Open Thread – Weekend 18 June 2022

Fishing Boats at Honfleur, Claude Monet, 1868

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Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2022 1:37 pm

Joe’s gone off script talking about a 2nd Term so he’s going under the bus.

On the Repub side …
Ron de Santis looks like a weirdo, then there’s Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio,
Jeb!, Lindsey Graham, McCain, Dubya, Newt, Dirksen, Strom, the guy that ran for Senator in Alabama, the Witch than ran under the Trump banner in Arizona, OrangeMan himself and some interesting photos with Ivanka …

June 18, 2022 1:37 pm

Has the diary been authenticated?

June 18, 2022 1:37 pm

Just after the Second World War, the Australian Army was selling off General Grant tanks, with the armament and radio’s removed, for the princely sum of ten pounds.

I was watching a YouTube channel by some UK guys who had brought an Australian Grant tank. After much work on it someone finally decides to open the breech on the 30mm gun. It had a spent round in it, could have easily been a live one!

June 18, 2022 1:38 pm

Elon Musk’s SpaceX has fired employees who took part in writing and sharing an open letter criticizing the billionaire chief executive of the rocket company, according to multiple news reports, amid a string of allegations and public rebukes against Musk as scrutiny intensifies over his efforts to buy Twitter.

learn to code!

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
June 18, 2022 1:42 pm

Convince me that the Health Profession isn’t full of fucking Mongs.

About 5 years back, my Mum (then 86) had to have some radioactive treatment for her thyroid.

She was informed that she and Dad would have to sleep in separate beds for a day or three. Why? Because he might be susceptible to cancer or infertility from the radioactivity.

In what timeframe, Mum asked.

15 or so years, came the firm response.

Mum’s suggestion that he was 87 and it probably didn’t matter met with some puzzlement, then some laughter.

June 18, 2022 1:42 pm

Three times the bastards brought her back, “stabilised” her ….

Yep, but if you’re still in the womb these bastards will vacuum you out in a heartbeat.

June 18, 2022 1:43 pm

China in Focus – NTD
01:04 Bill Introduced to Ban Oil Exports to China
02:22 Tech Execs Urge Congress on #ChinaBill
03:06 Poll: U.S. Companies in Shanghai Lower Expectations
04:49 Teachers Protest Over Significant Salary Reduction
06:13 Internet Users Remark on Odd Hailstones in Beijing
07:28 U.S. Lawmakers Push Bill to Revamp Taiwan Policy
10:14 Politician: Taiwan’s Missiles Can Strike Beijing, Three Gorges Dam
11:34 Fmr Real Estate Director Tells Story on Quitting CCP

June 18, 2022 1:44 pm

Medical joke: Why do they put nails in coffins? To keep the oncologists out.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 18, 2022 1:47 pm

Daily Mail.

Leigh Sales reveals the true impact of ‘rabid internet bullies’ in driving her out of the job she loved – and why it has NOTHING to do with rumours about Scott Morrison: ‘I was abused all the time’

ABC news presenter Leigh Sales said she quit because of ‘rabid bullies’ online
She said she has two protective violence orders because of threats made online
Sales has been the presenter of current affairs program 7.30 for almost 12 years
Sales called for dads to ‘take up more slack at home’ to help struggling mothers

June 18, 2022 1:53 pm

Sales called for dads to ‘take up more slack at home’ to help struggling mothers

Why are they “struggling”?
They have, on average, 1.4 children.

My Mum looked after seven times as many while baking a cake.

June 18, 2022 1:55 pm

I am very aware, like others, of the very obvious increase amongst acquaintances of immune & circulatory deficiency problems.

But I find one case particularly interesting. This person has a past history of a fairly serious cancer that was discovered early and contained. As a result the person very wisely henceforth paid particular attention to diet and exercise. Thus far she has evaded Covid 19 &, like others, attributes this good fortune to the maximum vaccinations & followup boosters. I am amazed, in view of this, that she has remained in blooming health although many of her friends are succumbing to heart problems, as well as sudden recurring cancers. I strongly suspect that she has remained in good health due to the extensive number of vitamins and supplements she consumes, as well as a very good diet.

Of course, she is totally ignorant of this possibility, and confidently attributes her health to the vaxx and boosters. Even so, surprisingly, she asked my advice this morning on what she should take if she contracted Covid during her forthcoming trip OS.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 18, 2022 2:06 pm

Sheldon Damine George Ashwin jailed for peddling cannabis to vulnerable communities
Tegan Guthrie
Kalgoorlie Miner
Sat, 18 June 2022 2:00AM

A “well-respected” Aboriginal man has been lashed by a District Court judge for his “reprehensible” behaviour peddling cannabis to vulnerable people in remote communities in an attempt to lift his family out of poverty.

Sheldon Damine George Ashwin, 31, was told his drug dealing was “shameful” and made more serious by the fact he was using the scourge of substance abuse in remote communities to his advantage all while holding a position in the community where he supports youth through Aboriginal law.

Ashwin was jailed for 24 months after he pleaded guilty to possessing 1.7kg of cannabis with the intent to sell or supply in Kalgoorlie District Court on Thursday.

Between September 16 and October 7 police intercepted the phone of a co-offender with whom Ashwin was negotiating the weekly purchase and on-sell of cannabis in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Laverton and Warburton.

June 18, 2022 2:08 pm

Probably a good idea to have a plan in place when you reach a certain age.
I would not like to be a medical practitioner making decisions about whether to resuscitate or not in the absence of clear advise from the patient or someone with medical power of attorney.
create your medical treatment decision plan Victoria

Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 2:10 pm
Microgravity can be used to unlock old materials and make new ones in ways that can’t be replicated on Earth. Private companies know this, and are leading the charge toward the next gold rush. But can they turn low Earth orbit into a home for the next industrial revolution?

June 18, 2022 2:12 pm

Has the diary been authenticated?

The FBI performed several raids on the basis that it was stolen so yes, it is safe to assume that it is legit.

June 18, 2022 2:18 pm

Has the diary been authenticated?

It will be when 51 former intelligence officials declare it Russian disinfo.

Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 2:25 pm

The question to ask about the Mong Dictatorship, is:
“Has the legislation in regard to the pandemic panic still there?”
Yes it is.
Then nothing has changed and nothing will change until it is repealed.
“Maintain the Rage” has a certain ring to it.

June 18, 2022 2:26 pm

vr says:
June 18, 2022 at 12:05 pm


Did you see the article in the SMH about Sarah Ferguson heading back to OZ. That’s why you saw Jones on the plane back. Apparently, she was ‘reporting’ from there for the last 2 years. Apparently, concerned about the trajectory of democracy over there. No mention about the Russia gate debunking that ABC spent years ‘reporting on’.

No I didn’t, vr.

I still can’t get over how Springer -Jones was wearing black shades…. in the evening in the LA airport lounge waiting to board. What a complete dickhead. They got off in Melbourne too, but I thought the two arseholes lived in Sydney.

June 18, 2022 2:27 pm

Rosie, do I understand from your comment a few days ago that you are a granny once again?

If so, congratulations.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 18, 2022 2:27 pm

Will someone think of The Children! The breach hasn’t been drilled and the engine filled with concrete?!

If I have not told the tale of the bloke who bought himself a 40mm Bofors AA gun, and then the police rang him, please say so.

