Chris Blackout Bowen needs to know that the Nut behind the wheel is him.
Chris Blackout Bowen needs to know that the Nut behind the wheel is him.
Ok Pogria, if you are going to post Ace’s stuff I’ll do this one for Cohenite: Cute Owl
Mark Sleboda: Putin CRUSHES Trump’s Ceasefire Trap, Ukraine’s Army COLLAPSES in Kursk!
Farking Brillo. 2 Billion Up Thumbs and a chocolate frog.
DOGE says 239 contracts canceled over 2 days, including a grant to teach trans farmers about ‘food justice’
Hola amigos!
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Andy Davey.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Bob Gorrell.
Steve Kelley.
Patrick Cross.
Robert Ariail.
Henry Payne.
Thank you Tom
Good bad news
Government could face $1 billion bill after Federal Court ruled Gillard Government’s ban on live exports was invalid
The more the merrier.
Australian Tax Office investigating 40,000 individuals as part of $850million GST fraud crackdown
If true, moron.
Liberal federal election candidate Robbie Beaton referred to AFP by Electoral Commission
NDIS participants like Alicia stuck in hospitals waiting for homes as specialist housing sits vacant, advocacy groups say
First time because it’s the first time they looked?
Massive amount of water found below Antarctica’s ice sheet for first time
Thanks Tom! I’m up early as I head out to put myself in the hands of the DickTator’s broken medical system for surgery that should have been done 18 months ago and was considered elective. It is uncertain if I will get any improvement thanks to such late intervention but it will certainly prevent the problem getting worse.
I may be some time. Or not. But I will be reading along. And I never miss the ‘toons!
Biden Siphons US Strategic Petroleum Reserves for Europe WITHOUT AUTHORITY.
Check out the graph – if it’s correct, the O’Biden/Harris administration will sell off 1/2 of the US Strategic Petroleum Reserves by the end of this year.
I said about 6 months ago that it appeared Biden was doing his best to cripple the US war production ability. This pretty much proves it.
Loving your choices of artworks, Dover. Thank you.
Jo Nova has another episode in the ongoing drama of vaccine damage. Well after we were all press-ganged into compliance the ugly truth is emerging.
Arizona’s patent and blatant ballot fraud is being treated like the laptop from hell. The state’s Attorney has been slow to act and is being resisted at every turn by people involved in electoral matters. The audit uncovered ten times as many dodgy ballots as figured in the margin of victory!
Confidence in the electoral process is at a very low ebb.
Gateway Pundit
via American Thinker, this is certainly something I have feared might happen:
“But why would our officials seek conflict with the nation boasting the world’s largest stockpile of nukes (6,000) in the name of thwarting aggression that, as I explained here and here, globalist policy invited and is none of our affair? It all has a Dr. Strangelove–esque quality about it.
But there may be a method to this madness. And, no, a mere desire to enrich weapons-manufacturer political donors doesn’t explain it. There is one motivation that would, however: a serious conflict would provide the left an opportunity to seize complete domestic control, to cement its power — perhaps permanently.”
“ It’s not pretty, and it adds up to this: a major war under Biden’s handlers’ watch would become a pretext for the greatest Big Brother seizure of control in U.S. history. The question is, however, would the radicals in charge be crazy enough, or desperate enough, to risk nuclear war for power’s sake?
Note two matters when assessing this. First, being completely un-American and unpalatable, the Democrats have nothing to run on in the midterms aside from the just ginned up Roe v. Wade abortion controversy. Second, and as I often warn, these demagogues aren’t normal. They’re power-mongers.”
How about some Monet? I find his 4 “Haystacks” to be excellent studies of shade and light.
Also “The Magpie“
The media this week questioning the PM on why he hasn’t been able to maintain record low emergency level interest rates. Meanwhile Labor state not maintaining the emergency low rates is a sign of poor economic management. We live in crazy times.
Anchor – That may fit with the current mystery hepatitis outbreaks among children.
There’s been no findings why that has been happening. Is it because they are scared to actually look?
Mystery hepatitis cases in children are spreading around the world. Here’s what we know so far (SBS, 7 May)
Quite possible that the virus is itself hepatitic. Not much that can be done about that if the vaccine causes the same problem. Perhaps antivirals would be the best treatment in such a case, one very safe one in particular (trolling, who me?)
All the very best for today, Megan.
Obviously Monet never visited Australia or he’d’ve called it “The Pied Butcherbird”.
My icon birdy would be horrified by all that snow though.
(The feather patterns of the two species are amazingly similar.)
Bruce O’Newk:
I just like the painting due to Monets ability to capture the different colours and shadows of the snow.
Earlier this week, Taibbi released a column on PayPal purging a lot of independent media sites from their payment gateway.
Overnight he was speaking to one of them.
It turns out their sin was writing a substantial piece about how Ukraine has over 150 PR firms on the payroll to ensure their messaging is conveyed all around the world.
Still reading/listening through it all.
The Dry has arrived.
Almost shivered when I walked outside this morning.
23 degrees. Humidity’s gone, for the time being at least. Gold.
I said about 6 months ago that it appeared Biden was doing his best to cripple the US war production ability. This pretty much proves it.
Winston, my guess is that economic collapse and civil strife isn’t destroying the United States fast enough so you foment a war then make sure you can’t win it. That should do nicely.
I think that silly Despi O’Connor woman will run for the House of Reps.
