Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
late nite funk. Greeeat energy.
Sometimes i ache that Australia does not have the love of self enough to unselfconsciously sing “Kalgoorlie-Boulder” like yanks sing “memphis tennessee” or “belmont” like “studebaker”
Any Western desert cats going to the LDP AGM tomorrow eve?
another stab at the linky…
Not. Floating and charging in neighborehoods not existed in since the childhood.
Then waking up occurs and it’s back to the weekly drudgery.
Running is like dancing, when engaged in it, you are utterly bereft of life’s banal idiocies …
Missus just got informed: PCR +ve. Slight chesty cough for the last few days. Slight improvement from initial symptoms. Myself RATS -ve. Took next week off since Son & Grandson are visiting from Danistan… now they are going to stay with a friend. He’s a tragic for govt advice plus works in a hospital so no bending the rules. Oh well, looks like I’ll spend the week cleaning grout whilst the missus is confined to quarters for 7 days. Might even install uber eats. I have to RATS each time I go out. Thanks McKlown.
Burnt my bridges with the missus re my view about the whole shamozzle… just get the death stare if I start to say co… or suggest the Zelenko protocol. A little experimental trial as to my robustness as I have been taking D3 & multi vitamins for the past three months or so. Popped the od Z-Stack as well as the occasional swig of (medicinal) spirits.
The crappy thing is I then have to go into an already scheduled work related 10 day hotel quarantine Starting August 2nd.
Agree with Maters comment on the movie The Gray Man. Good action, especially the city shoot out and tram scene.
Meanwhile just watched 1st episode of Terminal List and hope to finish the series by Monday.
In other breaking news, as per Courier Mail, Qld Police Commissioner has mandated 4th Vax for over 50’s and strongly recommended for over 30’s. Commentators are rightly asking what happened to the Supreme Court case that ended several weeks ago.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Bob Moran.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Matt Margolis #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Thanks Tom
Grey Man is probably the second best made for Netflix movie after Extraction.
Dunno how much was CGI/unreal engine or green screen but some of those stunts were awesome.
The only thing where I had to say come on, too much was the HK scene.
A property like that would be worth 100mill.
9/10 in the Oz quiz today.
Got this one wrong.
A Mexican michelada is often described as a Bloody Mary that is made with what instead of vodka?
The answer is not tequila.
Beautiful artwork for this thread D Beach.
DC Jury Finds Steve Bannon Guilty of Contempt of Congress, for Failure to Give Deposition and Failure to Provide Documents to J6 Committee
July 22, 2022 | Sundance
Obituary: A man of honour
By Fr Frank Brennan -July 22, 2022
Disney is giving Groot a show.
Has to be bottom of barrel.
Pete @1.am:
New nasal spray from Germany made by Vicks may help you evade infection. My husband contracted mild dose of Covid a few months ago. I used this at least twice a day – morning & night & gargled with Betadine . I did not contract Covid. Worth trying, though may be a bit late.
Good for you using Zelenko protocol. I really think anti histamine & Quercetin as well as your vitamins is worth while.
All the best.
Alice Springs stores rushed with customers as intervention-era alcohol ban expires in NT
These two events need to be read together for contrast.
(Zedlin is running for NY Gov)
P, I followed your link to Fr Brennan’s eulogy for his father and saw the above quote. The ordinary people have worked this out but our “elites” still don’t get it. World wrecking is not done by the powerless but by the powerful.
My wife and I made a pact only to smoke after we have sex. I stopped smoking in 2017. I’m a little alarmed by my wife though.
She bought three packs this week!
JC, the federalist said that the judge (Trump appointee, Clarence Thomas clerk) stopped Bannon’s team from introducing what was viewed as a large portion of his defence.
It wouldn’t have made any difference as it was a DC jury.
But still.
Had to Google what “incel” meant.
You know who’s not an incel?
Prince Andrew.
Or, is he now???
Must be lonely in the Balmoral dungeon with no internet access.
LOL, breaking news, dot is Rodney Dangerfield.
I assume Steve “Go Nuclear” Bannon will appeal.
After seeing the latest Rings of Power trailer I think amazon should change it from “based on the works of JRRT” to “loosely based on the works of JRRT”.
HBO release the GoT prequels in August.
amazon releases the Rings of Power in September.
I predict a lot of sword crime showing up in the crime stats by November.
Trump describes a thing of beauty – he will fire 50,000 US civil servants if elected in 2024.
From the Pro Trump Tim Pool
The reason why the Josh Hawley footage was shown at the Jan 6th hearings was because his wife was one of the key architects of getting Hobbs in front of the supreme court.
The punitive nature of everything in the DC swamp is sickening.
Early in thread I mentioned Qld police mandating jab no 4 for over 50’s and recommending for down to 30. It only went up at 8pm.
Can’t see the article online now. Can anybody see it? The evening moderators had let through quite a few negative comments.
Their ABC applauds a shit of an idea:
Gas getting too expensive? These people are making their own in their backyard
Stuffing foods scraps and poo into a rubber bag, letting it rot down, collecting the off-gas.
Bugperson heaven.
Technical note: Don’t try this at home. Biogas is about 30%-40% CO2 and will not burn reliably in household appliances. It also typically contains H2S at toxic levels which, when burned, will fill your living-pod with corrosive (and toxic) SO2.
From P’s link – Gerard Brennan’s obit by Fr Frank Brennan.
(Fr Brennan quotes from Gerard Brennan’s concurrent letter to a national newspaper about the 1971 state of emergency declared by the Bjelke-Petersen government during the all-white Springbok Rugby tour.)
Reflected by what happened in Australia over the last two years – our rulers attacked the law.
Where is the Royal Commission and the other proper processes of the law to call to account the instigators of these illegal actions?
As a civilised country we may not ignore such transgressions of the law, for to do so invites the greater possibility that the law will be transgressed again.
(P, thank you for putting up – a wonderful obituary).
Dipping my toe in the pond, so to speak .. went down with a nasty bout of the FLU Wednesday afternoon and other than several 10 minute torture sessions haven’t been out of bed .. sod of a “fragile” throat, waterfall for a nose and a coupla horrendous nights of fever & hot ‘n cold sweats but this morning tho not feeling “chipper” the worst appears weathered ! ..
still can’t complain too much as this is the 1st bout of ‘anything” since my last FLU back in November 2019 pre-BAT FLU dayz .. LOL!
