Open Thread – Tuesday 10 May 2022

The (Little) Tower of Babel, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563

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May 10, 2022 12:02 pm

Former PM to launch new book on Christian faith’s timeless relevance

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott will launch ‘Christianity Matters In These Troubled Times,’ (details at end of article) edited by Catholic Weekly contributor Dr Kevin Donnelly on 19 May in Sydney. The book, which includes contributions from figures such as Cardinal George Pell, Tim Costello and Tess Livingstone, sets out the relevance of the Christian faith in a time when Christianity may appear to be receding but, as its contributors argue, is needed more than ever before.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 10, 2022 12:04 pm

Electricity is getting more expensive apparently.

Electricity prices ‘going to go up’ (10 May)

The Motley Fool’s Chief Investment Officer Scott Phillips says electricity prices are going to “go up” – as increases in energy prices are “significant”.

Mr Phillips said wholesale prices have spiked over the last six months.

This is weird. I thought Teal Man Cannon-Brookes was saying yesterday renewable energy would make prices go down not up.

May 10, 2022 12:13 pm

they cannot go down because the energy market is not really a market in the true sense of the word.
It’s a cartel
and so is every industry built around it.

May 10, 2022 12:16 pm

Here we have a link being provided and ignored …on the old thread.
I put a link on the old thread showing exactly what Palmer said, and so in need to save face from a most embarrassing (ass u me) assumption by KD, he just hopes you didn’t watch it.
Unfortunately for Sancho, son of slip lane suction, he didn’t check first, his emotions again getting the better of him, and jumped straight in with his pants down, both dicks in hand.

May 10, 2022 12:21 pm

Their ABC fighting hard to resuscitate Covid fear porn
Tuesday, 10 May 2022

From the Comments

vung tau ferry pogo said…

WHY GET VACCINATED AGAINST COVID..MY STORY To put a recent perspective on this from a 16 day coach tour of Tasmania where the majority of passengers were incarcerated at Sunrise Apartments Devonport aka “STALAG 13”. Confined to rooms with doors closed but not locked. Some had some sunshine during the day..we on the top floor had no sunshine at all. Our crime was that we were close contact of about 4 passenger who had developed symptoms. Most of us were kept there for 7 days and if our RAT was OK we were released. Sadly some had another 3 days incarceration. The only ones that were permitted to continue on the tour were those who had COVID before and recovered. For many of us who had done the “right thing” and had the two jabs plus booster, meant absolutely nothing to the Department of Health Tasmania.

Reply Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 11:45 AM

May 10, 2022 12:23 pm

2000 Mules Documentary Provides Compelling Evidence That 2020 Election Was Stolen

After the 2020 election, government officials and their allies in the media repeated the mantra that the election was the “most secure in American history,” Dinesh D’Souza pointed out before the premiere of his new documentary film 2000 Mules at Mar-a-Lago, Wednesday night.

But how would they know that? D’Souza wondered. Even if they couldn’t prove the election was rigged, “it still doesn’t follow that it was the most secure election in history,” he said. “The only way you could prove that would be if you were to compare the amount of fraud in 2020 with 2016, with 2012, with 2008, with 2004, and show that there has been less fraud now than in any of those elections.”

D’Souza’s question is a good one.

Did election officials study the security of every election prior to 2020 to make the determination that the 2020 election was “the most secure ever”? Or were they just spinning another false narrative that benefits one side of the aisle?

The movie 2000 Mules handily answers that question.

Using state-of-the-art technology, the film convincingly makes the case that the 2020 presidential election was perhaps the most unsecure election ever, and was stolen from former President Trump.

May 10, 2022 12:24 pm

The (little) Tower of Babel:

That’s not meant to be New Catallaxy blog???? Noooooo……..

May 10, 2022 12:27 pm

Libs Hate Political Violence and Intimidation Unless It Helps Them

“It’s different when WE do it”

Jim Treacher

The libs are condoning political violence and intimidation. And yet they’re still obsessed with January 6. Violence is bad, except when it suits their goals.

“It’s different when we do it!”

As if pissing off the most powerful judges in the country wasn’t dumb enough, now these idiots are protesting at churches:

This is the stupidest thing these abortion enthusiasts could possibly do, so of course they’re really into it.

May 10, 2022 12:27 pm

so many young people today are vegan/tarian/fetishists, there are lots of variants available

it occurs to me this is coming from the schools, as part of the negative indoctrination of all that is wrong with the world and how they can DO SOMETHING to help make it better

it also helps you feel superior to anyone not doing it doesn’t it?

if you sign up to the propaganda as so many of them do, you are probably on board with all the other fetishes, climate, trans LBGTIGENXYZ etc .. everyone I have spoken to is this way and not far under the skin is a seething anger with the world

what a misery schools are producing, what with this crap and the dreary books selected these days

probably need a good system flush to get rid of all this, but how do we reset our school system and the material teachers are using and abusing?

sure, lots of people turn to vegetarianism for many reasons, but why so many young people, in their teens or just out of their teens have gone this way can really only be explained by their environment and it’s not their parents or relatives indoctrinating them

May 10, 2022 12:27 pm

At the airport.
Flight must be packed, they guessed who I was before I said a word.

May 10, 2022 12:29 pm

Of course Libs preferencing Labor and vice versa could have nothing to do with globalists?
Conspiracy theory nonsense.
The fact that our WEF cobber buddy Greg Hunt pushed the states to lock down and mandate jabs.

Bullshit….er…um….Jessica Nowaboy.

Ridiculous bullshit….nothing to see here.

The fact that a country like Australia which can feed it’s own population many times over and had without UN WEF ordered government interference, the cheapest and most abundant electrical supply and all the resources to be a super power, yet, avocados and crops in Australia are now being left to rot as the corporations go for imports they can’t get, and once the food rots, and the farmers broke, won’t be able to turn to home grown.
As Poultry is ordered destroyed and pigs because of Japanese Encephalitis and now they are trying to tell us foot and mouth has got in, to destroy beef cattle…………

The goal being we suffer what all other western countries suffer, societal breakdown and starvation so we, divided and hungry accept the new world order.
Nothing to see here….it’s all conspiracy theory…..back to Ukraine.

May 10, 2022 12:30 pm

White House says it has ‘not seen violence’ against Supreme Court justices, as protests erupt outside homes

White House says should not see protests ‘that threatens anyone’ as activists continue to stake out Supreme Court justices’ homes

From the Comments – something I had noted as well

No one has mentioned the speed with which all of those pre-printed signs and placards just materialized within hours of the leak of the draft opinion. Flash mobs are one thing, but those signs had to be composed, designed, printed and paid for. Someone received advance notice. I want a “Jan 6th” inquiry.

May 10, 2022 12:33 pm

Biden’s new WH press secretary claimed Trump, GA Gov. Kemp ‘stole’ elections

‘Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen election …..welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump,’ Karine Jean-Pierre tweeted in 2016

President Biden’s new White House press secretary has previously claimed the 2016 presidential election was “stolen” from Hillary Clinton and that Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp “stole” the 2018 gubernatorial election from Stacey Abrams.

“Stolen emails, stolen drone, stolen election …..welcome to the world of #unpresidented Trump,” Karine Jean-Pierre tweeted after former President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential win, repeating Clinton’s claims that Trump was illegitimately elected.

May 10, 2022 12:37 pm

MSNBC political analyst: Supreme Court draft opinion threatens not just women, but ‘anyone with a uterus’

Tolliver accused Republicans of trying to take ‘this basic right away’

May 10, 2022 12:39 pm

$Aus dropping.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 12:41 pm

From the old fred …

Knuckle Draggersays:

May 10, 2022 at 11:31 am

In NT developments:

The Chief Minister, Michael Gunner has finally caved. Resigned in Parliament this morning.

He will not be the first scalp in this cavalcade of incompetence and/or malice.

I happened to catch a snippet of 730 last night, on the Lingiari electorate:-
LNP Candidate : “The NT Government is a shit-show, and Albo will be more of the same.”
ALP Candidate : “The NT Government is a shit-show, but nothing to do with the Feds”.

May 10, 2022 12:42 pm

Tonnes of avocados dumped by farmers due to rising labour and shipping costs

A Queensland resident has discovered tens of thousands of avocados dumped at a tip, with farmers explaining why they are forced to simply throw them away.

Atherton farmer and Avocados Australia board member Jim Kochi told 2GB’s Ben Fordham it was heartbreaking.

“To go to all the effort to grow this stuff and actually pick it … and then as it comes through the grading tables we sort it into different grades, but these lower grades just don’t have enough money in them to warrant spending the extra money on packing and labour and transport and sending them all the way down to lovely Sydney,” he said.

Mr Kochi said it was not common to have to throw out so many avocados, although it did happen last year during Covid.

May 10, 2022 12:47 pm

May 10, 2022 at 12:39 pm
$Aus dropping.


1.00 Australian Dollar = 0.69639908 US Dollars

Aussie hits 2020 levels as commodities, stocks plummet

The Australian dollar sunk to its lowest level in nearly two years on Tuesday hitting US69.45¢.

The Australian dollar slumped 1.8 per cent to a low of US69.45¢, its weakest level against the greenback dating back to the pandemic, in July 2020. The US dollar index continues to rally on its safe haven appeal, hovering near a 20-year high.

“The ongoing theme of mounting growth concerns against a backdrop of central bank tightening is continuing to drive market movements,” said Taylor Nugent, market economist at National Australia Bank.

Commodity sell-off

Mounting evidence of an economic slowdown in China has coincided with stricter lockdowns in the world’s second largest economy, adding to investors’ trepidation about the sustainability of commodity prices.

The price of iron ore traded in the spot market dived 5.5 per cent to $US131.35 a tonne on the news on Monday, while the June contract traded on the Singapore exchange dropped to a three-month low of $US126.90 on Tuesday.

Base metals also extended their decline, with copper down 1.9 per cent to $US9238 per tonne – its lowest level since mid-December. Nickel dropped 6.9 per cent to $US28,000 per tonne and aluminium was down 3.2 per cent to $US2719 per tonne.

