And now for a jolly Man who could do the business – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBsHSbVRNJI
And now for a jolly Man who could do the business – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBsHSbVRNJI
Just for a touch of sheer brilliance. Who could forget this? (I have had stand up arguments with people who…
Wait a minute baybee … Stay with me a while Said you’d give me light But you never told me…
BAM. This thread dedicated to Penelope Wong and her astute ability to read the room. Oh wait.
With Putin being such a Dickhead let’s have some War of the Worlds – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9DISbQKTTM
Radical Abortion Activists Gather Outside Supreme Court Justices’ Homes
From the Comments
– So now, all of a sudden, the woke crowd knows the difference between a man and a woman?
– I’m so confused. Just last week they were telling us men get pregnant and women have big swinging tallywhackers.
– The Big Swinging Tallywackers would be an awesome band name.
– Or the name of a saved file on Hunter’s laptop.
You would hope so. Incidentally that was what allowed manh of the Hawke-Keating reforms through the Senate. Contrast R-G-R in Opposition.
What on earth did you do to your fingers that required surgery? Cut them off?
Amusing post heart transplant story:
Remarked to nurse one morning the “Doof Doof” music was quite loud during the night and would they mind turning it down?
After several minutes of discussion we realised the doof doof was the new heart beating – my old black and flabby heart was so weak and ineffective, I couldn’t hear or feel it. The new one was so loud it kept me awake until I got used to it.
Delta A:
How about choko pulp?
(Winston runs for cover…)
Hospitals don’t really do night time. I got woken at 4am one morning by a very matter of fact Registrar or somebody to shove a catheter into the back of my hand. God knows when he clocked on or off.
Winston must have been a CWA member at some point.
H B Bearsays:
May 8, 2022 at 3:39 pm
Hospitals don’t really do night time. I got woken at 4am one morning by a very matter of fact Registrar or somebody to shove a catheter into the back of my hand. God knows when he clocked on or off.
The vampire lady always seemed to come at an ungodly hour to take the daily blood samples!
More abortions = Less demonrats. The equation appears to have equilibrium.
The funny is thing that if the Right came out in support of abortion and loudly explained the reason why, the left would turn against it.
Whoops 🙂
dover0beach says: May 8, 2022 at 12:07 pm
By this yardstick, it’d be fine to publish Jen Psaki’s home address & tacitly encourage some fundy red necks to turn up & “be passionate” about some aspect of her job.
Reading comments on a story.
Bear, is that you? Sounds like it.
It’s just a hop, step and a jump to blowing them up. Like Obama’s mate in The Weather Underground.
Remember filth like Pelosi have been around since the bee gees, I they’ve decided there’s no need to pretend any more.
Nah, not one of mine. Agree with the sentiment though.
From “The Age.”
I bet there are some VERY unhappy bookies looking at sharp blades today…
Has anyone seen Armadillo?
H B Bear says: May 8, 2022 at 11:04 am
The “smashed avo on artisanal bread with soy latte fair trade organic civet-poo arabica beans at an artisanal cafe, alongside other professionals with laptop” set are not going to downgrade to “bacon & eggs-over-easy with drip filtered coarse-grind robusta at a greasy spoon diner, alongside truckers, railway brakemen, & cleaners”
Longer than that, she is a museum piece.
Unless you go bust there isn’t much to worry about. Bookies are like stockbrokers- you don’t meet the unsuccessful ones.
As usual, the bookies will have cleaned up.
All the money will have been backing the odds-on favourite, the turf experts will be nowhere to be found,
… and a big deal will be made of paying some no-hoper who accidentally put $20 on “Rich Strike” at 80/1, which won’t even dent the hay bale of cash most bookies picked up that day.
Nothing wrong with drip filtered with the right coffee, freshly ground. Were I a sneering coffee snob, I would suggest a pour over might be preferable to an espresso but I wouldn’t want to wind JC up unnecessarily.
Avocado and lattes aren’t really out of the ordinary. They go well with bacon. They’re just food to me, I’ve never understood the cache they hold nor the derision they have sheeted recently. Taking cultural cues from Bernard Salt? No thanks. I’d like to bullshit less as I get older and become (hopefully) a better person.
The real question is, will you eat the bugs?
I am interested where the chattering classes stand on this. Yes; or no, for the little people only.
