Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
No shit, Sherlock!
A grievous policy failure doesn’t necessarily reach the “high crimes and misdemeanours” bar necessary for impeachment charges. Joe’s would have to, fo rexample, be taking a 10% cut from people smugglers for it to stick. Mind you, it’s the US so I wouldn’t rule it out altogther; their system is totally partisan.
Oh, God, I wish!
On the building: first move in this weekend. Daughter, SiL, family and his mother finally making the big move on Saturday. They were so lucky (thank you, God,) to sell at the height of the recent real estate bubble, and even managed to rent back for three months. That time is up in two weeks and so all eight of them, plus two puppies and 10 chickens, are moving out.
The new house is superb! Son in Law has done a brilliant job designing and building this extraordinary place. Neighbours have described it variously as ‘the cathedral’ or ‘the mansion’ on the hill. Certainly it is huge, but it is effectively the melding of four households,(albeit with a concentration of oldies,) and all of us have our own spaces when we want to retreat from the main living area, aka: the Great Hall.
We are so lucky to have wonderful family who want to include us in their everyday lives.
Very good.
Deserved more likes.
Labor ad comes on blaming Morrison for the Victorian lockdowns.
Scumo failed to contain our Despotic Bat Eared Mong!
Assuming the GOP wins bigly in the mid-terms, an assumption I guess Bannon is making as well.
mate of mine is Sri Lankan
he was there a few months back and going again soon
his take?
then mis-management by those who were left
Anyone know how much it costs for a 30 second advertisement in Times Square NY on those huge big screens?
The booking (as I understand it) is 100 times a day for a week.
“* It is correctly described on Wiki as “an opinion piece”.”
I would call it a “fiction piece”.
Any thoughts about what murky Yarragrad politics lie behind this?
Whenever I see the ‘independent’ and ‘apolitical’ John Cain’s name on anything, I get suspicious. Remember the Pell indictment.
My take – it’s not called the ‘Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka’ for nothing.
Hope your mate’s family are managing as best they can with his help.
Delta A,
“…….Please can you recommend a book or video which will cover these topics, preferably in language as concise and informative as yours….”
This is a very good place to start if you want “basic and clarity” at the same time(Free too):
Henry Hazlitt Economics In One Lesson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
If the Republicans retake the House in November, they are going to impeach Biden every day and twice on Tuesdays. Good excuse to not get anything done, I suppose.
Thanks, Sancho. The most nauseating thing about the ABC ‘Kelli Lane is innocent ‘ campaign is the sheer hypocrisy. At the same time as they were putting that series to air, they were screaming that anyone who questioned the insane jury verdict against Pell was undermining the system of justice and a p3d0file protector.
“If the Republicans retake the House in November, they are going to impeach Biden every day and twice on Tuesdays. Good excuse to not get anything done, I suppose.”
Isn’t that what the Democrats did when Trump was president, they tried to impeach him every day and twice on Tuesdays. It was a very good excuse for them not to get anything done, I suppose.
Try harder Monty.
VLAD the Slav Slayer is heading for shit city when the Middle East get denied their grains and the hungry citizens get tetchy.
NATO will have plenty of mates gunning for the sawn off poser.
Mates like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Yemen?
I wouldn’t count on that, Farmer.
Bloody hilarious.
urb gets 5 likes for saying nothing (accidentally).
Steve Bannon is another dope who will say anything for a few buck$$.
The BS from montifa is epic.
And head case!
Hi Cats, greetings from Daly Waters. The pub in the middle of nowhere where a Telstra signal is a miracle!
Love the painting, Dover.
I see Graham Hood has stated that he will not share a stage with Riccardi Bosi due to Ricky labelling him a rock spider protector. Hood and Christian Mack want to run a bog standard anti-vaxx freedom line but they can’t cop Bosi’s descent into Qanon quackery. Not to mention Bosi’s tendency to insult people in the cooker movement who work harder than he does if they don’t give up their resources to him. Ricky is a poor politician, in other words.
Apparently it’s just south of the gateway to the Never Never.
I love Australia. Shame our politicians hate its people.
Inflation is a government scam | Saifedean Ammous and Lex Fridman
Mates like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Yemen?
I wouldn’t count on that, Farmer.
Well Ed you managed to get a few that are actually in the Middle East.
I’m counting on nothing but the inevitability of instability in the region when basic foods become expensive.
I doubt you have any concept of the shit storm that’s coming. Grain prices are at drought levels in Australia amid abundance.
Rampant inflation and record food prices could blow the region and parts of Africa apart.
The only experience I’ve had comparable to Sydney International departure was arrival when I flew into LAX when the airspace opened after 9/11.
Complete chaos but believe it or not you could actually bypass immigration if you had a mind to.
BTW-unprompted the taxi driver on the way to the airport said he was voting for Deves(Warringah). She’s pissed off all the right people so we voted for her too.
Early voting yesterday.
Making the approach was a bit like negotiating the flak over Berlin in 1945 as you lined up in your Lancaster. A bit of swerving and weaving through the out thrust hands and hopeful faces wondering if they’d scored.
Me: ‘Raving loonie party ? Which one is the raving loonie party ?’
Weedy, nerdy 20 y.o. wearing thick glasses and a soft fuzz on top lip starts to smile: ‘Er that’s me.’
‘OK, You’ve got my vote.’
Albo and Morrison could learn a lot from that kid.
I agree Roger.
I think Bannon has too many eggs in this pudding.
Much as I think Sleepy Joe is dangerously incompetent, I don’t want to see impeachment for a particular known policy position.
Since Clinton, impeachment has increasingly become a cynical political tool, rather than a rarely used last resort for the removal of corrupt and criminal Presidents.
The Mexican border fiasco does not qualify.
Every President in history would have failed that test.
I told you lot quite some time ago that the fools of the new world order will create famine.
All we need for disaster is crop failure in a major exporting nation or in a large importer.
Seriously, grain prices are at WTF level.
Doesn’t worry me.
I only eat beef.
FMD. Just got robocalled by John Howard in Curtin. Lieborals must have hit the panic button.
I only eat beef.
The beefs eat grain.
Careful, that’s a montyism.
Potential Trade Mark infringement.
urb gets 5 likes for saying nothing (accidentally).
Oi, drop the side-eye, Bush- urb put a lot of thought and nuance into the timing, at least.
They fuckin’ what?
May 17, 2022 at 7:55 pm
Steve Bannon, former chief strategist for President Trump, believes Joe Biden will be impeached in November over the administration’s handling of the immigration crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border.
If the Republicans retake the House in November, they are going to impeach Biden every day and twice on Tuesdays. Good excuse to not get anything done, I suppose.
