Build loads of the new High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) Coal Power Plants. The rest of the World is. Why…
Build loads of the new High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) Coal Power Plants. The rest of the World is. Why…
From Dover – previous page There are Ukrainian reports that Russian soldiers are eating cats and dogs. Maybe, just maybe,…
They will be going all out to steal the election for the Dem. Report: Drag Queens to Fundraise for Democrat…
and all a result of what will probably turn out to have been an illegitimate Premier if they ever get…
It’s still and foggy in my patch in Melbourne’s east right now. It’s good that coal is freely-available (like wind…
The problem with ‘free’ immunity via vax is twofold:
1) OAS: your immune system has been NARROWLY trained to fight the old variant (the spike shape used in the vax) and says ‘AHA’ next time it thinks it recognises that again, and pumps out the old antibodies, when in fact the new spike is significantly changed and these dont work so well.
2) *if* the above response does protect you against illness at that time, it teaches your immune system NOTHING about the virus except to build antibodies to the spike – ie it produces only narrow spectrum immunity. Natural infection exposes your immune system to the whole virus, and teaches it how to make antibodies to dozens of parts of it. Thus, when you next encounter it, your immune response still works fairly well, even if the spike has changed.
I suspect most of the reinfections are affecting the vaccinated. Those who have had natural infection without vaccination likely have fairly broad and durable immunity, although this will eventually fail when the virus mutates enough. Until then, each new encounter with each new variant updates your ‘antivirus software’, bringing you ‘up to date’ more thoroughly than any new vax!
Good! – welcome to my world.
sfw, next you’ll be complaining that Tony Abbot didn’t sort out TheirABC, which he couldn’t do because all the Nats and many of his own party wouldn’t have it.
Are you a troll?
Thank you for your thoughts, Doc.
It’s interesting and inevitable that treatments are now coming on line in practical numbers. The vaxx route was always a dead end (except for profitability).
July 12, 2022 at 12:02 pm
Victoria is pinning its hopes on offshore wind to underpin its move away from fossil fuels
Even AEMO says offshore wind is not economically feasible with current costs.
Who’s advising Lily D’Ambrosio?
Lily D’Ambrosio?
johanna, no idea what you’re on. The fact is that aside from the boats, Abbott failed miserably, he promoted his enemies, crapped on the base and although a great opposition leader he was a pretty poor PM. Cassie will go crook at me for pointing this out, she always does and now you accuse me of being a troll!
I will now get comments about how Abbott was white anted and undermined etc, so what? He had a huge majority and could’ve achieved much, but he didn’t. Funny Boris in Britain is/was much the same, a miserable disappointment to those who voted for him. I reckon Boris will now do an Abbott, ie travel the world on out taxes and lecture anyone who will listen on how to do things.
HZ agree but I’d say they would be more likely sail as far as they can towards Australia or even the Coco’s Is then declare an emergency with maximum fanfare in the media.
They have already tried it recently in March with 1 boat but the SL Navy got in the way. If that country transitions to a failed state which it is on the brink of now pretty well much, the Navy is unlikely to be there stopping them.
Jimmy Dore: It’s All BULLSH*T
Russell Brand
The Sri Lankans didn’t need guns to take the Presidential Palace – I have said for a while that this only stops when enough people say no – when a million people say no, as they did in Sri Lanka, the guards realise that opening fire does them no good, it only gets then killed when the first mag is empty.
I don’t think she’s ever had a coherent thought, but more likely it’s still these people.
It helps to understand that, to a large extent, the people have been domesticated and farmed by big food and big pharma – and that the business model involves using unhealthy food to make you ‘fat dumb and lazy’ (so you don’t jump out of your paddock) and chronically ill (so pharma can sell their meds to you). This is why there is enormous effort put into getting you onto meds you cant get off (statins, blood pressure meds, oral hypoglycaemics) and little interest in stopping you needing them. The same business model is being used for COVID.
“Can you see the price of fuel going back to $1/litre?’”
It IS $1/litre!
Well, LPG is.
Found out something new about LPG the other day – apparently, there is a “selectively bred” or “engineered” bacteria that produces propane instead of methane in anaerobic decomposition.
So propane is potentially a “renewable” fuel.
Not that we are shy of it in this country – we export way more than we use.
GovCo should (re)start promoting this as an automotive fuel. It’s plentiful, cheap, burns cleaner than petrol, and even produces less CO2 than petrol!
When petrol was $1.20/L, LPG was $0.90/L.
Now petrol is $2.00/L and LPG is $1.00/L.
So my fuel bill only increased by 10%.
If you use $100/week of petrol, a conversion would pay itself back in 18-24 months at current prices.
It costs me LESS to run a 300HP, 5.7L V8 than it did to run a 200HP,3.5L V6 – and that was when petrol was $1.20/L!
For the Cat statistics – never had a flu shot, never had a COVID shot.
Every few years, feel a bit run down and spend a day or two in bed. That’s it.
That said, in the supermarket queue the other day, I saw a bogan yoof cough everywhere, wipe his nose with his hand, and then handle various bits of public infrastructure.
But, let’s not wallow in misery.
The Beach Boys – I Can Hear Music.
Winston you’ve been quite the man about town. I’m surprised you’ve had the time to blog.
