Those pesky public servants! https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/victorian-deputy-premier-ben-carroll-axes-plan-to-put-highrisk-teen-criminals-in-public-schools-while-blaming-state-bureaucrats/news-story/32548f85b6bf6e3c575f9c523563f37c
And how many 37 year old accusations/cases succeed? Would it be one in 50,000?
How many cases are brought to or near court in Australia each year? Would it be 50,000 large or small and don’t even reach an open hearing, but settled?
That’s a bit rude, Winston.
I personally suspect that ducks to not appreciate being flung.
I do know that also have a very inflexible and aggressively interpreted consideration of ‘personal space,’ which is always ‘large.’
And the buggers have nerves of steel. There is no bird alive, that plays the game of Chicken as well as a duck…
Whoops left out
And how many of these cases are about event from 30 plus years ago?
I shall attempt to clear up the “immune suppression” thing.
Briefly read about back in the early days of the coof.
In general it is possible for a vaccine or severe illness to effectively (usually temporarily) deplete a bodies ability to fight a different infection.
Its been know about for a long time before covid and is not a controversial thing.
Measles for example..
MV infection produces an immune system paradox. MV infection, while inducing lifelong immunity, also suppresses the immune system leading to an increase in susceptibility to other, secondary infections
In effect the body appears to either focus too much on one virus at the expense of ‘normal” immunity or actually exhausts itself.
So yes, it *could* be possible repeated immunizations are having this effect, but there would want to be a shitload of evidence proving it.
Then again, its also just as possible a bad dose of any viral infection could (particularly in the elderly) cause the same effect.
Calli – Technically the answer appears to be yes.
But it is very mild, limited to only some of the lymphocyte varieties, is temporary and should go away after people stop having boosters. Speaking of which:
Health Minister Greg Hunt says ATAGI advice on fourth COVID-19 vaccine for older Australians will be revealed soon (Sky News, 24 Mar)
Sigh. Just stop. The good news is Hunt won’t be in government soon. The bad news is his replacement almost certainly will be worse.
Oh and the pharm boys are all excitedly switching to mRNA for flu vaccines, which means I’m not going to get it from now on.
No Longer Worthwhile To Live In America – Interview With Gonzalo Lira
May 24, 2014
According to Gonzalo Lira, “the U.S. Government views its citizens as a threat that must dominated, controlled and crushed”. The http://DRescapes.com team interviews Gonzalo Lira, the outspoken novelist, filmmaker, venture capitalist and economic commentator about the state of the collapse of the economy and wisdom of expatriation to another country. This is the first part of a three part interview* and it is packed full of common sense guidance for Americans facing a steady degradation of the quality of life in the United States. Barry and Gonzalo discuss frankly the advantages of life overseas and the realities that different families will have different needs and preferences.
In summary, Gonzalo shares with us that “the government is hell bent on squeezing every last cent out of you for the benefit of the ultra wealthy oligarchs”.
[* Parts 2 & 3 have been removed by YouTube]
What does “talk about it” actually mean? Did she go to the coppers with the accusation? If not, why not?
Annual boosters “just like the flu shot” was mentioned by an “expert” on ABC radio news today.
That’s how the varicella virus gets a second run as shingles in older folks, right?
It’s been a little while since I was last in the immunology textbooks.
Some people already have had their fourth jab and are now getting their fifth.
A few months ago I was listening to a talk back radio program where a doctor would take calls from the listeners about their medical issues. One bloke rang in to ask about getting his fifth jab.
He said that he had taken two AZ jabs in Australia, then spent some time in South Africa on work related matters, where he had taken another two Pfizer jabs. He was now back in Australia and he thought he was due for another jab and wanted the doctor’s advice on which brand he should try.
There was a stunned silence from the doctor for a brief period, he was probably surprised that someone had already taken four jabs and was still alive, before he replied in his best doctorly voice that all brands were equally wonderful and efficacious and the caller should just follow his GP’s advice.
She did. And from memory she also had witnesses to that fact.
” Houston has now resigned from the church because of claims involving sex, drugs, and alcohol.”
Given how Scumbag has form with prejudicing trials….
1. Remember how he prejudiced Pell’s trial in 2018 with the apology in parliament?
2. Remember how he prejudiced our SAS soldiers claiming that the report was “disturbing and distressing”?
3. And remember how only last month he disgracefully prejudiced the trial of the Higgins’ accused by apologising in parliament to Higgins?
I look forward to hearing Scumbag do the same with Houston. Oh wait.
JC, nothing to the coppers till years later.
Kathy Sheriff accused Bill Shorten of raping her at a Portarlington Young Labor conference in 1986 when she was 15 and Shorten was 20. She made a complaint to the police in 2013. The claim was reported as being investigated but no charges were laid.
Lady here does an ‘Analysis” of sherifs statement, handy if you want to read the statement without taking notice of her interpretations.
Im all for people getting what they deserve, but accusations decades old are awful things unless there is other solid evidence.
Indeed – You will now purchase your immunity annually .. just like any other ‘antivirus software’
I understood that she did but it was back in the day when this kind of accusation got short shrift as ‘he said, she said’. And then she tried again 8years ago when the Labor supporting police force barely looked at it because Big Name Labor Personage was then Leader of the Opposition and on track for him and his missus to change the decor at the Lodge.
So much for Tyrant Dan’s statement in the #metoo days of ‘We believe you.’
He forgot to add…”Only if you are of the right political persuasion.”
Video-prank with UK Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace (Full Video)
She did. And from memory she also had witnesses to that fact.
As best I understand it, those witnesses’ evidence would be admissible only for the very limited purpose of showing that the story wasn’t recently concocted. It’s inadmissible as hearsay on the actual question of whether Peanut Head did rape Kathy.
Biden Gives Back to Goldman Sachs- a Major Donor- by Allowing War Profiteering
I am curious as to what the plan is for those who still refuse once the screws tighten further?
