Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Finbarr Bermingham@fberminghamExclusive: the European Parliament has removed curbs on lawmakers meeting Chinese officials
Arabism has appealed to many poms. A culture of laziness, living in tents, attractive camels.
2AM last pie in the roadhouse bain-marie retard strength. Those following me will find death a blessing.
Steve T, you might be onto something about Indian curry being crap. Waiting at the airport there is an Indian…
People seemed to like this one I made. I have such sights to show you….
Uri Geller starts his own country (10 Aug)
I was amazed he is still around .. thought he was long gone! .. so I “googled” him and SHOCK, HORROR discover that he is only 12 months older than me .. LOL!
How very Bill Clinton of him. A true gentleman.
What’s up media Docs?
The man charged with murdering three Muslim men in New Mexico is named Muhammad.
Looks like the Islamophobia narrative took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
BJ the difference is from men identifying as women, obviously.
The Trafalgar Group NationWide Issues Survey July 2022
COSA-Justice System-Full-Report-0729.pdf – 13 Pages
State of Justice System
What is your opinion of the current state of the American justice system?
There two tiers system of justice: one set of laws for Politicians and Washington Dc Insiders
vs one set of laws for everyday Americans
79.3% of all Participants Agree
66.7% Democrats Agree
87.8% GOP Agree
Note: This Survey was before the Raid on President Donald Trump’s Home
IN FULL: Chinese Ambassador Xiao Qian delivers address to Australia’s National Press Club
vicki’s comments from yesterday were spot on.
The fact that the Chinese are now openly saying this show the game is changing.
Use the force Liz!
Washington Post : Liz Cheney Is A Jedi Knight (10 Aug)
She’s our only hope or something.
You lot were trying to smear that magistrate as being part of a left wing deep state conspiracy. Whereas he’s just another random Florida lawyer, in a state and country run at the time of his appointment by Republicans.
I see that Trump was supposed to give a deposition to the NY AG on the subject of his businesses, or something similar… and he plead the Fifth. As Trump himself has said…
Some critique of Snowy 2.0 from reneweconomy:
It would seem Rafe’s on the right track. Even pumped hydro is at the whims of the weather. Who’d have guessed.
Sure your name isn’t Mordy?
Lefties often aren’t good at spelling I’ve found.
Cruel and unusual punishment.
No kid needs to be confronted with the image of his parents going the full pudding attack.
Also for those claiming that what Trump might be guilty of (improper removal of classified documents) was a misdemeanour… um no, he signed a law in 2018 upgrading it to a felony, and upping the maximum sentence from one to five years.
“Price is demanding the audio be released.”
Laughing out loud. US MSM in the TV networks now saying it’s wrong to call Monday’s raid on Lar-a-Lago a raid.
The US media is wall-to-wall apologists for the Democratic Party. They couldn’t give a fuck about the public.
But here’s the thing: every one of the media’s DNC puppets has a howling case of Trump derangement.
They have spent seven years parroting the party’s propaganda talking point that he’s a Russian agent. Trump has spent seven years lambasting the media’s blatant bias.
Because of Trump’s arrogant self confidence and his weapons-grade IQ, the net result is that the American media, apart from everything else, is now quite mentally ill.
And Monty classically forgets to include the rest of what Trump said.
As I said with Netanyahu’s announcement, righties have to go scorched earth with these far-left activists masquerading as journalists.
Trump Refuses To Answer NY AG’s Questions At Deposition (11 Aug)
Former CIA official and CNN commentator Philip Mudd also downplayed the purported justification for the raid if this was about classified records. He said that many things are overclassified and that such a thing shouldn’t warrant this kind of action. He implied that there had to be more. In saying that, the former deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center and the FBI’s National Security Branch also made an embarrassing confession.
“The chance the attorney general and the FBI director went in and said, ‘Hey, he’s got some secret document down there he hasn’t given us, and to ensure we recover those, we’re just going to go to Mar-a-Lago,’ I would put that near zero,” Mudd explained. “To get to the bar where you’re going to the residence of the former president, classified documents don’t get you there. I had them in my house sometimes, inappropriately. It happens all the time. There has to be the additional piece … and they have to do with stuff that the FBI can’t get someplace else.”
You see how little Mudd cares about confessing that he even took classified information home with him. We know that no one will be going after Mudd for that confession because he’s an acceptable liberal. But Mudd’s comments just place a glaring light on the inequity we are seeing here. Meanwhile, Trump, as the president, has the right when he is president, to declassify anything and who gets to decide what is a presidential record, according to Christina Bobb, Trump’s attorney.
Mmyes, the answer is “I’m guilty and I’m trying to avoid punishment for my crime”.
Most liked comment on the Jacinta Price v Bandana man Daily Mail article.
“So now he’s speaks for First Nations people too. Is there nothing he’s not an expert on”.
I keep seeing this talking point. It is completely irrelevant to what the FBI was doing, because POTUS can’t just utter a magic spell and declassify stuff with incantations, they have to go through paperwork and bureaucracy. He did not declassify the stuff he kept, so even if he previously had the power to do so, he didn’t, so it’s a non sequitur.
Yep, totally random Florida lawyer.
Economy Roaring Back????
Massive Aluminum Mill Idles Due to ‘Untenable’ Energy Prices
600 American Workers to Be Laid Off
The second largest aluminum mill in the United States has idled operations, laying off about 600 American workers, due to “untenable” electricity and energy prices.
In June, Century Aluminum Co. executives announced that they would idle the Hawesville, Kentucky aluminum mill for about 9 to 12 months as a result of skyrocketing prices to merely keep the plant’s lights on.
Similarly, executives with two steel mills are suspending operations because they cannot afford the costs of energy to keep the plants open. This comes after executives warned federal regulators about debilitating energy prices months ago.
Trump can nix all the speculation – and expose that magistrate – by releasing the warrant. Come on Donny Two Scoops, you know you wanna.
Twitter Founder Calls for the End of Chinese Regime; Biden Signs Bill to Boost US Chipmaking
China in Focus – NTD
01:01 Biden Signs Bill to Boost U.S. Chipmaking
03:08 U.S. Weighing Export Ban on Chinese Chipmaker YMTC
04:26 Korean Chipmakers May Shift Their China Investments
05:30 Senators Try to Stop CCP from Buying U.S. Land
07:54 Twitter Founder Calls for the End of Chinese Regime
10:00 Taiwan: China Using Drill to Prepare for Invasion
12:48 Taiwan Holds Routine Drills Amid China Tensions
14:00 Japan, Solomon Islands Hold 1st Military Drill
Wait till the Teals find out what Tesla bodies are made of (Aluminum – a fun fact I learned watching ‘Rich Rebuilds’ series on re-engining a Tesla with a V8) https://youtu.be/x-6kHjF1U1E
Also, Trump lost a case today against former lackey Omarosa which dropped the NDAs that he made all his lackeys sign.
Also also, Trump lost a case against the House Ways and Means Committee which means they can access his tax returns.
Are you lot tired of winning yet? LOL.
Nolte: Kevin McCarthy Rips Republicans Remaining Quiet as Dems Abuse Power
House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took to Facebook Wednesday to shame those Republicans remaining quiet “while Democrats in Washington are abusing their power”
The McCarthy post comes in the wake of Monday night’s outrageous and unprecedented raid of former President Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago. The next day the feds seized Rep. Scott Perry’s (R-PA) cellphone.
“If you are an elected Republican, and you are staying quiet while Democrats in Washington are abusing their power,” McCarthy wrote, “you are the very reason they think they can get away with it. NOW is the time to speak up and be LOUD!”
