He’s doing a lousy job of it.
He’s doing a lousy job of it.
Trump’s peace talks are just a charade. Russia wants to obliterate UkraineThis piece from The Age would be at home…
Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time. Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind…
Heard today that the Feral Government collects $1.40 in tax from smokers … per cigarette! Rsoles.
Mark Steyn used to say that the Democrat Party is the only party of the slaves still in existence in…
One thing I’ll never do is dis people trying to get by in difficult circumstances, people who don’t have a lot but who try to make the most of it.
Have to admit…the mozzies here are fierce. Almost as brutal as the Hexham Greys.
We are in our little cabin amongst the palm trees and hibiscus and crotons…with an ample supply of Mortein, Bushmans and, when all else fails, mozzie coils.
Our guide over the lovely Kakadu wetland last night said that the NT mozzies are attracted to our rich, sluggish southern blood. Mutant vampire mosquitos – I blame tailings from Ranger and Rum Jungle.
They all do.
That may change. I hope.
Tucker: Karine Jean-Pierre the fag extraordinaire knows the script cold
Another good article on Allegra Da Big Spender at Quadrant On-Line, which suggests that she might have been economical with the truth when asked (along with Sharma) what she personally was doing to combat Gerbil Worming.
Is the European Union okay?
hat tip:
Reminiscence of the Future…
Does fatso’s concern for the working man extend to coal miners who may lose their jobs if anal’s economy wrecking wishes become a reality?
learn to code :/
Yep pretty much sums up the left’s attitude to the working classes. Also the lesbian bitch’s ‘basket of deplorables’. Hateful people and truly evil.
Well I love Darwin! We have spent 10 dry seasons there while our neighbors in Perth were wet and cold.
Paradise I tells ya. Live on Barra and Mud crabs, free from Shoal Bay.
The Indian community might not be very happy not being able to display their religious symbol.
The Ban will be selectively enforced.
Since Indians are a reliable source of votes for Labor …
Dude, check your cholesterol levels.
Future Misery and Joe Biden
By 2024, America will be poorer, sicker, more terrorized, and economic growth will not have recovered from what it was in the Trump years.
By Theodore Roosevelt Malloch
May 10, 2022
Economist Arthur Okun years ago famously created what he called the economic misery index to calculate how bad things are for everyday Americans.
It is calculated by adding together the inflation rate and the unemployment rate as measured by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number when combined generally characterizes the current economic condition—the state of the economy. On it fortunes rise and fall, people thrive or fail, and yes, politicians are elected or rejected.
Empirically, a high unemployment rate and a high inflation rate have a negative impact on economic growth.
Recall in 1980 when President Jimmy Carter was swept from office by Ronald Reagan, who asked the American people a simple but timely question: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
Well, you may ask, how bad can things really get as we look into the crystal ball of our coming future? What could things look like in 2024, in the last years of the Biden Administration? Would there be more or less misery or so much misery people would do anything just to be free of the senile nincompoop?
Barack Obama’s misery index stood at 9.41 at the end of his term, not as horrid as Carter’s at 16.26, or even Gerald Ford’s for that matter, but it was nothing to brag about. In fact, it was poor compared to most presidencies. Economic growth during Obama’s two terms was anemic to say the least. When it comes to job creation, he was a disaster. Donald Trump on the other hand, was very solid on both numbers and did more to create wealth for all groups of Americans, not just the wealthy, than any other president. So, how is Scranton Joe doing for the little guy, or for the economy as a whole?
Let’s review his dismal numbers.
It’s true that 6 million jobs are coming back after the horrible and unnecessary COVID lockdowns. That was expected. Unemployment stood at 3.6 percent in April. That means some 5.9 million people are unemployed while there are over 11 million job openings. Those openings have been going up and now stand at a 49 percent increase from just a year ago.
Unfortunately, it appears many people don’t want to work and many have left their jobs altogether, preferring a government handout. One other thing Biden has done that harms the middle class is open the borders—wide. Illegal immigration is up a whopping 317 percent in just a year and a half.
Inflation is going through the roof under Biden. The consumer price index is up to 6.8 percent, the highest in 40 years, and the real measure of overall inflation puts the total closer to an out of control 10 percent. Gas alone is up an astounding 49 percent. Food is up close to 15 percent and baby formula is practically unavailable. Widespread food shortages are forecast.
When you do the math, all that means total wages are down 2.2 percent, which is hitting the average Joe very hard. Many families cannot afford rent, food, or the basics and it is only going to get worse. I will predict now the Biden misery index will hit or exceed 16 percent.
What will Biden, or for that matter Kamala Harris, provide by 2024? Realistically, how bad could things get?
The answer: They can get far worse. If the policies the Biden Administration want come to fruition, we will be in a full-blown recession. The stock market will have collapsed. Housing prices will be through the roof and gas prices will not abate, given that Biden and his leftist stalwarts insist on a decarbonized economy and persist in canceling oil and gas development here in America.
Recent research in technical economics shows that unemployment is much more closely correlated with unhappiness than inflation. Underweighting the effects attributed to unemployment rates is therefore politically and economically dangerous. Would the next Democrat be able to establish sustained economic growth?
No. That party has clearly gone socialist and it will never return.
And here is what we know about the present unemployment rate. It is not good if measured correctly as the participation rate, given that so many people have dropped out of the economy altogether.
We have more than 10 million unemployed persons in the United States, if counted correctly, and 47 million people on food stamps. In other words, unemployment looks much worse than the numbers suggest. In the African American and Latino communities, and especially among young people, unemployment is high and will go higher as the economy contracts.
So, the question Donald Trump and Republicans need to ask of Biden-Harris at the debates in the fall of ’24 and on the campaign trail constantly between now and then is this: How miserable do you plan to make the American people?
Let’s list the ways Biden misery could rise:
No, you can afford one less Ferrari you soft-fingered softcock, the poor deserve a pay raise and they haven’t had one for a decade.
Do you rate yourself as one of “the poor”?
If so, what has been your average before tax income for the last five years?
If not, how do you personally propose to help “the poor”?
