The other half of the rainbow

Over the last few months Sydney has been drenched in rain, yet last week the rain stopped, and a blue sky broke through after days of dismal and gloomy grey, and I observed from my Sydney office the appearance of a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I looked at the rainbow with awe and was reminded of the parsha of Noah in Genesis from the Hebrew bible which says, “I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” And then I remembered how we now live in a time where the rainbow, that most majestic of God’s covenants, has been debased and debauched. 

I don’t think there is anyone on this blog who wants to live in a society where gays, lesbians and bisexuals are persecuted or made to live their lives in fear and consumed by self-loathing. I certainly don’t. However, I’m becoming increasingly fed up with LGBTQI+ activists and their progressive allies who are seeking to impose their far-left progressive theology on our society and their ensuing attempts to censor those of us who might not agree with aspects of the theology, such as celebrating homosexual sex, or sinister queer ideology or the nonsense that is transgenderism. If we dare to voice objections, we are quickly shouted down and smeared as bigots, homophobes, transphobes, and even worse, we’re constantly told that our objections to LGBTQI+ theology encourages young gays and lesbians to commit suicide.  I find such moral posturing obscene. Every day we are subjected to this ideological extortion and intolerance by radical fringe groups. I saw this during the SSM debate and as far as I am concerned, all the legalisation of SSM has done is to entrench and legitimise this extortion and intolerance. And they continue with their extortion and intolerance.  I didn’t support SSM and my decision was based on a number of factors, but one factor stemmed from the increasingly aggressive and militant behaviour of the LGBTQI+ lobby despite their hollow mantras about “love” and secondly and most importantly, to me marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God but even if you take God out of the equation, marriage in all cultures, since we came down from trees, was about sanctifying procreation within a structure, a structure designed to continue the family, the clan and the tribe. I remember being highly amused when LGBTQI+ activists parroted the “love is love” nonsense during the SSM debate.  Until recently, marriage had nothing to do with “love”, it was an arrangement based on clan, tribe, religion, social status, finances, procreation and to rein in and control sexuality among young people.  Marriage sanctified sex.  Males and females were fortunate if they did end up “falling in love” with their husbands and wives, certainly most of our ancestors would have been nonplussed at the notion of romantic love before marriage.  Sure, there had to be “attraction” but “love”, that was something that came later, if at all, and the love that emanated had nothing to do with sex, it was a love that flourished from mutual respect, mutual care, and shared values. 

Just because I’m happy for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to live in peace doesn’t mean that I should be forced to sanctify their sexual practices, nor should I be forced to constantly prostrate myself before the idolatrous altar of LGBTQI+ theology. To this I say no and never. Tolerance should work both ways and quite frankly, I don’t see any tolerance from the “Pride” side.  And, this is why I support the “Manly 7”, and why I regard these men as brave for standing up and refusing to wear a jersey emblazoned with a symbol that many regard as offensive, oppressive and sinister, a symbol of LGBTQI+ theology and identity politics that is becoming increasingly orthodox and totalitarian.

Rabbi Samson Hirsh, who lived in the 1800s, described the symbolism of the rainbow as follows…

“We must understand that the rainbow is at best a half symbol, the complete symbol would be a whole circle, comprising the two halves together”. 

Why isn’t a rainbow round?  Where is the other half of the rainbow? 

Rabbi Hirsh’s response, “God chooses this half symbol because whilst HE guarantees that HE will not destroy the world, HE cannot and does not guarantee that the world will not destroy itself”.

And there we have it. I have long wondered why the rainbow we see in the sky isn’t a whole circle and why it has been appropriated and now I know. The progressive theology that wants to dominate us has appropriated the other half of the rainbow and they are using it to destroy our families and our culture. God will not step in and save us as we slowly and inevitably destroy ourselves. That’s the deal. So, like the Manly 7, we must stand firm, we must resist.  And if we’re called names, so be it.

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July 28, 2022 6:06 pm

hear hear.

Good on the 7.

