MAFS is car crash TV.
MAFS is car crash TV.
I go on ‘You Choob’ and watch lots of good stuff. And cooking a nice Dinner with a few reds.…
Who Was Running the Biden White House?
Footy might be less worse than usual.
So they should bend over? Retaliatory tariffs from several nations will do the USA more harm than the tariffs it…
Tuckers first 30mins on Biden was more comprehensive than 20 years of Hannity & his “tick tock” scam.
The brief segment from the Trump/biden POTUS debate where biden was asked about his money making connections to the chunks and replied he had none and the only person making money from the chunks was Trump was ironic.
The fact is Trump was correct when he said his opposition was not the diseased, hopelessly corrupt traitors in the demorats, or the fools in the GOP, but the MSM. Nothing has been reported about the leaks from Hunter’s computers and phones which are astounding in their evidence of corruption by hunter and joe.
certainly more informative than the old duck and cover
Nothing has been reported about the leaks from Hunter’s computers and phones which are astounding in their evidence of corruption by hunter and joe.
According to Hunters phone records, his nickname for Potatus is “Pedo Pete”…..
In case you haven’t already heard, the movie Soylent Green in set in 2022.
“We Are Not Tacos”: Hispanic Association Slams Jill Biden For Comparing Latinos To ‘Breakfast Tacos’ (12 Jul)
On the other hand Hispanic tacos are probably too expensive right now because of the price of lettuce.
Grey Ranga:
Can you add a little detail here? I’m not sure of your intent and don’t particularly want to tread on anyones toes…
This is just a Puff piece.
PJW is a Flamer, he’s not interested in Lauren Southern, who is likely a Spook too.
Particularly Brunswick Street, up by the station.
Regrettably true. Know of an individual I used to drink with that didn’t realise there was a knife embedded to the hilt in his upper arm till the brawl was over in that vicinity. This was the early 1990’s too. Nothing new unfortunately.
Breakfast Tacos:
Putting a Mall in Brunswick Street between Ann St and Wickham St wrecked the Valley as a retail hub.
Same thing happened in Stones Corner and the CBD itself.
Thanks, Labor City Council.
Hard to believe now – but for the evidence of the architectural remains – that the Valley was for a long time the upmarket shopping precinct in Brisbane.
The rot had begun to set in by the early 1970s, but I still remember older ladies in gloves and hats riding the buses down to shop at Myers, which was previously a Scottish establishment named McWhirters.
Chermside Shopping Centre sealed the fate of the Valley, Ed.
““We Are Not Tacos”: Hispanic Association Slams Jill Biden For Comparing Latinos To ‘Breakfast Tacos’ (12 Jul)”
Imagine if Melania Trump had said that, the ensuing hysteria would have been deafening but with Jill Biden it’s the utter hypocrisy that is deafening.
I thought I read somewhere that Paul J. Watson had outed himself as a fag. Why would he want to be cavorting around with Canada’s Lauren?
I’ve not been there since the early nineties but I thought they had gentrified Newfarm and Fortitude Valley.
Does Lauren still identify as a male? In which case there is no conflict.
‘Dr’ Jill looks as though she would be very accomplished in fellatio
Roger says: July 12, 2022 at 5:45 pm
Qld has recently had Three (perhaps Four) Premiers who are totally incapable of discerning between Fortitude Valley techno clubs serving rocket fuel, the types of people and behaviour that this attracts,
…. and a pub on the outer barcoo serving McGuinness’ – with a blue dog on the verandah, no lights visible at night, and both the customers know each other, knew each other’s grandparents, and went to school together.
So liquor laws & procedures suitable to a bikie-filled Fortitude valley are rolled out statewide, with zero latitude.
Even the road rules aren’t as uniform statewide.
New Farm was always gentrified, although with mixed housing, such as apartments going back to the 1920s.
It’s where my grandmother lived when I was growing up.
There’ve been residential developments in the Valley but it still has its seedy side, particularly around the railway station, as Faustus mentioned.
The Valley was always retail and light industry with a lot of pubs and boarding houses.
What houses there were have been mostly demolished.
