If he’d bought gold, it would have been <90%
If he’d bought gold, it would have been <90%
Rarely a word said in the media. Why is it when it’s a choice between Communism and Freedom, our media…
Faaaaaark. Don’t get me started on tire shops.
Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…
You need to get out more, Dover.
Has everyone gone to bed?….
They’re old.
Up babysitting grandson.
in Melbourne
Winston you’re in big trouble. No gays, trans, disabled in the crew! Off you go then, to the airlock.
Weird site:
Darn it I just flew my F4-E into an enemy fortification so I won’t be a pilot on the mission to Mars.
There is such a thing as too low, John. H.
What’s yer poison? 😉
Hey Rabz.
I said you probably don’t think much of me.
I never said I gave a fuck.
Stick your behavioral advice up your arse.
You don’t do much do you comrade.
Project Wingman. Arcady style fighter game. Not that good, not enough tactical flying just constantly blowing stuff up. Good for what it is but if I wanted fantasy I’d go back to Freespace or try Elite Dangerous. Tempted to load DCS. I think a Russian group created it. Graphics are superb, flight models based on publicly available info, install for free but have to buy various bits and pieces to enjoy it. .
I think that’s quite unreasonable, Struth. In fact, it is both lazy and factually wrong.
After all, in the space of one wordwall today, you raged that taking up driving your beloved trucks again is all too hard and all too tyrannical and not something you feel like doing, while rather paradoxically proclaiming that
You then admitted at the very end of that selfsame wordwall, that you couldn’t destroy all my alleged ‘trolling’ and ‘lunacy.’ That’s a big move from you, Struth, admitting defeat in such a way. 🙂
And I’ve somehow united your august self and some of the most fractious and toxic posters on the Furniture Store in such mutual hatred of me, that Bird doesn’t even rage about perfidious Js anymore. You all get on with each other incredibly well, all of a sudden.
So you see, the assertion, You don’t do much do you comrade, is both lazy and factually wrong.
Got any impotent, schoolyard-level sexual crudity or appeal to marital incompleteness to reply with?
I’ve seen and heard good things about Project Wingman, John. H. A great excuse to scratch an itch. 🙂
The game engine is spectacular, but the cost in aircraft modules is impossible.
A good and relatively very old-school alternative is BMS 4.0, a bottom-to-top revamp and software and visual update of Microprose’s Falcon 4.0.
It isn’t as pretty and is fairly geo-locked to the Korean Peninsula, but the AI and game engine is pretty good and actually has an interactive simulated war carrying on around you. That your actions directly influence. And for the cost of $30 or $40 from Good Old Games.com and signing up to the BMS forums. There is a lot of learning curve and documentation to swallow, but there is nothing else out there like it.
If the DCS folks could provide a campaign engine like that to their system (Any of the eras modelled-40s, 70s, 80s, 90s, present day), they will be the last word in combat flight sims. Just nobody’s done it yet.
nice dress Rex
suits you
Oh that’s right.
Matrix the sycophant likes Struth because too many coherent words is unmanly.
Do you fix your A/C units by headbutting them until the ducting fits?
Hmmm, I have Falcon 4.0 somewhere. The BMS makes it great. Might think about that.
Grim Reapers has fun with DCS, youtube channel. Their naval battle simulations are entertaining. Growling Sidewinder channel is much more technical, with some fighter pilots taking him on.
I think I’ve seen Growling Sidewinder demonstrating energy dogfighting with the DCS Spitfire, following a rabbit trail from a great little video RickW had linked about the P-40 Kittyhawk’s energy retention and combat performance. Summary was that the P-40 was underrated by postwar historians, and was really a quite competitive little aircraft below 10,000ft, even up to the end of the war. And in 1941-2, was right up there with the current marks of 109 and Spitfire.
Here’s an interesting take from David Archibald about the Great Games of various national powers, and how they come back to bite…
‘Til the morn, Cats! 🙂
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Peter Brookes.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Pahtak, Winston.
bespoke says:
April 2, 2022 at 6:07 am
You have a one track mind, always dragging up dirt.
lol! good morning Gabor
Agree with CK’s article 99% . (1. These injections are not ‘vaccines’ as he calls them. 2. I’ve not seen any evidence that these injections actually reduce the risk of severe illness/death.)
George Alexopoulos.
Bob Moran makes a good point.
Gateway Pundit:
According to FOX News reporter Hillary Vaughn, the Biden regime is moving doctors from the Veterans Department to help at the border when the agents are consumed with the half a million illegals ready to storm the open border.
Vaughn also reported that the Biden Administration is in talks to roll out a smartphone app that will do pre-screening before they show up at a port of entry. Vaughn added, “While that may help them get processed faster it will create a backlog on the other side of the border.”
This is all pure insanity. The Biden regime has no idea what they are doing. Or worse yet, they do know what they are doing. They know this will destroy the country. Maybe that is their plan? It’s hard to see it any other way.
My note: it’s easy to just blame politicians for all the things that go wrong. But it’s the complicit and often scheming media who aid and enable them. It’s also the zombie left in all the institutions, from school teachers to school boards and upwards to local government and federal departments, NGOs, non-profits, activists and assorted useful idiots. After half a century of leftism the rot is deep.
Add leftism in the judiciary to the above list. There are certainly a lot of marched through categories.
