Censorious ages of sex and sexuality

The Tavistock transgender clinic in London is to be shut down. Referrals had risen to over 5000 in 2021-22 compared with just 250 ten years earlier. There had also been a marked change in orientation, from men who wanted to be women to teenage girls wanting to be boys. We are talking here about chemical and physical mutilation of young bodies by medical professionals; charged, at the very least, with doing no harm.

We have the Victorian “Change or Suppression (conversion) Prohibition Act (2021) which, among other things, criminalises efforts to ‘supress’ a person’s gender identity. Similar legislative provisions are in place in Queensland and the ACT; and, such is the zeitgeist, that I guess they will find their way eventually into other states.

Quite separately we have seven Manly Sea Eagles players refusing to wear a jersey emblazoned with rainbow signage. Israel Folau being banned from earning his livelihood because he accurately paraphrased a passage in the bible, which condemned fornication and male-to-male sex, among other things. And, one of our greatest sporting icons, Margaret Court, is disgustingly insulted because she opposes gay marriage.

We live in a less censorious age than did our forebears when it comes to matters of sexual behaviour. That’s a very good thing for the most part. Hanging for the crime of buggery is a tad beyond the pale. It’s good that our Western societies are tolerant of different sexual orientations and are understanding and supportive of people who believe they would be more comfortable taking on the outward appearance and manners of those who don’t share their biological sex. At the same time, toleration and understanding are not the same thing as endorsement; and certainly not praise.

Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are aberrant. That sounds harsh, so let’s say they diverge from what is normal in human behaviour. Unless this is acknowledged things can go awry, as they have. Acknowledging that something diverges from the norm shouldn’t lead to condemnation but it should lead to probing questions and caution. Are you sure you feel that way, is reasonable and sensible to ask of any young person who believes he or she is gay or is in the wrong body? Instead, perversely, in a 180 degrees turnaround, our society tends to be censorious of those daring to ask such questions. Why, because homosexuality and gender dysphoria have been normalised; exalted even in some circles. All kinds of harm result.  There is a balance to be found, which hasn’t been found.

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August 2, 2022 6:08 pm

It isn’t pretty watching your own spawn succumb to the mental illness.

They’ve been brainwashed their whole lives poor bastards.

Put a Sea Shepherd sticker on yr car and you can pretend to be a pirate.

Communo-fist in parliament and you can pretend yr a warrior.

But cut yr dick off to pretend yr saving humanity?

…you must be a retard

August 2, 2022 6:28 pm

There is no intermediate.How can there be, when you are dealing with people who need the help of a psychiatrist to decide whether they are male or female?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
August 2, 2022 7:20 pm

There had also been a marked change in orientation, from men who wanted to be women to teenage girls wanting to be boys

What happened to “you go girl” attitudes, the empowerment of women, militant feminism, anti-discrimination laws, mega advertising dollars thrown at recruiting women to the military, and the increase in women’s sport. All examples of women being heard roaring.
Yet girls are increasingly wanting to leave that milieu and become boys.

August 2, 2022 8:20 pm

Instead, perversely, in a 180 degrees turnaround, our society tends to be censorious of those daring to ask such questions. Why, because homosexuality and gender dysphoria have been normalised; exalted even in some circles.

Our society, or just the key enablers? The socialists, that is.

August 2, 2022 8:24 pm

The ironies outlined above are why you ought to identify as super straight.

August 2, 2022 8:55 pm

Whole industries have sprung from this

Intersectional politics
Hormone treatments
Special surgery
Psychology and psychiatry
A new journalism
A new mythology
Hairdressers and blue, green, red dye
Fashion accessories and clobber that looks a little too Clockwork Orange for comfort

All the lawyers are trying to work out if they should legislate or litigate.

The whole world’s lost the plot

Not going to end well … Just sayin’

August 2, 2022 9:00 pm

Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are aberrant. That sounds harsh, so let’s say they diverge from what is normal in human behaviour.

Yuval Harari a Jewish homosexual of WEF fame, claims that homosexuality occurs in nature and is therefor normal. One could also claim that Jews being herded into ovens also occured in nature and it too is therefor normal. Nobody in their right mind would concur with the later so why then concur with the former.

Nihilism seems to be the bedrock of the new woke religion.

August 2, 2022 9:06 pm

What an incredible story from Dr Mark Felton.

Baldur von Schirach, Hitler’s American Minister.

All I knew was he was the leader of the Hitler Yoof.


August 2, 2022 9:06 pm

Damn wrong thread!

