I’m not advocating for them; I’m saying this is who they have to work with.
May 22, 2022 6:46 pm
There’s a fine line between “aspirational” and “houso” in the outer suburbs.
I made that distinction myself in an earlier comment. Mt Druitt, where I came from, is full of housos and Ed Husic gets 50%+ on PRIMARY vote. Nearby Penrith, OTOH, is in the seat of Lindsay. This includes housing estates such as Glenmore Park. They presently swing Lib.
At any rate, both regions are what you would sneeringly call bogan. But that’s not the point. The point is that Libs don’t need to pander to the Greens in the inner city suburbs. Especially as tradcon families are pusheds to the outer suburbs, being single income.
May 22, 2022 6:46 pm
Talking to a tradie mate today, he’s seriously considering winding his business right back to only just doing enough to pay expenses to live. Doesn’t reckon there’s any reason to invest time and effort into expanding, getting a factory somewhere etc.
Reckons with all the crap Albo has spruiked so far, he’s better off more or less sitting on his arse, let alone if the greens push through something like their $88/day increase in centerlink payments.
Step one to the Libs recovering (assuming they deserve to):
.1 Shut them down
.2 HOP Time them all
After yesterday, there are no other options.
May 22, 2022 6:52 pm
Tradies are not poor, not once out of their apprenticeships.
You don’t have a clue.
What handouts for the middle class do you think the middle class ie you, get, Monty?
Isn’t Labor going give money child care money to the upper
My youngest son and his mates are all tradies, and quite a few of them went to non government schools but have chosen to work with their hands rather than sit in front of a computer all day after doing useless arts degrees at third rate universities.
Your ‘housos’ tend to be a breed apart (and I knew a few when I lived that side of town) and incidentally most obvious commission residents these days are migrants, Vietnamese still in Richmond, with quite a few Africans there too, in Fitzroy, Flemington, people from the middle east in Williamstown etc.
Knuckle Dragger
May 22, 2022 6:52 pm
Hinkler news, in the uncovered-up Courier-Mail:
LNP incumbent Keith Pitt isn’t counting his chickens just yet.
Mr Pitt released a statement on Sunday afternoon declaring the Australian Electoral Commission had made an “incorrect count” in Hinkler over their inclusion of independent Jack Dempsey in the two-party preferred model.
This would explain why Dempsey has 11000+ primary votes, as opposed to Pitt’s 37000+, as well as the 13.2+’swing’ to Dempsey. He’d never run before, so any vote is a positive swing to him.
The Labor bloke is Pitt’s closest opposition with 20000+ votes.
The UAP ladeeeeee candidate has 6000-odd.
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 6:53 pm
Why did they fix one electorate for the LNP but allow teals and ALP to run rampant elsewhere?
Keep Labor from getting to 76?
I’d like to know the breakdown of Jack Dempsey’s preferences between Keith Pitt and Jason Scanes for the ALP.
And what time of night it was decided to open up Dempsey’s 1s and allocate them between Pitt and Scanes.
Dempsey ran as a protest candidate against Pitt, so if his voters were disciplined, Pitt shouldna got more than 500 of the 10,000.
Old bloke
May 22, 2022 6:54 pm
rosie says:
May 22, 2022 at 6:27 pm
What makes you think any of those liberal party politicians are unvaxxed old bloke?
Treat it as an assumption Rosie, the Feds weren’t subjected to a mandate, but some would have done so voluntarily. The assumption also precludes that some of the 18 won’t be looking for employment, for example some will have adequate retirement savings or self employment prospects.
The point I was making was that medical conscription should not exist, or if it does, it should apply equally to everyone, Federal parliamentarians included.
May 22, 2022 6:55 pm
Ooh, suddenly even that old strumpet Prue McSween is now advocating for nuclear power. What a difference a day makes, and a spectacular electoral loss. Now she advises the Libs to go conservative and to abandon tokenism for the sake of optics. We all knew that but were not as smart as Prue.
The other Chris Smith panelist, Caroline Di Russo, had a wonderful expression of spraying vaginas on everything to gain legitimacy no longer being relevant or necessary.
May 22, 2022 6:55 pm
Not many of those these days, are there.
Forced not to be dual income to buy a house. If people both want to work that’s great, but there’s a lot who don’t – and so that factors again into housing policy.
ALPBC nooze this morning: “A newly elected gliberal imbecile has stated that the party needs to learn the lessons of last night and appoint more wymminzes to parliamentary positions”.
The wrong lessons, being relearned (again).
Kroges, you are the problem, not the (imaginary) solution. 😡
May 22, 2022 7:02 pm
You bang on Monty as though Liberals and Labor are poles apart on policy, and that ‘you lot’ are ardent liberal party supporters.
They aren’t, we aren’t.
We’ll see how much different Labor is when the boat(s) come in.
Behind Enemy Lines
May 22, 2022 7:02 pm
m0nty says:
May 22, 2022 at 6:15 pm
I can’t really see the Liberal Party being led by a bunch of bogans from Struggletown. That’s not what they have been about for their entire existence. If you want a Tradies Party then start one of those, don’t pretend that the party of Menzies can become the party of the plumber’s crack.
Along with the usual Montyesque confusion and misdirection, there’s an important nugget of truth here.
The metaphorical plumber’s crack and its human equivalent will always be with us. Traditionally, but not inevitably, that’s the province of the left.
The plumber himself — a yeoman of the middle-ish classes that keep the country running — is the natural constituent of (what ought to be) the liberal party.
The curse of both sides of politics is the Champagne Left and (in the US) the ‘Rockefeller Right’. That is, pampered, entitled soggyites skimming off the top and bottom alike, while giggling about it at each other’s soirees.
The plumber, the farmer, the shop owner, the ordinary working bloke . . . they have far more in common with each other than with the Albaneses and Morrisons of this world.
These days I’m willing to sacrifice a lot of my economic preferences, in favour of an ordinary-chaps alliance that would secure cultural / social / civilisational essentials.
The LibLab uniparty war-against-all is an artefact of the times, not a necessary political reality.
Watch this space.
May 22, 2022 7:04 pm
Monty… with increased taxes to fund handouts for the middle class.
Monty one sentence later…
Which you lot will hate, of course. There is not much crossover between tradies and ideological conservatism. They will vote with their wallets
So they will vote with their wallets for higher taxes…..
You buffoon.
Your ‘housos’ tend to be a breed apart (and I knew a few when I lived that side of town) and incidentally most obvious commission residents these days are migrants, Vietnamese still in Richmond, with quite a few Africans there too, in Fitzroy, Flemington, people from the middle east in Williamstown etc.
Yeah that’s the problem with Libs trying to become a working class party. Either they make the cash machine go brrrr with Howard-style handouts funded by taxes on their rich donors, or they crank up the racism which will lock them out of a lot of New Australian votes.
Abandoning the blue-ribbon safe seats for the Teals leaves them with a whole host of demographic problems. They have been green-wedged.
May 22, 2022 7:06 pm
Once you see the number of telephone votes from the allegedly Covid Stricken, you’ll see how the fix was executed.
Hence the Lib disbelief at the teal vote, never mind that the teal-ites were recruiting school children (mainly girls, as boys are not as wedded to the climate cause) at the Elsternwick (Goldstein) Railway station last week to dial in and impersonate the Covidly stricken.
May 22, 2022 7:07 pm
You are just a filthy smearing grub monty. or they crank up the racism which will lock them out of a lot of New Australian votes.
A warning in an editorial from the UK Daily Telegraph . Too late for us.
If the Tories don’t return to conservatism, they’ll go
In this election, the Australian version of the “Blue Wall” crumbled as well as the Red – and that’s where the Tories are headed, too.
22 May 2022 • 6:00am
The defeat of the Liberal/National government in Australia is a wake-up call for the Tories, a reminder that they do not have a God-given right to rule and, if they cannot deliver for all sides of their coalition, will be on the path to defeat.
In an election that was partly about character, Scott Morrison was portrayed as a “bulldozer” who had exhausted the patience of voters. But Australia is also facing a very familiar cost of living crisis, with mounting bills, stagnant wages and crazy house prices – and its politics are realigning. When working-class voters first abandoned the Australian Labor Party, the death of traditional voting patterns seemed to favour Liberal/National – but now Mr Morrison’s side of the aisle is fracturing, too. The pendulum has swung towards a progressive coalition of Labor, Greens and, crucially, ex-Liberal environmentalists in affluent urban areas, chipping away at Mr Morrison’s traditional constituencies.
On the night, the Australian version of the “Blue Wall” crumbled as well as the Red – and that’s where the Tories are headed, too. It remains to be seen whether we might be in for an early demonstration of this on June 23 when the Conservatives will defend rural Tiverton and urban Wakefield in same-day by-elections. Any gains for the Lib Dems will be good, medium term, for Labour. Sir Keir Starmer’s party doesn’t need a 1997-style, across-the-board landslide to slither into office as head of an economically illiterate, woke coalition, which could even include the SNP. All it needs is the Tories to alienate their own base. Incredibly, Boris Johnson is doing just that.
The Tories have made a stab at challenging the woke advance in the culture wars, but why are our institutions still dominated by the Left? Why is the civil service seeking to erase women? They have failed to deregulate the economy after Brexit, are doing too little to tackle crime, have nothing to say about market-led economic growth and have yet to do anything meaningful to raise post-Covid standards in education. What seem to officials like bright ideas – actually foolish and outdated – are leapt on without philosophical foundation or consideration of the consequences, economic or political. There is a sensible way to address climate change through technology, but instead people are told they must fly less or Low Traffic Neighborhoods are imposed in suburbs. The cost of government failure is passed on to the voters, and done so with an air of Puritan smugness.
The notion that some clever trade-off in votes will win an election, punishing the Blue Wall to tempt the Red over to a Tory version of social democracy, is fantasy. And everyone will lose if the end result is a far-Left coalition determined to run Britain into the ground.
May 22, 2022 7:14 pm
The idea that tradies, shop owners, farmers etc have more in common with each other than with ScoMo or Albo is true but so is the opposite where ScoMo and Albo have more in common with each other than tradies, shop owners and farmers. The problem is that both ScoMo and Albo recognised and made overtures to the same group of voters who were not tradies, shop owner, farmers etc.
All it needs is the Torries to alienate their own base. Incredibly, Boris Johnson is doing just that
Being the fat mop headed Morristeenesque imbecile that he is.
How or why the f*ck did we sit back and allow the most staggeringly stupid f*cking imbeciles to have existed in human history lord it over us as they have been? It needs to end. As of yesterday.
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso. Can you imagine a person with his backstory ascending to leadership in the modern Liberal Party?
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 7:21 pm
or they crank up the racism which will lock them out of a lot of New Australian votes.
Labor cranks up the Racist Hammond Organ and they’re good at playing the race card too.
Nevertheless, outreach to Africans, Indians and Chinese by the Liberal Party is wasted effort and resources, these people are from Labor dominated shitholes where corruption is as necessary as breathing.
ALPBC nooze this morning: “A newly elected gliberal imbecile has stated that the party needs to learn the lessons of last night and appoint more wymminzes to parliamentary positions”.
