Strangely enough, Lewis is the more Catholic (or at least Thomistic) of the two on this point.
Strangely enough, Lewis is the more Catholic (or at least Thomistic) of the two on this point.
‘Anglo-Celtic’ (a favourite putdown for multiculturalists, by the way) conceals a very fractious history to say the least. If an…
I’d start by not calling them warriors. They are far from it. They are scalpers earning grift off the backs…
Granted bail?
One can never know enough facts.
My observation calli is that too often chain charity shops overprice because of their changed business models
Several of the charities (Vinnies are the most prolific) now franchise some of their bigger op-shops and. of course, the “new owners” are in business to make a profit ..
I’d tell this woman to her face to stop taking male hormones that might be harming her baby.
And I’d tell her than only women can have babies, so face reality at least till she’s had it.
that not than
The notion that people who are not working, and therefore have less income, live where renting is cheaper, is decidedly a “well, duh” moment.
I suppose that’s inevitable. Especially if the staff are volunteers.
Catherine Deves has said absolutely nothing that is wrong, in my opinion. It is macabre to take functional breasts off young teenaged females just because they have emotional problems about going through puberty. Let nature take its course and let that girl make a decision when she is at least old enough as an adult to do so. Also, offer her a variety of alternative viewpoints and mental health treatments first. Similarly for gender-ideologised young men. Thus, when I see Michael Kroger making soothing noises about ‘reprehensible views’ that Deves has apologised for, I foam at the mouth to see a Liberal who is said to be a conservative condoning ‘the narrative’ of the left. Stand up for her, without walking anything back, please. Don’t let the left set the tone, express all sympathy for ‘confused young people’, but don’t play the game that their confusion is irredemiable except by major unethical medical interventions.
areas where Australians refuse to work
I wonder if these figures take into account those on the rorters? .. with Fairfied/Liverpool area showing 9.3% unemployment I’m guessing this doesn’t take into account that there are, probably, more folk on DSP than the, actual, “dole” ..
In Fairfield the usual question asked when someone sez they are on the “dole” is why aren’t you on the rorters, saves a lot of the hassle” .. LOL!
Bruce, the other question that springs to mind is why those submarines require ammunition resupply now – could just be routine or precautionary, or have they expended live rounds recently?
Several of the charities (Vinnies are the most prolific) now franchise some of their bigger op-shops and. of course, the “new owners” are in business to make a profit ..
Should have added .. that although these op-shops are franchised out they still come under the, relevant, “charity” banner and retain all the “charitable” entitlements .. especially “work-for-the-dole” staffing arrangements …
War of the judges continues.
Federal Judge in Florida Voids US Mask Mandate for Planes, Other Travel (18 Apr)
One guess who appointed the judge.
Yep, you’re spot on.
Gonzalo Lira reported CAPTURED in Kharkov – Inside Russia Report
the escalation isnt slowing
Awesome headline.
Man of the People: Prince Harry Says He’ll ‘Never, Ever, Ever Rest’ Until Inequality Defeated (18 Apr)
I don’t think Harry has quite grasped the concept of “irony”.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson joined ‘Fox & Friends’ by phone to discuss the nationwide crime surge. #FoxNews
The whole ‘transgender’ abomination strikes me as being a perverted version of Winston being forced by O’Brien to concede that 1 plus 1 equals 3. In which intellectual cesspit was this poison dreamt up I wonder? Columbia? Harvard?
The Great Reset: It Begins
Klaus Schwab and the WEF tout their work in saving the world using environmental metrics called ESGs. But if companies that have good scores are actually the worst environmental violators, could it be that what the WEF are really working towards is a social credit scoring system?
Russell Brand
I see the Putin regime is parading captured UK mercenaries for the cameras pleading for prisoner swaps.
I think the jury might be in on the baseness of this little dictator’s war to “liberate” Ukrainians from Nazis and NATO.
Those fighting a rear guard action on this blog need a good hard look at themselves.
The usurping junta in the us is pushing for full on social and economic collapse.
Imagine having that headline-hungry clown — aggrieved as he is by Ruperdink Mudrock’s dumping after News Corp endorsed him in 2007 — in charge of the Australlia-US relationship, especially with Republicans back in power after the 2022 midterms and the 2024 presidential election.
… and with a radical leftard pouve, the Wong chap, as Elbow’s foreign minister. To use the vernacular, it would be an embarrassing comedy from arseholes to breakfast time.
‘Such a Massive Mistake’: Radical Left Freaks After Judge Strikes Down Mask Mandate on Planes
It’s not enough for them to be able to wear masks. The point is to be able to force others to do so.
Donbas cauldron operation has started
Remember not long ago ‘conservatives’ complaining about the “bubble” in universities including Bolt.
All they came up with is quota’s.
Annabel Crapp says:
The rough calculus goes like this: If the PM aligns himself with Deves’ views, he alienates a bunch of people who weren’t voting for him anyway, but strikes a chord among socially conservative voters in other seats he needs to win.
Another commenter here made a similar point recently. Dick Ed immediately jumped in to assure us that the Liberal base is completely opposed to Deves’s views.
Dick Ed seems to hope that the Lieborals have become equivalent to US liberals/”progressives”. They might be on the way there, but not quite yet.
The Omicron Variant Was Created In a Lab, Scientists Say
The notion that people who are not working, and therefore have less income, live where renting is cheaper, is decidedly a “well, duh” moment.
