Yeah, I saw this yesterday I think. Daniel Greenfield now takes it up: South Africa Legalizes Mass Land Seizures from…
Puffing Billy chief executive officer Stefanie Straub Yet another activist chick.
Sanchez The problem comes down to this. The rot started when banking became an arm of the state. It was…
Roger January 25, 2025 10:17 am If so that is one of the fastest ever backflips on record….Politicians are involved!Quite so.…
Oops, misspelled Rousseau.
During the Reign of Terror he said this apparently:
As Twain said history rhymes.
August 1, 2022 at 11:15 am
Cheering on the formalisation of his children being second class citizens in their own country.
Hahaha, cry more. Pathetic.
m0nty-fa the racist come out in favour of apartheid. Hendrik Verwoerd smiles in his grave.
The Left has likewise corrupted referenda
Bruce, we’re at least protected here by any referenda questions having to be written in the exact wording that will be included in the constitution. So, “if you don’t understand it, don’t vote for it” is one of a number of great handbrakes on constitutional change in this country.
Earth’s rotation has been slowing (very slowly) but slowing nonetheless. Scientists are then surprised it sped up last month:
She’s just blown Elbow’s softly, softly catchee monkey approach out of the water.
Please Stan, get her on Q&A….
Pelosi has landed in Singapore.
Outspoken Greens senator and Indigenous activist Lidia Thorpe slams the Queen as a ‘coloniser’ and gives a Black Power salute as she’s sworn into Parliament
It may be their Voice but it’s always our shout.
A heads up to the normies as to what’s to come.
We should be thankful that Adam Bandt is too politically witless to rein her in.
The media called us doddery, old and timid when we were against their “republic”
They called us stupid, uneducated and nazi when we were against their “vaccine”
What are they going to call us when we’re against their “voice”?
Racist hardly seems to have any impact these days
Swedish Scientist Says Humans Should Be ‘Tricked’ Into Cannibalism To ‘Fight Climate Change’
To be fair hes probably not unacquainted with the flavor of warm musky tube steak.
Also it was bad enough hen life was a season of curb your enthusiasm, i draw the line at it morphing to “always sunny in Philadelphia”.
Roger says:
August 1, 2022 at 1:08 pm
A heads up to the normies as to what’s to come.
Hey, Lidia, how do you spell “reconciliation” again?
Oh no, cry the privileged white boys, we’re being oppressed.
Just completely pathetic.
I look forward to hearing regularly from Lydia Thorpe and Michael Mansell regularly over the coming months. Their contributions should prove useful.
Remember The Golden Rule.
“Slamming” a 96 year old woman who is extremely popular at the moment prolly isn’t the cleverest tactic right now.
They should be paying us for clothes, vehicles and electricity. I like the US argument that said they’d pay reparations to African Americans provided they immediately went back to Africa and stayed there. No takers.
Likewise, we can agree to pay reparations to those aborigines who are willing to go back to living as they did two hundred years ago. I guess we’d have to pay them in witchetty grubs.
Perhaps you could give them some of your wife’s money.
My long suffering leftist brother was around last night. He’s been Labor member and unionist for over 45 years while the rest of the family has drifted to the centre/right. I’ve often thought he sounded like Munted.
Pleasantly surprised he has left the Left due to what he termed “rainbow shit” and “this voice shit” which is a “voice for some and not for others.”
And, so the usual drift to the Right as one gets older and wiser is yet again confirmed (but obviously not with the lard arse racist who frequents this site).
This is pretty cool.
Someone 3D printed 62 guns and sold them to a Houston ghost gun buy back for $150 a pop.
And in other related news – a lady at my work who LOVES Mark McGowan (and actually lives on his street) came in and goes “f-cking ab-s” – more money thrown at dole bludgers.
Not my words (and I don’t agree with her approach) but two interesting experiences in less than 12 hours!
It’s a bit like that scene from “Life of Brian.’ “Clothes, vehicles, and electricity. Supermarkets, schools, medicine, housing, welfare – yes but what else has the colonizers ever done for us?”
Fiona Patten, the trollop who sold out fellow Victorians to make Danfilth’s Emergency Powers law and collected as her reward an end to compulsory condom use in brothels.
Allowing and accepting that Matthew Guy is too stupid to get the better of Labor in November, a consolation prize would be seeing this creature turfed from the upper house.
Why did everyone need to get locked up over a cold, fattie?
Oh no, people with a healthy BMI were oppressing you!
Outspoken Greens senator and Indigenous activist Lidia Thorpe slams the Queen as a ‘coloniser’ and gives a Black Power salute as she’s sworn into Parliament
Since when did the “black power salute” switch arms .. always been a left-handed gesture since 1st introduced in 1968 ……
Fiona Patten didn’t give us any sex when she led the Sex party, and now it’s the Reason party we don’t get any reason.
Don’t write off Christianity
By Dr Kevin Donnelly -July 31, 2022
Nothing says ‘privilege’ like a fat, pasty, sedentary ranga living off the means of others.
In any other age they’d have been beaten in the street for scandalising the public.
Why are all the symbols used in recent years by the Indigenous/First Nations community an import of (North) American culture? The today’ black power salute in parliament, wearing head pieces with feathers, the use of the term ‘First Nations people’ etc
vr – you’ll find they all attend the same UN conferences.
What do you expect from NPC zombies?
Oh no, cry the privileged white boys, we’re being oppressed.
He cries as he adjusts the IV drip of KFC chip fat while calling Krispy Kreme to complain the profiteroles werent garnished on top of his tub of last nights leftovers like he was promised.
Heres the thing about privilege Pillsbury doughboy, its an individual thing, and attempts to make it a group thing is generally grifters and grievance mongers cloaking themselves in other peoples scabs.
Getting your cock slammed in a hairy cash register is the ultimate in privilege.
Cheering on the formalisation of his children being second class citizens in their own country.
And paying for.
It started with 12, so am not writing it off just yet 😛
No it isn’t, you idiot. Privilege is about class, which by definition is a group concept.
m0nster, you didn’t move closer to the equator did you?
Oh no, cry the privileged white boys, we’re being oppressed.
Perfect NPC, all regurgitated and rehashed verbiage from others.
Would be embarrassed, but he’s an NPC.
Mmmm… prions.
