Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
Then stop saying he is you mendacious muffin.
Oh I am not going to make a deadpool bet about you, JC. You’re going to live for quite a while. Unless you T-bone a semi-trailer on St Kilda Road in old Darren Millane style, which is always on the cards with you given your terrible driving history.
Chris Bowen is a moron.
They’re all idiots. Every single one is a moron.
Ah yes……but Bowen reminds me of plodders in school who used cribs to write essays.
Cassie, you really don’t know much about anything, do you? I was making a Star Wars reference. You know, popular culture?
Chris Bowen is a moron.
They’re all idiots. Every single one is a moron.
Bowen is stand out because he also looks like some kind of weasel.
Oh I missed getting covid by ‘that much’.
Vaxxed and boosted close contact (who has very very serious health issues) felt quite unwell in the evening, tip top after a good night’s sleep, no drugs required.
Might have been better if you’d said ‘wretched hive of scum and villany’.
You”re always proclaiming how evil Republicans are. I think we all agree that he vast majority of those American women hoovering their children are Demons, whereas Republican women don’t have abortions anywhere near their number (Demons). In fact it would be a tiny fraction.
According to you, Republicans are so sinister, so evil that they fought for 50 years to try and keep the children of their political enemies alive. That’s how evil they are, you big bulbous twit.
Oh , and Republicans are such racists that they want to keep black kids alive by nixing abortion. You know, because they hate blacks so much.
The American left is so fucked in the head it’s beyond redemption.
I hope all those who continue to humour and sympathise with Monty, now see him for the ocean going piece of shit that he is.
One only needs to look at Stalins flunkies or Goering to notice that fat and ugly doesn’t always equate to cute and loveable or warm and fuzzy.
Have you not noticed that he is opposed to everything you believe in. Over all these years, by sheer fluke of probability, he should agree with something “you lot” do…but nooooooo.
“Cassie, you really don’t know much about anything, do you? I was making a Star Wars reference. You know, popular culture?”
I haven’t watched a Star Wars film in decades, but once again, your comment is revealing, it says a lot about you. Oh and anything to say about your comment insinuating that Japanese people are all small? Now that’s a stereotype…a racist stereotype.
the hive of scum and villainy assembled at the Cat
Half of Australia thinks the same way as most Cat commentators, and the number continues to grow. People are getting sick of the bizarre blend of retardation and communism gripping this country.
Don’t you just love these lefty maniacs.
WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World (10 Aug)
Presumably he thinks he’s one of those “smart people”. He also thinks the world is burning up.
That would have been worse! LOL.
Evidence of serious head injury to Paul Green:
It looked like his NRL career was over in 2003 after seven matches for Parra when he suffered multiple facial fractures that needed plates inserted into his head in an intricate surgical procedure but you can’t keep a tough little halfback down. (He played the next season before retiring) (The Roar).
He assessed widespread contemporary disillusionment among “common people” as being rooted in a fear of being “left behind” in a future run by “smart people.”
The “smart people” have almost managed to run most of the western world out of energy.
Left behind, or left in the dark and cold walking to were you need to go?
You have been caught out lying, prevaricating and walking into rakes for three days.
Your hilarious fail about the “Trump appointed judge!” was perhaps an all time “best”.
People get frustrated with your brain dead bullshit.
Oh dear, JC is trying to be serious about social issues. Always a hoot.
I’ll tell you who does have abortions at high rates: mistresses of Republican politicians.
They want to keep women subjugated in the home – it’s far more about misogyny than race. To the extent that race is a factor, more black kids tends to mean a larger workforce for low-paid jobs, which makes the Chamber of Commerce types smile.
You are funny, m0nty. For an npc zombie.
Epic letter.
Missouri AG, Eric Schmitt, letter to FBI director.
Fuck right off.
Uh… no.
Are you seriously counting Liberal voters as being aligned with the average Cat commentator?
Oh Margaret, don’t you mean hand maidens?
I really hope there were no perverts in the FBI squad who went through Offtrump’s lingerie at Mar a Lago.
Homer Paxton tier.
Sloth energy.
Turning a slur into nothing more than a friendly homily? Is that it?
It wasn’t that long again ago that you claimed they were treating women as cattle, breeding stock. You obviously don’t know much about dairy farming.
