“We built a computational model of Mars and measured the cosmic energy deposition inside a hypothetical human phantom, representing an astronaut,” he said. “A shield of material was set to absorb some part of the radiation before reaching the astronaut. The most effective materials, in terms of radiation protection, were the ones which let the least energy passing in the astronaut’s body.”
Said Gakis: “For example, although aluminum was not found to be as effective as other materials, it can still be helpful in reducing radiation doses, and we advocate combining it with other materials. Martian regolith has similar behavior and the advantage of being an in-situ material, not requiring us to carry it from Earth.”
Yep, dirt. Also known as “regolith”. Which is why Elon is beavering away with his Boring Company. Maybe moling away is a better metaphor.
Nah, nah! Beat youse all! I give new depths to “shallow”.
On the “Women of Algiers”… they need something to do rather than lounging around. Time for me to practise what I preach.
June 7, 2022 1:05 pm
Not suitable for older men (my ‘boys now) with physical disabilities and learned leftist antagonisms that wouldn’t sustain a job with travel and turn-up times. They know too that they wouldn’t be in the race for employment there vs the lower paid wages for yoof. Their father was a lefty, btw. Like you.
What does “learned leftist antagonisms” mean? You make your sons sound like useless layabouts.
I think McDonald’s are showing by this latest stunt that they, like just about everybody else in this low-immigration economy, are desperate for warm bodies in their unfilled positions. They would take non-teen workers at this point, they’re just gagging for anybody to flip their burgers.
June 7, 2022 1:06 pm
Carpe…while you’re here. Any inside news on when Japan will be allowing transit pax out of the terminal overnight?
The place is locked up tighter that a fishy’s sphincter.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:09 pm
Well, would have been podium if it wasn’t for that Mexican bloke who snuck in.
The name’s Speedy.
Speedy Gonzales.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 7, 2022 1:09 pm
Ok, ok, ok, New Fred.
I get that.
Now it really is lunchtime.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:10 pm
Any tips on travel to Japan would ne most welcome.
That Nazi-pass is burning a hole in my pocket.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2022 1:13 pm
I’m very proficient at socially relocating huntspeople to the outer darkness where they can chase cockroaches to their heart’s content.
A new study of huntsman spiders links evolutionary lineages with life history traits, providing patterns for predicting social behaviors in other less-studied species. Sociality is very rare in spiders—only five out of close to 1,300 huntsman species are known to exhibit social behaviors.
The known social species span two genera and include four from Australia (Delena cancerides, D. lapidicola, D. melanochelis, and D. spenceri) and an unidentified species (Damastes) found in Madagascar. These social species live in large family groups with a single mother and multiple clutches of her offspring in retreats under the loose bark of dead trees or under rocks. The growing offspring remain in their natal retreat for five to twelve months, depending on the species.
There you go Aussie huntspersons are socialists, even though 1295 out of 1300 huntsman species aren’t. Figures.
Carpe Jugulum
June 7, 2022 1:15 pm
calli says:
June 7, 2022 at 1:06 pm
Carpe…while you’re here. Any inside news on when Japan will be allowing transit pax out of the terminal overnight?
The place is locked up tighter that a fishy’s sphincter.
It is meant to reopen from 10 June
Boambee John
June 7, 2022 1:19 pm
From the old thread.
but if you input the current situation to the models you will find that the outcome for solar is much more likely to outcompete nuclear, even if we were to suddenly change course and endorse nukes here. Solar has so much momentum behind it globally, the efficiency and cost advantages it already has are only going to widen.
Yet again, you ignore the availability and reliability factors. How does solar provide supply at night or on cloudy days? Before you say “batteries”, do some calculations (or models, if you prefer) on the quantity and cost of the batteries required to keep Australia going over a modest period of three days, with clouds and low wind.
And don’t be like your fellow idiot over at CL’s, who blandly states that there is no need for base load power. There is a base level of continuous, reliable, power needed to keep a modern civilisation going. Without it, such minor amenities as hospitals cease to function
June 7, 2022 1:21 pm
Thanks Carpe. The tourism industry must be suffering horribly there.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 7, 2022 1:23 pm
You make your sons sound like useless layabouts.
That is an incorrect impression, M0nty. They have very real disabilities, both physical and mental.
But they do also have a very leftist view of the world, as do many poorer people who are angry about their disadvantages, and people with middle class leftist parenting (on one side anyway, not mine) where there was toleration of adolescent drug usage and lax attitudes re discipline and self-care.
The 70’s were like that in many leftist academic and political families. I have seen many casualties in the children of those times. For example, in the families of Bob Hawke, Neville Wran, and the very disturbed child of a well-known Labor politician who shacked up with my oldest son and produced my grandson who is now, with help, doing so well. No thanks to his Labor grandfather, who has done nothing for this grandchild and very little for his mentally ill daughter either. She relies a lot on me these days.
No more of this now or Joh really will have cause for complaint.
Boambee John
June 7, 2022 1:25 pm
That is your opinion, Bruce. Models are human opinions, ultimately, based on assumptions which may or may not adhere to reality. They possess no magical quality.
Yet you are happy to rely on models to convince yourself that CO2 is going to roast the earth.
Yes, the case for solar in a post-coal world involves battery tech that hasn’t quite been invented yet. However, coal and gas CCS models have also operated on a LCA basis this way for yonks without much in the way of delivery on CCS tech. I would plonk my money down on batteries over fossil fuels CCS at this point, given that CCS keeps on coming up snake eyes and batteries have a lot of dice rolls in hand. China certainly has.
Perhaps “activists” and nitwits like you should not have rushed to demonise coal before they had a workable solution at least in sight, to solve the problem of producing reliable, continuous, electricity from inherently intermittent and unreliable sources?
You are correct about one thing, though. CCS has always been a wank to divert attention from the manifest inadequacies of ruinables. Batteries (on the necessary scale) are another such diversion.
Boambee John
June 7, 2022 1:26 pm
What does “learned leftist antagonisms” mean? You make your sons sound like useless layabouts.
It means that they behave like you.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:29 pm
It is meant to reopen from 10 June
Thanks Carpe.
Is that back to pre-stupid arrangements?
I don’t want to go mid-summer anyway. Maybe Northern autumn.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:31 pm
That is your opinion, Bruce. Models are human opinions, ultimately, based on assumptions which may or may not adhere to reality. They possess no magical quality.
Which applies to climate models and pandemic models too, right m0nster?
June 7, 2022 1:34 pm
Which applies to climate models and pandemic models too, right m0nster?
Of course. Malcolm Turnbull had the right take on this: as a matter of corporate governance, it is prudential to take into account these perceived risks. That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
But of course you lot don’t believe in corporate governance.
Carpe Jugulum
June 7, 2022 1:34 pm
Thanks Carpe.
Is that back to pre-stupid arrangements?
I don’t want to go mid-summer anyway. Maybe Northern autumn.
PCR before arrival, then get crazy
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:36 pm
We don’t chuck huntsperson spiders out.
Well, we do if the span is bigger than a bread and butter plate size, or they stray below picture rail height.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:39 pm
PCR before arrival, then get crazy
Oh, OK.
We might look at either flexible fares or insurance for deferral.
Do you know what the wait is from positive PCR to being allowed to travel again? 7 days?
Sorry for all the questions but I’d trust a Cat on the ground before DFAT and some travel agents hungry to sell a ticket.
Carpe Jugulum
June 7, 2022 1:40 pm
Thanks Carpe. The tourism industry must be suffering horribly there.
The smaller tourist spots like temples bridges & castles are way down, festivals have low numbers too.
Places like Kyoto, the various onsens, Akibo & other parts of Tokyo are ok numbers with domestic tourists
June 7, 2022 1:42 pm
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:44 pm
That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
That is the “precautionary principle” argument run by the likes of Faino and Flim-Flan man, sitting on their safe Government incomes. You were banging on about adding “pollution” into the fossil fuels costings before. How about adding in the relative costs of largely futile actions in 2022, as against mitigating spend in 2070 if your Doomsday predictions start to show signs of coming true.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:45 pm
June 7, 2022 1:46 pm
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:48 pm
Back Hoes!
Knuckle Dragger
June 7, 2022 1:48 pm
Porky ranga, from the OOT:
the illness of drug abuse
Yeah nah, nah nah yeah nah. You can become ill all you like as a result, but drug use in and of itself is not an illness.
It’s a choice.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:48 pm
Knuckle Dragger
June 7, 2022 1:49 pm
The Earthmover’s Code:
Bros before backhoes.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:50 pm
With a 16 speed Road Rager Crunchbox.
Take that!
June 7, 2022 1:50 pm
Has Elbow performed a miracle and stopped an interest rate hike today?
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 1:51 pm
Spear and Jackson number 9.
With brass ferrule.
June 7, 2022 1:52 pm
But of course you lot don’t believe in corporate governance.
Take that, you lot!
June 7, 2022 1:52 pm
The Federal Court has ordered Twitter to release information that could reveal who is behind the anonymous account.
June 7, 2022 1:53 pm
Dodged some enormous machinery being shipped around Qld in the last few weeks. Mining and rural stuff, some of it requiring police escort and for us to stop on the shoulder as it went by.
Meanwhile, the Pride of the Murray is off and racing to her new home at Longreach.
The only problem they anticipate is right at the end – a tight roundabout close to the town. I reckon the whole region will be out in force to cheer her on. I’d love to be there to see it.
Posi-track for preference. With all the attachments including snowplow. For Gaia’s Winter Wrath.
Carpe Jugulum
June 7, 2022 1:57 pm
Drop Hammer Marine Piling Rig
I win
The Beer whisperer
June 7, 2022 2:02 pm
Dagnabbit! Sneaky new fred!!!
Reposted from old fred…
It shows that the carbon footprint of solar, wind and nuclear power are many times lower than coal or gas with carbon capture and storage (CCS). This remains true after accounting for emissions during manufacture, construction and fuel supply.
mUnty, please explain the connection between carbon and the end of the world.
The only solution to externalities such as pollution is a consumption tax to account for it. Oh, look, we already have one. It’s called the GST.
It’s the only solution that could possibly work as it’s the only one that can EQUITABLY tax Chinese pollution. Any other solution relies on dodgy Chinese data.
You can change an equal amount to 15% and 5% to make changes net zero according to pollution involved in its production and provision, and sneakily tilt it towards Chinese goods without expressly doing so, ensuring plausible deniability.
Better still, no one on the left can plausibly reject it, and the only people worse off would be rich socialists and Teals. Let the old adage “be careful what you wish for” come true for them.
After all, it’s the kind of guy I am. No need to thank me.