Worse still – I want a drip filtered pot coffee latte.
The T-90M is a modernised T-72 variant, with a few automotive, sensor (this one’s equipped with a thermal imaging sight unit as standard, most T-72s and their contemporary T-64s and T-80s are only fitted with infrared searchlights for night fighting) and armour and soft-kill (missile jammer) active protection improvements to bring the basic T-72 design in line with contemporary performance requirements.
I’m surprised more haven’t been reported active in the Ukraine to date, as it would be the ideal scenario to stress-test the design against a peer opponent.
(And Cats, if the Russians were using current-spec M1A2 Abrams, Challenger 2/3s, Leopard 2A7 or even Merkava IV MBTs as poorly as they have been employing their own gear to date, I’d reasonably expect the loss rates to be just as appalling. They might just chew up a few more ATGMs and RPGs per vehicle before a final M-kill or K-kill is achieved, and the recoverable/repariable hulk rates might be somewhat better. But that’s about it).
Most coffee snobs don’t know the difference between an au lait and latte, and I have been to VERY pretentious coffee joints that are staffed by faux Italians or insufferable hipsters who don’t know what a piccolo latte is and treat their customers like garbage.
Just ignore these morons and they’ll either go out of business or lose any social cache they have.
When avos hit $5 a pop you have to ask yourself whether you really feel like guacamole for lunch. Unlike Californians we don’t have the luxury of Mexican cartels just over the border.
I think a pending oversupply next season should fix this problem.
Probably a good thing- Those truckers and railwaymen alike very likely out-earn them…
Not only that…her father was involved in Democratic politics when talking pictures were a novelty.
This is the West’s approach to the war in Ukraine.
May 8, 2022 at 4:21 pm
filth like Pelosi have been around since the bee gees,
Longer than that, she is a museum piece.
One of JFK’s conquests?
Anyone want to wager on the equivalent of the Beriovska Shops in whatever format opening here?
Probably as a home delivery service where you exchange your OS currency for Beriovska Coupons.
The cost of dying alone is having a job not many people want, longer hours, higher taxes and more stress?
It also means by the time career goals are met, men don’t want to marry you because you can no longer conceive and men you consider worthy can get a 25 year old babe on the up and up who wants kids and marriage immediately.
What a sucker’s deal.
Feminism ruins lives.
Dot, are you in Melbournibad? Their coffee snobbery is world class.
Does that mean that the crew still sit on top of the ammunition supply?
Dot, buy yourself a Nespresso machine with the milk frother and ONLY use Illy coffee. You will thank me.
I’d argue that Melbourne coffee is as best as it gets in the world and that include Italy and all of Europe. It doesn’t get better.
Ordering a full English breakfast with a coffee was a real lottery in the UK in the 90s. It may have improved.
Bear – no.
I went into Gisborne recently.
Got a coffee from the Indian run cafe. It was so so but breakfast overall was very good.
I before that went into the joint with the Biden and Bernie posters. I had walked in with my chinos, belt, RMs, Canterbury top and Daiwa trucker’s cap.
The moon child weirdo ran (ostensibly, a male humanoid) in fright from my toxic masculinity and would not serve me.
Forget sheilas and just buy an expensive sex doll. Real ones aren’t worth the trouble. There’s a gaggle of them at the family business and boy are they just fucking trouble. Trouble, greedy, drama queens and attention seekers. I’ve had with with Sheilas. Either buy a doll or just buy regular sex.
Melbournibad was certainly the Gates of Vienna for Starbucks.
Far too often however, the coffee is not.
This just sounds like the worst cope. We are more than 60 days in, and 1 confirmed loss is news.
There used to be a coffee shop in Sydney at the beginning of Glebe Point Rd called Bad Manners which made a specialty of doing that.
Yes, incredibly so. There’s even a joint that just sells coffee and Portuguese tarts in Chelsea. No, not sheilas .. this Two of these, coffee , a cig and your morning is made. There’s a long line and that’s how good they are. Nothing beats London.
Yea, even Illy Coffee is barbaric? Stop!
Dover forget the war and focus on Portuguese tarts.
There used to be a coffee shop in Sydney at the beginning of Glebe Point Rd called Bad Manners which made a specialty of doing that.
Using Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi as a business model?
If you want to find out who really has their head up their arse then stereos are the thing to enquire about. Those boys make coffee snobs look like rank amateurs.
