Open Thread – Tuesday 10 May 2022

The (Little) Tower of Babel, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563

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May 11, 2022 4:10 am
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May 11, 2022 4:16 am
May 11, 2022 4:17 am
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 11, 2022 4:49 am

Thank you Tom, your efforts are much appreciated.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 11, 2022 4:51 am

I just opened the blog page and here is the West in a nutshell. If the West is saved at all it will be by people of faith, not people of money (though Elon Musk is doing his bit)
The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.

— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 11, 2022 4:57 am

What a treasure is A F Branco, Biden always with blood on his hands and the sippy cup

May 11, 2022 5:49 am

This is actually terrible news:

If you didn’t subsidise women to have uneconomic (loss making) careers, over regulate pretentious babysitting (“child care”) or make housing so expensive through taxation, that both parents need to work; this would not even be seriously considered by anyone.

*Someone has cut my neck open. Someone please bandage it so the circulation is cut off so I don’t die…*

May 11, 2022 5:55 am

Minor parties should pull no punches.

ALP – stupid.
LN/P – cowards.
Greens – lunatics.

It should be plastered everywhere.

…and I’m sick of pretending it isn’t this way.

May 11, 2022 5:58 am

Amazing how state governments used COVID to hide their corruption.

Gladys Berejiklian (Coward Party)
Dan Andrews (Stupid Party)
Mick “Fuckwit” Gunner (Stupid Party)

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 6:03 am

Serves me right:

Here’s an aspect that I bet hasn’t crossed anyone’s mind yet:

You got me, Winston; in relation to…?

Bongbong Marcos will move the Philippines closer to China

May 11, 2022 6:28 am

Possibly the best article written on Medium.

The comments are a shallow salt mine right now:


2 days ago (edited)

The problem isn’t dating apps. The problem is men aren’t date-able. Women don’t want any of you approaching us in public anymore because we’ve been harassed too many times. Women don’t want to have sex with you because men’s version of sex is selfish and degrading. See the orgasm gap.

You know what’s really going on? Now that it’s harder to economically coerce women into sex and relationships (another gross, unethical male practice), men will actually need to evolve into genuinely attractive human beings. Sadly, most of you have a long ways to go. This should be entertaining. Welcome to your well deserved karma for oppressing and exploiting us for thousands of years – and still refusing to stop. You guys did this to yourselves. Total turnoff! ?

I think it is fair to call her a man hating feminist, who doesn’t know she’s a lesbian yet.

Sure, Daria. Punish poor old Cyril who you play Dungeons and Dragons with because Ghengis Khan.

May 11, 2022 6:44 am

May 10, 2022 at 9:39 pm

A perpendicular between the pointers and the long axis of the Southern Cross.


ok I’II bite

How do you use Crux (Southern Cross) to tell the time?

May 11, 2022 6:46 am
Anchor What
Anchor What
May 11, 2022 6:46 am

True The Vote is going to drop an information bomb – including which NGOs were running the 2000 Mules that stuffed 400000 ballots into drop boxes.
I wish they’d do it a bit sooner, rather than telegraph again the likely release date of a couple of weeks hence. The premiere of the doco was almost blotted out by the carefully timed SCOTUS leak.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 6:48 am

Amazing how state governments used COVID to hide their corruption.

It hasn’t finished. Every time there’s a huge hole found where there should be cash for something important, it’s ‘ohhhh but covid’.

Every time something critical either doesn’t get done or is fucked up somehow – ‘well it was all due to covid you see’. There’s at least ten years of that goose laying these golden eggs.

Unimaginable incompetence.

May 11, 2022 6:52 am

JC says:
May 10, 2022 at 7:20 pm

Stuth, go practice engine braking.

That made me laugh.

May 11, 2022 7:01 am

Right up until the Abbott landslide win in 2013, Rudd-Gillard-Rudd blamed the GFC for everything.
Even decisions they made before the GFC.
COVID will be the same for all state governments.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 7:13 am

Another of the comments on Mr Kleschinsky’s treatise on how it’s someone else’s fault internet dating isn’t working for him, and as posted earlier by Dot:

If it were up to me personally, I’d order each and every horny man to be sterilized and sanctioned until they learn self-control. If they don’t, then have their dicks chopped off.

If Kleschinsky’s premise is that expanding a potential pool of suitors beyond anyone located within walking distance of your house is a terrible thing for society (that is in fact what he’s saying), then he’s also limiting his opportunity for success – whichever barometer you use for that.

May 11, 2022 7:21 am

Paywalled at the courier mail.
Of course the obvious option, being in fabulous Queensland, is turn the thing into either accommodation for Victorian refugees or a five star resort.
Guaranteed 365 days a year of superb weather.
Hundreds of beds at Wellcamp beds could be mothballed
The remaining 500 beds at the Palaszczuk Government’s Wellcamp quarantine facility could be mothballed before they even open, with authorities unsure if they will be needed

May 11, 2022 7:25 am
In big news for ancient history nerds and op-shop lovers (my two core interests), a bust found by a Texan art collector for $50 at Goodwill is actually a legit Ancient Roman statue

May 11, 2022 7:26 am

I was in a meeting last week with some younger people trying to pitch me something.
It was pretty clear it was a waste of time from the beginning.
If someone won’t show you the capital raising history (who, how much, what price, when), it’s the biggest red flag of all.

Anyway, one of them was so keen to talk the election & I wasn’t biting.
But then the comment along the lines of “Let’s hope it’s a landslide like Kevin 07 & not like Abbott just getting across the line”.
Still no bite from me.
So I wrapped up the meeting & mentally filed that they are retards & to be very wary of anything they are involved with in the future.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 11, 2022 7:27 am

Now Calli’s attempting a Lizzie

And doing it very well. Terser than Lizzie.

I am only terse when I am cross, Dr. BG. And I think you mean something more akin to ‘condensed’ rather than terse re Calli, which mostly carries a primary connotation of brusque, abrupt or gruff. Calli is never brusque, but she can be extremely pithy and incisive as well as an acute observer and an emotive imaginer, never lengthy.

I am delighted with words, the flow and timbre of language, how it evokes speech, ideas, emotions and places, and it shows, more than some people might like. We are all different.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 7:28 am

Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.

He means Christianity. There’s plenty of spiritual energy in the West, but it has gone down the green-progressive rabbithole. We have a large minority of crazed fanatical progressives who Believe in all kinds of stupid stuff. The belief system is incompatible with democracy, prosperity and civilization though, which is why we’re going downhill so fast.

Very similar to Islam, which also has lots of spiritual energy and is likewise incompatible with democracy, prosperity and civilization. No country that practices rigorous Islam is prosperous, they only become fairly so by not being rigorous and by keeping Islam out of government, like Indonesia.

May 11, 2022 7:31 am

Macquarie loves it when you eat Australian avocadoes.
Similar to their Indo coal business.
Second largest exporter of Indo coal but doesn’t own a mine.

May 11, 2022 7:40 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 7:42 am

Morten Morland.

Thanks Tom! I love his take on why Liz is giving the speech a miss. Excellent artwork of Her Maj’s expressions. Must be infuriating to recite the rancid swill that pollies increasingly put forward as her years advance.

May 11, 2022 7:42 am

You live & try to learn .. LOL!
As a “houso” OAP who thinx he knows all the loopholes when it comes to CentreLink and stretching your OAP to live fairly comfortable there are still occasions when i can be baffled!
So, I’m reading this selective tale of OAP woe from OUR ABC ..
on the daily struggles of being an OAP in Oz 2022 and for 98% of it I can relate with it as the rest of us, FULL pension OAPs, are in the same lifeboat bailing, madly, out to stay afloat …
But then this pops up …
When she needs to pay her car registration or other big bills, she dips into her superannuation, something she didn’t imagine she’d be doing in her 60s.
Soooo, I’m left baffled! .. I’m under the impression “super” is means tested so you wouldn’t be on a ‘full” pension as in this case and, more importantly, if you’ve got money set aside why wouldn’t you use it? .. I mean isn’t that what ‘super”/savings are for? .. why would you struggle to get by on a set amount when, last I heard, you can’t take it wiv ya .. duuuuuuuuuh!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 11, 2022 7:42 am

Rosie, I am bringing home a little green ceramic glazed jug I saw in an Op Shop window while walking down to the doctors’ at Saffron Waldeon. It is mass produced from the 30’s, bearing the raised Made in England branding underneath. Its shape was irresistable. It is so English.
I went in and purchased it for two pounds 50 (about five dollars).
Hairy bemused, again. He doesn’t ‘do’ op shops. He’s never been poor.
I love them still for old books, pottery, trinkets.

May 11, 2022 7:46 am

“When the tide goes out, we see whose been swimming naked”

– Warren Buffet.

Cover yourself please, Mike Cannon-Brookes.

May 11, 2022 7:50 am

Via Ace, some Ruthian grade hyperbowl.
Snark aside, whoever penned this must’ve laughed themselves sick
crafting such a hysterically over the top, faux revolutionary tone.

May 11, 2022 7:53 am

There’s plenty of spiritual energy in the West, but it has gone down the green-progressive rabbithole. We have a large minority of crazed fanatical progressives who Believe in all kinds of stupid stuff.

‘The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything’.

– Emile Cammaerts, Chesterton: The Laughing Prophet

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 11, 2022 7:53 am

Hardly anyone gets shot any more, after all those law-abiding gun owners had their prized possessions taken from them.
(two more underworld figures gunned down in Sydney, one with ten holes in him)

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 11, 2022 7:54 am

Right up until the Abbott landslide win in 2013, Rudd-Gillard-Rudd blamed the GFC for everything.
Even decisions they made before the GFC.