Also, will this bioscan QR code crap be tied to our ability to have a drivers licence or any other form on anything?
And the last sentence suggests this is going nowhere. Can make a suggestion about something that’s nagging me about this thing? I’m not suggesting it’s right, it appears to me it may also be a bit of a scam as the donation tin is out.
Has she tried to sell the case to lawyers who deal in cases where there’s no money upfront to cover the fees?
That’s how the varicella virus gets a second run as shingles in older folks, right?
Similar, the immune system takes a dip fighting an infection of some sort and it re-emerges.
Proper depleted immunity is nearly ‘boy in the bubble” stuff, minor infections can bowl you over
How does even make sense, Brucie?
Calli, don’t listen to Brucie. I spoke of a virologist about this approximately a year ago and posted his comments here. The vax does damage a component of DNA, this appears to be true. However, this component never lives for long anyway and is constantly replacing itself. RNA is renewed ever couple of weeks. The two nogginheads, Brucie and Hallward, have no idea WTF they’re talking about. They go to obscure sites, which support their bias and then post it as evidence. Brucie was doing this shit with battery technology and ended up eating shit over his predictions that it battery innovation had reached a wall.
I read at least a year ago that Fauci was desperate trying years ago to make the flu shot mandatory but without success. Obviously, they’ve now moved on to Plan B.
Incidentally, I believe the sheila accusing Tits Shorter.
Geez, I wouldn’t be too quick jumping on the Sheriff bandwagon just yet.
Plenty of anti-Micks (looking at you, rrsrsrs) went long and loud at Pell saying ‘that’s just what he would do because bad’.
As contemptible a trougher and unsavoury specimen as Peanut Head is, to go down that same path automatically because he’s on the other team would be just as bad.
Totally useless since the vaccine gives next to no protection against Omicron and its newer varieties, and even against Delta the antibodies are basically gone after about four months based on the Israeli and Swedish empirical data. Which means another eight months of heightened vulnerability due to the lymphocyte suppression problem. Since Omicron is weak as piss that’s not really an issue. The vaccine side effects certainly are though. Same issue: potential for clots, inflammation and autoimmune problems due to the mRNA plastering blood vessel linings with spike proteins.
Again the problem with the T-lymphocytes is they’re sort of the handymen on the immune system, so they can probably attack an Omicron initial infection as much as a Delta one. But if the Delta booster removes them then you’re going to get Omicron over and over.
Fun that Hillary and Psaki have been reported to’ve tested positive. I think it’s the second time for Psaki. They’d be immunized up to their eyeballs as politically there’s no way could they not be.
Which is I why the shingles vax ads appeared not long after the push began for the covid vax . Just seemed very odd at the time, and still does.
TN, just now:
Yup. Admissible only to the point of proving that conversations occurred, not as to the truth of the content of those conversations.
Bruce O’Newk:
I used to get the flu vaccine thingy every year, but now I’ve lost confidence/trust in the manufacturers.
So they can keep ALL their vaccines to themselves.
Also true is that Arky also made it clear publicly that his position is personal & bias.
Meanwhile, others post [not so] cryptic ‘warnings’ to the site owner as well as having bitchy little private email exchanges to try to get the place running how they want it.
BTW, I’m in utter disagreeance with Arky on the Ukraine situation, likewise in trying to direct the site owner, or those bitchy little private email exchanges would not have been left to cool.
“but accusations decades old are awful things unless there is other solid evidence.”
Agree, whilst I can’t go into much detail, I was recently contacted by NSW police about an accusation made by a woman I know against a man I know. This woman now accuses the man of raping her in 2008. She gave the police my name thinking I would back her up. I told the police the truth, that she’d never mentioned the word “rape” until late 2020 (the woman has psychological issues). I remember the relationship very well and the police asked me many questions. I have a long memory which is both a gift and a curse. I basically told the police that her accusation about being raped in 2008 was nonsense. I told the police that if she had said to me back in 2008 that she’d been raped I would have told her to go to the police BUT SHE NEVER DID BECAUSE IT DID NOT HAPPEN. It was only in 2020 that she used the word “rape”. I know what emboldened her, it’s the whole Metoo bullshit and the Porter and Higgins sagas of last year.
One thing is for sure, I am not going to stand back and allow a man’s life to be ruined based on lies.
Do they test for the variant when you get a positive result for covid?
Yeah, as I was saying –
Dick Ed
Convenient time for Sherriff to come forward again, what, 8 years later?
Any more convenient than the “Mean Girrlz” coming up with the deceased complainant in the Porter case? What? Twenty or so years later?
That was mentioned, but it is expected a “broad spectrum” vaccine will be developed.
Check your email.
Bloody hell Cassie.
You’d make a shithouse politican with attitudes like that.
I 100% believe you Winston. I believed you when you told us you were covid vaccinated even though you claim to be a nurse and you also claim you’ve had a heart transplant. I believe you now too.
Err, is this thing on?
Interesting, just had a comment on tonight’s Schlockeroos match vanish into the ether.
weren’t covid vaccinated.
Yeah, it always surfaces again at the worst time for PeanutHead.
Is Smith a stooge for Albanese?
Grate news everyone – St Ruth appears to have scored himself a temporary gig belting out the tune (if it could be dignified with such a term) for the latest UAP ads.
Plasmamortar et al:
I will not be surprised to see that happen. I would also not be surprised to see benefit limitations coming. It’s the sort of people our politicians are.
I also don’t remember seeing the threat/promise to make permanent the State of Emergency, giving government control over us similar to every dictator in history.
But here we are!
I’m not having a big go at you, it’s just a tiny little one. So please don’t run back to the spouse bawling and telling her I’ve been a real meanie to you today. You know why, right?
I’m all for disagreeance.
Should be more of it.
On a lighter note, I came across the latest session from our beloved federal government on the Ukraine Crisis
One in Brisbane last week [reported in The Australian] was a 26 year old murder, a bloke now 61 got Life for murdering a Construction Worker in 1996.
