Not economically viable? Everything is repairable – even an FJ holden left in the top 40 for 50 years -…
Not economically viable? Everything is repairable – even an FJ holden left in the top 40 for 50 years -…
Predicted 40 years ago – and they will still not fight! a society stands on the brink of internal collapse,…
Ben Garrison.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
IRS Job Listing: Special Agents Must ‘Carry a Firearm and Be Willing to Use Deadly Force’
A job listing for the position of IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent stresses that applicants must “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force” in order to carry out their duties.
The job listing says:
As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes. Special Agents are duly sworn law enforcement officers who are trained to “follow the money.” No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government.
It goes on to describe Special Agent “major duties,” which include “[carrying] a firearm and [being] willing to use deadly force, if necessary.” Applicants for the Special Agent position must also “be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”
Breitbart News reported on June 19 Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) concerns over the IRS’s purchase of approximately $700,000 of ammunition “between March and June 1” of this year.
You’re right about Paul Green, Dot. My BiL looked like that at 25. At 64 he looks 20 years older. Just the way some people are. Myself had had very youthful looks for a long time.
“… concerns over the IRS’s purchase of approximately $700,000 of ammunition…”
Hollow points too – so much safer for the innocent I suppose, but pretty nasty for the “perp”.
Feraldton, the drool of the mid west!
Midwest police call for calm amid spate of alleged assaults on officers
WATCH: Fauci Booed Before Throwing First Pitch at Mariners Game
Mariners fans showered coronavirus czar Anthony Fauci with boos as he prepared to throw out the first pitch during Tuesday’s game.
The controversial head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases threw out the first pitch between the Mariners and the New York Yankees at T-Mobile Park in Seattle.
Fauci lobbed a sky-ball to catcher Scott Servais amid a shower of boos, according to the Independent Journal Review.
When you walk through the garden
You gotta watch your back
Well, I beg your pardon
Walk the straight and narrow track
If you walk with Jesus
He’s gonna save your soul
You gotta keep the devil
Way down in the hole
A bit of excessive mileage on the chassis, I would think.
Wait for it.
Facebook Posts Reveal Epstein-Linked Magistrate Bruce Reinhart’s Woke, Anti-Trump Attitudes
Bruce Reinhart, the magistrate judge who signed off on the FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s Florida home at Mar-a-Lago, has a history of endorsing woke and anti-Trump viewpoints on his Facebook page, according to reports.
Images that appear to be of Reinhart’s Facebook page seen by Breitbart News show Reinhart praising leftist Robert Reich for his criticism of Donald Trump, accusing the former President of lacking “moral stature,” and sharing a woke video about “white privilege.”
In a Facebook post dated 14 January 2017, Reinhart attacked President Trump for his comments about former congressman and woke hero John Lewis.
From the link in OldOzzie’s 1 PM post where some were trying to make the case for Garland’s innocence in the Raid decision.
Uh huh. And who does the U.S. Attorney work for? That would be the DoJ. So we are supposed to believe that a junior lawyer for the DoJ made that call? Nice try Garland. As Congressman Jordan said, retain all your paperwork and keep your schedule open after the election.
And ‘pudding’?
Viewers, munty is a fat lesbian. Do not confuse him with rug munchers, even if they are fat.
The only leftard I know who is good at retail politics is Daniel Andrews. Like all leftards, he worships power but, unlike the rest, understands the nuts and bolts of politics.
For example, between 2014 and 2018, he identified a key issue that infuriates all Melburnians – traffic gridlock caused by rail level crossings. So he set about abolishing most of Melbourne’s level crossings and turned them into a huge election winner – especially in inner suburban electorates besieged by radical Greens who are eating Labor’s electoral lunch.
Bingo! Instant popularity that can’t be copied by the Greens because the Greens love trains as they can be used to replace the personal freedom of cars. The Greens would rather pass laws to force people to use public transport.
Abolishing level crossings reduces the time commuters have to spend in their cars away from their families. Brilliant retail politics.
Alas, the rest of the global left are shit at retail politics.
For example, the American left, which now has total control of the federal government via the Deep State and a razor-thin parliamentary majority, just had the FBI raid the home of the president they ejected from office in 2020.
If the American left understood the first thing about politics, they wouldn’t have done the one thing that gives the biggest boost to the GOP in the 2022 mid-term elections and Trump’s chances of re-election in 2024.
But it isn’t Trump Derangement that makes the US left shit at politics. To be good at politics, you have to care about what voters think.
Leftards see democracy as an obstacle to be overcome, not a celebration of freedom and a brake on the power of government over the individual.
Plus leftards know that those on the right aren’t violent ferals like them who wouldn’t think twice about burning down a city – or assassinating a political opponent.
When American leftards wanted to get rid of Donald Trump, their first thought wasn’t to appeal to voters, but to rig the 2020 election. They just wanted the manic discomfort he made them feel to go away – whatever it took.
The truth is that Trump Derangement isn’t about Donald Trump, but his followers because they oppose Big Government and the excesses of its surveillance state, which we saw at Mar-a-Lago on Monday.
Now leftards – from around the world, not just America — are having trouble putting their Trump Derangement back in the bottle from which it came, making them even shitter at politics than they already were.
Wait for it.
As Mel Gibson said: Hold….hold….hold……
Not bitchy at all, Tinta. Truth will out.
And you are one of the least flawed characters I have ever met.
Glad to hear that you and others held the line re the ‘friends with benefits’ overnighters. We certainly maintained that policy during the teen and early adult years with all four of ours. At the time we had a large house and would let friends of both sexes stay over, but in separate rooms downstairs.