When Obama got in everything was Bush’s fault for years, justifying his pudgy-fingered-kid-repairing-a-watch interference for years. I remember them also using Bush’s budget, much elevated by its misguided stimulus package, as a baseline to compare budgets and arguing that Obama was the lowest taxing President EVAH!

Michelle also complained that Dubya was sneaking into the WH at night and emptying out the larder, which had to be re-stocked every morning. When they said they would investigate how he was getting in and put measures in place to prevent it so this theft never happened again she always said she would get back to them.

She also said Dubya was sneaking into her wardrobe and stuffing the front of all her pants with rolled up socks. I am sure I do not know what she was talking about there.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 11, 2022 7:58 am

shaterzzz, as I understand it, the old age pension in Australia is granted to anyone under a certain income level, no matter how much their ‘residence’ is worth, provided that they also have other assets that fall under a rather generous limit. We know people in the wealthy electorate of Wentworth who own super-expensive homes, who hold other assets kept to under the allowed $600k range and who have adjusted their superannuation income to also fall under the limit, who receive a full or a part aged pension. Many of them have already spent quite a bit of their superannuation by taking a part of it out as a lump sum, as allowed. Others who do not quality for any pension on this continuum seek to at least get a government Health Care Card for subsidised medications. When obviously wealthy people do this to help fund holidays and new cars then something is wrong with the system.

Disclaimer: We are totally self-funded and do not wish to be otherwise.

May 11, 2022 8:02 am

er … don’t turn off the gps

Sad, Matrix.

You run a perpendicular line between the Pointers and another through the long axis of the Southern Cross.

That will give you the South Celestial Pole. Drop a line to the horizon and you will have due south.

Why would you bother with such a weak and easily disproved troll? What’s wrong with some people here?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 8:06 am

two more underworld figures gunned down in Sydney, one with ten holes in him

Had to look the story up since I made a naughty prediction to myself about the part of the world their family comes from. Yep, was right.

Cassie of Sydney
May 11, 2022 8:07 am

“Anyway, one of them was so keen to talk the election & I wasn’t biting.
But then the comment along the lines of “Let’s hope it’s a landslide like Kevin 07 & not like Abbott just getting across the line”.
Still no bite from me.
So I wrapped up the meeting & mentally filed that they are retards & to be very wary of anything they are involved with in the future.”

Well done Bern. You know why they are “keen to talk the election”? Because they really think that everyone thinks like they do and they simply cannot understand that people might think differently. This is progressivism to a tee. They are shocked…shocked….that people might like Trump, or that people might have liked Abbott, or that people don’t think transwomen are women or that people aren’t going to vote Labor. They are such mental pygmies. Quite frankly they don’t deserve any business whatsoever.

Yesterday a few in my workplace were talking about refrigerators, because there are some huge expensive refrigerators on the market…..and then, of course, someone has to bring Donald Trump into the conversation about refrigerators and so a person mentioned that there must be a HUGE refrigerator at Mar-a-Lago and they all started laughing out loud because that’s what they do with anything involving Trump. So I piped up and I said that the biggest refrigerator is actually owned by Nancy Pelosi at her huge mansion near San Francisco and its stuffed full of ice cream, her absolutely favourite thing to eat in the world. Thus ended the laughter and the conversation. I love being a killjoy.

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 8:11 am

What’s with the dodgy trackwork on the downhill slope for the first few clips?
It’s not just an artifact because the trains wheels are going up and down as each one passes over it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 11, 2022 8:11 am

Whiskey Au Go Go gambit’s go-going nowhere
By Matthew Condon
9:05PM May 10, 2022

The great and ancient chess game that was historical police verballing was at the centre of the Whiskey Au Go Go mass murder inquest hearings in the Brisbane Coroner’s Court on Tuesday.

The verbal, or bricking (def. the falsification of evidence in order to bring a criminal charge – Collins English Dictionary) was widespread among past generations of police.

And the rumour was that it was employed against John Andrew Stuart and James Finch – the two men convicted of the Whiskey nightclub firebombing in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley that killed 15 people on March 8, 1973.

The new inquest, before state Coroner Terry Ryan and now in its final days, has this week ­attempted to wrestle that rumour to the ground.

Finch was interrogated by detectives including Sid Atkinson, Brian Hayes and then Sydney young-gun detective Roger Rogerson, on the afternoon of Sunday March 11, 1973.

That interrogation produced an unsigned record of interview from Finch that went a long way towards helping convict him of the Whiskey mass murder at his trial later that year.

And there was more. There were claims that Finch was bashed by detectives in the process of extracting his confession.

On Tuesday, the inquest heard from police officers who were on the scene that distant Sunday. They were Peter David Slatter, a detective senior constable attached to the Brisbane CIB Homicide Squad, and John Kolence, a junior officer.

The court heard that both men sat with James Finch after his arrest but before his formal interview with the senior detectives.

Counsel assisting the coroner, Stephen Keim SC, ran another witness’s recollections about the interrogation past Mr Slatter to seek his views. For example: Finch at one point put his head on his arms and cried.

Slatter: I don’t recall him crying at all.

Finch was beaten up by police and officers also discussed how Finch’s statement should be written up.

Slatter: I have no knowledge of that. As far as I understood it was a straightforward record of interview.

Did he see any signs that Finch had been bashed?

Slatter: No.

Even that holy text on how to conduct yourself as a decent and honest policeman – the Fitzgerald Inquiry report – was cited in court. It says in part: “Verballing, or the fabrication with or tampering with evidence, arises out of frustration and contempt for the criminal justice system. The practice reduces the effect of the presumption of innocence.”

When asked if he was aware of the practice of verballing, Slatter said you were “always aware of it”, and that you could go to court with a statement “witnessed by a priest” and still be accused of verballing. “That’s what criminal lawyers did in those days,” he told the court.

After lunch, Mr Kolence appeared as a witness via telephone.

On that Sunday, he too spent part of his shift “babysitting” Finch. He was quizzed about the timing of events on Sunday, March 11, and grew agitated at the series of questions.

“I don’t remember what time all this happened,” he said. “I think it’s unfair asking me what times things happened 50 years ago. I can only remember so much. I’m on my way out now. My memory’s not real good.”

Convicted murderer Rogerson, is expected to give evidence via video link on Friday.

And convicted triple murderer Vincent O’Dempsey will be called to the stand next week.

The verdict on Tuesday’s verballing chess tussle?


May 11, 2022 8:20 am

In big news for ancient history nerds and op-shop lovers (my two core interests), a bust found by a Texan art collector for $50 at Goodwill is actually a legit Ancient Roman statue
How do these folk know? .. shirley, they ain’t op-shopping in the hope of treasure?
When I buy a statue/figure ect it is, generally, to put in the garden ..
rule 1 .. all plant pots deserve a decoration got dozens of figurines/statues dotted around the back garden .. LOL!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 11, 2022 8:22 am

It’s a fake Winston.
The Give Way sign is out of focus and stays that way despite the train truck numbering being sharp.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 11, 2022 8:23 am


Guaranteed 365 days a year of superb weather.

Indeed. Scorching hot in summer, and freezing with strong westerly winds in winter. Spring and autumn aren’t bad, however.

May 11, 2022 8:24 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 11, 2022 8:26 am

Daily Mail.

Sisters ‘accidentally marry the wrong grooms when power cut causes blackout during joint wedding’ in India

Two sisters accidentally married the wrong grooms during their joint wedding
The ceremony was in the village of Aslana in India, when there was a blackout
In the confusion, the priest continued with the rites but confused the couples
India has suffered from unusually high temperatures that have cause power cuts

May 11, 2022 8:29 am

The World Meteorological Organization resorts to coin tossing.

May 11, 2022 8:31 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
May 11, 2022 at 7:58 am

I understand all of what you wrote but what got me about the article is it stated she received $1133 + cents a fortnight .. that is the full amount of OAP with rental subsidy added (so NO property) you can get .. my point is she couldn’t get the full amount with preserved super ..
Plus, of course, why struggle when you have other liquid assets .. you’d expect the “journo’ to twig and leave that stuff out if your article is highlighting crying poor .. LOL!

May 11, 2022 8:32 am

Speaking of Darwin Man, there’s an amusing bit of footage going viral – a young bloke reeling in a barra with a croc hot on it’s heels.


May 11, 2022 8:33 am @disclosetv · 41m
JUST IN – Bill Gates infected with COVID, experiencing “mild symptoms.”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 11, 2022 8:34 am

In big news for ancient history nerds and op-shop lovers (my two core interests), a bust found by a Texan art collector for $50 at Goodwill is actually a legit Ancient Roman statue

It is funny that Renaissance artists took their inspiration from what they found in Roman ruins and carved busts and statues in marble and such.

All that carved statuary looking out at you with expressive faces but blind eyes – yet the evidence is now that the Romans used to paint their statues. They never carved them to be monochromatic, and our more recent artists instead focused more on how highlights and shadow produced feeling.

May 11, 2022 8:35 am

Had to look the story up since I made a naughty prediction to myself about the part of the world their family comes from. Yep, was right.

I enjoy the Mail Online approach to these stories .. that tear-jerking impression that we all CARE!.. LOL!

May 11, 2022 8:39 am

You run a perpendicular line between the Pointers and another through the long axis of the Southern Cross.

That will give you the South Celestial Pole. Drop a line to the horizon and you will have due south.