No other details, so 99% likely to be Poofters.
Which is I why the shingles vax ads appeared not long after the push began for the covid vax . Just seemed very odd at the time, and still does.
Sure does. Just like the ads on buses in the UK trying to normalise kids having strokes and heart attacks.
Hard to reconcile by coincidence. If it isn’t coincidence something very evil is going on.
That’s great, Rabz. How does it go?
Gonna recommend you to the Spirit in the sky,
If you had two jabs ’cause now you’re gonna die.
Unless you skipped them just like me,
Then it’s time to vote 1 for UAP!
Mr Ed
Yes, these cases get reported because they are so rare. We don’t hear of every say individual rape or murder case through the press, but we do when they’re 37 years old because they’re so rare.
Explain how. What is missing in the Novavax vaccine which means it CAN’T work on Omicron.
Are you sure you haven’t conflated a lack of evidence with evidence of inefficacy?
The point is that whilst Novavax is safe and effective, it is not necessary (none of them are).* AZ is effective but less safe and has dubious ethics. mRNA has a lot of problems; look at the consent form you sign.
* 1. At least 30% of us have innate immunity. Many more have acquired immunity. 2. COVID has possibly been globally endemic as back as far as March 2019 (in Spain from PCR tests of municipal wastewater). 3. The mortality stats are nonsense without controlling for comorbidities, usually multiple comorbidities.
Yeah, the Ukes are Knouting ethnic Russian men and girls, then PlasticWrapping them to posts and leaving them there until they’re dead.
Arky The Shill reckons he’s seen worse at batchelor parties.
That was mentioned, but it is expected a “broad spectrum” vaccine will be developed.
Which will be great until it forces the development of yet another variant which evades them. 50:50 whether it will be a killer or not. Great.
How Politics Corrupted Science: Dr. Vinay Prasad on COVID
I’m pretty sure that Winston has never claimed to be COVID vaxed. Quite the opposite.
People are obese at record levels too.
If mRNA vaccines are really bad, fatties are particularly vulnerable.
The PCR test couldn’t even tell the difference between Covid and flu and I doubt the Rat test is any better.
Ed Casesays:
March 24, 2022 at 7:46 pm
Certainly Michael Smith would know. He’s been following this for years.
Yeah, it always surfaces again at the worst time for PeanutHead.
Is Smith a stooge for Albanese?
AnAl, the Mean girrlz and Kathy Sherriff are all spooks?
Nice bit of Ukraine history by David Stockman:
Isn’t it a good thing anyway if the vaccines work on Delta but not Omicron?
Crisis averted, can we have our civil liberties back now, please?
One by Kunstler:https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/national-assisted-suicide/
Plotting and scheming on behalf of The Evil.
Most likely.
Dick Ed
No other details, so 99% likely to be Poofters.
Are they like Flamers?
Sorry, B John. I posted incorrectly and offered a correction a few comments down. I should read before I post not after. The doofi said he wasn’t vaxed which is a little strange because he claims to be a pretty nurse and also had a heart transplant. I don’t believe him.
Knuckle Dragger:
I understand that Kathy Sherriff has been pushing the matter for many years. Even to the extent of providing names and addresses of people who vouched for her.
The Police, however were not able to follow up these leads. So there’s a history of refusal to investigate and obfuscate on the behalf of the authorities.
Circumstantial, but I’d like to see the responsible detectives paperwork.
What is wrong with youse people?
We pretty much have a rule with huntsmans.
Smaller than my palm, they stay.
Bigger than that they get relocated.
Never sprayed.
As a purely random example, here’s the UAP cow-candidate for just one Quenthland electorate. From the Cloive site:
Hang on. I thought that people to be entrusted with representing The People (in Queensland, at least) had to have been here for at least a couple of hundred years.
So they would ‘know a little more’. Isn’t that right stix? Remember that one?
Globalist. Probably part of the WEF, sinking the anglo-white-Christian male faction from the inside.
Chloe will be pissed if the curtains for the Lodge get moth holes. And in other news Alborubntug has a smile a mile wide. Loved the cartoon either today or yesterday with him wearing what looked like the blue suit that tits used to wear.
Well, on the one hand you’re shilling for a Labor Government and on the other hand you’re sticking up for Christian Porter 5 times a day.
You do realise that an Albanese Government will hound Porter from day 1 about the identity of the donors to his Fighting Fund and the allegations from 1988?
Novavax Efficacy and Side Effects (US and Mexico Trial Results)
90% efficacy. No myocarditis, no thrombosis, no anaphylaxis, and no ADE. 100% efficacious in blacks, lowest efficacy in Hispanics and Latinos.
Told youse the Nuff-rage was coming.
I just didn’t predict how many ‘essential’ spam-links had to pop up first.
SRR, given you are now consciously responding to posts some 8-9 hours old or more, are you running some kind of bot script that posts your hyperlinked ‘thoughts’ at regular intervals during the day?
And then log in during gaps in transmission?
Please consider what you are categorising as junk.
A PCR test is a specific procedure to replicate genetic sequences so there is enough of it so it can be above the detection limit level. The PCR isn’t the assay itself.
Your cheap mass produced PCR kits are likely dodgy. Just like the RAT tests. (How many people follow the hygiene rules when conducting the test?).
If *PCR tests* “don’t work”, then all forensic DNA evidence, genetic engineering, bacterial & viral transgenic shift tracking, modern plant breeding and congenital disease testing in humans and animals is worthless tripe.
Explain how. What is missing in the Novavax vaccine which means it CAN’T work on Omicron.
Isn’t Novavax a spike protein vaxx? If so, doesn’t it have similar limitations (and, what’s important, likely similar potential detriment to natural immunity) as the other spike protein vaxxes, even if Novavax is safer and at least as effective?
I have zero inside mail on this particular thing, but I would suspect there’s a difference between ‘were not able to follow up’ because there were no witnesses, no forensics and perhaps several versions of an implausible story with different dates and times, and actual ‘refusal to investigate’ after a 27 year old allegation lands on their desks with nothing to support it.
