Plus they threw in the towel last time and we all watched Zac self destroy himself and any integrity that…
Plus they threw in the towel last time and we all watched Zac self destroy himself and any integrity that…
Trump warned them during his first term and they laughed at him. No sympathy from me.
Consanguinous breeding” is a REALLY bad idea.. Interestingly, most “traditiona” / nomadic poples had strict taboos on the matter. Every…
Israel wants Hamas to release half of the remaining hostages in return for a promise to negotiate a lasting truce.…
That would be because he is a knobhead From now on, thanks to WA premier Cook, every Labor politician should…
If you haven’t visited CL’s place in the last few days do yourself a favour. His Ghost of Geeveston is a cracker.
Vicki, also:
“Wall Street” is always worried. It’s worry wart central. Wall Street was up this past week – healthily so. “Wall street” is very worried about the winter though. 🙂 Climbing a wall of worry is good for stocks.
I thought you said you preferred brunettes.
Apparently the muppets are a hotbed of racism now too.
The poor bastard in that suit, hot, sweaty, close to zero visibility and pre-occupied with warning off someone who wanted to pass them a baby for a photo…..
Miss Ellie is a brunette.
It doesn’t hurt that I have received a 25% pay rise, more super and less stress.
Now you tell me, Rabz.
Yet Bert and the Ernie apparently essayed same personage relationships many moons ago.
Collectivists are completely batshit crazy.
Every time “consoivatives” concede ground, the insanity is amplified (again) …
From last night.. Honest question, have you traveled on Qantas since the 90s because your (delusional) opinion on the airline just doesn’t fit the facts? The food is relatively decent, the staff are relatively nice and the planes are relatively pretty good. You really do live in a parallel universe.
Gonzalo Lira makes a bold prediction
2022 07 23 Zelensky Is About To Be Assassinated By The Americans
July 24, 2022 at 5:12 pm
You should run. I’d vote up there to help you win. ? You go girl.”
I’m flattered JC but as those Cats here who know me well can attest, I’m rather shy……?
And, inexplicably, JJ Johannesen got the Norm Smith ahead of him after getting a stack of kicks but turning over 91.3% of them.
Newsom is the Demon I reckoned, would be the contender for the 24 nomination. Until this:
The fuckhead can’t read or write.
We desperately need to be able to punish people who write this kind of AGW drivel.
Supposedly the market would make the publication go broke, but it’s not happening and the nation is now in dire straits of misinformation and lies.
What to do?
Yea, I used to be hugely shy until I trained myself to realize everyone looking at me are just people. That’s all.
They’re no better than you and in most cases you’re better 🙂
Definitely not for knocking back, nor for drinking ice cold. Should be had at about the 7 to 14 degree mark.
May start an addiction to big malty belgian beers.
Here you go Rabz, take your mind off Miss Ellie.
Slipknot have a new video out.
Slipknot – The Dying Song (19 Jul)
Five million views in five days, not bad going!
Oh God.
Not when she’s essaying the greatest hits … 🙂
And you have a delightful sense of humour.
Go, Cassie. I would love to see you on the front bench.
That’s a ripper. Serious energy.
Poor ol’ Joff deserves a shout out – he’s missed this Northern Hemisphere tour for family reasons.
The Alice simply aren’t the same band without him, despite Miss Ellie’s magnifique efforts.
July 24, 2022 at 5:37 pm
Great news, Luzu! Congratulations.
After 15.5 years in the same job, I’m sure you deserve it.
Internal server error lost an innocuous post.
That’s pretty much a given. Still doubling every 2 or so weeks. Will be interesting how long it can double for.
A wonderful song, but just admire the craft – those lead chords.
The back wall is what one would imagine upon departing this Earth and ending up in Heaven.
Gaypox will double for as long as the government/media want it to.
At least, that’s what we’ll be told…
I’m sure the epidemiologists will be on the scene with their draconian recommendations any minute now…
And face nappies will be gifted all around …
Yeah no, you wrongologist imbeciles.
Go and insert a big fat cucumber up your collectivist fundaments.
We don’t give a rodent’s about what you preposterous imbeciles might opine – and have not done so for two years at least. 🙂
This is what independent thinking looks like.
What are the chances?
(Hint: there are no coincidences)
You called?
That surprises me, mastered or satiated their appetites I wonder. That doesn’t fit in with the common usage of the word Libertine, that’s not a term used for someone in complete control of their appetites.
The Roman goddess Libertas was somewhat restrained though she was the western manifestation of Ishtar who was a goddess of “if it feels good, do it.”
Ringtail a few metres from my front door a minute or so ago.
I’ve never managed to get one to be interested in food of any variety.
They come and go on via their own schedule.
Nice to have them around though, the brushtails ignore them.
Seems that the people of holland know where their food comes from:
Victoria seems to be suffering from creeping Mong. Face nappies slowly creeping back in. Please stop watching your evening programming!
A guy I know lives on Staten Island & commutes to the financial district for work.
He’s not minted but he’s living the dream.
It used to take him 45mins door to door to get to work (pre covid).
Over the few months services have been cut back so he reckons it regularly takes 80-90 mins each way.
He’s now looking at moving with a view that if it takes an hour plus to get to work there are better places in Jersey.
What’s interesting is he reckons the cut backs are political.