June 7, 2022 2:02 pm
I prefer more elegant, delicate machinery – tower cranes for me.
Nothing like a machine that can build itself.
The Beer whisperer
June 7, 2022 2:04 pm
I ain’t wasting no typing. Again from old fred…
Like Status Quo, Slade were loathed by the critics and loved by the punters.
In terms of reputation, critics are way below used car salesmen and politicians, and much closer to pedophiles, gang rapists and cannibals.
The Beer whisperer
June 7, 2022 2:06 pm
The Federal Court has ordered Twitter to release information that could reveal who is behind the anonymous account.
Not a good idea. We catch a small fish so they can fish the entire ocean.
Of course. Malcolm Turnbull had the right take on this: as a matter of corporate governance, it is prudential to take into account these perceived risks. That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
But of course you lot don’t believe in corporate governance.
LOL. Malcolm TurnBullShit would not know Corporate Governance if it hit him on the head. He is a Corporate Bully more like. As for Climate Change, us Humans should just do what Mother Nature does and ADAPT. A heck of a lot cheaper and easier in the long run……………………QED
Dr Faustus
June 7, 2022 2:16 pm
In terms of reputation, critics are way below used car salesmen and politicians, and much closer to pedophiles, gang rapists and cannibals.
So, we can safely assume you’ve got someone close who just happens to be a politician.
June 7, 2022 2:16 pm
Not a good idea. We catch a small fish so they can fish the entire ocean.
True Beery. But if you want to be a professional troll you should be better at setting up troll accounts. My twitter, for example, keeps asking me if it can access contacts and follow location and all of those “features” for “ease of use.” Not me. My initial account creation at twitter is also off the back of a bogus gmail that is backed up by another bogus email that has an indirect link to my legitimate email…
June 7, 2022 2:21 pm
But they do also have a very leftist view of the world, as do many poorer people who are angry about their disadvantages, and people with middle class leftist parenting (on one side anyway, not mine) where there was toleration of adolescent drug usage and lax attitudes re discipline and self-care.
If you educate someone to believe they are allowed to be bitter and the world owed them a living they you end up with people who are generally irresponsible, grumpy and set for failure in life.
As opposed to acknowledging people who have circumstances holding them back and encouraging them to make the most of what opportunities they do have.
Adulting I believe the hipsters call it.
June 7, 2022 2:24 pm
Let’s assume this is true.
Of course. Malcolm Turnbull had the right take on this: as a matter of corporate governance, it is prudential to take into account these perceived risks. That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
And the solution to raising the alarm are plastic panels and windmills to power an industrial civilisation?
You big fat idiot.
June 7, 2022 2:24 pm
Ah, but it only makes business sense if you omit the externalities of the pollution.
This is the rub. You are claiming, without any empirical evidence, that CO2 is a pollutant.
Have a quick squiz at this chart (Fig 4) and tell me the earth will become some hellish wasteland if our (lost in the noise of natural fluctuations) emissions keep rising.
I don’t think you truly believe this crap and are only here to troll.
Or perhaps you would’ve been one of those “high priests” of Aztec fame, ripping the beating hearts from other humans in order to “please” your non existent god.
June 7, 2022 2:25 pm
Drop Hammer Marine Piling Rig
I win
A lifetime subscription to “WHY IS EVERYONE MUMBLING” magazine and a free ASLAN course.
those buggers are loud.
Malcolm Turnbull had the right take on this
There comes a time when taking the piss goes too far.
Opening with this line is clearly one of them.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 2:28 pm
Faulty prediction.
RBA panic.
Rates up 0.5% or higher.
June 7, 2022 2:29 pm
“solar panels provided by out benevolent Chinese chaps are all we need”
At its meeting today, the Board decided to increase the cash rate target by 50 basis points to 85 basis points. It also increased the interest rate on Exchange Settlement balances by 50 basis points to 75 basis points.
Two interesting features, one of which is surprising:
1) Katy Gallagher is a deeply dumb bunny in an important portfolio, incapable of anything more constructive than campaign shit talking;
2) Their ABC has called it out.
Boambee John
June 7, 2022 2:32 pm
That is the “precautionary principle” argument run by the likes of Faino and Flim-Flan man, sitting on their safe Government incomes. You were banging on about adding “pollution” into the fossil fuels costings before. How about adding in the relative costs of largely futile actions in 2022, as against mitigating spend in 2070 if your Doomsday predictions start to show signs of coming true.
The only rational approach to “Climate change” is to adapt to change as it occurs. All mitigation approaches simply waste time and resources following various “scares” down rabbit holes, many (most) of which turn out to be, in your eloquent word, “bullshit”.
That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
Can you see what purpose the ‘worst case scenario’, however unlikely the scenario is, fulfills in contemporary politics? If you’ve forgotten, circle back to Neil Ferguson.
June 7, 2022 2:35 pm
Format fail above, the sprocket wrench was in reverse.
June 7, 2022 2:36 pm
Won’t be left out. Ditch Witch!
June 7, 2022 2:37 pm
I prefer more elegant, delicate machinery – tower cranes for me.
Nothing like a machine that can build itself.
One of my most stressful and triumphant days is safety was the disassembly of a tower crane in PNG. It’s good thing when the 180 tonner has the boom hooked up, the bloke with the sledgehammer knocks the last pin out and the boom benignly glides 1m away from the tower and then stops.
June 7, 2022 2:39 pm
Whack !
Carpe Jugulum
June 7, 2022 2:41 pm
A lifetime subscription to “WHY IS EVERYONE MUMBLING” magazine and a free ASLAN course.
those buggers are loud.
They are a lot of fun to use. It will give you a bone a dog couldn’t chew
June 7, 2022 2:49 pm
The RBA’s communicates it’s policy so well.
No wonder Debelle jumped ship.
June 7, 2022 2:54 pm
it is prudential to take into account these perceived risks. That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
Risk has two components – impact, and probability of occurrence.
You address those things where (impact x probability) < (cost of mitigation) x (fudge number).
It is pointless mitigating for CO2-driven temperature rise as:
1/ impact is low or beneficial (warmth, greening)
2/ probability is not well known — given the craptastic models' relation to reality.
3/ cost of mitigation is enormous (developing world), or pointless (developed world vs. India and China)
Katy Gallagher says the government has inherited the worst set of budget books in history. Is that correct?
X Wrong.
Two interesting features, one of which is surprising:
1) Katy Gallagher is a deeply dumb bunny in an important portfolio, incapable of anything more constructive than campaign shit talking;
2) Their ABC has called it out.
LOL. And who was it that left many unfunded commitments for the incoming Libs/Nats in the last LayBore Gov’ment? The NDIS is a case in point so now LayBore have the opportunity to fund it. After all, you can only call an Insurance scheme an Insurance Scheme if it is properly funded. Accounting 101. Over to you now Laybore. ………………..More LOL.
June 7, 2022 2:56 pm
The RBA’s communicates it’s policy so well.
An attempt at irony Bern? 😛
Mother Lode
June 7, 2022 2:56 pm
The Federal Court has ordered Twitter to release information that could reveal who is behind the anonymous account.
Note that they call Yemeni a ‘right-wing commentator’ and describe Rebel News as ‘far-right media outlet’.
Yemeni might consider asking AW Today to tell us who they describe in publishing as a ‘left-wing commentator’ and what outlets are ‘far-left outlets’. If they can’t then they may need to reflect on their purported neutrality.
After that he could ask them to outline what precise beliefs make him ‘right-wing’ such that it readers must be told. They might find that right-wing beliefs resonate with much of their audience. They were in fact most people’s beliefs up until a few years ago when the MSM they would go off on ideological excursions to niche left-wing causes.
Dr Faustus
June 7, 2022 2:59 pm
Another feature of Australia’s energy infrastructure that has been fucked up by politicians – in full sight of the problem.
Ms King has been working the phones in an attempt to get Australian gas producers to inject more supply into the system, but noted their efforts were constrained due to existing pipelines operating at near capacity and a lack of gas shipping infrastructure across the country.
The fact that Australia’s gas pipeline infrastructure can’t keep up with the physical supply of gas to the gas-fired power stations propping up renewables is nothing new. The Arts/Law graduates at AEMO monitor the situation – and gas producers have been pointing this problem out to government for years.
The Commonwealth government is certainly aware of the tight infrastructure/commercial blackmail opportunity – it was one of the strategic reasons for FIRB blocking CK Holding’s acquisition of APA Group.
Thick rich cream. Everyone wants an opportunity to wood duck Australia’s energy market.
June 7, 2022 3:00 pm
Katy Gallagher is one of Labor’s mean girls, dumb as a bag of hammer handles.
June 7, 2022 3:07 pm
The AOFM announced a month before the election that they we downgrading bond issuance by 20bill.
That is, deficit would be 20bill smaller than forecast.
Got zero coverage.
Budget still a mess, but 20bill better than expected.
June 7, 2022 3:09 pm
Good on Andrew Leigh not joining the tard pile on with Gallagher.
Demonstrates why he is factionless.
Top Ender
June 7, 2022 3:27 pm
Well stage 3 of The Telstra Wars.
Having persistent email problems: 1) an email from months back has duplicated itself thousands of times and is sitting on their server, and 2) can only remove about 30 emails manually at a time from their server.
Nothing seems to be able to fix the two problems, and unless I go and do (2) every few weeks it starts bouncing emails.
Stage 1 was talking to their people in faraway lands who go through scripts. None of them actually know anything about computers.
Stage 2 was go into a shop; get them to write it all down, and register a complaint. And say fix it or we go elsewhere. And I want big discounts anyway as they are wasting my time.
Stage 3 is actually talking to a technician in Oz. She laughed a lot at some of their responses in the Notes, and has tried a few intelligent solutions. Still no joy.
Minister for Dim Bulbs, Madeleine King, is desperately trying to avoid paying AGL and Origin to keep burning coal…Jim Chalmers blames the Coalition government…
Blaming the Coalition is going to wear thin very quickly.
Apparently Anthony Albanese is calling for more civility by the MSM. I can’t stop laughing. The hypocrisy is jaw dropping. It’s worth noting that Mr Albanese never called for any civility over the last three years when Morrison was repeatedly crucified in a very uncivil manner by the left and the left leaning media over bushfires, Hawaii trip, floods, Christian Porter, an alleged rape in parliament house and so on. Morrison was smeared and targeted as being personally responsible for those events, so much for “civility”. Oh and I note that Albanese has never uttered one word of condemnation at the uncivil hatred and bile directed at the likes of Pauline Hanson and Tony Abbott over the years.
Ahhhh, there’s nothing like the stench of hypocrisy.