Would Manly celebrate religious diversity with a jumper? I suspect not.

July 28, 2022 6:10 pm


Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
July 28, 2022 6:19 pm

Amen Cassie

July 28, 2022 6:20 pm

I don’t think there is anyone on this blog who wants to live in a society where gays, lesbians and bisexuals are persecuted or made to live their lives in fear and consumed by self-loathing.

The problem, Cassie, is that the Poofter Industrial Complex does not believe in live and let live. Unlike the old, unpolitical poofs who, just like the normies, just want to be left alone, the militant male Poofter Industrial Complex wants everyone to figuratively suck their cocks.

Whatever it takes to achieve access to children, which is their long-term aim.

If you thought it would end with the popular sanctification of gay marriage, what is happening now is your answer: SUCK. MY. COCK.

Apologies for the language.

July 28, 2022 6:21 pm

How did God’s symbol when pairs of creatures were saved so they could populate the world for ever, how did that become the symbol for pairs that are inherently infertile.

July 28, 2022 6:27 pm

Cassie that was marvellous.
I am recently retired and “shopping my wardrobe ” by making things I like fit, and “shopping my stash” by sewing up fabric purchased years ago. At the beginning of winter, I knitted myself mittens in glorious leftover wool colours, orange and turquoise, blues, greens, purples and yellow. We walk most days, but hubby does not like to be beside my mittens. I have had some encouraging thumbs up from fellow walkers, but i have to say, on the whole, I am embarrassed to wear them. How depressing !

July 28, 2022 6:45 pm

Nice post as always, Cassie.

They’re stealing words and applying different meanings. The first was “gay” and it hasn’t stopped since. Now, the rainbow has to have an association with them.

July 28, 2022 6:56 pm

July 28, 2022 at 6:20 pm
I don’t think there is anyone on this blog who wants to live in a society where gays, lesbians and bisexuals are persecuted or made to live their lives in fear and consumed by self-loathing.

The problem, Cassie, is that the Poofter Industrial Complex does not believe in live and let live. Unlike the old, unpolitical poofs who, just like the normies, just want to be left alone, the militant male Poofter Industrial Complex wants everyone to figuratively suck their cocks.

Whatever it takes to achieve access to children, which is their long-term aim.

If you thought it would end with the popular sanctification of gay marriage, what is happening now is your answer: SUCK. MY. COCK.

Apologies for the language.

Apparently now it’s homophobic to ask how underage children ended up with monkeypox. I’m reminded of the various memes about “and suddenly, for no reason at all……Hitler”

July 28, 2022 7:39 pm

Every day we are subjected to this ideological extortion and intolerance by radical fringe groups. I saw this during the SSM debate and as far as I am concerned, all the legalisation of SSM has done is to entrench and legitimise this extortion and intolerance.

I remember at the time some were saying that SSM was just the start of the slippery slope.
Of course many leftists claimed that that was nonsense and that legalising SSM would be the end of homosexual activism and that they would not make further demands.
That was a lie.
Now the gay lobby is attempting to proselytise the general public, and demand that we (or at least disinterested parties, such as football teams) endorse their lifestyle publicly, whether we want to or not.

July 28, 2022 7:58 pm

Very well said, yet again, Cassie. It is no longer permitted to have a belief in biblical teachings, one must bow to the ever escalating demands of the mob. I admire the stance taken by the objecting players and support their right to refuse to compromise their commitment to their Christian teachings.
However, as my pedant brain is yelling at me, ALL rainbows are full perfect circles, the horizon limits our view of the entirety of it. Even so, I do love Rabbi Hirsch’s explanation of its symbolism and will bring it to mind whenever I see my half of the rainbow.

local oaf
July 28, 2022 8:11 pm

The gay/trans activists don’t want tolerance or acceptance or inclusivity, they want victory over those they see as their enemies. Primarily Christians, but anyone who doesn’t applaud them and their specialness.