The hypocrisy of your side of politics:
Greens-induced law is kinder to cattle
That being the case, it’s not unreasonable, given that some ethnicities cannot tolerate milk as well as white folks, to request an alternative.
Which is already available, but the parents have to ask the school, probably in writing to cover various bureaucratic arses.
That’s the sort of crap I expect for you in reply, Doofus.
Yep sure.
1. Republicans in Florida want to keep Louisiana women lving in Seattle Wa home. That’s perfectly plausible.
2. Yea, Republicans want cheap labor so much they want to end abortions of black kids while allowing the southern border to remain as porous as it is. Sounds totally logical.
August 11, 2022 at 7:22 pm
JC, by that logic you are actually dead as well. You basically look like the Crypt Keeper these days.
But I know you are actually alive in there behind those horridly wizened features.
That’s the way to impress other readers, be polite and friendly!
It is entirely true that Trump may not be guilty of a crime.
Yesterday and prior, he was guilty of something, but what exactly? That can’t be ascertained until a falsely sworn affidavit is given to get a warrant.
You are shilling for judicial, police and political corruption.
Stop and think about it.
You are shilling for shenanigans that Roger Rogerson would get up to.
Tribalism has robbed you of honour and dignity.
mUnter. The Gonzalo Lira of FlashCat.
Expert analysis, live from Malmo.
A Pacific government snuggles up to the Chinese Communist Party and …
Would never happen in Yarragrad, if course. The ‘justice’ system there is so completely under the thumb of the Socialist Left faction of the ALP that defiance is unthinkable.
August 11, 2022 at 7:23 pm
And the “you lot”-ism is wearing thin.
It’s not an intellectually honest way to argue.
Okay Roger, how would you like me to refer in short to the hive of scum and villainy assembled at the Cat?
The expression “Cats and Kittehs” was used often on the Old Cat.
Monty you idiot women want to stay home unless they are an outlier.
Their own choice is partly the basis of the “wage gap”.
You are literally arguing that women having volition is misogynistic.
Jesus christ man, jesus christ.
Bear in mind, Mater @7.51, that the average Green has the intelligence of a cow.
The left now loves big business and the Washington war machine. And open borders gives allows them to pay starvation wages. Trump is opposed to all of this.
Hell, the cowardedly smart mouth wouldn’t even step outside his own home of late.
A trip to Malmo was so far out of scope, it couldn’t even be seen through Hubble.
US Chamber of Commerce types love immigration. Legal immigration keeps labour costs down in the professions, and illegal immigration enables pseudo-serfdom because the workers have very few rights.
One of the biggest cons the Republican Party has been running for decades is pretending they hate immigration. Actually, their donors love it, and their bought-and-paid-for pols just lie openly to the rubes.
Damn straight. Magnificent, and an exemplar of states’ rights.
You really don’t talk to a lot of women, do you Dot.
I think the Trump raid has lit a fire under Ultra Maga.
Your typical YouTube pro trump commentator would get 10k to 15k likes. Most have now been catapulted into the 50k plus likes range.
I’ll tell you who does have abortions at high rates: mistresses of Republican politicians.
Evidence please m0nty-fa, and gossip on lefty websites does not constitute evidence.
PS, is this your example of the type of kinder, gentler, discussion you are seeking here?
Are you seriously counting Liberal voters as being aligned with the average Cat commentator?
Outside of your basement, there’s a whole lot of people who are really fucking pissed off with the way things are headed.
How the woke left learned to love Big BrotherThe British left’s silence on state censorship is shameful – and revealing.
Star Wars films are for children, all those muppets tend to give it away.
Ahem. An exemplar of states’ rights when used for the right reasons.
Yep. Classic fascism. So like the late 1930’s with an alliance between the Left, big business and the bureaucracy. And we have the WEF talking cutely about how some inconvenient people are unnecessary and “redundant”, as I linked above. Now where have I heard that before I wonder?
And yet the Dems seem to put the border into overdrive every time, thus the obvious conclusion is that the Dems are for pseudo-serfdom of their own people.
If the average punter was presented with a side by side summary of your recipe for the country vs “our lot’s” views, there would be an 80/20 split in our favour.
No question.
