Open Thread – Tues 9 Aug 2022

Mad Meg, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1564

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Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 1:08 pm

m0nty would believe the documents sought by the Feds could be about literally anything – something impossible, something utterly absurd, be as creative as you like – as long as it can be spun as being damaging to Trump.

August 12, 2022 1:09 pm

Fish farms might be an option, if the boy’s a good swimmer or diver.

August 12, 2022 1:11 pm

Pedo Joe lucky he didn’t shit himself during unplanned sunglasses pick up:

August 12, 2022 1:12 pm

Nuclear. Fucking. Weapons?

FMD. What a joke.

August 12, 2022 1:13 pm

Who knew that shutting down the Aviation Industry for two years and firing everyone wouldn’t fuck things up?

August 12, 2022 1:13 pm

Resist the temptation to tar everyone with the same brush (as you see it).

Pick a single interlocutor and deal with his or her arguments specifically. Only engage with another poster if he or she brings something new to the argument that merits a response.

The problem with that, Roger, is that the Cat tends to throw half a dozen interlocutors at once at me, so I’m dealing with a collective Gish Gallop of crap. I do not apologise for treating the Cat as a pack of evil henchmen all taking a swing in turn, because that is how they act towards me. Not complaining as such, that’s what the Cat is about, but that means I am left with the impression that Cats are a wild mob, not a discrete list of intellectual individuals.

August 12, 2022 1:14 pm

You’re a lying idiot monty.

Where are the documents the mole knew about?


Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 1:14 pm

August 12, 2022 at 12:59 pm
smart money

m0nty’s smart money. Someone should issue this as a new crypto. Move over, dogecoin.

August 12, 2022 1:14 pm

The problem with that, Roger, is that the Cat tends to throw half a dozen interlocutors at once at me

So heroic….

August 12, 2022 1:14 pm

Lol Crowder..

“Welcome to the shit hole California”

August 12, 2022 1:14 pm

Awake, not woke
By Marilyn Rodrigues -August 12, 2022 -The Catholic Weekly

We can be hopeful of a great spiritual awakening but need to act now, says scholar

Speaking to The Catholic Weekly via zoom last week, Dr Hahn agreed that the growing divisions over issues such as race and gender, and the rise of so-called ‘wokeism’ and culture wars are aspects of an “increasingly anti-Christian and toxic” culture in the US with spill-over effects throughout the world including Down Under.

“The forces that are against us are pretty considerable, here as well as there, the forces of secularisation, the forces of de-evangelisation,” he said.

He said today’s Catholics have much to learn from the Christians of the first century, who took on and transformed the Roman Empire which was itself a “culture of death”.

August 12, 2022 1:16 pm

Finally moving!

August 12, 2022 1:18 pm

The Payback for Mar-a-Lago Will Be Brutal

What went around Monday will come around hard for the Democrats when Republicans control the Justice Department and FBI.

Kimberley A. Strassel Aug. 11, 2022

Trump derangement syndrome has a curious way of scrambling coherent thought. Witness the Democratic-media complex’s blind insistence the Justice Department raid on Donald Trump’s home is just and necessary—rather than a dangerous move for their party and the republic.

In descending on Mar-a-Lago, the department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation shifted the U.S. into the category of countries whose ruling parties use government power to investigate political rivals. No attorney general has ever signed off on a raid on a former president’s home, in what could be the groundwork for criminal charges.

Yet to read the left’s media scribes, Monday’s search was a ho-hum day in crime-fighting. The Beltway press circled the wagons around Attorney General Merrick Garland and primly parroted Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s piety that “no one is above the law.” “The Mar-a-Lago Raid Proves the U.S. Isn’t a Banana Republic,” pronounced the Atlantic, clearly worried readers might conclude the opposite. It is “bedrock principle” that those who “commit crimes” “must answer for them,” it lectured.

The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake attests it’s totally standard to investigate presidents—look at Israel! The New York Times soothingly explains that prosecutors “would have carefully weighed the decision,” and that the investigation therefore must be “serious.” Roll Call produced a law professor to remind all that a judge had to sign off on a “detailed affidavit that established probable cause.” The last time we got this level of reassurance about federal law enforcement’s professionalism was at the height of the Russia-collusion hoax.

If you have doubts about all this, you’re unhinged and lawless. The Washington Post quoted “extremism trackers,” who explained that any GOP statements “delegitimizing the government” were “nudges toward violence.” Said one: “They use events like this to feed into this fantasy they’ve co-created with their supporters.” Several outlets claimed Republicans’ criticism of Justice and the FBI was little more than an effort to “inoculate” themselves against any probes.

Yet not even the Justice Department is so simple-minded. It has longstanding guidelines on politically “sensitive” investigations, particularly close to an election. The guidelines reflect a recognition that it’s impossible to strip politics out of political probes, and that a claimed crime must be severe to outweigh the risk of irreparably landing the department with a reputation as a politicized or corrupt agency. The probe also has to be worth the risk of setting off a toxic cycle of reprisal and escalation.

local oaf
August 12, 2022 1:23 pm

Oh come on says:
August 12, 2022 at 1:08 pm

m0nty would believe the documents sought by the Feds could be about literally anything – something impossible, something utterly absurd, be as creative as you like – as long as it can be spun as being damaging to Trump.

Trump is an alien who escaped from area 51

August 12, 2022 1:23 pm

Watch for Falling Anvils, The Washington Post Claims FBI Raid Was Looking for Super-Secret Nuclear Intel in Mar-a-Lago

August 11, 2022 – Sundance

They should have gone with the aliens angle. I said earlier today after watching the frozen-faced, nervous teleprompter reading from AG Merrick Garland, that Main Justice and the FBI had completely embarrassed themselves and likely came up empty in their raid on Mar-a-Lago.

The reason is simple, when you put a tribe of rabid leftists together in a room long enough, they will collectively concoct the goofiest plans in an effort to advance their quests. The DOJ and FBI lawfare tribe are no different. The Washington Post is now claiming the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was connected to some “nuclear information” in Donald Trump’s possession.

As the theory is presented, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un were speaking in coded language about rockets and missiles. President Trump called Chairman Kim “little rocket man”, and said the USA had bigger missiles.

Contemplate that type of insufferably innocuous nonsense long enough and in desperation it evolves into a plan to claim a national security threat might exist. Quick, grab Boris and Natasha and raid the estate…. but watch for dropping Acme anvils.

Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket. Comrade Donald and Comrade Melania were building an atomic missile in the Mar-a-Lago basement in order to advance their insurrection efforts.

Good grief. Can these Deep State stenographers even hear themselves as they type?

‘Quick Melania, before we go to New Jersey, put the nuclear missile plans in your sock drawer.’

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 1:24 pm

August 12, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Which thus far, do not exist.

The FBI had a mole who confirmed their existence.

As to who that was, smart money is on some patriotic Secret Service agent.

Trump left them on the coffee table at Mar a Lago, when he was not using them to solve cryptic crosswords?

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 1:24 pm

You’re a lying idiot monty.

Where are the documents the mole knew about

Oh, dot. Of course a Secret Service agent would know what documents Trump possesses and where he keeps them. He’s no doubt shown them all to every Secret Service agent assigned to him. It’s reasonable to assume there are absolutely no secrets between Trump and the Secret Service. The clue is in the name – SECRET Service. It’s these small details that the smart money picks up on.

August 12, 2022 1:24 pm

local oafsays:
August 12, 2022 at 1:23 pm
Oh come on says:
August 12, 2022 at 1:08 pm

m0nty would believe the documents sought by the Feds could be about literally anything – something impossible, something utterly absurd, be as creative as you like – as long as it can be spun as being damaging to Trump.

Trump is an alien who escaped from area 51

They should have gone with the aliens angle.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
August 12, 2022 1:25 pm

m0nty’s smart money. Someone should issue this as a new crypto. Move over, dogecoin.

Who needs Dogecoon when you can have Muttcoin™?

August 12, 2022 1:27 pm

The Secret Service isn’t very high on Trump’s trusted buddy list.

The Scandal of the Secret Service’s Deleted Texts

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 1:28 pm

August 12, 2022 at 1:02 pm
Those ‘classified nuclear documents’ would also likely be code word level.

And oh by the way, the FBI agents wouldn’t have clearance and access to even see them much less handle them.

Were any uniformed Service officers present? Anyone from the relevant regulatory agency?

August 12, 2022 1:29 pm

Where are the documents the mole knew about?

Hazarding a guess, I’d say the Feds have them now.

It’s a valiant effort from you Cats, no doubt. Your commitment to the cause is admirable. Social credit points for everyone.

August 12, 2022 1:30 pm

August 12, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Which thus far, do not exist.

The FBI had a mole who confirmed their existence.

As to who that was, smart money is on some patriotic Secret Service agent.

Chris Iron?

Boy theres a lot of articles that have aged extremely badly in just 5 years.
Yet for at least 3 of them they were tick tocking away like monty on a meth and mcDonalds bender.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 1:30 pm


I do not apologise for treating the Cat as a pack of evil henchmen all taking a swing in turn, because that is how they act towards me.

You are not forced to be here.

August 12, 2022 1:31 pm

From the Comments

The Washington Post is now claiming the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was connected to some “nuclear information” in Donald Trump’s possession – ACME Nuclear Devices

“Turns out that our satellite spying surveillance was picking up an old 1950’s radium dial clock keepsake having luminous paint containing radium-226 and producing radioluminescence.

More importantly, however, we were able to determine — after rifling through, wearing, and prancing around in Melania’s wardrobe — that those clothes are a half-size too small for the real Melania, proving that Donald Trump murdered her and is using a body double instead. We will be returning to MAL to excavate the entire grounds in hopes of finding her body”

August 12, 2022 1:31 pm

Were any uniformed Service officers present?

Not that I saw and it’s pretty certain the press would have mentioned them if they saw someone with a briefcase chained to their wrist.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2022 1:32 pm

The problem with that, Roger, is that the Cat tends to throw half a dozen interlocutors at once at me

Custer at the Alamo….

August 12, 2022 1:33 pm

so… you’re telling me Trump had access to documents about nuclear weapons and he DIDNT nuke California??

He’s done with me 😛

August 12, 2022 1:37 pm

On the farm work, see if there are any shearing contractors near ou.
A sheep shed isnt a bad start for a kid, and theres heaps of variety.

August 12, 2022 1:40 pm

Trump allies say he declassified Mar-a-Lago documents. Experts say it’s unclear whether that will hold up.

The Heritage Foundation’s Stimson has a different view, given that Trump was once “the ultimate declassification authority.”

“If any president decides to declassify a document and doesn’t tell anybody — but he has made the decision to declassify something — then the document is declassified,” Stimson said.

He added that “there’s a rich debate about whether or not a document is declassified if a president has decided but not communicated it outside of his own head,” but Stimson said he would rather be the defense than the prosecution if the dispute ever went to trial.

This is the dumbest argument of the Trump era. Which is saying something.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 1:43 pm

I do not apologise for treating the Cat as a pack of evil henchmen all taking a swing in turn, because that is how they act towards me.

This is grossly unfair. No one is taking swings at you. Whenever anyone has a knee out, you immediately and repeatedly ram it at full force with your groin. Also, and perhaps you don’t realise it, but people here are mindful about keeping their hands flat. We’ve learnt that as soon as you see anything approximating a fist, you will rush over and batter it relentlessly with your eye sockets. You may want to rethink these tactics as they aren’t as effective as you seem to believe.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 1:43 pm

You’re still here m0nty-fa, bravely (or brazenly) facing up to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?

Stunning, brave!

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
August 12, 2022 1:43 pm


Reminds me of the Onion when it wasn’t so woke shortly after Michael Jackson died…

‘The body of Michael Jackson has been found buried in the grounds of the Neverland mansion. The remains were identified by the single white bejewelled glove. Forensics estimate MJ had been dead for over 20 years prior. Which raises the question what was that heinous pop monster we praised in his place!’