July 28, 2022 8:12 pm

Cassie: I think you might be over reacting. A few blokes aren’t paying footy tonight. The club made no effort to force them to play. A few people are upset. A few people are happy.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
July 28, 2022 8:21 pm

Tom – I am beginning to fully understand what happened in The roaring 20s and in Adelaide in the 70s and early 80s.
I caught up with a former client who has re accepted Christianity after a life devastating experience being a green socialist.
He was telling me the night of the burning books in Germany were medical books written by Jewish doctors detailing the physical changing of one’s sex, in particular males to females.
I think of Putin invading Ukraine because the US put in a gay who fuelled Nazis to bash murder and rape the Russian populations in Ukraine.
Adelaide in the 70 and early 80 with Dunstan as premiers. That was when young males were abducted ,drugged to unconsciousness and then sodomised and what ever else was done to them , then murdered.
Then the little boy thing , endemic in the arts world.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 28, 2022 8:23 pm

A small long running joke in Kurt Schlichter’s Peoples Republic series is the rainbow flag, which is the new flag of the Peoples’ Republic of America (woke edition). The problem is which colour represents which faction. So the colours keep having to be rearranged as different qwerty factions get political supremacy, and the flag keeps changing month by month. Same colours but with different ones on top.

Lest you think this is an aside Schlichter’s novels keep on coming true. Wildfire totally creeped me out, having been written 2 years before Covid.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 28, 2022 8:50 pm

Excellent post, Cassie.

I don’t think there is anyone on this blog who wants to live in a society where gays, lesbians and bisexuals are persecuted or made to live their lives in fear and consumed by self-loathing.

Quite so.
I often wonder if many LQGB etc etc activists are fighting battles from their own closeted youth.
If so, they will not resolve these issues through attacks on others.

July 28, 2022 8:53 pm

we’re constantly told that our objections to LGBTQI+ theology encourages young gays and lesbians to commit suicide.

The corollary question – Why do so many at risk of suicide find solace in sexual aberations.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
July 28, 2022 9:04 pm

11/10 Cassie. Very well said and I agree totally.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
July 28, 2022 9:54 pm

Who cares Katzen?
Leviticus is the answer!

July 28, 2022 10:06 pm

Two people in love could always get ‘married’, you hired a willing marriage celebrant, assemble down the local park, exchange vows and Bingo! you’re ’married’ and live happily ever after.

What you couldn’t do is get the government to force the Catholic Church, or your local Mosque to perform the ceremony and falsify the government records.

David Leyonhjelm came up with a solution for the latter, just remove the words ’man and woman’ from the legislation. Done.

Given the ongoing hoo-haa I think the socialist activists are aiming for the former.

July 28, 2022 10:54 pm

David Leyonhjelm came up with a solution for the latter, just remove the words ’man and woman’ from the legislation. Done.

It’s a Potemkin solution. Notice how they are now doing just that when it comes to the words ‘male’ and ‘female’ and its cognates. Rather than mother, we have ‘birthing parent’. That is what happens when you fail to defend the truth about something in one arena; your opponent surmises that you will fold again and again.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 28, 2022 11:09 pm

Seven Manly men. I like the sound of that. Governor Philip named the beach suburb ‘Manly’ because the local aboriginal men seemed to him to have the bearing of proud men. These seven also do. Proud of their religion and not afraid to stand up for their beliefs. They are admirable men, manly men.

Well said too, Cassie, about the rainbow symbolism, which has been appropriated in recent times from Mandela’s South Africa, the Rainbow Nation of many colours of people. Over the rainbow was once where the heart’s desire was found; the pot of gold was at the end of the rainbow in Irish mythology.
No one group or designation of people ‘owns’ the rainbow. Let’s take it back for everyone.

July 29, 2022 4:27 am

I don’t think there is anyone on this blog who wants to live in a society where gays, lesbians and bisexuals are persecuted or made to live their lives in fear and consumed by self-loathing.

Think again.