May 10, 2022 12:49 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 12:50 pm


May 10, 2022 at 12:39 pm

$Aus dropping.


JC’s shorting it.

May 10, 2022 12:51 pm

May 10, 2022 at 12:39 pm
$Aus dropping.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the prospect of a Labor government, or hung parliament.

May 10, 2022 12:51 pm

Avocados are being dumped because supply outstrips demand

It happens.

Winston Smith
May 10, 2022 12:51 pm


Why Corruption is China’s Secret Weapon

That was fascinating, thanks.

May 10, 2022 12:55 pm

Avocados are being dumped because supply outstrips demand

It happens.

The know all housewife from hell, the Urban troglodyte stuns all with her wisdom and insight.

May 10, 2022 12:57 pm

ASX All Ords down 100 points (1.40%) a few minutes ago. That is actually a recovery from this morning when it was down over 2%.

May 10, 2022 12:57 pm

The book, which includes contributions from figures such as Cardinal George Pell, Tim Costello and Tess Livingstone, sets out the relevance of the Christian faith in a time when Christianity may appear to be receding…

Far from receding, globally Christianity is growing faster than the birth rate.

I hope that is pointed out among the essays.

May 10, 2022 12:59 pm

It’s economics 101.
It may surprise the expert on everything that others may know something about something.

May 10, 2022 1:00 pm

Is Urban troglodyte an intentional oxymoron?

May 10, 2022 1:01 pm


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the prospect of a Labor government, or hung parliament.

Why is that?

Because Liberals are doing so well?
A billion in debt, and destroyed the nation of Australia with criminal treachery?
What the fuck else can anyone do that’s not being done?

May 10, 2022 1:02 pm

Is Urban troglodyte an intentional oxymoron?

It’s an urban basement dweller, oh annointed one.

May 10, 2022 1:04 pm

Farmer Gez on the weekend thread:

I’d say [Marcos’s election] suggests the Phillipines see China coming and want a strong leader to challenge them.

Or to broker the best deal.

Marcos Jr. is predicted to be pro-China; he certainly billions of reasons not to be pro-US.

We’ll see.

May 10, 2022 1:04 pm

Was just talking to a contact in Ampol. After “consultation” they’re about to shove through a vaccine mandate.

WTF is wrong with these people?

May 10, 2022 1:05 pm

Maybe in the dictionary according to St ruth

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 1:05 pm

Here we have a link being provided and ignored …on the old thread.

What link?

Clearly, today is Dark ‘N’ Stormy day. Again.

Doesn’t matter. Gunner is gone from the NT, and moving to Quenthland with his ABC reporterette wifey and brood. Where they’ll be right at home.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Avocados are being dumped because supply outstrips demand

Supply outstrips demand because Australia is importing Avocados from countries that pay lower wages to Avocado pickers.

Smart move increasing the award, you AWU dickheads.

May 10, 2022 1:06 pm

Manufacturing under threat as gas prices spike

Manufacturers on the east coast are considering shutting down plants as prices for natural gas surge, sharpening the threat of the sort of broad crisis in energy prices that has hit economies overseas.

Wholesale gas prices in Victoria have tripled or quadrupled from typical levels to more than $30 a gigajoule, while prices in Sydney are north of $22/GJ even before colder winter weather drives up demand to peak levels.

The spike in prices comes as more gas is used for electricity generation because of multiple outages in coal-fired power stations across the National Electricity Market, which has caused wholesale power prices to surge.

Prices are also being drawn higher by strong international prices for LNG, which soared last September and again after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, and have remained much higher than normal as energy importers seek to avoid Russian supplies.

Aditya Jhunjhunwala, director of Causmag International, which uses gas to make magnesium products in NSW’s Riverina region, said his operation, which buys gas priced against the spot market, was incurring “huge losses” at prices that he said were sometimes four times normal levels.

“We are paying over one day what we would normally pay over four days for purchasing gas,” Mr Jhunjhunwala said. “And we cannot call on customers and say that the gas price has increased four times, can we please put prices up by 30 per cent? It doesn’t work like that.

“We don’t want to consider [closing plants], but if it continues we will be left with no alternatives because how will we keep paying these gas invoices? Who is going to fund these invoices?”

Blaming the exporters

The surge in prices has caused most harm to those industrial gas buyers who purchase directly from the spot market and so are not paying contract prices through an energy retailer.

But they will also flow through to contract prices if they continue.

Gas buyers are partly blaming Queensland’s LNG exporters for the higher east coast domestic prices as they seek to capture more of the super-high overseas prices for gas.

“Netback” prices for LNG exported from Queensland, which signal the equivalent domestic price that exporters are receiving, are at $38.09/GJ for this month, according to the national competition watchdog.

That is similar to spot prices in Victoria on Tuesday of $38.42/GJ, and higher than those in Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane of between about $26/GJ and $36/GJ.

But analysis by consultancy EnergyQuest said the rise in domestic prices did not appear to be because of any increase in LNG export volumes. EnergyQuest linked the rise in gas prices more to greater call on gas for power generation because of the coal power outages.

“Overall, domestic gas prices have been on an upward trend for months due to high international prices, and any disruption to domestic production, such as electricity generation outages, pushes domestic prices even higher,” it said.

‘Rome is burning’
But Garbis Simonian, managing director of NSW gas wholesaler Weston Energy, questioned whether all the coal power outages were genuine, and whether some units were being kept offline to force up the wholesale power prices and, therefore, the gas price.

About 6000 megawatts, or about 30 per cent of the National Electricity Market’s coal power generation capacity, is offline, exacerbated by faults and maintenance required on ageing infrastructure, further driving up wholesale electricity prices on the east coast.

“There is too much coal-fired capacity being turned off,” Mr Simonian said, calling for inquiries to be made into the outages, and urging government to take action on energy transition reforms proposed by the Energy Security Board last year.

“Everything is on hold, but in the meantime Rome is burning. Everyone uses electricity and gas, We want something done about this, otherwise it will be catastrophic.”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 1:06 pm

A fair summary of the year to date’s contribution from St. Ruth of Wordwall:

Nothing to see here….it’s all conspiracy theory…..back to Ukraine.

May 10, 2022 1:07 pm

You’re as thick as JC, Notafan.

Both of you should try to determine “why” it’s happening before stating the bleeding obvious.

JC never once asked “why” China was able to produce cheaper than us and didn’t give a shit, as long as they were cheaper.

Look how that’s turned out.

What you need to do, you Melbournian spastics, is to put that shit coffee down and get some decent Nescafe Gold into you.

May 10, 2022 1:08 pm

A fair summary of the year to date’s contribution from St. Ruth of Wordwall:

Nothing to see here….it’s all conspiracy theory…..back to Ukraine.

Only to a trembling denialist.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

KD, you did mishear Clive Palmer last night.
He did not state categorically his party was putting sitting members last, or even that they were putting Liberal/Labor last.

Their preference recommendation differs from seat to seat.
(In mighty Western Australia, they are putting the sitting Uniparty members last.)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 1:10 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

May 10, 2022 at 1:05 pm

Here we have a link being provided and ignored …on the old thread.

What link?

It was there.
Unless Sinclair Davidson went back in and deleted it.

May 10, 2022 1:11 pm

Dictator’s son Marcos wins by landslide in Philippines election

Manila | Ferdinand Marcos jnr clinched a stunning victory in the Philippines presidential election on Monday, according to unofficial results, bringing his family back to power in Manila 36 years after his dictator father fled the country.

An unofficial tally showed Mr Marcos jnr, popularly known as “Bongbong”, had surpassed the 27.5 million votes needed for a majority, setting the stage for a once unthinkable return to rule of the Marcos family, after its humiliating retreat into exile during a “people power” uprising.

With 93.8 per cent of the election returns counted, Mr Marcos jnr had 29.9 million votes, double that of his closest rival, Leni Robredo, the vice president, according to the unofficial Commission on Elections (COMELEC) tally. Turnout was about 80 per cent. An official result is expected around the end of the month.

His lineage is shocking, but Mr Marcos is likely to be less abrasive on the world stage than the man he will succeed as president, Rodrigo Duterte. Analysts and diplomats note while Mr Duterte was hostile towards the United States, Mr Marcos is at home with the West.

While Mr Duterte was a knockabout mayor from the country’s south before he went to the presidential palace, Mr Marcos has led a life of privilege, only briefly interrupted by the family’s five years of exile. The Marcos family has properties in the US and the next generation’s education has featured Eton and the London School of Economics.

Early in the campaign, Mr Marcos said he planned to engage with China over disputed territory in the South China Sea. Since then, he has indicated a firmer stance. High-profile analyst and academic Richard Heydarian told CNN he expected Mr Marcos will dial down Mr Duterte’s “slavish language” toward China. “The Marcos family are smooth operators.”

One factor the incoming and outgoing presidents have in common is a willingness to appoint seasoned technocrats to run key policy areas. Much depends on the Cabinet appointments that are unlikely to be confirmed before the June 30 inauguration.

The current Philippines Ambassador to the United States Jose Manuel “Babe” del Gallego Romualdez is understood to be among the front-runners to replace the outspoken Teodoro Locsin as foreign secretary.

“We could have some real adults in the room to handle the Philippines’ most sensitive departments, especially foreign policy,” Mr Heydarian said.

In a brief televised appearance on Monday evening, Mr Marcos jnr thanked his supporters and said he would wait for the official figures.

“A lot of people are saying the fight is over, but it’s not,” he said. “Let’s wait until the 100 per cent of votes have been counted and the victory is very clear before we celebrate.”

May 10, 2022 1:15 pm

The spike in prices comes as more gas is used for electricity generation because of multiple outages in coal-fired power stations across the National Electricity Market, which has caused wholesale power prices to surge.

When does this cheaper power the greenies always talk about kick in…Year Zero?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

OldOzzie says: May 10, 2022 at 1:11 pm

Dictator’s son Marcos wins by landslide in Philippines election

I’m a bit rusty on the finer points of Philippine politics, however the Filipinos in my workplace, & their wider circle of Filipinos around town, are quietly pleased.

