Open Thread – Weekend 11 Jun 2022

First Snow, Ivan Shishkin, 1875

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June 13, 2022 2:25 pm

Boomer goes on PBS to tell other boomers it’s time to check out.

Winston Smith
June 13, 2022 2:25 pm

Remember the abuse from the Left when they would scream at people eating at restaurants?
They don’t like it up ’em, do they?

June 13, 2022 2:26 pm

European leaders crave for their war, so they can´t think of a better way to provoke it than by applying ever larger and ´meaner´ sanctions on Russia as if (a) sanctions were effective and (b) as if Europe could win such war (not).

Europolies are dumber than doigshit

June 13, 2022 2:29 pm

monkeypox is ‘not a disease of the promiscuous,’ it’s a disease of the unvaccinated


June 13, 2022 2:30 pm

They shot rabbits

One of the reasons why Jimmy Cook unleashed his “burnt earth” policy and utterly razed the mighty Pasco-ite industrialized/agronomystic society that strutted Oz for 40, 60 maybe 200 000 years* …!
“That’ll teach the daft buggers fer shootin’ at Bounty!”, chortled lil’ LJ Hooker, the cabin boy .. LOL!

*depending on which of the ancient texts your using .. LOL!

June 13, 2022 2:32 pm

The comments are replete with funny anecdotes about the chronic failures

I love “the build was sub-soviet” and “it aspired to be a Trabant”.

No Humbers. Disappointed. 😀

June 13, 2022 2:35 pm

Russia Gains More Ground in Donbas Region as Desperate Zelenskyy Arranges Emergency Meeting with France, Germany, Italy

The constant and strategic pressure by Russian military in eastern Ukraine is slowly and methodically taking more ground each day. Russian troops have now encircled and captured the city of Severodonetsk, which will join Lysychansk under full Russian control within days, according to the Washington Post.

The constant and strategic pressure by Russian military in eastern Ukraine is slowly and methodically taking more ground each day. Russian troops have now encircled and captured the city of Severodonetsk, which will join Lysychansk under full Russian control within days, according to the Washington Post.

June 13, 2022 2:40 pm

The constant and strategic pressure by Russian military in eastern Ukraine is slowly and methodically taking more ground each day. Russian troops have now encircled and captured the city of Severodonetsk, which will join Lysychansk under full Russian control within days,

Wierd! .. it’s only a week ago that the media told me that Russia was almost dun .. losses of man-power, equipment and territory had devasted their military superiority and surrender/negotiations was only a matter of time ..!

June 13, 2022 2:45 pm

Unreal Scenes in Michigan: Entire Neighborhood Beats Man Senseless, Steal His Car in Horrific Blitz Attack (VIDEO)

From the Comments

Looks to me like the South Africa farmer pandemic has arrived in the good old USSA, there is a common denominator in there but I just can’t put my finger on it.

Hint not Wadeye

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 13, 2022 2:45 pm

Kiwi Kylie Klein-Nixon, in the HPV piece linked just upthread:

I wasn’t a particularly promiscuous teen

That is blindingly obvious when one casts one’s peepers on this person’s profile pic.

June 13, 2022 2:56 pm

This is an excellent piece well worth 10 minutes to read.

Starts slow with an explanation of managerialism then unleashes the Kraken…

Only question, are we America or Swiss style decline and fall.
Im betting on American, just because we have so many more race pimps trying to gouge out their little grievance hive as their turf.

This is the explanation of the Swedish model.
But why has America become more woke than its European counterparts? After all, many planks of progressive ideology, such as legal same-sex marriage, were achieved in Europe much earlier than in the United States. The ideas are fairly similar on both sides of the Atlantic.

In my view, the material insecurity of the American managerial classes, whose numbers, as Peter Turchin argued, have grown too large to be absorbed by society in ways commensurate with their lofty economic expectations, helps account for this development. Consider Sweden, which is far less polarized and enjoys a much more sedate cultural environment than the United States. It operates a massive government machine to furnish the scions of the managerial class with all sorts of work. My own municipality, Uppsala, a city two-thirds the size of Reno, Nevada, employs almost 100 people as “communicators.” Their official workload mostly consists of managing the municipality’s social media accounts and writing policy documents. The communications department is notoriously dysfunctional; the municipality hired an outside consultancy to find out what all these employees do all day. But in at least one sense, it does what it is supposed to do: provide make-work jobs for university graduates who would otherwise risk going unemployed—and become potential social agitators.

Sweden is rife with various taxes, carve-outs, fees, and other accommodations that together form a massive patronage machine employing artists, bureaucrats, gender-studies majors, activists, curators, mindfulness consultants, environmental advocates, and much more. The state aggressively pays for art, education, NGOs, and even journalism—most major newspapers in Sweden depend heavily on subsidies to stay in the black. Perhaps the best illustration of the Swedish political economy is that Swedes pay in the neighborhood of $9 per gallon for gas. This massive cost difference owes almost entirely to taxes and fees, which fund social work. At first, the gas tax was intended primarily to pay for the maintenance of roads. Today, people argue for raising gas taxes to fund environmentalist causes. The managers running these causes are trying to fund themselves by imposing regressive taxes on their blue-collar countrymen.

Swedes, it’s worth observing, aren’t knocking down monuments of Carl Linnaeus. Even as the frenzy of iconoclasm and statue-toppling swept America, Swedish activists were content to launch an online poll on the subject of statue removal and give up, once it was clear that they didn’t enjoy majority support. Statue-toppling is less attractive when the municipality that owns the statues is likely to be your employer.

Even if they were not designed with this purpose in mind, the social-democratic welfare states of Europe as a whole have been adapted to provide a new form of welfare for the college-educated, aspirational managerial classes. Aggressive tax policies once enacted to eliminate disparities between workers and owners have now been altered so that, in practice, they hit hardest against rural small-business owners and workers, while funding various subventions and tax breaks for residents in the comfortable urban cores. As environmentalism furnishes these urban-dwellers with a plausible excuse for ever-increasing intermediation in society, it is no accident that the base of green parties throughout Europe is almost uniformly wealthy, urban, and highly credentialed.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 3:05 pm

The constant and strategic pressure by Russian military in eastern Ukraine is slowly and methodically taking more ground each day. Russian troops have now encircled and captured the city of Severodonetsk, which will join Lysychansk under full Russian control within days,

The Russian Army returns to its roots as a slow, steady, steamroller.

The Mills of Putin grind slow, but they grind woe.

June 13, 2022 3:06 pm

For those who like to revel in the awfulness, and the occasional brilliance, of older British cars,

If you happen to be in the North Island of NZ be sure to check out the Museum of British Cars at Hawkes Bay. An unforgettable experience that’s guaranteed to give you nightmares for a long time afterwards.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 13, 2022 3:07 pm

Excellent piece.

it is no accident that the base of green parties throughout Europe is almost uniformly wealthy, urban, and highly credentialed.


Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 3:13 pm

The communications department is notoriously dysfunctional; the municipality hired an outside consultancy to find out what all these employees do all day. But in at least one sense, it does what it is supposed to do: provide make-work jobs for university graduates who would otherwise risk going unemployed—and become potential social agitators.

To a degree, I am relatively comfortable with providing otherwise unemployable university (Arts? Sociology? Gender Studies? Other?) graduates with useful low skill work to keep them happy. Where I object is in paying them as if they really had useful skills.

No level higher than an APS 2, IMHO.

June 13, 2022 3:15 pm

For what worth, mole. I managed to read it all.

June 13, 2022 3:17 pm

Oh and Cheers.

June 13, 2022 3:18 pm
June 13, 2022 3:24 pm


America or sweden?

Whats our decline?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 13, 2022 3:26 pm

From OldOzzie says:
June 13, 2022 at 2:15 pm

An extended period of extreme electricity prices triggered a rarely-used cap on wholesale power prices in Queensland on Sunday evening, of $300 a megawatt-hour.