Probably, won’t be swimmin’ or ridin’ for several more dayz but .. “Hasta la vista babe, I’m back!”, and still “pure-blooded” ..LOL!
Bern is it Mesquite?
It’s on the same level as collecting material from the grease trap for cooking oil.
Not quite the sunlit uplands of the future that we all envisaged.
Just checked paper edition of CM and the Police mandate story is on page 10. Small factual article but no comment or opinion.
Of course the big difference is that such stories can attract lots of comments if can be seen online.
If it has been removed then that either suggests somebody in CM did not like the way the comments were going or somebody called them to ask to remove online version.
Trump describes a thing of beauty – he will fire 50,000 US civil servants if elected in 2024.
Doesn’t seem deep enough.
Mate had council building inspector turn up and condemn a retaining wall at their house. Potentially a $100k to fix. He paid $200 and got a copy of the original permit and approval. Their building inspector had signed it off 12 years ago.
These people are complete scum.
is it Mesquite
Beer, Ranga.
They take out the vodka & put in beer.
Dr F:
It also typically contains H2S at toxic levels which, when burned, will fill your living-pod with corrosive (and toxic) SO2.
One of the reasons India wants our coal – to stop their people inhaling the poisonous gases when cooking that are released when cow pats are burnt.
A man who attacked Rep. Lee Zeldin at a campaign stop was charged with a felony and released from custody within hours of his arrest, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department said.
Lee Zeldin needs to get himself a CCW permit, potentially deadly attack if it wasn’t carried out by an incompetent leftist.
BBS, there is also the extreme risk of burns in India due to traditional dress. It has been a perennial problem with floor level braziers.
No wonder they want “modern” cooking and heating when you see the terrible cost.
We are lucky there is an election in Victoria coming up otherwise restrictions & masking would be in place by now.
So if DIY energy is ok now, especially if it doesn’t emit dastardly CO2, can I build a thorium reactor in my backyard? Please?
Radioactive Eagle Scout (2016)
Via Jimmy Dore, Newsweek published two articles in May saying this strain of monkey pox did not come from labs in China or Ukraine.
You know what this means.
You do realise that many of you are only now coming to conclusions that were presented to you nearly two years ago regarding the vaccine, and over two years ago as to what this really was all about.
What made you throw scorn and mock this information that you now see to be true?
When you can work that out, you may be able to bring yourself back sanity.
When you can be disgusted by the behaviour of Qantas and do so without one thought as to your own reaction and behaviour since 2020, you aren’t there yet.
You are responsible for the evil you tolerate, and what you comply with. You live in mental sickness when you live in lies.
Again, can’t argue logically so goes for character assisination.
You told us all Calli, that you stand back and let your friends make any decision that they want, and you respect those decisions.
I gave you a scenario asking if you would still stand back if they were about to kill themselves.
I’m the sort of friend who wouldn’t.
And you are the sort of friend who would obviously be happy to let him choose to kill himself.
I used an example of hanging, but I could have used the example of letting people who want you dead inject you with an unknown substance…….no difference.
None whatsoever.
Until you can admit what you’ve done, they own your mind.
They own you.
You complied, and you will soon be in abject mental mysery trying to defend the lie.
You are now, but it’s going to get much worse as every day reality smacks you in the face like a cold fish and it gets harder to defend the lie.
Socialism (totalitarianism) needs you to live the lie.
You sacrificed your bodies.
But worse, you gave them your minds.
You get a chance to say they won against you in the first serious battle of the Great reset, but in living with the truth, you get to live in sanity and you can fight back.
We are at war.
What part of “the enemy wants me dea in war” don’t you get?
Living the lie means you can’t even identify the enemy until it’s too late.
I presume you mean:
old chook
and my personal favourite…
comparing me to a slut you lured to your bed with lies about being a dog lover
Now that’s character assassination.
But it’s different when you do it, you Pureblood, you.
FTB, someone actually did have sexual congress with a monkey?
Quite the example of feminine idiocy.
If they have no argument, bring up the ancient past and character assassinate.
And the little bit about purebloods at the bottom is virtually a Fraudian slip.
Quite the hang up.
One might consider a nerve has been touched.
Answer the fucking question, Calli.
Would you be comportable as a friend watching someone take their lives?
Hey groovy girl, I mean it’s all about personal choice isn’t it?
What a cop out for piss poor behaviour.
Kickbacks, anyone?
Money Pit: Zelensky govt signals intent to default on tens of billions in foreign debts
I can’t imagine Dutton promising to sack 4,000 Federal employees.
But he should.
Mass sackings.
End energy mandates.
Low hanging fruit, why not?
That Commission of Audit basically got nowhere.
Repeat after me: the SFLs fund their enemies.
London to a brick 99% of culture war outrages are funded by a State or Commonwealth grant.
This is NBC News. It sounds like an international free for all.
‘The closest thing I’ve seen to hell’: U.S. veterans fighting in Ukraine describe heavy losses against Russia
Just got my cheque from The Secret Soros-Gates-Xi-Lizard Overlord Foundation for the Gradual but Unstoppable Subjugation of the Human Race for Nefarious Purposes.
Now that I have been paid I am raring to go for a weekend of traitoring.
I think I shall go to Maccas where they have that ball pit where people leave their kids, and tell the kids to pester their parents with demands for vaccine shots or they won’t believe they love them.
Should be fun.
And very traitorous.
And another;
I’ll just let the comments stand on their own merits.
Readers can make up their own minds.
the revenge of the shape rotators (part 1)
how memes can save the world
There’s a link to Part 2 at the end.
From The Age
Mark Latham talking sense again:
In this trip through Western NSW it’s hard to know where to begin in describing the problems in Indigenous education.
The NAPLAN and other results are dismal, teacher and principal turnover is non-stop, classroom practice is bewildering, and learning engagement (offering vocational courses for teenagers disengaging from the academic curriculum) is often non-existent.
But the greatest failure, tragically, is in attendance rates. We have visited high schools where only one-third of the students were present, two-thirds missing for the day.
Obviously no one can get a good education if they don’t turn up regularly. Five years ago the NSW Government started an experiment with Indigenous-run schools, called Connected Communities, with the local Aboriginal leadership (AECG) in charge.
The theory was to make the schools so culturally sensitive and appealing that the students would be keen to attend and learn. This has been a hopeless failure.