They’re not jubilant or triumphant, rather they’ve been quietly matter-of-fact: “I hope it is Mar-cos who wins

May 10, 2022 1:18 pm

“The Marcos family are smooth operators.”

That’s one way of putting it.

May 10, 2022 1:22 pm

Nine vows to report Mark Latham to authorities after offensive tweet

Channel Nine has vowed to report NSW One Nation MP Mark Latham to authorities over an allegedly racist tweet he posted during Sunday night’s televised leaders’ debate.

At 9.56 pm, Latham tweeted “Abo has lost control”,

a reference to the debate’s moderator, Sarah Abo, struggling to make herself heard above the crossfire as Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese regularly interjected each other.

At 10.10pm, Latham, the leader of One Nation in the Upper House of NSW state parliament, posted the tweet that sparked the backlash and led to Nine managements’ condemnation.

“Never trust an Abo with something as important as that,” he wrote.

Despite being widely condemned on Twitter as a racist slur Latham pleaded innocence, telling The Daily Mail on Monday morning that the response was “an example of how the Outrage Industry fails to understand how words can have multiple meanings, and the true meaning lies with the speaker, not necessarily the listener”.

May 10, 2022 1:23 pm

Thanks, OO.

Prices for last years grain curving upwards again.

That’s a possibility but I’d go with what Struth said. Both the majors and the greens are doing and will do the same to the country.

May 10, 2022 1:24 pm

Analysts and diplomats note while Mr Duterte was hostile towards the United States, Mr Marcos is at home with the West.

He may be at home in the West, but who’s going to butter his bread?

“An underlying question is what does a Bongbong and China relationship means for the Philippines? I expect that China will be perfectly placed to help the Marcos family to consolidate their political power in the coming decades. The Marcoses will likely use Chinese commercial opportunities to reward local elites, concentrate development projects in their home province Ilocos Norte and generally strengthen China’s soft power across the entire country.”

Bongbong Marcos will move the Philippines closer to China

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 1:25 pm

KD, you did mishear Clive Palmer last night.
He did not state categorically his party was putting sitting members last, or even that they were putting Liberal/Labor last.

Hmm. As I said at the time, I may have misheard. But I recall it clearly enough to have mentioned it.

Oh well. The comeuppance of FaultySchwabPalmer will have to wait for another day.

Please note the absence of doubling down, painting myself into a corner and calling other people cocksmokers and that they’ll all be sorry in this post.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 1:31 pm

Guess what Chief Minister Gunner’s new kid is called?

Only weeks earlier, the Territory leader announced the birth of his second child, Nash Michael Huckleberry Gunner.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
May 10, 2022 1:32 pm

And the left wing media moves into top gear with news bulletins advising polls now give it to Albo.

Followed up by recommendations to reintroduce mandatory mask wearing indoors cos Covid. FFS we’ve seen this circus before, jog on!

May 10, 2022 1:33 pm

When I’m wrong I admit it.
Never had to double down.

Not once, ever…………

I remember saying “who cares if gays get married, the divorces would make great entertainment”.

Could not have been more wrong.

It’s just that since then, I’ve never been wrong.
It’s a burden you’ll never understand, KD.

May 10, 2022 1:35 pm

They can’t even wait for the elections to bring back restrictions.

But , but, but,……..according to the little club of sneerers, “it’s all over”

Don’t think you won’t get that idiocy shoved back down your throats.

May 10, 2022 1:38 pm

Having Flown Qantas and Singapore (Son PPS Upgrade) Premium Economy

Unimpressed with SQ, food and drinks were exactly the same as the row behind, the first row of economy, and felt QF a step above especially on A380 and have separate meal menu

Having always enjoyed Emirates 1st and Business (70 Birthday A380 QF Points present to self SYD-AKL-SYD with Shower at 40,000 ft), always enjoyed Emirates A380 (QF Emirates Codeshare) and 777 economy class so new Premium Economy Class on Emirates looks good

Emirates Airbus A380 premium economy class finally coming to Australia

The A380 premium economy cabin features 56 seats laid out in a 2-4-2 configuration, each with a six-way adjustable headrest, seat pitch (legroom) of 40 inches (102 cm), a width of 19.5 inches (50 cm), and a recline of eight inches (20 cm).

The seats additionally feature calf rests and footrests, in-seat charging points, a side cocktail table and large 13.3 inch (34 cm) screens, while aspects of the premium economy seat design take cues from aspects of the business class cabins, including wood panelling and cream-coloured leather seats.

Dining will also incorporate elements inspired by business class, including a welcome drink in fine glassware, meals made with seasonal ingredients and served on chinaware with stainless steel cutlery wrapped in linen napkins, and a selection of premium wines and sparkling Chandon.

Emirates is a late adopter of premium economy. Some airline chiefs have been reluctant to install the class fearing lucrative business class travellers would downgrade to the cheaper option.

Qantas became the first airline in our region to introduce premium economy back in 2008.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Please note the absence of doubling down, painting myself into a corner and calling other people cocksmokers and that they’ll all be sorry in this post.

Why hold back KD? Go for broke, it’s a feature of Catallaxy to instead of mea culpa switch straight to caustic ad hominem and frothing abuse.

Has your account been hacked? Are you a real Catallaxy contributor?

May 10, 2022 1:42 pm

Liberals to benefit from UAP preferences in many key seats

Liberal candidates in key seats will benefit from Clive Palmer’s preferences, with his United Australia Party recommending voters put the Liberal Party second or third place on their ballot papers in several close contests.

The development, which was evident on several how-to-vote cards collected by the Herald and The Age as pre-polling opened on Monday, came despite Palmer saying just weeks ago that his party would urge voters to put the major parties “last”.

A federal Liberal Party campaign spokesman said: “There have been no deals with Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party”.

UAP leader Craig Kelly said he had “no discussion whatsoever” with the Liberals. He said the party was recommending voters avoid preferencing Labor, Liberal or the Greens in the Senate, but in the lower house its how-to-votes varied on a seat-by-seat basis.

In the Sydney seat of Mackellar, Liberal MP Jason Falinski and UAP candidate Christopher Ball have put each other in second place on their respective how-to-vote cards.

In Wentworth, UAP candidate Natalie Dumer has recommended voters put Liberal MP Dave Sharma third, after the Liberal Democrats, while Sharma has put Dumer second.

In Warringah, the UAP has recommended voters preference One Nation second and the Liberals’ controversial candidate Katherine Deves third. It has put incumbent independent MP Zali Steggall sixth and the Greens last.

Deves has urged voters to put the UAP second and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation third. She has put Labor fourth, the Animal Justice Party fifth, the Greens sixth and Steggall last. A NSW Liberal Party spokesman declined to comment on Deves’ preferences.

In Melbourne’s ultra-marginal seat of Chisholm, a contest between Liberal and Labor, the UAP candidate has urged voters to put Liberal MP Gladys Liu in third place and the Labor candidate in 11th place out of 12.

In Kooyong, where Treasurer Josh Frydenberg faces a tough challenge from independent Monique Ryan, the UAP has put Frydenberg sixth, Ryan eighth and Labor’s Peter Lynch 10th in a field of 11.

The UAP is also preferencing the Liberal Party ahead of Labor in the important Victorian seats of Corangamite (held by Labor) and Casey (held by the Liberal Party).

But not all Liberals in tight contests with so-called “teal” independents are swapping preferences with UAP candidates. In North Sydney, Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman has urged voters to put UAP candidate Robert Nalbandian in eighth position, behind Labor’s Catherine Renshaw (fourth) and independent Kylea Tink (sixth).

Zimmerman has put the vaccine-sceptical “Informed Medical Options Party” in ninth place and One Nation last. The UAP did not have North Sydney how-to-vote cards at the Chatswood pre-polling centre on Monday, but Kelly said Zimmerman was “dead last”.

For months, the United Australia Party’s giant yellow billboards have told voters the major parties cannot be trusted again because of COVID-19 lockdowns.

Speaking at the National Press Club in early April, Palmer said his anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine mandate party would place Labor, the Liberals and the Greens “last” on its how-to-vote cards.

How-to-vote cards are only recommendations. Voters are always free to number the candidates on their ballot paper as they wish. The “teal” independents such as Steggall, Spender, Tink and Sophie Scamps in Mackellar are not recommending preferences on their how-to-vote cards.

May 10, 2022 1:46 pm

$Aus dropping.


milkshake theory

May 10, 2022 1:47 pm
May 10, 2022 1:56 pm

Emirates Airbus A380 premium economy class finally coming to Australia

The business class bar down the back is a good thing, and heavily under patronised. Tend to go down there and drink spicy tomato juice when not working, a good inoculant again what the rest of the pax are coughing and wheezing out.

May 10, 2022 1:57 pm

The spike in prices comes as more gas is used for electricity generation because of multiple outages in coal-fired power stations across the National Electricity Market, which has caused wholesale power prices to surge.

From OldOzzies’ lifted article above.

A true but very misleading paragraph.
Like putting a pot plant over a wine stain in the carpet.

Back in the day, before the turbines and panels and subsidy miners, the grid was more than able to handle a few planned and unplanned generator outages.

May 10, 2022 1:59 pm

$Aus dropping.


Investors realised that Aus Government is the finest collection of morons ever stuffed into political power?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 2:00 pm

Why hold back KD? Go for broke, it’s a feature of Catallaxy to instead of mea culpa switch straight to caustic ad hominem and frothing abuse.

A bit of decorum never goes astray. Standards maintained, and so on.

Besides, it’s not as though I’d spent two years screaming that ‘they will kill us all, and those who survive will wish they were dead*’ before realising I’d backed the wrong horse yet again.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 2:01 pm

*Actual quote.

May 10, 2022 2:02 pm

For months, the United Australia Party’s giant yellow billboards have told voters the major parties cannot be trusted again because of COVID-19 lockdowns.

Ain’t that the truth…

May 10, 2022 2:02 pm

Seems there has been a problem with many of the voting machines in Phillipines election yesterday. However the good news is the staff at the voting centre kindly offer to take care of the ballot and do it for you.

