Leaders too Dumb to Think Deeply

Do you recall years back when Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s and Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro’s days were numbered? They should be well gone by now according to the luminaries that run or influence the western world. Since Russia’ invasion of Ukraine began, we have heard from numbers of quarters that Putin has already lost; that he must fail, according to Boris Johnson. Take it all with a pinch of salt.

This messaging is from the same broad ilk of people who got America and its allies into a quagmire in Iraq; who oversaw the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in the face of the triumphant Taliban, after twenty years of spending blood and treasure for absolutely no end product.

You might think a different set of people orchestrated the grotesque response to the pandemic; locked down healthy people and children; ruined small businesses; prevented sons and daughters from seeing their dying parents; enforced useless estranging masks on children; denied sick and infirm people the opportunity to seek medical examinations and treatments; and who currently are cajoling the parents of two-year-olds to have their infants experimentally dosed against a disease, which, for them, carries no risk. Same broad set.

How about the empty-heads who seriously think that modern industrial economies, requiring reliable and affordable 24×7 power, can be reconstructed to emit net-zero carbon dioxide by 2050? Who believe in yet-undiscovered technologies that will bring the mirage into reality and who, in the meantime, are demolishing coal-power plants and replacing them (apropos Eraring) with big batteries, virtual power plants and renewable power? Same broad set.

In England we used to refer to chinless wonders running and ruining the world. Who’s ruining the world these days? I don’t rightly know, but they’re everywhere in positions of power and influence within the western world. They suffer from wokeness, that’s for certain. Wokeness tries to supplant the real world with a caricature. E.g., men in frocks are women. But that’s not all. They seem to operate on the surface, neither wanting nor having the nous to trace all of the incidental, consequential and downstream effects of their policies. Effects that French political economist Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) called “that which is not seen.” (My take on Bastiat.) How little influence he’s had.

Back in April 2020, the London School of Economics released an occasional paper titled, “When to Release the Lockdown: A wellbeing framework for analysing cost and benefits.” One of the authors commented resignedly, “what they [the UK Government] are really on about are the number of [Covid] deaths and number of cases. They do not take account of the wider reality of this lockdown on wellbeing.” Says it all.

Boris Johnson has boasted that no country has imposed more sanctions on Russia and the oligarchs. No one asks him, what is the end game? Is it to force Russia to retreat? When you think about it, maybe Russia’s best chance now of having the sanctions removed is to win the war and use the independence of Ukraine as a bargaining chip.

Suppose it ends with a recognition of Crimea as part of Russian territory, with the territories of Luhansk and Donetsk recognised as independent (and effectively under Russia’s control), with an agreement that Ukraine will not be part of the NATO or the EU, and will not entertain NATO forces exercising on its territory? Throw in a relaxation of sanctions as part of the peace deal.

Who’s won? Seems like Putin but, apparently, Putin can’t be allowed to win. What does that mean for Ukrainian men, women and children?

What is the end game for Biden, Johnson, the EU, Morrison, et al, in imposing sanctions on Russia and supplying weapons to Ukraine? In calling Putin a thug and a war criminal, even if true? Are they primarily in the business of punishing Russia or saving Ukrainian lives and preserving as much as possible of Ukraine’s territory, freedom and independence? How many Ukrainian lives is it worth for Boris and Biden to go on talking tough?

We are being led by dolts wherever we turn; climate, Covid, war. Perhaps history says that it was ever thus. Nevertheless, I can’t help feeling things have gotten worse over the past few decades.

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 20, 2022 5:28 pm

Do you recall years back when Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s and Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro’s days were numbered? They should be well gone by now according to the luminaries that run or influence the western world. Since Russia’ invasion of Ukraine began, we have heard from numbers of quarters that Putin has already lost; that he must fail, according to Boris Johnson.

We are being led by dolts wherever we turn

Yep. All of them.

Democracy has a useful aspect, which is that dolts can usually be removed from office without violence. Boris will be gone not too far in the future. And his greenie wife. Which isn’t to say his replacement will be any better, since the Tory party is as far gone as our own Libs.

But Maduro, Assad and Putin are what happen when you don’t have democracy. They cannot be removed without violence. So they are taking their countries with them into abject misery, squalor and death. I am sad for the ordinary people who must endure this.