No, this call for civility means only two things…..
1. The “civility” is only applicable to Labor, Green and Teal politicians. It will continue to be an open season of uncivility on conservative politicians.
2. As Rita Panahi said last night on her programme…..press censorship.
It’s going to be a fun three years.
June 7, 2022 3:44 pm
Bill Burr’s new Netflix special where he hosts a show case has been called a woke piece of crap.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 3:59 pm
The only rational approach to “Climate change” is to adapt to change as it occurs.
The Lomberg approach.
I was thinking about Port Phillip Bay. With an impending sea level rise of 0.1 mm per year in, say, 2050, I reckon we could manage that without freezing pensioners to death in 2022.
Remember, this would be more than 100 years after the Clog-Wogs built their dykes to hold out the North Sea.
“With an impending sea level rise of 0.1 mm per year in, say, 2050, I reckon we could manage that without freezing pensioners to death in 2022.”
Progressives want to freeze pensioners to death.
June 7, 2022 4:31 pm
Week 4 for passport to arrive for the youngest.
June 7, 2022 4:34 pm
Still at least another 3% of rate rises in our near future. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth about this but it should merely be restored to historically normal levels. Maybe we’ll get a normal economy again. That would be nice.
June 7, 2022 4:39 pm
Reading the Herald Sun today whilst having a coffee, big article about how manufacturing in Australia is going to be encouraged to alleviate the supply chain crisis. Article ignores the obvious that you cannot have a solid manufacturing base without a solid base load power supply which we are doing our darndest to destroy.
Is it stupidity or malice?
I suppose we can embrace the power of “and’.
Timothy Neilson
June 7, 2022 4:45 pm
June 7, 2022 at 3:09 pm
Good on Andrew Leigh not joining the tard pile on with Gallagher.
For all his faults Leigh seems to have an occasional episode of decency, which render him unsuitable for a successful political career.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2022 4:45 pm
Ms King has been working the phones in an attempt to get Australian gas producers to inject more supply into the system, but noted their efforts were constrained due to existing pipelines operating at near capacity and a lack of gas shipping infrastructure across the country.
Rosie’s Donbass Lounge Music
Some Ukrainian military governor passed along a bunch of lies to the MSM and they ran with it.
Quote Tweet
· 7h
Pretty much. Also looks like a few elite UAP units got chewed up for PR reasons.
Boambee John
June 7, 2022 5:01 pm
June 7, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Still at least another 3% of rate rises in our near future. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth about this but it should merely be restored to historically normal levels. Maybe we’ll get a normal economy again. That would be nice.
There will be no “normal” economy whilst ever the rabid Gerbil Worming/Ruinables push to destroy reliable, continuous, electric power continues.
Following on from montifa’s latest bout of verbal poop about normal economies Tucker notes the evolving normalcy, by leftie standards, of the US society as the Jan 6th shits set up the next step in the mid term elections abandonment by arresting Peter Navarro.
Maybe we’ll get a normal economy again. That would be nice.
We have a long way to go before the RBA’s balance sheet relative to the general economy gets back to what it was before the Global Financial Crisis.
Boambee John
June 7, 2022 5:24 pm
Cassie of Sydneysays:
June 7, 2022 at 5:03 pm
“To say nothing of the uncivility towards Nicole Flint”
Correct, he was silent. What a hypocrite.
What was it that AnAl said about another woman Coalition MP? Oh, yes, “Smash her, smash her!”
Noice, very civil.
H B Bear
June 7, 2022 5:29 pm
Emperor Barney perfected the empty Treasury handover in the West years ago. Fraudenberg just added some zeros to it.
Delta A
June 7, 2022 5:29 pm
Had a text from #1Granddaughter this morning: “Hey, don’t have brekkie, Granny. I’m coming around to take you out to brunch.”
She took me to the exquisite wine bar/restaurant where she works between studies. It was almost surreal talking with her, like talking to myself 50 years ago when I was vibrant, confident and full of life (and myself).
Later, the owner/boss came by and, after introductions, I remarked that it was a fabulous establishment. “Thanks to my fabulous staff,” he replied, patting Grandie on her shoulder.
Next time, she assures me, we’re going to check out every shop in town, since I confided that although we’ve lived in this lovely town for more than three years, I’ve hardly seen any of the ‘cbd’. Can’t wait!
Perth Trader
June 7, 2022 5:37 pm
ACT has ‘100 per cent renewable’ electricity from today.
Then I read further down…Only about five per cent of the territory’s electricity is generated within its borders, by a few solar farms and rooftop panels on Canberra homes.
The rest comes from the national electricity market — the grid that powers the eastern seaboard — and four-fifths of the grid’s power comes from non-renewable sources.
Lying bastards.
Premier Daniel Andrews says Victorians can “make their own decisions” to wear face coverings indoors following calls from the Greens to launch a “mask up for winter” campaign.
It’s interesting because (a) masking has zero to do with anything in Green philosophy or agendas and (b) they don’t work anyway, as has been shown numerous times (indeed they’ve been found to be actually harmful in recent Italian data).
So why are they pushing them? I have no answer, but it shows conclusively they are scientific nitwits.
Perth Trader
June 7, 2022 5:52 pm
I remember Albo’ spruikin’ , ” no banks will invest in coal. it’ll be a stranded asset”. Yet Whitehaven Coal has gone up 95% in 1 year. And he wants to run a country with a $2 trill. economy ?
June 7, 2022 5:55 pm
Just yet another instance of Canbra leaching off productive Australians.
And trying to make a virtue out of it.
The Beer whisperer
June 7, 2022 5:58 pm
Still at least another 3% of rate rises in our near future. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth about this but it should merely be restored to historically normal levels. Maybe we’ll get a normal economy again. That would be nice.
Not with repeated massive rate rises we won’t. What we’ll get is a wasteland of bankruptcies, failed mortgages and massive job losses.
We’ll soon know if Labor have a clue by whether they’ve flogged their property portfolios and bought them back at half the price.
June 7, 2022 6:01 pm
Perth Tradersays:
June 7, 2022 at 5:52 pm
I remember Albo’ spruikin’ , ” no banks will invest in coal. it’ll be a stranded asset”. Yet Whitehaven Coal has gone up 95% in 1 year. And he wants to run a country with a $2 trill. economy ?
Well, I wouldn’t be keen on investing in something the government might make illegal at the drop of a hat. Reckon that’s where coal sits. Might be why I keep reading maintenance gets delayed, or outright ignored. Why bother if it’s not going to see out the projected lifespan anyway?
I have no answer, but it shows conclusively they are scientific nitwits.
Well, yeah, but since Lysenkoism is more or less the State Religion now, why are you surprised?
June 7, 2022 6:05 pm
So why are they pushing them? I have no answer, but it shows conclusively they are scientific nitwits.
Nothing whatever to do with science. They’re pushing them because they are dyed in the wool authoritarians.
Perth Trader
June 7, 2022 6:07 pm
June 7, 2022 at 6:01 pm……Coal wont be ‘stranded’ . The World wants our coal. Political leaders can carry on all they want but electricity POWERS economies…its that simple.
June 7, 2022 6:10 pm
Perth Tradersays:
June 7, 2022 at 6:07 pm
June 7, 2022 at 6:01 pm……Coal wont be ‘stranded’ . The World wants our coal. Political leaders can carry on all they want but electricity POWERS economies…its that simple.
Looking at live export, I wouldn’t put it past the muppets in government to bin export of coal because feels. But I’m a cynical bastard these days.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 6:12 pm
Sancho Panzersays:
June 7, 2022 at 2:28 pm
Faulty prediction.
RBA panic.
Rates up 0.5% or higher.
Pay me!!
June 7, 2022 6:15 pm
Pay me!!
Do you take empty cans?
June 7, 2022 6:15 pm
Looking at live export, I wouldn’t put it past the muppets in government to bin export of coal because feels.
It won’t happen because QLD.
Perth Trader
June 7, 2022 6:16 pm
Bluey…imagine this. ‘Aust Govt, bans all exports of coal and gas over a 10 year period , starting today. Watch the exit of overseas money, dollar falls, the country will be bankrupt by xmas.
When the RBA increases interest rates, many people will need to cut back on spending and tighten their budgets.
As they rein in spending, companies need to respond to a change in consumer demand and adjust their prices accordingly.
The RBA will typically keep increasing interest rates until inflation slows down.
Hmmm. Yes. Quite.
And then the RBA will typically continue lending to the government until inflation speeds up.
Did I get that part right or is my name “Confused 2”?
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2022 6:17 pm
How can anyone possibly spend A$90,000 on dinner in an Indian curry restaurant?
I’m bemused.
Delta A
June 7, 2022 6:19 pm
Drop Hammer Marine Piling Rig
I win
Our noble (1950’s/60’s) Case ‘Construction King’ backhoe loader has saved us tens of thousands* in costs for footings/ foundations, power and water trenches, site leveling, driveways, landscaping etc. Plus, we have resale at the end of the project.
*Big help that best man’s professional skills are on immediate call when something breaks down.
How can anyone possibly spend A$90,000 on dinner in an Indian curry restaurant?
Please explain?
June 7, 2022 6:22 pm
Perth Tradersays:
June 7, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Bluey…imagine this. ‘Aust Govt, bans all exports of coal and gas over a 10 year period , starting today. Watch the exit of overseas money, dollar falls, the country will be bankrupt by xmas.
Definitely greens policy then.
Perth Trader
June 7, 2022 6:28 pm
Labor and the Greens have been trying for decades to talk down the investment of coal , gas , oil and uranium in Aust. but no one but the ABC is listening. Aust needs these project if aussie’s want to live a reasonable lifestyle . We need the income from these investments and trade to hang shit on climate deniers.
Looking at live export, I wouldn’t put it past the muppets in government to bin export of coal because feels. But I’m a cynical bastard these days.
Unlikely. Look at the revenue that the states get from royalties, and the Commonwealth from Company Tax. That would be the biggest “Cut of your nose to spite your face” ever.
In a 13-minute video posted on his YouTube page on Sunday, Mr Brand said Prime Minister Trudeau is using new powers to crack down on legitimate dissent.
Last month, Prime Minister Trudeau announced Canada’s security agencies will get new tools to combat “extremist ideology” and “misinformation.”
Mr Brand warned the new powers will erode freedom within Canada.
“It won’t mean more freedom, it’ll mean their ability to capture your data, share that data, and use that data to manipulate your behaviour,” Mr Brand said.
June 7, 2022 6:38 pm
Gonzalo Lira. My opinion of him just keeps rising. Steve Kates might find this interesting.
Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa allegedly kept large sums of money in foreign currency, estimated to be $80 million (R1.24 billion), “concealed” under mattress and couches at his farm in Bela-Bela, Limpopo.
It has been established that the money was allegedly stolen by five Namibians who conspired with his domestic worker in February 2020.
Ramaphosa has allegedly failed to report the matter to any police station. Instead, he allegedly paid the suspects, including his domestic workers, R150 000 each not to reveal the incident to anyone after they were traced and apprehended.
Ramaphosa allegedly solicited the services of his head of the Presidential Protection Unit, Major-General Wally Rhoode, to investigate the matter without reporting it at any police station.
In Pennsylvania, police say multiple shooters fired into a crowd late Saturday night on South Street, a famous Philadelphia drag known for its nightlife, character and vibrancy. Authorities said three people were killed by the gunfire, and at least 11 others were wounded. Police said multiple handguns were recovered at the scene, but no arrests have been made.
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 7, 2022 6:47 pm
How can anyone possibly spend A$90,000 on dinner in an Indian curry restaurant?
Easy. They had tandoori chicken prepared in the traditional Indian way, where the chicken is cooked slowly in hot rocks and ashes in a tall clay oven buried underground for 3 hours. Except the hole was dug with an excavator, the oven reburied with a drop hammer pile driver, both of them lifted into and out of the work site by a tower crane, all machines rented by the hour.
Ed Case
June 7, 2022 6:48 pm
Here ya go: Woman shoots felon who opened fire on a Birthday Party in Charleston, West Virginia.
Ed Case
June 7, 2022 6:52 pm
Labor and the Greens have been trying for decades to talk down the investment of coal , gas , oil and uranium in Aust
Dunno about Uranium?
Hawke increased the number of Mines from 1 to 3 decades ago, but is there any money in Uranium?
I doubt it.
BoN, I found something in search.
D’ya mean Johnny Depp? At an Indian joint in Birmingham? Fifty Thousand quid bill, for about two dozen people?
That’s about Four to Four & a half grand each, in our money.
Easily done. Especially for someone letting off steam after a tense few months of judicial tenterhooks.
Just depends how pricey the was the plonk. How many $10,000 bottles? How many $5,000 bottles?
June 7, 2022 6:58 pm
is there any money in Uranium?
He’s here all week.
Try the veal.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2022 7:03 pm
is there any money in Uranium?
Pays well. 😀 Also a family business, as I found out later my grandad did the same stuff as I did.
I’ve uranium in my genes or something.
Decades of Scientific Theory Disproven: Beneficial Health Effects Found From High Background Radiation Exposure
Surprisingly, exposure to a high background radiation might actually lead to clear beneficial health effects in humans, according to Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Nuclear Research Center Negev (NRCN) scientists. This is the first large-scale study which examines the two major sources of background radiation (terrestrial radiation and cosmic radiation), covering the entire U.S. population.
The study’s findings were recently published in Biogerontology.
It’s what we’ve been saying for decades. The protoGreens enforced the linear no-threshold hypothesis so that all radiation is bad m’kay. The actual data supports the hormesis hypothesis, which the above study confirms. Another early example of Green ideology being intentionally unscientific for political advantage.
June 7, 2022 7:03 pm
I suspect the Indian Restaurant bill story is from an Amber Heard supporter.
It was reported she was staying at a $25,000 per week mansion for the duration of the trial (and yet can’t pay the judgement debt).
Tit for tat perhaps? Although it’s possible, I doubt an Indian Curry house would be stocking $10k bottles of wine.
I doubt an Indian Curry house would be stocking $10k bottles of wine.
You may be surprised.
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 7, 2022 7:07 pm
is there any money in Uranium?
What will really blow your mind is… when the price of Uranium goes over $500/kg it becomes economical to extract it from the ocean instead of land.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2022 7:08 pm
SATP – You need to attract victorious Hollywood actors to your establishment. Put out the word now that they’re welcome with all their friends.
June 7, 2022 7:09 pm
How can anyone possibly spend A$90,000 on dinner in an Indian curry restaurant?
For starters [boom tish], the restuarant doesn’t include prices on its menu.
Good trick that.
June 7, 2022 7:09 pm
Decades of Scientific Theory Disproven: Beneficial Health Effects Found From High Background Radiation Exposure
Now I only have lead pencles to blame.
June 7, 2022 7:10 pm
Great news: if you put vodka in your mower, your lawn is half cut.
What about cutting your neighbours grass?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 7, 2022 7:11 pm
Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa allegedly kept large sums of money in foreign currency, estimated to be $80 million (R1.24 billion), “concealed” under mattress and couches at his farm in Bela-Bela, Limpopo.
Africans are finding out that their “blak” brothers are just as venal and corrupt as the white “bas” ever was.
What will really blow your mind is… when the price of Uranium goes over $500/kg it becomes economical to extract it from the ocean instead of land.
Can a water desalination plant be re-purposed or dual-purposed for this use?
Fair Shake
June 7, 2022 7:12 pm
Just back from Syd-de-knee. Stayed at a hotel in Hyde Park. Was surprised to see behind a reception a big screen advertising the hotel …the happy couple enjoying the amenities were buffed and both had peni (plural of cock).
It was a bit …different.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that …according to others.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2022 7:12 pm
Not sure I’d want Amber at the Cafe though. The cleaning bills would be large, and that’s with most of my clientelle incontinent most days already. A noisy miner shat on my sleeve today. Ingrate.
Ed Case
June 7, 2022 7:12 pm
Decades of Scientific Theory Disproven: Beneficial Health Effects Found From High Background Radiation Exposure
Yeah, Lysenkoism never died, it just moved to the West.
June 7, 2022 7:16 pm
BoN, the radiation hormesis thing also shows that trips to Mars will not be as dangerous from the radiation perspective as currently thought.
June 7, 2022 7:16 pm
In other words, it’s not your average Birmingham Indian take away.
H B Bear
June 7, 2022 7:17 pm
It was a bit …different.
Not for Sydney.
H B Bear
June 7, 2022 7:19 pm
Pommy curry houses are all over the shop. I was disturbed to find feathers in one example of the genre.
June 7, 2022 7:22 pm
Pommy curry houses are all over the shop. I was disturbed to find feathers in one example of the genre
Did they charge extra for that?
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 7, 2022 7:24 pm
Can a water desalination plant be re-purposed or dual-purposed for this use?
mothballs are made of naptha, aren’t they? 🙂
There’s more energy in the de-sal plant’s mothballs than any uranium you’ll get out of them.
Carpe Jugulum
June 7, 2022 7:26 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka says:
June 7, 2022 at 6:47 pm
Except the hole was dug with an excavator, the oven reburied with a drop hammer pile driver, both of them lifted into and out of the work site by a tower crane, all machines rented by the hour
No No No, The hole was dug by the excavator, compacted the base with the drop hammer, lowered into the hole by a 20t Kato slung off the boom, back filled with a wheel loader and smoothed off with a bobcat with a smudge bar, lifted out with the tower crane.
See, that makes sense.
PS – you forgot to add in the labour component with the machine hire (4 to 6 hour minimum), no tendering for you.
Don’t thank me i’m a people person.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 7, 2022 7:32 pm
Murugappan family eyes its hometown Biloela fare
Paul Garvey
Senior Reporter
27 minutes ago June 7, 2022
No Comments
The Murugappan family will begin their journey back to Biloela with a renewed focus on a future in Australia, and toying with the idea of opening an Indian restaurant in the regional Queensland town with which they are now synonymous.
Priya and Nades Murugappan and their daughters Kopika and Tharnicaa fly out of Perth – their home for the past year – on Wednesday morning before arriving in Biloela on Friday afternoon.
Their return will coincide with Biloela’s annual Flourish multicultural festival and will allow Tharnicaa to celebrate her fifth birthday in the town in which she was born. It will be her first birthday not spent under immigration detention.
Suresh Rajan, president of the Ethnic Communities Council of Western Australia and who has come to know the Murugappans during their year in Perth, said they were delighted to be heading back to the town they call home.
“Despite everything we as a nation have thrown at them, they appear to be incredibly loving and incredibly fond of Australians. They want to remain here, they love the people here, and they are very keen to ensure their children who are Australian born have a life in their country of birth,” he said. “They are looking to the future of their children. That’s what drives them very much.”
He said Nades had been working in a kitchen in Perth’s outer suburbs since the family was relocated from the Christmas Island detention centre to the WA capital last June. Priya, he said, had been teaching herself how to make clothes for her children with the aid of YouTube tutorials.
The pair, he said, had always been determined to contribute and were determined to get back to work once in Queensland.
“Wherever Nades has gone, he has always turned his hand to making sure he was providing for his family,” he said
“They’ve even been talking about setting up an Indian restaurant in Biloela.”
The family’s imminent arrival in Biloela is not a guarantee of a future in Australia.
Multiple court proceedings have found the Murugappans to not be refugees, and interim home affairs minister Jim Chalmers granted the family only bridging visas – rather than permanent residency – when he exercised his ministerial powers last week.
H B Bear
June 7, 2022 7:33 pm
Did they charge extra for that?
At least you knew it was a bird of some sort. Still not the worst meal I had in the UK.
Wally Dalí
June 7, 2022 7:33 pm
C&P from the ol’ Fred, because I think I’m onto something here-
2001- terrorism is actually a new thing called “al-Qaeda”, and rampant control and surveillance of everyone is a good thing
2020- the sniffles is actually a new thing called “COVID”, and rampant control and surveillance of everyone is actually a good thing
2022- organized crime is actually a new thing called “n’Dragheta”, and rampant control and surveillance of everyone is actually a good thing.
Involves spyware on mobile phones.
Good wash-job for Andrews’ surveillance sweep.
Are you paying attention yet?
News Radio report made much of the ingenuity of planting algorithm software on mobiles and tracking financial transactions through banking. Yet it appears no arrests have been made, so it’s just another Big Brother dragnet which we can expect is probably already being planted into ordinary everyday aussies.
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 7, 2022 7:34 pm
Earth to Dot.
Dot says: June 1, 2022 at 9:03 am
You can’t eat rays of sunshine* either.
*Despite what mama said, alligators are abnormally aggressive because their enlarged medulla oblongata.
*No, you’re wrong Colonel Sanders!*
I am nominally compelled to ask what on Earth this kenfrychickesque¹ reference meant.
1 = A newly minted word, dear prescriptivists.
H B Bear
June 7, 2022 7:36 pm
Despite everything we as a nation have thrown at them …
aka the law
June 7, 2022 7:36 pm
The hole was dug by the excavator, compacted the base with the drop hammer, lowered into the hole by a 20t Kato slung off the boom, back filled with a wheel loader and smoothed off with a bobcat with a smudge bar, lifted out with the tower crane.