For the last five and six years, we have seen local and federal law enforcement, along with the Democrat party and their propagandists in the corporate media, launch one hoax after another at Donald Trump. Everything from the Russia Collusion Hoax, which was orchestrated with the help of the FBI, to the first impeachment hoax to the second impeachment hoax to the January 6 hoax. … On top of that, Trump’s been falsely accused of shady business dealings, not paying his taxes, and on and on and on…
It’s just one lie, one failed frame-job after another…
Unprincipled “republicans” like outgoing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) just don’t care. They are political animals out only for revenge and power. The idea that the crocodile will one day turn on them (and it will) doesn’t matter. They are so shortsighted and bitter that it doesn’t matter what norms are shattered, how the Constitution is shredded, or the evil being done by a politicized law enforcement institution. All they care about is getting their revenge on Trump.
HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI
Sperry had his second account takedn down on Monday after he tweeted about the Mar-a-Lago raid and what the FBI was looking for.
According to Paul Sperry, the FBI agenst spent 9 hours looking for details President Trump took with him on the Crossfire Hurricane FBI spying scandal.
The FBI and DOJ cannot let the American public know the truth of the their criminal acts and attempted coup of President Trump. So they raided his home looking for the documents that may indict the organization.
Sperry also tweeted a list of “conflicted” DOJ officials who were “briefed on the Mar-a-Lago raid”, and noted that “CNN is admonishing reporters not to call the FBI raid of Trump’s home a “raid,” but instead to term it as a “judge-approved search.”
He could if he had it Monty. He doesn’t.
The FBI refused to give it to his attorney, and only under pressure showed it to her – from ten feet away. There’s also a sealed section which wasn’t shown.
This silly business with the warrant is a total tell that it can’t stand up to scrutiny.
Then they refused to allow the attorney to be present during the search. Which is both illegal and another tell.
The answer is:
Ergo – I DO NOT TRUST THE BASTARDS – they are, at the very least, incompetent, but likely also wilfully corrupt.
mUnty back on the ol’ (dead) horse.
It all seems above board then.
FBI need a few lessons in jurisprudence from Caligula. And a tall column.
Paul Sperry Real Clear Investigations – Author Archive
July 21, 2022
Here Are the Senior Biden Officials Entangled in Durham’s Criminal Russiagate Probe
Above, President Biden with his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, linked to the Alfa Bank hoax.
June 9, 2022
FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress’s ‘Gang of 8’ Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals
Above, Lisa Page, as an FBI lawyer in 2017, wrote “talking points” for Director James Comey ahead of a briefing to Congress — a memo now exposed for its deceptions
May 4, 2022
To Spy on a Trump Aide, the FBI Pursued a Dossier Rumor the Press Shot Down as ‘Bullsh@t’
The FBI treated as suspicious Carter Page’s 2016 trip to Moscow involving his speech at the New Economic School, above, where President Obama also once spoke (photo below).
I see m0nster is having some auto-outercourse this morning.
He got something. He should release whatever it was he got. Judicial Watch have done an FOI request for it, so it will probably come out anyway.
If you are expecting the FBI to have been loose with regulations when they were raiding an ex-President’s house, I suspect you may be disappointed. That organisation contains more sticklers for rules with sticks up their orts than your regular cop brigade.
Why is Kevin Rudd being quoted about China & Taiwan as some form of expert?
He’s just referencing the white that China released yesterday that anyone with google can read.
If he was an expert he would have been talking about relevant points last week before the white paper was released.
Using his tube sock the way nature intended?
Also Bruce, you talked about how the FBI showed Trump’s attorney the search warrant… and then said she wasn’t there for the search. Which was it?
the white paper.
Mmmm, yes. More Kool Aid mUnty?
He did not declassify the stuff he kept, so even if he previously had the power to do so, he didn’t
Amazing how you know the inner workings of the Whitehouse and the Presidents actions.
Unfortunately for the FBI, most of their “evidence” tends to fall away under oath. That is a problem.
He has the super-power of speaking Mandarin…fluently.
Amazing how you can imagine a scenario where the POTUS secretly declassified stuff without telling anyone. Does he have a magic wand for that?
Yes that’s right….people are going to vote their way out of tyranny just like they did when they overwhelmingly voted for Trump and got Biden.
Could the Dems be more afraid of DeSantis than Trump?
Maybe they think they can beat Trump again because in their minds, they’ve frightened the sheep with him so successfully.
DeSantis looks very smart and self controlled. The way he dealt with Disney, the Soros DA and the hags at The View was cool and collected.
August 11, 2022 at 9:15 am
Some critique of Snowy 2.0 from reneweconomy:
So, the stupid things can’t work even when there is lots of rain because the downstream reservoirs will be full and the release of water to generate power upstream will cause flooding downstream. Turdball is the king of bad pollies; he’s effects not only outlast him, they get worse.
Looks like the old thief is turning the irs into another demonrat armed goon squad. 80000 additional thugs iirc.
Amazing how you can imagine a scenario where the POTUS secretly declassified stuff without telling anyone. Does he have a magic wand for that?
Once again, you know this how? and the only magic wand I see waving around here is in your hand. You know if you keep it up you will go blind.
Daily Mail, comment on the Price/Fitz-Simmonds fracas.
IRS Is Hiring New Employees — Including Armed and Fit Federal Agents “Willing to Use Deadly Force” …Update: IRS pulls Job Post
They will shoot and kill you over your $1,500 in taxes.
But the Bidens, the Pelosis, and every other Uniparty crook will never be touched.
The bill will add 87,000 new IRS employees to harass and abuse working Americans and their political opponents.
And it Starts – The IRS is hiring new special agents!
The IRS is looking for new agents — including armed and fit federal tax agents who are “willing to use deadly force.”
The Duties also include “willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”
Trump Thanks FBI For Kicking Off His 2024 Reelection Campaign
MAR-A-LAGO, FL — The morning after Trump’s Florida home was raided by FBI agents, the former president took the time to thank the FBI for officially kicking off his reelection campaign.
“I would like to thank the F…B…I… remember them, the FBI? How about those beauties, huh?” said Trump to a roaring crowd of thousands outside his resort. “They came into my home to make your favorite president look like a criminal. Such losers, such losers. But everyone still loves me so it’s ok. They didn’t even find anything! I’m gonna be the President again!”
Sources close to Trump say his first act as President will be to fire his own appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray and replace him with a used dust mop from the Capitol janitor’s closet before razing the Hoover building and banishing all FBI agents to Gitmo.
One brave soul in the “Comments” says the women he met in sixteen years mining, were worse then the blokes on – site.
Biden is Responsible For Raid On Trump Home!
Judicial Watch
Whereas he’s just another random Florida lawyer, in a state and country run at the time of his appointment by Republicans.
Suuuure, m0nyty-fa. Just another random Florida lawyer, who abandoned a career as a prosecutor in the middle of a case against Epstein, in order to set up a firm that represented Epstein’s satff.
Also, though I would want confirmation that it was not photoshopped before giving too much credence to is, he seems to have been photographed on a plane with Jizzlaine flashing her bouncies at him.
Just your typical Florida lawyer.
LOL. Compact has a rather good article on these sticklers for rules:
Wallow in your ignorance, wivenhoe.
It is funny to see you lot now being all “defund the police!” now that they are enforcing the law on your heroes.
August 11, 2022 at 10:08 am · Reply
And as a Federal agency, the FBI is entirely a creature of Washington, DC where 98% of people vote Democrat. With a population of only 750,000 it is not a State and not in any State but a strange creation of Federation, like Canberra in Australia.
And the Democrats want Washington, DC to be a state and for obvious reasons. But is is tiny. And the Federal police with Federal jurisdiction only on Federal matters are a law unto themselves and their Democrat masters. Add the Federal Department of Justice and you have very powerful tools to intimidate the Republicans while Democrats like the Clintons and Bidens never get seriously investigated. And Jeffrey Epstein was never coming out of that cell.