And, OT, but I’m increasing reading “red” when I hear “blue” being told to me:
A great read about the truth of the Spanish Inquisition and the countless lives it saved (until the State intervened and took control). He’s also got a great read on the Crusades at the link.
No it isn’t, you idiot. Privilege is about class, which by definition is a group concept.
You might want to check the Latin origin and what the dictionary says NPC. What you were programmed with isn’t correct.
I could be wrong, but all these concerns about the covid vax appears to me to be an example of mass hysteria.
The reason is there are now so many ailments attributed to the vax that the panic (by some) sounds like hysteria to me. If there were say couple of things that could me highlighted then it would be different so that we could raise a flag of concern. It sounds like every single ailment contained in a medical textbook is now due to covid. That’s just bullshit.
We are privileged to be able to watch traditions being instantiated. Historic moments indeed.
Privilege is about class, which by definition is a group concept.
Its not being defined that way you utter tard, its being defined by a racial identity, and not by me, but by the race pimps pushing for it.
Defining it that way means you should treat a millionaire Aboriginal as though hes Billy Bumcrack living in overcrowded housing out bush. Therefore you can soothe the group suffering by offering the millionaires kids free boarding at a top school.
An individual look at privilege means I get to ignore the bleating of the millionaire and focus resources on Billy and his family.
The left dumped class (in the wealth sense of the term) decades ago for its much preferred grievance mongering and culture of complaint.
Progressives always believe that they will not be expected to share the less pleasant consequences of their politics. There is no reason for such a conceit, but reason rarely comes into it.
August 1, 2022 at 10:46 am
One local tribe was very happy with the prospect as they would make some money on a part of their land that wasn’t particularly noteworthy. The neigbouring tribe wasn’t happy as the site was “close” to some of their noteworthy land. I was sent up to discuss. In the first tribe I found that opinion was actually split. In the second tribe, I found exactly the same – split.
But, in such a case, whose voice wins?
The one that’s consistent with white urban upper middle class “progressive” ideology?
The reason is there are now so many ailments attributed to the vax that the panic (by some) sounds like hysteria to me. If there were say couple of things that could me highlighted then it would be different so that we could raise a flag of concern.
Absolutely, it will be the whipping boy of every crank on earth.
At the same time Ive seen a persons life threatening reaction to one shot dismissed with “it was probably the weather” by a doctor from WAs to Immunization authority.
Ive also had my own singular (luckily limited) outbreak of shingles like rash dismissed as just a coincidence.
Also coincidental was the upsurge in ads telling people about shingles treatments on TV.
Theres extremely bad judgements and allegations being made all over the place.
Trust but verify, at least as much as possible.
And recognize if you have a “side” it will contain its own % of grifters and conartists.
Munty – you really are a dangerous individual and should probably be gagged (both for your stupid and dangerous comments as well as your eating problem!).
Dumbfuck Marxist such as yourself always go to “the class struggle.” You immediately fail (again) as you treat indigenous folk as a non-wavering homogenised people. I know some very wealthy indigenous people in Perth and I know of some that live in Epping, Sydney!! I know of others who sleep drunk on the streets of East Perth every night. I know of some who have a strong connection to their land, others don’t. I know some tribes HATE other tribes.
Well known fact mate: Many Torres Strait Islander folks CANNOT STAND being lumped into the indigenous group and yet, morons such as you, think that they think like you (sheep).
Or how about this group, let’s have these guys on the Voice:
/rant out
As well as agent provocateurs from the other side.
That’s the wrong way of working it out.
Add up, with interest, all direct and indirect federal and state expenditure devoted to aboriginal welfare since day zero*. Also work out the benefits of living in an industrial civilization. This even means aboriginals living in remote areas are even flown by private jet to medical centers where they can receive top care. Add in the fact that we housed them etc. Add all that with interest. Then compare that to the costs they suggest they’ve suffered.
The “colonizers” would be owed hundreds of billions of dollars.
*Approximately, 5 years ago there was a debate on the old Cat about how much we spent on this privileged class of citizens. Federal expenditure was around $30 billion, which worked out to around $60,000 per head. That’s not counting states.
You lot do love to create elaborate fantasy worlds where you are the victim, don’t you. And in this one, you are not actually oppressed at all.
Never mind that the system has been working the exact opposite way for generations, excluding Aboriginal people and promoting mediocre white men like yourself.
m0nty says:
August 1, 2022 at 1:20 pm
Oh no, cry the privileged white boys, we’re being oppressed.
I got out the ouija board and consulted my Irish/Scottish starving forebears about privilege.
Ghostly laughter.
My Pommy convict side stole the board while I wasn’t looking.
Forgot to mention, this is ANNUAL.
But now we have learnt they they had ‘nations’ there must be a mechanism for this. If they were of the same nation then there must be a way that intra-nation affairs are managed (otherwise how is the nation distinguished from tribal anarchy) and if different nations they will have a mechanism to settle things ‘inter’-nationally.
ZK2A don’t forget the colonists destroyed their space program, nucular (h/t George Bush) and matchbox factory. So there is that.
It is the calling card of the racist that the moment there is some slight hint that the system might not work exclusively to privilege their race, they start bleating about equality.
Utterly pathetic.
Local bottle shop is stocking Yebisu.
Looking forward to knocking off this afternoon.
August 1, 2022 at 1:20 pm
Oh no, cry the privileged white boys, we’re being oppressed.
Just completely pathetic.
m0nty-fa pays so little attention, that he does not even realise that at least one of those “privileged white boys” who comments here lives in a Housing Commission house.
m0nty-fa, OTOH, married into “upper middle class” privilege.
Just completely pathetic!
See if you can explain this assertion a little more with a little more detail.
I dare you.
Absolutely JC
Any people of colour in your life Monty?
I forecast if the referenda for a ‘Voice’ gets up then the first recommendation from the ‘Voice’ to Parliament will be a substantial pay rise for ‘Voice’ delegates and members.
Soon, there will be calls for religiously operated hospitals to also perform euthanasia (just as there are now re abortion) or have their public funding stopped.
August 1, 2022 at 1:20 pm
Oh no, cry the privileged white boys, we’re being oppressed.
Good start in the referendum debate, Monty.
Not content to dispute the other side based on an idea or proposition and argue out the case, the left always wants to delegitimise their opponents.