Yes. The Nobel Laurette and the aviator laughingly claim it’s a failure of the vaxs, when it’s possibly a success because the vax may have assisted hastening mutation.
Matt Ridley had an excellent piece in I think the UK Spectator, where he suggested every single respiratory virus in history has ended up mutating into a minor aliment.
Ridley is great. The best science writer around.
Double Bastards.
Kinda redundant categorisation I think, but Extra Bastards with Bastard Sauce nonetheless.
Well, they’re responsible for at least a third of all Murders, that’s what you need to keep in mind, SpongeBob.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
You’re kidding, right?
I saw a UAP advert with musical accompaniment last night.
It was … well … no worse than those blind adverts on 3AW.
(Actually, I’m being kind. It was worse).
The other thing which struck me was the advert was wall-to-wall Fat Cloive.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
“Ridley is great. The best science writer around.”
Yep…he’s superb. He also comes from a very intellectual and interesting family.
I was under the impression that the police investigated, THEN sent the file to the Office of Public Prosecutions, who decided whether or not to prosecute.
It’s a “protein sub-unit” vaccine.
The Hep B vaccine uses the same technology.
Its been in development since Early 2020, meaning the Spike protein it uses must be modelled off a very early variant – probably Alpha, meaning it now obsolete by several generations. Most of its efficacy data relates to Alpha and Beta, none to Gamma, Delta or Omicron.
Email compromised.
Re-code and send via Enigma #7.
NKP lyrics were infinitely better than the real thing.
‘Clive came along and sang a different song’
What private email exchanges?
What evidence do you have of that apart from your own raging paranoia?
Yes, but with respect, that doesn’t answer my questions.
How different – as a macrmolecule is the spike protein from alpha to omicron?
Boambee John:
That’s correct.
If you don’t support Novavax, you’re a white supremacist.
That means you, Greg Hunt & Albert Bourla.
There’s nothing private about quite a lot of people here thinking, you’re an utter loon who should reside in a padded cell. At the very least you would be exhibit A of an example why the internet is terrible for some people, you paranoid fuckhead. You degrade every single blog you’ve approached with your turgid malignant crap
And stop it with the lightening bolts. One of them is going to leave a mark.
I’ve been sitting in a WHS (Work Health Safety) training course the last 3 days surrounded by communists…
The COVID topic came up, each one of them, apart from myself, quite literally quoted the favourite communist lines in regards to people being vaccinated.
1. “It’s for the greater good”
2. “The ends justify the means”
And yes, these people literally said this in those exact words… no variation
I am curious as to what the plan is for those who still refuse once the screws tighten further?
Exit Arsetralia permanently.
Speaking of the mean grrlllls.
this little nugget seems to have been lost in the 2021 covid panic.
Daniel Kenneally (nobody’s son) – a copper who makes false statements.
NSW Police are trying the hush money solution.
Knuckle Dragger:
That’s why I put the paperwork part in. Don’t Detectives have to write all this down in their official notebooks?
“In a Phase 3 study conducted in the USA and Mexico during a period in which multiple variants (Alpha, Beta and Delta) were in circulation, vaccine efficacy against mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 was 90%
In view of these findings, WHO recommends the use of Novavax (NVX-CoV2373) vaccine according to the WHO Prioritization Roadmap, even if currently recognized Variants of Concern (VOC) are present in the country. If new VOCs emerge for which vaccine performance is compromised, these recommendations will be updated accordingly. There are insufficient data still for Omicron.”
The Ridley article appears on face value as facile garbage. Geert van der Bosche has a different view and he’s a vaccine and virus specialist. Ridley is a science writer. Luke warmist too IIRC.
Sadly, Cassie, unless you seek out the defence counsel, that is precisely what might happen.
Plod and the prosecution will now shelve you and keep trawling through contacts until they find a couple who “remember”.
If you appear for the defence saying you were friends but she didn’t mention it until 2020 (the truth) it might balance the “recovered memories”.
Tough thing to do but that is where it might be.
From dah Cat via mh:
“Strip searches are now considered aggravated sexual assaults”
My heartfelt sympathies that you’ve had to endure 3 days of WHS training and to add insult to injury, you were surrounded by unthinking robots who toe the government line.
We have a couple of those types on here too but at least not in person.
Seem to remember the ABC line being ‘of course many victims suffer in silence for years before they are brave enough to come forward.’
Dot – The Omicron spike protein is substantially different in shape from the Delta spike protein. That is well known ever since Omicron turned up. The data showed that two doses of Pfizer gave barely any protection against Omicron, but a third dose seemed to give a fair amount. That was about the time that ATAGI brought forward the booster to about 3 months after the second dose iirc. Weird huh?
The problem is that Delta spike protein derived antibodies don’t seem to bind very well to the Omicron spike protein because of the different shape. There seems to be some binding interaction, which is presumably why having a shed-load of Delta antibodies from three doses does give some protection. Which then degrades in about four months, since they’re the same antibodies that degraded in the Swedish and Israeli studies.
Pfizer has been developing an Omicron specific mRNA vaccine, which I presume produces the Omicron spike protein. So far it hasn’t appeared. Seeing that Omicron is so mild it’s pretty moot.
As to Novavax the advantage of it is it does not cause cells to display spike proteins on their surfaces, which means the clotting, autoimmune and inflammation issues should be a lot less. But it still is the Delta/Alpha spike protein, which we know tends to irreversibly bind to the gp120 receptor on T-cells. Which seems to put them out of action, at least until more are produced from stem cells.
I have much less concern about the potential side effects of Novavax, but since Omicron is roughly on a par with the common cold it seems pretty unnecessary, especially since it could knock out the T-cells that give first response immunity. The spike protein is the problem in this: but unfortunately that is the only real vaccine target for such a virus, since the spikes stick out in all directions like a burr. No surprise then why coronaviruses have not been good vaccine targets hitherto.