New Farm is residential, it was always a bit dearer to buy into, but outside of some chatty unit developments around New Farm Park, it’s unchanged.
Teneriffe was gentrified, the WoolStores stood derelict for 30 years from 1957, it was mostly a wasteland until the Mid Eighties.
Only 4% energy generated in Victoria is currently from wind and there is no solar energy at all. Brown coal is generating 50%, gas 29% and the remaining 18% coming from hydro in Tassie. More turbines are not the answer as most of the turbines in Victoria are not generating due to lack of wind. I don’t think this green energy solution has been planned very well!
For whatever reason, Sal, I’ve bumped into the couple who owned my local, when one of the patrons was murdered in the front bar. Is that a situation you have ever had to deal with?
July 12, 2022 at 6:25 pm
If that were true, how is it that there was not a series of accidents/suicides among prominent leftists?
Because they were peripheral.
A bit like those Australian leftists who were disappointed when ASIO files were released, only to discover that ASIO had either taken no interest in them, or had dismissed them as minor, irrelevant, players?
Envy of those more prominent leftists with “real” files?
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
July 12, 2022 at 6:34 pm
Diseased princesses seem to like NSW.
Coral Princess cruise ship with more than 100 COVID-positive passengers on board is set to dock in New South Wales (12 July)
Two years and four months after the Ruby Princess plague ship arrived at Circular Quay…
Has NSW Health learned anything since the Ruby Princess debacle? Will Cherry Kant or Health Hazzard supervise disembarkation peronally?
PJW is a Flamer, he’s not interested in Lauren Southern, who is likely a Spook too.
Silly Dickless really can’t help himself, can he?
New Farm was pretty seedy when I was there, not in an in your face sort of way but there were definitely lots of ne’er-do-wells interspersed with the normies. Brunswick St at about 10PM seemed to come alive with a gang of very tall tranny streetwalkers plying their trade outside the Night Owl near the Sydney St end. Come to think of it, there were loads of trannies about the place in those days.
A bit like those Australian leftists who were disappointed when ASIO files were released, only to discover that ASIO had either taken no interest in them, or had dismissed them as minor, irrelevant, players?
They had files on EVERYONE.
A partner at a firm I used to work at pitched for some work for the Defence Department early this century, and was grilled by spooks for the sole reason that he’d been on an anti-Vietnam war protest march as a Uni student in the early 1970’s.
Crikey. What happened?
No. Not had that.
Closest I’ve had was a professional hit carried out in the back bar, but they didn’t kill the target. Went close though, as the target’s liver was pierced & there was a long time in hospital.
Helluva lot of blood. Cops had ideas of making the place a “crime scene” – managed to talk ’em into wrapping that idea up after fifteen hours.
From The Daily Telegraph……
Qantas CEO Alan Joyce’s new Mosman mansion egged and toilet papered
The Qantas CEO’s neighbours have been quick to deny responsibility for the apparent attack, which has now been referred to police – along with CCTV footage.
In what could be the biggest drama Mosman residents have faced since Sonia Kruger battled to finish the outdoor kitchen on her three-storey mansion, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has had his newly purchased harbourside mansion strewn with toilet paper and what appears to be eggs.
But whoever did the deed may have been caught on CCTV cameras at the front of the sprawling 15-room home, which sits on the harbourfront over three levels.
The incident has been reported to NSW Police for investigation, and footage from the security system at the residence will be provided.
Mr Joyce bought the waterfront home with his partner Shane Lloyd for an eye-watering $19 million earlier this year after his salary plummeted to just $2 million last year, up slightly from $1.75 million in 2020. Before the pandemic, Mr Joyce made about $10 million a year.
The couple had previously purchased a penthouse in the Cove apartment complex for $4.5 million in 2009 and a Palm Beach holiday home for $5.3 million in 2015.
Despite splashing the cash on the property which comes with a pool, a wine cellar and a home cinema, the couple have not been seen at all around the home since the purchase.
That’s according to neighbours in the street who were shocked to hear of the apparent toilet paper fuelled vandalism when contacted by The Daily Telegraph on Tuesday afternoon.