There is no middle way. There is no appeasement. It’s a mortal sin for a reason.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
July 29, 2022 6:59 am

Well written argument. Just a couple of thoughts though. Does anyone else connect the dots that the gender/gay issue is part of the Great Reset to lower the population? I think it is being pushed for that very reason as the reset has been planned for quite a while. Secondly, I saw a comment on social media about this that caught my eye, ” What would the gay people do if in business they were forced to wear Christian symbols?”. Very pertinent question.

July 29, 2022 7:56 am

He was telling me the night of the burning books in Germany were medical books written by Jewish doctors detailing the physical changing of one’s sex, in particular males to females.

Seriously? That’s a hell of a lot of books /sarc.

You might make a few spills from what was published back then on the subject, not a conflagration.

The Nazis were far more free range in their literary distaste.

July 29, 2022 8:33 am

sick and tired of the double standards and I’m sick and tired of being hectored to by a noisy minority of activists.

into the dialectic
they’re boldly going where no-person has gone before
and they’ll drag you with them

exclusion now means inclusion when it flies a queer flag

neglect now means best-soviet-health-care evah … because its for your own good

farming used to mean producing food etc … now it means managing a free-range feed lot

and, you are the ‘carbon’ they intend to reduce

eat the bugs

July 29, 2022 8:38 am

100% spot on Cassie – well said.

July 29, 2022 8:48 am

Goes anyone else find it a sort-of weird joke that this caper centres on a club called “Manly”?

As a staunch avoider of all ball games and “spectator’ sports in general, I find the entire sport “sub-religion” baffling, but in a philosophical and intellectual wasteland, somewhat inevitable.

I am also old enough to remember the brief rise of the AFL. No, not the mega money-making machine that operates aerial ping-pong, but the “Anti Football League”. Said organization appeared in Viktoriastan some decades ago and seemed to be run as a semi-serious counter to the intense religiosity of the VFL and its ardent “followers”.

Interesting that the corporate managers of the “national” game conveniently appropriated the same initials.

Final note:

@hzhousewife: “rainbow mittens”.

I wonder if anyone has asked how the Rastafarians feel about having THEIR flag pinched and literally and metaphorically “inverted” by these wanna-be overlords.

July 29, 2022 9:13 am

Cheap renewables, Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, told you so.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 29, 2022 9:37 am

Great post, Cassie. The Rabbi’s exposition of the rainbow, a great insight.

The rest though brought a great sadness. For it’s not the rainbow symbol, though it may look like it, it’s the other side – the distorted reflection – that we’re all being told forced to celebrate.

July 29, 2022 9:46 am

Sorry about posting on the wrong thread earlier.

A kiddy fiddler got to me when I was 10 or 11. While I was not driven to mental anguish for life or physically damaged, I hate poofters and will til I die. They make my skin crawl.
No amount of propaganda can change my mind.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2022 10:52 am

If I were choosing a headline graphic for Calli’s post I would pick this one.
Vale Bill.

(I’ve linked the Brave image search results rather than one particular instance because most of the hits are from outrageously outraged qwerties. Their fascist pearl clutching is rather amusing.)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2022 10:55 am

Oops, that should be “Cassie’s post”. Sorry Cassie!

July 29, 2022 11:17 am

New York City Health Department Begs WHO to Rename Monkeypox Because It Stigmatizes Gay People

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has written a letter to the World Health Organization asking it to change the name of the disease “monkeypox” because it “stigmatizes” gay men.

The department may have a point. A recent New England Journal of Medicine paper concluded that 95% of monkeypox transmissions occurred “during sex between men.”

Shouldn’t the New York City health department concentrate on stopping the spread of this disease instead of worrying whether the name of the disease might offend some easily-offended group?

Spectator World columnist Cockburn wonders if the names “Black Plague” and “Yellow Fever” should be renamed for insinuating racism.

July 29, 2022 11:28 am

Adam says:
July 29, 2022 at 4:27 am

I don’t think there is anyone on this blog who wants to live in a society where gays, lesbians and bisexuals are persecuted or made to live their lives in fear and consumed by self-loathing.