Did the WEF come out of the Club of Rome? They sound very similar with their ‘bogans shouldn’t have nice things’ schtick.
US Chamber of Commerce types love immigration. Legal immigration keeps labour costs down in the professions, and illegal immigration enables pseudo-serfdom because the workers have very few rights.
Hiden Biden essentially opened the borders to illegal entrants immediately after the inauguration, to the cheers of DemonRats. Does this mean that DemonRats wish to keep labour costs down in the professions, and enable pseudo-serfdom because the workers have very few rights.
And yet the Dems seem to put the border into overdrive every time, thus the obvious conclusion is that the Dems are for pseudo-serfdom of their own people.
Yes for sure-
Hillary’s vision is a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety.
Yes monty. Women want to work over having children or getting married. They never regret this decision or have mental health issues over this.
Also, the women I talk to aren’t real.
Good lord monty. You were just whinging about personal attacks, you 24 carat pissant!
mUnty, it seems you expect your gibber to be legitimated with an honest argument.
The truth is, that,says everything about you.
Bruce of N
And we have the WEF talking cutely about how some inconvenient people are unnecessary and “redundant”, as I linked above. Now where have I heard that before I wonder?
I think the expression you are groping for is lebensunwertes leben.
Which is code for you wanting them working to pay taxes for your idiots to piss up the wall.
First technical hitch for me at New Cat when my response to Monty’s cleverly formulated and delivered argument at 6.40pm disappeared without trace after submission. Second attempted drew the ‘duplicate comment detected’ message. Not moderated. Not in the thread.
Probably a good thing. Would hate to be thought of as nasty.
George Bernard Shaw.
Legend of the left.
Three articles about Senator Gerrard Rennick in past two days. Latest has just gone up at the Oz with comments allowed.
Hadley also used the Oz article to have a go at him just after 1000am news today.
They must really want him to stop asking irritating questions.
Ray Hadley is a fat fascist sack of shit.
Another working class group of people mUnter would have thrown to the wolves, or burned to keep him warm.
You’ve got shoes, so nobody else gets them. Is that it?
Are you saying that you’re less obnoxious in real life and that given time the relationship could grow and deepen as understanding develops?
I wonder could I really truly love a vacuous fool that can’t think for itself, that has no concept of accountability, and is basically a petty passive-agressive toddler in 40yo body.
…I could try.
It took about 40 years for the UK to get where it is.
The time to fascism has greatly reduced. Watch where we are going.
Unlikely, more of a Crocs sort of a guy. Those Nike sandals with white socks for dinner parties though, appearances must be maintained.
FFS what kind of idiot checks bags then doesn’t board…
Not the first time I have been delayed like this… Was an on time flight too. Grrr
Stinkin masks enforced too…
Can we confirm that this isn’t munty?
My only responsibility is to my family. My only responsibility to other people is to not harm them. Anything beyond that is out of the goodness of my heart which cannot be commanded by anyone else.
Social responsibility is typical collectivist horseshit, designed to force rules onto people other than themselves. Everything from getting kickbacks to population reduction by any means is rationalised by them doing it “for the collective good”.
It is in reality an even bigger, but more sophisticated lie than the divine right of kings. Worse that it allows any moron to claim it, like horseface Helen Clark referring to voters as little people, when in fact the retarded genes were actually hers, not voters.
Good little Marxist he is, considering Marx was a useless grifter who never worked a day in his life unlike the working class, just like Muttley.
Sundance at the treehouse has a 3 part series on the Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI raid.
Why did the DOJ execute the raid on Trump.
The Durham report. Ongoing investigation. The uniparty needs to be destroyed.
Monty you idiot women want to stay home unless they are an outlier.
You really don’t talk to a lot of women, do you Dot.
Out of my wife’s circle of friends with kids, the ones that work, are compelled to by the overall family financial situation, making ends meet.
They consider juggling kids in the 0-15 range and a job to be nothing more than a bloody hard slog.
Someone might talk to women, but they don’t bloody well listen if what’s being said doesn’t fit their own spastic world view.
“The Beer whisperersays:
August 11, 2022 at 8:42 pm”
Superb comment Beery.
“My only responsibility is to my family. My only responsibility to other people is to not harm them. Anything beyond that is out of the goodness of my heart which cannot be commanded by anyone else.”