“We’re innocent, we have been in Bowral for the past few days,” one neighbour who lives up the road said.
Another said they were disappointed to not have seen the corporate titan at all in the neighbourhood since the purchase of the home but said there had been no shortage of drama in the waterfront enclave.
“There was a big gas leak a couple of doors down a couple of days ago … it is an interesting street,” he said.
“We haven’t seen him … We heard they were going to spend $3 million changing the colours of god knows what.”
Another neighbour dismissed that as just the Mosman rumour mill in overdrive – as per usual – but said another house a few doors down was undergoing a significant overhaul.
“People are just seeing things and thinking, ah, Alan’s doing this,” he said.
“There has been nobody at the house. Put it this way, I haven’t seen any cars there.”
So who is the toilet paper bandit?
Mosman locals were adamant it wasn’t anyone from around their neck of the woods. A Qantas spokeswoman said they would not be commenting.
“I hope they leave him alone,” one neighbour said.
“I can’t see it being anyone from around the neighbourhood because nobody has any objection to him moving in there.”
He’d better get used to it.
There’s a helluva lot of people who are mourning lost luggage, sore from long waits at remote airports coz flight cancelled, or out of a job coz refused to be pricked with the rona vaxx.
It’s still a bit that way – community housing, budget accom, halfway houses, a few remaining Nonna’s houses – interspersed by stunning riverfront, beautiful Art Deco, high end units, and cottage-upgraders.
Plus rough sleepers.
Odd place.
I like it.
A bit incongruous but there is a very high end guitar manufacturer in Ukraine for anyone interested in that sort of thing.
I did 32 years of that shite until I got cancelled for questioning the Ron’s. Ask me if I miss it….?
I have some pretty fond memories of the place. Some pretty unique characters as well.
I don’t know him personally, but I think it’s from his own phone. No way to verify.
If your house gets egged that’s a good indication the grounds aren’t big enough. Time to move.
Either that or the dobermans are being fed too frequently.
China’s tofu building: Tilted and subsided after 3 months
I suspect FOIA of my ASIO file would show it to be short:
Works in uranium666.
Dastardly righty.
Likes birds.
See you all in the gulag.
Ed sees ‘spooks’ everywhere, except when they speak to him on a blog.
He needs recalibrating.
what’s he need 15 rooms for? not like its going to have children
increase the clozapine
Not incongruous since Ukraine is into metal in a big way.
Wear and tear on guitars would be huge.
Especially bass guitars.
I don’t know him personally, but I think it’s from his own phone. No way to verify.
Not only has everything about the scum bag biden family been verified it is no doubt an under description of their activities. There is something incredibly depraved about them
Are they telling us their plans again?
Jesus Is coming
Be prepared for the “Cyber attack” Candle’s etc etc and remember no phones be prepared xxx
Dutch farmers protest: ‘They’re stealing Dutch farmers’ land’ | Eva Vaardingerbroek
Mark Steyn
Alan Jones on ADH.tv covers so many topics relevant to our nation. He just did a segment on the WHO pandemic treaty discussion of which has been non-existent and which cedes our decision-making power, with respect to the health of our citizens, to the WHO which is beholden to its wealthiest members, supporters and donors. He also gave a well-deserved thwacking to horse-face from across the ditch. Very interesting show.
on Monday afternoon, church officials held a small press conference, confirming Yamagami’s mother was a member of their organisation, but refused to detail how much money she had given, citing the ongoing investigation.
And, being Sydney, no-one is going to have an arm like Glenn Maxwell.
All limp-wristed underarm girlie throws, so 15 metres would pull them up.
One presumes the eggs were all organic free range and the toilet paper was triple-ply quilted.
Does anyone know how to get the Mike Yeadon/Paul Alexander clip to Alan? He might find it interesting.
Save us all some time if he just made a list of those who are not spooks and/or flamers.
Two years and four months after the Ruby Princess plague ship arrived at Circular Quay…
Subsequently killing almost nobody….