Yeah, sure, because progressives love strong, conservative women.
That’s why they’re always trying to tear them down.
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 7:24 pm
Albo is literally a houso. Can you imagine a person with his backstory ascending to leadership in the modern Liberal Party?
Is Albo really a Houso or the son of some well connected people?
His background story is full of holes, so it’s not really believable.
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso.
Albo is not working class.
He’s a houso.
Big difference.
May 22, 2022 7:26 pm
Did the Teals target gay and Jewish candidates?
My first real laugh for the day, Fleeced. Thanks.
I know some of the most expensively, and well educated “tradies” around.
Not struggling. Not “Bogans”. Not one.
May 22, 2022 7:27 pm
I don’t believe the Teals recruiting girls for election campaigns is because boys are more impervious to climate change propaganda. I think they were recruited purely for optic purposes, eg pretty girls in t-shirts. The reason I can assert this is that last night I was at a family dinner where family members in their early twenties were present, both male and female, and they were all quite conservative and climate change skeptics. I was pleasantly surprised as I thought two in particular may have been green-inclined. There is hope for the younger generations.
May 22, 2022 7:27 pm
As I said earlier, Labor no longer represents those once known as the wokkas.
May 22, 2022 7:28 pm
What racism?
I have a reasonable expectation that social housing should be made available to those most in need, which generally speaking these days, is people we have invited to live here via our humanitarian visa program.
It is you who disparages those people as ‘housos’.
Not me.
In fact your fine line between tradies and ‘housos*’ is arrant nonsense.
Come on now Monty what exactly is a ‘houso’ you insufferable snob.
Holly Hughes on Chris Smith’s show on Sky admitting that Liberals were wrong not to consider and propose nuclear power. This is already a plus of the Libs losing the election, real world ideas can now be considered.
A distributed modular nuclear system
I’d be happy to have a couple of the 50Mw units put in here for testing the remote concept.
Add no charge for local users and watch the industry move in.
Behind Enemy Lines
May 22, 2022 7:29 pm
Crossie says:
May 22, 2022 at 7:14 pm
The idea that tradies, shop owners, farmers etc have more in common with each other than with ScoMo or Albo is true but so is the opposite where ScoMo and Albo have more in common with each other than tradies, shop owners and farmers. The problem is that both ScoMo and Albo recognised and made overtures to the same group of voters who were not tradies, shop owner, farmers etc.
Spot on, Crossie. The question is whether we will pull our collective heads out and do something about it, or continue allowing the ScoLbo clique to roger us over and over again.
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 7:30 pm
He’s a houso.
A privileged InnerCity Houso.
I would say possibly part of the Lumpenproletariat.
Is Ellery an Irish Traveler name?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 7:31 pm
As I said earlier, Labor no longer represents those once known as the wokkas.
Diane Lee still unsure if she’ll be an irrelevant sideshow (ALP to score 76+)
or if she’ll be needed by Labor & thus able to loot the taxpayer to fund free wifi for everybody in Fowler + every street in the electorate paved in marble with gold trim.
May 22, 2022 7:32 pm
Albanese spent his entire school years in the Catholic education system.
Not quite Punchbowl Boys ‘houso’ authenticity.
So you think the AEC fixed Hinkler?
Please essplain.
Why did they fix one electorate for the LNP but allow teals and ALP to run rampant elsewhere?
I don’t know, but the question has now been asked and should be answered to the public’s satisfaction.
Or we end up with confidence in the voting system falling off a cliff as in the US.
Old bloke
May 22, 2022 7:33 pm
m0nty says:
May 22, 2022 at 7:18 pm
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso. Can you imagine a person with his backstory ascending to leadership in the modern Liberal Party?
John Hewson, former Liberal leader, was once a houso from Welfare Street, Beverley Hills, NSW.
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 7:33 pm
Come on now Monty what exactly is a ‘houso’ you insufferable snob.
A waste of space who’ll always be a drain on society, plus they turn up for the future.
I watched Katherine Deves on Outsiders; she doesn’t seem like a woke ratbag who only makes sense on gender. At least she thinks tits are only on women.
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso.
Albo is as phony as a $2 watch and insincere to boot.
May 22, 2022 7:38 pm
LOL, Albo is not a typical Houso. Housos don’t go to exclusive schools. In fact he had a benefactor being an uncle who owned a Printing Company. Latho let that cat out of the bag the other night. However I don’t hold that against him, one side of my family from Green Valley weren’t so lucky. I believe he should be honest about it that’s all as, believe it or not it wasn’t all that uncommon before the welfare state we now have.
Albo however is a very petty nasty man. I worked with someone who knew him in young Labor, IMO we aint seen nothing yet.
Albanese didn’t attend an exclusive school, he attended St Mary’s Cathedral School, adjacent to St Mary’s Cathedral. And my understanding is that it was his grandfather who ran the printing business. As for the housing commission story, so what, Latham grew up in housing commission and in much harder circumstances than Albanese.
May 22, 2022 7:47 pm
John Hewson’s ex-missus was at the Barney shindig last night. She used to work with Mrs A at the bank. We had a quick chat. Lovely lady.
She paid his way through University by working hard at two jobs. As soon as he worked his way up the political ladder, he had an affair and pissed off.
Bloody houso.
May 22, 2022 7:48 pm
Stand corrected on the benefactor Cassie, the rest pretty well my sentiments above.
“I watched Katherine Deves on Outsiders; she doesn’t seem like a woke ratbag who only makes sense on gender. At least she thinks tits are only on women.”
All correct, and Katherine’s opinions aren’t remotely “controversial”.
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 7:49 pm
Where’s this “worst Coalition result since 1943” rot coming from?
Labor Headquarters? There were 76 seats in 1943 and there was a 30 seat turnaround.
There’s 151 Seats in 2022 [twice as many], Coalition have maybe lost 16, Labor have picked up 7 at best.
Every time the Coalition gets kicked out, the pundits are falling over themselves to declare the poor old Liberal Party a goner.
I wouldn’t say Dutton is a certainty yet, the AEC can always say they’ve given 3,000 0f Josh’s to Ryan by mistake.
May 22, 2022 7:50 pm
Israel eyeing change of leadership cautiously
Theirs or ours?
Sancho Panzer
May 22, 2022 7:50 pm
KD at 6:52.
What we got here is a case of an AEC employee who was faced with a three way contest and jumped the wrong way in picking the two who would be left as preferences were rolled up.
I think the most methodical method of counting votes would be to do it exactly as a preferential system should work.
.1 Count all first preferences and tally them.
.2 Identify the candidate with the lowest number of votes and allocate their votes to their #2 preferences.
.3 Identify the next lowest level of votes (may not be the same as the second lowest candidate before the first allocation). Allocate their votes to their #2 preference. If their #2 has already been eliminated, go to their #3.
.4 Rinse and repeat until two heaps are left. Biggest heap wins.
This “bottom up” approach is more methodical but is slow. Too slow for a quick result before Barrie Cassidy has to have his Milo and go to bed. So they take a punt on the likely two highest voting candidates and start throwing votes from the others at those piles.
An approach which works OK where there are two obvious standouts, but is a bit fraught where it might be a 3-4 way contest particularly where support for different candidates may be variable across different booths.
One thing it is not.
It is not a fraud on the UAP ladeeeee.
May 22, 2022 7:52 pm
Monty is a stereotypical affluent middle class type who thinks everyone, especially ‘you lot’ can be stuffed into one of the stereotype boxes of his progressive creation*.
Not quite faux western suburbs battler Labor royalty, that would require a pad in Williamstown but oh so close.
*Talk about living in the 1950s.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 7:52 pm
. As soon as he worked his way up the political ladder, he had an affair and pissed off.
From memory, the lady wreaked a terrible revenge – accompanied by their children, she gave a “tell all” interview to “Sixty Minutes” in the buildup to the 1993 election.
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 7:53 pm
Divine isn’t rocking into the Under 10s Netball change rooms anytime soon, Cassie.
Her schtick is a non issue, Scotty took the voters for fools and they saw thru it.
Matt Kean called it early on, but Scotty put the Bulldozer into second gear anyway and 18 of his mates are heading to Centerlink as a result.
Perplexed of Brisbane
May 22, 2022 7:55 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays: May 22, 2022 at 5:13 pm
Tamil family sheds ‘happy tears’ as Labor win paves path home to Biloela
Guess where all the soon to be incoming Sri Lankan illegal immigrants can be housed? It begins with ‘B’ and ends in ‘a’.
Wait for the squealing to start. There will be different tears form the townsfolk then.
Every political quisling parasite to have blighted western “democracies” in my lifetime.
They just can’t help themselves.
Sancho Panzer
May 22, 2022 8:01 pm
What was the task you wanted to assign to myself and KD earlier today?
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 8:03 pm
If their #2 has already been eliminated, go to their #3.
No shit, sherlock?
.4 Rinse and repeat until two heaps are left. Biggest heap wins.
This “bottom up” approach is more methodical but is slow.
It’s also fucking stupid.
There are usually 50 odd Booths with an average of 1500 votes at each.
The 1 and 2 may differ substantially between Booths, so the procedure is for all Booths to report their first preference counts for the individual Candidates and the DRO to make the decision on which 2 will make the cut.
Last night the Hinkler DRO decided Jack Dempsey would make the cut, even though he had only half of what the ALP guy, Scanes had.
Given that the ALP has a superior Postal Vote game, why he made that decision is incomprehensible.
She paid his way through University by working hard at two jobs. As soon as he worked his way up the political ladder, he had an affair and pissed off.
IIRC he walked out on her & the kids on Christmas Day.
Cackling incoherently: “Well, you know, yo’all, (yet more cackling) we existed on dead rodents when I was a li’l one – and we chowed down on a lot of gravel when there weren’t no rats around, I tells ya.”
Everyone else on the planet: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ….
May 22, 2022 8:06 pm
For amusement this is what we are against. Cardi’s exchange with a Getup type from dash-cat. LOL:
I leave it for perusal and am outta here for the night. Sleep beckons when wake up time is 0445h in morning.
Ed Case
May 22, 2022 8:06 pm
Wait for the squealing to start. There will be different tears form the townsfolk then.
Bilo doesn’t want them.
The problem is that the Meatworks is the only employer in town, so if someone or everyone puts their head up, voila, no job/no meatworks.
John Hewson, former Liberal leader, was once a houso from Welfare Street, Beverley Hills, NSW.
Which proves my point about the modern party. He is not in the Liberal Party any more, it moved away from him and towards the right many years ago. You lot would shiv him in the street if you saw him.
The Liberals can go in many directions from here, but becoming a party of the working class is not among their viable options. Unless they want to become something else entirely which… sure, go ahead, see if that works.
May 22, 2022 8:10 pm
Come on now Monty what exactly is a ‘houso’ you insufferable snob.