So, despite us all being Aussies with the same constitutional rights, Monty and the rest of the left can only see the argument from an “Us and Them”, lowest common denominator perspective.
It is the calling card of the racist that the moment there is some slight hint that the system might not work exclusively to privilege their race, they start bleating about equality.
A fake racist card played (yet again).
Monty and the rest of the left can only see the argument from an “Us and Them”, lowest common denominator perspective.
How does this level of stupid get fixed beyond having them live out the consequences of their stupid?
August 1, 2022 at 2:07 pm
its an individual thing
No it isn’t, you idiot. Privilege is about class, which by definition is a group concept.
Upper middle class? Courtesy of the wife’s money? That kind of privilege?
Can we make “I’m seeing more red flags than Garma 2022” a catchphrase?
Dunno Walter, can we? You’re incessant babbling ought to be red flagged. That’s just my opinion though.
A really well argued and informative article by Walter Starck in Quadrant Online on the unbelievable scam the Climate Change fanatics have inflicted on a public that lacks understanding of the reality and the deception :
This is what I am talking about. You lot are going mental at the thought of seeing even the slightest bit of restitution from decades of racism against Aboriginal people. You can’t handle the thought of Aboriginal people being given a voice, let alone a Voice, because it makes you impossibly uncomfortable to hear any voice other than one from your own background. And you have the cheek to accuse others of an Us and Them mentality! What a bunch of poltroons.
excluding Aboriginal people and promoting mediocre white men like yourself.
This will be a revelation to the Aboriginal blokes I rousied/shore and woolpressed with for a decade.
I was so racist I didnt doubt a lot of them were better at shearing than me, the tally at the end of the day told me that.
They would also be shocked to learn that the paramedicine pathway (OFA/Cert 4/paramedic) is acually barred to them because of race…or something.
Monty is actually thick enough to think Marcia Langton is a powerless litte waif and her rather luridly confected past is legit.
“I counted up once that I went to nine primary schools altogether. The schools were horrible, racist hellholes. The teachers were the kind of people who still advocated killing Aboriginal people,” and the kids weren’t much better. In the little town of Dirranbandi “all the kids from school chased me home and threw rocks at me”.
“I grew up the old-fashioned, hard way,” Marcia adds. She spent time in an orphanage, living in a tent on the edge of Brisbane and in camps. Some of those memories are difficult, but others she treasures.
“For much of my childhood, we had to cook on a wood stove; we had kerosene lamps; I had to carry water up from the river. I heard the stories from my grandmother and my great aunt about living in the bush, and I feel close to all that. That’s what really shapes you as a person, isn’t it?”
Queensland Police, who “raided my house very early every Saturday morning. One morning, one of them threatened to kill my baby.”
So many completely unproveable “stories” to keep herself covered in the scabs of others, and never stop picking, picking, picking…
August 1, 2022 at 2:39 pm
It is the calling card of the racist that the moment there is some slight hint that the system might not work exclusively to privilege their race, they start bleating about equality.
Utterly pathetic.
m0nty, the only differences between my upbringing and some of my part Aboriginal cousins were that they had a swimming pool and their house didn’t back on to the municipal rubbish tip.*
Now their kids get various indigenous fast-track opportunities – and I’m delighted that they take them because if society is going to confiscate my money through the tax system for that kind of vanity project I’d at least like my relatives to claw some of it back. (And who wouldn’t take those benefits, given the opportunity?)
Now tell me about the Aboriginals with whom you’ve been closely associated all your life and explain why you were so much better off than them.
* Not complaining. My upbringing was a very fortunate one.
That’s pretty much how I’m viewing the entire infestation these days. The sludge of outright lies, half-truths, greed and arrogance has me believing none of it.
And now we have the latest pre-packaged distraction from our real danger – the Voice blarefest. Gee, no one saw that coming.
You can’t handle the thought of Aboriginal people being given a voice, let alone a Voice, because it makes you impossibly uncomfortable to hear any voice other than one from your own background.
Monty goes full retard.
It was bound to happen one day.
Allowing a special privilege to a class of people in our constitution is not restitution, Fatboy. It’s allowing a small, frankly parasitical minority riding rough saddle against the rest of us.
I couldn’t give a shit about their “voice”. Being frank again, I’m not really seeing what we’d gain with them having a voice. It’s not as though they’ve been very insightful over the past 200 odd years have they?
You’re reversing who is the us vs them applies to. In this case it’s “them” wanting to lord over us with a special constitutional privilege. Fuck’em and frankly, they ought to begin paying their own fucking way in life instead of grifting approximately $30 billion a year federally, which works out to a nice letter earner of around 60K per Aboriginal capita.
August 1, 2022 at 1:20 pm
Oh no, cry the privileged white boys, we’re being oppressed.
Just completely pathetic.”
You have no idea what the colour of the various commentator’s skin is here on this site or their ancestry and backgrounds. And the chutzpah is that you’re white too, aren’t you?
Everyday you come here and dog-whistle your adolescent, infantile crap. You don’t engage, dispute or debate, you just dog-whistle lines such as “privileged white boys” and your disgraceful “legitimate grievances”. The only thing that matters to you is the “ideological side”, regardless of the facts, we saw it during the Pell trials, who could forget your vulgar denunciation of him as a “rock spider”, a slur for which you’ve never had the decency to apologise for but then such an apology could only come from a mature adult. You might be male but there’s one thing that’s certain, you’re no man.
If Lydia Thorpe is black, then I’m chief sitting bull.
And red hair, which means he has no soul.
She looks like a trannie, Dot.
It’s just an advisory role to Parliament, geez it’s not as if they have been declared dictators for life. The overreaction here makes you look ridiculous.
Cassie please. You should be aware of this by now. Fatboy identifies as an obese lesbian. His pronouns are her and they.
Why does Parliament need aboriginal advisors?
Aren’t there already aborigines in parliament?
From memory, her claim to Aboriginal status is based on the claim that her Great grandmother was Aboriginal.
Marcia Langton complaining she went to 9 primary schools. My Aunt went to 21 so there. They were all Catholic schools. Some private. Her Grandmother was loaded but demanded of the Priests, if you want her to grow up Catholic you pay. My Aunt grew up tough. Her Grandmother took her all over the country on her adventures. My Aunt is the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. Her Grandmother only gave her Uncles money who had a huge farm, not her Mother, probably in punishment for marrying an Italian, who was less than savoury.