Indolent the email is [email protected]
As the conflict in Ukraine intensifies, US officials claim that Iran is now planning to supply hundreds of drones with combat weapon capabilities to Russia, these drones are believed to be for assisting Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Welp, I’m apparently a blow-in, so I’m okay… 😉
Sorry indolent it’s [email protected]
Can You Smell the Whiff of Panic?
If your house gets egged that’s a good indication the grounds aren’t big enough. Time to move.
Using PVC potato guns?!
oh who could have seen that coming Iran you say? Looks like The One and the House Plant occupying the White House have really made a mess of things.
Thanks, Tinta, I’ll send it.
That’s nothing.
I read somewhere that George Jetson was 40 years old in 2062.
He will be born this year.
If we had some decent submarines we could sink the cruise ship and save the population from COVID and AGW in one fell swoop.
…you know it makes sense
I don’t think this green energy solution has been planned very well!
Depends on what it’s actually planned to deliver! If it’s North Korea at night, then they’re definitely on the right track.
Brawl in the front bar – one bloke slashed the other in the neck with a broken beer glass, t’other bloke died soon after, in hospital.
Alan Jones had Professor Ian Plimer on tonight talking about his book Green Murder — Ian Plimer is a mensch
Did anyone shout out “illegitimi non carborundum”?
Wrong phrase.
Folks ain’t dead unless they raises up their hind leg & hollers “Wahoo”
Ian Pilmer dedicated “Green Murder” to Gina Rinehart, “who has called human induced climate change for what it is – nonsense.”
I can’t even imagine the world of pain this brought to the publican.
Never do I want anything like that to happen to me.
(Did they consider kidnaping the culprit, whisking him up the scrub somewhere & roasting him slowly [say 48hrs] over a really really slow fire?)
My late husband born 1936 in the centre of Amsterdam, the sixth child in a family of eight children, was starving when at the age of just turning eight was fortunate enough to be sent to farmers in the north of Holland to people he had never met or even heard of, organised by his grandfather.
He worked from daylight till dark on the farm and was well fed.
The soldiers would come almost daily and collect milk, eggs, chickens etc.
He was the only member of his family there. He told me it was not unpleasant.
There would be many today in the Netherlands who would remember WWII, and no doubt their families still exist in the north of Holland.
Hopefully, Iran’s new drones will prove to be of more tangible use to the Russian cause than the 30,000 Syrian ‘volunteers’ allegedly promised them by Bashir Al-Assad, but who have never appeared in anything other than Russian press releases in mid-March…
Maybe the scum biden has got the goods on lots of people through his depravity. People in positions of power think they can do anything.
The especial talent of spies is their ability to blend in, to be unremarkable, to not stand out.
So imagine going about your business surrounded by unremarkable, ordinary looking people. Imagine looking around you every day and being surrounded by plain looking people – spies!
And then there is getting out of the shower, no matter how scaldingly hot it was, and yet when you stand in front of the mirror it is still shrunken little kernel of pudenda you see…
Spies get in everywhere to purposes even the most obsessive apothecary could ever hope to distill.
Shhh! Shut up! I can hear nothing suspicious at the door! I must be cautious.
Ukraine fears Belarus could become new frontline as border sees troop and weapons build-up | DW News
Guy I trained with was working doors in Kings Cross, punter got thrown out, came back with a gun and started mouthing off. Guy says if you were gonna do it you would have done it already, look up at the cameras so you recognise yourself in court. Punter pisses off.
Called it:
Anyone find it ironic the drones being sent to help the Russians will most likely be cheap copies of American stuff left behind in Afghanistan funded by Obama/Biden’s pallets of cash they released to the mullahs?
If your house gets egged that’s a good indication the grounds aren’t big enough. Time to move.
If memory serves me the roof is below street level (that part of the street is on the downhill run) and you’d only have to throw/lob over the fence .. 4/5 metres outward throw at most …..!
No high walls/fences down there as it’s very quiet (usually) and doesn’t go anywhere other than down to the water .. get to the bottom and turn back up is the only option ..so other than residents/visitors not much traffic ……..
Some fun dynamics with this one.
Lukashenko is tonguing Vlad keenly.
But his guys are not at all happy about it.