Cassie of Sydney
August 2, 2022 9:26 pm

“Censorious ages of sex and sexuality”

Excellent post Peter. Everyone knows my thoughts about “transgenderism” but I’ll just repost some facts…

Fact 1. Gender dysphoria is a real psychological condition however it is historically rare, very rare. It was first diagnosed a little over a hundred years ago. It only ever effected males, particularly juvenile males. Gender dysphoria historically never ever effected females so the sudden and recent surge in juvenile and adolescent females suffering “gender dysphoria” is unusual, suspect and dodgy, I (and others) believe it’s a social contagion, aggravated by social media sewers, akin to the contagion of anorexia nervosa but worse, because social media sewers are riddled with adult “groomers”, who deliberately prey on young girls, deliberately confuse young girls and and encourage them to “transition”. We all know adolescence is a turbulent time of change for both boys and girls, but it’s probably harder on females, with the onset of menstruation and so on.

Fact 2. Most of the juvenile boys who suffered from gender dysphoria grow out of it….and many grow up to be gay men. Once upon a time gender dysphoria was either left alone or young boys received counselling and therapy to help them with the condition. Now it is all about medical and surgical intervention…the consequences of which are catastrophic. These children are being mutilated by puberty blockers and cross sex hormones will never experience sexual pleasure and will never orgasm….they are butchered. Just because a small boy likes the colour pink and plays with dolls doesn’t mean he is a girl in a boy’s body and he shouldn’t be put on a path of medical and surgical transition. The whole thing is ludicrous.

Fact 3. Clinics such as “Tavistock” were originally set up to deal specifically with the condition of “dysphoria”. However, over the last decade we’ve seen clinics such as Tavistock becomes tools of the aggressive “trans” lobby so that they can push for normalising “transitioning” among children, rather than focussing on counselling and therapy. This has already had disastrous results, one example is Keira Bell. There was a joke doing the rounds of Tavistock a few years ago that, given their “transitioning numbers”, there would one day be no more gay men and women left….many at the clinic thought that was a hoot. The aggressive trans lobby has received assistance from activist organisations such as Stonewall in the UK and Stonewall has provided dubious guidance to Tavistock…which is why the clinic is now going to be closed. It is no different here in Oz with the various LGBTQI+ groups providing similar dubious advice to government organisations, sporting groups, corporations and so on. The trans tentacles are everywhere.

Fact 4. Now, whilst there are some adult men who genuinely transition and go on to lead happy lives, they’re a tiny minority, such as Catherine McGregor here in Oz and Deirdre McCloskey in the US (both of whom I’d be more than happy to use female pronouns to describe them). These people are “transsexuals”…..they are not women and will never be women. You cannot change sex….PERIOD. Most “transgender men”, along with the transgender activists, are “autogynephiles”, which is a fancy word for perverts. What is “autogynephilia”? Well it is defined “as a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female transsexualism.” In other words, it’s a fetish, a sexual fetish and these men want access to female only spaces….wonder why?

Fact 5. We’re now living in a time where there is a drive to normalise sinister fetishes. So why not normalise pedophilia? Well, don’t laugh or say that I’m being ludicrous because I’m not and it’s only around a matter of time.

Fact 6. I’ve been following this debate for quite a few years and I have known about, followed and supported heroes like Kath Deves and Sall Grover for over three years. What these women have endured over the last few years is shocking. You might ask what their crimes were? Deves has been crucified for trying to protect women’s sport and speaking out about the absurdity of allowing biological men to compete against biological females as well as speaking truth about how children are being mutilated, surgically and medically….and for this she has been disgracefully smeared by the MSM, including by so called Tealesque Liberals like Karma Sharma and Matt Green Kean. And what was Sall Groves’ crime? She created a female only app called Giggle, which is designed to provide females across the globe with a safe space to connect with other females, you know, such riveting stuff as moving city and wanting to find female only flatmates and so on. For Sall Groves’ entrepreneurship, she’s been targeted by trans activists, bullied, threatened, and even most recently and infamously, had a complaint lodged against her in the Australian Human Rights Commission which Groves, to her credit, ignored. So the complaint then went to the Federal Court and the complainant, a trans activist called “Roxanne Tickle” dropped the case only a few weeks ago, just before Sall gave birth. What is clear that the perverts…oh sorry…the trans activists…..want to stop female .only spaces, but more importantly, they want to annihilate the very concept of what a woman is. It is the ultimate misogynism.