Staten Island is still blue, but not as blue as other parts of New York.
Who knows but imagine if a red district cut services to a blue area.
The screaming would be very loud.
When too much bombast is barely enough, Cats … 🙂
Tom Boyd was definitely in the top 3 players on the ground that day. 3 goals, 6 contested marks. His last quarter was sensational. He only showed his potential in the final series of that year. Within 2 years he had retired.
Rick I saw that on social media today.
Protests all in urban areas.
The problem the corporate media has is a lot of people love Amsterdam in the summer so the holiday posts on social media are hard to ignore.
Would you want to live in a pantisocracy? Or a pantiesocracy?
Well, JC, a lot of that stuff is subjective, and Q is a bit pricey.
But that wasn’t my issue.
It was the implication that a minor “crib” of six minutes into holding fuel reserve of thirty minutes was somehow evidence of incompetence by refuellers, or dangerous penny-pinching by Qantas.
Which is utter bullshit.
Titus agrees with me on this.
Just checking to see if I get banned for improper suggestions.
Billy kicked it for Billy as the siren went for a Collingwood win.
All is well in the world and the Dew has shrunk rapidly.
Bern, Staten island was always on the difficult side of a commute from what I recall. The ferry lands downtown and if you worked, say in Midtown, it was a decent subway ride. Still, not the worst commute. I worked with a dude (former Viet vet) who lived on the other side of Philly and had a about a 2 1/2 hour commute either side. He died of lymphoma and no wonder.
5 out of 24 travelling.
Shoot me now.
July 24, 2022 at 5:24 pm
My levels of anxiety have risen over the last 3 years of watching my society begin to disintegrate. No doubt about that. But today I made the mistake of chasing up Edward Dowd’s latest thoughts. Dowd is the ex Wall St trader dude who looked at the insurance companies’ financials as a result of Injury and Death claims in the US & realised something extraordinary was occurring. He is no stranger to financial frauds & his assessment of the extent of the Covid/Vax deployment is scary.
In his latest talk on GETTR he speculates that the water is getting muddier as the WHO and world governments begin to talk up the threat of Monkey Pox – originally a minor, very specific and easily treatable disease. He thinks it will be used to delay US elections in the Fall or to mandate postal voting. He says it is worrying Wall St.
Incidentally, Malone is apparently concerned that the genomic sequence of Monkey Pox, as in the SARS virus, may have been altered to make it more virulent. We were warned many years ago that the next global battleground will be fought with bio weapons in asymmetrical warfare.
Correct. They are spoilt for choices for excuses to justify fucking the mid terms. I’m offering good odds for their cancellation by the demorats.
Can you guys turn off the large print for the quotes. It’s arousing me.
Yes, Bear Necessities.
We could have a sensible debate about a deserving Norm Smith winner.
Picken and Boyd would be right in the mix.
But JJ wouldn’t be in the top half dozen contenders.
Ringtail a few metres from my front door a minute or so ago.
I’ve never managed to get one to be interested in food of any variety.
Just went to town to pick up some Chinese. The roos know I’m going for food and are lined up waiting to race across the road.
A roof mounted remote machine gun comes to mind. Going above 60km/h is a guarantee of damage.
I never was involved in the Qantas discussion, but just enjoyed you taking apart the hallucinating doofus. I noticed Hallward chimed in, trying to dissemble in an attempt his buddy but that didn’t work either.
No, my issue was in the latter stage of the discussion when Uncle Fester made some comments about Qantas that just don’t appear realistic to me. Qantas is expensive, but it’s service is not below par as Professor Oliphant suggested. At a personal level I’ve Qantas to be a reasonably decent carrier if unnecessarily on the expensive side.
I’ve found..
Got to bed really late this AM.
Woke at about 3PM.
I feel as if I’ve woken up in Lunatic World.
Jesu Cristo.
I worked with (and against!) a bunch of different Yanks over the journey and quite a few would have epic commutes like that.
I think most Australians will max out at a bit over an hour each way.
I occasionally used to do a 1 hour 40 from the holiday house, but only maybe once a month.
“May start an addiction to big malty belgian beers.”
Sounds pretty gay.
What’s the story on the Qantas “ran out of fuel” ..er… scandal?
Areff, Areff, Areff. You are a dreamer.
The Stupid Fucking Liberals have 21 seats — fewer than a quarter of the 88 seats in the Victorian State Assembly. They’re running on a ticket of mimicking the Liars – destroying the economy with Net Zero, abortion of demand, etc etc etc.
People aren’t stupid, especially the majority communist Victorian electorate.
If they want the Liars, they’ll vote for the Liars – not a bunch of weaklings the media has taught them to hate.
Apart from the Liars, the Stupid Fucking Liberals will be eaten alive in the inner city electorates by the TealFilth, for whom the May state election was just a warm-up.
Prediction: the Stupid Fucking Liberals will have 12 seats or less in the next Victorian State Assembly. They’ll be on the verge of minor-party status.
Go to the back pages and read the discussion you lazy slob. And don’t ever ask again people here to do the work for you. Know your station in life and accept it.
I used to be a huge fan of Qantas until they went completely PC- they were always a bit PC but they went overboard with gay marriage and aboriginal cultural marxism. Used to love their Melb to LA flight. Service was always good and it was Mr Friedman not Milton.