That might work up near the equator, but it still leaves the question of what time, and during what season, you are making that inference.

The further south you go that which you describe does not work. You are describing waiting for the azimuth of crux which is achievable because if you are observing the night sky in toto, then you have a fair bit of time to observe the arc of the constellation, it’s azimuth and ,therefore, make a good approximation of south.

So you aren’t wrong, you are just missing a lot of detail. 55/100

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 8:40 am

my point is she couldn’t get the full amount with preserved super ..

My understanding is that you are allowed to hold an amount of assets (including super) and still get a full pension.
It might be around $400k I think.

May 11, 2022 8:43 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 8:46 am

Accidentally reported lotocoti at 8:43.
I blame covid.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 8:49 am
May 11, 2022 8:51 am

Of course the obvious option, being in fabulous Queensland, is turn the thing into either accommodation for Victorian refugees or a five star resort.

The units could be put to better use; we’re in the midst of a dire rental housing shortage in regional Qld.

Meanwhile, Palaszczuk’s government has been quietly selling off social housing for years.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 8:55 am

I wonder if the Atlassian dicks have borrowed against their shareholding.
I am guessing they did.
If so, I wonder what the share-price trigger is at which point the bank calls in the debt.

May 11, 2022 9:00 am

You know why they are “keen to talk the election”? Because they really think that everyone thinks like they do and they simply cannot understand that people might think differently.

All I wanted to hear about was cashflow.
And cashflow growth.
And the sweetest thing of all, free cash flow.
Alas, there was not much of that being discussed.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
May 11, 2022 9:01 am

Auron MacIntyre
Yes, the White House is encouraging mobs to commit a felony in order to intimidate another branch of government

No, they won’t face any consequences

Quote Tweet
· 3h
Psaki on “protests that have been peaceful to date”:

“We certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes.”

They said the quiet part out loud.

The US is in a whole heap of trouble. I see some states succeeding from the union, and having the support of most of their residents, within the next 10 to 20 years.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 9:03 am

There’s an orgasm gap? Who knew?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 9:03 am


May 11, 2022 at 7:21 am

Paywalled at the courier mail.
Of course the obvious option, being in fabulous Queensland, is turn the thing into either accommodation for Victorian refugees or a five star resort.
Guaranteed 365 days a year of superb weather.
Hundreds of beds at Wellcamp beds could be mothballed

No Deaf Camp, then?

May 11, 2022 9:03 am

I wonder if the Atlassian dicks have borrowed against their shareholding.

Over 2020 & 2021, the pair sold over $US1bill of stock between them.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
May 11, 2022 9:03 am

Gotta love the lefts abuse of the English language. This time from NZ. The left government there introduced a ‘clean car discount fee’ . Got That ? I’ll go slow a ‘discount fee’. This effectively applies a tax on petrol / Diesel engine cars. This fee is then used to subsidise upper middle class electric cars. Robbing from the poor to give to the rich. That is a discount fee.

Oh and this was introduced at 1 April 2022. How did the market respond? Sales jumped in the first quarter as people rushed to buy before the price hike. April saw a 72% slump in sales on March.

Government should stay out of the market.

May 11, 2022 9:04 am

2000 Mules is now on Rumble.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 9:05 am

H B Bearsays:

May 11, 2022 at 9:03 am

There’s an orgasm gap? Who knew?

Don’t fall in.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 9:07 am

Of course the obvious option, being in fabulous Queensland, is turn the thing into either accommodation for Victorian refugees or a five star resort.

The units could be put to better use

Wellcamp will be in hot demand about 2 months after Labor wins office. Country shoppers will be flooding in.

May 11, 2022 9:08 am

This isn’t a weak Aussie. I recall trading in mid 80s. The dollar was falling like a stone. The banks tried to stop speculation by widening g spreads. The dollar was going down at 1 or 2 cents a day. I recall a director at tullets ringing and telling us in his great London accent” the f*****er will be worth nuffin in a month at this rate” . We were bears but I can skite that we bought some at 0.4970. Those were truly the cowboy days. But I suspect they were nothing compared to the stupendous overvaluation of all those tech stocks. Stuff like atlassian. Canva.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 9:09 am


May 11, 2022 at 9:03 am

I wonder if the Atlassian dicks have borrowed against their shareholding.

Over 2020 & 2021, the pair sold over $US1bill of stock between them.

At the peak that would have been about 1% of the shares on issue.
Slow bail out?
Those buyers aren’t going to be much interested in how hip and cool C-B is at the next investor briefing, nor in hearing about the fabulous growth trajectory.

May 11, 2022 9:10 am

What a wretched bunch of fuckwits almost all of you turned out to be.
Between the globalist Laissez-Faire trade morons terminally unable to acknowledge the world of shit that decades of turning manufacturing over to the CCP and European energy markets to the Russians has wrought, and the part their own putrid selfish ideology has played. And the Russian apologists on here throwing the baby out with the bath water because in their tiny brains Putin is some great hope for Christianity or some shit like that.
Disappointed? Mainly with myself for ever thinking you were up to anything much.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 9:15 am

Top level bonhomie this morning.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 9:15 am

The country shopper problem is also about to get a lot worse.

The lack of exports from Ukraine have prompted fears that many vulnerable people worldwide will be thrust into hunger, with some officials accusing Russia of deliberately preventing produce from leaving the country in the hopes of manufacturing a food crisis that will inevitably become a migrant crisis.

“If we neglect northern Africa, northern Africa’s coming to Europe,” he continued. “If we neglect the Middle East, [the] Middle East is coming to Europe.”

And to Australia. Ukraine can’t get its grain out of the country, and even with being able to sow at about 75% of normal there’s not going to be storage capacity for the new crop.

That is going to put huge pressure on Egypt and other MENA places, which import and subsidize grain for the local people.

Global Food Crisis: Ukraine Crop Planting Down by Quarter as Nation Struggles to Export Last Harvest (10 May)

May 11, 2022 9:17 am
H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 9:17 am

We miss you too Arky. Well some of us might.

May 11, 2022 9:19 am

Never go full Struth, Arky.

May 11, 2022 9:22 am

Eyrie – Lots of water on Mars, so hydrogen/oxygen would be fine for rocket fuel.

True, but liquid hydrogen is bastard stuff to handle. It is used as rocket fuel where high energy upper stages are required and nothing else will do. Lox/methane are both cryogenic but the temperatures aren’t too different.
You need to look at the overall system. Starship/Super Heavy are methalox rockets and the system is simplified by using the same fuel in each. LH2 has very low density so the tanks are much bigger and heavier, need insulation (otherwise liquid air condenses on the outside of the tanks) etc etc. No advantage at all on first stages. Liquid methane is better than kerosene as it burns cleaner and doesn’t cause the sooting/coking problems that kerosene does. Look at the used Falcon 9 first stages.
Because Starship runs on methalox it will need the same when refilled on the Martian surface, hence they’ll use the Sabatier process to make the methalox.
Keep in mind Musk isn’t interested in fancy, push the state of the art rockets like NASA is. His aim is cheap, mass production, reusable rockets to put lots of people and equipment on Mars. A by product of all this will be the ability to move people and stuff anywhere from the Earth’s surface to the asteroid Belt, including the Moon at relatively low cost.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 9:22 am

Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar are the Jodee Rich and Brad Keeling of their generation.

May 11, 2022 9:46 am

If you dislike it here so much Arky, why come here? Anyway, why would anyone see the need to pander to you for your approval?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 9:47 am

You need to look at the overall system. Starship/Super Heavy are methalox rockets and the system is simplified by using the same fuel in each. LH2 has very low density so the tanks are much bigger and heavier, need insulation (otherwise liquid air condenses on the outside of the tanks) etc etc.

Eyrie – yes, you have to look at the overall system. We’re talking about launchers on Mars.

They are using what’s there. What isn’t there is air. So the insulation/condensation issue is not as significant. Yes you might get some CO2 condensation but the partial pressure is so low that it would be far smaller issue than on Earth.

The other reason for using methane on Earth is it is easily available. But it doesn’t exist on Mars. To get methane on Mars you first have to make hydrogen by electrolysis of water, then you have to react that hydrogen with CO2 from the atmosphere, which is made more difficult by you not having a fuel or oxy to heat the catalytic reactor up with. In doing so you waste half the hydrogen you just made to sop up the Os out of the CO2. Occam’s Razor says you should stop at hydrogen and wear the effort of liquefying it. You can even do such a thing at the poles, where the water ice is and the ambient temperature is much colder, then ship the liquid hydrogen to the launch site. Or simply launch into polar orbit from the pole since the delta V is not so punitive as here on Earth.

May 11, 2022 9:54 am

What a wretched bunch of fuckwits almost all of you turned out to be.

One day I’m going to get up the courage like Arky here, and tell you all what I really think.

But you know me, I’m just too polite for my own good.

May 11, 2022 9:54 am

What a wretched bunch of fuckwits almost all of you turned out to be.

You were surprised, Arky?

May 11, 2022 9:57 am

BoN, what will be launched on Mars is a methalox fuel Starship. Methalox is good enough for single stage Mars escape/trans Earth trajectory. Nothing more is needed. You also need enough to land on Earth after aerobraking too. Storing the liquid hydrogen for months is a problem. Methane is much easier. There is some discussion on how to keep it from freezing although that should not be difficult.
There’s plenty of CO2 in the Martian atmosphere. Around 25 times as much over every square meter of surface as on Earth.

May 11, 2022 9:57 am

Argue the case, Arky, for the work of the cinematographers of Kyiv.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 11, 2022 10:05 am

A Lufthansa flight crew bans all Jews from boarding one of its flights

They could always wear yellow stars..