Think again.

There is no middle way. There is no appeasement. It’s a mortal sin for a reason.

Me, me me me me! I do! Yes! Into the fires of Hell, yes!

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
July 29, 2022 11:50 am

Very well put, Cassie.
It was the then, Senator, Corrie Bernardi who likened the SSM campaign as the start of a slippery slope. He has been clearly vindicated. We are slithering down that slope at breakneck speed with our eyes firmly closed.
As with all left wing issues there is no ‘end game’. No point at which the demands of the noisy will be sated. They will never be satisfied until we are all living in a dystopian “Hunger Games” world with our virtuous betters perched at the top and the rest of us trampled underfoot. I’d be prepared to bet that it won’t be too long before the climate warriors start demanding strict population controls Mark my words.

July 29, 2022 12:00 pm

Until recently, marriage had nothing to do with “love”, it was an arrangement based on clan, tribe, religion, social status, finances, procreation and to rein in and control sexuality among young people.

What a sad internal life you must lead, Cassie.

July 29, 2022 12:18 pm

A very thoughtful and affirmative post Cassie, so true, we must stand firm.

A special mention to Tom and some other really good comments too.

Big Nambas, mate I understand where you at. Its probably too late, but if you ever see the unrepentant bastard again then break his nose. That’s my plan. But you gotta forgive and get over it, for your own benefit, not his. Its hard to forgive when they are shoving the shit up your nose, and you are fully justified in fighting back. But somehow we have to separate the humans from the madness that has infected them. Fight the sin, not the sinner, God will sort them out. Big words I know, but it really helps to heal the pain. I am with you mate, keep up the fight.

July 29, 2022 12:22 pm

Au contraire…you’re the one who’s the sad sack here.

Spot on Cassie. Its like listening to a beautiful outdoor concert and you step on a piece of dog monty.

July 29, 2022 12:47 pm

“Just because I’m happy for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to live in peace doesn’t mean that I should be forced to sanctify their sexual practices, nor should I be forced to constantly prostrate myself before the idolatrous altar of LGBTQI+ theology. To this I say no and never. Tolerance should work both ways…”

+1,000, Cassie.

The big issue though, is much simpler.
The idea that we should not offend anyone is ridiculous – I say: has it occurred to you that when you find my views offensive, that I find yours, which the opposite of mine, just as offensive?

We don’t need less offense in society, we need more – much, much more! It needs to be so common that the complaint of being offended is met with a shrug and “get over yourself”. This was the basis, and success, of the traditional Australian culture of poking fun at people. It’s hard to be angry with someone when you’re laughing. And if you can’t laugh at yourself and your own follies, you need to grow up.

July 29, 2022 1:01 pm

Until recently, marriage had nothing to do with “love”, it was an arrangement based on clan, tribe, religion, social status, finances, procreation and to rein in and control sexuality among young people.

What a sad internal life you must lead, Cassie.

I don’t want to speak for Cassie but I’d wager she scare quoted ‘love’ because rather than denoting wanting the good for one’s spouse, agape, it increasingly denotes romantic/ sexual desire, eros.
Moreover, it’s instructive that you find this ‘sad’ but you really have nothing to say about the ‘internal life’ illustrated and promoted by the ubiquity of pornography and ‘dating’ apps.

July 29, 2022 1:19 pm

Great read thanks Cassie! Particularly like the Rabbi quote!

July 29, 2022 1:25 pm

What a sad internal life you must lead, Cassie.

You really are an Ad Hominen toting piece of shit M0nty and not worth another pixel.

July 29, 2022 1:34 pm

My final comment on this topic is that many people I know supported the SSM vote. They said they were swayed by the “love is love” line and the fact that they “don’t care what people do in their bedrooms.”

However, MANY, of these same people no longer support SSM as its not what they’re doing in their bedrooms but what they are doing at the footy, nrl, swimming competitions, ABC, morning teas at work etc… In fact, some I know from both sides of politics are now openly disgusted.