Absolutely shocking. The DemonRats would never behave like that, would they munty? Let’s see: Trump twice, Six January (the first unarmed insurrection in history). No, never!
Steve Bannon is another dope who will say anything for a few buck$$.
That reminds me, do you get paid for your efforts here? If so, you are receiving money by deception.
How do you know it wasn’t JWH in person?
Is “cooker” a new “in” word? I appear to have missed something.
Can someone in the know please let me in on what the lingo means?
H B Bearsays:
May 17, 2022 at 8:25 pm
FMD. Just got robocalled by John Howard in Curtin. Lieborals must have hit the panic button.
We got him yesterday, east coast! He gets around.
Harold Holt just called.
He’s in lockdown in Peking.
We all know you shouldn’t run retreads on a Radial Tuned Suspension.
As per some submarines are designed for northern hemisphere seas and are no good down here.
The naval gospel according to Chrissie Pyne.
The Yanks are copping it
It’s either too dry, or like this bloke, note his comments re planting dates.
Then he cops a tornado.
I’ll rephrase.
“I told youse lot”
That’s better and Mont’s dungeon dialogues remain pristine.
They are a bit like spooks.
Or flamers.
May 17, 2022 at 8:37 pm
Is “cooker” a new “in” word? I appear to have missed something.
Can someone in the know please let me in on what the lingo means?
It’s hipster slang for conspiracy theorists. munty introduced it, possibly in a (failed) attempt to give himself some street cred, and in an attempt to link other commenters to Bosi et al.
FMD, he’s a fat middle aged man who thinks running a fantasy football site makes him a businessman.
I don’t eat grain. Too crunchy.
The Russian Defense Ministry has published footage of the surrender of militants of the nationalist Azov unit and Ukrainian servicemen blocked at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. In one day, 265 militants laid down their arms and surrendered, including 51 seriously wounded.
Conversation with son and heir, as I arrive home:
Son: ‘I’m sick.’
Me: ‘Are you now.’
‘I’ve got fever and sore muscles and a runny nose and a sore throat and a headache.’
‘Best you not go to work tonight then or go to school tomorrow.’
‘If I have covid I’ll get the disaster payment from work.’
‘You haven’t got covid, and nothing’s for free. I’m paying for that payment. So no.’
‘I got a free test kit from school.’
‘Off you go then.’
Test conducted.
Me (looking at test): ‘No covid. No work tonight and tomorrow off school. Panadol and a feed, and bed.’
Son: ‘Fuck. Jake [his mate] got covid and the payment.’
Me: ‘You’ll fucking think differently once you start paying for other people to stay home.’
Keli Lane is of course innocent.
As is Susan Neill-Fraser, convicted of the murder of her 65 year old husband on a yacht moored off Hobart in 2009. Her latest appeal was so laughable it basically collapsed within days of getting started.
Cos ladies you know, don’t do bad stuff. And if they say they didn’t, then believe all women!
Myra Hindley is nodding wisely at this point.
I know!
Words can’t describe.
Speaking of spooks, I rang Nabtrade (National Bank share trading) this afternoon.
My (ahem) “smartphone” has ID’d it as “National Airline Commission of Papua New Guinea”.
best urban dictionary offers is ‘someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about’
the subject is not (new) news.. what’s news is the publisher – Forbes.
“, it was not a “first-order issue” across the electorate.”
Only a first order issue for the better class of voter.
May 17, 2022 at 8:05 pm
I see Graham Hood has stated that he will not share a stage with Riccardi Bosi due to Ricky labelling him a rock spider protector. Hood and Christian Mack want to run a bog standard anti-vaxx freedom line but they can’t cop Bosi’s descent into Qanon quackery. Not to mention Bosi’s tendency to insult people in the cooker movement who work harder than he does if they don’t give up their resources to him. Ricky is a poor politician, in other words.”
You’re obsessed with them Monty. Why? I find it amusing that you like to make excuses for the quacks and quackery on your side…and believe me there’s a lot quacks and quackery on your side…some violent, yet you call their talking points “legitimate grievances”.
Wonder how long he is going to keep trying to make cooker into a thing before quietly shelving it.
Which is what the authoritarian lefties are really, really afraid of.
Because a standard anti-vax, anti-mandate protest group will attract sizeable support once the nutjobs are decoupled.
And the MSM (eg Nanny Neil) are sniffing the wind and realising that many of these protestors are customers of Wynston with a Y, the Drain Man and the Blind Factory.
At Least 300 Azov Fighters Surrender To Russians At Azovstal Plant, Ending Lengthy Siege
Widespread reports say that some 300 Ukrainian fighters have laid down their weapons and emerged from the cavernous facility. “More than 260 Ukrainian soldiers were evacuated from the besieged Azovstal steel plant in the port city of Mariupol,” Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Ganna Malyar said. Another “53 heavily wounded (soldiers) were evacuated from Azovstal to the medical mortgage near Novoazovsk for medical aid,” according to Malyar’s statement.
Azov issued a statement on Telegram saying they are “implementing the approved decision of the Supreme Military Command” in order to “save lives”.
And the Russian side has since confirmed that “An agreement has been reached on the removal of the wounded,” according to a Russian defense ministry statement. “A humanitarian corridor has been opened through which wounded Ukrainian servicemen are being taken to a medical facility in Novoazovsk.”
Russian media is also widely reporting the surrender at Azovstal, with RT airing some of the first footage of the evacuation of the last fighters to leave…
Crucially, Novoazovsk – where the wounded Ukrainian fighters are being taken – is in Russian-controlled territory about 40km east of Mariupol. The surrendered troops are reportedly now in the custody of the pro-Moscow Donetsk People’s Republic. Likely Kiev will seek to negotiate their return for captured Russians currently in Ukrainian military custody.
Azov battalion, which has long been widely acknowledged even in prior mainstream media reporting as a neo-Nazi group, is asking the Ukrainian public for continued “support” – given this surrender (after previously vowing multiple to times to ‘fight till the end’) will likely be viewed by some as premature capitulation.
Thick as a brick this fella.
Escobar: Death By A Thousand Cuts – Where Is The West’s Ukraine Strategy?
The pounding, daily western narratives on ‘Ukrainian wins’ and ‘Russian losses’ underpins the lack of an actual, cohesive Grand Strategy against Moscow…
While we are all familiar with Sun Tzu, the Chinese general, military strategist and philosopher who penned the incomparable Art of War, less known is the Strategikon, the Byzantium equivalent on warfare.