I can probably help you out there having been raised in a small 11 square, 3 bedroom weatherboard housing commission house in Mayfield Tasmania in the 1950’s. There were 7 of us and we needed bunks because there wasn’t enough floor space in the bedrooms for everyone to have a bed. We had an outside toilet with the can collected once a week, there was no insulation and no heating except a fireplace in one room. There were no built in robes or shower. No reticulated water supply and only one small corrugated iron water tank… the roads were gravel without gutters and all waste water passed through a grease trap. An iceman delivered a block of ice twice a week for our ice box and the pig man collected our waste organic matter for his pigs. There was no other rubbish collection.
I believe that is pretty close to what a ‘houso’ is…
“Guess where all the soon to be incoming Sri Lankan illegal immigrants can be housed? It begins with ‘B’ and ends in ‘a’.”
I have some better and more salubrious ideas for lodging them….they’ll love it, the first one begins with “W” and ends in a “a”, second begins with “W” and ends in “h” and the third one begins with “K” and ends with “g”.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 8:14 pm
IIRC he walked out on her & the kids on Christmas Day.
That was my recollection, yes.
Sancho Panzer
May 22, 2022 8:16 pm
they’ll love it, the first one begins with “W” and ends in a “a”,
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 8:18 pm
May 22, 2022 8:18 pm
You lot would shiv him in the street if you saw him.
I shivved him in ‘93.
You are barking up the wrong tree if you think the majority of us are in mourning. Your imaginations of “the working class” are outdated. No one stands at unfenced loom or coalface any more. That’s been outsourced to the third world.
Sancho Panzer
May 22, 2022 8:19 pm
May 22, 2022 at 8:07 pm
What was the task you wanted to assign to myself and KD earlier today?
Trying to sell “Conservatism” to a less than gruntled electorate
I am working through them one by one.
As they say on the diet pill packets, “individual results may vary”.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 22, 2022 8:20 pm
I believe that is pretty close to what a ‘houso’ is…
It was, back in the day, Digger. Less so now ..
Now it’s more like a drug-addled urbanite in a high rise grifting along on the bones of his/her arse.
“You lot would shiv him in the street if you saw him.”
My God you’re an adolescent.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 22, 2022 8:26 pm
Rabzie, I am not kidding about deprivations in my yoof, a long time ago now.
Have a chat to Hairy sometime for confirmations of that. Plenty of my generation will also know what Digger and I experienced and have been there themselves. In us, I think it was character-building, although not without its damages. These days, there’s simply a huge amount of underclass learned helplessness and welfare-dependence.
You lot would shiv him in the street if you saw him.
No. I’d ask him about his PhD, if he and Keating were at each other’s throats or the wit in Parliament was banter, if he regretted giving up on being a rich banker to run for PM and about monetary policy.
He’d be an interesting person to have a beer with, even though he has diverged from my ideology as he got older.
If the Libs really want to become the party of Menzies’ forgotten people again, they will have to take more than a few leaves out of the Howard playbook with increased taxes to fund handouts for the middle class. Which you lot will hate, of course. There is not much crossover between tradies and ideological conservatism. They will vote with their wallets, so you’d better be prepared to tell the IPA and Steve Kates to go shove it.
Who better to advise about the culture of tradies and housos than the operator (Kulak) of a fantasy football site?
monty you don’t realise how poor some of our parents and grandparents were.
Explain how massive amounts of debt, shrinking civil liberties & increasing regulation (and carbon targets without nukes) is similarly going to help others rise out of poverty.
If Albanese could actually tackle these and housing affordability (along with the utterly incompetent at best, corrupt at worst military procurement), he might be an excellent Prime Minister.
The major party vote has gone down to about 75%, maybe with informal votes and turnout, it is less than 70%.
“Ooh, we won…”
Once major party primary voting drops to 65%, they really don’t have a mandate to do anything other than to act as temporary administrators and restore sensible economic policy and civil liberties like in the late 1990s when all they had to worry about was Pauline and Bob Brown.
The policies of the major parties have destroyed 800+ years of civil liberties and made housing unaffordable (849 k for a brick 3 bedder in Penrith!).
Factor in informal and non voting electors and any government now has about 3/5 of the electorate against them.
Dot, you faff on endlessly about civil liberties but the LDP and the other “freedom” parties did bugger all in this election, and have been rightfully consigned to the footnotes of history.
You just don’t get it.
May 22, 2022 8:49 pm
I know someone that grew up in the sixties, family of nine in an 11 square three bedroom house, outside toilet, only heater in the lounge, etc.
Though they had a shower and water.
Not housing commission, privately owned but not uncommon. Post war restrictions kept most house builds that way, two bedrooms if your children were the same sex, three if you had a boy and a girl, bad luck about extras.
My house was built in ’54 and was much the same model, though it’s had a couple of extensions and other little luxuries since then.
Point being not a huge difference between public and (new) private housing back then.
Think also of the war widow estates in places like Heidelberg and Ashburton.
I think the houso narrative is pretty thin.
Timothy Neilson
May 22, 2022 8:51 pm
May 22, 2022 at 8:45 pm
Dot, you faff on endlessly about civil liberties but the LDP and the other “freedom” parties did bugger all in this election, and have been rightfully consigned to the footnotes of history.
You just don’t get it.
That’s absolutely correct m0nty!
Come on, give us a chorus of “Tomorrow Belongs to Me”!
Knuckle Dragger
May 22, 2022 8:51 pm
Skah News:
Kristina Keneally has conceded defeat to independent Dai Le in the Western Sydney seat of Fowler.
The former Shadow Home Affairs Minister wished Ms Le well and congratulated Anthony Albanese on his victory. “At the end of today, it seems that Labor will not claim victory in Fowler,” she said on Twitter.
The party will just fold after we all die from mass fainting on our fainting couches.
You don’t care about civil liberties. That’s evil, monty.
Old heads in the ALP care about it and they will always have my respect and support in this regard.
Knuckle Dragger
May 22, 2022 8:53 pm
You don’t care about civil liberties.
Correct. I remember mUnted getting the coof, then telling everyone he was dying and then insisting the rest of the country follow him to the grave.
Boambee John
May 22, 2022 8:53 pm
Your ‘housos’ tend to be a breed apart (and I knew a few when I lived that side of town) and incidentally most obvious commission residents these days are migrants, Vietnamese still in Richmond, with quite a few Africans there too, in Fitzroy, Flemington, people from the middle east in Williamstown etc.
Many of those migrant groups are religious and socially conservative. Trans/LGB issues put them off.
PS, munty might not be aware that the NewCat has its resident “houso”, shatterzzz. munty is a social snob.
Boambee John
May 22, 2022 8:55 pm
May 22, 2022 at 7:18 pm
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso.
ROFLMAO! munty believes the AnAl fairy story. He probably also believed that KRudd spent his teenage years living in a VW Beetle.
May 22, 2022 at 8:40 pm
My God you’re an adolescent.
And you’re a Church Lady.”
No grub, I’m not a church lady. I go to a synagogue. As I wrote above, you’re an adolescent, a very tedious one at that.
Sancho Panzer
May 22, 2022 8:57 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 22, 2022 at 8:28 pm
It is not a fraud on the UAP ladeeeee.
Particularly as it was the bloke winning by several postcodes who called it in.
Yeah, a miscalculation by the AEC guy but quickly corrected.
Mainly because everyone involved knew they would be back again Monday to re-start the whole thing all over again if they didn’t fix it there and then.
But the usual suspects think they are re-living the Trump steal.
I have been to heaps of race meetings over the years.
But I have never seen a stewards protest fifth against first, with fifth finishing thirty lengths back.
And with the protest being lodged by a disgruntled punter … in the key of Gee, accompanied by guitar.
monty now thinks a workers party shouldn’t care about civil liberties.
monty, you may have to punch yourself soon. This isn’t the party you are looking for.
Boambee John
May 22, 2022 9:01 pm
If you want to know how the Liberal Party should approach the next election, you can get a good idea by collating all of munty’s diatribes from yesterday and today, and then doing the opposite.
Which proves my point about the modern party. He is not in the Liberal Party any more, it moved away from him and towards the right many years ago.
Hysterical fantasy.
The current day Liberal Party is to the left of the KRudd/Gillard governments.
Boambee John
May 22, 2022 9:10 pm
Scotty put the Bulldozer into second gear anyway and 18 of his mates are heading to Centerlink as a result.
When you were assuring us that “Scotty” was playing everyone like a Stradivarius, you forgot that it is the player, not the instrument, who has the greatest influence on the result. Scotty could make a Strad sound as if the strings should still be in the cat.
Albo however is a very petty nasty man. I worked with someone who knew him in young Labor, IMO we aint seen nothing yet.
Some of us remember Albo’s “smash her!”, directed towards Sussan Ley.
There is no way known a conservative would have got away with that.
I couldn’t believe my ears several years ago when Steve Price and Andrew Bolt agreed that Albo is “a good bloke” on the radio.
Keneally has conceded defeat to independent Dai Le in the Western Sydney seat of Fowler
Yo. Speaking of taking victories where we find them, thanks, eggles … 🙂
May 22, 2022 9:33 pm
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso.dero
May 22, 2022 9:33 pm
Some of us remember Albo’s “smash her!”, directed towards Sussan Ley.
IIRC Albo first came to prominence in NSW State politics, often on ABC’s 2BL Sydney radio, when he was championing the rights of Rail wukkas against the likes of the eebil David Hill.
I believe that is pretty close to what a ‘houso’ is…
I raised four kids as a single Dad in a, in the beginning, brand new 4 bedroom house, big back garden & next door to a shopping centre, schools within walking distance and Fairfield Hospital 700 mts away,a plod shop 500mts away … a “houso’ dream estate all new …….. BUT …….
Problems started when the NSW gummint decided the drug trade in Cabramatta was hurting their image sooooo, “Let’s mooove ’em on, out of sight out of media mind ” was the cry from MacQuarrie Street.
Unfortunately, the plod idea of mooovin’ on was to simply push it out of media spotlight not clean it up ..
Soooooo this 69 abode estate with no private housing or business but a fairly large & neglected grassed area (masquerading as a”park” for gummint & Council purposes) became home to several of the bigger of the drug operations .. 24/7 service and plod, Council & Housing staff (Bonnyrigg office) all bought & paid for ensured unhindered enterprise within a year and for the next 15 or so this estate went from resembling Camperdown “houso” gentility to a drug sodden hell-hole .. everyone lived in fear and your kids were , virtual, house prisoners outside of school .. the only law was the drug dealers and there was no one appealto because you couldn’t trust anyone and, in reality, no one outside cared ..
Hard to believe that for a substantial period our local State member was NSW Housing minister as well and his, then, office manager has been sitting in Federal Parliament since 2003 both if not directly involved in the bribery were well aware of what was going but preferred to turn a “Nelson’s” eye and concentrate on their political careers .. one hoped to be “king” and the other had the promise of the local Fed seat waiting in the wings …
This was just one small “houso” estate nowhere near the scale of Villawood, Bonnyrigg, Green Valley, Mt Druitt, ect .. but our drug problem was on par, if not bigger and being in such a small enclosed area far easier for absolute control ..
unless you experience living with the misery and fear in a 24/7 drug controlled environment you have no real idea of what life in a “houso” estate can be like ..
and NSW Housing still charging you rent for the “privilege of being terrorized”
“Everybody told me it was Mount Everest,” she told Sky News Australia on Sunday night.