<a href="https://www.traveller.com.au/leased-planes-to-russian-airlines-largest-theft-in-the-history-of-aviation-set-to-take-place-h22tr3"leased planes to Russian Airlines largest theft in the history of aviation set to take place
capital gains tax to apply to second hand cars
Australian property prices to fall
Thanks for the ‘toons, Tom.
The Ramirez one is a ripper, especially if you are familiar with General William Tecumseh Sherman’s statements about churnalists:
“I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are.”
“If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.”
Seems like a reasonable chap.
“In recent days, some glimmers of optimism have emerged. Ukraine has put forward serious proposals, which is centered around a commitment to permanent neutrality and an agreement not to seek NATO membership, in exchange for security guarantees. Russia has also reportedly eased up on some of its previous demands, including “denazification” — a likely ruse for regime change — and “demilitarization,” a sign that Ukraine’s battlefield successes so far have pushed the Kremlin to possibly reconsider some of its most maximalist demands.”
vox on those plodding negotiations
No one that makes a few extra bucks are safe.
Fringe Offset Opportunity Liasion department.
It’s a bespoke part of government.
In the ‘Capital’ Territory.
building companies going broke consumers left with half built homes
Oy! Gem.
They reckon they are going to make 4.2 billion from cgt on cars.
I wonder if people who make ‘capital’ losses on the sale of second hand cars are going to be able to offset those?
This sounds to me like the tax on punting.
Unless you are a declared, not many in real numbers, ‘professional punter’ the tax office leave you alone. The reason is that most punters about98% are losers.
How is it going to work out with cars? Are you going to get a rebate if your car is sold under the expected price?
Interesting times.
having gone up more than 25% in the last year or so, -5% is a correction. Hardly a fall.
Might be right. Just watch the value of 2nd hand cars climb once Albo bans new ICE car sales.
He might not actually do it, but with Greens controlling the Senate, and his own left-wing agitating for it, it’s not impossible.
They won’t of course collect and CGT on electrics. Their value drops to zero in only 8 years, when the battery needs replacing.
The caper with “offering” the “Bushmaster” vehicles to Ukraine seems a little odd, to me.
The Oz designed vehicle is a “protected” vehicle, NOT an “armoured fighting vehicle”. There IS a difference.
Only having four wheels mean that if one wheel is wrecked, the vehicle is disabled; and thus a “static target” Note how “serious” wheeled armoured vehicles, like the ancient LAV design or the excellent South African Ratel, have eight and six wheels, respectively. They are also REAR engined.
Also, given that our core defence “contractor”, Thales, who make the Bushwhacker, is a totally foreign-owned entity, any benefit that actually accrues to Australia will be in a minor blip on the employment stats.
Australia has long since ceased to be a serious country.
it is now the 2nd of April – you need to stop.
Just re-homed my little baby to a nice young lass in Newcastle. The money you can get for a second hand car is unreal. She was chuffed – she knew she was basically getting a “new” car for an enormous discount.
My new wheels are on order. A six month wait.
Question for those who think about real world economics. If a party imposed a ceiling on interest rates on owner occupied home loans, like in the 80’s what effects would follow. I was one of the lucky ones with a capped rate at the time but was too busy to look around at the results of the policy. If a party were to institute a similar policy now the cap would of course be much lower, maybe 5%? I assume that new loans would be free to follow the market. So what happens next?
I wonder if people who make ‘capital’ losses on the sale of second hand cars are going to be able to offset those?
Good question. Might come in handy down the track.
This guy needs to be put out to pasture.
Fauci: Americans Should Be ‘Prepared for Possibility’ Of More COVID-19 Restrictions (1 Apr)
On second thought, not a pasture. He’d kill all the grass.
Get the gambling losses thing, slightly different as that’s a hobby versus business income tax issue.
Capital gains losses slightly different issue, iirc capital losses are quarantined to offset only against capital gains, not normal income.
To make it clear, the Drive article about CGT on used car sales was an April Fools Day joke.
@ Rosie:
“Motor vehicles have been previously exempt from capital gains tax but Tony Gouger from the Fringe Offset Opportunity Liasion department of the Federal Treasury noted “the responsibility of the Government is to identify every opportunity where Australians are able to turn a profit and clip the ticket on the way through.”
Did anyone else notice the date on the original article?
The truly tragic part is that this exercise will generate another “life imitating art”, event with the usual suspects being “inspired” to “do something about it”.
This will, as ALWAYS, be to the great detriment of the peasantry, as is intended.
It’s like a conspiracy theory.
Give it six months to a year. 😀
Outstanding weekend thread artwork Doverlord, if I may say.
calli, as is often quoted “many a true word is said in jest”.
Yes, Knuckles.
A well executed metaphor for certain aspects of the OT.
The giveaway:
Tomorrow is the Hungarian election. C.L. has put up this link on his superb site…it’s well worth reading. I hope he doesn’t mind if I post it here. The US, the EU and the always sinister George Soros loathe Victor Orban, who happens to be that rare thing, a true conservative leader. Thus they seek to oust him…and in order to do so they’re more than happy to cohort with neo-Nazis and far-left groups. This has been known for a while now in regards to Hungary….the US State Department under the Sniffer is deliberately fomenting the Hungarian opposition to Orban.