A bit like the Chief of General Milley, Chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff now says he only stayed on under Trump so he could undermine him. Which sounds awfully like Treason.
So Trump and his 73 million supporters are up against all of Washington, including seemingly the judges, FBI, CIA and even the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And it’s a free ride for Hunter Biden and the Big Guy, from Ukraine to China. As long as they do what they are told.
And it’s a free ride for Hunter Biden and the Big Guy, from Ukraine to China. As long as they do what they are told.
You forgot – Jesse Watters exposes Paul Pelosi Jr.’s alleged shady business dealings
Jesse Watters reveals Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Taiwan with mother Nancy Pelosi
JESSE WATTERS: We told you about Hunter’s escapades from being bribed with Chinese diamonds to funding a Russian sex trafficking ring, but we just found out Hunter has some competition. His name? Paul Pelosi, Jr. As far as we can tell, he’s never had a real job. The kind you have to punch a clock. So, what does Pauly Jr. do all day? Well, last week, Nancy snuck little Pauly on her plane to Asia.
His name wasn’t listed as part of the official delegation. They didn’t want you to know Paul went to Asia with his mom, but if you look closely at the photos, there he is, Pauly P. Jr., about as unqualified as Hunter with all the big dogs there in Asia. He was also caught by foreign photographers in Singapore and Japan.
The U.S. press, who covered every move Nancy made in the Pacific, somehow never noticed that her son Paul was along for the ride. He was even wearing the same purple tie he wore when he went to Ukraine. Oh, you didn’t know he went to Ukraine?
Well, yeah, we didn’t either. You won’t find any trace of this on the speaker’s website because she didn’t want you to know about Pauly Jr. What was your son doing there? He’s not an elected official. He’s not an advisor to Nancy. He doesn’t even live in Washington, but he was greeted as royalty by the president of Taiwan.
If you thought Hunter Biden’s business deals were shady, just wait. Pauly Jr. Is on the payroll of two lithium mining companies and Asia just happens to be a lithium gold mine and Taiwan just happens to be a world leader in lithium battery production. He’s also heavily invested in Singapore’s energy sector. Wasn’t that another stop on Nancy’s trip?
Don’t ever change mUnty.
Any bets mØnty will totally buy Orange Man Bad personally loading up the U-Haul
before quitting the White House?
Wallow in your ignorance, wivenhoe.
Having spent over 30 years of my life married to the daughter of an American Politician, my ignorance is amazing.
August 11, 2022 at 9:37 am
Trump can nix all the speculation – and expose that magistrate – by releasing the warrant. Come on Donny Two Scoops, you know you wanna.
m0nty-fa seems to be unaware that Trump’s lawyer claimed both that the FBI “raid” team did not provide a copy of the warrant, only permitting the warrant to be seen, and that the “probable cause” section was sealed. If that claim is false, the FBI would have said so by now.
Even if he had the actual warrant, releasing it without that “probable cause” section does nothing.
PS, m0nty-fa, given Creepy Joe’s obsession with ice cream, and Nancee Pelousey’s similar obsession, the attempted insult “Donny Two Scoops has long since lost whatever little force it ever had.
It’s also hilarious seeing you lot trying to pin low-level stuff on Hunter Biden (for what, having a big dick?) and Paul Pelosi when the Saudis gave Javanka two billion US dollars as a reward for Jared’s work in the Middle East.
Monty – I’ve been out getting some exercise.
The FBI showed it to her on the driveway then made her stand at the front gate of Mar a Lago.
Since they were armed to the teeth I suspect she decided to obey their illegal order rather than risk them escalating to even worse behaviour.
OK folks!
It’s standin’ and fallin’ time!
That’s a new one. Haven’t seen that reported anywhere, not even at the ABC or CNN. Do you have a link Monty?
He got something. He should release whatever it was he got.
ROFLMAO, you got a sad case of TDS, you should release your second chakra to ease the pressure on the empty space between your ears.
Yeah well, normally a search warrant doesn’t require having the subject’s lawyer riding shotgun. You can whine all you like, but I suspect the FBI did this one by the book.
See Scorsese’s epic, “the Departed”, which is loosely based on Bulger’s life and times.
August 11, 2022 at 9:52 am
Also Bruce, you talked about how the FBI showed Trump’s attorney the search warrant… and then said she wasn’t there for the search. Which was it?
Had you bothered to use your vaunted IT skills to do a bit of research, you would have discovered that the lawyer had to ask multiple times to see the warrant, before it was flashed at her. She was then ordered to leave the property until the “raid” was completed.
So, it was both.
Welcome To Biden’s Police State, Part III
I & I Editorial Board – August 10
Try, if you can, to imagine the reaction if the Justice Department had, in President Donald Trump’s second year in office, orchestrated a raid of Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, N.Y., home, rummaging through rooms and cracking the Clintons’ safe looking for government documents she hadn’t turned over when she left the State Department.
You can bet, at the very least, that newspapers wouldn’t be carrying run-of-the-mill headlines such as “F.B.I. Searches Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence” or “FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in document investigation.” The Washington Post thought the important story to tell was how “Top Republicans echo Trump’s evidence-free claims to discredit FBI search.”
No, the press would be in a full meltdown. Democrats would be calling for Trump’s impeachment. Celebrities would be making videos in which they cry about the future of the country. Never Trumpers would be patting themselves on the back and shouting “I told you so.” Colleges would be canceling classes so students could comfort each other and draw in their school-issued coloring books. The gnashing and grinding of teeth could be heard from space.
Needless to say, it would have been the end of the Trump administration.
Don’t expect the “watchdog” press to ask such questions.
Instead, the response to the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home is, if anything, celebratory.
I cannot comment on the size of his appendage.
But it speaks volumes about the Bidens that there is ample research material in the public domain.
This is common knowledge, Bruce. Do keep up.
It’s also hilarious seeing you lot trying to pin low-level stuff on Hunter Biden (for what, having a big dick?) and Paul Pelosi when the Saudis gave Javanka two billion US dollars as a reward for Jared’s work in the Middle East.
At last the truth comes out: penis envy. The fat little turd has no dick:
Henceforth the fat little turd shall be known as Peck.
Rise! Up! Sheeple!
Follow! Me!
Hang on. Wait, wait. I’ve heard this song before.
August 11, 2022 at 9:57 am
Amazing how you know the inner workings of the Whitehouse and the Presidents actions.
Amazing how you can imagine a scenario where the POTUS secretly declassified stuff without telling anyone. Does he have a magic wand for that?
There is a copy of at least one of his de-classification memos on the web, relating to Crossfire Hurricane. If you are too stupid to look for, and find, it, that is your problem.
The FBI’s Dangerous Search at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
Merrick Garland is taking the U.S. down a perilous path.
By WSJ The Editorial Board
No Monty, the accused’s lawyer is legally allowed to accompany such a search, and is entitled to a copy of the warrant.
I might add that the FBI ordered the security cameras be turned off. Which the Mar a Lago staff correctly refused to do. It’ll be interesting if footage appears, although I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI turned it off themselves and removed the hard drives.
August 11, 2022 at 10:16 am
Once again, you know this how?
Wallow in your ignorance, wivenhoe.
Translation: I got nothing, so I will try to bluff my way out of this.
PS, hey m0nty-fa, what happened to that life you told us yesterday you have?
Under Biden’s DOJ, The Rule Of Law In America Has Become A Farce
Biden’s Justice Department and FBI will do anything to keep Trump from regaining the White House, even if it means imitating Nicaragua.
The criminal indictment and imprisonment of former heads of state by ruling regimes in other countries is more common than most Americans probably realize. Today, former presidents of Argentina, Bolivia, El Salvador, Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, and Costa Rica are all imprisoned — and that’s just in Central and South America.