August 12, 2022 1:44 pm

I mean, there were wars fought and revolutions begun over the divine right of kings, and the kings historically didn’t do so good. Not a concept that deserves exhumation.

August 12, 2022 1:44 pm

Startling New Report Indicates FBI Was Looking for Extremely Sensitive Documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

If this is true, then we have a major, major problem. Actually, we have multiple problems.

The first problem: How or why did it take government agencies 18 months after Trump left office to determine that they were gone/possibly in his possession?

The second problem: If they are in Trump’s possession and not in the capable(?) hands of the intelligence community, then Trump has really screwed up here.

The third problem: And, on that note, if this is as serious as the Justice Department’s sources are making out to be, then holy mother of God why are you leaking it to the press, you absolute morons? This is something that could quite literally get someone killed, alter the balance of global powers, and generally make certain people’s lives a nightmarish hellscape… and you’re just tossing it out to reporters like this is good to chum the waters with.

I had already thought that everyone involved in this story was grossly incompetent, and somehow they have decided they are dead set on proving it.

With all of that said, I remain skeptical for a few reasons:

Like I said, you don’t just leak that sensitive national security documents like those pertaining to nuclear secrets are just floating around out there.

It was pretty commonly accepted that the Presidential Records Act was just a front, and everyone was hoping something from January 6, 2021, was going to be part of what the feds discovered.

If you think Trump has this information, you tell those in Congress – including the Republicans – on the committees with high security clearances what the issue is, because you can guarantee that those Republicans will call the de facto head of their party and say “Please for the love of God get those back to D.C. in a hurry.”

And, to be quite honest, the media and the FBI have both done stellar jobs debasing themselves throughout the last six years. Both institutions are distrusted by the American public, and for good reason. The FBI pursued a largely fake dossier, with agents that had admitted biases and agendas against Trump. The media has spent the last six years breathlessly telling us the “walls are closing in” after each and every news tidbit came out — and many of those were just as fake as the dossier.

August 12, 2022 1:46 pm

So Trump:

1. Either illegally possess something that was going to the national archives anyway, or:

2. Has not been charged or arrested over ephemeral nuclear secret papers we can totally trust the FBI over. They won’t even say what was taken away. But they can leak to their friends in the press. Something about Kim Jong Un. Keep in mind he was cooperating with a grand jury, not obstructing it.

This is just getting bizarre (going through Offtrump’s lingerie). If there are no charges soon, it’s all bullshit and all of those Democrats and their lackeys are fucked.

If anyone else was caught with unlawfully possessing classified military documents, you would get charged immediately. The hammer would come down swiftly and it would be a shit rain of absolute criminal liability indictments and decadal minimum imprisonment terms attached to those indictments.

This whole operation stinks.

The water carriers have continuously lied, changed the narrative, been incredibly vague or come up with nonsense theories.

If you have probable cause and find physical evidence, you don’t fuck around.

August 12, 2022 1:46 pm

It actually doesn’t matter if he intentionally or unintentionally held classified documents. The Presidential Records Act states that if this law is broken, it can disqualify a person from holding office.

The problem with the PRA is that it is SUBORDINATE to the US Constitution which sets out eligibility for POTUS to be over 35 years old, natural US citizen and lived there for 14 years. The founding fathers designed it this way so you couldn’t kick a President out of his job for speeding through town on his horse and getting a speeding fine and then being made ineligible.

A minor misdemeanour under the PRA, never be a felony, does not make him ineligible to run. And I reckon Trump would be more than happy to take that argument to the majority “literalist” Supreme Court Justices.

August 12, 2022 1:47 pm

Could mUttley be an even more laughable, gullible imbecile if he tried?

“Ermagerd, the reason for the FBI raid was Fatty Trump stole some top sekret nookular documents which he hid somewhere in Melania’s undies drawers at Mary Largo.”

You preposterous idiot.

August 12, 2022 1:49 pm

Trump allies say he declassified Mar-a-Lago documents. Experts say it’s unclear whether that will hold up.

Who exactly do you think he should have ‘told’?

Who outside his immediate circle do you think even knows that document X exists? ( a VERY important question when we get around to discussing probable cause for issuing a search warrant).

Do you have any idea what is actually involved in classifying or declassifying a document? OK, stupid question.

August 12, 2022 1:50 pm

The first problem: How or why did it take government agencies 18 months after Trump left office to determine that they were gone/possibly in his possession?

Yesterday’s talking point: why didn’t the Feds ask Trump politely for the records, then maybe do a grand jury subpoena, then wait submissively like normal people?

Today’s talking point: OMG why did they take so long, they should have raided Mar-A-Lago 18 months ago!!!!

August 12, 2022 1:50 pm

This is the dumbest argument of the Trump era. Which is saying something.

No you are completely wrong you idiot, read the legislation if you need to.

It is exactly why Hillary couldn’t be charged and I said so at the Sinc Cat. Obama would not drop her in it.

The difference is, Trump has not been shown so far to have engaged in incriminating acts of destroying evidence…indeed, but her emails.

Winston Smith
August 12, 2022 1:51 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

That particular jumped-up accountant took rights from our own law-abiding people, and ran the place like a kingdom before holding on far too long – thus creating the perfect environment for the country to be administered by a succession of dunderheads from which it will take a century to recover.

Interesting how time and distance have stripped Howard of his facade.

August 12, 2022 1:51 pm

A minor misdemeanour under the PRA, never be a felony, does not make him ineligible to run.

Trump made it a felony.

August 12, 2022 1:51 pm

I suspect that most ordinary Americans (including black and Hispanic ones) would be unsettled at the idea of the FBI rooting around in Melania’s underwear. What on earth were they hoping to find? Lurid love letters to Bill Gates?

Those creeps will be boasting about feeling up her underwear at bars forever. Jerks.

August 12, 2022 1:54 pm

The problem with the PRA

Is that the presidential records act –the presented pretext for the document conflict– is not a criminal statute. An FBI raid cannot be predicated on a document conflict between the National Archives and a former president.

So no valid search warrant could be based on it. Which is why they have suddenly shifted the the classified document excuse.

August 12, 2022 1:55 pm

I mean, this could get to SCOTUS and Alito would say “actually the divine right of kings is operational in America, we are all subservient to whatever HRH King Donald says he thought of years ago, suck it libs” and the assembled Cats would prostrate themselves in ecstasy before Dear Leader. That is totally a thing that could happen. Doesn’t make it right, but that’s the world Americans are living in now.

August 12, 2022 1:56 pm

August 12, 2022 at 1:37 pm
On the farm work, see if there are any shearing contractors near ou.
A sheep shed isn’t a bad start for a kid, and there is heaps of variety.

as a 9 year old staying on relations Merino Station near Cootamundra, was in the shed during Shearing Season watching the Wool Classifiers class the wool on tables, then helping put the fleeces into the relevant hessian bales and stencilling the bales with relevant grading – helped shearers eject shorn sheep down the slot, trying to not get in the way, love the noise and hustle and bustle

Classing your own clip



Winston Smith
August 12, 2022 1:56 pm

From Twitter:

This means we’ll take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes.

From Winston:

In other words, Twitter will be 100% behind the Democrats, and denying right of reply to the Republicans. We can see your game even over here in Australia.

Just waiting for the doom hammer to come down…

August 12, 2022 1:57 pm

Those creeps will be boasting about feeling up her underwear at bars forever.

When not living out their J Edgar Hoover fantasies with whichever undergarments they made off with.

August 12, 2022 1:58 pm

Who exactly do you think he should have ‘told’?

There is a process for declassifying documents in the US system, involving paperwork and bureaucracy. You can’t just declare them declassified by talking to the air or thinking it inside your head, even if you are POTUS. Apart from anything else, the documents themselves have to be amended so that they are not marked as classified (and not just with a Sharpie).

Zatara, you act as if you’re an ASIO stooge. What is your background?

August 12, 2022 1:58 pm

Fuck me you are an idiot monty.

Trump having his civil rights violated by a fascist police force is like him being a Stuart or Bourbon King.

You’re not a serious person.

If there was probable cause and if they have the documents, he should be charged, arrested and arraigned for an indictment and trial.

Nearly a working week later, this hasn’t happened.

It is likely all bullshit like the Steele Dossier.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 12, 2022 1:58 pm

They’re not really after Trump but serving a warning to anyone who thinks that they could be a conservative President and have any sort of life after politics without fear of endless harassment by the deep state.
You only have to shoot a few to get the many to comply.

August 12, 2022 1:59 pm

There is a process for declassifying documents in the US system, involving paperwork and bureaucracy. You can’t just declare them declassified by talking to the air or thinking it inside your head, even if you are POTUS. Apart from anything else, the documents themselves have to be amended so that they are not marked as classified (and not just with a Sharpie).

Hello Hillary.

August 12, 2022 2:00 pm

I mean, this could get to SCOTUS and Alito would say “actually the divine right of kings is operational in America, we are all subservient to whatever HRH King Donald says he thought of years ago, suck it libs”

You’re going to be so sick of #winning fat boy.

November is simply going to be too much fun at da Cat.

August 12, 2022 2:02 pm

If there was probable cause and if they have the documents, he should be charged, arrested and arraigned for an indictment and trial.

Nearly a working week later, this hasn’t happened.

Patience, young padawan.

August 12, 2022 2:03 pm

Rabz I got mixed up. Daves Encore was at 150 Elizabeth Street. The one in North Sydney is the one I don’t know. It was over 40 years ago.

August 12, 2022 2:04 pm

Monty is just squealing because faced with 9% inflation, energy price issues (largely caused by government fiat), senility and the hiring of 80,000 more tax department parasites the Dems are going to lose, and lose badly to a ham sandwich, never mind a 2nd shot by trump at the Presidency.

Just thin of all this squealing as pre-preemptive breakdown over Trump 2, Maralago drift, headed to Washington soon.

August 12, 2022 2:04 pm

Monty if they cannot charge him straight away the affidavit was bullshit and the documents were not there or don’t exist.

How long are we meant to wait? Until Muellerween?

August 12, 2022 2:04 pm

I thought the Left were against massive State/secret societies/intervention? When I was a Trot in my younger and stupider days, the FBI and CIA were 100% enemies.

Times change I guess.

August 12, 2022 2:05 pm

Monty is just squealing because faced with 9% inflation

I thought Joe said it was 0%?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
August 12, 2022 2:06 pm

August 12, 2022 at 1:50 pm
[The first problem: How or why did it take government agencies 18 months after Trump left office to determine that they were gone/possibly in his possession?]

Yesterday’s talking point: why didn’t the Feds ask Trump politely for the records, then maybe do a grand jury subpoena, then wait submissively like normal people?

Today’s talking point: OMG why did they take so long, they should have raided Mar-A-Lago 18 months ago!!!!

Poor old mentally defective m0nty beclowns himself yet again.
He can’t understand the distinction between keeping track of where records are, and how to proceed if it’s ascertained that records may be where they shouldn’t be.
There’s no incongruity between asking why it took the Feds 18 months to guess that Trump might have some records, and criticising what they did once they did make that guess. (Assuming that searching for such records was what they were actually doing.)

August 12, 2022 2:06 pm

Now I’m a “neo con” or “fascist” and the FBI, CIA are 100% enemies lol!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 2:08 pm

My goodness. Just tracing through the history of my aristo ancestor who was in the Low Countries as a Protestant in the period of the Duke of Alba’s persecutions – 1576 to 82, but really right through until the end of what is called The Eighty Years War from 1566 during the Spanish reign (and Inquisition) in the Low Countries.

A dreadful, dreadful time. Persecutions and killings galore. Looks as though my ancestor may have fled to Britain even earlier than we thought, in that time, with others coming over later to join the Vermuyden venture in fen drainages from 1626 on. They they were burnt out in Britain by vigilante groups objecting to fen drainage.

