Meanie meanie miny moe, catch some progressives by their toes,

when they squeal, don’t let them go, meanie meanie miny moe

In a comment I posted on the Open Thread on the weekend, I wrote how the Liberals here in Australia, just like the Republicans in the USA and the Conservatives in the UK, have long been reluctant to be mean or even to appear mean, despite the fact that Labor, the Greens, the Democrats and UK Labour excel in the politics of mean, and they particularly revel in being mean to conservatives, Liberals, Republicans and anyone else they perceive to be their ideological opponents. It is always open season on the right. Even when faced with a barrage of lies, the right in this country (and elsewhere) are content to sit meekly back, usually too scared to respond or to fight. We have seen this happen many times here in Australia, be it with the shameful cases of Christian Porter, Cardinal Pell and even that notorious occasion when our two major right of centre political parties in this country happily colluded with the left to persecute and censure a right-wing woman for her speech, yes I am talking about that infamous senate censure motion against Bettina Arndt in February 2020.  Remember? The Liberals and Nationals chose to prostrate themselves at the altar of the mean baying left, it was a disgraceful episode that has left a permanent stain on this country’s parliament and on free speech.

There are exceptions, both here in Oz and in the US. Orange Man Bad comes to mind but the left, together with their buddies in the MSM and in big tech, worked overtime to end his presidency. I sometimes think that even the great Donald must have been overwhelmed at the torrent of abuse and meanness that flowed from the moment of his election in November 2016. Florida governor, Ron De Santis. is also a warrior against the left and whilst I have never seen or heard him be personally mean, he is more than willing to fight the meanness of the left when it is thrown his way. He stood resolute against the nonsense propagated by the left with their “Don’t Say Gay” meme. De Santis does not cower in the corner, he does not whimper and cry about the “mean” left, rather, he fights. Here in Australia? Well, I am afraid to say it is slim pickings. We have Alan Jones and Mark Latham, perhaps the two sole warriors in this country who are more than willing to stoush the progressive left. I am glad Latham refused to apologise for his tweet during the election campaign, despite being attacked by a so-called fair-weather conservative. I won’t name the fair-weather conservative, we all know who I am talking about but here’s a clue for those who don’t, the surname rhymes with “dolt”.

Now let me be clear, I’m not saying the right should do what the left does and make up lies about their ideological opponents however the right needs to start being mean. They need to take off the kid gloves, put on boxing gloves and start using those boxing gloves when handed prime juicy meat to use against the left. I knew within weeks of Abbott’s landslide election in 2013 that the Liberals were already on a supine path. The first disappointment was hearing of the new Liberal government’s appointment of Stott Despoja to a plum position, the second was the Abbott government’s refusal to accept the resignation of Quentin Bryce as GG, despite the fact her son-in-law, Bill Shorten, had just been elected leader of the Labor party. Her position was untenable, yet Abbott played Mr Nice. Big mistake. Don’t think for a moment that Labor would not have insisted on the resignation of the GG if the situation had been reversed.  And then in 2014 came the rape allegation against Bill Shorten. Whilst the Liberals did the right thing by refusing to make political capital out of the allegation, that decency was not reciprocated last year with the ludicrous Porter allegations. I often wonder what the Liberals would do now if a similar allegation against a Labor politician surfaced. Knowing how eternally supine the Liberals are, they would probably do what they have always done, which is nothing.

And now we come to the proposed federal ICAC. Anyone who does not think that this will be yet another tool for the mean left to bludgeon the right with, as has been the case in New South Wales for the past three decades, has their head stuck in concrete. We all know the facts around NSW ICAC, missing in action for sixteen years but then it suddenly and miraculously resurrected itself when a Liberal government was elected in 2011. ICAC in NSW has always been a political tool for the mean left. In the last thirty years it claimed Liberal premier’s scalps yet oddly no Labor premiers. Nothing was done during the Carr, Iemma, Rees and Keneally Labor premierships when the likes of Eddie Obeid and Joe Tripodi were running amok. The stench of corruption and thuggery in NSW Labor was obvious to all during those Labor years, yet ICAC was mysteriously AWOL. I have no doubt that much of the left are salivating at the prospect of a federal ICAC. As C.L. accurately wrote on his blog a few days ago, “the left wants a new quad-cameral legislature: the two constitutional houses + ICAC as a third + the Voice as a fourth. Both of the latter will end up being staffed and controlled by Labor lawyers and activists.” Exactly. Canberra is brimming with activist bureaucratic scum who loathe conservatives, and these bureaucrats will not hesitate using legislation to target and pursue conservatives, be it through ICAC or other legislation. And if you think I am being hyperbolic about this, there is a precedent.

In 2019, the inaugural Australian CPAC was held. I attended that conference in Sydney. My name is probably now on a list somewhere in Canberra. I dare say I’m labelled subversive. If so, I’ll wear that badge with pride. Think back to the latter part of 2019, to a pre-Covid Australia (yes, such a place once existed), when the A-G department, under the useless Christian Porter, and at the behest of Labor’s vile Mark Dreyfus, used Section 45(2) of the federal government’s Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme (a scheme set up by a Coalition government) to pursue certain conservative and right-wing Australians who had attended CPAC, including an ex-PM. We had a situation where bureaucrats in Canberra used laws to try to intimidate and silence Australians becaus­e of their political beliefs. But did we hear any protest from the Morrison government about this egregious overreach by Canberra bureaucrats? Nope, there was cowardly silence, not a peep, nothing was said, nada, zilch, zero. Oh, how the left must laugh at us. When this story broke back in late 2019, someone I know wrote the following words….

This, to borrow the saying, is what happens when good men do nothing. Ironically, Tony Abbott is also involved in this, and he provides a perfect example of what doing nothing achieves. Having spent two years back-tracking on promises then apologising and kowtowing to the left at every opportunity, he lost the Prime Ministership, then his seat and now he is under the threat of imprisonment. This is not likely to eventuate but that was not the point of the S45, it is meant to frighten, intimidate and send a message to conservatives and libertarians. 

Quite so.

One thing is clear, the right has gotten nowhere being “nice” towards progressives. No more turning the other cheek. Less nice, more mean, otherwise we’re done, we may as well turn off the lights and go home because it’ll all be over.

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June 13, 2022 2:23 pm

It’s incredible that by being “ nice” we have an accused rapist in charge of disability , a Chinese stooge as defence minister, a brothel creeper as PM and an assortment of other moral perverts infesting the highest offices.

We aren’t electing our best.

June 13, 2022 2:27 pm

All of this to the max.

Superb cri de coeur, Cassie.

I see John Anderson (nice bloke) is calling for civilised and non-emotional discussion about, for example, how best to reduce emissions. This is soft-woke accommodationism, not unapologetic conservatism. No, John. We don’t need to discuss reducing emissions at all. We need to insist ‘climate change’ is a hoax. That is the first principle. That and only that.

June 13, 2022 2:51 pm

One would think that Trump showed the way to some extent. (How to fight)
Trouble is a lot of the so called conservatives were too afraid to speak favourably of him because they still wanted invites to regular dinner parties.

June 13, 2022 2:53 pm

As usual, I agree with you Cassie. Unless the Lib candidates have some mongrel in them then they shouldn’t be preselected.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
June 13, 2022 2:57 pm

Well said Cassie. Hard to get behind a less left party when they think turning the other cheek will gain them support. The further left party takes the ground and sews their pox ridden weeds.

Anyway am enjoying the Yarra Valley this afternoon. Bon jour!

June 13, 2022 3:14 pm

I won’t name the fair-weather conservative, we all know who I am talking about but here’s a clue for those who don’t, the surname rhymes with “dolt”.

I finally gave up on Bolt after the last U.S. election when he virtually threw his support behind Biden by claiming there was nothing unfair or dodgy about it.
The last decent and great thing he did was put his full support behind Cardinal Pell, when he had nothing to gain personally except abuse and vilification from the left, which he did in fact cop.
Bolt has fallen for the old “be nice and accommodating unto the left, and they will be nice to you” myth.

Well said, Cassie.

June 13, 2022 3:16 pm

S45 … is meant to frighten, intimidate and send a message to conservatives and libertarians.