Belarussian officers turn on Putin as top ranked troops rebel against Russian invasion (2 Jul)
Always fun to decide whether these letters are real or a casus belli to do what the leader wants to do anyway. But further to it, this:
Putin allies in meltdown as rift erupts on Ukraine war – Lukashenko rocked by Kazakh snub (11 Jul)
I can’t validate either news item, I just see them in the news each day. But I have also seen other reports that Vlad has put the hard word on the Kazakhs to send kozzacks to the war, and they’ve said nyet firmly. And it makes sense that neither Kazakhstan nor Belarus would want to get involved in the whole stinky Z mess, especially when their elite peoples would then be sanctioned away from their nice yachts on the Costa del Sol.
Mme Zulu tells the story of her mother, during the “Hunger Winter.” Her father had been betrayed to the Gestapo, and was “assisting them with their inquiries” with the aid of a rolled up newspaper, when there was a knock on the door, late one night
“Mvrouw “Zulu”, come quickly! Bring the children! We have meat!”
A substantial meal later “And where did this feast from Heaven come from?”
“You know the filthy collaborator on the corner, with the large German Shepard dog?”
Two resourceful ladies had lured the dog into the kitchen, and smashed it’s skull in, with a meat axe…
Grigs is pining for East Germany.
Speaking of which, who wants to see the best possible use of a Trabant, ever?
Of course you all do! 😀
Mark Felton’s video on the East German Boy Scouts and their miniature Pioneer Panzer Brigade
Sanctions are one thing. As are Belarussian bombs, shells, armoured vehicles and airspace being turned over to the use of Lukashenko’s patron in Moscow.
But the first Belarussian soldier to die in Ukraine means the death of his regime. And Alexander Lukashenko quite likes his regime…
Exactly my theory about how Epstein gained his wealth and influence.
Rex – I don’t think he has much choice about that. Not as if he could stop a takeover if one was to occur.
Another interesting dynamic I’ve seen is that Lukashenko is trying (with a lot of success apparently) to get Russia to base nukes in Belarus. I can’t see any reason why he would want such critters…unless he thinks he needs them against a certain large threatening neighbour…
Roof below street level? Sun Tzu would not approve.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all the tankies on this site – from a former stubble hopper..
I wanna see how Iran’s allegedly all-indigenous Saeqeh super-duperfighter (A Northrop F-5 with a second fin on it, with most of the parts made locally) goes before I pass judgement on their UAVs.
The Iranians are pretty good with the smaller stuff, as the proliferation of specalist EFP charges amongst Shiite militias in southern Iraq between 2006 and 2012 demonstrated.
The effectiveness of any of their higher-end stystems remains to be seen. Particularly as we’ve never seen any of their flying wing UAVs active anywhere other than Iranian video and photo.
(A lot of the Russian UAVs shot down or captured in Ukraine so far tend to be Orlan-10s, cheaply and very simply made and useful for local reconaissance work. There are also quite a few Isaeli licence-production aircraft that have been hurriedly repurposed from forest fire surveillance and other industrial use)
The below article is from Herald Sun. Note the Commissioner Shane Patton praising the work of the Lorimer task force, despite serious criticism from the Judge and the freeing of the accused due to police malpractice (twice). Google Lorimer Task Force and one of the top links relates to the Commission of Inquiry into Lawyer X. A brief description says :
“The Lorimer Taskforce was established by Victoria Police in 1998 to investigate the murders of Sergeant Gary Silk and Senior Constable Rod Miller. Investigators connected to the Lorimer Taskforce that are relevant to this inquiry included Mr Paul Sheridan, Officer Black (a pseudonym) and Mr Paul Dale”.
One of those three names very familar to me from another major failed investigation. Superintendent Sheridan was the senior officer in the room during the interview of Cardinal Pell in Rome. Some may also recall Shane Patton was in Rome with the two interviewing officers but was not in the room during questioning. Both feature in the lawyer X commission and Patton was Simon Overlands Chief of Staff when he resigned. It was Patton who gave the press conference saying there were multiple “victims” of Pell and there would be multiple charges. This turned out not to be the case and we all remember 7-0.