It’s not Chelsea, it’s in Sth Kensington.
Top Ender:
I know Cardinal Pell had gone through a rough time, but we’ve missed out on a really good chance to prevail against the bastards who caused this problem.
The Cardinal suing the arse off the Government – perhaps costing a couple of them their careers – and the papers for $50 million quid may have made them a little less fond of trying it on again.
There is still a lot of skill to making a good espresso – even assuming the person behind the machine starts with good coffee to begin with (which in most cases they will do so. You don’t get into coffee roasting without having something of a clue).
I have improved my understanding of coffee since spending around an hour each day in my cafe. The girl who used to do all the bean sales (including test roasts with a little bench roaster) has since left to go roasting instead.
It’s quite personal. I haven’t got much beyond “Yeah like that one” and “Nah, I don’t think so.”
Although, TBH, you could probably shove a few cups into the bubbling jam and and stretch out the yield with little loss to flavour.
This take on the current fetish for appropriating Russian yachts seems sensible.
Yacht Plot
If nothing else the author introduces me to the word ranine which has definite utility. As in
Definitely keeping that one.
I’m guessing there are going to be a lot of cheap boats for auction in a short while. These things needs constant attention/ money spent on them from the first day you take delivery. All these boats are now fucked with the Euroweenies impounding them wholesale as they aren’t going to be take care of.
Either buy a doll or just buy regular sex.
So, you’re saying you’re available.
Reading Max Hastings on the first few months of the First World War.
On 22 August 1914, in a series of battles that make the Somme seem a work of military genius, France lost 27,000 soldiers killed, plus huge numbers of wounded and captured.
Compare with 1 July 1916, on the Somme, where the British lost 19,000 dead and around 38,000 wounded, and 19 July 1916, when the Australian 5th Division lost 5,533 men killed, wounded and captured.
AKA Saudi Kensington. Stayed there for two weeks in mid ’93 – a very salubrious part of London.
Actually, I rather like that.
It needs to be in Queensland because we don’t have enough mountains for the views.
Kensington is just gorgeous, Rabz. I reckon it’s the best part of London and therefore the best burb in the world.
There is a few great sites on the Net for abandoned London mansions. A lot need work on the interiors.
Actually, I rather like that.
What’s that mate?
Stop trying to homosexualize the site, Cronkite. It’s not that sort of blog.
You feel poor just walking to Harrods to get one of those green plastic carry bags -which you throw out anyway because they are so naff (unless you are an American).
“Battle of the Frontiers.”
Anyone who thinks that the upcoming feral election isn’t the signal example of the bankruptcy of our democracy is kidding themselves.
If I’m forced to turn up on the day, where’s my “none of the above option”, you fat stupid hypocritical parasitic collectivist windbags?
Oh, that’s right – “there won’t be any of that, you miniscule peon of no consequence”.
Well, thanks a bunch.
Enjoy HOP Time when discovering that it’s suddenly upon you. 🙂
The barbarism of property confiscation.
Congress has lost its mind.
Apparently joe’s new press secretary is an anti-semitic leso. But don’t worry, she’s black
Stop trying to homosexualize the site, Cronkite.
I’ve always thought of you as a pansexual; in chinos.
A suitable thrice daily meal for various beloved politicians, braindead bureaucrats and j’ismists languishing in gaol before their turn to join the exciting totally sold out blockbuster event that is “HOP Time”. 🙂
Who are we to doubt the richest person in the world (after Putin). I have my doubts paid subscription will work though but at least it would get rid of a large number of leftist riff raff..
But firing a 1,000 of those lousy leftist scum is worth the try.
Current staffing is 7,500. He will let go 13% of the workforce. On second thoughts, not nearly enough!
At McKinlay, because in my position I needed to go to some of their meetings, I tried to join but no luck – because bloke.
I remain in awe of their information gathering and processing system. It puts the KGB to shame.
With two granddaughters working lunch and dinner today and a major shopping expedition (for some) planned for the afternoon, we celebrated Mothers’ Day with a fabulous brunch, cooked and served by our very Best Men.
Kiddos set the table and helped (to varying degrees) with the preparation and service. Bacon and eggs, of course, with grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, good old spag and beans, chipolatas etc, followed by pancakes with maple syrup and/or raspberry coulis and whipped cream.