“I am not profiting from an office of the crown”
Actually, it says you may not hold an office of profit and be eligible to stand for or sit – being on LWOP for 18 months is not relevant.
Winston my wife and I went to Naoshima, an island in Japan’s inland sea, to see Monet at the ChiChu Art Museum specially built by architect Tadao Ando to house only a small number of art exhibits. Well worth the trip. We went the day before a 2 week exhibition of large sculpture placed around the island as only the Japanese manage the viewing of form. Just as well we went the day before coz it was still packed, with many more expected.
Sadly for your narrative BoN the hepatitis outbreak is mainly in children under the age of five.
You know, the unvaccinated ones.
Last night Rabz redefined the Sixties radio show tonight to be 1963-69. That’s going to eliminate some of my links. Bummer.
Obviously the 18 to 48 months timeline is wrong.
Vaccination injuries are already filling our hospitals and cemeteries.
At the “Furniture Store”, struth quipped about Queensland’s stupid idea to tax NSW residents higher on investments.
S 117, not a 109. Discrimination against residents of another state.
I think the idea is dead in the water due to s 117.
I remember you all being scathing about Nova because she bought into covid Armageddon in early 2020.
Now she’s the go to for vaccine Armageddon.
Obviously no one in the Dems have read Kurt Schlichter’s books or they might have second thoughts about that. As a retired bird colonel he knows a thing or two about such things.
Believe all women. A piece in The Hun on ladeee umpires complaining they are subject to the same treatment as bloke umpires have been for 140 years:
For some reason the honorific gives this statement credibility. In any event, the question that must be asked is – And?
It is abundantly clear Dr Michetti has never been to a hen’s night.
So – this woman had a group of other women spit all over her car when she got out of it. Was she in her umpiring gear. In a car parking spot reserved for umpires? How, otherwise, did they know she was an umpire?
The internet says Michetti is an osteopath* from Sunbury. The match was in Deer Park. It is not unreasonable to suggest that Michetti might either a) have known these women, or more likely b) put her hands all over some of the aforementioned ‘other halves’, thus leading to the recognition and disapproval. Perhaps she has form. Either way, something’s not being told here because groups of chicks – even in Mongyang – do not rock up and spit on random women’s cars.
*Not a real doctor then.
The UK has better data
While some of the patients are as old as 16, most are under the age of 5. The CDC said the median age of the U.S. cases is 2 years
Rand Paul doing his thing.
Rosie, I did say “quite possible that the virus is itself hepatitic.” The virus also causes myocarditis and blood clots. The problem is the vaccine does as well, so it fits with Nova’s post that liver damage is a possible side effect of both the virus and the vaccine. Hence my tangential comment about ivermectin, the medicine that shall not be named.
Define “all”. 😀
So far she’s been amazingly accurate in many many things. She almost certainly has help from her husband too, he’s quite a bright chappie.
In Barcy, overcast, bleak temp of 19 degrees. Lying bastard of a thermometer.
One of those lazy southern winds – won’t go around, just goes straight through.
Currently in uggs + explorer sox, trakky dax and Tshirt/Cardigan.
Looking for a beanie.
When was the last time a Democrat was critical of a previous Democrat administration?
The handful of decent Republicans regularly refer to the failings of previous Republican administrations.
UK officials said there was “no link” between the cases and the Covid-19 vaccine, because none of the children affected by hepatitis had received a jab.
I didn’t say all I said ‘you all’.
You might be able to point to lockdowns being responsible for this outbreak but if you cared even a little bit about facts you would not be mentioning vaccines.
Us, median age two, not a single UK victim vaccinated, stop embarrassing yourself.
Think of the demographics after.
Who lives in the centre of cities?
Spivs and ghetto dwellers.
If Russia carves out the guts of a couple of cities, half the Democrat population would die.
Doesn’t mean they’d be taken off the voting rolls though. 🙂
May 7, 2022 at 5:56 am”
Megan, hope your surgery goes well.
Nothing like hoping the US’s problems are solved by killing all the ‘ghetto dwellers’.
Further, much further down in this pumped-up piece (note the comparisons made):
The people responsible for spreading this rumour were other umpires. 12. Years. Ago.
So the apparent abuse, in the ALLEGED spitting-on-the-car episode at least, may well be nothing to do with her being an umpire, and everything to do with her massaging players ‘belonging’ to other chicks, and combined with her existing reputation for splashing it about.
Poorly-written, flag-waving horseshit.
Did she just Smollett herself?
A follow on.
Stumbled upon a ladies Rugby Union game last night.
The expert wahman commentator declared men’s rugby wouldn’t be quite so popular either, if the blokes had to have a steady job outside the game like the girls.
Changed channels when she wasn’t immediately reminded of
Union’s history as an amateur game.
Bruce O’Newk:
I’ve read nearly all his books and all of the Kelly Turnbull stories.
There are many parts of the novels which are quite harrowing because you know the Left will stoop that low. “When you are doing the Peoples Will, nothing is forbidden.”
By Allah, they might in Brunswick.
You know, where women are held accountable.
At the start of the year I said that Madison Cawthorn was not to be trusted even though he popped up on dozens of right of centre podcasts.
He was touting himself as a Second Amendment absolutist.
But he didn’t know why Mark Kelly (D) from Arizona was such an important figure in any debate.