The world is replete with corrupt leaders who criminalize the opposition and politicize domestic law enforcement. That’s why, for example, Daniel Ortega has been president of Nicaragua since 2007. When you jail your political opponents and potential rivals, as Ortega did with gusto ahead of Nicaragua’s 2021 presidential election, it’s easy to stay in office. One of the salient features of these so-called “developing countries” is that they have not developed a way to transfer power peacefully. Brute force, not free and fair elections, is how rulers of the Third World seize and retain power.
Soon, the United States might join their ranks. On Monday evening, dozens of FBI agents raided the Florida home of former President Donald Trump. The absurd pretext for the raid was a dispute over documents with the National Archives — a circumstance by no means unique to the Trump administration and one that no serious person believes could ever justify such a raid.
Everyone in America knows the real reason for the FBI raid: to tarnish Trump as unfit for office and to intimidate and dissuade him from running again in 2024. Nothing like this has ever happened in American history. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., was exactly right to compare the FBI raid to the kind of thing you see in Ortega’s Nicaragua. It’s what ruling regimes do to rob the people of their voice and avoid the consequences of elections.
Today on SVU mUnty Proedural …
Now Peck quotes the NYT; what next Hunter biden?
Merrick Garland seems intent on proving why it was a great idea NOT to have him on SCOTUS.
“It’s also hilarious seeing you lot trying to pin low-level stuff on Hunter Biden (for what, having a big dick?)”
Very revealing comment. As I keep on saying when it comes to our resident progressive grub, it isn’t about right or wrong, it’s only ever about the “side”.
August 11, 2022 at 10:18 am
It is funny to see you lot now being all “defund the police!” now that they are enforcing the law on your heroes.
Verrrry interesting, one of the lefty trolls over at CL’s made exactly the same accusation yesterday, while m0nty-fa was “living his life”. m0nty-fa must have been too busy living his life yesterday to read all the way through the lefty talking points email.
That Vanity Fair report is interesting Monty. Why have there been no investigations, arrests nor indictments? Normally when such things are noted in the lefty press you see the FBI and DoJ announce such things quite loudly. And DAs in Washington and New York start legal action. I have not seen any of this, whereas I’ve seen many reports of investigations and court action against Trump.
(It was a fun read: I thought you could do a find & replace of “Jared Kuchner” with “Hunter Biden” and it would be pretty accurate.)
He doesn’t need a magic wand, he has the regulations. One of which (DoDM 5200.01-V1 ‘DoD Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification’) states:
A bit like the Chief of General Milley, Chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff now says he only stayed on under Trump so he could undermine him. Which sounds awfully like Treason.
The undermining was only gross insubordination and a breach of his oath of office. The willingness to deal directly with his Chinese counterpart, without approval, was the treason.
Trump Raid Is More Democrat Gaslighting
Monday’s raid on Trump’s Palm Beach home at Mar-a-Lago is just the latest example of this jackbooted push to destroy American norms in the name of preserving American norms. That said, it also represents a new low – a dangerous escalation of the Democrats’ attempts to present their vicious misconduct as virtuous.
Here’s what they want us to believe: that this unprecedented act – no former president has ever had his home searched by swarms of FBI agents – was the only way they could retrieve potentially classified material Trump may have failed to hand over to the National Archives. You heard that right – they weren’t looking for dead bodies but pieces of paper that he may not even possess. They could have taken any number of gentler approaches; instead, they brought a machine gun to a wrestling match. It was intentionally extreme. Are you for us or against us?
As Biden’s Department of Justice claims they were simply pursuing justice and the rule of law, here’s what they want us to forget: The same FBI which executed this raid has had its reputation deeply tarnished by the gross misconduct of its high-level officials when they tried to frame Trump as a Russian agent. They also want us to ignore the fact that the raid occurred a week after GOP Sen. Charles Grassley said a whistleblower has proof that the FBI sought to discredit evidence of corruption regarding President Biden’s son Hunter.
Democrats may already be past the point of no return: if you accept lies long enough, they begin to look like the truth.
And in breaking news Munty selected to wank for Australia in the Olympics. Other countries have refused to compete as Munty will fill the first three positions. Go play fantasy football. Its the most real thing in your life.
I’m going to need a link on that one, champ.
Yep, and they can’t be invoked post facto. So where is the paperwork declassifying all the stuff he nicked from the White House?
Haha, them meme producers are hot today.
Is anyone keeping a weekly tally of “you lot”?
There’s more you lots here than commas in a FitzSimons article.
I hope Trump gets back in. Calls up sMilley, strips him of rank and pension at least. He has already admitted Treason.
Yeah well, normally a search warrant doesn’t require having the subject’s lawyer riding shotgun. You can whine all you like, but I suspect the FBI did this one by the book.
m0nty-fa, link please to the relevant statute or FBI/police administrative instruction that says this. Or are you just making it up in desperation. Given the trend in US legal matters (starting with Miranda) it would be astonishing if neither the person being served nor their lawyer could observe the action.
Go on, astonish me.
We can’t trust the FBI after its long history of political meddling
The FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home has Americans worried whether this untethered federal agency is suddenly a threat to democracy. Truth is, the FBI has played politics from its inception in the 1930s. It has a long, tarnished history of resorting to deception, violence, and lawless methods in pursuit of its partisan goals.
The FBI raid against the ex-President raises the question: Will the FBI get away with it a third time?
After the raid, Grassley warned that if the FBI doesn’t start “rooting out” the “political bias that has infected their most sensitive investigations,” Americans will no longer trust them.
What is the remedy? The FBI’s powers and mission are too broad. Congress can fix that. Congress created the agency by statute, and increased its powers under the USA Patriot Act, after the attack on 9/11. The agency’s snooping powers — domestic surveillance to protect national security — should be removed from the FBI’s law enforcement duties, and located elsewhere in the executive branch. That will keep the FBI’s dirty tricks from destroying our fair elections.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York.
There is an investigation by the House Oversight Committee.
About those Presidential documents…
Crisis at the Nation Archives
August 11, 2022 at 10:34 am
Back in April, The New York Times reported that Jared Kushner’s four years of Saudi ass-kissing and murder-excusing had paid off in the form of a $2 billion investment from the kingdom‘s sovereign wealth fund to his newly formed private equity firm. That struck a lot of people—ethics officials among them—as pretty shady
And Hunter’s various “consulting” jobs and directorships were all given because of his well-known business skills? At least here the Suadis were actually investing money, instead of simply buying influence.
Argh. Snap, Mr Panzer.
I’m going to need a link on that one, champ.
The only things you need are a dick and a brain.
m0nty-fa makes the allegation:
the Saudis gave Javanka two billion US dollars as a reward for Jared’s work in the Middle East.
m0nty-fa backs it up:
Jared Kushner’s … newly formed private equity firm.
Which one, m0nty-fa, Javanka or Jared?
Bruce of N
I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI turned it off themselves and removed the hard drives.
Surely, they will appear on the FBI inventory that is yet to be provided to Trump? Surely???
Careful observers will have noted that Monty has segued from;
“Trump is refusing to show his copy of the search warrant, this is tantamount to admitting he has plenty to hide”
…. to;
“If you think Trump is entitled to even see the warrant, then I’ll need to see a link, champ“
Cultural death continues apace.
Where will the children play?
North Ryde RSL and Eastwood Rugby proposed plans to construct 132 terrace homes and a private park on the privately owned TG Millner Field in Marsfield.
A spokesman said the RSL and rugby club had the right to build seniors’ living under existing planning rules, but its proposal would be better for the community.
He said the rugby fields weren’t of interest to new residents from China, India, Korea, and the Philippines where ‘rugby is not popular’.
44 upticks from Cats for Tom’s link to Leak.
The largest I can remember.
Wouldn’t it be great if Fitzy’s career was cancelled!