Our indigenous guide and expert boatman last night revealed something else of interest – a disgust for the Greens and their pathetic, urban satellites.
It was centred around burning and hazard reduction and Green resistance to proper bushland management. He described mosiac/patchwork burning, cold burns and the purpose of understorey clearance. And he did it very well, with a long list of animals that can escape a cold burn and those animals that benefit from it.
His disgust at forest management as practised “down south” was palpable. It’s a killer. Of wildlife, humans and the environment. Take that! Greenies.
His “custodian” tag, for me at least, was well established by that attitude alone.
I was waiting in the middle of a major arterial road the other day when a Ferrari (488?) went past. Could hear it 300m away even though it was travelling as fast as the Corolla next to it. Utterly pointless car. Just like most Ducatis.
Just buy a Bentley.
Wow, everyone who isn’t poor owns a Ferrari? I didn’t know that Fatboy.
No, they have more than one each. He said they could do with one less Ferrari, not without the Ferrari.
Bruce O’Newk:
Will we eat Monty before or after the echidnas and giraffes?
If it’s either, I bags his left arm.
There are many good reasons why the NT has a transcient population, and it isn’t really because KD is there.
The actual truth is Australian Government.
Without it, Alice Springs could have been Australia’s Desert Las Vegas, Darwin a tropical playground, and what could have developed via private enterprise could have been spectacular.
Now they are public service, abo dot painted polo shirt, Lanyard wearing shit holes , which brings with it the worst of city people, and makes Darwin and Alice Springs now just gay and Lesbian public service cultureless gov speak, insanities.
Once you’ve caught a barra and seen a Magnetic termite mound, it gets old real quick these days.
And I can catch a Barra here.
Swim down the beach.
And not be harrassed and assaulted by smells that would make a skunk puke.
They were once great towns.
Yep pretty much sums up the left’s attitude to the working classes. Also the lesbian bitch’s ‘basket of deplorables’. Hateful people and truly evil.
Over at CL’s blog, Homer (Not Trampis/Non Mentis) still uses “deplorable” as an insult. Soooo 2016!
We need Tailgunner to send him a photo of DPLRBL’s number plate. He is too stupid to understand that such pathetic efforts at an insult usually become badges of honour. See also “Contemptible Little Army” and “Rats of Tobruk”.
I think the only type of sportscar with isn’t pointless these days is a convertible.
In 11 to 41 months, apparently.
Had a delivery of Mex food. I couldn’t work out who was delivering it as I kept reading the delivery message was being made by “Paypal”. I finally worked out that Payal was waiting for me downstairs. Doordash is a great service as “Paypal” even did a second pickup for a no sugar Coke.
Dot: Who’s Taylor Rule is this JC ?
JC: It’s Zed’s.
Dot: Who’s Zed?
JC: Zed’s dead Dotty, Zed’s dead.
Oh, is that what she was saying. Understand now.
Mmyes, the Australian coal industry that employs about 17 actual miners. Total.
I am hearing that CEO remuneration in Australia went up 20% in the past year. So yeah, aged care workers deserve an extra dollar, literally. And shush about stagflation you morons.
And to get right into it, Calli, it’s not just down south.
The bureaucracies in the NT claim to do traditional aboriginal burnoffs, and yes it does happen.
But it goes through Parks and wildlife, and it’s too slow in getting going many times.
In Arnhem land, over Paddy Cahill’s crossing, where there is no such bureaucracy really in charge , it’s there you’ll see healthy country.
Traditional groups there just see an area that needs burning and do it.
Hell no. I am a successful businessman. And I pay all my taxes, including on my investment property.
Participating in society does not mean I don’t want to change society. Idiot.
If you didn’t like CEO pay then complain to the board or directly to the CEO. There’s no government edict determining their wages. Markets do, unlike healthcare “wokers”.
Its amazing the amount of smoke in the cold burns season in the NT & the Kimberley. The Greens would pass out….but then, perhaps not, as the Woke conflict would be excruciating for them. But I wholeheartedly endorse that practise of the Aborigines, since it mitigated the type of savage fire storms that we see today.
We work on reducing the fuel load on our property during those periods – such as the Big Wet of the last 6 months -when it accumulates. The predominant landscape in our neck of the woods was actually “Box Gum/Woody grasslands”. In earlier times, as partially today, these “grassy woodlands” abounded with wildlife, particularly roos. I suspect this was maintained by the native practise of cool burns to flush out game and (possibly) to encourage short grass growth to attract the roos.
So, on our small spread, we have grassy paddocks of native and introduced pasture, dotted by remaining big gums with spreading canopies. When the grass is too tall and tough for our cows to handle, we slash and mulch as many paddocks as is practicable. All good – until the arrival of the “tree huggers” who encourage (they really do!) the growth of hundreds of new saplings on their acreages – no doubt to limit “climate change”. All this does is encourage, at the same time, massive under storeys of scrubby bushes. In no time at all you have a tinder box in the valley.
Hey ,,,hey, No need for that abrupt, course language here.
Keep it civil, you fat cock smoker.
What’s the reason for turning up now?
No one has written a thing on your blog since September last year.
JC — are you in New York? What is it like?
That’s the name tourists and blow-ins use.
Real long-term Territorians know it as the Chung Wah Span, named after an early Chinese immigrant and trader.
anyone would think our minimim wage is the lowest in the world… oh wait…
perhaps we ought to stop importing a million cheap migrants every decade
They have four pontoon crossings between there and Liman, and the UKR claim that they destroyed one of them is dubious.
Rex, you need to find a contour map to see the importance of Popasnaya. It was fortified and made a strongpoint for that reason.
What feint? What counter-offensive?
When it comes to blackfellas the racism of the left knows no bounds.
How well we all remember that the blackfellas loved being stockman, and were bloody good at it too.
Long legged buggers….it helps.
They loved country music ….and especially Slim Dusty.
The left on starting their march through the institutions, were horrified when they were stationed in places like Alice to stick their noses in the abo department tax trough, that this was happening.
They immediatley introduced them to less red neck music by means of bongo drums and reggae beat and did this on our money too.
After all, that’s what blacks are supposed to like.
That’s what it will soon be called.