I don’t think the average, non-houso, person understands the rental assessment system in NSW HC which makes NOT working a better option than working ..
Your rent is based on not only your income but the type of income .. gummint benefits are based on 25% of the tenant’s (name on the rental) income and then on a sliding scale for additional occupants/children and regardless of occupant numbers CANNOT exceed the average rent for the area .. now where I am the average rental is assessed at $430 a week so whether you have 1 or 21 occupants the rent will not pass $430 a week .. there was a time when the number of bedrooms and sex breakdown decided how many occupants were allowed per house ( in my case with 3 girls and a boy 4 bedrooms was allocated , as mixed sex sharing wasn’t on for children back then) but, like a lot of stuff, that went by the board because it took some, actual, effort to perform regular checks .. effort is NOT part of the NSW Housing work ethic .. LOL!
The main criteria to stack the property with family members , regardless, of age, is to ensure the name on the rent book is on “benefit” .. Your only gonna get “too much income” problem if the “tenant” has a decent income .. the rest can earn what they like cos they ain’t the “official” name ..
eg: a dozen or so years ago I had neighbour’s with a son that played 1st grade “thugby” and had an income (according to the sports pages around the $250 000 a year rate) who still lived at home. Housing would have been aware cos the media, occasionally, ran puff pieces on his “happy family” environment without them ever being queried by the dept.
The upshot is .. there is NO, real, incentive to work if you live in HC, and are getting by .. all working does is increase your rent and, possibly, a very, very rare ( tho, specific, ethnicity is a safeguard) “too much income” issue …
HIV inserts
Absolute proof: The Gp-120 sequences prove beyond all doubt that “COVID-19” was man-made
Just to put this into perspective I’m going to show you where these inserts are in the actual spike protein molecule (and, of course, in the Pfizer & Moderna “vaccine” spike protein, which is identical in this area of the molecule).
Not a good start to week 2 for Elbow.
Appreciate the first accounts, shatterzzz.
If the Swede’s are worried about their cars being torched, surely a simple solution is to circulate some stickers
“Koran on board”
The problem is she’s apologised and deleted the material, which reveals that she is just another mealy-mouthed politician prepared to sell her values to gain office.
shatterzzz says:
April 19, 2022 at 8:03 am
The Cat at its best, when personal knowledge gives us a greater insight into the social and economic conditions we witness.
Budget economic data doesn’t ever explain the why and the left media don’t want to ask.
Despite Australia’s national unemployment rate being a rosy 4 per cent, some parts of our major cities are doing it much
toughereasier , new data shows.FIFT
How to Survive the Coming Economic Disaster
Jim Rickards is a renowned lawyer, economist and author of Sold Out!: How Broken Supply Chains, Surging Inflation and Political Instability Will Sink the Global Economy, available for pre-order now.
The problem is she’s apologised and deleted the material, which reveals that she is just another mealy-mouthed politician prepared to sell her values to gain office.
Then again, it’s a bit like a barrister making a point that the judge rules as inadmissible and the jury should ignite the point.
I think the voters are savvy enough to know that personal convictions don’t change just because someone tells you to say sorry.
I’d heard about the franchising shatterzzz but couldn’t quite believe it.
Why on earth would you volunteer for a for profit?
Salvos around here regularly open and close shops.
I was neighbours with one when I had shop, manageress used to occasionally complain about sales targets.
I stopped donating to VdeP years ago because they were too woke.
Now they are worse ‘carbon neutral’
Ignite- ignore.
That’s it I’m off to check the lambing ewes.
50mm of rain here.
Even the WEF is predicting this.
Might give those who bang on incessantly here about globalism & Klaus Schwab some pause.
Every time I venture out I see entry level jobs advertised.
Quite possible anyone currently employed in similar entry level work will be struggling to be extremely sympathetic to the plight of the unemployed.
The greens of course want a big bump in job seekers allowance.
Her views may not change, but she’ll never express them.
Thus she would be just another timeserving seatwarmer for the Uniparty.
What’s the use of that?
shatterzzz. Methodology is here: https://www.abs.gov.au/methodologies/labour-force-australia-methodology/mar-2022
Its based on a survey, so already biased.
Yeah that should do it. Albo has been taking lessons from the Paki wicket keeper.
Why on earth would you volunteer for a for profit?
because if your on the dole & getting older & applying for jobs is getting frustrating ‘work-for-the-dole” volunteering over 55 means you don’t have to waste your time looking for non-existent work in exchange for a few hours a week standing around an op-shop doing very little .. plus if you get a doctor’s certificate limiting the number of hours you can stand upright .. it all helps pass the time until retirement .. LOL!
Newspoll is showing similar results to the Resolve poll published over the weekend.
• Both major parties are level pegging each with about a third of the vote.
• Support for the Greens and Indies is on a roll.
• PHON and Fat Bastard Party are pretty much dead in the water – at least in the Lower House.
Most of the commentariat (not the Oz) are happily chattering about a comfortable Labor win on the preferences ‘despite Albo’. Which is lazy bullshit, given the polling reflects a possible national trend, but not seat intentions.
My concern is that most of the Green vote is concentrated in urban electorates – geographically small, large ALP following, and public sector focussed.