Sixth century Byzantium really needed a manual, threatened as it was from the east, successively by Sassanid Persia, Arabs and Turks, and from the north, by waves of steppe invaders, Huns, Avars, Bulgars, semi-nomadic Turkic Pechenegs and Magyars.
Byzantium could not prevail just by following the classic pattern of Roman Empire raw power – they simply didn’t have the means for it.
So military force needed to be subordinate to diplomacy, a less costly means of avoiding or resolving conflict. And here we can make a fascinating connection with today’s Russia, led by President Vladimir Putin and his diplomacy chief Sergei Lavrov.
But when military means became necessary for Byzantium – as in Russia’s Operation Z – it was preferable to use weaponry to contain or punish adversaries, instead of attacking with full force.
Strategic primacy, for Byzantium, more than diplomatic or military, was a psychological affair. The word Strategia itself is derived from the Greek strategos – which does not mean “General” in military terms, as the west believes, but historically corresponds to a managerial politico-military function.
It all starts with si vis pacem para bellum: “If you want peace prepare for war.” Confrontation must develop simultaneously on multiple levels: grand strategy, military strategy, operative, tactical.
Those clueless Pentagon and CIA ‘experts’
On Operation Z, the Russians revel in total strategic ambiguity, which has the collective west completely discombobulated. The Pentagon does not have the necessary intellectual firepower to out-smart the Russian General Staff. Only a few outliers understand that this is not a war – since the Ukraine Armed Forces have been irretrievably routed – but actually what Russian military and naval expert Andrei Martyanov calls a “combined arms police operation,” a work-in-progress on demilitarization and denazification.
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is even more abysmal in terms of getting everything wrong, as recently demonstrated by its chief Avril Haines during her questioning on Capitol Hill. History shows that the CIA strategically blew it all the way from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq. Ukraine is no different.
Ukraine was never about a military win. What is being accomplished is the slow, painful destruction of the European Union (EU) economy, coupled with extraordinary weapons profits for the western military-industrial complex and creeping security rule by those nations’ political elites.
The latter, in turn, have been totally baffled by Russia’s C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) capabilities, coupled with the stunning inefficiency of their own constellation of Javelins, NLAWs, Stingers and Turkish Bayraktar drones.
Arguably the best example is the fate of Azov neo-Nazis at Azovstal in Mariupol – the best-equipped unit of the Ukrainians, hands down. In the end they were totally outmatched by a numerically inferior Russian/Chechen Spetsnaz contingent, and in record time for such a big city.
I am politically engaged. Nothing wrong with that.
They are not much different from you lot. There are some crazies and drug fiends among the cookers, as there are here. Then there are the Dunning Kruger brigades. Plus the groupies and cult members. Sprinkled with the odd Nazi.
They provide better entertainment than I get here, that is for sure. This morning I watched 17 cops clear a bunch of cookers and their combi vans out of a car park near APH, including a tow truck which made multiple trips to haul away junk. Great fun seeing the cookers whining about maritime law and rock spiders then watching their Datsuns get confiscated.
And Kathleen Folbigg, convicted of murdering her four children.
They keep dredging up “new evidence experts” who, under scrutiny, have got nuttin’.
But, yeah, they keep finding these novel angles of appeal not open to others, like a coroner’s inquest when we have already had an inquest, a murder trial and two appeals.
“Because a standard anti-vax, anti-mandate protest group will attract sizeable support once the nutjobs are decoupled.”
Absolutely right. He was the one who set up the Premiers as mini-dictators and stood back and watched them abuse us. The national cabinet is illegal, made up junk. The internal travel restrictions conflict with the constitution.
But I doubt that these were the points that Labor was making. They’d be too busy employing them to abuse us further.
“Keli Lane is of course innocent.”
Lane is an evil sociopath.
Sounds like the Ukrainian army.
LOL you reckon Neil Mitchell is going to start a campaign to get the Governor-General to declare the federal government null and void due to the Magna Carta and the vibe.
Cookers are a tiny minority. Most of the 3AW audience are Liberal rustadons.
“They are not much different from you lot. “
Oh they’re very different. As for the term “rock spiders”….I remember you used that term to describe an innocent man.
Lol! Three times in the one comment.
A new word!
“Sprinkled with the odd Nazi.”
So writes the apologist for genocidal Jew hatred……he thinks that’s okay because it’s their “legitimate grievance”.
I have been wondering about the marketing genius behind Joe Biden’s slurs of “Ultra MAGA Republicans” and the “Ultra MAGA agenda” along with the slur of Donald Trump himself as “MAGA King.” I have accordingly dug out the choices presented to the focus groups “helmed” by Anita Dunn, the Krupskaya of a leftist DC power couple of many talents.
In its story on the origins of “Ultra MAGA Republicans,” the Washington Post used the word “helmed” to describe Krupskaya’s role in the project. I thought that “helmed” was a usage reserved exclusively to Variety for show business coverage, but now everything is show business. Politics is famously described as show business for ugly people.
This weekend I tracked down knowledgeable sources who cannot be identified because of the “sensitivity” of the work. Or was that “stupidity”? I can’t read my own notes.
In any event, my sources have confided that the focus groups were presented with the following slurs that might be heaped on the GOP to blacken them in the eyes of the American people:
Whoresons and daughters
Dangerous dingbats
Nasty nuts
Pusillanimous putzes
Never MAGA-nificent
Puny pillocks
Fallacious failures
Phonies and fakers
Ninnies and nincompoops
Super mega MAGA
The alliterative entries were found amusing rather than scary. “Never MAGA-nificent” gave rise to groans among the focus groups. The focus group members also worried that “Super mega MAGA” sounded like a superhero. As they deliberated over the choices presented, however, “Ultra MAGA” was suggested and favored as an acceptable alternative.
Once the focus groups settled on “Ultra MAGA” as the preferred slur, the team presented another set of choices to be applied to Trump himself for the consideration of the focus groups. Whatever the choice, it was understood that the slur would have to serve as a substitute for stating Trump’s name. The marketing team worked hard to come up with these choices for the consideration of the focus groups:
Mr. Poopy Head
Big Hair Guy
BFF of the MyPillow Guy
Damn dictator
Fake mogul millionaire
The MAGA maniac
The megalomaniacal MAGA man
The MAGA monomaniac
Mad MAGA Max
Mister MAGA
No one was really happy with any of these. After settling on “Ultra MAGA” in the first round, the marketing gurus leaned toward a “MAGA” variation. “The MAGA maniac” was rejected as too harsh. “Mister MAGA” was rejected as too respectful. “Mad MAGA Max” was rejected as too obscure. “The megalomaniacal MAGA man” and “The MAGA monomaniac” were rejected as polysyllabic.