Poetry in motion.
We can’t afford you, but.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 7, 2022 7:37 pm
How can anyone possibly spend A$90,000 on dinner in an Indian curry restaurant?
Seems he hired the whole restaurant – which seated over 300 people – for the evening, so he and his twenty or so guests could kick their heels up.
June 7, 2022 7:39 pm
What’s the matter cohenite, are you overleveraged and panicking because you didn’t read the obvious signs over 12 months ago that this would happen?
Honestly, if you experience pain from interest rate rises reverting to historical norms then that was entirely your fault to begin with. Shouldn’t have bet your life on the bank funding your extravagant lifestyle. Live within your means, grasshoppers!
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 7, 2022 7:40 pm
Costly curry: Johnny Depp ‘not shy’ when it comes to dropping close to whopping $90,000 on night out
Andy DolanDaily Mail
June 7, 2022 10:16AM
Johnny Depp has been mobbed by fans in the English cities of Sheffield, Newcastle and Manchester in recent days.
So when Johnny Depp rolled in to Birmingham, the second biggest city in the United Kingdom, on the latest leg of his musician friend Jeff Beck’s UK tour, it’s perhaps not surprising he sought a bit of privacy.
The actor spent a five-figure sum to hire out the city’s biggest restaurant Varanasi – which can seat 350 – so the pair and their 20-odd strong entourage could enjoy an Indian meal on Sunday night.
A report suggested the bill – including a substantial hire charge for the three storey venue – came to as much as £50,000 (87,166.19 Australian dollars). Operations director Mohammed Hussain refused to discuss the figures but said those present “were not shy” in their spending – particularly on drinks.
“The hire charge also had to take into account of the fact that we needed to compensate diners who had already booked in. There were also staffing costs and the drinks bill,” he said.
Asked why Depp didn’t hire one of Varanasi’s private rooms – the largest of which caters for 50 – Mr Hussain explained it was due to the celebrity’s admirers.
“Johnny said that when they were staying in Manchester, fans were crowding around the hotel and they needed a police escort,” he said.
“As a result, they couldn’t eat out at all. I think they didn’t want the same thing to happen in Birmingham.
“They spent a lot of money… but they never even looked at the bill. He gave a large tip.”
Johnny Depp celebrated his dramatic defamation case victory over ex-wife Amber Heard by enjoying a curry in Birmingham with friends – and running up a whopping £50,000 bill. The actor, 58, was joined by his musician friend Jeff Beck, 77, and around 20 others in their entourage as they took over the chic Varanasi restaurant on Sunday night.
Mr Hussain said both of the restaurant’s two bottles of £7,500 Ace of Spades rose champagne had been drunk by Depp’s party. The bottles, given to the restaurant as a gift when it opened six years ago but never sold, were either 3 or 4.5-litre special editions.
Standard bottles from the prestigious champagne house Armand de Brignac can be bought from online retailers for between £400 and £500.
Depp – who has been in Britain since his court victory against ex-wife Amber Heard – was expected on stage with Beck last night at his show at Birmingham’s Symphony Hall. The UK leg of the tour ends tonight in York.
Mr Hussain said Depp’s party enjoyed a three-course dinner of chicken tikka shashlik, vegetable samosas and a king prawn starter.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2022 7:43 pm
Can a water desalination plant be re-purposed or dual-purposed for this use?
2dogs – theoretically a selective ion-exchange unit could do that. Use one with an affinity for uranium added onto the end of the desal modules, then once loaded take it off line and strip it with acid to produce a uranium solution.
Since you already have the pumping costs paid for (by the desal plant) the incremental addition of the IX elements would be easier to justify.
Not sure whether you would use selective IX membranes (which don’t exist but could be easily developed) or IX resin beads, which do exist. A fluidized-bed of the IX beads might be the best, as they’re off the shelf and the unit would just be a very big container with upward flow of the desal reject stream. The continuous resin-in-solution process is well known.
Still would need a serious U price to make it work. By comparison a monazite concentrate containing 10% thorium is very easy to produce from a mineral sands plant. Thorium metal for a reactor would be extremely cheap, much cheaper than U235.
Even tho Johnny Depp is a drug phuk’d 3 times looser ,who was dragged thru the court system by a vindictive ex and was humiliated by Barnaby Joyce for illegal puppy importing , I feel a lot in common with him. Except for being drug phuk’d and illegal puppy importing , that is.
I am nominally compelled to ask what on Earth this kenfrychickesque¹ reference meant.
It means, ultimately, REEEEEEEEE!
Old movie reference. Probably too low brow for you. Or possibly not.
Old bloke
June 7, 2022 7:53 pm
H B Bear says:
June 7, 2022 at 5:29 pm
Emperor Barney perfected the empty Treasury handover in the West years ago. Fraudenberg just added some zeros to it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Barney did the right thing by raiding the Treasury prior to his departure as funds were made available for a range of things which needed doing but had never been tackled. These include the new children’s hospital, the new stadium at Burswood, and major upgrades to the Tonkin Highway.
He had seen what happened federally when Rudd took over from Howard and squandered the massive savings accumulated by Howard and Costello so he started a range of projects rather than see it fritted away by a future Labor government.
In particular I respect him for the major capital upgrades at the Collie coal fired power station. The greeny zealots and the ALP shouted condemnation at him for upgrading a coal fired power station, nowadays there’s no praise for Barney that we now have the least expensive power in Australia and will continue to have this for many years to come thanks to Barney.
bespoke window and door manufacturer is going, going, gone.
hundreds of years of collective man/waman experience
vacant possession
you’ll find their stock on Greys in a month from now.
not by necessity, but by choice
the trouble is that there is no replacement
no enterprising kid with some backing
no next-generation to hand off to
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
June 7, 2022 at 7:32 pm
Murugappan family eyes its hometown Biloela fare
Paul Garvey
Senior Reporter
27 minutes ago June 7, 2022
No Comments
The Murugappan family will begin their journey back to Biloela with a renewed focus on a future in Australia, and toying with the idea of opening an Indian restaurant in the regional Queensland town with which they are now synonymous.
Whatever deaths occur from the people smuggler resumption can be laid firmly at the feet of these queue jumpers and their nauseating supporters.
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2022 8:23 pm
H B Bearsays:
June 7, 2022 at 7:19 pm
Pommy curry houses are all over the shop. I was disturbed to find feathers in one example of the genre.
My worst find in a half-eaten curry was a band-aid. The waiter was neither surprised, nor particularly apologetic.
He asked if I wanted another serving.
Err, no thanks, given it would probably come out of the same cauldron.
Had to ask him to take it off the bill at the end.
June 7, 2022 8:28 pm
June 7, 2022 at 4:39 pm
Reading the Herald Sun today whilst having a coffee, big article about how manufacturing in Australia is going to be encouraged to alleviate the supply chain crisis.
LOL. Had a nice chuckle over that.
The average unthinking jab junky Australian moron wouldnt be capable of developing and running a manufacturing plant.
Brewery says cheers to carbon-neutral beer
AAP – Marion Rae – June 7, 2022
m0nster is a sperm donor.
Well, would have been podium if it wasn’t for that Mexican bloke who snuck in.
Dirt news.
What is the best radiation shielding for the surface of Mars? (Phys.org, 6 Jun)
Yep, dirt. Also known as “regolith”. Which is why Elon is beavering away with his Boring Company. Maybe moling away is a better metaphor.
Vic police loose 100,000 firearms.
OK for Victoria Police to lose 100,000 firearms and OK to bash and pepper spray Covid protesters?
Nah, nah! Beat youse all! I give new depths to “shallow”.
On the “Women of Algiers”… they need something to do rather than lounging around. Time for me to practise what I preach.
What does “learned leftist antagonisms” mean? You make your sons sound like useless layabouts.
I think McDonald’s are showing by this latest stunt that they, like just about everybody else in this low-immigration economy, are desperate for warm bodies in their unfilled positions. They would take non-teen workers at this point, they’re just gagging for anybody to flip their burgers.
Carpe…while you’re here. Any inside news on when Japan will be allowing transit pax out of the terminal overnight?
The place is locked up tighter that a fishy’s sphincter.
The name’s Speedy.
Speedy Gonzales.
Ok, ok, ok, New Fred.
I get that.
Now it really is lunchtime.
Any tips on travel to Japan would ne most welcome.
That Nazi-pass is burning a hole in my pocket.
I’m very proficient at socially relocating huntspeople to the outer darkness where they can chase cockroaches to their heart’s content.
Analysis of huntsman spiders reveals patterns of social behavior (Phys.org, 6 Jun)
There you go Aussie huntspersons are socialists, even though 1295 out of 1300 huntsman species aren’t. Figures.
It is meant to reopen from 10 June
From the old thread.
but if you input the current situation to the models you will find that the outcome for solar is much more likely to outcompete nuclear, even if we were to suddenly change course and endorse nukes here. Solar has so much momentum behind it globally, the efficiency and cost advantages it already has are only going to widen.
Yet again, you ignore the availability and reliability factors. How does solar provide supply at night or on cloudy days? Before you say “batteries”, do some calculations (or models, if you prefer) on the quantity and cost of the batteries required to keep Australia going over a modest period of three days, with clouds and low wind.
And don’t be like your fellow idiot over at CL’s, who blandly states that there is no need for base load power. There is a base level of continuous, reliable, power needed to keep a modern civilisation going. Without it, such minor amenities as hospitals cease to function
Thanks Carpe. The tourism industry must be suffering horribly there.
That is an incorrect impression, M0nty. They have very real disabilities, both physical and mental.
But they do also have a very leftist view of the world, as do many poorer people who are angry about their disadvantages, and people with middle class leftist parenting (on one side anyway, not mine) where there was toleration of adolescent drug usage and lax attitudes re discipline and self-care.
The 70’s were like that in many leftist academic and political families. I have seen many casualties in the children of those times. For example, in the families of Bob Hawke, Neville Wran, and the very disturbed child of a well-known Labor politician who shacked up with my oldest son and produced my grandson who is now, with help, doing so well. No thanks to his Labor grandfather, who has done nothing for this grandchild and very little for his mentally ill daughter either. She relies a lot on me these days.
No more of this now or Joh really will have cause for complaint.
That is your opinion, Bruce. Models are human opinions, ultimately, based on assumptions which may or may not adhere to reality. They possess no magical quality.
Yet you are happy to rely on models to convince yourself that CO2 is going to roast the earth.