For me, we’re looking at a status quo in the Uniparty Lower House result (unpredictable flows from PHON and UAP) – with an increase in Indie and Green seats . Plus another Mos Eisley Cantina in the Senate.
On the numbers, my current P50 is a minority government. Probably Labor, given the Coalition’s skinny margin.
Australia’s fate will likely be decided by whether the prop under the government is a mixed bag of florid nutters, carpet baggers, and single-issuers – or the Greens and fellow travellers like Holmes aCourt creatures, Wilkie and Steggal.
Pray for a meteorite.
China Goes into a COVID Meltdown as All of Shanghai Closes
But their measures are the same as those applauded in the West just a year ago: https://archive.ph/JaczC
Bob Moran’s addendum to an earlier cartoon.
Maybe shatterzzz but I’m thinking of those dear old Catholic ladies who’ve been the backbone of StVdeP since forever.
Escuse me!
Are you a Trusted Blogger?
Sounds like a repeat of the Victorian Legislative Council Dr Faustus.
Maybe shatterzzz but I’m thinking of those dear old Catholic ladies who’ve been the backbone of StVdeP since forever.
The littler ones are still run by the “lols” .. only the big ones are franchised .. and there are a lot more “littlies” than “biggies” .. which is why with Vinnies the franchises are now open Sundays the Vinnies run ones aren’t ….
Cory Bernardi, firing today!
The most outrageous lie that has been pushed in a coordinated manner recently is the ‘COVID vaccines are safe and effective’ mantra.
No truly informed person could make that statement while being honest with themself.
The side-effects are so widespread and dangerous that any other vaccine would have been withdrawn from the market. It’s also becoming evident that, if they work at all, it is for a limited period of time and could actually make people worse off long-term.
So why would so many media outlets be pushing this tripe?
As usual, the answer is found by following the money.
Perfidious Albinosays:
April 19, 2022 at 7:27 am
Maintenance/Change warheads.
Add nukes.*
*Joking about the nukes.
Religion of Peace news.
Taliban Threaten Pakistan With War, Pakistan Bombs Afghanistan (18 Apr)
So after the Pakis paid billions to Talibs fighting the US, which is Pakistan’s ally, now the Talibs are shooting Pakis. They’re like mean girls in the schoolyard, but armed with AK-47s.
Something Light Hearted for the Ladies and the husbands who have been through it
Menopause Rhapsody – Bohemian Rhapsody Parody Song for every Queen
Are all Vinnies shops run by luverlee ladees?
Are you sure?
I dunno Bruce.
These subs go to sea armed anyway, so might have just been a changeover of old weapons for new.
I note the indpependents are already talking about what they’ll “demand” in return for support in the event of a hung parliament.
Farmer Gezsays:
April 19, 2022 at 7:50 am
I see the Putin regime is parading captured UK mercenaries for the cameras pleading for prisoner swaps.
I think the jury might be in on the baseness of this little dictator’s war to “liberate” Ukrainians from Nazis and NATO.
Those fighting a rear guard action on this blog need a good hard look at themselves.
Farmer Gez ,
I tend to be cynic looking at the Deep State FBI, CIA, US Dept of Justice at work against President Trump and their work against the World
There are 2 sides to every story – some articles for you to read and consider
and have a look at some other articles on https://www.sott.net/ and always see what the other side thinks rt.com
Marked with McGowan’s Stamp – Vax Checked.
From The Comments
JS said…
They should give you a number like they did in German controlled areas in 1930s and 1940s.
Yes, I hope this falls through for reasons given below.
Big Nambas, Old Ozzie, spot on.
Any soldier of truth and light should not take a single step backwards, and always decry the fact that “vaccines” are bogus money makers, “mandates” are unconstitutional abuses of our god-given freedom, and the unholy nexus of the two – “vaccine mandates” – are outright corruption, fascism and apartheid. Politicians, elected and otherwise, who have eclipsed their agreed power over us for whatever justification, are literally playing God.
And you can tell that the corruption is leading to the same outcomes which tainted the collectivist shitholes of the 20th century- the destruction of our world financially, socially, and most damningly, intellectually.
BOMBSHELL: Fauci Owns Patent on SARS-CoV-2 gp120 HIV Insertion, Which Destroys the Body’s Cancer-Killing T Cells
Sars-Cov-2 Kills T-Cells, Just Like HIV
It also works like HIV, via LFA-1 T-cell Receptors and gp120
Bombshell seems to be an old fizzer.
caveat from the above gpa120
They’ll have been trained to cooperate with their captors if they think it will improve their situation.
This will encourage the Russians to manipulate them like this.
There’s something to be said for a return to the old “name, rank and serial number” rule of conduct when captured in a normal war situation.
Must read for those who wish to predict Australia’s future.
“Should journos be allowed to write pieces without any quoted sources?
All material here claimed to be on deep background.
Lets them make things up or lazily rely on just one source (Bowen).
Big ethical issues need to be sorted out with this guy.”
Latho replies to Bramo re Elbow
who funds these stories?
Amid food crisis, China launches Great Leap Forward in grain production/Growing food on concrete…
Since the beginning of 2022, China’s anti-corruption efforts have become increasingly fierce in the food system. For example, 27 people have been investigated in the food system within two months in a southern province.
As of March 22, 2022, another major grain-producing province had 47 officials in the food system under investigation. One of the officials is a food reserve official at the provincial level.