Creaky stairs acted sentinel to no goings on, for I proved formidable standing in my dressing gown at the top of them if someone had ‘accidentally’ left something upstairs.
Feraldton cops used to be noted for their “take no prisoners” attitude – what happened?
I must admit to having had grave misgivings about the FBI ever since that fiasco at Nakatomi Plaza.
Turnout, Trump, and the Mar-a-Lago Raid Made for Big Upset in Connecticut
Republicans, Democrats, and independents throughout Connecticut were left reeling Tuesday night by the results of the GOP Senate primary.
In what is easily one of the Nutmeg State’s biggest upsets in recent history, former State House Republican leader and long-presumed favorite Themis Klarides lost the Senate primary to Republican National Committeewoman and former President Donald Trump-endorsed Leora Levy.
To call Levy’s upset of historic proportions is no exaggeration. In defeating Klarides, who had the endorsement of the state Republican convention, Levy became only the third Republican to win a statewide primary over the convention-endorsed candidate since primaries began in Connecticut in 1970.
“Trump voters were fired up,” said one GOP consultant who requested anonymity, “His endorsement [which came last Thursday] along with what happened yesterday when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago came at a good time for Leora. The conservative Trump bases had an outlet— today’s primary— which allowed them to hit back by voting for Leora.”
Along with endorsing Levy (whom he unsuccessfully tried to appoint ambassador to Chile while president), Trump followed up on Monday evening with a “tele-rally,” which saw a reported 32,619 supporters of Levy calling in and hearing the former president live.
Declaring that Levy was soaring “like a rocket ship” in the twilight of the campaign, Trump mispronounced Klarides’ name (almost surely on purpose) and denounced her as a “total RINO [Republican In Name Only]” for support from centrist Republican Govs. Larry Hogan of Maryland and Charlie Baker of Massachusetts — “establishment sellouts” and “losers,” Trump told his telephone audience.
Hours before the voting began, Frank Ricci, retired president of the New Haven Firefighters, told Newsmax that Trump’s endorsement would not be enough “to overcome the record that Themis established over the years of fighting for lower taxes and smaller government [in the legislature]. Trump won’t topple Themis Tuesday.”
Recalling his words Tuesday evening, Ricci told us: “I was wrong. Trump carried the day.”
We need pictures Lizzie. I’m sure you scrub up better. Julie has no bum. I see far better at the shops any day of the week.
Mother Lodesays:
August 11, 2022 at 1:51 pm
I must admit to having had grave misgivings about the FBI ever since that fiasco at Nakatomi Plaza.
Love it – Great Xmas Movie
Project Veritas doing some great work.
Monty, you’re getting a little manic.
How about you take a couple of deep breaths and a walk around the block?
I was thinking same to myself. That movie is from 34 years ago and indicates pretty much what ordinary people thought of the FBI even then. Hopelessly incompetent but kinda beige. Now they’ve turned into hopelessly incompetent jackbooted thugs.
The median average salary for all workers in the UK is £25,971. The mean average salary for all workers in the UK is £31,447. The median average salary for full-time workers in the UK is £31,285. The mean average salary for full-time workers in the UK is £38,131.
Heres what they are getting, good and hard as the mong tories deliberately and knowingly inflict green policies on them.
Writing on the day after annual bills were forecast to top £4,200 by January,
Spending 1/4 to a 10th of their remaining cash (after tax) removed using electricity.
Luckily OzyMongdius has emerged from the desert to tell them what to do to fix it.
Energy companies that cannot offer lower bills should be temporarily brought into public ownership, Gordon Brown has said
Brown said there were urgent decisions that could not wait until the end of the Tory leadership race. Those include:
Cancelling the energy cap before the official announcement on 26 August
Agreeing October payments for vulnerable households
Finding urgent new supplies of gas and storage
Voluntary energy cuts like Germany’s to prevent blackouts
He said spending should be paid in new “watertight windfall tax” on oil and gas and a new tax on the high levels of city bonuses which he said were pushing up wage inflation. Those measures could raise £15bn, he said, enough to give nearly 8 million low income families just under £2,000 each
So stimulate more gas & oil by punishing more gas and oil…
We must tax profits now, freeze energy prices – and if necessary bring suppliers into the public sector
Gordon Brown
Yet another case of government destruction being blamed on a failure of “capitalism”.
Monty, really. You’ll be quoting Lincoln Project tweets next.
Feraldton cops used to be noted for their “take no prisoners” attitude – what happened?
My mate quit.
The message has gone out loud and clear that any interaction with a segment of the population over-represented by a factor of 10+ compared to the % of population is career damaging.
You’ve had a poor one today Bruce. Off to the sick bay, mate.
J Edgar Hoover, COINTELPRO and failing to stop 9/11.
It should have been shut down the day the cross dressing blackmailer popped her clogs.
Kinflicks is indeed a great novel. IIRR Lisa Alther wrote a follow-up (?)…
Reasonably amusing occasional sight up here in the Atherton….roadside mail boxes out in the country are a new role for deceased microwave ovens.
From AAP’s twice-weekly media newsletter:
FMD. Tractor Kelly has been transferred to what Their ABC calls “light entertainment”. I’ll give it three months before it’s axed without an audience — and I think I’m being generous. There is no gap in the market for lesbian comedy.
Old Ozzie:
I’m struggling to think of a different scenario that could have enraged the US Right any more than this. Some are saying that it was done for this purpose so the mid terms could be cancelled.
This is the only scenario I can imagine that would exceed the Raid On Mar-a-Lago, and I would think that if the Mid Term Elections were cancelled, the US would have its 2nd Civil War.
