Guest Post: thefrollickingmole – The New Year Zero Zealots

In 1966 the execrable Mao gifted the word the cultural revolution, this was great for the “West” as it retarded Chinese industry by decades ensuring for at least 30 years China remained a near basket case.

It kicked off with the denouncement of the “4 olds”

Old Ideas

Old Culture

Old Customs

Old Habits

I’d argue we are in the midst of our own revolution which will have the same destructive, generational effect Mao’s did. Much like the original Cultural Revolution it’s being driven largely by the young, manipulated by old power interests to advance their causes. The Children of the 60’s and 70’s will never forgive the Australian public for failing them by not recognising their greatness. Instead, they burrowed down as hard as they could into the culture and education systems to wreak their revenge.

The new revolution is just as nebulous as the old, its demands can’t be fully met because they aren’t explicit, every advance which was presented as meeting a demand was, again, just a staging post for the next demand.

Contrast the Old and New as the current zeitgeist seems to think is appropriate.

Old Ideas

Men and women are different in terms of abilities and talents and compliment each other

Reliable, cheap energy is the wellspring of wealth and modern society.

Children are incapable of managing their affairs competently and should be under parental protection until they hit the age of responsibility.

New Ideas

Men and women are completely interchangeable and are competing in a zero sum game of status and power.

We can restrict and ration our way to prosperity through legislation and forcing people to change.

Children are wise and can make great decisions from an early age. They must be encouraged at an early age to make life changing decisions.

Old Culture

All races have the same innate potential.

No man should be held responsible for the sins of his father.

A two-parent family, mother and father, is the proven best way to rear children.

New Culture

Your skin colour/race makes you either innately evil or good, culture has no effect on outcomes though. Unless its ‘white” culture, which doesn’t exist, and is innately evil.

Every ancestor, until proven otherwise (or non white) is automatically evil and did everything with the most base intentions. This can never be atoned for and must be kept as a source of grievance/power and status for various race hustlers to exploit.

Single parenting is great, we just haven’t arranged enough resource transfer from other people to make up for damage caused yet.

Old Customs

People who behave in ways that damage others must pay a penalty for those actions appropriate to the gravity of the offense.

People have a right to privacy, including the use of remote or technological devices harvesting information for government or business uses. This cannot be nullified by clicking a box to ‘consent’.

Respect being given to people is contingent on respect being shown in kind. Lying or otherwise violating respectful behaviour norms makes a person unworthy of being shown resect.

New Customs

The offender is the true victim here if they click a diversity box of some sort. It’s only by not applying consequences to actions true reparations can be maintained (but never paid off)

By using something, even if you have paid for it, clicking a little box which makes it work means we can spy on you 24/7 with a granularity which would make the old Stasi blush.

Respect must automatically be given, and maintained for certain groups, but is completely optional for ‘out” groups. Eg: Gays must be shown respect, Christians, unless they capitulate, must not.

Old Habits

Men should be respectful to women and be habituated to step in if a woman is at risk or being taken advantage of.

Women should be aware that they should behave appropriately around men, acting the “slut” isn’t something to be turned on and off as you want it too.

Denial of short term advantage or profit for longer term success, eg, saving money, starting a business and becoming wealthy.

New Habits

All women are sluts, therefore they are to be treated as less than fully functioning people and used/discarded as wanted.

Men are perfectly safe and I reserve the right to be judged by what I say, not how I act.

Anyone who has saved/ started/ and is now wealthy is an exploiter and must be ‘levelled” with taxes and regulation. This curiously enough misses the gentry class wealthy

I suppose in the end its wise to ask who, or what is benefitting from this rolling denunciation of what works for a never achievable rolling utopian nightmare.

Given most of the issues raised are firmly in the class of ‘luxury beliefs” it seems that the constituency is those who feel suitably insulated by wealth or position on the oppression totem pole to be immune to the fallout.

Training herds of youth in grievance studies is prima facie an anti-civilisational idea, yet somewhere, somehow it’s considered acceptable to tax blue collar workers to produce white collar ingrates and agitators.

Where are the “conservatives” actively defunding this idiocy?

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July 31, 2022 8:19 am

The communists totally eradicated chinese culture, there is virtually nothing left, in its place is a nihilist void where life has no value, unless of course you are a top dog in the ccp.

The woke are a nihilist project with the same aims.