Similar investigations are happening in other major grain-production regions including northeast China and Inner Mongolia. The Xi Jinping administration has focused on the food system for the past two years, which is one indication that China is having a serious food shortage.
China Insights
Good on you Jacinta, me too.
oh goodie … today we should do supply chains or inflation
When you’ve lost Mavis – it’s over.
Big Nambas – from AFR
Electricity outages drive up east coast gas priceshttps://www.afr.com/companies/energy/electricity-outages-drive-up-east-coast-gas-prices-20220418-p5ae47
East coast gas prices are surging to the worry of manufacturers, but fresh analysis shows the cause is the shutdown of coal power generation units in the domestic market rather than a pull from soaring international prices.
Prices along the eastern seaboard rose in March to more than $10 a gigajoule and spiked further in early April, accompanied by a big jump in wholesale electricity prices in Queensland and NSW, according to consultancy EnergyQuest.
But an increase in gas exported as LNG to Asia does not appear to be the reason, the firm said, finding that LNG shipments from Gladstone, the only gas export port on the east coast, dipped in March and April despite strong international gas prices.
Indeed, LNG imports into North Asia have slumped as high prices destroy demand and as COVID-19 shutdowns reduce consumption in China. Imports by Japan, China and Korea, some of the world’s biggest consumers of LNG, fell 17.7 per cent in February, the most recent month with comprehensive data for imports, EnergyQuest noted.
Average spot gas prices rose in March in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and Victoria, EnergyQuest noted, with prices reaching north of $11/GJ in some states. Spikes early this month then resulted in prices averaging almost $17.50/GJ in the first half of April in Brisbane, and about $16/GJ in Sydney and Adelaide.
On Saturday, April 16, on a holiday weekend amid reduced industrial demand, gas prices were almost $14/GJ in Brisbane and Sydney, and about $15.50/GJ in Adelaide.
The strong prices are hurting those industrial users of gas on the east coast that rely on the spot market for purchases rather than locking in a contract with a retailer. Some are quietly blaming the increase on power generators curtailing some capacity to drive up wholesale prices for other units, allowing more leeway for gas to be used in electricity generation.
‘There’s no reason for prices to be this high’
Most definitely not. Wife delivered some things locally, placed them where told to, screaming Karen (45yro) berates her so much wife rings head office and complains. Head office most apologetic and says most emphatically it will not happen again. Please give us a second chance. Most Op-Shops they have no idea of value, either far too much or too low. Too much is the biggest problem with stuff sitting there with no turn-over. Run by women with nothing to do.
Albo hits reverse over “Mr Rudd goes to Washington”. Take that Mediscare.
Mr Rudd is not going to Washington?
You have to ask what role Rupert Murdoch had to play in all this.
One can’t help but wonder who is backgrounding the press on Elbow’s, um…behalf.
What’s next…’Albanese open to considering Eddie Obeid for Ambassador to Lebanon’?
Wearing a mask may still give some people a sense of security, but they could breathe more easily if they’d face the facts.
What’s all this?
Winston has a supply chain talking points today?
Mercenaries aren’t lawful combatants.
I have no doubt that one came directly from the Tarin Kowt Scout himself.
Too much?
Perhaps the answer is simple.
High volume/low margin.
they already “liquidated” uk’s Mike Grundy
Camouflage really suited Therese.
And I was so looking forward to kevni on the campaign trail.
He could tag team with Malco.
The Vinnies business model is low cost, to say the least.
Our local one works as follows:-
Merchandise is all donated, with some low cost clothing manufactured for Vinnies (socks etc).
With the exception of one full-time manager, all labour is donated.
I am not sure who owns the premises, but I suspect it is on peppercorn rental.
Turnover is estimated at $10k per week.
Lets Go Brandon Mug , Cat in the Hat Funny Red Hat Trump Jr Coffee Mug
Sums up Hiden Biden in 4 ways
I’m not sure serial war larpers like that aid worker* cossackgundi are trained in anything, other than taking to the getaway sticks when things stop being fun.
*According to his dear old mum.
From what I understand these two were regularly enlisted in the Ukrainian army, which makes them lawful combatants. One is apparently a fairly long term resident with a Ukrainian family.
Back to my point; the British army, in which these two were trained, adjusted its doctrine on the conduct of captured combatants some time back when they were expecting to be fighting in insurgency conflicts rather than “normal” wars, instructing soldiers to cooperate with their captors, up to the point of betraying militarily sensitive information, if they thought it would improve their situation. The Russians may be “baddies” but they’re not the Taliban; that training has now let these men down and given the Russians a propaganda advantage.
Makes a good title for a year one home reader.
And what does vinnies do with the profits?
Joe Biden has a friend who is a 6 foot tall white rabbit.
We’re living in a bad movie.
The Bramston twatter feed linked above contains this stopped clock moment from Julius Sideburn, QC, AO, BBS:
It also seems that Joshi Frydcheckenberger is staring down the barrel of electoral oblivion in Kooyong, a la Abbott/Steggles in Warringah 2019.
Also the Secret Service now has guys who dress in rabbit suits.
At least Jimmy Carter was accosted by a real rabbit.
We know what happened the last time a US president had a contretemps with a rabbit …
After the minimal running costs, it is distributed as vouchers to people needing emergency assistance.