We elect advisors. They are called parliamentarians.
If the advisory role is just that, then why the need to inscribe it into our constitution. They wish to advise, then go fucking right ahead and advise through the media etc and or write to the pols. It’s not as though Coconut-head is never heard from. Why he need to inscribe this role to our political apparatus then if it’s just advisory?
I’m gonna need a bigger fermenter.
It’s just a flesh wound.
If you think electricity is expensive now, wait till you see how much it costs when it’s “free energy from the sun and wind”
So either
1. The voice becomes sovereign.
2. It is useless and benign (pointless).
3. They become like royalty.
There is nothing appealing about this to this who believe in equality of opportunity, it is not clear how this helps equality of outcome. If it is permanent then in the latter it is declaring impotence.
Scanning the article that thefrollickingmole provided on the recollections of Marcia Langton of her childhood, I was immediately struck by the unremarkable nature of her tale of early hardship.
Like Marcia, I attended a number of schools (“Correspondence School”, and two regional schools, and two city schools – as well as a year with little formal education at all). I, too, suffered some attendant emotional trauma of being an outsider as a result. I still do not think it was of a terrible nature – and much like the experience of many children whose families do not remain in one place all of their lives.
On our family farm we also lacked electricity and had to read under kerosene lamps. My remarkable mother cooked on a wood fuelled stove, with no refrigerator to preserve food, although we did have plentiful clean tank water. I don’t recall any feelings of deprivation – as children rarely do in such circumstances. It is only in retrospect that many adults – like Langton – rearrange the history in their heads to explain the bitterness in their adult lives.
Incidentally – Langton’s bitterness and resentment, I have always thought, is writ large on her down-turned mouth and constant scowl.
Advisors to Parliament:
Judges and senior government counsel
Political staff
The public service
The electorate
4% or so of Parliamentarians can claim indigenous heritage.
Because then the PM can’t nobble it, like the Libs did to the Indigenous Advisory Council.
Lead story on the news tonight. Retards angry Munty is making them look good. We demand reparations they claim. We’re victims. Munster could not be reached for comment, hiding in basement.
Thanks, Monty. Roars of laughter here this arvo. NPC indeed.
Look, let’s be blunt, I am unaware of a single piece of good advice coming from that crew for the past 200 plus years. I’m not optimistic for the future. If their advice is useful then it would stand on its merits and there’s no need to give them privilege that they frankly don’t deserve. As I said, fuck’em.
I don’t know who programmed m0nty, but they did a rotten job.
It got jack shit from me.
What an extremely on-point and valid question.
mUnter, have you ever had a black man over to your house for dinner?
Here’s one of mUnter’s pretend indig people (the Hun):
Looks like the cash and the leather and the pensions beats the feelz for these people. Yet again.
Because then the PM can’t nobble it, like the Libs did to the Indigenous Advisory Council.
So all Monty wants is for it to be accountable to no-one.
But in the constitution.
Seems legit.
Speaking of fat white privileged people (also The Hun):
The man in the mirror has a puffed up sweaty red face.
Weird thing is that he is redder and sweatier if Monty has had to stand up to see him.
Outspoken Greens senator and Indigenous activist Lidia Thorpe slams the Queen as a ‘coloniser’ and gives a Black Power salute as she’s sworn into Parliament
Since when did the “black power salute” switch arms .. always been a left-handed gesture since 1st introduced in 1968 ……
This kunt needs to be sent to Wadeye for a few weeks. The local 3rd nations chaps will sort her out.
I see the fat little turd is having a shot at the white supremacists here and elsewhere. I reckon little useless white dudes like him are envious of big cocked black guys. Its really Freudian. And I blame head prefect.
Objections to The Voice cannot be racist because the people who will benefit are not defined by race as we understand it. Most of them claim something like one sixteenth Aboriginal blood, with the rest being firmly European. We are objecting to some Europeans claiming special status over other Europeans.
If Australia was a truly racist society people would not be doing their darnedest to become part of the supposedly persecuted minority. To the contrary they would be insisting on the mainstream part of them. Instead, as we see, there are many advantages to claiming ‘Aboriginality’. Sounds like privilege to me.
For people to be defined by 1/16 of their ancestry and 15/16 written off as an insignificant contribution is ridiculous. If they want a voice then it should be restricted to people of at least 50% Aboriginal blood.
No one:
Absolutely no one:
JC @ 3:27
well said.
… at Ultimo?
Monty take one:
Monty take two:
So it’s just an advisory role so a bit of tokenism then and not restitution as you’ve asked for in Monty Takes One (U.T.A)?
Where in this list don’t indigenous get a “voice: (not the bold one below)”
Council of Australian Governments’ Closing the Gap
-COAG Reform Council Indigenous Reform Agenda is implemented though a National Indigenous Reform Agreement which set out six Closing the Gap targets and seven National Partnerships:
-National Partnership on Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes
-National Partnership on Remote Indigenous Housing
-Closing the Gap: National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Early Childhood Development
-National Partnership on Indigenous Economic Participation
-National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery
-Closing the Gap: National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Public Internet Access
-Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory National Partnership Agreement
Publications tracking progress include:
the Prime Minister’s annual report (Closing the Gap: Prime Minister’s Report, 2014)
-the Productivity Commission’s biennial report (Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2011) and
-the COAG Reform Council’s report on progress (Indigenous Reform 2011-12: Comparing performance across Australia) and Oxfam’s Campaign Steering Committee report, Close the Gap: progress and priorities 2014.