I’m flattered JC but as those Cats here who know me well can attest, I’m rather shy……?
Until you meet an unsatisfactory local MP, or aspiring such personage?
… May federal election…
Supposedly the market would make the publication go broke, but it’s not happening and the nation is now in dire straits of misinformation and lies.
What to do?
The media “market” these days is government advertising, Commonwealth, state and local. The classified advertising “rivers of gold” are now on the web.
What a stupid reply.
What are your aviation credentials?
Are you just making stuff up, or do you actually have background/formal quals?
Like a lot of Cats here, I’m thinking “What does our society hold for me?”
– Not bloody much.
What’s my place in Australia?
– You don’t have one, Boomer.
Is this the Nation I worked for for so many years?
– No – it’s a weird caricature of the melange of all the dystopian SF novels ever written.
We have no control over our destiny any more.
A stagecoach behind runaway Draught Horses on a meth bender, and the driver is a Bugs Bunny clone experiment gone wrong.
Perhaps the last couple of years have finally woken us up to our powerless reality.
There’s been several comments over the past day or two on a Qantas flight & something about fuel.
All these comments are referencing an event & assume some prior knowledge.
From reading these few comments, it looks like someone dipped into their bingo fuel.
However this is not made clear.
Y’all crazy.
.1 2.5 hr commutes. Boomer god tier.
.2 Nice QANTAS staff. Thanks, we all had a good laugh.
.3 Trumbole of the Failing funding the Teals is entire logical, my dear Captain Kirk.
.4 The “wireless” today suggested that Donkey Pox was the next COVID and ‘elf Authorities who have lost NO credibility whatsoever are vewy, vewy, vewy concerned. A world ‘elf crisis.
.5 The Donald Chrwumpphitler better get in and push for Hunter to be arrested and Joe! to step down, be impeached or 25th’d, so he reverse psychologises the left and their house ni@@a “comedians” like Colbert pump out an endless stream of narratives fortifying Kamala staying on as VP until her and sniffy lose in 2024.
Look, I’ll save you the scrollin’.
A Qantas crew flying into Perf thought they might chew into their 30 minute holding reserve.
By six minutes.
Called a fuel ‘mergency, jumped the queue of four (4)* and landed with 40 minutes of Jet A-1 in the tanks.
Total nothing burger.
But some say it was evidence of declining standards among refuellers or corner-cutting by Qantas.
I know, right?
* This was Perf on a sunny clear day.
Not LAX, JFK or O’Hare on a foggy morning with twenty in the stack.
If you are giving away unpopular yet valuable, small and easy to store assets, consider me as a custodian.
Pros: I like money.
Cons: If you don’t give me money, I will be sad.
If I owned that many stamps, I be a Mr Krabs, not a Plankton.
.6 languishing in a Kampuchean jungle (as one might be alleged to be) … 😕
Top Ender:
In a just and rational society, we would be burning Gender Activists in our power plants. Or at least rendering them down for candles or cooking oils.
.2 Nice QANTAS staff. Thanks, we all had a good laugh.
that’s been my experience- funnily enough thing seemed to improve under the leprechaun
You didn’t.
Scrolling (even though I read it all the first time) reveals nothing beyond a basic layman’s understanding.
Thank you.
So a totally routine event.
The skipper’s urgency is understandable – using even one drop of the bingo fuel would not be funny (unless CASA has gone totally softcock) – heck it’s not something I’d ever want to do, & I’m in a position to conceal such an event, & nobody would have the faintest idea it ever happened.
It would take quite a bit to convince me that a Qantas refueller or skipper made an error with fuel. Regardless of penny-pinching, of utter hopelessness with baggage handling, passenger check-in, or shortcuts in cabin service (all comparatively peripheral & minor issues)
Quite a bit – I’d not readily accept either sloppiness or shortcuts would/could happen.
“Y’all crazy.”
Been hitting the DMT again this weekend, Dot?
Here’s a small clue why bureaucrats and the SFLs inserted “Birthing parent” instead of “mother” in hospital documents:
Through investments in the techno-medical complex, where new highly medicalized sex identities are being conjured, Pritzkers and other elite donors are attempting to normalize the idea that human reproductive sex exists on a spectrum. These investments go toward creating new synthetic sex identities using surgeries and drugs, and by instituting rapid language reforms to prop up these new identities and induce institutions and individuals to normalize them (Instapundit)
You know what never runs out of fuel?
Catallaxians making a fuel emergency mountain out of a low fuel molehill.
That drama never runs out of fuel.
Go long the Greens at the next state election.
Lower house & upper house.
That’s Victoria & NSW.
Since Alex Berenson is back on twitter his substack has been non existent.
This is bad as his long form data analysis is hard to fault.
Now he’s back on twitter he’s shooting from the hip pretty regularly which is less interesting.
He’s been tweeting about excess death rates & keeps adding to his thread.
Basically saying all in death rates are up for the 3rd year in a row.
It’s not stupid. What’s stupid is asking for help. Go back and read up on it.
What a dumb question.
I wasn’t involved in the discussion, you ridiculous drunk. I said this earlier. What eggsactly are you quals though, Captain Driller.
I think I’ve linked to the right tweet.