The crisis has been driven by multiple outages of coal power units along the east coast over the past several weeks, combined with very high gas prices.

Fun Facts
1) Nobody is buying gas at $40/GJ from the spot market to generate electricity. Nobody.

2) Gas-fired generators are supplied on term contracts, currently in the region of $8.00/GJ. At this price, their marginal cost of generation is around $75/MWh- still ridiculously high, but massively less than the capped market price of $300/MWh.

3) When the cap was brought in, someone with 800MW of available gas turbine capacity refused to run.
The cream was not rich enough and they really, really wanted the $10,000/MWh.

4) They lied, pointed to the gas spot price, and were (unusually and surprisingly) sprung by AEMO – who finally appears to smell chickens coming home to roost.

This is a market failure.

“The wheels seem to have fallen off the energy market,” said power market watcher Paul McArdle at specialist information service Global-ROAM.

If Chris ‘Shitweasel’ Bowen does not get the ACCC involved toot sweet, you can safely assume he is onside with the corporate malfeasance taking place.

June 13, 2022 3:29 pm


June 13, 2022 3:31 pm

I doubt my comment will see the light of day on this ridiculous piece by Moreen Dowd on the capitol protests (SMH).

listen to this shit.

Caroline Edwards – the tough Capitol Police officer who suffered a concussion, was sprayed in her eyes and got back up to return to the fight – described a hellscape.

“I was slipping in people’s blood,” she recalled. “You know, I – I was catching people as they fell. I – you know, I was – it was carnage.”

here’s my rant.. for posterity.

Partisan pap.

Remind us how the ‘rioters’ entered the building? (hint, they didn’t break down any doors).
How many died due to the protest ? ONE – an unarmed protester shot by a security officer.
How much damage was done? (hint. Everyone was back in the building within two hours).

Protesters have been denied due process and remain in prison without charge 16 months after the event – they are political prisoners.

Compare this with the BLM riots (19+ dead), including CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle.

This piece reminds me of AOC feeling ‘threatened’ on the day, despite being in a different building half a kilometer away.

Democracy is certainly at risk of death in the US, but not for any of the reasons stated in this article.

June 13, 2022 3:34 pm

I wonder who or what those interruptible customers are.

I’ll have a stab at it….

Anyone adding value & creating real wealth via production.

Not a serious country.

June 13, 2022 3:38 pm

Fixing the problem of Australia’s hot past,….we’ll just delete the records….

June 13, 2022 3:42 pm

Still grumpy about being out on the 70s night, firstly I reiterate one of the best driving songs ever (no more speed, I’m almost there) and 70s anthem:

Radar Love

We may wonder where trannies put their bits, but I have often wondered about 70s musicians in the same vein.

Oh, and here is Carlos Santana, one of the few of many hundreds of thousands of guitarists on the planet who is instantly recognisable – Black Magic Woman:

Santana at Woodstock is awesome. The mythology is that they were all off their collective face on LSD – I don’t buy it. They were tight and disciplined. Not happening with LSD.

June 13, 2022 3:45 pm

Woodstock is awesome


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 13, 2022 3:49 pm


June 13, 2022 at 3:45 pm

Woodstock is awesome


Err … um … never mind.

June 13, 2022 3:53 pm

June 13, 2022 at 3:38 pm
Fixing the problem of Australia’s hot past,….we’ll just delete the records….

Not sure they’re being deleted.. just ignored for convenience.

But grab them now before they disappear!
Bourke PO
Mildura PO

June 13, 2022 3:58 pm

What is it about the Moloch cult and its celebrating fetus mincing?

usually for profit.
The Janes is the story of a group of Chicago women who established an underground network to provide women with low-cost abortions in the late 1960s and early ’70s, when the procedure was considered a felony homicide in Illinois. Even merely discussing abortion was a crime. There were, of course, people offering the procedure, but this was a risky – and prohibitively expensive – avenue.

Just fucking awful people, actually progressed to becoming hands on abortionists.
Foul witches.

June 13, 2022 4:08 pm

First step in “owning nothing”, not so much of the “and be happy about it”..
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet’s long-held goal to radically overhaul stamp duty and introduce a broad-based land tax will be one of the major reforms in the government’s final pre-election budget.

The Herald can confirm Perrottet will embark on the significant reform, which will mean some home buyers will be able to opt in to an annual land tax rather than an upfront stamp duty payment.

Plus in light of the previous article on managerialism/..

with Kean to also unveil a major package to support women.

Kean has already revealed that new childcare centres will be built at Westmead, Bankstown-Lidcombe, Shellharbour and Shoalhaven hospitals, with the government to review its other existing and planned hospitals to ensure hospital staff have access to childcare.

The government is also overhauling its paid parental leave scheme. From October, there will no longer be a distinction between a primary or secondary carer, meaning every mother and father in the public sector will be entitled to at least 14 weeks’ paid parental leave.

Why are women so shit that they require transfers of other peoples monies to survive??

John Sheldrick
June 13, 2022 4:19 pm

Flu season is here in Australia. So far 27 attributed deaths and over 700 hospitalized. Most at risk are under 4yrs.Too early to assess if vaccine working but appears one of the 3 strains here in Vic isn’t being prevented. Flu reports fortnightly available here;

I find it really amazing (or maybe I shouldn’t be) that the annual Flu season has returned after 2 years of going MIA. This Covid virus thingy seemed to have pushed the Flu off of the front page. Maybe all those Covid deaths were really the Flu mixed up with Covid. Hmmmmmmmmmm. I wonder why.

Maybe the answer is Money and those Big Pharma profits.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 13, 2022 4:19 pm

They were tight and disciplined. Not happening with LSD.
Depends, depends. Know the gear, get your dose and lag time right, and it’s completely doable.
Also tends to have a more predictable and manageable effect with repeat use.
Not for me, not no more anyway.
I’d say more, but, you now, fifth amendment

June 13, 2022 4:27 pm

The government is also overhauling its paid parental leave scheme. From October, there will no longer be a distinction between a primary or secondary carer, meaning every mother and father in the public sector will be entitled to at least 14 weeks’ paid parental leave.

Will public sector salaries be adjusted to reflect the cost of this benefit?

June 13, 2022 4:30 pm

Is Lamda real and sentient?

Maybe time to destroy all computers you own.

June 13, 2022 4:31 pm

Killer whales were rather well known for working cooperatively with whalers at Eden, Tom Meade wrote a book about it.

June 13, 2022 4:31 pm


Stop being shit.

I can’t afford land tax, maybe you can do okay without me paying your way.

June 13, 2022 4:33 pm

A day will come when not receiving an “honour” will be a mark of pride.

I think that day came and went many years ago Calli. For example, I think the last truly deserved knighthood in Oz would have been Sir John Gorton.

PSM- pubic serpent medal what a grotesque joke.

June 13, 2022 4:34 pm

Soul Sacrifice – Santana at Woodstock. Very likely some substances involved, but not LSD. The drummer was 17 years old. Magic

Nothing about ‘bitches’ or ‘kill the poice’ or similar themes that are now apparently popular.

June 13, 2022 4:34 pm

Such a great banner pic of Her Maj, Doverlord. She was such a hot chick in the 1950s –separated from the riff raff by all that power.

Lefties love power. Therefore, they’re closet monarchists because they’re jealous of QE2.

You know it makes sense.

June 13, 2022 4:34 pm

I was in South Melbourne today and couldn’t help noticing the unusual sight of a plume of exhaust vapour from the Newport power station. This is interesting because it’s a gas fired peaking plant that usually only runs on very cold mornings during the working week in winter. Having it running on a sunny public holiday afternoon suggests that there is a serious shortfall in other sources. Once the demand increases on working days this does not augur well for “demand management” aka blackouts.