-Community Night Patrols
-Indigenous Law and Justice (includes Legal Assistance and Family violence prevention)
-Community Legal Services Programme and Aboriginal Interpreter Service
-Transferring from the Department of Communications
-Indigenous Communications Programme
-Indigenous Broadcasting Programme
-Transferring from the Department of Education
-Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Act 2000
-Building an Indigenous Workforce
-Literacy and numeracy for underachieving Indigenous students
-Indigenous Education Ambassadors Programme
-Indigenous Support Units (ISU)
-Indigenous Youth Leadership Programme
-Indigenous Youth Mobility Programme
-National Indigenous English and Numeracy Strategy – Transitional Project Assistance
-Parental and Community Engagement Programme
-Sporting Chance Programme
-Indigenous Remote Service Delivery Traineeships-Schools
-Indigenous Ranger Cadetship Pilot
-Indigenous Employment Programme (IEP)
-Indigenous Cadetship Support (ICS)
-Indigenous Wage Subsidy (IWS)
-Indigenous Youth Careers Pathways Programme
-Indigenous Opportunities Policy
-Working on Country (Indigenous Rangers)
-Indigenous Protected Areas
-Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund
-Indigenous Heritage Programme
-Indigenous Sport and Active Recreation Programme
-Indigenous Support Programme
-Away from Base- for approved ‘mixed mode’ courses
-Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) for Tertiary Tuition
-Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) for Vocational Education and Training
-Supplementary Recurrent Assistance for non-government Vocation Education and Training Sectors
-Transferring from the Department of Social Services
-Communities for Children, Indigenous Family Safety Programme and Stronger Communities for Children
-Indigenous Community Volunteers
-Remote Indigenous Housing Programme
-Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme
-Centre for Appropriate Technology
-Indigenous Mothers Accommodation Fund
-Remote Indigenous Energy Programme
-Remote Pools
-Indigenous Home Ownership
-Land Rights Programme
-Native Title Programme
-Indigenous Capability and Development Programme
-Reconciliation Australia
-Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory
-Attorney-General’s Department (includes Ministry for the Arts)
-Indigenous culture, languages and visual art programmes
-Indigenous Schooling
-Indigenous Australian Government Development Program
-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
-National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equality Council
-Indigenous Australians
-Indigenous Coordination Centres and Regional Operations Centres
-Remote Jobs and Communities Programme
-Indigenous housing
-National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance
-Australian Medical Association—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Report Cards.
-Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet Summary of Australian Indigenous Health
-Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s Indigenous Australians.
-The Aboriginal corporation search facility at Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations
-The online Indigenous Business and Community Services Directory Black Pages
-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner—Australian Human Rights Commission
-National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
-Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
-Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University
-Indigenous Business Australia including the Indigenous Home Ownership program
-Indigenous Land Corporation
-National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
-National Native Title Tribunal
-Native Title Corporations—Prescribed Bodies Corporate representing native title holders.
-Native Title Representative Bodies and Service Providers—those representing people seeking native title.
-National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association
-Reconciliation Australia and the campaign Recognise
-Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care
-House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
-Torres Strait Regional Authority
Note that this list does include indigenous bodies or programs funded by industry (such as mining, energy) nor farming programs nor the MANY State funded programs nor any tertiary programs that are also funded via universities.
**does not** include!!! FFS!
Sorry, but this is a fantastic Liberty Quote, and I can’t just leave it to the vagaries of chance that people see it one by one but never at once:
It is political symbolism, which has a kind of power but at the end of the day is still just a symbol.
It is a small measure of restitution for decades of neglect, including under the recent LNP shemozzle.
August 1, 2022 at 2:50 pm
Soon, there will be calls for religiously operated hospitals to also perform euthanasia (just as there are now re abortion) or have their public funding stopped.
Will probably end up like a story related on Sinc’s Cat (Catholic Cats may recall more correctly than I) where there was a threat to funding for Catholic schools in NSW (?) so the Bishop(?) in charge told them all to close and for parents to send their kids to the nearest state school. They couldn’t cope and the funding was restored very quickly.
It won’t take long if church run hospitals close over abortion and euthanasia, that the state system will suffer even more stress. They will get an exemption very quickly.
The left forget how much Christian charities reduce stress on the state.
One ‘solution’ after another and each one a disaster leaving either the original problem unsolved or, more often perhaps, as firmly entrenched as before and clumsily formulated desired outcomes sustained by intervention and subsidy. Like a kid reaching adulthood who has only ever learned to ride a bicycle with training wheels and angry that other people people ride so much faster and more freely.
Is there any reason (short answer – ‘No’) to believe this will not be another expensive failure causing more problems than it was meant to solve without at least solving even those original ones.
This ‘Voice’ is not about helping Aborigines. It is about creating a new political tool which uses Aborigines as a convenient resource for whom ongoing suffering will be vital to maintaining political potency.
Quel surprise!
This morning I open my random quilt of news tiles to see:
The Guardian calling Orban a Nazi, and the Independent looking for another bash against Trump.
Apparently we have to vote for the Voice Referendum in order to read the detail.
Sounds familiar; like those USA bills that they have to vote on in order to find out what’s in them.
I’m not sure that the Catholic Church of old is still alive and kicking today
*i’m also hazy on that anecdote, but i remember that it was a private phonecall late on a friday after a press announcement, and the prelate pointed out that the catholic kiddies would be outside the state school gates on monday
Reminds me of an old joke:
“Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.”
“What’cha got in that large bag?”
And of course, most bills that go through the US congress have numerous “earmarks” which are basically pork.
Schumer has been accused of doing this in the bill to recompense US military for adverse exposure to fumes from incineration of rubbish and stuff while on deployment. The Republicans pinged him for adding hundreds of billions to the bill, but then all the usual voices cried foul saying the Repubs had scotched a military recompense bill.
and Lysander, that’s a formiddable list. A brain like Hitchens or Yannopoulos would memorize it, and slaughter the opposition on recital
I think the bullhorn of aboriginal grievance has been turned up loud enough and for long enough.
The federal departmental and advisory list above illustrates it perfectly.
Whatever you do, don’t look at the economy. And all the underhand positioning and pillage by the usual suspects.
Trumpet long and loud about The Voice instead!
“What happened to the ears we gave you last week?”
“I gave them to a chariot.”
“Because they were chariot-ears.”
It is a small measure of restitution for decades of neglect
Montys “Jims mowing” instincts kick in and he does a post about Aboriginals being neglected…
Directly under Lysanders excellent post on SOME of the programs available for those claiming Aboriginal identity.
August 1, 2022 at 4:31 pm
Ding ding ding !
We have a winner.
It is a small measure of restitution for decades of neglect, including under the recent LNP shemozzle.
Waffle words.
The real issue is redress for the dispossession of land. The Voice, then treaty and finally reparations.
Monty, you can help by signing over the title of your little stolen package to the local indigenous mob and sign a lease for your continuing habitation rights.
You’ll get your face on TV and become a real hero of reconciliation. They might even name a cul de sac after you.