May 11, 2022 10:05 am
H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 10:10 am

Nice to see we’re not the only ones bagging Howard.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 10:16 am

Monty, struth and Arky. Voices of Catallaxy.

May 11, 2022 10:17 am

Three dirty stinks

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 10:18 am

Exciting news for Bosi grifters in the latest A1 ‘dispatch’:

Dear KD,

For those wondering which AustraliaOne supporters will be running in the Federal election on the 21st of May 2022, click on the below link:

Said link takes you to ‘independent candidates’, who are apparently A1 supporters without actually being part of A1, or associated with them in any way other than A1 saying they are. The list:

New South Wales
Riccardo Bosi – Greenway Electorate
South Australia
Vince Pannell – Barker Electorate
Madeline Fry – Barker Electorate
Paul Busuttil – Boothby Electorate
Western Australia
Ashley Williams – Canning Electorate
Craig Cole – Casey Electorate
Dominique* -Chisholm Electorate
James Laurie – Bendigo Electorate
Darren Bergwerf – Dunkley Electorate
Lindsay Temple – Senate

Obviously, not one of these people are supportive enough to join the Bosi Family Grifters. I wonder if they even know they’ve been put up as carrying the ‘no standing’ and ‘hang the judges and journalists’ flags?

Then there’s this:

Authorised by Riccardo Bosi, 122 Perfection Avenue, Stanhope Gardens, NSW

*Dominique, although running for election is apparently sufficiently concerned about something that she declined to put her last name in. Perhaps she doesn’t have one, like Prince.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 10:18 am

BoN, what will be launched on Mars is a methalox fuel Starship. Methalox is good enough for single stage Mars escape/trans Earth trajectory. Nothing more is needed.

Eyrie – Except the methalox. That’s my point. The methane is not easily obtained on Mars. Hydrogen is.

As I said last night an even better answer is to have a nuclear rocket using water as reaction mass. There’s plenty of water on Mars. Similar to what the Russians have been working on. That way you don’t even have to electrolyse the water, you just use it.

What you then do is manufacture the launch tugs here, transfer them to Mars via Superheavy, then shuttle to and from Mars orbit using them.

Elon’s problem is he isn’t pushing nuclear technology in parallel with his other Mars-centric businesses. So he won’t have a tug design ready to go. So it’s hydrogen/oxy for Mars launches until then.

Using Starship on Mars only works if the methane comes from Earth. That’s a very expensive option. Better to have a shuttle or local launch stage with a Mars-appropriate chemistry.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
May 11, 2022 10:19 am

Soooo, I’m left baffled! .. I’m under the impression “super” is means tested so you wouldn’t be on a ‘full” pension

shatterzzz, she could have up to $270,000 in a super fund and still qualify for the full age pension if she owns her own home – or $480,000 if she doesn’t own her home. Only when her assets go above these figures will she be moved to a part-pension.

May 11, 2022 10:22 am

Any other Cats in WA going to the freedom rally Saturday at Forrest Place?

May 11, 2022 10:24 am

by Stephen Schmalhofer
5 . 9 . 22

When the great Australian poet Les Murray died in April 2019, he left an incomplete volume of new work in his desk drawer. Murray preferred the typewriter and avoided email, so COVID-19 locked down the manuscript at his home in Bunyah, New South Wales (population: 143). Continuous Creation: Last Poems, published last month, is a farewell to the most important Australian poet since Banjo Paterson.

As a young man, Murray joined the Catholic Church, whose “steep walls of claim” sheltered Murray the Misfit. He shared with Aquinas, another fat genius, a devotion to the Unmoved Mover and dedicated each of his thirty books to the greater glory of God. He was not a voice crying out in the wilderness. Les Murray was a poet sweating out in the bush. R.I.P.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 10:25 am

H B Bearsays:

May 11, 2022 at 10:16 am

Monty, struth and Arky. Voices of Catallaxy.

It appears someone picked up the Superiority Complex 2.2.1 plug-in this morning, when he really needed the Inferiority Complex 4.1 module.

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 10:25 am

“Never Once Did I Sit in Front of One of Those Meetings and Play Candy Crush on my Phone” – TGP’s Joe Hoft Unloads on Elections Director for Playing Phone Games During County Board Meeting

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 10:30 am

On Monday night in Alamogordo, Otero County, New Mexico, individuals involved in a 2020 Election audit presented results from their audit to date. They identified a number of issues and some very shocking issues as well.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 10:31 am

We haven’t had that One True Scotsman vibe since iampeter left.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 10:32 am

We haven’t had that One True Scotsman vibe since iampeter left.

Dunno Bear.

There’s been a bit of One True Strayan going around of late.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 10:34 am

Numbers at the John Howard Appreciation Society are down too.

May 11, 2022 10:34 am

Russia today reporting Ukraine has cut 1/3rd of Europe’s gas supplies off, refusing transit.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 10:35 am

OSC at 10:19.
The key drivers are single vs couple and home-owner vs renter.
But, yes, the lowest threshold of $270k is a single person who owns their own home.
You don’t have to be flat broke to qualify for a full pension.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 11, 2022 10:35 am

From the Daily Mail – an article on a Soviet Tank, supposedly “brewed up” by an 84MM Carl Gustav ROCKET LAUNCHER!!!!!

Oconomo21, Oconomo, United States, 2 hours ago

A British Challenger was hit by friendly fire in 2003 in Iraq. All the crew but the driver made it out. The ammo cooked off and they put the fire and opened the drivers hatch to remove the body. He asked them what took so long to get him out.

May 11, 2022 10:36 am

Disappointed? Mainly with myself for ever thinking you were up to anything much.

How have you turned out? Bitter and twisted just like the couch potato. Try being responsible for yourself and stop blaming others. If you’re not looking after yourself and family don’t expect anyone else to care.

May 11, 2022 10:37 am

The little gang of sneerers got their arses handed to them last night.

And the squeals of “redneck” “fatty’ and “ner ners generally, were everywhere.

Go back to last night and see how I set them up.
It was gorgeous.

Even admitted I was wrong to drag in Sancho and the rest.
Not that they need an invitation.

It did give me a laugh watching them fall over themselves to dismiss it all as bullshit and irrelevent.
And painting me as a redneck!
The classiest fucker you’ll ever meet.
This from the Victorian toothless ex cop hiding in Darwin trying to chat up the skimpy bar chickies he is way too old for, in his flannelette, gasping away on his Winnie reds, and the scooter driving, walking stick waving, scone aficionado for the Geelong branch of the Lib Labs.

The rest of you cowards could have that much fun as well, but you’d rather be led by the nose, either by government or the little club of sneerers.

No wonder you draw the disgust of Arky.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 10:38 am

A cane toad gets revenge for all that one-wood driver practice.

Russian Oil Billionaire Dies of ‘Toad Poisoning’ (10 May)

Oil billionaire Alexander Subbotin on Sunday became the sixth Russian oligarch to die under mysterious circumstances since Russia invaded Ukraine in February.

According to Moscow police, Subbotin was laid low by a toxic toad during a hangover cure administered by a shaman.

Subbotin’s body was recovered by police from the basement of a house in Mytishschi, a suburb of Moscow, on Sunday evening. The house is owned by a man named Aleksei Pindyurin, who claims to be a shaman with mystical powers working under the supernatural alias “Magua Flores.” … Shaman Magua, along with his female partner Tina Cordoba (real name Kristina Teikhrib), offered their clients a variety of services, from communing with spirits to providing extreme alternative medical cures. Subbotin allegedly came to them looking for a hangover cure after overindulging in alcohol and drugs.

“They made an incision on the skin, dripped toad poison there, and after vomiting the patient allegedly got better. They also called spirits, sacrificed animals and bathed in cock’s blood,” an account posted on the secure Telegram messaging platform related.

When Subbotin told his attending witch doctors that he was not feeling very well after their hangover cure, they decided to give him an herbal sedative and let him sleep in their basement, in a room “used for Jamaican voodoo rituals.”

According to the preliminary report from local police, Subbotin suffered a heart attack and died during the night. He was pronounced dead at the scene after the shamans called for an ambulance.

As hangover cures go I would say that is one of the less successful ones.

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 10:39 am

Bear Necessities:
The US is in a whole heap of trouble. I see some states succeeding from the union, and having the support of most of their residents, within the next 10 to 20 years.
Change that to 10 months and you’ll be on the money.

May 11, 2022 10:40 am

May 10, 2022 at 9:35 pm
Oh, and that possibly someone is looking out at the wider world and appreciating the incredible beauty that is all around us.

The other night I pointed out the constellation Orion and the stars that comprised the great huntsman. Where did you learn all that, I was asked.

Books. And stargazing since I was a little kid. And always waiting with hope to see a shooting star so I could make a wish.


Enjoy Litchfield especially – buley rockhole on the way in – THE 5 BEST Litchfield National Park Waterfalls (with Photos)

as a StarGazer if you don’t already have this App I would recommend it

Stellarium Mobile – Star Map –

Stellarium Mobile – Star Map is a planetarium app that shows exactly what you see when you look up at the stars.

Identify stars, constellations, planets, comets, satellites (such as the ISS), and other deep sky objects in real time in the sky above you in just a few seconds, just by pointing the phone at the sky!

This astronomy application has an easy to use and minimalist user interface, that makes it one of the best astronomical applications for adults and children who want to explore the night sky.

Stellarium Mobile features:

? View an accurate night sky simulation of stars and planets for any date, time and location.