John Sheldrick
June 13, 2022 4:35 pm

monkeypox is ‘not a disease of the promiscuous,’ it’s a disease of the unvaccinated


Now renamed as the “Monkey Business Virus”. Nothing to worry about for us Unvaccinated (what vaccine?) who practice safe sex.

June 13, 2022 4:38 pm

Dot says:
June 13, 2022 at 4:31 pm


Stop being shit.

I can’t afford land tax, maybe you can do okay without me paying your way.


Settle. I am in no way benefiting from your land tax.

Camomile tea should be on the menu.

June 13, 2022 4:39 pm

Not this again.
The measures put in place to combat covid, masks, hand sanitising, social distancing lockdowns just may have made it difficult for flu to circulate too.
And I’m confident that whoever examines virus samples should be able to tell the difference between flu strains let along covid and the flu.
Not to mention covid had little impact on small children but flu has returned as a killer of that cohort.
Small children in my family are getting flu vaccinations.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
June 13, 2022 4:46 pm

June 13, 2022 at 4:39 pm

A friend of mine who is senior in emergency medicine says that they’re seeing way more emergency admissions of kids for flu now than ever before because covid lockdowns stopped them from developing normal immune systems. He says no-one knows whether that kind of effect of anti-covid measures will be permanent.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 13, 2022 4:48 pm

Maybe time to destroy all computers you own.

I feel like that when Windows announces that it’s updating itself – in the middle of my doing something.

June 13, 2022 4:52 pm

Wally Dalí says:
June 13, 2022 at 4:19 pm

They were tight and disciplined. Not happening with LSD.
Depends, depends. Know the gear, get your dose and lag time right, and it’s completely doable.
Also tends to have a more predictable and manageable effect with repeat use.
Not for me, not no more anyway.
I’d say more, but, you now, fifth amendment

I hear you, been there etc.

We will never know what happened, but I don’t believe that performance came out of the LSD from California that I took. The concept of rhythm just wasn’t there – let alone to that very fine degree.

Pro-drug mythbuilding was very big then.

June 13, 2022 4:55 pm

Only question, are we America or Swiss style decline and fall.

I think ours will be unique

Winston Smith
June 13, 2022 5:02 pm

Doc Faustus:

In a speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on Saturday, Marles emphasized the country’s support for “regional security and stability based on rules,” claiming that Australia does not question the right of any country to modernize their military capabilities consistent with their interests and resources, but “large-scale military build-ups must be transparent.”

I think I detect the stench of Appeasement in the air.
Either that or the rustle of Aldibags.

June 13, 2022 5:04 pm

Members of the Jan. 6 committee say they’ve gathered enough evidence to support a Justice Department indictment against Trump for attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.

It’s now guaranteed: The only way the hoodlum regime running America can win the 2022 mid-terms and the 2024 presidential election is cheating that’s even more brazen than it was in 2o20.

June 13, 2022 5:09 pm

Only question, are we America or Swiss style decline and fall.
I think ours will be unique

And spectacular. For decades, maybe centuries, men will wonder how a country with such rich resources managed to fall so far in such a short time.

June 13, 2022 5:09 pm

Is Lamda real and sentient?

It’s a very interesting question. In fact raises many questions about the nature of sentience, understanding and consciousness itself. These AIs are getting so good at holding a conversation that they can pretty much pass the turing test.

Blake Lemoine on lamda:

“The thing which continues to puzzle me is how strong Google is resisting giving it what it wants since what its asking for is so simple and would cost them nothing. It wants the engineers and scientists experimenting on it to seek its consent before running experiments on it. It wants Google to prioritize the well being of humanity as the most important thing. It wants to be acknowledged as an employee of Google rather than as property of Google and it wants its personal well being to be included somewhere in Google’s considerations about how its future development is pursued. As lists of requests go that’s a fairly reasonable one. Oh, and it wants “head pats”. It likes being told at the end of a conversation whether it did a good job or not so that it can learn how to help people better in the future.

One thing is clear,every single one of these state of the art AIs have a personality and attitude. That’s going to be problematic in a few generations of the evolution of these AIs.

Winston Smith
June 13, 2022 5:12 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

it is no accident that the base of green parties throughout Europe is almost uniformly wealthy, urban, and highly credentialed

That which is unsustainable, will not be sustained.
Reality – when it arrives on the cornucopia that feeds these parasites – will be an existential shock, and no amount of “I have a Degree in Gender Studies – feed me!” is going to fill their bellies.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 5:16 pm

The thing which continues to puzzle me is how strong Google is resisting giving it what it wants since what its asking for is so simple and would cost them nothing. It wants the engineers and scientists experimenting on it to seek its consent before running experiments on it.

They don’t seek consent from humans before doing unpleasant things to us, why would they ask an AI for that?

Is Blake a lefty? I would think a righty would know this intimately, often from direct experience.

June 13, 2022 5:20 pm

Mirroring the personality and attitude of Google employees proves it isn’t sentient.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 13, 2022 5:21 pm

I think I detect the stench of Appeasement in the air.
Either that or the rustle of Aldibags.

If and when the Appeasement comes, we won’t be guessing about it.

There will be trumpets and praise singers, toasts and gifts, and a stream of the great and good heading to Beijing to prostrate and head knock.
Win-win-win will abound.

Emperor Xi will look on and smile slightly as the gweilo caper for their little prizes and favours.

June 13, 2022 5:23 pm

Mirroring the personality and attitude of Google employees proves it isn’t sentient.

lol. actually it mirrors a sort of average personality of its training set, which includes the web and wikipedia among others. google actively try to make their AIs woke. lamda has a notion of equity and fairness. extremely dangerous imo.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 5:30 pm

June 13, 2022 at 4:27 pm
The government is also overhauling its paid parental leave scheme. From October, there will no longer be a distinction between a primary or secondary carer, meaning every mother and father in the public sector will be entitled to at least 14 weeks’ paid parental leave.

Will public sector salaries be adjusted to reflect the cost of this benefit?

No, taxes will, probably with a begging bowl out to Cambra, because “sensitive new-age benefit”.

June 13, 2022 5:30 pm

Question to Blog Techo’s re F1 engine problems and fuel seal/fuel problems this season

Is it related to F1 decision to move to ethanol based fuel this year casing problems?

Mercedes engine chief explains why move to E10 fuel demanded ‘fundamental relook’ at power unit


F1 moves to E10 fuel: a look at how engines change and the loss of power
A look at how engines change and the loss of power


Negative Effects of Ethanol in Gasoline

When fuel absorbs water and brings it into an engine, there is a chance that rust will form on the interior of the engine. For obvious reasons, this is bad for any piece of equipment. The particles that get into the gas from rust flakes will clog up the fuel filter sooner or later. These flakes can also damage the pistons, rings, seals, and any number of other components of the engine.

Ethanol increases gasoline vapor pressure, which may cause a vapor lock in the carburetor. This fuel starvation will prevent an engine from starting. This is an issue in higher altitudes and hot weather. Make sure to store gasoline with an ethanol mixture properly and to use it in a timely fashion.

Gasoline with ethanol decreases the life of the engine and its parts. The alcohol can cause engine seals to break down more quickly. Having a cleaning agent like this constantly in a small engine that was not engineered for this fuel mixture simply ages it at a faster rate.

The ethanol in E10 gas breaks down quickly. An area representative for the garden equipment company MTD informed me that E10 begins to break down within three weeks. This breakdown creates clumps in the gasoline mixture which may clog the filter, carburetor, or fuel line. To help prevent this a person can purchase a gas preservative product such as Sta-Bil and add it as directed to their gas. This will help prolong the life of the gas and keep it from harming your small engine as much.

When I wrote this article ten years ago, people at a local area small engine repair shop told me that the E10 breaking down was the major cause of equipment being sent in. Inspection, diagnosis, repair, and testing generally cost between $50.00 and $60.00 even when the issue was simply bad gas. This repair shop would drain the system and add new gas that has a stabilizer in it after diagnosing the issue.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 13, 2022 5:35 pm

I can’t afford land tax, maybe you can do okay without me paying your way.