We have heard plenty of excuses for the low attendance rates at the 5 Connected Community Schools visited but none of them stack up.
As a leader in Brewarrina said, “I know my family culture and that of my people, it’s my job to teach that to my children. The teachers at this school need to do their job in teaching literacy, science, history and vocational so one day my children get good qualifications and jobs. We waste too much time worrying about culture and politics at this school.”
He’s not a fan of Connected Communities (which started with 18 schools in NSW but has now doubled, some at schools with only 10% Indigenous students, although in Western NSW these are 85-98% Aboriginal schools).
It is said that Menindee near Broken Hill is a successful Indigenous-run school because the community there is united and plays a supportive rather than domineering role with the teachers. In Walgett the Aboriginal community is bitterly divided politically and once that embeds itself in the school, as it has, it becomes a disaster.
Walgett High School has the worst reputation in NSW due to the dreadful levels of violence, misbehaviour and chaos.
Families are leaving Walgett because they can’t send their children to the school. In Moree, problems at the high school are also holding back the whole town.
Minister Sarah Mitchell from the National Party has a heavy responsibility for the way in which her failed high schools are hurting country towns and people.
The solution?
Turn the schools back into being real schools, instead of cultural and political experiments.
Set disciplinary standards and expectations, and stick to them.
Pay the best school leaders and teachers to work in these schools.
Run vocational programs that engage every student with some form of learning.
Use the huge staffing levels (in some cases, a teacher for every 2-3 students on a school day) to reach into the Indigenous homes, going there, knocking on the door and providing personal tutoring if the kids don’t turn up at school.
Arrest and jail the drunk uncles, the sexual predators, who force many of the children onto the streets at night for safety reasons (and then the students sleep all day instead of going to school).
It’s an Australian tragedy to see what’s happened, how the cycle of intergenerational poverty and despair is perpetuated.
Answers are available. We need the leadership at all levels to save these kids and give them a decent life.
Mark Latham MLC
23 July 2022
I’ve posted on the old thread – will repost….
I actually remember all this. I also remember Climategate. Whatever happened to that?
Flashback: In Their Own Words Climate Alarmists Reveal Their “Climate Change” is A Hoax
This has been nothing but a deliberate attempt to crash the western economies from the start.
Getting pretty hard to get comments up Dover.
As you have had form in this area before, I must ask is it just gremlins or are you limiting the amount of truth your denialists can handle in one go?
Quadrant has uploaded a very good piece on the eradication of “mothers”, but here’s why I’ve been following Sall Grover for years now and why I think she’s just fantastic. Sall doesn’t mince words….
“If you think that women have penises, I won’t believe a single word you say about anything else. Because if you will lie about something so obvious, I will assume you lie about everything”.
Perfectly said Sall, and it’s time the rest of us stood up like Sall, like Katherine and like other women fighting this nonsense.
Bern I’m looking at importing Mesquite from Mexico but you have to go there coz their producers are small scale. That is not happening yet as won’t get jabbed. Have to send sons. They are not ready yet due to ongoing responsibilities. Also too much crap in wonderland.
There is an important panel discussion re Covid, the vaccines & Paxlovid etc on “The Highwire” (https://thehighwire.com) – Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Urso, and Dr. Pierre Kory.
They discuss the treatments – especially Paxlovid. Significantly also, Malone thinks that the current direction of the Covid infections suggests repeated chronic infections, rather than the evolutionary direction predicted by Geert VanDen Bossche. Not surprisingly, this has upset VanDen Boscche – though this is not discussed on the panel.
But this is compelling viewing for those who want to keep up to speed re where this is heading.
The role of Hawley, wife of Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, and the central role played by the Alliance Defending Freedom, are part of the untold story behind the case that overturned Roe and Thomas E. Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health, et al. v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
Getting a case in front of the supreme court is GoT meets House of Cards.
UK Government confirms the Triple / Quadruple Vaccinated account for 91% of all COVID Deaths since the beginning of 2022
You can’t handle the truth! Whaaaa, pathetic. You have the whole floor at the furniture shop to an audience of SFA but come here to bitch. Its all about you ken, or is it karen?
Normally I’d not reply, but I’ll make an exception here.
You make the claim that anyone who was vaccinated swallowed the government line about it’s safety. Anyone is welcome to go back and read my posts on this topic. It’d be a brave or blind man who makes that claim about me.
You weren’t in Victoria. You are chanting from the cheap seats. Very few working age people in this state could weave their way through the meat grinder without terminally damaging or destroying their family and loved ones.
Most of the people you are abusing don’t need to be convinced about the experimental nature of the vaccines, the long term risks or the evil of the coercive nature with which they were injected.
People had to make a choice between two evils. Most choose to mitigate the most immediate threat. I don’t know anyone (of working age and with children) who managed to escape the net down here. I know plenty who tried, plenty who sacrificed a great deal to resist…for as long as practical. I know men who lost their jobs over it, yet we’re still forced to succumb in due course. Anyone who has escaped it is likely to have a tale of a unique quirk which has allowed it to happen.
Do you think the men in the second or third waves at The Nek didn’t know they would be a corpse in a matter of minutes? They went over the top anyway. Sometimes we have to make rotten choices, and the sacrifices which accompany them.
I know I’ve got this shit in my veins, and I’m not convinced it was a good thing for my ongoing health, but I haven’t given up the fight. Continuing to abuse people for what is done, is illogical. Given that most here had little say in it, it borders on pathological.
I know some here supported the lockdowns and/or vaccine. I remember who they are. I treat their ongoing comments with the respect they deserve (in that light). People are waking up, the politicians have made this clear. If they weren’t, we’d already be back in lockdown with widespread mandates for the boosters.
The ongoing rancour is unnecessary.
It’s an Australian tragedy to see what’s happened, how the cycle of intergenerational poverty and despair is perpetuated.
It’s not an “Australian” tragedy .. that implies we all bear some responsibility! .. It is gummint (both State & Federal) with their polices of mollycoddling and subservient attitudes to 251s .. no matter what is dun/implemented it is and always will be a waste of time, money & resources ..!
How long does it take to work out that your average 251s only want more hand-outs without any reciprocal effort involved .. FFS!
How many 251s does it take to change a light bulb? .. NONE they’ll just wait until ‘whitey’comes along!
Experts clueless:
‘In May 2021, Australia’s chief medical officer, Prof Paul Kelly, described how Covid vaccines were our “ticket out of the pandemic”. Vaccination, he said, would give Australians “a life with more certainty”.