“I didn’t think I could take the big giant down. Especially the big giant machinery of the Labor Party.
“I felt I had to do it.
“A lot of the voters who came and voted have expressed they were insulted that the Labor Party would parachute someone from the Northern Beaches into our South West.
“It was a slap in to face to them.”
Keneally copped a M0ntyesque rake to the face, looking at the after photos.
In 1947-48 my mum met a woman in hospital who became a lifetime friend.
She was living at the time at Herne Bay housing settlement having come out here from U.K. in ’47 with her husband and two young girls. They lived there for over two years before being offered a housing commission house at West Ryde. The girls were ecstatic with having a bedroom (there were three girls by the time of the offer). No bedrooms in those old army huts at Herne Bay, just some petitioning was all they offered.
The family went on to be successful in all their endeavours. Father a successful businessman and 4 of their 6 children obtained uni degrees, with two girls becoming trained nurses.
Bryan Brown, actor, lived in a similar housing settlement at Bradfield Park.
Any idea what the age breakdown of Teal supporters is?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 10:09 pm
No bedrooms in those old army huts at Herne Bay, just some petitioning was all they offered.
Mme Zulu (H/T Joanna) tells the story about her family emigrating from the Netherlands in the 1950’s. Her father and brothers were sent to work on a farm, while she, her mother and sister were accommodated in a Nissan hut at a local Army camp. As you say, no bedrooms, just some partitioning was all that was offered.
What we want, what we really, really really want is a breakdown of voter turnout, informal, non enrolments and first preferences by State for the Senate and in aggregate for the Senate.
Monty -8.09 pm – disagree – migrants from middle Europe – those countries that the ALP laugh at who were as you say. Working class , father ended up a cleaner to get us through and mum worked at a canteen , cleaner for elderly lady. Father all was lib – the horror of communism , mother mainly Lib but swung – did not like Death to German sentiments.
Never thought about class growing up did not understand it and still don’t.
Everyone thought were middle upper middle. This was the impression I any sister must have given off – the state school so called battlers gave it to me. The country kids were great.
This talk is so out of date.
When Goff was sacked, I used to shit my daks walking home in a Catholic school uniform and have a bastard bolt for a father .
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 10:19 pm
What’s a bed?
“Used to live in hole in middle of the road, we did..”
BTW there was no toilet or bathroom facilities in those old army huts.
There were toilet blocks with cold showers and toilets.
Our friends had quite a distance to walk to the nearest block. A potty under the bed was all they had in inclement weather.
The rent was I believe quite low in comparison to a house.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 10:25 pm
Anthony Albanese vows to ’get down to business’
Anthony Albanese says he will ‘get down to business’ when he returns to Australia on Wednesday. Picture: Getty Images
Anthony Albanese says he will ‘get down to business’ when he returns to Australia on Wednesday. Picture: Getty Images
Geoff Chambers
Chief Political Correspondent
10 minutes ago May 22, 2022
No Comments
Anthony Albanese will be sworn in as prime minister on Monday, pledging to implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full and take tougher action on climate change as Labor takes power for the first time in nine years.
Mr Albanese, who will fly to Tokyo with Penny Wong on Monday for the Quad leaders’ summit with US, Indian and Japanese leaders, promised to “get down to business’’ on Labor’s policy agenda when he returned on Wednesday
Doesn’t the “Uluru Statement from the Heart” call for recognition of the “First Nations” in the Constitution, and isn’t there the little matter of requiring any alterations to the Constitution needing to be passed at referendum?
Dot, you faff on endlessly about civil liberties but the LDP and the other “freedom” parties did bugger all in this election, and have been rightfully consigned to the footnotes of history.
You just don’t get it.
“Rightfully consigned”. So freedom is of no value to you? Or is it just other people’s freedom that doesn’t matter?
vlad redux
May 22, 2022 10:38 pm
Doesn’t the “Uluru Statement from the Heart” call for recognition of the “First Nations” in the Constitution, and isn’t there the little matter of requiring any alterations to the Constitution needing to be passed at referendum?
Quite so, Zulu.
And it would have to be a proper referendum, not one of those SSM-type plebiscites – and would require considerably more than 33.34% of the electorate’s support.
vlad redux
May 22, 2022 10:40 pm
I meant 32.8%. I was looking at the last election’s figures! 33.34% – those were the days.
May 22, 2022 10:41 pm
How many years have we got of Albo and the ALP rooting Australia and munty cheering about it?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 10:45 pm
And it would have to be a proper referendum, not one of those SSM-type plebiscites – and would require considerably more than 33.34% of the electorate’s support
“A majority of voters in a majority of the States.” Bring it on, and, if a majority of voters in a majority of States support such Constitutional recognition, well, we live in a democracy.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 22, 2022 10:49 pm
How many years have we got of Albo and the ALP rooting Australia
Dunno about the ALP, but I give Albo six months before Tanya Plibersek wields the big knife.
May 22, 2022 11:00 pm
Dunno about the ALP, but I give Albo six months before Tanya Plibersek wields the big knife.
I thought they would bring her out before the polls. I realised that she didn’t have the depth to be PM. Not that Albo does. I just thought she’d be more appealing to the wider public.
H B Bear
May 22, 2022 11:11 pm
Dunno about the ALP, but I give Albo six months before Tanya Plibersek wields the big knife.
KRuddy’s rules (adopted by the Lieborals) means there is virtually no chance of that.
H B Bear
May 22, 2022 11:16 pm
And it would have to be a proper referendum, not one of those SSM-type plebiscites – and would require considerably more than 33.34% of the electorate’s support
Which is why both sides of the UniParty have kicked it down the road for 20 years. ALPBC had Linda Burney on the 7pm News positively moist with anticipation. Albo’s first wedge?
May 22, 2022 11:25 pm
Did not realise that Eric Abetz lost out to a Lambie candidate.
May 22, 2022 11:28 pm
Janet A in the Oz has an article all about Morrisons women problems. Can’t say I agree with her view. As always Chris Mitchell has a good take on things.
May 22, 2022 11:30 pm
Anthony Albanese vows to ’get down to business’
“Infastructure! Infastructure! Infastructure!”?
Albo’s speech impediment is no impediment to business?
May 22, 2022 11:33 pm
Janet A in the Oz has an article all about Morrisons women problems.
The dufus now cops it from the Rightwing handbag hit squad.
I wonder what C.L. thinks of Nigella at this point of time.
May 23, 2022 12:00 am
Has Piers Morgan given any commentary on the election? Not heard anything from him.
Seems to be getting zero traction in Oz.
May 23, 2022 1:26 am
Dot ,
Lot’s of thanks for the US energy piece. I never really thought the gas disparity between the US and Europe was $8 in the US vs $35 in Europe. Jeez lord.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 23, 2022 3:17 am
err, Lizzie – the last time I checked, you were not running for public office. ?
True, Rabz. I’ve never felt the call to High Public Office. lol.
And M0nts, that was a fine piece of Democrat nonsense you put up with ‘Church Lady’, better humour than most of their stuff but still feebly reliant on Trumpism. Why you even remotely thought it applied to Cassie I simply can’t fathom. For a start, Cassie is Jewish, which writes her off script there immediately.
Me now. Yep, call me Church Lady if you wish for I have just been to church, terrible agnostic and merely cultural Christian that I am: a choral sung Sunday Evensong at Lincoln Cathedral. It was lovely. Hairy wouldn’t come, old chorister that he is, because he was cross with me for doing some laying down of the law, cancelling our road trip today, and also because he thought they would preach a woke sermon at him. The latter, yes, a bit, but phrased in terms of making ‘ethical decisions’ in line with the teachings of Jesus. That’s ok by me, as long as I make my own decisions about what is ethical and consider the unintended consequences of my actions rather take on board the unconsidered ‘woke’ ethics of others.
I had to lay down the law about the slow puncture in our front tyre, which this hired SUV keeps notifying us about and which for days now Hairy has kept on feeding the air-check machine pound coins to add more air. This is dangerous, say I on the third time it is still leaking, as he starts to head us out today on another of our road trips, because the pressure has fallen in a day from 31 to 24; we have to get it fixed and I am not driving anywhere till it is because I value my life. Pfft, says he, but sometimes I stand my ground. We turned around at the shops where I replaced my lost make-up, before which he kept asking why it took me so long still to make-up my face without make-up. I am experimenting with temporary emergencies supplies, I told him, not expecting him to understand. You can do a lot with a carefully shaded eyebrow pencil stump I found in the bottom of my suitcase and a forgotten lip pencil, but it takes time and care.
We are having one of those male vs female marital days.
So I went to Church (why miss Lincoln Cathedral at its best ?) and he has now gone to the pub to watch some football and nurse a beer in better company than mine. He’s still annoyed at me cancelling his plans for the day. Safety first, says Nanny Lizzie. Church Lady indeed.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 23, 2022 3:18 am
aargh. Blockquote fail. You know what to do. Reverse, or simply scroll the lot.
Except for M0nty, who needs to be disciplined.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 23, 2022 3:22 am
ooh. Wrong thread too. This is election nite thread. Apologies.
I am very upside down and inside out on this side of the world.
I feel sorry for you poor buggers.
Our house had 7 bedrooms, 3 dormitories, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen the size of a squash court and a dining room the size of a tennis court.
Unfortunately, we had to share with 36 other kids + transients, 6 Staff, and a groundsman.
And we got three feeds a day.
Looxury, I tells ya!
You think prices are crazy? Check this out – Caves Beach >$1.5 Million.
You’d have to demolish it and restart with an empty block.
Nice views – if you can build 7 stories.
Watch them try to put Mandatory Infrastructure Bonds into law, funded by a ?10%? levy on the Future Fund and the Superannuation Funds.
Then watch people try to withdraw their Super because they’ve worked out what’s going to happen – 10% this year, 5% next year + 5% increments till it’s all gone.
And then the Super Funds will get looted by the owners trying to buy property/Gold/Grand father clocks / postage stamps/artworks/ all sorts of shit that will have value.
Then the gubberment will refuse withdrawals from the ‘National Superannuation Fund’ owned by All Australians.
It’s money and influence, and the uniparty cannot resist the temptation – like the scorpion and the frog – “It’s in my nature.”
There will be harsh words for you on your return to Civilisation Downunda for not marking that sentence a hazard to the Cat Collective Libido.
Ed Case
May 23, 2022 5:21 am
Knuckle Dragger dissembles:
Yeah, a miscalculation by the AEC guy but quickly corrected.
How would you know that?
The ABC was quoting the 2cp between Pitt and Dempsey at 11pm, long after all the casuals had been sent home and only the RO and the Deputy were left at the Booth.
Mainly because everyone involved knew they would be back again Monday to re-start the whole thing all over again if they didn’t fix it there and then.
More bullshit.
There are 50 odd Booths in Hinkler, Jason Scanes votes were already tallied, it was just a matter of allocating Dempsey’s preferences between Scanes and Pitt, which might take 15 minutes between 2 people.