But the best thing at the table was Son, who came over from The Island early this morning to be with us.
Kids, grandkids, food and flowers; life – to quote a certain Cat – is good.
Someone just outed themselves as a member of the Kombucha caste.
My mum used to make strawberry jam out of chokoes, red food colouring, a bucket of sugar and chopped up toothpicks as “make believe” strawberry pips.
The whole lot was boiled for hours and stunk the house out so badly even the resident dogs went walkabout.
According to Statistica – the link, Twitter increased staff from 5500 in 2020 to 7500 in 2021. That’s around 40% increase. Incredible.
Avocado, bacon and toast for breakfast is fine. Even deconstructed.
And as far as Dover rolling his eyes goes, remember that to date it’s all been T-72B variants, T-64s of all kinds, T-80Us and BVs and the older T-90A variants reported active and reported wrecked in the Ukraine.
T-90M and MS are the bestest and newest vehicles in the fleet, beyond the prized T-14 Armatas that only come out for test runs and Victory Day parades. The good stuff you might only issue to Guards units with the good crews and decent budgets defending the more important military districts in Russia.
Pedro wins the three Yorkshiremen prize for today.
Kosta Tsuyu lost me when he said the Soviet Union was a great system, coz when he made it as a boxer, he was allowed to shop in Beriozka shops, where ordinary people were excluded, thus proving the Soviet system was worthwhile, coz you had something to strive for.
… unlike western capitalism, where Tsars have no more consumer rights than a toilet cleaner.
Australia is a better place for him departing.
@ JC-
SJW-Converged organisation full of ideologues hiring all their maaaaaates.
Net result = Politically very good, but very likely to be lacking elsewhere…
Oh, I forgot the coffee!
Having completely gone off tea and coffee when antibiotics were my staple diet four years ago, I was tempted – and yielded – to Son in Law’s offering today of a strong, aromatic plunger coffee with 1/2 teaspoon of raw sugar. Bliss!
He also has one of those new-fangled coffee machines. Might give that a go one day.
I imagine you eat gravel for breakfast and smoke Marlboros as a multivitamin.
Yes occasionally I drink Kombucha. Some of it is okay. It’s better than shit like fast food.
Fermented food has been around since day dot + 1.
I’ve always maintained that drip coffee with the right beans as you say is unbeatable.
So, definitely newsworthy when one gets written off?
In a recent interview, playwright David Mamet said the following…
“politicians, with a couple of exceptions, are whores, thieves, thugs and fools”.
I don’t think you can find a better description than that.
She carpet munches with her.
Jean-Pierre has faced conflict of interest concerns over her relationship with CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux.
Those accounts held by Bitter clinging deplorable political extremists weren’t going to delete themselves.
I hope Musk terminates** them all.
(** This is not of course to be taken as meaning to mortally terminate.)
Yes occasionally I drink Kombucha. Some of it is okay. It’s better than shit like fast food.
Fungus tea.
Why don’t you just soak your socks and drink the washing water.
Don’t ever try to go undercover in high-viz land.
I smoke Log Cabin, naturally.
Breakfast however, is vegemite on toast, topped with caviar. (Until Winston’s choko-infused blackberry jam becomes available – with stems included for extra fibre goodiness)
It is one of their biggest blunders. It’s like giving Ferraris to learner drivers.
In other words, she’s a Spook.
Expect a bloodbath.
Of course.
Stop the kayfabe hi viz shit Sal.
They have good incomes and buy nice things for themselves, they’re not cretins from a 1950s homoerotic film of your imagination.
Kombucha is a phony marketing name.
It used to be called The Hop, plenty of people from the Generation 1910 to 1940 kept it for making Ginger Beer.
One advantage over the lazy way of using yeast as the starter is that the bottles don’t explode randomly.
It’s also easy to make though buying it is more convenient.
I’ll post a recipe if I feel like it later on.
Ed Case says:
May 8, 2022 at 1:18 pm
As it happens, both Estonia and Lithuania are members of NATO.
I’d think so.
Higher-calibre (at least by training and cachet) units from Military Districts much further away from the front are now being rotated in.
Really, don’t ever try to go undercover anywhere beyond the Bundy Rum curtain.
WTF are you even talking about?!
Groogs is giving idiocy a bad name.