More than one year later, Australia’s Covid-19 vaccination rate is among the highest in the world.
Yet daily deaths from the virus remain in the double-digits. Hospitals are overwhelmed, aged care homes and the most vulnerable are struggling with outbreaks, and there is again debate about whether more social restrictions, including mask mandates, are needed to curb virus spread.
People wearing masks walk along a street in Melbourne, Australia
Why are there so many Omicron subvariants and why have BA.4 and BA.5 taken hold?
Read more
Infectious diseases expert and director of the Doherty Institute, Prof Sharon Lewin, said: “Last year, I definitely did not think we would be in this position.”
“I definitely thought that with very high vaccination rates and what we knew about Covid vaccination and protection against disease from other variants, it would put us in very good stead.”
via The Guardian
Heart attack while jogging, 35-year-old athlete. Sound familiar?
Paul Duncan, former Notre Dame offensive lineman, dies at 35
Just get bed rest, sunshine, supplements and reasonable amounts of herbal and pharmaceutical drugs.
The common cold. Easy to treat, including ‘Rona.
The following article discusses carrageenan, the active ingredient matrix in Irish Moss.
Carrageenan is a “family” of sulfonated sugars present in the “seaweed” (algae) we know as red/Irish moss.
From 2014.
Original research article
Open Access
Published: 12 November 2014
Carrageenan nasal spray in virus confirmed common cold: individual patient data analysis of two randomized controlled trials
Martin Koenighofer, Thomas Lion, …Tamás Fazekas Show authors
Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine volume 9, Article number: 57 (2014)
Unfortunately, some ignorant people want carrageenan to be banned in the EU.
Wait until they find out about eating too much protein.
Informed by my yr 7 that the clayton’s mandate for masks in schools has been declined by the masses.
Close them down and go to the convent school.
Following up on Maters reply to Struth. I remember seeing Mater, Mem, Megan and others at the Victorian protests, but strangely NO STRUTH. Why was that Struthy baby? Not enough testicular matter to travel down and support those actually doing something?
Well said Mater.
I’d say at least 1/3 of the people in my old job didn’t want to take the jabs, but had to in order to support kids etc. I was very fortunate to be in a position to sit it out, but can recognise most people were not. The animosity I have is to those who wanted it forced on everyone.
If I get this right, Struth is claiming the lone voice of prophesy.
My memory of how things unfolded on the Sinc Cat is quite different. I’m an irregular poster and don’t roost here, but I distinctly recall that, when Covid first became a thing in early 2020, there were extensive Cat discussions about:
Then, when expedited vaccines became a thing, further extensive Cat discussions about:
Then, in late 2020, when the EU started to talk about vaccine passports:
In short, the Cat as a whole (in it’s usual chaotic way) canavassed the unfolding Covid debacle very comprehensively – and was well ahead of the curve on most technical and political issues.
There most certainly wasn’t a gently mooing herd, milling around the slaughter house door, being harangued by a lone visionary.
Hey – it’s rssrsrs posing as St. Ruth. It’s always a conspiracy.
Coming up – ‘I’ve been banned’.
It won’t be as funny as when he posted asking why he’d banned – ignoring his obvious ability to post that question.
Thanks TE, that is so sad when one thinks how much money is poured into the Aboriginal problem is there anything money hasn’t made worse. When are Aboriginals going to start taking responsibility for themselves. Gough has a lot to answer for but every successive government has added to the woes of these poor kids. I wonder if Mark Latham as leader of the opposition had showed the same sense he does now the Liars may have been something instead of incompetent in everything they touch?
And Mater comes in defending cowardice and compliance with going over the top at the Nek.
Oh you brave soldiers of the jabbed, what have we done to deserve your sacrifice?
If any of you can’t see mental issues with this type of response, you are also pretty fucked up.
You have no idea who has or had the cheap seats, Mater , you parochial Victorian, as it differed from person to person, regardless of state as regards to pressure applied.
Get over yourself.
The damage you have done your loved ones , yourself, and your nation far, by FAR will exceed the damage you thought you mitigated.
You plugged up a leaking pipe so your family didn’t get wet feet, ensuring a Tsumami that will wipe them all out.
You fucked up, as did all those that complied and you’re too egotistical and proud to ever admit it.
Isn’t it funny how how my idea of not allowing the tyrants to stop us honouring our war dead gets mocked, while Mater claims to be an Anzac by getting the jab.
July 23, 2022 at 9:17 am”
Thank you.
Low ambitions.
‘Socialism has sat me on my arse (and porking up).’
The borders were closed, except they weren’t, and they might not let me back into The Last Holdout, as they are Big Government and Klaus and WEF and tYranny even though thousands of other people were doing it.
As the man said. Cheap seats, cheap seats indeed.
Concerning which the Cat was well ahead of the experts, at least one of whom is now admitting they got it wrong (see a few posts above).
Go back to bed you silly old fuck.
There were protests everywhere.
What were you doing while I lost jobs and livelihoods by not complying?
But, of course, many of you were special cases…..you had to keep your job.
Fine fucking good that’s going to do you now, you fucking retards.
Where were you at the many protests I helped organise and used my PA system for in QLD.
Go fuck yourself, you waste of space.
Typical Victorian, thinks the world ceases to exist above Wodonga.
By definition, I am an ANZAC.
Are you?
St. Ruth.
How’s the boat going?
What happened to those death camps?
How long till all vaxxed people die? Have you editorial rights to Zeee Media and the Daily Expose yet?
Have you and Clive mended the blanket?
Surely KD, you have something to say about Mater comparing himself to an ANZAC for taking the jab?
He’s just claimed giving into tyrants is the same as going over the top at the neck……
No mental health issues here.
Read the Irish Moss article.
If this doesn’t elicit a ‘we are us’ response, I’m not here.
I pull up a fair bit short of calling anyone who took a shot to keep the peace and stay at work a “jab scab”…
But, struth has a point that mass collective non-compliance would have dealt with the made-up mandate pretty quick, and it might be the only way for the fuhrers the future, if we can come together against them.
I’ll also pull short of invoking Nek or the western front, but i do think of it in terms of the english suffragettes, ghandi’s long march, or the Freo Dockers generally.
Never claimed to be.
And certainly wouldn’t claim to be a Gallipoli Anzac by submitting to tyrants.