Noted, Squirette – A classic.
Don’t blame me.
The national florae is full of DMT.
Sorry this is a bit long:
Indolent’s link at 9:45? this morning goes through (ultimately) to a review by Michael P. Senger on his substack, of Deborah Birx’s, the former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, memoir.
His article is a scathing:
Birx…spends hundreds of pages recounting her clandestine political maneuvers—from the day she stepped foot in the White House—to get as much of America as possible to stay in lockdown for as long as possible, without making it look like a “lockdown.”
Birx proudly recalls using “flatten-the-curve guidance” to manipulate the President’s administration into consenting to lockdowns that were stricter than they realized.
Birx divulges her strategy of using federal advisories to give cover to state governors to impose mandates and restrictions.
Then, Birx recalls with delight as her strategy led the states to shut down one by one.
All that’s missing is the maniacal laugh.
In what may be the most damning quote of the entire US response to Covid, in one paragraph, Birx tells us that she’d always intended “two weeks to slow the spread” as a lie and immediately wanted those two weeks extended, despite having no data to show why that was necessary.
This is one of several quotes in which Birx refers to “our version” of a lockdown, though she never makes it clear what the original “version” of a lockdown is. As a matter of fact, though Birx spends hundreds of pages boasting about her scorched-earth crusade for lockdowns across America, she never once explains why she wanted this or why she felt it was a good idea, other than some brief asides about China’s supposed success using social distancing during SARS-1.
Birx’s apparent plan to almost singlehandedly destroy the world’s primary democratic superpower is going swimmingly until she meets the book’s leading antagonist: Dr. Scott Atlas. To Birx’s disgust, Atlas takes a strong stand for all the things she loathes most—things like human rights, democratic governance, and, most of all, freedom.
Birx lists Atlas’s “dangerous assertions”:
That schools could open everywhere without any precautions (neither masking nor testing), regardless of the status of the spread in the community.
That children did not transmit the virus.
That children didn’t get ill. That there was no risk to anyone young.
That long Covid-19 was being overplayed.
That heart-damage findings were incidental.
That comorbidities did not play a critical role in communities, especially among teachers.
That merely employing some physical distance overcame the virus’s ill effects.
That masks were overrated and not needed.
That the Coronavirus Task Force had gotten the country into this situation by promoting testing.
That testing falsely increased case counts in the United States in comparison with other countries.
That targeted testing and isolation constituted a lockdown, plain and simple, and weren’t needed.
That every word of Atlas’s assertions was obviously 100% true only made them all the more dangerous. As Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said, “One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world,” and nothing would derail the world’s communist destiny faster than letting these self-evident truths spread freely.
Birx frequently emphasizes her fixation with the concept of “asymptomatic spread.” In her mind, the less sick a person is, the more “insidious” they are:
Asymptomatic, presymptomatic, and even mildly symptomatic spread are particularly insidious because, with these, many people don’t know they are infected. They may not take precautions or may not practice good hygiene, and they don’t isolate.
As Scott Atlas recalls in his own book, A Plague Upon Our House:
Birx spends roughly the next 150 pages of her book recalling her anguish as Atlas thwarted her plans to keep America in a near-permanent state of lockdown.
Indeed, Birx’s memoir corroborates the testimony in Atlas’s book of the outsized role he played in bringing lockdowns in the United States to an end. More than anything, this involved standing up to Birx who, contrary to popular belief, did more than even Fauci to promote and prolong lockdowns across the United States. As Atlas explains:
The other day I put up a transcript from the Highwire with a link to Birx’s testimony before the House Committee. Throughout, she presented herself as only a peripheral member of the Covid-19 taskforce, though I did remember seeing her many times at Trump’s and Fauci’s press conferences during that time. What these excepts show is that she was much more central to the entire covid response than she expressed in her evidence before the hearing.
Sanger, says there’s more to come on who was behind Birx getting the position in the first place.
Why though? What an odd thing to get a bee in your bonnet over.
Bern , I don’t get his “concern”. The medical profession was either in hiding or totally obsessed with COVID throughout the world. Why is it a big shock there has been excess mortality. In a lot of cases, surgery other than the most urgent was simply put on hold.
Qatar: Muslims storm secure facility used to feed and shelter stray dogs, killing 29 of them
While the world goes to shit under the firm hand of biden the muzzies remain true to their principles.
It took less than 24 hours for Russia to launch a missile attack on Odesa’s port, breaking its promises and undermining its commitments before the UN and Turkey under the Istanbul agreement,” Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said.
Trustworthy lot those Ruskies.
Of course sexuality exists on a spectrum.
Errol Flynn
Shane Warne
Shane Crawford
Benny Elias
Herbivore men
Norm MacDonald
Ian Roberts
A little gay
Ian Thorpe
Gay AF
Bob Downe
Richard Simmons
Why do we need billions of dollarydoos wasted on teaching kinder kids about “women with headaches” (*abrozexuals*)???
Bar Beach Swimmer says:
July 24, 2022 at 8:23 pm
Birx must have a terminal disease.
Or a major brain malfunction.
I’ve watched a lot the Nuremberg trials & I can’t remember any of them gleefully admit their crimes the way Birx has.
PS, the Scott Altas book is a good read but he says that Birx & Fauci weren’t evil per say but incompetent.