Trumpy aint gonna have anything happen to him with archival laws. That’s BS.
In order to convince ANY judge to raid his house would have to be some pretty serious shit. And some pretty good evidence or threatening evidence.
Now, it is rumoured Trump got access to docs whilst POTUS of Epstein and his clients along with all sorts of sordid material. I don’t buy this entirely, but wouldn’t it then make sense to take it to the Magistrate who defended the Epstein team and call Trump an enemy of the state because he was going to bring everyone down?
It’s a nice theory but it is a bit too SRR for me.
I think Miranda Devine is right, they’ve got NOTHING on him and the opportunity to review everything is a fishing exercise. They may have used Epstein “intel” as a BS excuse to get the judge’s okay but that’s about a far into that theory I am going.
Old bar fridges used to fulfill that role in the Eastern Wheatbelt of the Wild West.
The loss of the T.G. Milner field is a sad, sad thing for me.
I watched The Beloved play church rugby there as a teenager (the ground was like polished iron in those days). Then my son in the district team and for Eastwood, then my grandsons ditto. Three generations of rugby.
The fact that it’s going because the incoming hordes don’t like rugby is a sad metaphor for where Australia is headed. What else will disappear because they “don’t like” it? Why the hell did they come here in the first place?
C’mon Monty we are yearning for the thoughts of Mitt and Liz Cheney too.
Surely you can provide these pearls of wisdom.
Lysander, The judge had Epstein connections. It would be pretty easy to fuck over the judge with evidence of a vid showing him in a compromising position.
Don’t be surprised they happen “to find” stuff in the stash. These are very bad people.
Frankly? So have the Cats referring to Frank Elly been insightful or prophetic?
For news media, a raid is a raid until it involves Trump
Olivia, even in her most recent photos, looked more wholesome and youthful than Bitchop.
We’ve found this spoon sir!
Civil war USA 2 – Maralago boogaloo.
Lets try this mental test.
Right: Is there any circumstance under which you would believe the veracity of “evidence” produced in the raid?
Left: Is there any circumstance under which you would believe the evidence produced in the raid might be false?
I think this raid has reduced the “Im open to changing my mind based on expert opinion” percentage to single digits.
Im now of the opinion the Dems are doing their best, with the collusion of the alphabet agencies, to set the scene for a shooting or similar to prevent the Midterms.
Hoping to set off a few loose units on the right, carefully cultivated by the agencies involved.
Bongino explains the purpose of the Trump raid, which had no legal justification, which was to forment outbreaks of protests by the Trump supporters so the mid terms could be abolished and Trump arrested for causing the outbreaks of violence. From about 40 minutes onwards.
But the circumstances of the case and the megaphone the Justice Department used to publicize it were familiar. As with the prosecutions of more than 350 international terrorism defendants caught in post-9/11 FBI terrorism stings, in which agents or informants provide encouragement and weapons for criminal plots, questions of entrapment quickly emerged in the Wolverine Watchmen case. The FBI had used at least a dozen informants and several undercover agents to build the case. One of the group’s key members, known as “Big Dan,” was an FBI informant. Another, an apparent explosives expert whose role was critical to the alleged kidnapping plan, was in fact an FBI undercover agent.
“There’s nothing wrong with using confidential sources to help facilitate or move along an investigation, but it becomes really dicey when, in a case like this one, there are nearly as many informants as there are defendants,” Michael Sherwin, the former deputy attorney general for national security during the Trump administration, told The Intercept. “That’s a huge red flag, making you wonder if this is one of those cases that are manufactured to increase stats.”
Muttley, just be honest.
You’d be happy as being in a bath full of donuts if all opposition was banned and anyone who disagrees with your utopia, with you and the elite at the top and everyone else eating bugs and being damned thankful to you for it, in gulags.
Munted’s “Greatest Rakes Volume 567:
That’s not what you said RakeFace:
Where I and others corrected you:
Then, all of a sudden, today you’re back to square one like yesterday didn’t exist Fat Boy (does dementia run in Leftards?):
Again, are you dumb or deliberately misleading? Or both?
JC – I’d agree with that but I’m not going full SRR on it lol!!! 😛
Again, are you dumb or deliberately misleading? Or both?
As I’ve explained he has no dick.
Again, are you dumb or deliberately misleading? Or both?
He’s a hideous blend of liar, retard and Olympic level wanker.
Some of the most amazing concept cars ever built. I can see head prefect in number 16.
The media in the US is now desperately trying to change the meaning of the word ‘Raid’ because it makes them sound like the fascists they are. He who controls the language controls the masses.
Definition of raid (Websters)
1a : a hostile or predatory incursion
b : a surprise attack by a small force
2a : a brief foray outside one’s usual sphere
b : a sudden invasion by officers of the law
c : a daring operation against a competitor
2b is the obvious choice although a case can be made that most of those apply.
Anyway I hear Trump is reaping in the big cash with donations flowing in like never before.
If he doesn’t run for one reason or another, is Team Cat on Desantis? Or am I missing the boat lol!
I heard a podcast today. The podcaster reckons this same judge who signed the warrant recused himself in some Trump vs Clinton lawsuit recently.
Think about that and he signed the warrant.
And remember, ‘recession’ has been redefined as well.
It really is terribly Orwellian.
Even more so when you consider that the President is a ‘memory hole’.
I can see head prefect in number 16.
Hand crafted nuclear reactor as power plant?
There’s probably a business in hand building the best concept cars that were never built.
Good point Zatara!