Looks like Bong Bong Marcos going to be President and Vice President is going to be daughter of current President Duterte. Then she can go for President next time.

Dynasties forever !

May 10, 2022 2:07 pm

“How Sri Lanka’s shift to organic farming left it in the manure.”


We briefly noted here the agricultural apocalypse occurring in Sri Lanka:

[W]here are the environmentalists in all this? They are doing their best to reduce agricultural output. In Sri Lanka, the government mandated organic farming, with the result that yields declined catastrophically, prices skyrocketed, and, no doubt, many died.

The London Times had a more detailed account last month, headlined: “How Sri Lanka’s shift to organic farming left it in the manure.”

Food prices in Sri Lanka have quadrupled. One of the problems with environmentalists is that their prescriptions are often unmoored from reality. And yet they continue to get mostly good press around the world.

The latest from Sri Lanka is grim:

It is hard to overstate how destructive contemporary environmentalism has been around the world. Here in the U.S., we haven’t seen the kind of economic collapse experienced by countries like Sri Lanka, but it isn’t because the greenies haven’t been trying.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 10, 2022 2:09 pm

When I’m wrong I admit it.
Never had to double down.

Not once, ever…………

Still waiting for Struth to back down about Wellcamp, Mickleham and Howard Springs.

All 3 State Governments have all but given up on using them for quarantine, so why hasn’t Struth?


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 10, 2022 2:10 pm

Only weeks earlier, the Territory leader announced the birth of his second child, Nash Michael Huckleberry Gunner.

Never mind, Nash Michael Huckleberry Gunner, you can change your name by deed poll when you turn 18.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 10, 2022 2:11 pm

Jessica Nowaboy

Also, WTF is Jessica Nowaboy?

May 10, 2022 2:13 pm

Flying is violence.

May 10, 2022 2:15 pm

China Accelerates Nuclear Buildup, Military Modernization; Biden Speeding U.S. to Defeat

. “The PRC likely intends to have at least 1,000 warheads by 2030, exceeding the pace and size the DoD projected in 2020.” — Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2021, US Dept. of Defense.

. “In space, China is putting up satellites at twice the rate of the United States and “fielding operational systems at an incredible rate.” — General David Thompson, the Space Force’s first vice chief of space operations, quoted in The Washington Post, November 30, 2021.

. “Look at what they [CCP) have today…. We’re witnessing one of the largest shifts in global geostrategic power that the world has witnessed.” — General Mark Milley, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff,, November 4, 2021.

. “[T]he Chinese are building up their military capabilities in space, cyberspace, and in the conventional force. It’s all happening at the same time.” — Timothy Heath, senior international and defense researcher at Rand Corporation, Business Insider, January 4, 2022.

. “To fully assess the China threat, it is also necessary to consider the capability of the associated delivery system, command and control, readiness, posture, doctrine and training. By these measures, China is already capable of executing any plausible nuclear employment strategy within their region and will soon be able to do so at intercontinental ranges as well.” ­­ — Admiral Charles Richard, Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, Senate Committee on Armed Services, April 20, 2021.

. There is now as well the added probability of China and Russia engaging in military coordination…. a strategic partnership of “no limits” and with “no forbidden areas” in an agreement that they said was aimed at countering the influence of the United States.

. This cooperation has already seen China undermining Western sanctions on Russia and supplying Russian President Vladimir Putin with the lifeline he needs to continue his war in Ukraine.

. “The friendship between the two peoples is iron clad.” — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Associated Press, March 7, 2022.

. “For the first time in our history, the nation is on a trajectory to face two nuclear-capable, strategic peer adversaries at the same time, who must be deterred differently.” ­­ — Admiral Charles Richard, Senate Committee on Armed Services, April 20, 2021.

. [T]his is NOT the time for the US to cancel the sea-launched nuclear cruise missile (SLCM-N), as President Joe Biden plans to do.

May 10, 2022 2:16 pm

Huckleberry? Really? I can only resume that the name has some significance to the Gunner family because I can’t imagine any other reason to name your son after a small bush that bears fruit….unless Mrs Gunner….oh, forget it.

May 10, 2022 2:21 pm

Democrats’ Bill to Codify ‘Roe’ and Abortion Omits the Word ‘Woman’

One notable aspect of the 2021 bill has made it into the 2022 bill. Even though it is known as the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” the title is the only place in the entire 2022 bill where the word “women” or “woman” appears. Instead, the 2022 bill is designed to cover any “person” who is pregnant. It describes its purpose as protecting “a person’s ability to determine whether to continue or end a pregnancy,” and it would strike down any effort to “interfere with a person’s ability to terminate a pregnancy [or] to diminish or in any way negatively affect a person’s constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has scheduled a vote on the bill for later this week.

May 10, 2022 2:24 pm

It’s economics 101.

No. It is your inference. People don’t just throw food out for no reason

Old mate clearly spoke when he said that he hadn’t got a price for ‘cados that weren’t appreciable for the table.

It would be a better inference to make that farmer Joe hadn’t made plans to sell his less that perfect avocados to somewhere else. Or he could have said “yair, er, my trees were a bit retarded this year”

Pull your head in, retard

May 10, 2022 2:25 pm

May 10, 2022 at 2:02 pm
For months, the United Australia Party’s giant yellow billboards have told voters the major parties cannot be trusted again because of COVID-19 lockdowns.

Ain’t that the truth…

Reservations about the party aside, I reckon the simple too the point advertising like that has really hit a cord. Particularly in victoria. Top it off with running candidates who’re working Aussies, rather than people who’ve been part of a party machine one way or another and I suspect they’ll do pretty well. How well exactly I don’t know or care to guess.

May 10, 2022 2:25 pm

Natural gas is stored in depleted gas fields/basins. One of those is in the Otways in Vic.
Stored in low demand months for use in high demand months.

I have it on very good authority that the reserve amount available for the high demand months is decreasing year on year because so much is now used for power generation to cover the collective arse of ‘green’ power.
Relevant people have been warned but still we continue.

If you’re building a new house make sure you have it wired for a back up gen set.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 2:29 pm

Isn’t Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn non-kosher now, or something?

May 10, 2022 2:30 pm

Biden’s favorite auto batteries lighten wallets

For the love of lithium

By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Monday, May 9, 2022

Revolutionizing the world by switching to “clean” energy takes a lot of dirt under the fingernails. It’s a sobering realization that is frequently glossed over in the rush for a seat in electric vehicles. Digging into the details shows powering emissions-free cars and trucks that clear the heavens means moving the earth in search of lithium, the pricey element vital for the future of trendy transportation.

The Biden administration on Monday announced a $3.1 billion initiative to boost production of the lithium batteries required to meet the president’s goal of ensuring that EVs comprise 50 % of nationwide auto sales by 2030. “We need a lot of batteries,” said White House National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy.

She isn’t kidding. The current production of lithium batteries adds up to less than 10% of global market requirements projected in a decade, EV automaker Rivian CEO R.J. Scaringe tells The Wall Street Journal, “meaning, 90% to 95% of the supply chain does not exist.”

The supply chain for silvery lithium, the lightest metal found on Earth, traces back to its largest source: China. The United States possesses its own lithium but mines it in only one location, Nevada. It’s ironic that while Mr. Biden and official Washington punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine by banning purchases of its oil and gas, they are simultaneously rendering Americans more energy-dependent on another hostile adversary, China. How smart is that?

In recognition of the inconsistency, the administration has earmarked some of its battery production funds for speeding the opening of new domestic lithium mines. In addition to Nevada, projects are slated for California, Maine and North Carolina.

There is a catch: The same environmentalist allies who have risen up to shut down domestic fossil fuel production are on the warpath over the likely ecological damage resulting from the president’s lithium excavations. The Sierra Club, among other opponents, has come out in opposition to exploratory drilling in search of the metal in California’s Mojave Desert.

With the demand for lithium batteries soaring, though, the price tag on EVs may force all but the wealthiest to hang on to their four-wheeled gas-burners. The base price for a Tesla Model Y, for example, has climbed from just under $50,000 a year ago to $63,000 now.

At $20,000 above the cost of a new, conventional-fuel car, it could take more than a decade for drivers to break even.

May 10, 2022 2:33 pm

John H.says:
May 10, 2022 at 2:27 pm
We May Finally Soon Have The Ideal Building Block For Quantum Computers

“This opens up the possibility to use microwave photons to control each electron qubit and link many of them in a quantum processor.”

But that’s the catch – these extreme temperature requirements mean testing was done in a scientific instrument called a dilution refrigerator, capable of reducing temperatures down to a mere 10 millidegrees above absolute zero (that’s -273.15 degrees Celsius, or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit).

With that in mind, we’re clearly not yet at the stage of being able to pack qubits like these inside laptops just yet. But even at this early stage, in terms of coherence, the qubit is already performing at the same level as alternatives that have been in development for decades.

May 10, 2022 2:35 pm
May 10, 2022 2:38 pm

OldOzzie says:
May 10, 2022 at 2:30 pm

A couple of days ago, BHP said it will stay out of lithium.

Among elevated metal prices, lithium stands out, as booming electric-vehicle sales send the battery component skyrocketing. Conspicuously, the world’s biggest mining company has no plans to join the rush.

For BHP Group, the frenzied talk about looming lithium shortages in a clean-energy transition will fade given it’s one of the more abundant elements in nature. Ironically, given the silvery-white metal’s role in helping replace fossil fuels, there are also environmental reasons behind BHP’s lack of interest.

While lithium mining is “definitely within our skillset,” BHP prefers its projects large, long-life and scalable in commodities with differentiated cost curves, said the company’s Minerals Americas head. The fact that low-cost lithium deposits tend to come from brine in places like Chile and Argentina is another deterrent for the Melbourne-based miner, which has committed to minimizing use of continental water in drought-hit Chile.

“We recognize that at the moment there’s short-term supply-demand conversations,” Ragnar Udd said in an interview this week. “How that plays out over the next 20 or 30 years, I don’t think it will last.”