Both Orban and the Polish PM have a firm understanding of their neighbourhood, perhaps because both reside in the area and know its complicated history. Both refuse to kowtow to US state department machinations…..be over Russia or social policies that the US is desperate to export…such as queer theory and so on.
I thought the 4.2 billion dollar revenue estimate was pretty amazing.
Though I do notice even my humbler Mazda cx5 is selling for more second-hand than I paid for it new last year.
Alex Antic, Senator for South Australia, explains the horrors of the WEF. In Parliament yesterday.
This is our future and we are powerless to stop them.
Plus it’s good to see some people in the world still has a sense of humour.
My CX3 was 6 years old but only 33k on the clock, mostly racked up when it was new and I was travelling to Sydney weekly. It hardly ticked over in the last two years.
I didn’t want to be thrashing around waiting for a buyer to pay top $, just someone who would enjoy and appreciate it. The Beloved did all the negotiations, but I met her yesterday when she picked up the keys and the baby.
The newie on order is a bit higher in the saddle, mainly because I’ll be transporting my parents here and there and it will be easier for them to get into. I suspect this year will be the one that Dad has to hand in his license.
a small array of this year’s April fools in the UK
Hard to tell these days with the Left now wanting to apply CGT to unrealized paper gains. And I’m serious about the ICE ban, that’s in the green-left canon. The EU is doing it possibly in 2025 just three years away, so are Boris’s wet Tories in 2030 only eight years away. Sure to be ALP policy, although Albo won’t say so until after the election.
Another milestone passed.
12 to 42 months now.
weet bix and baked beans together at last
I mentioned the April Fools Day midday limitation here yesterday.
Didn’t make a scrap of difference. 😀
It certainly explains all those masks in the chamber – every day is AFD in Canbeera.
“Albo” is not going to ban petrol cars, you deranged nimbus.
What drugs are you on?
It’s 100% impossible, you dildo.
The value does not drop to zero as the battery pack can be replaced. Should you really be talking about batteries?
The bolded bit is all they have left and it’s utter bollocks.
Do these idiots ever bother looking a bit further afield than the rocks they exist under?
while protecting against serious illness
The bolded bit …
Definitely easier to get older /infirm people in and out of a higher car, I’ve been doing a bit of squiring myself though I’ve asked for a step ladder to assist getting in and out of someone’s modified hi lux, that’s quite a climb, though great to drive.
Haha, maybe this story has something to do with that.
“Fertilizer Is Out Of Control” – US Farmers Ditch Corn For Soy To Save On Costs (1 Apr)
Corn flakes not on the breakfast menu next year, unless you are rich.
How is it going to be easier?
Unless you are talking about wider doors.
“My note: it’s easy to just blame politicians for all the things that go wrong. But it’s the complicit and often scheming media who aid and enable them. It’s also the zombie left in all the institutions, from school teachers to school boards and upwards to local government and federal departments, NGOs, non-profits, activists and assorted useful idiots. After half a century of leftism the rot is deep.”
Add to that list the now complicit large corporations.
Yet some of us remain convinced it does significantly reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death.
Oh well.
I thought the Ukranians were winning and the dreaded Russkies were in full retreat, so why are they needed? It’s not like the Russians are leaving guerrilla or partisan groups behind.
Regarding very good Chris Kenny article in The Australian below is my rejected post:
One of your best columns. That people are still losing their jobs over not taking an ineffective vaccine multiple times is simply outrageous.
Not one union has stood up and said enough is enough.
This is beyond politics as it affects people on left and right side of politics.
The health “experts” should not be running our lives and the politicians should not be hiding behind them. Only NSW leaders have made an effort to not restrict freedoms.
As most of us know the danger from the virus is overwhelmingly for the elderly with co-morbidities ”
You have to wonder which para did not fit the narrative. Ineffective vaccines?
It is just gaslighting.
People with real jobs can’t fuck around like this. Did they even follow tradition and pull the article at midday?
“Oh we were only joking about that”
*We are not joking about the same with unrealised gains in Victoria*
*Let’s have a medical apartheid police state for two years over a common cold variant*
What you are seeing is literally the same strategy Putin has with churning out real and fake news.
It is abusive and shows that the political establishment think we are chattel.
John Wick would love that artwork, if for no other reason that it would remind him of the bloke in JWIII who made him cut his own finger off.
Probably not.
Even if the vaccines are effective, the cohort of the dead were just so compromised the vaccines likely don’t pass a CBA.
2500 dead from 2.1 mn cases; look at the age profile and comorbidities.
The only vaccine with a high enough efficacy rate to actually engender herd immunity (Novavax) was delayed for approval for almost a year.
Don’t know about wider doors. If the seat is a little lower than “bottom height” the elderly person can reverse, grip the door frame (or the helper’s arms) and sit. Then swivel to get their legs in. Ditto to get out.
My recently sold car was about 100mm too low, which doesn’t sound much until you’re 90.
I’m not yet at the ambulance stage of transport!
12 to 42 months now.
What’s that KD ?
Has anyone here ever sold a car for more than they paid for it?
Having said that, the stupidity and spitefulness of our beloved politicians is infinite.
Satire one day, reality the next.
right…. but economically it becomes prohibitive.