Ending up in Australia was probably no bad thing. 🙂

August 12, 2022 2:08 pm

Dot says:
August 12, 2022 at 1:02 pm
This is pretty cool.

A real problem, not sea levels rising 0.3 mm/year.

Kayaking the sickest urban river in Australia

Thanks Dot. I really enjoyed watching that.

The garbage in the gross pollutant traps is a mere tithe of the material that foes into these urban waterways. And then there’s the soluble effluent from ancient, leaky sewers and illegal connections.

Duck Creek is another one over at Clyde. There might still be ducks there, but like the eel and little turtle, they’d have to be pretty hardy.

We see the carelessness of urban holidaymakers at the Bay on a regular basis – at the end of each school holiday the place is strewn with garbage, which the locals pick up much the same as Beau the kayaker. It makes me wonder why they bother to come here if all they do is ruin it.

August 12, 2022 2:08 pm

You’ve Got to Be Kidding: These Are the Items That Led to the FBI Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago

Back to the FBI raid on Trump, do these formerly outstanding items rise to the level of a search warrant? One of the critical documents, if you could call it that, which was sent back to the National Archives was a cocktail napkin. Former President Bill Clinton accidentally left the authorization card for our nuclear arsenal in his suit pocket that was taken for dry cleaning during his presidency. Most rational people would find the latter a more egregious error (via WaPo):

One of the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss its details, said agents were conducting a court-authorized search as part of a long-running investigation of whether documents — some of them top-secret — were taken to the former president’s private golf club and residence instead of sent to the National Archives when Trump left office. That could be a violation of the Presidential Records Act, which requires the preservation of memos, letters, notes, emails, faxes and other written communications related to a president’s official duties.

Some of the materials Trump took included letters and notes from foreign leaders, such as North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.

The inventory of unclassified items in the boxes that were recovered earlier this year from Mar-a-Lago is roughly 100 pages long, according to a person familiar with that document. Descriptions of items that were improperly taken to Mar-a-Lago include a cocktail napkin, a phone list, charts, slide decks, letters, memos, maps, talking points, a birthday dinner menu, schedules and more, this person said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of the ongoing investigation.

August 12, 2022 2:09 pm

Not foes. Goes.

August 12, 2022 2:10 pm

The funniest part of the Trump was the FBI rummaging through Melania’s wardrobe bringing up images of Edgar Hoover dressing up in female attire.

August 12, 2022 2:10 pm

Monty if they cannot charge him straight away the affidavit was bullshit and the documents were not there or don’t exist.

How long are we meant to wait? Until Muellerween?

As someone has pointed out upthread, the FBI agents probably weren’t authorised to rifle through the dozen-plus boxes of documents they took away. They would have had to get people with security clearances to go through them page by page, something which would take quite a while I would reckon.

Back when I was a tech journo I worked at a magazine covering records management, and that stuff is complex. Given the stakes, I would say the G-men aren’t going to rush things on this one.

August 12, 2022 2:11 pm

Whose lawyers would you prefer anyway?

The State’s or Trump’s?

As noted above from all of your posts (not yours fatty), there are inconsistencies, contradictions, process problems, oversight problems..etc… every single point could be argued, appealed in a court and then another court and then another court (and not be resolved until Trump finishes his second term)…. oh, perhaps this is FBI strategy as they think Trump can’t campaign while in court. That might be true for sleepy Joe but Trump has the energy of a non-renewaballs country.

August 12, 2022 2:11 pm

They they were burnt out in Britain by vigilante groups objecting to fen drainage.

Proto-greenies in action.

Early swampies if you will.

August 12, 2022 2:13 pm

Good grief. Day Two of desperate FBI Jazz Hands.

It has certainly taken the gaze away from the economy and foreign policy.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 2:13 pm

If I was forced to make an investment that would most likely generate a positive return, and the only choice available to me was between an offer made by a Nigerian email scammer and m0nty’s smart money index fund, the safer choice would be to go with the deposed African royal who needs my bank details to park his 15 000 000 $ (dollars) USD of which I get to keep 10%.

August 12, 2022 2:14 pm

What is your background?

Now that would be telling wouldn’t it? Suffice to say I have much more knowledge of and experience in classified material control systems than most.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 2:15 pm

Patience, young padawan.

The walls are closing in…again…

August 12, 2022 2:15 pm

As someone has pointed out upthread, the FBI agents probably weren’t authorised to rifle through the dozen-plus boxes of documents they took away.

Sure, but they had probable cause to take away stuff they had no idea what it was?

The same stuff that was going to the National Archives? Which would be unclassified?

monty this doesn’t add up. The FBI (and Trump) don’t have clearance but a glorified librarian (and the general public) does?

Good lord.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2022 2:17 pm

Peter FitzSimons’ interview with Jacinta Price was paternalism writ large Jack the InsiderFollow @JacktheInsider

2 hours ago August 12, 2022
No Comments

An audio interview conducted by Nine Media columnist Peter FitzSimons with Senator Jacinta Price has cast a shadow over the national debate on the constitutional recognition of First Australians.

FitzSimons says it was friendly. The text exchange in the aftermath between the Nine columnist and the Senator appears less so amid calls for the tape of the interview to be played.

This isn’t Watergate or some political shambles with a gate suffix. We don’t need the tape. We can simply go to the third umpire and look at the published interview.

Before we do, we should understand the purpose of an interview. Interviewing is hard and the very best at it assume an inquiring, even passive role. In other words, it doesn’t really matter what the interviewer thinks. The point of the exercise is to learn more about the interview subject and what stories, views, and beliefs that person has to offer.

In looking at the transcript, the third umpire might start with a quick count and determine the interviewer referred to himself in the perpendicular pronoun ten times in the space of 900-odd words.

Furthermore, in the 900-plus words uttered by FitzSimons, the collective first-person plural was used on nine other occasions in that way that indicates he is speaking for all white Australians — “All of us will look to,” “…. we’ve botched it, we’ve buggered it up …” “We’re appalled by the things you cite …” et cetera.

It’s a columnist’s, rather than an interviewer’s, trick. Well, let’s call it a device. The use of the collective ‘we’ assumes the columnist is speaking on behalf of millions of Australians. He might be right; he could be wrong but there’s no actual evidence. There’s been no plebiscite beforehand, no reliable polling, not even vox popping on the streets. It is an assumption dressed up as fact.

One question from the interview highlights this better than others, when the Nine Media columnist, having cast an eye across the nation from his lounge room on the Upper North Shore, determined that Australia had become a cheerful progressive collective.

Coming off the long run from the Paddington end, FitzSimons took a deep breath and asked the following question, interwoven with a huge, baseless assumption.

“In your maiden speech, you said the Voice will drive a wedge between us all. Can I put it to you that right now, there’s less of a wedge between black and white Australia than ever before? With a progressive mood sweeping the land, we’re far more unified now than we’ve ever been in our history, and the most prominent wedge, I respectfully submit, Senator, is people like you and your supporters?”

I could tut-tut that a parliamentarian’s first speech is no longer called a maiden speech and accuse FitzSimons of a gender hate crime but let’s move on. While we’re at it, let’s put his remarks about a wedge and its dismal castigation to one side for a moment. Here he says, presumably referring to the results of the federal election, the progressives are in the ascendancy and in that blinding moment on May 21, we have come together unlike any time since 1901 or perhaps even 1778. Australians are now united politically and culturally.

A couple of World Wars, an Olympics or two, Ashes wins at home and abroad might have done the trick but, no, never at any time before in recorded Australian history have we been as one.

Ultimately, I discovered no more about Senator Price than I learned from reading her first speech in the Senate chamber.

This was not an interview but a debate by ambush, and the basis of it is that once FitzSimons has formed a view all other views, and the people who hold them, are wrong.

Senator Price’s public life has been driven by the need for practical reconciliation – and when it comes to constitutional recognition of First Australians, we shouldn’t try to walk and chew gum at the same time. She has a point because the gum chewing from federal, state and territory governments has been poor as any glance at the annual reports to parliament on bridging the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians shows.

It is a solid argument and needs to be responded to respectfully. FitzSimons would argue that he did so – he even used the term ‘respectfully’ in the interview, but hearts and minds won’t shift when the starting point is, “I know better than you.”

That position is, at its heart, paternalistic.

There will always be dissenting voices in any national debate.

As yet, FitzSimons has not sought to interview the Greens deputy leader in the Senate, Lidia Thorpe. Nor has anybody else. In public statements over the last five years, Thorpe has held similar views to that of Senator Price on constitutional recognition and the establishment of an extra-parliamentary advisory body of First Australians, albeit for different reasons.

But then, I suppose, that would break down FitzSimons’s never-more-unified-Australia assertion.

There is a yawning gap in the Greens position. Greens leader, Adam Bandt, went to the last election arguing that the Uluru Statement with its carefully calibrated processes of voice, treaty, truth should be flipped. Treaty first. Voice last. Senator Thorpe walked out of the Constitutional Convention at Uluru in 2017, rejecting constitutional recognition of First Australians.

This is what the Senator said this week: “Treaty will provide that mechanism for us to negotiate equal terms on how we can live together in the same country and celebrate us as well.”

“We’ve made it clear that the Greens want to see progress on all elements of the Statement. We support legislation that improves the lives of First Nations people, and I look forward to talking with Minister Burney about how we achieve that together in this parliament.”

That is a politician’s remark. It says nothing and even less about intent. It fails to acknowledge Greens’ policy on reconciliation with First Australians has swung wildly over the last five years and that the party is in turmoil over the Uluru Statement.

An interview with Senator Thorpe could be edifying. Nail some Greens’ policy jelly to the wall. It should be respectful because that’s how this debate needs to be conducted. But I’ll go a step further and assume Senator Thorpe would not be accused of inciting racism whatever her position might be.

August 12, 2022 2:23 pm

Let’s call a spade a spade.

The classified material that the DoJ and FBI want to get their hands on most likely consists of all the documents Trump has regarding the long process of set-ups they attempted on him and wouldn’t let him release before under threat of obstructing justice charges because they had bullshit ‘investigations’ ongoing all the time which those docs impacted.

August 12, 2022 2:24 pm

How will Australia ever get ahead under Labor and Unions?

Australia’s most overpaid, under-worked employees

At one company, tugboat crews are paid not to work. When they do, they often don’t do much.

On the evening of July 10, a Sunday, wild winds whipped across the Tasman and slammed into Newcastle.

At the city’s industrial port, tugboat manager Geophrey Gavin knew the 36-knot winds would make it impossible for his boats to safely guide several coal carriers waiting to leave for Asia out to sea.

Gavin told his workers to sit out the night. They wouldn’t have to come in and would be paid anyway.

There was a hitch. One of his tugboat captains, known as a master, had called in sick. So too had an engineer, who operates and maintains the engines, a job that can be learnt through a five-month TAFE diploma.

Gavin told the Newcastle duty manager at their Danish company, Svitzer, not to bother replacing either man. After all, hiring fill-ins would have cost $3000, and there was nothing for them to do.

Under a workplace agreement with the Maritime Union of Australia, the Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers (AIMPE) and the Australian Maritime Officers Union, Svitzer tugboats have to be fully staffed, even when they are tied up at dock and their crews are watching television at home.

The unions complained bitterly to Gavin and warned they would not tolerate similar decisions in the future.

Absurd practices

By gradually introducing more and more rules into their contracts, Svitzer’s unions have created what looks like Australia’s most overpaid and under-utilised workplace.

The practices, which would be regarded as absurd in non-unionised industries, are designed to protect a small group of privileged insiders. The consequence is Australians pay more for trade, and a foreign investor is being strangled.

Here are some other examples cited by the company. Many of Svitzer’s 71 tugboats, at 21 ports from Geraldton to Cairns, have to be staffed with three employees for 12 hours a shift, whether or not the tugboats are used.

