am

a very strict order to castrate all [Russian] men

Bloody hell. Are there stories about soap or lampshades made of human skin yet?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 21, 2022 11:16 am

Numbers was and is a creep. He deflected whole threads. People who are nostalgic for the old bastard should flush their heads.

Numbers could never accept two things. One – that he had had a soft option to being conscripted, in the form of six years part time service in the Citizen’s Military Forces – now the Army Reserve.

Two, that he had fallen hook, line and sinker for the North Vietnamese party line about what a bunch of gallant little Robin Hoods they were, fighting for a united Vietnam, where, what’s been written in the past twenty years, with access to the North Vietnamese archives, shows up that line for the malarkey it is.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 11:17 am

‘Lizzie’s gentle bragging’ – I like the phrasing there. It’s my life expressed as others express theirs and if it seems like bragging I can live with that. It is not meant to be though.

We are off to Tassie this arvo, first flight since coming back from the US in very late March 2020, just making it in under the wire of Covid border closure. Refused to wear a mask then even though every second flight was listed as carrying Covid passengers; they just gave you the relevant seat numbers back in that day and let you get on with it. Will I have to wear a mask in-flight even now? If I do, then I am eating and drinking all the way down from Sydney to Hobart.

As for train drivers. I admire them. My husband was a trainspotter (the real sort not a junkie) in his yoof and has a secret hankering to drive a train, one with steam especially. He shares this reversion to boyhood dreams with his good friend, ex world-travelled mining engineer and CEO paid big biccies, who wants to retire and become a Lancashire bus driver. If Rex enjoys his job and it pays well, good luck to him. His comments here are generally pretty thoughtful and well-expressed.

Take people as you find them, not for who or what they are – that’s my life’s view on things. And something telling – I have never ever seen more than five minutes of ‘Keeping Up Appearances’, so the characters apart from the central ones are fairly lost on me. It seemed a pretty silly and essentially British show about petty social aspirations in a certain type of lower-middle class woman. Fear of meeting the Vicar with the wrong teacups, etc. It reflected back to the Brits Britain’s class-ridden society, just as ‘To the Manor Born’ did. The latter though was better scripted and far less uni-dimensional in its characterisations, who sparred brilliantly with each other as Audrey fforbes-Hamilton and her suave rich and basically gentlemanly swain with the hint of Polish aristo, one Richard de Vere (not a working man’s name). Majory Frobisher (an old British aristo name), Audrey’s wittery friend, was a treat too, with it all embedded in a village life fast disappearing.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 11:17 am

Plenty of people have been carried around St Kilda oval. Serial underperformers.

March 21, 2022 11:19 am

Obviously no point in Zelensky negotiating with Putin.
Not with the ‘they’ and their unfathomable desires really in charge.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 21, 2022 11:21 am

Quite liked St Kilda, although I wouldn’t have wanted to try and find a car park there. Some weekends even dumping the bike on the footpath was an issue.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 11:21 am

Via one of the Opposition parties just suspended

Yah, as I said the hatred is incandescent now. Here’s a thread from a journo who covers that part of the world.

Neil Hauer@NeilPHauer
Something I’ve noticed over the past week or so here: almost every Ukrainian I spoke to has made it clear that they blame not only Putin, but the average Russian as much (or more) for this war. The view is: we overthrew our corrupt government, and they accept their murderous one.
6:32 AM · Mar 20, 2022

Replying to @NeilPHauer
The amount of animosity from the average Ukrainian towards the average Russian is already huge and growing more with every single new airstrike, every new civilian death. The effects of this war will last for generations.

Another few tweets in the thread, you can read it if you want to. He’s a lefty Pom (I think) but is in Kharkov right now.

March 21, 2022 11:22 am

State funerals would suggest Andrews could have made that decision and unfortunately or fortunately Kitchings was not of his faction.
Shirley, being Federal that would be a BRADBURY call? .. isn’t the use of “STATE” just a loose substitute for “freebie” whenever state or federal tax mugs are footing the bill …..

John H.
John H.
March 21, 2022 11:24 am

March 21, 2022 at 8:35 am
John H

495 lb deadlift is impressive, but it’s not freakish.

Gym bros are too lazy to do cardio.

That’s why they will write essays about how bad distance running is for you.

I am stronger than ever due to age, but I could lift like a beast in my early 20s because I ran over 60 miles a week at times.

It’s not the weight, it was the very poor form and the holding of breath.
Running 60 miles a week is next to pointless.
I avoid cardio because I hate it. My resting pulse is 62. That’s good enough, rated as excellent by the standard metrics and a recent study claimed that every beat over 60 correlates with reduced longevity. I don’t want “athlete’s heart”, too many potential long term problems.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 21, 2022 11:24 am


March 21, 2022 at 9:27 am

Not wanting to take sides Matrix but who is ‘we’?

“We” includes at least three “absinthe friends”.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 21, 2022 11:25 am

So many wonderful TV series reflect a life and times we are losing, holding sweet memories – things like Dad’s Army, Till Death Us Do Part, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Father Ted, Are You Being Served, ‘Allo ‘Allo, Black Books, Fawly Towers, Yes Minister, Blackadder, and so many more. Most couldn’t be made now due to wokeness and some are even being deplatformed. And that’s without looking at Australian-made serials of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s; so much there too is lost to incoming generations.

The way of things I guess. Each decade, each century, has its own imprint.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 21, 2022 11:26 am

Numbers could never accept two things

Zulu, there is a third.
Mater’s forensic evisceration of Numbers’ claims.
Now that was worth the price of admission to The Cat.

March 21, 2022 11:27 am

It seemed a pretty silly and essentially British show about petty social aspirations in a certain type of lower-middle class woman.

Hyacinth is not amused!

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x