Who’s going to plonk a $20+k battery in a devalued car? It’ll be going straight to the wreckers.
As an example, a 2014/15 Mitsubishi PHEV (hybrid) replacement is of the order of $15k.
P.T. Barnum. was right. Suckers abound.
It’s not the dead dot, it’s the ones that didn’t die.
Australia after two years of semi international isolation isn’t a good example.
Better to look at the before and after in countries where covid was far more prevalent.
Iirc Dr Faustus seems to think vaccines made a difference and I trust his judgement.
I thought that was the mystery crim in the Reacher flick ?
Feel free to go on doing so, in spite of all available evidence.
Reality is a bitch. Good thing we exist in a post truth world.
“immunocompromised patients in the study had persistently high risk of mortality after both first and second dose vaccines.””
possibly why people at high risk even with vaccine and boosters still need to take precautions against getting infected
I agree with rosie in one respect at least. Australia is a lousy example if you’re looking for “excess deaths”.
We are never going to know the truth of it. The waters are too muddied with a host of other factors.
I feel free to do so because of the evidence.
A healing crystals stand has appeared at my local shopping centre in the last few weeks. Seems to do brisk business. The placebo effect is pretty powerful.
I do think on the basis of the data that the vaccines partially protect against serious illness against the Alpha and Delta strains for about 3 months. After that the data shows the degree of protection dives, and goes negative by 8 months (based on the very large Swedish study). Likewise the data shows two doses barely protect against Omicron at all, although a third dose does seem to help. But in view of the potential life threatening side effects, since omicron is on par with the common cold it seems an unnecessary risk to get three shots in order to protect you for three months against a mild disease. On the balance I think I’d buy a crystal instead.
Indeed Megan
Something plausible and my confirmation bias kicked in.
Of which there is none.
Remember when Bezos surrogates said that Trump hacked his phone?
Turns out the spy ware came from a video that MBS personally sent to Bezos’s phone.
The next question is were the Saudi’s acting on behalf of others.
I’m not so sure and comparative costing may mean the net zero.
Maintenance. It’s dirt cheap to run an electric motor vs a petrol engine.
Replacing batteries has been going down in cost since the intro of EVs.
Seems academic now anyhow.
The vast majority of people are vaccinated, those deemed high risk are mostly prepared to get booster shots.
The political issues remain the same.
Other that LDP in Victoria who is advocating for ending state of emergency powers?
a more recent lancet article
Yes in the late 70s.
We are never going to know the truth of it. The waters are too muddied with a host of other factors.
Which is a feature of the process.
Not a bug.
Never has more data been collected.
Never has the data been more kept away from the plebs.
What gets released is deliberately useless.
I’ve mentioned in the past some friends of mine whose Prius’s battery died. They looked at the replacement battery cost, then sold the 8 year old car for $200 and bought a new ICE Hyundai with the battery replacement money instead. The Prius had to be towed away because with a dead battery it was a brick despite the petrol engine in it.
Battery costs are going to skyrocket due to the lag time to get new lithium and cobalt mines going. That’ll last for a long time, or until the green-left is so discredited that EV mandates are overturned. Whereupon the EV market will die in the arse from massive oversupply.
Where did you get the 20k change over cost from. Surely not the incel?
Here, it appears to be half of what you quoted.
Mitsubishi Gallant, can’t remember the year but got more for it than I paid for as new.
We’re at Stage 2 now anyway.
Only people with 3 vaxxes can work at Local Councils.
Woolworths employees must be vaxxed, so must Coles.
I’d say, by the end of the year, no unvaxxed will have a job.
Until all the people who have had one or more ‘vaccines’ die. Dead. As foretold by the Greatest Australian Hero, St. Ruth of Wordwall. It was originally ‘you will all die in 18 to 48 months’, but in the manner of governments and carbon emission targets – the closer the date got, the more it gets pushed back until they finally say ‘I never said that’*.
The first twelve month deadline extension was Thursday, I believe.
*Exhibit A: ‘Death camps all over the country with gas lines to the showers’ became ‘Oh I already dealt with that’ which he hadn’t and now refuses to acknowledge.
looks like scomo has picked an ineligible US citizen to run in NSW
“Fraudulent” would be my preferred term.
See also, “fabricated”.
…and why do I need a booster shot with Novavax given I am not immunocompromised.
Superstition trumps science.
“Just in case”
These people are as rational as gambling addicts.
Hybrids would disguise the effects of battery degradation, since the internal-combustion engine would just kick in more frequently to compensate for the reduced reserve of charge.
I’m not convinced an EV’s battery reserve shall not tail off in capacity over time like my phone and laptop do.
Meanwhile my fleet’s average odometer reading is 195,000 km and still going strong. 🙂
My Prado has perhaps doubled in “value” from the purchase price and non ongoing maintenance costs.
April 2, 2022 at 8:36 am
The newie on order is a bit higher in the saddle, mainly because I’ll be transporting my parents here and there and it will be easier for them to get into
How is it going to be easier?
Unless you are talking about wider doors.
Sorry Calli (and in answer to Gabor)
It’s the getting out that is much easier. Clambering upwards from a low set car is a pain in the spine.
I agree with Murray Walters
Will you just shut up with you deranged bullshit? Every major tech innovation has seen the price of the tech drop – not rise as you’re suggesting due to scaling and competition.