I voted no to SSM because I knew that once you open a can of worms….the worms spill out….and that’s exactly what’s happened

I’ll just end my rant by quoting Sall Grover…

“If you think that women have penises, I won’t believe a single word you say about anything else. Because if you will lie about something so obvious, I will assume you lie about everything”.

I think Sall says it best.

August 2, 2022 9:37 pm

Great comment Cassie !

August 2, 2022 9:54 pm


Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
August 3, 2022 12:26 am

Pretty grim topic really. When we think of how many lives are being ruined by this horrible trend and craze. I actually find governments who support this is usually far left like here in Victoria and the USA. We would be pretty dumb not to think this is part of the de-population programme called the Great Reset. It pushed all over the western world to destroy, demoralise and distract from the immense attack on against western civilisation.

Winston Smith
August 3, 2022 7:16 am

Peter Smiff:

Hanging for the crime of buggery is a tad beyond the pale.

Perhaps so Peter, but still the case could be made for sending the miscreant to India and forced to drink a litre a day of Ganges water, then sent to Mexico to consume a three course HotHotHot Chilli meal each day for the next week. It wouldn’t cure the desire to poke ones willy into other men’s bottoms, but it would certainly give a damn good demonstration of what the aforesaid bottom is really for.

Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are aberrant. That sounds harsh, so let’s say they diverge from what is normal in human behaviour.

No, Peter. Let’s stop being coy here – they are moral and physical perversions.
And the more I am being sidelined for being against these perversions being touted as part of the spectrum of human sexuality, the firmer my feet will be dug in.

Winston Smith
August 3, 2022 7:33 am

Cassie of Sydney:

Fact 5. We’re now living in a time where there is a drive to normalise sinister fetishes. So why not normalise pedophilia? Well, don’t laugh or say that I’m being ludicrous because I’m not and it’s only around a matter of time.

And yet they keep sticking their little pointy heads up, only to be whackamoled down again. They know they only have to be successful once but we need to be successful every time.

John Brumble
John Brumble
August 3, 2022 8:16 am

Advert on youtube. Two young ladies. One asks the other for permission to kiss. The other says yes and they kiss. Voice over says “that’s how it’s done”.

Except.. second person did not ask. Second person also kisses.

These people are fucking idiots.

Angus Black
Angus Black
August 3, 2022 8:18 am

We didn’t have mental illness before Freud.

That dude has a lot to answer for.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
August 3, 2022 9:20 am

We live in a less censorious age than did our forebears when it comes to matters of sexual behaviour. That’s a very good thing for the most part. It’s good that our Western societies are tolerant of different sexual orientations…

No, the reason why we are here is because of tolerance. We should not tolerate what we know is immorally wrong, and sinful. God doesn’t and neither should we. Of course we all fall into sinful behaviour, but we shouldn’t tolerate it in ourselves either.

The slide into hell started with “I’m OK with that as long as it’s behind closed doors”. Now they are well and truly coming after your kids.

Since we know where it started, we have to get back our morality to before that time.

Old Goat
Old Goat
August 3, 2022 10:04 am

I’m with Cassie . How many pregnancies have occurred in women’s prisons due to transgender inmates ? Do you think transgender “men” would want to be incarcerated in male prisons ? As stated by Cassie there is no medical procedure which will change a functional male into a functional female . Period.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 10:42 am

Old Goat

As stated by Cassie there is no medical procedure which will change a functional male into a functional female . Period.

Actually, no period.

August 3, 2022 10:45 am

Hanging for the crime of buggery is a tad beyond the pale.

Is it though? Personally, I would prefer this to drag queen reading hour.

August 3, 2022 11:34 am

Pretty grim topic really. When we think of how many lives are being ruined by this horrible trend and craze.

Its destroying my family

August 3, 2022 12:23 pm

“Fact 5. We’re now living in a time where there is a drive to normalise sinister fetishes. So why not normalise pedophilia?”

They are already trying this on Cassie – try MAP: “Minor Attracted Person”.
No joke.
They want to add this to the LGB+ list to “normalise” it.
Fortunately, there is also push-back from the LGB side to this – “Gays Against Groomers” for example, as well as many (likely the majority, but I can’t say for certain) who are just saying “No, you can’t do that, I want nothing to do with it!”

August 3, 2022 12:29 pm

Always lovely to come to a Peter Smith thread to find just the worst people saying the worst things.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 12:44 pm


Low energy, sad.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 12:59 pm

“Always lovely to come to a Peter Smith thread to find just the worst people saying the worst things.”