My First Electric Flight
Does the Pipistrel Velis Electro have a place in flight training right now?
apparently after capture
Julian is the quintessential green, rich as croesus, an insatiable appetite for fine dining, luxury possessions and all the trappings of being uppercrust while saving the planet from a climate emergency.
Joe Biden , White Rabbits , Kevin 07 , Men can get pregnant, Women can’t be defined ….we live in a world where reality has been suspended.
That is good to hear sancho.
Under pressure of disendorsement. This is not being mealy-mouthed, but she wants the position to actually do something about women’s sport.
I would like to see Zali Stegall explain how she would have received her sporting medals if she was up against a top male skier who had suddenly discovered his feminine side. Someone should ask her.
He had to be saved by the big white rabbit twice.
What a job: wandering around in a rabbit suit after a demented President to keep him out of trouble.
Russia ‘Grinding Down Ukrainian Resistance’ in Donbass, Mariupol, FT Warns of Stagflation
Alexander Mercouris
Got that 200ha of canola in, finished up just after 3 this morning.
Raining steadily now.
“Josh” is underwhelming, to be sure, but why is it that people in these erstwhile “blue ribbon” Liberal seats are so stupid?
But Morrison has already said that won’t be happening.
Of course, he could be lying.
Is this law or a morale opinion, Dover?
An excellent point, Lizzie.
If only Australia had some actual journalists …
Elon Musk talks Twitter, Tesla and how his brain works — live at TED2022
Lotsa car windows smashed at light festival in Alice last night, no police presence required because indigenous festival. I guess the elders thought they could ensure safety and vandalism would not happen.
I think we have enough evidence that the elders can do stuff all about yoof. I don’t know what the answer is, other than take the free money away, or make people work for it.
Boambee John says:
April 18, 2022 at 11:42 am
What happened to “stand, and if necessary fall”? Was that for others?
That was Struth’s line, not mine.
My question was basically, if you have 3 groups – active resistance, passive resistance, and “collaboration”. So active is protests, etc etc, passive is do you you have to, collaborative is jump in and help. Struth seemed to be in the active resistance, I’m more in the passive resistance.
So OK, it’s a spectrum, not neat little boxes, right?
But when you’re mostly in the “passive” part and someone who comes across as in the “active” part essentially says you are a traitor for not doing enough, for not being “active”, my question is: then why aren’t you MORE active? Not that I think anyone should be, has to be,needs to be etc – you do what you do, I have no claim to decide what your actions should be.
But you see the point I hope – if me doing the “passive” thing is traitorous because it affects others, then why aren’t YOU traitorous for not going “all in”?
Level of degree? In which case, who are you to define what my level of degree should be?
Because violence is wrong? In which case, what of the violence you are claiming that gov is performing on your fellow citizens and why do you not apply the same back to them? Like “physical” invasion, do you shoot back or not? And if you have other concerns, should you be forced or shamed into doing so?
In truth, I think it is more that everyone (me included) thinks their own “level” is appropriate, that those who do more are “fanatics” and those who do less are, umm, “weak”, “traitorous” etc etc. And the reality is that is as it should be – we should decide for ourselves. Which of course includes what goes into our bodies. And we should fight against a mandate for what goes into our bodies. Each as much as we can, to a level that WE, individually, decide is appropriate for US. And if, in the end, we don’t get what we want, then perhaps we should have tried harder, or perhaps we are not in alignment with the majority.
bespoke says:
April 19, 2022 at 10:26 am
Not full bottle on this, but in my opinion they are not lawful combatants.
Adventurers fighting for money or loot or the fun of it.
Kevni is such an absurd character we really should be thanking the Liars for bringing him to a wider audience and not leaving him in Queensland where they are used to such people.
fixed with reality injection
Excellent question, Elizabeth, (Lizzy)
BTW I upticked.
Kevin Rudd employs an “activist” full time to find dirt on the Murdochs
Not obsessed at all
Hopefully WA Liars will thrust Quigley, our local weirdo, onto the Broadway of Canberra.
And there I was thinking kevni was checking the Murdoch headlines all by hisself
That’s my understanding, as well.
There seems to be something of a pattern emerging. Blue ribbon inner city labore seats will increasingly be under pressure from the greenfilth, while “blue ribbon” gliberal seats will be under pressure from “conservative independents”*.
But in answer to your question, Rog – because they can afford to be. The true costs of greenfilth insanity end up being borne by those least able to afford them.
*Who are neither conservative nor independent.
I saw somewhere that they’re inducted into the Ukrainian Territorials, which probably is intended to cover that issue. That would make them nominally lawful combatants, like the French Foreign Legion.
Be interesting to know if the Wagner Group is regarded as a Russian Army unit. It’d be a Catch 22 since if they’re officially Russian Army then they’ve carried out acts of war against sovereign countries such as the US and Turkey. If they aren’t part of the Russian Army then they’re illegal combatants in this conflict. I guess hypocritical legal kludging is the go on both sides though.
For Lizzie and Tom, the women’s slalom results at Nagano were a combined time for the two runs around 1 minute, 32 seconds for the three top places. The men’s slalom had combined times of 1:49/1:50 for the top three places, however men’s slalom courses have 55-75 gates and women’s slalom courses have 40-60 gates, so men’s courses are generally 20-25% longer in gates, distance and vertical drop.
Why isn’t someone in the party telling Matt Kean to STFU or leave the tent?