Those 100-odd FBI morons (many out on street and many on private property) took AK47’s with them…. fuck me, why? This, scarily, aligns with Winston’s comment above that they are trying to start violence and/or civil war.
What a weird world we live in JC!
And there’s Muted, supporting the big state, big rich child fuckers.
I wish. 😛
Ouch. Monty, are you OK? And stop looking at the pictures of Hunter’s dick. You’re damaging your street cred.
T. G. Milner Field. Just down the road from Epping High School. We were allowed to leave early to watch Waratah Shield, which Epping won 67,68 and 69. Norman May used to call the rugby from the stand on the Vimiera Rd side. The club was on the other side of the field. Norman would sign off the telecast and be at the bar four seconds later.
It’s worse than that JC. He was a US prosecutor who was deeply involved in the investigation of the Epstien case and so privvy to all the confidential prosecution info, right up until the day he resigned and went to work for Epstein.
Scumbag extraordinaire. Just the type the left would use to do this dirty deed.
There’s been a lot of this happening recently. I’m sure it’s nothing.
m0nty thinks he’s crushing it. Good lord. He reminds me of Prince Andrew during that BBC interview, thinking he’s hitting it out of the park.
Say you can’t sweat, m0nts. It’s a real winner.
Willing to join the IRS Brown Shirt Brigade Munted? You’ll need to lose weight for starters, carry a firearm against your pacifist (“for some”) beliefs, scrap your centrelink paymenets to work over 50 hours per week and conduct “dangerous assignments:
But hey, in good news, I’m sure they have doughnuts!
20 Things The Feds Probably Planted In The Boxes They Took From Trump’s House
I’m still sure that the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ was at MAL.
Israel & Gaza rebels exchange fire: At least 32 Palestinians killed within 2 days | English News
All this bagging of Julie Bishop is bringing a disturbance to The Force.
Regardless of her political nous, or lack of, she is a very elegant and classy lady.
Qanon says what?
Yes wouldn’t it just be amazing if the FBI “found” an email in Trumps files from someone like Ray Epps saying something like “do what you have to do on Jan 6” and THIS is the reason Epps has never been investigated because he was order by Trump (as opposed to the truth we all know he was order by Hillary)…
A thousand families are going to sue the Tavistock Clinic.
**Trump ordered Epps** (got it wrong way around).
One of the more plaintive, but nevertheless potentially instructive aspects of growing old is the experience of the transitory nature of this world through the disappearance of the familiar “landmarks” of our life.
monty’s effort today is very low energy.
And just wait until the leaks start. Whether it be wire taps, key documents, explosive allegations or more SCOTUS’ draft opinions…
The DoJ really is a piece of shit and, Jesse Watters said he trusted 99% of them last year, 95% this year.
I’ll go with about five (not per cent)
In the UK, former 100% supporters of Net Zero and all that are being mugged by reality:
The contenders for PM have suddenly had a revision of their previous support for unicorn farts to keep Britons warm and industry working:
As Daffy would say, they are dethpiccccable.
There is no inconsistency in the left that used to rail against ‘The Man’, only now to embrace government agencies and police authority as highest achievement of humankind.
Back then they were angry that they did not have the power they thought they deserved. They were not about freedom. They wanted revolution! Revolutions where they would be on top and all the people they hated down below. They admired and courted leaders and nations that were far more repressive than the ones they lived under – here is a clue: These middle-class revolutionaries were allowed to preach Marxism in democratic nations. What happened to people who preach democracy in Marxist ones? Back then, as now, they wanted power.
Now the left has been able to gain control of public institutions. The police enforce ridiculous mandates like cracking down on ‘hate speech’, schools are clandestinely inserting themselves between parents and children – even asking kids to tell what their parents say and do, people are catalogued into desirable and undesirable classes with different treatment for each. Everything is subject to political interpretation. People are being re-educated away from what their natural opinions would be. And nepotism – which was a bug in the old order is a feature of the new.
The left has now simply got what they wanted before. They hated The Man because he was a power ‘not us’. They love The Man now because he is.
Grey Ranga:
I hope Milley is hung by the neck. We can dig him up for trial when we find the extent of his criminal activity.
And that the moment he is arrested, all the senior officials of the Democrats and their governmental officials are taken into custody – protective of course, and put into the cells the Jan 6 people currently are illegally incarcerated in.
He’s one of those progressive Boomer-types that thinks it’s edgy to label everyone who isn’t virulently anti-Trump as a Q supporter. Sad.
I don’t remember much about it, read it decades ago, but I do remember the opening line.
“My family has always been into death.”
Talk about a catchy intro! Never forgot it.
Boambee John:
President Trump is no-ones fool – they’ll all be being backed up on a hard drive at a different location.
Pedro, we all looked younger in 2013. And maybe even classier. 😀
During the passage of Joe Biden’s infamous and ridiculously named ‘Inflation Increasing Reduction Act’ in the Senate Sunday, all 50 Democrats voted against an amendment that sought to define pregnancy as a uniquely biologically female process. (Don’t ask how pregnancy services got into that bill)
We have reached the point where this sort of thing has to be spelled out in law because we know if we don’t we have opened another means to graft, and the US Senate fails to do so. The US legislature has unquestionably ceased to be a serious institution. Pray for a good flushing at the upcoming mid-term elections.
But as we age…there’s always the insurance.
Have they brought out the canes yet?
Still a ways to go.
Judge Orders Department of Justice to Respond to Requests to Unseal FBI’s Trump Warrant
Gee, ya think Reinhart is getting just a leetle bit of heat over this fiasco?