With a minimal amount of scrutiny he would have been binned ages ago.
Wilful ignorance.
…it’s time to leave the planet.
Earth is the B Ark.
Earth is the B Ark.
Osteopaths. Notorious fibbers.
‘It was horrible. They were wearing Blokesworld hats, and they put a stethoscope around my neck and said “this is physiotherapy country!”‘
He smells like Dan Crenshaw.
At least twelve years of suffering as a female afl umpire.
Talk about courage under fire.
Dan Crenshaw is worse.
A regular Jim Jordan.
“Yeah, let’s hold big tech to account”, while taking their money & doing everything he can in committee to maintain the status quo.
I suspect there’s a love tangle or two somewhere in that story the way it bounces from rampant sexism to mean girls.
Crenshaw & Jordan will have their seats for life now.
There are better ways to spend money than trying to primary them out.
But if they think they’ll be sitting on any committee of note come January 2023, I would be surprised.
Step back for a minute before asking why would anyone tell find for notoriety.
Kim Kardashian was a spoilt LA princess who was an assistant to an heiress who made a “leaked” amatuer p0rno.
She then made her own with a B list celebrity and acted dumb and spoilt after dating ever more famous black men before turning herself into a circus act and sending her husband nuts.
Adverse umpire commentary from crowds is an accepted part of AFL, and has been since it started.
Not one single male umpire has run screaming to the willing bosom of the press, complaining about his life being ruined. The closest thing in nearly a century and a half was Whatsisname, upset at being referred to as a ‘bald-headed flog’.
Actual umpire assaults at the end of matches are exceedingly rare, and usually finished by other elements of the crowd flogging the offender before the jacks turn up, and if they are called at all.
There is zero chance that anyone, of any gender does not take that into account when deciding to umpire AFL matches, and moreso if they are good enough to do it at higher levels.
It is, quite simply, demanding special treatment because womyn.
Back it in.
Be careful when you open that door, madam.
One Swans game a few years back & the umpires were called peddo & kiddy fiddler a lot during the game.
I could only imagine what would happen at a bush footy game where the crowd is more boozed up & with zero security like they have at the AFL.
There are just so many of them – they sound good and vote the right way in the inconsequential matters, and then when it really does matter, they vote with the Democrats.
One of the reasons I am very suspicious of Tulsi Gabbard.
People say because she’s served in the military, then she’ll vote for the US, and there was a couple of lunatic efforts here about her running as a Trump partner. She’s a Democrat and will do anything to get to the White House.
On the upside, nobody asked them what colour jocks they had on. That would have been terrible.
Am just now filling in my Senate Ballot Paper NSW.
My first three choices are easy but after that I’m stumped.
6 above the line. Anyone clue me in?
At least she’s smart enough to go with the evidence, once the deliberately induced panic dissipated.
Made my day, that has. Shouldn’t the Labor Party have to pay that account? Will anyone have the guts to ask Albo for comment?
Re. Turdbull….from The Daily Telegraph….
“Richard Alston said ‘treachery is his (Mr Turnbull’s) middle name, no doubt humiliated by being widely regarded as our worst ever Liberal PM’.”
Well yes Richard but the pertinent questions for the Liberal Party are, given that the Liberals have known for almost two decades that MalTurd’s middle name was “treachery” why did they install him as PM in September 2015? Most in the party knew him to be a malicious, vindictive, untrustworthy, venal narcissist and secondly, why wasn’t he removed after the disastrous election result in July 2016 when he lost….hmmm….how many seats? Oh yes, that’s right, fourteen seats (that’s some achievement) and it took Barnaby Joyce to save MalTurd’s tuchus.
And amusingly, MalTurd is now referring to his removal in 2018 as PM as a “deposition”, as though he was some sort of King, Emperor or Tsar, who ruled by divine right. The man truly thinks he was a king, an amusing stance since he claims to be a “republican”. One thing is clear though, he needs serious help. You can see the malice, the hate and the spite dripping from his thin lips on his pinched ugly face. He’s so angry and bitter towards, not just the Liberal Party, but also towards ordinary Australians who, unlike the Liberal Party, saw through this narcissist from the beginning.
Rosie, how have I embarrassed myself when I said it’s quite possible the virus causes it? You know that viruses like that go around kids like wildfire. Endless sniffles. As Jonova says the Pfizer data shows the vaccine finds its way to the liver and other organs. Therefore it is logical to expect the virus will also find its way to the liver and other organs.
There is a difference though in that the vaccine is squirted in in one big slug whereas the virus has to infect and replicate to build up its numbers. In children though we know that it rarely causes serious disease requiring hospitalization. But some kids are always unlucky. Why not these ones?
Israeli data found that asprin was somewhat protective against Covid hospitalization. That also fits with this information since asprin is anti inflammatory. As well as being an anticoagulant, which would help mitigate against the blood clot issue. However the medical industrial complex hates the idea that taking two asprin and resting might be one of the better Covid treatments available.
Bolsonaro’s odds of being re-elected have just gone up.
Overnight Lula stepped up his criticism of the US & their role in Ukraine.
From the dead thread
Are you looking for a really, really – and I mean, really – dumb take on the war in Ukraine? Look no further:
Russian military situation deteriorating, strikes inside Russia, and arrival of game-changing equipment from the West
Some pretty damn huge calls there, Paul. Some of those cheques you’ve written are going to need to be cashed really soon.