Knuckle Dragger
May 23, 2022 6:25 am
Knuckle Dragger dissembles:
Ed – I realise you haven’t taken your pills yet, but your wrongness is directed at the wrong bloke.
“11pm, long after all the casuals had been sent home and only the RO and the Deputy were left at the Booth.”
Odd how someone knows everything about everywhere.
When I voted the casual ruling the names off was complaining she was working til 11 and wanted a break.
May 23, 2022 8:12 am
I wonder what C.L. thinks of Nigella at this point of time.
I’d give her a pass on that, P.
Would enjoy trying to convince her otherwise.
Good to see there’s some meat back on her bones.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 23, 2022 8:44 am
Congratulations to the magnificent Senator-elect Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Albo’s constant pathetic whinging about his upbringing reminds me of an old Monty Python sketch.
May 23, 2022 1:01 pm
More bullshit.
There are 50 odd Booths in Hinkler, Jason Scanes votes were already tallied, it was just a matter of allocating Dempsey’s preferences between Scanes and Pitt, which might take 15 minutes between 2 people.
The AEC gives the PPM an envelope containing the names of the 2 candidates whose preferences are to be counted which is only opened after the polls close. Should the AEC pick the wrong 2 candidates there is no mechanism for changing this – in fact in a booth, a proper distribution of preferences is not made. We get the comparisons and go through everybody elses ballots and just tally the lower number for those 2. The scrutineers are still there and the cartons contains the counted ballots are sealed in their presence. They are not, under any circumstance to be opened again until the real count (which includes the postal and Dec’s) takes place over the 2 weeks starting today.
Oh come on
May 23, 2022 2:03 pm
The 59-year-old became only the fourth Labor leader to win government from opposition since World War II behind Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Kevin Rudd
I keep seeing variations of this dumb factoid. It sounds like some remarkably rare event, but when Abbott knocked off Rudd, he became ‘only the fourth Liberal leader to win government from opposition since WWII’. Big woop.
May 23, 2022 2:28 pm
Watch them try to put Mandatory Infrastructure Bonds into law, funded by a ?10%? levy on the Future Fund and the Superannuation Funds.
To be fair – Abbott, then Trumble stole Elbo’s ‘Infastructure” playbook.
Our Glad in NSW just rolled stuff out without the fanfare.
What’s the bet said “Infastructure” will ALL be pork barrelling?
May 23, 2022 2:33 pm
The 59-year-old became only the fourth Labor leader to win government from opposition
Scummo’s and Elbo’s “wins” were both Stephen Bradbury events.
H B Bear
May 23, 2022 2:41 pm
Groogs, your wrongology truly knows no bounds. You are a polymath of wrongology. I am in awe.
May 23, 2022 3:31 pm
Groogs, your wrongology truly knows no bounds. You are a polymath of wrongology. I am in awe.
In the parallel Clown Universe, Grigs and M0ntifa are always right.
May 23, 2022 4:17 pm
Once again, per that murderous old Georgian psychopath:
“It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes”.
Ed Case
May 23, 2022 5:06 pm
The AEC gives the PPM an envelope containing the names of the 2 candidates whose preferences are to be counted which is only opened after the polls close.
It happens exactly as i said last night.
Should the AEC pick the wrong 2 candidates there is no mechanism for changing this
More rubbish.
Pitt and Dempsey were the 2 whose preferences weren’t distributed as late as 11pm saturday night, then, Voila, by sunday Morning it’s Pitt and Scanes.
No fucking way in the world were any scrutineers left at any of the Booths when that redistribution happened.
– in fact in a booth, a proper distribution of preferences is not made. We get the comparisons and go through everybody elses ballots and just tally the lower number for those 2.
It’s called the 2 Candidate preferred count and it’s actually the most accurate count.
The scrutineers are still there and the cartons contains the counted ballots are sealed in their presence.
If there are any scrutineers still left at the Booth, yeah, but if not, they’re still sealed.
They are not, under any circumstance to be opened again until the real count (which includes the postal and Dec’s) takes place over the 2 weeks starting today.
Well, they fucking were in Hinkler, smartArse.
Ed Case
May 23, 2022 5:15 pm
The AEC gives the PPM an envelope containing the names of the 2 candidates whose preferences are to be counted which is only opened after the polls close.
The PPM?
Look, granddad, the officials at the Booth are known as the Returning Officer [RO] and the Deputy RO.
The Returning Officer for the Division is called the Divisional Returning Officer.
Again, here’s the procedure in the 21st Century:
The preliminary count of the candidates votes are completed, the RO[s] reports the Booth Counts to the DRO, at some later point the DRO will instruct the Returning Officer[s] which 2 candidates should be allocated preferences from all other candidates
I’m not advocating for them; I’m saying this is who they have to work with.
I made that distinction myself in an earlier comment. Mt Druitt, where I came from, is full of housos and Ed Husic gets 50%+ on PRIMARY vote. Nearby Penrith, OTOH, is in the seat of Lindsay. This includes housing estates such as Glenmore Park. They presently swing Lib.
At any rate, both regions are what you would sneeringly call bogan. But that’s not the point. The point is that Libs don’t need to pander to the Greens in the inner city suburbs. Especially as tradcon families are pusheds to the outer suburbs, being single income.
Talking to a tradie mate today, he’s seriously considering winding his business right back to only just doing enough to pay expenses to live. Doesn’t reckon there’s any reason to invest time and effort into expanding, getting a factory somewhere etc.
Reckons with all the crap Albo has spruiked so far, he’s better off more or less sitting on his arse, let alone if the greens push through something like their $88/day increase in centerlink payments.
We will see, but he’s pretty bleak on it so far.
Not many of those these days, are there.
.1 Shut them down
.2 HOP Time them all
After yesterday, there are no other options.
Tradies are not poor, not once out of their apprenticeships.
You don’t have a clue.
What handouts for the middle class do you think the middle class ie you, get, Monty?
Isn’t Labor going give money child care money to the upper
My youngest son and his mates are all tradies, and quite a few of them went to non government schools but have chosen to work with their hands rather than sit in front of a computer all day after doing useless arts degrees at third rate universities.
Your ‘housos’ tend to be a breed apart (and I knew a few when I lived that side of town) and incidentally most obvious commission residents these days are migrants, Vietnamese still in Richmond, with quite a few Africans there too, in Fitzroy, Flemington, people from the middle east in Williamstown etc.
Hinkler news, in the uncovered-up Courier-Mail:
This would explain why Dempsey has 11000+ primary votes, as opposed to Pitt’s 37000+, as well as the 13.2+’swing’ to Dempsey. He’d never run before, so any vote is a positive swing to him.
The Labor bloke is Pitt’s closest opposition with 20000+ votes.
The UAP ladeeeeee candidate has 6000-odd.
Why did they fix one electorate for the LNP but allow teals and ALP to run rampant elsewhere?
Keep Labor from getting to 76?
I’d like to know the breakdown of Jack Dempsey’s preferences between Keith Pitt and Jason Scanes for the ALP.
And what time of night it was decided to open up Dempsey’s 1s and allocate them between Pitt and Scanes.
Dempsey ran as a protest candidate against Pitt, so if his voters were disciplined, Pitt shouldna got more than 500 of the 10,000.
Treat it as an assumption Rosie, the Feds weren’t subjected to a mandate, but some would have done so voluntarily. The assumption also precludes that some of the 18 won’t be looking for employment, for example some will have adequate retirement savings or self employment prospects.
The point I was making was that medical conscription should not exist, or if it does, it should apply equally to everyone, Federal parliamentarians included.
Ooh, suddenly even that old strumpet Prue McSween is now advocating for nuclear power. What a difference a day makes, and a spectacular electoral loss. Now she advises the Libs to go conservative and to abandon tokenism for the sake of optics. We all knew that but were not as smart as Prue.
The other Chris Smith panelist, Caroline Di Russo, had a wonderful expression of spraying vaginas on everything to gain legitimacy no longer being relevant or necessary.
Forced not to be dual income to buy a house. If people both want to work that’s great, but there’s a lot who don’t – and so that factors again into housing policy.
ALPBC nooze this morning: “A newly elected gliberal imbecile has stated that the party needs to learn the lessons of last night and appoint more wymminzes to parliamentary positions”.
The wrong lessons, being relearned (again).
Kroges, you are the problem, not the (imaginary) solution. 😡
You bang on Monty as though Liberals and Labor are poles apart on policy, and that ‘you lot’ are ardent liberal party supporters.
They aren’t, we aren’t.
We’ll see how much different Labor is when the boat(s) come in.
Along with the usual Montyesque confusion and misdirection, there’s an important nugget of truth here.
The metaphorical plumber’s crack and its human equivalent will always be with us. Traditionally, but not inevitably, that’s the province of the left.
The plumber himself — a yeoman of the middle-ish classes that keep the country running — is the natural constituent of (what ought to be) the liberal party.
The curse of both sides of politics is the Champagne Left and (in the US) the ‘Rockefeller Right’. That is, pampered, entitled soggyites skimming off the top and bottom alike, while giggling about it at each other’s soirees.
The plumber, the farmer, the shop owner, the ordinary working bloke . . . they have far more in common with each other than with the Albaneses and Morrisons of this world.
These days I’m willing to sacrifice a lot of my economic preferences, in favour of an ordinary-chaps alliance that would secure cultural / social / civilisational essentials.
The LibLab uniparty war-against-all is an artefact of the times, not a necessary political reality.
Watch this space.
with increased taxes to fund handouts for the middle class.
Monty one sentence later…
Which you lot will hate, of course. There is not much crossover between tradies and ideological conservatism. They will vote with their wallets
So they will vote with their wallets for higher taxes…..
You buffoon.
Yeah that’s the problem with Libs trying to become a working class party. Either they make the cash machine go brrrr with Howard-style handouts funded by taxes on their rich donors, or they crank up the racism which will lock them out of a lot of New Australian votes.
Abandoning the blue-ribbon safe seats for the Teals leaves them with a whole host of demographic problems. They have been green-wedged.
Once you see the number of telephone votes from the allegedly Covid Stricken, you’ll see how the fix was executed.
Hence the Lib disbelief at the teal vote, never mind that the teal-ites were recruiting school children (mainly girls, as boys are not as wedded to the climate cause) at the Elsternwick (Goldstein) Railway station last week to dial in and impersonate the Covidly stricken.
You are just a filthy smearing grub monty.
or they crank up the racism which will lock them out of a lot of New Australian votes.
The Spirit (Cooking) of Davros:
You will own nothing
You will exist in a pod
You will eat the bugs
You will be happy …
Or else.
There’s a ruddy sight better chance of the Liberals becoming a working class party than there is of Labor becoming a working class party.
A warning in an editorial from the UK Daily Telegraph . Too late for us.
If the Tories don’t return to conservatism, they’ll go
In this election, the Australian version of the “Blue Wall” crumbled as well as the Red – and that’s where the Tories are headed, too.
22 May 2022 • 6:00am
The defeat of the Liberal/National government in Australia is a wake-up call for the Tories, a reminder that they do not have a God-given right to rule and, if they cannot deliver for all sides of their coalition, will be on the path to defeat.