My cynical reason for liking Novavax is that if the insane regulators require stupid vax mandates then Novavax is probably the least harmful choice. I don’t think it will be medically effective, just that it’s a lot less likely to be medically harmful. And in getting it you then receive your magic amulet saying you are holy and can work or go on an aeroplane.
I could give links for all of what I cite here, but I have already done so several times and frankly I can’t be bothered doing it again. I’m off to read my book.
So is the guy I quoted directly to you last year suggesting the crap you posted about permanently damaging mRNA was total crap. Again the bias and selectivity is showing. STFU and go beg the blog owner to ban me because I think you’re a stinking piece of fraudulent shit.
“Sadly, Cassie, unless you seek out the defence counsel, that is precisely what might happen.
Plod and the prosecution will now shelve you and keep trawling through contacts until they find a couple who “remember”.
If you appear for the defence saying you were friends but she didn’t mention it until 2020 (the truth) it might balance the “recovered memories”.
Tough thing to do but that is where it might be.”
Indeed Sancho and I’m ready for all of that. Plus I have emails and texts.
The course isn’t over… still 2 days to go next week…
There’s always some truth in the matter.
As such, it trains the immune system to recognise the fragments of the suspect virion, rather than hijacking your cellular machinery to crash produce the a direct analogue spike-protein, crossing its fingers as it hits breaks the glass on your immune system’s Intruder Alarm and hoping for the best…
yes, mh is a leading vaccine expert and virologist in the west world. Incredible guy and likely to be Nobel prize material in the next decade.
I cant quickly pull the Alpha to Omicron variation, but theres 27 spike protein mutations just from Delta to Omicron.
On first principles, given 1) the high % of many populations who are ‘vaccinated’ and 2) the high rates of Omicron nevertheless amongst those so ‘vaccinated’ – it seems clear that each new variant only arises IF it evades the previous vaccines.
…so why does this matter for a protein sub unit vaccine?
Okay, but…
1. It isn’t. It’s a fragment of it.
2. What does “tend to irreversibly” mean at a molecular level?
3. How do you know 2.?
4. Does that mean everyone who ever had any form of COVID, or at least alpha/delta will have immune disease forever?
also had a heart transplant. I don’t believe him.
People who have had transplants need to suppress, not stimulate their immune system, otherwise the transplanted organ can be rejected.
And eventually ( in this case) becomes one of the hundred variations of the common cold. In other words it mutates to relative harmlessness.
you’ve had to endure 3 days of WHS training
The course isn’t over… still 2 days to go next week…
Forklift or bag truck training?
True, that.
It just occured to me.
Yes, the accusation against Shorten is 27 years old.
But it was only about 17 years old when the accusation was first raised.
About the same vintage as the Pell accusations when first raised.
The difference was that, with Pell, they put a team of 20 on it, drove around all the dives and boarding houses looking for grifters in search of fame and cash, and even advertised for witnesses in the media.
With Shorten, the file sat at the bottom of the in-tray for years.
HSR (Health & Safety Rep) training.
It’s a numbers requirement for the site I’m on…
There’s a potential upside to making forklift training prohibitively costly.
Unlike cars, they don’t have the same high speed collision risk as a self driving car or truck.
If the courses get too long, firms will get robots and sack the shit eating grin idiots with a ticket who would gladly throw an unlicensed but competent person under a proverbial bus.
B John
I’m not sure the vax is seen to ‘stimulate’ the immune system accept that it introduces something specific to defend against.
Here’s a suggestion transplantees should be getting a 4th dose!
Err…. They still go fast enough to kill you or seriously mess up you day…
Also, they have zero modern safety features that a car has, so a low speed collision will still result in your face being flattened.
I’ll be damned if a get a booster.
It was always bullshit to unseat the Trumpeter.
Here’s a suggestion transplantees should be getting a 4th dose!
Beyond my skill set!
Damn you, autocorrect.
It’s beyond most people here too. However, I recall they were shooting up transplantees in the first batch when the mass jabbing commenced.
Turtlehead claims to work as a nurse and he is transplantee too.
By strange coincidence just bumped into sister of my daughter in law.
Both their families were unvaxxed and both families got Covid recently. All mild.
Mentioned Palmer exemption and she says she and family have one as well. First I heard but you get a 4 month exemption if have had Covid. All legit on the phone.
Their decisions not to get vaxxed nothing to do with me.
The 4 month exemption raises an interesting question about people not taking up the booster. Is it partly due to the many who will have the exemptions.
Having said that it is first I have heard there were such exemption as my impression was they wanted you to get vaxxed even if had Covid. Funny never read an article about the exemptions and suspect many might not be aware can get it.
HSR training is written and owned by SafeWork NSW.
IIRC, you cannot get a full Copy of the training notes.
Furthermore, you cannot even finish the course early – an industrial relations barrister or supreme Court judge could not “ace” it and get an “early mark”!
Having accidentally discovered I’ve been lifting 2.55 and 2.6 tonne wheel assemblies off trucks with a 2.5t forklift, and had rims overbalance and slip off the forks and attempt to flatten whatever’s beneath them,* I consider the risks of forklift trucks to be something else again…
* The rim and its supporting rack fell along the length of the tines, so I caught it before it landed on the turntable of the sandblaster I had been trying to lift it out of. A big bang, but no damage done to anything. And valuable lessons learned about Centres of Gravity
All costs [plus lost wages] paid by the Employer.
Someone hadda suck purty hard to score that gig.
Eliminating a virus is tilting-at-windmills folly.
Running a mass vaccination campaign with the full and unstinting application of the State’s monopoly on force, combined with (initially) favourable PR circumstances is much easier by comparison.
A flamer?
not really, nobody wanted the role, including me…
I believe it’s a company/union agreement…
Just have to see how it goes.
All you need to know about forklift safety training, in 9 minutes.