Which is a cop out.
Broken windows and empty hallways … 😕
JC, that’s what I’m saying.
He’s shooting from the hip which muddies his great, in depth data pieces.
cohenite says:
July 24, 2022 at 8:24 pm
Add this to the long list of reasons to boycott Qatar 2022.
Yea, I know you were, Bern. I was just backing you up on that. It would be almost impossible to untangle these stats.
Why is it a big shock there has been excess mortality. In a lot of cases, surgery other than the most urgent was simply put on hold.
A quick scan of this data suggests that urgent cases were still being effectively dealt with. I can’t see people dying due to a delay in non urgent surgery. It might be painful, uncomfortable, irritating, but your haemorrhoids aren’t going to suddenly up and kill you.
Wow! I didn’t know Richard Simmons was gay! I never would’ve picked it.
Quite funny.
Berenson was always on Trumps arse about his ill discipline.
Now he’s back on twitter he’s shit posted non stop.
She should not be let off the hook for any reason.
See Hannah Arendt and the banality of evil.
To a lesser extent – and I do me lesser – we had Morrison the other day at Margaret Court’s church in Perth say something about it being best not to put your faith in govt. After what he put the country through!
I’m interested to read the next part about the bloke who got her into the WH. On Senger’s substack there is more about what’s in her memoir – she had great respect for the Chinese.
Oh definitely I can attest to that, very shy, and retiring, Cassie is a very courageous perpeople add to that an excellent cook , her french apple cake is absolutely scrumptious.
Incompetents? He’s being too generous imo – I’m currently reading Robert F Kennedy’s book – The Real Anthony Fauci. When I finish it I’ll let you know if I agree with him.
What a prick.
I have a muddle headed conservative friend who defends Slow Mo at almost any cost.
If it was Thatcher or Reagan, I could understand.
This truly boggles me.
July 24, 2022 at 8:24 pm
Through investments in the techno-medical complex, where new highly medicalized sex identities are being conjured, Pritzkers and other elite donors are attempting to normalize the idea that human reproductive sex exists on a spectrum. These investments go toward creating new synthetic sex identities using surgeries and drugs, and by instituting rapid language reforms to prop up these new identities and induce institutions and individuals to normalize them
Why though? What an odd thing to get a bee in your bonnet over.
They want to play God, the ultimate power trip.
Rick W
There was stickiness across every facet of the medical sector and where you experience stickiness you would end up with problems that are likely to be uncountable. I could well imagine lots of people putting off medical care because of this.
You had have a PCR test a certain number of hours before you entered hospital and they required the result, then there were a million and one questions. I put off a minor procedure because I couldn’t be fucked. I also put off a major checkup because of this.
I can well imagine others, especially old people saying … fuck it. I’m not doing this crap.
but your haemorrhoids aren’t going to suddenly up and kill you.
There was a Tigers player (NRL) a few years back who somehow developed debilitating haemorrhoids.
He had to sit out for a month & the club made up an injury as cover.
King, where are your people now?
So let freedom ring …
Earlier today KD described a “this town ain’t big enough fo’ the two of us” incident which resulted in three chaps being unable to maintain core temperature.
KD described them as scrotes.
After a little Googlin’, here is some background.
In December 2016 a man by the name of Stephen Johnston was badly beaten in his home, and died the next day in hospital.
Suspicion fell upon two people (Kevin Knowles and his girlfriend Amanda Bourke) who were drinking in Johnston’s house the night he was bashed. Eventually the coroner in Johnston’s inquest referred Knowles and Bourke to the DPP for consideration of murder charges, particularly against Knowles.
The wheels of justice turn slowly and Bourke ultimately avoided the courts, either as a defendant or a witness. She drowned at a secluded and treacherous beach in the area in January 2018 whilst swimming with Knowles.
What are the odds, eh?
The coroner in her inquest did not find against Knowles, but came close.
About the time of Bourke’s death, Knowles decamped to the little hamlet of Kirkstall* (population fuck all) where the combined Mafia Don and village idiot, Travis Cashmore, had been ruling the roost for a few years.
Four years of posturing argy-bargy between Cashmore and Knowles ensued.
Last Friday Mr Cashmore went on a more intense bender than usual, chopped down his neighbour’s orchard and then took out Mr Knowles and an unknown associate, by knocking them down with his conveyance, then delivering the coup-de-grace with his firearm.
Mr Cashmore then repaired to his residence and re-decorated the lounge room with his grey matter.
Self cleaning.
Ain’t it grand?
So, yes.
* I drive through this place on my way to Coastal Town on occasions.
I would have thought the only drug problem in town would have been OAPs losing their statins down the back of the Jason Recliner.
Correct me, but isn’t monkey pox specific to gays? Has it widely traveled across to the hetero species yet? 🙂
Concerned is one thing. Evidentiary proof is something else. Malone has been caught out peddling potential crap at times, so why believe him?
Also, let me posit this. If you going to create a pox that you want to see going around the world, why would you create one which appears to be very specific to gays? This has me a little confused.
It is Ukraine’s fault.
The globalists are quite happy for them to renege upon the Treaty of Erdine (1832).
Four years of posturing argy-bargy between Cashmore and Knowles ensued
Great to the police with their unlimited resources protecting taxpayers from this shit.