In Sydney, Svitzer tugboat captains and mechanics cost the company a minimum of $250,000 a year. Unskilled deckhands cost $162,000 a year. Each day, in Sydney, only two-thirds of the captains, engineers and deckhands turn up to work. The others are paid to visit friends or go to the football.

Working 8-5

When they turn up, there are strict rules governing what they do. It is often impossible to get them to tow ships into port and conduct maintenance in the same shift. In Cairns, maintenance is banned after 2pm. In most ports it is restricted to daylight – unless Svitzer is willing to pay.

At Brisbane, it is even harder. All maintenance requests not made between 8am and 5pm have to be made through a specific union member and engineer. Legally, he can’t be contacted when he isn’t rostered on, including a recent two-month holiday he took, according to evidence prepared by the company for a legal case.

The union’s response: “AIMPE denies that one person in Brisbane blocks maintenance. Each engineer is responsible for the mechanical and related maintenance on the tug they are working on. In conjunction with technical management, maintenance jobs are planned and carried out in accordance with the planned maintenance system for each tug.”

Because of rules that operate nationally, it is not uncommon for workers to turn up for two hours, guide a ship in or out of port, go home, and be paid for 12 hours work.

On July 16, when a crew arrived for work at Newcastle, they found a log stuck in their tug’s propeller. Removing the flotsam was defined as maintenance, which is prohibited on Saturdays.

Svitzer hired a contractor, who was “supervised” by the crew while he pulled the log from the prop. For this act of supervision, or watching, the three-man crew received “emergency” payments.

Much talk, little progress

For two years, Svitzer has tried to negotiate a more reasonable contract, which is also known as an EBA, or enterprise bargaining agreement.

In most companies, for obvious reasons, the workforce wants the business to survive. In Svitzer’s case, many employees would benefit if the Danish company, which is owned by the Maersk group, shut down in Australia.

Last January, Svitzer scaled back its Port Jackson business in Sydney. Twelve staff made redundant received an average of $325,611 each. Svitzer has withdrawn from the Port of Geelong in Victoria, Whyalla in South Australia and Bowen in Queensland. After being paid generously to work little, they were paid a lot to work not at all.

Last Monday, Svitzer’s external solicitors, Chris Gardner and Rachel Bernasconi, and barrister, Stuart Wood, QC, had planned to begin a three-week hearing in the Fair Work Commission to cancel the Svitzer EBA. If successful, the staff would have reverted to a much-less-generous award, a rare step taken when businesses are in trouble and bargaining has failed.

The hearing never happened. On Thursday, August 4, the unions convinced commissioner Michael Easton to delay the case another four to six months to give the unions more time to go through the evidence put against them.

Svitzer may never get its day in court. On Monday new Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke said he was considering prohibiting the commission from cancelling EBAs.

Burke’s first important decision was to end extra scrutiny of the MUA’s semi-lawless parent, the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union, on construction sites. Even if he doesn’t carry through, the threat to change the law has undermined Svitzer’s already-weak bargaining position.

All political leaders say they want to pursue micro-economic reform. If the federal Labor government sides with Svitzer’s tugboat workers, it will send a message to business: our allies’ interests are more important than fixing inefficient industries.

August 12, 2022 2:32 pm

There’s some serious back-peddling and all kinds of demented shit going on with the Trump Raid.

When it first occurred, Garland claimed he wasn’t aware of the timing of the raid. In the press conference he claimed he obviously knew about it as he signed the docs on behalf of the DOJ. Of course, the White House didn’t know. Of course.

I’m not going with the theory that’s continuing to circulate the so-called mole inside the Trump team who “assisted” the Demon’s FBI was a Trump setup, but boy you could just dream about it being so. If it’s true it would be the best set up of all time. Epic.

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 2:36 pm

Sure, but they had probable cause to take away stuff they had no idea what it was?

The same stuff that was going to the National Archives? Which would be unclassified?

monty this doesn’t add up. The FBI (and Trump) don’t have clearance but a glorified librarian (and the general public) does?

Good lord.

You’re just not getting it, dot. You’re being far too logical. You’re letting the facts prevent you from arriving at the correct conclusion.

Let me help: Trump is an extremely evil person, is literally Hitler and is worse than Hitler so of course he is a criminal and the Fed raid has undoubtedly obtained irrefutable evidence of his massive criminality and he’s going to prison forever. Along with his entire family. Limit your inquiry to this and you too can count yourself amongst the smart money.

August 12, 2022 2:36 pm

JC, thanks for the info, I don’t recall you mentioning ‘stickiness’ before but I have a poor memory.

I get your ‘stickiness’ argument but why 2% or any other figure? Why not zero? Better still why should a reserve bank set interest rates at all? Surely any rate should be between the borrower and lender? As for ‘stickiness causing problems, well they are problems in companies, why should the gov want to set interest rates to help companies out? All inflation hurts the saver and the fixed income people, why should they pay to make a companies life easier?

As I said in the US they had deflation for quite a long time in the late 1800’s and early 20th century, they were in general boom times. Perhaps the desired constant inflation actually short circuits the process of creative destruction and hampers us rather than helps us.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 12, 2022 2:38 pm

Personally I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Trump Raid Imbroglio, in fact, turns out to be noocular secrets related.

If you are trawling for something to get an indictment going, what better than Nukes. It’s a US President’s office: the man once with his finger on the button; with the briefing papers; 97% probability there will be something, anything, with a classified stamp, somehow relating to nuclear weapons – and Bingo:

– No, we don’t know whether he planned to trade this information for favours from PutinSatan;
– But no patriot could support someone who plays fast and free with NUCLEAR SECRETS;
– Or a Party which supported a potential Noocular Traitor, who might have sold US Freedom to Kim Jong Haircut;
– Can’t disclose anything further – wish we could – but National Security;
– The Justice System will sort it out, obviously behind closed doors – China and Iran would love to know the details…

Five years later, the case quietly dies a dusty death.
Job done.

August 12, 2022 2:39 pm

FBI Was Looking For Classified Nuclear Secrets During Mar-a-Lago Raid: Leak

So – we’re to believe that the FBI took several boxes from Trump in June, told him to put a bigger lock, and then two months later realized ‘oh — he might have nuclear secrets’ – justifying the raid.

“If the FBI and the Department of Justice believed there were top secret materials still at Mar-a-Lago, that would lend itself to greater ‘hair-on-fire’ motivation to recover that material as quickly as possible,” said David Laufman, the former chief of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence section.

So we assume the narrative will now be that Trump leaked, or could have leaked, nuclear secrets to Putin – which justified “authorities to try to move as quickly as possible to recover sensitive documents” in the name of national security.


House Judiciary GOP

So hours after Merrick Garland says that DOJ only speaks through its filings in court, they go out and leak this story to the Washington Post.

T. Becket Adams

35 min wait for:

1. doj will unseal the warrant and property receipt barring an objection from trump

2. garland personally approved the raid

3. stop being mean to the FBI

4. that’s all, folks

Mark R. Levin

It’s no accident or coincidence that the grand juries involved in Jan. 6 and the National Archives are under the control of the same United States attorney in Washington, D.C., Matthew Graves, who is an Obama-Biden leftist, as is his wife.

August 12, 2022 2:41 pm

“Be Willing To Use Deadly Force”: IRS Sparks Uproar Over Job Posting

Only two things in life are certain – death and taxes, and the IRS can take care of both.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 2:46 pm

August 12, 2022 at 1:51 pm
A minor misdemeanour under the PRA, never be a felony, does not make him ineligible to run.

Trump made it a felony.

The cunning devil, setting himself up to be imprisoned.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 2:48 pm

August 12, 2022 at 1:55 pm
I mean, this could get to SCOTUS and Alito would say “actually the divine right of kings is operational in America, we are all subservient to whatever HRH King Donald says he thought of years ago, suck it libs” and the assembled Cats would prostrate themselves in ecstasy before Dear Leader. That is totally a thing that could happen. Doesn’t make it right, but that’s the world Americans are living in now.

Step away from the bong, m0nty-fa.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 2:50 pm


Zatara, you act as if you’re an ASIO stooge. What is your background?

Clearly more relevant than yours, fantasy boy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 2:53 pm


It is likely all bullshit like the Steele Dossier.

Have you seen the theory that the Steele dossier was based on the activities of Hunter B? Recall that in 2016, Biden was a semi geriatric VP on his way out the door, and Hunter was just a louche playboy with some unsavoury habits? Why not base the dossier on real events, with the names changed to suit the target? Saves thinking up a plot-line.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 2:56 pm

August 12, 2022 at 2:02 pm
If there was probable cause and if they have the documents, he should be charged, arrested and arraigned for an indictment and trial.

Nearly a working week later, this hasn’t happened.

Patience, young padawan.

ROFLMAO, haven’t seen you use that for around five years. Keep hoping, annnnnyyyy daaaayyyy noooowww!

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 2:59 pm

I have to say – and I know it’s a big call, and I don’t make it lightly – m0nty is having one of his bottom 5 dumb days today. If his stupidity were an energy source, today it’s powering the nation (as opposed to his average output, which only covers greater Sydney and Melbourne).

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 3:05 pm


As someone has pointed out upthread, the FBI agents probably weren’t authorised to rifle through the dozen-plus boxes of documents they took away. They would have had to get people with security clearances to go through them page by page, something which would take quite a while I would reckon.

Getting desperate, nine and a half hours to pack up half a dozen sealed boxes? Even by government work standards, that is slow.

And, as someone else pointed out upthread, if there genuinely were believed to be such documents as claimed there, specially cleared and prepared personnel would have been there to take immediate possession of them.

You are not very good at the secrets business, stick to fantasy football.

And what happened to that life to live you were babbling about a couple of days ago?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 12, 2022 3:12 pm

Off topic:

my aristo ancestor who was in the Low Countries as a Protestant in the period of the Duke of Alba’s persecutions – 1576 to 82

Lizzie and johanna are both cloggies!

I wonder if they look the same?

August 12, 2022 3:18 pm

Cloggies are objectively the dumbest Europeans.

August 12, 2022 3:18 pm

National Archives official who notified DOJ in Trump probe declined to do the same over Clinton emails

Ferriero said he didn’t believe it was ‘appropriate or necessary’ to notify the DOJ about Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2015

The official who triggered the federal probe into former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents opted against doing the same concerning Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

David Ferriero, who served as the director of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) from November 2009 until he retired this past April, said in a February letter to House Oversight Committee leadership that his staff had started communicating with the Department of Justice (DOJ) earlier this year.

In January, Trump returned 15 boxes of documents from his time in office to NARA after the agency notified him the material belonged to the federal government.

“Because NARA identified classified information in the boxes, NARA staff has been in communication with the Department of Justice,” Ferriero wrote in his Feb. 18 letter.

After negotiations regarding additional documents broke down between Trump and federal investigators in recent months, the DOJ obtained a search warrant to obtain additional missing documents. On Monday, FBI agents raided Trump’s southern Florida home seeking the documents.

However, Ferriero said he took a different approach in 2015 when Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Neb., who at the time chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee, asked whether NARA had notified the DOJ about its investigation into the deletion of Clinton’s emails during her time as secretary of state.

“The Federal Records Act requires that when a deletion occurs, the head of the agency in question must notify the Archivist, and with the help of the Archivist, initiate an action through the Attorney General for the recovery of those records,” Grassley wrote on Sept. 4, 2015.

“Will you now request the Attorney General initiate an action for recovery for the 15 missing emails and potentially other federal records that may have been deleted by Secretary Clinton.”

In response, Ferriero said NARA didn’t believe it was necessary to notify the DOJ about the missing emails.

From the Comments

– So now the National Archives is politicized as well. Are there any even-handed agencies still in existence in America?

August 12, 2022 3:19 pm

JC, thanks for the info, I don’t recall you mentioning ‘stickiness’ before but I have a poor memory.