I’ve seen Lizzie she is in excellent shape, it’s the dancing classes and has a peaches and cream complexion that the crepey-legged Bitchop would die for and all without the need for a $3,700 look-a-me dress.
Winston Smithsays:
August 11, 2022 at 2:01 pm
Monty, you’re getting a little manic.
How about you take a couple of deep breaths and a walk around the block?
m0nty-fa’s “I have a life” statement of yesterday didn’t age well.
I’m jealous, Tinta! I’m more like Kathy Bates (see above).
August 11, 2022 at 2:12 pm
You’ve had a poor one today Bruce. Off to the sick bay, mate.
Sad, low energy.
You know, this is starting to look like a coup.
“In the UK, former 100% supporters of Net Zero and all that are being mugged by reality:”
Yep, my oh so progressive brother being one. There’s nothing quite like a good economic mugging…….they’re the best.
Poor Hamas must be feeling very much sidelined round about now.
Organising to get a few of the people killed (by putting them in the same place as the launch sites the Israelis must take out) is just what the doctor ordered.
Faced with ineradicable data that the Little Reef That Could is doing just fine, the latest ‘rebuttal’ is that it’s the wrong sort of coral. I remember similar bumpf about ‘the wrong sort of heat.’
I read somewhere about dredging and blasting to open a channel into a port somewhere in FNQ. It worked for a while, but the stuff kept growing back. Does anyone have a link?
I tried looking rakish for a few months in 2013. Well, the less said the better.
Im going to work my way through the other Alther books too. Other Women is a more ardently leso book, with the lead lady under analysis with an out of town lady shrink. Best bit is a steamy encounter in a sauna and back at the luscious woman’s bedsit.
Bloody hell.
Paul Green dead at 49.
There’s been a lot of this happening recently. I’m sure it’s nothing.
A Saudi ambassador also dropped dead in the middle off a speech a few days ago. Of course it was blamed on a heart attack.
The fact that they did not foresee this but instead predicted crumbling submerged wasteland of bleached-bone outcrops tells us that their models are not to be trusted anyway.
The Truth About the FBI Raid On Trump
Paul Joseph Watson
Oops, it was ‘the wrong kind of snow’, in 1991. I suppose that was the snow that children would never see again.
Roger Moore must be feeling a little more vulnerable, knowing that the reaper’s scythe must be coming soon.
Cronkite, No.16 is the batmobile. Good pick.
I see you in this.
Twenty-eight civil rights and health care groups announced Tuesday they have requested that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) address “dietary racism” in national school lunch programs, raising concerns to the federal agency about forcing millions of minority children to drink cow’s milk without allowing them a healthier alternative.
In a letter to the USDA’s Equity Commission, the groups said the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) only incentivizes dairy milk, a policy they called “inherently inequitable and socially unjust” because children of color are more likely to be lactose intolerant — meaning they cannot fully digest sugars in dairy and can suffer from adverse effects after consumption.
The federal agency does allow a nutritional substitute, but that requires a written statement from a student’s parent or guardian and schools must notify the state of a substitution
And killing a bunch of your own civilians via malfunctioning rockets, then threatening the press not to report it, is just karma.
Dover if you had a bmi of 40 you’d be low energy too.
Yes. See my musing on the same in my last Quadrant piece: Dirty Rotten Love.
We twine our lives into places fleshed with our recall. Then the shaped land of our past changes and we are left only with some hint of what used to be real, of what it was, the sense of its loss, of something shaded, a prickling in the eyes, peopled by ghosts in time. Memories without anchor.
If they were able to steal the last election while Trump was POTUS, what chance of him or other GOP winning in 2024?
Mike “Oh, hallair, I like boats” Carlton want’s his two bobs worth..
If I were an American citizen, I’d probably consider donating a few hundred bucks to the Democrats and claiming it on my tax return.
Turns out that 97% of current IRS employees that are union members donate to the Democrats. The percentage of union members in the IRS is about to get larger. Much larger.
Hoping to set off a few loose units on the right, carefully cultivated by the agencies involved.
The Gov Whitmer kidnap “plot” to be writ much larger, with more entrapments of the originally innocent?
The JoeBots on Dem social media have been trying the “dark brandon” meme..
Little did they expect the sort of weponised autism 4 chan would hit them with.
Dark Brandon…
Arrest Trump!
This bloke sounds very familiar.
Excellent point.
But to me, it is the arrogance of deciding in advance when and how regeneration should occur. They have their favourite plants and animals, and tell us that this is the way that landscapes should regenerate.
The reality is, they are not very in tune with Gaia. Gaia devastates parts of the planet with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis and so on. Afterwards, certain species of plants and animals colonise those areas. That’s Gaia in action.
These idiots see the world as a kind of theme park, where they are in charge of the exhibits.
Oh, and can I record how I hate them catching and attaching tracking devices to animals. and then re-catching them and weighing and measuring them. The devices typically have an antenna attached, which sticks out of the body.
A lot of money is being spent on largely meaningless ‘data collection’. These people would be tracking every wild creature on the planet if we let them. Nice job for life.
good for rosy cheeks!
I think it will depend on the margin of the win. It will be a very hard do if the margin is say 10 points.
If they cheat and still lose, the punishment will be potentially enormous.
It was so good to see the jihadi leaders taken out the other day. Mossad has good intel most likely from Pali’s sick and tired of Hamas. More strength to Israel.
Sensitive soul that Mike is, he was irresistibly drawn into the discussion by the mention of ‘gins’.
PJW wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the bum. He was part of that Infowars crew which is now in disgrace after the Sandy Hook lies.