June 18, 2022 2:28 pm

Why are they “struggling”?
They have, on average, 1.4 children.

If 40% of a kid is lying on the floor I bet the mothers would be struggling. 🙂

June 18, 2022 2:29 pm

If they were humming “Stand by your man”, it wasn’t snowcone and missus.

It was Jake and Elwood.

June 18, 2022 2:30 pm

Thank you Calli.

June 18, 2022 2:31 pm

I struggled to be a young mum. But I grew out of it.

June 18, 2022 2:31 pm


If you want to reduce the murder rate then gun ownership being dependent on income level would be the way to go. It’s half tongue in cheek, but it’s funny where Da science takes you at times. Watch the Rats scream racism if it was brought up as a real policy.
And no I don’t support it.

June 18, 2022 2:32 pm

Okay…okay. Boy or girl and what weight?*

These matters are important.

* assuming binary gender and fat shaming in the one question.

June 18, 2022 2:33 pm

calli says:
June 18, 2022 at 2:31 pm

I struggled to be a young mum. But I grew out of it.

Yea, the struggles of modern motherhood in the western world. It hasn’t been so harsh since the black plague.

June 18, 2022 2:34 pm


June 18, 2022 2:35 pm

Congratulations, Rosie!


I still can’t get over how Springer -Jones was wearing black shades…

He doesn’t like being hassled by autograph hunters, man.

June 18, 2022 2:37 pm

Congratulations, Rosie!

What did she do?

June 18, 2022 2:39 pm

Chickens Hold Controversial ‘Fox Story Hour’ In Chicken Coop

FARMINGTON, MO—Progressive chickens at Stoodland Farms held a “Fox Storytime Hour” Friday, which some of the older hens considered controversial. During the event, various foxes were invited into the coop to read a story to the young chicks.

A number of hens were reportedly offended by the fox volunteers. “I can’t believe what they’re teaching our young-uns,” said Pecky LeCorn. “I know there are foxes in the world, but to actually invite them into our coop to read to defensless chicks, it’s uncheepable!”

Protests aside, LeCorn left her chicks in the care of the fox because she had a feathering appointment and babysitters were so hard to find. She reportedly took one last look and shook her head in dismay as Derrick the Fox read from Foxes Need To Eat Too And That’s Perfectly Normal And Beautiful.

June 18, 2022 2:42 pm

Girl, 4.1 kg and 57 cm.
Can I say my daughter is very slim and quite tall and certainly in the final week even fully covered, her belly was clearly, absurdly, baby shaped, head down,rump to the left and feet to the right and every so often a little foot pushing out.

June 18, 2022 2:43 pm

I helped look after miss two.

June 18, 2022 2:51 pm

On the Repub side …
Ron de Santis looks like a weirdo, then there’s Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio,
Jeb!, Lindsey Graham, McCain, Dubya, Newt, Dirksen, Strom, the guy that ran for Senator in Alabama, the Witch than ran under the Trump banner in Arizona, OrangeMan himself and some interesting photos with Ivanka …

Stuff still coming out your arse.

June 18, 2022 2:52 pm

Self described blond genius.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 18, 2022 2:54 pm

Snowcone and Mrs Snowcone are 2 of the greatest mysteries in Australian media.

June 18, 2022 2:57 pm

He doesn’t like being hassled by autograph hunters, man.

Hiding the red eyes induced by weeping.

June 18, 2022 2:59 pm

Ahaha! Thanks Rosie.

A bonnie lass indeed!

June 18, 2022 3:00 pm

Girl, 4.1 kg and 57 cm.

Wow big girl, our biggest was 51cm and 8lb8oz. The other half is 5’1″ too. Hope mum and bub is doing well.

June 18, 2022 3:05 pm

Very well, thank you. As I mentioned experience greatly improved by going private.
(Miss Two nose a bit out of joint. )

June 18, 2022 3:12 pm

Congrats, Rosie! For reaping the rewards of indirect contributions following on from a direct one so many years ago. 🙂

June 18, 2022 3:19 pm

All of ours were Private, Mater Townsville. Can’t fault them. I nearly missed one of them as I was on site when the day came, mum who was up for the birth drove her to the hospital and rang me at 2am in the morning, I then booked out on the 0920 Qantaslink service from Mackay that was fashionably late and only just made it.

We had a great Obstetrician & Paediatrician as well whom have since retired much to NQ’s loss.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2022 3:19 pm

Leigh Sales reveals the true impact of ‘rabid internet bullies’ in driving her out of the job she loved – and why it has NOTHING to do with rumours about Scott Morrison: ‘I was abused all the time’

Bullies connected to the Labor Party?
Friendly Jordies?

June 18, 2022 3:22 pm

My daughter arrived at hospital at 7 minutes past the hour and delivered at 39 minutes past the same hour.
Not surprising after last time.

June 18, 2022 3:31 pm

One last please explain, post election.

Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 3:39 pm

On Saturday 31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a protest.
They were traveling to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a Uhaul. They had no other weapons.
They had committed no violence but possibly could have — so they were arrested.

June 18, 2022 3:42 pm

Same with my second. She was a big girl too. Mr Two adored her and still does thirty nine years later…he tried to feed her Smarties in her hospital crib.

By the time the second daughter arrived the novelty wore off and he took to herding them around like a border collie. Still does that much to their amusement.

June 18, 2022 3:51 pm

June 18, 2022 at 3:22 pm
My daughter arrived at hospital at 7 minutes past the hour and delivered at 39 minutes past the same hour.
Not surprising after last time.

My wife shells peas too. The last time my SiL came to pick up my son to look after him, she lives 5 mins from hospital. No 4 was born before they got out of the lift. Other SiL went to the toilet at home and produced her last one. That’s after having her first at the entry to the hospital. Runs in the family.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 4:01 pm

And as for all of the poor sods that got jabbed, well, I do wish you all of the best but I fear that your immune system’s have been greatly compromised.

Gloating now, Schmendrick?

Well, of course not you left wing nut job. It was a comment based upon genuine concern. Something that I don’t think that you could possibly understand.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 4:05 pm

Meet Agent Sancho’s latest Wacky Character-Schmendrick

Another left wing nut job comment with no added value whatsoever. Keep them coming as it seems my strategy is working which is to irritate you.

June 18, 2022 4:16 pm

Calli seems it’s both, wants to hold the ‘beebee’ and has tried to feed her a bic but clingy to mum and fake wah wahing when the beebee cries.
Shelling peas is a new one, lol.
It’s a novelty to me, all mine were caesarean with a couple of different and unusual complications.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 4:16 pm

Just after the Second World War, the Australian Army was selling off General Grant tanks, with the armament and radio’s removed, for the princely sum of ten pounds..

Had they left the armament on – main guns and MGs, they’d have got twenty quid for them.
They really missed out on doubling their money, ay?

Meanwhile, the Yanks were pushing planes off of the decks of Aircraft Carriers into the Pacific Ocean.

June 18, 2022 4:16 pm

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec · 4h
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI) – the Pritzkers
Tablet – June 15, 2022
(Tablet is a daily online magazine of Jewish news)

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 18, 2022 4:17 pm

They had committed no violence but possibly could have — so they were arrested.

The concept of pre-crime leaves the realm of fiction, and joins the real world.