Yeah that’s harsh but he brought it on himself.
August 11, 2022 at 10:47 am
No Monty, the accused’s lawyer is legally allowed to accompany such a search, and is entitled to a copy of the warrant.
I’m going to need a link on that one, champ.
August 11, 2022 at 10:49 am
He doesn’t need a magic wand, he has the regulations.
Yep, and they can’t be invoked post facto. So where is the paperwork declassifying all the stuff he nicked from the White House?
First point: You made the claim, you provide the link to prove your claim.
Second point: At leas tone de-classification memo (Crossfire Hurricane) is available on the web, should you interrupt “living your lire” babbling hysterically here for long enough for a quick search.
You seem to be very up on the news, Monty, why do you need a link? /s
I will correct myself that a lawyer is to be allowed to be present provided there’s no interference with a search.
That is an admission by a former FBI agent and attorney. The circumstances being peaceful this would be required in the Mar a Lago search.
Trump’s attorney says she was ‘not allowed’ to observe the FBI Mar-a-Lago search (11 Aug)
Note this article is not friendly to Trump since it says “The search has sparked a baseless conspiracy theory that agents may have planted evidence at the scene.” That is not at all baseless, particularly in view of the Whitmer fiasco. Right now the FBI make the Stazi look good.
August 11, 2022 at 10:53 am
That Vanity Fair report is interesting Monty. Why have there been no investigations, arrests nor indictments?
There is an investigation by the House Oversight Committee.
ROFLMAO, a DemonRat Star Chamber is hard at work!
I’ve been re-reading Lisa Alther’s “Kinflicks”, and seeing much more in it than first time around years ago. She’s not just a great writer, but displays knowledge on such a range of topics, and stitches together a compelling narrative that essentially satirizes everyone, from the staid conservatives through to the counter-culture lesbian soybean society.
In one notable sex scene the voluptuous Laverne gets her gear off out in the al fresco field and enjoys first, second and third “courses”, three men in quick succession.
Incidentally the warrant has not been released for examination by anyone, and both the FBI and the DoJ are refusing to comment. Curious don’t you think?
Nearly 8 In 10 Americans Believe U.S. Has A Two-Tiered Justice System: Survey (10 Aug)
Justice without fear or favour has been tossed out the window by the FBI.
Wow! Donald Trump’s new attorney Lindsey Halligan is a 10/10. The pictures doesn’t do her justice.
Funny, Obama and his gang never got raided….
– Victor Davis Hanson
Christina Bobb ain’t too bad either.
She was the lawyer who was at Mar a Lago when the fascist heavies arrived.
The agents have discretion to allow or not allow lawyers to observe. It says so in your link.
Read your own links, Bruce.
Incidentally the FBI has now given her a copy of the warrant, which she says in her interview with Dinesh (see first tweet on her account, which I just linked).
The Trump raid and its aftermath: don’t be blind to reality
The discrepancies scream “electoral fraud” to any knowledgeable observer. Watch the documentary “2000 Mules”. It’s so solidly factual that it’s impossible for any truly objective observer to doubt its conclusions.
The people who stole those elections are the people currently in power. They know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that if they lose power, those who succeed them in office will, repeat, WILL investigate what they did, and will bring criminal charges against those who deserve them. They dare not risk this. They dare not risk the punishment they know awaits them if they lose their grip on power. Therefore, the current powers-that-be will do anything, risk anything, to make sure that they don’t lose power. They regard it as a life-or-death struggle. Either they keep winning, or they go to the wall – and they have no intention of going to the wall.
As Padraig Martin puts it:
The raid on Trump is not about Trump. The raid on Trump is a coup against arguably the most successful republic in history. Washington, DC, is overthrowing the rights you thought you had. They are driving a nail in the coffin of republican governance (little ‘R’). They are showing you that they are the power, not you, the voting citizen. Attacking Trump is all about proving to the little guy that he is powerless. If you elect the wrong person, we will remove him – and then you.
As big as two Harbour bridges: The giant wind farms you’ll see from the coast
Floating wind farm in Bass Strait ‘can be ready in six years’
Oh, so Monty, you are saying that the FBI can raid and search any peaceful undangerous unresisting person and exclude all oversight or scrutiny on their own discretion? In what way is that different from the Stazi or Gestapo?
AND THE (MOB) HITS JUST KEEP ON COMING: FBI delivers subpoenas to several PA Republican lawmakers, sources say.
But Meanwhile more importantly
Report: FBI Raided Mar-A-Lago After Tip That Parents Were Protesting A School Board Meeting There
More details on the Mar-a-Lago Raid
Judicial Watch has filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and the affidavit of probable cause which led to it today. Shortly after Judicial Watch’s motion, similar motions were filed by The Times Union and The New York Times.
Can’t wait for Bob Brown, who opposed the wind farm off northern Tasmania because of white-breasted sea eagles, to condemn floating wind farms of norther Tasmania.
Good on him for doing that then. I like sea eagles, they fly over my house fairly often, which gives my magpies conniptions.
Jeffrey Epstein’s death three years later: What we know — and what’s still a mystery
A spokesman said the RSL and rugby club had the right to build seniors’ living under existing planning rules, but its proposal would be better for the community.
They don’t want to build “seniors’ living” tho .. they want rezoning to “residential” cos .. more profit!
Nothing suss at AEMO.
IT glitch costs energy companies $2m a minute
An IT error by the Australian Energy Market Operator is likely to sting coal generators and energy retailers $167.5 million in extra National Electricity Market costs, intensifying pressure on market participants that are already struggling financially amid a global energy crunch.
AEMO said it made an IT change its National Electricity Market (NEM) dispatch engine on Wednesday, which caused a large but artificial increase in the volume of Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) required to maintain stability in the NEM.
FCAS services are used by the energy market operator to maintain the frequency of the system within the normal operating band around 50 cycles per second and keep the supply stable in other ways. FCAS provides a fast injection of energy, or fast reduction of energy, to manage supply and demand.
A spokesman for the market operator said the glitch resulted in most FCAS prices being set at the market price caps for approximately an hour. He said the mistake was fixed after 65 minutes.
Under Australian energy market rules, AEMO can charge generators who produced during that 65 minute interval and retailers who consumed at the time of the event to cover the extra costs. Analysts said this will total $167.5 million.
The fees are a blow to retailers who are struggling with soaring wholesale electricity prices.
“Retailers are struggling to find a pathway to profit and this comes at a terrible time. In theory the bigger retailers will have the balance sheet to wear it compared to small retailers, but EnergyAustralia just reported a heavy loss. They are getting hit from all sides,” said Energy Edge managing director Josh Stabler.
Hong Kong’s CLP Group earlier this week revealed a heavy $HK8.68 billion ($1.6 billion) loss at its EnergyAustralia subsidiary for the June half year, as energy market conditions it described as “extreme” dragged the whole group into the red.
Mr Stabler said during the 60 minutes either side of the event, the total FCAS fees across the entire market were $19,000.
AEMO may move to invalidate the 65-minute period, but it will depend on what the market rules will allow. A decision on whether to invalidate the period is expected on Thursday, market sources said.
If the fees remain in place, retailers will be unable to recover the costs via increased charges to their customers for months, adding pressure on businesses which are already expected to cop additional fees from AEMO due to the suspension of the National Electricity Market in June.
AEMO has already billed retailers more than $85 million for the first tranche of costs associated with the suspension of the National Electricity Market. Additional compensation fees incurred by retailers during the market suspension are expected to be billed in November. AEMO chief executive Daniel Westerman said the compensation fees for retailers are likely to be a “small fraction of $800 million”.
Such is the regulatory concern about the NEM, the Australian Energy Regulator in June quietly demanded sensitive information from the retailers about their financial wellbeing after a spate of smaller retailers either collapsed or urged their customers to leave for other suppliers.