The only cheques the Paul Wall
isy is cashing are the ones he is receiving as a propagandist.Don’t jump!
President Biden later said Crenshaw changed his vote to cross the floor after viewing matters with both eyes.
Try again
The only cheques the Paul Wall
isy is cashing are the ones he is receiving as a propagandistArizona parents sue woke school board which ‘compiled a dosser containing their social security numbers, mortgage records and Facebook posts’ after they complained about CRT in classrooms
We’ve reached the point of schools compiling illegal dossiers on parents instead of teaching children.
BREAKING: Official Co-Leading Biden Disinfo Board Worked for George Soros
I don’t know if George is THE puppet master, but he’s certainly up there. He also ran Obama.
CDC investigating more than 100 cases of unexplained hepatitis in children, including 5 deaths
Scottsdale parents who discovered secret dossier compiled to silence their speech announce lawsuit
Embarrassing: George W. Bush Calls President Zelenskyy the “Winston Churchill of Our Time”
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
May 7, 2022 at 8:42 am
Government could face $1 billion bill after Federal Court ruled Gillard Government’s ban on live exports was invalid
Made my day, that has. Shouldn’t the Labor Party have to pay that account? Will anyone have the guts to ask Albo for comment?
Great idea. Failing that, there is a solution where the money can be taken from. It’s as easy as A.B.C.
How about some more quips about the messenger.
Iceland: Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths increased by 80% in 2021
Joe Biden’s anti-life, anti-Catholic rhetoric is fueling abortion advocates’ hatred of the Church
I was wondering if anyone would claim shedding and bingo.
I remember reading an insane twitter thread last year where a bunch of fruit loop females were claiming having vaccinated partners was affecting their menstrual cycles.
Some people’s covid links I never click, for good reason.
Guaranteed to be of the fruit loop variety.
As always, they though he gave them a better chance of winning the next election than the current guy.
Yes, they were wrong.
Thanks Tom, you bring hilarity to some depressing subjects.
Best wishes for your surgery, Megan. I hope it is successful and that you have a quick and complete recovery.
Anchor what said “Jo Nova has another episode in the ongoing drama of vaccine damage. Well after we were all press-ganged into compliance the ugly truth is emerging”
Then you said
“Anchor – That may fit with the current mystery hepatitis outbreaks among children.
There’s been no findings why that has been happening. Is it because they are scared to actually look?”
Please don’t pretend you weren’t making a link between vaccination and the hepatitis outbreak.
Looking increasingly likely that frigate Admiral Makarov has indeed been hit by a missile. At least one identified rescue ship (SPK-46150) is reportedly steaming to the location. I haven’t verified this tracking data from the tracking sites, though it makes sense that rescue vessels would have their IFF switched on, as otherwise they might be a target for attack.
Not sure that it was a Neptune missile as Ukraine has apparently now received Harpoons from Britain and longer range anti-ship missiles from Norway.
The infant mortality rate for Iceland in 2021 was 1.105 deaths per 1000 live births, a 4.25% DECLINE
A.B.C. and Animals Australia between them..
Australia, Net Zero, ruin our economy, no jobs, no reliable power………..the rest of the world?
Looks like you can change your mind about anything.
‘I gave birth to twins as a surrogate 14 months ago… they’re still here’
History began the year they were born.
May 7, 2022 at 8:41 am
Am just now filling in my Senate Ballot Paper NSW.
My first three choices are easy but after that I’m stumped.
6 above the line. Anyone clue me in?
Same question as I have Senate NSW wallpaper roll laid out on table
on house reps 7 numbers – easy Zali Steggall last after Greens and Labor and Animal Justice
FDA Puts Strict Limits on Johnson and Johnson Vaccine Due to Blood Clots
Dot coming out you’ve been over at the furniture shop is brave. Is there anything else you need to get off your chest? I’ve seen that being at the furniture shop causes jibbering endlessly coz you’re a national treasure. Well in your own mind.
Rosie – Of course I was making a link between vaccination and hepatitis. That is the point of the post Jonova has up. It is logical to therefore say that vaccination can cause hepatitis when we have all the usual suspects pushing vaccination of children under 5 right now.
As I said: if the vaccine can cause hepatitis it is likely that the virus can also. It certainly is known to cause inflammation of other organs, especially the heart.
Logically it is this:
A. the vaccine appears in the liver, based on newly released Pfizer documentation
B. the vaccine is known to cause inflammation of the heart in some cases
C. the virus can cause inflammation of the heart
D. children get the virus easily but rarely are hospitalized
E. Because A+C+D the virus likely causes inflammation of the liver in some adults and children
F. Because A+B the vaccine likely causes hepatitis in some adults and children if administered
G. Because A+B+D+F it is inappropriate to vaccinate children against this disease.
H. Because E+F the vaccine is about as bad as the virus (possibly worse)
I. Because G+H a treatment which doesn’t cause hepatitis is needed, eg ivermectin or asprin
It is inescapable to conclude that if the vaccine causes hepatitis in some unlucky people then you should not be vaccinating children with it when they have nearly zero risk of severe disease from the virus itself. Instead a different treatment should be administered. You’d think this’d be obvious to people without having to spell it out.