What a laugh the second category is. Libertarians have never been and will never be a threat to the left. More often than not, they are the left’s allies.

But it makes no difference to anything because libertarians are terrified of responsibility – and therefore of the consequences of their beliefs and the task of government.

Australian libertarians are almost as ineffectual as the broader Australian right. They’re turn-the-the-other-cheek Tony Abbott on steroids.

Libertarianism is for eastern suburbs dinner parties only.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 13, 2022 3:18 pm

Yes, mean behaviours on display a lot in Labor, even against their own as we saw with Kimberley Kitchen being harassed to death. It’s the Labor way.

Well put Cassie. A little well-explained meanness back to Labor would work wonders.
The main thing is, once we get mean, we have to get meaner when they try to pull us down.
It’s what we know they will do, with the media on their side. ‘Our’ politicians have to be out there, explaining and keeping the pressure on so that commentators on the right can seize the day and turn the issue back to reflect badly on Labor’s actions. It’s a battle and needs strategy.

June 13, 2022 3:21 pm

I have to confess I’m largely unperturbed by the prospect of a federal corruption commission; considering what they inflict upon ordinary citizens, anything that makes the lives of parliamentarians more difficult is welcome, even if they be “Liberals.”

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
June 13, 2022 4:01 pm

Thank you Cassie, excellent summary of the cowardice which infects the ‘conservative’ party with the emphasis on the con the minute Abbott appointed Nastytashas Justa-Spoiler I knew it was all downhill from there. And so it has been, the perfidy of the be-spectabled moon-faced Brandis and the reneging on 18C was just par for the course which just got us to where we are now.

At the moment I have lost all interest in any news at all – I do not watch any of the political shows except Outsiders and even then I rarely get time to watch it in full as Sunday is my Big Boy day — and to all the Cats who post and comment and put up interesting article on this blog it’s my first port of call to keep informed about what’s going on in the world …. thank you

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
June 13, 2022 4:04 pm

I’d like to stick up for Bolt.
He has been a colossal warrior against the climate scam and stood (mostly) steadfast against the Pell legal travesty. He physically punched back when leftist goons attacked him in the street. His show offers air time to conservative voices and he is the most vocal anti-ABC media person going around. Giving Gerard Henderson time to explain ABC bias is invaluable. He constantly skewers the left. He hasn’t publicly whinged about the death threats from Islamic State nor did he make a big media fuss about consequently having to move his children out of their home.
His failings need to be considered as minor flaws only.
In the big picture, conservatives/the right needs Bolt and several more like him.

Rod Stuart
Rod Stuart
June 13, 2022 4:26 pm

Thank-you, Cassie, for a very professional assessment of the dilemma in which we find ourselves.
The WEF train barrels down the track towards us, and nary a concern was expressed during the selection campaign by either commenters or candidates, except perhpas Alex Antic and Canavan.
So far as Bolt is concerned, I can’t understand that he hasn’t taken on the Covid scam with the vehemence it deserves. He even seems to think that the experimental toxic injections are ‘vaccine’. In fact the entire Sky News team has either taken the blue pill with regard to the vaccine injuries, or the network has laid down the law as to what can be said and what cannot. I agree with the Old School Conservative that for the most part Bolt is all we’ve got. At least Bernardi recognises the threat of the Schwab freight train.

June 13, 2022 4:53 pm

Cassie you left out the Liberals under John Howard with the backing of the ALP sent Pauline Hansen to jail and both paries have been nasty to her and the One Nation party. The Liberal party seems to have forgotten that she was elected as a senator in Queensland and is very likely to be reelcted this time. At the previous election in 2019 Malcolm Roberts ON,who is one of the good guys in parliament, was elected in 4th place out of 6 senators. Further Mark Latham was elected to the NSW upper house under the ON banner. As a long term liberal (and even in the long past a member of the young liberal in Vic. and then a branch delegate in NSW) I like like some of ON policies particularly the one on democracy and CIR and also their energy policy outlined by Malcolm Roberts.

June 13, 2022 4:58 pm

Yes, I have said for years now there is no point playing nice. There is no point in compromise. There is only unadulterated, go for the throat, no mercy, crushing of the left. There is no live and let live, no being left alone. They’ve set the terms, we just need to accept they mean it.

The may not say it in public much, but they don’t want compromise, they want anyone not onboard dead and buried. That’s not figurative. They will deny it until they’re blue in the face, but it’s the truth. Deep down they know it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 13, 2022 5:10 pm

One thing is clear, the right has gotten nowhere being “nice” towards progressives.

Campbell Newman fired a whole bunch of public servants. Then lost the election after one term, I still haven’t worked out why. Ponygirl despite heading a minority government immediately put all those public servants back on again.

I don’t know how you prevent the Left immediately undoing what you did. Biden after stealing the 2020 election has likewise been undoing what Trump painfully managed in the face of huge opposition.

June 13, 2022 5:18 pm

At least on this esteemed blogue collectivists cop a continual and well deserved pasting.

Having said that, it’s a lot less than they deserve.


Winston Smith
June 13, 2022 5:38 pm


One thing is clear, the right has gotten nowhere being “nice” towards progressives. No more turning the other cheek. Less nice, more mean, otherwise we’re done, we may as well turn off the lights and go home because it’ll all be over.

Being ‘nice to progressives’ is nothing more than a moral figleaf by people who refuse to do anything about the Left but still want the respect they crave from them. They will never get it, but it doesn’t stop them looking.

John Sheldrick
June 13, 2022 5:41 pm

There is no need to get mean. Just get even by being assertive and calling out all of the BS.

June 13, 2022 5:43 pm

I don’t know how you prevent the Left immediately undoing what you did.

Don’t lose elections.

And don’t waste your time when in power.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 13, 2022 5:45 pm


Trouble is a lot of the so called conservatives were too afraid to speak favourably of him because they still wanted invites to regular dinner parties.

We need some people who prefer Maccas to dinner parties.

June 13, 2022 6:09 pm

OSC 4:04pm

Well said. None of us are perfect, nor should we be casting stones.

And now, it’s back to normal programming.


June 13, 2022 7:08 pm

There is no need to get mean. Just get even by being assertive and calling out all of the BS.

Tell the truth and stick to it. Be stubborn. Be assertive. Be staunch.

“Anthropogenic climate change”? I don’t believe it.
CO2 causing global warming? I don’t believe it.
Humans can change the climate? I don’t believe it.
Men can become women and women can become men? I don’t believe it.

It’s really quite easy. We try to be complex with people who are quite happy to bludgeon us when their stupid arguments run out. No need for meanness, nastiness, even self justification. That’s what the Lefties expect, particularly the last. They want to put you on the back foot.

Don’t let the buggers wear you away.

June 13, 2022 7:11 pm

Oh, and thanks Cassie for a most excellent post.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
June 13, 2022 7:16 pm

It is always open season on the right.


June 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Trump was plagued with RINOs. Abbott had to contend with many LINOs.

June 13, 2022 7:21 pm

Well what a load of tosh!!!
Get over it we lost! not the last election, no we lost the war long ago. The left have stolen our education system and now own the minds of the majority of young people in the west.
Talk to young Australians and you will be talking to “believers”, they believe in cloimet choinge, they believe in socialism, they believe in cheap renewable energy.
You can talk all you like, YOU ALREADY LOST.

June 13, 2022 7:24 pm

You can talk all you like, YOU ALREADY LOST.

And that may be so.

Regardless, I will continue to speak the truth.

June 13, 2022 7:32 pm

calli says:
June 13, 2022 at 7:24 pm

You can talk all you like, YOU ALREADY LOST.

And that may be so.

Regardless, I will continue to speak the truth

TRUTH? TRUTH?? you can’t handle the truth.

June 13, 2022 7:45 pm


Bother. I thought you would post the Black Knight. Come closer and I’ll gnaw your bloody arms off for meme neglect!

June 13, 2022 8:56 pm

Campbell Newman fired a whole bunch of public servants. Then lost the election after one term, I still haven’t worked out why.

Clive Palmer having his nap vengeance for Seeney and Newman refusing to make special legislation favouring his businesses.

Ponygirl despite heading a minority government immediately put all those public servants back on again.