Let alone Gliberace, Peter Allen, Freddie, Frasier, Niles or their ol’ man … 😕
The problem the corporate media has is a lot of people love Amsterdam in the summer so the holiday posts on social media are hard to ignore.
I was thinking that they had made a bit of a blunder pushing hard mid summer. Easy weather for protesting and plenty of people about. I guess Klaus has his schedule and you just gotta stick with it.
That’s an interesting prediction, probably quite likely but not as colourful as my prediction….
Zelensky leaves the Ukraine for his Florida mansion (must be good money as a comedian in Kiev).
He starts a new life in Florida selling Zelensky-brand green T-shirts which, although eagerly purchased by the simpletons with the gold and blue flags on Twitter (obviously, West Coast Eagles supporters), the income from this exercise isn’t sufficient to cover the maintenance costs of his Florida mansion.
Hollywood comes to the rescue and offers him a starring role in a new Netflix series as a warrior hero of a nation besieged by barbarian neighbours, his co-star is Meghan Saxe-Coburg who is hoping the role will lift her flagging profile.
The mini-series turns out to be a dud so Meghan and Zelensky let it be known that they’re having an affair to lift the ratings, soon after she leave Harry and moves in with Zelensky in Florida. A deranged Harry Saxe-Coburg becomes a common site around NYC, he’s usually found, barefoot, outside the UN Building shouting like a demented man about climate change.
My crystal ball gets a bit foggy at this point so I don’t know how the story proceeds, but I think I saw glimpses of Greta Thunberg coming to Harry’s rescue, and a whole new story opened up for the women’s magazines.
All those kids calling him a fckuwit and a cnut has made him the man he is today. A sheep ot fish.
The duration of which he battled ‘rhoid rages …
Speaking of wallies who are definitely not gay:
No matter what I do
I end up hurting you …
Money. You don’t have trans ideology at the centre of politics without these same scumbags making coin through their associations with the techno-medico complex.
I would have thought the only drug problem in town would have been OAPs losing their statins down the back of the Jason Recliner.
Australia’s small towns are rife with drugs and feralness.
To be fair, a number of coppers worked tirelessly to keep Kev’s CV up-to-date.
His form sheet ran to fifty (50) pages according to my Googlin’.
But yes, ultimately the final solution lay with the chaps themselves and their self destructive traits.
King of Norway material there I believe.
10mins of dash cams.
Pretty funny/sad.
Save it for later, Cats …
Al Gore is pontificating again but this time he demonstrates what a nasty prick he is;
Yes, there’s a reason we call the Great Western Highway the “Ice Highway”
July 24, 2022 at 8:28 pm
Of course sexuality exists on a spectrum.
Shane Crawford
Benny Elias
Are you really rating yourself as more gay than Crawf?
And Backdoor Benny undoubtedly had heterosexual urges, though his method of expressing them suggests some degree of confusion.
King of Norway material there I believe.
Don’t knock the King of Norway! Mental health plummet’s due to lockdowns, so he bashes the facilitators of the shit show. At least he was on target!
It is pretty ridiculous to say Kelley Grammer is gay, and the guy who played his father in Frasier was a devoted Catholic who piously invoked God in every little thing so proof of his being gay needs a little more than magazine innuendo or insights like ‘he was not married – had to be gay’.
I would not normally be so animated with regards to someone preferences, except the man is dead, and cannot defend himself.
Local cops tell me I’ve got two of the local drug barons just down the road from me…
High Noon and The Professionals are shit movies.
Yeah, true.
I sort of think it was more larger regional towns, and this place is little more than a collection of houses on a potholed B-road.
Although I did glean from reading Ms Bourke’s inquest that the Authorities had not kept up their monitoring of her. Maybe these little backwaters have their advantages for certain types.
A large contingent of rugby league supporters now believe that the bunker is rigged. Bad decisions can be made in the heat of the moment, but when you have as much time as you like to get the call right, there are no excuses. A player runs into another and takes a dive and gets a win for nothing. The biggest farce since Italy broke a leg in thin air in the World Cup.
Correct me, but isn’t monkey pox specific to gays?
Yes it is. And I’m very worried about you, monkey boy.
“Australia’s small towns are rife with drugs and feralness.”
JJ didn’t deserve the Norm Smith, you’re right. Nor did he deserve it for sowing discord in the club by bedding another player’s missus (no need to prolong his embarrassment with a name). I suspect that was one reason we flopped so badly in 2017.
Anyway, one lives in hope. Like the 1969 World Series Mets, if the Dogs do the Corio Handbaggers next week, ‘you gotta believe’ they’ll hit peak form in the finals.
Just got to get into the eight and stay there.
Was Bunbury or Mandurah the ice capital of Australia?
Don’t be worried. Cronkite. Worry about yourself and take it easy until the pox is over the peak.
His on screen brother is openly gay and obviously so. Dunno about Kelsey, but the recent on screen gay couple was a one sided affair. The more animated was bunging it on, so you can’t just assume, but ultimately, who gives a flying fuck?
As my brother said about Ian Thorpe, “who gives a shit if he’s winning gold medals?”
Did the agreement include a pass for military equipment at their port? And how trustworthy are the Ukes? I saw Ukr supporters creaming their pants yesterday about an alleged encirclement near Kherson only to see today the Zelensky advisor admit it was crap.