Yes, I am aware of the headline numbers, but not all of the minutiae.
Your example of someone buying a high-end car to get under the full pension threshold raises an interesting point.
The risk in the OAP system isn’t those with $1 meg or more. People who accumulate that sort of super balance are usually frugal and rational. The risk is people who are, say, $100k over the threshold becoming myopic about getting the full pension, and spending like drunken sailors for a year or two to get there.
The gap between preservation ages and OAP qualifying ages opens up this risk.
Old Ozzie:
All of which are subject to price and manufacturing destabilisation by Green Governments, which is all of them.
Our governments are conducting a war against us and only we in the margins are aware of just how dodgy it is getting.
So Denialists, why are the globalist controlled and owned MSM , for the first time in living history going against the Labor party?
It’s not rocket science.
Wrong again. Chung Wah’s an arterial road linking Palmerston to the highway.
Keep throwing those bits of incorrect trivia around, Mr Tour Guide.
Not yet, vr. Next week. Wifey is there now though. She said it’s busy and restaurants are packed. The empty shop fronts are much less, according to our kid and Madison Ave is very busy with shoppers. They went to a show the other night and it was packed too. It was some Neil Simon play and Sara Jessica Parker and her useless husband were starring. She said that the staff were Nazis about masks though and they would come and instruct folks to cover their nose even. The audience was clapping when they were telling people off for not wearing their masks properly. Very disappointing, but of course it’s a bluest of blue cities.
Take away the anti-Semite, the red-shoe pizza loon, the expat fruit-loop, the old lecher and the couch-bound troubadour and it’s the same at the Furniture Store.
You first Mick. What did you do with the bodies of the 3 German backpackers?
Wentworth update. Tonight I got off the bus to walk home. Across the road from the bus stop there’s a polling booth that’s already open for business. I crossed the road and when on the opposite side, I had to dodge the corflutes like someone trying to avoid stepping on land mines. I am just staggered at the amount of corflutes put up for Spender, Sharma and the Greens, I’ve never seen anything like it, it’s a cemetery of corflutes.
Anyway, I get home tonight and open the mail box and out fell a cornucopia of election material. I tossed all except for one which stood out, a pamphlet again from the ACL. It’s slick and the front cover reads “The Truth About Dave Sharma”. I open the pamphlet and it says “Did You Know” and it then describes in plain language how in February Sharma voted to remove a law that protects the values of religious schools” . And when the pamphlet is fully opened it reads “Does Dave Sharma’s attack on religious communities accord with your values?”
Very slick and succinct. This same material will be dropped all over the electorate of Reid targeting Liberal MP Fiona Martin. Reid has a much bigger population of religious and this kind of material from the ACL will have an impact. Fiona Martin is gonski and good riddance. And as far as I know Fiona Martin in Reid doesn’t have a “Teal Independent” to deal with. Goodness, given how she has a history of calling the police on opponents, she’ll probably call the police or lodge a complaint with the AEC alleging the ACL is harassing her. That’s the type of person she is.
O’Keefe Answers Questions From Congressional Members Regarding DOJ & FBI Attacks on Press Freedom
Project Veritas
Lithium prices were briefly discussed yesterday. This today into my inbox:
S&P Global Market Intelligence analysts are predicting the lithium carbonate market will be in a 50,000t deficit within the next four years – but commodities account manager Michael Bond reckons the price will pull back.
“We do expect the LCE price to stabilise over the coming 12 months and hover around the US$25,000/t,” he said it a tweet. The spot price is currently between $US60,000 and $US70,000/t. This comes after S&P Principle Analyst, Metals & Mining Research, Kevin Murphy said last week that supply-side growth will exceed demand for lithium, which will lead to a pullback in lithium carbonate spot prices during 2022 and into 2023, “although prices will remain well above the lows hit in 2020 [of $US5,000 to $US6,000/t].”
“By 2024 the lithium market is expected to return to increasing deficits which will provide buoyancy to prices,” he said.
Time will tell. There are a lot of lithium mines already plus those coming on-stream over the next few years and an even greater number in the ‘potential’ basket.
I’m not anti lithium but a quick check reveals there are about 105 lithium miners currently listed on the ASX. God knows how many there are globally. Processing the raw material is an issue of course but the commonality of lithium and the large number of miners would suggest substantial supply potential (assuming processing ok) so it isn’t clear to me how the pricing can stand up.
The other thing is that the Upper East Side is basically normal. No one’s concerned about violence etc.
‘Is someone out there using Orwell’s work as an owner’s manual?’ says Neil Oliver
There’s photo evidence*, with reports that UKR ambushed two coy that crossed over. About 36 tracks captured or destroyed. The Russians it’s reported tried to swim back but were shot at from the other side and then scattered into the brush on the W side of the river. Not fully confirmed yet as they’re waiting for ground based photos.
* Follow the links in the tweet, you’ll see the destroyed pontoon bridge in this linked link. I haven’t tried to translate the language.
Okay, so they got a highpoint. The fortifications are still facing the wrong way to defend it from any attack not out of the East.
And while we’re pretending that the UKR’s claims are all automatically dubious solely because they’re Ukrainian, if the counter-attack out of Kharkov isn’t real, why are Russian tanks suddenly exploding outside Stary Saltiv?
Good, current spec T-90M tanks, even?
And are all those ‘shaping’ moves really going to do anything useful if the forces that were apparently massed to move through it are being pulled back towards Kharkov, or back even to Belgorod?
Or is all that a feint as well, and like the Armchair Warlord claimed, they’re all going to strike towards Odessa instead?
I had fun with this lithium stock just over a decade ago. I bought the fucker in the low 20s and then released it at around the mid 30s. I should have kept trading it as it’s 75 bucks now. It was then the largest lithium mine in the world, but dunno about now.
Based in Chile.
Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM)
The greeks painted girls and women’s skin white indeed… and males red, brick red.
p.s. you’re a flog
President Constanza.
JC says:
May 11, 2022 at 6:27 pm
Yeah, bummer. Goodness knows we’ve all got those ‘if only’ memories. (sigh)
But, if you look back, I’m sure you’ve had plenty of wins!