Katter Australia Party support.

June 13, 2022 9:04 pm

Go away faulty.

Love your work Cassie.

June 13, 2022 9:06 pm

‘Nice’ so wishy washy

June 13, 2022 9:08 pm

calli says:
June 13, 2022 at 7:08 pm
There is no need to get mean. Just get even by being assertive and calling out all of the BS.
Tell the truth and stick to it. Be stubborn. Be assertive. Be staunch.

“Anthropogenic climate change”? I don’t believe it.
CO2 causing global warming? I don’t believe it.
Humans can change the climate? I don’t believe it.
Men can become women and women can become men? I don’t believe it.

It’s really quite easy. We try to be complex with people who are quite happy to bludgeon us when their stupid arguments run out. No need for meanness, nastiness, even self justification. That’s what the Lefties expect, particularly the last. They want to put you on the back foot.

Don’t let the buggers wear you away.

Yup pretty much how I go now.

Being retired and financially independent I’m at the point of my life where I don’t have to tolerate fools or lefties anymore.

Great post Cassie !

June 13, 2022 9:09 pm

Katter Australia Party support.

didn’t know that- maybe the Katter for Katter Party would be a better name

June 13, 2022 9:54 pm

Campbell Newman fired a whole bunch of public servants. Then lost the election after one term, I still haven’t worked out why.

For the same reason Queenslanders are being rationed electricity tonight.
The dumbo mob believed it when Labor told them they could have it all and it wouldn’t cost them a cent.

June 13, 2022 10:14 pm

Big_Nambas says:
June 13, 2022 at 7:21 pm

You can talk all you like, YOU ALREADY LOST.

your mistake is thinking this is the end point.

You ain’t lost nothing yet.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
June 13, 2022 10:35 pm

Spot on Cassie. This is the most insidious thing to come out of this election. Assassination of the character.
As the trolling node in the first post listed off the examples of labour cabinet. As long as I have lived labor have put up candidates who do not represent people who contribute to society. Wong the male of a lesbian couple, Don Dunstan who in his tenure had young males drugged raped and murdered. There are plenty out there who survived but live in shame. Jim Cairns, Julie Gillard, Dan andrews All anti social and all impractical people.
What is spooky was the physical harranging of Nicole Flint.
This is one off war.
With regards to the truth, this will come out, this is the beginning of the end. You cannot lie about science nor the decency of respect to others.

pete of perth
pete of perth
June 13, 2022 10:50 pm

Clive Palmer enjoys Macca’s

June 14, 2022 5:59 am

Thanks Cassie. My gripe is the Electoral commission . If they can do a bit of electoral engineering by dividing a suburb in half what else have they got a Dominion voting machine ? How else could they have got rid of Campbell Newman ,John Howard ,Sophie Mirrabella etc whilst leaving the most hated Prime Minister Paul Keating in situ with out a concentrated effort in seat stacking and or vote manipulation with lead pencils being a start.

June 14, 2022 6:20 am

Well said Cassie.

Question is why are they like this? I’d hazard a guess is because the party is now stacked to gunwales full of euphemistically small “l” Liberals. AKA Labour lite types.

Oh and the little bint in the PS that allowed herself to be used as a political pawn in the Foreign Interests saga was not even touched. An ALP Government would have had pressure to move her sideways and then she would have had a change of career a couple of months after.

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 14, 2022 6:55 am

Matt Kean not just remaining in the allegedly right of centre party but gifted the Treasurer role pretty much says it all.
America is in ruins and Australia is on a slippery slope too.

June 14, 2022 7:03 am

Yes Kean and Trumble remain and Bernie Finn gets kicked out.

June 14, 2022 7:30 am

If we can turn over the public service, there might be a chance of getting somewhere.

That ship has sailed, look at Canberra, full of career public servants.

Bringing up their kids there, process them through ANU and into the public service.

In the states it’s not much different.

We’re like USA in that respect, ruled by an administritive class. Every Liberal government is “nice” to their public service and do almost nothing to change anything, most do nothing at all. Dept. Defence must be heaving a sigh of relief at the change of government, Dutton was scaring the crap out of them. Imagine, being actually held responsible and accountable! The outrage!

June 14, 2022 7:33 am

Brilliant, Cassie.

Liberals don’t believe in anything anymore. (Did they ever?) John Howard, after all those years of struggle, caving on the global warming myth six months out from an election. That did it for me. You friggin’ idiots. But before that, there was the execrable Malcolm Fraser, who, with his thumping majority, despite a hate-filled press (so he had nothing to lose) – did bugger all and then in retirement revealed his inner Teal.

Ok, I’ll be frank: Liberals are the Anglican Church in politics. The Anglican Church came about with Henry VIII having the hots for Anne Boleyn and insisting on having his way. Not exactly a conscientious, agonizing, prayerful discernment. There are certain bits of the Anglican Church I find very appealing . A much better sense of style for one. Thank God the old Catholic Cathedrals and churches are in their care. God knows what would have happened to them had the post-Vatican 2 Church and frigging Pope Francis got hold of them. But the Anglican Church is at its heart completely bogus (bit like the post Vatican 2 Church, actually). There is no coherent narrative, no “there” there. Who “converts” to Anglicanism, apart from Catholic priests who want an excuse to exercise their willies? Forgive my crudities … I have a heap of sins to answer for of which I’m thoroughly ashamed.

The Liberals don’t even amount to decent practicing Anglicans who stumble in their ideological darkness. I loathe them, along with what is far worse: the Vatican 2 Church. They were stillborn. The corruption of the best is the worst.

OK, I’m done for the day.

June 14, 2022 8:07 am

In the olden days, conservative governments and oppositions had a couple of attack dogs – people who did not aspire to high office and loved a stoush. Wilson Tuckey comes to mind.

Their job was to say the unsayable, and generally put the boot in to the other side. The other side was quite rightly wary of annoying them.

The leadership could say that it was a bit OTT, sorry about that, with a wink and a bone delivered under cover of darkness to said attack dogs.

I suppose that this tried and tested strategy is considered a bit yucky by sensitive new age ‘conservatives.’

June 14, 2022 8:20 am

Clauswitz observed that ‘War is merely the violent extension of politics’, and to that I add ‘there are no rules in war’.

Ergo: the left is at war with the right, its time the right started acting appropriately.

June 14, 2022 8:48 am

Hey, are there NewCats in Canberra besides me? I feel very alone and am applying for a government grant so I can cope with that.

Can we get together some time? Cassie, Dover, Bruce, CL, etc … all you excellent people come on down. Love to meet youse all. Party, party!

God bless,


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 9:03 am

Libertarianism is for eastern suburbs dinner parties only.

Tom, Daniel Lewkovic who stood on the LDP ticket for Wentworth is a libertarian but also a small-government conservative in favour of nuclear energy. You can be both. Daniel is an admirable man who did more than many so-called conservatives to call out the left and put his money where his mouth was. Many more like him stood for election recently.

Not all eastern suburbs dinner parties are silver service Labor and Greens with a pseudo-libertarian side-serve. Ours aren’t, for instance. Conservatives with a libertarian side-serve – well, that’s a lot of the commenters here isn’t it? I think you mean super high profile dinner parties, which ours aren’t. 🙂

When, as happens for example with ex-marital or workplace relationships on both my side and Hairy’s, and I find myself amidst a crew of green-lefties, I enjoy firmly taking the high moral ground. I comment directly and immediately that I think only uninformed people think otherwise than me on the four beliefs that Calli puts forward above. Lefties like to be thought on top of their game so a firm brook-no-argument statement (no debate entered into) that they may not be as smart as they think from someone who was once well-known in past times as leaning towards socialism can pull a few of them up. I couldn’t do it though if I was not retired, as the economic retributive repercussions woud have been strong and immediate. Same for my hubby Hairy, with added force. These people so rarely meet an opposing view in the groupthink that they live within that it can be a genuine shock to their system to hear a voice from the other side coming from someone they know socially.

We should all do more of it, normalising conservative views with family, friends and in the media and culture. The current energy and inflation crisis creates a wonderful opportunity to do just this. At BBQ’s as well as dinner parties.