He sounds like Bolta or Sheridan.
Dover, just got an internal server error after trying to post a comment about Jacinta Price.
The day after the raid Trump released this video. He’s going to run for the Presidency again, alright.
Personally, I would rather him vacate the field to Ron de Santis, or even Mike Pompeio – though I prefer the former.
Dietary racism?
OK, you’ve got a point, but lighten up for heaven’s sake.
. I’ll bet you’re not.
It was so good to see the jihadi leaders taken out the other day. Mossad has good intel most likely from Pali’s sick and tired of Hamas. More strength to Israel.
Qatar has also been “talking” to the Israelis thru Egypt connections for several months now ..
Strange how the taking out of th, entire, Islamic Jihad leadership in one strike was , apparently, missed by most of the mainstream media …..
I liked the comment on the guy calling for Trump to be arrested for provable criminal acts (of which he cannot proffer even one):
“I’m dumb talking”
forcing millions of minority children to drink cow’s milk without allowing them a healthier alternative.
And yet there is one.
It requires one of the genetic donors of the zygote to put pen to paper and request it.
If mum or dad cant do that then Im afraid getting milk for lunch is the least of the kids problems.
How about shouting “Tawanda!” when I triumph over weeds? I am known for doing that, and boy does it feel good. The Beloved just shakes his head.
August 11, 2022 at 4:38 pm
The JoeBots on Dem social media have been trying the “dark brandon” meme..
Little did they expect the sort of weponised autism 4 chan would hit them with.
Dark Brandon…
Custer Van Cleef
August 11, 2022 at 1:53 pm · Reply
Or Wray-bans, to “Protect your eyes from seeing evidence of Democrat crimes”.
Money-back guarantee! (All profits to a good cause…less 10 percent for the Big Guy).
I wouldn’t have picked that.
(Geddit? Catarrh? Picking your nose? Oh, forget it.)
August 11, 2022 at 4:50 pm
Dover, just got an internal server error after trying to post a comment about Jacinta Price.”
Yep…me too, I tried to post a piece from the Telegraph about facebook censoring comments that say men cannot get pregnant.
Dunno – when I read that Al Sharpton was part of that campaign, a great deal became very clear.
What Mike Bailey, the last trustworthy ABC weatherman, used to call ‘single figure maxima’ today here in Queanbeyan. Never made it to 10C, and now it’s raining.
OTOH the jonquils are up, certain camellias are flowering and some buds are beginning to swell.
The tomcats will be yowling at night soon. Then Spring will be sprung. 🙂
Paul Green committed suicide.
August 11, 2022 at 3:49 pm
Pedro, we all looked younger in 2013. And maybe even classier. ?
Nope I’m still ugly, but the female beagle loves me – not sure about the class?
August 11, 2022 at 5:06 pm
Paul Green committed suicide.
Paul Green was found dead in his garage just a day after his son’s ninth birthday, leaving his devastated family to mourn the loss of the beloved NRL figure.
The 49-year-old was found unresponsive at his home in Brisbane after 10am on Thursday. Queensland Police said the circumstances of his death were ‘not suspicious’ and a post-mortem will be carried out.
Green, who is understood to have taken his own life, leaves behind his wife Amanda and children Jed and Emerson.
Bloody hell.
Paul Green dead at 49.
There’s been a lot of this happening recently. I’m sure it’s nothing.
Apparently he took his own life.
PJW wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the bum
First dicks, now arses. If Peck keeps this up he’ll catch the Monkeypox
I see you in this.
Powered by farts.
An issue like veteran’s suicides, and the Labor Party wants to score points? Why don’t they just go and dance on their graves, FFS?
Very kind of you, Tinta. A couple more Kovid Kilos than a few years ago, but some well-exercised solid firm flesh is no bad thing on an older biddy. Getting too thin is simply asking to be a wrinkly saggy bag of bones and striated muscle in advancing years. Attractive women of any age are fleshly beings, which I guess is where that ‘soft pudding’ idea comes from. But never ‘fat’!! lol. Just add oestrogen, of which I am a huge fan. As for complexion, call it Nordic genes for the high cheekbones that keep the angles sharp.
Keeping the mind agile is what counts most of all though. Catallaxy is good for that. 🙂
A succinct and fair appraisal.
Been absent from DCat reading as the chaos gods took over at Villa Megan. Two family members in hospital on opposite sides of the city. One of them the (ahem) birthing parent of our newest, barely a week old, addition to the grandchildren team.
New addition left with highly anxious and completely inexperienced non-birthing parent who rang the Nana and Pop rescue line in the wee small hours. Still cannot say which was the louder sobbing and screaming coming down the phone line – him or his new wee hungry son!
Anyhow, all has returned to a semblance of calm as of this afternoon. And what is apparent to me after catching up on most of the Tuesday thread is the dramatic escalation of the MontyPox climb from regularly stupid but predictable to full Venezuela defined as doing the same thing repeatedly but with complete. conviction. Spare us your version of great truths, dimwit. Repetition does not make them so.
If stupid had a Richter scale, in just the last few days Monty-Fa has leapt from a committed socialist 6.0 to a full-blown 9.0 where the extermination of political enemies is one of the most obvious signs of unfreedom and tyranny.
Keep on believing your privilege will protect you from the consequences, o child-like spouter of slogans. I’m fairly certain you’re not going to like the reality of what you long for once you and the rest of the totally unprepared citizenry arrived at the actual Full Venezuela destination.
That is just so sad. His little boy having recently turned nine.
Suicide is always terrible for those have to bear this sort of loss with all of its unanswered questions.