That’s a liberty quote.
Self-assembling viruses in the COVID-19 vaccine?
Dream on that the policies of the fascist left, which you seem to support, would be popular if spelled out explicitly.
Canvass your friends about large scale immigration and pseudo “asylum seekers” as an initial test.
a useless grifter who never worked a day in his life unlike the working class, just like Muttley.
Who married his way into the “upper middle class”. A true man of the people.
Wow suddenly now an engineering issue. Hmmm.
Me thinks these’s more to this than a checked bag & no passenger. So why board us? Grrrr…
Whatever happened to Piers Morgan? Rowan Dean is being a hoot tonight.
Wow suddenly now an engineering issue. Hmmm.
Next stop in the blame game will be fuel!
“Who married his way into the “upper middle class”. A true man of the people.”
Yep, and it was his wife’s money and family connections that propped him up. Marx was a parasite and a racist, funny that, Marx’s heirs, today’s progressives, are also parasites and racists. Why, we even have one here who thinks Japanese are “little people”.
Yup Rickw. Paperwork they reckon. My experience with flights, reckon cancellation is on cards atm…
Then they will get a piece of my mind for being deceptive.
August 11, 2022 at 9:09 pm
Whatever happened to Piers Morgan? Rowan Dean is being a hoot tonight.”
Yes, I’m enjoying his programme.
Well said, Cassie.
I would just like to thank Albo and his Government for bringing down my electricity prices. NOT !
Up 22%.
However being a Cat reader and reading Rafe and Alan and others for years comes as no surprise.
Monty is Marx?
He’s great with pretending ladies working is awesome because it helps soothe the nagging voice in the back of his head reminding him of his own arrangements.
But then again, he’s stupid enough to think some girls have dicks.
So what you’re saying is… Monty is a gigolo like John Kerry. That is just nasty.
More like Karl Marx – is that nasty also? I thought m0nty-fa would be flattered by the comparison.
Pretty much everyone is.
Long standing friend of the family was an officer in the old “Native Welfare Department” in places like Laverton, up until the late 1960’s. He genuinely thought he was there to make a difference. He spoke several local dialects, and understood customs and culture. His successor had no idea of customs and culture, but he had a University degree.
Do please point them out to me, the last time that happened was at a corporate event at docklands, i made clear the consequences of actions, let’s redux shall we.
This meme you like to run about me marrying into money… um I married a teacher, who was the daughter of a traveling salesman. Hardly a socialite heiress.
Nevertheless, she has more class than everyone on this site, very much including me.
A farting contest has more class then a failed Marxist like you, Monty.
If true, sucks to be him.
Boambee John, if you read that sentence in a Kathy Newman voice it might help.
Rogue One was the only decent Star Wars movie ever made.
Cmon bern, A Star Wars Christmas was five-star
I went to Nespresso today.
My Colombia capsules used to be under a dollar, now 1.18 per pod.
What’s Albo doing about that, eh?
Sorry, my blood pressure is rising. The “West Australian ” newspaper is running a story about kindergarten children being taught how to make damper, about “First Nations” culture and how “Second Nations” people can learn….
Ewoks are gay.
Discussion this evening.
Summer Heights High would not be made today.
A couple of people said good.
I reminded them of their Jonah impersonations.
Nope, the Family Guy ones are the best.
Cat stuffed, internal server error.
All the conservative commentators are advising not to respond to the raid on Trump because this is what the demorats want. In fact it doesn’t matter because they’ll fake a response anyway. The demorats don’t need facts.
“Don’t get penisey, kid!”
Similarly, former rugby test player Dan Vickerman committed suicide in 2017, and like Green had a successful career and a young family.
John H may have something, if not actually nailed it just upthread. You can add Spud Frawley and Shane Tuck to that list as well.
A history of serious head knocks does not bode well for the future.
Pirate Pete is obviously very vulnerable.
Forgot the link:
“Don’t get penisey, kid!”
rickw and others, I’ve submitted a ticket with webhost re these 500 internal server errors.
If only they had a Voice. Oh wait, the Minister in charge of Aboriginal matters is Aboriginal. She obviously knows what is best for them.
“Laverton warns of grog-fuelled violence as cashless card goes”
Maybe the Baltic states are more trouble than they’re worth.