We are never going to get rid of the ABC. What needs to be done is to ‘shape’ it such that it isn’t an instrument of propaganda for leftist and liberal causes. You could probably appease the Nats by re-focusing initiatives that give the ABC a renewed regional focus. Consolidating the ABC in state capitals is very likely a large contributor to the disaster of the liberal drift of the last two decades. You want diversity? How about we have some intellectual diversity on the ABC. Make them reflect the intellectual diversity of the nation, particularly in their news and current affairs, documentary programs, and the like, and not merely tokenistic efforts. Also, don’t allow boomers like Jon Faine to monopolize mornings for decades. Institute term limits. No one in these positions, as presenters, producers, etc. should themselves become ‘institutions’. And so on.
the west is overrun by useful idiots
Are Geert Vanden Bossche’s predictions coming true? (from Livestream #133)
DarkHorse Podcast Clips
I admire Abbott for his voluntary work. As a politician and would I take any advice from him. Nah f off
Dr. Faustus at 10:50.
I hope you are not labouring under the misapprehension that professional societies exist to serve the members.
You can’t vaccinate us from grubs.
How to fix the ABC without selling it or closing it down:
1. Tie its funding to its TV and radio ratings.
2. Remove the ABC’s control of the complaints mechanism. Appoint a complaints ombudsman in the federal Auditor-General’s Department.
You can’t reform the ABC.
It’s like the bugs. You know, from Starship Troopers.
It’s afraid.
You should see the number of BS podcasts and so on they make.
Reproductive strategy to make the DNA immortal.
Anthony Beevor’s book on the Russian Revolution and civil war contains the account of a group of “White ” Russian soldiers, captured by the Bolsheviks, who began shooting all the officers, as was their practice.
One orderly denounced his colonel to the Bolsheviks, who shot the colonel. They then shot the orderly, for his disloyalty….
Mutualise it and give it away to the citizens. They can decide to sell it or not.
The number of astroturfed podcasts is quite remarkable.
Make it “Subscription only……..” The faithful few can put their money where their mouths are….
Maybe the wife is sick of it being in the bedroom?
Condolences to you and your Family
July 12, 2022 at 1:16 pm
The number of astroturfed podcasts is quite remarkable.
All going to maaaates production companies….
How to destroy the ABC
“We can fund either the NDIS or the ABC, we choose the crippled kids”.
followed by the response to any pushback
“why do you hate crippled kids”…?
The Looming Threat of China
Jordan B Peterson
BoN at 11:49.
Why not just say they put smelters on standby load (keeps the pots simmering but not producing) to prioritise other customers?
Because that is what they are doing.
And Cats are not stupid. They can understand load management.
Use of the term “battery” is misleading as it is generally understood as being able to store and discharge power.
July 12, 2022 at 12:50 pm
We are never going to get rid of the ABC. What needs to be done is to ‘shape’ it such that it isn’t an instrument of propaganda for leftist and liberal causes. You could probably appease the Nats by re-focusing initiatives that give the ABC a renewed regional focus. Consolidating the ABC in state capitals is very likely a large contributor to the disaster of the liberal drift of the last two decades.
Break it into two parts, regional and capital, equally funded. All staff of regional stations to live in their regional centres, no more than 5% of regional broadcasts to be taken from capital stations.
Some years back, as I walked into the local Coles there was a young mother in front of me trailing a four year old. On the way, master four decided to scratch his arse – not through his clothing , but laboriously worked a hand under all clothing to achieve direct contact with the itchy spot on his posterior (you know the spot in question).
The same hand was then extracted and wiped along the lower part of the nearby displays of fruit and veg!
From that day to this, I only take fruit and veg from the very back of all displays where they are presumably out of reach of the littlest grubs.
I linked to something on that recently.
Double the cost of the already inefficient onshore wind apparently.
I am calling it triple when the unions get their special construction and maintenance EBAs through.
It will be enough to make an old Bass Strait offshore oil platform worker blush.
DB, what I don’t understand is why the Nat’s are so pig headed about retaining the ABC. The bush arm of the ABC has been neglected in Queensland anyway so it has shrivelled to a shade of it’s former self.
I have worked in some areas well out in the middle of nowhere, 15yo you could get ABC radio on AM that was a mix of politics (AM & PM), Foreign Affairs, Country hour, markets, gardening & home ideas and on the weekends sport. All usually out of a rural studio (Townsville & Mt Isa predominantly) except for the Politics and market stuff. I remember listening to this 100km from the nearest mobile phone coverage. These days same area nothing. Other areas closer to major centres but still very rural it is now an FM station and an endless replay of the Green Left hour that would keep the Teal electorates riveted all day. I listen to the AM commercial radio these days. Ray Hadley may a blowhard full of ads but it is a damnsight better than the ABC.
PS, “equally funded” means half of the current budget each, not doubling the current waste.
Also, to increase “diversity”, staff to swap capital/regional staff regularly, including having to move to the location of their new job. With a bit of luck, mass resignations could ensue.
The engineer I spoke to at Cooma styled the dam for the scheme a “battery”. In a sense it was – but a lot of work had to happen to that water before any power was yielded.
Most people don’t know that Snowy 2.0 operates at a max of 80% efficiency – and the water is pumped up at low cost and re-used when more can be charged to “top up” the grid. Or that the entire scheme is, of itself, a “top up” measure.