? Dive in a collection of many stars, nebulas, galaxies, star clusters and other deep sky objects.

? Zoom on realistic Milky Way and Deep Sky Objects images.

? Discover how people living in other regions of the planet see the stars by selecting the shapes and illustrations of the constellations for many sky cultures.

? Track artificial satellites, including the International Space Station.

? Simulate landscape and atmosphere with realistic sunrise, sunset and atmosphere refraction.

? Discover 3D rendering of the major solar system planets and their satellites.

? Observe the sky in night mode (red) to preserve your eyes adaptation to darkness.

Stellarium Mobile contains in-app purchases allowing to upgrade to Stellarium Plus. With this upgrade, the app will display objects as faint as magnitude 22 (versus magnitude 8 in the base version) and enable advanced observing features.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 10:42 am

If you own your own home (and it’s in reasonable repair), not exposed to the vagaries of the rental market and don’t think you have to spend winter in Europe you can live quite happily on the pension. Most peoples needs in their old age are quite modest.

May 11, 2022 10:43 am

Disappointed? Mainly with myself for ever thinking you were up to anything much.

Yes, that was unforgivably dumb, arky.

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 10:44 am


What a wretched bunch of fuckwits almost all of you turned out to be.

Do you still have your apricot jam recipe?
I wasn’t going to ask but seeing as how you’ve been so accommodating…

(Apart from that, how’s it going?)

May 11, 2022 10:45 am

May 11, 2022 at 9:54 am
What a wretched bunch of fuckwits almost all of you turned out to be.

You were surprised, Arky?

Must be a slow day at the Munster blog.

May 11, 2022 10:47 am

Winston Smithsays:
May 11, 2022 at 10:36 am
Psaki: “I Don’t Think Anyone Could’ve Predicted a Year Ago” That Inflation Would Soar to Record Highs

These people are morons. they are oblivious to the 37% increase in $USD M2 money supply over the last 12 months and deny that their massive public borrowing effort with no attempt to improve productivity would have any adverse effects!

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 11, 2022 10:47 am

Must be a slow day at the Munster blog.

Basement lyf.

May 11, 2022 10:48 am

As hangover cures go I would say that is one of the less successful ones.

disagree. It definitely cured his hangover

May 11, 2022 10:49 am

Boy is iHerb quick – order placed at 0851 – shipped at 1028

NOW Foods, Quercetin with Bromelain, 240 Veg Capsules still out of stock – have enough to get me through rest of the year, but will soon place myself on Out of Stock
Get notified by email when this is available
list – worked last time – narrow window when it becomes available

May 11, 2022 10:49 am

How have you turned out? Bitter and twisted just like the couch potato. Try being responsible for yourself and stop blaming others. If you’re not looking after yourself and family don’t expect anyone else to care.

Here’s a brilliant example of “fuck my fellow Australians” Denialism.

Don’t blame the government over the last two years, blame yourself.

It’s also born of fear.
The fear of accepting it was the government.

Even Andrew Neil, the head of the Spectator, would rather blame the unjabbed for restrictions than put the blame squarely at the feet of the government where it belongs.
Andrew has shown us quite clearly that the inner Nazi comes from a cowardice to accept the reality of who is actually fucking you.
Germans feared the fight against Hitler’s forces so they took it out on Jews.
Piss weak.

I blame others.
I certainly do.
I blame the government.
It’s reality, it’s the truth and if you’re happy right now, telling say, the nurses who are forbidden to work because they are unjabbed, that it’s all their fault, you’re a gobsmacking imbicile and lost to denialism.

In taking this approach you are actually siding with the government.
A government at war with us.

May 11, 2022 10:52 am

The three poisonous trolls really seem to have too much time on their hands. Spraying abuse at people on a work morning. Sad.

May 11, 2022 10:52 am

If you own your own home (and it’s in reasonable repair), not exposed to the vagaries of the rental market and don’t think you have to spend winter in Europe you can live quite happily on the pension. Most peoples needs in their old age are quite modest.

Can we get this idiocy born of denialism framed.
Lets see how you they go with the upcoming inflation.
I mean it’s pure dribbled shit even today.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 10:54 am

St. Ruth’s awake.

Hide the eclairs.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 11, 2022 10:57 am

Must be a slow day at the Munster blog.

Monty’s blog is slow?

I had heard about people resembling their pets.

Had no idea it extends to electronic media as well.

His blog is also full of irrelevance as well. Damn! It’s uncanny!

May 11, 2022 10:58 am

Winston Smith says:
May 11, 2022 at 10:23 am

Ambush ambushing.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 10:59 am

How have you turned out? Bitter and twisted just like the couch potato. Try being responsible for yourself and stop blaming others. If you’re not looking after yourself and family don’t expect anyone else to care.

Damn straight.
I heard an expression from two different people recently in two different contexts:-

“You are the CEO of your own life”.

If you are whingeing about being let down by others, just maybe you have allowed yourself to become too dependent on their approval.
Still counting those upticks?

May 11, 2022 10:59 am

The three poisonous trolls really seem to have too much time on their hands. Spraying abuse at people on a work morning. Sad.

Better than an inert gas with nothing to say but whinge.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
May 11, 2022 11:01 am

Bread on the table?

Do I hear Allegra Big Spender replying’let them eat cake’?

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 11:01 am

Indolent – excellent find.

I have ZERO doubt that they are dumping all the least awful and incriminating things first. keep in mind these folks wanted to take 75 years to disclose this. Only a court order pried it loose. but even with this first set of boxes, it’s starting to become apparent why they did not want anyone poking around.
They knew all sorts of things they failed to disclose and many are doing good work on this.
But what if the trial itself was pfraud?
Because THAT would be seismic. It would not only severely implicate the FDA and pfizer alike, it would likely invalidate the liability protection granted under EUA and suddenly bourla and his merry band of vaxx aficionados might find themselves accountable. bigly.

May 11, 2022 11:01 am

How have you turned out? Bitter and twisted just like the couch potato. Try being responsible for yourself and stop blaming others. If you’re not looking after yourself and family don’t expect anyone else to care.

Damn straight.

Of course, says the Lib party troll.
It’s ALL YOUR FAULT….not Sco Mo’s.

Er and it’s fat Cloive’s or it’s Bosi, or it’s……………..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 11:04 am

Green protesters protest soy latte prices.

Celebrity Environmentalist Glues Self to Starbucks Counter to Protest Price of Soy Milk (10 May)

I can do this one justice with an excerpt, especially since it’s from Daniel Greenfield, so you’ll have to read the whole epic story yourself.

May 11, 2022 11:05 am

The AFR View

Lower electricity price promises are wishful thinking

To successfully tackle its carbon challenge, Australia needs the political system to deliver more than the battle of talking points that dominated the leaders’ debate.

Important for an election dominated by cost of living complaints, Anthony Albanese told millions of Australians during Sunday night’s leaders’ debate that Labor had a plan to drive down electricity prices. Scott Morrison rightly disputed Labor’s plan and insisted that household power bills had fallen 10 per cent under his watch. Yet Australians should be prepared for power prices to rise – by up to 10 per cent – within weeks of the May 21 election, no matter which side wins.

The reasons lie in Australia’s particular challenge in decarbonising an economy built on fossil fuels and in transforming its electricity grid to renewable power without the back-up of nuclear energy that applies in the UK, Europe and North America.

Australia’s world-leading influx of renewables during the past decade, especially the explosion of home rooftop solar, has brought down wholesale power in the National Electricity Market. But the wholesale price has been pushed up this year amid the global energy crunch of the Russia-Ukraine war, and due to breakdowns at Australia’s ageing fleet of coal-fired power plants that still supply 60 per cent of electricity. As we report today, the average wholesale power price rose in the March quarter by 141 per cent from a year earlier to $87 per megawatt hour, and has increased since.

At Sunday night’s debate, Mr Morrison waved the “big stick” at big energy companies, claiming power prices had fallen by 10 per cent due to the government’s retail price cap legislation. And he played down the increase in wholesale prices, saying these accounted for only 30 per cent or so of the retail costs. But it is still expected to result in a 5 per cent to 10 per cent jump in the default retail market price that acts as a safety net for consumers who don’t shop around for a better plan.

Curiously, and unlike the Reserve Bank’s mid-campaign interest rate rise, the Australia Energy Regulator has put off its scheduled ruling on default offer retail prices until May 26, the week after the election. Trying to regulate prices down comes with a cost: such retail price caps in the UK have sent some 30 energy suppliers to the wall amid soaring gas prices.Australia Energy Regulator

As centralised coal-fired power plants exit the electricity system, replacement generation by decentralised renewables, located wherever the wind blows and the sun shines, will need to be brought online.

A Labor government would provide $20 billion in off-budget low-cost loans to unlock an estimated $58 billion in private financing for transmission projects. Mr Albanese says the modelling by consultancy firm RepuTex Energy shows this would cut average household power bills by $275 in 2025 and $375 by 2030.

More action on climate change is a big theme emerging in an election otherwise about nothing substantial.

Transmission upgrades that connect more wind and solar generation to the grid need to happen, and be paid for, as part of Australia’s energy transition to the net zero emissions by 2050 future. Yet the transmission upgrades involve massive capital expenditures. As regulated assets, the owners of transmission infrastructure are guaranteed a rate of return over the working life of the project. The cost, in turn, is passed on to consumers’ power bills. Labor’s claim of cheaper power could therefore be wishful thinking, with independent energy experts telling The Australian Financial Review that the claim doesn’t stack up.