Did quick trip to Sydney today. Flights were meant to be 0630 out and 1830 back.
But no it wasn’t to be.
Virgin started screwing me around on Wed nite. 1830 return became 1910. Then I’m on the road on Thursday morning at like 0500 going to the airport for what I thought was 0630 departure and I can feel the phone getting messages. The bastards moved the flight earlier. So they moved it to 0615 and at the check-in of course, I couldn’t get on because that flight was now closed. Managed to catch the 0700. Last available seat.
By late arvo my 1830 that got moved to 1910 was shifted again to 2010. Then we checked in an there’s another txt and yeah I got moved again to 2050.
The flight actually boarded at 2110 and I swear it taxied around SYD for another 30 minutes before takeoff.
Finally got back indoors at midnight.
20 hours….I could have driven to Kellyville and back.
Thankfully carry-on luggage only
I like small people, I used to be one.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Bob Gorrell.
Chip Bok.
Steve Kelley.
Matt Margolis.
Patrick Cross.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman leads Liz Cheney by 29 points in Wyoming At Large Republican Primary
Harriet Hageman 57%
Liz Cheney 28%
Undecided 10%
Wyoming will be a good test of how many Democrats will mobilise to vote in the GOP primary.
and it’s goodnight from me.. and it’s goodnight from him
Jordan Peterson on the civil war in Europe, energy security and food scarcity, only 6 minutes
BBC: “It was Trump that made this public”.
Oh, well then, Orange Man Bad yet again!
Justice Department Asks Judge to Unseal Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant
The Justice Department asked a judge to unseal the search warrant for former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Attorney General Merrick Garland said he approved the effort to seek a warrant.
Summary of Garland’s statement today:
Yeah, we raided Trump, I OK’d it, and my FBI storm troopers are all boy scouts.
Trump can release whatever he has, but he has nothing because everything important is sealed.
Oh yeah, I’ve asked the Judge, who works for me, to unseal stuff. He’ll get back to you.
Oddly, his spinmiesters said this yesterday when amazingly, shite hit the fan, and they didn’t have their legend ready:
Yep, they changed their story sometime between then and his statement because now he admits he did it. Speaking of statements, his was 40 minutes late, lasted 5 minutes, and said nothing. Which leads one to wonder who he was talking to during the delay and about what. More importantly, it makes one wonder if what his said in his statement was what he planned on saying BEFORE that convo.
Munty in New York out the front of Trump Tower:
They all are. Why did you think Palpatine had to clone all those Maoris?
Obi-Wan Kenobi Appears To Be Bisexual In New ‘Star Wars’ Spin-Off Novel (3 Aug)
You just knew this was going to happen.
The American left are not just gunning for Fox News. Here’s a report about how they questioned American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson.
Very revealing, like an ABC Q&A hit squad.
Thank gaia that Garland didn’t make the Supreme Court.
Apparently Howard’s telling people Trump is unfit for office.
That particular jumped-up accountant took rights from our own law-abiding people, and ran the place like a kingdom before holding on far too long – thus creating the perfect environment for the country to be administered by a succession of dunderheads from which it will take a century to recover.
from which it will take a century to recover.
KD, there’s no coming back from this.
Trump released this the day after the raid.
A Nation In Decline
Yeah, I think he’s probably running again.
A timely reminder about Patrick Moore’s sensible scientific appraisal of climate and the carbon cycle, just as the scammers trot out another scary bit of cherry picking about temperature increases in D’Arctic!
BoN please comment.
Here we go.
A week out from the Wyoming primary.
Twitter Safety
Starting today, we’ll begin enforcing the Civic Integrity Policy in context of the US 2022 midterms.
Mark Knight’s toon…where on earth do you begin?
Patrick Cross, having a brain in his head, gives us part of the answer.
Twitter gets set to meddle in the 2022 Midterms, according to this report from Gateway Pundit – and their own tweets!
Speaking of the Wyoming Primary
Two House Democrats ask Wyoming Democrats to switch parties for Liz Cheney
So yes, the leftists are pulling out all the stops there.
After the rout in Arizona the machine is upping their game.
Wyoming is another test.
A great gag on twitter.
Cheney will win Wyoming 59% to 57%.