Daily Mail.
Just over a week ago Margaret Court celebrated her 80th birthday.
Born Margaret Smith 16 July 1942.
A large contingent of rugby league supporters now believe that the bunker is rigged
Fun fact.
There was a 200k wager on the Cowboys @ 1.05.
This was the biggest domestic wager on a regular season game so far in 2022.
Unrelated to the outcome & probably fair considering it was 2nd v last today.
Not knocking the King of Norway at all.
In fact, two plum vacancies will be in the classifieds this week.
King of Norway and Undisputed Don of Kirkstall.
I mean the Don job is for life (however long that may be) and the King job is only a fixed term contract.
Tough choice.
Although, it’s a decent commute and with petrol at $2 a litre, I am going to need a travel allowance.
Local cops tell me I’ve got two of the local drug barons just down the road from me…
The local cops always know. Maybe if they put down the doughnuts, got off the speed camera and …..
Why would any copper say that?
Apart from big-noting, that is.
Funny that isn’t it…
On the thought of ‘policing’
If one were to do a face covering and dump a bucket of paint over the rear windscreen of a mobile speed camera, do you think anyone would object?
Hypothetically of course…
Will be interesting to see if the French Grand Prix is interrupted by climate change protestors like the Tour de France was.
Who would have thought bike riding was bad for gaia.
Tell us you’ve never lived in a small town without telling us you’ve never lived in a small town.
Quipping aside, it is not uncommon for small town coppers, particularly one-man stations, to make this sort of remark.
Particularly to solid local citizens.
He was sitting on my back verandah, at the time, beer in hand.
I heard it was Bunbury. Haven’t been in WA in years so maybe it has improved.
Just to shit you, sanchoid
1962 –
Margaret Smith became the first Australian woman to win a Grand Slam tournament abroad when she won the French and US Championships in 1962. The next year, she became the first Australian woman to win Wimbledon. Across singles, doubles and mixed doubles, she has won a remarkable 64 Grand Slams.
For all those who can remember:
A hit song from 1962 –
Happy 80th to Margaret Court.
One who was semi-serious about catching crooks, I mean.
I am less heterosexual than Shane Crawford until TISM sing a song about me.
If James Reyne “sings” about you, you’re practically Gigachad.
And, P, wonderfully, her record still stands.
Also, she was born, not in the west, but in Albury.
Sancho, you’ve never lived in a small community.
Leave it at that for tonight – please.
“Australia’s small towns are rife with drugs and feralness.”
WA’s South West is dotted with little towns heavily populated with potters and weavers, tarot card readers and meditation gurus.
Despite their charming rustic facades and twee little shops they are also full of junkies, dealers, traffickers, growers and assorted standover men. A subculture that makes Tony Soprano look like a petty criminal in comparison.
For industrial level drug abuse however, look no further than the stunningly beautiful “communities” of the Pilbara and Kimberley regions.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the State of Origin has seen thrown games and I watched a couple of fixed cricket matches growing up.
Too many hoodlums and scallywags bottom feed on the fringes of league and cricket. Unfortunately the dumber players socialise with these sociopaths.
So many SoO series are thus:
1st match; cringeworthy walkover of (say) NSW by Qld – objective Rugby League watchers unable to fathom how two matched teams turned up such a lopsided match.
2nd match; equally cringeworthy walkover of Qld by NSW – objective Rugby League watchers unable to fathom how two matched teams turned up such a lopsided match.
3rd match; Lotsa lotsa tickets get sold to the final match, & …. One of ’em wins.
The way it pans out so often like that, I’d not be at all surprised if some years from now a set of Hansie Cronjie style revelations are made about State of Origin.
Dunno who this bird is or her bona fides, but she’s rising up the ranks of contenders for my next wife.
And how do they continue to hide in plain sight Pedro?
Could it be because of local Plod gossiping about what they know or suspect?
Do you think everyone here is stupid like you, unaware that almost every single one of your comments is meant to provide cover for the batch of idiots you hang with? Let me disabuse you of those thoughts. Everyone here is aware just how objective you are.
And stop it with the lived experience crap. You’ve been told this before.
Yep. It’s a little known law & it really helps the drug dealers.
Dodgy drug dealers achieve automatic immunity from being busted should a cop tell his neighbour that the two dodgy looking drug dealers in the tie-dying shop are, in his opinion, actually dodgy & deal drugs.
Perth report-
People are fat and listless. Clothes are “forgiving” flanelle, trackies, or shorts and slides for the leg tatt displayers.
Heapsa beggars on the pavement.
Beggars dredging the cars at traffic lights.
Dreadful. I won’t be taking the kids there for any reason until things are cleaned up.
Sorry, missed a crucial sentence-
Complete lack of police.
Considering the last two years have been solid with solid podgy plods, resplendent with flak jackets and any amount of electronics and arms, they were conspicuously absent.
A combination of desertion and dishartenment?
Been nearly three years now, since I set foot in the CBD of Perth.
Like always, Driller is 100% correct, Sanchez. Tiny towns are incredibly complex – in fact so complex that at big city slicker wouldn’t even begin to understand the sheer breath of complexity. Multiples more complex than metropolises.