The above comment from the resident moron encapsulates his perpetual immaturity and complete inability to debate/discuss or dispute anything. All he does is dog-whistle and throw out juvenile insults.

Please note that this resident moron has nothing to say about the children being mutilated medically and surgery. I’m sure that if his daughter or son came home and said that they wanted to transition, that they were born in the wrong body, he wouldn’t like it. I also doubt that he’d want to have sex with a transgender male identifying as a “female” but according to the transgender activists, such a refusal means he’s a bigot. And this isn’t a left/right issue, there are many on the left who are concerned about this “transgender nonsense”, I would hardly call Helen Joyce or Abigail Shrier “far-right”.

August 3, 2022 1:19 pm

There is no intermediate.How can there be, when you are dealing with people who need the help of a psychiatrist to decide whether they are male or female?

Up until recently Science!! was that it was a mental illness.
The World Health Organization (WHO) will no longer categorize being transgender as a “mental disorder”, after a major resolution to amend its health guidelines was approved May 25.

The United Nations’ health agency approved a resolution to remove “gender identity disorder” from its global manual of diagnoses, in a move that will have a “liberating effect on transgender people worldwide,” says Human Rights Watch. According to the newly-revised version of the International Classification of Diseases (known as ICD-11), published by the WHO, “gender identity disorders” have been reframed as “gender incongruence.” Gender nonconformity is now included in a chapter on sexual health, rather than being listed with “mental disorders” as was the case previously. Activists are now hoping that the ICD-11 will be implemented by the WHO’s 194 member states over the next three years.

What a weird thing to do.
You arent ‘incongruent” if you sterilize yourself, you are fucked in the head.

August 3, 2022 1:57 pm

if his daughter or son came home and said that they wanted to transition, that they were born in the wrong body, he wouldn’t like it

it isn’t real for mUnty

does he think this fad will somehow dodge his own lot?

or is he one of those that will take some vicarious delight in the game?

will he really one of those that proudly announce to everybody at dinner parties how he’s fully supportive of all his self-mutilating off-spring?

if you don’t know it, these people exist too.
trust me, I’ve met them.

I doubt very much the clown will be so happy when his own are cutting their tits off and guzzling the testosterone.

lets see if he’s still so smug when they come for his.

August 3, 2022 2:23 pm

Defects happen, and they must be mitigated, not celebrated. You wouldn’t tell an alcoholic “Go buy that whiskey! Drink all you want! It’s who you are, man!” You wouldn’t tell a person with a gambling addiction “Go to the casino! You just got paid! It’s who you are! It makes you happy, girl!”

August 3, 2022 2:31 pm

when you are dealing with people who need the help of a psychiatrist to decide whether they are male or female?

the truth is that there are psychiatrists out there driving it.
they are consulting and prescribing the hormones and somehow they’re feeding the surgeries too.

i wonder if anybody truly gets what is going on.
they are literally cutting bits off.

my perfectly normal and healthy girl has been turned into a basket-case
started with post-structural feminist mum
and her mates, the lesbian lawyers
kid was largely ok as far as I could tell, until she hit University
but its been downhill ever since
now there is a psychiatrist who has diagnosed everything from ADD to Zero-Gender and all of it is bullshit

kid just turned 28

I really don’t feel tolerant and inclusive watching somebody self-mutilating
I don’t see somebody re-newing themselves.
I see somebody destroying themselves one piece at a time

it isn’t all rainbows and smiles

August 3, 2022 2:51 pm

I’m sure that if his daughter or son came home and said that they wanted to transition, that they were born in the wrong body, he wouldn’t like it.

If that happened, I would support them on their journey of self-discovery, wherever it took them.

I certainly wouldn’t tell them that they are perverts. What sort of parent would do that. Honestly Cassie, you sound like a Victorian-era frightbat.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 3:16 pm

“If that happened, I would support them on their journey of self-discovery, wherever it took them.”

LOL. Then I hope they do….I truly hope they mutilate themselves.

August 3, 2022 3:22 pm

LOL. Then I hope they do….I truly hope they mutilate themselves.

Why is it that self-professed Christians are often the nastiest people?

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 3:30 pm

“Why is it that self-professed Christians are often the nastiest people?”

My God, you really are a fool and a dumb arse. I’m not a Christian…idiot. I’m Jewish.

August 3, 2022 3:39 pm

Good thread Peter S.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 3:54 pm

If that happened, I would support them on their journey of self-discovery, wherever it took them.

m0nty-fa demonstrates that while his kids might be sane, he isn’t.