Anchor – Patrick Moore has been very good. Climate Depot often carries his comments and they’re always on the money.
The Arctic isn’t warming. NH sea ice is the highest it has been since 2009 and the DMI arctic temperature record has been consistently lower than average all this season except for a few days. And my well known favourite the NH snow line still isn’t trending in any direction, which means temperature isn’t either.
On the grocery cards for indigenous Australians, Amanda Rishworth is doing exactly the same thing as BandanaMan.
What would tribal elders who have been struggling for years to provide for hungry, frightened children know?
Whitey knows best. Especially Adelaide Whitey. They know best of all.
Calli, Knight has gone the way of Ramirez. Both are appalling this morning.
Johannes is good again but Gary Varvel with the Banana Republic seal wins today.
After his efforts surrounding Covid, I don’t even open the link anymore.
Just a visual version of Paul Murray.
John Howard should shut his mouth and go away. After what he inflicted on the party and subsequently the country in the form of Malcolm Turnbull he should be ashamed to appear in public let alone opine on other countries’ leaders.
I’m just curious, why doesn’t someone ask this “elder statesman” about Malcolm? That’s all it would take and he would never give another interview.
Leak, Benson & Garrison then I’m done.
The longer you live the more you realise how spectacularly poorly read the so-called experts are.
When it comes to Trump, their thinking is very shallow.
….almost cartoonish.
Gotta hand it to these folks (and we have .. lots of it .. LOL!) when they eventually sink into the Pacific all that Oz “aid” will come in handy .. LOL!
“suburban conveyancer”
He’s more arrogant than Paul Keating. Lost three Federal elections then won his drivers dog election.
My dislike if Howard increases the more I hear from him and the more I look back on 96 to 07
dislike of
Cry Havoc, Let slip the dogs of war! (Charlton Heston) 1970
Hollywood are trying and trying but the punters ain’t buying.
Jason Momoa Says ‘Aquaman’ Sequel Is a Climate Change Allegory ‘To Bring Awareness of What Is Happening to Our Planet’ (11 Aug)
Surprising No One, Netflix Cancels Show About Woke Team Of Gay Secret Agents (10 Aug, via Surber)
Warner Bros ‘considering cancelling release of ANOTHER already filmed $200 million movie’ (11 Aug)
At least the new owners of Warner are cleaning out the rubbish. They might’ve noticed that unwoke fillums like Top Gun Maverick are making lots of money. Disney though must’ve winced when they heard Momoa’s comment, since I suspect it just cost them about $200 million in sales.
Mater says:
August 12, 2022 at 7:10 am
You are right, but it pays to see what we are up against, painful as it may be.
I posted this as a reply on the Steve Kates inflation post but I ask the same question here.
I’ve often asked on various forums why continued low inflation is a good thing. Most don’t answer but some say that without it there would be price drops when productivity is improved and this is a bad thing. Something to do with borrowers ending up underwater and that continued inflation stops this. I don’t get it. It looks to me that there will soon be more than a few aussie borrowers underwater on the their homes, how could continued low inflation have stopped this?
Can anyone point me to an explanation for the simple minded on exactly how and why continued low inflation is a good thing.
Yes. Many of the Lieboral Party woes have there genesis with The Father of Middle Class Welfare. Another one who just ffffffffffffade away. And take Hyacinth with him.
Looks like EVs come with a silver lining.
Oops, I’m wrong. Aquaman is also Warner Bros, not Disney.
Oh dear. The stables will need an ocean through them to clean them out.
Retirees/pensioners on a fixed income would be one reason.
Low inflation is good for consumers, high inflation is good for governments.
That’s all you need to know.
Businesses prefer some certainty in their cost structures over the longer term so they can assess the return on equity of potential or ongoing investments. They are more likely to invest if they believe their cost structures will not be shocked by high inflation or rollercoaster inflation.
It’s not the only reason. Others can outline those.
August 11, 2022 at 10:15 pm
This meme you like to run about me marrying into money… um
Ummm, you started that meme, m0nty-fa, at thew same time as you were begging for sympathy by telling us about failing Economics 1, and your subsequent breakdown.
Or was that just a meme?
high inflation is good for governments
The cost of their borrowing goes down and everyone creeps up tax brackets.
analysis: Why doesn’t monkeypox have a new name yet?
