Mater’s Musing #52: Says it all really!

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July 12, 2022 8:42 am

Misinformed or plain stupid?
It’s one or the other, can’t be both.

July 12, 2022 9:02 am

The two Rob’s are very well informed. Keen is indeed green.

I apologise for my electorate.

July 12, 2022 9:25 am

These people are beyond stupid, they welcome a world of democratic fascism with open arms

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
July 12, 2022 9:48 am

Why would anybody go to
It seem few people do and the comments on all articles are substantially the same. And the comments are from a year ago. Nobody commented in the last year!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 12, 2022 10:04 am

Well if they’d produce enough gas there’d be much less of an issue. CCGTs are very efficient. But guys like Kean have overseen the prevention of gas exploration and fracking in NSW that would provide the supply.

It’s fun that the EU recently reclassified gas as a “green” energy technology alongside windmills. Of course they also have a problem getting enough of it too.

Which leads to this fun story today:

Europe at risk of civil unrest unless it returns to fossil fuels, EU warns (11 Jul)

Europe is in danger of highly damaging “very, very strong conflict and strife” this winter over high energy prices, and should make a short-term return to fossil fuels to head off the threat of civil unrest, the vice-president of the European Commission has warned.

Frans Timmermans, the second most senior official in the EU, said the threat of unrest this winter, a deliberate outcome of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, must take precedence over the climate crisis.

He said: “If our society descends into very, very strong conflict and strife because there is no energy, we’re certainly not going to make our [climate] goals. We’re certainly not going to get where we need to get if the lack of energy leads to strong disruption in our societies, and we need to make sure people are not in the cold in the coming winter.

Coal would have to be used, he said. “If we were just to say no more coal right now, we wouldn’t be very convincing in some of our member states and we would contribute to tensions within our society getting even higher.”

So there you go, the EU Commission is now returning to coal just as Albo and Kean want to shut coal down. Maybe Mr Timmermans has taken careful note of what is happening to pollies in Sri Lanka. The EU doesn’t have its own navy for endangered Eurocrats to take refuge on.

July 12, 2022 10:11 am

Thanks very interesting Bruce.

When push comes to shove and people are hungry and cold, such niceties as green power etc are quickly junked.

July 12, 2022 10:37 am

It’s 10.30am in the morning and only 2% wind and 8% solar being produced across all the eastern states. Very little sun and wind so the turbines and panels aren’t producing. It wouldn’t make any difference if you trebled investment in these, they would still be unproductive because of the weather conditions. Pull out the coal and the grid would collapse. Figures are from the NEM dashboard here.

July 12, 2022 10:57 am

And in Texas
“Though Texas is known for its role in the oil industry, it is also the nation’s number-one producer of wind energy. During a cold snap in the winter of 2021, however, wind turbines froze and many Texans found themselves without electricity.
Now that scenario is likely to repeat itself, albeit due to high temperatures that are accompanied by calm conditions.”

July 12, 2022 11:29 am

I had a good laugh at the hyperventilating at Weatherzone with this bit of propaganda.

July 12, 2022 11:43 am

Zipster says:
July 12, 2022 at 9:25 am
These people are beyond stupid, they welcome a world of democratic fascism with open arms

Yes they are beyond stupid, they imagine they will be among the chosen few.

July 12, 2022 12:04 pm

Frans Timmermans, the second most senior official in the EU, said the threat of unrest this winter, a deliberate outcome of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, must take precedence over the climate crisis.

See, it’s not them and their stupidity, it’s Putin. Would they have blamed God if there was some other natural disaster that interrupted the gas supply?

July 12, 2022 12:11 pm

Coal would have to be used, he said. “If we were just to say no more coal right now, we wouldn’t be very convincing in some of our member states and we would contribute to tensions within our society getting even higher.”

So they planned for unpleasantness and tension just not seriously enough. People of the free world are used to freedoms and modern conveniences, what made these geniuses think they would just agree to privation and loss of freedom altogether?

Sri Lanka must have scared them more than Dutch farmers. It shows that even Third World countries’ populations are against the Great Reset.

July 12, 2022 12:25 pm

July 12, 2022 at 11:29 am
I had a good laugh at the hyperventilating at Weatherzone with this bit of propaganda.