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2022 5:35 pm

“But Maduro, Assad and Putin are what happen when you don’t have democracy. They cannot be removed without violence. So they are taking their countries with them into abject misery, squalor and death. I am sad for the ordinary people who must endure this.”

So Bruce, you’d prefer it if ISIS was running Syria?

March 20, 2022 5:40 pm

First ‘to’ should be ‘too’.

What is the end game for Biden, Johnson, the EU, Morrison, et al, in imposing sanctions on Russia and supplying weapons to Ukraine?

It’s not the end game they have in mind, but it will drive Russia from engagement with the West into China’s orbit.

To borrow from George Kennan – who knew a thing ot two about Russia, unlike our present “leaders” – talking about the expansion of NATO, it is “a strategic blunder of epic proportions.”

March 20, 2022 5:47 pm

We are being led by dolts wherever we turn; climate, Covid, war. Perhaps history says that it was ever thus. Nevertheless, I can’t help feeling things have gotten worse over the past few decades.

If the best you can do is “feel that thing have gotten worse” maybe you should start paying attention!
“Things” have deteriorated almost to catastrophe since I was a teenager. The world is being destroyed by a fake climate disaster, China has deliberately infected the world with a test virus and will use a more serious one next time. And last but not least China clearly want to dominate the world and nobody is willing to stop them.

March 20, 2022 5:49 pm

Probably should read, willing or capable of stopping them

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2022 5:59 pm

“but it will drive Russia from engagement with the West into China’s orbit.”


Living the dream
Living the dream
March 20, 2022 6:09 pm

Putin’s first act in leadership was to restore the Soviet national anthem. He is now attempting to enforce his tyranny with a fictitious claim over Ukraine which, patently, Ukrainians reject. Whether he is or is not “successful” he will remain a dubious splitting of hairs. One thing is plain: his attack cannot be condoned. As for a China-Russia alliance, it would seem wise to wait. They had a serious military fight in the 1960s and in the 70s China hosted CIA listening posts to spy on Russia. It may not be a good sign for alliances that China’s Ukrainian ambassador encouraged the Ukrainians to defend themselves and that Lavrov turned back from a flight to Beijing late last week.
One thing is clear, we have lost the economic benefit of uninhibited trade that promoted wealth in nations like Australia these past 25 years. It might yet turn to a rerun of the 1960s.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 20, 2022 6:28 pm

So Bruce, you’d prefer it if ISIS was running Syria?

Baddies vs baddies. I don’t like the Kurds much but they’re the least dirty shirt of those with military strength. I prefer the Yasidis and the Christians, although the latter are becoming very rare.

Syria is getting exactly what its main religion usually produces in such circumstances. My recommendation to the people there is to read the Bible and turn away from Islam. They can do that via MERF’s Arabic or Farsi services.

March 20, 2022 6:33 pm

Remember when Trump came into office and everyone was terrified that he had the Nuclear codes? Later General Milley stated that he’d told his Russian counterpart that he would never have obeyed Trumps call to press the button should the need arise. Trump would have never initiated war, but Putin now knows how weak and disloyal the US leadership truly is. And so do the Chinese.

March 20, 2022 6:44 pm

Putin called the west, “The empire of lies”. I havem’t had any reason to doubt him, and especially over the last two years, plent of reason to believe him. The current tsunami of propaganda is icing on the cake. Around 95% of our fuel is imported. Things are going to get interesting as the Chinese might say. Hopefully this will end the green hysteria at least.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 20, 2022 7:27 pm

We are being led by dolts wherever we turn; climate, Covid, war. Perhaps history says that it was ever thus. Nevertheless, I can’t help feeling things have gotten worse over the past few decades.
Tough assessment, but accurate.

March 20, 2022 7:43 pm

“But Maduro, Assad and Putin are what happen when you don’t have democracy. They cannot be removed without violence. So they are taking their countries with them into abject misery, squalor and death. I am sad for the ordinary people who must endure this.”

Twee nonsense.

Trump was removed by cheating, lying AND violence- remember how he had to taken into the secure section of the White House. The US is no better than Russia now.

Cassie of Sydney
March 20, 2022 7:59 pm

“Twee nonsense.”


As for BoN’s line…

“I prefer the Yasidis and the Christians, although the latter are becoming very rare.”