I’m going to politely disagree with that, ML.
I object to citizens claiming special status over other citizens on the basis of race.
You mean like Brexit?
Quick! Quick! Look over there…Brexit!
Merely pointing out that they can’t really even claim race as a basis.
Mole, that quote’s a cracker.
A nice takedown of Reece over at Quadrant:
The deputy lord mayor of Melbourne, Nicholas Reece, wants everyone to learn “some Aboriginal language”.
“Wominjeka,” he announces brightly in a newspaper article – “It may still be an unfamiliar word to many Melburnians but for thousands of years it has been the common greeting of ‘Hello / Welcome’ for the Wurundjeri people, the traditional owners of Melbourne,” a place which Reece likes to call “Naarm”, oblivious to the fact that Naarm, if it is a genuine Aboriginal name, and there are so many ersatz ones around, could only refer to the site of Melbourne as it was in pre-colonial days. If you want to call it Naarm, logically you need to eliminate Melbourne, clear the site, an operation which may figure somewhere in the future aggressive strategies of expansionist Beijing but seems hardly a function of the city’s deputy lord mayor.
Gruinaid has a mangasm in its monkeypox zone.
Dr Monique Ryan tells the Coalition to ‘put your masks on’
In her first question to the parliament, the independent MP for Kooyong, Dr Monique Ryan, makes her mark:
Yet whats missing from her physiognomy as she struts about?
“Because i have to talk unimpeded”… will come the excuse.
You just knew there was going to be a nod to Jeremy Corbyn at some point.
Another insipid Communist without a day’s work to his name.
The whole thing is so stupid that it looks clever to politicians who are always able to insulate themselves from their own stupidity because there will always be a political class that, protecting itself, provides protection to itself.
It reminds me of the trope (which may or may not be true) that kings claiming divine right can’t kill other kings, especially those they had usurped, because they too had divine right.
‘This is m0nty, a cul de sac of shit.’
It’s a valid analogy, calli. Brexit’s wording was even vaguer than the Voice referendum. It required the politicians to figure out what was in it. Apparently that’s the way to conduct referenda in Westminster democracies now, so why not the same system for the Voice?
First off, blokes are scumbags, if the threats bit are correct (and the court believes they are) then they deserve to be in jail.
But the ladies involved are either seriously retarded or trying to regain their virginities one court case at a time.
A New Zealand man who helped build a US-based pornography empire by coercing young women into filming adult videos has pleaded guilty in San Diego federal court to one count of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking.
Matthew Isaac Wolfe, 40, admitted to his part in a scheme that recruited women to perform in videos for GirlsDoPorn, on the promise the films would not be shown in the US and would not be uploaded online. Wolfe is the fourth defendant to plead guilty in connection to the case.
Wolfe filmed about 100 videos, uploaded them on to the internet, oversaw the companies’ finances and promoted the business, the California court said. Wolfe also trained co-defendant Theodore Gyi, a cameraman, on how to run video shoots, including instructing Gyi to tell the women the videos would not be uploaded online.
In 2020, a US judge awarded US$13m in damages to the 22 women who were defrauded.
Tucked away behind Albanese’s Voice is the Langton/Calma Indigenous Voice – as presented to Government and reccomended by Julian Leeser MP. This is a very extensive and detailed bureaucratic structure, the key features being:
1) There will be 24 members of the Voice to Parliament; 50:50 M/F;
– Not popularly elected, members to be chosen by a series of Local and Regional Voices (see below);
– Supported by:
……. Office of the National Voice
……. A secretariat
……. Youth Permanent Advisory Group
……. Disability Permanent Advisory Group
……. Any Other Advisory Groups as required
2) Local and Regional Voice – to give advice to State and Local Government for National Consistency;
– There will be 35 Local and Regional Regions nationally
– Indeterminate election processes based on
3) The above will be funded by Government, but will expressly not be subject to control, or oversight by government agencies.
4) All advice, no responsibility.
5) None of it justiciable.
Clearly, this will just hum along like a well oiled machine and restore broken lives.
If Albanese has an alternative plan for how things will work, the biggest shitstorm will ensue.
The word ‘privilege’ has been corrupted (like everything else) by the left, it’s now used as a pejorative.
Once upon a time (I recall) the word privilege as describing (for example) a benefit that was gained, associated with something that was earned.
In a jobs hierarchy for example, a kind of reward, ‘the privileges of the position’.
Now, the word ‘privilege’ is used as a slur, to mean, “what you have you don’t deserve, because I don’t have it too”
Socialism: Philosophy of Failure, Creed of Ignorance, Gospel of Envy
This is what I am talking about. You lot are going mental at the thought of seeing even the slightest bit of restitution from decades of racism against Aboriginal people.
$30 billion a year not enough m0nty-fa?
PS, have you done your bit? How many young aboriginal players have you sponsored financially with the AFL? You supplement your wife’s money by parasitising on the AFL, the least you could do would be to plough some back in, and help aborigines at the same time.
Yeah, and no actual power. So what’s the problem?
Stop whining.
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” Joe Biden 2022
Haha, Kerryn Phelps is in the news also saying we should all be forced to wear masks. She also wants everyone to be jabbed some more.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s COVID-19 response criticised, urged to mandate mask wearing (31 Jul)
Typical. Neither work, both are stupid and medically harmful.
My suggestion is this stuff should be mandated like electric cars: all politicians must at all time wear masks, including at home, get jabbed like pin cushions, eat only insects and drive wretched EVs. Lead by example! After they’ve done that for a few years we’ll see how they went.
It’s really quite simple. If it’s flawed…don’t do it.
As my mother used to say, “If [insert toxic, manipulative friend’s name here] jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?”
A basic principle learned in childhood. Pity there are so few sensible mothers about.
Ugly people like masks.
Can’t imagine why.
Chinese ?? PLA convoys moving to coastal region of Fujian
Because then the PM can’t nobble it, like the Libs did to the Indigenous Advisory Council.
m0nty-fa’s memory banks have been polluted by too many Krispy Kremes.
Labor joined with the Coalition under Howard to abolish the corrupt, incestuous ATSIC. Even they couldn’t stand the waste any longer.
It meant exit the EU. Not hard.
That’s a contested matter.
Which is why I think the basic question is more fundamental.