‘calli says:
March 24, 2022 at 1:23 pm
“In August, Australian police said they would “allege in court the man (Houston) knew information relating to the sexual abuse of a young male in the 1970s and failed to bring that information to the attention of police.”
A government inquiry found that Houston became aware of allegations against his preacher father, Frank Houston, in 1999 and allowed him to retire quietly rather than report him to police. His father confessed to the abuse before he died in 2004 at age 82, The Associated Press reported.”
That’s the charge.’
“became aware of allegations”
“knew information relating to”
Didn’t witness.
Didn’t have evidence.
How many cats have “known information” but didn’t go running to Police because they didn’t witness & didn’t have evidence of something “alleged”, not proven?
So O.K., what about those extra evil people who get off on telling people the evils they’ve done; is everyone who doesn’t now go running to police to inform them of what someone’s confessed to, now going to be “guilty of failing to bring that information to the attention of police.”?
BTW, I detest ‘prosperity Christianity’ but not as much as I abhor baby rapists who use their Govt, Court & Police connections to go after & destroy their enemy, the greatest of which is Christianity.
Winston @ 8:24:
Ah, but this is Mongistan, Winston, where, I’m led to believe, official notebooks are not mandatory and cannot be used to recall details sure to their unexistence, even when they are subsequently discovered in an old warehouse.
You’re cute when you suffer self-awareness failure…
There are some really evil kunts in the world. Wifey was telling me earlier that someone is going around seeding dog food with poison and spreading it around the area. According to the council notice , beware as 9 pooches have died.
I’ve been seeing several stories in Israel of polio outbreaks.
Caused it seems by the vaccine leading to symptomless infections.
Which then are passed on to unvaccinated people.
One should make sure a killed-virus vaccine is suitably dead before administering it.
Initial findings: Polio found in Beit Shemesh, Tiberias, Modi’in Illit (17 Mar)
Two additional polio carriers located in Jerusalem (10 Mar)
Child diagnosed with polio may be paralyzed in half his body (7 Mar)
It wasn’t long ago that WHO was hoping that polio could be completely eradicated, and there’d been much angst in Pakistan because of vaccination teams being murdered by jihadis who thought it would stop them siring more jihadis.
But it still is the Delta/Alpha spike protein, which we know tends to irreversibly bind to the gp120 receptor on T-cells. Which seems to put them out of action, at least until more are produced from stem cells.
Bruce, do we know whether that would happen anyway to someone who got Omicron? If it was going to happen from getting Omicron anyway, that wouldn’t be much of a downside to the vaxx, would it?
Ignorance and fear make people do terrible things.
Similar attitudes were encountered in the DRC during the last Ebola outbreak- Once rumours spread that the vaccination effort was really attempts to give everyone Ebola, and the sick and dead were being taken away and experimented on, WHO contact tracers, care teams and vaccinators alike were routinely set upon and bashed. Sick and dead (and all of them infectious) people were forcibly absconded from hospitals back home, where they continued to spread it. Not helped that local custom requires corpses be washed before burial, exposing the washers to contaminated clothing and virus-laden bodily fluids.
The greatest safety video in the world.
Till I make my “ don’t put your fingers where you wouldn’t put your dick” series.
Would they let you actually do something as eminently practical, pragmatic and cost-effective as an in-house safety training programme?
And how would you steal the sausages you’d need to demonstrate the consequences of pinch points, etc. from the caterers?
I was once the one who didn’t step backwards when interested candidates for Health & Safety Rep were asked to step forward.
At least my 5-day course had a reasonably balanced (albeit pro-union) instructor. To add an air of authenticity, he even had enshortened finger tips on one hand. No course notes given, but we did receive a proper copy of the legislation.
“Nobody expects the Ukrainian Inquisition.”
Oh, lets toss in a little Monty Python straw man to hide the sting.
How did you keep it to only one exclamation point?
It’s you who needs to grow up.
Worse, you’ve also now also chosen to join the cats great bullshitters and smear with utter bullshit those you have no argument against.
The various groups of out, loud & proud Ukrainian Nazis have been terrorising Ukrainians who aren’t rabid Russian haters, since before the Wests backing of the demonic Euromaidan slaughters and they were already gathered in the Ukrainian Army about to ‘take back’ the Eastern Territories when Russia stopped them by invading first.
Also, do you remember (as you were around at the time), or even care, why that slime JC thought it clever to insanely twist “USSR” out of “srr”?
It was nothing to do with Putin or Communism.
It was because I reminded people of what G.K. Chesterton said about Russia being destined to save the West from secularism, again, and that I thanked God that Russians didn’t let generations of brutal totalitarianism kill their faith in God.
Only an evil, sick, twisted creep could take that background and torture it the way JC did, and only a weak, gullible fool would let themselves be carried along by it.
March 24, 2022 at 9:31 pm
The greatest safety video in the world.
Till I make my “ don’t put your fingers where you wouldn’t put your dick” series.
Quote I read years ago from a British Army doctor in WW II:
“You men will put your dicks in places where I wouldn’t put the heel of my dirty boot.”
How can it be that there is no high level investigation into the NHS and police covering up the rape of that poor woman by a pervert in her hospital ward.
Imagine the agony of the ward staff having to lie in response to the organisation’s threats.
It recalls the unbelievable behaviour of QLD Health who sanctioned a contract nurse who had been raped in Torres Strait for daring to go public. They sacked her.
Government, fucking Government.
Pell, Icook, Porter –
TN – Yes that’s a fair point. Except the spike proteins are fairly different, so I don’t know if the interaction between the Omicron spike and the gp120 receptor is as strong or as irreversible. I’ve seen no reports on that.
The data which would be pertinent is whatever Pfizer is submitting for their Omicron specific vaccine, but that hasn’t been released yet.
The empirical observations though are that Omicron is very mild. Less damaging than typical flu. So the need for a vaccine is basically zero.
I note that Fat Bastard credits ivermectin and HCQ for saving him from his recent Covid infection. That may be true or untrue but his trolling of the health nazis is great fun.