Good work rugbyskier. I could barely tell you what channel the Winter Olympics were on.
GreyRanga on Salvos and the like:
Just like Parliament.
The problem with the Salvos and SvdP is that their focus has moved from “supply affordable used clothing and household goods to the needy” to “make money from people’s charity, grift off a large chunk to pay a bloated administration, use the leftover to lobby for public funds for the poor”
First kevni popped up, then another blast from the past.
Surely we are facing the end of times.
For Cats how may have led a sheltered web life, CS was a teen tankie,
destined to be the shining future of communism, until things turned…
… sordid.
April 19, 2022 at 10:31 am
Lotsa car windows smashed at light festival in Alice last night, no police presence required because indigenous festival. I guess the elders thought they could ensure safety and vandalism would not happen.
I think we have enough evidence that the elders can do stuff all about yoof. I don’t know what the answer is, other than take the free money away, or make people work for it.
He knows it’s his tent.
Slalom is the alpine skiing discipline that is probably the closest between men and women, it’s slower and more technical so the muscular advantage for men is less apparent. That said, a male competing in a women’s event would still likely have a faster time than the women.
Jacinta is one of our few politicians with both outstanding morals and balls to back it up.
Speaking of, have the gliberals disendorsed Ms Deves? The screeching in the braindead lamstream meeja demanding it seems to be reaching a crescendo.
I simply can’t see Morristeen not caving (again).
The “elders” in this part of the world are seen as tired old men, who nobody listens to, anyway.
Systemically, the US is undergoing socio-economic collapse, which means that individually, we all have to understand the place we are living, and, more importantly, if we need to move out of that place in order to not just survive, but to perhaps even thrive in our unfolding economic landscape.
Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds joined Paul “Half Dollar” Eberhart of Silver Doctors on Monday, January 17, 2022, for a robust discussion on the collapse of the US in general, and the individual decisions and abstract dynamics regarding regional economic dependencies and weaknesses specifically.
ScoMo’s vote would jump 10% if he stood up and backed Deves to the hilt.
His refusal to do so just confirms his lack of a moral compass (and a spine).
On the weekend, during one of the quieter moments I went through my wardrobe and threw out a pile of older T shirts I haven’t really looked at for 12 months or more.
Straight into the bin, because I could not be bothered taking them down to one of the Vinnies or Salvos to be berated by the Karen nannas there about why they weren’t of better quality, why they weren’t in different sizes, why they weren’t all dry cleaned the day before ,what they were going to do with them and why I was providing more work for them by bringing in clothes I had no further use for, but could be of (potential) use to others.
Because that happened the previous four times.
I also didn’t want to see some beardy hipster or humbugging itinerant shitting in the street while wearing my T shirt. That may also have impacted my decision making, but it was primarily the Karen nannas.
The AFR View
Keeping the jobs miracle alive is election key
The Prime Minister’s rhetoric has captured the importance of the jobs issue for Australians. Anthony Albanese has failed to grasp it.
The 2022 election is taking place with employment numbers that most modern governments of Australia could only dream about. Last week, the rounded-up jobless rate for March came in at 4 per cent, the lowest since November 1974, and it is tipped to fall further over coming months, given the 423,000 job vacancies that employers are desperately trying to fill.
The female jobless rate fell to 3.7 per cent, the lowest since May 1974. The proportion of the female population in employment has risen to nudge 60 per cent, representing a 50 per cent increase since the monthly data started in 1978. The pandemic hit youth employment hard, but a higher proportion of young people now have jobs than before the virus arrived.
This extraordinary result has come about despite a global pandemic that destroyed more than 800,000 jobs in the first two months of the crisis two years ago. Now, there are nearly 400,000 more Australians in paid employment than there were before the pandemic hit.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has grabbed the momentum in the first week of the election campaign because the extraordinary job market result has happened under his watch, and because his rhetoric clearly frames the issue, even if it lacks substance going forward.
Labor’s proposals to counter the overstated problem of insecure work are likely to kill jobs rather than encourage them.
Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese looks rattled because his basic failure to nominate the key facts of the issue – such as the 4 per cent unemployment rate – exposed Labor’s ever more threadbare plan and his own lack of engagement in it.
Shifting Labor’s line of attack to the government’s failure to set up an anti-corruption body or to the obnoxious transgender comments of a Liberal candidate cannot cover up this structural fault.
The problem is that Labor’s proposals to counter the overstated problem of insecure work are likely to kill jobs rather than encourage them. Labor would crack down on the gig economy that means insecurity for some, but flexibility and opportunity for many. It wants identical terms and conditions for all workers regardless of their circumstances, which would make them less attractive to hire in the first place.
The Coalition is instead seeking changes that would help lock in higher pay though more flexibility and co-operation between employers and employees. Mr Morrison has recommitted to putting the Coalition’s omnibus industrial relations bill back in front of Parliament.
Seems the courts are the problem.. from the first link:
H B Bear, I only watched two minutes of the Winter Olympics this year as I didn’t want to support the evil regime hosting it. The only event I watched had a young fellow from my ski club competing in a snowboard event and when he crashed out the TV went off.
The definition of mercenarie seems to down on who’s side you support.
My grandfather allegedly fought in Africa as a mercenarie after ww2.
As it’s mostly older ladies, what would you prefer them to be doing?
The jobs are voluntary. Should the charity shops close?