Race shouldn’t determine what rights & privileges a citizen has access to.
Hitlerization of Putin
John Mearsheimer
Expenditure of many many unaccountable $millions on a undemocratic political circus that will add approximately nil to the wellbeing of those not in on the joke.
(I realise this is only an incremental burden on what we already have running the joint – so perhaps I shouldn’t whine.)
The word ‘privilege’ has been corrupted (like everything else) by the left, it’s now used as a pejorative.
You need to start with the Latin to circumvent the corruption from these dumb fucks is so extensive.
August 1, 2022 at 4:31 pm
That list of Aboriginal programs, indulgences, subsidies and attempted “legs up” is mind boggling. One can’t help but feel that that is more than part of the problem.
August 1, 2022 at 4:29 pm
No one:
Absolutely no one:
The little, fat, white turd appears to be claiming he has a big black dick. Hey head prefect can you verify this?
If there was no power attached they wouldn’t be agitating for it.
And yet it took years and years to figure out how to do it, and it’s still not really done.
An advisory indigenous Voice in Parliament seems a doddle by comparison.
If you want to call it Naarm, logically you need to eliminate Melbourne, clear the site, an operation which may figure somewhere in the future aggressive strategies of expansionist Beijing but seems hardly a function of the city’s deputy lord mayor.
C’mon China!
That really is a stretch. Fraud for third parties maybe, maybe even rape or the directing mind, but etc trafficking is just the US prosecutors bring drama queens.
It was straightforward but the Remainers wouldn’t have it and still drag the chain.
Any race clauses in the constitution ought to go.
It is a small measure of restitution for decades of neglect, including under the recent LNP shemozzle.
Strangely, the years of non-neglect, 1972-75 (Whitlam), 1983-96 (Hawke/Keating) and 2007-13 (Rudd/Gillard/Rudd) also made no difference, and provided no restitution (other than billions of dollars, many, many support programs, et al, which also continued during the decades of neglect.
PS, m0nty-fa, you are living on stolen land. When will you sign all of your properties over to the local Aboriginal Land Council, and start paying rent, as well as the mortgages?
Comprehensive. Thanks Lysander.
Easy to see how $30 billion can be spent. Annually.
Farmer Gez
Belated Snap.
August 1, 2022 at 5:16 pm
Apparently we have to vote for the Voice Referendum in order to read the detail.
You mean like Brexit?
No, m0nty-fa, Obamacare.
Wind power has collapsed in Queensland AGAIN. A stunning 25MW out of around 700MW installed.
Skimming the comments of the day and I see monty has shown himself as a racist shitbag. Aborigines need white man to give them a handout, and are incapable of attaining anything by themselves. Must be treated like small children.
Somehow I don’t think it’s going to fly with the Indians, Chinese, Africans, Italians, Greeks etc. Particularly the hard working types like Sikhs, let alone the older post WW2 immigrants who came with nothing and got SFA handouts.
Step down from your white privilege, racist!
NATO says it’s prepared to intervene in Kosovo if ‘stability is jeopardized’
Tensions were on the rise in Kosovo in response to a new regulation on IDs
Yeah, and no actual power. So what’s the problem?
If m0nty-fa genuinely believes this, he is stupider than even I could have imagined.
The closure of the Catholic Schools was in the Diocese of Goulburn and it was all over the number of toilets in a school- the School Inspector said that for the number of children in a particular Catholic School there needed to be another two or three toilets, I forget which, but the school had no money to put in the extra toilets.
It was 1962 and there was NO FUNDING at all of Catholic, Independent or Anglican Schools but the Catholic Schools were on their own on this one. The Bishop of Goulburn, His Grace, John Cullinane supported to the hilt by the parent leader Brian Keating , who was deputy mayor of Goulburn, took a stand against the state government and all Catholic schools in the diocese closed — there were 2000 children who turned up to enrol at the state schools and they could only take 600 this went on for weeks but in the end the state caved and the Catholic schools gained funding at 25% of the Average Government School Recurrent Cost (AGSRC) of education a child in a government school — Catholics pay taxes too but also subsidise government schools and save the taxpayer in excess of $5,000 per child the shortfall being funded by parents
The independent schools and Anglican Schools did not join the push and didn’t get funding until much later and it was Robert Menzies who federally funded non-government schools because of the 25% legislated limitation on funding from the states (that is the case in NSW – some states/territories fund minimally if at all — I don’t think the ACT funds non-government school but can’t be sure — I haven’t been involved for over a decade)
In NSW 80% of funding for state schools comes from the state with the balance 20% coming from the Commonwealth — while the bulk of the funding for non-government (parent funded schools) comes from the federal government because of the state legislated 25% AGSRC (bearing in mind that that 25% is on a sliding scale based on a range of prerequisites eg disability, economic status of families, non-English speaking background, single-parent, indigeneity etc…. so from the state government a private school such as Joey’s could be luck to get any funding at all.
This man is a worthy inheritor of the spirit of the early explorers and married to a woman of exemptional quality.
The spirit of Australia.
I hear dat!
You got that right. My parents came to Australia as new Australians (Dad 1949 – had to wait 4 years for landing papers and Mum in 1951) no language, but a mountain of courage and a hunger for a better life. They were never racists and were appalled every time we drove past the settlement where aboriginal people lived, near Lismore, my father disgusted with the whole debacle.
Or, to put it in leftist speak so that M0nty can understand:
The time has come
To say fair’s fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact’s a fact
It belongs to them
Let’s give it back
When there were the Redfern Riots in 2004 over the death of a poor chap who never stood a chance T j Hickey — at the time there were 90 organisations supposedly providing assistance to the aboriginal community. Not many inroads made I wonder what they were doing, other than spending taxpayer dollars.?
This is what I am talking about. You lot are going mental at the thought of seeing even the slightest bit of restitution from decades of racism against Aboriginal people.
One of the highlights of primary school was meeting David Gulpilil. The very few aboriginal kids in high school were immensely popular. When I worked in Cairns for a couple of years, long time locals noted that there were many friendships across this apparent divide that started in childhood. They lamented that the same did not exist for their children. In fact their children hated and feared each other.
How on earth in one generation did the relationships go from friendships to fear and hatred? Marxist fucks like you started pushing for “restitution for decades of racism”.