One for Eyrie.
I wondered: how much Martian atmosphere would be needed to make 100 tonnes of methane to fill a Starship back up again?
Answer: 25 million cubic metres of atmosphere. That vast volume would have to be compressed via a ginormous set of fans and axial compressor stages.
CO2 + 4H2 = CH4 + 2H2O
CO2 mwt 44
CH4 mwt 16
One m^3 of Mars atmosphere produces (1000/22.411) x 16 x 0.006 x 0.95 = 4.07 g of CH4
Therefore 1 million m^3 produces 4 tonnes of CH4, and 25 million m^3 produces 100 tonnes of CH4.
Less than 100% efficiency increases the gas transfer requirement proportionally.
Naa I’mreally upset in anyway as this stuff is hard or impossible to predict over the space of 10 years and I was happy dumping it for a trade.. What’s interesting to me is how people value things and it appears to me that folks value human ingenuity so much more than the provision of basic inputs. Tesla’s stock price vs that of SQM is a great example of what I’m talking about.
From the Age. Military cats will know that any sentence which uses the word “respectfully” will contain none of that quality.
May 11, 2022 at 5:55 pm
Do you rate yourself as one of “the poor”?
Hell no. I am a successful businessman. And I pay all my taxes, including on my investment property.
Do you pay all of your staff above award wages? And are you employing casuals or full time staff during the footie season?
We don’t have great industrial processes to do that even on Earth.
Monty…Question. Instead of giving a wage increase to aussies why not lower the income tax rate or increase the tax free threshold ? Would not this give a wage increase to those workers without puting pressure on business?
2dogs – It’s referring to the Sabatier Reaction that Eyrie was commenting about.
I really don’t know why any of these tactical back and forth battles has any real bearing on the big picture.
the snake island offensive seems to be an expensive PR exercise, likewise the Kharkov push. What are they going to follow up with, an invasion of Russia?
It’s a war of attrition, the ukrainian shrimp is just relentlessly feeding his people into the meat grinder, for what?
Yes indeed. A never failing source of innocent entertainment.
It’s a war of attrition, the ukrainian shrimp is just relentlessly feeding his people into the meat grinder, for what?
The Washington War Machine, the Democratic Party and the RINOs
BoN are you worried about using up the Martian atmosphere? Think about it (and run some numbers).
Fans and compressors is one way of sequestering some CO2. I’ve sure a chemist can think of others.
JC says:
May 11, 2022 at 6:48 pm
True. When the market dumped in March 2020 with covid alarm rising (regardless of whether justified or not), it was inevitable that people will still want the new TV etc. But, how to pay for it when things are so uncertain?
Buy now pay later! That was a clever model and although some had been around for a couple of years, it captured the hearts, and wallets, of many. Ok, it was really just a modification of the old layby but is an example of what you mentioned. It was an innovation that coincided with a global change.
Paypal is another example. The trick is of course, to pick the innovators from the dreamers.
Casuals at above award rates, yep.
Why does this need to be an either/or? Do all of those things.
When she commenced the meeting she acknowledged these people and those custodians and the wisdom of the elders and respect for their traditional bonds to the land and sea and sky etc.
I was at a worksafe seminar and each worksafe drone speaker gave a welcome to the country liturgy, decreasing in length as it went down the hierarchy until one drone said nothing about welcome to the country.
Questions? I was going to ask why he didn’t say anything about welcome to the country but didn’t.
I thought it might skewer the Jo Jo Rabbit “Heil Hitler” level of absurdity of it all. In fact it has huge parallels with the Nazi need to constantly greet with Heil Hitler in order to affirm rightness and goodness, no matter how stupid it is.
So, I presume that by making such a statement and question, you deem a sovereign nation trying to defend its territory and people, and expel an invading force from saod sovereign territory is an unacceptable act?
Now do the multiplier.
Thank you in advance….
the Australian coal industry that employs about 17 actual miners. Total.
That’s a lie and you know it.
There’s a federal election on. Things could change. You blokes hate change, and I love watching you chewing wasps about it.
because its still overcast here
like yesterday
Oddly enough, these things are currently happening
Funnily enough, all at the instigation of those dirty WaGe SuPpReSsoRs…
One side, just enforcing a wage increase through government edict would just force businesses to pay the vig without any productivity gain. Where do you think that lands you, Champ? Have you ever wondered how you end up with one of the highest living standards in the world vs Mali?
How do you think it occurred, you fat lesbian? Does productivity come into play?
And if the Liars scuttle in, their loaded spending plans would nix any potential for a tax cut.
STFU and get back in the basement. You’re still not allowed out with COVID.
There’s a federal election on. Things could change. You blokes hate change, and I love watching you chewing wasps about it.
what a poisonous little person and what a pathetic existence
Casuals at above award rates, yep.
Highly improbable given that pretty much every lefty employer in history ever investigated was found to be paying below award.
Why do we need awards anyway?
Don’t unemployment benefits effectively set a minimum wage? Can’t the wukka’s be trusted to figure that out?
It’s a deliberate exaggeration for rhetorical effect, to highlight the truth that the coal industry is not any sort of a big employer any more, since the mines can be run largely by robots. Especially not when compared to tourism, which gets obliterated by big weather events caused by climate change, accelerated by the coal industry.
The economically prudent thing to do is to consign coal to the dustbin of history, on every important metric.
I was listening to a interview of Douglas Murray by Andrew Sullivan. He was talking about the aggressive policing of mask wearing on Broadway.
It seems that violence has declined only because the NYPost hasn’t had much on it. I pay attention to what’s happening in Chicago and the violence has arrived in the wealthier neighborhoods. Lincoln Park where I used to live is contemplating hiring private security to patrol the neighborhood.
By the way JC, I’m sure you’ve noticed the research/money going into hydrogen power for cars, boats, planes, trucks etc. Another example of innovation – whether it works remains to be seen but there are those who are convinced, even at this early stage, and as private investors are prepared to put their money up.
Australian CEOs got a 20% pay rise this year. Did productivity come into play with that?
Shush old man, your time has passed.