While wholesale electricity prices have moderated in recent weeks, industry sources expect more retail companies to fail as they are forced to wear the cost of compensation fees for generators who were told to dispatch electricity during the suspension. These fees are not covered by hedges.
Australia is concerned its energy retail market could follow a similar path to that in Britain, where 30 retailers were forced out of business because of high electricity and gas prices.
The WH spokesperson is having a hard time.
The White House Response to the Mar-a-Lago Raid Was a Disaster (9 Aug)
Pretty amazing that when asked that question she tied herself in knots to avoid saying yes or no.
The right to observe the search would seem a pretty basic protection for a citizen. That there are rules relating to conduct of the searching officers is itself no guarantee that they follow those rules.
Something I have never considered before, but can police do searches of a premise without the owner being present, or informed so they have the option of being present?
Oops. They’re white-bellied sea eagles not white breasted ones.
Too many heaving comments this morning seems to’ve affected my subconscious.
Something I have never considered before, but can police do searches of a premise without the owner being present, or informed so they have the option of being present?
I have lived experience of being searched when I was not not present & without the fuzz/filth/pigs informing me.
Eastwood Rugby club stopped playing at TG Millner some time ago, and sold the property in 2017. Their current home ground is Granville Park, Merrylands, with long term plans to move to a big sporting complex at Castle Hill.
It’s always been about the real estate.
If Merrick Garland doesn’t give a solid, fast reason for raiding Trump’s home, he’s probably just re-elected him
By Post Editorial Board
So Attorney General Merrick Garland has a clear duty to address the nation and explain Monday’s unprecedented FBI raid on a former president’s home. Hiding behind the “need to avoid compromising an ongoing investigation” will fuel over-the-top speculation on all sides. Transparency can at least ground the debate in reality.
So Republicans are entirely right to sound alarms about possible fresh weaponization of the FBI. After all, the agency’s reputation is already in tatters.
And Garland’s own rep has been battered by his actions as AG: siccing the Bureau on parents who speak out at school-board meetings, pretending all political violence comes from the right (when the left rioted in 2020 all across America) and giving at least the appearance of slow-walking (and maybe soft-walking) the Hunter Biden investigation.
Trust in federal law-enforcement is at rock-bottom for at least half the nation, for good reason. Garland needs to address that elephant in the room, and explain what in hell he’s doing. What were they hoping to find as they rifled through his private residence for more than nine hours?
Unless and until Garland goes for full transparency, telling us all exactly what he’s investigating, we have to fear he’s simply taking a huge roll of the dice — hoping to find a Trump-slaying mother lode of evidence at the great risk of turning the ex-prez into a martyr and the next president.
I like the sea eagles too BoN, especially when its blowing a gale and they are the only birds strong enough to fly. They raised 2 eaglets again last season. There is so much tucker round my place.
If the searchee is present, the search (alas) is limited to being able to find only things which were already present on the premises.
Donald Trump released ‘one of the most powerful election ads’ ever seenBolt
Donald Trump Releases Powerful Video Hours After FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago
For “Retailers” read “Consumers”.
Retailers have no money other than what they recover from consumers, so that’s who will pay.
We will all pay dearly for this clusterfuck of an organisation that:
1) Created an unsustainable, politicised pseudo-market
2) Continues to fuck up (viz the IT “error”) over and over again
3) Pays no penalty for its litany of failure.
Turnbull’s appointment of the bright green Yank chick to run AEMO and Morrison’s failure to reform AEMO are 100% to blame for the coming status of having to pay $10,000p.a. for household energy.
Eastwood playing at Castle Hill as a home ground.
Bloody retarded.
New York Attorney General Letitia James is purporting to investigate Donald Trump’s businesses. James is obsessed with Trump, and her supposed investigation is an obvious piece of political grandstanding. She scheduled Trump for a deposition today. In Trump’s eyes, the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid was the last straw, and he announced today that he is invoking the Fifth Amendment and has declined to submit to a deposition.
Trump released a statement that is lengthy, but worth reading in its entirety:
Trump also released several videos of Letitia James. This is one of them:
How important is this development? Trump acknowledged the reality in his statement:
I once asked, “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” Now I know the answer to that question.
I always try to be even-handed in talking about Trump. This, if you haven’t already seen it, is what amounts to a campaign ad that has obviously been ready to go for a while, but was released in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid. I think it is a beautiful piece of work, and one can fairly ask whether anyone other than Trump could have done it. It is worth viewing full-screen:
Bloody hell.
Paul Green dead at 49.
The only warrants which do not need to be shown and provided to an accused are FISA warrants which are used for surveillance. We’ve seen the lies the swamp used before the FISA court to obtain such warrants to spy on Trump before; but this was not a FISA warrant. An ordinary warrant must be on probable cause and clearly show the alleged offence.
I can’t get that imagery out of mind. Monty filling the first three positions.
“and Morrison’s failureS“
It’s a long list, however to be fair, the failures began in 2013.
SATP – Slugs are very sly creatures, they can appear out of nowhere when you least expect them.
Trump was cooperating with a grand jury subpoena, then he got a search warrant issued against his residence?
The Democrats are making the guy into a martyr.
In the olden days, prior to the bright dawn of renewables, FCAS was a free service provided by the national fleet of synchronous generators. You get a sense of the developing cost of the Brave New World from the FCAS data series.
It’s all about da trannies!
In response to your https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/it-was-a-trap ,
Melania is going to have to destroy the contents of her knickers drawer – there is no way she’s going to wear anything that has had the FBI gorillas rampaging through it.
It’s gonna cost the Donald a few quid to replace that lot.
Paul Green didn’t look a young 49.
Sooner or later we will learn the contents of the Steele dossier were in fact drawn from the real life exploits of Hunter Biden (the peeing prostitutes in particular).
The IRS is getting 87000 new employees, taking their total to 170,000 to manage 350 million people.
The ATO has just over 21000 (2020)for our 25 million .
I’d recommend Miranda Devine’s book on the subject of Hunter Biden’s laptop.
August 11, 2022 at 9:57 am
Amazing how you know the inner workings of the Whitehouse and the Presidents actions.
Amazing how you can imagine a scenario where the POTUS secretly declassified stuff without telling anyone. Does he have a magic wand for that?
“Illary does.
from wiki
During her tenure as United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. Clinton’s server was found to hold over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret”. An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department
Yes; that’s been openly mooted for a while now.
A real man would eat a raw onion with the skin still on it.
Dutton breaks silence on embarrassing dagwood dog photo (Sky mainpage headline, 11 Aug)
Got to love the MSM. Maybe Dutton should become a vegan and not indulge in sauce-covered Dagwood Dogs. Do vegans eat raw onions?
Australia The Stupid Country
This global steel boss says Australia is not investing enough in coal
Far from phasing out the blast furnaces that use coking coal, Tata Steel will build new ones in India for a decade. But is Australia willing to supply the coal?
Huge volumes of coking coal leave Queensland every year bound for the steel mills that Tata Steel runs in India, Thailand, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, but Tata’s managing director Thachat Viswanath Narendran wants to buy much more.
Not content with buying 33 per cent of all Australian coking coal exports last year and being the single biggest destination for Australian coking coal in five of the past six years, India has vowed to double its steel production to 300 million tonnes a year by 2030.
Mr Narendran says Tata will be part of that growth; the company plans to continue building new blast furnace steel mills that consume coking coal in India for at least another ten years.
He expects the new mills built in the decade ahead to run for at least 20 years.
Even if they are entirely powered by renewables, blast furnace steel mills emit large volumes of carbon dioxide because the process requires the carbon in coal to strip away the oxygen in iron ore.