June 14, 2022 9:08 am

Hugh, there are a few of us who, if not in Canberra itself, live in the region. Had a couple of get togethers with Old Cats.

Sandy K
Sandy K
June 14, 2022 9:17 am

“For the same reason Queenslanders are being rationed electricity tonight.
The dumbo mob believed it when Labor told them they could have it all and it wouldn’t cost them a cent.”

Not so fast. SE QLD may believe in the Labor goons but we in the regions, from where all the productive outputs originate do not believe their bullshite.

However our more pressing issue is coming from WEF, Europe and the now Un-united states of america. Who will be next in the illegal seizure of assets? First Russian billionaires, who is next on the slippery slope of governmental theft? There are a number of examples where governments have seized 10% or more of people’s funds, recall Germany before the war and Greece not so many years ago. As the WEF fools say “You will own nothing but will be happy”, so get ready and limit the size of your cash or like assets. Perhaps we should do a India/Pakistan type separation where those who are not inclined left should all come to QLD and those so inclined can go to the ROA. We know which area will be the most successful as long as we are not invaded from the south. You know it makes sense.

June 14, 2022 9:22 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
June 14, 2022 at 8:33 am

“In the olden days, conservative governments and oppositions had a couple of attack dogs – people who did not aspire to high office and loved a stoush. Wilson Tuckey comes to mind.”

Johanna, I was only thinking of Tuckey on the weekend. I also remember Bill Heffernan.

Recently, we had Craig Kelly and George Christensen, but they were sidelined and cold-shouldered (Kelly in particular) by Scumbag Morrison who always chose to dance to the music of his ideological enemies. Given what ensued on 21 May 2022, that paid off, not.

That’s what happens when people do not study history. Kelly and Christensen would have got him votes. Instead, he sacked them and lost votes.

Go woke, go broke also applies in politics when it comes to the conservative side.

June 14, 2022 9:38 am

Excellent R. Life is too short.
Let’s do it again. I’ll be contact after moving house.


June 14, 2022 10:33 am

Lizzie @ 9.03 am.

“We should all do more of it.”

Hear, hear.

I mean, Our Lord said “turn the other cheek” in His sermon on the mount, but He also said “Brood of vipers” and “Whitened sepulchres” so we can at least split the difference.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 10:45 am

Sydney Cats will likely be back to regular pub meet-ups as the unvaxxed undead are slowly delcared among the living again. In the interim we have met at ours for drinks and take-away food.

Slim pickings, as I don’t cook much. Kittehs with cakes to the rescue.
Contact Rabz for the pub meets.

Old bloke
Old bloke
June 14, 2022 11:20 am

just like the Republicans in the USA and the Conservatives in the UK,

I rate the Conservatives in the UK higher than the other “conservative” parties elsewhere in the Anglosphere as they still have a sufficient number of true conservative/liberal members, enough to pull their leadership team into line. For example, their backbench forced that idiot Boris to back down on draconian mandate regulations etc. during the covid panic.

I knew within weeks of Abbott’s landslide election in 2013 that the Liberals were already on a supine path.

Abbott showed his weakness before the election. When questioned by the media about proposed cuts to government spending and its impact on the ABbloodyC, Abbott assured the journalist that there would be no cuts to the ABC budget. He didn’t need to say that, he could have answered with the standard polli-waffle about the budget emergency etc., bu no, he specifically said that there would be no cuts to the ABC. Nevertheless, I still rate Abbott higher than his two predecessors and the three who followed.

June 14, 2022 12:23 pm

Speaking from the left, as I do, may I say that you are striking fear into my heart with all this talk of doubling down on the strategy of hard right-wing culture wars, a strategy which was so successful at the recent federal election.

The best thing the Liberals could do would be to purge its ranks of squishes, softies and wets, in favour of rock-ribbed warriors who fight for the right of rich old white people to profit from pollution. Franking credits over carbon credits, that’s the way to win the hearts and minds of aspirationals from the satellite suburbs. Labor would be quaking in its soft shoes.

This briar patch, it stings so.

June 14, 2022 12:56 pm

Some of us are aware of the briar patch, m0nty.

If you’re in there, watch out for snakes. The tar baby might be preferable.

June 14, 2022 1:05 pm

I don’t think Cassie is aware of the nature of the briar patch, calli. She seems to want to throw the left in just to be a big meanie, as an end in itself.

It breaks my heart as an old leftie to see Peter Dutton fighting the way Cassie wants him to fight, opposing everything, not having a good word to say. That sort of thing really resonates with the voters, as the recent election can attest.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 1:27 pm

June 14, 2022 at 12:23 pm
Speaking from the left, as I do, may I say that you are striking fear into my heart with all this talk of doubling down on the strategy of hard right-wing culture wars, a strategy which was so successful at the recent federal election.

It says much about the softness of m0nty-fa’s brain that he seriously thinks that the Coalition ran a “hard right-wing culture wars” strategy in the recent election. m0nty-fa seems to be so far to the fascist left that Stalin might disown him!

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 1:29 pm


As I’ve said to you before, grow up.

Armchair lefties like m0nty-fa never grow up, they just fantasise about “punch [ing]a Nazi”, but would never do it.

June 14, 2022 1:42 pm

And as for “that sort of thing really resonates with the voters, as the recent election can attest.”…politics is cyclical. Enjoy your time in the sun, it never lasts. Labor governments get elected, Labor governments lose elections just like Coalition governments get elected and Coalition governments lose elections.

Hmm, politics is a cycle is it. And yet your advice is to never move from the spot, never evolve, never change. It’s the people who are wrong, they will come around to your position.

I don’t think that’s how it works, actually.

June 14, 2022 1:52 pm

Stating that the Palestinians have legitimate grievances is not anti-Semitic, it’s just the truth. You may disagree, but it appears that is because you are a partisan. Which is fine of course, your right as a citizen and all, but that means your point of view is not objective. We all have our biases, good for you that you stick up for your people.

Perhaps a life full of fighting is not a healthy way to live.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 1:54 pm

rock-ribbed warriors who fight for the right of rich old white people to profit from pollution.

You’ve got that the wrong way round, M0nty. It’s the rich left investors who are into the now-seen-to- be-fairly-useless renewables, claiming an odorless colourless and normal atmospheric CO2 is a ‘pollutant’. These are the rich white people who have pocketed the funds from the renewables scam, grasping mighty heaps of taxpayeer provided dosh, and who have funded airheads like Allegra to enable them to continue to do so. It is the stooges of the far left greens who are the real ‘rock-ribbed warriors’ in this game, antifa the prime example.

You can’t virtue signal your nonsense around here.

June 14, 2022 1:57 pm

now-seen-to- be-fairly-useless renewables

No serious person sees them as useless, Lizzie. You’re fighting the last war, which is over. Your side lost.

Some of you are still in the jungle waving your bayonets about, but you’re just fooling yourselves.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 2:00 pm

M0nty, if ‘legitimate grievances’ are expressed only through anti-semitism, as demanded and encouraged by Hamas, then that is no examination of actual grievances and the rights and wrongs that may exist on both sides.

Cassie has every right to see the anti-semitic pot being stirred by many Israel-hating supporters of the anti-semitic Palestinian leadership.

Have a look at the series Fauda sometime for a more nuanced perspective on Isreal’s relationships with and treatment of Arabs within Israel and on Israel’s borders. Better still, go to Israel and come back a more informed man.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 2:12 pm

No serious person sees them as useless, Lizzie. You’re fighting the last war, which is over. Your side lost.

Errant nonsense, M0nty. Renewables are only now starting to be properly costed. Even for believers in the CO2 hypothesis they are not without considerable CO2 lifetime costs, due to costly CO2 manufacture in replacement. Dismiss the CO2 issue and they still don’t stack up well economically, being non-base load and largely non-storable and high maintenance, subject to weather impacts and fitting poorly into existing transmission networks. They have a small place in an energy mix not a large one. They can be useful as stop-gaps in remote areas when lines are impractical, as in some parts of the third world.