Especially not when compared to tourism, which gets obliterated by big weather events caused by climate change, accelerated by the coal industry.
You are completely insane.
Dang, but perhaps this Hindu religious symbol will suffice?
”Monty…Question. Instead of giving a wage increase to aussies why not lower the income tax rate or increase the tax free threshold ? Would not this give a wage increase to those workers without puting pressure on business?
Why does this need to be an either/or? Do all of those things.”
Monty…I thought you were a thinking man,…doing both those things will put pressure on business and govt. Changing the tax code will only put pressure on govt and help keep inflation in check.
The Washington War Machine, the Democratic Party and the RINOs
Don’t forget a fat cut of the tens of billions of US and EU loot.
Ukrainian men will be replaced by sub Saharan Africans.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
”Monty…Question. Instead of giving a wage increase to aussies why not lower the income tax rate or increase the tax free threshold ? Would not this give a wage increase to those workers without puting pressure on business?
Why does this need to be an either/or? Do all of those things.”
Monty…I thought you were a thinking man,…doing both those things will put pressure on business and govt. Changing the tax code will only put pressure on govt and help keep inflation in check.
Have you ever hauled your arse to the Bowen Basin?
Stop relying on Their ABC, Crikey, Greens pamphlets, New Daily, & Guardian.
Get some facts.
I thought about that! 😀 From the wiki I linked:
That’s only 25 billion tonnes, which is 90 million Starship refills when you convert the CO2 to CH4. Actually on lift off you are returning most of it back to the atmosphere, so it’s being recycled.
It was only the gas transfer volume I was interested about. By comparison a GEnx engine does about 1000 m^3 per second at take off*, so 25 million m^3 is only 7 hours of operation. On the other hand a GEnx engine is rather large and heavy and takes a lot of energy to run.
* (1200 x 1000 / 29) x 24.5 / 1000 = 1014 m^3/s
Halving the value of the Australian Dollar would achieve similar, without the angst of dumbasses from the pink-hair caste claiming tax cuts are “bad” & so on.
Boeing just left Chicago. Look, New York does have a core business which are highly intellectual services so it will pull through. I will get through by eventually prices falling enough to attract people.
I’m not sure about the Windy City, as the violence is ruining it. The violence and the refusal for the government to do anything about it.
Oops, out by three orders of magnitude: 25 trillion tonnes. Near enough for government work, since NASA is a government agency.
Never leave Melbourne, Fat Man.
In fact, never leave your home suburb.
The culture shock could well kill you.
Robots, my fluffy, blue-collar arse…
I’ll echo that.
Even though he’d see us rendered to soap at the first opportunity.
Shush old man, your time has passed.
A song for JC:
Halving the value of the Oz would achieve similar? WTF are you on? Have you taken 3X dose of lithium with fentanyl ?
ABS data from the September to November 2020 quarter saw the total number of coal mining employees rise to 62,000 which marked a 22.2 per cent increase from the previous period (49,600) and the highest result on record.
Don’t take your child to Belgrave for a train ride, Fat Man.
Those dirty black rocks that make everything go chuff and toot and smell nice might trigger you…
I am not aware of any invading force. Perhaps you mean the operation to destroy the forces that the shrimp planned to invade luhansk and donetsk with?
I have no idea why russian problems with a corrupt regime on its border is anything to do with us. The obama…er biden administration seems hell bent on pushing russia into china’s arms. well mission accomplished.
if anyone desperately needs regime change its the US.
that is the most ridiculous rationalization I’ve ever heard
a walking, talking post hoc fallacy
you fucking mongs are more concerned with self-judgement deriving from struth’s criticisms than you are about your own broken value systems.
your’e not even wrong.
your’re just pathetic
This has always intrigued me.
Define “workers”.
May 11, 2022 at 7:17 pm
Do you pay all of your staff above award wages? And are you employing casuals or full time staff during the footie season?
Casuals at above award rates, yep.
You are contributing to the casualisation of the workforce, something the unions are strongly against. How does that sit with your principles?
He has to catch us first, Bush.
And I’m confident in the heart attack getting him first, before it claims any of the rest of us… 🙂
They’re paid the highest wages in the world for that level of skill, you gross lesbian.
These are the direct hires. The indirect would likely total 200,000. 200,000 highly paid people.
You big, fat useless lesbian Monty.
May 11, 2022 at 7:19 pm
Monty…Question. Instead of giving a wage increase to aussies why not lower the income tax rate or increase the tax free threshold ? Would not this give a wage increase to those workers without puting pressure on business?
Why does this need to be an either/or? Do all of those things.
Where would you cut back government expenditure, to allow for the reduced revenue?
Salvatore…halving the Aust $ would increase input costs…yeah ….nah. Not a good idea.
The Fair Work Commission: Eighteen hours = the maximum penalty rate hours that can be worked each week.
Kicks in later this year. I don’t think it means that at Eighteen hours you go back from penalty rates to ordinary rate.
You can’t make up stuff like this. I’m buried in literature telling me to cope with the desperate labour shortage by “suck it up you fat cat & pay penalty rates, overtime etc”
Simultaneously it will be illegal to work someone more than Eighteen hours a week on penalty rates.
Back in my mining days we basically unbolted stuff, put it on the back of trucks and sent it to Perth to be refurbished and returned. Doubt that has changed much. People employed on the mine site itself are negligible.
Australia has become one of the largest producers as well as net exporters of coal in the world. While the production volume of coal is high, most of the coal produced in the country is exported. Its major export markets include Japan, China, South Korea, and India.
Australian Coal, lifting countries out of poverty since 1950.
So I take it the Russian Army and the last 72 days is a FeInT as well, Zipster?
Or has every non-Ukrainian military formation that came charging into their territory out of the annexed Crimea and Donbass territories and neighbouring Belarus since Feb 24th all DoNeTsKi PeOpLeS’ MiLiTiAs?
May 11, 2022 at 7:22 pm
the Australian coal industry that employs about 17 actual miners. Total.
That’s a lie and you know it.
It’s not a lie if you truly believe it (h/t George Costanza).
Boambee……Is that a trick question?
There’s that minor drawback.