Clive Palmer trials COVID-19 ‘antiviral drugs that are not approved’ by the TGA (Sky, 24 Mar)
Welp, that confirms it.
SRR’s spam-posting of links by day and night is exactly that. Scripted spam-posting. With the occasional ‘real’ log-in to scream at us in between.
Catch up, SRR. We’ve only been lightly prodding and mocking your raging on behalf of Vlad Bae and his Holy War all Thursday…
Was mandatory reporting of child abuse a thing in 1999?
I have a feeling that there is some expectation from the union rep that we will be his lackeys…
He definitely has the wrong person if he’s expecting that…
SRR, put that cat down before it gets upset and shits on you.
They’re not throwing weapons…
That’s different. I attended the course at the local TAFE. A reasonable cross section of students with a wide variety of relevant stories to chew on. And building certificates being gained across the hallway.
My search says it can’t find a match but it instantly brought to mind –
Hothouse Flowers – The Older We Get
As a child touching age we think that it’s so
That life, love and everything is easy to know
The old, they can’t reach us, their ways are not ours
Though they furrowed our futures, our freedom they bore
The older we get, the farther we see
The more we mean to each other
The more you mean to me
I believe in these people, I believe in this age
Though I hear about torment in lives lonely page
Yet still we walk strong, we’ll remember we’re free
For the truth we are given, for what we believe
The older we get, the farther we see
The more we mean to each other
The more you mean to me, oh
I have searched out the answers to the mysteries, the laws
Though still I find barriers, yet still I would fall
But I still struggle on the truth that I seek
But I must remain strong for the lonely, the weak, the weak, the old
The older we get, the farther we see
The more we mean to each other
The more you mean to me, older we get
The older we get, the farther we see
The more we mean to each other
The more you mean to me
The older we get, the farther we see
The more we mean to each other
The more you mean to me
The older we get, the farther we see
The more we mean to each other
The more you mean to me, yes
I watched both parts, srr, and enjoyed them. Some valuable ideas in there, thank you. Recommended.
They don’t, but the better ones do. The reason is that they will be required, two or three or five or more years down the track when protracted investigations reach court, to a) use those notes to make accurate statements, and b) to refresh their memories when cross-examined by $10K-a-day silks trying to get their clients off the hook.
The reason is not so every Neville Nobody from the internet (me included) can speculate on their content.
Their notes can be shorthand, and do not have to legible to anyone except the author and for those purposes.
These notes are vastly different from notes of meetings and so on by the top rung of Plod as NKP mentioned. Those things are written by dunderheads who’ve never locked up a crook and are hidden (as demonstrated by Call Me Simon in Vicco) in case their fibbery is exposed in Royal Commissions.
I credit Panadol with saving me.
Much cheaper – although I’m not running for the Senate and beyond on alternative therapies.
It was in SA.
A lady colleague of mine at FSH once got manipulated by our boss into going on one of those ‘Your Rights At Work’ courses run by the HSUWA.
After about half an hour of advocacy procedure training, the course spent the rest of the day advertising the woke causes du jour- The Gay Marriage ‘Yes’ campaign and Hyperfeminist Grrrl Power stuff.
Being a well-meaning and very collegiate individual who thought she might get something useful for all of us out of her day off, she felt gypped.
And every one of us who heard her story felt vicariously gypped also.
Another story of ‘Organised’ Labour in all its ‘glory:’ In 2018 or 19, the Unions in WA were trying to get their members to stand up an Aboriginal Union and sponsor indigenous members into it response to a Federal Government plan to try and encourage more people on the communities to take up Work-For-The-Dole.
Someone, somewhere in the Aboriginal Industry and ACTU unironically thought this was a brilliant idea to ‘protect’ Aboriginal people from ‘exploitation.’ They even had flyers and everything.
That stooge boss of ours brought in a small pile of the pamphlets and tried to sell the idea to us one Toolbox/AM Handover Meeting. I read it, managed to not roll my eyes at its premise (they sound like jaffas on a polished wooden floor) and thought nothing further of it.
They were all binned within a week and never discussed again.
An interesting twitter feed is UkrARMY cats & dogs.
This war is weird.
I haven’t seen a Russian combat pets twitter account yet.
Hands to emergency ship leaving stations.
Or bacon, for that matter.
The first decent nation-on-nation war of the Internet Age, and not a single bacon account from either side.
The new job landscape in WA.
I got an email this afternoon offering a nice little earner doing a consulting job at a Pilbara minesite, about four days all up, plus a day reporting to the Perth office.
Despite my known aversion to red dirt and spinifex, my appreciation of filthy lucre overcame the aversion and I replied I was geared up and ready to go.
Reply came back from some HR dweeb wanting to know if I had my Covid booster shot and I wasn’t allowed on site without proof of the vax.
I just sent back an email (CC the big boss who initially asked me on site) not so politely declining to tell him to go and root his boot and withdrawing my agreement to the job.
I may or may not have used words that routinely caused kids used to have their mouths washed out with soap.
Bumped up bloody jobsworths.
For Ukraine, including Galicia and the Donbas
Thunderstorms, including potentially severe wall-slamming ball lightning
For Moscow, Volgograd and the Lower Urals
The same ball lightning, but good and tame
The next warning will be disseminated at 20 minutes prior to Armageddon. For more information go to cathoardingicon.org.nuf
Anyone who thinks Vlad the Invader is the all-new Defender of the Faith and Saviour of the Christian Tradition has got their head up their arse.
Now which one of you morons said that?
Two matches; two wins! Go the Blues!
Nick, if you’re about, just great!
Oh, right.
I think KD solved the “which moron” question while I was typing it.
Back to diets.
Refined flour may be bad for us because of the lack of wheat germ oil.