June 18, 2022 4:17 pm

Our economy has hit the rotors. Thanks for the Blair quote, Calli.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2022 4:32 pm

Major General Hanson E Ely won a fair few Medals, perhaps America’s most awarded soldier?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 18, 2022 4:33 pm

(Miss Two nose a bit out of joint. )

Give her a job to do to help with her new sister. The ‘older sister gene’ quickly kicks in when they feel in control of something.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2022 4:37 pm

It appears that Agent Sancho has retired the Struth and Bundy characters, but No Fixed Address was a surprise.
Sure, all the signs were there, inaccessible comments, intentionally poor grammar and spelling, outbursts of rage …

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2022 4:40 pm

Give her a job to do to help with her new sister. The ‘older sister gene’ quickly kicks in when they feel in control of something.

The Italian method of child rearing, doesn’t tend to produce good results in the longer term.

June 18, 2022 4:42 pm

The Lipstick Index (lipstick sales inversely reflect economic health) well and truly busted:

Revlon files for bankruptcy with up to US$10b in debts.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 18, 2022 4:43 pm

Here we go!

Barrister Greg Barns and Tasmanian independent MP Andrew Wilkie have called on the Australian government to leverage its relationship with the US to intervene in the recently approved extradition to the US of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Mr Barns is a legal advisor to the Australian Assange campaign and Mr Wilkie has been an outspoken supporter of Mr Assange.

“This is a disturbing decision because it goes to the heart of freedom of the press,” Mr Barns told reporters.

“It’s also going to the heart of the rule of law, because what you have is the United States effectively saying that it will seek to extradite any person who reveals information about the United States it doesn’t want in the public arena, irrespective of where they are in the world.”

Meanwhile, Mr Wilkie said he had “run out of time”.

“We have been prepared to give the new government time,” he said. “We respect the fact that the new Prime Minister said that some things are best not done loudly, best done quietly through diplomatic channels. I, for one, have run out of time.”

Oz breaking

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
June 18, 2022 4:43 pm

Medical tyrants generating guaranteed income and status from perpetual fear. The Oz.

Animal-to-human viruses a danger in future years

Natasha Robinson

Oxford Astra Zeneca scientist Professor Catherine Green. Picture: John Cairns

One of the creators of the AstraZeneca vaccine, British scientist Catherine Green, has urged researchers to begin creating vaccines now for viral diseases that may cross over from animals to humans in future years.

Associate Professor Green, the Head of the Clinical BioManufacturing Facility at Oxford University, said future pandemics were likely as humans lived in closer proximity to animals.

She said that scientists needed to immediately start working on vaccines against the viruses that were most likely to emerge as future pandemic risks.

Dr Green will be speaking as part of the Vogue Codes Summit held in Sydney on Saturday, which aims to connect digital innovators, thought leaders, and industry pioneers who are influencing the technology landscape globally.

“I think as the human environment impacts more on the natural world, we will see people living in closer proximity to animals,” Professor Green said. “So we will have these crossover events where viruses that used to exist in animal populations are able to move into human populations, whether that’s because of intensive farming, people living in proximity to their animals, or whether it’s habitat removal and destruction. So we will start to see viruses move from animals into humans more.”

June 18, 2022 4:43 pm

The Italian method of child rearing, doesn’t tend to produce good results in the longer term.

Agree. Montessori schools are terrible for discipline.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 18, 2022 4:44 pm

Sorry – missed the last bit:

“I have no doubt that Anthony Albanese has a good enough relationship with (US President) Joe Biden to pick up the phone … and say, ‘End this madness. It’s gone on long enough.’”

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 4:46 pm

Courtesy to the Jo Nova Blog –

The climate experts didn’t warn us we’d need more electricity for winter in Australia.
If only carbon dioxide make winter nights warmer, Australians wouldn’t have been using up stockpiles of coal and gas in the last six weeks, and setting winter-time demand records. These geniuses got everything wrong.

Coldest start to winter in decades for eastern Australia with power grid under strain
The Guardian

Early June temperatures in Melbourne didn’t go above 15 degrees for first time in 70 years as cold weather pattern starts to break

Eastern Australia’s giant cold snap is finally breaking down but not before temperatures reached lows not seen for seven decades or longer and pushed the country’s main electricity grid to the brink.

The extended chill was caused by an unusual weather pattern that locked in cool pools of air over southern and eastern states, triggering the deepest snow dumps in the alps since 1968, according to Ben Domensino, a senior meteorologist at Weatherzone.

I find it so funny that the Climate Alarmists banged on about Global Warming for yonks. Then, when there was no actual warming they renamed it “Climate Change”. Actually, that is quite true as there has always been “Climate Change” That means that temperatures can change upwards and downwards. It’s all change. BUT, the left wing nut jobs would have us believe that the temperatures can only go upwards along with the Oceans rising 2,000 feet in a week and the polar bears moving to the nearest fridge freezer near you.

The Universe works in cycles and Planet Earth’s climate is no different.

Welcome to the new world of Climate Cycles. As it has always been……………………………….

June 18, 2022 4:54 pm

Idiot Labor/Greens/Teals/Liberals at Work – PS Simply Energy have been great – Happy to stay with them

Dear Dumb Australian Voter,

At Simply Energy, we work hard to keep our prices low all year round. But like all energy retailers, sometimes we
need to review our costs based on changes to things like wholesale energy prices and network charges. This is one
of those times so, here goes.

Changes to your energy charges

From 1 July 2022 your electricity and gas charges will change.

Based on your past usage, we estimate the change in your electricity prices will increase your bill by $1,029.00 per

Based on your past usage, we estimate the change in your gas prices will increase your bill by $1,076.00 per year.

What this means for you

Your new rates are on the next page.

But don’t worry, there’ll be no changes to your discounts, rebates, or concessions (where applicable). And just
so you know, there are no exit fees payable.

This offer is 1% less than the reference price as at the 1 July 2022.

We estimate that an average residential customer in Ausgrid with a usage of 3900kWh in the first 12 months on this
energy plan would pay $1493, based on the rates for DomTOU – TOU set out below. This estimate includes GST and
any conditional discounts or credits. Your actual bills may differ depending on your actual usage and any future price
changes. This offer only applies to residential customers on this tariff. The reference price for your network and tariff
is $1512.

You can also request meter and consumption data from us which you can use to compare generally available
energy offers in your area on the Energy Made Easy website at:

We’re here to help

We like to keep things simple, check out our FAQs at

Or if you’d like a chat, you can:

• Reach us through MyAccount:
• Chat to us online at (Monday to Friday 8am-8pm AEST and weekends
8am-5pm AEST).
• Call us on 13 88 08 (Monday to Friday 8am-7pm AEST).