Yes, the case for solar in a post-coal world involves battery tech that hasn’t quite been invented yet. However, coal and gas CCS models have also operated on a LCA basis this way for yonks without much in the way of delivery on CCS tech. I would plonk my money down on batteries over fossil fuels CCS at this point, given that CCS keeps on coming up snake eyes and batteries have a lot of dice rolls in hand. China certainly has.
Perhaps “activists” and nitwits like you should not have rushed to demonise coal before they had a workable solution at least in sight, to solve the problem of producing reliable, continuous, electricity from inherently intermittent and unreliable sources?
You are correct about one thing, though. CCS has always been a wank to divert attention from the manifest inadequacies of ruinables. Batteries (on the necessary scale) are another such diversion.
What does “learned leftist antagonisms” mean? You make your sons sound like useless layabouts.
It means that they behave like you.
Thanks Carpe.
Is that back to pre-stupid arrangements?
I don’t want to go mid-summer anyway. Maybe Northern autumn.
Which applies to climate models and pandemic models too, right m0nster?
Of course. Malcolm Turnbull had the right take on this: as a matter of corporate governance, it is prudential to take into account these perceived risks. That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
But of course you lot don’t believe in corporate governance.
PCR before arrival, then get crazy
We don’t chuck huntsperson spiders out.
Well, we do if the span is bigger than a bread and butter plate size, or they stray below picture rail height.
Oh, OK.
We might look at either flexible fares or insurance for deferral.
Do you know what the wait is from positive PCR to being allowed to travel again? 7 days?
Sorry for all the questions but I’d trust a Cat on the ground before DFAT and some travel agents hungry to sell a ticket.
The smaller tourist spots like temples bridges & castles are way down, festivals have low numbers too.
Places like Kyoto, the various onsens, Akibo & other parts of Tokyo are ok numbers with domestic tourists
That is the “precautionary principle” argument run by the likes of Faino and Flim-Flan man, sitting on their safe Government incomes. You were banging on about adding “pollution” into the fossil fuels costings before. How about adding in the relative costs of largely futile actions in 2022, as against mitigating spend in 2070 if your Doomsday predictions start to show signs of coming true.
Back Hoes!
Porky ranga, from the OOT:
Yeah nah, nah nah yeah nah. You can become ill all you like as a result, but drug use in and of itself is not an illness.
It’s a choice.
The Earthmover’s Code:
Bros before backhoes.
With a 16 speed Road Rager Crunchbox.
Take that!
Has Elbow performed a miracle and stopped an interest rate hike today?
Spear and Jackson number 9.
With brass ferrule.
Take that, you lot!
The Federal Court has ordered Twitter to release information that could reveal who is behind the anonymous account.
Dodged some enormous machinery being shipped around Qld in the last few weeks. Mining and rural stuff, some of it requiring police escort and for us to stop on the shoulder as it went by.
Meanwhile, the Pride of the Murray is off and racing to her new home at Longreach.
The only problem they anticipate is right at the end – a tight roundabout close to the town. I reckon the whole region will be out in force to cheer her on. I’d love to be there to see it.
A linky would prolly help!
Skidsteer you heathen!
Posi-track for preference. With all the attachments including snowplow. For Gaia’s Winter Wrath.
Drop Hammer Marine Piling Rig
I win
Dagnabbit! Sneaky new fred!!!
Reposted from old fred…
The only solution to externalities such as pollution is a consumption tax to account for it. Oh, look, we already have one. It’s called the GST.
It’s the only solution that could possibly work as it’s the only one that can EQUITABLY tax Chinese pollution. Any other solution relies on dodgy Chinese data.
You can change an equal amount to 15% and 5% to make changes net zero according to pollution involved in its production and provision, and sneakily tilt it towards Chinese goods without expressly doing so, ensuring plausible deniability.
Better still, no one on the left can plausibly reject it, and the only people worse off would be rich socialists and Teals. Let the old adage “be careful what you wish for” come true for them.
After all, it’s the kind of guy I am. No need to thank me.
I prefer more elegant, delicate machinery – tower cranes for me.
Nothing like a machine that can build itself.
I ain’t wasting no typing. Again from old fred…
In terms of reputation, critics are way below used car salesmen and politicians, and much closer to pedophiles, gang rapists and cannibals.
Not a good idea. We catch a small fish so they can fish the entire ocean.
Of course. Malcolm Turnbull had the right take on this: as a matter of corporate governance, it is prudential to take into account these perceived risks. That is not to believe that the worst case scenario will happen if we do nothing, but the possibility that it could should motivate us to act to prevent it becoming true.
But of course you lot don’t believe in corporate governance.
LOL. Malcolm TurnBullShit would not know Corporate Governance if it hit him on the head. He is a Corporate Bully more like. As for Climate Change, us Humans should just do what Mother Nature does and ADAPT. A heck of a lot cheaper and easier in the long run……………………QED
So, we can safely assume you’ve got someone close who just happens to be a politician.
True Beery. But if you want to be a professional troll you should be better at setting up troll accounts. My twitter, for example, keeps asking me if it can access contacts and follow location and all of those “features” for “ease of use.” Not me. My initial account creation at twitter is also off the back of a bogus gmail that is backed up by another bogus email that has an indirect link to my legitimate email…
But they do also have a very leftist view of the world, as do many poorer people who are angry about their disadvantages, and people with middle class leftist parenting (on one side anyway, not mine) where there was toleration of adolescent drug usage and lax attitudes re discipline and self-care.
If you educate someone to believe they are allowed to be bitter and the world owed them a living they you end up with people who are generally irresponsible, grumpy and set for failure in life.
As opposed to acknowledging people who have circumstances holding them back and encouraging them to make the most of what opportunities they do have.
Adulting I believe the hipsters call it.
Let’s assume this is true.
And the solution to raising the alarm are plastic panels and windmills to power an industrial civilisation?
You big fat idiot.
Drop Hammer Marine Piling Rig
I win
A lifetime subscription to “WHY IS EVERYONE MUMBLING” magazine and a free ASLAN course.
those buggers are loud.
Malcolm Turnbull had the right take on this
There comes a time when taking the piss goes too far.
Opening with this line is clearly one of them.
Faulty prediction.
RBA panic.
Rates up 0.5% or higher.
“solar panels provided by out benevolent Chinese chaps are all we need”
Benevolent Chinese Chaps….
Bugger, link dropped the important bits.
From here.
At its meeting today, the Board decided to increase the cash rate target by 50 basis points to 85 basis points. It also increased the interest rate on Exchange Settlement balances by 50 basis points to 75 basis points.
Katy Gallagher says the government has inherited the worst set of budget books in history. Is that correct?
Two interesting features, one of which is surprising:
1) Katy Gallagher is a deeply dumb bunny in an important portfolio, incapable of anything more constructive than campaign shit talking;
2) Their ABC has called it out.
That is the “precautionary principle” argument run by the likes of Faino and Flim-Flan man, sitting on their safe Government incomes. You were banging on about adding “pollution” into the fossil fuels costings before. How about adding in the relative costs of largely futile actions in 2022, as against mitigating spend in 2070 if your Doomsday predictions start to show signs of coming true.
The only rational approach to “Climate change” is to adapt to change as it occurs. All mitigation approaches simply waste time and resources following various “scares” down rabbit holes, many (most) of which turn out to be, in your eloquent word, “bullshit”.
Can you see what purpose the ‘worst case scenario’, however unlikely the scenario is, fulfills in contemporary politics? If you’ve forgotten, circle back to Neil Ferguson.
Format fail above, the sprocket wrench was in reverse.
Won’t be left out. Ditch Witch!
I prefer more elegant, delicate machinery – tower cranes for me.
Nothing like a machine that can build itself.
One of my most stressful and triumphant days is safety was the disassembly of a tower crane in PNG. It’s good thing when the 180 tonner has the boom hooked up, the bloke with the sledgehammer knocks the last pin out and the boom benignly glides 1m away from the tower and then stops.
Whack !
They are a lot of fun to use. It will give you a bone a dog couldn’t chew
The RBA’s communicates it’s policy so well.
No wonder Debelle jumped ship.
Risk has two components – impact, and probability of occurrence.
You address those things where (impact x probability) < (cost of mitigation) x (fudge number).
It is pointless mitigating for CO2-driven temperature rise as:
1/ impact is low or beneficial (warmth, greening)
2/ probability is not well known — given the craptastic models' relation to reality.
3/ cost of mitigation is enormous (developing world), or pointless (developed world vs. India and China)
Katy Gallagher says the government has inherited the worst set of budget books in history. Is that correct?
X Wrong.
Two interesting features, one of which is surprising:
1) Katy Gallagher is a deeply dumb bunny in an important portfolio, incapable of anything more constructive than campaign shit talking;
2) Their ABC has called it out.
LOL. And who was it that left many unfunded commitments for the incoming Libs/Nats in the last LayBore Gov’ment? The NDIS is a case in point so now LayBore have the opportunity to fund it. After all, you can only call an Insurance scheme an Insurance Scheme if it is properly funded. Accounting 101. Over to you now Laybore. ………………..More LOL.
An attempt at irony Bern? 😛
Note that they call Yemeni a ‘right-wing commentator’ and describe Rebel News as ‘far-right media outlet’.
Yemeni might consider asking AW Today to tell us who they describe in publishing as a ‘left-wing commentator’ and what outlets are ‘far-left outlets’. If they can’t then they may need to reflect on their purported neutrality.
After that he could ask them to outline what precise beliefs make him ‘right-wing’ such that it readers must be told. They might find that right-wing beliefs resonate with much of their audience. They were in fact most people’s beliefs up until a few years ago when the MSM they would go off on ideological excursions to niche left-wing causes.
Another feature of Australia’s energy infrastructure that has been fucked up by politicians – in full sight of the problem.
Minister for Dim Bulbs, Madeleine King, is desperately trying to avoid paying AGL and Origin to keep burning coal:
The fact that Australia’s gas pipeline infrastructure can’t keep up with the physical supply of gas to the gas-fired power stations propping up renewables is nothing new. The Arts/Law graduates at AEMO monitor the situation – and gas producers have been pointing this problem out to government for years.
The Commonwealth government is certainly aware of the tight infrastructure/commercial blackmail opportunity – it was one of the strategic reasons for FIRB blocking CK Holding’s acquisition of APA Group.
Watch this space as the current takeover unfolds.
Thick rich cream. Everyone wants an opportunity to wood duck Australia’s energy market.
Katy Gallagher is one of Labor’s mean girls, dumb as a bag of hammer handles.
The AOFM announced a month before the election that they we downgrading bond issuance by 20bill.