Many miners and steel mills, including Tata, are researching ways for hydrogen or other products to replace coking coal in the steelmaking process and thereby solve the “hard to abate” emissions from the steel sector.
But Narendran told Carbon Challenge those new technologies would not replace blast furnaces for many decades, and Indian demand for Australian coking coal would rise for many years before there was any decline.
With close to 90 per cent of Indian steel consumed domestically, he doesn’t expect carbon border taxes in places like Europe to make much difference to Indian coal demand.
Narendran came to Australia over the past week to express his concerns that investment in new Australian coking coal mines is not happening as swiftly as India needs.
This is an edited transcript of his interview with Carbon Challenge:
– With close to 90 per cent of Indian steel consumed domestically, he doesn’t expect carbon border taxes in places like Europe to make much difference to Indian coal demand.
Narendran came to Australia over the past week to express his concerns that investment in new Australian coking coal mines is not happening as swiftly as India needs.
This is an edited transcript of his interview with Carbon Challenge:
– What brings you to Australia on this trip?
We buy a lot of coal from Australia, particularly from Queensland so every year we come and do a session with our suppliers, one to one meetings, host a dinner, meet the government officials and basically share what our plans are and hear from our suppliers and the government on what their thoughts are on the future of coking coal in Queensland.
– How has your message to Australia changed in recent years?
– Will Tata potentially buy stakes in Australian coal mines to be an exemplar of the coal mine investment you want to see?
– Big Japanese steelmakers went the other way historically; they bought minority stakes in Australian coal mines. Some Chinese steel mills did too. In hindsight did they not take the right approach?
– Is Russia the likely alternative if you can’t get enough coal from Australia?
It is. Tata Steel has stopped buying from Russia for the last few months, but many of our peers in India continue to buy from Russia, India is trading with Russia so it is certainly an alternative. But you [in Australia] have better quality coals, a better range of coals and well established supply chains already so there is no reason why we should not leverage what is already there rather than give it up to somebody else.
– You drew a distinction between coking coal for steel making and thermal coal for power generation, but coking coal also produces greenhouse gases. How will your plan to grow steel production fit with Tata’s goal to have net zero emissions by 2045?
– Should Australians expect Tata will not be buying our coking coal beyond 2045 given your net zero target?
– How will your Indian steel mills be net zero by 2045?
– You mentioned you will continue building new blast furnaces that consume coking coal for quite a few years. If you can see these new methods and technologies are emerging for making steel with a lower carbon footprint, why not go straight to building those types of mills rather than new blast furnaces?
Because today there is no hydrogen available in India, and like your question about why we aren’t investing in [Australian] coal mines, we cannot be making hydrogen ourselves because somebody else is probably better at doing that. So even if you say let’s shift to gas today, there is no gas in eastern India and even more so now there is a [global] gas shortage.
– Can gas or hydrogen fully replace coking coal in your blast furnace steel mills?
No. You can substitute some of the coking coal with gas or with hydrogen or biochar, but a blast furnace will dominantly be using coking coal, the biggest component will be coking coal. So if you want to get out of coking coal you need to shift the process.
– Are you confident the world can achieve net zero emissions by 2050 if India has a 2070 goal and China has a 2060 goal?
That’s a climate justice issue right? Why should everyone chase 2050, why can’t somebody be 2040 or 2030 and some of the other countries in an earlier stage of development be 2060 and 2070 so that the world is a bit closer to net zero at that point in time?
The second point the Indian government has made is that when the [2015] Paris accord was signed there was supposed to be $US100 billion a year of funding to help the poorer countries transition. I don’t think that has come either in the last many years. There is a cost and complexity to this transition and who is going to pay the cost?
– Will a carbon border mechanism in Europe force Indian steel mills and manufacturers to decarbonise sooner and indirectly hurt Australia’s coking coal export industry?
The US Marine Corps only has 170,000 active duty personnel.
Maybe they can deploy the IRS to the South China Sea?
So the bastards can’t set you up
I can’t get that imagery out of mind. Monty filling the first three positions.
Exclusive photos here.
The podium is underneath.
all 3 spaces.
(I want one of these though)
can he even reach it over his gut
The proposed Seadragon project is supposed to send out 1500 MW.
Currently, the world’s largest floating windfarm is Kincardine – the largest (I think) of only three operational projects worldwide. It has 47.5MW installed capacity – ie 3.3% [three point three percent] of the capacity of the Albanese Memorial fantasy propeller boat.
Be certain, absolutely certain, that Australia is on the threshold of stupendous value destruction and wealth transfer – at a scale that will make Snowy 2.0 look wise and well considered.
Australia obviously has a world class OPM resource.
Intercourse/outercourse. What’s wrong with ‘foreplay’ and ‘the main game’. Suits me.
BON this might be of interest
The battery that charges 70 times faster than lithium-ion
Brisbane-based Graphene Manufacturing Group believes it has found a solution to help replace lithium-ion batteries which charge 70 times faster, are longer-lasting and better for the environment.
Graphene powder straight from gas
Where GMG hopes to gain the advantage is its process for making graphene powder straight from gas, while competitors are still using the more costly process of making graphene from graphite – a process which takes a number of washing processes.
Another key advantage of aluminium-ion batteries is the increased density – you can fit three times the electrons than in a lithium battery – and they don’t overheat to create fire risks.
They are also safer too. A coin cell graphene aluminium-ion battery isn’t lethal if swallowed by a small child, but lithium-ion batteries can be.
Compared to lithium batteries, graphene aluminium batteries don’t need lithium, copper, cobalt, manganese or rare earth materials to be mined for their production. They are also rechargable and 100 per cent recyclable too.
“The opportunity for these batteries is limitless,” GMG general manager of batteries Mark Chan Yan said.
Although the application for graphene is wide, Mr Nicol said GMG decided to focus on three products, including the HVAC energy-saving coating which is already being deployed.
When coated on air-conditioning or refrigeration units, it can achieve heat savings of up to 50per cent. On diesel engine radiators it can improve performance by 20 per cent.
The potential energy savings are part of why Rio Tinto has signed a partnership with GMG. The global miner will be able to supply aluminium from its alumina factory in Gladstone.
For the moment, Mr Nicol said the graphene aluminum-ion batteries are likely to be used in heavy machinery, like mining, as well as in high-performance EVs.
“Higher power density is our real competitive advantage now. More power and for longer,” he said.
“The end game is we want to show we can make the best battery at the best price.”
The Germans (of course) are ahead of Monty to be the first Olympic level Wank.
Winston – Don’t give the AFP ideas. They might get an idea to raid Julie Bishop’s smalls cupboard.
Julie Bishop turns heads in stunning $3,750 Balmain mini dress at David Jones fashion show in Sydney (11 Aug)
I have to be fair and say she does indeed polish up very well for a lady her age. Pity she’s so wet.
Ready to go, yes, but capable of taking an insertion. To me, Trump’s outrage in the piece re the FBI clearly relates to Mar-A-Lago rather than to anything earlier (which Hairy suggests).
It would make sense to keep it ready but capable of quick changes.
Fine by us.
Xiao Qian warns Australia not to depart from One-China policy (11 Aug)
Which “One China” were you referring to Mr Qian, the rightful one or the West Taiwanese usurpers?
Mr Qian is the West Taiwan ambassador btw. I should’ve included a quote from the story.
‘sOK Sancho, he’d been confronted by that since first recognising himself in the mirror, so it was certainly cruel and unusual punishment to which he’d become inured.
Deep State Infighting
DOJ Fingers FBI for Mar-a-Lago Raid Disaster
Source: AG Garland Not Asked to Approve Raid – ’Spectacular Backfire’
I’ve missed it then.
Pity she’s so wet.
Dry, leathery and withered.
Yep, and they can’t be invoked post facto. So where is the paperwork declassifying all the stuff he nicked from the White House?”