Yours sincerely,
Terence Alvares
General Manager, Operations

Changes to your electricity charges

Simply Energy (ABN 67 269 241 237) is a partnership comprising IPower Pty Ltd (ACN 111 267 228) and IPower 2 Pty Ltd (ACN 070 374 293)
GPO Box 4408 Melbourne VIC 3001
Ph: 13 88 08 |

Current Charges New Charges effective 1 July 2022

Supply Charge 0.98802 $/day Supply Charge 0.99440 $/day
Off-Peak 0.16225 $/kWh Off-Peak 0.23903 $/kWh
Peak 0.63184 $/kWh Peak 0.93093 $/kWh
Shoulder 0.23980 $/kWh Shoulder 0.35332 $/kWh

(All rates are GST Inclusive)

Changes to your gas charges

Current Charges New Charges effective 1 July 2022

Supply Charge 0.60225 $/day Supply Charge 0.60225 $/day
First 7560 Mj per annum 0.04367 $/Mj First 21 Mj per day 0.06589 $/Mj
Next 7440 Mj per annum 0.02904 $/Mj Next 21 Mj per day 0.04389 $/Mj
Next 18000 Mj per annum 0.02695 $/Mj Next 49 Mj per day 0.04070 $/Mj
Next 969000 Mj per annum 0.02662 $/Mj Next 2655 Mj per day 0.04015 $/Mj
Next 4002000 Mj per annum 0.02541 $/Mj Next 10964 Mj per day 0.03839 $/Mj

Remaining Usage per annum 0.01441 $/Mj Remaining Usage per day 0.02178 $/Mj

(All rates are GST Inclusive)

Inflation is ?????? – Reserve Bank of Australia governor expects inflation to hit 7% by end of year

7% – the RBA must be joking

The Increase for Off Peak/Shoulder/Peak Electricity Charges is 47.5% and 47.5% increase for gas consumption

Welcome to H@ll brought to you by Idiot Labor/Greens/Teals/Liberals

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 4:58 pm

Natasha Robinson

Oxford Astra Zeneca scientist Professor Catherine Green. Picture: John Cairns

One of the creators of the AstraZeneca vaccine, British scientist Catherine Green, has urged researchers to begin creating vaccines now for viral diseases that may cross over from animals to humans in future years.

So far, it has not been possible for humans to develop a successful vaccine for any disease/virus that can be transmitted from animals to humans. A good example is the Common Cold which is a Coronavirus and for which no vaccine has ever been developed.

I would have thought that a real scientist would have known this. However, with a family name like “Green”, then maybe not.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 18, 2022 5:02 pm

Shocking graphic video captured a black man beating three white women in south Philadelphia on June 15.

Blak Lives Matter…

June 18, 2022 5:06 pm

June 18, 2022 at 3:05 pm
(Miss Two nose a bit out of joint. )

My Mr two came 23 minutes after.

June 18, 2022 5:06 pm

For those heathens among us who’ve denounced Miss Ellie as a mere slimbo, I’m not having it.

Check out the curves in this (recent) rendition of one of their best … 🙂

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
June 18, 2022 5:10 pm

One for the energy experts and engineers amongst us. I have a large capacity gas fuelled hot water system installed when the nest was full. Now that there’s only two of us at home, would there be a benefit in turning down the temperature setting on the tank?

June 18, 2022 5:11 pm

I love how The Five eviscerates the token leftie on their panel: especially Jessica Tarlov and Geraldo Rivera, both arrogant shitheads.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 5:12 pm

Shocking graphic video captured a black man beating three white women in south Philadelphia on June 15.

Blak Lives Matter…

In the corrupted words of Alexander Downer – “Black Lives Batter”……………………………….

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
June 18, 2022 5:12 pm


Set the thermostat to 50 degrees.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 18, 2022 5:17 pm

Patrick Kellysays:

June 18, 2022 at 5:10 pm

One for the energy experts and engineers amongst us. I have a large capacity gas fuelled hot water system installed when the nest was full. Now that there’s only two of us at home, would there be a benefit in turning down the temperature setting on the tank?

It might be worth looking at an in-line instant unit.

June 18, 2022 5:21 pm

the Italiano method of child rearing, doesn’t tend to produce good results in the longer term.
Agree. Montessori schools are terrible for discipline

If there’s a bunch of peoples on this planet less prone to being disciplined than Italianos, I’d like to meet them.

On second thoughts, I wouldn’t. 😕

June 18, 2022 5:25 pm

At the beginning of March, Frans Timmermans, the European Union’s Executive Vice President for the European Green New Deal and European Commissioner for Climate Action, announced that EU nations planning to burn coal as an alternative to Russian natural gas are not out of line with the EU’s climate goals.
The news came just a week ago that United Kingdom housing secretary Michael Gove would likely approve the nation’s first new coal mine in three decades. The new plant, if approved, would produce coking coal for steelmaking. The reason? Russian coal is toxic now.
In Germany, whose leaders have been busy decommissioning nuclear plants, RWE, Vattenfall, and Steag are now preparing to run their coal-fired power plants perhaps long beyond yesterday’s 2030 death date. Today, German coal companies are preparing power plants to operate at full speed, arming themselves in the event Russia cuts off all natural gas supplies.
Germany has even greenlighted drilling for natural gas by a Dutch company in the North Sea about 20 kilometers north of the Wadden Sea Islands. To make this happen, the German government opted to relax its attitude about oil and gas drilling in its territories.

How long before rub and tug and turtle do something similar.

June 18, 2022 5:27 pm

It appears that Agent Pancho has retired the St Ruth and Ted Bundy characters, but No Fixed Address was a surprise.

Eddles – a personage that exists in its own unique universe.

Presumably invented by Agent Pancho as well. 😕

June 18, 2022 5:28 pm

How long before rub and tug and turtle do something similar.

The rhetoric suggests not until hell freezes over.

Bowen has already said he wants to do better than a 43% reduction by 2030.

June 18, 2022 5:30 pm

Bowen has already said he wants to do better than a 43% reduction by 2030.

Body weight. Whip off the idiot’s head first. It’s useless anyway.

June 18, 2022 5:31 pm

If there’s a bunch of peoples on this planet less prone to being disciplined than Italianos, I’d like to meet them.

Well sure, if you’re comparing to stick in the mud, stick up the arse, semi-constipated northern Euros . Anyone would appear undisciplined.

June 18, 2022 5:33 pm

It appears that Agent Pancho has retired the St Ruth and Ted Bundy characters, but No Fixed Address was a surprise.

Has Stuth been booted? Now you mentioned it, Ted Bundy looks like he was rubbed too unless it’s banana picking season and he’s too busy.

June 18, 2022 5:36 pm
June 18, 2022 5:37 pm

JC – that’s why I love being an Italiano – that love of style leavened with a bit of melodrama, sets us free.

Best peoples on the planet.

I tellsa ya! 🙂

Old bloke
Old bloke
June 18, 2022 5:38 pm

Patrick Kelly says:
June 18, 2022 at 5:10 pm

Now that there’s only two of us at home, would there be a benefit in turning down the temperature setting on the tank?

Some years ago a hospital in Brisbane turned down the temperature of their hot water system to save some dollars and save the planet. Soon after some hospital patients started to die from legionnaires’ disease, the reduced temperature of their hot water system provided the perfect breeding ground for the deadly bacteria.

June 18, 2022 5:38 pm

JC – that’s why I love being an Italiano – that love of style leavened with a bit (OK, a lot) of melodrama, sets us free.

Best peoples on the planet.

I tellsa ya! 🙂

June 18, 2022 5:39 pm


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 18, 2022 5:39 pm

Eddles – a personage that exists in its own unique universe.

Presumably invented by Agent Pancho as well. 