July 31, 2022 8:41 am

I can’t add anything to that summary, mole. Nice.
Our political system is what they call ‘oppositional’. It would be nice if there was at least two groups on the field.
At the moment, the Libs seem to be shaking pom-poms and making a tunnel through which the ALP run onto a deserted playing field.

If they ever hope to hold government again (and we to survive as a functioning society), the Libs are going to have to go the full ‘Trump’ on a wide range of this rubbish. Sadly, to do this effectively they need to:

1. Have courage, and
2. Believe in what they are doing.

I won’t be holding my breath. The March through the institutions included the LNP.

July 31, 2022 9:04 am

New Culture

Your skin colour/race makes you either innately evil or good, culture has no effect on outcomes though. Unless its ‘white” culture, which doesn’t exist, and is innately evil.

Based on Ads watching TV last night, there are no longer any White people in Australia

July 31, 2022 9:24 am

Much like the original Cultural Revolution it’s being driven largely by the young, manipulated by old power interests to advance their causes.

Yes, & the media is particularly incurious about the corporate interests who benefit from greening Western economies, to the point of being complicit.

The Children of the 60’s and 70’s will never forgive the Australian public for failing them by not recognising their greatness. Instead, they burrowed down as hard as they could into the culture and education systems to wreak their revenge.

No quite; the ‘long march through the institutions’, particularly education, which has turned schools and universities into indoctrination centres and deprived the younger generation of an appreciation for their culture and its achievements, turning them into an effective Fifth Column, was outlined by radicals already in the late 1960s.

While the principal architect of this, the German radical Rudi Dutschke (exiled to London, d. 1979), initially saw Western institutions as too moribund for his revolutionary aims, he did point to universities as places of refuge from which radicals could establish themselves. He was later involved in the inception of the Greens as a means of subverting the political process from within, with the aim of “reordering society” along radically new lines.

July 31, 2022 9:26 am

I want 100% happy with this piece, I couldnt quite finish with a decent “cause”.
I know the rise of credentialism, particularly in government, is part of the problem.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 31, 2022 9:33 am

The Children of the 60’s and 70’s will never forgive the Australian public for failing them by not recognising their greatness. Instead, they burrowed down as hard as they could into the culture and education systems to wreak their revenge.

This one was fun:

Court Rules UC Berkeley Can Clear Historic ‘Counterculture’ Park for Dorms (30 Jul)

A California judge ruled Friday that the University of California, Berkeley may start clearing the historic “counterculture” People’s Park for a redevelopment plan to build student dorms and low-income housing.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Alameda County Judge Frank Roesch ruled Friday that the university may begin clearing the land, which was the site of protests in 1969 and eventually left alone from development, to build more student and low-income housing as part of a 2018 redevelopment plan.

In 1969, an estimated 6,000 protesters planted trees, flowers and sod on the land to prevent its development, causing the National Guard to be called in, resulting in a violent confrontation that saw one student killed and many injured.

It really is Year Zero when the sixties counterculture movement is now so old hat that they’re bulldozing the sacred sites. Maybe Jane Fonda could burn her bra again to stop this development.

July 31, 2022 9:42 am

Where are the “conservatives” actively defunding this idiocy?

For a critique of how we got here & future avenues open to conservatives, read Yoram Hazony’s Conservatism: A Rediscovery, reviewed recently at Quadrant Online.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 31, 2022 9:59 am


The “cause” is the lust for power over The Lives of Others. There was a time when such an excessive lust for power would be labelled, generally accurately, as fascism, and the proponents publicly shamed. Now, those who formerly understood this have become themselves besotted with the lust for power.

How we publicly shame them is the problem, as most are utterly shameless. For a simple example, just look at the shameless m0nty-fa here. No matter how often he is shown to be stupid, back he comes, still spouting the same trash.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 31, 2022 10:01 am

PS, and the rise of credentialism is one of the ways to gain power.

“I have all these credentials, I know more than you do, peasant. Bow down before me, and OBEY!”

July 31, 2022 10:25 am

Boambee Johnsays:
July 31, 2022 at 9:59 am

The “cause” is the lust for power over The Lives of Others. There was a time when such an excessive lust for power would be labelled, generally accurately, as fascism, and the proponents publicly shamed. Now, those who formerly understood this have become themselves besotted with the lust for power.

How we publicly shame them is the problem, as most are utterly shameless. For a simple example, just look at the shameless m0nty-fa here. No matter how often he is shown to be stupid, back he comes, still spouting the same trash.