How they got the warrant is the real question – you need “probable cause” that a crime has been committed or is imminently likely.
How can anyone believe this to be true when:
1) Supreme Court in Navy v. Eagan, 484 U.S. 518 (1988) – “president’s authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security . . . flows primarily from [the] constitutional investment of power in the president and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.”
So you would need to prove that you had reason to believe he had documents in his possession which he had not declassified, which is hard to do when you do not know what those documents are. That he might have some that could be classified is not good enough and would amount to a 4th amendment violation of Trump’s rights. A search warrant needs to be very specific – “get this from here”, you can’t say “I want to look around and see what I can find”, no fishing expeditions allowed.
2) If the Presidential Archivist believes Trump has documents that are rightly to be placed into archives, then he has to know what they are and why the President cannot claim these as “executive privilege” – documents that expose his decision process, not just the decision itself.
3) Officials had earlier THIS YEAR been to Mar-a-Lago and seen the document boxes, and had in fact requested that the door to the room where they were kept be secured – which Trump did. In fact, the FBI had to destroy the very same lock to obtain access to the materials. Clearly, Trump was co-operating with various authorities, so why the heavy hand being required? Why not continue to negotiate as they previously had with every other President in a similar situation, in some cases for more than a decade.
It’s political, pure and simple. If Trump is deserving of this for maybe having something he shouldn’t, then without doubt Hillary Clinton is deserving of gaol time – it is unquestionably true that at her direction over 30,000 emails, many “classified”, were destroyed after a subpoena for them had been issued. Yet the FBI essentially let her off because they didn’t believe there was any “criminal intent”. Imagine that, no charge because you didn’t intend to do it – “Well Your Honour, yes I suppose I was going 130km/h in the 80 zone, but I didn’t MEAN to!”. Yeah, that’ll work – NOT.
Together with the failure to even investigate the BLM riots that killed more than 20 Americans and caused over $2 billion dollars in damage, while at the same time seeing that many people who were charged with misdemeanor trespass offenses for Jan 6 languished in solitary confinement for more than 18 months shows a highly political and far from “blind” DoJ.
That cannot continue – a two tiered justice system is not justice in any way.
As has been said upthread, this is standard police procedure. It happens in all the cop shows on the telly.
The fact that this happened to Trump is neither here nor there, despite his lawyers setting their hair on fire.
Pelosi Asked Point Blank Why Her Son Accompanied Her To Taiwan And If He Had Any Business Dealings
Lovely dress made more so by the fact that the sleeves cover Ms Bitchop’s skinned-rabbit arms, though the face seems to have had a rather generous application of Lotsawork Lisa’s skincare range as described in detail by Wali Dali yesterday. I know I’m being bitchy but it’s a character flaw I’m working on daily.
Is US prepared to tackle the growing threat of China?
Mark Levin analyzes the America First movement and how it relates to our modern overseas threats on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’ #foxnews #lifelibertyandlevin
And in breaking news Munty selected to wank for Australia in the Olympics.
But I thought he was a lesbian?
Is this a love pudding discussion anew?
Who is Paul Green?
August 11, 2022 at 11:36 am
That is an admission by a former FBI agent and attorney. The circumstances being peaceful this would be required in the Mar a Lago search.
The agents have discretion to allow or not allow lawyers to observe. It says so in your link.
Given the high level of political sensitivity in this “raid”, a sensible FBI agent in charge would allow scrutiny. That the fascist course of action preferred by m0nty-fa says much for the basis of the “raid”.
And still no release of the warrant by the FBI.
Thanks OldOssie. Aluminium is a trivalent cation so can in theory triple the energy density by volume compared with a lithium battery. That’s the good thing. The bad thing is that aluminium is very prone to form insoluble refractory aluminium oxides. Which means the battery has to be rigorously sealed away from air and probably can’t have a water-based electrolyte (since water has oxygen in it).
If all of this works the resulting battery will have about 10% of the energy density of a 50 L plastic petrol tank instead of only 5% of the energy density, which is about where Li-ion batteries are now.
Of course if you applied to ICE cars the efficiency gains and weight savings used for EVs, you’d make substantial fuel efficiency gains in them too. Which on a life cycle assessment would require EVs to be driven even further to catch up with the net CO2e of the ICE cars.
I still want a cheap methanol fuel cell so that a phone will work for a week, and can be refueled instantly from a small bottle of methanol for about ten cents.
Currently, the world’s largest floating windfarm is Kincardine – the largest (I think) of only three operational projects worldwide. It has 47.5MW installed capacity – ie 3.3% [three point three percent] of the capacity of the Albanese Memorial fantasy propeller boat.
Thanks Dr
You have to admire their gall though.
What major infrastructure project, state or Federal has delivered on time/budget and within specifications in the last 30+ years?
It would have to be a tiny, tiny% of the projects undertaken.
Yet rather than be humbled by repeated, continual, multi billion dollar failures politicians still get moist over “bigger than done anywhere else in the world/new technology/JobsonGrowth” and spray taxpayers cash at whatever well connected spiv gets their ears.
The rule of law.
I’m amused that in the seventies the Left called the police “fascist pigs”, but in the 2020s the Left (eg Monty) now thinks police being fascist pigs is just peachy.
O/T – Regarding the assassination of John Kennedy
“Well over a hundred million Americans reject the findings of the Warren Commission, whose report at least ninety nine out of a hundred have never read.”
“Reclaiming History, The Assassination Of President John F Kennedy” Vincent F Bugliosi, Page xxv.
BG, PhD. Cassie once received 46 approving upticks for an excellent comment and I once received 56 ‘get lost’ upticks for attempting to defend myself against a pile-on. I came back here when reassured by friends here that upticks can be manipulated, although I never really believed that is what happened to me, nor indeed to Cassie, for her comment nailed something so well (as she so often does). The universe sometimes hates my face; I’ve always known that. Too bad.
44 upticks to Leak, one of them mine, is a great heads up to Jacinta vs Bandana Man, and I am sure they were genuine ones.
Umm. So?
August 11, 2022 at 1:17 pm
Sean Davis
Nothing to see here. Just the IRS advertising IRS agent jobs where you might get to kill people.
Note: jobs.irs.gov is not real – Porquoi – ©2020 UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE
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IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent
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Who are we?
Criminal Investigation (CI) is the law enforcement branch of the IRS. Our mission is to serve the American public by investigating potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code, and related financial crimes, in a manner that fosters confidence in the tax system and compliance with the law.
As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes. Special Agents are duly sworn law enforcement officers who are trained to “follow the money.” No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government.
Criminal Investigation Special Agents are part of a diverse workforce that mirrors the taxpaying public we serve.
To learn more about us visit our Criminal Investigation page or read our 2021 annual report.
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Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.
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Nup. She’s too scrawny and her face hasn’t weathered well.
In all honesty, I think I am doing better.
“I’m amused that in the seventies the Left called the police “fascist pigs”, but in the 2020s the Left (eg Monty) now thinks police being fascist pigs is just peachy.”
Indeed – from don’t trust The Man, to you can only trust The Man; from “I disagree with what you say, but will fight to the death to allow you to say it” to being de-platformed and “cancelled” for refusing to call a man a woman; from “Trump is a loud-mouthed, bumbling idiot” to “Trump planned Jan 6 insurrection without actually telling anyone to do anything”; from “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is” being OK, to Trump authorising the National Guard for DC for Jan 6 several days prior meaning Trump “didn’t do enough” to stop it; from “The president [Biden] doesn’t control the price of gas[oline]” to “The president’s policies have lowered the price of gas[oline]”.
No-one ever accused them of playing fair, but the time between these sorts of events is now so close together that even a goldfish would notice the contradictions.
Wasting good methanol [hic] on a phone!