August 3, 2022 3:56 pm

I would support them on their journey of self-discovery, wherever it took them.

Well for 40 odd % it leads to self erasement.

Monty wants this for his kids.
I can only hope for their sake he never gets it.

August 3, 2022 4:12 pm

There most certainly are a lot of people sticking their noses in and sometimes imposing laws about personal questions. Most of it is noise and can be easily ignored. But it was good to see the good citizens of Kansas smash the abortion issue out of the park in yesterdays referendum.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 4:19 pm

“There most certainly are a lot of people sticking their noses in and sometimes imposing laws about personal questions. Most of it is noise and can be easily ignored. But it was good to see the good citizens of Kansas smash the abortion issue out of the park in yesterdays referendum.”

Poor Hubris, always behind the times, we’re not talking about “abortion”. And if you think that encouraging minors to surgically and medically mutilate themselves all because they’ve fallen under the sway of a sinister ideology then perhaps you need help.

August 3, 2022 4:46 pm

If that happened, I would support them on their journey of self-discovery, wherever it took them.

and, in context, up to and including self mutilation?

you truly are an idiot

mUnty’s Skoda will have a sea shepherd sticker AND a rainbow sticker.

… take that bigots

August 3, 2022 4:49 pm

will he really one of those that proudly announce to everybody at dinner parties how he’s fully supportive of all his self-mutilating off-spring?

…of course he is

August 3, 2022 5:15 pm

I feel sorry for m0nty’s children having such a warped father.

August 3, 2022 5:38 pm

Interesting to see that some people seem unconcerned about a 15-fold rise in a decade or how a review of these ‘personal’ services led to the closure of the Tavistock Clinic.

August 3, 2022 5:50 pm

A few days ago I watched a YouTube podcast featuring Jordan Peterson, who remarked that the transgender craze would cease abruptly when the first lawsuits were filed. My apologies: I can’t find the link.

The attached link is to an article on an American website, some of the commenters have a suggestion about lamp posts and piano wire. There are also a couple of photos of the transgender creatures who are pushing the scam.


August 3, 2022 5:50 pm

Cassie: comprehension note. You made a big deal about intrusion in your life from people forcing you to accept their lifestyle. I pointed out that some people have their intrusion by law. Happily folk in Kansas smashed that idea.

August 3, 2022 5:52 pm

I see hubris is very fond of the destruction of children, before and after birth.
Consistently in favour of moloch. How nice.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 6:15 pm

“Cassie: comprehension note. You made a big deal about intrusion in your life from people forcing you to accept their lifestyle. I pointed out that some people have their intrusion by law. Happily folk in Kansas smashed that idea.”

Nope…you’re the one with the “comprehension problem”. But it’s nice to know that you have no problem with the mutilation of children. As Rosie said above, good to know you clearly support the “destruction of children, both before and after birth.”. I hope you don’t work with children.

August 3, 2022 6:22 pm

Cassie: so you’re argument isn’t about being bullied by people pushing their lifestyle but about some place where kids are mutilated? Isn’t that a police matter? Have you reported these people? Where does the gay altar fit in?

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 6:26 pm

“Cassie: so you’re argument isn’t about being bullied by people pushing their lifestyle but about some place where kids are mutilated? Isn’t that a police matter? Have you reported these people? Where does the gay altar fit in?”

Oh dear, you really are a moron.

August 3, 2022 6:44 pm

John Brumblesays:
August 3, 2022 at 8:16 am
Advert on youtube. Two young ladies. One asks the other for permission to kiss. The other says yes and they kiss. Voice over says “that’s how it’s done”.

Except.. second person did not ask. Second person also kisses.

These people are fucking idiots.

Oh yes, the affirmative consent laws. What an absolute shitfight those are, criminalizing normal human relations. And of course, it will always be the man at fault, with same sex relationships ignored as if it doesn’t happen.

August 3, 2022 7:08 pm

Cassie: Just have another read of your text. Calling people morons is like invoking Hitler. You lose.

August 3, 2022 7:16 pm

Hubris, your statement

about some place where kids are mutilated? Isn’t that a police matter?

was disingenuous and obnoxious and invited Cassie’s characterisation.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 7:27 pm

“Cassie: Just have another read of your text. Calling people morons is like invoking Hitler. You lose.”

Anyone who brings up “Hitler” and “Nazis” is desperate.

I repeat, you are a moron.