I’ve seen it put as the people who needed a punch in the face didn’t get it. Thus consequences of their actions are foreign to them.

July 31, 2022 10:26 am

Where are the “conservatives” actively defunding this idiocy?

Well we know where they are not. In the Liberal Party.

Brilliant piece Mole.

July 31, 2022 11:13 am

Good article Mole- I’ve been of the view for a while that a 60 year project starting with the Port Huron statement was derailed by Brexit and Trump. Therefore, no more pretending about democracy- it’s boot on face time.

Bruce in WA
July 31, 2022 11:29 am

The “cause” is the lust for power over The Lives of Others.

Got it in one. With some people I believe there is an innate and unstoppable urge to control others, not as a true leader may, by leading and by empowerment, but by sheer force. This force may come from the barrel of a gun, from onerous and excessive legislation or by rewarding and reinforcing desired behaviours and thinking, no matter how unacceptable they may have once been. Were I pushed to give examples, I would not hesitate to name Dan Andrews and Justin Trudeau.

July 31, 2022 11:56 am

Mole you seem to have an issue with women. Specifically with the idea that women should, like men, be free to choose to “compete” with other men and women. It doesn’t help that you use words like slut. Sounds like you prefer women who wear burka.

July 31, 2022 12:14 pm

At the moment, the Libs seem to be shaking pom-poms and making a tunnel through which the ALP run onto a deserted playing field.

Attribute Mater
Let’s be honest, this is all the Libs are capable of now and into the future.
The voters may turn against the results Labor create but voting the Libs in changes nothing , just delays the next Labor alteration of our society. Voting Lib now changes nothing. How many times do we have to vote against climate policies and still get them twice as bad? Thanks, Libs.
Occupying the Treasury benches used to stop Labor throwing money around like a drunken sailor but now the Libs have also adopted the Magic Pudding, sorry, I mean Modern Monetary Supply and you just can’t tell any difference.
Think about what the Libs achieved in the past 9 yrs. That didn’t take long , did it?
Think about what Labor will achieve…scary huh?
Then worry because the Libs are totally incapable of turning back any changes Labor make.
That’s our culture now and well into the future. The focus groups have spoken.

Where are the “conservatives” actively defunding this idiocy?

Allowed nowhere near Parliament, that’s for sure.

July 31, 2022 12:32 pm

Where are the “conservatives” actively defunding this idiocy?

Exactly Lib’s do nothing like this. Contrast how quickly Labor has acted against the ABCC watchdog, already defunded and now they are looking at abolishing it. Then look at the Lib’s increasing spending for the ABC, funding stupid positions like woman’s ambassadors, 18C or unwinding anything the ALP has done.

July 31, 2022 1:33 pm

The Children of the 60’s and 70’s will never forgive the Australian public for failing them by not recognising their greatness.

I think I only had one teacher in my whole schooling that wasn’t a communist.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
July 31, 2022 1:55 pm

Men and women are different in terms of abilities and talents and compliment each other

It was nice to see an affirmation of that value in Ash Barty, who recently who married her long-time boyfriend, golfer Garry Kissick.
I feared for a long time (unreasonably) that Ash was being groomed by the radical left to become a spear carrier for wokedom. Glad I was wrong.

Cassie of Sydney
July 31, 2022 2:14 pm

Excellent piece Mole.

As for…

“Where are the “conservatives” actively defunding this idiocy?”

Conservatives are not only not defunding this idiocy, they’re actively promoting this idiocy and they are even happy to condemn, censure and lynch their own so as to earn their “progressive stripes” with their ideological enemies. Just ask Bernie Finn, Craig Kelly, Bettina Arndt, George Christensen and Katherine Deves. Turdbull and Scumbag Morrison purged the Liberals of their conservatives, I don’t think there is one true Liberal conservative remaining in federal parliament. Before the election we saw the grotesque Matt Kean and unlamented Liberal lightweights such as Karma Sharma and Simple Birmingham side with “trans activists” against Deves. You couldn’t make this shit up.

“Conservatives” (cough) across the world, most particularly in English speaking countries, are Labor, Labour and Democrat lite. They bend over backwards to placate and please their ideological enemies. There are exceptions, such as Orban and Bolsonara and in the US, we saw the emergence of Donald Trump, and then we saw what happened to him.