One young aboriginal footballers family used to rent my sisters house. I used to go there to do repairs. The footballers dad was a lovely and chatty bloke, but I could see that most of his children had been inculcated with a hatred of white people. It wasn’t going to end well for them.
Whenever you Marxist fuckheads start “fixing” what you imagine to be societies ills, it always ends with mounds of skulls.
These claims of racism follow a common theme in lefty behaviour and thinking. Scratch the surface of a lefty who advocates gun control, and you find someone who has poor self control and anger management issues, their personal deficiency are recast as a societal problem. Scratch the surface of a lefty who shots about racism, and you find someone who has a revulsion towards dark skinned people….
Get help.
Thanks Lysander, stolen and placed on Twitter
Where have you been for the last 40 years?
Well said, so true we had aboriginal kids at our school, boy could they run and play footy – one fellow in particular we catch up with whenever we go to the Brunswick Heads pub, he’s a big wig in Indigenous matters lovely bloke but times were different then and times are different now – all because the left want to ‘fix’ things that aren’t broken – only broken in their fevered broken minds.
Riiiiiight, so the problem is that black kids hate white kids.
You’re a real fart smeller, rickw.
Legal action for this one?
Monash University has introduced a compulsory module on Indigenous Australian Voices warning that students who do not complete the program will be unable to graduate.
The university launched the mandatory module in July in and is introduced to students by acknowledging its campuses are “located on the unceded lands of the people of the Kulin Nations”.
Monash has urged staff and students to finish the learning platform before their teaching period starts and warned they would lose access to fundamental university resources if it remained uncompleted by week two of the semester.
“If you don’t complete compulsory modules by the deadline, you will be encumbered,” the university has warned.
If a student is encumbered, they will lose access to the library, the university’s learning management system and their academic record or results.
Students will also be unable to sit eExams or graduate with Monash warning that this would “interfere with your participation in your units and submitting assessments”.
Amusing story about electricity in Hawaii today. Obama’s favourite holiday destination seems to want to rewild itself or something.
Hawaii Electricity Prices To Skyrocket As Final Shipment Of Coal Arrives (1 Aug)
Hawaii is receiving its final shipment of coal this week, which Gov. David Ige called a huge step forward in the state’s transition to clean energy. What he meant was that local are about to pay a lot more for basic essentials. A law put in place a couple of years ago will finally shut down the island’s last coal burning power plant. And since coal is the dirtiest * but cheapest – source of power for Oahu, it means that all else equal, power prices are about to skyrocket.
The Kapolei plant has been Oahu’s largest single generator for three decades, meeting about 16% of the island’s peak electricity demand. Its closure on Sept. 1 means eliminating 180 megawatts of power, or about one-tenth of what Oahu needs. There is no ready replacement for this source of energy which is about to go offline.
But wait, it gets funnier: one year ago, Hawaii was stunned to learn that the “green facility” which is replacing the Kapolei coal plant, the 185-MW Kapolei Energy Storage Facility, will be charging its “enormous battery” … with oil! In other words, Hawaiians will be trading one fossil fuel (coal) for another, albeit one far more expensive. Or as the chair of PUC, Jay Griffin, complained, Hawaiians are “going from cigarettes to crack.”
So they are replacining an always on 180 MW coal plant with a 185 MW battery. Which is charged by oil. But it looks like they haven’t actually realized that a 185 MW battery contains 185 MWh or electricity (or so) therefore can produce the 185 MW for one hour compared to 24 hr/7 day operation of the coal plant.
Lefties do not do SI units at all well, I’ve found, like MW vs MWh, and this in Hawaii looks to be about to bite them on their lemu.
Good. Then stop pestering us with it.
Polite disagreement.
Furious agreement!
Don’t tell me…bison!
Makes about as much sense as releasing them in Kent.
Riiiiiight, so the problem is that black kids hate white kids.
I’m sure you can get a package deal for training on Reading and Comprehension and Overcoming Racist Tendencies.
Monty, the Left has been teaching black people to hate white people for the last several decades. It is a part of their methodology. The same is practiced for example by the Palis teaching their kids to hate Israel. By doing this they all cement the loyalty of the kids to the cause (give us the kids for 8 years etc), as it takes mental effort, education and balls to understand what the Left is doing and to separate themselves from it. As people like Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens and Jacinta Price have done. Each have paid a serious price in persecution for their stands.
By contrast the Right, which is based substantially on Christian ethos, wants all people to be treated equally no matter what they look like, and for all to love each other as Jesus commanded. No surprise that MLK, a Baptist pastor, spoke as he did in his “I have a dream” speech. Which Lefties carefully ignore.
Legal action for this one?
I doubt it. There is a long and established pattern of forcing students to do “Reeducation” in order to graduate.
RMIT had a cute trick with their required additional classes to broaden the horizon of engineers in particular. The number of alternate subjects available and the number you were required to do meant that everyone had to attend at least on LGBTQI propaganda course.
But wait, it gets funnier: one year ago, Hawaii was stunned to learn that the “green facility” which is replacing the Kapolei coal plant, the 185-MW Kapolei Energy Storage Facility, will be charging its “enormous battery” … with oil!
Hawaii’s volcanic activity absolutely dwarfs all of this!
Why would their oil fired power station have a battery? Included purely to secure Federal funding?
Haha , you gotta love Trump.
What a bunch of self-serving horseplop, Bruce. “The Left hate the Right, yes everyone in the Left is a demon at it”, listen to yourself. Also MLK would think you are a hypocritical dickhead.
How Biden plans to checkmate China
#Biden has launched two new initiatives to rival China’s international commercial ambitions. Can #America beat #China at its own game?
Monty – By Lefty analysis I’m technically black do you realize? My gt^5 granny was an African slave in Jamaica. That is more virtuous than Obama whose ancestors were never slaves. I’m not as dusky as my mum and grandad, but it is true. I went to a skin specialist to check on skin cancer once, she laughed at me. It was quite funny. (My dad has had a lot of skin cancer, but he’s Anglo.)
If I was dishonest I could do better than Bruce Pascoe. When I was young one epithet used at me was “lubra lips”. Quite painful at the time, but you develop a thick skin.
How’s the economy going?
Is Monash one of the c.40% of Australian universities which doesn’t require applicants for an engineering degree to have a pass in secondary school level advanced mathematics as a prerequisite?