Sensible or stupid? Time will tell.

May 10, 2022 2:45 pm

The electric car scam is over.

Breaking: WA will introduce a 2.5 cents/km tax on electric vehicles from 2025

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 2:46 pm

It was there.
Unless Sinclair Davidson went back in and deleted it.

I don’t think we can rule that out.

May 10, 2022 2:49 pm

In other news from WA, the State of Emergency now to be extended to 2023

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 2:49 pm

An unofficial tally showed Mr Marcos jnr, popularly known as “Bongbong” …

That’s a bad omen.

May 10, 2022 2:51 pm

PHOTOS – Sri Lanka: Rioters Burn Down Prime Minister’s House, 150+ Hospitalized, Lawmaker Killed

Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror has published multiple shocking videos of the homes of ministers, members of parliament, former government officials, and the most powerful person in the country, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, completely engulfed in flames. Rajapaksa announced his resignation before his house was set on first on Monday.

May 10, 2022 2:52 pm

We Thought We Knew What These Ancient Daggers Were Used For, But We Were Wrong


Experts concede they were wrong

May 10, 2022 2:54 pm

I think Victorians have been paying 2c per km since July last year. South Australians are on the hook for a charge in the future.

There is no way State and the Federal govts are going to say goodbye to the fuel tax. Too much revenue. Every state will (eventually) impose some charge per km.

May 10, 2022 2:58 pm

Biden revives World War II arms act for Ukraine

The Lend-Lease Act of 2022 will allow the White House to send unlimited weapons to Ukraine

President Joe Biden on Monday signed the Lend-Lease Act of 2022 into law. The Act, previously used to arm the Allies of World War II, will expedite American arms shipments to Ukraine, and has been warmly welcomed in Kiev.

Speaking as he signed the act at the White House, Biden vowed to continue arming the Ukrainians “in their fight to defend their country and their democracy.” He added that “the cost of the fight is not cheap but caving to aggression is even more costly.”

The act, which passed Congress last month with 417-10 votes in the House and no dissent in the Senate, suspends limitations on the quantity of weapons and other military supplies Biden can send to Ukraine or “other Eastern European countries,” although it stipulates that Kiev must subsequently pay for whatever it receives.

Kiev’s ability to repay the US is currently questionable, considering Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently asked the US and EU for $7 billion per month just to keep his country afloat.

That Biden chose May 9 to sign the WWII-era act was likely deliberate, considering that this date is celebrated as ‘Victory Day’ annually in Russia and a number of former Soviet countries, commemorating the defeat of fascism at the end of the Second World War.

Earlier on Monday, Zelensky marked Victory Day by posting a photo of a Ukrainian soldier wearing Waffen SS insignia to his social media accounts, before deleting the image.

Nothing unusual, just the President of #Ukraine #Zelensky publishes a selection of photographs on #VictoryDay over fascism, the first of which shows a #Ukrainian #Nazi with the chevron of the 3rd SS Panzer Division

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 2:59 pm

Rajapaksa announced his resignation before his house was set on first on Monday.

Watch out SloMo.

Winston Smith
May 10, 2022 3:00 pm

Old Ozzie:
The Bidens have forgotten the old saying – “You may be rich, but there is always someone richer, unless you are Elon Musk.”

May 10, 2022 3:01 pm

Russia marks victory over Nazi Germany with major military parade (FULL VIDEO)

More than 10,000 troops participated in the event, along with armored vehicles and aircraft

It is Impressive

May 10, 2022 3:04 pm

Sri Lankan parliamentarian’s houses just became uninsurable.

May 10, 2022 3:04 pm

In other news from WA, the State of Emergency now to be extended to 2023

You’re joking, right?

I am starting to think Bosi was correct.

Winston Smith
May 10, 2022 3:05 pm


Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
It’s like winning the luvvie lottery of life.

If he had a limp or some other physical deficiency, it would be the trifecta. Black, homosexual AND disabled.

How about he’s as ugly as a hat full of arseholes?

May 10, 2022 3:05 pm

Russian trade with China surging

Year-on-year trade is up more than 25% as sanctions pressure on Moscow mounts

May 10, 2022 3:09 pm

May 10, 2022 at 3:04 pm
In other news from WA, the State of Emergency now to be extended to 2023

You’re joking, right?

I am starting to think Bosi was correct.

Unfortunately not:

May 10, 2022 3:09 pm

Besides, it’s not as though I’d spent two years screaming that ‘they will kill us all, and those who survive will wish they were dead*’ before realising I’d backed the wrong horse yet again.

Still waiting for Struth to back down about Wellcamp, Mickleham and Howard Springs.

All 3 State Governments have all but given up on using them for quarantine, so why hasn’t Struth?


I’m sorry i missed something….
When did this all end?

Is it all over?

Then why , just a few comments down do I read….

In other news from WA, the State of Emergency now to be extended to 2023

In line with everywhere else.

You reality cowards really are embarrassing yourselves.

May 10, 2022 3:12 pm

Winston Smith says:
May 10, 2022 at 3:05 pm

In that case….BINGO!!!

May 10, 2022 3:18 pm

Daniel Andrews steals the spotlight from Anthony Albanese leaving the Labor leader lurking nervously over his shoulder

Victorian Premier seemed to forget who the star turn was at a press conference

May 10, 2022 3:24 pm

May 10, 2022 at 1:04 pm
Was just talking to a contact in Ampol. After “consultation” they’re about to shove through a vaccine mandate.

WTF is wrong with these people?

1. Register a positive RAT with the health dept.
2. wait 3 months – can’t get vaccinated
3. rinse and repeat

May 10, 2022 3:26 pm

But Garbis Simonian, managing director of NSW gas wholesaler Weston Energy, questioned whether all the coal power outages were genuine, and whether some units were being kept offline to force up the wholesale power prices and, therefore, the gas price.


What motivation does someone like AGL have to keep cheap coal going ? None, is the answer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 10, 2022 3:28 pm

SAS soldier says he and Ben Roberts-Smith killed Taliban ‘spotter’

Stephen Rice
An hour ago May 10, 2022

An SAS soldier has described how he and Ben Roberts-Smith engaged and killed a Taliban “spotter” carrying a radio and hiding in a cornfield, directly contradicting claims by Nine newspapers that the pair murdered a detainee who had been kicked off a cliff.

The newspapers allege Mr Roberts-Smith kicked a handcuffed Afghan farmer named Ali Jan off a cliff in the ­village of Darwan in September 2012, and then – with another soldier codenamed Person 11 – dragged him aside in a dry creek bed and shot him.

However Person 11, gave a very different account of the incident in the Federal Court on Tuesday, insisting that the Afghan man he encountered was lawfully engaged under the rules of war.

The soldiers were hunting for a rogue Afghan army sergeant who two weeks earlier had killed three Australian soldiers.

Person 11 said the team was making its way to an extraction point at the end of the mission, to be picked up by helicopters, when he saw a man in the cornfields about 20m away “moving in a very suspicious manner.”

“I saw this person was carrying a radio which led me to make the assessment that this was a spotter that had come to report on our dispositions and movements,” he said.

“The individual trying to remain concealed. Our helicopters were on approach and I assessed this person posed a direct threat to our extraction and to friendly forces so I engaged him.”

Person 11 said he fired a burst of 3 or 4 rounds at the man with his M4 rifle, and realised Mr Roberts-Smith, behind him, was also shooting at the man.

Person 11 said that at this point he couldn’t see another member of the patrol known as Person 4, who was serving as second in command to Mr Roberts-Smith.

Person 4 has previously given evidence on behalf of the newspapers that Mr Roberts-Smith had kicked a detainee down a cliff at this point in the mission.

Person 4 said the man was “catapulted backwards and fell down the slope”, where he landed in a dry creek bed, crashing into a rock so forcefully it knocked out many of his teeth.

Person 4 said Mr Roberts-Smith then instructed him and Person 11 to drag the man to a nearby tree. He then heard shots ring out and turned to see Person 11 with his rifle in the firing position.

Nine claims Mr Roberts-Smith or Person 11 or both killed Ali Jan.

Mr Roberts-Smith has previously given evidence that the incident did not happen.

Person 11 also gave evidence about another killing at Darwan earlier in the mission, before the alleged incident ­involving Ali Jan.

Nine originally claimed in its truth defence – though not in its newspaper articles – that Mr Roberts-Smith had shot dead an unarmed man after swimming across the Helmand River to search for a suspected spotter. The newspapers later dropped the claim.

On Tuesday Person 11 recounted how he had seen an individual moving on the other side of the river carrying a weapon slung in a sack under his arm and partly concealed, but which appeared to be an AK47 assault rifle.

Person 11 said the man was a legitimate target trying to flee, and at the point thought it could even have been the turncoat Afghan soldier they were hunting.

Mr Roberts-Smith removed his body armour and other equipment, and mostly waded across the river, Person 11 said, where he searched among the rocks for the man.

He said Mr Roberts-Smith eventually emerged, dragging the man’s body so it could be photographed.

He returned across the river carrying the AK47, which had been impacted by a round, evidently from the shots the soldiers had fired, and detonators taken from the body.

The trial continues.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 10, 2022 3:30 pm

A couple of days ago, BHP said it will stay out of lithium.

Lithium would be a small market for BHP and the money is in the processing end, not the mining end. Processing is a chemistry set, and BHP handballed their messy chemistry sets to South32, except for copper – which is a big enough sector to be worth it for them. (Copper metallurgy is also fairly straightforward.)

Other problem for a big woke green miner is the spodumene process is CO2 emitting in a big way, with lots of chemical residue, so it’d blow up their virtue signaling.

May 10, 2022 3:39 pm

A snake in President Trump’s cabinet: Mark Esper tells all to 60 Minutes

When you think of everything that’s gone wrong with the U.S. military — from its wokester agenda to its failure to contain Russia to its breakdown in discipline to the presence of Gen. Mark Milley on the Joint Chiefs of Staff — pretty much all of it has the name of Mark Esper, President Trump’s former defense secretary, all over it.