I might not have, I don’t recall exactly.

I get your ‘stickiness’ argument but why 2% or any other figure?

2% has been historically considered the safe point where the prescribed inflation rate won’t cause any high level damage and enough away from zero that the central banks wouldn’t have to resort to unconventional tools such as QE. It’s been considered the sweet spot.

Ironically, it was just recently major central banks had lost credibility because the inflation had been well below target for over a decade in some cases.

Why not zero?

For the reason explained upthread, but let me add another reason.
Although, we also think in real terms and would like to avoid any inflation at all, the world deals in nominal prices. You don’t think, when purchasing a loaf of bread about its cost in real terms (ex-inflation). You think in nominal terms. Wages, debt etc are in nominal dollars and it’s important to keep this in mind.

Better still why should a reserve bank set interest rates at all?

We had a short history of that in the US back in the 80’s ( I can’t recall if so in oz). The Fed set about targeting the money supply (M3) and it was considered a failure, firstly because the money supply target didn’t really work vis a vis the inflation target, but also, and more importantly because short-term rates were extremely unstable. I recall days when the US fed funds rate could go from 4% to 500% in the space of the few minutes. The Fed figured that this sort of instability was negative on both the banking system and Main street, so it decided to target the inflation by hoping to hit the sweet spot with short-term rates. This was fine during the 90s when there was little instability.

Surely any rate should be between the borrower and lender?

Which is market monetarism. Market monetarism believes the market should set interest rates and all the central bank should do is target nominal GDP. I’m a buyer of (only) this system for monetary policy management.

As for ‘stickiness causing problems, well they are problems in companies, why should the gov want to set interest rates to help companies out?

Think of Australia and our wage system of wage setting. How inflexible is it that a fucking government body sets wages instead of the market? Labor rates are perhaps the most important price signal in any economy, but the government believes it has superior knowledge in setting wages.
Having an inflexible labor market and all those state based hindrances against a free market (in setting prices) causes enormous stickiness and would be a huge recipe for very high unemployment if the inflation rate went below zero. Our entire economy is not set up for deflation as the risk is asymmetrically biased against deflation.

All inflation hurts the saver and the fixed income people, why should they pay to make a companies life easier?

Forget companies and just focus on total (aggregate) nominal income. Think in those terms.

As I said in the US they had deflation for quite a long time in the late 1800’s and early 20th century, they were in general boom times.

Prices weren’t as sticky and there was an acceptance in experiencing the price of labor and goods&services fluctuate. Also, keep in mind that the US economy of the day was nowhere near as leveraged as it is in modern times. It was around then when the banking system slowly began to lend money for housing mortgages. Before that, lending against real estate was considered very risky. Also, banks were much more highly capitalized than they are now.

Perhaps the desired constant inflation actually short circuits the process of creative destruction and hampers us rather than helps us.

I tell you what, get rid of stick prices in the labor and goods market and also for government service/charges and then you can think about the benefits of zero inflation (as well as considering money as a store of value).

August 12, 2022 3:21 pm

As someone has pointed out upthread, the FBI agents probably weren’t authorised to rifle through the dozen-plus boxes of documents they took away. They would have had to get people with security clearances to go through them page by page, something which would take quite a while I would reckon.

Monty, they had a mole who knew what Trump had and where everything was. So it makes perfect sense that it took three dozen FBI agents over 12 hours (and now three days later) to find “the stuff” lol!!!

August 12, 2022 3:23 pm

monty this doesn’t add up. The FBI (and Trump) don’t have clearance but a glorified librarian (and the general public) does?

No. No one has clearance except those members of the government who have been granted it.

There would be some members of the archives who would have it, as would some at the FBI. But not everyone.

Do I have to draw you a Venn diagram?

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 12, 2022 3:24 pm

One of Australia’s most prestigious art galleries now requires visitors to click through an Acknowledgement of Country just to enter its website.

The Art Gallery of New South Wales’ website prompts users to read the message before having to click continue before they can actually access the site.

Daily Mail

August 12, 2022 3:26 pm

Hey Zatara
here’s a question for you OT…

There’s a conspiracy site I frequent called GodLikeProductions for a laugh and serious intel and they have, seriously, every class of nutter and threads there you could ever imagine. However, their network of nutters have an almost 100% hit rate of properly reporting on unfolding events that are real (not the stories about being ruled by lizardpeople etc…).

A competing conspiracy site noted that Godlikeproductions was set up by the FBI as a psychological evaluation tool for nutters so this other site noted that many FBI agents regularly frequent Godlikeproductions. The FBI called the Godlikeproductions website Project Tavistock.

Now, I’m not big into conspiracy theories but if you go to Godlikeproductions and type in a comment with the word (or an alliterative/related word) Tavistock or T@vistock and the like – you actually get a life ban from the site and your comment never appears.

What do you reckon?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 3:28 pm

You only have to shoot a few to get the many to comply.

That’s what the Duke of Alba thought. Not true. Fierce persecutions of Flemish aristos as well as ordinary heretics and allowing troops to run rampage with rape, murder and pillage through productive trading towns eventually rebounded badly. A lot of good and productive people fled.
And his name was dirt forever.

However, the lesson is that people will do anything if they are led strongly enough by a righteous belief and have no concern for law, order, humanity or the present, putting all benefit into some nevernever in the hereafter. Just like the climate change cult.

August 12, 2022 3:33 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
August 12, 2022 3:33 pm

August 12, 2022 at 3:23 pm
monty this doesn’t add up. The FBI (and Trump) don’t have clearance but a glorified librarian (and the general public) does?

No. No one has clearance except those members of the government who have been granted it.

There would be some members of the archives who would have it, as would some at the FBI. But not everyone.

m0nty-fa achieves Sir Humphrey levels of incoherence. The middle para resembles the Cabinet Minutes episode. Perhaps it was plagiarised?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2022 3:37 pm

One of Australia’s most prestigious art galleries now requires visitors to click through an Acknowledgement of Country just to enter its website.

Certain schools in Western Australia showed the film “Rabbit proof Fence” some many times that the children could not have cared less about the “Stolen Generation.” All this “Acknowledgement of Country” nonsense has the potential to provoke a similar reaction.

August 12, 2022 3:39 pm

Lysander’s feeble attempt at unscrambling M0nty (thanks BJ for inspiration):

“Well, in presuming if one does indeed, or does indeed not, have the right to know or not it would be good to know, if we’re able to know or not, who gives the right to know or not and who, if being the right person to know or not, checks who has the right to know or not and the right to give those who can know the right to know.”

Oh come on
Oh come on
August 12, 2022 3:40 pm

Do I have to draw you a Venn diagram?

It’s irresponsible to go about making these kinds of rash offers, m0nts – you know full well you don’t have your pen licence yet. Or your crayon licence. Yes, you are allowed to eat them, just no drawing.

August 12, 2022 3:40 pm

Surely a contender for Liberty Quote ’22?

August 12, 2022 3:41 pm

Monty, they had a mole who knew what Trump had and where everything was. So it makes perfect sense that it took three dozen FBI agents over 12 hours (and now three days later) to find “the stuff” lol!!!

Part of the problem was that you couldn’t trust Trump not to just leave stuff lying around. The archive nerds told him to store the classified documents in a locked room while they argued over it, but I’d bet you London to a brick that there was stuff outside that room.

Trump has brought this all on himself. He is a massive weirdo.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 3:42 pm

Lizzie and johanna are both cloggies!

Ah, but consider the distaff side. It’s true that the Huguenots married each other, so cloggies galore there. But I’m from a Riever clan turned into solid Yeoman stock on my maternal grandfather’s side, and good old Jenkins Welsh from my maternal grandfather. My maternal grandmother (nana) was an old Welsh village wise woman (for which read witch) who read fortunes, delivered babies and laid out the dead. My mum’s dad hailed from Appleby in Westmoreland which is still a haunt of gypos (see Peaky Blinders for confirmation). I bet I have some gypsy blood too because my great-grandfather married an ‘actress’ (likely a gypsy). Like my grandfather, he was considered a black sheep. My own dad was considered a black sheep in his family line too.

So what does that make me, with all of this blackness? A person of colour!
Even though I look like a cloggie. All pink and blonde and blue eyed in a Dairymaid’s cap.

August 12, 2022 3:44 pm

Donald Trump: I Am ‘Encouraging’ DOJ to Release Search Warrant that Led to Mar-a-Lago Raid

Former President Donald Trump said he is “ENCOURAGING the immediate release” of the search warrant and related documents that led to Monday’s FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago in a statement released late Thursday night.

Trump said:

Not only will I not oppose the release of documents related to the unAmerican, unwarranted, and unnecessary raid and break-in of my home in Palm Beach, Florida, Mar-a-Lago, I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents, even though they have been drawn up by radical left Democrats and possible future political opponents, who have a strong and powerful vested interest in attacking me, much as they have done for the last 6 years.

John of Mel
John of Mel
August 12, 2022 3:45 pm

Do I have to draw you a Venn diagram

The Difference Between A Dork And A Nerd


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 3:46 pm

The archive nerds told him to store the classified documents in a locked room

I wonder what they said to Hillary and Obama, M0nts.

Trump has been too trusting. Obama spent thirty million to avoid a raid.
And Bill and the Hilderbeast are untouchable. They must have Epstein’s black book.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2022 3:46 pm

Trump represents ordinary Americans, actually he represents ordinary working and middle class men and women across the West, from Britain to the USA to Australia to Canada etc. These same ordinary people have been abandoned and are lost, they wonder aimlessly around a waste land having watched in utter dismay, how over the last fifty years economic and social progressivism, in its various cloaks and disguises, be it corporatism, globalism, drugs culture, sexual liberation, LGBTQI+ etc and the coup de grace…..the climate scam, has slowly and surely vandalised, gutted and destroyed their jobs, their communities, their families and their faith. And this has all been done with the willing connivance of traditional political parties on both the left and the right. It isn’t a pretty picture, it’s actually a desolate landscape. The West is now a wasteland, exactly like something out of Eliot’s The Waste Land. Some say that Eliot’s Waste Land is a reflection on the aftermath of World War I. It is, but it’s also an uncanny portent of the world to come….actually, of the world we now live in.

As I said this morning, this won’t end until they either throw Trump into a prison cell and throw away the key or they kill him. The globalist elites now don’t even try to hide their intentions, they’ve long loathed us ordinary men and women and so, by destroying Trump they’re destroying us. But the left are ultimately fools, they lack any understanding of human history or human nature and they fail to realise is that in destroying Trump, they are also martyring him.

I sat upon the shore
Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
Shall I at least set my lands in order?
London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down
Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam uti chelidon—O swallow swallow
Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih

August 12, 2022 3:46 pm

Reminder: Joe Biden Senate Papers Still Hidden from Public

While corporate media and Democrat politicians are focused on boxes of White House documents former Presidential Donald Trump reportedly kept with him at Mar-A-Lago, President Joe Biden’s Senate papers still remain hidden from the public.

Biden’s Senate papers reportedly fill 1,875 boxes and include 415 gigabytes of electronic records spanning Biden’s time in the Senate between 1973 through 2009. The documents include “committee reports, drafts of legislation,” and Biden’s personal correspondences with his Senate colleagues.

Biden also said the documents include “a lot of confidential conversations” during a 2020 interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

It is rumored the documents include a written complaint filed by Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual misconduct during an interaction that allegedly took place in 1993.

Biden gifted his Senate Papers to his alma matter, the University of Delaware, in 2011 on the condition that they would be made public after his tenure as Vice President. However, the University of Delaware changed the papers’ release date one day before Biden announced his 2020 presidential campaign.

Instead of a December 31, 2019 release date, the papers will not be released until two years after Biden “retires from public life.” However, the University provided no definition for what it considers to be “public life,” leaving the final release date unknown.