“MAGA King” was the compromise choice.
I think Monty might be the personification of a “cooker”.
May 17, 2022 at 8:53 pm
best urban dictionary offers is ‘someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about’
Sounds as if munty is a cooker?
Thanks OldOzzie.
It’s all workshopped to within an inch of its life. No wonder it creaks.
Speaking about “Sniffing the Wind”
When Does the Media Call this Creep Out? Groper Joe Massages Little Boy’s Shoulders at Medals of Valor Ceremony (VIDEO)
Thank you, KC1.
I’ve bookmarked your link.
A point made in this august journal of record many times.
The aforementioned nutjobs will attach themselves to any cause – not because they believe in it, but because they believe it will give them legitimacy; that, and a base from which to launch their own agenda in future.
They will cloak their language in generalised concepts and never, ever be specific in what their aims are. They will liken themselves to national heroes and accuse critics – particularly the menfolk – of cowardice, thus appealing to human instinct and emotion rather than dispassionate debate.
Ultimately they are unmasked as tiresome would-be dictators, and will inevitably return to the mediocrity from whence they came – but only when the popular support they imagine is their due never comes.
They provide better entertainment than I get here, that is for sure.
Don’t like being challenged here on your multiple stupidities? Want better “entertainment”? Don’t let the door hit you in your more than ample arse on the way out.
Bye, bye.
Snap, Cassie.
Bad Touch Biden was at it again, obsessively stroking a child in public
On Monday, Joe Biden made an official appearance in the White House to award Public Safety Medals of Valor. It should have been a simple, moving ceremony for people who put their lives on the line to serve the public were honored. And for the most part, it was precisely that as 15 men (or their survivors) received those honors. But what stood out was the fact that there was a little boy in the room and Biden did what he always does when little children are in his ambit…he went creepy.
think it’s telling that all these Medal of Valor honorees are men. This is what men do.
But what men shouldn’t do is grab a little boy they’ve never met before, place him in front of their crotch, and then compulsively squeeze and stroke the little boy’s arms and shoulders. But that’s what the Oval Office occupant did during the ceremony when Jared Lloyd’s mother and his two son’s stepped up to receive his posthumous medal:
As we all know, Biden’s touchy-feely behavior with the little boy is nothing new. Given the chance, he can’t keep his hands off children and, often, when he’s doing the creepy stroking thing with little girls, his hands wander over their chests.
One of the best videos I’ve ever seen regarding Biden’s behavior around children juxtaposes video of his conduct with a completely unrelated speech from someone talking about how pedophiles groom children:
Pavlovian response.
Monty keeps fucking his rotisserie chicken, naming it a “ cooker” doesn’t make it less perverted.
As for his argument style, there is a reason “ greasier than Monty’s cock” is such a common bit of slang*
* including this use it’s pegging level at least.
I’ve got some handy cookers.
There’s the stove, oven, microwave and pressure-thing.
All have their uses. Monty, not so much.
In seeking to demean Trump, The Wall Street Journal demeans itself
No good will come of the effort.”
That was the considered judgment of The Wall Street Journal in its May 16 editorial, “The House Subpoena Wars,” calling into question the legality of the subpoenas issued to five House Republicans by the Jan.6 inquisition panel.
Why then did the editorial reach out to smear former president Trump for his “monumental failure of character and duty in not moving to stop the [Capitol] riot”? ABC News, no friend to Donald Trump, reported that a bipartisan Senate committee issued a report, June 2021, finding that the Capitol Police failed to act on intelligence warning about January 6 protests.
Who is responsible for the Capitol Police? Not the head of the Executive Branch.
An article in USA Today refuted the argument that the Capitol Police are answerable to Speaker Pelosi. This article suggested that the Capitol Police are answerable to the Capitol Police Board — and various committees of the House and Senate.
Whoever is in charge of the Capitol Police, it is not the president. Clearly, Congress, not the president — if the USA Today article is correct — had the responsibility to move to stop the tumult. Why does The Wall Street Journal continue to blame Donald J. Trump for January 6?
Apparently because that is the general narrative of the media, and the Journal lacks the fortitude to stray from the media’s anti-Trump line. This line is apparent in media articles acknowledging that President Trump urged the January 6 protesters to go home in peace but adds the propaganda line that he encouraged the disturbance at the Capitol.
What’s on Your Mind Joe? – I Dunno, I Haven’t Read It Yet
Merrick Garland Refuses to Prosecute Protesters Terrorizing Supreme Court Justices
May 16, 2022
On Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to answer a basic question about whether or not he would be prepared to prosecute protesters who are attempting to intimidate Supreme Court justices outside their homes.
As reported by Just The News, there is a federal law on the books that strictly forbids coordinated efforts to intimidate judges. U.S. code 1507 states that anyone who “pickets or parades” in the vicinity of “a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer,” with the clear “intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer,” will face a fine, or be “imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
As such, Governors Glenn Youngkin (R-Va.) and Larry Hogan (R-Md.), in whose states the majority of Supreme Court justices currently reside, have asked Garland’s Department of Justice (DOJ) to enforce the law by arresting and prosecuting such protesters. Republican lawmakers have made similar demands.
But at an event on Friday at the National Mall for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, when Garland was asked about enforcing this law, he simply responded “Sorry. I’m here for the memorial.
From The Oz, Zoo Daniel tries to hide from the truth by threatening legal action. She denies being “anti-Semitic”…………….LOL, I can’t stop laughing. Firstly, this is the same Zoo Daniel, who when she was ABC correspondent in Washington back in 2017, sent out a tweet saying that Trump’s decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem was to “satisfy his wealthy Jewish donors”…now that’s a tweet Goebbels would have liked. Secondly she signed a vicious anti-Israel letter last May, alleging that Israel was an apartheid state, and there were numerous other slurs in the letter.
“Independent Zoe Daniel calls in lawyers
Teal independent Zoe Daniel has formally threatened her Liberal opponent Tim Wilson with a defamation suit, accusing him of making comments implying that she and her campaign are “anti-Semitic” and “racist”.
The Assistant Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction has hit back, accusing the former ABC journalist of trying to “use the law to silence her critics”.
The stoush comes as Mr Wilson battles to hold onto his bayside Melbourne seat of Goldstein, with a YouGov poll commissioned by The Australian last week showing he was trailing Ms Daniel 48-52 after preferences.
It also follows controversy over Ms Daniel’s signing of an open letter accusing Israel of maintaining an “apartheid regime against Palestinians”, and revelations that senior members of her campaign team have publicly called for Jewish advocacy groups to “shut up”, and compared Scott Morrison with Adolf Hitler.