Rather than slink off into obscurity after such a performance, if not back to the big-bucks war-machine defense-contractor lobby whence he sprang, he’s out shilling a tell-all book and promoting it on 60 Minutes in a bid to discredit the man he purportedly “served,” President Trump.

According to 60 Minutes interviewer Norah O’Donnell, he now calls Trump “a threat to American democracy.”

But his interview with 60 Minutes didn’t come out the heroic way he probably thought it would.

Unbeknownst to him, he demonstrated what a coward’s coward and slithering snake he was while in office. Everything he did involved some new means of undercutting President Trump, or, as O’Donnell summed up, “subverted many of the president’s wishes.”

May 10, 2022 3:41 pm

Black, homosexual AND disabled.

It is time for a fat positivity variant of Dr Who in my opinion. They never get the love.

May 10, 2022 3:51 pm

I’m guessing crptos aren’t that much of a hedge against inflation nor deflation. They’ve had the living shit kicked out of them and then some.

Bitcoin 31,816.47-1,738.46 (-5.18%)

Take a looksee at the one month chart.

May 10, 2022 3:53 pm

May 10, 2022 at 3:41 pm
Black, homosexual AND disabled.

It is time for a fat positivity variant of Dr Who in my opinion. They never get the love.

OK – Black, homosexual, disabled, lesbian transsexual, Fat Dr Who

Should be loads of potential candidates in America

May 10, 2022 3:54 pm

Thanks BoN. Good point. Elsewhere I was reading that if every potential lithium mine actually becomes reality from the conga line of miners currently looking to jump on this bandwagon globally, and assuming the material can all be refined, there will be a glut of unrefined and (potentially) refined product by about ~2035.

Meanwhile, lots of money going into hydrogen research for cars, trucks, aircraft and boats.

May 10, 2022 3:54 pm

Trader blog.

TerraUSD is supposed to remain “stable” to the dollar, as part of one of many crypto funding schemes that I will not pretend to even begin to understand. What I can relay to you now is a massive crisis happening in cryptos, stemming from this stable coin decoupling to Mr. Saylor’s MSTR now underwater on his BTC, and rumors of margin calls at his company.


This all harkens back to Tether funding schemes and now one wonders if this could happen to TerraUSD — can it happen to others?

LUNAUSD is also in collapse mode, not to mention just about every other crypto out there.

People parked money in this so called “stable coin” for security and it turned out to be a scam, on par with money markets breaking the buck. Unless they get a bailout, which I doubt, this will have lasting effects on the entire crypto space and the stable coin concept forever.

May 10, 2022 3:55 pm

China’s Xi Urges Europe To Promote Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks, Resisting US Pressure

During a Monday virtual meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Xi stressed that Europe must play an active role in promoting peace talks, and in “building a balanced, effective and sustainable European security framework,” according to China’s state media.

Xi said “all efforts must be made to avoid the intensification and expansion of the Ukraine conflict, and China welcomes all efforts that are conducive to promoting peace talks,” according to a translation. “China welcomes all efforts of the international community that facilitate the ceasefire and negotiations, the relevant parties should support Russia and Ukraine in reaching peace through negotiations,” the Chinese leader said further.

May 10, 2022 3:56 pm

Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others At NIH

An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.

“We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020,” Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski told reporters in a telephone news conference on May 9.

“We draw that conclusion because, in the first five years, there has been $134 million that we have been able to quantify of top-line numbers that flowed from third-party payers, meaning pharmaceutical companies or other payers, to NIH scientists.”

May 10, 2022 3:58 pm


Couldn’t happen to a worse piece of shit dirtbag, whose firm has never made a cent. I don’t get off on bad shit happening to people, but I make an exception for this scumbag.

Atlassian’s 50pc plunge leads Aussie Nasdaq sell-off

High profile tycoon Mike Cannon-Brookes is enduring a ferocious sell off on the tech-heavy Nasdaq where a range of Australian controlled ventures are being belted.

I hope if goes to fucking zero.

May 10, 2022 3:59 pm

COVID Cases Explode After White House Media Dinner Becomes Superspreader Event

Cases of Covid-19 among attendees to the White House correspondents’ dinner two weekends ago continue to mount, as the fully vaccinated and boosted ‘elites’ who condescended to non-compliant Americans participated in a superspreader event.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 10, 2022 4:01 pm


Experts concede they were wrong

Could be the new generation of experts saying their own predecessors were wrong. That makes them more expert than experts, and means that they can now pose as if every little thing they do is all the more profound.

Like Australian arts and j’ism.

May 10, 2022 4:02 pm

Black, homosexual, disabled, lesbian transsexual, Fat Dr Who

Trannies are so from the suburbs dahlink. Intersex is all the rage with the go set these days.

Black, Irish, intersex, eczema riddled Dr Fat; of no fixed address.

May 10, 2022 4:03 pm

Oh look, the arsehole has lost more.

Another Mr Cannon-Brookes linked company – Nasdaq listed Iris Energy where he has a small stake – has been one of the big ‘float flops’ in recent months. The Sydney-based company which is a sustainable bitcoin technology group listed on Nasdaq in November last year at $US28 a share – the shares could be bought this week for $US8.52.

Mr Cannon-Brookes is not entirely exposed to Nasdaq’s fortunes. Through his Grok Ventures vehicle which acquired the AGL stake, he has amassed a considerable investment portfolio along with an estimated $200m worth of Australian property. Similarly, Mr Farquhar has property and other interests through his Skip Capital mostly in unlisted tech groups.

Hopefully he’s left with the real estate on which he can’t pay the land tax. 🙂

May 10, 2022 4:11 pm
May 10, 2022 4:14 pm

When we need science the most.

What science tells us about transgender athletes

Two leading scientists explain why transgender female athletes have an unfair advantage:

Old bloke
Old bloke
May 10, 2022 4:23 pm

Mr Cannon-Brookes is not entirely exposed to Nasdaq’s fortunes. Through his Grok Ventures vehicle which acquired the AGL stake, he has amassed a considerable investment portfolio along with an estimated $200m worth of Australian property.

I wonder if that includes his harbourside Fairfax mansion.

May 10, 2022 4:25 pm

Yea it does Bloke.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
May 10, 2022 4:28 pm

JC, the people not worrying about Bitcoin’s savage fall to $31,816.47 are those who bought (and held) at $216 in Feb 2015.
As long as they haven’t lost their passwords in the intervening years.

Cassie of Sydney
May 10, 2022 4:33 pm

Earlier today I walked up to Oxford Street in Paddington to get a bus. I noticed a woman plastering a poster (illegally) on an electricity pole. After she’d finished, she then walked past me so I decided to go and have a look and she turned to observe me. It was a GetUp poster spruiking the independents. I tore it down, scrunched it up and yelled at her the following…

“You can put it up but I will take it down”.

She quickly scuttled off.

May 10, 2022 4:38 pm

I disagree Old School. If you were up there holding Bitcoin when it hit US$60,000 plus and now flouncing around 30K, you be pissed off. Also, there are some but very few people would have held on from the initial issue price.

May 10, 2022 4:39 pm

“You can put it up but I will take it down”.

Now that’s what I call direct action!

May 10, 2022 4:40 pm

From The Oz. Hey it’s only 10 billion each.

Atlassian’s 50pc plunge leads Aussie Nasdaq sell-off
Billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes is enduring a ferocious sell off on the tech-heavy Nasdaq where a range of Australian controlled ventures are being belted.
Billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes is enduring a ferocious sell off on the tech-heavy Nasdaq where a range of Australian controlled ventures are being belted.

Atlassian, the software giant part owned by Mike Cannon-Brookes, is among the worst hit in a pack of Australian-owned Nasdaq listed stocks that are enduring a ferocious sell off on Wall Street.

As the tech-heavy Nasdaq faces the biggest wave of selling across US markets, Atlassian is now down by 48 per cent over the year to date – the wider Nasdaq index is down by 26 per cent.

The plunge strips an enormous amount of money from the personal wealth of both Mr Cannon-Brookes and his Atlassian partner and co-founder Scott Farquhar. They both featured on The Australian’s Rich 250 list this year running in 4th and 5th place with valuations near $21bn each – those estimates would now be closer to $11.5bn each.

Mr Cannon-Brookes is in the middle of a high profile battle to halt the demerger of energy company AGL – the environmental activist has become the biggest shareholder in the ASX listed group with 11 per cent of the stock.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 10, 2022 4:41 pm

It is time for a fat positivity variant of Dr Who in my opinion. They never get the love.

Fat Positive Doctor will be able to literally roll over the Sontarans (they’re short).
Talk about time dilation. Good thing that space ship has infinite room on the inside.

Next the TARDIS will be powered by Renewable Energy. Although it will only be able to time-travel when the sun is shining, it will always be able to go to a place and time when the sun is shining, so no problem. It will be called the RE-TARDIS.

Winston Smith
May 10, 2022 4:42 pm

I went downtown (Haha!) to get a script. On the way, the small garage was selling diesel @1.95/liter. The medium garage @$1.99/liter, and the big one @ $2.30/liter.
Guess which two had customers and which one had none?
Obviously the one taken over by Sub Continentals has a much better sideline than the other two.
I wonder what it is?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 4:45 pm

The trial continues.

Never put your money on until both sides have batted.

May 10, 2022 4:49 pm

Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
May 10, 2022 at 4:41 pm
It is time for a fat positivity variant of Dr Who in my opinion. They never get the love.

Fat Positive Doctor will be able to literally roll over the Sontarans (they’re short).
Talk about time dilation. Good thing that space ship has infinite room on the inside.

Perhaps Fat Positive Doctor should be a Vogan

May 10, 2022 4:49 pm

You reality cowards really are embarrassing yourselves.


May 10, 2022 4:52 pm

Dear Viscount Dot de la Awesome VIII,

At the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, we believe adults can make their own dietary choices. Unfortunately, the Labor Party doesn’t agree and wants to introduce a tax on anything it deems “unhealthy”, including food and drink containing sugar.

With the election just around the corner, the Australian Labor Party has declared a war on personal choice, signalling its intention to enact a sin tax on sugar – a move that will only drive up prices and make food more expensive for hard working Australians.