The Conversation /
By Michael Toole
No. No it obviously hasn’t.
If only Tedious Babyjesus would get on with the name change, men could get back to having sex with men without consequences.
I’m hearing that the recently deceased (by his own hand) Green was “a real champion”.
Tell that to his little kiddies who will spend their entire lives wondering if it was their fault.
The result of specialisation in education. Particularly noticeable in Australia where general education is so poor. The Americans, in theory at least, have the better approach – a general degree from a college is required before specialising at a graduate school.
Tell that to his little kiddies who will spend their entire lives wondering if it was their fault.
A bit more honesty in this area might help turn others away.
Global Climate Warming Change/Putin’s War was particularly bad at 1:15 PM.
As I recall, Howard’s electoral decline began after the Liberal Party conference at which he was introduced as “the father of the nation”.
That made Kevin Rudd look good.
“Arse Pox” would be pretty accurate.
From Surber’s Highlights of the News today.
Jason Momoa Says ‘Aquaman’ Sequel Is a Climate Change Allegory ‘To Bring Awareness of What Is Happening to Our Planet’
An allegory eh?
A modern Gulliver’s Travels no doubt.
Hidden meanings plastered on the story like tattoos on a bikie.
Persistent inflation is not good. Persistent high inflation is worse.
Inflation robs people on fixed incomes. It is a stealth tax. It increases the tax scales and pushes thresholds down. It destroys savings and real investment returns.
Ultimately it creates or at least made worse many of the business cycles we have seen since the state assumed the role of the central banker. There is empirical evidence that inflation moves resources from production (construction) to services (real estate, finance) (see Moshiran, 2005, I can’t seem to find this reference right now, or it was another paper from around that time). In the US, the savings and loans crisis was caused at least in part but probably mainly by a changing inflationary environment. Inflation becomes and asset-liability management issue.
The credit cycle observed by von Mises is correct. You can read Human Action (a long read but well written so each small piece isn’t overly complex) but the best short explanation of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory is in Shand’s The Capitalist Alternative: An Introduction to Neo-Austrian Economics.
The Austrian school maintains that inflation causes a misprinting in the plant required to make capital and consumer goods, at least in part by the arbitrage on fixed assets. This eventually leads to a precipitous drop in productivity after over investment in consumer goods and fixed assets are bidders up. This causes the loss in production and wages. It is persistent because the consumer and capital goods production plant (“consumer capital” and “capital capital”) are not close substitutes. The “marginal rate of transformation” on house flipping start up to a new oil rig is practically infinitely high.
Reference materials:
Alexander H. Shand
The Capitalist Alternative: An Introduction to Neo-Austrian Economics (cheap on Amazon, buy it at the Cat store!).
Human Action, Ludwig von Mises
Not sure about Moshiran, I will have to check in my laptop.
In regards to head traumas. Dr. Daniel Amen, who’s done thousands of full brain scans (SPECT imaging) says don’t even let your kids hit a ball with their head. IIRC he said that a majority of cases of depression he studied could be linked back to a head trauma.
Mainstream media claims my statements on Fox News on Aug 10 were false
Warms my heart.
mzhemingway Mollie 10 Aug
“current FBI is beyond needing a mere facelift. It must, quite simply, be abolished. All of its agents and executives should be fired. The agency should be simply abolished and replaced with an entirely new agency…”
Now let’s read an old article from The New Republic about Pat Moynihan’s desire to abolish the CIA.
whither (wither?) the republic?
“don’t tread on me” as the foundational american value
Government Documents prove the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ is being implemented by design to advance the WEF’s Great Reset
Texas is hiring.
Gov. Greg Abbott: Texas Will Hire Any ‘Dissatisfied’ FBI Agents (11 Aug)
Nice trolling, but he’ll have to work hard to filter out all the glowies.
Yep, I learned that one a long time ago. You must ALWAYS check the work of ‘experts’. It doesnt matter if you have no particular expertise in their field yourself, you must always check. It applies to mechanics, doctors, accountants, everyone.