Bruce O’Newk:
I would say that the Poot is getting really annoyed with the West (and I cannot blame him.) – I wonder if he will try an Operation Cerberus in reverse to get some of the fleet in the north of Russia down to the Mediterranean? There’s not a lot of strategic sense in it but as part of the escalation process, France, Italy, and Greece may just need a gentle hint they are not too far away from Russia and the missiles can go both ways.
Mind you, the Northern fleet could use a bit of beefing if it is to carry out its mission of disrupting the Reforger plan that a few lower ranking officers will be burning the midnight oil over in the Pentagon..
I will make a list of mine when I finally decide my 6 above the line.
Reason for voting this way is that it will be easy to pass on to members of family who may ask me. They usually do.
81 Million Vote Recipient Joe Biden Arrives to Greater Cincinnati Area to Zero Fanfare (VIDEO)
“Joe Biden, Not to be Dark About It, But to be Honest, Turned Out to be an Unparalleled Disaster” – Tucker Carlson on the Biden Administration Nightmare (VIDEO)
Tucker Carlson began his program Thursday night with the following excellent summary of what is going on.
So you can question whether Joe Biden got, what’s number, 81 million votes in the last presidential election. Actually later in the show, we will. But even if you accept that there actually were people that voted for Joe Biden voluntarily, it’s hard to believe that many of them got anything like what they expected in return for their votes.
Joe Biden, not to be dark about it, but to be honest, turned out to be an unparalleled disasaster. It’s not an overstatement, in fact it’s a generous assessment. Our country’s never seen anything like Joe Biden has done.
WATCH: Dinesh D’Souza Speaks At Save America Rally In PA: “In This Movie, We Show That There Are At Least 400,000 FRAUDULENT VOTES – TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION”
Patriots in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, are gearing up for another jam-packed Save America rally following the release of Dinesh D’Souza and True The Vote’s bombshell documentary exposing the “2000 Mules” that were employed to steal the 2020 Presidential Election from President Trump.
The Gateway Pundit reported that President Trump would screen the movie at his rally tonight in Pennsylvania.
Patriots are weathering the “torrential downpour” just to see their favorite President live in action. “This is by far the wettest rally I have ever seen,” said Save America attorney Christina Bobb.
Tens of thousands are willing to stand in the cold rain for President Trump, the most popular President in American history.
Ohio GOP Senate Primary winner JD Vance was soaking wet while giving his speech earlier.
President Trump brought out his good friend and co-creator of 2000 Mules, Dinesh D’Souza, to warm up the crowd and talk about his new film.
Refer to me as Dot Esq, GCMG.
I read a post that was linked to. I deserve a gong or something, right?
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
May 7, 2022 at 9:52 am
Please don’t pretend you weren’t making a link between vaccination and the hepatitis outbreak.
Rosie – Of course I was making a link between vaccination and hepatitis. That is the point of the post Jonova has up. It is logical to therefore say that vaccination can cause hepatitis when we have all the usual suspects pushing vaccination of children under 5 right now.
As I said: if the vaccine can cause hepatitis it is likely that the virus can also. It certainly is known to cause inflammation of other organs, especially the heart.
Hepatitis spike among kids linked to COVID lockdowns: UK docs
Over 200 children have been diagnosed, one has died
Now, U.K. health officials believe a spike in hepatitis cases among children may be linked to COVID-19 lockdowns. Doctors in the U.K. believe children are getting the illness because of weakened immune systems due to lack of exposure to illnesses during lockdowns.
Research is continuing, but experts believe the hepatitis spike is linked to the adenovirus, which is like the common cold.
“It has been detected in around 74 of those cases that have actually been tested for this,” says Phillipa Easterbrook, a WHO senior scientist. “It is very unusual for an adenovirus to cause this type of severe symptoms.”
Whatever happened to “Lord of all the Fishes of the Sea, King of the Birds and Fowls of the Savannah, and all the Beasts of the Meadows”, M’Lud?
They may have had that happen to them at the same time after the vaccinations happened, it may have coincided with a stressful time that affected short term fertility – which is much more likely the cause.
It is important to explain things when sceptical. Calling people liars when they’re telling the truth but have a stupid explanation stops them talking to you and makes them pig headed about their ideas.
“So what’s changed that would cause one Labor Government to include shooting, and another Labor Government to leave it out?
The difference is that the state’s premier is Daniel Andrews. Andrews is hard core socialist and known for his disregard for the shooting sports alongside his police minister, Lisa Neville.”
He & She didn’t have any objections to using them against protestors last year.
Re KD’s story earlier about the AFL umpire ladeee.
Important distinction.
She is a boundary umpire.
In a suburban league.
After 12 years.
Winston – There’s a long-standing treaty which prevents access of naval ships to and from the Black Sea via the Bosphorus without Turkish approval. Since the outbreak of hostilities the Turks have closed the sea way to all naval vessels. The Russians do have a sizeable fleet in the Med already based at Latakia in Syria, but they’re denied access to the Black Sea right now.
It would appear that being triple vaxxed is not a good idea!
When did you get the bump up to God Calls Me God?
Megan: Likewise, re surgery. Rather than an in-out procedure two years ago to remove something lumpy beneth the skin over my spine, I’m now booked in for surgery later this month to scrape a much bigger lump with resulting additional costs for anaesthetist etc. and the cost of follow-up care. Plus, I won’t be able to play golf until the stitches come out.