Good on you both, Megan, and best wishes for speedy recoveries all round.
Thanks Old Ozzie for that link about Paul Green.
(Didn’t want to up-tick your post as that would be insensitive)
Horrible to think that a man with so many achievements on and off the field would find the world too much to cope with.
Similarly, former rugby test player Dan Vickerman committed suicide in 2017, and like Green had a successful career and a young family.
Tragedies, both of them.
Which brings into stark relief the decision of current Wallaby captain Michael Hooper to leave the tour of Argentina because of a “mindset struggle”. The way team doctors, coach, management and the players all supported his decision is a positive note.
Jesse Watters on the Trump raid. The first 10 minutes name the obuma librarian who initiated the raid and Jesse compares what documents Trump took with obuma and clinton’s efforts:
Short-term fix to gas crisis is to bring coal plants online, Resources Minister Madeleine King says
Coal-fired power plants need to come back online to provide relief from the energy crisis gripping the east coast, according to federal Resources Minister Madeleine King.
An urgent meeting of Commonwealth, state and territory energy ministers will be convened on Wednesday to discuss the dire situation, as demand and prices for gas on the east coast soars.
The new federal government has described the predicament as the result of a “perfect storm”, as increased international demand for Australian gas landed as a severe cold snap stretched much of the country, and unplanned outages of coal-fired power stations impacted the broader electricity market.
Ms King has been working the phones in an attempt to get Australian gas producers to inject more supply into the system, but noted their efforts were constrained due to existing pipelines operating at near capacity and a lack of gas shipping infrastructure across the country.
She said the short-term solution to the crisis was with Australia’s ageing fleet of coal-fired electricity generation — some of which had experienced maintenance delays.
“What we really need to do is to have the coal power stations come back online, because that is the missing piece in the puzzle right now,” Ms King told the ABC.
“There’s been unplanned outages for many reasons, many beyond the control of those operators and I do accept that, but I hope they are doing their level best to make sure this power source comes online as well.”
Ms King dismissed suggestions the federal government may need to support the return to service of coal-fired power stations.
“To be honest, it is the coal companies themselves and the operators of the power stations that need to get these power stations back online,” she said.
“It’s 30 per cent of the energy capacity that’s taken out of the mix because of unforeseen circumstances in many respects — and some of them are also planned outages.
“It wouldn’t matter how much money anyone put in right now, we just need the operators to get moving on fixing their plants right now.”
calli have you got the beloved tied to the bed a’la Misery.
Some grid iron players were popping themselves. CTE strikes early and is devastating, I can’t blame them for choosing the fast way out because like dementia you die twice, first as a person then physically. Studies of Rugby League players are concerning. A friend who is a sports medicine doctor commented that with concussion “every single time” constitutes a brain injury.
I don’t know if these players were experiencing symptoms that indicated CTE to them but I wouldn’t exclude that possibility.
It’s going to become a Mahjong Palace.
No fear. He’s just nicked up to the shops to buy some hummus to go under the pork chops. I forgot to buy it when I was terrorising big-haired bimbo car drivers earlier.
Or the Left, TFM – which is more likely.
Uncharted waters ahead.
We seem to have a PM who is not up to the stresses of the job. He needs holidays and trips away.
As someone who was up close and personal, readers should know that it is a 24/7 job, and there is as much work as you allow. The PM needs to delegate a lot of decisions, or he/she would spend every day drowned in paperwork.
John Howard and Julia Gillard understood how it worked, don’t have info on Morrison.
Deciding what you are going to focus on can be hard when you are drowned in paperwork. Rising above it is essential to getting anything done.
Don’t be disingenuous, Ms. King.
A perfect storm arises out of a set of unforeseen circumstances.
The current situation is a result of long term government policies and decisions re coal, gas and the entry of renewables into the market.
Micromanaging is death. You have to delegate to survive. And you have to trust those you delegate to.
If it continues, it means a lack of trust and confidence at the highest level, both in ministers and in the top job holder themselves.
The Machine is geared to produce this sort of stuff-up. A background of working only in its labyrinthine passages makes it a dead cert.
Shoulda posted this yesterday
“Pray, let me have, by tomorrow morning, on a single sheet of paper..”
It’s Guess the Ethnicity Time again – Hint “They haven’t left the Jungle”
Watch: Alleged Shoplifter Attacks Laundromat Worker with Hammer in Brooklyn
More Hints from the Comments
– The usual suspect.
– He looks like Mike Obama
– Gimmedat!
– Thugs gone wild!
– 0bammer’s son
Daily Mail not so coy
Rugby league great Paul Green tragically ended his own life in his family’s garage on Thursday – leaving his shattered wife and two young children behind
I smell money.
Greens leader dodges questions over China’s Taiwan aggression (Sky mainpage headline, 11 Aug)
He must know that China burns more coal than the rest of the world put together and is rapidly expanding coal mining and power plants. And to not condemn imperialist aggression seems quite unGreen.
At this stage it is probably more efficient to list the people not owned by the CCP.
Dover Beach:
Now that’s the best news I’ve heard all day.
And after the lawyers have finished with these perverts, the Law can have a go too!
He’s a Red, not a Green.
He’s a Red, not a Green.
I get the feeling that pollimuppets like him and Wong would ship you off to a concentration camp at the drop of a hat if they could. I don’t feel they have my best interests at heart.
Anyway we now know most of our ‘representatives’ are happy to imprison us. Even more so if you live in a houso high rise on Flemington Rd.
“There’s been unplanned outages for many reasons, many beyond the control of those operators and I do accept that, but I hope they are doing their level best to make sure this power source comes online as well.”