Good luck with that particular “renewable”!
I hope they strike oil when they’re digging the foundations for the Bass Straight windmills.
Bruce: the battery analogy is a good one. But I’m pretty sure that the pot lines can only be taken out for an hour, or so at a time, before they need to be expensively dumped to avoid freezing.
Daily Mail. Which one of you lot……..
Vomit worthy. I could not get past the bit about how the new girlie in his life knew how much she loved her
prizesqueeze until he flew off to the jaws of death in Ukraine. Put me completely off my breakfast that did.callisays:
July 12, 2022 at 1:37 pm
LOL, I had someone who used to be a local of Gelong in conniptions the other day when I said drill baby drill especially in the Otway Basin.
Please define ‘defile’ in this context.
Kneel, re LPG, in the average car the price of LGP generally becomes uneconomic when it is more than 50% of the price of petrol, we had a booming LPG conversion business in Vic, the idiot Libs ruined it when they put excise on it. When LPG is a third or less of the petrol price it’s really good. Unfortunately the imposition of excise basically ruined it. Look around many petrol stations have removed their LPG pumps and tanks etc as there are way fewer cars using it now, all because of hungry government.
Or gas. Vaguely possible and would be entertaining to watch.
Arnold Layne.
Bernie Finn has a post up saying that Spring St polling is showing that the Vic Libs could be looking at a WA style wipeout in the next election. Wouldn’t surprise me at all.
But I’m pretty sure that the pot lines can only be taken out for an hour, or so at a time, before they need to be expensively dumped to avoid freezing.
Less. And Tomago has already lost one of its potlines at about $100 million down the spout.
In what way? The staged fakery of it all?
Condolences to win from earlier today.
Bernie Finn has a post up saying that Spring St polling is showing that the Vic Libs could be looking at a WA style wipeout in the next election. Wouldn’t surprise me at all.
So “we believe absolutely everything that underpins Labor/Greens policy, but we’ll be more pissweak about it” isn’t getting them landslide support?
I’m going to need some better evidence.
Protest in China over frozen bank accounts ends in violence
China: where it takes 10 years to work out that ‘criminal gangs’ have taken over the state central bank…
The Australian security deep state is particularly pernicious. Its US counterpart has more and fancier toys, but it has an edge on the Seppos in that it operates within a legislative framework that gives it almost limitless authority to do what it does, as well as broad protection from scrutiny.
It is competent enough to operate beneath the public radar, and doesn’t tend to create political enemies of any significance from what I can see. This tendency to refrain from overusing its broad powers must be primarily attributable to organisational culture and the personnel it generates. If that culture changes…
Did you pass?
The upside for Hot Mess Hess is he’s less likely to get monkeypox in jail.
Ah. Hang on a tic.
I worked out the ‘internal server error’ message is totes rando.
Prosecutors may have a case for federal prostitution offenses against Hunter Biden, according to documents, texts and videos that show he spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period.
The president’s son wrote checks to a Ukrainian woman whose transactions were red-flagged by banks for suspicious activity, documents reveal.
A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filed by JPMorgan Chase named Florida and New York-based Ekaterina Moreva after she received tens of thousands of dollars from Hunter’s company and women who the First Son paid for sex.
Texts from Hunter’s iPhone also show him handwriting checks disguised as medical services to escorts supplied by Moreva, whose website offers a ‘girlfriend experience’ with prostitutes as young as 20.
Some of Hunter’s hooker payments came just hours after he received thousands of dollars from his father.
Videos and pictures show Hunter helping transport those prostitutes over state lines for a debauched night with him – a potential federal offense.
Daily Mail
Church of England lacks ‘official definition’ of woman, bishop says
Advert currently in Facebook:
Australian Government Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Watch as Chris shares his story about transitioning from the ADF, finding balance and a new direction after his service.
From the age of 15 Chris was ‘dead keen’ on joining the military. He later served as a combat engineer, deploying to East Timor and promoted to Corporal. Chris graduated from the Royal Military College, Duntroon, where he then served troop command time as a Lieutenant and was promoted to Captain.
He was medically discharged and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder after returning home. DVA has provided him support and a ‘safety net’ during his transition out of the ADF.
Chris’ advice for veterans and serving personnel is to get started early, don’t wait to seek support. If you’ve been impacted by your military service, get in touch with DVA straight away.
Chris now runs Frontline Yoga Inc., where he helps to support other veterans who are transitioning to civilian life.
“Taking responsibility for our own health and our own recovery, with the support of the Department, is going to lead to a much more fulfilling life.” Chris Thompson-Lang
Watch Chris’ story on DVA TV:
finding new bizarre ways to die
Ha ha calli.
I made that point to someone last week and only half jokingly.
The original Bass Strait platforms could be seen clearly from land and the resources were extremely shallow.
And another!
As part of #NAIDOCWeek, HMAS Cerberus Executive Officer, Commander Martin Holzberger and Security and Estate Group Director of Service Delivery, Mr Alex Muises-Khoury, officially opened the Indigenous Yarning Circle at the Victorian base.
Regional Indigenous Development Coordinator, Leading Seaman Henry Burns spoke of the significance of the Yarning Circle with the Ship’s Company and community members.
chicks with dicks
soggy biscuit in the centre
Btw, who is Michael West?