As an example, many years ago I was writing up an honours thesis (in epidemiology – no duff!) and I was sent to the state statistician for advice on how to analyse my numbers. Said expert looked at what I had and advised me to use ‘Logistic Regression Analysis’. Not knowing what that was, I set up a couple of small artificial data sets and ran them through it to get a feel for the numbers. Oddly, the answers I was getting didnt gel with my ‘expert statistical advice’ so I went back to the expert to ask why.
To cut a long story short, it turned out the ‘expert’ had been doing it wrong for years and was ‘extremely shocked’ to have a grad student point this out!
Fun fact – that ‘expert’ is the same epidemiology perfesser that SA regularly wheels out now, best part of 40 years later, to hector us on masks, lockdowns and injections!
Government Reports, Pfizer Docs. & Cost of Living Crisis prove your Government is trying to kill you & Depopulate the Planet
BoN, I wasn’t clear, I want to know why continued low inflation is a good thing and zero inflation is not. It seems the US had continued negative inflation for many years when their economy boomed.
EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Pelosi’s son – who secretly joined mom on her controversial trip to Taiwan – is a top investor in Chinese telecoms company, despite House Speaker’s campaign to tackle China’s corporate influence in the US
Dr Tony Lin, German vax data:
From Westprint Maps.
The Boy Bosses of Silicon Valley Are on Their Way Out
Dot, I understand what you’ve said. My question is why do almost all economists and reserve bank creatures want continued low inflation rather than zero or negative inflation. To a man, all around the world this is their policy. If you listen to the ‘Macro Musings’ podcast the people interviewed and the host take it as an un questionable truth that low continued inflation is required. None of them ever say why it is and why isn’t zero or negative inflation better. I know that governments and borrowers love inflation but it’s a killer or those who save or live on fixed incomes.
Why can’t we have price decreases when productivity reduces the cost inputs to goods and services?
Demographic suicide
Borders exist only to be crossed, identity is a relic to be deconstructed and overcome and society a supermarket. Germany as a model. Op-ed.
Attorney General Garland says he personally approved Trump search, will release warrant
Assuming we are defining inflation as rising prices (its not, the real definition is an increase in the money supply, but thats a discussion for another day) if money holds its value, not only should prices not rise over time, they should actually fall. This is because whatever the widget is, advances in technology, production, marketing etc should make it cheaper to make over time (think computers). Thus, the real Q is ‘why do prices rise at all’, not why are small price rises desirable?
They know deep down regulated labour markets won’t clear without inflation.
You really don’t want deflation either. However the fear of deflation compared to the acceptance of inflation is irrational. A lot of it is simply herd behaviour and politeness as self censorship.
Speaking of experts, a professor of epidemiology from the Doherty Institute interviewed on ABC RN AM says wearing a mask is a personal choice.
Where was she when governments were mandating their use? (and still are in some settings).
calli says:
August 12, 2022 at 8:01 am
Don’t be too hasty, condemning who went through the act.
About 20 years ago for absolutely no reason I felt I had to end it all, luckily for me, the feeling didn’t last, so here I am, others may say, “a pity”.
It’s a ghastly feeling and unless you experienced it, you can’t understand.
Logic has nothing to do with it. I had no dramas, no family or business problems and minimal imbibing.
Why can’t we have price decreases when productivity reduces the cost inputs to goods and services?
There have been in a lot of goods and services.
But you can’t eat a flat screen TV.
Sfw – Low inflation incentivizes producers to innovation. Rather than pass on the (low) CPI increase they wear it, since the customers would otherwise just go and buy from a competitor instead. So they find better ways of making their stuff since they have to effectively sell at a lower and lower real price each year. In my business the cost of production has been going down by about 1% per year for the last century or thereabouts under relentless pressure from low metals prices. The producers innovated and cut costs to stay alive. So stuff got cheaper for the consumer, because it cost less to make.
With higher inflation that can’t be easily done, and producers have the excuse to raise prices “because inflation”. So there isn’t the same price pressure forcing them to do things better, and companies tend to bloat with dead wood.
(I tried to find the chart I’ve often seen of falling real metal production costs but couldn’t. It’s a bit too technical to show up in search terms I could think of.)
Re Patrick Moore.
He has the most well presented arguments against the AGW hoax out there, in my opinion.
The long term trend of CO2 declining and the reason why is something you never hear but it’s all there in the data.
This planet will be dead in ~1.5 million years because of a lack of CO2.