What do we know about this from various sources?
Well, Bird = Sancho = St Ruth = Sheldrick = Ted Bundy = ???
You know it makes sense.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 18, 2022 5:39 pm

Patrick Kellysays:
June 18, 2022 at 5:10 pm
One for the energy experts and engineers amongst us. I have a large capacity gas fuelled hot water system installed when the nest was full. Now that there’s only two of us at home, would there be a benefit in turning down the temperature setting on the tank?

Be careful how far you turn it down. You can reach a temperature that will allow/encourage the growth of bacteria in the tank. These can be inhaled during showers.

Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 5:39 pm
The U.S. education system appears to have been hijacked by people with a specific agenda. Actual education has been replaced by indoctrination, teachers replaced by activists pushing nefarious agendas.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 18, 2022 5:40 pm

The best laugh I’ve had for some time…..

ABC boss Ita Buttrose criticised for using the term ‘Aborigines’ in speech

Ryan Young
Court reporter
18 minutes ago June 18, 2022

ABC chair Ita Buttrose has been accused of failing to comply with the broadcaster’s own editorial style guide in a major speech where she referred to First Nations people as “Aborigines”.

Ms Buttrose used the term in Sydney on Friday night as she delivered an annual media lecture in honour of distinguished journalist Andrew Olle, who died in 1995 at age 48.

While speaking about Mr Olle’s work, she said “he’d tell the stories of Aborigines, the mentally ill, the poor and the powerless … stories, at that time, with no assured place on the mainstream media’s agenda”.

Former ABC, SBS and NITV journalist Jennetta Quinn-Bates took offence at use of the term “Aborigines” and she took to Twitter to highlight it was not in-line with the ABC style guide.

“She’s still calling us Aborigines and basically reminding First Nations people we’re lucky for any airtime at all,” Ms Quinn-Bates wrote.

After her initial comments, Ms Quinn-Bates posted screenshots of the ABC editorial style guide, which directs staff to “avoid Aborigine outside of quotes”.

Ms Quinn-Bates said while Ms Buttrose could argue it was “only a guide”, she called for “some respect please”.

“You would think one would be familiar with the policies and standards of the organisation they chair,” Ms Quinn-Bates posted.

Responding to comments her Twitter post attracted, Ms Quinn-Bates said “speaking this way sets a terrible example”.

“Leaders are meant to be admirable, not ignorant and borderline racist,” she said.

“This is unacceptable.”

According to Amnesty International, the term “Aborigine” is considered insensitive because it has racist connotations from Australia’s colonial past.

June 18, 2022 5:40 pm

Bowen has already said he wants to do better than a 43% reduction by 2030.

I bars we go to 85% and just close down 75% of the country. Oh, we could “Dan Andrews” the entire the country instead of one state to 2030. Ensure we’re in lockdown and curfew from 8 pm until 5 am the next morning. Victoria tried in for 2 years and worked really well. 🙂

June 18, 2022 5:43 pm

Has Stuth been booted?

I hope not. The denunciations need to continue until we all repent and accept him as the gratest Ozzie hero, evah – or something.

I’ve never driven a truck in my life. Which is why I’m an inner city dwelling communist weirdo of no standing.

And proud of it. 🙂

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 18, 2022 5:44 pm

Old Bloke


John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 5:44 pm

The Italian method of child rearing, doesn’t tend to produce good results in the longer term.

LOL. Tell that to the Romans and Puccini. He wrote a few good Operas don’t yer’ know and the others built an Empire (and straight roads). Then there is Ferrari, Ducati, etc. I could go on but I won’t.

Now, about those Romans………………………….

Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 5:45 pm

So when I heard during my first month in college that I was unable to participate in a debate tournament because I was white, I realized I had just entered an entirely different world. This, I would soon learn, is the world of our highly educated and highly cultured. A world inhabited by future politicians, academics, tech tycoons, and billionaires who do what they’re told to ascend into the ranks of the elite.
For one, these students are scarily obedient, even to the most insane and illogical demands.

A few months ago, my university’s administration finally ended the requirement that all students wear masks in class. The next day, however, one of my professors exclaimed to my entire class that he thought everyone should be wearing masks because we’re still in a “pandemic.”
Without hesitation, every single student around me, who all entered class not wearing a mask, automatically grabbed a mask from their backpacks and put it on their faces. There was no hesitation from any of them. The whole scene felt incredibly robotic and genuinely creepy. I ended up being the only student in the room without a mask, earning me looks of ire from both my professor and peers alike.

The above quote – just imagine it in your heads.
It defines ‘creepy’.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2022 5:46 pm

Agent Bird is not a Wacky invention of Agent Sancho.

June 18, 2022 5:49 pm

“She’s still calling us Aborigines and basically reminding First Nations people we’re lucky for any airtime at all,” Ms Quinn-Bates wrote.

Quinn-Bates…probably a Green voter as well.

June 18, 2022 5:50 pm

ensure we’re in schlockdown and curfew from 8 pm until 5 am the next morning

Was thinking the other day how wonderful it was to be existing in a schlockdown – before waking up in a cold sweat and realising it was just a nightmare …

… until the next time we’re gifted with them.

They will try it on again, Cats – and sooner rather than later. 😡

June 18, 2022 5:50 pm

The Increase for Off Peak/Shoulder/Peak Electricity Charges is 47.5% and 47.5% increase for gas consumption

the average food price increase at supermarkets is 20%, peak electricity up over 100%

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 18, 2022 5:51 pm

The Romans are not the Italians.
Hat tip: Dennis Hopper

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 5:51 pm

I bars we go to 85% and just close down 75% of the country. Oh, we could “Dan Andrews” the entire the country instead of one state to 2030. Ensure we’re in lockdown and curfew from 8 pm until 5 am the next morning. Victoria tried in for 2 years and worked really well. ?

The Queen was so right when she pronounced the word Australia as “Horse Trailer”. But those horses at the front have left us with a lot of shite. “Montybusiness” virus, Head case and other left wing nut jobs………………………..

June 18, 2022 5:53 pm

Bird = Pancho = St Ruth = Sheldrick = Ted Bundy = ???


Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 5:53 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
June 18, 2022 5:57 pm

Anyone claiming Head Case as one of their socks?

June 18, 2022 6:01 pm

If there’s a bunch of peoples on this planet less prone to being disciplined than Italianos, I’d like to meet them.

Afghans seem a bit unruly at times.

Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 6:03 pm
June 18, 2022 6:06 pm
June 18, 2022 6:06 pm

Anyone claiming Head Case as one of their socks?

And destroy the mystique?

Say what you like about poor ol’ Eddles – there are few commenters on this blogue (thankfully) that possess his uniquely unique perspective on planetary existence, such as it is.

To prove that very profound observation, here’s Miss Ellie, clad in a gingham tea towel. 🙂

June 18, 2022 6:07 pm

Montessori schools are terrible for discipline.

That’s what parents are for.

What we have now in Australia, an obsession with school discipline and law and order, is part of the reason why this pandemic tyranny worked. Everyone was just ready to roll over and eat shit.

In many ways, we have never gotten rid of the legacy of colonial military governorship.

June 18, 2022 6:07 pm

What a nice day in SE Qld. Went to see a mate with small farm to do a little R/C flying. Went around the corner and he’s washing his “new” car. 2006 Bentley with W 12 motor. 51000km. Gets about 15l/100Km around town.500+ HP, twin turbo. Nice to sit in. Hate to think what servicing costs might be.