You might be getting angry Mater, but direct it toward the silly bastard who made a wrong decision.
I expect that as the truth of what you have done to yourselves is too hard to ignore, you’ll all lash out, like emotional teenagers.
Go on, let it out………..
No, Mater said that by definition he is an ANZAC, and he’s right, and you cannot say the same.
The comparison was that the ANZACs at The Nek knew they were going to be fucked if they went over the top, but did it anyway for their mates (and in this case, family).
People took the jab so they and their families and businesses and livelihoods wouldn’t go up in flames. It doesn’t mean they liked it.
And I made it clear in a post at the time, anyone who got ‘jabbed’ after the ‘vaccine economy’ in Victoria came into being, had absolutely no impact on the situation.
All they could hope to achieve was to lose their job, their family, their existence.
You are right that people getting the jab helped create this mess, but only up until critical mass was achieved in the eyes of the politicians. After that, holding out on the initial shots was a one way slippery dip to impoverishment and destitution.
Bullshit. You said ‘we all had ancestors who were ANZACs’ and you claimed it on that basis.
Stop wearing other people’s clothes.
NB: What’s going to be your next Big Cause? Still sticking with nanowires? What does Madam Zeeee say?
Dot should Dutton sack 40,000 it would only be a start. Nothing would change. A plant I worked at in the early days had 450 employees with about 25 total office staff. 400,000 might be more realistic.
The camps are still there, are they not?
The vaxxed people are already dying in very large numbers and getting sick all the time as their immune systems crumble.
Get your will sorted out KD.
You’ll need to find someone to give your stonewash and flannalette wardrobe to as well.
Could be hard going there.
I haven’t got any stonewash, but you can have my jeans.
Apparently all yours get thrown out of truck windows.
In the spirit of the trajectory of Australia:
Genset of the week!
On second thought, they won’t fit you.
What happened to those death camps?
Palacechook has let a M$108 contract for the operation of Wellcamp. Which at present is completely unoccupied.
No-one here told anyone here (sinc did) to get the vaccine, though I’m guessing the majority,in fact, did, whether because they were in the at risk category and judged it prudent, did so to visit family or retain employment or for any other reason.
If that’s ‘supporting’ the vax whatever, I don’t care.
I welcomed a vaccine percentage as a path out of Andrews insane lockdown strategy, didn’t envisage, though I should have, he would introduce a required percentage that would only be reached by introducing mandates.
Still I didn’t vote for him, never have and never would, so don’t feel any responsibility.
Despised him and he stands for for a long time.
One of the reasons I left the country about as soon as I could, for as long as I could.
This was in respect to taking the jab, KD.
Remember, you’re only a boofhead ex Vicpol hiding out in Darwin.
You’re not that great at trying to wriggle out of the obvious.
Mater’s service was honoured by me by not letting the tyrants stop me from attending Dawn service.
But getting the jab and likening it to going over the top……..
You made a very big mistake and you made matters worse in the long run for your family and yourself.
Which you are wise enough to see…you can see the writing on the wall.
Your short term capitulation is going to cause you and your family more grief than if you had not.
It is straight talking, but it is the TRUTH.
Deal with it.
One dead or constantly sick Mater does not make for a happy Mater’s family….and usually means they get somebody else to do your job.
Where is the win, Mater?
“The vaxxed people are already dying in very large numbers and getting sick all the time as their immune systems crumble.”
I thought hospitals were empty.
You are right that people getting the jab helped create this mess, but only up until critical mass was achieved in the eyes of the politicians. After that, holding out on the initial shots was a one way slippery dip to impoverishment and destitution.
If 5% more of the workforce had refused the jab. Fuel at Melbourne Airport would have only been 8 hours a day. If 10% more of the workforce had refused the jab, it would have been unworkable.
Unfortunately Australian’s are generally scared sheep.
I don’t have any form in that regard.
Sneakers is in power till he loses interest. No masks in WA by the looks of it. It’s over.
FFS people, it is divide and conquer.
Get the plebs fighting each other.
The shits who are responsible walk free.
”The constitution is rooted.”
Struth has fallen into the exactly trap the same trap as those who had to comply with getting the jab.
Fighting the WRONG targets (most people here) is precisely what will prevent the necessary accountability for what has happened in the last 2.5 years to “flatten the curve.”
While there is reportedly a homelessness crisis among women and children due to dv necessitating a federal summit of big wigs.
1000 beds in independent living units lying empty.
It might not be everyone’s first choice, but it must beat sleeping in your car until you can get on your feet.
Doesn’t kill you but turns you into a bit of a sissy.
Sigmund Fraud.
Not the real thing.
Hello Struth,
Thanks for your retort, it confirms everything that we have come to expect from you.
Now do everyone a favour and fuck off. When you get to that fuck off, fuck off again.
By taking the jab they ensured they will.
My point all along.
Add their entire civilisation going up in flames.
And their own lives of sickness and early death.
It was the wrong choice.
And you are going to pay dearly for that choice.
Pay far, far greater cost than the cost you would have paid by not complying.
I’m not saying you would not have paid a price by not complying.
I’m still payin the price by not complying.
But short term gain for long term destruction of our world IS FUCKING INSANE.
You’re going to pay a much larger price by complying, and make us all pay that price, even those that did not.
And very shortly you’ll know without a doubt that this is by no means over, and the empowered tyrants are only just getting started.
It might not be everyone’s first choice, but it must beat sleeping in your car until you can get on your feet.
Absolutely, but never underestimate the stupidity and incompetence of our politicians. Wellcamp was a shiny new toy, now it’s forgotten. We have moved on to bigger and dumber things!
Does this mean that the unjabbed, like me, who have had Omicron should be exempt from vaccine passports?
Two new interesting studies out of Qatar in the last month show that natural immunity against Covid is better than recent headlines suggest, and also that (as expected) immunity created from a real infection lasts about three years whereas vaccine immunity may “last only one” (at best, and if that).*
Although people who caught early variants (up to Delta) are only 28% protected against catching the latest Omicron BA5, people who have caught some form of Omicron itself already may have 75 – 80% protection. And what really matters is that everyone who has caught any form of Covid has “robust” protection against severe disease.
but it must beat sleeping in your car until you can get on your feet.
No, no, no, sleeping in the car is the key to becoming a future Prime Minister! Just ask Kevni.
Don’t speak for others, shitfabrains.