Qantas outsourcing debacle leaves taxpayers propping up Chinese baggage handling giant
That’s what happens when you turf out your Bibles.
Genesis 1:27 might be a clue.
Even the ancients had no trouble “defining” females.
I think the term ‘levelling and re-prioritisation’ is more apt.
A battery could theoretically provide power to the network over and above generation capacity. A smelter can’t do that.
I don’t know how long a smelter can be off before they have to take to the pots with jackhammers, but I thought they went into “keep warm” mode rather than a complete shut-off.
Beats rum, sodomy and the lash, I suppose.
From rosie’s link:
Here. Have a delicious green soup straight from my garden. Foxglove leaves, a dash of monkshood and belladonna and the nice little red berries come from the yew hedge. Pretty aren’t they?
Drink up.
” Tomago has capacity to run at about 1000 MW …”
Funny place is Tomago.
The 330kV substation that provides it with power is downwind of the smelter lines.
Alas, the smelter lines throw out a great deal of carbon dust from the electrodes that draw the arc used in smelting. This dust is quite fine and travels a long way on a breeze. Downwind, of course.
Oh dear.
They need to regularly “wash down” the insulators at that substation for obvious reasons. Amazingly, this can be done without removing said insulators from service.
They also need to regularly clean the filters in the air conditioners for the communications room too – which is one of the reasons I know this trivia; I was involved in installing the substation comms there back in the day.
calli earlier.
Yes, pumped hydro is a battery (albeit inefficient) because it takes instantly generated excess energy and turns it into stored potential energy (elevated water above a hydro plant).
A significant improvement over the economists in our central bank.
What did Dan used to say about the health advice?
Health Minister
says advice to mandate masks in early childhood settings and retail was recommended by the
but she did not accept that advice after speaking with industry who said they would lose staff
Started off promisingly:
However, now jumping through liturgical hoops…
“A significant improvement over the economists in our central bank.”
Indeed – a criminal gang will be unlikely to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, and so keep their debauchery under control to some degree. The university edumacated dullards running the CB think they know everything and will keep going long after the joint has started circling the drain – they’ll still be proclaiming their leadership abilities and right up until the floor drops out from under them (literally).
One of the more recent, and increasingly urgent calls by ex Pfizer Vice President Mike Yeadon, for opposition to the continued administration of the genetic vaccines:
Zelenskyy Continues to do the important work
Zelenskyy Set To Consider Gay Marriage Petition; Likely To Legalise It In Ukraine: Report
There is no constituency of any significance that would support the ABC’s closure. You need to push and prod it to arrest its present course, by promoting measures that arrest its liberal drift. Regionalization would help. Removing the complaints process outside of the ABC would also help, as would making this more transparent. Pressuring its news and current affairs department to better reflect the actual political and ideological composition of the electorate would as well. This needs it to actually employ producers, presenters, etc. that are actually not liberal. You need to actually create constituencies that are non-liberal who care about the ABC and its direction. That is pretty much what ‘Friends of the ABC’ is, a liberal constituency that always pushes and prods the ABC in a liberal direction.
… liddle filth’s butler at the lodge a secret
Conservatives were mocked a decade ago for even arguing the likelihood of this if we redefined marriage.
So, I hear the US military just lost $225,000,000 worth of plane that fell off an aircraft carrier in high winds in the Med…
Go woke, get broke.
Sorry Dover, but your aspirations for their ABC are about as close of impossible as it could be. It would be impossible to nudge that monstrosity away from leftwing bullshit. It can’t be done.
Then we are saddled with it as is and we need to stop moaning about it.
I don’t have a view on Lauren Southern.
But she’s blown up some people today.
If he loved it he would have gotten something personal for it, a good chat AI and given her a name, like Celestina.
I bet they don’t have one for cat either
Amazing in depth analysis from Uncle Fester today.
Sri Lanka’s plight was a massive conspiracy to starve people to death and Au smelters are really just batteries in disguise.
Real science stuff.
More please.
Like a woman without her child
Radical gender ideologues are proposing bizarre interventions in Chinese language. The result is, naturally enough, bizarre – but it’s also destructive
I dare say they didn’t see a need to do so.
I’ve met her, she is *dropdead* gorgeous
With Russell Brand. Best from 2.45
Jimmy Dore: It’s All BULLSH*T
Always have the nuclear option.
Scientists have warned that if a passing star moves Neptune’s orbit by just 0.1 per cent, the resulting chaos could cause the other planets in our solar system to collide.
Hydro is really just a price arbitrage. In physics terms it converts electrical energy to potential energy with the usual losses and inefficiencies at every stage of the process. I would love to see the business case that says it is economic,even for the government on whatever the capital spend ends up being.
Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning, the UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths since April, 90% of which were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed
I think over the past 2 plus years in particular we’ve had enough of expertology. I’ll take my chances on this one.
i see we have entered the “ninja level fear porn” stage of the pandemic
apparently, “omicron” is no longer scary enough
When they tell you ahead of time…PAY ATTENTION!
NYC releases PSA for what to do in case of nuclear attack.
Should have been the case from day one.
They clearly sense the looming election breathing on the back of their neck.
The fact that supposed ‘conservatives’ like Steve Price are calling for the reintroduction of ‘measures’ speaks ample of the current definition of a ‘conservative’.
Steve Price is nothing more than a rented punching bags for the fuckwits on The Project.