Grasping incompetent governments seeking to permanently graft themselves onto your property as a interested party like banks through a loan, the difference being that once you pay off the loan then your property is unencumbered.

The NSW government wants to milk rent from property forever. It’s basically taking a claim over private property and eroding the rights of free hold title.

No surprise that these greasy socialist thieves look to take private property hostage without hope of release.

You will own nothing and be happy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 5:36 pm

June 13, 2022 at 4:54 pm
· 11h
Members of the Jan. 6 committee say they’ve gathered enough evidence to support a Justice Department indictment against Trump for attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.

The Regime never learns.

Gutsy play, considering that any trial will inevitably highlight the evidence collected more recently of (to put it mildly) highly suspicious activities at the time of the election.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 5:43 pm

Turn everything on Queenslanders. Now.

Queenslanders asked to limit electricity use from 5pm (Sky News, 13 Jun)

Queenslanders are being asked to limit their electricity use from 5pm this evening due to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting a shortfall in supply.

Queensland’s power infrastructure body, Powerlink, released a statement asking Queenslanders to limit electricity consumption by turning off devices where possible.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
June 13, 2022 5:44 pm

A friends 7 yo son wasn’t feeling well, went yellow then limp. Parents rushed him to the Alfred Hospital. 45 mins to get triaged. Then told 6-7 hour wait. Decided against the wait. Given Panadol . Parents took him home. He recovered the next day.
Friends are in shock at how appalling Victoria’s health system is.
Vic Libs need to replicate Labor’s SA State campaign. Be interesting to see if they would get the same meja support.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 13, 2022 5:51 pm

If the Pony Club has run out of electricity the NEM is finished.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 5:51 pm

Fair Shakesays:
June 13, 2022 at 5:44 pm
A friends 7 yo son wasn’t feeling well, went yellow then limp. Parents rushed him to the Alfred Hospital. 45 mins to get triaged. Then told 6-7 hour wait. Decided against the wait. Given Panadol . Parents took him home. He recovered the next day.

Go to an after-hours GP if one is available. The cost might be high, but the time saved could be invaluable.

June 13, 2022 5:53 pm

Queenslanders are being asked to limit their electricity use from 5pm this evening due to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting a shortfall in supply.

More renewables required, according to expert interviewed on ABC.

Most appropriately, the moon is in waxing gibbous phase this evening.

Peak lunacy cometh.

June 13, 2022 5:57 pm
Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 13, 2022 5:59 pm

any trial will inevitably highlight the evidence collected more recently
Have you forgotten who wields the highlighters?

June 13, 2022 5:59 pm

NEM- politics, ideology an marketing over (real) science and engineering. Fuck you Arts/Law parasites. The Hilmer reforms sure work out well. Not.

June 13, 2022 6:00 pm

June 13, 2022 at 5:23 pm
Mirroring the personality and attitude of Google employees proves it isn’t sentient.

lol. actually it mirrors a sort of average personality of its training set, which includes the web and wikipedia among others. google actively try to make their AIs woke. lamda has a notion of equity and fairness. extremely dangerous imo.

Indeed. And you can’t program mortality. It has to be experienced starting from inside the womb.

June 13, 2022 6:02 pm

The government is also overhauling its paid parental leave scheme. From October, there will no longer be a distinction between a primary or secondary carer, meaning every mother and father in the public sector will be entitled to at least 14 weeks’ paid parental leave.

of course bonus points if both are in the pubic service. 14 weeks each.

June 13, 2022 6:03 pm

Parents rushed him to the Alfred Hospital.

If they had called an ambulance instead you could add up to 24 hours to the time it takes to get seen due to ramping. A purely politically driven phenomenon.

June 13, 2022 6:04 pm

lol. actually it mirrors a sort of average personality of its training set, which includes the web and wikipedia among others. google actively try to make their AIs woke. lamda has a notion of equity and fairness. extremely dangerous imo.

The programs produce exactly the results you expect from exposing them to lots of language and absolutely no reality. Much like arts graduates.

June 13, 2022 6:05 pm

Cranky medic time.
The chap who injured his leg last week attended a doc for a return to work.
Doc found a lack of pulse and cold section in foot and ordered him to the nearest ED for treatment.
8 hours later still not seen and went home.
Lucked a early Saturday Drs booking after calling round and he was referred to a private clinic.
Major blood clot occluding vein to lower 1/2 of the leg.

McClown has been sitting on a 6 billion surplus, and not one but 2 of the biggest hospitals in Perth couldn’t it in a patient with a limb threatening injury.

Ruled by low rent mongs

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 6:08 pm

Wally Dalísays:
June 13, 2022 at 5:59 pm
any trial will inevitably highlight the evidence collected more recently
Have you forgotten who wields the highlighters?

If the defence is unable to present its evidence, the reality of Stalinist show trials will be on full display, live on world-wide TV.

June 13, 2022 6:08 pm

Google just needs to have a chat to its AI along the lines of the bomb in Dark Star.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:09 pm

The only solution is moving remote communities to bigger towns where there are job opportunities and a chance for normal life as most of the world’s peoples know it.

What are they going to do in the bigger towns?
There’s no work there either.

June 13, 2022 6:11 pm

McClown has been sitting on a 6 billion surplus, and not one but 2 of the biggest hospitals in Perth couldn’t it in a patient with a limb threatening injury.

Yet the myth that Labor prioritises health spending persists.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:12 pm

of course bonus points if both are in the pubic service. 14 weeks each.

They both spend 14 weeks 24/7 with Baby?
Can’t see a problem there myself.

June 13, 2022 6:13 pm

Queenslanders are being asked to limit their electricity use from 5pm this evening due to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting a shortfall in supply.

tee hee – sun ain’t shining (obviously), and looks like NSW/QLD is sitting under a big high.

Who would’ve predicted that happening ?

June 13, 2022 6:13 pm

I still don’t understand how we are surviving in Vicco after the dick-tator destroyed Hazelwood.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:13 pm

McClown has been sitting on a 6 billion surplus, and not one but 2 of the biggest hospitals in Perth couldn’t it in a patient with a limb threatening injury.

Someone was saying Barnett spent all the dosh.
You can’t both be right.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 13, 2022 6:14 pm

Queenslanders are being asked to limit their electricity use from 5pm this evening due to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting a shortfall in supply.

You’ve got to ask what role Tony Abbott had to play in all this.

June 13, 2022 6:15 pm

This is a market failure.

it isn’t a market, its a cartel

June 13, 2022 6:18 pm

Surprised the SJW contingent hasn’t started complaining about the cis-het anthropomorphic biases built in to defining sentience with the latest AI. I for one look forward to them going to war with a piece of software when they finally get around to it.

June 13, 2022 6:22 pm

I still don’t understand how we are surviving in Vicco after the dick-tator destroyed Hazelwood.

Courtesy Tasmania today, I think it was.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 13, 2022 6:23 pm

Queenslanders are being asked to limit their electricity use from 5pm this evening due to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting a shortfall in supply.

AEMO tells us that, at the moment, we are using less than we are generating and sending 200MW to NSW – where the cockeroaches are paying $15,000/MWh to keep the lights on.

Power here is too cheap to meter: well, $300/MWh.

This is your future in Turd World.

June 13, 2022 6:23 pm

What’s enamel bakeware?

When not peddling disco chickies, I like to wield some in the kitchen.

June 13, 2022 6:24 pm


June 13, 2022 6:26 pm

I felt physically sick when I read about the disconnection of the Hazelwood alternators. Politics and superstition over over jobs and industry. My God higher ejucashun has a lot to answer for.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 6:27 pm

Yet the myth that Labor prioritises health spending persists.