It gets worse. Not content pushing for record levels of taxes on affordable foods, Labor and the nanny state lobbyists are considering other methods to control your way of life via:

Advertising bans
Plain packaging laws
Mandated government labelling
Increasing minimum product prices

We believe grown ups can make their own diet choices and believe the nanny state has no right manipulating those decisions through sin taxes. Please help us stop this paternalistic move and say NO to Labor’s garbage sugar tax.

May 10, 2022 4:53 pm

May 10, 2022 at 4:14 pm
When we need science the most.

What science tells us about transgender athletes

Two leading scientists explain why transgender female athletes have an unfair advantage:

May have just discovered they’re not female.

May 10, 2022 4:53 pm

It was a GetUp poster spruiking the independents. I tore it down, scrunched it up and yelled at her the following…
“You can put it up but I will take it down”.
She quickly scuttled off.

Well done, Cassie!

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
May 10, 2022 4:56 pm

Dr Who s next episode current plus one

The good doctor lands on planet Andrews time unknown. As he powers the tardos down, black clothed humanoids in full battle gear swing in thru the windows and request his vaccination papers. Unable to produce them and outside the restricted zone with no mask, the Brigadier spots the sonic screwdriver and know it’s a prohibited weapon. The Dr and his offsider are slam tackled to the ground and then dragged back unconscious thru the windows and into custody. Never to be seen again. Jelly baby anyone?

May 10, 2022 4:58 pm

May 10, 2022 at 4:11 pm
Yep, and constipation is also caused by climate change.

Has the opposite effect on me JC, gives me the shits.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 4:58 pm

What does power the Tardis, anyway?

Winston Smith
May 10, 2022 5:00 pm

Here’s an aspect that I bet hasn’t crossed anyone’s mind yet:

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
May 10, 2022 5:01 pm

Tardos being the Greek time machine.

May 10, 2022 5:01 pm

She quickly scuttled off.

Cockroach. You’re in fine form Cassie.

May 10, 2022 5:15 pm

Unfortunately, the Labor Party doesn’t agree and wants to introduce a tax on anything it deems “unhealthy”, including food and drink containing sugar.

Having seen off covid, it’s back to business as usual for the epidemiologists.

May 10, 2022 5:16 pm


You should have given her a really good hiding. She wouldn’t do it again.

May 10, 2022 5:19 pm
Winston Smith
May 10, 2022 5:20 pm

Fox News host reacts to churches being targeted after leaked documents suggest the overturn of Roe v. Wade on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ #FoxNews #Tucker
The time has come to start making lists for the free one way helicopter flights.

May 10, 2022 5:21 pm

Here’s an aspect that I bet hasn’t crossed anyone’s mind yet:

You got me, Winston; in relation to…?

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 5:25 pm

What science tells us about transgender women athletes


Transgender participation in elite sports has critical dimensions of fairness (including safety) and inclusion which inevitably conflict. Science informs the first and should guide communal attitudes and values for the second.

Ultimately, the community must arrive at solutions that account for the conflict between fairness and inclusion, especially within elite sports.

Our aim here is to outline the scientific facts of this area.

The science of testosterone and exercise performance in men and women is extensive and clear on the magnitude, impact and likely irreversibility of male physical advantages in elite sports. Any quest for more or better data, the perfect being the enemy of the good, will only produce lengthy pointless delays when sufficient is already understood for key decision-making. Such decision-making should not stall on the perception of imperfect knowledge.

Men are, on average, bigger, faster, stronger and have greater endurance than women. While there is overlap between men and women, at the elite sporting levels the differences are stark. These physical advantages are caused by the dramatic surge in testosterone — a rapid 20-30-fold rise over unchanged female levels — during male puberty.

Cumulative effects of male testosterone exposure over years produce a lasting uplift of larger and stronger muscles and bones, higher capacity cardiovascular systems and a higher haemoglobin level.

In individual sports such as athletics and swimming, world records and winning Olympic performances show men have a 10-20 per cent advantage over women, with even higher advantages in certain sporting skills (pitching, fast bowling, punching, yanking, pulling) of 50 per cent to over 100 per cent. This explains why female world records are surpassed by thousands of males, including by boys aged 14-15 years old in early to mid-puberty.

If there were no female-only events but only open mixed competitions, not only could women never win the fame and fortune due to international success, but they would not even make the national teams.

The performance observations are so self-evident that stratification of sports by sex into male and female events was unquestioned, long preceding any scientific study.

But this also has important contemporary implications for male-bodied individuals identifying as women, such as transwomen or certain intersex (XY DSD) disorders, who present category-defeating dilemmas.

Men and women may individually have advantageous physiological variations for sport such as large hands, feet, or wingspan and cardiovascular or muscular differences; however, these advantages, available to individuals of both sexes, are not unfairly category-defeating in the way male-bodied individuals in female events would be. Indeed, the sorting of marginal advantages into rankings within a field of those with the same functional potential — the basis for categories — is the essence of sporting competition.

The effects of testosterone during and after male puberty are only partly reversible if testosterone levels are fully suppressed in adulthood (for example in transwomen receiving oestrogen treatment), not to zero, but to female levels.

Haemoglobin is highly sensitive to testosterone suppression, but bone structure is not reversible, and critical determinants of sports performance like muscle mass and heart and lung function are only minimally impacted. Complete testosterone suppression modestly reduces the male physical advantages, but goes nowhere near eliminating baseline disparities between the sexes, even when maintained for three years. Gestures that reduce but fail to eliminate male physical advantages do not provide fairness in a female-only category that is designed to exclude male advantage.

What is an unfair advantage in elite sports? Surprisingly, we can already begin to quantify unfair advantage from elite sports data. The winning margin in individual events — whether or not one gets a gold medal, any medal or makes the final — is less than 1 per cent. In recent years hi-tech sports equipment, such as super running shoes and synthetic full-body swimsuits, were introduced but when they produced physical advantages of 3-5 per cent, they were banned by their governing Federations. Using this 3-5 per cent benchmark as defining an unfair advantage, the 10-20 per cent advantage of unmodified male-bodied athletes and the remaining 8-12 per cent advantage after suppression of testosterone levels, confirms that male-bodied athletes who have experienced male puberty, cannot compete fairly in elite female events.

Categorisation (by exclusion of those with advantageous baseline biology) in pursuit of fair competition is not unique to sex, with similar fairness-driven stratifications defined by objective criteria for age, weight (boxing, weightlifting), skills (judo) and disability grade (Paralympics). As a subjective and variable criterion, gender identity cannot form a rational basis of fairness in sports stratification.

Public debate about transgender people in sport has lacked critical discussions. For example, potentially important analyses of individual and team sports and of elite and social, community or recreational sports have hardly been made.

While data from individual sports are directly captured, mapping performance in team sports is more complex. While it is easy to recall the winning ways of Shane Warne or Buddy Franklin, other team players also contribute to success in ways hard to measure. Elite athletes are professionals likely to demand rigorous fairness, while those in community, casual or recreational sports may consent to sacrifice fairness and prioritise the social value of sporting activity.

Importantly, female athletes should not be forced to assume the burden of competing against unfair male physical advantages in the name of inclusion. This would risk creating another generation of female athletes with lifelong career loss and personal grievances resembling a very different form of unfair disadvantage such as when Australian and other sportswomen faced doped East German athletes in the 1980s.

Clearly the unfair male physical advantages of transwomen, retained despite compliance with current sports policies, are not comparable to drug cheating. But nevertheless, current policies, designed more with optimistic hope than with a scientific basis of realistic expectation of fairness, represents a different form of unfair advantage experienced, without consent, by female athletes.

The health benefits of sports participation make it desirable for, where possible, inclusion strategies.

Community and recreational sports are often run as mixed competitions at younger ages, typically under 12 years old, and it may be feasible to run some adult activities as open mixed competitions, at least in non-contact sports.

But every elite athlete started in lower-level settings, and those embarking on a prospective career in elite competition would need to transition to single sex competition.

That is a proposition no more challenging than understanding that individuals who grow older, heavier, or more skilful will face parallel switches between categories or even change in their events or skills.

Transgender individuals comprise 0.3-0.5 per cent of the population and are generally under-represented in sports. Full participation by transgender people in sport should be encouraged for mental and physical health.

However, this inclusion should not come at the cost of imposing an unfair burden on elite female athletes.

Dr Emma Hilton is a prize-winning developmental biologist at the University of Manchester, whose research has shown how trans women athletes will always have a physical advantage over their female counterparts.

David Handelsman is a Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology and Andrology, University of Sydney, and Emeritus Director, ANZAC Research Institute, Concord Hospital. Sydney. His research has explored testosterone levels and the physical advantages trans women retain in elite sports.

The Oz. Copy and paste it and give it to anyone loonie enough to argue for “transgender sport”…

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 10, 2022 5:30 pm

Leela: Doctor, tell me again why I am to wear only my warrior boots while on board?

FPDW: Well, Leela, the reason is frightfully complicated, you see…

Suddenly the Doctor’s sexist timelordsplaining was interrupted by a loud thudding at the RE-TARDIS door.

VikPlod: The DanGuard! Open up!

FPDW: For what reason, my dear boy?

VikPlod: We have received information that you have posted a hateful disinformation meme to your timestream.

FPDW: Oh I do love to have a chat about memes!
The FPDW moves to the control panel and opens the doors.

(to be continued)

May 10, 2022 5:31 pm

What does power the Tardis, anyway?

The uppy downy thing in the middle of the control unit reckons The Greens energy policy researcher.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 10, 2022 5:32 pm

Top Ender says: May 10, 2022 at 4:58 pm

What does power the Tardis, anyway?

The British television license fee.

May 10, 2022 5:35 pm

Two leading scientists explain why transgender female athletes have an unfair advantage

Sawing your dick and nuts off makes you 300g lighter?

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 5:37 pm

U2’s Bono and the Edge perform at Kyiv subway station in support of Ukraine

Ordinarily I would oppose the use of nuclear weapons.