Dated last Friday, a strongly-worded legal letter penned by Michael Bradley of Marque Lawyers on Ms Daniel’s behalf states that Mr Wilson has “been observed by many people to be actively campaigning at pre-polling centres in the Goldstein electorate during the past week”.
“In the course of this, you have been observed and heard to make frequent and repeated comments regarding ‘anti-Semitism’ and ‘racism’, unmistakeably (sic) directed at Ms Daniel and her campaign,” he writes.
The Liberal Party has dominated the inner-Melbourne seat, which takes in Caulfield South, Brighton and Sandringham, since its establishment in 1984. But Coalition strategists are increasingly concerned that the cashed-up Climate 200 campaign backing former ABC journalist Zoe Daniel (pictured above left) will eat heavily into Tim Wilson’s (pictured above right) margin. Similar to other Liberal-held metropolitan seats targeted by Climate 200, preference flows from Labor and the Greens will play a significant hand in deciding the result. Along with Kooyong and Higgins, the Coalition is pouring resources into the electorate, previously held by longtime Liberal ministers David Kemp and Andrew Robb.
“For example, on 12 May 2022 you said to a person who was preparing to film you: ‘I would just like to talk about how disgusted I am with the anti-Semitism within the Zoe Daniel campaign.’
“You have also been heard to comment, while walking past volunteers handing out how-to-vote cards for Ms Daniel, ‘How much more anti-Semitism do we need?’
“This conduct by you is occurring in the context of a sustained campaign by you and the News Limited (sic) media organisation, targeting Ms Daniel and her campaign with persistent baseless accusations that she is ‘anti-Israel’ and associated unmistakeable (sic) implications that she is anti-Semitic.
“While you are no doubt being careful to place yourself in a position where you can plausibly deny that you have been making defamatory statements about Ms Daniel, on our instructions you have failed to achieve that object. It would be obvious to a reasonable and fair-minded observer that your defamatory slurs are targeted at her.”
News Limited is the predecessor of News Corp Australia, publisher of The Australian.
Mr Bradley accuses Mr Wilson of conveying the “false and defamatory imputations” that she is “a racist”, “anti-Semitic” and “harbours racial prejudice specifically against Jewish people”.
“The imputations are baseless and false. Ms Daniel is not racist nor anti-Semitic. There is no evidence to support a suggestion that she is,” he writes.
The letter – a concerns notice for the purposes of the Defamation Act – demanded Mr Wilson “immediately cease and desist from making public comments, in any forum or medium, directly or implicitly suggesting that Ms Daniel is racist or anti-Semitic”, “pay Ms Daniel’s legal costs in the amount of $2750”, and respond to the letter by noon on Monday.
Mr Wilson told The Australian on Tuesday that he had not acceded to the demands.
“It’s extraordinary Zoe Daniel is trying to use the law to silence anyone criticising her policies, and also silencing candidates calling out racism,” he said. “I won’t be intimidated by her campaign.”
In response to questions about why she had chosen to pursue legal action, a spokeswoman for Ms Daniel referred The Australian to the letter, saying she had “nothing more to add”.
This woman is sinister and a fraud. She also a liar and hypocrite.
All admirable prerequisites for a political career?
I agree Roger.
I think Bannon has too many eggs in this pudding.
Much as I think Sleepy Joe is dangerously incompetent, I don’t want to see impeachment for a particular known policy position.
Since Clinton, impeachment has increasingly become a cynical political tool, rather than a rarely used last resort for the removal of corrupt and criminal Presidents.
The Mexican border fiasco does not qualify.
Every President in history would have failed that test.
Wrong on so many levels.
What are the grounds for impeachment, Custard?
I mean, what are the grounds specifically related to the Mexican border issues?
Impeachment is small beer.
A constitutional crisis will precede this.
Sure monty, your onanism at 9:21, you’re such a better man than all of us here.
That’s nice.
Would you like to explain what happens if our public debt goes to 120% of GDP and the sovereign bond rate hits 6%?
What happens to our standard of living if we are paying 7.2% of GDP every year purely on servicing outstanding public debt?
What’s in it for workers? 11 million private sector workers pay the way for themselves and the 15 million of us.
“the OTHER 15 million of us…”
Ballot stuffing
Election machines
Voter roles
People are starting to understand this
Liberalism and the Problem of Evil
My grandfather always said that the Labor Part was made up of three classes of men – those who had been in gaol, those who were in gaol, and those who ought to be in gaol. Looks as though the UAP is going the same way…
None of which has anything to do with Bannon’s assertion that Sleepy Joe would be impeached over the Mexican border issue.
Loose Bannon caused a lot of damage to Trump with off-the-cuff shit like this.
And to think St Ruth missed the cut!
I didn’t realize Frightbat Jane Caro was running for the Senate…She and Lidia Thorpe would make a good pair…
Ultra MAGA in America right now is ascendant.
Once were the deplorables
More than 20 of the UAP’s 173 candidates have faced court in the past, or face ongoing matters, raising questions about the internal vetting process used to select them.
As so often, what’s not said is of more interest than what is said.
The word “convicted” doesn’t appear in what’s quoted. Does it appear anywhere in the article?
monty sounds ‘cooked’. I wonder if the Dobbs leak sent him over the edge.
Bored waiting for a phone call so I just completed the ABC’s “Voter Compass” answering all questions to the right of Genghis Khan.
The ABC reckons I agree with 17% of the Greens politics.
Hohohoho. Utter bullshit.
If you discount employees at statutory authorities and quasi government organisations such as power generation, hospitals, tunnel engineering and construction etc. then you’re left with about 7.5 million true private sector employees to shoulder the load of 18 million leaners.
It astounds me how capitalism is so efficient at wealth generation that it can fund such inestimable waste and profligacy.
May be coming to an end, though. Retirements of many prime aged private workers are through the roof. Spend 20% of the super on a house reno, and then settle back for a life of quiet reflection and onanism.
Who will shoulder the load then?
Have you guys heard of the Montyburger™?
It’s a hamburger with you lot. 😀
I am smarter than youse lot.
A West Aussie cocky told me this week a top of the line JD header will set you back $1mill. Is this true?
The cooker m0nster.
Buffalo, LA shootings, meanwhile in Chicago it’s just normal weekend.
The shooting in Buffalo on Saturday has horrified Americans, but it was massacre as usual in Chicago this weekend and few outside the Windy City noticed.