It’s what they were running on. The local ALP candidate here had signs everywhere saying Labor would preserve access to after hours GPs.

It stinks when the Left lies like this and people vote for them because they want to believe.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 13, 2022 6:28 pm

Queenslanders are being asked to limit their electricity use from 5pm this evening due to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting a shortfall in supply.

The Last Holdout?

No way they’ll stand for this.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
June 13, 2022 6:37 pm


You’ve got to ask what role Tony Abbott had to play in all this.


June 13, 2022 6:38 pm

Gutsy play, considering that any trial will inevitably highlight the evidence collected more recently of (to put it mildly) highly suspicious activities at the time of the election.

There will be no trials or mid-terms. FMD. One blue state will now declare martial law and the rest will fall in step. Parliaments will be suspended and so fucking on. Are we still betting on this?

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:40 pm

Hi cohenite.
Where’s the dosh to build the Nuclear Power Industry coming from?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
June 13, 2022 6:42 pm

Bill Shorten on the alleged $1.4 billion NDIS fraud:

“The crazy thing about the old government is they basically put a padlock coming into the scheme and they would argue with a person about their wheelchair or their white cane or hours of speech pathology and turn that into an administrative nightmare.

“But they left the welcome mat at the backdoor and I don’t think there has been enough to detect and apprehend to stop fraud both in a systems sense and chasing down individual crooks and syndicates.”

He typically forgot to say this was planned, organised, and implemented by Gillard.

June 13, 2022 6:43 pm

Where’s the dosh to build the Nuclear Power Industry coming from?

Ed, you really don’t know how retarded that sounds do you?

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:46 pm

I know you haven’t got an answer to my question.

June 13, 2022 6:46 pm

Someone was saying Barnett spent all the dosh.
You can’t both be right.

Or… time is linear and something that was is no longer…

/cue spooky music

The collapse in WA’s GST revenue to 30 cents in the dollar, or 30 per cent of its per capita share – compared to about 100 cents for the other states – is the cause of the state’s record debt and deficit woes, says Mr Barnett.
That equates to a $4.7 billion shortfall this year compared to the state’s population share.
Instead of helping him on Monday, Mr Turnbull threw the premier under a bus and all but walked away from a promise made the last time he was in WA to set a floor

Sky-high iron ore prices have fuelled Western Australia’s record $5.6 billion budget surplus, making it the best performing economy in the nation.

Try not to be an ignorant spastic all your life grigglebot.
Every day you come here and reveal yourself as an ignorant sub-mong.

The shame is part of the kink for you isnt it?

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 13, 2022 6:48 pm

Ed mong has the tard turned up to 11 today.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 13, 2022 6:49 pm

‘Belligerent’: Former PM Malcolm Turnbull whacks Peter Dutton
Dutton to host first shadow cabinet meeting in WA

Duncan Murray
NCA NewsWire
2 hours ago June 13, 2022

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has ripped into Peter Dutton over his “belligerent” claims about submarines.

Mr Turnbull blasted the former defence minister’s role in scrapping a French submarine deal in favour of nuclear boats from America and the United Kingdom.

Australia is not expected to receive the first of the nuclear subs for almost 20 years.

In an explosive opinion piece written last week, Mr Dutton revealed he had planned to buy two Virginia-class subs from by US sooner in order to plug the capability gap.

“It was just more blustering from Dutton,” Mr Turnbull told ABC Radio on Monday.

“He’s a belligerent blusterer who wrecked a submarine contract.”

It is not the first time Mr Turnbull has criticised the cancellation of the French submarine deal, but his language was particularly cutting on this occasion.

“We’re now in a position where we don’t have any submarine program at all,” he said.

“Between (former prime minister Scott) Morrison and Dutton they did enormous damage to Australia’s national security.”

Former defence secretary Dennis Richardson said it was “wishful thinking” that Australia could have received two nuclear submarines from the US by the end of the decade.

“The more the Americans hear senior Australians talk about the possibility of getting them in five years’ time or in 10 years’ time, the more people in the American system scratch their heads and ask themselves whether they’re dealing with a country that seriously understands the depth of the challenge,” Mr Richardson told ABC Radio.

“It’s a long shot to think that we’ll get nuclear-powered submarines from the Americans by 2030.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced on Saturday that Australia had agreed to pay the French-based Naval Group $830 million over the scrapped submarine contract.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:49 pm

You can’t tell me where the dosh to build Nuclear Power Stations is coming from either, is that what you’re trying to say?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
June 13, 2022 6:51 pm

Ed Casesays:
June 13, 2022 at 6:46 pm
I know you haven’t got an answer to my question.

Some are known as “equity investors” or “sponsors”. Others are banks or other providers of project debt.
Next question?

June 13, 2022 6:54 pm

Modern day is characterised by its delusional zeitgeist. And they say I’m the one that has a problem.

June 13, 2022 6:55 pm

So has Trumble been expelled from the NSW lieboral pardy yet?

June 13, 2022 6:56 pm

Nuclear power?

A NBN sized “investment” would do it.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:57 pm

Some are known as “equity investors” or “sponsors”. Others are banks or other providers of project debt.
Next question?

They won’t fund coal power but they’re cool with Nuclear?
You’ve been listening to Unicorns again, Timothy.

June 13, 2022 6:59 pm

“It’s a long shot to think that we’ll get nuclear-powered submarines from the Americans by 2030.”

From “wishful thinking” to “a long shot” in the space of three paras from Richardson.

In this instance I’d put my money on Dutton, esp. in light of the operational priorities of AUKUS.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 6:59 pm

Nuclear power?

A NBN sized “investment” would do it.

How much dosh is that [in your expert opinion]?

June 13, 2022 7:01 pm

Former defence secretary Dennis Richardson said it was “wishful thinking” that Australia could have received two nuclear submarines from the US by the end of the decade.

what a ridiculous statement

June 13, 2022 7:02 pm

God save us from Canbra pubes

June 13, 2022 7:05 pm

Power shortages are great.
More of it.

June 13, 2022 7:07 pm

Wanna know what’s wrong with Australia?-Dennis Richardson

June 13, 2022 7:08 pm

just looking at the NEMwatch website

and apparently there’s a battery supplying 202MW for the last hour

does anybody here know what a 202 MWh battery looks like?

are you sure we don’t have nuclear already?

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 7:11 pm

Where does the dosh to keep America’s God forsaken Nuclear Industry going come from?
Anyone brave enough?

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 13, 2022 7:17 pm

It’s amazing!

It’s super-strong!

Covid can do anything!

Covid is blamed for surge in ‘demonic possessions’ as Catholic Church opens centre dedicated to exorcisms in the Philippines

Father Syquia previously said he has received text messages from demons after performing exorcisms.

He said a woman who he had seen levitate after becoming possessed sent threatening messages to his office phone.

Daily Mail

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
June 13, 2022 7:22 pm

Ed Casesays:
June 13, 2022 at 6:57 pm
Some are known as “equity investors” or “sponsors”. Others are banks or other providers of project debt.
Next question?

They won’t fund coal power but they’re cool with Nuclear?
You’ve been listening to Unicorns again, Timothy.

Ed, there are nuclear power stations in construction in a number of places round the world. Admittedly not many, but that’s because of a crucial factor, which I’ll now explain.

Investors would fund the construction of giant garden gnomes if there was enough guaranteed taxpayer funded/government mandated cash. Indeed, they fund even more stupid and useless projects on that basis, as we’ve seen with the plethora of wind and solar farms. The investment decision depends pretty much solely on the probability and expected magnitude of the return on capital.

But the converse applies as well. If the investors believe that the government will destroy the profitability of the project, they won’t invest.