I am currently being asked in NSW to limit my power usage. That’s the extent to which the battle has even been debated so far. It is not lost at all, it has only just begun. We cannot continue an industrial civilisation with a belief that renewable energies of wind and solar can compete with proper base-load energy provision. Virtue signalling of the German sort, where a polity is ‘good’ if it exports its emissions by purchasing them from high emitting countries denies any reality to the planetary hypothsis. So hypocritical. And so unnecessary to do complex equations about the presence of a gas that has as yet not been shown to have much impact at all on planetary weather and the icey poles.

Go read up on some of this M0nty, with a vague scientific hat on re models and empirical evidence.

June 14, 2022 2:17 pm

Cassie, obviously this is a very emotive issue. It’s also emotive for Palestinians who had their relatives gunned down in the street.

It’s a civil war, those are always messy and no one comes out innocent. Of course there are blood libels on both sides, murders by both sides, atrocities by both sides. No one can claim the moral high ground. But at the same time, if you look at it from the outside, both sides have legitimate grievances, neither of which are cancelled out by those terrible acts.

You can’t see the situation dispassionately because it is personal to you. That doesn’t make you morally righteous, nor does it make your criticisms of my quiet points valid.

June 14, 2022 2:18 pm

Tell us what centuries old blood libels about Palestinians are spread by the Jews of Israel?

June 14, 2022 2:19 pm

What Jewish religious verses exhort and encourage the murder of Muslims?

June 14, 2022 2:21 pm

Which government pays the families of suicide terrorists who deliberately kill babies and small children life penions as a reward for the murder of innocents?

June 14, 2022 2:22 pm

And there is no doubt at all that Israel can claim the high moral ground.

June 14, 2022 2:23 pm

It is not lost at all, it has only just begun. We cannot continue an industrial civilisation with a belief that renewable energies of wind and solar can compete with proper base-load energy provision.

Ah but we can Lizzie, we can. Coal is dead, CCS was a massive failure after decades of trying and now it’s solar’s time in the sun. Solar is not perfect, but it’s going to be a big improvement over coal.

Labor has at least three years to make it work. They may bugger it up, who knows, but the ball’s in their court and there’s nothing that the Cassies of the world can do except moan and complain about it. Cassie and her warriors lost the war, comprehensively.

June 14, 2022 2:29 pm

Stating that the Palestinians have legitimate grievances is not anti-Semitic

The classic default position of all Jew and Israeli haters.
“Just because I want Israelis pushed into the sea doesn’t mean I am anti-Semitic.”
Sure it doesn’t.

June 14, 2022 2:37 pm

Like I said, fighting constantly is no way to go through life. Sometimes you have to take the L, learn a lesson and fight another day. Doubling down every time is a loser’s gambling strategy. You’re out of chips.

John of Mel
John of Mel
June 14, 2022 3:03 pm

Cassie and her warriors lost the war, comprehensively

The funny thing is that there are no winners in this particular war. Everyone loses. Well, apart from China, of course. They get to continue building coal power stations and then, using this cheap electricity, manufacture solar panels to sell to stupid countries.

They may bugger it up,

“May”? What is your criteria of success here, btw?

One thing Labor will bugger up for sure is Australia.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 3:07 pm

m0nty-fa [scist]

Perhaps a life full of fighting is not a healthy way to live.

Perhaps “Palestine from the River to the sea” might not resonate with those scheduled to be exterminated to allow that to occur?

You ill-informed idiot.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
June 14, 2022 3:10 pm

Solar is not perfect, but it’s going to be a big improvement over coal.

How is it a big improvement over coal when it on average doesn’t provide energy for 12 hours a day?

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 3:13 pm

June 14, 2022 at 1:57 pm
now-seen-to- be-fairly-useless renewables

No serious person sees them as useless, Lizzie. You’re fighting the last war, which is over. Your side lost.


I think I have issued this challenge to you before, but in case I have overlooked you among the other “true-believer” fools, here it is.

Live the ruinables dream. Fit solar cells to your house, install a battery, buy an EV. Then, most importantly, disconnect the house from the “polluting” power generated by the grid. Report back to us in six months.

Remember, “No serious person sees them as useless”. Prove that you are a serious person, by using them exclusively. None of that awful brown coal power.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 3:15 pm


Better still, go to Israel and come back a more informed man.

Wait your turn, he still has to visit Malmo.

Then there is the “Ruinable challenge” that I have issued a bit further down this thread.

June 14, 2022 3:16 pm

Better still, go to Israel and come back a more informed man.

The limited brain capacity of the individual in question is incapable of absorbing anything that does not have a massive ‘Lefty Talking Point Here’ neon sign over it.
Wilful ignorance is a terminal condition but it permits the sufferer to avoid engagement in anything more argumentatively complicated that 1+1=2. Minimal neuron involvement is a critical component of their insufferable mental comfort zone. No nuance whatsoever.

June 14, 2022 3:20 pm

Like I said, fighting constantly is no way to go through life. Sometimes you have to take the L, learn a lesson and fight another day. Doubling down every time is a loser’s gambling strategy. You’re out of chips.

OFFS! Stringing letters together to make sentences does not a Cat Confucious make.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 3:20 pm


You can’t see the situation dispassionately because it is personal to you. That doesn’t make you morally righteous, nor does it make your criticisms of my quiet points valid.

Your “quiet points” might have had some validity f you had not taken as long as you have to recognise the Jewish side of the conflict. Saying that “both sides have legitimate grievances” is a cop out, you have never previously given any indication that you genuinely believe that.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 3:24 pm

Coal is dead, CCS was a massive failure after decades of trying and now it’s solar’s time in the sun.

Coal is a fabulous source of energy, easily mined and hugely availalble at the highest quality in Australia. Fracking coal seams also provides excellent sources of energy, as President Trump’s successes in that area show, without any of the claimed deleterious ecological outcomes. New coal fired power stations are also extract by high intensity producing low emissions, utilising the full capacity of each piece of coal.

Coal is king, M0nty, although gas and nuclear can also be in the royal line-up.
Oil too is a wonder chemical that we can’t do without; there’s also plenty of it.

Get used to it, coal, gas and oil are here to stay.

Wind and solar, nup. Not there yet. Not likely to be either. Same for tidal and volcanic sources.
The age-old standby of moving water still has a place for some countries with good natural falls.
Hydrogen. Well, booooooooooom, let’s see how that goes in storage.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 3:25 pm


CCS was a massive failure after decades of trying and now it’s solar’s time in the sun. Solar is not perfect, but it’s going to be a big improvement over coal.

CCS was always yet another scam for the well connected. Like geothermal (outside a country with active volcanoes) and tidal power.

“solar’s time in the sun”. How cutesey! And when the day is cloudy or the sun has set? What then? Put the kiddies on a bike connected to a generator? How can an unreliable non-continuous power source be a “big improvement” over a reliable, continuous one?

Don’t forget to take the solar challenge, we look forward to your reports.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 3:38 pm

Carbon capture and storage is something secondary that can be done, M0nty, if the CO2 hypothesis has any legs to run with, which is not yet proven. There are various modes using the carbon cycle in nature and also artifical means. I am suspicious of this sort of carbon accounting anyway, for that road leads to harnessing cow’s breath (see Prince Charles latest) or feeding cows things to stop their farts and veganism for all, with us eating bugs. All rather silly, when huge recurrent bushfires so thoughtfully laid by the greens refusal to underburn quickly ramps up the CO2 equation on the negative side of that ledger anyway. Trees grow, die, and they then burn or decay. Its the cycle.

So CCS is not something that I would pitch as knocking coal off the perch, ever.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 3:52 pm

Prove that you are a serious person, by using them exclusively. None of that awful brown coal power.

lol. And build a solar furnace to forge steel while you are at it, M0nts.

It’s back to the charcoal-making iron age for you off the grid.

When I lived close to an ‘alternative’ lifestyle commune living off the grid in the 70’s malnourished vegan women used to come up from the valley to clean up under our hot shower with town electricity.
Their poor children were covered in Impetigo.

Now M0nts wants everyone to live that dream. What a fantasy it was, and still is.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 14, 2022 3:59 pm

HILE power stations are so efficient they don’t really need CCS, btw.

I am so sick of the whole CO2 ‘accountancy’ of human life on the planet. On the scale of this wide world and its flora and fauna humans are very puny atmospheric contributors. Even today. We may shape lands to our use (as did the Aust Abs) but no human ever caused an ice age or a flourishing tropic.