We are in a low-beamed cottage in the middle of the Fens and I am in near paroxisms of delight about it, as I munch on the Lindt chocs left in a big pak for us as a present, including a fine bottle of merlot for tonight. I am so thrilled with this accommodation that I have already had a celebratory arvo tipple finishing off Hairy’s duty-free whisky (not much left for me, I see). When I first thought months ago, long before church-saving appeared on the horizon, of going to the UK, it was because I wanted to relive my childhood wandering aged eleven in some getting-rarer buttercup and cowslip water meadows by meandering in them one last time, just in case my twig was foreshortening (see birds, lfe’s twig, falling off, in my comment earlier today).
Grantchester was a good intro, but this is now ‘it’.
This weatherboard cottage is down a long driveway from the road. Perfectly renovated inside, and tasefully under not over done, it overlooks to the rear some plowed fen farmland in the near distance, but before that there is about half an acre of meadowland, some of which is unmown, and it is full of spring meadow flowers. A back door from a tiny conservatory opens onto it and I have just been wandering there in transports of memory. There are bee hives under some apple trees at the side, and two ornate benches on which to sit outside and admire the neatly sown agricultural prospect of new green sproutings.
We arrived and started to play house, doing goldilocks on the double beds in each of the two bedrooms upstairs, chosing the one that doesn’t creak, noting the crispness of the white linen. In the kitchen I stutter with recognition over some field flowers and a couple of garden peonies stuck into a jam jar, looking simply perfect. There is a dining room with a bronze candelabra with candles, some blue and white wallpaper inflecting Scandinavian design, two bulbous turquoise lamps, an oval dining table and six polished high backed chairs. There is even a fainting couch! Old pickling jars along the window ledge overlooking the fen vista contain t-light candles too. The beamed sitting room, with an open fire (not needed tonight because the day has had British weather at its best, sunny and warm and scented with flowers) is comfortably provisioned with sofas and cushions and casement windows out to the front cottage garden.
Other flowers proliferate a wild profusion in the front garden, which contains a small orchard under which is a table and chairs and some easy chairs for lazy times. We had our lunch out there today, under gnarled old pear trees just starting to set their fruit, and a mulberry growing haywire just as ours does at home. Calli, I wish you could tell me what the multitude of flowers are that grow in this cottage garden. There are some with spindly mauve caps with spokes surrounding the caps and small hooked spokes underneath, that plant having flat scalloped leaves, there are some on agapanthus-like stems which end in a purple puff ball of condensed flowers, adding to the numerous other blue, violet and purple small stemmed flowers like some sort of expanded forget-me-not memento, there are velvety russet wallflowers and hidden red roses, and a very glamorous belle of a flower with huge pink cups like tissue-paper, the whole plant falling over a pathway, its giant upright cups so fragile and gently bowing down to zephyrs in this northern spring. This garden is surrounded by a tall cyprus hedge and the rear meadow is lined on the right hand side by six very ancient 50ft tall poplars.
The three bears didn’t have as good as this little Beare did today. Just sayin’….
You know the saying Dot – “there’s a lot of ruin in a Nation”
But here is also, always, a reckoning.
Again, in two comments, still hoist on my own proof-reading petard.
Apologies. Luckily readership is low this late at nite.
I wonder if Bons is still here in the UK. Or anyone else from the Cat?
I’ve just had a close look at that glamorous huge flower. It seems to be some sort of poppy, for the new flowers are shedding two hairy poppy-like covers. There is lavender in this garden, and rosemary, but I can’t see any other herbs.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Patrick Blower.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Robert Ariail.
The ABC reckons I agree with 17% of the Greens politics.
Hohohoho. Utter bullshit.
The Greens are an antihuman Far Right Party, it just takes a little brains to work that out.
And then some.
One of these
I’ve had a good crawl over one, very impressed with layout and engineering for the most part but as with most things JD do it’s a copy of someone else’s design, in this case the New Holland twin rotor, which they have tweaked a bit.
What’s far right about the greens, Special?
Controversial Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson has quit Twitter after coming under furious fire for saying that a plus-size Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model is ‘not beautiful’.
Peterson, 59, who is famous for his stances against political correctness and ‘woke’ ideologies, shared his views on the magazine’s latest cover star Yumi Nu on Twitter on Monday, posting an image of the 36-year-old curvy model’s shoot, while writing: ‘Sorry. Not beautiful.
‘And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.’
Within seconds of posting his tweet, Peterson – a clinical psychologist, author, and former professor at the University of Toronto – was met with a flurry of criticism from other users, many of whom began taking aim at his own appearance, while others labeled him an ‘a**’ and a ‘freak’.
Daily Mail
Also, Special, you still haven’t presented this forum with an appraisal of the historic slave trade to the Arab world.
Yes, you did give us a post re the barbaric conditions for slaves heading to the New World, as if to imply slaving was solely an American and therefore a West issue.
More accuracy and balance is needed or you will lose credibility.
132andBush says:
May 18, 2022 at 5:37 am
He has credibility?
What a surprise.
“The WHO should have those powers and authorities.”
Thick as a brick this fella.
Scumo’s reasoning for surrendering our sovereignty will be as banal as Scumo wanting $ without responsibility.
Thanks Tom!
The old WHO treaty was not enforced. China blatantly violated it at the start of the pandemic, costing millions of lives. Why would anyone imagine a new WHO treaty would be any better?
Sorry. Not beautiful.
Definitely wake up and cut your arm off territory, if it hasn’t been severed by crushing already.
our very own Myer has unleashed a body positive twitter storm
Any response from me to Morrison would be as demonstrated by Moran this morning.
It’s bad enough we’re signed up to all sorts of UN treaties and resolutions we didn’t ask for, let alone its retarded ‘health’ offshoot. Think 200 CHOs all in the same room.
when it comes to indigenous issues, tails I win, heads you lose
from Libs of Tik Tok
It’s eye of the beholder stuff, so there’s no reason for the wankers to go off their heads over someone calling a hideous wildebeest a hideous wildebeest.
Some of the most horrific specimens I have ever seen were wearing wedding rings. Someone, somewhere reckons they’re at or marginally under 100% and married them, so leave the bloke alone.
EU says you can rule if you want to
That should be ruble.
journalist tell journalist to stay in his lane
Everybody wants to ruble the world.
‘Irish and UK citizens’ gaoled for roofing scam
It’s curious that some characters in the thick of January 6 and other events are getting different treatment to many who were merely there. Not just Ray Epps, there is another notable one who goes by the name Tim Gionet aka Baked Alaska. The full story is amazing.
Gateway Pundit.
more suffering that deeply concerns me
Only a fool pays by the rubles
That’s actually quite funny in a schadenfreudean sort of way. Germany and the EU have embraced the climate religion holus bolus. So they went off and built huge numbers of wind turbines and solar panels, and then found that they needed gas to keep the lights on.