Yes it is laughable but at the same time totally misleading. At the beginning of June, in fact from the 1st of June for about 5 days, there was a major wind and solar drought across the east coast that brought on the June electricity crisis. The way the graphs are presented as an average for a month hides this crisis. Also, by presenting the whole figures rather than as a percentage of total generated they are covering up the small percentage of renewables being supplied compared to coal power and gas. This misrepresentation of the reality is bordering on the criminal.

July 12, 2022 12:48 pm

The problem was Sir Robert Menzies naming his creation the Liberal Party of Australia.

In the 1940s, “liberal” had only one meaning — that is, supporting The Enlightenment.

Now it’s a catch-all for every fascist and crackpot totalitarian on the planet, including the Chinese Communist Party, which, having bought the US president, is in the process of taking over America.

Sir Robert was many good things, but his understanding of humanity was hopeless and naively idealistic — just like all the Millenials now barracking for communism because those controlling the Western education system prevented them from learning about communism’s brutality wherever it was attempted.

July 12, 2022 12:52 pm

July 12, 2022 at 12:25 pm

This misrepresentation of the reality is bordering on the criminal.

Indeed – yet Weatherzone knows it can get away with this kind of garbage, because no MSM journo (other than perhaps Graham Lloyd) will challenge the deceit. The graphs are Exhibit A.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 12, 2022 1:12 pm

Sri Lanka must have scared them more than Dutch farmers. It shows that even Third World countries’ populations are against the Great Reset.

Crossie – I was thinking that Christians in Europe may be very polite and disinclined to take executive action, but Europe has been busily importing vast quantities of “Third World countries’ populations” who seem less polite.

Bit of a mistake for Great Reset proponents, that seems to be.

July 12, 2022 1:27 pm

That’s a good point Bruce.

July 12, 2022 2:04 pm

Kean is a “hero” to Green voters.
Well, duh!

I have asked this before, but who let the fifth columnist POS into the Liberal Party?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 12, 2022 2:39 pm

It seem few people do and the comments on all articles are substantially the same. And the comments are from a year ago. Nobody commented in the last year!

Sounds ominous.

You know that thing about people being in the deep jungle and alarmed when they hear the sound of drums – when in fact you should not be frightened when you start hearing drums, but when they stop.

These zombies have stopped commenting. This could be where the people that glue themselves to the road come from!

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 12, 2022 2:52 pm

July 12, 2022 at 2:04 pm
Kean is a “hero” to Green voters.
Well, duh!

I have asked this before, but who let the fifth columnist POS into the Liberal Party?

Probably Photios and his ilk.

July 12, 2022 5:23 pm

It’s power madness.
Some people just think the world would be a better place if they got to tell everyone else what to do.
What to eat, what energy you can use, how to protect yourself from a virus.
Compulsion is the problem.
But you can’t accept compulsion in voting, or compulsion in schooling, or compulsion in who fixes the roads or collects the garbage and then complain when the sick wankers extend it to every other aspect of your life.
Live a life against compulsion in all things.
Here’s the tip: the renewables thing is happening. Electrification of transport, massive mining of the shit required, trillions of dollars of investment to go down this insane path. Brownouts. Massive increases in the cost of living. Concentration of even more power in the hands of idiots.
A massive extension of the state to encompass even more of the economy and and even greater amount of fascist bullshit in corporate boardrooms to ensue.
Make sure you position yourself to not get completely burnt to the ground in the move. They can stay insane longer than you can stay alive resisting it.

July 12, 2022 5:26 pm

Oh yea, the compulsion thing – except when it applies to manufactured goods vs imports.

July 13, 2022 12:44 pm

“A massive extension of the state to encompass even more of the economy and and even greater amount of fascist bullshit in corporate boardrooms to ensue underway.”


It’s already here and called “ESG” – Environmental, Social and Governance.
This is where they tell your company that you must must listen to various “stake holders” rather than the actual investors. If you refuse, the “big boys” like BlackRock et al will sell off your stock and “mark” you as a dissenter, never to obtain finance etc until you relent.

They also insist on diversity, inclusion and equity (DIE – indeed!) – so you better have that black, transgender lesbian on your board, and you better have a whole lotta “woke” people in HR.

The reasons should be obvious.
1) these bozos now get to tell you what matters to your investors, and where you need to spend money
2) the market no longer has a say in whether price is more important than ESG issues.

I am unsure who, exactly, it was, but one investment house charges something like 10 times as much for ESG rated investment management than standard, yet the losses they have incurred as the US stock market recently fell was higher (23% vs 20%) for ESG rated investment fund. They do better, you do worse. Gee, I wonder why they push it?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x