Finally, don’t ever let anyone tell you that a majority of Australians supported SSM. Sure, 61% voted in favour of it, but only 79% bothered turning up. Of all registered voters, that’s a yes vote of 48%.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
July 29, 2022 1:38 pm

Finally, don’t ever let anyone tell you that a majority of Australians supported SSM. Sure, 61% voted in favour of it, but only 79% bothered turning up. Of all registered voters, that’s a yes vote of 48%.

thank you Lysander for a reminder of the actual statistics on this. I knew that there was not a definitive ‘yes’ because it was a plebiscite with a non-compulsory vote. I will memorise these stats for future discussions.

July 29, 2022 1:45 pm

My final comment on this topic is that many people I know supported the SSM vote. They said they were swayed by the “love is love” line and the fact that they “don’t care what people do in their bedrooms.”

The judgment of these people beggars belief.

July 29, 2022 2:00 pm

My final comment on this topic is that many people I know supported the SSM vote. They said they were swayed by the “love is love” line and the fact that they “don’t care what people do in their bedrooms.”

The judgment of these people beggars belief.

Give them an inch and they’ll want a mile.
We are in this crazy world now because of the many who said…” what harm could it possibly cause”… or…” I don’t see a problem with that”… or…” It doesn’t affect me”.

F’n idiots!
Just say NO!

Robert the Irish Scot
Robert the Irish Scot
July 29, 2022 2:11 pm

I have 2 very appropriate sayings which I give back to the permanently affected like Monty along with those of his ilk;

Your triggers are your responsibility not mine,
The rest of the world does NOT have to tip toe around you.


Eleanor Roosevelt said,
“I cannot give offence, you must take it”.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
July 29, 2022 2:22 pm

Headline at the Bab Bee. Ridicule is the best weapon.

Sneaky Parents Dress Son Up As A Girl On First Day Of School So Teachers Will Show Him How To Be A Boy.

July 29, 2022 3:49 pm

Cassie – like probably many other Cats, I have known quite a few homosexuals and lesbians over the years. I have worked with them, and called many of them friends. Most, particularly in years gone by, were private and undemonstrative about their personal life and their sexual proclivities. They did not demand any acceptance, or assume it. Largely, it was never discussed.

One close friend of long standing, however, “came out” after two decades of conventional marriage to a woman. It was a limited shock to many, as he was markedly “gay” in his mannerisms, married a woman much older than himself, and did not have children. In fact, after he was estranged from his wife, and confessed to my husband and I that he was unsure of his sexuality, we encouraged him to attend a course that resolved many such issues – and he did.

The moral to this story is that, unlike, the other long standing gays that we knew, after he came out” he wanted the world to know about it & took to eulogising his new gay lifestyle. He told us that he was on his “L Plates” & wanted to tell us all about his sex life. We found this quite obnoxious, and showed disinterest and faint amusement. He then put pressure on us to invite him and his new lover, a prominent cardiologist, to our (then) beach house on the coast. Quite frankly, this was far too much for me and while not refusing point blank, did not follow up on the request. Finally, he bitterly accused me of being a bigot and our friendship ended there and then.

He was an amusing and often very kind friend over the years, and I regret the loss of that person in our lives. But there it is – this aggressive demand for recognition of their particular lifestyle is self important and presumptuous. I will have none of it.

July 29, 2022 4:09 pm

Great post Cassie.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 29, 2022 5:12 pm

Bruce of N

Oops, that should be “Cassie’s post”. Sorry Cassie!

Both Calli and Cassie are very valuable contributors.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 29, 2022 5:14 pm

July 29, 2022 at 12:00 pm
Until recently, marriage had nothing to do with “love”, it was an arrangement based on clan, tribe, religion, social status, finances, procreation and to rein in and control sexuality among young people.

What a sad internal life you must lead, Cassie.

What a limited historical knowledge m0nty-fa has.

Still, he married into the “upper middle class”, so he must be comfortable with the custom of receiving a dowry.