Biden claimed that the papers could not be released during his presidential campaign, despite calling on former President Donald Trump to release sensitive financial information.

August 12, 2022 3:50 pm

With all the shit happening some essential reading:

Bayou Girl: in the Bayou it was mating season all year round
Twilight Women: when the sun set they worshipped at the shrine of passion
The Consummata: she consumed men like fire: but what a way to burn
The Vineyard Beauty: the wine was excellent but the grape pickers were a better vintage

August 12, 2022 3:50 pm

From the Comments

– I demand video of the Russian prostitutes urinating on the nukes.
– That footage is on Hunter’s laptop…….

he is standing in the background, in his open kimono.

– Time for Trump to rip off the FBI’s balls.

Anyone with a brain – ? Montyknows Garland is hell-bent on preventing Trump from running again. This has absolutely nothing to do with the ridiculous claims of being related to either the National Archives or nuclear codes.

– Troll’s heads are exploding. They all screamed Trump would fight this. More egg on Garland’s face.

August 12, 2022 3:50 pm

Um yeah sure.

The national archivist gets DOE Q clearance.

Fuck me this is becoming more laughable by the day.

August 12, 2022 3:50 pm

Between 1:06 and 3:41 pm, on this page only, there are 27 positive results for “monty”, including responses to the Master Troll..
Montz clearly lives in a multi-level luxury mansion on massive acreage in most commenters’ heads.
I hope he’s sitting down on his Hume-leather Chesterfield quaffing Hennessy XO Cognac by the decalitre.

Well done man!

August 12, 2022 3:54 pm

New and improved Monty unscrambling that i’ve fixed up from my previous attempt. I think it captures perfectly what Monty is saying:

“Well, in determining if one does indeed, or does indeed not, have the right to know or not it would be good to know, if we’re able to know or not, who gives the right to know or not and who, if being the right person to know or not, checks who has the right to know or not and the right to give those who can know the right to know; notwithstanding that the one who knows may wish others to know only what they need to know without others knowing that what they know might be limited or different from what others know”

August 12, 2022 3:54 pm

Former President Donald Trump said he is “ENCOURAGING the immediate release” of the search warrant and related documents that led to Monday’s FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago in a statement released late Thursday night.

Trump has the warrant, plus the inventory of items taken. He could release them whenever he wanted.

The affidavit is still sealed, but the warrant is not.

As usual, Trump and his lawyers are lying.

August 12, 2022 3:57 pm

CDC guidelines have been revised and COVID rules have been relaxed.

And there it is… “unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people.”

August 12, 2022 3:57 pm

Slainte, Gilas.

August 12, 2022 3:57 pm

I prefer Remy Martin XO, Gilas. Hennessey tastes like it’s got caramel in it.

August 12, 2022 3:59 pm

Cloggies are objectively the dumbest Europeans.

When a German and a swine love each other very much….

August 12, 2022 4:01 pm

Trump has the warrant, plus the inventory of items taken. He could release them whenever he wanted.

The fat little turd is lying again.

And Gilas, stop licking the little turd’s arse.

August 12, 2022 4:02 pm

Welcome to Victoria – MonkeyPox Heaven – Two months?????????

From the Comments

– I got just the flag for you lot!!

comment image

– Not sure if it will be just pride that’s distributed…
Apes comes to mind for some reason…..

– It’s not enough that the LGBTQI+ community wants acceptance, they want celebration. And if you don’t accept that, they will try to destroy you via lawsuits, persecution, harassment and more.

– I thought that the Mardi Gras was bad enough but a two month freak show is just too much.


– Now this is something that the Liberals in Victoria will really support.

John of Mel
John of Mel
August 12, 2022 4:03 pm

I’m about to visit Victorian Farmers Federation. Funnily enough they are about two doors down from our office on Collins Street.

… and no one is there.
I’ll give them a call next week.

August 12, 2022 4:04 pm

The affidavit is still sealed, but the warrant is not.

That’s the precisely the point.

The affidavit very likely is evidence of a justice offence – the probable cause was very flimsy or Trump would be in handcuffs RIGHT NOW.

August 12, 2022 4:04 pm

Some say that Eliot’s Waste Land is a reflection on the aftermath of World War I. It is, but it’s also an uncanny portent of the world to come….actually, of the world we now live in.

Someone once proposed a Yeats Test.

As The Second Coming becomes more quotable to commentators, the worse things are, indeed, getting.

August 12, 2022 4:06 pm

Boy QLD Mackay – Good luck Jenny and Steve, looks like you’ll need it!

Friday, 12 August 2022
How’s this for payback?!!!

In Whitsundays newspaper.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 12, 2022 4:06 pm

As if you weren’t already bored shitless by the constant parading of the pointless priests of porn.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2022 4:07 pm

Correlli Barnett obituary
Irascible revisionist historian who argued that Monty wasn’t quite as great a general as everyone, Monty included, thought
Friday August 12 2022, 12.01am BST, The Time

To write a book claiming that it was not Montgomery but the lesser-known Claude Auchinleck who was the real architect of victory at El Alamein was courting controversy. Yet three years later, as Joan Littlewood’s satirical Oh, What a Lovely War burst on to the stage, to write another saying that Douglas Haig was a fine general, was positively inviting trouble.

Correlli Barnett was, however, a late-period Angry Young Man. He was also one of the most influential historians of his time, with many of his books’ judgments long accepted into the canon of both First and Second World War history — even if many a professional soldier has struggled with them.

Quite what was at the root of Barnett’s anger was always hard to fathom. It was not as if life had dealt him a poor hand. Some thought it perhaps an impish pleasure in irascibility. Well into his eighties, he was invited to give a talk to a regiment about to go to Afghanistan. It was not an encouraging address. When it came to questions, the commanding officer asked if he had any advice for him. “Yes,” he replied gruffly, “Grow a large, bushy beard.”

Barnett’s first book of military history, The Desert Generals, tilting at Montgomery and reflating Auchinleck, was written in the time snatched from his day job amid the usual scenes of domestic anarchy attendant on having two small daughters. A later book, The Audit of War, deepening the theme of the inefficiency of wartime Britain and its causes, particularly education, became one of the textbooks of Thatcher’s New Right, carrying warm endorsements from the prime minister herself and from her own intellectual mentor, Sir Keith Joseph, to his colleagues in the education ministry.

Barnett’s short, stocky build (though trimmer in later years), blue eyes and fair hair, combined with a perennially youthful, unpompous air, gave him an Anglo-Saxon look. But his blistering attacks on Britain’s governing elite did not endear him to romantic Tories of the old school. “Mrs Thatcher’s favourite Prussian,” sniffed Sir Peregrine Worsthorne once. “Of course he’s obsessed with public schools because he didn’t go to one” was the opinion of Kenneth Rose, another of the Telegraph’s resident intellectuals.

Yet Barnett was a patriotic, almost quintessential Englishman. The Audit of War is dedicated to three of his grandchildren “in the hope that England may yet prove stronger than the storms”. He simply believed that after the war Britain should have concentrated on modernising her industry rather than creating the welfare state.

Arguably, however, it was Britain’s insistence on trying to maintain her military muscle, thereby spending the greater part of her share of Marshall Aid on arms, which did for her industrial edge, except in aviation.

His Education for Capability (1986), expressing his thesis that British education was not geared to the needs of an industrial power, while gaining Thatcher’s and Joseph’s approval, certainly did not impress everyone. In England: An Elegy, Sir Roger Scruton, criticising Barnett’s lack of comparative judgment, countered that “relevance in education is a chimerical objective and the English knew this. Who is to guess what will be relevant to a student’s interests in ten years’ time? Even in the applied sciences, it is not relevance that forms and transforms the curriculum, but knowledge.” He wondered which European nations, “unhampered by the code of the gentleman, have shown us the way to successful empire building and retreated with credit from their colonies?”

Correlli Douglas “Bill” Barnett was born in Norbury, south London, in 1927, the only son of Douglas Barnett, a former official of an American bank, and his wife, Kathleen. His unusual first name came from his father’s misspelling — or that of the registrar of births — of a favourite (though curiously a minor) composer. He acquired his nickname “Bill” because, he said, as a baby he bore a remarkable resemblance to “Old Bill”, Bruce Bairnsfather’s First World War cartoon “Tommy”, minus the walrus moustache. The family later moved to Croydon, where Barnett was educated at a direct grant school, Whitgift Middle. Subsequently he went to Exeter College, Oxford, to read history, obtaining what he described as a “punting second”. He always insisted on including his second-class degree in any book-jacket bio, almost as a badge of academic defiance.

On coming down from Oxford he did his National Service in the Intelligence Corps, rising to the rank of sergeant, mainly in Palestine during the turbulent expiry of the mandate. In 1950 he married Ruth Murby, the sister of the head boy of his school. She died in 2020, and he is survived by their two daughters: Clare, a retired interior designer; and Hilary, a retired solicitor.

Needing to put bread on the table, he first joined the North Thames Gas Board as a graduate trainee, before, five years later, helping to set up a small public relations firm in which he was a partner. His first book, The Hump Organisation, a despairing novel about his experiences in industry, made little impact. The Desert Generals (1960), however, was an immediate success. It was followed in 1963 by The Swordbearers, an examination of national military leaders in the First World War, after which he abandoned his PR job and moved to mid-Norfolk, buying Catbridge House, a large Gothic cottage orné, for £4,000, soon christened “Fort Catbridge”. Britain and Her Army followed in 1970, a less polemical and widely admired history that won the Royal Society of Literature award. Then followed his quartet of books on the postwar condition of Britain, its industrial management and workforce, the final volume concluding with the Suez operation in 1956, the year when, he believed, Britain ultimately lost out in the industrial race and the German economy pulled ahead of its old rival.

In 1976 Barnett was appointed a Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, and Keeper of the Churchill Archives Centre. While continuing to work on his four-volume masterwork, he variously produced biographies of Marlborough, Napoleon and Pétain, and contributed to numerous other books of essays. He was also a consultant and scriptwriter on two BBC TV series, The Great War (1964) and its sequel The Lost Peace (1966).

He “retired” finally in 1995, but continued to write, not least increasingly angry newspaper articles. He twice sat on the committee of the London Library and was a fellow of both the Royal Society of Literature and the Royal Historical Society. In 1991 he was awarded the Chesney Gold medal by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, and in 1997 appointed CBE.

Notwithstanding his war with Britain’s elite, it is tempting to think that if Barnett, rather than serving as a sergeant in the Intelligence Corps a year or so later, had on VE Day been a sergeant in the Royal Army Educational Corps, whose only battle honour, goes the joke, was the 1945 general election, Labour’s majority might well have been substantially reduced.

Barnett’s series on “The Decline and Fall Of Britain as a Great Power” is one of the classics of modern history.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 12, 2022 4:09 pm

Custer at the Alamo….

An inspiring moment in history:

I often dwell on Patton’s words in the Alamo Cantina and Souvenir Shop the night before the last attack by Santa Anna’s forces:

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that shares his voucher with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
Five points on his loyalty card shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England who think they are a bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods in their pants whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon this Surf-and-Turf Saturday.

Better than Shakespeare, if you ask me.

August 12, 2022 4:10 pm

Do I have to draw you a Venn diagram?

Any coincidence montys favorite data diagram looks like doughnuts badly stacked?

harrys on the boat
harrys on the boat
August 12, 2022 4:13 pm

This is m0ntys new Stormy and the Sleazy lawyer. I remember him telling us Trump was finished cos of the old slag Stormy. The Steele dossier that m0nty nailed his pathetic knob to, that would do in Trump too. US politics, Australian politics, definitely economics, the list is endless of m0ntys monumental fuck ups and wrongology. A decent person would’ve died of shame at least you’d think he’d learn.