Top climate scientists slam global warming “so-called evidence” as “misrepresentation, exaggeration & outright lying”
Regarding Rosie post at 2:38 if industry thinks they will lose staff due to masks how many do they think they lose due to Vax mandates ? Qld is about 40% who have not had third shot so that is a very big indicator of the resistance. I think other states definitely 30% plus.
I think the Health / political leaders have realised only so far you can push people and they and the press have lost a lot of credibility.
Also commonly known as load shedding. Although the Arts/Law spirits of AEMO – who would eat a raw cane toad rather than acknowledge system failure – would certainly much prefer ‘levelling and re-prioritisation’.
My knowledge is based on a single visit to Tomago about 20 years ago – as far as I can remember they are fiddly things to control and don’t turn down like a slow cooker. I thought they had a couple of hours before freezing up, but I could well be wrong on all this.
On the ‘battery’ issue – it’s a common analogy which smelters themselves like to use. They are a big, concentrated steady load, which can instantly be converted into a short-term supply to the network.
The Lauren Southern video.
For the next time you have 3 hours.
I’m 90mins in & she’s taken apart Milo, Ezra, Tommy Robinson & Faith Goldy.
Two sides to every story but it’s pretty comprehensive.
She’e produced a alt-right codex.
An alt-right codex.
Is all this crap you’re posting something to do with Amanda running out of battery power this morning? You could plug her into to nearest Au smelter for a decent charge up. Fully charged you’ve said she’s a randy as hell and raring to go. She’s a player, right?
How the Biden family corruptly benefited financially by doing business with the Chinese government. Lots of dense research at Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Is TFM is around?
Tanks Tom.
He’s been on fire recently.
Tom, did Tucker talk Jan 6th ?
Bear at 3:23.
I assume you meant pumped hydro?
Yeah, it works, but at what cost.
I will bet the business case worked on the premise that the energy consumed in pumping was “free” from excess installed wind and solar capacity.
Might have some merit in the short term, but the economics are vastly different if you are investing in capacity to run the pumps.
No, Bern.
You’ll Never Believe the Contacts on Hunter’s iPhone
And talk about disgusting
Dead Ferrets
Yeah. Plenty of loose language around renewables Opex and Capex. None more so than “free” energy. A bit like the ALPBC is free.
All well and good Indolent. How do you know Bunter Hiden is the depraved turd in the pic? How do you know it’s not made up?
There is a difference between “is a battery” and “acting like a battery”
The smelters, by the necessity of continuous operation, are tying up a certain amount of energy and can release it at demand just like a battery.
How long before damage occurs is the question, but batteries can’t supply more than their capacity either.
Given how they murder theology, let’s see what they can do with biology.
I’m surprised this BHP news hasn’t gotten more coverage.
Australian iron ore conglomerate BHP hailed on Sunday its first shipment of yuan-based spot trade iron ore to dock at a port in East China’s Shandong Province, as Australian companies step up efforts to maintain businesses in the Chinese market amid tense bilateral relations due to Australia’s hostile approach toward China.
Klaus Schwab: The Fourth Industrial Revolution will change not only what we do but also who we are.
Canada is going down the same path.
We’ve known about smelters/baseload forever. There’s nothing new there. What is uniquely new is a goose suggesting a smelter is like a battery. It’s not.
A smelter an energy consumer and if it’s an AU smelter it would be a very large large. At one stage, I recall an AU smelter in Victoria was using up something like 10% of the state’s energy production. I read this a very long time ago and was discussed at length on the old Cat. Turning it off is nothing more than what we see in the poor world. It’s a form of rationing. Call it what it is.
I wasn’t aware that the Australian government made Lauren Southern quit politics.
At the 2 hour mark of the YouTube video she show the documents regarding this.
She had to publicly quit & not say why.
Then she got her visa.
All under an alleged conservative government.
I very much doubt BHOP would end up holding the Yuan though. They would convert the crap as soon as they received it and go back to US Dollars. Unless I’m mistaken, BHP’s balance sheet is in US Dollars, no?
Don’t worry about fact checking that. If I’m incorrect, Driller the resident Snopes, will interrupt his beerathon with the beer bellies to scream out I’m wrong. Dead silence if I’m correct.
I’m waiting for someone to cite the example of B.H.P selling pig iron to Japan, just before World War Two.
Sancho – You asked. OK I should have called it a half a battery. The anode side. Which confusingly is the cathode side of an electrowinning cell.
Nevertheless AEMO can get substantial load leveling out of Tomago and Portland which they wouldn’t have if they went bottom up. Which they will unless something is done.
Given how they murder theology, let’s see what they can do with biology.
Sounds like Sam Cooke was ahead of his time. Report comment
JC, they report in USD but BHP runs one of the biggest non-bank multi currency operations in the world.
It’s just odd that the first non-USD iron contract didn’t get much coverage.
The Global Daily had to report it.
No ASX release by BHP (it’s not material so they don’t have to) but they announce a shit load to the ASX they are not required to.
Nothing in the AFR.
It wasn’t even in main Bloomberg, one of my guys found it on Chinese Bloomberg.
It’s not like someone going around the petro-dollar.
But still it’s not insignificant news.
“Might have some merit in the short term, but the economics are vastly different if you are investing in capacity to run the pumps.”