In an election that was partly about character, Scott Morrison was portrayed as a “bulldozer” who had exhausted the patience of voters. But Australia is also facing a very familiar cost of living crisis, with mounting bills, stagnant wages and crazy house prices – and its politics are realigning. When working-class voters first abandoned the Australian Labor Party, the death of traditional voting patterns seemed to favour Liberal/National – but now Mr Morrison’s side of the aisle is fracturing, too. The pendulum has swung towards a progressive coalition of Labor, Greens and, crucially, ex-Liberal environmentalists in affluent urban areas, chipping away at Mr Morrison’s traditional constituencies.
On the night, the Australian version of the “Blue Wall” crumbled as well as the Red – and that’s where the Tories are headed, too. It remains to be seen whether we might be in for an early demonstration of this on June 23 when the Conservatives will defend rural Tiverton and urban Wakefield in same-day by-elections. Any gains for the Lib Dems will be good, medium term, for Labour. Sir Keir Starmer’s party doesn’t need a 1997-style, across-the-board landslide to slither into office as head of an economically illiterate, woke coalition, which could even include the SNP. All it needs is the Tories to alienate their own base. Incredibly, Boris Johnson is doing just that.
The Tories have made a stab at challenging the woke advance in the culture wars, but why are our institutions still dominated by the Left? Why is the civil service seeking to erase women? They have failed to deregulate the economy after Brexit, are doing too little to tackle crime, have nothing to say about market-led economic growth and have yet to do anything meaningful to raise post-Covid standards in education. What seem to officials like bright ideas – actually foolish and outdated – are leapt on without philosophical foundation or consideration of the consequences, economic or political. There is a sensible way to address climate change through technology, but instead people are told they must fly less or Low Traffic Neighborhoods are imposed in suburbs. The cost of government failure is passed on to the voters, and done so with an air of Puritan smugness.
The notion that some clever trade-off in votes will win an election, punishing the Blue Wall to tempt the Red over to a Tory version of social democracy, is fantasy. And everyone will lose if the end result is a far-Left coalition determined to run Britain into the ground.
The idea that tradies, shop owners, farmers etc have more in common with each other than with ScoMo or Albo is true but so is the opposite where ScoMo and Albo have more in common with each other than tradies, shop owners and farmers. The problem is that both ScoMo and Albo recognised and made overtures to the same group of voters who were not tradies, shop owner, farmers etc.
Being the fat mop headed Morristeenesque imbecile that he is.
How or why the f*ck did we sit back and allow the most staggeringly stupid f*cking imbeciles to have existed in human history lord it over us as they have been? It needs to end. As of yesterday.
This. Is. War. 😡
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso. Can you imagine a person with his backstory ascending to leadership in the modern Liberal Party?
or they crank up the racism which will lock them out of a lot of New Australian votes.
Labor cranks up the Racist Hammond Organ and they’re good at playing the race card too.
Nevertheless, outreach to Africans, Indians and Chinese by the Liberal Party is wasted effort and resources, these people are from Labor dominated shitholes where corruption is as necessary as breathing.
do your own wiring do you ?
ALPBC nooze this morning: “A newly elected gliberal imbecile has stated that the party needs to learn the lessons of last night and appoint more wymminzes to parliamentary positions”.
Yeah, sure, because progressives love strong, conservative women.
That’s why they’re always trying to tear them down.
Albo is literally a houso. Can you imagine a person with his backstory ascending to leadership in the modern Liberal Party?
Is Albo really a Houso or the son of some well connected people?
His background story is full of holes, so it’s not really believable.
Albo is not working class.
He’s a houso.
Big difference.
My first real laugh for the day, Fleeced. Thanks.
I know some of the most expensively, and well educated “tradies” around.
Not struggling. Not “Bogans”. Not one.
I don’t believe the Teals recruiting girls for election campaigns is because boys are more impervious to climate change propaganda. I think they were recruited purely for optic purposes, eg pretty girls in t-shirts. The reason I can assert this is that last night I was at a family dinner where family members in their early twenties were present, both male and female, and they were all quite conservative and climate change skeptics. I was pleasantly surprised as I thought two in particular may have been green-inclined. There is hope for the younger generations.
As I said earlier, Labor no longer represents those once known as the wokkas.
What racism?
I have a reasonable expectation that social housing should be made available to those most in need, which generally speaking these days, is people we have invited to live here via our humanitarian visa program.
It is you who disparages those people as ‘housos’.
Not me.
In fact your fine line between tradies and ‘housos*’ is arrant nonsense.
Come on now Monty what exactly is a ‘houso’ you insufferable snob.
A distributed modular nuclear system
I’d be happy to have a couple of the 50Mw units put in here for testing the remote concept.
Add no charge for local users and watch the industry move in.
Spot on, Crossie. The question is whether we will pull our collective heads out and do something about it, or continue allowing the ScoLbo clique to roger us over and over again.
He’s a houso.
A privileged InnerCity Houso.
I would say possibly part of the Lumpenproletariat.
Is Ellery an Irish Traveler name?
Not since the days of Gough Whitlam.
Diane Lee still unsure if she’ll be an irrelevant sideshow (ALP to score 76+)
or if she’ll be needed by Labor & thus able to loot the taxpayer to fund free wifi for everybody in Fowler + every street in the electorate paved in marble with gold trim.
Albanese spent his entire school years in the Catholic education system.
Not quite Punchbowl Boys ‘houso’ authenticity.
Sancho Panzer:
I don’t know, but the question has now been asked and should be answered to the public’s satisfaction.
Or we end up with confidence in the voting system falling off a cliff as in the US.
John Hewson, former Liberal leader, was once a houso from Welfare Street, Beverley Hills, NSW.
Come on now Monty what exactly is a ‘houso’ you insufferable snob.
A waste of space who’ll always be a drain on society, plus they turn up for the future.
I watched Katherine Deves on Outsiders; she doesn’t seem like a woke ratbag who only makes sense on gender. At least she thinks tits are only on women.
Albo is as phony as a $2 watch and insincere to boot.
LOL, Albo is not a typical Houso. Housos don’t go to exclusive schools. In fact he had a benefactor being an uncle who owned a Printing Company. Latho let that cat out of the bag the other night. However I don’t hold that against him, one side of my family from Green Valley weren’t so lucky. I believe he should be honest about it that’s all as, believe it or not it wasn’t all that uncommon before the welfare state we now have.
Albo however is a very petty nasty man. I worked with someone who knew him in young Labor, IMO we aint seen nothing yet.
No and why the f*ck would you?
The ALP – deafeningly celebrating and thrusting mediocrities on an unwitting populace for the duration of its pointless existence.
Albansleazey has never done an honest day’s work in his lifetime.
Israel eyeing change of leadership cautiously:
Times of Israel
Albanese didn’t attend an exclusive school, he attended St Mary’s Cathedral School, adjacent to St Mary’s Cathedral. And my understanding is that it was his grandfather who ran the printing business. As for the housing commission story, so what, Latham grew up in housing commission and in much harder circumstances than Albanese.
John Hewson’s ex-missus was at the Barney shindig last night. She used to work with Mrs A at the bank. We had a quick chat. Lovely lady.
She paid his way through University by working hard at two jobs. As soon as he worked his way up the political ladder, he had an affair and pissed off.
Bloody houso.
Stand corrected on the benefactor Cassie, the rest pretty well my sentiments above.
“I watched Katherine Deves on Outsiders; she doesn’t seem like a woke ratbag who only makes sense on gender. At least she thinks tits are only on women.”
All correct, and Katherine’s opinions aren’t remotely “controversial”.
Where’s this “worst Coalition result since 1943” rot coming from?
Labor Headquarters?
There were 76 seats in 1943 and there was a 30 seat turnaround.
There’s 151 Seats in 2022 [twice as many], Coalition have maybe lost 16, Labor have picked up 7 at best.
Every time the Coalition gets kicked out, the pundits are falling over themselves to declare the poor old Liberal Party a goner.
I wouldn’t say Dutton is a certainty yet, the AEC can always say they’ve given 3,000 0f Josh’s to Ryan by mistake.
Theirs or ours?
KD at 6:52.
What we got here is a case of an AEC employee who was faced with a three way contest and jumped the wrong way in picking the two who would be left as preferences were rolled up.
I think the most methodical method of counting votes would be to do it exactly as a preferential system should work.
.1 Count all first preferences and tally them.
.2 Identify the candidate with the lowest number of votes and allocate their votes to their #2 preferences.
.3 Identify the next lowest level of votes (may not be the same as the second lowest candidate before the first allocation). Allocate their votes to their #2 preference. If their #2 has already been eliminated, go to their #3.
.4 Rinse and repeat until two heaps are left. Biggest heap wins.
This “bottom up” approach is more methodical but is slow. Too slow for a quick result before Barrie Cassidy has to have his Milo and go to bed. So they take a punt on the likely two highest voting candidates and start throwing votes from the others at those piles.
An approach which works OK where there are two obvious standouts, but is a bit fraught where it might be a 3-4 way contest particularly where support for different candidates may be variable across different booths.
One thing it is not.
It is not a fraud on the UAP ladeeeee.
Monty is a stereotypical affluent middle class type who thinks everyone, especially ‘you lot’ can be stuffed into one of the stereotype boxes of his progressive creation*.
Not quite faux western suburbs battler Labor royalty, that would require a pad in Williamstown but oh so close.
*Talk about living in the 1950s.
From memory, the lady wreaked a terrible revenge – accompanied by their children, she gave a “tell all” interview to “Sixty Minutes” in the buildup to the 1993 election.
Divine isn’t rocking into the Under 10s Netball change rooms anytime soon, Cassie.
Her schtick is a non issue, Scotty took the voters for fools and they saw thru it.
Matt Kean called it early on, but Scotty put the Bulldozer into second gear anyway and 18 of his mates are heading to Centerlink as a result.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
May 22, 2022 at 5:13 pm
Tamil family sheds ‘happy tears’ as Labor win paves path home to Biloela
Guess where all the soon to be incoming Sri Lankan illegal immigrants can be housed? It begins with ‘B’ and ends in ‘a’.
Wait for the squealing to start. There will be different tears form the townsfolk then.
Anyone who goes around loudly bragging about being destitute in their yoof, was not.
“Existed in a shoebox in middle of road, we did, chowing down on a handful of gravel for dinner and burning our Calvins at night to keep warm …”
Sacré bleu.
And who among us claimed the dogshit eating imbecile was, Eddles?
Oh, that’s right – your good self.
Every political quisling parasite to have blighted western “democracies” in my lifetime.
They just can’t help themselves.
What was the task you wanted to assign to myself and KD earlier today?
No shit, sherlock?
It’s also fucking stupid.
There are usually 50 odd Booths with an average of 1500 votes at each.
The 1 and 2 may differ substantially between Booths, so the procedure is for all Booths to report their first preference counts for the individual Candidates and the DRO to make the decision on which 2 will make the cut.
Last night the Hinkler DRO decided Jack Dempsey would make the cut, even though he had only half of what the ALP guy, Scanes had.