And why are they “rare”? Oh I know….because ISIS was busy exterminating Yazidis and Christians in Syria, butchering the males and enslaving the females. And who stepped in to neuter ISIS and save the remaining Christians and Yazidis, after the US, the EU and Britain refused to assist?

The Russians.

March 20, 2022 8:16 pm

It is difficult to make sense of the war in Ukraine.
This lecture from 2015 will help clear that up.
“The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis”

John J. Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in Political Science and Co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, assesses the causes of the present Ukraine crisis, the best way to end it, and its consequences for all of the main actors. A key assumption is that in order to come up with the optimum plan for ending the crisis, it is essential to know what caused the crisis. Regarding the all-important question of causes, the key issue is whether Russia or the West bears primary responsibility.


Rob MW
Rob MW
March 20, 2022 8:16 pm

I dunno, looks the world is going to bust into two physical and financial blocs, the Klaus Schwab indoctrinated billionaire corporate marxism Western bloc or, every other unindoctrinated sovereign nation which just happens to be where the the vast majority of the worlds primary, manufacturing and energy production occurs and, also where the vast majority of the worlds consumers live.

I think that everyone knows the Vlad the Impaler is a bad man, however, it should be at least somewhat embarrassing that the Western powers have been and are continuing to fund and provide military hardware and support to a hot bed of Western aligned neo-nazis in Ukraine.

Me thinks that Vlad the Impaler has much the upper hand simply based on the fact that city centric Western elites won’t want to get their collectivized hands dirty growing their own food or actually manufacturing something from nothing, or simply changing their own engine oil. Heaven knows what they’ll do if they have to change a tyre when the wet-ones run out.

Starvation will, in the end, be the equalizer.

March 20, 2022 9:19 pm

Remember when Trump came into office and everyone was terrified that he had the Nuclear codes? Later General Milley stated that he’d told his Russian counterpart that he would never have obeyed Trumps call to press the button should the need arise.

Which would have been followed by Milley’s immediate sacking for refusing a direct order from a duly elected president, and probable court martial.

March 20, 2022 9:59 pm
Louis Litt
Louis Litt
March 20, 2022 10:31 pm

Kara are and Rob MW
To me the question re the Ukraine has become – do you support Putin with upfront war or Clinton/Obama and their sneaky involvement using the locals as bait.
I have come to the conclusion that Putin has been seething since 2014 having his puppet toppled by Obama – who he called an idiot for adapting socialism and wanting to harm his people.

March 20, 2022 10:59 pm

“[P]utin now knows how weak and disloyal the US leadership truly is. And so do the Chinese.”

Given his obvious cognitive decline, I’d be much more inclined to believe that it’s Biden, not Trump, who was the Russian asset.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
March 20, 2022 11:42 pm

Green lobby groups have driven European states, (UK and Germany in particular), into the hands of the Russians, for cheap, (approved) green energy.
At the same time, fracking has been banned throughout Europe.
Biden’s first task on being elected, was to destroy the energy output of the US and in particular, to close down the Keystone pipeline. Fracking was also banned in the US.
Exploration was not banned in the US, just not anywhere there is oil or gas.

Apart from creating a massive dependency on Russian energy, the subsequent rise in petrol prices, (it has doubled since “the big guy” took office), is aimed at driving the car owners, (worldwide, but particularly in the US), toward electric vehicles. The reduction in power output, that will occur as coal and gas are phased out, will mean EV’s become static displays.
Once the renewable joke is upon us, there will not be enough power to charge them, in fact, the Govt will demand, you put them onto the grid, so that the grid will use the stored power in the batteries, ….., but I digress.

At every turn, the major push, is toward dependency on the Govt. The Ukraine invasion will have a major impact on wheat production, which will lead to bread shortages, worldwide.
This is what Biden, Johnson, Morrison, Ardern et al want.
Everything, (but power and food in particular), in short supply. Despite cutting energy production off at the knees, it is not Biden’s fault, …., oh no no, it’s Vlad’s fault, ….., don’t you see?
Those “supply chain problems”, that is nothing to do with [insert local leader here], no, it Vlad’s fault!

I think we can all see where this is going and, it is not a nice place.