Article as follows :
Victoria Police sitting on secret internal probe into misconduct relating to investigation of Silk Miller murders.
Victoria Police was summoned to court to explain why it was withholding documents about an internal probe into the Silk-Miller murder investigation.
Victoria Police has been secretly running an internal probe into misconduct relating to the Lorimer taskforce investigation of the Silk-Miller murders. The internal inquiry was launched in May last year and has produced a 15-page draft report with hundreds of pages of supporting material.
It is understood that an independent review panel has been overseeing the investigation, which could lead to disciplinary hearings. But the plan was not to finalise any report until after Jason Roberts’s retrial had ended. The review was prompted by the findings of Victoria’s anti-corruption watchdog, the IBAC, which scrutinised the taskforce’s “wrong” statement-making practices during the Silk-Miller murder investigation. The Herald Sun revealed these in 2017.
In an extraordinary Supreme Court hearing on May 9 this year, seven weeks into the retrial of Roberts, Victoria Police was summoned to the court to explain why it had failed to disclose to the prosecution and defence the draft report. By then 13 relevant witnesses had already given evidence at the retrial.
Ironically, the internal police investigation was dubbed “failure to disclose at the first trial’’.
Roberts’ original trial in 2002, at which he was found guilty of the 1998 murders of Sergeant Gary Silk and Senior Constable Rodney Miller, was corrupted by police adding, backdating, shredding and replacing statements relating to the “dying declaration” of officer Miller minutes after he was shot on August 16. This “improper” practice led to Roberts’s convictions being quashed and his acquittal after a 3½-month retrial. Roberts walked free from the Supreme Court on Monday.
But seven weeks into his second trial, presiding judge Stephen Kaye was incensed after Victoria Police repeated history by admitting it was withholding documents about its internal probe. “The first trial was found to involve a substantial miscarriage of justice because Victoria Police had failed in the most fundamental obligation to reveal to the prosecution and defence key issues relating to a very significant area of evidence in the case – and they have done it again,” Justice Kaye said. “Yes, I find it quite extraordinary.”
Barrister Andrew Sim, appearing for Chief Commissioner Shane Patton, told the court the prosecution and defence could not have immediate access to the report as the force was making “public interest immunity” claims. Justice Kaye wanted Mr Patton reminded about what was at stake. “Does the Chief Commissioner understand the significance of the trial that is being heard?” he inquired.
“It involves the death of two decent, proper policemen 24 years ago.”He later added: “I find it breathtaking that Victoria Police should have been engaged in such an extraordinary failure in the system of justice, having already failed the system of justice in this case.”
Mr Sim could only respond: “There’s little I can say in response to that criticism.’’
Adding to Justice Kaye’s anger was the fact Victoria Police had not bothered to turn up to the hearing.
“My anger is a result of the fact there’s already been one substantial miscarriage of justice,” Justice Kaye said. “The case involves an appalling tragedy, one which has had to be revisited, because of the misconduct of the police at the last trial, and that this is going on again.’’
Justice Kaye also noted that no one from Victoria Police had the “intestinal fortitude” to come to court and explain themselves. He then told Mr Sim his “ire” was not directed at him. “It is very much directed to those who you represent, who, although being invited to court today, have not seen fit to come,” Justice Kaye said. Mr Sim said it was not an intended “insult”.
“It’s not a matter of insult, it’s a matter of inference, Mr Sim,” Justice Kaye said.
He then suggested yet another investigation was merited “till the police learn their lesson”. The court was adjourned for further discussion three days later, during which it is understood some documents were handed over to the prosecution and defence.
During an emotional press conference on Monday, Chief Commissioner Patton did not hide his “disappointment” at the jury’s verdict hours earlier.
Mr Patton also praised the work of the Lorimer taskforce that investigated the Silk-Miller murders. “I take my hat off to the Lorimer taskforce,” he said. Asked whether he had any praise for the work of former homicide detective Ron Iddles – who while still a serving officer in 2013 conducted a thorough review of Roberts’s conviction and cast doubt on it – Chief Commissioner Patton said: “No, I won’t say anything in regards to that.”