Ms King dismissed suggestions the federal government may need to support the return to service of coal-fired power stations.
“To be honest, it is the coal companies themselves and the operators of the power stations that need to get these power stations back online,” she said.
“It wouldn’t matter how much money anyone put in right now, we just need the operators to get moving on fixing their plants right now.”
Why should they?
Given the psychopathic head kicking the system is designed to give them, why should they spend anything unless they can see an acceptable financial return for doing so?
I can tell when I have been hitting the mark on the Cat, as many of the old guard get really nasty and personal towards me, in lieu of arguments they can’t make.
That says a lot about them.
Here’s the question that defines how seriously the Democrats are about the reaction they are expecting:
Are the barricades going up around the White House/Other symbols of government?
Not yet, it would seem.
That says a lot about them.
Only that they hate you.
Carlton and Fitzsimmons- Barker and Knox. Says it all.
John H may have something, if not actually nailed it just upthread. You can add Spud Frawley and Shane Tuck to that list as well.
A history of serious head knocks does not bode well for the future.
How about the parents feed their own bloody kids?
You’ve been sounding a bit defensive today Monty.
Getting antsy about how fascist the Left is behaving lately?
August 11, 2022 at 6:40 pm
m0nty, if you could move as fast in real life as you do shifting the goalposts online you would have had Rohan Browning’s spot in the Commonwealth Games.
It’s amazing you don’t die of sheer embarrassment.
Monty, does your child act out when it wants some attention?
August 11, 2022 at 6:40 pm
I can tell when I have been hitting the mark on the Cat, as many of the old guard get really nasty and personal towards me, in lieu of arguments they can’t make.
That says a lot about them.
You need to make an argument before we can respond, m0nty-fa.
Another ‘expert’ from TheirABC’s Rolodex on the teev tonight, about how people other than themselves should stop using cars and planes.
School lunches are a thing in the US, Winston. Have been for yonks.
I do not think I am Robinson Crusoe there. You lot hate a lot of people. Hate is your default response.
August 11, 2022 at 6:43 pm
That says a lot about them.
Only that they hate you.
Nor true in my case, cohenite. I need to know someone personally before I can hate them. In the case of m0nty-fa, despise or hold in contempt would be better words.
“I can tell when I have been hitting the mark on the Cat, as many of the old guard get really nasty and personal towards me, in lieu of arguments they can’t make.
That says a lot about them.”
Hmm, I’ve seen many nasty and personal comments emanating from you over the years, only yesterday you made a nasty comment about JC moving to Japan, here it is…
“m0nty says:
August 10, 2022 at 4:53 pm
JC will be big in Japan.
He’s about four foot high, but these things are relative.”
So who’s really nasty here? And even more interestingly, who’s really racist here? Are you saying that Japanese people are “small”? My oh my, that’s an old stereotype, here we have a full on anti-Asian stereotype, what other stereotypes do you hold….Monty?
But I shouldn’t be surprised by this, because that comment says a lot about you.
Monty, weren’t you trying to get your own blog up and running? What happened to that?
Chris Bowen is a moron.
I do not think I am Robinson Crusoe there.
You’re not even man Friday.
Cassie, JC and I meet up IRL every now and then for steak lunches. He calls me a stupid fat commie, I call him a swarthy old spiv, we go home with full bellies, good times. It’s a bit different to sniping some rando online hero.
Peck going full on sympathy vote.
No lounge, QF has rearanged their flights so JQ passengers miss out after 6pm. Ruude…. 🙁
Queensland airports no masks but onboard apparently JQ enforcing.
JQ very good so far for once, better than my recent Qantas flights…
Fatboy, let’s be clear about this, you defrauded me on a ghoul bet because we know Ginsburg had died, but the Demons were carting around her body pretending she was still alive while pulling ventriloquist strings to suggest she was animated. However, I paid up as it was difficult to prove.
And yes, he’s a fat , stupid commie in real life too.
Correction: he has no dick, sir!
They’re all idiots. Every single one is a moron.
And once you institute a program like that it’s very hard to rescind it.
That being the case, it’s not unreasonable, given that some ethnicities cannot tolerate milk as well as white folks, to request an alternative.
For the record, mOnty, I don’t hate you.
And the “you lot”-ism is wearing thin.
It’s not an intellectually honest way to argue.
JC, by that logic you are actually dead as well. You basically look like the Crypt Keeper these days.
But I know you are actually alive in there behind those horridly wizened features.
oger says:
August 11, 2022 at 6:57 pm
How about the parents feed their own bloody kids?
School lunches are a thing in the US, Winston. Have been for yonks.
I’m sick of your armchair knowitall mar el lago pontificating too, Monty.
You can’t possibly know Trump is ‘guilty’.
We’ll see what happens when the dust settles.
You’re the Peter FitzSimmons of the cat, that’s for sure.
Okay Roger, how would you like me to refer in short to the hive of scum and villainy assembled at the Cat?
You really are an idiot. We took the best because Ginsburg had pancreatic cancer and should have been dead within the year.There’s no comparable “logic” there, you asshat.
This is entirely true, rosie. We don’t even know what the warrant is about. Given the history of Muellerween, it could just be some extremely minor records management dispute with ancient frizzy-haired archivists about preserving Kim Jong Il’s love letters for posterity. But… ah, but… it is probably much more.
Dear Ms King, we’ll produce all the power you need as long as we get paid for all the power we can produce and don’t get throttled back by unreliable energy, when it is available. GFY.
“scum and villainy assembled at the Cat”
Now I call that “really nasty”.