Given that the ALP has a superior Postal Vote game, why he made that decision is incomprehensible.
Armadillo says: May 22, 2022 at 7:47 pm
IIRC he walked out on her & the kids on Christmas Day.
Head Job Harris:
Cackling incoherently: “Well, you know, yo’all, (yet more cackling) we existed on dead rodents when I was a li’l one – and we chowed down on a lot of gravel when there weren’t no rats around, I tells ya.”
Everyone else on the planet: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ….
For amusement this is what we are against. Cardi’s exchange with a Getup type from dash-cat. LOL:
I leave it for perusal and am outta here for the night. Sleep beckons when wake up time is 0445h in morning.
Wait for the squealing to start. There will be different tears form the townsfolk then.
Bilo doesn’t want them.
The problem is that the Meatworks is the only employer in town, so if someone or everyone puts their head up, voila, no job/no meatworks.
Trying to sell “Conservatism” to a less than gruntled electorate.
You both know you want to.
Which proves my point about the modern party. He is not in the Liberal Party any more, it moved away from him and towards the right many years ago. You lot would shiv him in the street if you saw him.
The Liberals can go in many directions from here, but becoming a party of the working class is not among their viable options. Unless they want to become something else entirely which… sure, go ahead, see if that works.
Come on now Monty what exactly is a ‘houso’ you insufferable snob.
I can probably help you out there having been raised in a small 11 square, 3 bedroom weatherboard housing commission house in Mayfield Tasmania in the 1950’s. There were 7 of us and we needed bunks because there wasn’t enough floor space in the bedrooms for everyone to have a bed. We had an outside toilet with the can collected once a week, there was no insulation and no heating except a fireplace in one room. There were no built in robes or shower. No reticulated water supply and only one small corrugated iron water tank… the roads were gravel without gutters and all waste water passed through a grease trap. An iceman delivered a block of ice twice a week for our ice box and the pig man collected our waste organic matter for his pigs. There was no other rubbish collection.
I believe that is pretty close to what a ‘houso’ is…
“Guess where all the soon to be incoming Sri Lankan illegal immigrants can be housed? It begins with ‘B’ and ends in ‘a’.”
I have some better and more salubrious ideas for lodging them….they’ll love it, the first one begins with “W” and ends in a “a”, second begins with “W” and ends in “h” and the third one begins with “K” and ends with “g”.
That was my recollection, yes.
I shivved him in ‘93.
You are barking up the wrong tree if you think the majority of us are in mourning. Your imaginations of “the working class” are outdated. No one stands at unfenced loom or coalface any more. That’s been outsourced to the third world.
I am working through them one by one.
As they say on the diet pill packets, “individual results may vary”.
It was, back in the day, Digger. Less so now ..
Now it’s more like a drug-addled urbanite in a high rise grifting along on the bones of his/her arse.
Or Cupcakes, as seen here … 🙂
“You lot would shiv him in the street if you saw him.”
My God you’re an adolescent.
Rabzie, I am not kidding about deprivations in my yoof, a long time ago now.
Have a chat to Hairy sometime for confirmations of that. Plenty of my generation will also know what Digger and I experienced and have been there themselves. In us, I think it was character-building, although not without its damages. These days, there’s simply a huge amount of underclass learned helplessness and welfare-dependence.
err, Lizzie – the last time I checked, you were not running for public office. 🙂
Particularly as it was the bloke winning by several postcodes who called it in.
Wombata? 😕
I’ve got a fourth. Starts with ‘M’ and ends in ‘E’.
Rhymes with ‘Honty’s Mouse.’
No. I’d ask him about his PhD, if he and Keating were at each other’s throats or the wit in Parliament was banter, if he regretted giving up on being a rich banker to run for PM and about monetary policy.
He’d be an interesting person to have a beer with, even though he has diverged from my ideology as he got older.
It would get deep.
Layer cake deep.
The Gliberal pardee – it’s such a toxic entity that those engulfed by it don’t even realise they have been …
Until it’s too late, mate. 😕
And you’re a Church Lady.
If the Libs really want to become the party of Menzies’ forgotten people again, they will have to take more than a few leaves out of the Howard playbook with increased taxes to fund handouts for the middle class. Which you lot will hate, of course. There is not much crossover between tradies and ideological conservatism. They will vote with their wallets, so you’d better be prepared to tell the IPA and Steve Kates to go shove it.
Who better to advise about the culture of tradies and housos than the operator (Kulak) of a fantasy football site?
monty you don’t realise how poor some of our parents and grandparents were.
Explain how massive amounts of debt, shrinking civil liberties & increasing regulation (and carbon targets without nukes) is similarly going to help others rise out of poverty.
If Albanese could actually tackle these and housing affordability (along with the utterly incompetent at best, corrupt at worst military procurement), he might be an excellent Prime Minister.
The major party vote has gone down to about 75%, maybe with informal votes and turnout, it is less than 70%.
“Ooh, we won…”
Once major party primary voting drops to 65%, they really don’t have a mandate to do anything other than to act as temporary administrators and restore sensible economic policy and civil liberties like in the late 1990s when all they had to worry about was Pauline and Bob Brown.
The policies of the major parties have destroyed 800+ years of civil liberties and made housing unaffordable (849 k for a brick 3 bedder in Penrith!).
Factor in informal and non voting electors and any government now has about 3/5 of the electorate against them.
I would shave my head and get jacked on elk meat to interview John Hewson.
Dot, you faff on endlessly about civil liberties but the LDP and the other “freedom” parties did bugger all in this election, and have been rightfully consigned to the footnotes of history.
You just don’t get it.
I know someone that grew up in the sixties, family of nine in an 11 square three bedroom house, outside toilet, only heater in the lounge, etc.
Though they had a shower and water.
Not housing commission, privately owned but not uncommon. Post war restrictions kept most house builds that way, two bedrooms if your children were the same sex, three if you had a boy and a girl, bad luck about extras.
My house was built in ’54 and was much the same model, though it’s had a couple of extensions and other little luxuries since then.
Point being not a huge difference between public and (new) private housing back then.
Think also of the war widow estates in places like Heidelberg and Ashburton.
I think the houso narrative is pretty thin.
May 22, 2022 at 8:45 pm
Dot, you faff on endlessly about civil liberties but the LDP and the other “freedom” parties did bugger all in this election, and have been rightfully consigned to the footnotes of history.
You just don’t get it.
That’s absolutely correct m0nty!
Come on, give us a chorus of “Tomorrow Belongs to Me”!
Skah News:
Now fuck off back to Scotland (Island).
Yeah right monty.
The party will just fold after we all die from mass fainting on our fainting couches.
You don’t care about civil liberties. That’s evil, monty.
Old heads in the ALP care about it and they will always have my respect and support in this regard.
Correct. I remember mUnted getting the coof, then telling everyone he was dying and then insisting the rest of the country follow him to the grave.
Your ‘housos’ tend to be a breed apart (and I knew a few when I lived that side of town) and incidentally most obvious commission residents these days are migrants, Vietnamese still in Richmond, with quite a few Africans there too, in Fitzroy, Flemington, people from the middle east in Williamstown etc.
Many of those migrant groups are religious and socially conservative. Trans/LGB issues put them off.
PS, munty might not be aware that the NewCat has its resident “houso”, shatterzzz. munty is a social snob.
May 22, 2022 at 7:18 pm
It is funny that you lot are trying to convince yourselves that the right can appeal to the working classes when Albo is literally a houso.
ROFLMAO! munty believes the AnAl fairy story. He probably also believed that KRudd spent his teenage years living in a VW Beetle.
Old heads in the ALP used to belong to the DLP. That’s the natural home of a lot of Cats.
May 22, 2022 at 8:40 pm
My God you’re an adolescent.
And you’re a Church Lady.”
No grub, I’m not a church lady. I go to a synagogue. As I wrote above, you’re an adolescent, a very tedious one at that.
Yeah, a miscalculation by the AEC guy but quickly corrected.
Mainly because everyone involved knew they would be back again Monday to re-start the whole thing all over again if they didn’t fix it there and then.
But the usual suspects think they are re-living the Trump steal.
I have been to heaps of race meetings over the years.
But I have never seen a stewards protest fifth against first, with fifth finishing thirty lengths back.
And with the protest being lodged by a disgruntled punter … in the key of Gee, accompanied by guitar.
This is a very good thang.
Illegitimacy. 🙂
monty now thinks a workers party shouldn’t care about civil liberties.
monty, you may have to punch yourself soon. This isn’t the party you are looking for.
If you want to know how the Liberal Party should approach the next election, you can get a good idea by collating all of munty’s diatribes from yesterday and today, and then doing the opposite.
Add in nuclear power and you’re set to go,
Hysterical fantasy.
The current day Liberal Party is to the left of the KRudd/Gillard governments.
Scotty put the Bulldozer into second gear anyway and 18 of his mates are heading to Centerlink as a result.
When you were assuring us that “Scotty” was playing everyone like a Stradivarius, you forgot that it is the player, not the instrument, who has the greatest influence on the result. Scotty could make a Strad sound as if the strings should still be in the cat.
Pink and Bleu …
We’re all just baybees …
Some of us remember Albo’s “smash her!”, directed towards Sussan Ley.
There is no way known a conservative would have got away with that.
I couldn’t believe my ears several years ago when Steve Price and Andrew Bolt agreed that Albo is “a good bloke” on the radio.
Speaking of Baybees:
You’re out of time … 🙂
Unless they want to become something else entirely which… sure, go ahead, see if that works.
You mean like the Liars, now the party of the inner-city, tertiary credentialled (but not educated), taxpayer funded upper middle-class?
Imagine the strain on the PC mask as she conceded defeat to such a lesser mortal.
A one-eyed Trans Injun fella in a wheelchair would’ve been the icing on the cake!
M0ntifa and his transparent contempt for tradies is exquisite self-parody.
Has he been checked for Monkey Pox?
Is there a rake swarm just around the corner?
We fade to soviet grey …
The goil has moves. She was a professional dancer back in the day, not a singer.
But hey, who cares … 🙂
We take those victories where we find them, Cats.
Yo. Speaking of taking victories where we find them, thanks, eggles … 🙂
IIRC Albo first came to prominence in NSW State politics, often on ABC’s 2BL Sydney radio, when he was championing the rights of Rail wukkas against the likes of the eebil David Hill.
Correct, M0ntifa?
He’s a working class man!
I believe that is pretty close to what a ‘houso’ is…
I raised four kids as a single Dad in a, in the beginning, brand new 4 bedroom house, big back garden & next door to a shopping centre, schools within walking distance and Fairfield Hospital 700 mts away,a plod shop 500mts away … a “houso’ dream estate all new …….. BUT …….
Problems started when the NSW gummint decided the drug trade in Cabramatta was hurting their image sooooo, “Let’s mooove ’em on, out of sight out of media mind ” was the cry from MacQuarrie Street.
Unfortunately, the plod idea of mooovin’ on was to simply push it out of media spotlight not clean it up ..