Breaking news:-
Prince Andrew has thrown his hat in the ring for the King of Norway job.
Stiff competition, but I reckon we can knock him over on the Working With Children Check.
Have a laugh-Harry Enfield Embarrassing Chemist.
I’ll go away and work harder on my banjo pickin’, straw chewin’ and cousin rootin’.
One thing I will give the King of Norway though.
At least he didn’t claim to be Jesus.
There are far too many Jesus impersonators going around.
Scandinavian royals?
Not as common.
Brand differentiation is important.
A thought has occurred to me this evening, I’ll leave it here…
If a young man is approached, told that he is to be conscripted to fight in a foreign war, under threat of imprisonment or death, who is truly his enemy ?
Is it the foreign army/existential threat, or is it the direct local/state/federal government demanding he go to war and die because they said so??
And how do they continue to hide in plain sight Pedro?
How would I know? I’m not a cop.
How they go about finding and arresting criminals is their business.
A nice story from pre-covid. There was a Netflix doco about Rodriguez, an American-Latino singer who was around in the 60s, who just disappeared. He was very big in Sth Africa and Australia but not much in the US. He fell off the face of the earth with all these mysteries rumors circulating about him. He worked on building sites in California and the dudes he worked with had no idea. He made a comeback but don’t know much about him anymore.
I wonder.
Oh, doco was called Sugar Man.
There’s something to be said for the stability which a dominant dealer/gang can provide. No big movements in price, quality, strength. Users can have a solid habit, their suppliers know that a client who can’t hold down a job or gets locked up or moved on for petty theft or scrimmaging is a client they’ll lose. Turf wars, and disruption to the habits of users with the knock-on psychosocial and criminal activity, can wreak havoc pretty quickly.
Not that I’m advocating a live-and-let-live approach
There was a big weed plantation bust here a decade or so ago, and my mum working in the Emergency ward let on that the local constable had released a certain amount contraband from storage, through a few low-level actors on the fringes, to keep the sudden supply choke from having the knock-on effect of habitual users suddenly looking for new substances, new dealers, new supply routes or of course chancers having a go at new business oppurtunities. Particularly, the danger of moving on from the silly smokes to harder stuff.
Why would your mother be in the privileged position to be told that, Walter? Sorry, but she was either making it up or someone else fed her the nonsense. There’s no way a copper would not cover up such activity. Being caught would be many years in the clink – even for do-gooding.
In the US (and I’m sure it’s the same here), the first most serious offense committed by a copper would obviously be murder, the second is drug dealing -especially second hand dealing , ie confiscated drugs.
Rhetorical questions Pedro.
No copper worth his salt drops casual hints to the public about “drug barons” unless he actually wants whatever “gem” he is whispering out of the corner of his mouth to make it’s way onto the grapevine.
Coz there is totally zero connection & interaction between nurses & policemen. (Proven by nurses & cops never marrying each other)
And cops never do stuff like put a story – fake or real – out to the underclass, for the purposes of influencing community peace, harmony & the ability of normies to quiet enjoyment of their life.
You’ve never lived in a small town, or you would know what you write is not true.
Why do you assume Walter’s mother was/is a nurse? She could have been a ER doc for all you know, you idiot.
Driller, a copper caught dealing in second-hand confiscateddrugs is a copper in serious trouble. There’s no fucking way a copper would be mouthing off in ER they’re going to put x amount of heroin on the street for compassionate reasons. You freaking moron.
Sure they do, but that’s not what Walter was saying. Shut up and go to bed as you’re being annoying now.
Broken, stay in your lane.
Stick to things you know about.
Making up stuff about things you know nothing about is the act of an Uncle Fester.
Stop being a Fester.
I do, which is why you always cop slaps and beatings from me.
You ruin every single conversation here with stupid self serving shit. You bozo.
I do. You don’t and hence issues here.
Is Fester still awake? God help us.
Should I file that under P for “Probably Didn’t Happen”?
Or F for “Front Bar Toppering”?
FBT I believe .
Loving the Tour de France stage win ceremonies. (Sarc)
Two gorgeous women flanking the winners is no longer tolerated. That tradition has been replaced by one (probably) gorgeous woman and one young man.
Both masked so I’ve no idea if they are a one-bagger, two-bagger, or traditionally gorgeous.
At least you can clearly see which in une femme and which is un homme, OSC
Late night stompin’ funk.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Andy Davey.
Michael Ramirez.
Tom Stiglich.
Pom James Graham on the bunker decision yesterday.
“That is a disgrace! That is a shocker,” Graham fumed.
“What are they challenging? The full time whistle went. They’re challenging the fact the fulltime whistle went? What are they challenging? There’s no decision to challenge.
“That is a robbery. There has been a balaclava, a sawn-off shotgut and someone’s gone to Townsville and robbed the Tigers of two points. That is a disgrace.”
Fun fact.
The decision maker in the bunker was Ashley Klein.
Also was the ref in all three Origin games who managed the game 2 result to ensure a game 3 decider.
Elbowed into giving crossbench extra staffers each
Elon Musk been caught rooting around again.
How long before Elon/Melania rumours circulate?
Dan’s sticky fingers all over this.
Victorian landlords selling up because it’s too hard and to expensive to remain on the market, herald sun paywalled
Anecdotally also happening in Qld.