June 14, 2022 4:16 pm

Hmm, politics is a cycle is it. And yet your advice is to never move from the spot, never evolve, never change. It’s the people who are wrong, they will come around to your position.

What a laughable position. monty is trying to argue that all this ‘change’ and ‘evolution’ is entirely organic, the the state through its various institutions was merely responding to the plaintive cry of the people who only wished to be ‘free’. You know, the man and woman, sorry, the ‘xi and xe of the street’ merely wanted their children to have the freedom of a mastectomy in order to satisfy a feeling which the culture itself is generating.

June 14, 2022 4:22 pm

You’re at least 20 years behind the times, Lizzie. Things have moved on since then. You can keep on declaring as fact that which has been thoroughly disproven, but that doesn’t make your words true.

“May”? What is your criteria of success here, btw?

Fair question John. I know what the criterion of failure is: a repeat of 2009 when Labor stuffed up their CPRS by refusing to deal with the Greens. I suspect Albo won’t make that mistake again.

I foresee at least two legislative hot points in the new Parliament that you lot will hate with a passion. I have said before I reckon proportional representation is going to get a run, albeit Labor probably won’t end up allowing it as it gives the Greens more power. There will also be a renewed (pun intended) push for a carbon price.

Albo will have the tired old NSW Right in his ear to negotiate both things with the Libs, which is the old way of doing things. He may end up doing it to please the factions, like Turnbull followed orders from Abetz and Andrews even though it was against Turnbull’s instincts. The distribution of Cabinet seats is a signifier that the factions are still strong within Labor, that system hasn’t broken down yet.

We haven’t seen exactly how the power has shifted within the new Parliament yet, but I reckon the Greens are going to be very full of themselves, and will be trying to throw their weight around. In the tradition of that famous scene in The Wire, Albo will have a lot of bowls of poop to eat. Bandt will be stirring them as we speak. The PM will need a strong stomach.

June 14, 2022 4:25 pm

What a laughable position. monty is trying to argue that all this ‘change’ and ‘evolution’ is entirely organic, the the state through its various institutions was merely responding to the plaintive cry of the people who only wished to be ‘free’. You know, the man and woman, sorry, the ‘xi and xe of the street’ merely wanted to their children to have the freedom of a mastectomy in order to satisfy a feeling which the culture itself is generating.

Ah yes, the old vast left-wing conspiracy. Blame that, never introspect or admit fault, and never change.

That’ll work!

June 14, 2022 4:34 pm

Ah yes, the old vast left-wing conspiracy. Blame that, never introspect or admit fault, and never change.

That’ll work!

LOL. Never introspect or admit fault? How ignorant are you of the debate that has gone on among the right? Of the posts I’ve written pushing in this direction? Completely ignorant, it appears.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 4:43 pm


LOL. Never introspect or admit fault? How ignorant are you of the debate that has gone on among the right? Of the posts I’ve written pushing in this direction? Completely ignorant, it appears.

m0nty-fa is trapped in a fascist left thought control system. He dares not challenge the ever so precious “narrative”. He tried that on his Phat Pussy blog, and got schooled vigorously by Steve from Brissie and Homer, to the extent that he has effectively abandoned the blog.

He will follow the runiables narrative, but will also take advantage of the “old” energy system as long as he can. Note that he has not responded to my challenge to demonstrate the effectiveness of solar by going full solar/battery in his own home.

He will follow, with even greater fanaticism, the political “narrative” of the fascist left. To the bitter end.

June 14, 2022 4:46 pm

Of the posts I’ve written pushing in this direction?

Your recent posts have included:
– an attack on gay marriage
– a meme saying that going to church is revolutionary
– reposting Auron McIntyre culture wars rubbish

Ooh yeah, you’ve learned and changed a lot db.

The “debate” on here is almost all about a matter of degree on how much to double down.

June 14, 2022 4:49 pm

For instance, I don’t think this is a vast ‘left-wing’ conspiracy. Much of the contemporary nonsense would have horrified the old Left. There is simply the empire of liberalism feasting on its young.

June 14, 2022 4:55 pm

an attack on gay marriage

Gay marriage was illustrative and not the focus at all, classical liberalism was the focus.

Ooh yeah, you’ve learned and changed a lot db.

Lol, my position on gay ‘marriage’ has reversed while I’ve been on the Cat. My position on classical liberalism has, also, not only reversed, but my criticism has also deepened as well.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 4:58 pm

June 14, 2022 at 4:49 pm
For instance, I don’t think this is a vast ‘left-wing’ conspiracy. Much of the contemporary nonsense would have horrified the old Left. There is simply the empire of liberalism feasting on its young.

The old left would have been horrified by the closeness between the modern left and the “Big end of town”. This closeness is one of the signifiers of fascism, which m0nty-fa seems to support.

June 14, 2022 5:04 pm

Lol, my position on gay ‘marriage’ has reversed while I’ve been on the Cat.

Really? I must have missed the bit where you are an enthusiastic supporter of SSM now.

June 14, 2022 5:05 pm

The “debate” on here is almost all about a matter of degree on how much to double down.”

This is a classic misreading. The usual mistake the right make is to say that we just need to ignore the cultural issues, and focus on the economics, with the latter merely reheating neoliberal manifestos. I don’t see much of that at all on New Cat. The old Cat was gung-ho with only a few contrary voices, like C.L., but that is now a clear majority. The right that will emerge is going to be less neutral culturally, more interventionist economically, and isolationist internationally; in other words, everything the right abhorred since the 80s, and the left depended upon.

June 14, 2022 5:11 pm

Yes, one of the reasons I spend less time here.

John of Mel
John of Mel
June 14, 2022 5:13 pm

Fair question John. I know what the criterion of failure is: a repeat of 2009 when Labor stuffed up their CPRS by refusing to deal with the Greens. I suspect Albo won’t make that mistake again.

Your answer is quite revealing – it’s all political for you, it’s all about your side “winning” no matter how the country suffers as a result.
What I meant is – what will constitute a success in this “transitioning” to “green” energy for all Australians? E.g. “We will be able to provide all energy requirements that we currently have and more, cheaper, more reliable and “cleaner” (whatever that means, but I’ll go with it) than we currently can. As a result we can build a couple of aluminum smelters and re-open a few manufacturing plants that were closed in part due to rising electricity prices to regain our competitive advantage in the world economy”. Something like that.

June 14, 2022 5:18 pm

The right that will emerge is going to be less neutral culturally, more interventionist economically, and isolationist internationally; in other words, everything the right abhorred since the 80s, and the left depended upon.

I have been saying for years on the Cat that you lot are moving towards the DLP policy platform, and I am only proven right each passing year.

June 14, 2022 5:19 pm

Really? I must have missed the bit where you are an enthusiastic supporter of SSM now.

You did. It was during the Soon years but my position changed from the
‘conservative case for’ style to a more Oakeshottian conventionalist opposition to gay ‘marriage’ for now but not forever, and then to opposition to marriage redefinition as the argument took a Aristotelian-Thomistic turn. I gradually saw the weakness of the conventionalist opposition argument and the power and intelligibility of the latter position. This pretty much happened in the early 2010s.

June 14, 2022 5:21 pm

Yes, one of the reasons I spend less time here.

Aren’t you sick of losing?

June 14, 2022 5:23 pm

LOL so you moved from one type of opposition to another kind of opposition. What a journey.

June 14, 2022 5:24 pm

M0nty reminds me of an overage bearded hippie who has been high on hallucinogenic drugs for far too long and out of touch with the real world.

June 14, 2022 5:27 pm

You can’t “grow” or “evolve” into a lie.

If something is untrue, no amount of moving forward will get you away from it. It simply compounds the lie and makes life unliveable.

The lie must be exposed and the solutions to the problem will follow.

June 14, 2022 5:27 pm

I have been saying for years on the Cat that you lot are moving towards the DLP policy platform, and I am only proven right each passing year.

In some respects, possibly; in others, possibility not. Further, I’m sure there was significant overlap between the LNP and DLP before the 1980s, so the idea that this is a entirely a move away from the LNP to DLP is overwrought.