Do you mean Aiden Aslin, aka CossackGundi? He’s still around.
Geneva Conventions.
” In which intellectual cesspit was this poison dreamt up I wonder? Columbia? Harvard?”
I think a lot of it stems from the “white patriarchy”, “privilege”, “oppressors” and “victims” crap.
In that, if you are “white” you are “privileged” and an “oppressor” unless you are LGBQTI+ – in which case, you become a “victim”.
That’s a pretty powerful force on a young mind to become “trans-gender” and become “good” instead of “bad” because of who you are – you are “bad”, but when you “change” you become “good”.
I’ve had a chat with some of the “Karen nannas” from time to time.
You wouldn’t believe the crap that people drop off. Unlaundered, torn and ruined, all the buttons snipped off, fit only for the bin.
When I drop items off, I make sure it is clean, pressed and folded neatly so they don’t have to iron it out the back, all the seams and buttons intact. On the Beloved’s beautiful wool/silk suits, I pinned on the extra buttons that came with them from the tailor.
Many…many people use these places as pseudo-dumps. It’s not charity, it’s opportunism.
Of course, all the Cats and Kittehs take more pride in themselves and would never impose on volunteers. We aren’t made that way.
Well the French or US don’t care about the Geneva Conventions.
Biden’s war on the ‘common man’
Democrats’ endless coercion rather than gentle persuasion
The political version of the story about the preacher caught in the brothel is the politician who tells everyone about how much he or she cares for the common man, but whose actions make their lives much worse. Lower-income people spend a much higher percentage of their income on food and fuel — so the tax of inflation is particularly cruel on them — but many in the political class appear not to care.
Climate czar, former senator and presidential candidate John Kerry recently said something to the effect that “climate crisis” is much more important than concerns about the war in Ukraine or inflation. Mr. Kerry is very rich and only travels in private jets, yet may not know how to operate a gas station pump or bag his own groceries. But never mind the fact that the “climate crisis” to date has increased crop yields because of the increase in CO2 and longer growing season, and reduced cold-weather-induced mortality. It is a long-term, not a short-term problem. But right now, tens of thousands are being killed in Ukraine, and the rise in energy costs will cause serious health effects for millions.
If one listens to the “green lobby,” it is easy to conclude that the lives they care about saving are people who may be alive a hundred years from now, while the rest of us are dispensable because our mere existence harms the environment.
The Biden administration has deliberately reduced the supply of oil and gas. As brain-dead as they are, they know their actions increase the price of energy, hurting the very people they claim to care most about.
Salvos are just one of the professional NGOs that largely facilitate government displacing civil society. They seem to regard it as virtuous.
Adam Bandt with the truth – no more coal mines under Labor & The Greens
Those torn and unusable clothing get sold to industry to be used as rags.
I am not sure it is using the charity bins as a dump, as not wanting to just toss in the bin stuff they had found useful, or really liked back in the day.
I am always having this argument with Mrs entropy. Old worn out clothes sit in bags “for the poor” for months. Sometimes I sneak them out on garbage night, and usually they are not missed. Other times I find it very worthwhile to listen to SWMBO and take it to the charity bin.
COVID-19 lockdowns not worth the cost
Free states did disproportionally better than those with mandates
In the pandemic’s earliest days, the American people were told to self-quarantine for 14 days to reduce the rate of COVID-19 infections. This effort to “flatten the curve” was undertaken on the pretext it would prevent the nation’s hospitals from being overwhelmed with new cases.
The curve didn’t flatten, at least not appreciably. The hospitals were largely able to handle the patient load anyway. Remember the U.S. Navy hospital ships made ready in near-record time and sent to New York City and Los Angeles to handle potential overflow? They were hardly used.
What happened? A new study recently released by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research shows the proponents of using lockdowns to stop the spread of COVID-19 hit on the wrong strategy. The states that did had no better health outcomes than those that remained mostly open.
In “A Final Report Card on the States’ Response to COVID-19,” economists Stephen Moore, Casey Mulligan and Phil Kerpen examined the impact lockdowns had during the pandemic in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, using three metrics: health, by using the death rate in each state from COVID-19 adjusting for comorbidities; economic performance, by using unemployment figures and the growth of output in each state; and education, by measuring the number of days the schools remained open.
What they found is that the places that imposed strict lockdowns fared far worse than those that reopened quickly or never closed at all. Washington, whose regime was one of the country’s toughest, came in 50th out of 51. Its combined score was 4.3 out of 100. Only New Jersey did worse.
The remainder of the bottom five — New York, New Mexico and California — are also run by Democrats. The top five — Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, and South Dakota — have Republican governors. So does No. 6, Florida, and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis found himself on the receiving end of devastating criticisms and accusations he allowed the disease to spread nationwide because businesses and resorts in his state had been allowed to reopen with little if any restrictions.
Easter Bunny sent to save Biden from himself.
This is extremely serious.
The Convention re mercenaries is here If captured they are entitled to be treated as lawful combatants until a tribunal decides their status. If you read the convention, their status is ambiguous. My reading of the convention is that it is designed to limit a conflict to the respective national parties, not to have it extended and/ or inflamed by the introduction of foreign nationals or mercenaries.
Oops Link – Easter Bunny sent to save Biden from himself.