Or we can go back and look at the upticks over the months previous.
Titans of CNC, very very cool!
Like Warnie and Kitchens, they don’t make it to hospital you dumb skank.
And in comes a pathological liar as the spelling Nazi.
Sancho of the slip lane.
Slowed down anymore trucks, ol’ road warrior?
From the But But But …Department.
The United Nations was involved in Russia – Ukraine agreement that includes allowing Russian fertiliser exports back onto the world market. What sort of heresy is this?
Is Guterres a latter day Jansenist? Assemble the Inquisition and prepare the faggots. Such apostasy cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Excommunicate the evil backsliders from the Holy Church of Green!
Just finished punch listing the distribution board. Now is now under a shed in order to facilitate approval. Looks like it belongs supplying a factory now.
I wonder what the Electrical Inspection Mongs will come up with this week?
For best effect, this should be said aloud in a Scooby Doo villain voice.
Hello again Struth,
You’re right, I shouldn’t speak for others.
Now fuck off and stop speaking for others you demented South Australian traitor.
Love always,
On second thoughts, Struth, don’t fuck off.
Your self-induced dementia is a warning to us all.
The Greens insist the north west shelf expansion project must be stopped because it cannot meet the IEA’s 2050 emissions targets.
The same IEA recommends nuclear power wherever it is feasible.
There was some discussion last evening on Ana de Armas.
Being previously unknown to me (which is a failing on my part, as I am a fan of the genre), I made some enquiries.
Quite good. Not Jessica Alba good, but good.
Use Senator, who is an electrical engineer, slowly and carefully taking apart Pete Buttplugs EV fantasy:
How about me, unvaccinated but never has had bat crud? At least not that I know of.
On such things John Hinderaker has one today which covers a lot of what we now know. Not all, but a lot.
Kevin Roche: Pandemic of the vaccinated | Power Line (22 Jul)
Unfortunately the various health department nazis are still pushing all this stupid stuff. I don’t know how they can get out of the hole they’ve dug for themselves.
Right. That’s it.
Not that I was glued to that particular screen anyway, but the last vestige of interest I had in Russia vs the Ukraine just went down the shitter.
The teev is telling me that both have signed an agreement to allow Ukrainian grain through the Russian-controlled Black Sea and out to market.
The whole thing is posturing. Expensive posturing, but posturing nonetheless.
COR certainly speaks for me regarding St Ruth.
What is the rationale behind limiting mining and exploration for fossil fuels. Are these products entered onto the ledger as if we actually burnt them? Are the importers of coal and gas also totted up on the emissions spreadsheet? Is there double dipping going on here?
My comments about The Nek are obviously being misinterpreted, so let me tell you a true story.
I know this man (and I know him well) who is single and has two grown daughters. His attitude towards Covid and the vaccine are completely aligned with, and every bit as passionate as Struth’s.
Both his daughters are single, but they have financial commitments (like everyone). Both daughters were thrown out of work due to not getting vaccinated. They were on their last legs financially, and contemplating getting the jab, when Dad stepped up to get the jab so he could continue to work (trade), and pay both their bills. He has managed to steer his daughters through the mess without them being vaccinated.
He was/is justifiably concerned about fertility issues in young, vaccinated women.
He put his daughters wellbeing, and potentially their future, before his own health and principles.
I see this as incredibly commendable and selfless. He was forced to make a choice.
Ongoing rancour towards anyone who got stabbed, does an incredible disservice to such people.
You’ve got to be accountable for your own actions before you look at others.
I’m not fighting people here.
It’s just some are useless for the fight while in denial.
Mater has got the brains and strength of character to realise in hindsight, now the reports on who’s getting sick and dying (and it’s all the jabbed) SADS….FFS……to be getting angry.
He and those like him will realise they made a very fucking big mistake, and will look back and say “what was I thinking, nothing is worth this misery”
If he’s still alive.
I understand that is a harsh thing to say,…of course I do, but to prosecute the argument and to emphasis the true gravity of the situation, …..these people at war with us are not fucking around.
It’s the dribbling, arrogant cretins who will never admit their faults, never admit what has happened and are lost in this covid insanity still, unable to separate truth from lies….because they don’t want to, these are the people holding the others back.
A handful of others and myself have been yelling fire for two years and have been scoffed at, and now people can see the flames for themselves.
Facts are facts.
These injections are going to make you extremely sick.
Many will die.
Millions already have…..one year down the track…….only in the first year.
So the question is….
Are you going down in delusion without a fight?
Are you going to let them starve us out, and accept the reasons they offer for doing so?
Are you going to go without fuel food and medicine and blame Putin?
While still denying the WEF and Klaus Schwab?
If you cannot accept these people are at war with us, just maybe it’s because you’d then have to accept you took a jab from them, and all that then entails.
Smart move on their part, you have to give them that.
I really feel for you….that is, and would be mind blowingly difficult to accept.
But in doing so comes sanity, and freedom.
Facts are facts.
This will sound cruel but the message is liberating.
Even if you have given them your body……and you don’t know how long you have….none of us do……never let them have your minds.
They owned your mind when you let them jab you.
Get your minds back.
People are insane all around you, but if you are not, you are free.
You might be sad, depressed, etc at the state of the world but you’ll be free in the knowledge they don’t own you.
They can’t manipulate you.
That’s all I want to say.
Scared sheep with a “whatever it takes” disposition.
I give you a great example of the fear of reality expressed here daily.
Trying to post content but getting this error:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
It’s a story from the Weekend Oz about a supposed massacre in WWII New Guinea. Tried posting it without the hyperlink but same error. Hmmmm.
There’s a lot of money to be made by corporate interests farming subsidies for the renewables that are putatively slated to replace fossil fuels at some point beyond the twelfth of never.
Since the average person might, quite rightly, baulk at that, it’s framed as saving the planet.
Anyone who demurs must, then, not want to save the planet.
As for the ledgering, I’ll leave that up to those more familiar with the process.
Still haven’t heard of any fReeDOm FIghTERs doing the XR Rebellion thing
at their local vax centre.
You weren’t reading accurately if you think I didn’t suspect/know all this BEFORE I got the shot.
Sitting there getting it ranks as the most unforgettable moments of my life. I will never forget it. I will never forgive it. Anyone who supported it, will forever be of questionable and suspicious character, in my books.
Don’t for a minute think you had a unique insight. We just had different circumstances to deal with when it went down.