Much like batteries, you can “shave” – buy when power is cheap (off peak), sell when expensive (peak).
And the dams and pumps last a LONG time – Snowy I is how old now?
I recall that the Chermans have already tried that, back in 1914 and again in 1939.
It didn’t work out well then either.
LOL. Tuckers quip: “The braindead Canadian PM, Trudeau who’s a Chinese lackey” or words to that effect is brutal and on target.
Rest of it strike me pink. Biden’s have been protected like the Clintons.
Or sending all our industry to Germany in the 30s
New thread?
Sure, it’s important, significant even as you suggest. It would be jaw dropping though if BPH and others began to store Yuan like they do Greenbacks and thereby the Dollar loses some of its reserve status.
More mumbo jumbo for Fester.
July 12, 2022 at 11:32 am
Rick that is some buy. First full-time job I had, there was a 24 x 84 DSG in the toolroom. Why would someone be getting rid of it?
Maybe the wife is sick of it being in the bedroom?
That’s a common problem!
YouTube channel CaLem converted his bedroom into part of his workshop. Then again he is in SE Asia so he’s not sleeping next to 6 ton of cast iron on a cold Melbourne night. And he’s not married.
Why would you get rid of a machine like this? Normally Health and Safety. No foot brake and emergency stop on these old machines so if Mong Machinist makes a mistake he’s losing an arm at best.
A mate picked up an excellent Okuma L40 cheap for this reason.
Or alternatively – how to lose the West’s war – which it didn’t even realise it was having.
Wokeness is Vladimir Putin’s weapon in his war on the West
Five months into the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s army continues to flounder. Kyiv’s defenders are making up for their smaller numbers and artillery shortages with better commanders, smarter tactics, higher morale and, increasingly, better weapons as Western high-tech arms reach the battlefield.
Mr Putin has had the most success, paradoxically, in the domains of economics and politics, where the West thought its power was strongest. Fears that a Russian gas embargo could cripple European economies and leave comfortable German burghers freezing in the dark next winter have replaced hopes that Western sanctions would bring Moscow to its knees. Thoroughly intimidated by the consequences of an economic war with Russia, Germany is beginning to weasel out of its pledges to increase defense spending.
Similarly, the early Western optimism that values would unite the world against Russian aggression has fizzled. Led by China and joined by India and Brazil, countries around the world are choosing trade with Russia over solidarity with the Group of Seven. To counter Mr Putin and Xi Jinping, the West must recalibrate. Since the Russian leader attacked Georgia in 2008, Western leaders have consistently mischaracterized and underestimated the threat that the revisionist powers (China, Russia and Iran) pose. In Georgia, Crimea, the South China Sea and the Middle East, the result has been one unexpected setback after another. To prevent another major setback from this latest and most blatant attack, the West needs to rethink assumptions and conventional doctrines that have demonstrably failed.
First, we need to be clear about the revisionists’ goal. Tactically, Mr Putin wants to absorb as much of Ukraine as he can, but this war isn’t really about a few slices of the Donbas. Strategically, Messrs. Putin, Xi and their Iranian sidekicks seek the destruction of what they see as an American-led, West-dominated global hegemony. They believe that despite its imposing strengths (G-7 countries account for 45% of global gross domestic product and 52% of global military spending), this order is decadent and vulnerable.
Three vulnerabilities in the Western system give them hope. One is the trend toward protectionism in Europe and the U.S., which reduces the economic attraction of the Western system for developing countries. The others involve values. While Western conventional wisdom believes that the “values based” element of American and European foreign policy is a vital source of strength around the world, the revisionists believe that Western narcissism and blindness have led the Western powers into a historical trap.
For many postcolonial countries, the current world order is the latest embodiment of Western hegemony, with its origins in the age of European imperialism. Why else, people ask, are Britain and France permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, while there is only one permanent member from Asia, and none from Africa, the Islamic world or Latin America? What possible justification is there for including Italy and Canada in the exclusive G-7?
Many values dear to the hearts of Western cultural leaders puzzle and offend billions of people around the world who haven’t kept up with the latest hot trends on American campus. Picture: AFP
Many values dear to the hearts of Western cultural leaders puzzle and offend billions of people around the world who haven’t kept up with the latest hot trends on American campus. Picture: AFP
Conventional defenders of the Western world order respond by touting its commitment to universal values such as human rights and the fight against climate change. The current world order may, they acknowledge, be historically rooted in Western imperial power, but as an “empire of values,” the Western world order deserves the support of everyone who cares about humanity’s future.
Unfortunately, the West’s increasingly “woke” values agenda is not as credible or as popular as liberals hope. President Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia this week reminds the world of the limits on Western commitments to human rights. Many values dear to the hearts of Western cultural leaders (LGBTQ rights, abortion on demand, freedom of speech understood as allowing unchecked Internet pornography) puzzle and offend billions of people around the world who haven’t kept up with the latest hot trends on American campuses. Attempts by Western financial institutions and regulators to block financing for fossil-fuel extraction and refining in developing countries enrage both elites there and the public at large.
Moreover, the liberal West’s new, post-Judeo-Christian values agenda divides the West. Culture wars at home don’t promote unity overseas.
If Mr Biden, with the support of the European Parliament, makes abortion on demand a key element of the values agenda of the world order, he is more likely to weaken American support for Ukraine than to unite the world against Mr Putin.