My favourite rake was when m0nty lectured us on Rudd/Gillard NBN. Had to be copper wire due to limited bandwidths he proclaimed. Meaning 3G, when it rolled out would be the fastest non-wire could get. $45b, nay $70b well spent. A Labor masterpiece. Can’t fail. M0nty the electrophysicist.

Literally a day later, and I mean literally one day. Scientists had devised a way to maximise existing wavelengths meaning unimaginable speeds with 4G, 5G and beyond on the horizon.

The fat fuck is wrong about everything.

August 12, 2022 4:14 pm

The problem with that, Roger, is that the Cat tends to throw half a dozen interlocutors at once at me

Embrace the power of choice.

August 12, 2022 4:15 pm

So FBI, why no raid of Hunter Biden’s house?!

By Miranda Devine

The message was unmistakable at Joint Base Andrews Wednesday, two days after former President Donald Trump’s Florida home was raided by the FBI.

There, boarding Air Force One at 1:20 p.m., shoulder to shoulder with his father, the president, was Hunter Biden, whose home has never been raided.

Despite a snail’s pace grand-jury investigation into his suspect business dealings by the US attorney in Joe Biden’s crony state of Delaware, despite copious documentary evidence that he accepted millions of dollars from America’s adversaries in exchange for influencing his father, the then-vice president, despite actively working with Communist China to extend “belt-and-road” imperialism across the globe to undermine America, Hunter, 52, looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

Dressed in a suit and tie and accompanied by wife Melissa Cohen and toddler son Beau Biden, he made his way slowly up the stairs of the presidential jet, alongside Joe, exchanging private jokes before stopping at the top to turn and face the waiting cameras, father and son, giving the world a lingering view of their brazen smiles before they jetted off for a seven-day vacation to a favorite family haunt, Kiawah Island, SC.

“We are untouchable” was the unspoken message.

They may as well have given the middle finger to half the country.

For the feds to claim they suddenly care about classified documents is a joke anyway.
They would have to care about Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, constantly leaking classified information and lying that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

They would have to care about Hillary Clinton’s private server and missing emails.

They would have to care that former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe lied to officials and disclosed classified information.

They would have to care about Hunter’s laptop and the identity of the Big Guy.

“Let’s be honest,” said Giordano. “Plenty of people are above the law in the United States.”
But not Trump, the “most investigated person” in American history.

The FBI, the Department of Justice, the Southern District of New York, special counsel Robert Mueller, the Manhattan district attorney, the New York state attorney general, officials in Georgia, two impeachment trials in Congress and now the January 6 Committee have investigated every aspect of the former president’s life.

He must be a master criminal to have withstood the scrutiny so far.

The process is the punishment.

August 12, 2022 4:17 pm


Farmer Gezsays:
August 12, 2022 at 4:06 pm
As if you weren’t already bored shitless by the constant parading of the pointless priests of porn.


Rise in popularity of anal sex has led to health problems for women
Incontinence, bleeding and STIs among consequences, say two surgeons, who want doctors to raise the topic with patients

However, “within popular culture it has moved from the world of pornography to mainstream media” and TV shows including Sex and the City and Fleabag may have contributed to the trend by making it seem “racy and daring”.

However, women who engage in anal sex are at greater risk from it than men. “Increased rates of faecal incontinence and anal sphincter injury have been reported in women who have anal intercourse,” the report said.

“Women are at a higher risk of incontinence than men because of their different anatomy and the effects of hormones, pregnancy and childbirth on the pelvic floor.

“Women have less robust anal sphincters and lower anal canal pressures than men, and damage caused by anal penetration is therefore more consequential.

Well done popular culture and pornographers, selling people a lie which causes actual bodily damage is an awesome legacy for you to have, treasure it.

August 12, 2022 4:17 pm


By One Nation Leader Senator Pauline Hanson

The debate over the proposed indigenous voice to Parliament continues to gather pace thanks in part to One Nation taking a firm stance early and leading the campaign for the ‘no’ vote.

Predictably we’re already seeing the main tactic of the pro-voice brigade in this debate: they’ll try to silence people speaking against it by dismissing them as racists.

This way they can avoid the tough questions about the profound changes they are proposing and the wide-ranging implications they will have for the future of Australia.

Want more details? Concerned about enshrining race-based powers in our otherwise colour-blind Constitution? Want to know how much this entire exercise will cost taxpayers? Want to know how this will address real disadvantage in indigenous communities? These are the questions that will get you labelled racist, yet these are the questions that must be asked – and satisfactorily answered – before we go to a referendum.

I’ve been encouraged by the response from Australians who have had it with being told what to think. Many who have not agreed with me on other issues have been happy to say they support our campaign against the voice to Parliament. I’m confident most Australians won’t support racial exceptionalism and separatism being enshrined in the Constitution.

It’s important to remember that while the pro-voice crowd will attempt to silence dissenting voices in public debate, they can’t silence dissenting voices in the referendum itself. The focus of our campaign is to unite all Australians as one people in one nation under one flag, while voice proponents would create a separate nation within a nation and give more power to a minority based on race. It’s nothing less than Australian apartheid, and will set us back decades.

One Nation wants an end to the useless gestures and symbolism, and wants real action that closes the gaps and empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to prosper. The proposed voice does nothing to achieve this. It will just be more money for a privileged few, another blank cheque for the Aboriginal industry’s gravy train while the violence, poverty and failure of service delivery in indigenous communities continues indefinitely.

That’s something One Nation does not accept. We’re drawing a line in the sand, and we invite you to stand with us.

Watch Pauline Hanson’s Latest Interview on the Voice

August 12, 2022 4:18 pm

Pride set to spread the love to Victoria’s regions

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 4:19 pm

Trump has brought this all on himself. He is a massive weirdo.

Good Lord. This from the man who thinks Biden isn’t a huge weirdo?

I wouldn’t let sniffy Biden anywhere near my kids or anyone else’s, M0nts.
He’s on record as enjoying showering with his daughter. And the ‘hairy legs’ stuff with kids.
He also has anger management problems. And likes playing kickbacks with his druggie son.
Nothing weird there at all.

August 12, 2022 4:20 pm

cohenite says:
August 12, 2022 at 4:01 pm

And Gilas, stop licking the little turd’s arse.

I’m not the one licking…

August 12, 2022 4:24 pm

I think the Miranda Devine piece borrowed heavily from Jesse Watters (very eloquent) rant.

“Fuck you people, we will do whatever we like to do and then head off on holidays with my corrupt and immoral son and family.”

August 12, 2022 4:25 pm

“Women have less robust anal sphincters and lower anal canal pressures than men, and damage caused by anal penetration is therefore more consequential.“

Our varsity rowing coach said it was natural for men…but not for filthy women who want to be sluts.

Now I know the science backs him up…


Who measures these sort of things? Seems like a plot device from F.A.T.A.L.

August 12, 2022 4:26 pm

Pride set to spread the love to Victoria’s regions

Seriously? Can Daylesford possibly get any more gayer?

I see a lot of French Bulldogs but no doghouses.

August 12, 2022 4:26 pm

Ita Buttface getting on stage last Friday commending the courage of Louise Milligan proves she’s been fucked again.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 4:28 pm

$45b, nay $70b well spent. A Labor masterpiece. Can’t fail.

How many billions are we now going to waste reconfiguring our electricity lines to accommodate ‘renewable’ power? Only to find it all useless when we return to coal, plentiful and cheapest of all in some of the recent accounting that looks at real costs rather than imaginative ones. A return to a coal future is well on the cards for Australia when some sense is knocked into people about the climate boondoggle. Probably won’t be in my shortish lifetime left though. But the coal and gas will keep.

August 12, 2022 4:29 pm

And the Dems just got what they wanted:

Officials with the Cincinnati FBI field office confirmed the situation began after a potential threat was made at an FBI building in Cincinnati.

Officials said one person showed up to the office and appeared to be armed while making potential threats. The person drove off, leading Ohio State Patrol on a chase into Clinton County where there’s still an ongoing police situation.

August 12, 2022 4:30 pm

Linky sorry:

OSHP: Police shot and killed gunman who tried to break into FBI office in Cincinnati

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 4:31 pm

Ita Buttface

Ita gives women my age a very bad name.

If she promotes something, then I am automatically against it.
Simply can’t stand that sort of identification.
If it’s worthwhile I have to be talked into it by someone sensible.

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2022 4:31 pm

“Ita Buttface getting on stage last Friday commending the courage of Louise Milligan proves she’s been fucked again.”

Ita Buttface was another one of Scumbag’s appointments.

August 12, 2022 4:33 pm
August 12, 2022 4:34 pm

Trump Lawyer: President Trump and Family in New York Watched FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago via CCTV

Trump lawyer Christina Bobb said in interviews Thursday night that President Trump and his family in New York watched the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago Monday via closed circuit TV security cameras. Bobb said the FBI had ordered staff at Mar-a-Lago to turn the cameras off but that Trump lawyers had the cameras turned back on.

Bobb spoke to Dr. Gina Loudon on Real America’s Voice:

Bobb, “It’s kind of funny. I think the folks in New York, President Trump and his family, probably had a better view than I did because they had the CCTV that they were able to watch. I was stuck in the parking lot there to collect paper and answer questions. But they were able to see the whole thing. So, they actually have a better idea of what took place inside.”

Bobb responding to Dr. Gina asking about reports FBI agents ordered the cameras turned off, “Well, they did. So initially they said you need to turn off all the cameras. And then, you know, of course the staff complied and said, ‘oh, the FBI’s making us turn off the cameras’. And then the lawyers jumped in and said no you actually don’t have to turn them off. So shortly after they turned them back on. So, the cameras were only off for a short period of time.”

August 12, 2022 4:34 pm

John of Melb,
Re your son.
He’s 9 or 19yrs old?

John of Mel
John of Mel
August 12, 2022 4:37 pm

Re your son.
He’s 9 or 19yrs old?

My oldest daughter is 19, but I don’t think she’s interested 🙂

August 12, 2022 4:40 pm

JC, thanks for taking the time to post. I do appreciate it. I’m not sure you’ve convinced me, I need to think about it for a while.

On first thoughts it seems that the continued chase for inflation is a result of government policies, and so that needs more government rules and policies. Sounds very true, just not very good.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2022 4:41 pm

My oldest daughter is 19, but I don’t think she’s interested

Breeder of stud rams, of my acquaintance, has a twenty something daughter who wants to be the third generation on the land.

August 12, 2022 4:41 pm


Not as spread as its likely to be..

We are going to hold a superspreader event, the authorities know it and are actually going to stockpile extra vaccinations in preparation.

With Sydney set to host World Pride in February, there are concerns that without adequate vaccine supply it could become a superspreader event.

“We need to have rapid access to the vaccine, and we need to be able to scale vaccine coverage to all gay and bisexual men,” Mr Paynter said.

“We need to have these measures in place before summer, and particularly before next February and March when Sydney hosts World Pride.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for Health Minister Mark Butler said that securing supply and the relevant approvals for new vaccines for monkeypox was a priority.

They said the TGA was yet to receive an application for the second vaccine option but would prioritise its evaluation as soon as it did.
You notice how its lack of supply that will make it a superspreader event… Not an oversupply of dick.

August 12, 2022 4:41 pm

My favourite rake was when m0nty lectured us on Rudd/Gillard NBN. Had to be copper wire due to limited bandwidths he proclaimed. Meaning 3G, when it rolled out would be the fastest non-wire could get. $45b, nay $70b well spent. A Labor masterpiece. Can’t fail. M0nty the electrophysicist.

Literally a day later, and I mean literally one day. Scientists had devised a way to maximise existing wavelengths meaning unimaginable speeds with 4G, 5G and beyond on the horizon.

Every part of those two paragraphs is bullshit. Impressive, harry.