Zelensky and Putin are both vile creatures, but minimising casualties, MUST take precedence over teaching Vlad a lesson. I am not confident, that this will occur. “Brave little Ukraine” must proceed to the negotiating table, lest the situation gets far worse.
Vlad cannot allow anything but a Russian victory to be the outcome, or else, ….., he is toast!
He will not lose, nor be shamed into not using weapons, that can bring about that result.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
March 20, 2022 11:52 pm

they’re everywhere in positions of power and influence within the western world. They suffer from wokeness, that’s for certain.

As a small example of the truth of this statement, witness the wokeness during the overnight 6 Nations Rugby match between France and England in Paris.
Ukranian flag flying during the respective national anthems.
“Solidarity with Ukraine” emblazoned on the grass in front of the cameras and prominent during the whole game.
An anti-racism screed read to the crowd and tv audience prior to the game.

Where is World Rugby’s social licence to take sides in an international conflict?

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 6:54 am

“Rufus T Fireflysays:
March 20, 2022 at 11:42 pm”

Well said.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 6:59 am

As I recall the Israelis have been bombing targets in Syria most weeks to try and prevent a bunch of genocidal maniacs from exterminating the Jewish people. The main target is Hezbollah, but they are allied with the Syrian regime, Russia and Iran. Indeed Russia has just been given a contact to build a nuclear plant in Iran.

So I find it interesting that Russians in Syria can be regarded as saviours and anti-semitic genocide enablers simultaneously. As I said baddies vs baddies, as Tony Abbott correctly pointed out.

Syria continues in a state of war with Israel by the way, neither Assad nor his dad ever had any interest in negotiating a peace treaty.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 7:04 am

“Where is World Rugby’s social licence to take sides in an international conflict?”

It doesn’t have one. This is just more politicisation of everything in our culture…never mind the facts because facts are racist, discriminatory, evil and white supremacist. All of this is just constitutes more virtue signalling and cancel culture on steroids. The sacking of the Russian conductor, the cancellation of the Russian opera singer’s contract, the changing of the name by Woolworths from Chicken Kiev to Chicken Kyiv, the purge of Russian books, if you didn’t laugh at the sheer idiocy of this, you’d cry.

Meanwhile we’ll just push Russia further into China’s arms.

Oh and what’s really laughable is that most Ukrainians wouldn’t have ever heard of the game called rugby is.

Cassie of Sydney
March 21, 2022 7:10 am

“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
March 21, 2022 at 6:59 am
As I recall the Israelis have been bombing targets in Syria most weeks to try and prevent a bunch of genocidal maniacs from exterminating the Jewish people. The main target is Hezbollah, but they are allied with the Syrian regime, Russia and Iran. Indeed Russia has just been given a contact to build a nuclear plant in Iran.”

Actually Bruce, Israel is treading a delicate line re. the Ukraine/Russia imbroglio. It hasn’t come out with guns blazing fully supporting Ukraine. Perhaps because, unlike most here in the West, Israel is aware of the nuances involved in the invasion.

As for “Russia has just been given a contact to build a nuclear plant in Iran“…..come back to me when you want to make a comment about how that plant will be financed, because the money has come from the British taxpayer (Britain has just coughed up dosh to release a woman held captive for years) and by the USA and EU, they’re currently in Vienna negotiating a disastrous Iran deal, probably worse than Obama’s dodgy deal, where Iran will be rewarded with billions of dollars to build a nuclear programme.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
March 21, 2022 7:20 am

Rufus what actions has Zelensky done for you to say he is a vile creature – apart from him being a legal student, tv actor and installed by the democrat party.
Cassie this book banning, Was it not in Germany the Germans burnt books by Jewish authors writing on sex changes and ridiculing German society?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 7:42 am

Actually Bruce, Israel is treading a delicate line re. the Ukraine/Russia imbroglio.

Cassie – Yes. Much as I dislike the leftist government* Bennett is doing the correct thing for Israel. There’s plenty of support for either side in Israel especially with many Jewish immigrants moving to Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union let them do so. Consequently there could easily be domestic unrest if not worked carefully. At the same time he also has to manage the rabidly anti-Russian US and EU. Tough job threading the needle.

I like that Bennett is attempting peace mediation. Not very successfully yet, but Israel is a rare neutral party with sufficient power and prestige to get an ear of the protagonists. No one else seems to be trying. India have leaned towards Russia because they need the energy and the EU have been annoying them with green preaching. So in this circumstance traditionally non-aligned India hasn’t made an attempt at mediating as far as I can see.