That is, deficit would be 20bill smaller than forecast.
Got zero coverage.
Budget still a mess, but 20bill better than expected.
Good on Andrew Leigh not joining the tard pile on with Gallagher.
Demonstrates why he is factionless.
Well stage 3 of The Telstra Wars.
Having persistent email problems: 1) an email from months back has duplicated itself thousands of times and is sitting on their server, and 2) can only remove about 30 emails manually at a time from their server.
Nothing seems to be able to fix the two problems, and unless I go and do (2) every few weeks it starts bouncing emails.
Stage 1 was talking to their people in faraway lands who go through scripts. None of them actually know anything about computers.
Stage 2 was go into a shop; get them to write it all down, and register a complaint. And say fix it or we go elsewhere. And I want big discounts anyway as they are wasting my time.
Stage 3 is actually talking to a technician in Oz. She laughed a lot at some of their responses in the Notes, and has tried a few intelligent solutions. Still no joy.
What a way to run a company.
Perfectly normal.
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
We need really strict gun laws like the ones in Democrat run cities so we’ll all be safe.
Just like this?
James Melville
EU to exempt private and corporate jets from green aviation fuel tax.
We are not all in this together.
Blaming the Coalition is going to wear thin very quickly.
Apparently Anthony Albanese is calling for more civility by the MSM. I can’t stop laughing. The hypocrisy is jaw dropping. It’s worth noting that Mr Albanese never called for any civility over the last three years when Morrison was repeatedly crucified in a very uncivil manner by the left and the left leaning media over bushfires, Hawaii trip, floods, Christian Porter, an alleged rape in parliament house and so on. Morrison was smeared and targeted as being personally responsible for those events, so much for “civility”. Oh and I note that Albanese has never uttered one word of condemnation at the uncivil hatred and bile directed at the likes of Pauline Hanson and Tony Abbott over the years.
Ahhhh, there’s nothing like the stench of hypocrisy.
No, this call for civility means only two things…..
1. The “civility” is only applicable to Labor, Green and Teal politicians. It will continue to be an open season of uncivility on conservative politicians.
2. As Rita Panahi said last night on her programme…..press censorship.
It’s going to be a fun three years.
Bill Burr’s new Netflix special where he hosts a show case has been called a woke piece of crap.
The Lomberg approach.
I was thinking about Port Phillip Bay. With an impending sea level rise of 0.1 mm per year in, say, 2050, I reckon we could manage that without freezing pensioners to death in 2022.
Remember, this would be more than 100 years after the Clog-Wogs built their dykes to hold out the North Sea.
Fucking NIYA ruined Bill.
Electric trucks anyone?
Someone mentioned worksafe vic govt quietly pushing thru mandatory vax laws. Anyone got a link?
A 2m x 1.5m lithium battery would cook alot of marshmellows.
“With an impending sea level rise of 0.1 mm per year in, say, 2050, I reckon we could manage that without freezing pensioners to death in 2022.”
Progressives want to freeze pensioners to death.
Week 4 for passport to arrive for the youngest.
Still at least another 3% of rate rises in our near future. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth about this but it should merely be restored to historically normal levels. Maybe we’ll get a normal economy again. That would be nice.
Reading the Herald Sun today whilst having a coffee, big article about how manufacturing in Australia is going to be encouraged to alleviate the supply chain crisis. Article ignores the obvious that you cannot have a solid manufacturing base without a solid base load power supply which we are doing our darndest to destroy.
Is it stupidity or malice?
I suppose we can embrace the power of “and’.
June 7, 2022 at 3:09 pm
Good on Andrew Leigh not joining the tard pile on with Gallagher.
For all his faults Leigh seems to have an occasional episode of decency, which render him unsuitable for a successful political career.
Victoria blocks AGL’s gas terminal on environmental grounds (Mar 2021)
One year, just one short year. Amazing.
To say nothing of the uncivility towards Nicole Flint
Maybe we’ll get a normal economy again. That would be nice.
You’re a fucktard montifa.
Pretty much. Also looks like a few elite UAP units got chewed up for PR reasons.
June 7, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Still at least another 3% of rate rises in our near future. There will be a lot of gnashing of teeth about this but it should merely be restored to historically normal levels. Maybe we’ll get a normal economy again. That would be nice.
There will be no “normal” economy whilst ever the rabid Gerbil Worming/Ruinables push to destroy reliable, continuous, electric power continues.
Following on from montifa’s latest bout of verbal poop about normal economies Tucker notes the evolving normalcy, by leftie standards, of the US society as the Jan 6th shits set up the next step in the mid term elections abandonment by arresting Peter Navarro.
“To say nothing of the uncivility towards Nicole Flint”
Correct, he was silent. What a hypocrite.
Accidentally put a couple of items in the old thread.
Setting up the Great Reset
the regulatory capture of “unexplained” deaths
We have a long way to go before the RBA’s balance sheet relative to the general economy gets back to what it was before the Global Financial Crisis.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
June 7, 2022 at 5:03 pm
“To say nothing of the uncivility towards Nicole Flint”
Correct, he was silent. What a hypocrite.
What was it that AnAl said about another woman Coalition MP? Oh, yes, “Smash her, smash her!”
Noice, very civil.
Emperor Barney perfected the empty Treasury handover in the West years ago. Fraudenberg just added some zeros to it.
Had a text from #1Granddaughter this morning: “Hey, don’t have brekkie, Granny. I’m coming around to take you out to brunch.”
She took me to the exquisite wine bar/restaurant where she works between studies. It was almost surreal talking with her, like talking to myself 50 years ago when I was vibrant, confident and full of life (and myself).
Later, the owner/boss came by and, after introductions, I remarked that it was a fabulous establishment. “Thanks to my fabulous staff,” he replied, patting Grandie on her shoulder.
Next time, she assures me, we’re going to check out every shop in town, since I confided that although we’ve lived in this lovely town for more than three years, I’ve hardly seen any of the ‘cbd’. Can’t wait!
ACT has ‘100 per cent renewable’ electricity from today.
Then I read further down…Only about five per cent of the territory’s electricity is generated within its borders, by a few solar farms and rooftop panels on Canberra homes.
The rest comes from the national electricity market — the grid that powers the eastern seaboard — and four-fifths of the grid’s power comes from non-renewable sources.
Lying bastards.
Bo Diddley is now the 25% man.
I would be shocked if they didn’t.
Just yet another instance of Canbra leaching off productive Australians.
We have a long way to go before the RBA’s balance sheet relative to the general economy gets back to what it was before the Global Financial Crisis.
This will never happen in terms of equivalent purchasing power for the end user of the currency, it is not possible.
Interesting window into the psychology of the Greens.
Premier Daniel Andrews says Victorians can ‘make their own decisions’ after Greens proposed fresh face mask campaign (7 Jun)
It’s interesting because (a) masking has zero to do with anything in Green philosophy or agendas and (b) they don’t work anyway, as has been shown numerous times (indeed they’ve been found to be actually harmful in recent Italian data).
So why are they pushing them? I have no answer, but it shows conclusively they are scientific nitwits.
I remember Albo’ spruikin’ , ” no banks will invest in coal. it’ll be a stranded asset”. Yet Whitehaven Coal has gone up 95% in 1 year. And he wants to run a country with a $2 trill. economy ?
And trying to make a virtue out of it.
Not with repeated massive rate rises we won’t. What we’ll get is a wasteland of bankruptcies, failed mortgages and massive job losses.
We’ll soon know if Labor have a clue by whether they’ve flogged their property portfolios and bought them back at half the price.
Well, I wouldn’t be keen on investing in something the government might make illegal at the drop of a hat. Reckon that’s where coal sits. Might be why I keep reading maintenance gets delayed, or outright ignored. Why bother if it’s not going to see out the projected lifespan anyway?
For you monty.
They’re outflanking Andrews to his Right.
Well, yeah, but since Lysenkoism is more or less the State Religion now, why are you surprised?
Nothing whatever to do with science. They’re pushing them because they are dyed in the wool authoritarians.
June 7, 2022 at 6:01 pm……Coal wont be ‘stranded’ . The World wants our coal. Political leaders can carry on all they want but electricity POWERS economies…its that simple.
Looking at live export, I wouldn’t put it past the muppets in government to bin export of coal because feels. But I’m a cynical bastard these days.
Pay me!!
Do you take empty cans?
It won’t happen because QLD.
Bluey…imagine this. ‘Aust Govt, bans all exports of coal and gas over a 10 year period , starting today. Watch the exit of overseas money, dollar falls, the country will be bankrupt by xmas.
Peter Navarro joins Tucker Carlson following FBI arrest over January 6 committee subpoena
Their ABC patronises thusly: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-06-07/interest-rate-increased-by-reserve-bank/101131216?#live-blog-post-1211918357
Hmmm. Yes. Quite.
And then the RBA will typically continue lending to the government until inflation speeds up.
Did I get that part right or is my name “Confused 2”?
How can anyone possibly spend A$90,000 on dinner in an Indian curry restaurant?
I’m bemused.
Our noble (1950’s/60’s) Case ‘Construction King’ backhoe loader has saved us tens of thousands* in costs for footings/ foundations, power and water trenches, site leveling, driveways, landscaping etc. Plus, we have resale at the end of the project.
*Big help that best man’s professional skills are on immediate call when something breaks down.
Ergo, we win!
Please explain?
Definitely greens policy then.
Labor and the Greens have been trying for decades to talk down the investment of coal , gas , oil and uranium in Aust. but no one but the ABC is listening. Aust needs these project if aussie’s want to live a reasonable lifestyle . We need the income from these investments and trade to hang shit on climate deniers.
January 6th documentary from the gateway pundit.
Looking at live export, I wouldn’t put it past the muppets in government to bin export of coal because feels. But I’m a cynical bastard these days.
Unlikely. Look at the revenue that the states get from royalties, and the Commonwealth from Company Tax. That would be the biggest “Cut of your nose to spite your face” ever.
Comedian Russell Brand has slammed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for “fermenting discord” within his own country.
In a 13-minute video posted on his YouTube page on Sunday, Mr Brand said Prime Minister Trudeau is using new powers to crack down on legitimate dissent.
Last month, Prime Minister Trudeau announced Canada’s security agencies will get new tools to combat “extremist ideology” and “misinformation.”
Mr Brand warned the new powers will erode freedom within Canada.
“It won’t mean more freedom, it’ll mean their ability to capture your data, share that data, and use that data to manipulate your behaviour,” Mr Brand said.
Gonzalo Lira. My opinion of him just keeps rising. Steve Kates might find this interesting.
2022.06.06 Economics and Epistemic Viciousness
Imagine the mess to clean up in the toilets !