Octacosonal looks interesting…
Octacosanol is the main component in the mixture policosanol.[3] Octacosanol has been subject to preliminary study for its potential benefit for patients with Parkinson’s disease.[4][5] Studies have also found that octacosanol may inhibit the production of cholesterol.[3] In mice, octacosanol reduces stress and restores stress-affected sleep back to normal.[6]
Again, from wiki:
Wheat germ oil is extracted from the germ of the wheat kernel, which makes up only 2.5% by weight of the kernel[1] Wheat germ oil is particularly high in octacosanol – a 28-carbon long-chain saturated primary alcohol found in a number of different vegetable waxes.[2] Octacosanol has been studied as an exercise- and physical performance-enhancing agent. Very long chain fatty alcohols obtained from plant waxes and beeswax have been reported to lower plasma cholesterol in humans.[3] Wheat germ oil is also very high in vitamin E (255 mg/100g), and has the highest content of vitamin E of any food that has not undergone prior preparation or vitamin fortification.[4]
Laptop real. Diary real.
You think they’ve decided to get rid of that rotting sack of shit in the WH?
Also, Danger Zone!*
* Holy shit! This link is AWESOME!!!1! 😀
Only gene therapy:
KD at 9:56.
Do they write these notes in a diary?
Or a journal?
Don’t you hold back, now, Pedro. You tell us what you really think!
Rex. Several points:
1. Lana Kane is (of course) way hotter than that St.Bernard impersonator Kelly McGillis, then and now;
2. That is, indeed, awesome; and
3. I am right this minute awaiting delivery of my ‘Because I Was Inverted’ T-shirt from the internet. Ideally, it would be delivered by the abovementioned Lana.
Hi I’m Donald Trump. You might remember me from 2016 when I was the all new Defender of the Faith etc etc
rsrsrrs is, of course, the Cheryl Tunt* of this august journal of record.
*Look it up should you need to.
If you’d stopped sneering in denialism, they wouldn’t be a shock.
Been telling you that for ages.
VAIDS. Look it up.
I’m done trying to get the message out.
Vax yourselves to death.
Go hard.
Of course you are …and have been.
As I pick out Notaclue, also trying her hardest to dismiss reality again, I give you this example, (or rather choo choo did, so you can ponder on the mental sickness of denialism.
Things that JS and all of them suffering this delusion, and dot starting to get worried, ..it’s pretty fucking sad.
There is no “shock” if you were paying attention.
Not screaming like children with your fingers in your ears.
Oh, and I did not do that music for UAP.
It would have been much better than that tosh.
I thought you had been booted?
Uh huh. Yeah.
I wonder how long that will stay up for?
Try for two posts here at the blog of denial…..
I’d really like to hear the rationale for why the same cops did not handle the Pell allegations in this manner.
Putting the two investigations on a storyboard alongside each other would be a useful tool to use when questioning the Commish as part of a TV special report.
Cheryl does not deserve such a comparison. That’s just mean…
Apart from all that, HELL YEAH to all points raised by your post at 10.17PM.
Define “a lot”. Some might say the same about you.
Any political leader or medical authority praising high Vax rates is really boasting about something acheived by threats to jobs and loss of freedoms.
Let the people make their own medical decisions and the percentage vaxxed would not be nowhere near as high as they are.
You know what statistic they never tell us ? How many have lost their jobs or retired early due to not wishing to comply. Likewise you rarely see deaths mentioned in conjunction with their average age (ie. 80 something) or the 2 + comorbidities.
I was recently shown a text message that did the rounds amongst Qld medical workers. It related to the number of teachers and teachers aides who had responded to the January Union survey about taking the Vax. It said the number was 20,000. No way of knowing if true and many may have subsequently given in. I know a relief teacher who has greatly benefitted from the teacher shortage in some schools. Naturally cost to Government for a relief is more than a regular teacher.
For the Qld Government health workers a figure of 4,000 has been mentioned. Some took early retirement and others being placed in non frontline positions like Telehealth.
Speedbox said “As pointed out endlessly on the Cat, governments should not equate percentage jabbed as equalling support”
Struth; It’d be helpful were you to use actual screen names instead of pet nicknames you bestow.
It is near impossible to know who or sometimes what, you’re referencing.
It’s like sitting listening in a pub when you’re an out-of-towner, what the locals are saying may well be interesting but it falls flat when you’ve no idea of the personalities involved.
Hello, Road-Rager.
Come to disappoint me with your wasting of my welfare contributions on tip-and-run anklebiting dressed up as ‘muh expoxxing of cHoO ChOo NaZi’S deny-lism’ again?
Did they mention what ends they had in mind?
What reality?
The reality that Luc Montagnier died aged 89 on the 8th February 2022 and said nothing at all about boosters and Aids?
You’re a hard habit to break, Rosie.
No you didn’t.
You’re a liar.
You went over and read my post at the furniture shop, where I told you dover has been deleting my posts.
You can’t leave that blog alone.
Neither can KD.
I can’t know for sure I’m going to get through here, or taken down.
So fuck that.
I don’t play that game.
And it seems as long as I am not the one telling you about what you’ve done to yourselves you seem to be more open to the truth.
So best off I leave you alone to start working it out as you’re all doing tonight.
Never let it be said, that I didn’t try to stop you getting jabbed.
My conscience is clear.
My wordy lordy yes.
Pleased to hear it.
Even Plastic Bertrand wouldn’t own that.
Truly awful.
Poor Struth.
Threw a tantrum and ran away because the blog owner once lost patience at his poo-flinging antics, and has never recovered from the trauma.
What a hero, Cats…
So you turned up anyway.
Is there anything you do that isn’t for an audience, Struth?
It’s not an “article”, it’s a bitchy hit piece in the long ago laughable for going politically woke, Lancet, trying to trash yet another guy who isn’t shilling for The Jabbing.
Did anyone else hear an echo? Sounded like a whiny old furniture shop truck driver delivering a load of why am I stuck in in this couch coz my arse is too big for my king gees. No? Must be just me.
If you’ve seen orgasmo you will know the routine.
Nope. Penrose and that ridiculous microtubules entanglement consciousness argument. Einstein embracing socialism.