June 18, 2022 6:07 pm

I believe Mr Ed is Driller’s more original and intellectual alter ego.

June 18, 2022 6:08 pm

Welcome to the new world of Climate Cycles.

Oh no, not Climate Cycles. Are they anything like Bi Cycles or Tri Cycles? I don’t think I can cope.

June 18, 2022 6:09 pm

What a nice day in SE Qld. Went to see a mate with small farm to do a little R/C flying.

Of course. You’re such a Maverick, Hallward. Was it the Spruce Goose?

June 18, 2022 6:10 pm

Struth = Runnybum= NFA.

Cassie of Sydney
June 18, 2022 6:10 pm

” the Pritzkers”

Thanks P for that. I’ve long regarded the Pritzker family as evil.

This whole sinister transgender cult is being promulgated with buckets of money behind it and its major goal is to groom children.

June 18, 2022 6:11 pm

Such a maverick. Amazing.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 6:11 pm

Bowen has already said he wants to do better than a 43% reduction by 2030.

Body weight. Whip off the idiot’s head first. It’s useless anyway.

LOL. I always remember that old weight loss programme. It went something like this –

How to lose 28 pounds of unsightly fat? Chop off the head………………And in battery powered Bowen’s case, that would be one step for humans and a giant step for humankind (apologies to Neil Armstrong).

June 18, 2022 6:13 pm

What a family: joe biden, a traitor, corrupt beyond redemption, his son hunter a drug addict and pimp for joe and now joe’s daughter and her diary describing showers with joe; and to top it off the FBI running around trying and failing to stop publication of the diary’s details.

June 18, 2022 6:14 pm

Rabz Miss Ellie has eyes like my GP except my GP is much better looking.

June 18, 2022 6:14 pm

Now there’s a school for ya.

Get out of the cities? Okay.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 18, 2022 6:23 pm

LOL. I always remember that old weight loss programme. It went something like this –

How to lose 28 pounds of unsightly fat?

I know a bloke who said he lost 160 pounds of ugly fat……..

June 18, 2022 6:25 pm

Ranga is now on the (very long) list of ‘eretics …

Miss Ellie’s eyes are olive. Which I’d never even bothered to check until this evening’s perusal of many of Wolf Alice’s videos.

My last goilfriend had such hypnotic eyes that I could’ve drowned in them. Ask me what colour they were and you’ll draw a blank.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 18, 2022 6:26 pm

Hard to see how Turtle Head could make a bigger SNAFU than the current mess. Closure of a couple of smelters/brickworks/cement plants could free up a bit of headroom on gas. If you’re going to make coal plants uneconomic you no longer need baseload customers on sweetheart deals.

Winston Smith
June 18, 2022 6:26 pm

Miserable old bitch.
Kid draws a picture with chalk and Karen doesn’t like it.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 6:26 pm

Bird = Pancho = St Ruth = Sheldrick = Ted Bundy = ???


Left wing nut job Head Case seems to be suffering from paranoia. He/She/It thinks that others are following Him/She/It………….Maybe on Twitter but not here. The men in white coats will be along shortly to help. Get well soon and TC.

June 18, 2022 6:28 pm

Now there’s a school for ya.

Get out of the cities? Okay.

Mutatis mutandis, the Irish monks of our time.

I have some books I can send them.

June 18, 2022 6:31 pm

smaller storage and lower temperature will certainly lower your losses and costs for having stand-by hot water however, Australian Standards say minimum of 60°C for domestic hot water storage because bacteria

A gas instantaneous system with the same rating as a gas storage system will generally be more efficient and have a lower energy consumption than the storage system. This is because gas storage systems have heat losses, which stay the same no matter how much hot water is used.

–from ‘

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 6:35 pm

Oh no, not Climate Cycles. Are they anything like Bi Cycles or Tri Cycles? I don’t think I can cope.

Just relax and go along for the ride………………….lol

June 18, 2022 6:36 pm

Left wing nut job Head Case

Sheldo – that’s a bit harsh. He’s just a personage* trying to exist on this planet, like us all.

*Real or imagined …

June 18, 2022 6:39 pm

A gas instantaneous system

downside is that you may need to upgrade not just the hot water unit but also the gas supply piping from yr meter to the appliance.

In some case you may have to upgrade the pipes fro the street to the meter as well

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 6:44 pm

The Romans are not the Italians.
Hat tip: Dennis Hopper

Go for a trip to Rome and tell them that. And tell me more “oh wise one.” Puccini, Ferrari, Ducati and the many, many more.

Your original comment was so juvenile that it shouted out for a response. Keep leading with that chin of yours. And as a left wing nut job you deserved one, or two, or three or many more.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 6:51 pm

Left wing nut job Head Case

Sheldo – that’s a bit harsh. He’s just a personage* trying to exist on this planet, like us all.

*Real or imagined …

I disagree. No person or animal was hurt in the making of my comment. If anyone or anything was hurt then they are far too precious to be on a Blog like this.

June 18, 2022 6:59 pm

Yeah, dover, it was a pretty damn good movie.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
June 18, 2022 7:00 pm

Oh bugger me. I was hoping for a few quite alt rock nods from Rabz and the Bruces on a cold Saturday night in, but *cough* “John Sheldrick” wants a stoush with someone, anyone, everyone.
J O H N S H E L D R I C K is such an obvious anagram of DOT SHINE JC’s REK [rent boy slang for rectum], it’s not even funny

June 18, 2022 7:03 pm

Wally – go back and check out my latest comments on Miss Ellie.

Highlighting the fact that she’s obviously been in the States. Hence the unprecedented curvage.

You know you want to.

The Hottest Rock Chick In Human History, etc … 🙂

June 18, 2022 7:06 pm

J O H N S H E L D R I C K is such an obvious anagram of DOT SHINE JC’s REK [rent boy slang for rectum], it’s not even funny

You almost have that to a T.

June 18, 2022 7:09 pm

Little Johnny and I have been playing loggers!

Last week went for a walk in the Murray pine forest, about 10 tipped over or broken off due to a wind storm.

Spent the afternoon bucking them and dragging them out. Only about 30% done.

Also felled one that the top had broken off. Was quite exciting. Trust me, I’m an expert, have watched 2 hours of Worksafe BC tree felling videos!

Bitumen getting slapped on the cuts tomorrow.

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 7:12 pm

According to Amnesty International, the term “Aborigine” is considered insensitive because it has racist connotations from Australia’s colonial past.

LOL. The term “Aborigine” can refer to any native people and not just those natives of Australia.

Get an education woman. The term is no way racist.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 18, 2022 7:13 pm

Shock, horror!

ABC chair Ita Buttrose has been accused of failing to comply with the broadcaster’s own editorial style guide in a major speech where she referred to First Nations people as “Aborigines”.

Ms Buttrose used the term in Sydney on Friday night as she delivered an annual media lecture in honour of distinguished journalist Andrew Olle, who died in 1995 at age 48.


After her initial comments, Ms Quinn-Bates posted screenshots of the ABC editorial style guide, which directs staff to “avoid Aborigine outside of quotes”.


According to Amnesty International, the term “Aborigine” is considered insensitive because it has racist connotations from Australia’s colonial past.