Just source “inputs” from Australian manufacturers & the like….. (oh… )
Depends. If you’re objective is to lower our standard of living by at least 30% plus relative to the rest of the world, it would a damn fine idea. Lithium and fentanyl induced, but it would work well.
May 11, 2022 at 7:23 pm
What’s the reason for turning up now?
There’s a federal election on. Things could change. You blokes hate change, and I love watching you chewing wasps about it.
You obviously didn’t waste any time lurking, or you would know that many here would cheer the departure of the Lieborals.
You must have some idea, because you’ve posted about a thousand comments supporting Putin’s failed war in Ukraine, and will probably post a thousand more as his forces career towards an infamous and humiliating loss.
Irrelevant to the question, as is blindness, vertigo or volcano ash. But you knew that.
75 days now, and Putin is soon going to reconstitute his remaining forces in Vladivostok in preparation for an almighty Pincer Movement against Kyiv!
You’ll be paying more for your 90″ screen big-ass TV. That is irrelevant to Australia’s standard of living.
Suck it up.
Especially not when compared to tourism, which gets obliterated by big weather events caused by climate change, accelerated by the coal industry.
The big damage to tourism has not been caused by climate change (which has been happening forever, and will continue to happen regardless of existence or otherwise the Australian coal industry), but by insane government over reactions to Kung Flu.
Tourism-climate change-coal mining.
Score 10 out of 10 on the troll-o-meter.
Thanks for the lol.
Yep, like this
Or this
Stop the drugs, Drills.
I didn’t realise that cranks were STILL carrying on about teh imminent capture of Odesa! What month is this now??
My objective? is to give a wage increase without effecting business or inflation pressure. A decrease in income tax would , I think,would be the easiest way.
ON cartoon:
Does anybody know if Coal mining expert M0nty has ever been to a mine? Or to a mining district?
No it’s not, you idiot. Purchasing power is what it’s all about. Stop talking about this stuff as you’re making the fat lesbian sound intelligent.
A reduction in your purchasing power is hardly going to worry the working population of Australia.
Suck it up.
Perth Trader
Monty…I thought you were a thinking man,…
I had some (but not high) hopes that the last two years might have taught munty something, but sadly not.
I’m sure he hasn’t although that has zero to do with halving the value of the Australian dollar. Stop trying to sound smarter than that idiot because your dollar comment is the stupidest here to date.
who know, what the reality on the ground is, who cares.
they can carve up the corrupt shithole like a sunday roast for all I care, likely poland will grab a chunk too.
what matters is that russia is nuclear armed mafia state and whatever lunatic fringe plans the incompetent white house have, are driving the whole world towards the greatest catastrophe in human history.
Mines tend to be in electorates not held by the ALP.
M0nty, why would that be so?
You fucking idiot. A 30% plus cut in purchasing power is a 30% plus cut in our living standard relative to the rest of the world. I see you’re partial to Argentinian economics.
Driller, I know you. You didn’t come up with this brain wave all by your lonesome. Who the fuck have you been speaking to? Not Katter? Say it ain’t so.
Anyone imagine Munty doing this job?
Perth Tradersays:
May 11, 2022 at 7:42 pm
Boambee……Is that a trick question?
Do you mean the one about cutting government expenditure? No, I am curious to see if munty has thought his ideas through.
Still doesn’t explain why it’s OK for them to carve up Ukraine.
Nope, fans and compressors is what we use for such things. You come in at 0.006 bar and feed the reactor at 30 bar. The heat of compression will help the reaction kinetics, but I haven’t checked what temperature the gas would get to.
The problem is the Martian atmosphere is so thin that you need lots of volume to get the mass you need. Gas transport and usage is a big subsector of chemical engineering. My copy of Perry has a lot of pages devoted to it – I couldn’t count them just now since the gas handling was lumped in the fluid transport section and 4 other sections.
(I’ve worked at a plant running the Benfield process for CO2 absorption, and I’ve process modelled it too. You use it to get CO2 out of a gas stream, whereas Mars air is already 95% CO2. So you’d just compress it and use it – the other 5% is inert, although you might get traces of ammonia from the nitrogen.)
Shoot-on-sight orders in Sri Lanka
98 grade petrol is $2.00 a liter at the moment. The Driller brain wave to half the value of the Australian dollar would mean $4.00 a liter. Driller thinks the punters wouldn’t really care though because Bob Katter told him so.
I’ve seen that photo already.
I don’t think RUS would be worried about that
I’m not worried about Kharkov.
Still not worried.
Any move in that direction will move in a NE direction cutting Odessa off.
Boambee….the last hour in here has taught me Monty is not worth reading. My lost hour.
I hope you’re happy head prefect; your obese dinner mate is sprawling over the site. If that dipshit from Toowoomba starts drivelling you are responsible.
the victor makes the rules. ukraine can’t win, it all it can do is hurl people in front of the bulldozer and delay the inevitable
Given that Morrison siphoned billions of dollars straight to business profit margins through JobKeeper rorts that were not needed at all by companies whose revenue went up during COVID, they deserve to share a bit of the pressure.
We are all sick out here of corporate fat cats hogging the proceeds of productivity gains. Time for the workers to get a bit of pie.
How would you halve the value of the oz by 50%. The RBA would have to deliverstaly add masses of liquidity into the system in order to create enough Australian dollars in order to bring the exchange rate down to 35 cents to the US.
Inflation would be running at 25% p.a.
Dot, are you around. I think he likes you – at least more than me. Can you please explain to this jackass that it’s the stupidest idea in living memory. He won’t listen to me because he dislikes me a real lot. 🙂
Have you ever hauled your arse to the Bowen Basin?
Stop relying on Their ABC, Crikey, Greens pamphlets, New Daily, & Guardian.
Get some facts.
Facts are irrelevant to marxists. And even if they do succeed in impoverishing most of the population they believe that they will be exempt. What is very revealing though is the complete disregard for people whose livelihoods come directly (we all depend on it indirectly) from the Australian coal industry. On the one hand wage rises for oppressed workers and on the other consign an entire industry to the ‘dustbin of history’. Psychopathic.