Old Goat
Old Goat
July 29, 2022 6:13 pm

Its a pity the tolerance only runs one way. No dissenting opinions allowed . This applies to covid, climate change , government policies and even abortion . You are not allowed to have an opinion that disagrees with the narrative or you are a bigot/homophobe/ racist (etc).

July 29, 2022 6:22 pm

Cassie: I can understand your religious belief. I can understand your affront at People’s willingness to bully. But in this case I don’t think it’s quite what you seem to think. No one is making you do anything. No one is making the Manly players do anything.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 29, 2022 6:32 pm

It takes real Hubris to write that:

No one is making you do anything. No one is making the Manly players do anything.

There were certainly senior people in the club trying to make seven players do something they didn’t want to do.

July 29, 2022 7:31 pm

Having people accept utter nonsense, such as the rainbow alphabet of insanity as something normal is a very Jonestown like process of totalitarian control.

Winston Smith of ///logical.raccoons.signpost


There is no middle way. There is no appeasement. It’s a mortal sin for a reason.

Unfortunately that’s correct. People who will deliberately oppress others must be knocked to the ground and stamped on until they learn the bloody lesson.
Nazis, Communists, Maoists, Islam, LGBTQ. None of these ideologies will change until they are forced to change.
Every time we come to an agreement it isn’t the end of the grievance – it’s the start of the next.
Did we not learn anything from Stalin and Hitler?

Winston Smith of ///logical.raccoons.signpost


He was telling me the night of the burning books in Germany were medical books written by Jewish doctors detailing the physical changing of one’s sex, in particular males to females.

That may have been true in many cases, but a lot of those books were about pornography as well.
The book the little girl picked up in the “Book Thief“, was more than likely something you would find in any Gay Bookshop today, but I suspect that would have not fitted the narrative. One of the reasons the book burnings were so popular, and another reason the Nazis were able to plug into popular sentiment. The backlash against the depravities of the ’20s wasn’t just in Germany, it was all over Europe when people got fed up with the licentiousness that showed no sign of stopping or even staying in its own playpen.

Winston Smith of ///logical.raccoons.signpost

Big Nambas:
Same here.
No way I’m forgiving anyone.

Winston Smith
July 30, 2022 4:39 am

My uptick finger has a cramp.

July 30, 2022 5:57 am

At your feet or at your throat…

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
July 30, 2022 7:48 am

July 29, 2022 at 6:22 pm
Cassie: I can understand your religious belief. I can understand your affront at People’s willingness to bully. But in this case I don’t think it’s quite what you seem to think. No one is making you do anything. No one is making the Manly players do anything.

A bit like the vaxx? You don’t have to wear it, you just can’t play if you don’t. They could have let them play in the normal jersey but wouldn’t.

A lesson for those players. Next contract negotiation time, put in a clause about not being forced to wear such jerseys or that they will not play for any round where they are being used. That might only work if they were players of the calibre of JT or some other game breaker.

July 30, 2022 11:35 am

No one is making you do anything. No one is making the Manly players do anything.

To quote John McEnroe, “you can’t be serious!”

August 1, 2022 2:22 pm

We are getting enough diversity and inclusion to choke all the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.

I quite like diversity of perspective and opinion, but that’s the diversity we’re not getting. I’m not feeling at all inclusive of perverts and raving loonies. Quite the contrary.

I suspect that the self-loathing that the poofters feel is genetic. I conjecture that we are all programmed for a distaste for perversions, even those that have them.

August 3, 2022 4:17 pm

Lee etc: yet the players are back playing again and missed a game. So what exactly were they forced to do?
If this is such a big deal why aren’t you screaming about the criminalisation of people’s choices in giving birth?
Or is this whole blog purely about religious preferences?

  1. It’s just terrible because it’s the US, and every second comment of yours has an anti-American bias. Meanwhile, your guy…

  2. Looking at some of today’s earlier posts, there appears to be some paranoia about ‘upthumbs’ and ‘downthumbs’. And that the…

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x