The moral and political confusion of the contemporary West is the secret weapon that the leaders of Russia and China believe will bring the American world order to its knees. Messrs. Putin and Xi might be wrong; one certainly hopes that they are. But their bet on Western decadence has been paying off handsomely for more than a decade.
Western survival and global flourishing require more thought and deeper change than the Biden administration and its European allies can currently imagine.
The Wall Street Journal
Is TFM is around?
What have I done this time??
Been up since 02:00 with an evac and of course now another patient is here with a long running/ hours to resolve issue.
Grumpy status- unlocked.
Take the British option, put them on the pump.
“All under an alleged conservative government.”
That was the same government that banned Milo and booted Katie Hopkins.
Don’t tell me my next yuuuuge BHP dividend payment is going to drop in Yuan?
Will my bank accept that cheque?
I mean it will be really, really yuuuge.
The biggest.
“All under an alleged conservative government.”
The Morrison Government never claimed to be conservative, that’s a line trotted out by ALP shills.
That was the same government that banned Milo and booted Katie Hopkins.
Milo is a deadshit, having a hankerin’ fo’ Mississippi Black Snake is not a conservative value.
Katie Hopkins is a clown, and likely a Spook.
And censured Bettina Arndt.
It’s called free speech, Ed.
That goes without saying.
Bloke I knew, a baker put his arm in a big mixer, 140kg dough. Wacked his arm, off work for 3 months. Back at work 2 weeks did the same thing , ripped arm off at the shoulder.
Nut Case you missed the bit about Milo being a flamer. be the only thing you get right.
July 12, 2022 at 3:29 pm
Top climate scientists slam global warming “so-called evidence” as “misrepresentation, exaggeration & outright lying”
Happer and Lindzen are great scientists but Will fucking Steffan would tear them apart using nothing but bullshit. The only scientists I’ve seen who could take on alarmist ‘scientists’ were Bob Carter (dead), Stewart Franks (left the country), Ian Plimer (ostracised) and a few others who are quick on their feet and can speak in punter language while making fun of the alarmists.
Government really works. Incredibly efficient.
Milo is a deadshit, having a hankerin’ fo’ Mississippi Black Snake is not a conservative value.
Katie Hopkins is a clown, and likely a Spook.
Milo might be a Flamer, but what evidence (other than disliking her politics) do you have that Katie H is a Spook, Dickless?
Cronkite, It’s over. It really is over. The only thing that can be done is to push nuclear, which isn’t a bad alternative. CNN was pushing nuclear the other day -calling it green energy.
“Cassie will go crook at me for pointing this out, she always does”
Who me? I’m a meek little mouse.
Actually sfw, I was very disappointed in the Abbott government (and I suspect most people here were) however to Abbott’s credit he did stop the boats and he did abolish the carbon tax. However there are two things you always neglect to mention…
1. Abbott was constrained by a hostile senate and leading the charge against any rescinding of Section 18C was a man named Clive Palmer and his senate puppets……chiefly the Bush Pig* from Tasmania. There’s no way his government would have got that legislation through.
2. Abbott had a hostile party room to deal with and just think of the ugly malcontents he was dealing with, Brandis, Bishop, Turnbull and others. And we now know how these disgusting people were undermining him.
3. Abbott had an insanely hostile media…and this is where I agree that he should have been more robust in his dealings with the MSM. He was like a kitten and he allowed the MSM to trample him.
I think, sadly, the forces were always against Abbott, it reminds me of Greek tragedy. Abbott was perhaps the most successful opposition leader in Australian history and yet it all ended in tears.
WRM tries so hard to sit on the fence he must have a sore bum. I read his blog for a long time. Talked with him when he was in Oz once, he’s a great guy, but this is a time to take sides and he’s trying really hard not to.
He’s sworn off pillow biting/short lifting and has gone deeply religious. You have to respect a person who does that I think.
“Katie Hopkins is a clown, and likely a Spook.”
Actually, it’s Lauren Southern who’s more than likely the “spook”.
ya russia is slowly floundering into the donbas while the ukes victoriously cede territory
Correct if I am wrong, but I don’t believe the west has the industrial base remaining to fight any sort of protracted war against anyone
Was still living with his ‘ex’ when he said that, JC.
“I’ve met her, she is *dropdead* gorgeous”
She’s vaxxed?
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene hires Milo Yiannopoulos as unpaid intern
By Allie Griffin – New York Post – June 6, 2022
Based on Lauren Southern’s video today, MJG better make sure Milo is kept as far away from the money as possible.
And with 10mins to go, Lauren Southern unloads on Paul Joseph Watson.
They went on a date, ended back at his apartment drinking & smoking cigars then he hit her up for some loving.
She said no.
And he wasn’t too happy about that.
Pestering with messages & voicemails for an undisclosed period after the incident.
Aortic stenosis dubbed a ‘silent’ heart condition that could kill 50,000 Australians in five years
Another article foreshadowing the increasing prevalence of some previously obscure heart condition. Hmm. Not a cover for anything, I’m sure.
Last night in Brisbane.
What is Southern’s reason for this tell all, she’s grifted just as much as the others?
Fortitude Valley.
Nothing good happens there after a certain hour.