June 14, 2022 5:29 pm

LOL so you moved from one type of opposition to another kind of opposition. What a journey.

Did you miss the first position, for gay ‘marriage’? I know you’re still on a sugar high after the election but being a shitposter constantly lacks any redemptive quality.

June 14, 2022 5:51 pm

June 14, 2022 at 5:29 pm
LOL so you moved from one type of opposition to another kind of opposition. What a journey.

Did you miss the first position, for gay ‘marriage’? I know you’re still on a sugar high after the election but being a shitposter constantly lacks any redemptive quality.

There is nothing redeeming about this clown. It is all about how great he is and how wrong you are, while making strawman arguments. There is never a genuine discussion, let alone an attempt to understand the other side. He would take the side the sky isn’t blue if his side demanded it, despite the clear evidence of his own eyes it’s wrong.
No compromise, no making nice. He wants us dead, but pretends otherwise while cloaking himself in proclamations of virtue.

June 14, 2022 5:56 pm

June 14, 2022 at 5:21 pm
Yes, one of the reasons I spend less time here.

Aren’t you sick of losing?

What did you win?

June 14, 2022 6:26 pm

What did you win?

Small steps.

June 14, 2022 6:30 pm

Did you miss the first position, for gay ‘marriage’?

Haha actually I did. My bad.

So you’re saying you changed from pro SSM to against, and you are using that as an example of how you can change with times, despite society moving in the opposite direction to you. DB come on mate, that is just silly.

June 14, 2022 6:49 pm

So you’re saying you changed from pro SSM to against, and you are using that as an example of how you can change with times, despite society moving in the opposite direction to you. DB come on mate, that is just silly.

I never said I simply ‘changed with the times’, only that some of my positions have changed over time for various reasons. Changing with the times for no other reason is just absurd.

June 14, 2022 8:09 pm

Changing with the times for no other reason is just absurd.

So is never changing in response to world events… unless you want to become irrelevant.

I get called a Whig about this stuff and maybe that’s what I am, but there is certainly something to be said for the ability of progress to improve things. We can’t do things the same way we did them a hundred years ago, and humanity is mostly better for it.

db, your combination of eternal culture war, herrenvolk economic interventionism and international isolationism actually has a very small democratic constituency. Trumpism omits the economics entirely in favour of Establishment Republican tax cuts for the rich, so you can’t claim him as part of your credo. What you really want is what has happened in Hungary and Poland. Australia is largely going on a very different path.

June 14, 2022 9:06 pm

“Florida governor, Ron De Santis. is also a warrior against the left and whilst I have never seen or heard him be personally mean, he is more than willing to fight the meanness of the left when it is thrown his way.”

De Santis knows the MSM will never like him, and doesn’t try to please them – he just does what sensible everyday people want.
He also always has the facts ready to debunk any media talking point/leftist narrative – he will say “No, that’s wrong, I don’t accept your premise because the facts say it’s wrong” and then present said facts.
Best of all, if private companies want to play politics, he’s shown that he’s not afraid of hitting back – see Disney.

He gave his state the most freedom of any during COVID and it was almost exactly in the middle for deaths, despite a significantly older population than most other states. He gave freedom and responsibility to the people, it worked, and the state is thriving.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 9:09 pm


I get called a Whig about this stuff and maybe that’s what I am, but there is certainly something to be said for the ability of progress to improve things.

No, you’re not a Whig. You’re just a raving lefty, trending towards fascism, which is becoming the mood of the times. So, you do “move with the times”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 14, 2022 9:10 pm


Are you going to take up the “solar challenge”, or are you going to “do a Malmo”?

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
June 14, 2022 9:28 pm

Huge mate,
Anglicism has a lot going for it. Being an outsider and being a cat lick, there were a few things that stuck out. One was your optimistic view of the world, your love of your country and a good sense of self. When I went to Uni, and as usual I was at the end of the class, those that went to a proddy school would openly say I have no idea and laugh it off. They were also less violent and more open than others.
I still remember introducing two guys one went to a grammar school and one to a state school. The guy from the grammar school put his hand out and introed himself, the state school guy held back – that oh a private school poofta.
Do’nt be too hard on yourself.
The Christian clerics need to relate the bible to social situations and psychology. It’s repeated enough through history.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
June 14, 2022 9:31 pm

Um Monty
Your opening comment – I have to laugh , its like how stateschool kids talk. Then when they earn high incomes they do the things that those so called rich private school kids did.
Difference is you don’t know how to act fairly, civilly or decently.

June 14, 2022 9:43 pm

Haven’t you heard Lou, the right has now abandoned rich private school kids from the leafy enclaves and thinks its new heartland is state school kids from the outer burbs.

Snobbery is old hat on the Cat, it’s all housos talk now.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
June 14, 2022 9:53 pm

Haven’t you heard Lou, the right has now abandoned rich private school kids from the leafy enclaves and thinks its new heartland is state school kids from the outer burbs.

Snobbery is old hat on the Cat, it’s all housos talk now.

Inner-urban Revolutionary neuroticism has always been a hallmark of the Left, Fat Man.

I’m surprised it took you this long to figure out.* True Conservatives and Classical Liberals (in the English and American sense, not those arsehole elitist French) have never been part of the uppermost strata of any Western society.

* Not really. You have a severe case of terminal Ideology, a key symptom of which is tunnel vision and social blindness…

June 14, 2022 10:22 pm

So is never changing in response to world events… unless you want to become irrelevant.

Apparently, this substantive rejection of failed cultural, economic and foreign policies on the right, which has permanently split it, has ‘nothing to do with world events’ and marks no change. According to Monty, it is still 2003 and we are all Bill Kristol.

I get called a Whig about this stuff and maybe that’s what I am, but there is certainly something to be said for the ability of progress to improve things. We can’t do things the same way we did them a hundred years ago, and humanity is mostly better for it.

No one really argues we can’t improving things, but if you have no standard beyond change you can’t count anything as an improvement. For instance, intermittent sources of power are not an improvement on consistent baseload power.

db, your combination of eternal culture war, herrenvolk economic interventionism and international isolationism actually has a very small democratic constituency. Trumpism omits the economics entirely in favour of Establishment Republican tax cuts for the rich, so you can’t claim him as part of your credo. What you really want is what has happened in Hungary and Poland. Australia is largely going on a very different path.

Hungary and Poland were on the same path before politics intervened; that is what worries you.

Anchor What
Anchor What
June 15, 2022 7:30 am

Another “chase the goose Monty” all the way down the thread.
Dover must be so proud of this artifact of libertarianism.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 15, 2022 8:44 am


Hungary and Poland were on the same path before politics intervened; that is what worries you.

Like all lefties, m0nty-fa fears above all that his enemies will fight back. Deep in his heart (if he has one) he must realise that the path he follows will inevitably lead to penury and misery for most, and a comfortable life for the Nomenklatura.

His ultimate fear is that he will not be part of the Nomenklatura. He is correct in that fear.

June 15, 2022 10:45 am

Another “chase the goose Monty” all the way down the thread.
Dover must be so proud of this artifact of libertarianism.

monty is the proverbial liberal midwit. I have no illusions, and hopefully nobody else does, that he can be convinced by reason to change his mind. However, sparing with him helps to hone my responses to normies who are seemingly convinced by liberal midwittery they encounter through media. In this sense, he is different from iampeter, whose views you only ever encounter in some dark corner of reddit, I imagine.

June 15, 2022 11:00 am

True Conservatives and Classical Liberals (in the English and American sense, not those arsehole elitist French) have never been part of the uppermost strata of any Western society.

Winston Churchill says what? That is one of the dumber things you have ever said, Rex. And it’s got a lot of competition.

In reality, the heart of Western conservatism is based in aristocratic outrage against the French Revolution. All of its modern tenets flow from that event. The conservative movement has always been elitist, and it remains elitist to this day despite the efforts of some to redirect it.

db can state that the new movement is economically interventionist, but there has been precious little of that implemented by conservative or liberal governments – Trump being the prime example of that. He governed economically like Reagan III, his budgets were boilerplate neoliberalism. If they were supposed to be nourishing the herrenvolk, why did they try to gut Obamacare? Why did they try to cut SNAP?