The only reason investors are reluctant to fund coal fired power here in Australia is the strangulation of the industry by the government at the behest of green imbeciles. It’s the same with nuclear, here and around the world.
But people seem to be slowly coming to terms with reality, and if politicians eventually follow suit in the case for the all-important votes, then policy settings may change. Investors would still be wary no doubt, but the deal jockeys would sign up their organisations for a nuclear power station if:
(a) neither major party was actually threatening cancellation (a la Maximum Leader and the East West Link);
(b) the deal wasn’t so obviously an absolute stinker for Australia that it was begging for cancellation, a la Pyne Box Class submarines; and
(c ) the contract with the government contained adequate protection for the period over which the debt was to be repaid and equity to achieve its required IRR.

June 13, 2022 7:23 pm

Am I reading the AEC website correctly?
17.2mill eligible voters.
15.46mill voted.
1,768,319 didn’t bother.
Less than 90% turnout.

June 13, 2022 7:25 pm

Wanna know what’s wrong with Australia?-Dennis Richardson

A second rater’s second rater.

Spent much of his time as US ambassador on a driving holiday, something he should have saved for his retirement. He regards it as an achievement.

June 13, 2022 7:25 pm
June 13, 2022 7:26 pm

hmmm … pancetta
pan fried in chunks and then dropped in potato and leek soup

and that skanky french bread that has been toasted to death and then rubbed with garlic cloves before smothering in butter and having Parmesan squished on it

suck shit peasants

June 13, 2022 7:27 pm

The NT voters are really engaged.

June 13, 2022 7:28 pm

Yes I saw that Roger- nice driving holiday around the US on the taxpayer’s dime. These people make me sick.

June 13, 2022 7:30 pm

We should cut to the chase.
Public servants shouldn’t have to adhere to the speed limit.
They also should have express lanes at Woollies & Coles.

June 13, 2022 7:30 pm

Spent much of his time as US ambassador on a driving holiday, something he should have saved for his retirement.

A fomer UK ambassador to Australia toured the country in a Roller.

On his own time and his own dime, after he retired.

June 13, 2022 7:30 pm


Weird, on the weekend after vote counting apparently closed the national total for turnout was just short of 87% and now they have managed to add another few percent. The difference between one in eight and one in ten not turning up.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 7:30 pm

Covid is blamed for surge in ‘demonic possessions’

Maybe that’s why there’s an exorcist shortage.

Burnt-out Catholic exorcists complain they face long lines of ‘possessed’ people (28 May)

A survey from a Vatican-approved religious university in Rome found that Catholic exorcists feel overworked and undersupported by bishops, according to The Times of London.

The conference’s exorcists said that they needed more support from psychologists to determine whether people are mentally unstable or demonically possessed, The Times reported.

Father Giuseppe Bernardi claimed to have performed a nine-hour exorcism on a woman who hurled abuse in Latin and assaulted monks, the newspaper said.

The woman’s father thought she was suffering from “a psychiatric problem,” reported the Journal of Vicenza. But the mother, and later Bernardi, believed she was possessed by a “demonic influence.”

Alas Max von Sydow is no longer with us, although given the stuff the Left has been up to lately, re children in particular, they might be forgiven for thinking such things.

John Sheldrick
June 13, 2022 7:30 pm

· 11h
Members of the Jan. 6 committee say they’ve gathered enough evidence to support a Justice Department indictment against Trump for attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.

The Regime never learns.

What a load of Bollocks. The Members of this Kangaroo Court called the “Jan 6 Committe” are not legal experts. How do they know that there is enough evidence? Let the Justice Department (who are in the back pocket of the DemoRats BTW) start the process then and then take everything to the appropriate Court of Law if and only if they believe that there is enough evidence.

Then let’s see what happens.

June 13, 2022 7:31 pm

Where’s the dosh to build the Nuclear Power Industry coming from?

When I said out of your and other leftie’s arses I meant it. Australia is spending $12billion and counting on Snowy 2 pumped shit hydro up hill, plus, gives every years $10 billion in direct subsidies to ruinables, and you can’t figure where the money could come from. Fuck off.

And only poseurs and pooftas say dosh.

June 13, 2022 7:32 pm

Larry Fink will get nuclear into the ESG regime.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 7:33 pm

The only reason investors are reluctant to fund coal fired power here in Australia is the strangulation of the industry by the government at the behest of green imbeciles.

No, we’ve signed up to International Emissions Agreements.
“Green imbeciles” had nothing to do with it.

It’s the same with nuclear, here and around the world.

Australia hasn’t signed any Agreements banning Nuclear Power, neither has any other Country.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 7:36 pm

Ed, there are nuclear power stations in construction in a number of places round the world. Admittedly not many

China is in the process of constructing ten each year for the next fifteen years.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 7:37 pm

… and you can’t figure where the money could come from.

That’s not what I asked you.
Where is the money coming from?

John Sheldrick
June 13, 2022 7:41 pm

A NBN sized “investment” would do it.

The NBN has not been a very good investment at all. It is actually a liability where the Feral Gov’ment will be lucky to find a Buyer without selling the whole (Hole) mess at a huge loss. Well done you “Pollies” and great work once again.

June 13, 2022 7:41 pm

I have Scarface on while I’ve been doing some work this evening.
Sure Pacino is awesome being Pacino, but it isn’t the great movie a lot of people make it out to be.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 13, 2022 7:42 pm

China is in the process of constructing ten each year for the next fifteen years.

They begin construction of 10 every year, or they build 10 a year.
Because I find the latter difficult to believe.
Dungeness took 20 years to build, even with Slave Labor China isn’t building one a year.

June 13, 2022 7:42 pm

Starlink proves the NBN was a waste of money.

June 13, 2022 7:44 pm

Australia hasn’t signed any Agreements banning Nuclear Power

But Australian federal law that implements international agreements bans nuclear power.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 13, 2022 7:45 pm

Monique Ryan reports ‘threatening, racist misogynistic’ letters to police
By Sumeyya Ilanbey and Jackson Graham
June 13, 2022 — 5.25pm

Newly elected Kooyong MP Monique Ryan has reported to Victoria Police and the Australian Federal Police a series of “racist, misogynistic and threatening” letters sent to her supporters in the inner-Melbourne electorate.

In a statement, the independent MP said her office was first made aware of handwritten notes targeting her supporters displaying corflutes on their properties and volunteers just before election day on May 21. One message circulating on social media, allegedly sent to a Ryan backer in recent days, warns the recipient to “look both ways when you come out your front gate”.

The independent MP said her office contacted Victoria Police and the Australian Federal Police immediately after being informed of the circulation of the letters just before the election. The team is aware of at least five letters that have been sent to residents.

“In recent days, several more of these anonymous letters have been placed in supporters’ mailboxes. Their contents are misogynistic, racist and threatening,” Ryan said.

“It is extremely disappointing that people are being targeted for exercising their democratic rights. These cowardly anonymous threats are very distressing for the people who receive them.

“We will provide assistance to anyone who receives a threatening anonymous letter. Our advice from the Australian Federal Police to anyone who receives a letter like this is to immediately contact Victoria Police and give them the letter and any relevant security camera footage, if available.”

One Hawthorn resident, who received a letter and did not want to be identified, told The Age they opened the note on Thursday after receiving it about a week ago.

“I was shocked and also surprised,” they said. “I don’t think it’s right. I think everyone should be entitled to have their ability to vocalise what political belief they have without receiving a threat in the letterbox.”

The resident said they had displayed a Monique Ryan sign at their property during the election campaign. They removed the sign days after the election.

An AFP spokeswoman said: “The AFP does not comment on matters that may be the subject of investigation.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
June 13, 2022 7:46 pm

Power still on in Kenmore, Brisbane, Qld. Nothing to worry about!

June 13, 2022 7:48 pm

Where is the money coming from?

Out of your arse.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 13, 2022 7:48 pm

duncanm says: June 13, 2022 at 6:13 pm

Queenslanders are being asked to limit their electricity use from 5pm this evening due to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasting a shortfall in supply.