As for resources, the price signal will be enough to entice more exploration are production.
Every fucking thing you ever say is laced with bias. You’re become a untrustworthy idiot.
Must be the crystals.
Good Moaning.
Lets look at our little troll in action.
First it’s quite a word wall of emotion.
Illogical emotion.
“You don’t do much do you comrade”.
You’re here 24/7.
You’re a lazy, bludging unionist on the railways, as per most of them.
Highly paid to do next to nothing on the rare days you indeed have shifts to attend and it’s all process work.
There’s only one railway line.
It’s glorified factory work.
Except factory workers work.
You have embarrassed yourself by boo hooing that you were forced to take the jab or …sniff…”I woulda lost me union job” sniff….while simultaneously claiming there are thousands of jobs up for grabs for the unjabbed.
Knowing nothing about actual transport, as your freight is brought to you, you start dribbling shit about how many truck jobs are going for the unjabbed…which I destroyed.
By the way, before 2020, everyone here would have been able to see through your bullshit and twisted logic, and the defense of the indefensible, showing just how far even an apparent right wing blog has fallen.
There are only a few picking you up on your insane ramblings and trolling.
That’s incredible, and sad.
That’s because even though I’m only doing part time work, I still can’t shoot down the 24/7 barrage of bullshit you post as a do nothing railwanker .
It’s not defeat, because if you were important enough to really respond to all the time I would.
I just poke you to show your illogical emotional fact twisting to everyone else.
It will be a laugh to some, and shocking for others to see how far people can fall to delusion once in denial.
You do yourself enough damage.
Like Frau Notacare, you are a fine example of a disgusting attitude.
And that’s the paragraph that made me decide to respond to this cretin.
Fractious and toxic is not something a fuck knuckle like you gets to describe others as.
A surrender monkey with no excuse, demonising those making a stand as bludgers and welfare recipients……….fractious and toxic much?
To me it’s nothing but traitorous, but that’s for others to decide.
Fractious and toxic hating you….really?
One, it’s not my problem you aren’t universally loved in the way you seem so desperate to be.
You brought that on yourself.
Two, and many here can learn from this next statement, on a truly free blog, a fuckwit like choo choo or an excellent level headed good looking man that women fall for, like me, ….have no right to judge who is and who isn’t able to post on a blog based on the biases of others.
True freedom.
A toxic attitude in the times we find ourselves in, is to dismiss reality, and scoff at those speaking obvious truths.
A little less arrogant ignorance, and a little more research and opening of eyes would be a start in addressing the true toxicity destroying our nation.
True freedom means I don’t judge whether somebody can post on FREEDOM Australia based on what my opinion of them is.
Get this fact and get it hard.
Graeme Bird, SSR, or anyone has a right to speak.
Do you get that, you petty fucking wanker?
I live by my values, a concept for another day…..
You know that old maxim…..I don’t agree with what you are saying but I’ll fight to the death for your right to say it?
I welcome all, including them, and until bird fucks up with antisemitism (which we all know he will) or people incite violence, they can say what they dam well please, about anything.
And more power to them.
Bird makes sense sometimes, but even if he never does, that’ll be only my opinion, and I have no right to silence him and he never will be on a freedom blog…until he goes all Jew hating which is akin to inciting violence on a collective.
Same rules for everyone.
That’s how people learn.
And because it is bulletin board style, little gangs of sneerers can’t hold it hostage, bringing down the whole tone.
I understand what SSR is doing, and I’d personally take a thousand of her type over do nothing surrender monkeys.
Yes she gives you too much credit to you, (in my opinion) and thinks some of you must be on the payroll as trolls, when I just see weak minds lost to denialism, but she’s been more clued in than people like KD, who even yesterday, in a shameful display of ignorant denialism, still scoffed about the WEF, even though everything I’ve been saying for years (and so has SSR) was repeated verbatim on Cory Bernardi last night as fact, and if the MSM are talking about it, yet while KD and others are still scoffing, who are the more useless and toxic pricks?
It’s not an assertion, shitfabrains, it’s an observation….based on the appaerently full time employed jabbed still posting here 24/7
Like Ken Worth,….Road warrior etc St Ruth. dole bludger, etc .
This is truly pathetic statement coming from young two dicks here.
So, apparently, yes.
As one of your first emotion word walls.
1/10……and I can only give that for spelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if you think I was responding to you and only you with this, you’re a bigger moron than I thought.
This conflict has been going on for eight years.
A cease fire agreement now will not be a panacea.
Struth, did you try the crystals?
Boambee John says:
April 2, 2022 at 9:06 am
Thanks BJ, not at that stage yet myself so I didn’t know.
But why though Stuth? He hates Jews and you hate people of Italian heritage so why erase his Jew hating comments? Are you being a boganistic dickhead?
I hope struth is right and all the vaxxed die. I figure it is the only way I will get unbanned at the cafe. At least I will get a seat.
You might get a seat but don’t assume you’ll get service because the staff would be dead.
I’m not convinced an EV’s battery reserve shall not tail off in capacity over time like my phone and laptop do.
Of course it will. Time and cycles. IIRC Tesla reckons 80% capacity is end of life in the car. I think it goes more rapidly after that from looking at battery cycle life curves.
Quote of the day.
It could be a little lonely and likely BYO.