July 31, 2022 3:04 pm

We seem to be in some form of cultural revolution, and it also seems that spoilt children are in charge of corporations and politics. Though Biden and Pelosi “youth” are pushing 100 years old, they are kindergarten politicians.

The CR destroyed its own participants – a whole generation, by denying themselves the chance to be properly educated and technically skilled. Over 20 million urban youth volunteered or were forcibly sent into the country to work as labourers in pigsties and sewers to “transform themselves into a strong socialist youth”. The farmers treated them harshly, many died in the process of reeducation, and they only got out of the torment in the late 70s.

But the whole experience took the shine off Maoism, and strengthened the hand of the surviving pragmatists. When Mao died in 1976 it led to the rehabilitation of Deng Tsao Ping, and the suppression of the Gang of Four and Maoism in general, despite attempts to dress it up as Maoist. And it cleared the path for the Chinese industrial revolution.

It seems the current “youth” in the West are being destroyed or damaged in many ways. They are being diseducated and deskilled. We don’t have a Deng, or a Red Army waiting in the shadows to control them.

I don’t know how it will end, the politicians will not allow us to defund them. Except that sooner or later they are going to run out of other peoples money and the party will be over.

July 31, 2022 5:08 pm

As a traditional Catholic, I have to put my hand up and blame my own Catholic Church, which has turned bloody God-awful since the late 20th century. Particularly under this Pope, Francis, without doubt THE WORST POPE IN THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH. If he dares try and come into my diocese, I’ll happily shoot the air out of his tyres and throw him into a pool of sh*t, then slap him about the head and face, as the great St Nicholas of Myra (aka Santa Claus) reportedly did to Arius of Nicomedia at the Council of Nicaea and the Apostle Paul did to Pope Peter after his disgraceful cowardice at Antioch, refusing to eat with converts from gentilism. I’m no saint as they were, but where are our Santa Claus and St Paul when you need them?

As everyone is rightly saying here: forget the Libs. There are demonic forces at work in the world and Australia right now about which 99.99% of the Libs don’t have the foggiest clue.

We are swirling with every greater velocity around the plughole, locally, internationally, and in my beloved but benighted Church. Prayer, absolutely, then furious action. And form broad fronts, but not with liars, thieves and mainstream journalists.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You know the timetable.

Great article, Mole. Prophetic.

July 31, 2022 6:21 pm

Boambee John says:
July 31, 2022 at 9:59 am

For a simple example, just look at the shameless m0nty-fa here. No matter how often he is shown to be stupid, back he comes, still spouting the same trash.

Only because he derives secondary gain from all the responses he gets to his badly-considered idiocies.

PS. I wouldn’t have bothered wishing him well (and didn’t) on his COVID illness.
Live by the word, die by the word.

July 31, 2022 6:34 pm

Boambee John says:
July 31, 2022 at 10:01 am

PS, and the rise of credentialism is one of the ways to gain power.

.. and marginalise competence.
The best example I can think of is Don Burrows, one of the best of the 20C. An outstanding jazz clarinettist who learnt and excelled on the job.
In better times, he was a professor in the Music Faculty at Sydney Uni., until credentialism invaded all the faculties in the 90s and 2000s.
The Marxist lesbian bloat-slag, head of the Faculty at the time, an embarrassing non-entity, removed him from his job.
I have no idea which appalling mediocrity replaced him, but poetic justice prevailed, for once, and the whole Faculty was disbanded soon after.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 31, 2022 8:53 pm


PS. I wouldn’t have bothered wishing him well (and didn’t) on his COVID illness.
Live by the word, die by the word.

Neither did I. I recalled an occasion on the Old Cat, when he was gloating about a conservative figure either dying or bring very ill. A week or so later, he was crawling for sympathy about a kidney stone. I do not wish him harm, but I will never offer him sympathy.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
July 31, 2022 9:50 pm

This is hilarious, began to feel a cold coming on Friday night and went to work with the doors opened on Saturday.
Really heavy last night with the misses and my daughters laughing at me as they said it’s Covid.
Did a pcr this morning went to work for 3 big ones and came home for my blood pressure go through the roof as there as no footy.
Everyone was laughing say sucked in ya got ya got the big c.
All psycho semantic was my defence.
Pcr test just came in negative.
Females have this natural ability to lie convincingly, I know they are pissed off as they all caught it while I have been going room to room munching the pantry out.
Vicks and a scotch keeps the big c away – and being a male helps.
I can’t wait to tell the mother in law who has been trying to kill me for decades.