Thanks, Dan, you utter prick.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a deniable response, there’s a lot of migrants from the middle east where Russia has allies. Particularly in Europe, there were an awful lot of young men. If they’re wrapped up in internal strife it makes it hard for them to do much to support Ukraine.
Look at Mumbai, where a small number of gunmen shut the place down, as an example.
Yep. I was aware of the Treaty – it’s one of the reasons Russia called some of its ship designs odd names. But wasn’t aware of the refusal to allow any naval vessels through.
Biden is sending Ukraine billions of dollars of weaponry it can’t use properly
Kiev can’t maintain and repair complex US and NATO arms – if they break, they’re useless
Simply put, if its broke, you can’t use it. And military equipment breaks – frequently – especially when subjected to the strains and stress of unending modern combat.
Take the M777 155mm towed howitzer the US is providing to Ukraine – some 90 in total. Intended to be a lightweight, easily transportable replacement for the workhorse M198 howitzer used by the US Army and Marines from the mid-1980’s through the mid-2000’s, its design made sacrifices to reduce weight which, under combat conditions, resulted in “serious problems with metal fatigue, instability while firing, and damage inflicted by recoil quickly became apparent,” according to a fact-sheet about the system. Many of the problems faced by the M777 revolve around the materials used in its production. “There are many problems with using titanium instead of steel,” the fact-sheet notes, “rooted in the fact that while it is similarly strong, titanium alloys are much less flexible (making them more prone to metal fatigue).” Moreover, the fact sheet concludes that “this artillery piece is too light for the powerful 155 mm ammunition. The lighter a weapon is that fires a given projectile and propellant charge, the more violent its recoil is. This has resulted in the recoil-absorption mechanisms in the M777 wearing out dangerously fast in combat conditions.”
The presence of so many young men in Europe with a ‘different’ religious background was always a potential disaster in progress. three or four 40 ft containers with AKs, RPGs and grenades would tie up a considerable amount of the German/French Armed forces.
They may be slowly coming to realise the problem they’ve been ignoring for the last thirty years may just sink them.
God knows we’ve warned them enough.
Today in Russia’s ‘deteriorating situation’:
Also reports that UKR HQ in Donbass has moved to the far rear, to Dnipro.
Russia Today would say that wouldn’t they. 😀
The propaganda from both sides can be hilarious at times.
Oh, and here’s something else about modern medicine: I asked the quack if, after he removes the lump, he could pop it in a jar of alcohol or whatever so I could take it home, pop it on the mantelpiece and impress guests (although probably not if they were tucking in to a dessert of custard).
Turns out that, even though it’s my lump and I grew it, the doctor is legally prohibited from giving it back to me. A slight suspicion that, since the surgeon is Chinese, it might end up in a wok faded quickly when he said the same rules apply to gall stones.
“Patients get velly upset,” he observed.
So much for property rights in Australia these days.
Something else which confuses me about medical souvenirs, areff.
Even though it is perfectly fine to stick the first trimester baby ultrasound on the fridge, apparently it is unacceptable to display your colonoscopy images on the Kelvinator.
So many hoops.
Let me repeat.
The current hepatitis outbreak is in young children, in the US the median age is two (you should be able to conclude from that they are unvaccinated).
In the UK most children infected are under five and not a single one infected has been vaccinated.
I guess being a scientist doesn’t mean one has an interest in facts.
She’s going to get cancelled in about five seconds. No way the international progressive left is going to let her say this sort of thing.
Swedish Prime Minister Says Integration Has Failed After Migrant Riots (6 May)
Amazing. She’s the leader or the Social Democratic Party, which is probably a cross between the ALP and the Greens here. Breathtaking for someone like her to go off the reservation like this.
Perhaps dot but with so many ‘vaccine deaths!!!!’ that turned out to be suicide and links to rubbish sites a conclusion can be drawn.
As for the ladies of twitter, I didn’t engage with that horror show.
Sure there is a scientific study somewhere that proves having a vaccined (any brand) partner affects your menstrual cycle.
I’m not seeing anything on Telegram and Twitter at my usual haunts. If no photos emerge in the next 24 hours it’s another ‘never happened’ event.
‘I have never seen a more dysfunctional police management’: Former veteran NT Police officer
…the NT has the highest rate of assaults and deaths that our officers have to respond to than any other jurisdiction per capita.
The workload per officer in the NT is also the highest required of any officer in policing that I have ever experienced. Our officers, especially in central Australia will from their very first shift, be dealing with some of the most horrific crimes and death scenes that you would ever want to imagine.
This is why a supportive and professional leadership group is absolutely essential for members’ mental and physical health. However, since the commencement of Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker’s reign we have seen the majority of the staff support networks crushed and replaced with bullying tactics and intense micromanagement from his driven executive team who are so far removed from the team environment mentality that it is simply terrifying.
We are now watching as the NT Police force has now seen three officers take their own lives just this year, which is absolutely unheard of and upsetting. We have also never seen so many staff on sick leave, stress leave, resigned, transferred to other jurisdictions during Mr Chalker’s reign, than we have ever seen in the history of the NT Police force.
More at NT Independent
The same is true with demolitions or renovations. The builders own the gear they are removing.
What happened to my body part, my choice?
Only got to have a look around the major cities here to see similar. There’s a huge chunk of the people living here who are never going to integrate. The claim we are the most successful multicultural society in the world is going to turn into a spectacular mess if the good times end.