All the vaxxed and the unvaxxed will die.
Sheesh – quit your nitpicking, peoples. There’s two types of “capital gain” in play here – real and nominal.
You buy a car for $20,000 and sell it two years later for $21,000.
Have you made a capital gain if:
You registered it twice ($1,200)
You bought a new set of tyres ($400)
Two years’ insurance ($1,000)
Petrol costs ($600)
Serviced twice ($600)
The costs identified above are conservative, to say the least and zero inflation is assumed. Depreciating assets are no longer my thing, which is why I don’t intend ever buying a car again.
As least the Strat has appreciated significantly in value (well, nominally).
To demonstrate obedience.
Plus, why not?
If you’re cool with Novavax, what’s your beef with a tiny lil’ ol’ Booster?
calli says:
April 2, 2022 at 9:18 am
Shyte, you are telling us now!
and Tim Soutphommasane is showing outbreaks of sane
JC – I hope someone writes down the iced coffee recipe on their deathbed. I think there is chocolate syrup in there but I’m not sure. And I’ll have to buy a Vitamix.
You asked earlier if anyone here has profited from selling a used car. Dude, that’s how used car dealers make a living. 🙂
This GeoThermal Energy looks interesting, would put ICE cars outta production.
Rabz – It’s not what is real or nominal, it’s what the government will tax you on. One guess.
I’m also betting Albo will remove the over 12 months CGT reduction, which was originally brought in to “simplify” inflation CGT calcs. Dividend imputation is another one that will be under threat.
Yes it is
Wh1t about a patent tax Brucie? If they introduce that your tax rate will be the highest in the country. 🙂
ROFL. Flannery’s hot rocks. Good luck with that. Only wave generators have been more useless.
JC – I was aware of that, funnily enough. I was referring to an individual buying a car and then offloading it at a profit* at a later date.
If I’ve made a mistake by assuming this blogue isn’t laden with used car salespeople, then pardon me.
*Real, not nominal
Wadda maka you tink, I’ma no lika da wogs, JC?
I lovea da food and alla dat shit.
I even once had a woga girlfriend who was a fuckin’ a maniac in a bedroom.
Sorry, I shouldn’t have got two dicks all upset talking about such things.
I’m a no hate a you JC.
I think you fuckin a lost a da plot little fella and it isa because a da jab.
It’s a really playing on you.
Don’t worry Nino, there’s plenty more here on this blog in the same boat.
You’re not the only one to spilla da meatballs outa da spaghetti bowl.
That’s how you end up driving a 25yo RAV. The reality is everything you own is going to zero. For most people their house will be the only appreciating asset they will ever own. I did buy a $25 fountain pen in the 80s that was discontinued and sold for hundreds on EBay. It has subsequently been reissued which may have stuffed my plans.
I’ve not seen much posted at the junk yard for anyone to be proud about.
Openly admitting to keep your attack dogs on a leash is not exactly open slather free speech either.
Just another word wall full of unintentional contradictions.
And I’m pretty sure anyone who wants to watch Gonzomakeslira can find him all by themselves by now.
A former neighbour of mine still gets around in his 2006 Prius.
That was just before Christmas.
He says apart from tyres and wiper blades, everything is as he bought it.
He drives like an old woman so I’m not sure if that’s a surprise.
From you, that’s a compliment.
That’s quoting $10,000 for a dinky 24kW replacement battery. Which is great if you’re driving a Nissan Leaf and planning a weekly shopping trip.
Less good if you’re driving a modern mass market EV, like the Ioniq, with a entry level 47kW battery.
The hope for the mass market EV future seems to be the Japanese model: remanufacturing batteries, replacing the dead cells, and bringing the price down with secondhand 2-year-warranty changeover units.
Kind of like buying retreads was once an option for tyres.
I still don t understand your aversion to Jew hating at the furniture factory, when you’re putting out your own version of ethnic hatred your parents taught you 40 years ago.
You should therefore leave Bird alone, you red neck fatmouth.
Lol, bern.
I resemble that!
There will no doubt be significant unintended consequences from removing the cgt discount.
If Elbow really wants to set the cat amongst the pigeons he can remove the grandfathering provisions.
Bruce – the raft of new and higher taxes our imminent labore/greenfilth junta will be falling over themselves to introduce defies the imagination.
Socialism and islam are the two foulest cancers to have blighted humanity in its regrettable, atrocity and idiocy strewn history – and we’ll never be rid of either of them in our lifetimes.
To outdoor pursuits!
Steenkingly humid, but totes whatevs.
Of course it’s a compliment!
Dr F
I have faith my point will hold. Batteries will get both better and cheaper as there is a ton on money being thrown at the sector.
Just ignore the two luddites here.. Hallward and the Incel. They’ve been massively wrong for the last five odd years. They go by the stage names of Wrong and Wronger , which is a play on Dumb and Dumber.
Stop carrying on JC.
It doesn’t work on this blog.
It’s filled with silly old pricks like you.
People who were around when the piss could be taken out of each other.
Pretending to be all butt hurt doesn’t cut it here.
People dey know, ‘owa it a used to a be……..we pulls a da piss outa you, you pulla da piss outa us.
Leave your 2022 bullshit at the gate, victimhood and claiming hate speech as the denialists turn ever more left wing in defense of their actions, …..it will be pointed out.