My repeat, above says “wrong statements practices”.
I think you mean Feng Shui.
First cousin of Sun Tzu.
On the mother’s side.
I used to know people like that Thancho, depraved. Don’t know them any longer. Thank goodness.
The Israelis shot down three Iranian UAVs a week or so ago, if that helps.
If the Gobbo situation happened in the US (pre 2020 anyway) every conviction linked to it would be freed already.
Post 2020 it would depend on the politics.
Bill Burr’s new special on Netflix aint so special.
We get it, white women are the easy targets.
““Hunger Winter.””
A hunger caused by the Germans. People forget that the Netherlands was the last country in Western Europe to be liberated. Liberation didn’t happen until April 1945. During the winter of 1944/1945, it was Dutch men who sacrificed the meagre food they could scrounge for Dutch women and children.
And yet now such men are smeared and called “toxic white males”. Watching that clip of the 100 year old American veteran sob about the state of America in 2022, I can’t help but agree with him. I too wonder why they bothered. We’ve squandered everything but the most insulting and depressing thing is that we’ve trashed the memories of those who fought, who starved and who sacrificed their lives for us.
And the empty cells filled with her and the VikPol fuckwits who cooked up that little shit-show.
When I first heard about it, I thought it might be a bit fraught, having a defence barrister act as an informant.
I was thinking she was a defence lawyer passing on tid-bits of scuttlebutt picked up around chambers and socially within Club Lawyer.
I didn’t realise at first she was the lawyer, fitting up her own clients using privileged information.
It says everything about Justice in Victoria that no-one has been charged over that.
And I believe a few months back, a similar suicide UAV strike was made by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen against Saudi oil (?) or gas (?) infrastructure.
All the potential effects of a cruise missile strike, but with reduced launch infrastructure requirements, more options for deception during the approach to the target and plausible deniability thru your choice of patsy.
This is probably going to be an asymmetrical tactic we see for a very long time.
Not all of us, Cassie.
But enough that we as a species now need to be reminded…
Just went for dinner at a neighbors a couple of doors up. He’s Greek. Man we had a delicious Greek dinner. Greek food is absolutely delicious.
Dutch railwaymen went on strike in September 1944, to aid the Allied offensive at Arnhem. The “Hunger Winter” – also described as a famine – was German retribution.
A Grik?
In Toorak?
Surely not.
Can’t be trusted.
No, not the Dutch.
Appalling people.
New OT opens at midnight. Can’t believe ML didn’t hound me today.
What was dessert, JC?
One of my beefs when visiting a taverna is that you are almost full by the time the meat actually arrives.
Lamb, probably.
In 1940, the Germans tried to seize the crucial bridges over the “New Meuse” at Rotterdam. Units of the Netherlands Marine Corps held those bridges to the last man and the last round. Appalling people…
ML is a bit dogged.
Interior designers are cheaper than divorce lawyers.
The best snowy mountains scheme is the Dulux one.
Just sayin’
Just bought one of these bad boys. Longines Spirit Zulu Time.
Not only the best value-for-money GMT watch available but one of the best GMT watches full stop. What a score.
Excellent watch purchase, Jupes.
I wonder will m0nty-fa apologise for his hysterical (in both meanings of the word) reaction to the “Ohio 10 year old needs an abortion” case, now that it has been thoroughly debunked? Silly question! Of course not.
Might I venture that this opinion of a neighbour is not my experience in this area. There are opinions shared in local coffee shops that are quite contrary to this statement. I might also add that there are quite a few QANTAS pilots, retired QANTAS pilots and other QANTAS staff who live locally. I would not say that Alan Joyce is a popular boss.
Still waiting for you to provide links to these speeches you refer to, m0nts.
Way back when, I dated a Greek girl. It was serious enough that I was invited to meet the parents. I learnt that when you eat at a Greek home, you’re going eat a LOT, and you also get extras to take home.
Thanks to who sent it to me just now.
This is thought leadership at the pinnacle of high level thinking. It just doesn’t get better than this either at university or on a lollipop blog. 🙂
It’s breakthrough :