In the Oz, and comments not allowed, so not worth linking to

June 18, 2022 7:15 pm

I am never going shopping with the missus again
especially when sales are on.

today was down jackets
$600 later and we have a goose down gillette and 2 versions of a down zip-up thing
and a beanie.

at least half of that will be returned to the store after a week-end of a pouting and posturing
and an un-ending stream of rationalizations.

does my bum look big in this?

I have a game that I play when I’m suckered into going shopping with her.

goes like this … when she asks my opinion on an item I make up some old shit on the fly and then try to embarrass her by saying crazy shit in a slightly too loud voice while at the same time trying to be as funny as fuck.

Q: Do you like this beanie?
A: The colour matches yr skin tone but you look like your’e on the run from South Dandenong after stealing a Subaru. Are you a New Zealander?

Q: How about this one
A: The pom-pom makes you look like a trans-gender Santa Claus

Q: How about this?
A: That is so Chelsea … but mole, you wouldn’t look outta place anywhere between Melbourne and Cape Schanck

Honestly, she just gave me a fashion parade of the old jacket and the 2x new ones which included a demonstration of how the old one wont do up.

Geez Nanna, that old one was designed for skinny chicks not nannas like you.
You should do a social justice and gift it to a skinny chick that needs a hot chip and, if she wont eat then she would prolly live longer by being able to conserve body heat.


June 18, 2022 7:20 pm

she just said, that MT spent all day and he was very helpful and patient and she actually appreciated my input.

she also said, that was the only size 10 in Melbourne

and, where the fuck Fountain Gate anyway ?

June 18, 2022 7:20 pm

Mikey and Janet (and irrelevant others), the former wearing a pair of the coolest sneakers ever. 🙂

She was more like a movie queen

Don’t go around breaking goils’ hearts …

John Sheldrick
June 18, 2022 7:21 pm

Oh bugger me. I was hoping for a few quite alt rock nods from Rabz and the Bruces on a cold Saturday night in, but *cough* “John Sheldrick” wants a stoush with someone, anyone, everyone.
J O H N S H E L D R I C K is such an obvious anagram of DOT SHINE JC’s REK [rent boy slang for rectum], it’s not even funny

LOL. Always nice to get such a wally of a comment (again). Fortunately, I do not need to lower myself to such gutter comments and never will. If you want nice music then use your nogging and go looking on a music site. QED

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 18, 2022 7:24 pm

According to Amnesty International, the term “Aborigine” is considered insensitive because it has racist connotations from Australia’s colonial past.

Amnesty would have you believe that Aborigines were “semi – nomadic” – they returned each season to fixed locations where they grew crops.

Bruce Pascoe has a lot to answer for..

June 18, 2022 7:25 pm

According to Amnesty International, the term “Aborigine” is considered insensitive because it has racist connotations from Australia’s colonial past.

Ita exposed as a white supremacist.

Who’d have thought?

June 18, 2022 7:28 pm

MT – you can’t win. For example:

Q: Does my house sized bottomage look ample in this?
A: Err, look over there – an entirely unexpected global nuclear contretemps!
W: You’ll wish you were vaporized in a nooklear showdown if you can’t answer me!
M: You look wonderfool, I tells ya …


June 18, 2022 7:33 pm

Err, this afternoon I was thinking back to much missed commenters on previous incarnations of this blogue …

One we all miss, long time.

Infidel Tigger, expounding on the many extortionate taxes and charges we’re lumbered with:

“Feel like I’ve got more hands in my pockets than a rent boy at an ALP conference.”

June 18, 2022 7:33 pm
June 18, 2022 7:35 pm

This is way, way, way above my head. I can’t say I really understand any of it, but the second link provides the studies quoted in the interview with Ariyana Love, for those capable of analysing them.

Human Umbilical Cord Being Injected In Kids: Tissue Scaffolding Technology In Covid Jab

Worldwide Medical Bombshell: COVID Vaccine “Blood Clots” Explained

Cassie of Sydney
June 18, 2022 7:36 pm

“Ita exposed as a white supremacist.

Who’d have thought?”

I love it when the left eat their own.

June 18, 2022 7:36 pm

The concept of pre-crime leaves the realm of fiction, and joins the real world.

It has been for decades …. tell me who the victim is if I get arrested for drink driving or speeding?

June 18, 2022 7:37 pm

One we all miss, long time.


June 18, 2022 7:38 pm

One of the creators of the AstraZeneca vaccine, British scientist Catherine Green, has urged researchers to begin creating vaccines now for viral diseases that may cross over from animals to humans in future years.

Better limit this to viruses which only mutate slowly – or your vax will be obsolete every six months, necessitating the expensive development of another version – oh, wait….

June 18, 2022 7:38 pm

From this:

It appears that, planning their economic Blitzkrieg, they believed in their own propaganda about Russia’s backwardness.


June 18, 2022 7:39 pm

After her initial comments, Ms Quinn-Bates posted screenshots of the ABC editorial style guide, which directs staff to “avoid Aborigine outside of quotes”.

These ignorant loonies have no business telling me what language to use.

June 18, 2022 7:42 pm

Inflation is ?????? – Reserve Bank of Australia governor expects inflation to hit 7% by end of year … 7% – the RBA must be joking

In the US, using the same inflation calculating methodology as the much vaunted 70s, inflation would be DOUBLE todays ‘official figure’ … they fudge it by such ‘tricks’ as hedonics (if an item is better, they discount the price rise – eg your car now has more features) and substitution (if your steak is more expensive, you will buy mince instead).

Its a bit like having the mafia report the crime stats,

June 18, 2022 7:44 pm

These ignorant loonies have no business telling me what language to use.

Be thankful you’re retired, BG.

June 18, 2022 7:47 pm

MatrixTransform, if you want to reduce the time before the goods are returned casually click on some videos about battery down farms in China while you better half is around. Not to come over all Greenpeace and save the whales but is pretty ugly, no duck deserves that.

June 18, 2022 7:50 pm

These ignorant loonies have no business telling me what language to use.

Fix them with a flinty look followed by “how’s get fucked sound” before moving on. It’s the only way. These clowns are set upon an impoverishment of the English language.

June 18, 2022 7:55 pm

Infidel Tigger
Come back IT, all is forgiven.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 18, 2022 8:04 pm

H B Bearsays:

June 18, 2022 at 6:26 pm

Hard to see how Turtle Head could make a bigger SNAFU than the current mess. Closure of a couple of smelters/brickworks/cement plants could free up a bit of headroom on gas.

Reports here that Stawell Brickworks is on the brink, due to their gas bill being bigger than the Toowoomba Death Camp.
Dickhead Dan’s response.
Let them use renewables eat cake.
Not sure I want a house built out of solar cured bricks.
Although manager of Number 5 State Brickworks in Guangzhou is reported to be very happy.

June 18, 2022 8:08 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
June 18, 2022 at 8:04 pm
H B Bearsays:

June 18, 2022 at 6:26 pm

Hard to see how Turtle Head could make a bigger SNAFU than the current mess. Closure of a couple of smelters/brickworks/cement plants could free up a bit of headroom on gas.

Reports here that Stawell Brickworks is on the brink, due to their gas bill being bigger than the Toowoomba Death Camp.
Dickhead Dan’s response.
Let them use renewables eat cake.
Not sure I want a house built out of solar cured bricks.
Although manager of Number 5 State Brickworks in Guangzhou is reported to be very happy.