August 3, 2022 7:53 pm

Cassie: you’re also a fraud. That little effort is a classic of the genre. Stick to your deeply unhappy prejudices and resentments. You are almost certainly one of those whiney eastern suburbs princesses with nothing to do but complain about fictitious impositions on your entitled lifestyle.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 3, 2022 7:59 pm

Hubris demonstrates his/her/xer hubris.

Cassie of Sydney
August 3, 2022 8:00 pm

“Cassie: you’re also a fraud. That little effort is a classic of the genre. Stick to your deeply unhappy prejudices and resentments. You are almost certainly one of those whiney eastern suburbs princesses with nothing to do but complain about fictitious impositions on your entitled lifestyle.”

LOL, oh my….jealousy, jealousy, jealousy….and such open aggression and misogynism.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
August 3, 2022 8:47 pm

The MSM in the US and here have almost entirely ignored the Tavistock Clinic story. Not a surprise, is it?

August 4, 2022 5:32 am

m0nty says:
August 3, 2022 at 12:29 pm
Always lovely to come to a Peter Smith thread to find just the worst people saying the worst things.

Justify a 14 year old girl cutting off her breasts, removing her ovaries, getting a fake penis and heaps of hormone therapy.


“The worst people!”

That’s you, you freakin’ idiot.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 4, 2022 9:43 am

Matrix, I know of a family also being currently torn apart by a daughter who is caught in the cruel gender-transitioning trap. The mother is forced to ‘go along with’ the daughter’s refusal of femininity and puberty. ‘Tomboys’ of old who in the past became happily married mothers, or lesbians at worst, are now being turned into ghastly simulacra males. It doesn’t just destroy the individual concerned, it also destroys families, and suits the worst of the left by doing this. They hate the nuclear family. For a parent it is a never-ending heartbreak as the child disintegrates further. Matrix, do try to at least keep lines of communication open with her, and be there to pick up the pieces, with love. Love matters here, without recriminations from the only sane adult in her life.

You say, Matrix, that your ex-wife is mired in the world of post-modern ‘theory’ about our human natures. Unexpectedly (sarc on) it is children from families of the left who are most likely to ‘turn’, having been schooled in ‘trans’ ideology at home as well as at school. Pity the little children we see in those ‘tranny acceptance’ shows. Just look at the ‘woke’ celebrities who boast of this re their children who transition at an alarming rate compared to the general population. It is simply a ‘vibe’ that they pick up. It seems that like leftist’s children everywhere, celebrities’ children are also very open to drug experimentation, with damaging effects. In my two years of counselling families with drug-addled children, I found that many whose children had now hit the skids were of a left-tending persuasion. I suspect that ‘trans’ children, as with the drug-addled, need a sane and loving family or parent to return to more than ever, as their focus for stability in life. Let them know it is never to late to return to you for love and shared time together, avoiding contentious topics ; this can produce self-motivated change. Baby steps, not immediate change, but working towards something more positive for you both. She will come back. She is not a man, she is your daughter, and she knows it. Trust in that.

I am so pleased to see some pushback at last, re the Tavistock Clinic.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
August 4, 2022 10:06 pm

I cannot remember which one of you blogged on this topic with the brilliant “purpose and function” of the human body, in particular the genitals.
It was further bought up was is our anus for – to pass waste.
Bring these points up and you silence the opposition.
With regards to supporting children, from parenting, if you state your opposition or displeasure at something your children take note.
If their aunt, uncles and grandparents oppose behaviour or idiocy they drop the idea.
Leftist parents on the Main, more marriage problems, children issues which the parents make you know about it, but they are hurt by these problems – privately they are hurt.
I have learned that it is weakness to support anything unless it makes you better.
Re – you are worse than Hitler – this s what every post war German says when there is a bad seed.
BTW – why don’t people call you a Stalin, Lenin, Marx moa etc
Well Karl effin marx if that ain’t the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

August 6, 2022 10:06 am

“I would support them on their journey of self-discovery, wherever it took them.”

As would I.
But I would also advise them that just because they are female, but like typically male things, doesn’t mean they’re “in the wrong body” – I know more than a couple of women who would prefer the “straight talk” with men than the “he said, she said” gossip of women, who prefer to wear jeans than a pretty dress, who have careers in typically male dominated areas – but who also scrub up to stunners when they go on a night out, who are happily married with well adjusted, successful kids and are more than happy with their lives. Ditto for males.
We are all different, and everyone should resist being put into categories with stern limits on what is acceptable – just be who you are, you’ll be much happier than if you try to fit someone else’s idea of what you should be. Anyone who won’t accept you as you truly are is not worthy of your friendship. The hard part is figuring out who you really are.

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