Steve Bannon Joins Tucker Carlson For His First Interview Since Guilty Verdict
h/t Poso
Welcome to the club
It’s obvious, TE. Dover has banned you for dissent.
Only a mentally sick denialist would think otherwise.
How are things shaping up in Japan, Carpe?
Carrageenan nasal spray in virus confirmed common cold: individual patient data analysis of two randomized controlled trials
Dot, the only form of Carrageenan I could obtain during the last 2 years was a bottle of the old Bonningtons Irish Moss – & then I obtained i think the only remaining bottle in a pharmacy in Sydney!
I would have loved the nasal spray – though I think the new “First Defence” spray from a German branch of Vicks is terrific – it certainly played a part, I believe, in preventing infection when husband acquired mild Covid a few months ago.
These sayings might have something to do with it…
– Gian Giacomo Trivulzio
– Hermocrates of Syracuse
– Cicero
Anybody else going to the Traitors Club Benefit Dinner tonight? It is raising money for widows and orphans.
Hey, we might be treacherous treasonous traitors ready to betray the human race for personal gain, but we aren’t monsters.
It’s terrific here, 27 degrees at the moment and heading down to Kobe harbour to take the boat out.
It’s odd that in the cities it’s mask frenzy but here at Arima no one bothers. Otherwise life is completely normal.
LDP had a win at the elections and now has solid control in the Diet.
Life is good, not looking forward to going back to work on Monday after a week off.
Much talk on the old fred about one Steven Cleary taking to Plod with a baseball bat.
Let’s be clear, I am no fan of VikPlod.
But Cleary is not someone you want to be putting on a pedestal, according to trusted sources on the innernet (my cousin on FB who lives down that way).
Hair trigger lunatic.
Things which cause him to go off:-
.1 Neighbours playing music “too loud”. (Neighbours playing anything at 7 p.m).
.2 Neighbours complaining about him playing weird noises at volume eleventy at 2 a.m.
.3 People occupying “his” barstool/parking spot/whatever. By “his”, we mean him turning up ten minutes after the event and deciding that’s the one he wants.
.4 The postie who puts letters in the letterbox from “the authorities”.
.5 The rest of the world.
And when I say “go off”, refer to the video.
There is also a picture of a sign on his gate in which he proclaims himself “King Steven”. Batshit crazy SovCit stuff.
Opinion is divided as to whether he is genuinely mentally ill, or whether it is confected to deflect attention from his shitty behaviour.
He does stand (or fall if necessary) though, rather than just talk about it.
Why are there so many Omicron subvariants and why have BA.4 and BA.5 taken hold?
All the experts are “winging it”, but Malone reckons that Omicron was not a variant of Delta at all.
So why are the BA 4 & 5 “variants” taking hold now? My partly educated “take” on his explanation is that the vaccines have severely compromised the immune systems of the vaccinated. I havnt read the two latest Qatar studies, but I understand that is what they are indicating.
This is why it is likely that the unvaccinated ( if they have robust immune systems) are unlikely to routinely contract these variants.
And yet Sancho has free rein.
Makes you wonder, eh?
I have a bottle in my desk drawer on standby. Certainly looks promising. Bought it to ward off a cold but is also occurred to me that it might work with other coronaviruses.
From reading the many responses, I assume that Struth has, yet again, been waxing eloquent on the general nastiness of anyone who got jabbed, regardless of the personal circumstances that might have effectively forced them into that position.
Has he started distributing white feathers yet?
Message for Struth: You might find satisfaction in playing the role of the Lone Holdout, but to win this war you will need some Faithful Sidekicks. Random abuse will not win any potential Faithful Sidekicks over, it will just get the reaction: “Waddya mean ‘we’ paleface?”
PS, would someone let me know if he reacts to this, so I can scan back and read the reaction. Idle curiosity abounds.
Dot, the only form of Carrageenan I could obtain during the last 2 years was a bottle of the old Bonningtons Irish Moss – & then I obtained i think the only remaining bottle in a pharmacy in Sydney!
Nurse McCready’s surgical bruise lotion comes to mind.
“Only the best at this house – delicious”
Just a thought.
If my immune system is so severely compromised, why am I not sick? I should be vulnerable to everything and anything going around.
Daily Mail.
Lone hold out??
There’s millions of us.
My answer to you Mater, is at the furniture shop because it won’t post here.
If my immune system is so severely compromised, why am I not sick? I should be vulnerable to everything and anything going around.
Calli, this is just one of the many questions that I think it will take some time to answer.
It is the same with adverse reactions to the vaccines. Many people have had varying degrees of responses – as they have been reported by our own Cats on this blog. My own granddaughter had almost immediate unexplained upper intestinal bleeding that an endoscopy could not explain.
Malone, Yeodan and others believe that particular vaccine batches were responsible for severe reactions. Others think that failure to aspirate caused some injections to travel beyond the deltoid muscle and into organs. Who knows?
It has been over 12 months since the first candidates were innoculated in Australia. Some of the FLCCC physicians think that by 12 months the spike protein will no longer have an effect on the body. For this reason, if you are healthy, you should not be affected by the current surge in flus & other viruses.
If they were good looking and there was genuinely no one around, I’d give them a pass.
Just got Internal Server Errored.
One’s called Shameka. Long odds.
Do you DARE argue with the real knowledge of the Daily Exposé? (Now only nine days to destruction, folks; get that wallet out.)
The knowledge that THEY don’t want you to know.
Calli – Only the T lymphocytes that bind with the vaccine spike seem to be killed off. They, though, appear to be the ones built up by the immune system after past coronavirus infections: and are the first responders who squelch a nascent infection before it gets going. So losing that population of lymphocytes would make you more vulnerable to the coof, but not to other viruses with different coat proteins, to which a different population of lymphocytes binds to.
So yes there seems to be a mild acquired immunodeficiency from the vaccines, but only against similar viruses. If people stop getting boosters I suspect that will revert over time as the T cells are reconstituted.
The vaccines do however produce antibodies, which are the other pathway to immunity. Unfortunately those antibodies seem to decay away much more rapidly than other ones – eg polio or tetanus ones.
Geez, how long did they have to wait for their court appearance?!?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
I had a friend working security at the Perth Casino eons ago…..the car park security cameras picked up so much the guys used to make there own blue movies from footage.
It has had me puzzled, Vicki. The Beloved is exactly the same.