Why is Joe Biden doing nothing to help desperate US babies? Parents and politicians slam president for failing to intervene in baby formula crisis as distressed dad says ‘never did I think I would have a problem finding food for my baby in America’
Try normal eggs instead of the fish eggs on the vegemite- You get a nice melding of flavours, and your arterial linings will thank you for the reduced sodium content. 🙂
Bacon (and baked beans on the side) still somewhat mandatory, though.
There would be many aspects of life in regional Australia with which you are totally unfamiliar.
Think of it as part of the broad church of multiculturalism & celebrate it as a positive.
As it happens, both Estonia and Lithuania are members of NATO.
Not Finland or Latvia though.
Finland got their arses handed to them in the Winter War, but at least they kept most of their Country.
They mightn’t be so lucky if they join NATO?
“Apparently joe’s new press secretary is an anti-semitic leso. But don’t worry, she’s black”
She ticks all the necessary progressive boxes.
at what point do the D’rats start pushing the mantra that judges are un-elected and undemocratic, and therefore must go ?
Its amazing how quickly the US is descending into chaos . .. I can’t see the average voter putting up with this much longer.
Fungus tea, yeast barley water, off grape juice…
The only thing I am really put off is chitlings/chitterlings because they are hard to clean.
The Lego block on the hill. Needs a bit of eartwork done on the surrounds to level out and make garden space. Also a few balconies or all round verandahs for the 1st and second floors + flat roof for parties/gardens and walls with firing loops. And more water storage.
Otherwise great little place.
I hope the skank and skankette aren’t included?
Pretentious looking couple of wankers.
Probably faggots as well.
High maintenance faggots at that.
You believe mine workers are cretins with no taste.
Probably best to keep your opinion to yourself, champ.
Where’s Ted these days?
Careful with the Chitlin’s, Dot.
People have been known to scoff a plate, then be overcome by an irresistible urge to go a lootin’.
The mid-terms can’t come soon enough.
Who is the geopolitical expert above saying Latvia is not a NATO member?
Mothers day probably has something to do with it.
It is just unprecedented. Granted the oligarchs’ got sweet heart deals, but they stole from Russians and not from the Ukrainians or others. This stuff is just nuts.
Grigory seems to somehow think an IRA-controlled socialist Ireland is going to romp over the border and occupy Belfast.
The uniformed and staff numbers of the Northern Ireland Police Service (formerly the RUC outnumber the entire Irish Defence Force alone. About their only disadvantage would be in heavy weapons and equipment.
And the British Army is just a short hop over the Irish Sea.
Bring Out Another Thousand
The WA ads for the filthslime party ( non lib) have a glaring hole in the middle of them shaped like an Elbow.
They run through whatever talking point they have, slap a “ Scomo isn’t up to it” then end with an ambiguous “ it’s time to give someone else a go”.
Imagine knowing your leader is such a personality vacuum you won’t mention his name.
Ad Mong: so Elbow what did you think of the ads?
Elbow: but I’m not in them
Ad Mong: we ran out of money
Elbow: My name costs more money?
Ad Mong: not as such.. Penny!!!
Elbow: Penny is my name expensive?
Penny: could cost the election….
Anyone advocating offshore wind turbines has never owned a moored boat.
I like the way you think Rabz.
And a damn fine way of using up excess chokos.
Apart from her direct PIRA past.
Can’t somebody else do it?
Good god. The elbow led ALP is now using literal Homer Simpsonisms as election slogans.
PIRA doesn’t count ‘cos it was provisional, right? 😉
(You don’t get a position of power in an organisation like that without having demonstrated a lot of loyalty and ruthlessness over a long time, and the favour of one or more patrons amongst the shadowy denizens of the IRA’s most senior leadership).
One of the great attractants of this august journal of record is the vocabulary expansion.
h/t Wally Dali.
No, please don’t. The concept of Choko Mush was enough.
I’ve been watching an interesting series on TV called Assassins.
It is about the high rate of assassination in Ireland.
It can be a brutal place. It’s a good watch.
Hosted by a journo and prison warden turned academic.
Was it definitely written off?
Most armoured stuff can be repaired if it hasn’t burned out or catastrophically exploded.
…after the old crew has been removed with a fire hose.
Jonathan Lenini and Choko (Mush).
Genius at work..
…sashimi is a phony marketing name.