I’ll underscore that I do not side with either Russia or Ukraine in this as both sides are stinky. The big trouble is now the ethnic Russian and Ukrainian populations in Ukraine hate each other incandescently, yet I can’t see a clear path to a partition like India/Pakistan did (which itself was very bloody at the time.)

* Bennett and his small party is technically righty but the overall coalition is essentially a leftist one.

Living the dream
Living the dream
March 21, 2022 8:16 am

Cassie, etc: when Putin invades for no apparent reason, destroying towns and killing citizens, what are people supposed to do? As for the “pushing Russia into China’s arms”, you really do have to be kidding! China and Russia have been absolutely plain about their desire to undermine Western values and impose their version of influence. Putin is clearly seeking to restore the Soviet Union – much as Xi has the task of sustaining communist control in China.
Your persistent running of Putin lines is disgusting.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 21, 2022 8:59 am

Louis Littsays:
March 21, 2022 at 7:20 am
Rufus what actions has Zelensky done for you to say he is a vile creature – apart from him being a legal student, tv actor and installed by the democrat party.
Cassie this book banning, Was it not in Germany the Germans burnt books by Jewish authors writing on sex changes and ridiculing German society?

Good morning Graeme.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
March 21, 2022 10:05 am

I, like others are still waiting for the explanation for why Zelensky is being vilified. I cannot find anything concrete on line after searching a multitude of websites. One wonders if there is antisemitism at work as he is Jewish. Anyone with accurate information please.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 21, 2022 10:23 am

Dave, he’s a bit of an autocrat. Seems to be in the water in that part of the world.

Ukraine: Zelensky Uses Martial Law to Ban Main Opposition Party In Crackdown on ‘Division’ (20 Mar)

The Opposition Platform — For Life, Left Opposition, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists, Union of Left Forces, Party of Shariy, Opposition Bloc, Ours, State, and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc have all been banned by decree amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine for at least “the period of the martial law.”

The current government previously put Platform for Life party leader Viktor Medvedchuk under house arrest in May 2021 over accusations that he committed high treason, with authorities alleging the opposition leader had been handing over military secrets to Russia.

Zelensky also banned three news channels associated with Medvedchuk and reportedly targeted his family and colleagues.

“With the help of legal instruments, Medvedchuk was deprived of the opportunity to use the media and state property to openly attack the country and cause ruinous damage to state security,” Zelensky said by way of justification for his actions.

Putin has been doing the same thing whenever he can get away with it, of course, as Mr Navalny could tell you. The Duma is pretty much a Putin fan club these days. At least Zelenskyy hasn’t been poisoning his political rivals. That’s sensible since he’s already got enough enemies trying to do him in without adding to the list.

John Sheldrick
March 21, 2022 2:35 pm

As was said a few years ago now. Be alert as your Country needs more lerts………………………

Rob MW
Rob MW
March 21, 2022 7:21 pm

Living the dreamsays:
March 21, 2022 at 8:16 am

“China and Russia have been absolutely plain about their desire to undermine Western values…..”

There is just so many current ‘Western values’ that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to undermine a good many of the more topical ones, like testicles dominating women’s sports (enjoying the family unit mate), or perhaps, freezing bank accounts in the absence of due process or insolvency, or perhaps little Western values like coercing medical procedures on individuals to save one’s job, or the most enjoyable Western value of sharing an umbrella with Klaus Schwab, but probably the best Western value is the ability to be able to do saturation lying without even the smallest hint of a smile.

Don’t you just love free speech without an approved narrative ? But go on; name those precious debauched Western values that you speak of.

As a pissed off Westerner, I wait.

March 22, 2022 8:01 am

Which would have been followed by Milley’s immediate sacking for refusing a direct order from a duly elected president, and probable court martial.

That would be too little, too late, I’m afraid.

March 22, 2022 12:07 pm

“That would be too little, too late, I’m afraid.”

And also not entirely “bullet proof” – officers are expected to refuse “illegal” orders (like “Kill all the PoW’s”).
But in Milley’s case, his position is a bit “funny” – he is not, in theory at least, in the chain of command, although there is evidence that he “inserted” himself in it. That seems prima facie evidence of political interference if you ask me.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x