Another ex Australian cricketer has a heart attack (Ryan Campbell)
Fifty years old
In an induced coma
Nothing unusual really
Alert: Increase in Unexplained Hepatitis in Children Reported (As of April 18th, 2022)
Drbeen Medical Lectures
Everyone whinges about the unpleasant experiences in retail.
It’s how it is.
Of course some people’s unwanted items really are trash.
I drove up Mountain Highway to Sassafras the other day, apparently laybys are drop off points for unwanted household goods.
Got plenty of that going on. Apparently both sides have recruited Syrians. I have no idea how they’d be treated under the laws of war.
23-year-old woman to Tucker: I regret transitioning as a teen
Helena Kerschner tells Tucker Carlson on why she de-transitioned. The full ‘Tucker Carlson Originals’ episode is available on Fox Nation. #FoxNews #Tucker
Shock horror, not having hundreds of thousands of students, working visas, etc. means citizens can find work more easily. Imagine how many of those open positions could be filled without reintroducing the same if the state dumped vaccine mandates.
We really have smart people running the country.
Looks as if that woman from Bezos Post crying a river, about two weeks ago, about online harassment is going to dox Libs of TikTok.
They are despicable creatures.
MSNBC Declares Dems Doomed in Midterms, Encourages Doubling Down on Agenda that Doomed Them
April 19, 2022 at 10:31 am
Boambee John says:
April 18, 2022 at 11:42 am
What happened to “stand, and if necessary fall”? Was that for others?
That was Struth’s line, not mine.
I know. I was responding to his comment that you quoted.
Agree also with the rest of your comment.
Exclusive Interview – Aiden Aslin – British Man Fighting for Ukraine, Captured in Donbass, Mariupol
Graham Phillips
Compliant, low flsmmability foreign nationals:
Syrian fighters ready to join next phase of Ukraine war
Mostly peaceful chaps, highly disciplined, very unlikely to commit atrocities. Not a terror weapon like [cue spooky music] the Chechens.
The entirely predictable outcome of councils charging hefty “Dump fees”
[Exclusive] Elon Musk: A future worth getting excited about | TED | Tesla Gigafactory interview
I thought this one was pretty original.
Twitter trends Tucker tackling testicle tanning *
Follow the link at the link for some fun. * I made up that headline since yes, it is on Tucker, it is about tanning one’s testicles, and yes testicle tanning apparently is now trending on Twitter, which figures. Oh and lefty heads are currently exploding muchly.
Btw, it’s safe for work – the link is to Instapundit, and thence to Twitchy.
Can someone let the family know he’s in Waikiki.
$80 for a mattress $20 a tyre at my local tip.
We really have smart people running the country.
Yep, treasonous mongs.
What if the left stays home? French voters split over Macron-Le Pen rematch • FRANCE 24 English
50 year old Ryan Campbell former cricket international fighting for life after suffering a heart attack on the weekend – hope he makes it back to full health
They’re the stuff I get in my newsfeed.
What’s the problem?
New OT incoming at 1pm.
That’s cheap.
Captain Snooze charges $500 for a mattress.
They’re not bright enough to be classified as stupid. They belong to the demographic that will go to the Gulags when the Communists get in.
Russia broadcasts video of captured Britons asking for prisoner swap • FRANCE 24 English
Genius’ shopping centre offers ‘husband storage pods’ where wives can leave their partners to play games while they browse the stores
I notice the local Vinnies has had to close its drop off point.
Despite large signs requesting otherwise, on the weekends it became a dumping site for townies to lazy or cheap to drive to the tip.
Old Ozzie:
Do they count the wukkas forced out due to their refusal to be vaccinated?
Yes removal from a 787 is a little more complicated.
Well this kitteh does as you do calli, volunteers shouldn’t be put upon. Though I was at a Salvos shop a week or so ago and found a beautiful large Russ Teddy Bear in immaculate condition, would probably cost more than $50.00 to buy new if you can find such a bear. One of the workers told me she rescued it from the bin because the higher ups have decided that all pre-loved toys are to be disposed of – she said she was not going to throw perfectly good toys away and that donees would not be happy about that decision; she rescues as many as she can. Good for her – the Bear I bought I gave to a friend’s disabled son who loves Teddy Bears – he loves it.
The shop I mostly support now is to support the local medical centre that only charges the medicare fee and fits anyone in without an appointment. They used to struggle for funds coz the local nannas only went for a chat. The books were three times the price of the other two shops across the road, I doubt if one was sold for years. The furniture needed to go to the tip, the clothes weren’t sorted into sizes just piled up. Recently some new nannas have taken over, the place hums. The voluntary job is to sell stock, good intensions are just that if not followed through with actions. The Vinnies I used to go to had a great book section, always picked up something, now about quarter the size with the remaining space filled with glassware from the fifties that no-one buys. No help is better than the wrong help.
I take it those times are when SWMBO has hidden the keys to the beer fridge?
New Fred!
I have only two words to add to this discussion of secondhand stuff.
Facebook Marketplace.
The stuff being given away, or sold for a song, just for a drive to the donor’s house, is incredible.
Just like the tennis, but equal, you know.
Inside a Shanghai mass quarantine center: No showers, lights on 24/7
People being treated like cattle. Don’t think for a second they wouldn’t do the same here if they thought they could get away with it.
Jacinta Price defends Katherine Deves; that bald prick matt kean criticises her. That’s all you need to know about Katherine Deves.