It used to be called Raw Fish
he has an Italian name, but he isn’t Italian
also, ‘Illy’ sounds exactly like how a ‘strayan would say Italy
IRA used a simple method.
Make things so shit you are with us or against us.
Our enemies will imprison you.
We will kill you or family members.
The enemy will remind you of our cause by the increased security you will navigate every day.
We will make that security and inconvenience increase by more attacks.
Rinse repeat…
Some context, Cats:
“When languishing in a Kampuchean Jungle, one tends to imbibe copious quantities of Kombucha.”
Got an Orange Flyer today,
lists Scotty’s “failures” on one side
basically the quarantine wasn’t savage enough
not nearly enough people forced to take the Jab
not enough C/19 Testing
and it’s Scotty’s fault that Palaszczuk flooded Brissy in February
In microscopic print at the bottom of the page:
authorised by the australian labor party
As much as I like Les Grossman, I still prefer Arnie’s quip to pseudo Bill Gates…
Why don’t you clone yourself, so you can go and fuck yourself.
Try whacking it with a cold spoon.
I knew someone would get the Tropic Thunder thing.
According to the picture posted to Oryx,
it looks pretty dead to me.
Turret is up and out of the turret ring and the chassis looks to have been burnt out.
I’m surprised someone went Full Retard back at you. 😉
You never go Full Retard…
Or just turn up one day with a truck and tell the dad “If you drive this truck to the British Barracks we won’t rape your missus and kids, then kill them by burning your house down with them inside.”
As if the hipster yuppie swines haven’t inveigled their way into enough already, even the humble electric guitar now has a stylist and a little man in Tuscany that does things whenever they are in town.
Rex Anger:
That ain’t gonna buff out.
I kid you not.
When the big coffee chains arrived in Melbourne, no-one talked about their favourite cafe.
All they would talk about was how much they detested Starbucks and Hudson’s.
I almost died rolling my eyes.
Body: Stratocaster American Standard 1996, Cherry Red Metallic 🙂
The Amp isn’t mine, I’ve got a Princeton Chorus*.
*Basically a glorified Twin.
Or just turn up one day with a truck and tell the dad “If you drive this truck to the British Barracks we won’t rape your missus and kids, then kill them by burning your house down with them inside.”
Belfast on the Euphrates.
Getting a bit carried away there Winston
I’ve been redistributed.
From living in a part city , part rural electorate , I have been moved to the second largest electorate in Victoria
The electorate office is three hours away .
Two things: I don’t think I’ll be visiting the office ant time soon
I’m pretty sure the honorable member will be visiting me
Time for some lush orchestral arrangements, courtesy of the André “3000” Benjamin 🙂
You know what would be great?
Elon telling every Twitter staff member to write a brief 100 word statement.
The subject:-
“How my job contributes directly to Twitter revenue growth, cost control and profit growth.”
Let’s not get carried away. I’m not sure I could have done that for any job I had.
Tell me friend, why do you stand aloof from your own heart?
Because I always wanted to be matched with her …
Today in weird Twatter stuff
My ban was overturned, all my tweets were restored and i got an apology.
My protagonist in the Roe V Wade debate i was engaged in had their stuff removed.
This organisation needs some head kickers, Project Managers from construction would be a useful asset for that company.
Farmer Gez:
No. There were several bombings carried out under those circumstances. The detonation was carried out by an observer at the target site.
Mine number one is somewhat pedestrian by comparison but highly playable. Steel frets are the business, super slinky and don’t wear out.
You clearly tried to take the corner waaaay too fast… 😛
Today in wifey’s Facechook
“I’ve got a bad cold, thank Marx I’ve had the jab, otherwise it would be COVID.”
More or less, male and female.
He should ask them to show what value they bring to the company, what do they do to add to the bottom line.
As a PM, if we don’t bring in the coin, we don’t have a job, you are only as good as your last project.
A PIRA day by day.
A Sunday Night Song – don those Soviet Grey* Levi’s jackets, peoples and enjoy the greatest guitarist of his generation.
Cherry Red ’61 ES-355 Gibbos optional.
*In denim or corduroy
Frankie – that’s a beautiful axe, Squire.
Looks like we’re comparing our banjos?
90’s Jazzmaster, cherry red metallic, which is the only colour for guitars. Matched headstock, tortoiseshell scratchguard, white electrics. Looks outta sight under lights, which is tactical because I had a less-is-more approach to playing.