Soooooo this 69 abode estate with no private housing or business but a fairly large & neglected grassed area (masquerading as a”park” for gummint & Council purposes) became home to several of the bigger of the drug operations .. 24/7 service and plod, Council & Housing staff (Bonnyrigg office) all bought & paid for ensured unhindered enterprise within a year and for the next 15 or so this estate went from resembling Camperdown “houso” gentility to a drug sodden hell-hole .. everyone lived in fear and your kids were , virtual, house prisoners outside of school .. the only law was the drug dealers and there was no one appealto because you couldn’t trust anyone and, in reality, no one outside cared ..
Hard to believe that for a substantial period our local State member was NSW Housing minister as well and his, then, office manager has been sitting in Federal Parliament since 2003 both if not directly involved in the bribery were well aware of what was going but preferred to turn a “Nelson’s” eye and concentrate on their political careers .. one hoped to be “king” and the other had the promise of the local Fed seat waiting in the wings …
This was just one small “houso” estate nowhere near the scale of Villawood, Bonnyrigg, Green Valley, Mt Druitt, ect .. but our drug problem was on par, if not bigger and being in such a small enclosed area far easier for absolute control ..
unless you experience living with the misery and fear in a 24/7 drug controlled environment you have no real idea of what life in a “houso” estate can be like ..
and NSW Housing still charging you rent for the “privilege of being terrorized”
Keneally copped a M0ntyesque rake to the face, looking at the after photos.
shatterzzz, that’s a crook story. As far as I’m concerned you can’t post it often enough.
mUnty’s head is full of ideas
they’re like 3 fat chicks crammed into a Suzuki Swift
Newly Built High Rise Building Collapsed In China | China News
In 1947-48 my mum met a woman in hospital who became a lifetime friend.
She was living at the time at Herne Bay housing settlement having come out here from U.K. in ’47 with her husband and two young girls. They lived there for over two years before being offered a housing commission house at West Ryde. The girls were ecstatic with having a bedroom (there were three girls by the time of the offer). No bedrooms in those old army huts at Herne Bay, just some petitioning was all they offered.
The family went on to be successful in all their endeavours. Father a successful businessman and 4 of their 6 children obtained uni degrees, with two girls becoming trained nurses.
Bryan Brown, actor, lived in a similar housing settlement at Bradfield Park.
A house in those days was a luxury.
Great rant, dot.
Dot says:
May 22, 2022 at 8:42 pm
Any idea what the age breakdown of Teal supporters is?
Mme Zulu (H/T Joanna) tells the story about her family emigrating from the Netherlands in the 1950’s. Her father and brothers were sent to work on a farm, while she, her mother and sister were accommodated in a Nissan hut at a local Army camp. As you say, no bedrooms, just some partitioning was all that was offered.
What’s a bedroom?
What’s a bed?
What we want, what we really, really really want is a breakdown of voter turnout, informal, non enrolments and first preferences by State for the Senate and in aggregate for the Senate.
Election turnout 96.8%
Informal votes (Senate) 6.95%
Unipardee votes:
68.44% support.
Almost a third of the nation opposes the regime of all three/four major parties.
They have no mandate at all to speak of.
Total valid votes/electors
Monty -8.09 pm – disagree – migrants from middle Europe – those countries that the ALP laugh at who were as you say. Working class , father ended up a cleaner to get us through and mum worked at a canteen , cleaner for elderly lady. Father all was lib – the horror of communism , mother mainly Lib but swung – did not like Death to German sentiments.
Never thought about class growing up did not understand it and still don’t.
Everyone thought were middle upper middle. This was the impression I any sister must have given off – the state school so called battlers gave it to me. The country kids were great.
This talk is so out of date.
When Goff was sacked, I used to shit my daks walking home in a Catholic school uniform and have a bastard bolt for a father .
“Used to live in hole in middle of the road, we did..”
First Fleeters came out & were accommodated in conditions that woulda made a group Nissen hut seem luxurious.
Just sayin’
25 yo daughter and her BF voted Teal
Poor Josh
BTW there was no toilet or bathroom facilities in those old army huts.
There were toilet blocks with cold showers and toilets.
Our friends had quite a distance to walk to the nearest block. A potty under the bed was all they had in inclement weather.
The rent was I believe quite low in comparison to a house.
Doesn’t the “Uluru Statement from the Heart” call for recognition of the “First Nations” in the Constitution, and isn’t there the little matter of requiring any alterations to the Constitution needing to be passed at referendum?
91.3% 60 plus.
Hey Vlad – want to do something useful for a change?
Let me go
“Rightfully consigned”. So freedom is of no value to you? Or is it just other people’s freedom that doesn’t matter?
Doesn’t the “Uluru Statement from the Heart” call for recognition of the “First Nations” in the Constitution, and isn’t there the little matter of requiring any alterations to the Constitution needing to be passed at referendum?
Quite so, Zulu.
And it would have to be a proper referendum, not one of those SSM-type plebiscites – and would require considerably more than 33.34% of the electorate’s support.
I meant 32.8%. I was looking at the last election’s figures! 33.34% – those were the days.
How many years have we got of Albo and the ALP rooting Australia and munty cheering about it?
“A majority of voters in a majority of the States.” Bring it on, and, if a majority of voters in a majority of States support such Constitutional recognition, well, we live in a democracy.
Dunno about the ALP, but I give Albo six months before Tanya Plibersek wields the big knife.
I thought they would bring her out before the polls. I realised that she didn’t have the depth to be PM. Not that Albo does. I just thought she’d be more appealing to the wider public.
KRuddy’s rules (adopted by the Lieborals) means there is virtually no chance of that.
Which is why both sides of the UniParty have kicked it down the road for 20 years. ALPBC had Linda Burney on the 7pm News positively moist with anticipation. Albo’s first wedge?
Did not realise that Eric Abetz lost out to a Lambie candidate.
Janet A in the Oz has an article all about Morrisons women problems. Can’t say I agree with her view. As always Chris Mitchell has a good take on things.
“Infastructure! Infastructure! Infastructure!”?
Albo’s speech impediment is no impediment to business?
The dufus now cops it from the Rightwing handbag hit squad.
British chef Nigella Lawson celebrates Anthony Albanese’s election win
I wonder what C.L. thinks of Nigella at this point of time.
Has Piers Morgan given any commentary on the election? Not heard anything from him.
Seems to be getting zero traction in Oz.
Dot ,
Lot’s of thanks for the US energy piece. I never really thought the gas disparity between the US and Europe was $8 in the US vs $35 in Europe. Jeez lord.
err, Lizzie – the last time I checked, you were not running for public office. ?
aargh. Blockquote fail. You know what to do. Reverse, or simply scroll the lot.
Except for M0nty, who needs to be disciplined.
ooh. Wrong thread too. This is election nite thread. Apologies.
I am very upside down and inside out on this side of the world.
I feel sorry for you poor buggers.
Our house had 7 bedrooms, 3 dormitories, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen the size of a squash court and a dining room the size of a tennis court.
Unfortunately, we had to share with 36 other kids + transients, 6 Staff, and a groundsman.
And we got three feeds a day.
Looxury, I tells ya!
You think prices are crazy?
Check this out – Caves Beach >$1.5 Million.
You’d have to demolish it and restart with an empty block.
Nice views – if you can build 7 stories.
Watch them try to put Mandatory Infrastructure Bonds into law, funded by a ?10%? levy on the Future Fund and the Superannuation Funds.
Then watch people try to withdraw their Super because they’ve worked out what’s going to happen – 10% this year, 5% next year + 5% increments till it’s all gone.
And then the Super Funds will get looted by the owners trying to buy property/Gold/Grand father clocks / postage stamps/artworks/ all sorts of shit that will have value.
Then the gubberment will refuse withdrawals from the ‘National Superannuation Fund’ owned by All Australians.
It’s money and influence, and the uniparty cannot resist the temptation – like the scorpion and the frog – “It’s in my nature.”
There will be harsh words for you on your return to Civilisation Downunda for not marking that sentence a hazard to the Cat Collective Libido.
Knuckle Dragger dissembles:
How would you know that?
The ABC was quoting the 2cp between Pitt and Dempsey at 11pm, long after all the casuals had been sent home and only the RO and the Deputy were left at the Booth.
More bullshit.
There are 50 odd Booths in Hinkler, Jason Scanes votes were already tallied, it was just a matter of allocating Dempsey’s preferences between Scanes and Pitt, which might take 15 minutes between 2 people.
Ed – I realise you haven’t taken your pills yet, but your wrongness is directed at the wrong bloke.
No worries JC.
I have put in an order for WPL on that note.
“11pm, long after all the casuals had been sent home and only the RO and the Deputy were left at the Booth.”
Odd how someone knows everything about everywhere.
When I voted the casual ruling the names off was complaining she was working til 11 and wanted a break.
I’d give her a pass on that, P.
Would enjoy trying to convince her otherwise.
Good to see there’s some meat back on her bones.
Michael Smith News.
Albo’s constant pathetic whinging about his upbringing reminds me of an old Monty Python sketch.
The AEC gives the PPM an envelope containing the names of the 2 candidates whose preferences are to be counted which is only opened after the polls close. Should the AEC pick the wrong 2 candidates there is no mechanism for changing this – in fact in a booth, a proper distribution of preferences is not made. We get the comparisons and go through everybody elses ballots and just tally the lower number for those 2. The scrutineers are still there and the cartons contains the counted ballots are sealed in their presence. They are not, under any circumstance to be opened again until the real count (which includes the postal and Dec’s) takes place over the 2 weeks starting today.
I keep seeing variations of this dumb factoid. It sounds like some remarkably rare event, but when Abbott knocked off Rudd, he became ‘only the fourth Liberal leader to win government from opposition since WWII’. Big woop.
To be fair – Abbott, then Trumble stole Elbo’s ‘Infastructure” playbook.
Our Glad in NSW just rolled stuff out without the fanfare.
What’s the bet said “Infastructure” will ALL be pork barrelling?
Scummo’s and Elbo’s “wins” were both Stephen Bradbury events.
Groogs, your wrongology truly knows no bounds. You are a polymath of wrongology. I am in awe.
In the parallel Clown Universe, Grigs and M0ntifa are always right.
Once again, per that murderous old Georgian psychopath:
“It’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes”.
It happens exactly as i said last night.
More rubbish.
Pitt and Dempsey were the 2 whose preferences weren’t distributed as late as 11pm saturday night, then, Voila, by sunday Morning it’s Pitt and Scanes.
No fucking way in the world were any scrutineers left at any of the Booths when that redistribution happened.
It’s called the 2 Candidate preferred count and it’s actually the most accurate count.
If there are any scrutineers still left at the Booth, yeah, but if not, they’re still sealed.
Well, they fucking were in Hinkler, smartArse.
The PPM?
Look, granddad, the officials at the Booth are known as the Returning Officer [RO] and the Deputy RO.
The Returning Officer for the Division is called the Divisional Returning Officer.
Again, here’s the procedure in the 21st Century:
The preliminary count of the candidates votes are completed, the RO[s] reports the Booth Counts to the DRO, at some later point the DRO will instruct the Returning Officer[s] which 2 candidates should be allocated preferences from all other candidates