Zipster – WRM is fairly well plugged into the intelligence community as I recall. I met him in a room full of DFAT spooks, because of a happenstance invite from someone I’m related to. It was an interesting day.
Which isn’t to say the intelligence community are any good strategically, but they could probably give you accurately tabulated GPS lists of all the shellholes in eastern Ukraine. As with Russian war-fighting practice, in intel quantity has its own quality too.
was there a particular clause in the 45 page consent agreement that needed a second opinion?
I’m just now listening to the vid. He took the 100K. Just wow. I take back what I said.
Seems to be an estimation based on 2019 data.
Uncovering the treatable burden of severe aortic stenosis in Australia: current and future projections within an ageing population
Fighting the “Great Reset” Agenda: Farmers Explain True Reason Why Elites Plan to Confiscate Land
Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
Where have we heard all this before?
The programme will be shown on BBC1 tonight at 9pm.
Cassie, who knows what her real motivation is?
It’s a helluva yarn though.
Time to unleash the big guns, take off the gloves and send in Iron Balls Albo the hammer of Kiev. Should have it sorted by lunch time.
All the reports I’ve seen has the UKR and RUS about even in numbers but not equipment. Anyone reading WRM’s summary would be surprised at the current map.
Cassie, I agree with most of your post, he could’ve been great. I was absolutely gutted when he folded on 18c, that was a hill to make a stand on but he didn’t. The greatest disappointment (politically) in my life.
Abbott should’ve called for a double dissolution election, it either would’ve made him a man or destroyed him, in the end he was destroyed without a fight.
Another dozen Bushmasters and it will be all over.
China Insights
It’s becoming less safe to deposit cash in China’s banks. The entire banking system, including the big four state-owned banks, are now restricting withdrawals or online transactions. China is likely to have a massive bank run which will collapse the banking and monetary system, thus further devastating the Chinese economy.
This is Dandong, a city in Liaoning province, a major heavy industry province in northeast China, where people have been waiting in long lines at banks almost every day recently, hoping to get their money. Because the line is so long, local police have come to the scene to maintain order.
Chinese official media has indirectly confirmed that, to a certain degree, a bank run is happening in China. The headquarters of the People’s Bank of China in Shanghai said on June 20th that in the first half of June alone cash deployment was nearly four times that of the same period in 2021. However, the bank didn’t elaborate on whether the total amount of cash was sufficient to meet people’s withdrawal needs.
You’d think if SAS death squads really existed they might use their skills on their enemies.
I can think of one particular bunch of those quite easily.
Btw does BBC offer free body armour to employees?
Brandis sabotaged the 18c fight on purpose.
Abbott should have sacked him & then kept fighting for it & threatened double dissolution if he didn’t get it repealed.
French word for battery.
Some titles for the jaded:
Trailer Trollop: four wild girls out to ruin men: they lived in a house of sin- on wheels!
Lust Cursed: born into passion, her life was an orgy of sin.
Hellhole of Sin: they all lusted for each other’s passion: and got it.
Gutter Girl: she came out of the gutter: anyway she could.
Tuckers first 30mins on Biden was more comprehensive than 20 years of Hannity & his “tick tock” scam.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
July 12, 2022 at 6:10 pm
Anger over BBC exposé of special forces ‘death squads’
You’d think if SAS death squads really existed they might use their skills on their enemies.
I can think of one particular bunch of those quite easily.
Back in the 1960s/10970s, the fascist left were claiming that the CIA was both everywhere and completely ruthless.
If that were true, how is it that there was not a series of accidents/suicides among prominent leftists? The left needs someone to hate on, or to be jealous of. They are nothing without hate and envy/
Ftb, have you seen those pics of Hannity with liberal media figures?
Because they were peripheral.
Haha, Albo and Wong are finding out the hard way that the people communists put against the wall first are the useful idiots.
China doubles down and demands Australia ‘reshape’ itself (Sky News*, 12 Jul)
My four demands to China are:
1. Stop imprisoning people for their religious belief
2. Stop breaking up those people for spare parts
3. Stop enslaving them to make cheap stuff for export
4. Stop sabre-rattling against Taiwan.
I doubt Albo and Bad Penny will have the balls to mention such things.
(* Headline as it appears on the Sky News website just now, which is more fun than the one on the story itself.)
Who was the Mooslime activist a few years ago, who claimed that Mossad agents had got into his bedroom, and stolen one of each pair of his shoes?
Hannity is controlled opposition.
Another dozen Bushmasters and it will be all over.
Need to convince Albo’s PR team that Albo delivering them to the front line would be great optics.
Mike Dukakis with live ammo.
I haven’t Dover but most of them are all buddy buddy with each other.
Particularly Brunswick Street, up by the station.
Brandis sabotaged the 18c fight on purpose.
More pieces of shit in Australian politics than septic tank.
Diseased princesses seem to like NSW.
Coral Princess cruise ship with more than 100 COVID-positive passengers on board is set to dock in New South Wales (12 July)
Two years and four months after the Ruby Princess plague ship arrived at Circular Quay…
You’d think if SAS death squads really existed they might use their skills on their enemies.
If all the shit that was supposed to have gone on in Afghanistan, actually went on, right now we’d all be going there on holidays to see the sights.
The Chinese seem to have a thing for humiliating new administrations.
Looks like we’re locked in for a nuclear exchange: