Open Thread – Weekend 30 April 2022

A Path Through the Woods, Ivan Shishkin, 1880

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Ed Case
Ed Case
April 30, 2022 6:52 pm

Katherine Deves, like you’ve never seen her before.
Zali is looking shopworn there.
Being an MP in Warringah is hard graft.

April 30, 2022 6:54 pm

Already happened. Apparently there were 250 very civilized First Nations.

yeah, but which one is the real First Nation?

April 30, 2022 6:55 pm

Forget Taiwan for a little while. This is the hot issue in China. Zero Covid could break the economy and us in turn.

Weekend Barrons.

Tens of millions of people are under mandatory home confinement in China as a new Covid epidemic spreads throughout the country. An untold number of others have been forced into isolation centers under Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid mandate. This rigid, one-size-fits-all policy is based entirely on political dictate and has caused severe, unnecessary food shortages and financial insecurity for those forced to stay at home.

Fears of instability are on the rise, not only about public health, but also domestic economic growth. If this crisis continues into the late summer even Xi’s coronation to an unprecedented third term could be at risk.

So far, the plan to lock down entire cities has shown no sign of easing even as unverified reports of starvation spread on social media. People cannot go out to shop for food, and deliveries are often hard to come by. This type of centralized control was a disaster for China’s government-mandated production of grain, steel, and cement in the early years of economic development. It is even less suited to a modern China.

There appears to be no way out of this all-or-nothing approach. Xi has concentrated power on himself, and away from the Politburo Standing Committee that gave China at least some policy flexibility in the past.

While government slogans admonish people to accept adversity, that’s cold comfort to those who test positive (false or real) and are forced into medical mass incarceration.

Pictures and running commentary of unsanitary holding facilities have flooded popular Chinese messaging app WeChat . Those forced to shelter-in-place with dwindling finances, food, and medicine are not happy to “eat bitterness” either, as the Chinese saying goes.

April 30, 2022 6:55 pm

April 30, 2022 at 6:47 pm
Somewhere along the line, the SAS selection process has collapsed.

That’s the only conclusion one could draw.

Id be inclined its because senior officers decided they should actively seek not to keep close tabs on the group as it would have led to

.A: A rapid decline in operational effectiveness
.B: A necessity to take action and generate bad publicity ‘in the field”
.C: A lack of promotional chances for the people in charge because of both A&B,

Self interest, its the only horse thats trying.

I’d add almost no downtime for any of them in years. It was deployment, training for deployment, or “refit” where they were doing courses to keep up, pretty much constantly. No time to decompress or relax. Try the book eleven bats for an insight into it.

April 30, 2022 6:55 pm

This is too depressing for a Saturday night. Depression is a weekday activity.
Let’s turn it around.
Who would be an excellent first President?
Nobody who would be allowed to actually get up, you say!
OK, back to the depression, at least it is familiar:
Michael Photios;
Alex Turnbull’s putrid birthing device;
Any bivalve from JJJ;
Rudd’s enormous madam lash.
That feels better.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 30, 2022 6:56 pm

Already voted, Outgoing High Commissioner to Britain George Brandis would qualify.
He wanted to stay on after the Election but Payne and Wong nixed that idea.

April 30, 2022 6:56 pm

local oaf says:
April 30, 2022 at 6:51 pm

Bob Brown

naaa, he’s out of the limelight now.

April 30, 2022 6:57 pm

Steggles is toast.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
April 30, 2022 6:59 pm

April 30, 2022 at 6:49 pm
tatoo! tatoo! the science!

I know “Nature” isn’t as risible as “Science”, but has Nature published anything of real importance since 25 April 1953?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 30, 2022 6:59 pm

Rudd’s enormous madam lash.

Haha. Therese.

April 30, 2022 7:00 pm

Somewhere along the line, the SAS selection process has collapsed.

Service with the SAS or CDO has now become a richer punch on the way to higher rank.

April 30, 2022 7:00 pm

Pedro FitzSimians – 2
Waffles Turnbuckle – 1
Mike “Gin Time” Carlton – 1
Kevni Ruff – 1
Alan Jones – 1
Robert Jefferson – 1
Alan Jones – 1
Bruce Pascoe – 1
The Bum Bandit – 1
Blandwhale Hyphen-Dung – 1


April 30, 2022 7:01 pm

richer punch

Ticket punch

April 30, 2022 7:02 pm

If anyone is looking for some really good books, try Peter Grainger’s DC Smith police procedural series. They are funny, witty and intelligent. I gave one of them five stars, which I’ve never done before. The best reading in many a long yonk.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 30, 2022 7:03 pm

Katherine Deves, like you’ve never seen her before

Can you see Mother in that skin? Does that excite you?

April 30, 2022 7:06 pm

For JC – Ranking the 25 greatest songs of all time*

21 – Bruce Springsteen – Born to Run (out of other peoples’ money)

3. Like a Rolling Stone — Bob Zimmerman

1. Bohemian Rhapsody — Queen

What a load of bollocks.

*Container load of salt obligatory …

April 30, 2022 7:07 pm

Best first president?
Cardinal Pell.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 30, 2022 7:08 pm

Zali is dressing like an austere Granny while Katherine is right out there

A fair few of the Liberal retirees might be wishing they’d stuck around
[not suggesting Nicolle Flint is one] and the blokes in Marginals are incentivised to try harder.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 30, 2022 7:09 pm

For what it’s worth I would put another vote in for Geoffrey Robertson. He’s laughable but not really objectionable as so many of the others are. Alternatively, the contents of the ALPBC Ultimo staff room at any given time.

local oaf
April 30, 2022 7:09 pm

naaa, he’s out of the limelight now.

Yeah, I was confused – I was voting for first president of Fitzsimian’s “republic” 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 30, 2022 7:09 pm

First Australian president. I don’t know why there’s any debate on this.

Harold Scruby – 1

April 30, 2022 7:09 pm

Doves – first Saturday night of each month, which means next Saturday night, May 7.

The Sixties.

Currently struggling to write an intro that does justice to that decade, let alone pick out two signal songs.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 7:10 pm

I’d add almost no downtime for any of them in years

Some of these guys have, what, six or eight tours of the place?

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 30, 2022 7:11 pm

Louie Louie is one …

April 30, 2022 7:14 pm

This is the frightening ahistoricism of our era writ large

Watch any quiz show, if they are under 30, they will know nothing about what happened before they were born, under 50s will know back to at least WW2.

I have had the music argument with 2 head teachers. In compulsory music ( primary plus yrs 7 & 8) the kids will analyse contempory shit, and may be exposed to music the teacher likes. As for anything before 1970 fuggedabahtit.

April 30, 2022 7:15 pm

Louie Louie

A classic indeed, Eddles, but is it true that the FBI investigated it for obscene lyrics, or were they just trying to make work for themselves (again)?

April 30, 2022 7:17 pm

Bollocks indeed, Rabz. While we might not agree about what they are, we certainly agree about what they are not. 🙂

Incidentally, I went to another ‘reaction’ video re SRV’s Voodoo Child, this time a black guy in his mid-late forties, lots of subscribers. He knew exactly what the song was, all about Hendrix, and was blown away by SRV. So, it may be that the ignorance of black musicians by younger blacks is a generational thing. Which is not encouraging.

April 30, 2022 7:18 pm

Second best.
Tony Abbott.

April 30, 2022 7:19 pm

I would put another vote in for Robert Jefferson

Err, Bear, unlike the ALPEC, I take my duties as a vote counter seriously.

The pompous waffling windbag has racked up two votes at this point – which puts him equal first with three other would be tyrants.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 30, 2022 7:19 pm

Perhaps we should single out Snowcone for this effort –

April 30, 2022 7:20 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 30, 2022 at 7:10 pm
I’d add almost no downtime for any of them in years

Some of these guys have, what, six or eight tours of the place?

Or more. Anthony Moffitt had 11 between Iraq and Afghan before he retired, although I can’t remember the years he took to do it. Some have done more I think.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 30, 2022 7:25 pm

Forget Taiwan for a little while. This is the hot issue in China. Zero Covid could break the economy and us in turn.

Sure could.
China is heading towards near zero growth – due to the combined effects of an idiot zero-Covid policy and massive increases in imported gas and coal prices. First time in 30, or 70 years, depending on the data set.

Having a scruffy, opportunistic military shot at Taiwan would be high risk for Team Xi.

April 30, 2022 7:25 pm

Joh – I’ve always loved SRV’s version of Voodoo Chile, but there is no surpassing the original and the best … 🙂

April 30, 2022 7:31 pm

Dr Faustussays:
April 30, 2022 at 7:25 pm
Forget Taiwan for a little while. This is the hot issue in China. Zero Covid could break the economy and us in turn.

Sure could.
China is heading towards near zero growth – due to the combined effects of an idiot zero-Covid policy and massive increases in imported gas and coal prices. First time in 30, or 70 years, depending on the data set.

Having a scruffy, opportunistic military shot at Taiwan would be high risk for Team Xi.

I’m told there’s a great deal of intermarriage between the elites, could see it being announced as a peaceful reunification blah blah blah waffle, where the Taiwanese top 5% get a cushy landing.

April 30, 2022 7:32 pm

Hey, Miss Ellie – Gimme some lovin’ … 🙂

April 30, 2022 7:33 pm

Mate of mine deployed 6 times in 8 years. 3 of those into UN chapter 7 environments and 3 on short notice. I saw little of him during that time despite living in the same city. IMO and I have told him this he has been changed by his experiences…

April 30, 2022 7:33 pm

I have had the music argument with 2 head teachers. In compulsory music ( primary plus yrs 7 & 8) the kids will analyse contempory shit, and may be exposed to music the teacher likes. As for anything before 1970 fuggedabahtit.

Diogenes, I mostly was bored to death in music class at high school, then along came Miss Fekete. She introduced us to the great show tunes – when the red, red robin, bye bye blackbird etc and also put on a production of HMS Pinafore. Although I was already a diehard pop, blues and rock fan by then, she managed to make me appreciate those other types of music at their best. Her enthusiasm was contagious.

I was lucky enough to get classical music at home, via my father’s carefully saved up for Deutsche Gramophon records. They were very expensive. Plus, he was in the juke box business for a while, so we had lots of late 50s/early 60s hit singles kicking around the house.

It is hard to over-emphasise the importance of people having a sense of history in any aspect of life, both for making judgements about the present and understanding how we got here. Plus, it’s often very pleasurable!

April 30, 2022 7:37 pm
April 30, 2022 7:37 pm

Arky you still go on about the US like Ike or The Gipper was President. It’s been taken over by the left and is not our friend. You idiot.

April 30, 2022 7:40 pm

April 30, 2022 at 7:33 pm
Mate of mine deployed 6 times in 8 years. 3 of those into UN chapter 7 environments and 3 on short notice. I saw little of him during that time despite living in the same city. IMO and I have told him this he has been changed by his experiences…

I forgot the important point earlier too, the head shed are quite happy to throw diggers under the bus. Look at the commandos a few years ago, when someone thought she could make a name for herself drumming up war crimes for actions inside the ROE.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 30, 2022 7:46 pm

April 30, 2022 at 6:39 pm
Ita Buttrose.

From pumping shit into teenage girls/womens brains as editorex of Cleo, Women’s Weekly and other paplications* Early adopter of causes involving men who are vagina decliners. Staple of daytime television Mongstrosities like Das Project and the Moaning show.
Topping it off with becoming an ABCcess director/catamite.

Do I detect just a faint hint of dissatisfacton?

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 30, 2022 7:48 pm

However the CCP is distracted at the moment with COVID and it looks like a bit of internal party argy bargy. Can’t see them pulling the trigger atm.

Unless Xi needs a distraction squirrel?

April 30, 2022 7:49 pm

Leader board:
Mike “Gin Time” Carlton – 2
Pedro FitzSimians – 2
Robert Jefferson – 2
Bruce Pascoe – 2

Also rans:
The Bum Bandit – 1
Blandwhale Hyphen-Dung – 1
Kezza Phelps – 1
Squalid Ali – 1
Ita Buttrose – 1
Bob Brown – 1
Waffles Turnbuckle – 1
Kevni Ruff – 1
Alan Jones – 1

This is all out of whack, peoples.

More votes, please – early and often.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 30, 2022 7:53 pm

Blandwhale Hyphen-Dung – 1

Reminds me. Now that she is wed, does she gain an extra hyphen and a third surname?

April 30, 2022 7:59 pm

Look at the commandos a few years ago, when someone thought she could make a name for herself drumming up war crimes for actions inside the ROE.


April 30, 2022 8:04 pm

From pumping shit into teenage girls/womens brains as editorex of Cleo, Women’s Weekly and other paplications* Early adopter of causes involving men who are vagina decliners. Staple of daytime television Mongstrosities like Das Project and the Moaning show.
Topping it off with becoming an ABCcess director/catamite.

In other words, has always been part of the problem

April 30, 2022 8:04 pm

Hey Shatterzzz – The Toon take on those Mighty Reds from 9:30pm tonight.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 30, 2022 8:07 pm

Harold Scruby – 1

Daylight second.
Don’t walk, run!

April 30, 2022 8:10 pm

Harold Scruby

The founder and sole member (along with his trustee fax machine) of the “Very Pedestrian Council”.

April 30, 2022 8:11 pm

Australians aren’t stupid. They will never endorse a new political system that’s a wet dream for activists like Fitzsimian.

Like everything else invented by the left, the Australian Republican Movement is an attempt to trick voters into endorsing something they don’t want.

Top Ender, I’m sorry you have to put up with the Hobart rag. The further you get from Australia’s big population centres, the more you have to endure shitty monopolies like the Hobart Mercury and the ABC.

PS; 90-99% of Australian journalists vote for the Liars and the Filth. It isn’t a considered choice; it’s tribal. They would never vote for the parties most Australians vote for – they consider politically popular ideas a sign of weakness.

April 30, 2022 8:14 pm

Hey Johanna re your Jimi Hendrix (who?)
Try asking anyone under 40 to name the Beatles

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 8:17 pm

Daily Mail cites Paul Keating as coming to Perth to help Albo launch his campaign. Haven’t been to a good tarring and feathering for some years…

April 30, 2022 8:18 pm

91.3% of Australian j’ismists vote for the Liars and the Filth

Tom, if people stopped taking them seriously, we could delay the collectivist destruction of our society by about one year.

No one is condemned to being a collectivist for ever. I somehow managed to renounce it after 9/11, but it was a long and tortuous process.

Reading lots of Tim Blair and Mark Steyn helped.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 30, 2022 8:21 pm

The most preposterous figure in Australian public life:

Gotta be Kevin Rudd. He’s like that stick puppet on Hey Hey it’s Saturday but not so amusing. Always jumping up and down in front of cameras saying “I’m still important, and wise, and important, and clever, and import-! Whack!

If only…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 8:23 pm

Gotta be Kevin Rudd

He and Paul Keating will be in Perth to help Albo launch the Labor campaign…

April 30, 2022 8:25 pm

This is the skank the scum bag biden has put in charge of the new Orwell disinformation bureau.

April 30, 2022 8:25 pm

Dickie Knee.

April 30, 2022 8:29 pm

Kevni Ruff and Paul Keating will be in Perth to help Albo launch the Labore campaign …

To paraphrase, “Genius – absolutely genius”. That should help crater labore’s vote in WA, along with the conspicuous lack of support from the lisping queen, who’s obviously no fan of Albansleazey.

‘orrible, ‘orrible creatures – the worst.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 30, 2022 8:31 pm

Clammie Ford 1

April 30, 2022 8:33 pm

The only thing Springsteen did that was any good is Blinded by the light done by Manfred Mann. Springsteen’s original version he sounds like a whiny bitch.

April 30, 2022 8:34 pm

Clammie Ford 1

For GG or for preposterous imbecile?

April 30, 2022 8:36 pm

Belfast – movie trailer

very, very good

April 30, 2022 8:39 pm

They’re coming for the white male pilots:

April 30, 2022 8:40 pm

Clammie Ford 1
For GG or for preposterous imbecile?

Both. She’s a standout.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 30, 2022 8:44 pm

April 30, 2022 at 8:10 pm
Harold Scruby

The founder and sole member (along with his trustee fax machine) of the “Very Pedestrian Council”.

Don’t forget AUSFLAG.

Those two groups, I suspect, have garnered a substantial grant money income over the years.

April 30, 2022 8:46 pm

Leader board:
Pedro FitzSimians – 2
Mike “Gin Time” Carlton – 2
Robert Jefferson – 2
Bruce Pascoe – 2
Kevni Ruff – 2

Also rans:
The Bum Bandit – 1
Blandwhale Hyphen-Dung – 1
Kezza Phelps – 1
Squalid Ali – 1
Ita Buttrose – 1
Bob Brown – 1
Waffles Turnbuckle – 1
Alan Jones – 1
Harold Scruby – 1
Clammie Ford – 1

Five staggering mediocrities on two votes each?

C’mon, Cats, you can do better than that! 🙂

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 30, 2022 8:48 pm


April 30, 2022 at 3:53 pm

Rumour has it that the youngest of mum and dad’s farm dogs has taken to sneaking off and having a bounce on the kids trampoline by herself.

I kid you not.
Visiting a younger relative a while back.
Next minute, over the side fence I see two boxers alternately bouncing on the trampoline to see over the fence.
Funny as.
They should have been laughing but they looked like it was deadly serious … sad eyes, droopy jowls, the whole thing.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 30, 2022 8:48 pm

April 30, 2022 at 8:25 pm
This is the skank the scum bag biden has put in charge of the new Orwell disinformation bureau.

Won’t the bureau run foul of the First Amendment?

Old bloke
Old bloke
April 30, 2022 8:50 pm

Rabz says:
April 30, 2022 at 7:49 pm

More votes, please – early and often.

Rabz, put me down for Graham Hood.

He attended a rally in Bunbury today and said he’s not standing for election to Parliament. He was tempted though as he lives in the New England region of NSW and he wanted to run against Barnaby.

April 30, 2022 8:54 pm
April 30, 2022 8:57 pm

Cats – also conspicuous by their absence – the following incredibly annoying personages:

Goose Morristeen
Wendy Pong
Joshi Friedchickenburger
Baul Parry of the ALPBC
That evil grotesque deformed fascist imbecile in Victoria

However, the vote is becoming too dispersed. We are obviously blessed with a surplus of preposterous public life blighting imbeciles.

Last chance to vote – polling booths close at 9:00pm.

April 30, 2022 8:58 pm

Ob – a more recognisable personage, please

Winston Smith
April 30, 2022 8:59 pm

You’ll know it’s on when the sand bunkers outside the factories start emptying and refilling.
It means that the machinery inside is being protected from blast.
Tests showed the Soviets could enhance industrial recovery by this very simple method and until the collapse of the SU, the sand bunkers and bags were inspected yearly as part of their Civil Defence preparations.

April 30, 2022 9:02 pm

Rabz, pushing my buttons with 17 year old Steve Winwood, who BTW came from a ‘traveller’ family, hence they weren’t fussed about him touring overseas with a band at that age. Bit of a child prodigy.

One thing about the Golden Age of popular music – the musicians invariably were very knowledgeable about the history, because they loved it and wanted to know everything about it. They might not be composing or playing blues or Elvis or gospel or big band/swing – but they knew about it.

Incuriosity is one of the scariest things in this era.

April 30, 2022 9:06 pm

OK Cats – we have entered the “run offs” – the candidates:

Pedro FitzSimians – 2
Mike “Gin Time” Carlton – 2
Robert Jefferson – 2
Bruce Pascoe – 2
Kevni Ruff – 2

You get a maximum of two votes – your first choice (and your second, if you could be bothered).

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 9:08 pm

You get a maximum of two votes – your first choice (and your second, if you could be bothered).

Bruce Pascoe, second vote Kevin Rudd.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 30, 2022 9:08 pm

After the 2016 Election John Howard opined The Greens would be gone in 2 Electoral Cycles.
I’d say the Teal Independents have killed the Greens chances in the Lower House so it’s up to the States to reject their Senators.
The Majors are both committed to NetZero, so there’s not much point voting Green in the Senate anymore.

April 30, 2022 9:09 pm

Eddles – just shut up and vote, thanks Squire.

April 30, 2022 9:09 pm

In a toss up between Rudd, McGowan and Andrews, I choose Daniel Andrews…

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 30, 2022 9:11 pm

1 Rudd
2 Pascoe

April 30, 2022 9:11 pm

Digger – incredibly, Andrews got zero votes, so your vote goes to Ruddles.

April 30, 2022 9:12 pm

I know “Nature” isn’t as risible as “Science”, but has Nature published anything of real importance since 25 April 1953?

I’ve had to read some papers out of Nature communication. If the decision was between publishing in the top journal in my discipline or Nature communication, I would always pick the former.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 30, 2022 9:12 pm

Hendo is fairly preposterous, Birmo is preposterous looking as is Senator Payne, Barry Jones has been quiet lately, Pat Dodson is my second choice.
Yeah, I know, always picking on Irishmen …

April 30, 2022 9:12 pm

Progress score:

Pedro FitzSimians – 2
Mike “Gin Time” Carlton – 2
Robert Jefferson – 2
Bruce Pascoe – 3.5
Kevni Ruff – 4.5

Second vote is allocated 0.5 of a full vote.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 30, 2022 9:13 pm

Rather than tiptoeing around the problem, SA Police and the newly elected Malinauskas government acknowledge there are specific issues within a subsection of the Sudanese and other African communities that must be ­addressed with force and possibly also tough anti-gang laws.

Flunky Commish Patton on 3AW this week admitting there is a gang problem (his predecessors preferred “groups” rather than “gangs”).
He wouldn’t go as far as identifying the ethnic origins of the gangs, but something has pushed him to partially admit the problem.
Was it the fact that the “ethnic group” of twenty travelled from Victoria to commit a murder in Adelaide, and someone finally called it out for what it was.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 30, 2022 9:13 pm

The loonie world of New York Democrats:

As Americans try to put the pandemic behind them, New York City, uniquely in the world, has insisted toddlers keep wearing masks.

In doing so, the mandate has created a small army of irate mothers determined to punish Democrats, who run the city, in the November midterm elections.

The new Mayor of New York City, former police officer Eric Adams, has refused to ditch a controversial requirement that two- to four-year-olds mask up at preschool, even as chief medical advider Anthony Fauci declares the pandemic over in the US and Americans across the country begin to enjoy optional masking on public transport.

“Honestly it’s so ridiculous it becomes difficult for your brain not to go to a conspiracy theory land, nefarious places,” Margaret Nichols, 45, a meditation teacher, tells The Australian, speaking from a city bitterly divided over masking policy. “I’ve been harassed and abused online because I don’t mask my child outdoors in the playground”.

The strongly Democrat city, the first and hardest hit by Covid-19, has struggled to return to normal life along with the rest of the nation, maintaining a byzantine, shifting set of isolation rules for children in preschool and school that require the whole class to be sent home for five days following one positive Covid-19 case.

The rationale and consistency of New York’s Covid-19 rules were already in the spotlight after Mr Adams in late March exempted sports and Broadway stars from the city’s vaccine mandate.

More at the Oz

April 30, 2022 9:14 pm

Pancho – is Planet Cornelius still in your orbit?

April 30, 2022 9:15 pm

Poll closes at 9:30pm, Cats – get those votes in!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 30, 2022 9:17 pm

Digger says:
April 30, 2022 at 9:09 pm
In a toss up between Rudd, McGowan and Andrews, I choose Daniel Andrews…

Bloody hell!
All the kids are playing in the pool and someone decides to drop in a turd.

April 30, 2022 9:22 pm

My second vote is bandanaman.
He screams wanker.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 9:23 pm

Federal election 2022: Kevin Rudd insists his relationship with Julia Gillard is ‘great’
Joe SpagnoloThe West Australian
Sat, 30 April 2022 5:48PM

Former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd has described his once bitter relationship with Julia Gillard as “great”, as Labor tries to show a united front weeks out from the Federal election.

Mr Rudd is in Perth for Mr Albanese’s campaign launch at Optus Stadium on Sunday, along with another former PM, Paul Keating.

It’s understood Ms Gillard will not be attending the campaign launch as she did in 2019 when Bill Shorten was leader.

In a sign of unity in 2019, Mr Rudd and Ms Gillard appeared to patch up their differences, sitting next to each other at the launch, alongside Mr Keating.

Asked about his relationship with Ms Gillard now, Mr Rudd was full of praise for the person who dethroned him as PM in 2010 and who he then replaced in 2013.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 30, 2022 9:25 pm

Geoffrey Robertson gets points for taking Kathy Lette of our hands, albeit temporarily. He should get a knighthood if he hooks up with Jane Caro.

April 30, 2022 9:25 pm

Ah, the good ol’ BBC – when they weren’t turning a blind eye over many decades to the Savile’s grotesque excesses, they were too stupid to know what “giving head” meant. Or they did, which just reinforces their unrepentant hypocrisy.

Not banned by the BBC.

local oaf
April 30, 2022 9:25 pm

My second vote goes to Pascoe 🙂

April 30, 2022 9:27 pm

Bear – did you vote for Robert Jefferson previously? If you didn’t, he racks up half a vote.

April 30, 2022 9:29 pm

Movin’ on up, peoples! 🙂

April 30, 2022 9:32 pm

Pascoe again if it isn’t too late. Then Rudd.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 9:34 pm

My second vote goes to Pascoe ?

I’ve heard the withering contempt of “fullblood” Aborigines, to “Faux” Aborigines – educational to say the least. How Pascoe escapes such criticism, I don’t know.

April 30, 2022 9:35 pm

Nobody beats nobody’s girl:

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Fitzsimons (for biggest wanker, or whatever we’re voting on)

April 30, 2022 9:37 pm

I mean look at that cock sucking smirk; wars have been started over less.

April 30, 2022 9:40 pm

Cue lengthy drum roll, Cats – the most preposterous figure in Australian public life is:

Kevni Ruff (Total votes 5)
Bruce Pascoe (5)
Pedro FitzSimians (2.5)
Robert Jefferson (2.5*)
Mike “Gin Time” Carlton (2)

Sacré bleu – it’s a dead heat, courtesy of the Beaugie!

*Under adjudication, as a certain ursine may have “inadvertently” cast multiple votes.

Thanks to those who participated, I love youse all, long time.

local oaf
April 30, 2022 9:41 pm

I’ve heard the withering contempt of “fullblood” Aborigines, to “Faux” Aborigines – educational to say the least. How Pascoe escapes such criticism, I don’t know.

Maximum hilarity if Pascoe made president.

1. White lefties worship him
2. Indigenous despise him

3. Point out 2 to 1
4. Enjoy

April 30, 2022 9:41 pm

Sal – your (late) vote puts the FitzSimians on 3.5, second (or third, if you want to be pedantic).

April 30, 2022 9:43 pm

Crazy hydraulic press channel.
USA, Taiwan, Russia, China.
Spanners vs hydraulic press:

April 30, 2022 9:47 pm

Arks – drop the character armour, Squire.

You used to have fun, now you’re pretending to be above all that – for what purpose?

And yes, I appreciate you’ve had your travails. Lighten up.

You know you can.

April 30, 2022 9:50 pm

Crazy hydraulic press vs new and old jacks:

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 9:51 pm

Primal Scream did an alternative live take of their own Come Together, which was rocked up massively to the point of being jam-and-southern-baptist era Black Crowesy.
Robbie Buck broadcast one bootleg as part of a J-Files program on the scream team…
is it within your reach to find it? YouTube gives me nada.

April 30, 2022 9:52 pm

Crazy hydraulic press vs sledge hammers:

April 30, 2022 9:52 pm

Wally – that’s a challenge – leave it with me …

April 30, 2022 9:52 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Sal – your (late) vote puts the FitzSimians on 3.5, second (or third, if you want to be pedantic).

Thank Rabz.
However I believe Fitzsimons is actually in the lead, or will be when 900 mail-in ballots arrive on Tuesday.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 9:55 pm

That’s great appetite Rabz!
J-Files would have been 1998-99 I reckon.

April 30, 2022 9:56 pm

Wally – this, by any chance?

April 30, 2022 9:57 pm

Lighten up.

If I do that a certain prick comes on here screaming that I’m dishonest, untrustworthy and a scum.
No thanks. I will limit my exposure to all of you as long as he remains welcome here.

April 30, 2022 10:00 pm

TheirABC true to form with this thinly disguised hitpiece on Elon Musk, now Public Enemy No. 1.

Twitter chief executive Parag Agrawal has sought to quell employee anger during a company-wide meeting, where workers demanded answers to how managers planned to handle an anticipated mass exodus prompted by Elon Musk’s public remarks.
Key points:

Employees question Twitter executives about the possibility of an exodus of staff
Executives say attrition rate has not changed since Elon Musk’s interest in buying the company became public
Workers also express concern that Mr Musk’s erratic behaviour could hurt Twitter financially

The meeting comes after Mr Musk, the Tesla chief executive who sealed a US$44 billion ($61.4 billion) deal to buy the social media company, repeatedly criticised Twitter’s content moderation practices and a top executive responsible for setting speech and safety policies.

At the internal town hall meeting, which was heard by Reuters, executives said the company would monitor staff attrition daily, but it was too soon to tell how the buyout deal with Mr Musk would affect staff retention.

Mr Musk has pitched lenders on slashing board and executive salaries but exact cost cuts remain unclear, according to sources familiar with the matter.

One source said Mr Musk would not make decisions on job cuts until he assumes ownership of Twitter.

‘Sources familiar with the matter’ and good old ‘one source.’ What would TheirABC do without them, not to mention the ubiquitous ‘experts.’


April 30, 2022 10:00 pm

Then you’re just being silly, Arks.

JC doesn’t need to be taken seriously anyway. For goodness’ sake, he’s a Springsteen fan.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 10:05 pm

Numbers Bob is over on Quadrant Online, talking about – surprise, surprise – the Vietnam war.

April 30, 2022 10:06 pm

Then you’re just being silly, Arks.

Fair enough.
The experience has altered my view of a lot of things, including this blog.

April 30, 2022 10:07 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 10:10 pm

Arks as he imagines himself.

Two well brought up – well reared – young ladies, there.

April 30, 2022 10:14 pm

Is Arky the one on the left or the middle?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Arks as he imagines himself.

Photo is either mirror-image, or in some other country.
Coz the steering wheel is on the wrong side.

April 30, 2022 10:16 pm

Don’t tell me he’s the cheeky one.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 10:16 pm

That’s getting more like it Rabz- but I’d reckon the seminal version I heard in my ’76 on the Old Coast Road would have been from the early 90’s, between Give Out Etc and Vanishing Point albums. Back when the Scream was a seven piece, no click tracks or midis, and were playing seat-of-the-pants.

Our loose shed jam band has bumped me off bass duties, due to non-attendance which dates way back from hay cutting. I’m really six months on, six off, only attending when I can wear a Steve Tyler scarf and rug up, drink beer and smoke a cigarillo and still feel refreshed when dodging roos at 2AM. I hate playing hard in the heat, or in high light situations- I wound up the paying gig band when the drummer started booking afternoon shows for the sunday session at breweries.
So I’m on keys, at the special request of the drummer, but it’s still wicked fun. I’m mining Crowes and Scream for gurgly style points.

Late night paranoia rock.

April 30, 2022 10:18 pm

Spanners vs hydraulic press


April 30, 2022 10:19 pm

My view is the blog has seen it’s IQ raised by 50% since NY Day the flounce. If only it was permanent. If only.

He’s obviously been crying because of my comment last evening when the scumbag was all happy and excited seeing a few Russian conscripts being wounded as a result of a drone attack. Leadership was referring to them as “cunts”. After my response, he went out for a walk and had a little cry.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
April 30, 2022 10:22 pm

My vote for inclusion in Oz’s most ridiculous people;

“Senator” Jordan Steele-John.

April 30, 2022 10:25 pm

For BoN – some spacey sciency stuff … 🙂

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
April 30, 2022 10:25 pm

On reflection, the vote could have gone to any one of the total shit-fer-brains that are the Parliamentary Greens.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 30, 2022 10:27 pm

On reflection, the vote could have gone to any one of the total shit-fer-brains that are the Parliamentary Greens.

Lidia Thorpe…

April 30, 2022 10:28 pm

from the early 90’s, between Give Out Etc and Vanishing Point albums. Back when the Scream was a seven piece

err, I’m not sure I can locate this.

April 30, 2022 10:29 pm

Interesting piece on China. If it’s six months away they aren’t going to make it. The Aussie could end up in the low 60s looking for breath. I don’t think Zee is going to back away either.

Zero Covid Is Breaking China

Health workers wearing personal protective equipment walk along a street during a Covid-19 lockdown in the Jing’an district in Shanghai on April 27, 2022.

About the author: Brian P. Klein is the founder of RidgePoint Global, a strategic advisory firm, and a former U.S. diplomat.

Tens of millions of people are under mandatory home confinement in China as a new Covid epidemic spreads throughout the country. An untold number of others have been forced into isolation centers under Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid mandate. This rigid, one-size-fits-all policy is based entirely on political dictate and has caused severe, unnecessary food shortages and financial insecurity for those forced to stay at home.

Fears of instability are on the rise, not only about public health, but also domestic economic growth. If this crisis continues into the late summer even Xi’s coronation to an unprecedented third term could be at risk.

So far, the plan to lock down entire cities has shown no sign of easing even as unverified reports of starvation spread on social media. People cannot go out to shop for food, and deliveries are often hard to come by. This type of centralized control was a disaster for China’s government-mandated production of grain, steel, and cement in the early years of economic development. It is even less suited to a modern China.

There appears to be no way out of this all-or-nothing approach. Xi has concentrated power on himself, and away from the Politburo Standing Committee that gave China at least some policy flexibility in the past.

While government slogans admonish people to accept adversity, that’s cold comfort to those who test positive (false or real) and are forced into medical mass incarceration.

Pictures and running commentary of unsanitary holding facilities have flooded popular Chinese messaging app WeChat . Those forced to shelter-in-place with dwindling finances, food, and medicine are not happy to “eat bitterness” either, as the Chinese saying goes.

A rare resistance, both online and in real life, has formed, testing China’s censors and local police forces called out to maintain order. People are seeing their government in a new light, not as a purveyor of endless upward mobility, but of a harshness and rigidity that brooks little compromise.

Not since Mao’s mass campaign to rid the country of sparrows that were damaging crops has Chinese society been so affected by government dictate on such a large scale. That political campaign led to an insect infestation, agricultural collapse, and mass starvation instead.

In one widely circulated Chinese audio recording that has since been blocked on WeChat, a man is heard speaking to a healthcare professional. He keeps repeating that his father’s app showed negative test results, but health officials say there was a positive reading. That means his father would be sent to a converted warehouse with questionable medical facilities. In the end the healthcare worker says the man should refuse anyone trying to take his father away unless they can prove the positive Covid result.

While this may be a tiny act of personal rebellion, larger groups have formed to boycott testing in their apartment complexes over fears that they are being exposed when they gather. This is one of the only credible explanations for how people can still test positive after a month of near-total isolation. In some cases medical workers won’t even do the testing anymore, requiring residents to test each other instead. Any infection resets the entire building’s quarantine for another fourteen days.

The striking absence of preparation for a food and medical crisis has shaken some Chinese residents’ view that China had beaten Covid with a system far superior to the rest of the world. Centralized control that had directed economic growth and maintained the country’s top-down leadership structure for decades is now under a critical spotlight.

That extends to the economic consequences of a mass immobilization of the general population.

For nearly a month, Shanghai, with a population of 25 million people, has been effectively closed. Cargo ships are backed up at sea, container trucks can’t load, and warehouses there and in the nearby port of Qingdao are filling to capacity. New shipments will soon have no place to go. The longer people are forced into confinement, the worse the cascading effects will become.

Even the political capital of Beijing is now facing panic-buying and mandatory testing. Lockdowns are likely to spread throughout the city as infections gather speed. The surge is driving fears that new variants will evolve. One global lesson learned is that the virus can mutate faster than the political will to ignore or control it.

China’s economic forecasts have already been revised downward, though the updates don’t seem to fully appreciate the depth of the coming problems and the inadequacy of current policies to address them. The International Monetary Fund has lowered its estimate by nearly a percentage point to 4.8% growth for 2022. Investment banks are even less optimistic with a median annual growth rate of just 4.5% versus the official Chinese government target of 5.5%.

Slow growth is politically dangerous for China’s leaders. Xi recently announced a new burst of infrastructure spending, though how construction workers can build without spreading the virus remains unclear. That and his admonishment to prove political supremacy by beating U.S. growth this year is neither a sound health policy nor a high bar for success (the U.S. is only expected to clock in around 3% for 2022.) Confidence in the government’s stimulus is also waning. The Shanghai Composite Index is down nearly 8% since the People’s Bank of China announced lower bank reserve requirements to support the economy in mid-April.

Whether this health and economic crisis puts enough political pressure on Xi to change his policy is an open question. He needs stability and continued economic prosperity to cement his leadership for a third term in office this fall. So far he has neither.

Instead of addressing the shortcomings of the zero-Covid policy, offering rent assistance and massive funding for food deliveries, for example, the leadership seems content to let the situation largely run its course. That leaves individuals dependent on coordinating with their neighbors when possible just to have enough to eat.

By some estimates, China is at least six months away from being able to sustain a looser Covid policy. That would include a high enough vaccination rate and drug supplies to treat the infected. Importing mRNA vaccines from abroad would certainly help, though that would be interpreted as a political blow to the widely touted, and increasingly discredited, home-grown Chinese vaccines.

Flexibility has been the hallmark of the Chinese government since Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening period of the 1980’s. That enabled the country to eventually grow into the second largest economy in the world and to become a top trading nation.

A similar flexibility is needed to meet this expanding health crisis. The sooner the better.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 30, 2022 10:34 pm

Rosie Batty.
Grace Tame.
Brih-nee Higgins.
Tarneen Onus-Wilson.
Gretel Killeen.
Magda Szubanski.
Kate Langbroek.
Yuni Stynes.

Behold your betters.

April 30, 2022 10:35 pm

Anyway, who gives a rodent’s – the Scream’s greatest track – an unrepentant homage to poor ol’ Sydney Barrett. 😕

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 10:39 pm

Zoe Rahman…
A bit wiggy at the end of this live take. The album version is superb, and I’m not a jazz wanker at all- lighter touch- but you gots to watch. Ignore the bass player in the Michelangelo smock.

local oaf
April 30, 2022 10:41 pm

John H, many thanks for the links and info you posted at 2:33 pm.

I kept looking further down thread, but finally found them about 8 hours later. 🙂

April 30, 2022 10:47 pm

I read a car review in the OZ by Clarkson on a Wolvo.
Why would you need 8 gears on an automatic? I can appreciate 5, but 8?

Volvo V90 Cross Country B5

ENGINE: 2.0-litre four-cylinder twin-turbo petrol (173kW/480Nm)

TRANSMISSION: eight-speed automatic AWD

PRICE: Discontinued in Australia 2021; V60 B5 Cross Country Mild Hybrid AWD from $64,990

STARS: Four out of five

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 10:56 pm

not sure I can locate this.
Thanks, I’ve tried long for naught. It shits me a bit that their ABC is all over pumping oput content in multiple formats, crowding the indies out, and not paying any royalties neither… and they can’t post up the good stuff from back when the Js were o.k. I mean, it were the 90’s, they were digital already.
Did find this little number on the Youtube though, gets to the version I fell in love with.

April 30, 2022 10:57 pm

The mighty Mick Ronson in the Hammersmith Odeon – excerpts from “hang onto yourself”. Watch from 39′ 45″, played on a Lake Placid Bleu Telecaster (originally played on a Gibbo in the 70s).

Strap the guitar on and thrash it to death, basically“.

As one does. 🙂

Real Deal
Real Deal
April 30, 2022 10:57 pm

Bugger, I got to the voting late. I wanted to put a vote in for that bitter, vengueful and incomprehensible old gobshyte, Dr John Hewson.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 30, 2022 10:57 pm

Well, the son and heir sold his Harley while I was away, and after six weeks of ownership where he realised that while he was on L Plates he – technically – wasn’t allowed to ride the thing.

Of course, he rode it anyway because cool. Not a motorbike bloke whatsoever, but I get it.

He’s got something called a Honda Shadow, a 400, which he bought yesterday from a bloke in Katherine. Looks all right, I suppose.

Eight months he’s had his licence. This is his fourth car and third bike. FMD.

Real Deal
Real Deal
April 30, 2022 10:58 pm

Vengeful not vengueful.

April 30, 2022 11:00 pm

Speaking “vengueful”, the left appear to be ecstatic that Josh F will lose his seat. The betting market has him winning though.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 11:01 pm

KD, I think you mean Yumi Stynes. A looker, I admit, but she’s parked her barge in the bitter prot for too long. Now a professional race hustler on the taxpayer dime.
Pedro, you deserve kudos for reminding us of the ridiculous Jordan Steele-John. I have never met a more prickly, humourless, entitled individual with less human warmth, and I hope none exist.

April 30, 2022 11:01 pm

The Gene Genie

Let yourself go …

Bruce in WA
April 30, 2022 11:02 pm

Eight months he’s had his licence. This is his fourth car and third bike. FMD.

He has a dealer’s licence, of course?

April 30, 2022 11:02 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 30, 2022 11:03 pm

You are quite correct, Wally. Yumi Stynes.

I think I saw her on Tinder once. She mentioned something about dad bods.

No match, natch.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 30, 2022 11:04 pm

He has a dealer’s licence, of course?

Uh, yeah sure, why not. Dealer’s licence. Got it.


Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Eight months he’s had his licence. This is his fourth car and third bike. FMD.

Crikey, I’ve had two cars in my life.
i.e. I’m on my second car now, bought in 1996.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 11:05 pm

…He won’t be able to ride the 400 on Ls either, KD.

April 30, 2022 11:07 pm
April 30, 2022 11:09 pm

Why would you need 8 gears on an automatic?

To feel like your even less in control of it.

Give me a six speed manual or give me death.

April 30, 2022 11:13 pm

Yumi Stynes

On the receiving end of a very public backlash (along with George “name them” Fungus) for criticising BRS on some stupid braindead FTA commercial channel talk show back in about 2011 (?).

Braying donkeys.

April 30, 2022 11:14 pm

Speaking “vengueful”, the left appear to be ecstatic that Josh F will lose his seat. The betting market has him winning though.

What gets leftards off is the thought of defeating an enemy, not the actuality. There is rarely a correlation between the leftist fantasy and the reality in betting markets.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 30, 2022 11:15 pm

…He won’t be able to ride the 400 on Ls either, KD.

Yeah, I thought that as well – but that make and model shows up on the relevant sites as LAMS-approved.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 11:20 pm

Step-through, low centre of gravity. I think it’s a power/weight ratio for LAMS too. I looked into getting my lic a few years back- crikey, so complicated, and with logged ride times with accompanying instructor, I can only conclude that our betters are trying to discourage as many poor proles as possible from adopting these fuel-and-space-efficient modes of transport for our wide, flat, sunlit, dry land.
I’m just now onto my third car, in twenty years… Volvos all the way.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 30, 2022 11:20 pm

Thirty years.
Shit, I’ve been driving for night thirty years.

April 30, 2022 11:21 pm

Give me a six speed manual or give me death.

In Sydney, that alone is all the cardio work you’d need on a short drive.

April 30, 2022 11:23 pm

I refuse to believe Sharma will lose the seat to Agile. (Allegra is the feminine for agile in Italian)

April 30, 2022 11:27 pm

On Joshi Friedchickenburger – one trillion dollars of public debt – that’s the mumbling mediocrity’s legacy.

Worst treasurer, ever. Makes Goose Swansteen look like the Costello.

Never forget, it was the gliberals who ushered onto us two years of unrelenting fascist idiocy.

Getting punted in an election is the soft way out for them. They can slink off, thinking they’ve gotten away with it.

Quite frankly, they deserve a lengthy series of public floggings prior to being hanged from their flabby necks until dead, followed by the long overdue and very righteous administration of HOP Time.

“Two weeks to flatten the curve”. Two weeks to flatten their heads with a Louisville Slugger, more like.

What we experienced in 2020 and 2021 should never have been allowed to happen.

April 30, 2022 11:28 pm

In Sydney, that alone is all the cardio work you’d need on a short drive.

I rarely get out of second.

April 30, 2022 11:28 pm

Whoops no, not agile. It means happy.

Happy Spender?

April 30, 2022 11:31 pm

Those Mighty Reds! 🙂

April 30, 2022 11:36 pm

Happy Spender

Of other peoples’ money.

It’s all they know.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 30, 2022 11:54 pm


April 30, 2022 at 8:14 pm

Hey Johanna re your Jimi Hendrix (who?)
Try asking anyone under 40 to name the Beatles

The Who?

May 1, 2022 12:04 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 1, 2022 12:06 am


April 30, 2022 at 10:47 pm

I read a car review in the OZ by Clarkson on a Wolvo.
Why would you need 8 gears on an automatic? 

The computer doesn’t care.
Give it 64 cogs and an algorithm and it is all good.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Yumi Stynes

On the receiving end of a very public backlash (along with George “name them” Fungus) for criticising BRS on some stupid braindead FTA commercial channel talk show back in about 2011

Sponsors pulled cash from the show. It still took 5 months for that show to die.
Andrew Bolt defended her & Negus, on the grounds it is difficult to find stuff to fill an hour of airtime.

Salvatore’s opinion: When faced with the challenge of filling an hour of live TV, there is no compulsion to fill it by spending the hour sneering at a returned serviceman.

May 1, 2022 4:03 am
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 1, 2022 6:33 am

RE: Operational tempos in Iraq and Afghanistan wrecking people and mucking things up, as far as I know the only element of the Big Green *
(i.e. Non-SF) Army element that was subjected to a similar tempo was the Armoured Corps.

Since a Squadron of ASLAVs and at least a Troop of armour-crewed Bushmaster PMVs was a feature of every deployment from 2004 in Iraq (2008 for Afghan), 2CAV and 2/14 Light Horse Regiment nearly always had a Squadron somewhere.

B SQN 3/4 CAV was the sole dedicated ARA Bushmaster operator. And they were rotated as a formed unit whenever one of the motorised RAR battalions was not slated to go. And they began to rely heavily on individual reinforcements from the Reserve armour units. Particularly from 12/16HRL as it was the sole Bushmaster-equipped Reserve unit at the time.

1 Armoured Regt started getting used by the SASR and Commandos, when the IED threat got serious enough to forestall any further use of their Landrovers, but that was still very low compared to the rest of the Corps.

To my mind, it was a similar issue as the RAAC encountered in Vietnam-S
A small but strategically critical Corps with only a limited number of units to draw from for rolling deployments. Relying on less than optimal personnel practices to compensate for an institutional/political failure to use their relatively large pool of Reserve/CMF units as reinforcements.

May 1, 2022 6:41 am

The Muffinologist hired by Depp to assess Amber Heard for a psych eval is very cute.

Very well spoken, oh my.

May 1, 2022 7:10 am

Speaking of gearboxes, GM and Ford have developed a 10 speed box (can be found on current Mustang). It keeps the engine much closer to it’s sweet spot. It’s 10 speed in rwd form and 9 in fwd. Also on the Ranger. Brilliant. I’m with Rabz though, I like my 6 speed manuals.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 1, 2022 7:18 am

Hey Rabz, is it too late to nominate another most preposterous figure?

Tony Blair heralds his OWN success: ‘Things got better after 1997 and we threw it away’ (30 Apr)

Miserable ghost is miserable. The trouble with socialism is it always throws it all away after the socialists run out of other people’s money.

May 1, 2022 7:25 am

Looks like Chermany finally won WWII.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 1, 2022 7:38 am

Looks like Chermany finally won WWII.

Crash or crash through? I’ll go with crash.
No way this will get up, and if they try it on there will be an exodus, starting with Poland and Hungary, probably Denmark and possibly even France.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 1, 2022 7:59 am

From: Looks like Chermany finally won WWII.

…launch of Joint Armed Forces of the Union

Imagine it. Would be the worst armed forces ever conceived. Can you imagine Italian officers, over German soldiers, with French engineered transport and armour? And British catering?

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 1, 2022 8:02 am

Peter Hitchens on how the BBC has become unwatchable:

…in the past ten years, and more so in the last two, I have found it almost impossible to listen to or watch anything the BBC transmits, not just because of the predictably Leftist politics but because it isn’t any good. I watch University Challenge only to make notes on its ridiculous mile-long questions about astrophysics, women painters or the higher maths.

The TV news is unbearable, apparently designed for simpletons. Radio these days is little better. I cannot remember a recent BBC drama which has not been poisoned by political messages, let alone one which was good.


May 1, 2022 8:16 am

Musk truly is a genius. His “stop hitting on me” comment in response to donkey faced AOC’s drivel instantly invalidated her endless fantasies that conservatives find her giant arse and distorted features attractive.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 1, 2022 8:26 am

Bigger than Ben Hur.

Politico reported, “A newly released biography about Jill Biden, by two well-respected Associated Press journalists, sold just 250 units in its first week, according to the company.”

It’s fun when hype meets reality with a thump as awesomely thumpy as this is. I wonder how much advance was paid to them?

Highlights of the News (Surber, 30 Apr)

May 1, 2022 8:33 am

The Biden Regime Is Intentionally Prolonging the Ukraine-Russia War?!

May 1, 2022 8:37 am

Those sales will be from entities that have to buy them.

I’m out of phone range for the next few days. Then back to the bright lights of Alice. It’s raining lightly here – fine for the trip to Kings Canyon but the shortcut across might be closed.

The water here is so hard you can’t wash your hair properly. I look like one of those Major Mitchell cockies. Without the charm.

May 1, 2022 8:44 am
May 1, 2022 8:44 am

The authors of the Jill Biden book are victims of the election.

They must have thought the Bidens were popular based on the voting “support”.

Oops !

May 1, 2022 8:46 am

What a humanitarian. Why don’t we toss him a few more billions.

Zelensky: Russians Have ‘Enough Artillery and Aircraft to Turn the Entire Donbas Into Stones’

May 1, 2022 8:52 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 1, 2022 8:52 am

Another day, another Albanese brainfart. If you want to own your own home, don’t live in Sydney or Melbourne, move somewhere where housing is affordable. I did.

Albanese unveils signature property plan
Sarah Ison

Thousands more Australians would be able to afford a home under a landmark proposal from Labor that would cut the cost of buying property by up to 40 per cent.

The package, dubbed the Help to Buy scheme, was unveiled ahead of Labor’s campaign launch on Sunday and will offer the chance for 10,000 middle income earners to save up to $380,000 off a home.

Help to Buy will cost about $329 million over four years and be made available to Australians who currently don’t own property and who have a taxable income of up to $90,000, or up to $120,000 for couples.

Should Labor be elected on May 21, it would provide eligible homebuyers with an equity contribution of up to 40 per cent of the purchase price of a new home and up to 30 per cent of the purchase price for an existing home.

The homebuyer will need to have a deposit of two per cent and qualify for a standard home loan with a participating lender to finance the remainder of the purchase.

The package will mean an eligible homebuyer living in Sydney – the most unaffordable city in the world after Hong Kong – could save about $380,000 on a new home worth up to $950,000.

Anthony Albanese said Australians needed a government that would “tackle the housing crisis”.

“After nine long years in government, housing affordability has only got worse under the Liberal-National government,” he said.

“Help to Buy is part of Labor’s plan to tackle the housing crisis.”

As of January, the median house price for a house nationwide passed the passed $1 million.

The Help to Buy scheme would make money for the government as it recovered its equity and its share of the capital gain when the house is sold.

Homebuyers will also avoid having to pay Lenders Mortgage Insurance, which, depending on the location of the home, may deliver, an additional saving of more than $30,000.

Opposition Housing and Homelessness Spokesman Jason Clare said the scheme addressed the challenge of buying, which was “harder than ever before”.

“Help to Buy will help Australians buy a home with a smaller deposit, a smaller mortgage and smaller mortgage repayments,” he said.

“This will help a lot of Australians buy a home with a smaller mortgage that they can afford to repay, instead of renting for the rest of their lives.”

Forty years ago, almost 60 per cent of young Australians on low and modest incomes owned their own home but not only 28 per cent can afford it, according to the Grattan Institute, which called for the national shared equity scheme in February.

In an effort to address the exploding housing unaffordability, the Coalition introduced the Home Loan Guarantee Scheme, which targeted first homebuyers, single parents and others.

The first-home buyer package gave 10,000 young Australians a year the ability to purchase a property with just a five per cent deposit, rather than 10 to 20 per cent, with the government acting as guarantor on the mortgages.

Scott Morrison raised the price caps for houses eligible in the scheme to up to $800,000 in Melbourne and regional Victoria and $900,000 in Sydney and regional NSW.

Concerns have been raised over the debt first homebuyers would be left with after taking up loans of as low as five per cent, particularly if interest rates rise.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x