There are two very good articles over at Ius & Iustitium on Dobbs (the leaked first draft reversing Roe) that looks at the broader question of the post-Roe environment:
and, whether or not the decision is Originalist or not:
There’s one ever so dodgy shot of a ship afire.
lotocoti, I don’t know if this is the vid but I saw someone say it looked like Arma 3.
And the people who warned it would happen were deemed racists.
Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals that there was a disturbing 22.1% jump in deaths in January, this demands urgent investigation.
22.1% jump in death rates, I wonder what caused that.
From the 7:30 mark.
The veritable inferno by the forward mount looks a tad overdone.
That’s what I thought when I had a look. Wouldn’t be the first time some tried to pass game footage of real.
Amazing isn’t it?
The prime Minister of a country tells her people that they failed to “properly integrate” muslims, so it must be their own fault the muslims rioted.
One wonders what proper integration would look like – Submission to Islam perhaps?
A legal and moral can of worms that has been kicked down the road for centuries.
It seems perfectly reasonable to assert personal ownership of one’s detached body parts.
The problem is that rights are attached to ownership, such as the right to sell one’s property.
Well…you can see where this leads.
6 above the line in the NSW Senate ballot paper is most difficult.
I will use the Liberal Democrats choice as my guide, but not in their preferred order.
Sweden’s failure to properly integrate large numbers of migrants has led to the creation of parallel societies and gang violence, according to left-wing Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.
Gotta luv the way they (politicians) explain it as the “peoples” fault .. the folk who were given NO say in the decisions ..
One day it’ll happen here cos no one in gummint cares! .. take where I am .. a “houso” enclave of 69 dwellings totally seperated from private residential .. when I 1st moved in with the kids (1988) the HC had rules (forced on them by the local Council) on occupation .. all families were to be vetted and no dodgy/criminal/no-hoper types were to be installed ..
soooooo, in the beginning, all was fine lotza family units and a few single parent intermingled, predominantly white, within 3 years that had all been forgotten .. everytime someone moved out a SE Asian family was moved in (the beginnings of the boat-folk era) and the estate went from 80% working parents to 20% over a 5 years period & English became a 5th language .. then NSW gummint bowed to media pressure and tried to gloss over the Cabramatta drug problem by pushing the dealers out .. except, of course, when you push someone out they go somewhere else and this estate was perfect for setting up “business” .. after all, who is gonna care when it’s only “houso” no media interest in another “houso” estate going bad..
1985 thru 2005 this became the the drug “mecca” for south west Sydney, plod all paid for, HC involvement all paid for, local gummint all paid for .. still a few folk here in politics who were knee deep in corruption but all glossed over nowadays ..
the kerbside drugs trade died out, gradually, thru mobile phone popularity and nowadays this area is quite quiet but one thing you do notice NO one talks to each other not only because of language differences but there are still folk who were, actively, involved in the drug trade living here and so ignoring each other has become the normal way of life .. for example the Turkish woman who was the main “weed” supplier to the local high school (“grass” wasn’t considered financially viable to the Assyrian overlords) and a “plod informant” still lives further up the street ..
no one was ever convicted of anything for the entire 20/25 period of misery ..
I went to a Pilates class this morning then to Bondi Junction to get some groceries. Outside Eastgate Shopping Centre there was a phalanx of Princess Allegra and Dave Sharma volunteers. I’m just amazed at the amount of money being spent by Princess Allegra, oops, sorry…..not Princess Allegra but her Svengali, Simon Holmes a Court. Anyway, going into Eastgate I was accosted by a Princess Allegra volunteer and I stopped and said to her that I take into account three simple factors when it comes to who to vote for. I asked the Princess Allegra volunteer if she’d like to hear them and she said yes, so I said…
1. I don’t vote for anti-Semites.
2. I don’t vote for people who employ anti-Semites.
3. I don’t vote for candidates financed by anti-Semites.
So sorry, I can’t and I won’t vote for Allegra Spender.
I then walked away.
20/25 years .. duuuh!
Dear, dear not doing too well! .. moved in 1980 not 88
Which raises the question…what were the police up to?
Ooops….I skipped past that bit.
Just extraordinary.
Just trying to think who was NSW premier at the time…
May 7, 2022 at 12:01 pm
6 above the line in the NSW Senate ballot paper is most difficult.
I will use the Liberal Democrats choice as my guide, but not in their preferred order.
For me, not shooters & fishers have tended to vote with Labor and note Labor puts them at 3 after Greens at 2
A man takes his pet rocket for a walk:
Looks like it’s an off-leash zone.
That makes it almost impossible to find 6.
Leaves voting below the line as the only option that I can see.
Ok P and that’s 12 below the line not 6?
Multiculturalism abhors integration. Sweden practices Multiculturalism, so the failure to integrate is by design.
Taxpayers’ cash is being spent to decolonise English museums, which depict a history written by ‘white, wealthy, able-bodied men’.
Arts Council England has poured millions of hardworking Britons’ money into Museum Development England, which said museums in the country, including attractions dedicated to cricket and knitwear, needed help with ‘equity and inclusion’.
There has been continued outrage at the lengths woke museum and arts bosses are going to scrub their museums of history in an attempt to seem inclusive and diverse.