The abattoir there has plans to expand, but claims they can’t get staff. Pretty sure power problems would bite them pretty hard too. Bit hard to refrigerate fresh kills when the power is out.
Plenty of problems like that in regional areas, but Dan couldn’t give a shit.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 18, 2022 8:17 pm

At various points exporting bricks in containers out of Perth and importing Spanish clay roof tiles were apparently economic propositions. Welcome to the world of relative prices.

June 18, 2022 8:22 pm

Thought this was a joke. Sadly it is not.

June 18, 2022 8:22 pm

Wally, you’re such a passive aggressive zonk.

June 18, 2022 8:25 pm

Saw Top Gun: Maverick this week. Very good. Enjoyed it immensely. The training and combat scenes were great but the highlight for me was the test pilot scene at the beginning that was a salute to The Right Stuff. The plane also was stunning. A salute to a country now also passed into memory.

A millennial was telling me that he and a few of his mates were watching the original Top Gun. Some of the antics such as sweaty, belly touching etc made it appear to them like gay porn.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 18, 2022 8:25 pm

I wish we had John Constantine’s wickedly sledging soul installed in AI, so I could type in the news of the day and generate some hideously abrasive thumbs-down missives against the direction of our once sensible country.
Anyone have any to copy n paste?

June 18, 2022 8:33 pm

And if your in the mood for some seriously good police drama .. WE OWN THIS CITY ..
Tells the story of the rise and fall of the Baltimore Police Department’s Gun Trace Task Force and the corruption surrounding it.

June 18, 2022 8:35 pm

Touch of sartorial elegance at the Eels v Rorters fitba .. LOL!
Jason Taylor in the Easts box wearing a North Sydney Bears jersey .. LOL!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
June 18, 2022 8:37 pm

the average food price increase at supermarkets is 20%, peak electricity up over 100%

A Dr Faustus, Canary in the Coal Mine Moment:

We frequently buy ready-made salads from a local small business. A quick, convenient, and healthy evening meal with bbq’d meat.

They used to be vegetable-based and delicious: apple and cabbage slaw; mixed roast veggie; broccoli and almond; beetroot and orange and feta; carrot and chickpea, roast pumpkin and lentil and tahini. And so on.
Even kale.

Now. Disappointing grain-based salads; drenched in sauce with a token trace of high-value veg.

When quizzed, the proprietor admits it’s a temporary adjustment, because “vegetables are so expensive at the moment”.

Can’t blame the Poot and gas prices.
When local vegetables are priced out of the market, Australia is very, very fucked.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 18, 2022 9:02 pm

Bluey at 8:08.

Plenty of problems like that in regional areas, but Dan couldn’t give a shit.

Stawell is in the electorate of Ripon which is held by the Liberals with a margin of 15 (yes, fifteen) votes.
The questions Dan would have asked about the brickworks …
.1 Which electorate is it in?
.2 Is it a union shop?
.3 If so, which union?
Nothing else matters to him.
His indifference tells me that, despite Ripon sitting on a margin of a handful of votes, they have written off Ripon as no hope of an ALP win.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 18, 2022 9:06 pm

A millennial was telling me that he and a few of his mates were watching the original Top Gun. Some of the antics such as sweaty, belly touching etc made it appear to them like gay porn.

JC, I saw a doco where it was claimed the “shirts off volleyball scene” was inserted solely to attract gay viewers.

June 18, 2022 9:13 pm

Thanks P for that. I’ve long regarded the Pritzker family as evil.

This whole sinister transgender cult is being promulgated with buckets of money behind it and its major goal is to groom children.

With the added benefit of making them infertile and drug dependant for life. Are the Pritzkers in the pharma business?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 18, 2022 9:14 pm

Royal Air Force hands over famous Tornado bomber to WA’s Aviation Heritage Museum
Geoffrey Thomas
The West Australian
Sat, 18 June 2022 2:09PM

“Yeah, right. Australia. Of, course we can donate a Tornado to Australia.”

That was the initial reaction from Royal Air Force Wing Commander Erica Ferguson to Aviation Heritage Museum WA’s bold request for a Royal Air Force Tornado bomber that was being retired after thirty years of distinguished service.

And this wasn’t just any old bomber the Tornados had been part of the famous 617 Dambuster squadron that in 1943 had devastated Germany’s war time production destroying dams in the Rohr Valley with bouncing bombs dropped from lumbering Avro Lancasters at just 20m above the dam water.

June 18, 2022 9:19 pm

A white room:


How soon is now?

June 18, 2022 9:24 pm

JC, I saw a doco where it was claimed the “shirts off volleyball scene” was inserted solely to attract gay viewers.

I wonder what Wally thinks.

Cassie of Sydney
June 18, 2022 9:27 pm

“Are the Pritzkers in the pharma business?”

They originally accumulated their money from the hotel business. They own the Hyatt Hotel chain.

June 18, 2022 9:32 pm

This is a pretty impressive collection of vintage earth moving and construction gear. Love the compactors.

June 18, 2022 9:39 pm

Jason Taylor in the Easts box wearing a North Sydney Bears jersey .. LOL!

Didn’t he start out at Wests, not long after Tim Brasher was at Balmain?

June 18, 2022 9:42 pm

Vice President Kamala Harris has argued that there is no conflict between religious faith and support for national protections for abortion, as the Supreme Court is poised to issue a major ruling that could curtail abortion rights.

Harris, a practicing Baptist from a multi-faith family background, told reporters on Friday that she had ‘convened faith leaders’ to discuss the abortion issue from a religious perspective.

‘For those of us of faith, I think that we agree, many of us, that there’s nothing about this issue that will require anyone to abandon their faith, or change their faith,’ she said, referring to abortion.

‘It’s simply saying that the government should not have the ability to decide what an individual does with her own body — let her make that decision with her pastor or her rabbi, or whoever she consults,’ added Harris. ‘But it should not be the government making that decision.’

June 18, 2022 9:46 pm

Time to peddle some disco chickees* – still awaiting their long overdue administration of some Maccas.

Unfortunately …

*AKA “Trimbos” 🙂

June 18, 2022 9:46 pm

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the aim all along.

After drag queens, pedophilia is next

June 18, 2022 9:48 pm

MT – you can’t win. For example:

Q: Does my house sized bottomage look ample in this?

There is NEVER a correct answer to this.

June 18, 2022 9:51 pm

The Pritzker family is an American family engaged in entrepreneurship and philanthropy, and one of the wealthiest families in the United States of America (staying in the top 10 of Forbes magazine’s “America’s Richest Families” list since the magazine began such listings in 1982).
Its fortune arose in the 20th century—particularly through the founding and expansion of the Hyatt hotel corporation.


Jennifer Natalya Pritzker (born James Nicholas Pritzker; August 13, 1950) is an American investor, philanthropist, and member of the Pritzker family, the first and only openly transgender billionaire.

June 18, 2022 9:53 pm

You might see “hidden” inflation.

Portion sizes or quantity sold per $ go down.

Quality and preference of inputs decline.

This is what Dr F was referring to.

June 18, 2022 9:54 pm

Sacré bleu – a trimbo, in excelsis … 🙂

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x