We have both been out and about, down to Sydney, visiting the grandchildren (poxy little varmints they are at the best of times 🙂 ). Out in all weathers (golf and gardening), getting cold and saturated, cooped up in church and the shops and cafés. We are old-ish – 66 and almost 70. Nothing.
My parents, both 91. Dad at John Hunter for over a week – nothing. Mum cruising around the shops, hairdressers etc. Nothing.
All my friends have been sick, my younger family ditto.
Naturally, I won’t keep quiet if I succumb – at least it will add to the anecdotal record here.
To my surprise, the young couple consist of a macho dude and a pretty, healthily slim blonde.
Shoot. They were not the toothless underclass I expected.
I hope they get married (and stay at together) and have lots of kids.
A recent German study found vaccine induced antibodies were negligible after three months.
Struth said “I’m not fighting people here” which is hilarious. He literally comes here every day to insult people over their decisions. Mention you took the jab to visit your elderly father or keep a job and you can guarantee he will jump in to berate you. It is deranged behaviour.
I liked Maters original post regarding Struth as said it so well. The father story was good to hear about.
I had a conversation earlier today that indicates the problem. Guy says we were never told the Vax would prevent the virus. I say I can forward him clips with Biden, Fauci and head of CDC saying just that. Does not want to know and still thinks he is right. Previously telling me how corrupt Trump was but never heard of Hunter laptop. Simply can’t tell people like that. He has happily vaxxed his teenage boy but has no idea the kid has more chance to be injured by Vax than the virus.
The Government has been able to convince people by coercion and by the fact most people consume little news and not bothered to research. I find the total lack of interest and knowledge by some staggering.
Most people on this forum know far more than the general public and we just need to keep spreading the word about where people can get information. It certainly is not from our mainstream news media.
In vitro, that is.
The Government has been able to convince people by coercion and by the fact most people consume little news and not bothered to research. I find the total lack of interest and knowledge by some staggering.
Absolutely true. And it applies to well educated people. It does my head in.
I also suspect it particularly applies to Aussies. It has been one of the most soul destroying aspects of this dreadful saga.
I’m not fighting people here. I am NOT.
I merely say ‘I merely said…..’, and follow up by referring to people as traitors, Nazis, collaborators, sympathisers, denialists, fuckwits and shallow cock smokers.
Can’t see the problem.
27 degrees.
To outdoor pursuits!
That’s it.
Run away you traiterus* Kokksmokker!
* Actual spelling according to Maritime Law.
I was getting the same error. In my case I narrowed it down to a phrase in quotes where an exclamation mark was followed by the closing quote. The phrase itself posted OK.
Your problem may be caused by that or something else.
We’ve been through this many times. People got the stupid injection, often against their will, on the threat of losing their jobs and all troubles that loss of employment can lead to- losing your home and unable to support family. I was certainly bullied and blackmailed into getting it.
We’ve used Nasalite cream – a mix of antiseptic and mild corticosteroid – on flights occasionally, to help keep nasal passages in good order. Also as a preventative against bacterial and viral attack. Seems to work. My ENT specialist told me to use it post his burn-off in my nose.
It is over-the-counter stuff. A specific anti-viral may be better, but I suspect many other nasal sprays etc would also be useful.
Home remedies can work well for many colds. Friar’s Balsam inhalations are excellent, for example, in steaming hot water with your head under a towel.
To a more serious issue…..Have any ‘cats’ received a , please explain from the AEC for not voting in the last federal election? To date , I have’nt.
Shameka and Jake
I hope they get married (and stay at together) and have lots of kids.
Based on pre-season training things look promising!
Bourne1879 @11:39
I put up a link on the OOT – that was on the Highwire – a discussion with Pierre Kory, Robert Malone and Richard Urso. The whole thing is well worth watching – about 40 min iirc. At one point there’s a link to testimony from Deborah Birx – the blonde, scarf wearing doctor who was at all(?) the pressers with Fauci and Trump in 2020 – taken before the House Hearing on the Trump Administration’s Covid-19 Response on 23/6/22.
She was asked by Jim Jordan (R-OH), the following question:
The back to the discussion and Del Bigtree, on the High Wire:
B of N:
Thorium reactor?
First, secure your stash of thorium…..
BEFORE WW2, the German Post Office was running a significant atomic research project. Much of this was centered around Berlin, but traces pop up in the part of Poland now called Silizia, but which in the “good old days”, was part of “East Prussia”. Bits of it remain visible, to this day. Basically a three to four metre open-topped cube. Steel reinforced concrete wall about 30 cm thick. Filled with WATER. The top of these (and there were several) reactors was covered by a timber “hut” which housed monitoring equipment and some measure of “camouflage”. The “containment” was about the size of your basic old metal rubbish bin and there was a hoist of sorts to “adjust” the core. The exterior of the concrete walls was covered by heavy sand ramped up on all sides.
If you think that is not agricultural enough, The original Manhattan Project pile was built in a space under a sports arena stadium and used baulks of TIMBER for ‘”screening” outside the water bath. The usual suspects are STILL disseminating Soviet anti-Nuke propaganda from the 1950s. Ably and WILLINGLY aided by the entire LSM and most of Hackademia.
Today’s Sydney races at Randwick abandoned due to the autumn deluge that never stopped.
The drawn Freo/Richmond match last night was a beauty. 1 minute to go, any score to win and the Richmond player goes back to take his kick at goal, runs out of time so the umpy blows the whistle, puts him off the kick which gets smothered.
Some buggerising around, still any score to win and a young Richmond player takes a mark near goal just before the siren, doesn’t go back to take a shot but immediately plays on and as he does the siren sounds, game over no score.
Match drawn.
Princesses are getting into strife quite a lot lately.
Coral Princess stranded off Brisbane (23 Jul)
Thousands of passengers are stranded aboard the Coral Princess cruise ship unable to dock in Brisbane due to wild weather. Waves of up to 6.5 metres have been recorded in the harbour – preventing the vessel from coming into shore.
I remember when another shipping line was in similar woes. We unkindly called them Regurgitation Of The Seas after several bouts of the trots went around their passenger manifests. With a swell like Brissie is getting the Coral Princess passengers may be chundering enthusiastically too.
So is letting the government jab you to death.
You might expect people to make uncomplimentary observations regarding such insane behaviour.
But not turtle head here.
Oops, forgot to blockquote the para after the link.