And I’ll always esculate.
Stop the mind reading.
My point is that it’s very hurtful for bird to be pushing him off the site for the eggsact same transgressions as yours.
And no, it doesn’t upset me in the least. It’s says more about you, you fatmouth redneck than it does me. Now fuck off as I’m done with you.
Half your luck, KD. Was hoping to get some gardening* and a run in this morning, but it’s looking highly unlikely (again).
*Hacking, slashing, pruning and mowing while restraining myself from going mediaeval on that infernal frangipani …
jesus, I’ve never had a car over 100k
Your link from last night – I only watched for a couple of minutes – it requires approx a 45 min commitment and I don’t know what it is about. If I follow it what do I achieve? Plain English, no rabbit hole stuff please.
Thank you.
On the Kenny article: spot on. Now it needs to be reprinted in every paper and put up on every billboard, everywhere.
Re-reading Samuel P. Huntingdon’s ‘The Clash of Civilisations’ last night when up pops John Mearsheimer, in 1993, predicting a war between Ukraine and Russia over disputed borders.
Huntingdon counters that the divide will fall further west, on a line demarcating western oriented Catholic Ukrainians and Russian oriented Orthodox Ukrainians.
Putin is reportedly widely read, and may be familiar with Huntingdon’s thesis, which echoes his own vision of a Greater Russia spanning Eurasia. But between his idea and the reality of implementing it a long shadow is being cast. It seems likely that Russia, like the US, no longer has the vigour or will to engage in imperial ambitions.
ZK2A, it would help when posting that word wall from the SMH that you make clear it was written by the organisation Ben Roberts-Smith is suing.
The SMH’s “coverage” of the defamation trial’s witness statements amounts to a free-for-all smear of BRS that has gone on for weeks, which may NOT be reflected in the trial outcome.
Like The Age in Melbourne, everything the SMH publishes has a political purpose and, as a result, the Nine Network has forked out hundreds of thousands of dollars in defamation payouts in the past decade because staff at the former Fairfax are utterly irresponsible in publishing vendettas against people they hate.
It is not news — it is political activism.
A serious news organisation would have had the libels spiked (rejected) before they were published.
Frangipani give hope to Perth gardeners. I remember seeing one in an old South Fremantle house that had been fenced off for demolition. It was flowering it’s head off in the middle of a Perth summer without rain for weeks. It probably still is.
Thanks, Gab.
What a shame that only a few senators turned up to hear Antic’s speech.
Apparently this is not a April fools story…
The Hollywood actor Sean Penn has called for a billionaire to come forward and buy two squadrons of F-15 or F-16 aircraft for Ukraine in an unlikely attempt to tip the scales against the Russian invaders in the five-week-old war.
The actor’s plea for somebody to come and spend $300m on “12 aircraft with better tech than Russian MiGs or SU’s” mirrored a request a couple of hours earlier from Ukraine’s air force for US-made fighters.
Although the role of arms middleman may be one to which Penn is not obviously suited, he has been engaged in filming a documentary about Ukraine and its charismatic president, Volodymyr Zelenksiy, for months.
The Oscar-winning star of Milk and Mystic River was in Kyiv on the day the war broke out, pictured in the front row of a press briefing in the capital city, and met a tired-looking president later that day, according to an Instagram story released by Zelenskiy.
As a humble millionaire surrounded by hundreds of other millionaires in Hollyweird he has to appear to the “those rich bastards over there”to pony up.
His apparent net worth. 70 Million dollars.
Cost of one aircraft
F-15: US $28-30 million
F16: F-16A/B: US$14.6 million (1998 dollars), F-16C/D: US$18.8 million (1998 dollars)
tesla are quoting a million miles for their new batteries.
Tesla and the science behind the next-generation, lower-cost, ‘million-mile’ electric-car battery
new tech is coming online with 15 year lifespan.
Battery breakthrough doubles lifespan of electric car batteries
who keeps a car for 15 yrs? don’t answer that.
the commies will just keep cranking up taxes on ICE cars till you can’t afford to drive one.
Good point Tom. Best not to put too much faith in court reporting unless YOU have sat in EVERY day of the trial.
Sorry, my bad.
maybe – but the traditional concept that the larger components (engine, drivetrain) in the car will last for 15-20 years and 200k+ km must be put aside.
I see a large potential for aftermarket battery refurb and replacement. OEM price for a new battery will be prohibitive.
My 20yo , 350k suby is doing very nicely, thank-you.
The peak of ICE tech, imho. Fuel injection and ECU’s perfected, but prior to CANbus and electrickery took over the cockpit and everything else (failure points that can’t be readily fixed).
I have 150 k on one car and ~ 105,000 on the sports. I cannot bring myself to junk them as they’re worth nothing compared to how much I paid for them. It’s that sum that makes me reluctant to replace them. Also, one of them is a 530 wagon and BMW is no longer importing the 5 series wagon. I haven’t found wagon I like.
Increasingly emissions regulations are set by the lowest common denominator (read most Green loon). A number of motorbikes have disappeared from our market because Japanese manufacturers have decided it is uneconomic to re-engineer and re-tool to meet Euro5 standards.
in reality, you only really need about 250k lifespan.
By that point, the rest of the car is falling apart and needs significant work to keep roadworthy.
Suspension is shot (shocks, rubber bushes), plastics are usually falling apart and can’t be replaced, and the typical owner wants the newest, shiniest thing on the block. Your typical owner will not pony up for that. The handy enthusiast (an ever shrinking proportion of the population) may DIY.
Tesla. LOL!
I see a large potential for aftermarket battery refurb and replacement. OEM price for a new battery will be prohibitive.
Good luck with insurance against fire for your car and house after that.
A comment on a gruinaid article… a good one..
The old line on threesomes comes to mind: if I wanted to disappoint two people at once I’d go out to dinner with my parents..
Speaking of Tesla – their new promo will be awesome.
Their factory is very impressive – everything from zinc body dipping to large die-casting to finished interiors under the one roof.
Awesome drone footage, too
“Like The Age in Melbourne, everything the SMH publishes has a political purpose and, as a result, the Nine Network has forked out hundreds of thousands of dollars in defamation payouts in the past decade because staff at the former Fairfax are utterly irresponsible in publishing vendettas against people they hate.
It is not news — it is political activism.”
Correct. And it’s the same at their ABC. Editorial supervision has been chucked out the window because the Maoists/Marxists are running the joints. These activist “journalists” think that…
1. their only role is to attack anyone on the centre, centre-right, right-wing, even using lies. Example – Pell and Porter;
2. they’re above the law. I doubt they’re taught at UTS and other media schools that there are laws re defamation.
These people are so imbued with unchecked Alinskiest progressivism that their arrogance is now out of control. Example – Louse Nilligan.
I knew a bloke who ran a Subaru Brumby with 500K on the clock, original motor.
He’s since passed from this world, but the Brumby might still be going somwhere!
I appreciate a good back of the envelope sanity check (on the predictions of Tesla growth).
A serious news organisation would have had the libels spiked (rejected) before they were published.
Dear me, Tom, move with the times. Consider:
Star reporter hands in copy at a rag that has substituted the ancient wisdom of the back bench for pimply ‘producers’ who, even if sufficiently astute to spot a defo trap, are so far down the editorial food chain that caution will stay their tongues. Who, at the start of their career, wants to acquire a reputation for being troublesome?
Thus does crap written in the ink of bias go straight from reporter’s notebook to the front page.
The editor has a role here, you say.
Yes, indeed. As the Hockey libel trial demonstrated, the editor did indeed have a role. In that case encouraging his underlings to go Hockey even harder.
This seems an abuse of the court and a vile overreach of the law.
The bloke I might add is a turd, but jail??
The owner of a property company has been jailed for 18 months for controlling or coercive behaviour after refusing to grant his wife a religious divorce.
Alan Moher, 57, from Salford, separated from his wife, Caroline, in 2016 after 21 years, with the pair later being granted a divorce in a family court in 2019. But she is unable to remarry in a synagogue without a “get” – a document that formally recognises the end of marriage in the Orthodox Jewish faith.
Southwark crown court heard Moher withheld the document in order to prevent Caroline from remarrying. The prosecutor Anthony Metzer QC told how the defendant offered his then wife £700,000 in the civil divorce with the get or £780,000 without it.
He told the court that, in August 2015, she was “so worn down” by the “psychological and emotional abuse” she had suffered that she attempted to kill herself. Metzer said: “He replied: ‘What colour do you want your gravestone?’”
Judge Martin Beddoe handed Moher an 18-month sentence and ordered him to pay £11,000 in costs after hearing a guilty plea.
Soobies were the original choice for cheap surf hippies. It was rare to pull up to a dirt 4WD car park in the 80s and not see one. Unstoppable.
In assessing real or nominal value of your used car, why isn’t a value ascribed to the value you derived from the two years of use?
Perhaps using the costs of alternative transport?
Looks like Will Smith has given himself the boot.
Maybe there was a bit more to it than just PR.
BTW, this week, on 7 April 2022, is a marvellous anniversary, it will have been two years since an innocent man was released from prison after the High Court overturned his conviction…. 7-0.
This noble and saintly man had the decency to say, upon his release, that he ‘holds no ill will to his accuser’.
I do.
‘Gas for Roubles’: The Economic War the West Never Expected
Alexander Mercouris
Is on my list of no pandering, no excuse that they a broken or they have said unrelated things I agreed with.
They only deserve ridicule and contempt. The end.
Garry Garvel today, Tom. A very fine stab at Disney.
Scrollin’, scrollin’, scrollin’,
Keep that finger scrollin’
Riiiiight byyyy.
Don’t try to understand it,
That word wall isn’t worth it,
Just keep that finger scrollin’,
Riiiiight byyyy.
I’ll leave the Troubador Truckie to identify the relevant tune.
To what?
Every single Valiant I ever owned.
It should’ve been published as one.
I see the junk yard dogs are in a frenzy, again.
I’m a take a da pissa outa you and you claim it’s a da same as anti semitism.
Nothing wrong upstairs with you these days, JC.
Are you getting a booster?
Have you read the CDC report they had to release that showed all the Neurological side effects of the jab.
Seriously, get it checked out.
You’re very nice to people’s face it seems little fella, and yet once on here you’re ten foot tall and bullet proof.
Total fine until you became non compos mentis.
Get yourself checked out.