Yes. But it’s not difficult for choose 12 individual candidates from 3 groups.
e..g. here
Noted thank you P
Likewise Cassie, there was a mass gathering of Kooyong Teals congregating at our small local shopping strip this morning, bizzare, they all just suddenly appeared like they’d been bussed in. I’d say the number of billboards and posters around the streets has approximately doubled in the last week too – clearly big dollars being dropped on this push.
See what’s happened already Dot. I mean Dot Esq. MCG, SCG & Bar.
Time to start making demands of your lessers. It gets quite serious when the bum becomes stuck on the couch.
There will never be a nuclear war from what is happening now.
If you think there would be I don’t think you get what’s going on.
But keep watching Ukraine those of you lost to the jabs of truth denialism…….while China , the world’s manufacturing hub through corruption, has closed down it’s manufacturing , locking up millions of people , due to “covid”…what a joke.
Take that huge link out of the supply chain………………….
Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals that there was a disturbing 22.1% jump in deaths in January, this demands urgent investigation.
No biggie, I can tell you the reason right now.
It was DefinitelyNotResulting FromTheCovidVaccine.
Ninjas doing wet work?
I’m digging a shelter right now.
Can I lease some space please?
Pay me in cash and baked beans.
I must say, Cats, the bonhomie is very high quality today.
The Good Humour Index is running at 6.5, which is good, but not great.
She must’ve heard a former mayor of Tower Hamlets just got re-elected.
I wonder if the council has any more Henry Moore sculptures he can try to shift
for a nice little earner.
How about you help dig the fucking hole.
Cash is no good to me when the world outside is a smoking ruin.
I really have to get selective about who I let into ze bunker.
Can I be sure you can refrain from stoushing for six weeks in the confined space of ze bunker JC?
Re: Shooter’s and fishers party, the main reason they’ve tended to vote with Labor is the Liberal party have flat out refused to work with them full stop. At least in NSW. I’ve heard similar rumors for the Vic branch, but nothing for sure.
Liberals are wedded to the Howard gun laws to a degree that stops them considering working with SFF. Yet another reason to dislike the fools.
I’ve seen gallstones turned over to a lapidarist and when returned in a polished and enameled condition, proudly worn by the manufacturer as a necklace.
More and more media outlets now reporting the Makarov frigate hit, including The Independent and Forbes. However, only Ukrainian government sources are providing “official” confirmation, not the US or Russia. It will be absolutely hysterical if the US are holding back and do an intel dump just in time for Putin’s Red Square victory parade on May 9th!
Shooters and Fishers?
After talking out of both corners of their mouth in Victoria over the last two years they are dead to me.
Crossie – I’ve removed the years, it’s now the whole decade.
Dover, check your email.
Local Oaf:
Well, yes.
This is not going to be pretty.
Pancho, at least they have a slightly different interpretation of the concept of “animal justice”.
Dick Ed is over on the Abortion and the Left’s Lies thread, trying (not very convincingly) to argue that fascists are not leftists.
Labor is awash with funds that are spent on AstroTurf outfits.
That’s where Shooters & Fishers [what a sad buncha phoneys]
Sustainable Australia, Reason Party, The Greens, and very likely the Teal Independents get their funding from.
How many are they funding to oust Dave Sharma?
The fuckin’ lot.
Sancho Pinzer:
Yes – after the way they’ve failed to represent shooters, failed at remonstrating with the government, I wouldn’t give them the steam off my piss.
Agent Sancho, at least they have a slightly different interpretation of the concept of “animal justice”.
Is Animal Justice and S & F preferencing each other higher
than Liberal/National ?
I bet they are.
Are you sure your canned good of choice for your bunker should be baked beans, Sancho?
A person most wise once suggested sardines should be your stored good of choice.
Also cans are bad for the environment, plastic pouches are far superior.
Boambee John:
Dick Ed is a continual pain in the arse who has to take an opposite view to any remark.
The only time I notice him is when my haemorrhoids are playing up but I may be confusing cause and effect.
Which raises the question…what were the police up to?
in 1990 the local plod shop (about 200mts away) had a complement of 92 officers (various branches) 91 of them were under investigation for one thing or another .. the other one, poor sod, must have felt very left out ..
after 2010 it was re-assessed and is now used for various training, highway patrol & bail sign-ons + as a lunchroom for passing squad cars & comes under Fairfield district rather than the stand-alone it had been ..
The only plod presence we ever saw was the, every, Friday afternoon collection .. a marked car would drive in around 2.00pm and a bag passed thru the window from the main drug stand (yep, they had a trestle table set-up along with a 44lt drum fire) .. the level of confidence & impunity of the entire drug operation was that running it in full view showed a full up-yours to anyone who would have dared object ….
Well, yes.
This is not going to be pretty.
You’re suggesting a Crusade against the Mohammedans, Winston?
What’s the story here?
I’m not sure I would compare Special Ed to a haemorrhoid. You can get rid of haemorrhoids.
I’m thinking of asking the greens for a how to vote card and just reversing the order.
There are plenty of parents who were prepared to move heaven and earth to vaccinate their infants and toddlers. And plenty of doctors would have fulfilled their requests.
How’s the Vespa going Ed?
Meme of the Day submission.
Oh Lord, Fester’s peddling the bullshit that kids are contracting hep as a result of the vax? The metallurgical biologist, Nobel laurette maybe onto something. LOl.
Let me add that no one under 30 should be even considered for the vax. But kids getting hep because of the vax? Fester should be placed in a padded cell. FMD.