But the only thing I pick up these days is the Lemmy.
Yo. 🙂
John Connor II
May 8, 2022 at 1:18 pm · Reply
2000 Mules – documentary full video
Enjoy ?
And, this is how we begin the cull.
Ahh, Mr Kilmister PBUH. I think Marshall have re-released a version of murder one in case you are into a new amp for stupid amounts of money.
KD – LOL. 🙂
Carpe, I used to work for a couple of different project organisations.
Back in the early 2000’s one of them had slogans posted around the place like …
“Would you do it if it was your money?”
Sadly, these have probably now been replaced by diversity and inclusion slogans.
Sorry Winston.
Thought you were referring to suicide bombers.
Liars 15 day to election ad; spot the amazing mistake.
Ed Casesays:
May 8, 2022 at 6:27 pm
As it happens, both Estonia and Lithuania are members of NATO.
Not Finland or Latvia though.
Finland got their arses handed to them in the Winter War, but at least they kept most of their Country.
They mightn’t be so lucky if they join NATO?
Dickless is really, really, hot for World War III.
And Roe v Wade Barbie (from dash cat)
Bugger- Now I’ll have to redecorate the Thunder Dome and try to hire it out as a wedding marquee or something… 🙁
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
May 8, 2022 at 6:34 pm
Who is the geopolitical expert above saying Latvia is not a NATO member?
Dickless Ed, our resident military and political strategist, sees all and knows all.
One of the finest dirty tricks of all time – Simon Holmes a’ Court’s “Independents” advertising material has had “Greens” stickers stuck on them….
The same geopolitical expert who said Germany has been it own country for centuries.
*its own country*
In my defence, I am both typing and eating noggie food.
Would that be the same expert who stated Qld traffic cops are barred by law from using hand signals coz drivers may believe a “stop” or “proceed” signal is actually a Nazi salute?
chikun noggies? 😀
And thinks that crystalline salt is lethal.
Anyone have any idea of Simon a’Court’s net worth. Links suggesting the family has a net worth of $300 plus million, but it also implies son Paul is the owner of Heytsbury Holdings centered on agri, which is where the bulk of the net worth resides.
Oh! And the same ex0ert who thinks that Buteyko breathing will create nitrates in your nasal blood vessels that destroy covid particles.
And that the HMAS Sydney was sunk by a submarine. Aided by the bastardry of one piratical Kapitan Detmers…
AKA “typos that take on a wife of their own” … 🙂
Simon a’Court’s net worth must be pretty substantial, starting a political party as a vanity project would cost more that a yacht. He should just buy a football team instead, less hassle.
Your analysis of the Russian military has exhausted my capacity for laughter, now I just pity your ignorance.
I am not kidding.
If Musk asked every Twatter employee what they did personally to directly contribute to the bottom line, I’ll bet 200 would flounce then and there.
And they would be the right ones.
That was terrible dry cleaner food. Terrible.
The hound’s got most of it. I think that tucker gave me covid.
Frank, I’m not sure.
I was rifling through links, trying to find out the above and some of them suggest he bank rolled the campaign with a whole , humongous $ 1.4 million dollar war chest. That hardly sets the world on fire these days.
A large half-noodles, half mutton*.
*Mandarin for chicken.
They’re down to just VRD + Birrindudu/Flora Valley.
There may be some … exuberant valuation… if that is $300 million worth.
Robert Holmes a’Court – pig excrement be unto him – was Australia’s first billionaire.
I think this might be a fascinating concept to espouse upon. 🙂
Maybe even thread-worthy…
Which was “inherited” from his unrepentantly criminal father, who was greenlighted by various labore politicians. Somehow, I can’t see collectivists’ “wealth taxes” catching that vile piece of filth’s ill gotten gains in their great gaping maw.
HOP Time, peoples.
You know it makes sense and is long overdue.
At least you didn’t feed it to Barry…
It doesn’t appear to be his money.
Fitz: How did you raise the money?
How are things going in the Donbass pocket for UKR?
Well, who’da thunk it, JC – hold the talky thingy device …
Sounds like “Simey” is a front man for donors.
I wonder if the two dickheads at Atlassian are funding this travesty.
I thought I had a low opinion of the man…