More action on climate change is a big theme emerging in an election otherwise about nothing substantial. So far, Australia has been spared the worst of the energy crisis that was building up in Europe even before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February. But the cost of living pressures prompted both sides of politics to quickly cut petrol taxes and cheapen the price of carbon-belching fossil fuels – a move opposed by The Australian Financial Review.

To successfully tackle its carbon challenge, Australia needs the political system to deliver more than the battle of talking points that dominated the leaders’ debate. But Europe’s energy crisis is a warning against climate policy overreach, such as the teal independents’ push for a 60 per cent 2030 emissions reduction target. As Macquarie Group chief executive Shemara Wikramanayake told the Financial Review Business Summit in March, a French, German or UK-style rush to renewables that triggers price spikes, without sufficient baseload back-up, could reignite the climate wars that have made the clean energy transition more expensive than it needs to be.

May 11, 2022 11:05 am

Ross Gittins. SMH. “The worst continent to live on as the climate changes would be Australia.” Ross could be on to something.

May 11, 2022 11:06 am

you can live quite happily on the pension. Most peoples needs in their old age are quite modest.
Yep, I’m 74 on the OAP and end up with at least &500 a fortnight unspent .. mind I don’t smoke, drink or drive anymore .. Lotza, too much really, time on my hands so boredom the main problem tho I ride a bike & swim regularly, health is excellent & not on any sort of medication, in fact, haven’t seen a quack in 10 years (since getting thru Cancer) .. used to spend lotza time with Grandees but most (7 out of 8) are interstate/ out of Sydney now and the other one is well into teens …..
NO .. try volunteering cheerfulness wanted .. been there, dun that thru work-for-the-dole rubbish back in my early 60s & realised volunteer is just another word for free skivvying …….!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 11:06 am

Can’t do justice with an excerpt, that should be. It’s Blair’s Law squared and cubed with global warming, racism and veganism all mixed into one delicious cup of greenery.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 11:09 am

Er and it’s fat Cloive’s or it’s Bosi, or it’s……………..

Fat Clive in his yellow shirt will not ruin my life.

Bosi has actually improved my life because he provides entertainment value.

But yeah. There are people around who truly believe it’s someone else’s fault. All the time, all day and every day.

And who may or may not resort to comfort food as a security blanket.

May 11, 2022 11:14 am

Terry McCrann brilliant on the pending Albanese disaster

Labor leader Anthony Albanese is threatening – is promising – to unleash exactly the wages-prices spiral that would send interest rates really rocketing higher and devastate the finances of millions of Australians.

The disturbing indication from Albanese on day one of the election campaign that he hadn’t a clue what had been happening in the economy and indeed how the economy actually worked, turned seriously dangerous on Tuesday.

After loosely talking about wanting “real wage rises”, he went on to make the “obvious” promise – with inflation at 5.1 per cent, as prime minister he would push for wage rises of 5.1 per cent plus.

So, if inflation kicked up to 7 per cent, Mr-Desperately–Wannabe-PM Albanese would have to push for 7 per cent-plus wage rises across the entire economy.

And if inflation then kicked up to 10 per cent, he’d be demanding across-the-board 10 per cent-plus wage rises.

That’s the “easy” disastrous bit: Economic Ineptitude 101.

It’s what, clearly, Albanese and – from their also “I’m utterly clueless about the economy” comments – both wannabe-deputy PM Richard Marles and wannabe-treasurer Jim Chalmers, also don’t understand.

The really disturbing, utterly disastrous course, that a comprehensively clueless Albanese-led government would blunder down, is the way that promoting 5 per cent-plus wage increases when inflation is 5 per cent, is exactly what leads on to 7 per cent inflation.

Then, rinse and mindlessly repeat at 7 per cent, and you are headed for 10 per cent inflation.

That’s exactly the future that would force the Reserve Bank to raise its official cash rate not to the 2-3 per cent it currently intends, but to 5 per cent; and then 7 per cent; and indeed even to 10 per cent and potentially higher.

That’s exactly the future that would see home loan rates go, not to 4 per cent, but to 8 per cent; to 10 per cent and indeed higher.

From the Comments

– I’m seeing more similarities between a potential Albanese government in Australia and the Biden administration in the US.

– Gough Whitlam Mark2. It took 20 years for competent governments to clean that mess up.

– I remember “the recession we had to have”. Paul Keating was the Liebor PM.
Housing interest rates topped 18%. If Albo wants to see mortgage defaults he is on the right path.

May 11, 2022 11:17 am

Netflix snork.

May 11, 2022 11:17 am
May 11, 2022 11:19 am

shatterzzz, she could have up to $270,000 in a super fund and still qualify for the full age pension if she owns her own home – or $480,000 if she doesn’t own her home. Only when her assets go above these figures will she be moved to a part-pension.
You can’t get a full OAP with draw-down or fixed pension super .. I’m not arguing she isn’t entitled to OAP I’m saying super is means tested seperate from house/money-in-bank assets that’s all!
The story, specifically, states she is on $1133 a f/n , which is FULL OAP + rent subsidy, I’m on full OAP without rent subsidy (houso) & that is $987 f/n …….. plus, if she draws super to cover “big bills” why is she living on a pittance as per the story when she has access to he extra funding?

May 11, 2022 11:19 am

Memories! We grew up in the best of times!!!!!!!!

From our great mates at I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223:

? #OnThisDay 10 May 1964, John Jenkins of Balgowlah, open-mouthed at the fireworks display in David Jones (Elizabeth St, Sydney) store. Six-year-old John made his purchases in readiness for the upcoming British Commonwealth Day held on 24th May.

May 11, 2022 11:21 am
May 11, 2022 11:23 am

. Going to vote soon, adding my own box to the list with none of the above ticked and another with Donald John Trump ticked.

As I live under a bridge I must be a troll. The quote is from an email to my sister I was just about to send. Its good to see you’ve got your crystal ball out again, the things you and only you can see is incredible.

May 11, 2022 11:23 am

But yeah. There are people around who truly believe it’s someone else’s fault. All the time, all day and every day.

And who may or may not resort to comfort food as a security blanket.

It is someone else’s fault.
Not ONLY what has been done to me and my family and friends, but to my nation, to my fellow Australians and even to you, you thick, denialist doodle head.

You prove my point about the mental sickness on display here daily.

May 11, 2022 11:25 am

The really disturbing, utterly disastrous course, that a comprehensively clueless Albanese-led government would blunder down, is the way that promoting 5 per cent-plus wage increases when inflation is 5 per cent, is exactly what leads on to 7 per cent inflation.

Then, rinse and mindlessly repeat at 7 per cent, and you are headed for 10 per cent inflation.

As usual, McCrann is economically illiterate.

Inflation is almost exclusively tied to global factors these days. The price of Saudi oil is not connected in any way to the wage claims of Australian aged care workers.

How come historical real wage drops in Australia have not kept inflation low in 2022, Tezza? You stooge.

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 11:26 am

This is starting to look like a concerted effort to destroy food production in the US initiated by government entities.

“Abbott alleges that none of the formula distributed to consumers tested positive for Cronobacter or Salmonella.
The manufacturer claims the FDA and Abbott officials both tested retained products for the bacterias and yielded negative results.
Abbott notes no trace of Salmonella was found at the Sturgis plant and the Cronobacter that was found in environmental testing during the investigation was in non-product contact areas of the facility.”

Grubs in pockets, anyone?

May 11, 2022 11:27 am

When wronged, men seek justice and revenge.
Men do not submit to tyranny.
Neither should women, and many are not.
Men have no excuse.

Cowards deny it happened, deny it’s still happening, pretend all is well, and submit to being penetrated by their oppressors.

May 11, 2022 11:35 am

What next? The Toowoomba teacha?

May 11, 2022 11:35 am

James Weir recaps Albo’s secret dinner after TV disaster

After a trainwreck debate and whirlwind city tour, Anthony Albanese escaped the crowds for a meeting that he thought was secret.

The one fear all adults have in common? Being mocked by a shed full of teenage boys. And that’s exactly what happened Monday morning as the bell rang for homeroom.

The opposition leader thought it’d be a cute idea to visit St Mary’s Cathedral College – his alma mater on the fringe of Sydney’s CBD – as he entered week five of a flub-fuelled campaign.

Little did he know, things wouldn’t go to plan. After all, this was a high school.

Think Parliament House is a battleground? Spend five minutes in the tuckshop line at a high school. Your self-esteem will be destroyed in 30 seconds flat and you should just consider yourself lucky if you don’t get dacked by a guy named Zayne.

As the media contingent on the campaign trail arrived and set up, a threatening energy buzzed around the undercover area.

“Go ScoMo!” one boy yelled out while locked in a vicious game of handball, anticipating the opposition leader’s imminent arrival and wanting to be among the first to mock it.

It set off a chain reaction as others joined in on an improvised chant to a soundtrack of clanging locker doors being slammed along the back wall.

Storm clouds rolled over and the fluorescent lights inside the shed flooded the space with an ominous glow.

Then came the call that set off a stampede.

“AlBo iS cOmMmMiNg!” one kid yelled in a mocking tone.

Hundreds of teenage boys – still bleary eyed at 8.30am with mussed bed hair, rumpled uniforms and Nutri-Grain breath – swarmed and held up their phones as they formed a mosh pit around the opposition leader.

“ALBO, I LOVE YOU!” one boy screamed, sarcastically.

“Albo, ya tool!” another blurted a more direct heckle.