August 12, 2022 4:41 pm

I’m not the one licking…

You think the turd get’s off on the attention, do you? We’ve had this discussion before about adopting the disdainful, superior silent posture to the scum of the left. It doesn’t fucking work. Because if you do, and since the subject de jour is arse fucking, that’s what they do to you. Is that what you want: an arse pounding from the fat, little turd. Thankfully, you won’t get it, literally, because he has no dick, but metaphorically he has started already, plying you with drink, metaphorically.

August 12, 2022 4:44 pm

Brittney Griner’s National Anthem Stance Mocked After Her Nine-Year Russian Prison Sentence

“I honestly feel we should not play the national anthem during our season,” WNBA superstar Brittney Griner said in a 2020 interview with the Arizona Republic. “I think we should take that much of a stand.”

Griner is now serving nine years in a Russian penal colony for drug possession.

One might now ask what kind of a “stand” was Griner wanting to take? More importantly, what kind of “stand” should we take regarding a pro athlete who enjoyed her oppression in America so much that she became fabulously wealthy and had the freedom to marry a female spouse — something that she might be arrested for in Russia?

When she disrespects the anthem like that, she emotionally injures those of us who find solace and pride in what that flag symbolizes. She certainly has the unchallenged freedom to make any hateful, hurtful statement she wants to about the flag, the anthem, our national heroes, and any other uniting expedient that makes us who we are.

But we also have the unchallenged freedom to criticize, mock, and denigrate her opinion to our heart’s content.

– On the bright side, B Griner won’t have to endure our National Anthem for 9 whole years! What a win for her!

– So happy Brittney Griner moved to a place where she doesn’t have to worry about hearing that nasty AMERICAN ANTHEM anymore ?

– I wonder if Brittney Griner stands or takes a knee for the Russian national anthem every morning in her jail cell… ?

August 12, 2022 4:44 pm

Doge @IntelDoge
After a standoff with law enforcement, the man who attempted to break into an FBI field office in Cincinnati, and then fled into rural areas, has been killed in a shootout. He’s been identified as Ricky Walter Shiffer, and was present at the January 6th attack, per @ryanjreilly.

His name was Dick Shiffer, LOL.

Real piece of work, that one.

John of Mel
John of Mel
August 12, 2022 4:48 pm

Breeder of stud rams, of my acquaintance, has a twenty something daughter who wants to be the third generation on the land.

That is impressive.

I’m also a breeder. Just of a different kind.

August 12, 2022 4:49 pm

His name was Dick Shiffer, LOL.

Better than yours Dick Less.

August 12, 2022 4:49 pm

Well done popular culture and pornographers

They hate and despise women. They always have.

August 12, 2022 4:49 pm

Who measures these sort of things? Seems like a plot device from F.A.T.A.L.

Dot you cant leave me an opening like that and not expect it to be ruthlessly exploited to the hilt!

Everbody knows who measures these things….


just not the sort in that clip.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 12, 2022 4:50 pm

Farms are dangerous places even for skilled adults.

As anyone who saw me and my old man working together would attest. He should have known better and I generally didn’t have a clue. Still here with all my fingers somehow.

August 12, 2022 4:51 pm

Breeder of stud rams, of my acquaintance, has a twenty something daughter who wants to be the third generation on the land.

I guess she grew up staring at all those ramly rams doing all that ramming…

August 12, 2022 4:52 pm

Here’s Boston Children’s Hospital’s informative video about ‘gender-affirming hysterectomies’ for girls

Here’s a video from Boston Children’s Hospital explaining the difference between a “gender-affirming” hysterectomy and your run-of-the-mill hysterectomy.

I’m old enough to remember when you couldn’t get your ears pierced at the mall until you were 18
Libs of TikTok
Boston Children’s Hospital (@BostonChildrens) is now offering “gender affirming hysterectomies” for young girls

Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2022 4:53 pm

“You think the turd get’s off on the attention, do you? We’ve had this discussion before about adopting the disdainful, superior silent posture to the scum of the left. It doesn’t fucking work. Because if you do, and since the subject de jour is arse fucking, that’s what they do to you. Is that what you want: an arse pounding from the fat, little turd. Thankfully, you won’t get it, literally, because he has no dick, but metaphorically he has started already, plying you with drink, metaphorically.”

Quite so.

August 12, 2022 4:53 pm

August 12, 2022 at 4:49 pm
Well done popular culture and pornographers

They hate and despise women. They always have.

I hate to say it but foam flecked feminazis like Dworkin were probably onto something when they decried the seedy underbelly of the porn mob.
And now its mainstream stuff.

August 12, 2022 4:53 pm

My twitter account gets unbanned tomorrow night which means i’ll be able to encounter and argue with Lefties who aren’t as fat, ugly and moronic as Munted. Usually, they’re hairy lesbians called Bob/Bill/Barry etc.. who work shitty jobs with meaningless lives and take their anger out on “white privilege,” but they’re still far more intelligent and interesting than the intrepid “journalist” from “Records Management Weekly” magazine lol!!!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 12, 2022 4:53 pm

So, the cameras were only off for a short period of time.”

Just enough time to plant something?

So glad Trump’s people managed to capture most of the raid on cameras; might forestall its intention.

August 12, 2022 4:54 pm

I usually scroll Monty Idiocies – But

August 12, 2022 at 4:51 pm
Breeder of stud rams, of my acquaintance, has a twenty something daughter who wants to be the third generation on the land.

I guess she grew up staring at all those ramly rams doing all that ramming…

Monty – that takes the Cake – What a Miserable Creepy Cretin you are!

August 12, 2022 4:56 pm



Cassie of Sydney
August 12, 2022 4:56 pm

“I guess she grew up staring at all those ramly rams doing all that ramming…”

A comment that reeks of adolescent misogyny.

August 12, 2022 4:57 pm

Yeah okay Cass, Old Ozzie and others.

I’ll reimpose my “scroll past the dumb, fat fucker” rule now.

Starting now.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
August 12, 2022 4:57 pm

The cool thing about working on a farm as a teenager is getting to drive most of the equipment. The downside is fixing all the things you break whilst driving said equipment . Like 8 strands of wire after I shepherded a trotting bull through a fence. I thought the bull would stop. …it didn’t. Anyway now I know how to repair barbed wire.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 12, 2022 4:57 pm

A real piece of work on Jan 6th.

Following the routine process for shootings by Capitol Police officers, the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia and the United States Department of Justice investigated Babbitt’s death and made a determination that the shooting was “lawful and within Department policy”. Upon clearing Byrd, USCP released a press statement saying his action “potentially saved Members and staff from serious injury and possible death”.

Shooting and killing an unarmed woman is lawful and brave apparently.

August 12, 2022 4:59 pm

LOL it was actually called Image & Data Manager, and it was bimonthly covering records management, imaging, workflow, and knowledge management. Boring to the layman but fascinating if you were in the industry. Luckily I also got to work on Internet World magazine in the alternating months, that was a lot more fun.

August 12, 2022 4:59 pm

What was she going to kill them with? Her backpack?

August 12, 2022 5:00 pm

So glad Trump’s people managed to capture most of the raid on cameras; might forestall its intention.

It’s a setup.


BI sought classified documents related to nuclear weapons during Mar-a-Lago search, according to The Washington Post
The Washington Post has reported the FBI sought, among other items, classified documents related to nuclear weapons during their search of former president Donald Trump’s residence at his Mar-a-Largo Club in Palm Beach, Florida. This information comes after the US Department of Justice announced on Thursday that it is moving forward with unsealing the search warrant and itemized receipt of what was taken.

August 12, 2022 5:00 pm

cohenite says:
August 12, 2022 at 4:41 pm

You think the turd get’s off on the attention, do you? We’ve had this discussion before about adopting the disdainful, superior silent posture to the scum of the left. It doesn’t fucking work.

Forgive my ignorance.. but how’s responding to Montz’s provocations in this otherwise great blog working out for you guys?
Convinced him, or changed his mind yet?
Why TF do you even care?

But hey! Keep doing it… You never know…

August 12, 2022 5:02 pm

What was she going to kill them with? Her backpack?

Biden Crime Family planned all of this and she was the unfortunate one who had to be killed to “prove” level of “violence.” Sick pricks.

August 12, 2022 5:02 pm

It’s a setup.

You’d think after the pathetic fake russia dossier setup, they would have learnt their lesson. But I guess it’s life and death for these criminals now.

August 12, 2022 5:05 pm

Dot you cant leave me an opening like that and not expect it to be ruthlessly exploited to the hilt!

That’s what my varsity rowing coach said.

He planned to own a males only B&B in Daylesford, called The Doghouse.

August 12, 2022 5:05 pm

Like the pastor praying for his country in the Senate chamber after being let in…a true threat to democracy.

He was lucky he didn’t get a bullet too.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 12, 2022 5:06 pm

Fellow Sandgropers? What say you?

Are we including South Hedland?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 12, 2022 5:06 pm

I guess she grew up staring at all those ramly rams doing all that ramming…

Go fuck yourself , Monty.

August 12, 2022 5:07 pm

Monster, it’s dusk and you need to be back in the basement. Brett Sutton demands it.

August 12, 2022 5:08 pm

Reinhart Recused Self from Trump-Clinton Suit

The impartiality of Bruce Reinhart, the judge who signed off on the Mar-a-Lago raid, is beginning to collapse. On Tuesday, Nina told us about Reinhart’s ties to the infamous Jeffrey Epstein. Now we learn that he previously recused himself from a lawsuit Trump brought against Hillary Clinton.

Reinhart Recused Himself Six Weeks Before Raid

On June 22, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce W. Reinhart of West Palm Beach, FL, filed his recusal, citing a law which requires judges to be impartial. Donald Trump had brought a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and other Democrats stemming from the Russian collusion scandal. Reinhart presided the start of the litigation, but then withdrew, writing in his order:

“The undersigned Magistrate Judge, to whom the above-styled cause has been assigned, hereby recuses himself and refers the case to the Clerk of Court for reassignment pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 455.”

The statute that the judge cited says, in part, that a judge “… shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned …” The statute continues by describing such concerns, including “a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts.” Reinhart’s order, however, did not specify his conflict with Trump v. Clinton.

Here is the recusal.

So why did Reinhart sign off on the lawsuit? Did he work for the Clintons in any way? Or would he hold personal bias that would prevent him from impartially presiding over the lawsuit? Moreover, why did he change his tune just weeks later and issue the warrant for the raid on Trump’s home?

The things that make you go hmmmm.

On top of that, Reinhart defended IRS agent Lois Lerner during that scandal by blaming “incompetence” and an antiquated computer system for destruction of emails.

Meanwhile, it’s also curious as to why Judge Bruce Reinhart recused himself from one lawsuit involving Trump in June, yet in August signed the warrant that allowed the FBI to raid Mar-a-Lago. Once again, it’s the things that make you go hmmm.

August 12, 2022 5:08 pm

Boston Children’s Hospital (@BostonChildrens) is now offering “gender affirming hysterectomies” for young girls

half price thursdays too

August 12, 2022 5:10 pm

Fellow Sandgropers? What say you?

Are we including South Hedland?

Feraldton, too shit to win crap towns of WA.

Geraldton’s premier visitor attraction is the wreck of the Batavia, an old ship crewed by a bunch of Dutch maniacs who lost their shit and massacred each other after realising they had crash-landed at Geraldton. On dry land, the best ‘Dero Gero’ can offer is a melted airport runway (testament to the area’s punishing sun), the Leaning Tree of Greenough (testament to the area’s punishing wind), and whatever you have when you don’t have a Kmart.

August 12, 2022 5:11 pm

Cats – the weekend starts now!

Be good. And stop replying to the turd. See ya boys and girls. 🙂

August 12, 2022 5:12 pm

Hey FM! I fought (and lost) to get Feraldton Airport lengthened and resealed lol!

ok i’m off now..

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  2. I found the email. Maybe ‘activism’ sometimes works! Subject: Welcome to the New ApartheidDear Minister,I refer to the attached article in…

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x