Hallward? Cronkite, Hallward has been here all day offering up his astronautical “knowledges”.
And it wasn’t dinner. It was lunch.
Ukraine says it has been forced to cut off supply at the Novopskov compressor station in eastern Ukraine as it can no longer ensure safety at the facility. Throughout the war in Ukraine the station has continued to run as normal, providing Europe with amost a third of its gas supply from Russia. The gas flow will stop at 17:00 local time on Wednesday, Ukraine’s national gas supplier said.
The RBA would have to deliberately add masses of liquidity into the system in order to create enough Australian dollars to lower the exchange rate down to 35 cents to the US.
Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.
M0nty (coal mining expert) seems to have a short attention span.
Funny about that.
And it wasn’t dinner. It was lunch.
It’s all calories; and to the fat turd its coals to Newcastle.
Everywhere I ‘expletive’ drive , WA is renewing its country roads 10 kilometers at a time. Each new section must have 20 men , plus trucks , plus road building machines on the job.
workers?? what would you know about workers?
Is Tesla really that close to solving Full-Self Driving?
It doesn’t really matter what Australian government policy is in coal anyway, at least not in the long term. Coal is dead, solar killed it, too bad, so sad.
All the LNP are doing is funnelling public funds into uncompetitive businesses to prop them up long past their use by date. Which has been their whole ethos for decades now.
He’s here all week.
Try the camel!
I have a family and a life. I can only stop in here for short periods, in between minding the kids, running errands or working. Plus the dog keeps me busy too.
Yet Britain is looking at how many coal mines it can reopen.
Europe is dusting off old maps that show where coal deposits are located.
Why would this be? (If coal is dead)
Are you sure you got any idea what you’re banging on about?
I’m sure you’ve noticed the research/money going into hydrogen power for cars, boats, planes, trucks etc. Another example of innovation – whether it works remains to be seen but there are those who are convinced, even at this early stage, and as private investors are prepared to put their money up.
Speedbox, the only people putting money up for this are those who either didn’t take or didn’t pay attention during high school physics and chemistry. Most car, boats, planes, trucks etc already use lots of hydrogen power . Attaching the hydrogen atoms to a backbone of nanoscale chains of carbon makes the stuff easily storable as a liquid in ordinary plastic or steel or aluminium containers at atmospheric pressure. It is called petrol, diesel or Jet A-1 depending on the average length of the backbones.
It was for a great cause that I think even you would’ve supported Cronkers. It was a ghoul bet. When Ruth Ginsberg was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I said she wouldn’t last 6 months. He bet me she would. I actually won the bet because the demonrats did a Weeked and Bernies – pretending she was still alive when it was obvious she was dead. I still paid up because I did the right thing by accepting the official death certificate. It was for a righteous cause, Cronkite and you should respect that.
I thought Dover had booted him?
This is M0nty’s way of saying he’s too busy to improve his poor understanding of the coal industry.
In other words: Uneducated.
Looking at all the solar arrays on my travels, something occurred to me.
They are in arid areas. They lose efficiency with dust accumulation. With a scarcity of water, how are these massive “farms” cleaned? And how often?
Numbers is banned.
Monty is here to gloat about a LGPERFORMINGTEAL coalition government.
He gives the geolocation coordinates. I just looked them up on Google maps and the building visible in his tweet is about 250 m east of those coordinates.
Why would I want to learn about a dead industry? I don’t watch Antiques Roadshow, for much the same reason.
Calli, I would link to the Windorah Solar Farm, all I can find in a quick search are photos & reports from the day it opened.
There’s nothing showing the state it is in today. (Think: Abandoned houses of Detroit)
That’s the fate of remote area solar farms.
Coal ain’t dead.
That there are no coal mines, & no coal miners, in your suburb full of pink-haired leaners does not mean coal ain’t King.
Coal is dead, solar killed it, too bad, so sad.
See what I mean head prefect. This airhead is going to be implacable since it has removed its nose from its arse and can smell a liar/filth win.
Actually on lift off you are returning most of it back to the atmosphere, so it’s being recycled.
Top of the class BoN:-)
There’s plenty of Martian atmosphere and it’s not going away.
Anyway, I’m not betting against Musk and SpaceX engineers.
We now need to look at what you think constitutes ‘victory…’
I have a family and a life. I can only stop in here for short periods,
The shorter the better.
Nice Mr Xi wouldn’t like you calling it a dead industry M0nty. He’s still building a new Latrobe-sized power station once a week. Think of it as important cultural preparation for the occupation.
Speedbox, one more thing – batteries are shit. Hydrogen makes batteries look good.
Antique road show?
Great analogy Monty.
Keeping those journalist expert word smithing skill alive.
The rise of the teals is something new, which is at least interesting. I distrust their usefulness in office, as I suspect many of them would support a LNP minority government without much influence.
My suspicion is that we have seen the last federal majority government. From here on we might well be dragged arse-backwards into some kind of European hybrid, with every government having to be cobbled together from independents and minor parties. Hopefully it wouldn’t be Italian style.
Hallward, both you and Uncle Fester bet against him about battery innovation so there’s that.
But, seven years on, it is broken down.
Only one of the five 14.5-metre high solar collection dishes at Windorah’s solar farm has been working and now it has broken down again.However, according to Ergon, it has generated just 942,000 kilowatts of power since 2009, a little over one-third its expectations.
May 11, 2022 at 5:51 pm
I am hearing that CEO remuneration in Australia went up 20% in the past year.
May 11, 2022 at 7:29 pm
Australian CEOs got a 20% pay rise this year.
Feel free to share the data on which the rumour was transmuted into fact.
In any case, over 2021 the ASX 200 went from 6587 to 7444, which probably had a lot to do with it if it is true.
Oh God.
This hysteric needs a lamp post. You know why case numbers have sky-rocketed suddenly? It’s at least in part due to the government’s mass dumping of millions of RAT tests across the population. Ridiculous quantities were ordered by a government in a blind panic, so now there is a massive surplus of these things which have a limited shelf life. My household has managed to acquire around 70 tests from various sources, and it’s not as though we’ve been seeking them out. Goodness knows how many a dedicated Covid fanatic could acquire without paying a cent.