Now they’re owned by Russia. Ukraine supporters on one side are screeching ‘boycott Russian gas’! Greens on the other side are saying ‘stop using Gaia destroying gas, now’s your chance to go fully green’! So they’re wedged by their own lefty panoply.
But they dare not do any of this, because they know if they do the voters will eat them alive for the blackouts and misery it will cause, and they risk losing support for their great Plan to Save the Planet. Which doesn’t need to be saved. It’s amazing how one bit of temperature hockey stick fraud can cause such chaos.
It’s working here too, BoN.
The pollies are driving the bus directly into Blackout Land.
lane-keep assist while asleep at the wheel
Of course, when they are deported at the end of their jail time, it will be “Australia dumping it’s problems on Ireland”.
rosie says:
May 18, 2022 at 6:32 am
our very own Myer has unleashed a body positive twitter storm”
Heh – whoever it is, obviously prefers looking at men
The geniuses running AFL reckon they’re on top of their game with this (the Hun):
And this:
And they’re okay with this (news.com):
But can’t work out why this is happening (the Hun):
Because, after 130 years and despite having the best-maintained grounds in history, it’s now too difficult to bounce a football. You can’t move your arms after the umpire blows the whistle. You can’t move laterally off the mark. You can’t make contact with another player, let alone shirtfront them. Every second score is reviewed, removing what little momentum there was in the game.
You can’t call umpires ‘bald-headed flogs’. There’s a round dedicated to every woke cause imaginable, so much so they’ll need to double-book them shortly. Said causes are rammed down viewers’ and spectators’ throats all the week before, and on match day.
In two years’ time the match will consist of players walking onto the ground and standing there while being applauded by friends and relatives who received gifted tickets, and then walking off again.
And they wonder why nobody’s interested any more.
Plumber : “I had my career stalled because I couldn’t change a washer.”
Carpenter : “I had my career stalled because I couldn’t hang a door.”
Accountant : “I had my career stalled because I couldn’t lodge a BAS.”
Barman : “I had my career stalled because I couldn’t pull a beer.”
Well, yes, Ozzie.
It’s the fashion industry.
They’ve gone from models who look like emaciated 12 year olds on a hunger strike, to Magda-sized salad dodgers.
I was thinking someone who doesn’t like women very much, but does enjoy a nicely ripped fellow.
Now that person might be female. Might.
most slaves heading to the New World ended up in Brazil, which was a Portugese colony.
Lizzies plants sound like Allium gigantea, campanulas, delphiniums. All mainstays of a cottage border. The poppy is possibly an asiatic or opium poppy.
Oh, God!
The millenials and pony-tails will be all over this and will come up with some lame Marvel character promo to attract kids.
When what families want can summarised as follows …
“Not watching a shit game, having our senses assaulted every ten seconds by some hyper wannabe DJ over the PA promoting gay pride, all while you are chowing down on a $25 pie and beer.”
Cooker m0nster
That’s what I thought too.
As for the Myer catalogue? Pansies.
Who might resemble the people in the top row?
I don’t think ripped guys buy their jocks at Myer…
(The usual suspects are going to be screeching once they notice the complete lack of alphabet people or melanin-enhancement. On the other hand I doubt those demographics buy their underwear at Myer either.)
I have a question to ask again if The Cats. I asked it yesterday but didn’t see any answers. But, after an amazing phone call last night – it is even more on my mind.
Bizarrely, I received a mobile call from Liberal Party saying they were having a meeting between my local member Trent Zimmerman & the Treasurer & were ringing voters for any questions to be put to the Treasurer. At first I thought it was a prank call. But it wasn’t.
So I put my question “How on earth do you propose to pay back over a trillion dollars that you borrowed during the pandemic?” “Vicki” he replied (& it was him, alright, & he proceeded to explain, in typical Joshie style, to explain how he was going “to grow the economy” blah blah.
To say that I was shell shocked is an understatement. I’m positive it wasn’t a hoax. But it got me thinking, as yesterday……. Government borrowings from overseas banks & various financial sources are the norm… but Brownstone Institute is quoting US congressmen saying categorically that the $26 trillion recently raised there was just “printed money” , so to speak.
So, is that what happened in Oz, or is it borrowed from OS?
BTW – I put a zoom call into The Sydney Institute the other night whereby Gerard put my question to their guest speakers involved in the elections. I asked whether they had detected a rage amongst voters towards the Liberal Party…… maybe they they are listening at last …….
Biden gets the worst of both worlds
Before even taking office, journalists were already elevating Joe Biden to the ranks of those greatest of Democratic presidents, the ones known not by their names but their initials. Not that he was a three-letter president; no one’s ever called him “JRB.” But he could be, hoped to be. Most of all, had to be. The numerous crises facing the country demanded it. And so, he let it be known during the 2020 campaign, his would be an FDR-sized presidency.
Two years later, no one is comparing Joe Biden to FDR. If his name is mentioned alongside LBJ’s, it is only to note how far short the achievements of the 46th president have come compared to the 36th. The one predecessor Biden does find himself sharing a breath with these days is Jimmy Carter, who also presided over rampant inflation at home and debacles abroad.
Not True His 3 letter Presidency FJB will stay with him forever
Water Tower With Johnny Cash Silhouette Springs Leak In Most Unfortunate Place
In Kingsland, Arkansas, the hometown of the incomparable Johnny Cash, the water tower which bears his silhouette has sprung a rather unfortunate leak.
Actually, because it’s Arkansas, the “leak” was started by someone who took a gun and shot the Man in Black in a rather compromising spot.
Trust me, the video is 100x funnier than the photo.
And they are not Joking
Can you imagine the 2022 season of
America’s Top Model?
Speaking of the lesser of two weevils:
I can’t think of an election where both parties were so on the nose. Usually one or the other has primary vote in the forties. I was amused by Sky’s headline though, grasping the smallest of wet Lib gleams in the mess of teal-coloured sludge.
New poll reveals Coalition support (Sky News, 18 May)
America’s Next Top Mong?
Piss off, give yourself an upprcut, don’t even think of ruining another sport, hobby or past time.
Why not just get rid of the goals and the ball in soccer?
Not True His 3 letter Presidency FJB will stay with him forever
Uniquely summed up in 4 memes/comments on the following
Lets Go Brandon Coffee Mug , Cat in the Hat Funny Red Hat
or if you really want President FJB’s memory
FJB Coffee Mug Non-Slip Printed Let’s Go Brandon Coffee Cups Christmas Gift Novelty Cups
Australian banks purchased a fair amount of the government bonds issued during the pandemic; what they didn’t buy was probably picked up by central banks overseas.