That’s when the sound of booing started to fade in, like the rumble of faraway thunder. The jeers were only coming from a few boys but, in an enclosure of concrete and steel, it echoed around, almost hauntingly. Albo’s staffers tensed up, praying the boos wouldn’t catch on and grow into a sonic Mexican wave.

Why is it that all school undercover areas are seemingly purpose-built to foster and enhance mass bullying?

Security guards got ready to pounce, lest the boys drag Albo into the bathroom and dunk his head in a toilet to give him a swirlie.

There was every possibility the gathered teens were about to start chanting ScoMo’s own schoolyard taunt for his rival – “Harry Potter”, an insult to the opposition leader’s trendy tortoiseshell glasses.

May 11, 2022 11:35 am

The heavily vaccinated Australian population continues to struggle with record surges of deaths associated with the novel coronavirus. But how could that be the case with nearly the entire population vaccinated? While the COVID-19 vaccines do not stop infection nor viral transmission, they have been shown to at least, reduce serious infection.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 11:36 am

It is someone else’s fault.
Not ONLY what has been done to me and my family and friends, but to my nation, to my fellow Australians and even to you

The same things happened to me and millions of other Australians. What hundreds of thousands of people went through put your own problems – as you have described them – in about three hundred feet of shade.

Here’s the thing.

Very few of those people – including a whole pile of people truly fucked over by our State and Federal government – have launched into a screeching blame fest for eighteen months, refused to help themselves, put themselves up on crosses as public martyrs – as you have – and then:

1. Dived into the shallow end of every revived conspiracy theory pool on the planet; AND
2. Loudly and consistently blamed millions of their fellow countrymen for not doing enough to help you.

And that, St. Ruth, is what this is really about. According to you, it really is all about you.

A pretentious failed statesman oscillating between Leader of The People (failed), and the old bloke in a rocking chair on the front verandah wailing ‘Maw! Storm’s a’coming!’

May 11, 2022 11:37 am

Yes the stuff going down in the US is very frightening. Full on attack on food and energy production. Pre midterm destabilization perhaps.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 11, 2022 11:39 am

OldOzzie at 11.35:


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 11:40 am

Can we get this idiocy born of denialism framed.
Lets see how you they go with the upcoming inflation.

“Independence and self reliance run strong in my breed.
But if Tim-Tams go up 10%, I’m fucked.”

May 11, 2022 11:40 am

The opposition leader thought it’d be a cute idea to visit St Mary’s Cathedral College – his alma mater on the fringe of Sydney’s CBD

Not a bad education level for a bloke who has been serenading us wiv ‘is horror story of tuff “houso” upbringing in Camperdown .. LOL!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 11:42 am


May 11, 2022 at 11:35 am

James Weir recaps Albo’s secret dinner after TV disaster

Teenage toxic masculinity.

May 11, 2022 11:42 am

Inflation is almost exclusively tied to global factors these days. The price of Saudi oil is not connected in any way to the wage claims of Australian aged care workers.

Thanks Montella, you argue against yourself nowadays, GG.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 11:45 am


May 11, 2022 at 9:10 am

What a wretched bunch of fuckwits almost all of you turned out to be.
[Blah blah blah].
Disappointed? Mainly with myself for ever thinking you were up to anything much.

Clearly we are not worthy.
Which could be resolved by you fucking off.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 11:48 am


May 11, 2022 at 11:27 am

When wronged, men seek justice and revenge.

Well, make a list and get busy, champ.

May 11, 2022 11:53 am

Ultra-MAGA takes Washington by storm

The Ultra-MAGA label — they’ll take it!

Those who President Biden branded derisively “Ultra-MAGA” on Tuesday were quick to embrace it and warn Democrats that waging war on the Trump agenda was tantamount to waging war on the American dream.

“I’m proud to be an Ultra-MAGA,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz, Florida Republican. ”The president’s remarks signify a true shift. He’s moving away from an indictment of President Trump specifically to now trying to indict an entire political movement that they fear.”

Fans of former President Donald Trump have long rallied under the banner of MAGA, an acronym for the Trump campaign slogan Make America Great Again.

But Ultra-MAGA is something new in America’s political lexicon. It sprung not from Mr. Trump or his followers, but from the Biden White House to characterize a threat that Democrats perceive as more dangerous than the original MAGA movement.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted that Mr. Biden came up with it himself.

“It’s the president’s phrase,” she told reporters Tuesday. “I think what has struck him is how extreme some of the policies and proposals are, that a certain wing of the Republican Party, that is taking up too much of the Republican Party, are for.”

Mr. Biden began using the expression within the past week, though he stumbled over it the first time by saying “Ultra-Mega,” rather than MAGA.

Stephen Miller, a former senior adviser in the Trump White House, has been identified as an Ultra-MAGA leader by Senate Democratic Whip Richard J. Durbin of Illinois.

Mr. Miller’s response: Ultra-MAGA is as American as apple pie.

“Ultra-MAGA means always putting America First,” Mr. Miller told The Washington Times. “It is the heart of the mainstream of public opinion across all groups. It means voters over special interests. Strong borders over bloodthirsty cartels. American workers over guest workers. Domestic production over foreign production. National security over needless war.”

He didn’t stop there. Ultra-MAGA, he said, means, “Cops over criminals. Education over indoctrination. American values over woke ideology. Adoption over abortion. Family over government. Equality over equity. Free speech over censorship. Individuals over corporations. Patriotism over globalism. The United States over the United Nations.”

From the Comments

Where do I get my Ultra-MAGA hat?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 11, 2022 11:53 am


Must be a slow day at the Munster blog.

Last time I looked, it had been a slow six months at Phat Pussy.

If you spell Slow as “Static”.

May 11, 2022 11:55 am

You’re on that list, Sancho.

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 11:58 am


Keep in mind Musk isn’t interested in fancy, push the state of the art rockets like NASA is. His aim is cheap, mass production, reusable rockets to put lots of people and equipment on Mars. A by product of all this will be the ability to move people and stuff anywhere from the Earth’s surface to the asteroid Belt, including the Moon at relatively low cost.

Perhaps it’s time for NASA to be forced to hive off most of its rockets division, let it keep the telescopes and outer space stuff, and set the rest up as it’s own private company. I’m sure there’d be plenty of buyers for the shares…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 11, 2022 11:58 am


May 11, 2022 at 11:55 am

You’re on that list, Sancho.

Rosie, quick.
Break out the “I’m scared” meme.
What are you going to do Mr Creosote?
Fall on me and smother me?

May 11, 2022 11:59 am

Put your coffee down first

Sports Illustrated Thinks Its Swimsuit Issue Is the Perfect Place to Highlight ‘Social Justice Issues’

I haven’t looked at a Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition in years, but I can tell you that I’ve never picked one up and wondered what the model thought about trade policy, abortion, the environment, or “the LGBTQIA2+ community,” and it’s never crossed my mind to expressed concern about whether the manufacturer of the suits operated under a “currency of doing good.”

From 1964 until 2021, the swimsuit edition was about beautiful women wearing as little as society would allow them to get away with. It celebrated the female form, great scenery, and exquisite photography.

Now the wokes have taken over, and the swimsuit issue is all about pushing far-left values. How long before they ruin it completely?

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 11, 2022 11:59 am

A Labor government would provide $20 billion in off-budget low-cost loans to unlock an estimated $58 billion in private financing for transmission projects. Mr Albanese says the modelling by consultancy firm RepuTex Energy shows this would cut average household power bills by $275 in 2025 and $375 by 2030.

If AnAl still believes the results of “modelling”, then he is more stupid than I (and probably most here) could believe.

May 11, 2022 12:03 pm

Letter: No, I can’t rent to you for less than my mortgage

This is to the renters and keyboard warriors out there from a landlord. A number of years ago, after diligently watching the real estate market, I was fortunate enough to purchase an apartment that I could rent out.

My unit is not new, it is dated, but I keep it nice. The appliances are approaching their lifespan and require regular attention. The rent that I collect from my tenant covers the mortgage, HOA fees and homeowners’ insurance and, yes, I do make a monthly profit. That profit is included in my annual income, and it’s taxed, but no, I am not living a lavish lifestyle from this extra income. That extra income is spent on the rental unit’s new furnace, the new washing machine or the after hours call to the plumber to unclog the toilet.

When needed, I spend weekends making multiple trips to the hardware store to reseat toilets and replace garbage disposals, but please don’t confuse this with complaining, please understand that this rental unit is my part-time job and an investment in my future. I spend my time and energy to keep it in good working order for my tenants. Inflation, the increased cost of homeowners insurance (as a result of the increased rebuild cost per square foot) as well as regularly rising HOA fees all contribute to increasing the rent. I don’t raise the rent year-to-year with tenants, but when I am searching for a new tenant, I research both the government’s fair market value calculator and what the market can bear and that is where I set my rent.

I own one unit among the many and I’m not asking you to feel sorry for me, I am just writing to provide some perspective.

May 11, 2022 12:03 pm

OldOzzie says:
May 11, 2022 at 11:19 am
Memories! We grew up in the best of times!!!!!!!!

From our great mates at I Grew Up in Mortdale 2223:

? #OnThisDay 10 May 1964, John Jenkins of Balgowlah, open-mouthed at the fireworks display in David Jones (Elizabeth St, Sydney) store. Six-year-old John made his purchases in readiness for the upcoming British Commonwealth Day held on 24th May.