Meanwhile back in South Africa
Johannesburg – President Cyril Ramaphosa allegedly kept large sums of money in foreign currency, estimated to be $80 million (R1.24 billion), “concealed” under mattress and couches at his farm in Bela-Bela, Limpopo.
It has been established that the money was allegedly stolen by five Namibians who conspired with his domestic worker in February 2020.
Ramaphosa has allegedly failed to report the matter to any police station. Instead, he allegedly paid the suspects, including his domestic workers, R150 000 each not to reveal the incident to anyone after they were traced and apprehended.
Ramaphosa allegedly solicited the services of his head of the Presidential Protection Unit, Major-General Wally Rhoode, to investigate the matter without reporting it at any police station.
The Reverse Repo Canary In The Coal Mine
Rebel Capitalist
Well done, Sancho, putting your faith in the RBA to panic. How many new mortgagees in 7 figures are shitting bricks right now?
He was half right.
Banks would prefer to invest in Ebola.
Private equity, on the other hand, is snorking and larfing and chortling…
SATP – Try a search. Comes up on Brave and DDG as first hit, but not Goolag. Maybe their Indian CEO is sensitive.
A string of shootings left at least 15 people dead and more than 60 others wounded in eight states this weekend, a spasm of gun violence that came as the nation continues mourning the lives lost in mass shootings last month in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas.
In Pennsylvania, police say multiple shooters fired into a crowd late Saturday night on South Street, a famous Philadelphia drag known for its nightlife, character and vibrancy. Authorities said three people were killed by the gunfire, and at least 11 others were wounded. Police said multiple handguns were recovered at the scene, but no arrests have been made.
Easy. They had tandoori chicken prepared in the traditional Indian way, where the chicken is cooked slowly in hot rocks and ashes in a tall clay oven buried underground for 3 hours. Except the hole was dug with an excavator, the oven reburied with a drop hammer pile driver, both of them lifted into and out of the work site by a tower crane, all machines rented by the hour.
Here ya go:
Woman shoots felon who opened fire on a Birthday Party in Charleston, West Virginia.
Dunno about Uranium?
Hawke increased the number of Mines from 1 to 3 decades ago, but is there any money in Uranium?
I doubt it.
Yes, next?
BoN, I found something in search.
D’ya mean Johnny Depp? At an Indian joint in Birmingham? Fifty Thousand quid bill, for about two dozen people?
That’s about Four to Four & a half grand each, in our money.
Easily done. Especially for someone letting off steam after a tense few months of judicial tenterhooks.
Just depends how pricey the was the plonk. How many $10,000 bottles? How many $5,000 bottles?
He’s here all week.
Try the veal.
Pays well. 😀 Also a family business, as I found out later my grandad did the same stuff as I did.
I’ve uranium in my genes or something.
Incidentally today:
It’s what we’ve been saying for decades. The protoGreens enforced the linear no-threshold hypothesis so that all radiation is bad m’kay. The actual data supports the hormesis hypothesis, which the above study confirms. Another early example of Green ideology being intentionally unscientific for political advantage.
I suspect the Indian Restaurant bill story is from an Amber Heard supporter.
It was reported she was staying at a $25,000 per week mansion for the duration of the trial (and yet can’t pay the judgement debt).
Tit for tat perhaps? Although it’s possible, I doubt an Indian Curry house would be stocking $10k bottles of wine.
Three months of fighting does that. The shitposting of a month earlier has certainly turned bitter.
Aussie bushmasters seen destroyed on side of the road in Ukraine
Great news: if you put vodka in your mower, your lawn is half cut.
You may be surprised.
What will really blow your mind is… when the price of Uranium goes over $500/kg it becomes economical to extract it from the ocean instead of land.
SATP – You need to attract victorious Hollywood actors to your establishment. Put out the word now that they’re welcome with all their friends.
For starters [boom tish], the restuarant doesn’t include prices on its menu.
Good trick that.
Now I only have lead pencles to blame.
Great news: if you put vodka in your mower, your lawn is half cut.
What about cutting your neighbours grass?
Africans are finding out that their “blak” brothers are just as venal and corrupt as the white “bas” ever was.
Can a water desalination plant be re-purposed or dual-purposed for this use?
Just back from Syd-de-knee. Stayed at a hotel in Hyde Park. Was surprised to see behind a reception a big screen advertising the hotel …the happy couple enjoying the amenities were buffed and both had peni (plural of cock).
It was a bit …different.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that …according to others.
Not sure I’d want Amber at the Cafe though. The cleaning bills would be large, and that’s with most of my clientelle incontinent most days already. A noisy miner shat on my sleeve today. Ingrate.
Yeah, Lysenkoism never died, it just moved to the West.
BoN, the radiation hormesis thing also shows that trips to Mars will not be as dangerous from the radiation perspective as currently thought.
In other words, it’s not your average Birmingham Indian take away.
Not for Sydney.
Pommy curry houses are all over the shop. I was disturbed to find feathers in one example of the genre.
Did they charge extra for that?
mothballs are made of naptha, aren’t they? 🙂
There’s more energy in the de-sal plant’s mothballs than any uranium you’ll get out of them.
No No No, The hole was dug by the excavator, compacted the base with the drop hammer, lowered into the hole by a 20t Kato slung off the boom, back filled with a wheel loader and smoothed off with a bobcat with a smudge bar, lifted out with the tower crane.
See, that makes sense.
PS – you forgot to add in the labour component with the machine hire (4 to 6 hour minimum), no tendering for you.
Don’t thank me i’m a people person.
At least you knew it was a bird of some sort. Still not the worst meal I had in the UK.
C&P from the ol’ Fred, because I think I’m onto something here-
2001- terrorism is actually a new thing called “al-Qaeda”, and rampant control and surveillance of everyone is a good thing
2020- the sniffles is actually a new thing called “COVID”, and rampant control and surveillance of everyone is actually a good thing
2022- organized crime is actually a new thing called “n’Dragheta”, and rampant control and surveillance of everyone is actually a good thing.
Involves spyware on mobile phones.
Good wash-job for Andrews’ surveillance sweep.
Are you paying attention yet?
News Radio report made much of the ingenuity of planting algorithm software on mobiles and tracking financial transactions through banking. Yet it appears no arrests have been made, so it’s just another Big Brother dragnet which we can expect is probably already being planted into ordinary everyday aussies.
Earth to Dot.
Dot says: June 1, 2022 at 9:03 am
I am nominally compelled to ask what on Earth this kenfrychickesque¹ reference meant.
1 = A newly minted word, dear prescriptivists.
aka the law
Poetry in motion.
We can’t afford you, but.
Seems he hired the whole restaurant – which seated over 300 people – for the evening, so he and his twenty or so guests could kick their heels up.
What’s the matter cohenite, are you overleveraged and panicking because you didn’t read the obvious signs over 12 months ago that this would happen?
Honestly, if you experience pain from interest rate rises reverting to historical norms then that was entirely your fault to begin with. Shouldn’t have bet your life on the bank funding your extravagant lifestyle. Live within your means, grasshoppers!
2dogs – theoretically a selective ion-exchange unit could do that. Use one with an affinity for uranium added onto the end of the desal modules, then once loaded take it off line and strip it with acid to produce a uranium solution.
Since you already have the pumping costs paid for (by the desal plant) the incremental addition of the IX elements would be easier to justify.
Not sure whether you would use selective IX membranes (which don’t exist but could be easily developed) or IX resin beads, which do exist. A fluidized-bed of the IX beads might be the best, as they’re off the shelf and the unit would just be a very big container with upward flow of the desal reject stream. The continuous resin-in-solution process is well known.
Still would need a serious U price to make it work. By comparison a monazite concentrate containing 10% thorium is very easy to produce from a mineral sands plant. Thorium metal for a reactor would be extremely cheap, much cheaper than U235.
translation: eat the bugs
Even tho Johnny Depp is a drug phuk’d 3 times looser ,who was dragged thru the court system by a vindictive ex and was humiliated by Barnaby Joyce for illegal puppy importing , I feel a lot in common with him. Except for being drug phuk’d and illegal puppy importing , that is.
Cat lover?
Those samosas have $30k of cocaine in them.
It means, ultimately, REEEEEEEEE!
Old movie reference. Probably too low brow for you. Or possibly not.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Barney did the right thing by raiding the Treasury prior to his departure as funds were made available for a range of things which needed doing but had never been tackled. These include the new children’s hospital, the new stadium at Burswood, and major upgrades to the Tonkin Highway.
He had seen what happened federally when Rudd took over from Howard and squandered the massive savings accumulated by Howard and Costello so he started a range of projects rather than see it fritted away by a future Labor government.
In particular I respect him for the major capital upgrades at the Collie coal fired power station. The greeny zealots and the ALP shouted condemnation at him for upgrading a coal fired power station, nowadays there’s no praise for Barney that we now have the least expensive power in Australia and will continue to have this for many years to come thanks to Barney.
bespoke window and door manufacturer is going, going, gone.
hundreds of years of collective man/waman experience
vacant possession
you’ll find their stock on Greys in a month from now.
not by necessity, but by choice
the trouble is that there is no replacement
no enterprising kid with some backing
no next-generation to hand off to
gone to the Kimberleys in the RV
things were better when they were worser
Lefty projection is great fun.
This Australian grasshopper gave up sex 250,000 years ago and it’s doing fine (Phys.org, 3 Jun)
Any resemblance M0nty?
Seven and a half large on a bottle of pop (x 2) will get you there.
its getting grim
in a year or two we’ll be left with nothing but 40-yo neuters
Depp is trolling the Boudoir Merde-Heard big-time.
If it’s eny consolation, Matrix lots of them are keeping the old trades alive.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
June 7, 2022 at 7:32 pm
Murugappan family eyes its hometown Biloela fare
Paul Garvey
Senior Reporter
27 minutes ago June 7, 2022
No Comments
The Murugappan family will begin their journey back to Biloela with a renewed focus on a future in Australia, and toying with the idea of opening an Indian restaurant in the regional Queensland town with which they are now synonymous.
Whatever deaths occur from the people smuggler resumption can be laid firmly at the feet of these queue jumpers and their nauseating supporters.
My worst find in a half-eaten curry was a band-aid. The waiter was neither surprised, nor particularly apologetic.
He asked if I wanted another serving.
Err, no thanks, given it would probably come out of the same cauldron.
Had to ask him to take it off the bill at the end.
LOL. Had a nice chuckle over that.
The average unthinking jab junky Australian moron wouldnt be capable of developing and running a manufacturing plant.
Greetings from Japan!!!