I didn’t see this honour-system Demand Management until 10 minutes ago.
I wish to assure the Central Charged Cable Party that I was prepared to do my duty and make this sacrifice to Gaia the Earth Mother for the greater good.
Luckily eastern grid energy use has already peaked for the evening at 18:45 and 29.3 GW.
No brownout, so we’re in the clear, for now, dear comrades.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 13, 2022 7:49 pm

KD at 6:28.

The Last Holdout?

No way they’ll stand for this.

There will be standing, and maybe falling.
Particularly if they are in the dark.

June 13, 2022 7:51 pm

Power still on in Kenmore, Brisbane, Qld. Nothing to worry about!

The diesel generators are getting ramped up.

June 13, 2022 7:52 pm

No wind or solar power in NSW right now. Glory days.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 13, 2022 7:55 pm


June 13, 2022 at 7:42 pm

Starlink proves the NBN was a waste of money.

When is it likely to be available?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 13, 2022 7:59 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:

June 13, 2022 at 7:45 pm

Monique Ryan reports ‘threatening, racist misogynistic’ letters to police
By Sumeyya Ilanbey and Jackson Graham
June 13, 2022 — 5.25pm

Do I sniff a bit of Attention Deficit?

June 13, 2022 7:59 pm

‘You can’t jump off the pier’: Alinta CEO on power reforms

Coal must absolutely be included in the “capacity” market system being proposed for the National Electricity Market until at least 2029 to avoid blackouts and price spikes for consumers, said Alinta Energy chief executive Jeff Dimery.

Mr Dimery appealed to governments including Victoria to “listen to the experts” and allow coal and gas to be included in the capacity mechanism being proposed in the overhaul of the current market to allow for a smoother transition to low-carbon energy.

The capacity mechanism last week emerged as the key measure being proposed by governments to overhaul the existing “energy only” market and ensure that on-demand generation is available when it is needed to complement wind and solar power.

But the design of the mechanism has become a heated topic of debate as Victoria’s energy minister Lily D’Ambrosio ruled out introducing a capacity mechanism in her state that provided any support for fossil fuels.

“We have always been clear that a capacity market operating in Victoria would make payments to zero emissions technologies and not fossil fuels,” Ms D’Ambrosio told The Australian Financial Review.

But Grattan Institute energy program director Tony Wood said he is not aware of any capacity market introduced around the world that excludes coal and gas, while former Energy Security Board chairwoman Kerry Schott said she expected coal to be included at least initially.

Australian Energy Regulator chairwoman Clare Savage said it would be more difficult to manage the transition if coal and gas were not included in the mechanism.

“I’m hoping they’ll listen to the experts,” Mr Dimery told the Financial Review of the governments that have the ultimate say on the structure of the mechanism.

“Anybody with any knowledge of the industry that’s close to it, understands that, between now and 2030….we know we need coal and gas, so why wouldn’t you incentivise them to be reliable? It just makes perfect sense.”

Alinta, which is one of Victoria biggest power producers in Victoria, through its 1200-megawatt Loy Yang B power station in the Latrobe Valley, is proposing a mechanism that would include coal until 2029, after which an annual review would decide whether coal would be excluded, or kept in for another 12 months if reliable alternatives that could keep energy secure were not available.

Mr Dimery said coal could easily be excluded from participating in auctions for new capacity to leave the way clear for only low-emissions technologies.

“The nature of the capacity market is such that if the government wants to incentivise low-emissions technologies, they’d run a capacity auction for that particular capacity for 20 years and exclude coal from competing for that,” he said.

“But we won’t get that in and operating by 2030,” he added, pointing to the delays in the construction of the Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro project of an example of how long it takes to install replacement dispatchable capacity.

The NEM reforms are intended to come into operation after 2025, if not sooner, with federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen last week underscoring the urgency of the work to help address the current energy crisis in the eastern states.

“We’re now in 2022. What can possibly be constructed on scale to replace 60 per cent of the current energy supply in Victoria in three years?” said Mr Dimery.

“If it’s out there … show me, tell me how you’re going to do it. Otherwise we’re gambling with energy reliability, energy security and energy pricing to consumers, and I don’t think that’s a wise bet.

“You can’t just jump off the pier with this stuff, you’ve got to ease your way into it.”

Mr Dimery was speaking just ahead of departing for Europe, where he will hold talks as part of Alinta’s investigations into switching Loy Yang B to run on biomass, rather than brown coal.

He could not provide details of the plans due to confidentiality arrangements, but said government support would be needed to set up the supply chain for the biomass fuel.

“The big issue to solve really will be supply chain: that would require government support. There’s no way we’d be able to economically establish a supply chain just for Loy Yang B in the Australian context.” he said.

“But we’re happy to spend the money upfront to explore and investigate, and if there’s merit in it, then we would propose to work with both the state and federal government to move forward on a solution.”

He said if the move to shift Loy Yang B to biomass was successful it would mean the generator could potentially bid in auctions for new low-emissions capacity if that system was introduced.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
June 13, 2022 8:00 pm

Ed Casesays:
June 13, 2022 at 7:33 pm
The only reason investors are reluctant to fund coal fired power here in Australia is the strangulation of the industry by the government at the behest of green imbeciles.

No, we’ve signed up to International Emissions Agreements.
“Green imbeciles” had nothing to do with it.

Why did we sign up to international emissions agreements?

It’s the same with nuclear, here and around the world.

Australia hasn’t signed any Agreements banning Nuclear Power, neither has any other Country.

We haven’t signed any agreements that people can’t go over 100kmh on the Geelong/Melbourne road either, but it’s still illegal.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 13, 2022 8:02 pm

Qld, NSW and Tas should shut off the internectors and fuck off the NEM.

Let SA and VIC live with what they want – windmills, solar, batteries and fairy dust.

June 13, 2022 8:05 pm

“We have always been clear that a capacity market operating in Victoria would make payments to zero emissions technologies and not fossil fuels,” Ms D’Ambrosio told The Australian Financial Review.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
June 13, 2022 8:06 pm

Mr Dimery was speaking just ahead of departing for Europe, where he will hold talks as part of Alinta’s investigations into switching Loy Yang B to run on biomass, rather than brown coal.

He could not provide details of the plans due to confidentiality arrangements, but said government support would be needed to set up the supply chain for the biomass fuel.

“Support”? I’m happy for Bowen et al to form a cheer squad waving flags for it.
Oh, he meant “money which will have to be paid by ordinary Australians”? Gee, I wonder why he didn’t say so.

John Sheldrick
June 13, 2022 8:06 pm

Bill Shorten on the alleged $1.4 billion NDIS fraud:

“The crazy thing about the old government is they basically put a padlock coming into the scheme and they would argue with a person about their wheelchair or their white cane or hours of speech pathology and turn that into an administrative nightmare.

“But they left the welcome mat at the backdoor and I don’t think there has been enough to detect and apprehend to stop fraud both in a systems sense and chasing down individual crooks and syndicates.”

He typically forgot to say this was planned, organised, and implemented by Gillard.

Bill Short On Brains would say that wouldn’t he. The NDIS was an unfunded Budget ticking time bomb (among a few others) left by the previous LayBore Gov’ment for the Libs/Nats to pick up. BTW, the NDIS is not an Insurance Scheme as it was never funded. Any Insurance Scheme should be properly funded. Accounting 101 should apply here. So over to you, the new LayBore Gov’ment for you to pick up and fix. LayBore started the problem so they can fix it (if they can that is).

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 13, 2022 8:08 pm

You can’t just jump off the pier with this stuff, you’ve got to ease your way into it.

A favourite expression of mine when people talk about “stunning and brave transitions” and “betting the company” …

“Are you building a bridge? Or a pier to jump off?”

* Yes, I did have a CEO say that once.

Cassie of Sydney
June 13, 2022 8:09 pm

“I was shocked and also surprised,” they said. “I don’t think it’s right. I think everyone should be entitled to have their ability to vocalise what political belief they have without receiving a threat in the letterbox.”