May 10, 2022 5:38 pm
May 10, 2022 5:40 pm

What the inhabitants of planet Dickhead Dan look like?

May 10, 2022 5:48 pm

Xi said “all efforts must be made to avoid the intensification and expansion of the Ukraine conflict, and China welcomes all efforts that are conducive to promoting peace talks,”

Vlad might have given the CCP a very useful lesson. Image how rough an amphibious invasion can get.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 5:50 pm


May 10, 2022 at 3:58 pm


Couldn’t happen to a worse piece of shit dirtbag, whose firm has never made a cent. I don’t get off on bad shit happening to people, but I make an exception for this scumbag.

Atlassian’s 50pc plunge leads Aussie Nasdaq sell-off

We talked about this a few weeks back.
The mystery of the market cap of a company which:-
.1 Has been around since 2002. That is the Jurassic period in software terms. If they haven’t turned a dollar by now, then when?
.2 They produce enabling/linking software which isn’t unique by any stretch
.3 Their gross margin is yuuugely negative. If they can’t cut costs or jack up prices they are screwed. Someone here in the industry (I forget who) said they were under price pressure already, and price hikes were not an option.
.4 Cannon-Brookes and his buddy own around 90% of the shares. I think an insto owns another 5%. That means the market cap is being driven by a relatively small bunch of shareholders fighting over the remainder. With that level of low liquidity I don’t think they would be allowed to list on the ASX.

May 10, 2022 5:50 pm

Yes this shit is all over…..

Absolutely isn’t, Ampol looking at a vaccine mandate for their workers.

Wait just until mid winter…

May 10, 2022 5:51 pm

U2’s Bono and the Edge perform at Kyiv subway station in support of Ukraine

Kiev hardly sounds like London during the Blitz,
what with all the celebs dropping in for a photo op.

May 10, 2022 5:59 pm

Black, homosexual, disabled, lesbian transsexual, Fat Dr Who

that’s not very far from Les Patterson’s prophetic disabled black lesbian puppet workshop

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 6:02 pm


May 10, 2022 at 4:03 pm

Oh look, the arsehole has lost more.

Just when my Musk-Twitter schaden-boner had finally subsided, now this!
Old Bloke, his $200m “fortune” isn’t buying him an interest in AGL.

May 10, 2022 6:04 pm

Dr Who sounds like he should be Mongolian if you think about it.

Winston Smith
May 10, 2022 6:04 pm

Old Ozzie:

It is hard to overstate how destructive contemporary environmentalism has been around the world. Here in the U.S., we haven’t seen the kind of economic collapse experienced by countries like Sri Lanka, but it isn’t because the greenies haven’t been trying.

They missed out the ‘yet’ in that statement.
What people refuse to understand is that this is the Green Goal. Starving and dead people because they are a blight on the planet. A virus.

May 10, 2022 6:04 pm

Another Kyiv missed opportunity:

John H.
John H.
May 10, 2022 6:15 pm

Top Endersays:
May 10, 2022 at 5:25 pm
What science tells us about transgender women athletes


Probably because it is still poorly understood but I am surprised the impact of sex hormones on the brain is typically overlooked.

May 10, 2022 6:17 pm

What people refuse to understand is that this is the Green Goal. Starving and dead people because they are a blight on the planet. A virus.

Misanthropy dressed up as a virtue.

May 10, 2022 6:25 pm

Struth says:
May 10, 2022 at 5:55 pm

An insane fucktard that JC assures us is a nice bloke.

He’s saner, smarter, classier, more honest, richer than you’ll ever be, you mentally impaired redneck. Fuck off and stop trying to talk to me.

May 10, 2022 6:29 pm

Slava Haiti

Dozens killed as wave of gang violence roils Haitian capital

“ For eight days, the bursts of bullets flew non-stop but we thought that the police were going to intervene,” he said.

But the police never showed. So like thousands of others, 29-year-old Jackson — taking nothing but the clothes he was wearing — fled his home.

“ According to multiple sources, at least 75 people, including women and children, have been killed and 68 others injured,” the UN statement said.

It added that at least 9,000 residents of the conflict-hit northern suburbs have been forced to flee their homes and take refuge with relatives or in temporary shelters such as churches and schools.

Jackson held out until last Sunday. He was just returning from church when the fighting came right to his door.

“I didn’t know that the members of the ‘400 mawozo’ gang had managed to cross the bridge” next to his home, Jackson said, referring to the most feared of all the gangs.

May 10, 2022 6:33 pm
May 10, 2022 6:33 pm

He’s saner, smarter, classier, more honest…

Who is he?

May 10, 2022 6:35 pm

Sri Lankan PM Mahinda Rajapaksa quits, family home set on fire | World News | WION

Wonder how bad things will need to get before Australians get into some old school politician home burning?

May 10, 2022 6:35 pm

Who is he?

Andy Warhol

May 10, 2022 6:37 pm

While on the subject

An Ethereal Blue Warhol Marilyn Goes for $195 Million at Christie’s, Becoming the Second-Priciest Work Ever Sold at Auction

comment image

Cassie of Sydney
May 10, 2022 6:38 pm

I always loved the old Doctor Who, in his various guises but I particularly loved the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker reincarnations. I stopped watching it not long after Colin Baker took up the role back in the 1980s. I had long thought that I had just grown out of the series however about a decade ago, on Foxtel, they showed all the old Dr Who episodes….going back to Patrick Troughton right up to the 1980s. They are very good…and some of the plots were fantastic. It kind of reassured me because I’d watched the new reincarnation with David Tennant and found them ridiculous, contrived and (this was over a decade ago) full of politically correct snide inferences. I remember one episode where they referred to Guantanamo Bay and that was it, I switched off and never watched it again. Am I surprised that the Doctor will now be played by a black actor and that he’ll be a homosexual. Nope. What next? A Doctor who’s a tranny? Oh well, there’s one thing I am sure of….and that is that this latest reincarnation will be the death knell for the series. The left tamper with everything and then they destroy everything.

May 10, 2022 6:39 pm

Mr Albanese said that his first goal was to fix transmission, and make sure that renewables could plug into the grid.

God help us the man has no idea of the mess that has been created by renewables. Do they even understand that despite all the millions invested in renewables that 60% of electricity on the east coast and SA is supplied by coal. And that on an overcast day with no wind that if we turn off coal no one on the east coast of Australia will be able to charge their mobile let alone keep the supermarkets open or even the home powered up. Stupidity will soon run into reality and it ain’t going to be funny.

May 10, 2022 6:41 pm

The plunge strips an enormous amount of money from the personal wealth of both Mr Cannon-Brookes and his Atlassian partner and co-founder Scott Farquhar. They both featured on The Australian’s Rich 250 list this year running in 4th and 5th place with valuations near $21bn each – those estimates would now be closer to $11.5bn each.

Couldn’t happen to 2 more deserving pricks.

May 10, 2022 6:41 pm


I’m sorry but I have to disagree. The Poms can’t make decent science fiction. When I was a kid, I used to watch it and the set was loose and if someone opened or shut a door the entire thing would wobble.

Cassie of Sydney
May 10, 2022 6:44 pm

” I used to watch it and the set was loose and if someone opened or shut a door the entire thing would wobble.”

LOL….well yes, the early sets were indeed wobbly but the scrips, particularly with John Pertwee and Tom Baker, weren’t bad. I also liked Lost in Space.

May 10, 2022 6:44 pm

Couldn’t happen to 2 more deserving pricks.

And he’s trying to make a play for AGL too. I’d love to see him arrange financing at the moment. I think it was Sanchez who recently mentioned that every single metric for the shithole was heading into negative territory. Later, I’ll take a look at the 10Q and see if there’s any debt.

May 10, 2022 6:47 pm

I really hate saying so, Cronkers as I don’t like wishing anyone with bad luck. However, with that sack of shit, I don’t think Karma will ping back. Ms Karma is with me on this one. I want to see the fuckhead cop a decent whack over the head with that useless stock.

May 10, 2022 6:51 pm

In other news Loki is bisexual. What next Thor a trannie; oh wait.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 6:54 pm


May 10, 2022 at 6:25 pm

Struth says:
May 10, 2022 at 5:55 pm

An insane fucktard that JC assures us is a nice bloke.

He’s saner, smarter, classier, more honest, richer than you’ll ever be, you mentally impaired redneck. Fuck off and stop trying to talk to me.

Fug off!

May 10, 2022 7:02 pm

Here’s their annual report as reported to the SEC. I like reading SEC financial statements as they’re mostly standardized.

The fuckers have made a profit back to 2017.

May 10, 2022 7:03 pm

He’s saner, smarter, classier, more honest, richer than you’ll ever be, you mentally impaired redneck. Fuck off and stop trying to talk to me.

This is a brain dead, ignoranamus’ view of BILL GATES.
Between you and the sneering reality adverse little club of sneerers, it’s been laughable today.

JC, you are a dead shit.
Beyond help.
Give yourself an uppercut.

May 10, 2022 7:04 pm

cohenite says:
May 10, 2022 at 6:51 pm

In other news Loki is bisexual. What next Thor a trannie; oh wait.

Oh FFS, Cronkite. It’s Disney! All their characters are now LGBTQ. Tell us something new.

May 10, 2022 7:05 pm


Haven’t made…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 7:09 pm


May 10, 2022 at 6:44 pm

Couldn’t happen to 2 more deserving pricks.

And he’s trying to make a play for AGL too. I’d love to see him arrange financing at the moment. 

Brookfield were supposedly funding 80% of it, but that still meant Cannon-Brookes had to find the thick end of $2 bill.
I doubt I have seen a cue go in the rack on a takeover quicker than that.
Makes you wonder if it was for real.
Seriously, he isn’t getting that sort of cash against his harbourside mansion or his free-falling Atlassian shares or his crypto plays at the moment.

1 2 3 13
  1. Rarely a word said in the media. Why is it when it’s a choice between Communism and Freedom, our media…

  2. Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…

  3. “We don’t need no steenking customers!” Sounds like they’ve taken on the business model of the underpants gnomes.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x