Relax everyone.
Wee Krankie from the Scotchlandian National Socialist Party stands ready to protect the world.
How about awarding a point for missing a goal?
You know, like “Good try…see if you can do better next time.”
Oh wait…
Elon Musk Announces He’s Switching To Vote Republican
“This election I will.”
Elon Musk, admitting he had voted “overwhelmingly” for Democrats in the past, has changed his mind.
Musk is registered as an independent voter; he announced the switch over video link at a tech summit in Miami, Florida, hosted by the All-In podcast.
“I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats, historically,” Musk acknowledged. “Like I’m not sure, I might never have voted for a Republican, just to be clear. Now this election I will,” Newsweek reported.
Musk’s metamorphosis from voting Democrat to voting Republican could have been documented by actions over the last two years.
In July 2020, Musk issued two tweets tweaking the Left. The first likely confounded members of the Left confident that their support for attacks on America, whether physical (riots, looting) or philosophical (the 1619 project) was shared by everyone in the so-called center of the political spectrum. Musk tweeted, “The left is losing the middle.”
try here for a full explanation
The Budget projects that the Commonwealth government’s gross debt will be around $963 billion at 30 June 2022. This is around 45.1% of GDP. It is projected to increase to $1,199 billion—around 50% of GDP—by 30 June 2025 (Budget Strategy and Outlook: Budget Paper No.1: 2021–2022, Table 11.5,
p. 366–7).
Net debt is expected to be $729 billion—or 34.2% of GDP—at 30 June 2022 and peak at $981 billion or 40.9% of GDP in 2024–25 (Table 11.4, p. 364–5). Net debt is then projected to fall over the medium term to 37% of GDP at 30 June 2032 (p. 203).
EXCLUSIVE: Former Trump aide posts online a searchable database containing a huge trove of more than 120,000 emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, calling them ‘a modern day Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime’
May be coming to an end, though. Retirements of many prime aged private workers are through the roof. Spend 20% of the super on a house reno, and then settle back for a life of quiet reflection and onanism.
Who will shoulder the load then?
munty and his fantasy football “business”?
Elon Musk Mocks Biden, Teases Who the ‘Real President’ Is
Musk seems to have started the trend of questioning the narrative with his effort to buy Twitter and save free speech. He’s said he’s “overwhelmingly” voted for Democrats in the past but now seems to have been red-pilled or at least moved to the right by Joe Biden and the Democrats’ radical move to the far left.
Musk did a podcast on Monday and he mocked Biden’s reliance on the teleprompter and his failed approach to inflation.
“It’s hard to tell what Biden’s doing, to be frank. The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter … The path to power is the path to the teleprompter … If someone were to accidentally lean on the teleprompter, it would be like ‘Anchorman,’ ‘UUASDF123′”
Truer words were never spoken. It seems the odd billion dollars frees you from concern about the backlash.
Elon Musk: “The Real President Is Whoever Controls The Teleprompter,” Biden Would Read Anything Like “Anchorman”
By contrast the hung Parliament of 2010 with the infamous 17 minute speech from Oakeshott was this:
Primary vote:
Labor: 37.99%
LNP: 43.66%
So the Libs are down a full 10% on their losing primary vote of 2010. Maybe they need to do something different? Dumping all the green wet progressive stuff would be a start.
Chinese plane crash that killed 132 people in March ‘was caused intentionally by someone in the cockpit’, data from the black boxes suggests
Ed Casesays:
May 18, 2022 at 5:11 am
The ABC reckons I agree with 17% of the Greens politics.
Hohohoho. Utter bullshit.
The Greens are an antihuman Far Right Party, it just takes a little brains to work that out.
It doesn’t take much brains to notice that everyone Dickless disagrees with is labelled as “far right”.
I’m beginning to suspect that he is a far left troll.
Host of Nein’s A Current Affair Tracy Grimshaw did her best to get the Morrison over the line this Saturday when she interviewed him last night.
Apart from her dumb lefty presumption that Elbow has already won, there was the full range of lefty gotchas and “what’ll you do when you lose?” questions.
In short, whether you like him or not, Morrison slaughtered her. Interview here.
China Eastern Black Box Points to Intentional Nosedive
Flight data suggests someone in cockpit pushed Boeing 737-800 into near-vertical descent, according to a preliminary U.S. assessment
Data from a black box recovered at the crash site near the city of Wuzhou in the southern province of Guangxi indicated that controls in the cockpit led the plane into its deadly dive, sources told the newspaper.
“The plane did what it was told to do by someone in the cockpit,” one source close to the matter told the publication, the New York Post reports.
Chinese authorities have yet to cite mechanical or flight control issues in the March 21 crash that killed everyone onboard, the source added.
“appraisal of the historic slave trade to the Arab world.”
Douglas Murray discusses this in his latest book, the rampant hypocrisy across the West now when it comes to only talking about the brutality of the Atlantic slave trade. The truth is that the Arab Slave trade was much more brutal than the Atlantic slave trade. Here are a few pertinent facts that distinguishes the Atlantic slave trade from the Indian Ocean Arab or, as it should be more properly called, the Islamic slave trade…
1. Islam is built on slavery…the founder of Islam, the psychopath Mo, had numerous sexual slaves. You will never find an Islamic authority that refutes slavery….slavery is sanctioned in the Koran. It was no accident that ISIS enslaved Yazidi and Christian females. There are slave markets now operating in Libya, full of Sub-Saharan men, women and children.
2. The Islamic slave trade began a thousand years before the Atlantic slave trade and lasted until the mid twentieth century. Saudi Arabia only outlawed slavery in the 1950s.
3. Ever wondered why, across the middle east and the sub-continent, there aren’t, like in the Americas, large populations of blacks? That’s because the Arabs castrated males as soon as they were enslaved. The females were used for sex and domestic use.
4. The Islamic slave trade wasn’t just confined to Africa….millions of Europeans were also enslaved and taken to North Africa and the Middle East.
I could go on, the above is just a smidgen but it’s curious how nobody wants to talk about this.
More accuracy and balance is needed or you will lose credibility.
Exactly how much credibility does Dickless have left to lose?
Someone had better come up with a new word, because “evil” just doesn’t cut it any more.
FDA approves boosters for 5-11 year olds
Dunno, ask Morrison and Frydenberg who blew out the deficit with payouts to their donors.
Labor will soon arrive to lower debt and the deficit, like they always do.
You would say she’s pretty – but a bit of a moose. SI also stuck a Kardashians and Elon Musk’s mother on the cover for Groogs types. Adolescent boys will have to look elsewhere for their “reading” material.