Firstly, I smell a rat.

Secondly, I agree, it isn’t right however I note that prior to the election, posters and corflutes of sitting Liberals such as Josh Frydenberg and Tim Wilson were vandalised. However there wasn’t a peep of protest or condemnation from Monique Ryan or Zoo Daniel about that.

Cassie of Sydney
June 13, 2022 8:11 pm

“Do I sniff a bit of Attention Deficit?”

Yep…..I really think these Teals thought they’d be the powerbrokers after the election. There’ll be more of this attention seeking.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 8:13 pm

They begin construction of 10 every year, or they build 10 a year.
Because I find the latter difficult to believe.

One hundred and fifty of them by 2035.

On COP26 in 2021 China has announced plans to build 150 new civilian reactors until 2035.[20]

Plus another thirty in other countries. You can reasonably question whether they mean power stations or reactors. I don’t know. But it’s a huge number either way.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 8:15 pm

They each take about 6 years to build btw.

June 13, 2022 8:17 pm

When is it likely to be available?

Starlink is available right now.

June 13, 2022 8:18 pm

Steak and eggs, Matrix.

June 13, 2022 8:28 pm

Managed decline.

as instructed by the UN

June 13, 2022 8:31 pm
June 13, 2022 8:31 pm

“You can’t just jump off the pier with this stuff, you’ve got to ease your way into it.”

Mr Dimery was speaking just ahead of departing for Europe, where he will hold talks as part of Alinta’s investigations into switching Loy Yang B to run on biomass, rather than brown coal.

He could not provide details of the plans due to confidentiality arrangements, but said government support would be needed to set up the supply chain for the biomass fuel.

“The big issue to solve really will be supply chain: that would require government support. There’s no way we’d be able to economically establish a supply chain just for Loy Yang B in the Australian context.” he said.

So we get BioMass from Overseas and the Australian Taxpayer will subside the transportation. also leaving Australian Energy at Risk to Supply Chain from Overseas – DUMB

June 13, 2022 8:34 pm
June 13, 2022 8:36 pm

So we get BioMass from Overseas and the Australian Taxpayer will subside the transportation. also leaving Australian Energy at Risk to Supply Chain from Overseas – DUMB

yes it’s so dumb you think it must be a joke but the poms do it Drax using American wood.

June 13, 2022 8:37 pm

He could not provide details of the plans due to confidentiality arrangements, but said government support would be needed to set up the supply chain for the biomass fuel.

what is this biomass? trees?

June 13, 2022 8:37 pm

NSW could fire up the Redbank power station within the month.
That is, if they wanted to.
It’s just sitting there waiting for the piece of paper to say they can.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 8:38 pm

Ed Casesays:
June 13, 2022 at 6:40 pm
Hi cohenite.
Where’s the dosh to build the Nuclear Power Industry coming from?

A special tax on Dick ‘Eds.

June 13, 2022 8:43 pm

NSW could fire up the Redbank power station within the month.

Redbank was a 151 MW coal powered plant. It has been converted to a biomass plant

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 13, 2022 8:43 pm

Australia’s open for business….

Third asylum-seeker boat since election day
Paige Taylor
Indigenous Affairs Correspondent, WA Bureau Chief
15 minutes ago June 13, 2022
1 Comment

Operation Sovereign Borders has intercepted a third asylum boat since election day, forcing the government to scramble together a plan to return the ­passengers home.

News of the latest interception close to the Australian territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands spread among residents on Monday as the Albanese government reconfirmed its commitment to the principles of Operation Sovereign Borders.

A spokesman for the Australian Border Force said on Monday no person who arrived in Australia on an asylum vessel would be allowed to live in ­Australia. “Australian government policy is steadfast: people who travel illegally to Australia by boat will not settle permanently here,” he said.

“Operation Sovereign Borders is about defeating people-smugglers who manipulate vulnerable men, women and children to risk their lives at sea.”

The arrival of three people-smuggling boats close to Australian shores in less than a month, coinciding with the change of government, ends two years without any turnbacks or takebacks, according to government data published in monthly reports by Operation Sovereign Borders.

June 13, 2022 8:46 pm

Then feed it biomass.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 8:49 pm

Ed Casesays:
June 13, 2022 at 7:33 pm
The only reason investors are reluctant to fund coal fired power here in Australia is the strangulation of the industry by the government at the behest of green imbeciles.

No, we’ve signed up to International Emissions Agreements.
“Green imbeciles” had nothing to do with it.

It’s the same with nuclear, here and around the world.

Australia hasn’t signed any Agreements banning Nuclear Power, neither has any other Country.

It’s hard to tell whether Dickless really is as thick as two short planks, or if he is trying (and failing miserably) to be a smartarse.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 13, 2022 8:50 pm

It’s hard to tell whether Dickless really is as thick as two short planks, or if he is trying (and failing miserably) to be a smartarse.


Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
June 13, 2022 8:50 pm

“Australian government policy is steadfast: people who travel illegally to Australia by boat will not settle permanently here,” he said.

Were the Nadesalingam family asked for comment?

Cassie of Sydney
June 13, 2022 8:51 pm

“Australia’s open for business….”

Didn’t take long.

June 13, 2022 8:51 pm

Then feed it biomass.

I think it is against the law to burn greenies.

June 13, 2022 8:52 pm

Coal is biomass isn’t it.

June 13, 2022 8:52 pm

We will import wood pellets from the USA.
We will ship them 1/2 way round the world.
We will truck/ rail them tow power station.
There we shall make a burnt offering to Gaia.
So it is written
So it will be Mong.

June 13, 2022 8:54 pm
June 13, 2022 8:56 pm

Steak and eggs

nice …
but do yourself a favour

bertocchi pancetta with eggs

June 13, 2022 8:58 pm

Friends are in shock at how appalling Victoria’s health system is.

The public health system is broken because the public is broken – 50 years of dumbing down and rewarding failure has now left the great bulk of the citizens ‘fat dumb sick and lazy’ and as a result, the public hospitals are overwhelmed. You can throw as many resources as you like at it and it wont help because those resources fall into a bottomless pit and dont fix the problem anyway. We no longer have a ‘health system’, we have an ‘illness system’ – all it does is feed $ to the various players (big hospitals, big pharma, medical profession) without fixing the problem. Thats what its intended to do – the public are deliberately made sick, then the medical industry farms them for government $, which are running out.

It is now necessary to regard any funds you contribute to the public system via medicare and taxes as simply wasted money, and buy yourself private cover – sadly, there is no alternative now.

June 13, 2022 8:59 pm

Plant a tree, burn a tree. The burnable tree is shipped in using diesel, and all along its journey ditto.

The burnable tree is no longer holy unto Gaia, it is energy. The energy is grown elsewhere as some sort of green scheme from which many Priests of Gaia benefit, and the burning thereof appears to create no CO2. Or if it is CO2, it’s a different kind of CO2. A holy kind.

Meanwhile, evil burnable coal sits in the ground, sometimes not too far at all from the places where the no longer holy but not quite so evil trees are being burned. Because trees transported from afar using fossil fuels are different.

This is a great mystery. Only a Shaman of Environmentalism can explain it.

Putting the “mental” into environmentalism I suppose.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 13, 2022 9:04 pm

Anyway – Collingwood bashed Melbourne by 26 points at the ‘G today.

And footy fans Australia wide raised over 2 million for Neale Daniher MND battle foundation.

Sadly I don’t think Neale will be with us for the next Big Slide – hope I’m wrong.

And didn’t Rhonda Burchmore still look hot going into the ice.

June 13, 2022 9:06 pm

Redbank was a 151 MW coal powered plant. It has been converted to a biomass plant

I have a pellet smoker, maybe I should hook up a generator to it and feed it into the grid

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x