August 1, 2022 7:45 am

Old and New together.
Another carcass worn as a skin suit.

August 1, 2022 9:25 am

Without gainsaying the foregoing perceptive analyses of the misdirection taken by the LNP governments of the past 10 years, some significance must be attached to the fact that none of these governments could rely on support in the Senate. In this respect, the Greens have done great harm to our society and economy. In the first place, they need to be vilified, and respect paid those who at least went into battle (Tony Abbott and a few others).

Thus harm looks to be irreversible, and is why the professional LNP types feel they must make accommodation. And of course there are not a few outright scoundrels.

I hope that a conservative political force might, by winning Senate and State Upperhouse seats, come to play a role similar in tactics to the Greens. Or at least keep the older values alive. At present, no such force is viable.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 1, 2022 9:48 am


Thus harm looks to be irreversible, and is why the professional LNP types feel they must make accommodation. And of course there are not a few outright scoundrels.

I hope that a conservative political force might, by winning Senate and State Upperhouse seats, come to play a role similar in tactics to the Greens. Or at least keep the older values alive. At present, no such force is viable.

There needs to be a push in the outer metropolitan and regional areas to “Vote the Greens out” of the Senate. While the inner cities are hopelessly beholden to the Slime religion, there could be enough votes for ON and their fellow travelers to take the Senate balance from the Slime.

August 1, 2022 9:54 am

Democracy, if such a thing ever existed, was destroyed when women were granted to vote.

August 1, 2022 10:52 am

Boambee John

Yes, and the votes for Palmer United in outer suburban seats in Victoria were high.

I think the Liberal Democrats are re-badging as Freedom and Democracy (perhaps they have already). Perhaps because they had in mind the strategy you propose. I handed out HTVs for them, and am waiting to see where they go.

August 1, 2022 12:29 pm

“…the rise of credentialism…”

Expertocracy – and often times that is idiocracy.
All in the name of gutless politicians, more concerned with keeping power than doing their job – as long as there is someone else to blame, they have a chance.
“We [note: never ‘I’] were simply following the advise of experts – it’s not out fault, we weren’t to know!”
Atlas Shrugged, like 1984, is a warning, not a guide book.
Power and responsibility are a package – if you want the one, you must accept the other.
Unless and until we start voting out those who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, and allowing those who make mistakes to stay so long as they admit their errors and attempt to fix them, things can only get worse.

August 1, 2022 3:11 pm
August 1, 2022 3:21 pm

Democracy” is a “thing”.

It is neither exclusively good nor bad.

It might probably work best in a mono-culture where all are IQ’ed and “educated” to the same level. A body politic without narcissism , envy, stubborn stupidity, willful ignorance, outright megalomania, etc. Fat chance in the real world.

The US is NOT a “democracy”, nor was it intended to be one. First and foremost, in the words of one of the Founding Fathers, it was to be a “Republic, if you can keep it”.

Australia was founded as a penal colony and, to this day, a penal colony it remains.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
August 1, 2022 6:58 pm

Meanwhile I was encouraged to read this piece about the tide turning against transgender lunacy and the chemical and surgical manipulation of children in the UK

The author notes that it has had practically no reporting in the US mainstream media, where Biden is all for puberty blocking and mutilation. But the same applies to Australia, except perhaps for Bernard Lane in The Australian. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the GayBC, the Gayge or the Silly Moaning Homo to report it.

I’m surprised the Aus hasn’t been prosecuted for publishing Viurginia Tapscott’s piece of Class A thoughtcrime in defence of full-time married motherhood.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
August 1, 2022 7:01 pm

“we will burn the old grass and the new will grow”
– pol pot

August 1, 2022 7:55 pm

The US is NOT a “democracy”, nor was it intended to be one. First and foremost, in the words of one of the Founding Fathers, it was to be a “Republic, if you can keep it”.

Good point Bruce.

But the USA is no longer a masculine republic, around about 1964 it started transitioning into a Keynesian feminist democracy. Then the cycle speeds up.

Around about 2000, with the rise of Big Tech, it started transitioning into a magic economy, an Oligarchy or Plutocracy.

The next step in the cycle is for one of the oligarchs to seize power, in some form of Emergency, and to declare a Dictatorship or Imperium.

The step after a dictatorship is a bloody revolution, and the declaration of a masculine republic, for as long as they can keep it.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x