Memorable memories indeed of those wonderful Empire Days, in the early 50’s when we would take our shoeboxes full of crackers to school and compare and sometimes swap with other kids. School was only till midday on the 24th May, the morning being spent in a small concert singing songs of the empire and dressing up to represent the country we were allotted – black faces and all. The rest of the day was spent helping complete the street bonfire. And what a beaut bonfire it was, in fact enormous, with many coming from streets away and neighbours meeting each other for the first time. As the fire died down, and it got colder, we got closer and cooked potatoes in the coals.
OldOzzie I wasn’t so very far from Mortdale – Bexley North.

May 11, 2022 12:05 pm

re the Tower of Babel at the heading of this open thread, this essay is an interesting take on the tale in the Old Testament.

May 11, 2022 12:06 pm

The same things happened to me and millions of other Australians. What hundreds of thousands of people went through put your own problems – as you have described them – in about three hundred feet of shade.

No you’re jabbed…..people are still going through things and the jabbed will suffer the worst from this, if the truth is accepted.

Here’s the thing.

Very few of those people – including a whole pile of people truly fucked over by our State and Federal government – have launched into a screeching blame fest for eighteen months,

Exept for the millions that have.

refused to help themselves, put themselves up on crosses as public martyrs – as you have – and then:

How have I refused to help myself?
By standing against tyranny……….?
In doing so I’m fighting for myself and you, and the rest of the submissives.
Call it what you like.

We’re not Martyrs, there’s millions of us.
There isn’t 26 million of us, a few million.
There should be 26 million.
I point that fact out and you call it being a martyr.
I call it holding up a mirror.

1. Dived into the shallow end of every revived conspiracy theory pool on the planet; AND

Which are now called facts.

Loudly and consistently blamed millions of their fellow countrymen for not doing enough to help you.

Not me. Themselves and their fellow countrymen.

And that, St. Ruth, is what this is really about. According to you, it really is all about you.

No c…nt hooks, it’s got to do with freedom for all, and how submission is traitorous.

A pretentious failed statesman oscillating between Leader of The People (failed), and the old bloke in a rocking chair on the front verandah wailing ‘Maw! Storm’s a’coming!’

That says more about your jealously and self loathing than any thing else.

I never wanted to be a statesman, never tried to be a statesman.
I’m just a bloke who understands civic responsibility.
And you, an ex vicplod can’t understand or cope with, non compliance.
You see it as an act of rebellion.
No matter what the scenario.

May 11, 2022 12:06 pm

EV Automaker Hailed As The ‘Next Tesla’ Is Hemorrhaging Cash And Investors

Start-up electric vehicle (EV) maker Rivian Automotive’s stock plummeted to fresh lows Monday as investors abandon the company once thought to be the “next Tesla.”

Rivian’s stock price fell 18.72% to $23.40 per share on Monday, a whopping 87% decline from its November peak of $179.47 a share, according to market data. The company reported a net loss of $2.5 billion in the final three months of 2021 and said in March that it would produce 25,000 vehicles in 2022, half of the number it originally projected.

“As we continue to ramp-up our manufacturing facility, manage supply chain challenges, face continued inflationary pressures, and minimize price increases to customers in the near term, we expect to recognize negative gross margins throughout 2022,” the company said in its March letter to shareholder

Went public in November. Rivian’s stock quickly surged as investors scooped up 153 million shares and Amazon and Ford purchased large stakes in the company.

Ford plans to sell 8 million of its shares while JPMorgan Chase is selling a block of 13-15 million shares for an unknown large shareholder, CNBC reported.

Amazon reported in late April that its stake in Rivian led to a $7.6 billion loss in the first quarter of 2022.

Winston Smith
May 11, 2022 12:10 pm

I can understand the Captain being angry at the Hasadic Jews blocking the aisles for their prayers, but to collectively punish all the Jews on the flight for the actions of – how many? – is ugly in the extreme.

May 11, 2022 12:11 pm

UK poll reveals Americans “are OK with Ukraine losing” the war with Putin’s Russia

David Maddox

The monthly Democracy Institute/ poll of 1,500 Americans who are “likely voters” has shown that 43 percent are “OK” with Ukraine losing compared to 41 percent “not OK” while 16 percent have no opinion. This comes despite the heroic attempts of Ukraine President Zelensky to garner worldwide support against the Russian invasion. But Democracy Institute has warned that the reason for this is “cynicism” of Government policies created by the fact “at least half of Americans thought they were hoodwinked over covid” lockdowns.

In another worrying development, Americans also appear to be losing confidence in the sanctions regime against Vladimir Putin’s Russia with 53 percent believing it hurts the USA more with the cost of living crisis the top political issue.

The findings are yet another blow to the Democrats and Joe Biden with voters clearly showing their intention to back the Republicans in the midterm elections in November by 50 percent to 42 percent.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 11, 2022 12:11 pm

I own one unit among the many and I’m not asking you to feel sorry for me, I am just writing to provide some perspective.

I was a landlord for a few years – I was told by a prospective tenant that, “I’m a single mum – if you can afford a house like this, you can afford to let me live there at a reduced rent…”

May 11, 2022 12:12 pm


No, no. He’ll always be Elbow to me.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
May 11, 2022 12:13 pm

That’s concerning – Lend-Lease act has been signed by the US for Ukr-Rus war to supply Ukr forces.
That’s a very bad omen.
The last Lend-Lease act signed in 1941 precluded US going into a hot war by 8-months.
Going by history the US (and therefore its allies) are likely to be in a hot war within 12 months.
These guys are so stupid it hurts.
Let’s pray they don’t bring in the draft…

May 11, 2022 12:14 pm

In fact, according to the poll for a second month in a row more Americans believe that it would be better for Biden to leave office than Putin by 53 percent to 44 percent. Only 38 percent approve of Biden’s handling of the Ukraine crisis compared to 52 percent disapprove.

And there is a reluctance to have Putin removed from power by 48 percent to 46 percent.

They also only see Russia as the fourth biggest threat on 16 percent behind China (42 percent), Irain (20 percent) and North Korea (18 percent).

The findings show that foreign policy has not saved Biden’s presidency and now 63 percent do not believe he will be reelected in 2024. In every scenario against different Democrats Donald Trump would easily win, according to the poll opening the possibility of his expected comeback.

May 11, 2022 12:15 pm

May 11, 2022 at 12:12 pm

No, no. He’ll always be Elbow to me.

One Tug Too Many?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 12:17 pm

M0nty – That’s very funny. The price of diesel feeds into the cost of groceries, and farming, and the price of gas feeds into the cost of electricity, and farming through high N fert prices, which feeds in to the price of groceries.

Gas on the WSJ markets page has gone from $3 to $7.50 per mmBTUs in a year. Diesel has been about twice the price it was when it was when Trump left office because Biden ceased oil and gas drilling, and the US went into oil deficit. Then a year later when Ukraine happened and Russian oil and gas became haram there wasn’t enough and the price went up even more. Same here – ScoMo banned gas drilling off Ncl a few months ago. Think of what Layba is going to do on that front and we’re going to have a lot of penniless aged care wukkas. Amazing how the Left hurts the poor and lower class members of society. It’s a mystery.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 11, 2022 12:18 pm

Let’s pray they don’t bring in the draft…

I dunno, in the name of equality, will they conscript women, and transgender..

May 11, 2022 12:18 pm

During 2021, there was ample opportunity for a mini wages accord.
Something like a 3% per year for 3 years for the minimum wage.
That would have saved everyone a lot a time & hassle & money.

May 11, 2022 12:26 pm

A Cause, Not a Cure

Though the New York Times touts its findings, a new study provides further evidence that “gender-affirming” therapy creates or prolongs the very problem it purports to solve.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 11, 2022 12:27 pm

Rivian’s stock price fell 18.72% to $23.40 per share on Monday, a whopping 87% decline from its November peak of $179.47 a share, according to market data.

Maybe this has something to do with that November peak:

In November 2021, Rivian’s former sales and marketing vice president Laura Schwab filed a suit against the company, claiming she was fired a month after raising concerns of discrimination and Rivian being a “boys’ club” to the company’s HR department. Schwab also claimed that she warned company executives of their vehicles being underpriced and the manufacturing process not conforming to security standards.[120] According to the lawsuit, issues she raised were ignored until male colleagues also raised them subsequently.[121]

Haha, get woke go broke. Wymminses scorned should never be underestimated.

May 11, 2022 12:31 pm

Gas on the WSJ markets page has gone from $3 to $7.50 per mmBTUs in a year. Diesel has been about twice the price it was when it was when Trump left office because Biden ceased oil and gas drilling, and the US went into oil deficit. Then a year later when Ukraine happened and Russian oil and gas became haram there wasn’t enough and the price went up even more. Same here – ScoMo banned gas drilling off Ncl a few months ago. Think of what Layba is going to do on that front and we’re going to have a lot of penniless aged care wukkas. Amazing how the Left hurts the poor and lower class members of society. It’s a mystery.

Bollocks, Bruce. OPEC and some private US oil producers have lowered production and are skimming some nice profits, as oil producers tend to do. Biden has nothing to do with it, in fact he released some US oil reserves to try to lower prices. Even he couldn’t stop the global economic tide.

Mathias Cormann let the cat out of the bag when he stated in public recently that wage suppression is a feature of LNP policy. Oily squirrels notwithstanding, the right hate workers and want them to be poor.

May 11, 2022 12:36 pm

Monty is angry. Must have 4 putted the 18th with a course record in sight.

  1. I don’t believe for a moment that there were any “best intentions” involved. Europe’s Best Intentions Are Backfiring | Lord…

  2. They are sharpening the pitchforks in this part of the Wild West – the feeling is that the live sheep…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x