The situation at the moment is that the Establishment still runs conservative movements, they’re getting a lot of energy from the grassroots but the elites hold the whip hand at the end of the day. No wonder, as they are still run on slush funds from big corporates, with fossil fuel producers and military contractors prominent in the donor list. That may change over time, but at the moment you can’t say that economic interventionism to favour the aspirationals is flavour of the day.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 15, 2022 11:30 am

The conservative movement has always been elitist, and it remains elitist to this day despite the efforts of some to redirect it.

m0nty-fa sees the mote in the eye of conservatives, while ignoring (probably not even seeing) the giant log in the eyes of the self-appointed “elite” parasites of socialism in all its grotesque forms, including fascism, communism, “environmentalism” and credentialism.

Open your eyes, m0nty-fa, and look at the entitled attitudes of the supposed “left” in the western democracies.

June 15, 2022 11:42 am

I see in the following thread that Rafe Champion agrees with me that the French Revolution is the root of all his perceived ills.

June 15, 2022 12:15 pm

In reality, the heart of Western conservatism is based in aristocratic outrage against the French Revolution. All of its modern tenets flow from that event. The conservative movement has always been elitist, and it remains elitist to this day despite the efforts of some to redirect it.

Oh, I see what you did there. All would agree that Western conservatism is an anti-Revolutionary movement that arose in horror at the depredations of the French Revolutionaries, but the claim that it is simply ‘aristocratic outrage’ is added so as to claim that conservatism, whatever form it has taken since, is always elitist.

db can state that the new movement is economically interventionist, but there has been precious little of that implemented by conservative or liberal governments – Trump being the prime example of that. He governed economically like Reagan III, his budgets were boilerplate neoliberalism. If they were supposed to be nourishing the herrenvolk, why did they try to gut Obamacare? Why did they try to cut SNAP?

Yes, yes, I must have dreamt the outrage and opposition that their America First economic policies generated among neoliberals, and the rise in support, among working class Americans, that it attracted.

The situation at the moment is that the Establishment still runs conservative movements, they’re getting a lot of energy from the grassroots but the elites hold the whip hand at the end of the day. No wonder, as they are still run on slush funds from big corporates, with fossil fuel producers and military contractors prominent in the donor list. That may change over time, but at the moment you can’t say that economic interventionism to favour the aspirationals is flavour of the day.

I don’t disagree that the Establishment are trying to maintain their control of the conservative movement, which is why there is a revolt among actual conservatives, but in all your fervor dreams, you never really want to look closer to home because you are afraid that liberalism is in fact as dependent, if not more so, on the Establishment, and that it bends to its interests and has done so over the last two centuries.

June 15, 2022 12:49 pm

Depends on what you mean by liberalism, db. Social liberalism is to a very large extent a function of what elites will allow, that is true. Elites have become more socially liberal over time, to the extent where social liberals are now the Establishment and I can call myself the only true conservative on this site.

However, economic liberalism has always been what the elites can get away with, and that continues to be operational. Chambers of Commerce and corporate lobby groups retain massive power in our system, manifested almost exclusively through conservative political parties.

If you want to start talking about how the big business linkages to the likes of the LNP are all by dying industries trying to extract the last bit of rent before expiration, as opposed to Labor whose business mates are in future-thinking industries like renewables which will underpin our economy for decades to come, then we might get somewhere.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 15, 2022 1:18 pm

Elites have become more socially liberal over time, to the extent where social liberals are now the Establishment and I can call myself the only true conservative on this site.

m0nty-fa places a new meaning on the saying “You can only be avant garde for so long, before you become garde”.

m0nty-fa is now the running dog tool of the reactionary establishment, and genuine conservatives, who try to preserve what is valuable, as different to what perversions the self-selected parasitic “elites” and their acolytes want, are now the rebels against reactionary authority.

How are the not-so-mighty fallen!

Chambers of Commerce and corporate lobby groups retain massive power in our system, manifested almost exclusively through conservative political parties.

m0nty-fa still hasn’t woken up to the close alliance between Big Government and Big Business, which is now the fascist establishment that he blindly follows.

Sad, low energy.

Labor whose business mates are in future-thinking industries like renewables

m0nty-fa still hasn’t noticed that the foundation of the profits of those “future-thinking industries” are subsidies that he, as a third or fourth tier minion, will pay. Only the “elites” of the Party will share the riches.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 15, 2022 1:18 pm

PS, m0nty-fa, are you going to take up the solar challenge?

June 15, 2022 1:27 pm

If you want to start talking about how the big business linkages to the likes of the LNP are all by dying industries trying to extract the last bit of rent before expiration, as opposed to Labor whose business mates are in future-thinking industries like renewables which will underpin our economy for decades to come, then we might get somewhere.

It sounds like you’re trying to distinguish between different forms of rent-seeking under the guise of ‘future-thinking’.

June 15, 2022 2:06 pm

It sounds like you’re trying to distinguish between different forms of rent-seeking under the guise of ‘future-thinking’.

It sounds like you’re trying to say all capitalists are rent-seekers. Which… well, welcome to my arms comrade!

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 15, 2022 2:21 pm


It sounds like you’re trying to say all capitalists are rent-seekers. Which… well, welcome to my arms comrade!

And the greatest (or is it grossest) rent seekers at the current time are those “future-thinking industries” that the fascist left have joined forces with, the ones you support.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
June 15, 2022 4:47 pm

Hey Monty Maaake
Yes I have heard but it’s the same old issue. The high income earners at the expensive schools will do something really rebellious, like wear the newest and most expensive sneakers to school and rub their parents wealth in every one else’s face.
They then go on to the student union with all the flunkies.

For the rest they will try to get a job and name spew bile at others.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
June 15, 2022 6:44 pm

The Fat Man chooses Winston Churchill as his Straw Man because allegedly RiCh and CoNsErVaTiVe. And does not address my contention.

So if all upper class folks are all elitist conservatives, how do you explain Kim Philby and his ring of Oxbridge maaaaaaaaaaaaaates spying for the Soviet Union and undermining their nation and society for several decades in the name of their preferred form of controlling the lumpen masses, Benito M0ntylini?

June 16, 2022 10:37 am

So if all upper class folks are all elitist conservatives, how do you explain Kim Philby and his ring of Oxbridge maaaaaaaaaaaaaates spying for the Soviet Union and undermining their nation and society for several decades in the name of their preferred form of controlling the lumpen masses, Benito M0ntylini?

A new day, a new stupid post by Rex.

Not all upper-class people are conservative.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
June 16, 2022 11:41 am

Not all upper-class people are conservative.


Not 2 posts ago, you were running about alleging they were.

Did you grow up in PuBlIc HoUsInG like Albo did? 🙂



Boambee John
Boambee John
June 16, 2022 12:00 pm

Not all upper-class people are conservative.

m0nty-fa does some tap dancing. But he is correct, many are Teals, then there are fools like Turdballs.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
June 16, 2022 12:19 pm

Elites have become more socially liberal over time, to the extent where social liberals are now the Establishment and I can call myself the only true conservative on this site.

The Fat Man has had his Iampeter moment…


Boambee John
Boambee John
June 16, 2022 1:25 pm


m0nty-fa has become the running dog lackey of the fascist establishment.

He seriously thinks that claiming to be “The only true conservative in the village, sorry, site” will upset people here. He really is that stupid.

As you said, truly an Iampeter moment.

June 16, 2022 2:47 pm

Did you grow up in PuBlIc HoUsInG like Albo did? ?

Not quite, but a lot of my friends in Seymour did and our part of the town was not particularly salubrious.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
June 16, 2022 6:18 pm

Not quite, but a lot of my friends in Seymour did

Why am I not surprised by the Fat Man harbouring pretensions of hardscrabble.

Could you be any stronger a caricature of the inner-urban upper middle class midwit if you tried?

Next thing we know, you’ll be telling us you grew up figthing Torries…

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
June 17, 2022 2:31 pm

Trump and “great” in the same sentence should be accompanied by the words “criminal mind”. Hopefully he will go to jail.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
June 17, 2022 2:40 pm

Is that you, EllenG?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x