There are probably hundreds of thousands of people testing themselves daily, because why not? It’s not as though anyone’s running short of them. The more testing, the more false positives and identification of asymptomatic Covid, and the daily case rate climbs ever higher. It’s a vicious cycle, because the higher rate means more public alarm means more testing means more detections means an even higher rate, and even higher public alarm…and on it goes.
It’s not the lifting of the mask mandates that’s causing the spike. It’s panic merchants like this AMA quack being given a megaphone by the likes of the ABC.
Why is everyone so hard on Struth?
He is just trying to wake people up. What he says is perfectly correct. If we all as “one” rose up and said “no”they couldn’t and wouldn’t get away with any of it.
Klaus Schwab, his WEF, the WHO, most if not all present western leaders, including our own (GHunt comes to mind) are in on this and they are deadly serious! They have been planning this for a long time. Listen to what they have been saying and are now doing. It is all there!
If we don’t start saying no to all this evil it will be too late. They are sooo obvious. I can’t get that people can’t grasp it. It will not end, until we end it by rising up and saying no.
The coming elections are a start! Put Climate 200’s last, then the Greens and Marxist/communist Independents, then Labour, then Liberals depending on who have betrayed us (reward the decent ones!) then Nationals depending on who also have betrayed us, whilst also rewarding the decent ones. They are obvious! Then finally the other minors of your choice at the very TOP. The Liberal Democrats, One Nation, UAP etc. Your order of choice.
These people are having a go and are at least trying to stop the hideous trajectory we are presently on.
My comment was that getting it to where you want to use it is a seriously large fluid transfer issue. The hydrogen is much easier: you just dig up a cube of ice about 6 m across, melt and electrolyse it.
Finland expected to begin process of joining Nato this week – BBC News
You are kidding Monty.
Teals are left of the greens on climate.
They only have two policies; climate changy and a federal corruption watchdoggie.
They’ll be fashionably left on everything else.
They are in arid areas. They lose efficiency with dust accumulation. With a scarcity of water, how are these massive “farms” cleaned? And how often?
The dust accumulation during the day is accentuated by moisture in the night causing cementation of the dust on the panel. This and other issues closed Ivanpah the biggest solar farm in the world in the
Mojave desert in California to close. People who advocate solar should be stripped naked and dropped into the middle of the Simpson desert.
We are all sick out here of corporate fat cats hogging the proceeds of productivity gains. Time for the workers to get a bit of pie.
Who’s “we”?
Perth Tradersays:
May 11, 2022 at 8:00 pm
Boambee….the last hour in here has taught me Monty is not worth reading. My lost hour.
I had vague hopes that he might have learned something in the last year or so, but no, not a thing.
If smug was brains, munty would be up there with Einstein. It’s not, and he isn’t.
The hydrogen is much easier: you just dig up a cube of ice about 6 m across, melt and electrolyse it.
Isn’t hydrogen extraction from water a negative energy game whereas H from methane is a positive energy one but which releases C into the atmosphere.
Incidentally m0nty, you never answered JC’s perfectly* valid question – how do you know wages are below equilibrium?
[* when I first typed that it came out “prefectly”. I was very tempted to leave it.]
We are all sick out here of corporate fat cats hogging the proceeds of productivity gains. Time for the workers to get a bit of pie.
except coal workers
May 11, 2022 at 8:14 pm
We are all sick out here of corporate fat cats hogging the proceeds of productivity gains. Time for the workers to get a bit of pie.
workers?? what would you know about workers?
He only hires casuals. The ACTU should come down on him like a ton of bricks. In munty’s business, he is the corporate fat cat, and he holds all the productivity gains.
Cos it keeps your lights on, and keeps your fantasy footy tipsters in money for you to gouge?
“The rise of the teals is something new, which is at least interesting.
No, there’s nothing interesting about the rise of these very privileged and smug princesses, they’re the pet darlings of Svengali Simon. None of them give a rat’s arse about the lives of middle and working Australians. I’d hazard a good guess that Princess Allegra, who I know a little about, has never travelled west of Pyrmont.
I distrust their usefulness in office, as I suspect many of them would support a LNP minority government without much influence.
I’m glad you distrust their “usefulness” however I doubt the likes of Zoe Daniel or Jo Dyer or Monique Ryan would ever support a LNP minority government. You know such a proposition is bullshit. Did you hear anything that Ryan said in her “debate” with Josh? She’s more Green than the Greens. And the only “independent” who’s had the integrity to state who she’d probably support is Sharkie from SA.
My suspicion is that we have seen the last federal majority government. From here on we might well be dragged arse-backwards into some kind of European hybrid, with every government having to be cobbled together from independents and minor parties.
You might be right about this however a six year stint of Albanese and co would probably deliver another massive majority along the lines of 2013 to the coalition.
Hopefully it wouldn’t be Italian style.”
Au contraire, I hope it is. I want a government like those in Italy, Belgian and Israel……always collapsing because of fallen deals and with independents walking. I’m over governments full stop…..the less the better. You might have liked being locked up by the government. I didn’t and it most certainly won’t ever happen again.
Coal is dead, solar killed it, too bad, so sad.
Is your domicile fitted with solar panels and a battery? Live the dream, cut your home off from the grid, and demonstrate that coal has been killed by solar. Report back in six months.
Wages in Australia are too high.
For the intellectually challenged, I’ll type that again, slowly…. Wages are plenty high enough.
Methodology: Every week without exception, at least two entry level staff will blow a shift, or two, sometimes three shifts.
Ergo their wages are higher than required to meet their weekly needs.
There is no need, none, for a mandated increase in the minimum wage.
Is that you, Grigory?
Cohenite – we’re talking about Mars, and making fuel there for Elon’s rocket. You have to make the fuel and oxygen using solar energy then burn it again in the rocket engines. Starship uses methane, which is complicated to produce. I think Elon would be better off having a hydrogen burning local launcher or a nuke one like the Russians have been testing.
Excellent rant there Cassie.
It’s beyond impressive. Dover should get you to do rant threads.